Lavender oil: beneficial properties and use in cosmetology and medicine. The benefits and harms of lavender oil. Properties and application

Lavender is the most famous Mediterranean ornamental crop. This unique, unpretentious plant that forms charming clumps and wraps itself in a fragrant cloud is loved by many. Essential oil Since ancient times, lavender has been actively used not only for aromatizing rooms or composing compositions, but also used in medicine and household chemicals.

Lavender was considered one of the main medicinal plants at monastery hospitals, including back in the Middle Ages, its healing and anesthetic abilities were fully appreciated. Its aroma is traditionally considered one of the most effective sedatives. Production history lavender oil, its use has become an integral part of the history of the perfume industry. And today, like thousands of years ago, lavender is considered one of the main, elite essential oils.

Receipt and characteristics

Over thousands of years of use, lavender oil has been obtained in different ways- from enfleurage to complex distillations with oil, but today the main method of obtaining an aromatic substance from fresh lavender flowers is considered to be steam distillation.

Externally, lavender oil is almost colorless with a slight yellowish tint, very fluid and light.

The aroma of the oil seems to have absorbed all the bitter spiciness of fresh lavender, emphasized by a sweet floral base with woody undertones. The quality of the oil depends on the origin of the raw materials and the location of production. And today, French lavender oil is considered the most expensive and unique, English lavender oil is specific, and Crimean and Australian lavender oil is “average.”

One of the main advantages of this aroma oil is considered to be excellent compatibility with other base and essential oils. In particular, the list of aromatic oils complementary to lavender is extremely large: , , , they will become excellent partners for lavender in healing and aromatic compositions.

Impact on the emotional sphere

It is calming and promotes deep meditation, relaxation and recovery. internal forces the oil is an aroma that promotes self-knowledge and self-development, bringing a feeling of purity, healing, and happiness.

This is an oil for achieving inner harmony and balance, eliminating depression and anxiety, bringing clarity and calm to thoughts and emotions. At the same time, lavender does not at all contribute to tearfulness and self-flagellation.

It is believed that lavender aroma helps cope with envy and aggression. This is one of the most exquisite emotional aphrodisiacs, promoting sophistication of relationships and intuitive mutual understanding, bringing tenderness and attentiveness to the partner.

Medicinal properties

In medicine, the regenerating and regulating effects of lavender oil on all body systems without exception are widely used. So, this aroma oil helps lower blood pressure, normalize heart rate, equalize pulse and eliminate heart pain.

As an analgesic, lavender oil acts on muscle, joint, bone pain and inflammation, as well as on cramps and congestive inflammation. At the same time, the effect of the oil is double: it has a comprehensive effect, helping to relieve stress and reactions caused by painful sensations, at the same time providing a strong local anesthetic effect.

For the whole nervous system lavender has a calming and sedative effect, which allows this aroma oil to be used as an analgesic, relieving vascular spasms and preventing atherosclerosis.

Since ancient times, lavender has been valued as an immunostimulant, helping to “build” internal protection against all infections and viruses. Combining a calming effect with an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant, lavender oil helps treat all skin diseases, including burns, frostbite, eczema, bedsores, wounds and bruises.

There is no exception to the versatility of lavender and its effect on digestion, gallbladder and liver function. Lavender also relieves swelling, vaginitis, cystitis, regulates menstrual cycle. Excellent product For intimate hygiene. Lavender aroma oil is considered an excellent detoxifier.

Good afternoon

Lavender oil is one of the three monster oils, i.e. oils, having which, you can solve many problems.

Due to its unique properties, lavender essential oil has found wide application in everyday life, in cosmetology - for the face, for hair, and as a sedative , as well as an oil that helps women solve hormonal problems.

The healing properties of lavender have been known to people since ancient times.

Lavender was used to fight diseases, fumigated rooms during epidemics, and was used to perfume linen; it gives a smell of cleanliness and freshness.

And the name of this plant translates as to wash, clean. It is not for nothing that lavender is widely used in the manufacture of personal hygiene products and detergents.

Lavender essential oil has all the beneficial properties of the plant. It has found wide application in everyday life and cosmetology for the treatment of problem skin and hair. Lavender oil moisturizes and cleanses the skin well, relieves irritation and peeling.

Lavender has a powerful antiseptic effect. Therefore, it can be used to disinfect wounds and abrasions.

Just as lavender soothes irritated skin, it also has a calming effect on our psycho-emotional sphere. It helps to calm down, relieves nervous tension, and does not allow grievances to “occupy” the mind.

Lavender oil promotes calm and deep sleep, like would wash away the negative energy that we are exposed to in everyday life.

Lavender essential oil, as well as can be used from the very early age– to disinfect indoor air, in bathtubs when bathing, add to baby skin care products.

Only dosages should be for children - 1 tbsp. l. milk bath, or 1 tbsp. l. base oil (avocado, grape seeds) for massage (for infants up to one year), this promotes a calm and even sleep for the child, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, so that there is no diaper rash.

The healing effect of the oil was proven by the French chemist R. Gettefosse, when he burned his hand during experiments and put it in a vessel with lavender oil to cool it. To his great surprise, the pain quickly passed and the burn healed very quickly.

Therefore, the oil can be used in solar, chemical and thermal burns, for fungal skin infections, for neuroendocrine problems (eczema, psoriasis) It is very good to add lavender to cream or milk or other wounds.

Among other things, lavender essential oil has the property of enhancing the effects of other components. Therefore, lavender oil is not recommended to be used in conjunction with iodine-containing and iron-containing drugs, so as not to get an overdose.

For the same reason, if you add lavender to a low-quality cream that may contain synthetic preservatives or fragrances, lavender may enhance them negative action and as a result, you can get an allergic or other negative reaction. Therefore, add essential oils to cosmetics of which you are confident.

Among other things, lavender oil added to face cream regulates the work sebaceous glands, helps cleanse facial skin from acne.

Very important has the property of lavender oil to regulate heart rate, improve the conductivity of the heart muscle, regulate blood pressure, especially if the increase in pressure is caused by psycho-emotional factors.

This is a very “feminine” oil. It normalizes the menstrual cycle, helps with menopause, with PMS, is very good to use in intimate cosmetics, helps with vaginitis, thrush.

The oil helps with migraines and cerebral vascular spasms. Helps with various symptoms of ARVI - cough, runny nose, bronchitis, sinusitis, pneumonia, etc.

Lavender oil improves performance digestive system, normalizes the functioning of the liver and gall bladder.

The aroma oil relieves pain from injuries, myositis, sprains, and rheumatism.

It cleanses the body of toxins very well and is used in anti-cellulite programs.

In everyday life, lavender oil is very good for scenting linens and clothes; it repels moths.

Methods of use and dosage of lavender essential oil.

  • IN pure form Apply to the site of a bee sting to reduce the pain reaction; Apply to soles of feet and pillow before bed for good sleep; apply to wrists and inhale when motion sickness occurs; for burns; Apply to the back, arms and legs of a restless or agitated child.
  • For baths Add 4-5 parts to bath salt - for hormonal imbalance in women, for anxiety, irritability.
  • For massage 3-5 k. per 10 ml. base oils – relaxes, helps with muscle pain, osteochondrosis, high blood pressure (collar area), rheumatism, radiculitis.
  • Skin careth – mixed with base oil 4-5 parts per 10 ml. basics - to soothe the skin with diaper rash from diapers: to narrow pores after hair removal; for hand massage, etc.
  • To enrich cosmetic products: 1-2 drops per 10 g of base (for acne, inflammation, cracked skin - in a base oil or cream)
  • To strengthen and improve hair growth, for hair loss — add 1-2 drops to masks, shampoo, conditioner, and also to rinse water.
  • Rinsing 1 k. per glass of water - for periodontal disease, stomatitis, toothache.

Recipes with lavender essential oil

  • Bran mask for mixed skin types

2 tbsp. l. Heat honey in a water bath, add 2 tbsp. l. bran or ground oatmeal, juice of ½ lemon, 2 k lavender. Apply warm for half an hour, rinse with herbal infusion.

  • Mask for dry skin.

Mix in equal parts olive oil, cottage cheese and honey (1 tbsp each), add 2 to lavender. Apply for 20-30 minutes. Wash off warm water, rinse cool.

  • Massage for coughs.

Dilute in 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil 2 parts lavender, 1 part tea tree, 2 parts eucalyptus.

Do a massage chest and backs. For children under 2 years of age, use only tea tree and lavender.

  • Mask against hair loss.

1 yolk, 1 tsp. honey, 1 tsp. burdock oil, 2 k. lavender oil. If your hair is oily, add another 1 tsp. cognac Apply, wrap, hold for 1 hour. Wash off with shampoo. Add 1 teaspoon of lavender oil to the balm or rinse water.

Make masks 2-3 times a week for three weeks. Then a week break.

There are a huge number of recipes with this unique oil. But I remind you once again - in order for the result after use to be positive, use only

Aromatherapy is creativity without boundaries, and you will still learn a lot of useful and interesting things.

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Aromatherapy and aroma oils are becoming increasingly popular. They have long been used in treatment centers. And women are increasingly buying aroma lamps and essential oils to take home to relax in the evening after work and restore strength. It is useful for both beginners and long-time aromatherapy practitioners to know about lavender oil. After all, it is considered the most popular and versatile product of its kind. This article will help you understand all the nuances associated with the benefits, use and effect of lavender oil in aromatherapy.

Benefits of lavender oil for humans

Many people have heard about the valuable essential oil of lavender. For aromatherapy, this is truly number one. Due to the rich content of microelements, it has a comprehensive healing effect on the entire body. Basic useful components oils:

  1. Bergamoten;
  2. Valeric acid;
  3. Geraniol;
  4. Caproic acid;
  5. Camphor;
  6. Coumarin;
  7. Caryophyllene;
  8. Lavandiol;
  9. Linalyl acetate;
  10. Butyric acid;
  11. Nonanal;
  12. Pinalool;
  13. Pinen;
  14. Acetic acid.

All these components individually and in combination with each other in lavender essential oil can have next action per person:

  1. Combat sleep disorders.
  2. Act as an antiseptic.
  3. Get rid of dandruff.
  4. Ensure healing of wounds.
  5. Have a calming effect.
  6. Have a diuretic effect.
  7. Increase attention and concentration.
  8. Help with dental problems.
  9. Used to treat pneumonia.
  10. Serve as a preventative against flu and colds.
  11. Reduce oily skin, eliminating acne and pimples.
  12. Help stabilize the emotional state.
  13. Improve blood circulation.
  14. Reduce headaches, joint pain and back pain.

There is only one contraindication for the use of lavender oil - individual intolerance. If you have one, then, unfortunately, you will have to get rid of the idea of ​​aromatherapy with lavender essential oil.

Lavender essential oil: common useful remedy for aromatherapy

Uses of lavender essential oil

Aroma lamps with lavender essential oil

It is considered fashionable and useful to purchase an aroma lamp for home, office, or as a gift to family and friends. And this is not in vain, since when using aroma lamps, the air in the room is deodorized and saturated nutrients during the breathing process. You just need to purchase the aroma lamp itself, lavender essential oil and candles. All the pleasure will cost you around 1000 rubles, and the effect you will feel after the first session will exceed all expectations.

You need to add 5-6 drops of oil into a bowl of water, light a candle and leave it in the room where you are for no more than 2 hours. Don’t get carried away and constantly breathe air saturated with aromatic oils. When lavender essential oil for aromatherapy is used sparingly and as directed, it calms the nervous system, helps fight depression and stress, and stimulates brain function.

Aroma pendant with lavender oil

A new fashion trend is the purchase of an aroma pendant. As a rule, this is a pendant made of natural wood, into which no more than 3 drops of essential oil are dripped. This is a kind of alternative to an aroma lamp. The effect of the oil itself will not be so pronounced, so the pendant can be worn constantly, which, in turn, will stabilize blood pressure and heart function, and will also set you up in a positive mood.

Inhalations with lavender oil

To get rid of runny nose, cough, colds and insomnia, it is recommended to inhale with lavender essential oil. To do this, you need to dissolve 3 drops of essential oil in 500 ml hot water and breathe over a container of hot lavender water for 15 to 30 minutes, depending on your condition.

Baths with lavender oil

If you have time, ideal option- taking a bath with aroma oil. Baths with lavender oil are very effective due to the effect of the oil on hair and skin at the same time. Thus, all substances contained in the oil most effectively manifest all their healing properties. Any inflammation and irritation on the skin are reduced, with the problem of dandruff, the scalp is saturated with everything it needs, and lifeless hair gets a second wind.

Using lavender essential oil for aromatherapy in the bath is very simple. Add 1 tablespoon to the finished bath with warm water sea ​​salt or bath salts and 6 drops of aroma oil. For children, all ingredients are taken in 2 times less. You can take such a bath for 20 to 40 minutes.

Compatibility of lavender oil with other aromatic oils

Of course, the main advantage of aromatherapy is that you don’t have to be afraid to mix essential oils; many of them combine very well and enhance a certain effect when used. sharing. Another unconditional advantage of lavender oil is its compatibility with most other components. Below is a list of the main and frequently used ones, which in combination with lavender enhance their effect:

  1. Valerian;
  2. Carnation;
  3. Geranium;
  4. Ginger;
  5. Cypress;
  6. Cinnamon;
  7. Lavender;
  8. Incense;
  9. Lemon;
  10. Nutmeg;
  11. Patchouli;
  12. Rose;
  13. Chamomile;
  14. Sandalwood;
  15. Pine;
  16. Fennel;
  17. Tea tree;
  18. Sage.

There is only one conclusion - lavender essential oil for aromatherapy has not harmed anyone or caused any damage to health. Proper application oils and combination with other ingredients will help improve your well-being. Buying an aroma lamp can introduce a new daily or weekly ritual into your life. And taking a bath with aroma oil will diversify your weekend and give you an extra half hour of rest and relaxation.

Lavender is a well-known plant. Its unique aroma, beauty and healing properties are known all over the world. The plant is used in traditional and classical medicine. Lavender oil is especially popular. It is used in perfumery, soap making, medicine and cosmetology. Lavender is used to flavor alcoholic beverages and in cooking. Lavender flowers decorate photo compositions, rooms and are used in landscape design, and some even do it themselves.

Chemical composition

All parts of the lavender plant contain the essential oil for which it is so valued. In total, its content is about 25%. Highest content ether is observed in the flowers of the plant, approximately 10-15%. It should be collected during the flowering period, since the concentration useful substances increases at this time.

It is noted that 1 liter of essential oil is obtained from 1 quintal of raw materials.

Lavender contains more than 50 chemical compounds. Here are some of them:

  • Valeric, ursolic and caproic acids;
  • Terpenes and aldehydes - lavandulol, cineole, geraniol, borneol, citral, etc.;
  • Tannins;
  • Resins;
  • Coumarins;
  • Amyl alcohol, etc.

Useful properties

Thanks to research, the healing properties of lavender have been confirmed. The essential extract of the herb has a sedative effect, relieves spasms and painful sensations, promotes healing mechanical damage skin, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, helps with joint diseases, has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, cleansing, choleretic and diuretic effects.

This plant is isolated because of its sedative effect. The grass can influence the overall psychological state. In pharmacology, ether extract is used in the production of many sedatives: Silexan, Validol, Ekstraplast, etc. They are prescribed for neuroses, insomnia, pathological fatigue and depression.

One more significant property pharmacologists highlight antiseptic effect. Medicines containing essential lavender extract are recommended for festering wounds, sun, chemical and thermal burns, irritations, psoriasis and dermatitis, bedsores, fungal infections of the skin. Such drugs include Dolekhsamed, epauzin, Angotsi, Libyan, Ralif, etc.

This herb brings great benefits to the female half of the population. Lavender is excellent helps eliminate menstrual pain and nervous tension during this period. Relieves migraines, normalizes mental state, especially during the onset of menopause. Thanks to antiseptic property, the plant is used for gynecological diseases and disorders of the urinary system. Baths and douching help get rid of leucorrhoea, inflammation of the vagina, cystitis, pyelonephritis, nephritis and urolithiasis.

Lavender is valued by women and for its cosmetic properties . A lot of cosmetics are produced based on the essential extract of the plant. “Lavender” cosmetics help with acne, when caring for oily and problem skin y. Restores damaged and weakened hair and strengthens nail plates. Perfectly fights wrinkles, rejuvenating and tightening the skin.

The male part of the population did not ignore lavender either. Men are subject to daily stress and emotional stress, which can be easily removed by grass. But, the main thing for men is the presence of antioxidants in it, which reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes. It has been proven that it is the male population, starting from the age of thirty, who are susceptible to diseases cardiovascular system. Lavender can relieve tension in the walls of blood vessels, reduce blood pressure, improve blood circulation, remove cholesterol plaques.

The use of lavender in any form is not recommended for young men. Scientists have conducted research and proven that puberty lavender suppresses male hormones and this can lead to gynecomastia (enlarged breasts).

Indications for use

Lavender can restore full cerebral circulation. It restores damaged blood vessels and improves blood circulation after suffered strokes. Preparations based on this plant are used to prevent the development of atherosclerosis and dementia. Similar drugs provide positive influence to the work of the heart.

Medicines based on lavender are prescribed for mental disorders and emotional overload. They have a pronounced sedative effect and the calming effect occurs quite quickly.

A large line of drugs based on the essential extract is produced for the treatment of skin diseases: rashes, dermatitis, burns, wounds and abrasions. The antibacterial property of the plant kills pathogenic microflora, eliminates pain, promotes fast healing and significantly reduces the visual visibility of the scar.

Aromatherapy, baths, decoctions and tinctures are used as general strengthening immunomodulatory agents and as prophylaxis for colds. At initial symptoms influenza, ARVI, acute respiratory infections and bronchitis, the herb can completely eliminate the disease. Gargles, teas with its addition and inhalations eliminate inflammation in the throat, relieve runny nose and chest congestion.

The herb promotes bile secretion processes. Biliary tract expand, the outflow of bile is stimulated and stones can come out along with it. The plant cleanses the liver of toxins and “bad” cholesterol.

The diuretic, anti-inflammatory and cleansing effect is of great benefit in the fight against problems of the urinary system. Especially in these cases, baths with lavender are recommended.

The grass has the following medicinal properties:

  • Diuretic;
  • Antiseptic;
  • Sedative;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Anthelmintic;
  • Anticonvulsant;
  • Astringent;
  • Wound healing;
  • Pain reliever;
  • Choleretic.

The plant is used to treat a number of diseases:

  • Colds, bronchitis and asthma;
  • Mental disorders and nervous disorders;
  • Helminthiasis;
  • Gastrointestinal atony, flatulence, enteritis, gastrointestinal infections;
  • Fever;
  • , amenorrhea, leucorrhoea, vaginal inflammation;
  • Scrofula;
  • Spasms;
  • Joint problems;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Whooping cough;
  • etc.

In classical medicine, lavender oil is used for healing purulent wounds and ulcers. It can slow down the rate of gangrene development. Lavender oil is used to rub on bruises, sprains and for neuralgia. It eliminates inflammation and joint pain. Helps resolve hematomas and bruises.

Methods of application

Except official drugs, lavender is used traditional healers many hundreds of years. During this time, it acquired many dosage forms. Each of them is intended for certain diseases.

Lavender, hop cones and lemon balm or mint herb in equal proportions stuff pillows. Such pillows normalize the quality of sleep, eliminate fatigue and relieve nervous tension. The evaporated oils of these plants help cleanse the nasopharynx and respiratory tract.

Lavender water used for inflammation of the eyelids and elimination of acne as a antibacterial agent. In order to prepare such water, you need to add 60 grams of fresh lavender flowers to 1 liter of diluted vodka, brought to 32%. Leave for 30 days and filter.

is a solution of lavender essential oil in 40% alcohol. It is sold in pharmacies and can be easily prepared at home by mixing alcohol or vodka with 1% ether of the total volume. This dosage form used for rubbing and disinfection.

Infusion recommended for sleep disorders, migraines, nervous tension, stress, neurasthenia, hysteria, cardiac neuroses, etc. Prepare it as follows: 2 tbsp. steam lavender flowers with 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave for 2 hours. Take up to 3 times a day, 50-100 ml.

Oil infusion used for rubbing as an ointment and for compresses. Often used for joint problems and psoriasis. To prepare the preparation, take vegetable oil and lavender flowers in a ratio of 5:1. Insist for a month and a half and filter.

Tea drink for almost all diseases. Significantly improves digestion, soothes and strengthens the immune system. You can brew lavender in combination with other herbs. It goes well with St. John's wort and motherwort. According to the classic recipe, you should brew 2 tsp. lavender flowers per 250 ml of boiling water. Leave for 15 minutes, strain and drink.

Essential oil - the most famous and popular form. It is actively used for almost every disease for which lavender can help. It is dripped into drinks, rubbed with it, added to baths, cosmetics etc.

Therapeutic baths used for gynecological diseases, diseases of the urinary system, high blood pressure, nervous disorders and problems with joints, etc. For baths, prepare a decoction: add 50 grams of lavender flowers to 1 liter of water and heat until boiling. Leave for 15 minutes and filter. Pour the broth into the bath.

Lavender syrup used for colds, to strengthen the immune system, for neuroses, migraines, heart rhythm disorders, and gastrointestinal dysfunction. To prepare, take 200 grams of lavender flowers or tops, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for 24 hours. The infusion is filtered, another 200 grams of raw materials are added and boiled. You need to leave for another day and strain. Add 0.5 kg of sugar to the resulting infusion and boil until thick syrup. Store in the refrigerator. Use 1 tsp. three times a day 20 minutes before meals.

Essential oil

Lavender oil is often used externally for the treatment and care of facial skin, hair, and nails. It is used in the form of ointments, masks, sprays, rubbing, compresses. Helps with skin diseases: acne, allergic rashes, wounds and abrasions, itchy skin and peeling. It relieves inflammation, draws out pus, disinfects, and accelerates the regeneration of the skin. Usually, it is rubbed into the affected areas.

Essential oil is used to relieve stress, nervous tension and insomnia. In this case, it is worth applying a few drops to your wrists or to the edge of the pillow. Its aroma has a calming effect on the nervous system and can eliminate headaches.

Compresses, massages and oil baths act as pain relievers. Such remedies are appropriate for almost any type of pain. It also helps with muscle neuralgia, rheumatism, sprains, arthritis and polyarthritis, etc. The ether also has a diuretic effect, so it is recommended by nephrologists for disorders of the urinary system. It can relieve inflammation bladder and kidneys. Relieves pain from cystitis.

Inhalations with lavender oil and rubbing are used for colds. You can breathe over the steam with the addition of a few drops of oil, or rub into the maxillary and frontal sinuses, chest and back. It thins mucus and eliminates congestion, and also disinfects.

Improves blood circulation, reduces blood pressure, and normalizes heart rate. In addition, it promotes the uniform distribution of lymph throughout the body and prevents the risk of heart attacks and strokes by preventing blockage of blood vessels. For such purposes, you can also breathe over lavender steam, rub it into the heart area and take baths.

The insecticidal and anthelmintic properties of the oil were noted several centuries ago. Baths, soaps and shampoos containing it are actively used in the fight against head lice. For helminthiasis, drink tea with oil extract to improve digestion. It relieves pain and colic. Enhances bile production and gastric juice. Helps with nausea and diarrhea.

Cosmetologists note that lavender oil, due to its antiseptic and antifungal properties, is indispensable when creating cosmetics. They help with aging and problematic skin, eliminate inflammation and have a calming effect. Shampoos are actively used in the treatment of autoimmune baldness and for the care of brittle and weakened hair. Relieves seborrhea and fungal infections nail plates. The essential extract is usually added to cosmetics or simply used in its pure form.

Homemade oil

You can make lavender essential oil at home. It will keep all its beneficial properties, but will be less concentrated than industrial. This oil, like store-bought oil, can be used for treatment, cosmetic procedures and in cooking, just slightly increase the recommended dosage.

To make homemade essential oil you need:

  1. Collect the tops of lavender branches or buy dry raw materials;
  2. Segment into 10-15 cm pieces (only young shoots with flowers are used);
  3. Freshly picked lavender must be dried by tying it into a bouquet and hanging it in a warm, dry place for two weeks (it dries faster in the sun, but some of the ether is destroyed);
  4. Dry raw materials should be crushed and placed in a clean, dry jar;
  5. Pour in refined oil (odorless) so that it completely covers the raw material, leaving a distance of 2 cm from the edge of the jar;
  6. Leave to infuse in the sun for a week to a month (the longer, the richer the smell will be);
  7. You can use more in a fast way- heating in a water bath. Heat for 2 to 5 hours, maintaining constant temperature between 38–49ºC (if overheated, all beneficial properties will disappear and the aroma will deteriorate);
  8. The oil must be strained. If a more intense smell is required, then the resulting lavender oil is poured into a new batch of raw materials, etc.;
  9. For more long term For storage, vitamin E is added to homemade lavender oil and should be stored only in a dark place in a dark container.

Tea and infusion

It is recommended to drink infusion and tea for neuroses, depression, cardiac colic, to improve sleep, to strengthen immune system and for colds. Help to remove muscle spasms, amenorrhea, stomach upset and nausea. In addition to the “classic recipe”, there are many various recipes preparing tea and infusion.

Recipe for lavender tea to treat cataracts:

  1. 0.5 tsp fennel seeds, pre-fried until golden brown;
  2. 0.5 dry lavender;
  3. Pour 750 ml of boiling water;
  4. Leave for 5-10 minutes and drink.

Infusion for local application prepare as follows: 5 tbsp. l. dried flowers per 250 ml. Compresses soaked in the infusion disinfect wounds and ulcers on the skin.

Lavender milk for colds:

  1. 0.5 l of milk;
  2. 1 tbsp. l. dry lavender;
  3. Keep in a water bath for 5 minutes;
  4. Filter and cool;
  5. Add 2 tsp. honey and drink.

Alcohol tincture

Alcohol tincture also has many recipes and uses. It helps well when used externally against insect bites. With 70% alcohol, it is a powerful antidepressant during menopause, eliminates pain during menstruation and perfectly relieves headaches. For rubbing use 40% alcohol. It fights well against muscle and joint pain. Used as a preservative for home cosmetics.

  • Can be cooked delicious drink with vodka and lavender:
  • Lavender flowers 12 grams;
  • Cinnamon and cloves 2.5 grams each;
  • 1 liter of vodka;
  • Mix everything, leave for 5-7 days and strain.

Application in cosmetology

In cosmetology, lavender essential oil is used as independent remedy, and as part of cosmetics. Perfect for caring for problematic, oily and combination skin. Strengthens damaged and weakened hair and nails.

Cosmetics with lavender can:

  • Heal and disinfect damaged skin;
  • Help resolve scars;
  • Tone and soothe the dermis;
  • Eliminate acne, regulating the functioning of the sebaceous glands and preventing clogging of pores;
  • Soften and vitaminize the dermis;
  • Mattify the skin and smooth out wrinkles;
  • Eliminate seborrhea and strengthen hair.

Contraindications and harm

Lavender is an unpretentious, versatile plant that grows primarily in regions with a Mediterranean climate. Its unique aroma, familiar and loved by many, can have a calming, anti-inflammatory, and bactericidal effect.

Lavender essential oil, the properties and uses of which will be described below, has been used in monastic hospitals since ancient times. Since ancient times, people have noticed its unique properties.

And the history of the production and use of this oil is part of the history of the development of the cosmetic and perfume industries. Today, like several thousand years ago, it is the main elite essential oil.

Over the entire period of existence of lavender oil, this aromatic substance was obtained various methods– from distillation using oils to enfleurage. But today it is obtained only from fresh flowers of the plant, mainly through water-steam distillation.

Lavender oil has quite complex composition, which includes components such as alcohol esters (linalools), as well as acids:

  • valerian;
  • vinegar;
  • nylon.
In addition to the listed components, the composition of lavender oil is enriched with the following beneficial substances:
  • caryophyllene;
  • lavandiol;
  • geraniol;
  • coumarin;
  • borniol;
  • herniarin, etc.

As auxiliary components perform tannins, bitterness and resin.

Lavender oil has a very light and fluid consistency. It has an almost transparent color with a barely noticeable yellowish tint.

As for the properties of essential oil, it will directly depend on the region where the primary raw materials are grown, as well as on the location of the production plant.

For example, if the oil is produced in Australia or Crimea, it is considered to have good quality. If in England, the oil is specific. And the most unique and, accordingly, more expensive lavender oil is produced in France.


A distinctive feature of this oil is its excellent compatibility with many other base and essential oils. oil bases. Lavender essential oil has found use in various healing and perfume compositions.

So, it goes well with the following scents:

Medicinal and cosmetic properties

  1. Elimination of oily sheen (greasy film) with skin.
  2. Restoring the pH of the vaginal microflora. Also this oil can be an excellent product for intimate hygiene.
  3. Normalization of the menstrual cycle.
  4. Removal of swelling and suspension inflammatory processes if there are some gynecological diseases, for example, with vaginitis.
  5. Elimination skin rashes of various origins(pimples, blackheads, blisters, papules, dropsy, comedones, boils).
  6. Normalization of sleep and wakefulness, stress relief.
  7. Elimination of inflammation and congestion of the nasal sinuses (maxillary, sphenoid, frontal, paranasal, ethmoid labyrinth).
  8. Disinfection of wound surfaces (in the presence of bedsores, cuts, scratches, frostbite, burns).
  9. Anesthesia. Eliminates joint, heart, headaches and muscle pain, cramps. To relieve such conditions, oil is used, as a rule, in the form of compresses, applications and lotions.
  10. Normalization of heart rate (pulse).
  11. Decrease in blood pressure (blood pressure).
  12. Elimination of irritation, peeling, hyperemia, itching of the skin. In addition, the oil rejuvenates, renews and refreshes the skin, promotes the speedy process of its regeneration. cellular composition.

Properties of lavender aroma

The effect of oil on a person’s emotional background deserves a separate description. It is an effective sedative. A calming effect is observed, which allows it to be used as an antidepressant.

Experts say that this unique substance helps defeat aggression and envy. It is also powerful natural aphrodisiac, allowing you to subtly feel your partner on an intuitive level. The use of this exquisite oil promotes a deeper expression of sensuality, attention and affection.

Lavender essential oil is used to relieve anxiety, depression, anxiety, and stiffness. Brings harmony into a person’s life, enlightens, makes thoughts clearer and calmer. At the same time, it does not incline a person to self-flagellation and tearfulness.

The beneficial properties of essential oil have become widespread in medicine and cosmetology, where it is used as active substance and mixes with other (base) oils.

In medicine

In this area, this oil is used in the following medical procedures:

  • inhalations (aroma medallions, aromatherapy);
  • rinsing oral cavity(if there are dental diseases);
  • compresses and lotions (warming);
  • applications that are prepared on an alcohol basis;
  • massage, added to the base (base oil).

In cosmetology

In this area, this aromatic substance is used to improve the condition of:

  • skin of the face, neck and décolleté, body;
  • nails;
  • hair.

For facial skin

In cosmetology, lavender essential oil, the smell of which is loved by many, is widely used to eliminate the following facial skin problems:

  • rashes of various etiologies;
  • dryness;
  • peeling;
  • greasy shine;
  • hyperemia;
  • age spots;
  • rosacea;
  • enlarged pores.

See recipes and features for details of use for facial skin

Important! Do not forget that lavender oil for the face should be used after testing for allergies to the components present in its composition. It also wouldn’t hurt to have a preliminary consultation with an experienced dermatologist and cosmetologist.

For the skin of the neck and décolleté

Regular use of this oil in the décolleté and neck area will allow:

  • eliminate fine wrinkles and make deep wrinkles less noticeable;
  • cleanse the skin of dead scales;
  • get rid of sagging skin;
  • smooth out the relief and increase skin turgor.

For body skin

The huge healing spectrum of action allows cosmetologists to widely use lavender oil. Application of this unique oil also applies to the production of various caring cosmetics.

It can also be used as a stand-alone product, combined with many other carrier oils. This oil will also be an excellent component for preparing mixtures intended for use while going to the sauna and bathhouse.

Carrying out certain procedures aimed at improving the health of the body’s skin will achieve the following effect:

  • skin tightening;
  • elimination of hyperemia;
  • renewal of the cellular composition of the skin;
  • improving blood circulation in small areas blood vessels and capillaries;
  • elimination of rash;
  • healing of minor wounds (abrasions, cuts, scratches);
  • normalization of lymph flow in problem areas (buttocks, inner and outer thighs, abdomen, sides);
  • reduction in the severity or complete elimination of the manifestations of cellulite and stretch marks.

It is also worth mentioning that procedures such as lavender and body wraps will help in simultaneously obtaining cosmetic and therapeutic effects.

To achieve maximum positive result Experts recommend conducting a full course of these procedures, which consists of at least 10 sessions.

The interval between sessions should be at least 24-48 hours. Considering that lavender oil has a calming effect, it is advisable to carry out these procedures in the evening (immediately before bedtime).

For nails

With lavender essential oil you can achieve:

  • softening the cuticle (skin surrounding the nail plate);
  • strengthening the nail structure;
  • the effect of polished nails;
  • preventing the development of fungal infections;
  • disinfectant and soothing effect on the tissues of the nail folds;
  • eliminating the process of delamination of nail plates;
  • maintaining a well-groomed appearance nails for a longer period.

For hair

Considering that lavender oil has a high degree of concentration of essential substances, it is unacceptable to use it for healthy hair as a base component and in its pure form.

As a rule, they are enriched with various hair care cosmetics - balms, shampoos, massage masks, rinses.

Important! It would be useful to know that self-prepared hair products containing lavender oil should be used within several hours after preparation. Otherwise, all the beneficial properties, along with the aroma, will lose their strength.

By using lavender oil for hair, you can achieve amazing results, namely:

  • improving blood circulation in the skin of the scalp;
  • enrichment hair follicles useful microelements;
  • elimination of itching, manifestations of dandruff and seborrhea (oily and dry types);
  • restoration of hair structure;
  • eliminate the effects of scalp irritation;
  • healing of minor injuries to the scalp (scratches, scratches, abrasions, bruises);
  • activation of hair growth;
  • preventing hair loss.

Competent specialists in the field of cosmetology are confident that a real find To improve hair health, there are masks that contain lavender oil. The use of such masks for hair allows you to make your hair healthy, shiny, silky and thick.

Application for cosmetics and perfumes

Lavender oil is included in the compound ( liquid concentrate) in the production of complex aromatic compositions.

Along with it, perfumes, perfumes and deodorants include components of natural and synthetic origin. Any perfume product contains from 10% to 45% compound.

As for the industrial production of cosmetics, this oil is usually used to create products intended for problematic sensitive skin, both oily and dry, combination.

Important! Buy only natural lavender essential oil. After all, today the market is replete with fakes. Unrespectable manufacturers who do not have the appropriate licenses and required package permitting documentation, this substance is produced in artisanal conditions with the addition of components of unknown origin.

Do not forget that the effect will directly depend on the quality. Take care of your health and beauty!

Lavender oil in everyday life

  1. Deodorization of bed, table and bath linen, wardrobe items, shoes.
  2. Aromatization of indoor air (production of air fresheners). There is an easy way to fill the air with the scent of lavender. Soak a swab or paper towel with the essential oil of this plant (3 drops) and then place it in the vacuum cleaner pipe while it is on. Thus, you will “suck” the tampon into the vacuum cleaner pipe, and the air coming out of the hole located at the back of the vacuum cleaner will fill the entire room with the aroma of lavender.
  3. Making “scented” paper and scented candles. Used as a component
  4. Aromatizing the air in the refrigerator. This will get rid of unpleasant odor which is formed when odors mix various products. You need to take a small piece of baked clay, drop a couple of drops of lavender oil on its surface and place it on the refrigerator shelf (preferably on the bottom, as the smell rises from bottom to top). It is permissible to replace baked clay with gauze cloth, but in this case the oil will evaporate much faster.
  5. Getting rid of mosquitoes, moths, ants, cockroaches, flies, bedbugs. These insects cannot stand the smell of lavender.

Contraindications for lavender essential oil

  1. Hypersensitivity to the components that make up lavender oil.
  2. Pregnancy and lactation.
  3. Anemia.
  4. Taking medications containing iron and iodine.
  5. Tendency to lower blood pressure.

Finally, it is worth noting that lavender essential oil promotes self-development and self-knowledge, restoration of energy balance and vitality, relaxation and immersion in deep meditation. Its unique aroma can give a feeling of healing, purity and boundless happiness!