Homeopathic medicines for weak ligaments in children. Injuries and damage. Motion sickness in transport

The following drugs are most often used to treat this pathology:

Alumina Ammonium carbonicum Argentum metallicum Argentum nitricum Arnica Arum triphyllum Belladonna Bromium BryoniaСalcareaCalcarea iodata Calcarea sulfurica Carbo vegetabilis Causticum Drosera Eupatorium Gelsemium Graphites HamamelisHepar sulfurKali carbonicum Kali chloratum Kreosotum Mercurius solubilis Petroleum Phosphous Phytolacca Pulsatilla RumexSelenium SiliceaSpongia Sulfur Read the description of all drugs and choose the drug that best suits your sensations and pain. Order the 3rd or 6th decimal dilution at the pharmacy, or the 3rd or 6th hundredth dilution. Dissolve 2-3 grains in half a glass of water and take a sip throughout the day. Alumina(Alumina)

Soreness, rawness and dryness of the throat, causing constant urge for coughing - after a long time the patient coughs up a little viscous thick sputum. Temporary relief from warm food and warm drinks. Ammonium carbonicum(Ammonium carbonicum)

For hoarseness in people who constantly have to speak loudly, if the voice suddenly decreases or rises, as well as accumulation of mucus in the throat - C3. Dr. Hughes: Locally: Spraying the throat with a solution of 20 drops of Ammonium carbonicum x2 in a glass of water. Argentum metallicum(Argentum metallicum)

Soreness and burning in the throat, which is aggravated by talking. In nervous, hysterical women and in men after loss of semen. Argentum nitricum(Argentum nitricum)

Hoarseness caused by thick, viscous mucus in the throat, forcing the patient to cough up.

For hoarseness in people who constantly have to speak loudly - x3. Arum triphyllum(Arum triphyllum)

Yuz: For hoarseness due to a cold, C3 and Hepar sulfur alternately after 2 hours. Belladonna(Belladonna)

Yuz: For sore throat and hoarseness - C3 and Mercurius solubilis alternately after 2 hours and gargle with Phytolacca (1 teaspoon per 0.5 glass of water). For cough with tickling in the throat. Bromium(Bromium)

For hoarseness in people who constantly have to speak loudly - C2.

For hoarseness after diphtheria. Bryonia(Bryony) Hoarseness that gets worse with fresh air. Frequent need to take a deep breath, forced to straighten the lungs. Сalcarea(Calcarea)

Hoarseness with soreness, worse in the morning.

Calcarea iodata(Calcarea iodate)

For a cough with tickling in the throat - C6 after 2 hours. Calcarea sulfurica

Yuz: For prolonged hoarseness - C6 alternately with Kali chloratum x6 (Kali chloratum). Carbo vegetabilis(Carbo vegetabilis)

Severe hoarseness, worse in humid air, especially in the evening (it can be very strong in the morning if the air is humid).

Hoarseness in the morning up to complete loss of voice.

For hoarseness after measles. Causticum(Causticum)

Hoarseness, worse in the morning, with rawness and sudden loss vote. The muscles of the larynx refuse to function; he cannot pronounce words. Hoarseness with a low bass voice. Chronic hoarseness remaining after acute laryngitis.

For hoarseness after whooping cough. Eupatorium(Eupatorium)

Hoarseness in the morning with chest pain during coughing - holding chest with hands. Gelsemium(Gelsemium)

Paresis of the laryngeal muscles after hysteria and negative emotions, paresis of the muscles of the eyelids, which is manifested by their drooping. Loss of voice during menses, which are scanty and late. Graphites(Grafites)

Yuz: Gargle with a solution: 20 drops of Hamamelis extract per 0.5 cup of water. Hepar sulfur(Hepar sulfur)

Yuz: For hoarseness due to a cold, C3 and Arum triphyllum alternately after 2 hours.

For a runny nose, a feeling of rawness and soreness in the larynx - after 2 hours.

For hoarseness in people who constantly have to speak loudly, if the voice suddenly decreases or rises, as well as with the accumulation of mucus in the throat. Kali carbonicum(Kali carbonicum)

Yuz: For prolonged hoarseness - x6 and Calcarea sulfurica alternately. Kreosotum(Creosotum)

Yuz: Locally: Spraying the throat with a solution of 20 drops of Kreosotum x2 in a glass of water. Mercurius solubilis(Mercurius solubilis)

Yuz: For sore throat and hoarseness - C6 and Belladonna alternately after 2 hours and gargle with Phytolacca (1 teaspoon per 0.5 cup of water). Petroleum(Petroleum)

For singers after a cold. Phosphous(Phosphorus)

Severe hoarseness. The patient can barely speak in a loud whisper. Tendency to worsen in the evening or in the first half of the night. There is pain in the larynx that worsens when talking, or the patient cannot speak at all.

Yuz: 6C and Arnica alternately every 2 hours. For paralysis vocal cords And complete loss vote. For hoarseness in people who constantly have to speak loudly. For hoarseness after diphtheria. For prolonged hoarseness. Phytolacca(Fitolyakka)

Yuz: For sore throat and hoarseness, gargle with Phytolacca (1 teaspoon per 0.5 glass of water). Pulsatilla(Pulsatilla)

Hoarseness is better in open or cold air.

With a runny nose, a feeling of rawness and soreness in the larynx. Rumex(Rumex)

Yuz: x3 and Arum triphyllum alternately every 2 hours. For prolonged hoarseness. Selenium(Selenium)

Must clear mucus from throat frequently, especially when he begins to sing.

Severe hoarseness, some soreness and burning, cough, worse from talking, reading, singing or swallowing.

For hoarseness after croup. Sulfur(Sulfur)

Chronic hoarseness in the morning and evening, if Causticum does not help. Aphonia in the morning, especially with sore throat.

Locally: Spray the throat with a solution of 20 drops of Ammonium carbonicum x2 or Kreosotum x2 in a glass of water.

Damage and domestic injuries in modern world truly acquired the character of a real epidemic and became one of the main causes of death. Often the trauma suffered makes a person unable to work or is the cause of prolonged existence of various sufferings and complaints.

Homeopathy has been successfully used for treatment and recovery from the very beginning of its existence. traumas suffered. In 1831, the issue of introducing homeopathy into the practice of naval hospitals was considered. In 1871, in a military hospital in Finland, two wards were allocated for homeopathic treatment.

During the First World War, 5 homeopathic clinics and one hospital operated in St. Petersburg. It provided care to the wounded using homeopathic remedies. Today, despite the advances in the development of traumatology and surgery, the majority of household injuries can be treated using homeopathic remedies.

Bruises of soft tissues, without violating the integrity of the outer integument, most often occur when falling or hitting an object and are characterized mainly by damage subcutaneous tissue and other soft tissues and their small vessels, resulting in hemorrhages in damaged tissues. These hemorrhages can vary in size, from small pinpoint hemorrhages to large, localized collections of blood (hematoma). On days 2-3, the bruises that appear gradually change their color from blue spots(“bruises”) to green and yellow. First aid for bruises is to apply cold to the site of the bruise (a towel moistened cold water, ice pack), elevated position of the affected part of the body, pressure bandage.

Homeopathic remedies for the practice of treating injuries include:

Arnica 3, - 7 grains or drops every 1-2 hours. It will also be used in case of damage to the outer covering, that is, in the case of not just a bruise, but in the case of a bruised wound. Topically 20-30 drops of tincture per 1/2 cup boiled water for lotions on the bruised area (but not on the wound);

Acidum sulfuricum 3, - 7 grains for soft tissue bruises, when there are bruises and the pain does not go away for a long time;

Angustura x3, - for bruises accompanied by contracture (restriction of movement) of muscles;

Ledum palustra - take 7 grains 2-3 times a day for long-term bruises. In addition, Ledum is used topically in the form of an ointment or oil to quickly resolve bruises and bruises under the eyes.

Ligament damage is most often observed in the ankle and knee joint. Damage to ligaments occurs, as a rule, with indirect violence as a result of movement in the joint that exceeds the limits of its mobility. Signs of ligament damage resemble those seen with bruises. However, ligament damage is more common sharp pain at the site of attachment of ligaments.

With everyone more or less serious damage ligaments, control radiography is necessary to exclude possible bone injuries.

For homeopathic treatment of injuries:

Rus toxicodendron 3 is a proven remedy for damaged ligaments and tendons. Used in the treatment of all sprains, strains, also indicated after joint dislocations, apply 7 grains every 2-4 hours until reduced pain. In addition to this, for local treatment you can use Rus ointment or oil;

Ruta 3, - compete with Rus toxicodendron during overexertion and damage ligamentous apparatus. Rue dissolves remaining lumps well and eliminates pain.

Wounds can be very diverse depending on their origin, the degree of tissue damage, microbial contamination, location, and depth. First of all, wounds are characterized depending on their origin or, more precisely, the nature of the wounding factor. For additional treatment homeopathic remedies are prescribed strictly according to the nature of the existing wound:

Incised wounds caused by a sharp, cutting object, having smooth edges, require the use of: Staphysagria 6, - used to accelerate healing and reduce the pain of incised wounds.

Postoperative wounds and pain in the suture area are also indications for the use of this remedy. Application regimen: 7 grains 3 times a day, until the wound is completely healed.

Puncture wounds resulting from injections with various piercing objects. The best remedy for the treatment of patients with puncture wounds, applied with a nail, awl, or wire is Ledum palustra 3.

Wounds from insect stings, wounds from dog, cat, and rat bites also require the use of Ledum, especially when the tissues surrounding the wound are painful, cyanotic, or inflamed.

Bruised wounds caused by a fall or blow with a blunt object, characterized by uneven jagged edges and significant damage to surrounding tissue, require the use of Arnica 3.

Long-term non-healing wounds talk about existing complications during the natural wound process. More often main reason such a complication is wound infection with symptoms chronic inflammation in it.

To speed up wound healing, you can use the following homeopathic remedies: Silicea 6, - take 7 grains 3 times a day for prolonged poorly healing wounds. The product promotes faster rejection of dead tissue and the growth of fresh granulations. This drug has therapeutic effect by increasing the reactivity of the body and its immunobiological properties. At the same time, Calcarea fluorica 6 is prescribed.

If the wound heals slowly after the necrotic tissue has been rejected and the infiltrate remains, it is necessary to apply Calcarea sulphurica 6 according to the same scheme.

You can stretch the muscle, tendon and ligaments, the ankle sprain that connects the bones in the joint area. These injuries can be caused by jerking, twisting or twisting of the limb when its tissues cannot withstand the tension and are damaged. Sprains often occur from falls and sports. Symptoms of a sprain include pain, swelling, and bleeding in the affected area. muscles suffer most often during unusual loads, for example when lifting. Sprain ankle jointcommon consequence.

The ligaments surrounding the joints of the fingers and spine are also stretched.
To avoid such injuries, watch your step, choose appropriate shoes, warm up and stretch your muscles before intense exercise, and gradually cool and stretch them again after exercise.


  • Apply the stretch to the area for 10 minutes several times a day. cold compress. Alternate it with hot. Apply an elastic bandage. If sensitivity and skin color do not return after a few minutes, consult a doctor.
  • Elevate the stretched part of your body to reduce swelling.
  • Rest the affected area for 48 hours. Then gradually start moving.
  • The sprained area needs rest, ice (or a cold compress), a tight bandage, and an elevated position.


  • Add turmeric to your food. It is a strong anti-inflammatory agent.
  • Eat pineapples. They contain bromelain, an enzyme that helps relieve inflammation, as well as foods rich in calcium and magnesium.


  • To speed up healing, apply comfrey or arnica ointment before dressing. Do not apply it to open wounds.
  • To relieve inflammation, use an infusion or supplement from the Indian boswellia plant.


  • Arnica: Use immediately after injury.
  • Rhus toxicodendron: for severe stretching, when the pain is relieved by moving slightly.

When to see a doctor

  • The symptoms are very severe or there is no improvement for two or three days.
  • See a doctor immediately if the stretched part has taken on an unnatural shape and/or cannot be moved.

Crotalus horridus (Crotalus gorridus)
Hoarseness; weak low voice.

For hoarseness after whooping cough.

Eupatorium (Eupatorium)
Hoarseness in the morning, with sore chest when coughing; holding his chest with his hands.

Gelsemium (Gelsemium)
Paresis of the muscles of the larynx after hysteria and negative emotions, paresis of the muscles of the eyelids, which is manifested by their drooping.

Graphites (Grafites)
Hoarseness with variability of voice when excited, from high to low and vice versa.
Hoarseness, worse from singing.
Singers cannot control their vocal cords.

Hamamelis (Witch Hazel)
Yuz: Gargle with a solution: 20 drops of Hamamelis extract per 0.5 cup of water.

Hepar sulfur (Hepar sulfur)
Yuz: For hoarseness due to a cold, C3 and Arum triphyllum alternately after 2 hours. For a runny nose, a feeling of rawness and soreness in the larynx - after 2 hours.
For hoarseness in people who constantly have to speak loudly, if the voice suddenly decreases or rises,
as well as with the accumulation of mucus in the throat.

Kali carbonicum (Kali carbonicum)
Hoarseness and loss of voice with the slightest runny nose.

Kali chloratum (Kali chloratum)
Yuz: For prolonged hoarseness - x6 and Calcarea sulfurica alternately.

Kreosotum (Creosotum)
Yuz: Locally: Spraying the throat with a solution of 20 drops of Kreosotum x2 in a glass of water.

Lepidum bonarense (Lepidum bonariense)
Cough with hoarseness and expectoration of small amounts of blood; dry, salty saliva.

Mercurius solubilis (Mercurius solubilis)
Yuz: For sore throat and hoarseness - C6 and Belladonna alternately after 2 hours and gargle with Phytolacca
(1 teaspoon per 0.5 cup of water).

Petroleum (Petroleum)
For singers after a cold.

Phosphous (Phosphorus)
Severe hoarseness. The patient can barely speak in a loud whisper.
Tendency to worsen in the evening or in the first half of the night.

There is pain in the larynx that gets worse when talking, or the patient cannot speak at all.
Yuz: 6C and Arnica alternately every 2 hours. With paralysis of the vocal cords and complete loss of voice.For hoarseness in people who constantly have to speak loudly.

For hoarseness after diphtheria. For prolonged hoarseness.

Phytolacca (Fitolyakka)
Yuz: For sore throat and hoarseness, gargle with Phytolacca (1 teaspoon per 0.5 glass of water).

Pulsatilla (Pulsatilla)
Hoarseness is better in open or cold air. With a runny nose, a feeling of rawness and soreness in the larynx.

Rumex (Rumex)
Yuz: x3 and Arum triphyllum alternately every 2 hours. For prolonged hoarseness.

Selenium (Selenium)
Must clear mucus from throat frequently, especially when he begins to sing.
Hoarse voice.

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Sprains and tears

To stretch muscles or ligaments, you don’t need much - just tripping or spraining your ankle is enough. Typically the knees, ankles and hands are affected.

Rupture is when ligaments or other tissues surrounding a joint that are not muscles are torn. A strain is what happens to a muscle when it is overused or pulled under too much tension. Symptoms of both: swelling, bruising, painful movements. For example, if a child has pulled a muscle near a joint that normally bears weight, or has torn a ligament in the same area, the child will either limp or have to use crutches for a while.

Common treatment for sprains and tears: painkillers, bed rest, ice on the affected area. For more serious injuries, the affected area is bandaged or plaster cast. In some cases, physical therapy is indicated.



Nutritional supplements

Vitamin C - strengthens immune system and has a mild anti-inflammatory effect. A variety with bioflavonoids is preferable. Dosage: child's age in years multiplied by 50 milligrams, twice daily. If diarrhea begins, reduce dosage. It is advisable to use vitamin C powder (non-acidic) or liquid vitamin C. Both options are suitable for both infants and children and can be added to juice.

Bromelain - has a natural anti-inflammatory effect. Take between meals. Usual dosage for children: 3 milligrams per 500 grams of body weight twice a day.


There are complex remedies that can be given for any physical injury. Or choose from the remedies below the one that best matches your child's symptoms. Unless otherwise directed, give your child 2 tablets at 30C twice daily. Improvement should occur within 48 hours. If improvement does not occur within 48 hours, try another remedy. As soon as you notice improvement, stop giving the remedy and restart only if symptoms return.

Note: low strength products (6X, 12X, 6C) may need to be given more frequently (three times a day).

Arnica montana - give immediately after the child is injured. Reduces pain and inflammation.

Bryonica alba - useful for ruptures when the slightest movement causes pain. Use if Rhus toxicodendron does not help.

Calcarea fluorica 6X - use for a long time; also useful for strengthening weak muscles and ligaments.

Ledum - for ruptured ankle ligaments. The ligaments are cold to the touch. The condition improves if you dip your foot in cold water.

Rhus toxicodendron - effective remedy with ruptures and sprains, due to which the limbs go numb and lose mobility. The condition improves if heat is applied to the affected area or if you move and carefully develop the damaged area.

Ruta graveolens - if the ligaments of the hand, back, knee or ankle are torn. It is effective to give after Arnica montana.


Alternately apply a hot towel (3 minutes) and a cold towel (3 minutes) to the damaged area. This improves blood circulation, relieves swelling and inflammation. Repeat three times.


Nutritional supplements Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) - 5 milligrams orally per 500 grams of child’s body weight daily or apply externally as a cream. Relaxes muscles and relieves pain. Use until cured.

Children's multivitamins - provide the child's body with everything essential vitamins and minerals such as zinc, manganese, silicon, copper, and many others, which contribute to the restoration of tissues and ligaments.

Medicinal plants

Arnica oil - apply to the damaged area twice a day to relieve inflammation and pain.


German chamomile - 2 drops per warm compress, apply to the damaged area. Once a day. If your child is taking homeopathic remedies, use aromatherapy at other times.


The condition should improve within 5-7 days. To make a child's muscles and ligaments less susceptible to tears and sprains, it is necessary that the child eats properly and does physical exercise.

P.S. Children explore the world very actively and often, because of their restlessness, all sorts of troubles happen. To avoid them, it is better to buy your child a high-quality children's electric car. Your baby will be able to ride it safely and explore the world. And how many new friends he will have!