Pectusin during feeding. High efficiency and low cost! Pectusin for children: instructions for use. Directions for use and doses

The instructions for use position Pectusin as a combination remedy that is effective in combating cough. The drug is a means of symptomatic relief for pathologies of the upper respiratory tract: laryngitis, tracheobronchitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis and bronchitis.

The instructions describe Pectusin as a combination of menthol (levomenthol/L-menthol) and eucalyptus leaf oil. The first element provides the drug with a local irritating effect, which is based on the reflex response of the mucous membrane to irritation of its receptors. The drug has a weak analgesic (distracting) and antiseptic effect.

L-menthol activates the production of bioactive substances (kinins, peptides and others) by the mucous lining of the upper respiratory tract. These compounds are directly involved in regulating pain perception and the degree of permeability of the vascular walls. The effectiveness of levomenthol increases with its inhalation use.

The second element (eucalyptus) for the drug Pectusin is described in the instructions for use as providing antimicrobial, fungicidal and anti-inflammatory effects. A weak antiprotozoal effect is observed. The activity of eucalyptus is explained by its tanning components, myrtenol, cineole and pinene.

The drug is intended for sublingual/sublingual use. When using eucalyptus tincture by inhalation, additional effects such as mucus-thinning, expectorant and antihypoxic are noted. The undoubted advantage of the medicine is its natural origin, minimum side effects and contraindications.

General characteristics of the drug

The medicine on the shelves is presented exclusively in the form of tablets. The Vifitex company produces lightweight Pectusin tablets (up to 0.8 grams) intended for resorption. Thanks to the active substances, the medicine has a light, pleasant, specific aroma and a sweetish-cooling taste, thanks to minor additives and menthol.

Pectusin contains the active ingredients of the drug: L-menthol + eucalyptus oil and auxiliary substances, such as powdered sugar and talc, carmellose and microcrystalline cellulose, as well as Ca stearate.

Flat tablets are round in shape and may be white or yellowish in color with dark specks. Each pill is chamfered and separated by a line.

The tablet form is not the most convenient for small children to take. Since the drug is natural, many parents are looking for instructions for use for Pectusin syrup. Unfortunately, this form is not provided by the manufacturer. If you try to find instructions for using syrup for children on Pectusin, any search engine will show you a large number of links to Pertussin-Ch. This is a completely different drug. It is made from thyme and potassium bromide.

You will not find any reliable information about such a form of the drug as Pectusin syrup, you will not find out the price for Pectusin syrup, since the manufacturer simply does not provide such a form of the drug.

If you come across one on the Internet, this is a mistake; most likely it means Pertussin cough syrup, well known from childhood, which can be used by both adults and children. Instead of Pectusin syrup for children, you can find eucalyptus tincture in pharmacy chains. This drug contains an extract of eucalyptus leaves and alcohol. There is also a mixture intended for inhalation use. This, of course, is not syrup, but eucalyptus tincture contains Racementol and eucalyptus tincture and can be considered a full-fledged analogue of the tablet drug.

Contraindications and side effects

Any drug, especially antimicrobial, even if it is of natural origin, can cause allergies. In this case, it is strictly not recommended to take it. The instructions do not allow the use of Pectusin tablets in some other cases, for example, Pectusin is not recommended for children under 8 years of age and for persons intolerant to fructose, suffering from isomaltase deficiency and galactose malabsorption.

Moreover, the latter is justified by the presence of auxiliary components, and not by the main active complex of the drug. For the same reason (the presence of powdered sugar), the drug is also recommended for diabetics to take with caution.

The mixture for inhalation is not prescribed to children under 2 years of age and in other cases indicated as contraindications for the combination of eucalyptus + levomenthol. The official summary lists allergic reactions of varying severity as the only negative reaction to the drug.

The drug is indicated for use in inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract (URT). Pectusin is used for coughs and rhinitis accompanying laryngitis, bronchitis and tracheitis.

Pectusin tablets instructions for use recommend for local use (dissolve in the oral cavity, preferably placing under the tongue). Patients are often interested in which cough to take Pectusin for? It would probably be correct to say that for a cough caused by inflammation of the vocal cords, trachea and bronchi, in a situation where a sore throat or runny nose provokes coughing.

Considering the mild mucolytic and expectorant effect of the drug for inhalation use, the drug can be recommended for coughing with viscous sputum, but in this case it is not necessary to purchase tablets.

How to take Pectusin? The tablet is kept under the tongue until it is completely dissolved. Adults are recommended to take 1 tablet 4 times a day. For children over 8 years old, the instructions for use advise taking Pectusin 1-2 tablets/day. Therapeutic course - 5 days.

Cost of the drug

What is the cost of the drug? The price for the drug Pectusin is very reasonable. Eucalyptus tincture costs from 15 rubles per bottle. The inhalation mixture costs about 20-30 rubles. In pharmacies it is easy to find Pectusin tablets for 25-30 rubles.

Pectusin - official instructions for use (tablets)

Drugs with similar effects

For a tablet product, the drug Eucalyptus-M is considered an analogue. Evamentol is available as an ointment. We have already talked about the inhalation drug and tincture. If necessary, your doctor may prescribe another local antiseptic, anti-inflammatory or cough medicine.

Reviews at a Glance

Reviews for the drug Pectusin are generally positive. Patients are pleased with the price and availability of the medicine. They also evaluate rare side effects from treatment with this medication. As for the effectiveness of the medicine, it is determined by proper use. At the initial stage of the disease, the drug shows excellent results. For ARVI (acute respiratory infection), the drug serves as an adjuvant.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that it is still up to the doctor to prescribe medications, select analogs, and decide whether it is better to take Pertusin or Pectusin for cough, taking into account the characteristics of the patient’s disease, his age and other important points. You should not self-medicate to avoid the disease becoming chronic and other negative consequences. And most importantly, do not forget about the preventive measures that you can take.

  • With temperature
  • Massage
  • In the treatment of ENT diseases or dental pathologies, local remedies, which are herbal remedies, are often used. One of them is Pectusin. Is it prescribed to children, can such a plant-derived antiseptic be harmful, and what analogues can be used to replace it?


    Release form

    The drug is produced by several domestic pharmaceutical companies. The only form of Pectusin is tablets that dissolve in the mouth. They are sold in blister packs of 10 pieces, and one pack includes from 10 to 50 tablets. This medicine is white in color and round in shape. The tablets taste sweet and minty, and they smell like eucalyptus and menthol.

    Pectusin does not have such a dosage form as syrup. She is often asked at the pharmacy, confusing the medication with Pertussin, but this syrup has a completely different composition, thanks to which it has an expectorant effect.


    Tablets are a combined product, since Pectusin includes two ingredients as active ingredients. One of them is menthol. It is presented in the form of racementol (sometimes levomenthol) and is contained in each tablet in an amount of 4 mg. It is complemented by eucalyptus oil, extracted from the leaves of eucalyptus rodoformis. The dosage of this oil per tablet is 500 mcg.

    To ensure that the drug is dense and keeps its shape, but at the same time has a pleasant taste and is easily dissolved by saliva, it contains additional substances such as carboxymethylcellulose, powdered sugar, talc and calcium stearate.

    Operating principle

    Menthol, which is one of the main ingredients of Pectusin, has the ability to act on sensitive receptors in the mucous membrane of the oropharynx. This substance has a distracting effect due to light local anesthesia. In addition, the use of menthol provides some antiseptic effect. The second component of the tablets, which is eucalyptus oil, also stimulates receptors in the mucous membrane.

    In addition, this oil has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. Thanks to these therapeutic effects, Pectusin helps relieve coughs, reduce the number of coughing attacks and reduce the activity of inflammation in the throat.


    The drug is most in demand for the inflammatory process in the upper respiratory tract. In particular, tablets are used for tracheitis, pharyngitis, laryngotracheitis, tonsillitis and laryngitis. However, this medicine is prescribed not only for coughs, but is also used as a an aid for acute or chronic rhinitis.

    At what age is it prescribed?

    The annotation for Pectusin states that this drug is not used in the treatment of children under 7 years of age. This is associated with the risk of developing broncho- or laryngospasm, which is increased at an early age. If a local drug is required for a preschooler or a child in the first years of life, together with the pediatrician, choose an analogue approved for such children. But even if the child is already 7 years old, you should not give him Pectusin without a doctor’s prescription.


    Treatment with Pectusin is prohibited if you are intolerant to menthol, eucalyptus oil or other auxiliary components of the drug. The medication is contraindicated for spasmophilia, and since the medicine contains sugar, it is also not prescribed to children with diabetes. In addition, the drug should not be given for bronchial asthma or stenosing laryngitis, since due to the presence of eucalyptus oil in the composition, the tablet can provoke an attack of suffocation.

    Side effects

    Since Pectusin has a plant base, the medication can cause an allergic reaction. To ensure normal tolerability, when giving a pill to a child for the first time, you should carefully monitor him. If a rash, runny nose, itching or other signs of allergy appear, the drug is immediately discontinued.


    The tablet should be placed in the mouth and kept there until it completely dissolves under the influence of saliva. Typically, a single dose of Pectusin for children over 7 years of age is one tablet. The instructions for use allow the medicine to be given up to four times a day, but children are often advised to take it 1-2 times a day.

    The duration of use is influenced by the patient's response to the drug. As soon as the cough improves, the medication is discontinued. However, on average, tablets are prescribed to dissolve within 5 days.

    Overdose and compatibility with other drugs

    There have been no reported cases of harmful effects from high doses of tablets. The manufacturer also does not report any adverse interactions between Pectusin and other drugs. This drug is often prescribed in combination with other medications, for example, antibacterial agents or anti-inflammatory drugs.

    Terms of sale and storage

    It is very easy to buy Pectusin at a pharmacy, since a prescription from a doctor is not required. The approximate cost of 10 tablets is 30 rubles. The shelf life of the medicine is 1 year. Until it expires, keep the medication in a cool place. (manufacturer’s recommended storage temperature is from +8 to +15 degrees).


    There are mostly positive reviews about the use of Pectusin in children. Moms say the advantages of the medicine are the quick effect and availability, because the price of the drug is low, and it is available in any pharmacy. According to parents, tablets are especially effective in the early stages of the disease. With a refreshing mint flavor, they help eliminate sore throat and reduce the number of coughing attacks. This remedy comes in handy when a child starts coughing on public transport or indoors.

    Tolerability of Pectusin, judging by reviews, is usually good. Allergies to the drug are very rare, and the tablets do not cause other side effects if you do not exceed the daily dose recommended by doctors (4 tablets). The disadvantages of the drug include only its weak effectiveness in serious diseases, for example, sore throat. Also, some children do not like the strong taste of mint. Another disadvantage of mothers is that Pectusin is often sold in pharmacies without instructions.(only in outline packaging).


    Instead of Pectusin, the doctor may recommend other drugs that have a similar effect, For example:

    • "Lizobakt". This medicine, popular for stomatitis and throat diseases, also comes in sweet-tasting lozenges. Their composition includes a combination of lysozyme and pyridoxine. Children are prescribed this drug from the age of 3 years.
    • "Grammidin." These tablets are in demand for pharyngitis, stomatitis, sore throat and other diseases, as they contain an antibacterial and antiseptic component. In childhood they are prescribed from 4 years of age.

    • "Hexalization". The basis of such tablets is lysozyme, and to enhance its antiseptic effect, enoxolone and biclotymol were included in the composition of the medicine. The medication effectively fights sore throat and inflammation. It is recommended to be absorbed by children over six years of age.
    • "Imudon". The effect of these mint tablets is due to lysates of microorganisms that most often provoke diseases of the throat and oral mucosa. Under their influence, local immunity is stimulated, and inflammation goes away faster. This medicine is given to children aged 3 years and older.

    • "Mukaltin". Such cheap tablets based on marshmallow root are used for bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis and other diseases of the respiratory tract. They are given to children as prescribed by a doctor over the age of one year.

    It is not advisable for children to use Pectusin even if indicated. Although this drug is widely used in medicine, the risk of adverse events is quite high, especially in children.

    Is pectusin okay for children?

    Below we will give some arguments that will allow a non-specialist to figure out whether pectusin can be given to children to soften a cough.

    What is pectusin?

    This is menthol and eucalyptus oil mixed with talc, sugar and some other ballast substances.

    The effect of menthol is to irritate the cold receptors of the skin, resulting in a so-called “distracting” effect. It has weak antiseptic and local anesthetic properties.

    Eucalyptus oil has an irritating effect on the receptors of the mucous membranes, as a result of which the secretion of secretions by cells is slightly increased, and the transformation of a dry cough into a wet one. Eucalyptus oil also has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.

    It should be noted that eucalyptus oil is a rather strong irritant, therefore pectusin (tablets) is contraindicated for children under 3 years of age (according to other sources, up to 7 years of age). This is associated with a high risk of broncho- or laryngospasm in young children (sudden strong narrowing of the airway, leading to an attack of suffocation in a child, an extremely dangerous complication).

    For older children, the drug can be used as prescribed by a doctor, taking into account their condition and the likelihood of developing allergic reactions.

    Pectusin for children, instructions

    The instructions for pectusin from different manufacturers contain different information about children. Some write that the drug cannot be used up to 3 years, others - that up to 7 years. Probably, manufacturers do not have a consensus on this matter, but in order not to take risks, it is better to take the advice of the latter and refrain from using the drug until the child is 7 years old. And even after this, do not use the drug yourself, consult a doctor.

    Pectusin, indications and contraindications

    Indications and contraindications for pectusin boil down to its effect on the respiratory tract. The drug is used to alleviate the condition of patients with tracheitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, to alleviate dry cough, as well as for acute and chronic rhinitis.

    The drug is contraindicated in case of intolerance to any component of the drug, people suffering from diabetes mellitus, stenosing laryngitis, bronchial asthma (can provoke an attack), spasmophilia.

    Despite the fact that the drug is considered quite safe, its independent use is extremely undesirable, especially in childhood. The fact is that diseases for which pectusin is used tend to be complicated by various pathologies if treated incorrectly or ineffectively. Bronchitis may well turn into pneumonia, tonsillitis into a laryngeal abscess, and simple rhinitis into inflammation of the sinuses, such as sinusitis. If such complications occur, hospitalization and sometimes surgical treatment (for laryngeal abscess) will be required. It is highly likely that you will have to take strong antibiotics.

    All these problems can be avoided if you do not prescribe pectusin to children yourself, but consult a doctor in a timely manner. Therefore, no self-medication for colds, only qualified advice from a professional!

    Pectusin is a combination drug with an antitussive effect, used to treat inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

    Active ingredients: Eucalyptus leaf oil, Racementol.

    The mechanism of action of the drug is determined by the activity of the components included in its composition.

    Menthol has a local irritating effect, which is caused by reflex reactions that develop due to irritation of sensitive receptors of the mucous membranes. It has a mild local anesthetic and weak antiseptic effect.

    Eucalyptus oil stimulates mucous membrane receptors and exhibits anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activity.

    The components of the drug, entering the oral cavity, act as an irritant on peripheral nerve endings (afferent action), due to which the inflammatory reaction in the upper respiratory tract is reduced and coughing is facilitated.

    Additionally, Pectusin tablets have a slight antibacterial effect.

    Indications for use

    What does Pectusin help with? According to the instructions, the drug is prescribed as part of complex therapy for inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract:

    • pharyngitis,
    • laryngitis,
    • tonsillitis,
    • tracheitis,
    • rhinitis,
    • bronchitis, etc.

    Instructions for use of Pectusin, dosage

    The tablet should be kept in the mouth until it is completely dissolved. Do not chew!

    For adults. Standard dosages of Pectusin tablets, according to the instructions for use - 1 tablet 3-4 times a day.

    The duration of the course of treatment is determined individually, based on the severity of the clinical manifestations of the cold and the effectiveness of the therapy.

    Side effects

    The instructions warn about the possibility of developing the following side effects when prescribing Pectusin:

    • Local allergic reactions.


    Pectusin is contraindicated in the following cases:

    • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
    • Stenosing laryngitis;
    • Bronchial asthma;
    • Diabetes mellitus;
    • Spasmophilia;
    • Sucrase/isomaltase deficiency, glucose-galactose malabsorption, fructose intolerance;
    • Age up to 8 years.

    With caution:

    • pregnancy and lactation period.


    No data available.

    Analogs of Pectusin, price in pharmacies

    If necessary, you can replace Pectusin with an analogue of the active substance - these are the following drugs:

    1. Ascoril Expectorant,
    2. Broncho Theiss,
    3. Bronchostop,
    4. Tusavit,
    5. Eucabalus,
    6. Eucalyptus-M.

    By ATX code:

    • glycyram,
    • Reglisam,
    • Eucalyptus-M.

    When choosing analogues, it is important to understand that the instructions for use of Pectusin, the price and reviews of drugs with similar effects do not apply. It is important to consult a doctor and not change the drug yourself.

    Price in Russian pharmacies: Pectusin lozenges 10 pcs. – from 27 to 38 rubles, according to 509 pharmacies.

    Store in a dry place, out of reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 15 °C. Shelf life – 1 year.

    Special instructions

    1 tablet of Pectusin contains approximately 750 mg of carbohydrates, which corresponds to 0.06 XE (bread units).

    The drug does not affect the speed of psychomotor reactions and the ability to concentrate, therefore it can be used by patients regardless of the scope of their professional employment.

    Today, cough is treated in a variety of ways and with medications. However, this is precisely a proven and high-quality way to get rid of the numerous manifestations of this disease. You just have to initially figure out how to use such a product correctly, what is necessary for the effectiveness to increase significantly.

    It is noteworthy that this product is available in a fairly convenient form of tablets, 800 mg each. This form initially implies that the drug will be extremely convenient for resorption. In particular, flat-cylindrical shapes are most common. However, there are also round options that are also simply ideal for resorption.

    The color of the tablet can also vary from snow-white to yellowish. And all these are normal limits. Interestingly, the taste properties of the drug are also different. In particular, the following flavor options are available:

    • menthol;
    • eucalyptus;
    • sweet mint.

    Each tablet has a chamfer and a line to make it really convenient to use. The preparation contains, among other things, certain additional components, which include: powdered sugar, purified talc, cellulose, and so on. As you can see, here the user is recommended to independently select certain options for the drug or contact specialists directly to consult with them on this issue.

    Action of Pectusin

    Numerous modern users are interested in how this drug works. What is the main secret of its effectiveness? First of all, it should be noted that this is a truly effective drug that successfully copes with any manifestations of cough and eliminates them quickly enough. The thing is that menthol, which is directly included in the composition of this drug, has a specific irritant, some antiseptic, and also local anesthetic effect on the so-called peripheral nerve endings.

    Actually, this is the main method of action of Pectusin on the human body. It is noteworthy that the components directly included in the above drug also have a beneficial effect on the human body. In particular, modern eucalyptus oil, which is widely used in the production of this drug, has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Among other things, this eucalyptus oil stimulates the receptors of the mucous membranes. This, in turn, leads to increased sputum production.

    Typically, pharmaceutical concerns actually produce this drug in tablet form. However, a similar version exists in syrup form. Usually this shape is extremely suitable for children. The drug is called "Pertussin". Despite the fairly similar name options, these are still dissimilar drugs with different compositions.

    Indications for use of Pectusin

    As mentioned above, basically this drug is widely used to get rid of cough. This is an effective remedy that really allows you to get rid of cough in a timely manner. It is noteworthy that the above drug is ideal for the complex treatment of chronic, as well as almost all acute forms of the runny nose, when it comes to diseases of the upper respiratory tract such as:

    • laryngitis,
    • pharyngitis,
    • tracheitis,
    • laryngotracheitis,
    • bronchitis,
    • tonsillitis.

    In particular, a bad habit such as smoking can have a rather negative effect directly on the mucous membranes. It is noteworthy that a smoker may not deny himself a cigarette even during illness. So Pectusin copes quite successfully with all the negative manifestations of the above diseases.

    It is interesting that directly with laryngotracheitis, the inflammatory process in the lung itself can simultaneously cover both the trachea and the larynx. And all this is accompanied by really painful manifestations. That is, it is quite painful for an individual to swallow and it is difficult to speak normally. And Pectusin in this case is really the optimal drug. This is simply an excellent tool that has demonstrated excellent results both directly in clinical trials and in practical use. This is a reliable drug that is simply ideal for both adults and children.

    Instructions for use of Pectusin for children and adults

    How is it necessary to use such a drug correctly in order to achieve really excellent results and get rid of cough quickly enough? Of course, it is not often that our compatriots read the relevant instructions. However, they are in vain! In particular, the recommended pediatric dose is the use of Pectusin three times a day. This primarily applies to children under seven years of age.

    How long does this drug need to be used? This is where certain doctors, in particular, disagree. Some of them insist on a certain period of time. This means that, in their opinion, the drug must be used strictly in accordance with certain time limits. However, the manufacturer generally does not set any such deadlines, which directly gives us reason to believe that it is necessary to use it until the individual completely gets rid of the symptoms of the disease.

    Actually, this approach seems to be the most optimal, because it focuses on virtually complete relief from the symptoms of the disease. Agree, already in this case we can fully talk about getting rid of cough. And numerous experts in the field of medicine also tend to believe in the correctness of this approach. These are truly excellent results. It is noteworthy that if Pectusin is used incorrectly, certain adverse consequences may well occur. That is why you should be sure to carefully read the instructions before use.

    Side effects and contraindications

    As already mentioned above, you just need to carefully check the instructions before using such a drug accordingly. If you do something wrong, there may be adverse consequences in the form of side effects, which currently include:

    • certain allergic reactions to the drug;
    • skin allergy symptoms.

    In particular, it is worth remembering that there is a whole list of diseases for which treatment with the specified medical drug is completely prohibited. These include: diabetes mellitus, spasmophilia, stenosing laryngitis and so on. It is really worthwhile to familiarize yourself with the above list in detail so as not to make a mistake when taking such a drug.

    Interestingly, in the course of numerous laboratory studies, as well as as a result of use, no truly complex or serious side effects were identified. However, this does not mean that you should treat your own body negligently and neglect safety.

    If you have any questions about the use of such a drug, you should definitely contact competent doctors and specialists. Professionals will definitely recommend you the correct method of use, as well as prescribe the optimal treatment. Among other things, you can clarify all unclear points with specialists. This is a really smart solution, as well as really high-quality results. Among other things, when using the drug, you should definitely follow the appropriate instructions.

    Interaction with other drugs

    Interestingly, the official instructions indicate that interactions with other drugs and preparations have not been established. However, this does not mean that you do not need to be really vigilant in this matter. Before use, you should definitely contact professionals in this field. It is also worth telling specialists which medications you intend to combine with. And only competent specialists in this matter will definitely tell you how acceptable such a combination will be.

    Still, certain components from another drug can both enhance the effect of the drug in question and neutralize them. And this must also be taken into account if you really want to achieve excellent results in treatment. And only a truly qualified specialist in the specified profile can tell you whether it is correct to combine certain names of drugs. It is worth clarifying such questions with him, so as not to really make a mistake when choosing medications and their combination.

    This means that in any case you need to first consult with professionals if you intend to take several drugs at once. This can actually save you from certain negative consequences. You should definitely treat your own health wisely and not neglect going to the doctor, especially when it is really necessary. Contact those with relevant experience.

    What analogues are there?

    There is, which is a modern cough syrup. According to some scientists, they are an analogue of the drug in question. Pectussin is usually prescribed for inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract. This means that if the need arises, you can replace the drug Pectusin.

    It is noteworthy that if you decide to make such a replacement directly during treatment with one drug, you also simply need to contact the specialists directly so that they can correctly and adequately prescribe the appropriate treatment. It is in this case that we can talk about a truly optimal approach and truly correct treatment.

    If you have doubts about a certain drug, its effectiveness, or you have specific questions, the answers to which you, unfortunately, cannot find on your own, you definitely need to contact a specialist. This can really help you adjust the appropriate treatment method, as well as get rid of the possible negative effects of drugs on the body. Today you can completely balance your own cough treatment method. The drug discussed above will really help you with this, because it is a really proven cough remedy. This is confirmed by numerous studies, as well as statistical data.