Ringworm: photo in humans, signs and treatment. Ringworm in humans: photo, initial stage, symptoms and treatment

There is no clear answer to the question of how long ringworm is treated.

The healing period depends on a number of factors, such as:

  • type of pathogen;
  • fungal virulence;
  • state of reactivity of the body;
  • affected area.

The duration of treatment for ringworm depends on the timing of visiting a doctor, the form of the disease and proper sanitary and hygienic prevention at the source of infection.

On average, treatment takes from one to three months. A quick cure can only be achieved if early start therapy.

Trichophytosis is caused by fungi:

  1. Trichophyton violet (Trichophyton violaceum).
  2. Microsporum ferrugineum.
  3. Microsporum fluffy (Microsporum canis/lanosum).

The first two pathogens are transmitted from person to person, the second infection occurs through animals.

The fungi that cause ringworm are very resistant to heat and sunlight. Also, some disinfectants cannot cope with them.

The peak incidence occurs at the end of summer - beginning of autumn.

The first signs of ringworm appear a week after contact with a sick animal and 4 to 6 weeks after contact with a sick person.

Mostly children get sick. The disease is transmitted from a sick person through the use of his personal items (hats, combs, etc.).

Isolated lesions up to 1.5 cm in diameter appear in the hair on the head. Affected areas - spots irregular shape and with blurred boundaries. The reddened skin is slightly swollen and covered with scales.

Hair in the lesions breaks off either immediately above the skin, or at a level of 2 - 3 mm above the skin, forming characteristic “stumps”. The surviving hair appears healthy or like thin, curled threads.

When smooth skin is affected, swollen round spots with a clear border are formed. The sunken center of the lesion is pale yellow with pronounced peeling, and the raised ridge along the periphery is pink-red. Bubbles, nodules and crusts form on the roller.

The spots often merge. Itching is rare.

Infiltrative-suppurative trichophytosis

Infection occurs from animals, less often from a sick person. Even getting animal hair and dander on upholstered furniture, carpets, and beds is enough to cause infection. People of all ages can get this form.

Localized in the hair on the head, facial hair in men, open places skin. Initially, the disease occurs as superficial trichophytosis. Then the infiltration of foci increases. Juicy plaques and nodes with a sharply defined border are formed. Then suppurative processes occur and deep follicular abscesses form.


After the necessary diagnostic procedures(examination under Wood's lamp, laboratory test scrapings from the lesions) a dermatologist or infectious disease specialist selects therapy.

Self-treatment may lead to progression of the disease to chronic form!

Depending on the type of pathogen, the level of skin damage, the form of the disease and the general condition of the patient, treatment takes from four to six or more weeks.

Therapy is carried out at home. Persons who are difficult to isolate from healthy people are subject to hospitalization.

Treatment is carried out both local (direct impact on the lesions) and general, i.e. the whole body.

Local treatment is carried out as follows.

If affected hairy part head, then once a week the hair is shaved, after which the head is thoroughly washed with antifungal shampoo.

Used to target affected areas the following drugs:

  1. Mikospor. Available in the form of ointment, cream and solution for external use. When using this drug, fungal cells are destroyed. The course of treatment takes 4 – 6 weeks.
  2. Lamisil. The cream completely destroys fungi on the skin within two weeks, and on the scalp in 5–6 weeks.
  3. Sulfur-tar ointment. Actively destroys pathogenic fungi. Appointed in case severe swelling.
  4. Salicylic ointment. In addition to destroying fungi, it relieves the inflammatory process.
  5. Exifin and Mycogel gels and Vocadine ointment are used for lesions of the skin of the body and nails. The course of treatment takes from one to six weeks, depending on the severity of the process.
  6. Nitrofungin. A highly effective drug for combating ringworm and in the case of combined fungal-bacterial infection.
  7. Ciclopirox, Oxiconazole, and Ketoconazole ointments are also used.

At general treatment medications are prescribed.

In order to speed up the recovery process and prevent generalization of the disease, tablets are prescribed:

  1. Griseofulvin. Stops the proliferation of fungi.
  2. Orungal. Destroys the shell of fungi, which leads to their death.
  3. Fluconazole. Destroys mushrooms by suppressing their enzymatic activity.


The risk of infection depends on how quickly preventive measures are taken after contact with the source of infection or identification of the disease.

When ringworm is detected, the following measures are urgently taken:

  • the source of infection is identified;
  • the patient is isolated in a separate room, which is wet cleaned every day;
  • a sick family member is given separate dishes and household items, which are processed every day boric alcohol;
  • all contact persons are thoroughly examined;
  • thorough disinfection of the premises, clothing, bedding, soft toys, personal items, upholstered furniture;
  • If necessary, a veterinary service is involved.

It should be remembered that fungi multiply quickly in a warm, humid environment.

That's why personal prevention includes the following items:

  1. Avoiding prolonged skin wetting. You should always dry your body thoroughly after hygiene procedures and swimming in ponds.
  2. Wearing clothes and underwear made from natural fabrics.
  3. Daily shower and change of underwear.
  4. On the beach and in public baths and showers, wear special rubber shoes.
  5. Use only individual funds skin, nails and hair care.
  6. If you have pets, you must carefully monitor the condition of their fur.
  7. Prohibit children from contact with stray animals. If such contact occurs, you should not touch your body, clothes, etc. with your hands. You should wash your hands thoroughly with soap as soon as possible, and then treat them with antiseptic bactericidal hand gel Sanitelle or alcohol.

Treatment of ringworm in humans must be timely, as this disease is dangerous for others. This disease is characterized by rashes over the entire surface of the body; it is known that lichen can recur.

Ringworm in humans and its effective treatment

The primary goal in treating ringworm is to eliminate the fungal agent that caused the skin growths.

Treatment is integrated approach, which combines two main aspects:

  1. Local use of ointments, creams, shampoos, in case of damage skin heads designed against fungus.
  2. Ingestion medicines against fungus.

This treatment is prescribed by a dermatologist. Usually, agents based on components such as clotrimazole, ketoconazole, and mycoseptin are used as local treatment. Ringworm, located on smooth skin, can be successfully cured with the help of the drugs tolnaftate and terbinafine.

Among other things, as a method of superficial treatment of affected areas of the skin in morning time use a five percent iodine solution, in the evening, use sulfur-tar or sulfur-salicylic ointment. You can also resort to using salicylic acid(three percent) in its pure form.

A specialist can prescribe a recipe for Lassara paste, which is formed from petroleum jelly, starch, zinc oxide and salicylic acid. Or a recipe for the so-called Vidal's milk, which is based on the addition of alcohol, camphor, sulfur lotion, salicylic and boric acid, and glycerin.

If ringworm has covered the skin of the body and head, along with the above remedies local application, the medication griseofulvin is used.

The duration of treatment with this drug depends on how quickly the fungus is eliminated. In this case, bacterioscopic examination is used to identify the fungus.

When lichen is chronic, in addition to standard treatment methods - the use of local remedies and oral medications, much attention is paid to taking vitamins, immunomodulators and vascular strengtheners.

Root causes of the disease

There are several types of fungus that cause ringworm, among which are species that are transmitted exclusively from a sick person to a healthy person. This happens through direct contact or through the use of contaminated personal items. In addition, the fungus can be transmitted from animals to humans by close contact with sick animals.

Children are most susceptible to infection with ringworm age category from five to fifteen years.

Adults rarely get sick, and this is explained by the fact that on their epidermis there is an opportunistic fungus, which begins to “protect” its habitat from the pathogen that finds it, suppressing the reproduction of the latter.

However, the possibility of infection in adults cannot be completely ruled out, since the development of the disease depends not only on the banal contact of a microorganism on the skin; the stability of the immune system also plays an important role.

In addition, factors such as:

  • injuries, cuts and other damage that violate the integrity of the epidermis;
  • softening of the skin after prolonged exposure to water or excessive dryness during stay in hot climates;
  • long-term stressful and depressive states, which influence the body’s resistance to destructive factors;
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • severe infectious and viral diseases.

Ringworm, transmitted from animals, has the features of a seasonal disease, so it most often occurs in the summer-autumn period, when cats have offspring to whom they can transmit pathogens. Ringworm, transmitted through contact and everyday life, can appear at any time of the year.

Stages of disease development

In humans, manifestations of ringworm make themselves felt in several varieties:

  1. Superficial lichen of the scalp, with this process one cannot talk about acute inflammatory process, but in humans there is a sharp modification of the hairline. Since in the area of ​​the outbreak infectious process hair follicles thin out and actively fall out, in addition, this is accompanied by severe peeling. This type of lichen can be transmitted from a sick person and from an infected animal. If it appears in childhood, then untimely treatment can lead to the formation of a chronic form.
  2. Superficial lichen of smooth skin prevails over other types of the disease. In its manifestation, it is similar to pityriasis rosea; the appearance of bright pink plaques is observed, the edges of which are peeling, and mild itching occurs. In childhood, these phenomena are accompanied by a rise in body temperature, just as in the first case, if treatment is not taken on time, a chronic form may develop.
  3. Chronic lichen does not appear as an independent form of the disease; it is formed as a consequence of complications of the above-mentioned types of lichen. In most cases chronic stage observed in women, due to the fact that disruptions in functioning can provoke the appearance of this form endocrine glands, ovaries. Insufficient intake of vitamins and immunodeficiency also have an impact.

In the case of a chronic form of ringworm, it is necessary to begin treatment in advance, since at this stage, untimeliness can lead to the development of a purulent process.

Symptoms of ringworm

The main symptoms of ringworm in humans include the formation of pale spots on the smooth skin that are not accompanied by itching, but obvious peeling is visible along their perimeter. With weak immunity, an increase in temperature is observed.

When lichen is localized on the scalp, hair becomes brittle and falls out. When appearing on nail plate you can observe the fragile structure of the nail and its changed color, which becomes cloudy.

In its course, the disease goes through four successive stages:

  1. Incubation period at various etiologies infection of the pathogen can last from several days to several weeks.
  2. The height of the disease represents the manifestation of typical signs of the disease. What does ringworm look like during this period? The appearance of red spots on the body and scalp, hair loss in the affected areas, and severe peeling are noted.
  3. Resolution of the disease is the period during which the main symptoms of the presented disease pass.
  4. The consequences stage, as the name suggests, is characterized by possible consequences after past illness. In some cases, it may form chronic course disease, which is the most unfavorable outcome, otherwise, with early treatment, the disease recedes without obvious side effects.

In addition, one should take into account the type of pathogen that caused ringworm, since it is on this basis that one can judge the symptoms, consequences and other stages of the disease process.

Incubation period in adults

As is known, the incubation period forms the period of time when the pathogen enters the body and before the first manifestations of the disease. In an adult, the incubation period of ringworm depends on the type of pathogen.

When the pathogen is introduced from an animal, the incubation period is short and ranges from four days to a week. Since the causative agent of lichen in animals shows greater aggression compared to the human type.

If a person becomes infected from a patient, the pathogen acts more “loyally” and the incubation period can reach up to one and a half months. Moreover, during this time the person remains unaware that an infection has occurred.

This is due to the fact that the microorganism, having penetrated the human body, does not try to cause harm to it, but, on the contrary, tries not to reveal its presence in the body for as long as possible.

In an adult, the incubation period does not have symptoms, however, if a person has a weakened immune system, a weakening and increase in temperature may occur, such symptoms usually accompany the incubation period of lichen in childhood.


Infection and disinfection measures

Ringworm is a contagious disease that can be transmitted from humans or infected animals through direct contact or through fur that can become deposited on various surfaces.

Transmission of the pathogen from humans can also occur through direct contact with a sick person, or through household contact. When a healthy person uses objects that were used by a person suffering from this disease.

Infection can also occur through affected areas of human skin, so touching the wounds of a sick person is not recommended.

The disease can occur due to two different fungi - microscopy and trichophytosis. The carriers of microscopy are cats, the prevailing number of strays, pigs, dogs, guinea pigs. The disease trichophytosis is transmitted from one person to another.

Speaking about disinfection of premises, it is worth mentioning the resistance of spores during external environment, so, spores of lichen pathogens can persist in environment ranging from several weeks to several months.

To ensure that the pathogen does not spread throughout the living space, it is necessary that the sick person be provided with a set of personal hygiene products and that these items are stored in separate boxes and are not used by healthy people.

In order to disinfect a hair brush, you should boil it for fifteen minutes. Furniture containing the belongings of an infected person can be wiped down disinfectants. Clothes must be washed at sixty degrees.

Ointments for this pathology

Due to the fact that ringworm is caused by fungal pathogens, treatment comes down to the use of antifungal drugs, both for external use and for oral administration.

At the initial manifestations characteristic of lichen, it is necessary to immediately begin treating the spots with ointments. Because if not treated in a timely manner, lichen can spread to large areas of the body.

How to treat ringworm:

  • sulfur-tar ointment has a disinfecting effect, preventing the proliferation of the infectious agent;
  • sulfur-salicylic ointment has antimicrobial properties;
  • terbinafine is the most important remedy in the fight against lichen located on the smooth surface of the skin;
  • sulsen is used both on the scalp and on the smooth epidermis of the body;
  • mycoseptin reduces irritation, peeling and has regenerating properties;
  • exoderil is used against fungi, therefore it is suitable for the treatment of ringworm, relieves itching and inflammatory reactions.

Before choosing one or another ointment, it is necessary to conduct a diagnosis and identify the exact type of lichen, since they are all similar in their manifestations.

How to treat this disease at home

As you know, you cannot find a single disease that cannot be treated with folk remedies, with the exception of ringworm.

The most common methods of eliminating lichen using means traditional medicine are the following:

  • Apply apple cider vinegar, without diluting, to a gauze bandage and apply to the affected areas for ten minutes four times a day;
  • a clove of garlic is cut and the juice is applied to the areas with characteristic lichen plaques, then a mixture of birch charcoal powder and burdock juice is applied to the affected areas, which are combined in equal proportions;
  • Freshly prepared cranberry juice is actively used, in which gauze is dipped and a compress is made on the affected areas, which is kept for two hours, the procedure is repeated three times a day;
  • It is necessary to treat areas of lichen with raisin pulp several times a day.

Do not forget that treatment with folk remedies cannot replace full-fledged drug treatment, it can only be additional means prevention and nothing more.

What does the pathology on the head look like and treatment features?

On the scalp, things are more complicated than with lichen that has spread throughout the body. The whole point is that lichen on the body can be cured with ointments without using medications inside.

But in order to get rid of ringworm on the head, you need to undergo a course of antibiotic therapy. Due to the difficulty of removing the fungus from hair follicles, the affected areas must be cut to the roots once a week.

Antifungal shampoos (nizoral, betadine) are used as external agents, which must be used to wash your hair daily. After washing your hair, you need to coat the affected areas of your head with iodine. Twice a day, in the morning and evening, anti-fungal agents are applied to the lichen area, such as ointments - Lamisil, Mycogel, Mycoseptin.

Preventive measures and assistance

Based on the fact that ringworm is transmitted from person to person through contact and household contact, first of all, it is necessary to remember the rules of personal hygiene. If there is a sick person in the house, it is necessary to isolate him from healthy people and disinfect household items.

And also differentiate between objects of use, that is, a sick person should not use things of healthy people. All things, be it clothes, bed linen, towels, soft toys, must be heat sterilized in a washing machine.

During illness, infected people are prohibited from visiting public places, such as a swimming pool, a bathhouse. Sick young children should be excluded from attending kindergartens, sections, schools, clubs, etc. until complete recovery.

A similar ban applies to teachers in child care institutions, kindergarten nannies, bathhouse attendants, utility workers, people working with a large number people.

Ringworm in humans - treatment, symptoms

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Ringworm occurs in both animals and humans. Therefore, most often it can be found in children after their contact with sick animals. The incubation period of the disease ranges from 5 to 15 days, after which spots on the skin appear, covered with scales or crusts. These spots may appear swollen and itchy. Moreover, you should not touch or scratch these spots - you can spread the infection throughout your body with your hands.

If ringworm in a person is localized in the scalp, areas of baldness occur - hair breaks off at a level of 4-6 mm. It is easy to get infected with ringworm, so the sick person is isolated and hygiene is carefully observed. You can become infected through direct contact with a sick person or sick animal, as well as through household items (hats, clothes, bed linen, combs, washcloths, towels. Chronic lichen usually affects adults. The causative agents of the disease in humans and animals are common - it is anthropophilic mushroom

Causes of ringworm infection.

1. Weakened immune system of the body,
2. Damage to the stratum corneum of the epidermis
3. Prolonged contact with the patient

Ringworm symptoms in humans

1. Local manifestations on the skin in the form of pink or red spots covered with scales. These spots may be itchy and blistered.
2. Headaches, weakness, high fever - occur only with very weak immunity
3. Deterioration of hair condition
4. Ringworm in a person can also affect the nails - the nail plate thickens, crumbles and splits


1. Lichen spots can turn into pustular infiltrates.
2. The process of suppuration is accompanied by enlargement and pain of the lymph nodes.
3. In place of untreated lichen spots, after suppuration, scars form
4. Ringworm is very contagious - a sick person is a source of infection for others

Treatment of ringworm in humans at home.

How and with what to treat lichen? Ringworm in humans can be successfully cured at home using the following folk remedies:

Traditional treatment for deprivation in humans using raisins.

Lubricate the affected area with broken raisins - the person's lichen will quickly disappear. It is better to take dark raisins. Raisins contain fungi that can destroy ringworm pathogens.

Treating ringworm with vinegar at home.

You can treat ringworm with vinegar: apply undiluted apple cider vinegar to the sore spot for 10 minutes 6 times a day.

Traditional treatment of ringworm with garlic.

This folk recipe one of the most popular, often found in various medical clinics. Cut a clove of garlic and apply it to the affected areas of the skin. Then a mixture of birch charcoal (crushed into powder) and burdock juice in a 1:1 ratio is rubbed into the skin.

Treating ringworm with cranberries at home.

You can also treat ringworm with cranberries: Soak a cloth in cranberry juice and apply a compress to the affected area. Apply the compress 3 times a day for 2 hours. The disease goes away in 2-3 days

Ointment made from hops, burdock and calendula for the treatment of ringworm.

Take 1 tbsp. l. calendula flowers, and 2 tbsp. l. hop cones and burdock roots, pour 200 g of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes, strain and squeeze. Mix 1 tbsp. l. decoction and 2 tbsp. l. Vaseline. Apply this ointment against lichen to the affected areas. thin layer several times a day.

Decoction for ringworm on the head

If a person has ringworm on the scalp, the following herbal infusions are recommended:
1. 4 parts string, 2 parts celandine, 1 part horsetail. Pour 2 tbsp. l. mixture with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Rub into scalp after washing. Repeat every two days. You can make compresses with this infusion.
2. 30 minutes before washing your hair, rub chamomile infusion into your hair (0.5 tablespoons of chamomile petals per 1 cup of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes).

Folk remedies and methods of treating ringworm in children and adults.

Let's look at recipes and reviews from the newspaper Vestnik ZOZH.

Treatment of ringworm with folk remedies according to the Kurennoy clinic.

The children became infected with shingles from the dog. The following helped folk method. Roll up a bag of newspaper and place it on a large porcelain plate. Set it on fire. When the newspaper is almost burnt out, quickly brush away the ash and remaining paper. At the bottom of the plate there will be yellow plaque. While it is warm, you need to quickly lubricate the stains. Do not wash the plate, do the same procedure the next day, there will be more plaque. After three days, the skin cleared up. (recipe from Healthy Lifestyle 2001, No. 11, p. 19, Healthy Lifestyle 2006, No. 1, p. 32)

How to treat ringworm with ash at home.

Take the seeds from the sunflower cap and dry it, then burn it, dilute the ashes with water until it becomes sour cream. Apply this paste to the areas affected by ringworm. This is a proven folk remedy. (2003, no. 1, p. 21)

Treatment of deprivation from animals using folk remedies and methods.

Prepare three saucers and pour into one vinegar essence, in the second - vegetable oil, in the third add starch. Prepare 2 matches, tightly wrapped with cotton wool. You need to act quickly: dip a match in vinegar, smear the sore, then smear another match on top vegetable oil and sprinkle everything with starch. Helps in 1-2 procedures. (2004, no. 9, p. 24)

Ringworm in humans - traditional treatment with garlic

The following folk recipe is recommended: grate 5 cloves of garlic and mix with 1 tbsp. l. glycerin. Leave for two to three days. Lubricate sore spots on the skin with this composition. Within three days of active treatment, the disease will disappear. (2004 No. 10, Art. 18).
Another recipe with garlic: Cut a clove of garlic, rub the cut of the garlic onto the rust, and then rub the rash. Do it 2-3 times a day. On the second day the disease goes away (2009 No. 15, p. 31).

Traditional treatment of ringworm with iodine.

Mix iodine with vodka 1:1, pierce the ringworm in several places with a sterile needle and lubricate with this mixture. (2004, no. 18, p. 26)

Treatment with propolis

Lubricate the affected areas with 25% propolis tincture. In three days, a person's ringworm goes away. (HLS 2004, No. 13, p. 26)

How to treat ringworm in children with smoke.

Place a tin of chopped garlic and tar on the coals or fire. When they are charred and smoke comes out of them, fumigate the lichen with this smoke (review from Healthy Lifestyle 2006, No. 3, p. 11)

A popular folk method for treating ringworm is horse sorrel.

1 tbsp. l. horse sorrel roots pour 1 tbsp. water and boil in a water bath for 30 minutes. Make compresses from this decoction. (2006, no. 2, p. 32)

Treatment of ringworm with fraction ASD-2.

Ringworm, especially in children, goes away after one smearing of the ringworm spot with fraction ASD-2, which can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy. (HLS 2006, No. 17, Art. 15)

Ringworm and gunpowder.

Take hunting powder, it is grainy, you need to grind it into powder with a spoon. Add butter and stir. The result is a black ointment. Lubricate the affected area 3 times a day. The lichen disappears quickly, not even a trace remains. (HLS 2010, No. 3, p. 33)

Home treatment for ringworm with hot bread.

A man contracted ringworm from a stray kitten. The doctor prescribed treatment, but warned that these drugs would cause the hair on my head to fall out, but then it would grow back. The man refused such treatment and went to a paid doctor, who prescribed pills and ointments. After two weeks of using these remedies, there was no improvement, but it got worse.
A woman I know advised me to treat ringworm with a folk remedy - a crumb of hot bread. The man heated up the iron, put 2 crusts of bread on it, and when they were hot, pressed them to the spot on the skin, held them as long as he could stand it, then applied another heated crust. I did the procedure for 4-5 minutes 3 times a day. On the third, everything dried up and hair began to grow. This folk method is very simple and effective. (review from Healthy Lifestyle 2013, No. 3, p. 31)

Ringworm (microsporia) is a fungal infection of the skin, hair, and nails that can infect anyone. It is caused by microsporum and trichophyton fungi. This is a well-researched type of lichen. This skin pathology is called microsporia and trichophytosis (depending on the pathogen). One person can become infected with trichophytosis from another, microsporia - from an animal.

Causes and routes of infection

You can get infected with lichen through contact and household contact, by contacting a person who is a carrier of the fungus or through animals.

Very often children 5-16 years old are affected by the disease. They play with pets, their skin is thinner, and their hair is not yet protected by organic acids. The peak of infection occurs in summer and early autumn.

Any household items used by an infected person are dangerous (linen, towels, dishes, clothes, comb).

Contact with the skin of a sick person can trigger the development of a fungal disease. But once on the surface of the skin, fungi require certain stimulating factors so that they can multiply. If a person has a strong immune system and there are no wounds, cuts or scrapes, the likelihood of developing lichen is minimal.

Risk factors:

  • impaired integrity of the skin;
  • softening of the skin during prolonged exposure to water or high humidity;
  • weakened immune system;
  • the presence of other skin diseases;
  • soil processing without protective gloves;
  • regular stress and depression.

Symptoms and clinical picture

The incubation period of ringworm can last from several days to 1.5-2 months. It all depends on the type of fungus.

What does ringworm look like? The disease in most cases has a clear severe symptoms, which are easy to notice with the naked eye. Based on the nature of the manifestations, superficial and infiltrative-suppurative forms of ringworm are distinguished.

Any area of ​​the skin and head can be affected. When lichen occurs on the scalp, the first symptoms may not be noticed. Hair gradually falls out and becomes brittle at the base. The skin begins to peel off and itching appears.

After 7-10 days, clear boundaries of the lesion are visible, occupying a large area. Vesicles with purulent contents appear around the lesions. Hair begins to fall out even more, noticeable at the ends gray plaque. When lichen becomes chronic, bald spots appear in place of the hairline. They peel, become covered with scabs, and swell.

On the body, the symptoms of ringworm are more pronounced. It can be localized on:

  • breasts,
  • back,
  • limbs.

First, a pinkish-red swelling of the skin appears, which is framed by a dense ridge of a bright shade. The inflamed area has a round or oval shape, the boundaries are smooth and clearly defined.

As the disease progresses, small bubbles begin to protrude from the central part of the infiltrate. They burst and a crust forms. In addition to these symptoms, there is severe itching and burning.

If you do not treat superficial lichen or use ineffective remedies, it develops into more severe form– infiltrative-suppurative. On inflamed areas Purple-red nodes form, the surface becomes covered with ulcers. When you press on the node, purulent contents come out.

In children, this ringing skin lesion is superficial. It is manifested by the appearance in certain areas of the skin of round spots of a yellowish-pink color in the center, which have clear contours. A red-pink ridge rises along the periphery. The diameter of the spots is usually 0.5-3 cm. They are localized on the face, neck, and upper body.

Important! At the first signs and suspicions of microsporia, you should contact a qualified specialist.

Treatment of the disease

How to treat ringworm? It is necessary to start therapy as early as possible, having previously confirmed the diagnosis. Different types diseases may have their own treatment regimen. You should contact a dermatologist or infectious disease specialist. When trying to cure lichen on your own, there is high risk chronicity of the disease.

Drug therapy

If one lesion appears on the skin and general health The patient is normal, you can limit yourself to local treatment with antifungal ointments and iodine. For diffuse manifestations of the disease, it is better to carry out therapy in a hospital setting. Assign antifungal tablets And local remedies(solutions, ointments, creams).

The ointment is absorbed slowly and remains on the skin for a long time. Due to its deep penetration into the layers of the dermis, it is more powerful than other products.

The ointment treatment regimen includes a combination of it with iodine. In the morning, the areas are treated with iodine, in the evening - with ointment. Recommended ointments:

  • Salicylic;
  • Sulfur (10-20%);
  • Sulfur-tar;
  • Lamisil;
  • Ciclopirox;
  • Bifonazole;
  • Clotrimazole;
  • Mikospor.

Before applying the ointment, you can cleanse the skin with solutions of furatsilin or potassium permanganate.

If inflammation worsens, the doctor may prescribe combined hormonal medications:

  • Mycozolon;
  • Travocort.

Absorbs quickly and leaves no marks on clothes. Effective:

  • Exifin 1%;
  • Mycogel-KMP.

For better absorption, the skin is cleaned of the keratinized top layer.

They are used for the head because they do not pollute the hair and are well absorbed. Effective:

  • Vocadine;
  • Yodicirin;
  • Nitrofungin.

Tablet forms of antifungal drugs are taken if there are diffuse rashes on the skin, deep lesions hair. The tablets fight fungus in various organs, speed up recovery, and prevent relapse of the disease.

  • Griseofulvin – daily dose of 8 tablets. Take with meals along with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil. As symptoms disappear, the dose is reduced.
  • Orungal - drink 100 mg once a day. Duration of treatment: 2 weeks.
  • Lamisil - a course of 2.5 months, 2 times a day every day.

Tablets may have side effects and contraindications. Their the prescription should only be carried out by a doctor, taking into account the patient's concomitant diseases.

Additional treatments

If the disease is difficult to respond to drug therapy appointed X-ray therapy. Hair should be shaved before the procedure. Then soften the dead skin. Treatment on average lasts 4-6 weeks. 1 procedure per week is recommended.

Thallium patch (3-5%). The effect on lichen is carried out with thallium acetate, which is applied to the affected area. A patch is stuck on top. You need to keep this application for 2 weeks. After removal, the skin should be cleaned and treatment with healing agents should continue.

"Detachment"– application for 2 days of a tight bandage with lactic, salicylic, benzoic acids mixed with petroleum jelly.

Folk remedies and recipes

In addition to antifungal ointments You can use herbal medicine methods:

  • Wipe the affected areas with garlic or lemon juice.
  • Treat lichen with a mixture of beet juice and honey 2-3 times a day.
  • You can remove dried crusts using a compress of finely chopped cabbage with sour cream.
  • Mix 1 teaspoon of valerian tincture in equal parts with vegetable oil and iodine. Apply to lichen for 10 days, 3 times a day.
  • Dilute 2 spoons apple cider vinegar in a glass of water. Apply carefully so as not to burn healthy areas of the skin.

Ringworm in children

Single lesions of lichen can be treated at home. Children are prescribed ointments:

  • Clotrimazole;
  • Travocort;
  • Mycoseptin;
  • Lamisil.

If lichen occurs on the head, remedies are prescribed for oral administration. Children under 3 years of age are given Griseofulvin in the form of a suspension, while older children are given tablets. Along with them they take medications for the liver:

  • Galstena;
  • Karsil;
  • Chophytol;
  • Gepabene.

If the child is suffering chronic diseases kidney or liver, peptic ulcer, then Griseofulvin is replaced with Lamisil in tablet form.

Head when ringworm wash with special shampoos:

  • Sebozol;
  • Nizoral;
  • Dermazol.

Itching is eliminated with antihistamines:

  • Claritin;
  • Suprastin;
  • Fenistil;
  • Erius.

It is important to strengthen the child’s immunity by taking vitamins B and C.

Preventive measures

To avoid relapse of the disease, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Regularly examine relatives and other persons in contact with the patient.
  • Disinfect common areas.
  • Maintain personal hygiene - handle things, avoid using other people’s accessories (underwear, combs, etc.).
  • After visiting public places, wash with tar soap.
  • Check your pets regularly, especially those that go outside.
  • Medical institutions must conduct routine examinations in schools and kindergartens.

Ringworm is a disease, the appearance of which in many cases is associated with poor hygiene. It is important to contact a specialist at the first suspicion of infection; he will prescribe adequate treatment. The prognosis of the disease in most cases is favorable if you follow all recommendations and complete all appointments.

Below is a video from which you can learn even more about ringworm in humans: