Skin diseases: types, symptoms and treatment. Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue Skin diseases caused by speed consumption

Infectious skin diseases are common everywhere and can become a serious problem for a person of any age (child and adult). To a man without special training It is almost impossible to distinguish non-infectious skin diseases from infectious ones, so independent attempts to cure are often unsuccessful. Drug therapy for infections destroys the microbial agent, so it is important to establish the cause of the disease. Timely visit to the doctor (at the first signs infectious process on the skin) is a prerequisite for a successful outcome and rapid recovery.

Infectious skin diseases are common everywhere and can become a serious problem for a person of any age: children and adults. It is almost impossible for a person without special training to distinguish non-infectious skin diseases from infectious ones, so independent attempts to recover are often unsuccessful. Drug therapy for infections destroys the microbial agent, so it is important to establish the cause of the disease. A timely visit to a doctor (at the first changes in the skin) is a prerequisite for a successful outcome and a quick recovery.

In dermatological practice, it is important to establish the localization of the pathological process in a specific tissue.

In accordance with this, skin infections and subcutaneous tissue, as well as other, deeper soft tissues.

The most important point is to determine whether the infection is local or systemic. The key aspect in this case is the absence of signs of intoxication and changes in the general condition (local infection) or, conversely, the presence of such (systemic disease). Depending on this, an individual treatment plan for a particular patient will be drawn up.

Among the most common and significant bacteria that cause skin diseases are the following:

  • staphylococcus;
  • streptococcus (including the causative agent of erysipelas);
  • Siberian ulcerative bacillus;
  • plague bacterium;
  • Borrelia;
  • Rickettsia.

Each disease has its own typical clinical symptoms. As a rule, there is a change in the general condition; characteristic signs appear on the surface of the skin, less often - inside the soft tissues.

Staphylococcal and streptococcal infections

These bacterial skin infections most often develop in infants as a result of improper care, in frequently ill children, and in adults weakened by chronic somatic pathology.

Clinical symptoms are very variable: the disease can affect any area of ​​the skin and underlying tissues. The most commonly diagnosed conditions are:

  • damage to the sebaceous gland and hair follicle– that is, boils (single or multiple);
  • melting of tissues - phlegmon;
  • the formation of a cavity with pus - an abscess.

The danger is not so much the infection skin, how much the possibility of the pathogen spreading through the bloodstream into the internal organs and their inflammation. Such skin damage in newborns is especially undesirable, as it often leads to the death of infants.

Treatment is aimed at destroying the pathogen and restoring disrupted biochemical processes.

Antibiotics are used with wide range effects, massive infusion therapy with saline and colloid solutions. An ointment, even with an antibacterial component, cannot completely destroy staphylococcus or streptococcus, so its use is not advisable.

If such skin and soft tissue infection is extensive or reaches bone structures, then you may need surgical intervention. The purulent focus is opened and drained.


This is a type of streptococcal inflammation caused by beta-hemolytic streptococcus. It rarely develops in children; it is most relevant for middle-aged and elderly people with chronic pathology heart and blood vessels, hormonal sphere.

The following manifestations are characteristic of erysipelas:

  • sudden onset of clinical symptoms;
  • deterioration of general condition (with increased temperature, etc.);
  • a red spot with clear contours forms on the surface of the skin, swollen and hot to the touch;
  • as it progresses, blisters with serous or bloody contents may form.

This skin infection may be associated with other microbial flora, resulting in deep tissue damage.

Treatment requires antibiotics and massive infusion therapy. However, it is not always possible to talk about successful treatment. Repeated episodes of the disease (10 times or more) are common, the prevention of which has not currently been developed.


The causative agent of this infection skin(primarily) is Bacillus anthracis, whose spores are incredibly resistant to environmental factors and can survive in soil for decades.

The source of infection is farm animals, and the transmission factors are infected milk, meat, wool, and skin. This infectious disease is more common in adults than in children, as there is an occupational risk of infection. Usually the cutaneous form of anthrax is recorded, much less often - generalized: septic, intestinal, pulmonary.

The cutaneous form of anthrax is characterized by the following:

  • transformation of the rash (spot → papule → pustule → ulcer);
  • the ulcer is black and completely painless;
  • the ulcer is prone to peripheral growth due to daughter vesicles;
  • the entire affected area is surrounded by extensive edema.

Diagnosis is based on the clinic and specific research.

It is very important to exclude non-infectious skin diseases (trophic ulcer, bedsore), since any surgical interventions anthrax contraindicated.

Also unacceptable for treatment are any local remedies: ointment, lotions, warming procedures. The basis of therapy is penicillin antibiotics.

Cutaneous (cutaneous-bubonic) form of plague

Plague belongs to the category, that is, easily transmitted from person to person, severe and without medical care ending in death. The causative agent is the very aggressive bacillus Yersinia pestis. The source of infection is often port rats and many other rodents (natural foci of plague). By virtue of professional risk infection, this disease is more common in adults than in children.

The disease is characterized by necrotic changes in the skin and lymph nodes in combination with severe general intoxication and encephalopathy. The affected area is very painful, the skin is red and swollen, the limb is in a forced position.

With absence specific treatment(streptomycin and others antibacterial drugs), usually resulting in death. A person with any form of plague infection is dangerous to others, since Yersinia pestis is easily transmitted by everyone known ways from a sick person to a still healthy one.

General characteristics of viral infections

Among the most common and significant viruses The following are known to cause skin diseases:

  • herpes viruses;
  • papillomaviruses;
  • pathogens of “children’s” droplet infections (measles, rubella).

It should be noted that with measles, rubella and other airborne “childhood” infections, changes in the skin are a kind of secondary skin infection. The main pathological processes occur in the internal organs, and the epidermis is affected in the same way as other tissues. It should be remembered that these infectious diseases can develop not only in a child, but also in an adult.

Herpetic infection

Viral skin infections are primarily associated with the herpesvirus family. Today there are 8 types of them known. Clinical manifestations are determined by the nature of the virus, but some points are similar. Skin lesions (less often soft tissue structures) most often occur during infection with types 1, 2 and 3 of the virus.

The following manifestations are typical:

  • rashes in the form of bubbles with transparent contents;
  • elements are located along the nerve trunks;
  • easily burst with the formation of painful erosion;
  • as it dries, crusts form instead of a bubble;
  • Scar changes rarely form.

Involvement of soft tissue structures in the pathological process is almost impossible, however, herpetic vesicles are prone to peripheral growth. The affected area gradually expands, which causes a lot of trouble for the patient.

It is necessary to understand that the signs of acute herpetic infection (blistering rashes) are quite easy to eliminate, but it is impossible to completely get rid of this virus. Modern antiviral drugs (acyclovir, valacyclovir) act quickly and effectively, but do not protect against repeated episodes of the disease. A typical lifelong course of herpetic infection occurs: primary infection occurs in children, and in adults there are periods of exacerbation and improvement of the condition.

Human papillomavirus infection

It is rare in children, typical for adults. To date, several dozen types of this virus are known. variable: from skin manifestations(warts and papillomas) to malignant neoplasms reproductive organs. Treatment depends on the localization of the pathological process and can be conservative or surgical.

General characteristics of fungal infections

A variety of fungi that cause skin diseases are common in every country in the world. Fungal infections skins can develop like ordinary person, including both children and socially disadvantaged people. These microbial agents persist for a long time on environmental objects and easily penetrate even through microdamages on the skin.

Fungal infections The skin has the following characteristics:

  • change in skin color;
  • thickening, peeling of the skin;
  • absence painful sensations, but skin itching is often present.

Fungal infection does not go away on its own - application is required. antifungal drugs(local or systemic) in combination with careful adherence to hygiene rules.

Yeast skin infections are most common in patients with severe immunodeficiency (HIV infection and others).

Thus, it becomes clear that infections of the skin and soft tissues in children and adults are a large group of nosologies, the treatment and diagnosis of which must be carried out by a specialist.

Among the most common folk remedies for treating skin diseases are baths with medicinal plants, lotions with silver water, bath procedures, sauna and thalassotherapy. But before practicing traditional methods of skin treatment, you need to consult a dermatologist who will help you choose non-drug remedies in accordance with.

Treatment of lichen and fungal skin diseases with folk remedies

There are a very large number of skin diseases. Not only adults suffer, but also children, even newborns. To a greater extent this is due to poor nutrition, condition, neuropsychic state, as well as with the environment. Often caused by allergies skin rashes and itching are intake, consumption of products with increased content allergens. Therefore, many people are trying to find such treatments to protect themselves from unnecessary complications. The following methods of traditional treatment of skin diseases will help alleviate the condition of allergies, relieve itching and irritation of the skin, which are very exhausting, worsening general state. Tips are also given that can be used in the treatment of skin damaged due to or.

How to treat skin diseases with folk remedies without resorting to pharmacological drugs? Lichen ruber sicca can be cured by dousing it. hot water 2 times a day for 3 minutes. It was noted that after 3 days a noticeable improvement occurs, and after 2 weeks it disappears completely.

What folk remedies will help with fungal skin diseases and? Fungal skin infections and furunculosis are treated with silver water. To do this, add 20-25 mg of silver to 1 liter of water and heat it up. Either apply lotions to damaged areas of the skin or wash them with water.

Treatment of skin allergies and dermatitis with folk remedies at home

Allergies occur not only to food, but also to pollen, so they occur more often in May and summer. It flows hard: the nose swells, it constantly runs, the eyes water. And all this itches endlessly. To relieve allergies, it is recommended to gargle plain water or water with the addition of soothing herbal infusions (you can use motherwort and valerian) in a small concentration. A shared shower helps relieve an allergic reaction. Every time you return from the street, it is useful to take it for a few minutes.

Baths play a very important role in the treatment of skin allergies using folk remedies. important role as one of the simplest and most accessible, but highly effective auxiliary methods.

How to treat itchy skin at home if it is allergic in nature? At allergic diseases, manifested by a rash on the entire surface of the skin and itching, it is useful to take a bath with string - an infusion of string herbs is poured into water at a temperature of 36 ° C. An infusion of the same herb can also be taken orally.

Recipe 1

Required. 200-250 g of tripartite herb, 1.5 liters of water.

Preparation. Grind the plant material, pour boiling water, leave for 40 minutes, strain.

Application. Pour the infusion into a bath of water. Take a bath when treating skin dermatitis with folk remedies for 10-15 minutes.

Recipe 2

Required. 20 g of tripartite herb, 500 ml of water.

Preparation. To treat skin diseases with this folk remedy, pour boiling water over the herb and leave for 40 minutes, strain.

Application. Drink 1 tablespoon in the mornings and evenings before meals.

What else can you do to relieve skin itching, and what folk remedies will help in treating allergies with rashes on the body? In this case, a bath with currant leaves and branches is useful.

Recipe 3

Required. 300 g of fresh or 150 g of dry leaves and twigs of black currant, 3 liters of boiling water.

Preparation. Pour boiling water over the plant material and leave for 1.5-2 hours.

Application. At traditional treatment For skin itching, pour the infusion into warm water and take a bath for 8-10 minutes. This time will be enough to nourish the skin C and P, micro and.

Folk remedies for skin diseases: baths for allergies

For skin diseases, chamomile and hop baths are indicated for the treatment of allergic dermatitis. They have an anti-inflammatory effect, improve skin resistance to infection, and also stimulate the formation of new cells during skin inflammation.

Aromatic baths are indicated for the folk treatment of skin allergies, chronic, infiltrative psoriasis. The same baths are recommended for the alternative treatment of cutaneous atopic dermatitis, vasculitis, diffuse neurodermatitis and other dermatoses outside the acute stage. They are useful not only for the skin, but also for the whole body. Using this folk remedy for skin allergies, one or several plants collected in the mountains, meadows and clearings, and forests are selected for aromatic baths. In this case, the bouquet can consist not only of flowers and herbs (such as wormwood, mint, oregano, thyme, sage, chamomile, yarrow, calendula, etc.), but also of young shoots or twigs, buds of trees, for example birch, oak , alder, pine, maple, etc.

If a plant causes pleasant sensations in a person, then it will certainly have a beneficial effect on the entire body if it is brewed, infused and added to bath water.

Below is a recipe for how to relieve itchy skin at home using the following baths:

Required. 150-200 g collection of any aromatic plants, 1 liter of boiling water.

Preparation. Pour boiling water over the crushed plant material and leave for half an hour. Pour the filtered infusion (or together with the herb) into warm bath.

Application. Take a bath for 15 minutes. The course of treatment is 10-15 baths every other day.

Mustard baths as a method of treating skin itching with folk remedies are indicated for scleroderma, palmoplantar psoriasis, trophic ulcers shins. They provide a pronounced expansion of the peripheral, which is manifested by redness of the skin. At the same moment there is a decrease blood pressure, and also reduces nervous excitability.


Required. 100-200 g of dry mustard powder for a general bath or 10-15 g for a local one.

Preparation. Dilute mustard powder in a bowl with warm water (38-40°C) to the consistency of liquid sour cream. Pour the mixture into a bath of water at a temperature of 36-38 ° C and stir well.

Application. Take a bath for 10-15 minutes. After the bath, rinse with warm water and then lie down in a warm bed for 1-1.5 hours. The course of treatment is 8-10 procedures performed every other day.

Contraindications to the use of this folk method treatments for skin diseases are, attacks, individual intolerance, febrile conditions and etc.

How to treat itchy skin at home with folk remedies

Another effective folk remedy for skin diseases is baths with flaxseed decoction. They have been popular for a very long time. Medicinal value of this annual plant is explained high content it contains mucus-forming substances, carbohydrates and organic acids. The mucous decoction of this folk remedy for itchy skin has an excellent enveloping and anti-inflammatory effect. Baths with flaxseed are indicated for itching, eczema, and neurodermatitis.


Required. 250 g flaxseed, 5 liters of warm water.

Preparation. Pour water over the seeds and bring to a boil. Then filter the broth through a cloth and add it to a bath with water at a temperature of 37-38 ° C.

Application. Take a bath for no more than 20 minutes. The course of treatment is 8-10 baths every other day.

Walnut baths are another folk remedy for body itching in the treatment of chronic diseases with a subacute course, for the prevention of chronic dermatoses. They are also recommended for the treatment of subacute and chronic eczema, psoriasis, and furunculosis.


Required. 400 g shells and leaves walnut, 1.5 liters of water.

Preparation. Pour boiling water over the plant material and leave for 30-40 minutes. Strain and pour into a bath of water at a temperature of 37-38 °C.

Application. Take a bath to treat itchy skin at home for no more than 25 minutes. The course of treatment is 8-10 baths every other day.

Treatment of skin fungus with traditional medicine: tar baths


Required. 100 ml of tar, 75 ml of 70% ethyl alcohol, water.

Preparation. Mix the ingredients by vigorous shaking, pour in a thin stream into a warm bath (36-38 ° C).

Application. Take a bath for 15-30 minutes. The course of treatment is 8-10 baths every other day.

In especially severe cases, before taking a bath, you can lubricate the affected areas of the skin with pure tar. Afterwards, wash off the tar from the skin with green soap.

Contraindications. Individual intolerance.

When treating skin dermatitis at home, with limited forms of eczema or neurodermatitis, a bath with an infusion of birch leaves can also help.


Required. 2 tablespoons of fresh or 4 tablespoons of dry leaves of common birch, 200 ml of boiling water.

Preparation. Pour boiling water over the leaves and leave for 30 minutes. Cool the infusion to 37 °C and filter through cheesecloth, pour into warm water.

Application. Do local baths or take general baths for 10-15 minutes. The course of treatment is 10-15 procedures every other day.

How and how to relieve skin itching: treatment at home with folk remedies

An excellent folk remedy for the treatment of skin diseases such as itching, pruritus, chronic eczema and dermatosis are oak baths. Their healing effect is determined by the astringent, anti-inflammatory, anti-putrefactive properties of this plant.


Required. From 250 g to 1 kg of common oak bark, 1.5-6 liters of water.

Preparation. For folk treatment of itchy skin, the bark should be poured with hot water, heated, followed by boiling for 5 minutes, filtered and added to a bath with a water temperature of 36-38 ° C.

Application. Take general and local baths for 15-20 minutes. The course of treatment is 8-10 baths every other day.

Another effective folk remedy for treating itchy skin is starch baths. They have a softening, enveloping and anti-inflammatory effect and are indicated for those suffering from itchy dermatoses.


Required. 200-300 g potato starch, 2-3 liters of water.

Preparation. Mix starch with water until “milk” forms and pour into a bath of warm water.

Application. Take local and general baths for 10-15 minutes. After the procedure you cannot wash yourself clean water or take a shower. The course of treatment is 6-10 baths every other day.

Also, when treating skin diseases at home, baths with juniper berries are recommended. They are shown when microbial eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis and chronic dermatoses. Useful action Such baths provide anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, diuretic properties of the plant fruits. They contain essential oil, phytoncides, organic acids, pigments and others.


Required. 200 g of common juniper berries, 1 liter of warm water.

Preparation. Pour water over the berries and boil for 5 minutes. Strain the broth and add to a bath with a water temperature of 37-38 °C.

Application. Take a bath for no more than 20 minutes. The course of treatment is 10 baths every other day.

Treatment of itchy skin with folk remedies in the bath and sauna

In folk medicine, in the treatment of many skin diseases, a bathhouse was used, which successfully combines heat, high air humidity, water and medicinal plants. The baths have treated and continue to treat chronic eczema beyond the acute stage, atopic neurodermatitis and prurigo, essential and neurogenic itching, urticaria, all forms of psoriasis beyond the acute stage, parapsoriasis, red lichen planus, limited forms of scleroderma, acrodermatitis, ichthyosis, dermatitis outside the acute stage, chronic furunculosis without suppuration, conglobate acne.

Scientific medicine has proven that it has a beneficial effect on neurohumoral (from the Greek neuron - “nerve”, from the Latin humor - “liquid”) mechanisms pathological processes throughout the body, including on the skin. It helps to neutralize and accelerate the elimination of harmful microflora, its waste products, waste and toxins, allergenic compounds that accumulate inside the body and on the surface of the skin; improves the regeneration of the epidermis - the upper, or outer, layer of the skin. But at the same time, people suffering from microbial, mycotic, dyshidrotic, paratraumatic and seborrheic eczema are not recommended to visit the bathhouse during the acute period, since temperature differences and high humidity can lead to complications in the course of the disease. Outside the acute stage, such water procedures are indicated for people suffering from these diseases, but in the absence of harsh effects on the skin - whipping with a broom, strong shower and massage. In all other cases, in the absence of contraindications from other organs and systems, a bathhouse, sauna, steam room - best helpers in the treatment of skin diseases, both in adults and in children over two years of age.

Do not forget that such folk remedies for skin diseases, such as medicinal plants in the bath, only improve therapeutic effect. It is in the bathhouse, when the pores expand, blood circulation in the skin accelerates, the skin is actively nourished, and internal organs and systems due to the supply to them of blood enriched with biologically active substances of plants. To such folk remedies Skin treatments include, first of all, birch, licorice, white willow, oak, black currant, knotweed, creeping thyme, horsetail, dandelion, plantain, mint, burdock, juniper, valerian, oregano and many others. Medicinal plants recommended for traditional skin treatment have antiallergic, antipruritic, sedative, anti-inflammatory, and normalizing effects. Infusions in the bath medicinal plants It is very easy to prepare, as the flowers, leaves and twigs steam very quickly. Infusions in the bathhouse are used both for local baths and for inhalations, when the infusion, diluted with water, is poured onto stones. For baths, it is recommended to add infusions in a ratio of 1:5 or 1:10, so as not to overload the skin with active substances. If your doctor is not against you taking a steam bath with a broom, then try making a broom yourself by mixing birch or oak branches with any of the above herbs or several of them. You also need to steam such a broom according to the rules: first hold it for 5 minutes in cold water, and then put in boiling water for 10 minutes. After this, the broom will be ready to give your skin all the most beneficial things it contains.

Traditional methods of treating skin with sea water

Also ethnoscience recommends thalassotherapy for skin treatment - healing sea ​​water. Many patients suffering from chronic skin diseases try to regularly travel to the Black Sea coast or the Dead Sea. People suffering from a wide variety of diseases, including skin diseases, come here from all over the world. The water of these seas actually has healing properties, since salts contain macro- and microelements that have a beneficial effect on the skin, nervous system, circulatory system and internal organs. The beneficial effects of sun, air, wind and sea ​​water- these are the best helpers in the fight against skin diseases. Those who do not have the opportunity to visit seaside resorts should not despair.

A bath at home is, of course, not the sea. But you can put it in water sea ​​salt, purchased at a pharmacy, charge the water with positive energy, add an infusion of fragrant herbs to it and enjoy the procedure in solitude, which will also never be superfluous if you want to relax and calm down. This is important, since very often one of the causes of skin diseases is nervous fatigue.

The use of water procedures is indicated to prevent exacerbations of skin diseases. In addition to hygienic benefits, they promote relaxation, relieving the feeling of fatigue not only from physical and mental stress, but also psychological fatigue, which is increasingly observed among residents of megacities.

This is of course not full list water procedures indicated for various diseases of organs and systems. But this is quite enough for a person not to despair and fight his illnesses not only with the help of medications, but also with the help of water, not forgetting that the use of water is one of the most important preventive measures that prevents almost all diseases known to medicine .

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Currently, skin diseases are considered as a symptomatic complex indicating problems with internal organs. Most often, skin diseases on the body appear due to dysbacteriosis, pathologies of the liver, intestines, thyroid and pancreas. Skin diseases are considered from the position that the epidermis is primarily an organ of the immune system.

It takes on the primary impact of external pathogenic factors: dirt, pathogenic microorganisms, cold, heat, aggressive environments, etc. Any skin disease on the human body has a set of pathogenetic causes, the timely elimination of which determines the success of therapy. In this regard, the diagnosis of skin diseases includes tests of urine, blood and feces, ultrasound examination organs abdominal cavity, study of liver transaminases. In this way, the causes of skin diseases are identified for their further relief and treatment. complex therapy external manifestations dermatoses.

Skin affected by dermatosis may appear different stages diseases such as covered with rashes or scabs, pustules or acne, blisters and pustules.

Types of common skin diseases

The social significance of skin diseases is great, since skin diseases are very common. Skin manifestations are accompanied by many internal diseases. Common skin diseases that are not associated with damage to internal organs and systems often interfere with the ability to play sports, sometimes limit communication, and deprive an individual of the opportunity to work or perform some social role.

Varieties of skin diseases of any etiology are usually called the general term “dermatoses”. Thus, skin and skin diseases are currently considered from the point of view of their relationship with the functioning of internal organs and the entire organism as a whole. Therefore, the main types of dermatoses are divided according to the gradation of the influence of external and internal factors. Thus, liver itching, psoriasis as an effect of liver damage, eczema against the background of allergic alertness and a number of other serious pathologies stand out. You can read more about the types of dermatoses on this page.

In the meantime, look at skin diseases in the photo, which shows their symptoms:

Classification and causes of major skin diseases

The simplest classification of skin diseases - dermatoses - is their division according to the type of etiological factors into endogenous and exogenous.

External and internal causes of skin diseases in modern humans

External (exogenous)

Domestic (endogenous)

Mechanical (injuries, wounds, bruises, abrasions, cuts, etc.);

physical (heat and cold, radiant radiation, electric current);

chemical (acids, alkalis, many others);

Hereditary factors genetic disorders(ichthyosis, psoriasis, many others);

allergic predisposition;

immune system disorders;

endocrinopathies (hyperglycemia with diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis, etc.);

functional changes nervous system and endocrine glands (stress; puberty, pregnancy, menopause);

foci of chronic infection (development of autoallergy; exacerbation of chronic dermatoses);

diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (liver disease, colitis, gastritis);

changes vascular system(condition of capillaries, arteries, veins, lymphatic vessels);

diseases hematopoietic organs(T-lymphoma, coagulation system, thrombocytopenia, etc.);

malignant neoplasms (metastasis to the skin);

illnesses genitourinary system(adenomas, uremia, etc.)

There is no generally accepted classification of dermatoses. There are different approaches to dividing skin diseases into types: according to clinical signs, according to histological characteristics and pathohistological changes. Major skin diseases include all pathogenic changes in the layers of the epidermis with or without the addition of a secondary infection.

The epidermis is hyperemic with a pinpoint red rash. If left untreated at this stage, further transformation occurs. Bubbles with liquid appear. They open and types of pustules with a wound eroded surface are formed. Bacterial contamination easily occurs on it and the development of the next stage - suppuration - begins.

What are the skin diseases in adults: symptoms

Skin diseases in adults are referred to as dermatoses, used as collective terms denoting various congenital and acquired pathological changes skins of various origins, include over 2300 items in the ICD10. You can find out more about what skin diseases there are on this page. Common types of skin diseases are presented, accompanied by brief characteristics.

Chronic skin diseases can be divided simply into two large groups according to the etiopathogenetic principle:

  • Congenital skin diseases- changes in the fetus during pregnancy under the influence of endogenous and exogenous factors due to metabolic disorders, tuberculosis, diabetes, and various infections in a pregnant woman. This group includes almost all epithelial pathology, which is defined by dermatologists with the word “atopy”, all constitutional changes, parasyphilis;
  • Acquired chronic dermatoses, arising under the influence of living conditions, life, work, and ecology.

Among them we can distinguish such groups of dermatoses as:

  • allergic dermatoses(i.e. associated with a perverted immune response of the body),
  • connective tissue diseases(damage to collagen fibers in scleroderma, lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis, periarteritis nodosa, pathology of elastic fibers in leiomyomas, changes in the level of erythrocytes, lymphocytes, leukocytes in some erythemas),
  • bullous or blistering dermatoses(autoimmune diseases in essence, i.e. associated with a violation of the control of the immune system over the recognition of self and foreign to the body, when autoantibodies appear against altered cells of the body itself, altered often under the influence of long-term presence of microbes in the foci chronic infections; the microbe + cell protein complex leads to the appearance of autoantibodies),
  • dermatoses with endocrinopathies(amyloidosis, necrobiosis lipoidica, retinopathy, angiopathy, alopecia and diseases of the hair, skin glands, acne);
  • d ermatoses associated with psychopathy and neuropsychic pathologies (atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema), etc.

Other various chronic skin diseases

The classification of various skin diseases in the form of a single generally accepted classification can only be compiled on the basis of a single conceptual position in relation to the formation of a classification of diseases.

Currently, the science of dermatology is making attempts to create a unified classification, taking as a methodological principle or clinical manifestations human skin diseases, or primary morphological elements in dermatoses, or etiological factors, or by agents of physical, chemical, biological, infectious effects, but over 2/3 of dermatoses are not classified according to any of the listed factors.

English scientific school dermatology offers physiological methods research and classification.

The German school offers a very complex classification according to the histopathomorphology of elements (using the characteristics of tissue changes in dermatoses with such concepts as: acanthosis, anaplasia, hyperkeratosis, granulosis, granuloma, dyskeratosis, microabscesses, parakeratosis, papillomatosis, acantholysis, vacuolar degeneration, ballooning degeneration, spongiosis).

The domestic school of dermatology offers an interesting and informative concept - based on the principle of the presence of developmental defects, for example, highlighting such groups of chronic skin diseases as:

  • Hereditary diseases, i.e. genetically determined;
  • Keratoses;
  • Connective tissue pathologies;
  • Epithelization disorders and formation of vesicular elements;
  • Phakomatoses, i.e. associated with neurocutaneous interactions;
  • Photodermatoses;
  • Tumors.

Look at these human skin diseases in the photo, where you can see their typical clinical signs:

Diagnosis of skin diseases

First, let's talk about the causes of skin diseases, since this is extremely important for diagnostic measures. In addition to the factors described above negative influence, the condition of the internal organs is crucial. The classic cause of dermatosis is a violation of the microflora of the small and large intestines, helminthic invasion and development large quantity pathogenic microorganisms. As a result, sensitization of the body occurs and the skin reacts painfully to any contact with negative factor external environment.

Knowing about such causes of skin pathologies, it is logical to begin examining the patient with a banal stool test for worm eggs. It would also be nice to make a coprogram. Skin diseases occur in approximately half of clinical cases associated with dysbacteriosis.

Diagnosis of skin diseases and their treatment includes, generally speaking, all the actions you have learned while studying the basic clinical disciplines:

  • Inspection(we record in the medical history the color of the skin, the condition of the skin appendages, the localization of morphological elements, the consistency of the rash, the characteristics of objective symptoms, the location and grouping or scattering of the elements of the rash);
  • Complaints patient, i.e. subjective symptoms of dermatoses;
  • Anamnesis(clarification of exogenous and endogenous factors of influence, seasonality of rashes, familial nature of dermatosis, connection with working conditions, rest, nutrition, presence somatic diseases, chronic infections, the effectiveness of drugs and methods of previous treatment);
  • Clinical analysis, carried out at a sufficient professional level of knowledge of the morphological elements and the nature of the course of skin rashes, often does not require laboratory confirmation;
  • Laboratory research(microscopy, bacteriology, histology, immunological and serological reactions are necessary in some cases).

Therapy for skin diseases

Therapy for skin diseases includes the use of general treatment and local manipulations, the choice and combination of which depend on:

  • Prevalence of skin manifestations;
  • Degree of aggression of dermatosis;
  • Duration of flow;
  • The need to use specific drugs for the treatment of skin diseases (for example, fungicidal therapy for fungal skin diseases);
  • The use of angioprotectors or angiocorrectors depending on the progression of clinical symptoms;
  • Lipotropic agents or hepatoprotectors, taking into account the role of liver pathology in the pathogenesis of dermatoses;
  • Treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular dysbiosis;
  • Treatment of endocrinopathies, mobilization of the functioning of the adrenal glands;
  • Possibilities of using thalassotherapy and heliotherapy.

Methods for treating skin diseases

Modern methods of treating skin diseases include general means (sedatives, antihistamines, desensitizing drugs, specific and nonspecific immunocorrectors, immunotherapy methods, corticosteroid drugs, cytostatics, antibiotics, anabolic drugs and many others) and local treatment (powders, lotions, shaken mixtures, aerosols , ointments, pastes, oils, compresses, plasters, medicated soaps, etc.).

The choice of treatment regimen is made by the attending dermatologist, depending on the patient’s condition and the degree of damage to the epithelial surface.

Local treatment of skin diseases

They are prescribed taking into account the localization and distribution, depth and nature of the lesion, and be sure to ask the patient about the tolerability of previously used drugs.

An important rule to follow local treatment skin diseases with various lesions:

  • Do not forcibly remove scales, crusts, or drug residues - the affected areas are generously moistened with cotton wool with petroleum jelly or vegetable oil (olive, peach, flaxseed, corn, sunflower, etc.);
  • You can apply an oil bandage - in this case, excess layers from the source of dermatosis are easily and painlessly removed. Purulent discharge from erosions and ulcers is removed using a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. The skin around the lesion is treated and wiped with 1-2% salicylic, camphor or 40-70% ethyl alcohol (child’s skin - 30%). Accordingly, tweezers, curved scissors, and cotton swabs are used.

The effectiveness of local therapy depends on the “little things” during manipulations. Let us pay attention to some common and practice-tested, well-proven methods of local treatment of pathological skin conditions.

How to treat skin diseases with lotions (with video)

Before treating skin diseases with lotions, it is necessary to put accurate diagnosis and write a prescription for pharmaceutical preparation pharmacological composition. Examples effective solutions for lotions: saline, 1-2% resorcinol solution, 0.25% silver nitrate solution, lead water, 2-3% boric acid solution, furatsilin solution, rivanol (ethacridine lactate), 0.25-0.5% chlorhexidine solution, decoctions and infusions of herbs, teas, flowers - naturally, as prescribed by a doctor.

Principles of the procedure: the solution should be cold, it should be stored in the refrigerator and poured in small portions into a bowl to wet the fabric (or add ice during the procedure), it is better to use linen or linen fabric, not gauze, in 4-6 layers. In addition, the patient should be explained that during the procedure he himself determines the duration, the time of contact of the wet tissue and his skin, but not by the second hand of the clock, but by his own feelings: “... until the feeling of warmth...”. Namely: in the cold medicinal solution for the lotion, immerse a cloth suitably folded for application to a certain area of ​​the skin (several layers of gauze or linen).

For example, in prepared fabric for face lotions, you can cut holes for the mouth and eyes. So, immerse the fabric in a cold solution, wet it - now you need to squeeze it out, but without gripping it with both palms (do not heat it!), and try to squeeze it out with your fingertips, but quite hard - the solution does not flow from the fabric. Apply a wet, cold, wrung-out cloth to the site of skin manifestations, lightly pressing it against the skin by the edges (not with the surface of your palms - do not heat it!), and hold for as long as you feel the coolness of the wet cloth - until you feel warm! When this sensation appears (1-2 minutes or 10-15 minutes - individual differences are due to many factors), wet the cloth again (in a fresh part of the solution from the refrigerator, if the one that was originally poured has warmed up) - wring out - apply - until sensations of warmth. This is repeated for 20-30 minutes (sometimes for 1-2 hours). The entire procedure is repeated 2-4 or more times a day (according to indications).

As a variant of the action of solutions, wet-dry dressings are used: in this case, 8-12 layers of gauze are moistened with the solution prescribed for the patient and cover the area of ​​​​changes on the skin, fixed, after 2-3 hours the solution is changed. It should be remembered that sometimes hypertonic solutions for lotions and wet-dry dressings.

Watch how skin diseases are treated in the video, which shows the method of using lotions:

How to treat skin diseases with talkers and ointments

Aqueous, aqueous-alcoholic and oily mixtures are used for shaking mixtures (chatterboxes). Before treating skin diseases with talkers, you need to carry out preparations, including cleansing the epidermis.

Composition of the mash: about 30% solid, powdery substances (zinc oxide, starch, talc, white clay, as well as precipitated sulfur, tar, naphthalan, ichthyol, etc.) and about 70% aqueous or oily base (water, alcohol, glycerin , Vaseline oil, vegetable oils). It is necessary to carefully displace 2 layers in the package with mash, namely: sediment and supernatant liquid, using shaking movements, and only then apply to the skin (with a cotton swab or cotton swab). The liquid quickly evaporates in air and remains on the skin. thin layer powder. This treatment can be carried out 2-3 times a day; water-alcohol mixtures are used for no more than 3-5 days, as they can cause excessive dryness of the skin. The paste is used both without bandages and under 2-3 rounds of bandage.

The paste is applied with a spatula and light movements, strips, smeared over the lesion. The paste is based on equal amounts of solids (zinc oxide powders, talc, etc.) and fatty substances (lanolin, petroleum jelly, fish fat, olive oil etc.), as well as various medicinal substances(sulfur, ichthyol, tar, naphthalan, resorcinol, ASD, boric acid). The paste has an anti-inflammatory, drying, keratolytic effect. Apply the paste 1-2 times a day with a spatula, as the vellus hair grows, and we must not forget that the paste is not washed off with water, but removed with a cotton swab moistened with any vegetable oil.

Oils are used not only for cleaning hearths and as part of mash and pastes, but also independently, topically - olive, peach, lavender oil, oil tea tree, jojoba oil and other delights of arbmatherapy in the form of inhalations, baths, applications, etc. A method proven for decades in the practice of treating dermatoses is the use of zinc oil (20% zinc oxide in vegetable oil) with the addition of various drugs.

Powders and powders are used to reduce itching, disinfection, i.e. when you need to absorb fat, sweat, moisture, and to cool the skin. Powder forms of indifferent substances (zinc oxide, talc, starch, white clay), disinfectants (xeroform, dermatol) and antibacterial (streptocide, chloramphenicol) and other substances (resorcinol, sulfur, borax, naphthalan, menthol, anesthesin, etc.) are used.

Ointments are most often used in the local treatment of dermatoses.

The ointment consists of a fat base (vaseline, lanolin, vegetable oil, purified lard, fish oil, etc.) and drugs (sulfur, tar, resorcinol, ichthyol, salicylic acid, cytostatics, corticosteroids, antibiotics, sulfonamides, dimexide, interferon, snake poison, propolis, etc.). Depending on the ingredients, the ointment has antipruritic, exfoliating, bactericidal, absorbable, and anti-inflammatory effects.

Methods of applying ointments must correspond to the skin process: according to the doctor’s prescription, for some dermatoses the ointment is applied without a bandage, without rubbing, for others - the ointment is rubbed in, ointment dressings are also used - a correctly applied bandage with ointment stops the access of air and the action medicines in the affected area it is stronger and deeper. (The local temperature rises, the surface layers of the epidermis loosen, and the skin vessels dilate.)

If independent movements of patients with severe dermatoses are significantly difficult (pemphigus, arthropathic psoriasis, erythroderma, reticulosis and lymphoma, systemic lupus erythematosus, collagenosis, etc.), care is provided: change of bed linen, hygiene procedures(washing over a basin from a jug; washing with a weak solution of potassium permanganate using a cotton swab attached to a forceps; rinsing the mouth disinfectant solutions, wiping the tongue and oral cavity with a 1% solution of borax with a 10% solution of glycerin with a spatula wrapped in gauze).

Ointments and pastes are used taking into account the indicated expiration date; from the general packaging, the nurse gives the required amount of medication to the patient on wax paper.

Medicinal soaps: tar, glycerin, sulfur, resorcinol, sulfur-salicylic and others.

Varnishes are compositions that dry quickly to form a thin film and are used without a bandage strictly on a limited area (warts, nail plates, etc.).

Plasters are a sticky mass based on wax and some other substances used to soften tissues. Salicylic, corn, urea and other patches are used.

Therapeutic baths

Therapeutic baths are a very important part of local treatment. According to the temperature indicator, baths are called ordinary, or indifferent (34-36 °C), warm (36-38 °C), hot (39 °C and above), cool (33-21 °C) and cold (20 °C and below ). The duration of regular baths is 15-25 minutes, warm - 10 minutes, hot - 5 minutes. It is recommended to take baths 1-2 hours after meals. Duration medicinal baths, for example starch, is sometimes 0.5-1 hour. Therapeutic baths with the addition of starch (potato or rice), as well as rolled oats or bran (wheat or almond) act as an antipruritic and skin softener. There are several options for preparing such therapeutic baths at home. For example, you can put starch or bran (0.5-1.0 kg) in a linen bag in a bath of water at normal or warm temperature (36-37 °C) and periodically squeeze the bag directly in the water.

You can prepare a bran decoction in advance, strain and add to the bath.

You can dilute 1-2 cups of starch in cold water in a separate small bowl, stir thoroughly until a homogeneous suspension is obtained, then pour this suspension into the finished warm bath.

You can first pour this diluted suspension of starch (1-2 cups in 1-2 liters of water) into a pan of boiling water (5-7 liters), with constant stirring, and then pour this starch jelly into the prepared bath, level the temperature to the prescribed to this patient and then begin the procedure.

There is also a method: cereals(2-3 glasses) are poured with plain water into containers such as a three-liter jar and left for 6-8 hours, i.e. in the morning or evening, depending on the time convenient for the patient to undergo the procedure - a medicinal bath. Before use, the contents of the jar are mixed and filtered through a sieve - everything that has passed through this filter - a fluffy, soft and delicate fine suspension, is poured into the prepared bath.

After the bath, dry the body with a sheet or soft towel.

Means for external therapy skin diseases can be divided into the following groups


Aniline dyes (1% alcohol solution brilliant green, methylene blue, fuchsin (fucorcin preparation), gentian violet), hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate, boric acid (2-3%), alcohol

20% benzyl benzoate ointment (10% emulsion) tar, green soap, sulfur aerosols “Spregal”, “PARA-plus”, “Nittifor”, “Pedilin”, “Medifox” 0.2-0.4% - ny


Tincture of iodine, orungal, nizoral, lamisil, mycospor, nitrofungin, clotrimazole, exifin, exoderil, and many others. etc.


Menthol, anesthesin, diphenhydramine, citric and acetic acids

Urticaria is a skin disease, the main cause of which is allergic reaction. With urticaria, very itchy, pale pink blisters appear on the skin. Sometimes the disease is accompanied by swelling of the eyes, lips or larynx, making it difficult for the patient to breathe. The disease urticaria can take both short-term (acute) and chronic forms; the latter causes anxiety to the patient from several months to several years. Urticaria is usually treated with antihistamines, however this method treatment does not help all patients suffering chronic form diseases.

Acne vaccine

French pharmaceutical company Sanofi will begin to create acne vaccine. Sanofi management has entered into an agreement to develop a vaccine with the University of California in the USA. A group of specialists from the University of California led by Chun-Ming Huang found that the microflora Propionibacterium acnes infects cells sebaceous glands thanks to the CAMP protein. Using experimental mice, the researchers were able to obtain antibodies to this protein.

General characteristics of psoriasis

Psoriasis, scaly lichen, is a chronic skin disease of unknown origin, often of a multifactorial nature. Among total number of persons in dermatological hospitals with psoriasis account for 7-22%. Manifestations of the first signs of the disease


Ticks The superfamilies Ixodoidae represent a group of highly specialized blood-sucking arthropods - temporary obligate parasites of mammals, birds and reptiles. This group unites representatives of two families. There are at least 700 species of Ixodid ticks belonging to the subfamilies Ixodinae and Amblyomminae. About 70 species are found in RUSSIA. There are approximately 100 species of Argas mites belonging to the subfamilies Ornithodorinae and Argasinae. There are 17 species found in RUSSIA. The exceptional practical significance of ixodoid ticks as ectoparasites of farm animals, but especially as carriers of pathogens of many zoonoses and zooanthroponoses, has turned the study of this group into an independent branch of parasitology, in the development of which, along with zoologists, specialists in the field of medicine, veterinary medicine and microbiology take an active part.

Infectious skin diseases are predominantly bacterial in nature, less often the causative agents are fungal spores. The most common types of skin infections are folliculitis, felon, impetigo and dermatomycosis. These inflammatory processes can occur at any age, regardless of a person’s gender. External signs of infectious diseases of the skin and hair, as well as the causes of their occurrence, are described below.

Infectious inflammatory disease of human skin folliculitis

When bacteria get on the skin, they can cause infectious diseases of the human skin - this is facilitated by a weakened immune system or the presence of various damages, which serve as a gateway for infection.

Folliculitis- it's infectious inflammatory disease skin infection, most often caused by a bacterial infection, less often by a fungal infection.

Superficial folliculitis- a mild disease, expressed in the appearance of small pustules around the hair and developing most often on the face, arms or legs.

Symptoms of this skin infection– gradually growing pustules. Initially, a small red spot or nodule appears on the skin around a hair, from which an abscess forms, filled with yellowish-green pus. The abscess opens or dries out. Often it can cover large areas and turn into. This disease is especially dangerous in newborns.

To treat folliculitis, as a rule, it is enough to follow the rules of personal hygiene and local use of antiseptics.

The causes of this infectious disease of the skin and hair are:

  • lack of personal hygiene;
  • friction of skin on clothing;
  • dissection of the skin due to itching, after improper application of compresses, and excessive sweating.

Reason deep folliculitis- boil, - as a rule, is the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus (Staphylococcus aureus). Boils are usually localized on the face, scalp, neck, armpits and buttocks. The accumulation of pus leads to the appearance of a painful, warm-to-touch follicular pustule accompanied by red erythema with a white core (necrosis) in the center. It is necessary to touch the boil with great caution, as this carries the risk of spreading infection.

Attention! Boils on the face require immediate medical intervention due to the risk of severe complications ( purulent meningitis, sepsis).

The appearance of boils at different stages of development is called. If several boils appear in one area, around which a purulent-necrotic process develops, this is called a carbuncle.

Acute inflammatory infectious skin disease felon

Felon is an acute infectious disease of the skin of the fingers, less commonly of the toes, caused by Staphylococcus aureus (Staphylococcus aureus) and manifested in purulent inflammation of the tissues.

As you can see in the photo: an infectious skin disease, felon, can sometimes occur after a manicure, when the nail fold is inadvertently injured:

Penetration of the pathogen occurs through small wounds, injections, abrasions, scratches, hangnails, splinters, which often go unnoticed and are not given due importance.

A symptom of an infectious skin disease, panaritium, is a painful inflammation, usually localized at the edge of the nail. If pus from this acute inflammatory infectious skin disease appears under the nail, urgent surgical intervention is required to prevent the spread of infection.

Infectious disease with skin rashes impetigo and its external signs

Impetigo- a bacterial infectious disease with skin rashes caused by staphylococci or streptococci. Impetigo is often a secondary infection to eczema.

Impetigo is a highly contagious disease that primarily affects children under 10 years of age.

The disease is characterized by the formation of superficial vesicular-pustular rashes. Impetigo usually begins with the appearance of painful red spots that develop through the blistering stage into honey-crust-like scabs.

Most often, rashes appear on exposed parts of the body - the face, legs, hands, but can also appear on other areas of the skin, at the site of damage to the skin.

The rashes are scattered or crowded in groups, surrounded by a narrow rim of reddened skin. They open quickly. After the blisters rupture, weeping, superficial red ulcers appear; later they are covered with honey-colored crusts, which fall off after 5-7 days.

Erysipelas: what a skin infection looks like

Erysipelas (mug - from French rouge - red)- an acute infectious disease, the causative agent of which, as a rule, is streptococcus. Characterized by acute, sudden inflammation.

Most often the face (primary erysipelas) and legs (recurrent erysipelas) are affected.

In the vast majority of cases, erysipelas is well cured, but tends to recur. The disease can leave behind pigmentation, peeling, pasty skin, and the presence of dry dense crusts. It is possible to develop a complication such as lymphostasis, leading to elephantiasis of the extremities.

What does erysipelas look like on the skin 6-12 hours after the onset of the disease? The following symptoms appear first:

  • burning sensation and bursting pain in the area of ​​inflammation;
  • redness and swelling at the site of inflammation, here the formation of blisters containing a light and transparent liquid is possible (they later subside, forming dense brown crusts that fall off after 2-3 weeks);
  • a raised, sharply painful ridge separating the affected area from healthy skin.

Symptoms of erysipelas on the first day:

  • strong;
  • chills;
  • general weakness;
  • possible nausea, vomiting;
  • increase in body temperature to 39-40°C.

Erysipelas requires immediate antibiotic therapy.

Infectious skin disease dermatomycosis: photos and symptoms

Dermatomycoses often begin after various injuries to the skin, although sometimes they manifest themselves visibly healthy skin. This is facilitated by lack of personal hygiene, weakened the immune system, excessive heating and sweating. In rare cases, mycoses can spread into the underlying tissues, causing a generalized infection with a severe course.

The symptoms of this fungal skin infection are as follows:

  • inflammation (redness, blisters);
  • itching, burning;
  • pain;
  • scales;
  • change in the shape and color of nails;
  • hair damage and loss.

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