Job descriptions for housing and communal services workers. Head of the subscriber department job description. Responsibilities of a specialist in working with the public in the housing and communal services sector - job description

“The Tale of the Seven Hanged Men” by L.N. Andreeva

In “The Tale of the Seven Hanged Men” L.N. Andreev explores the psychological state of the heroes sentenced to execution. Each character in the work experiences the approach of death in his own way. First L.N. Andreev talks about the torment of an obese minister fleeing an assassination attempt by terrorists, which was reported to him. At first, while there were people around him, he experienced a feeling of pleasant excitement. Left alone, the minister plunges into an atmosphere of animal fear. He recalls recent cases of assassination attempts on high-ranking officials and literally identifies his body with those scraps of human flesh that he once saw at crime scenes.

L.N. Andreev does not spare artistic details to depict naturalistic details: “... From these memories, my own corpulent, sick body, stretched out on the bed, seemed already alien, already experiencing the fiery force of an explosion.” Analyzing his own psychological state, the minister understands that he would calmly drink his coffee. In the work, the idea arises that it is not death itself that is terrible, but its knowledge, especially if the day and hour of your end are indicated. The minister understands that he will have no peace until he survives this hour for which the alleged assassination attempt is scheduled. The tension of the whole organism reaches such strength that it thinks that the aorta will not withstand it and that it physically may not be able to cope with the growing excitement.

Further in the story L.N. Andreev explores the fate of seven prisoners sentenced to death by hanging. Five of them are exactly the same terrorists who were caught in the unsuccessful assassination attempt. The writer gives detailed portraits of them, in which already during the trial scene signs of approaching death are visible: sweat appears on the prisoners’ foreheads, their fingers tremble, there is a desire to scream and break their fingers.

For prisoners, the special torture is also not so much the execution itself, during which they behave courageously and with dignity, supporting each other, but the long wait.

L.N. Andreev consistently presents the reader with a whole gallery of images of terrorists. These are Tanya Kovalchuk, Musya, Werner, Sergei Golovin and Vasily Kashirin. The most difficult test before death for the heroes is a meeting with their parents. “The execution itself, in all its monstrous unusualness, in its brain-shattering madness, seemed easier to the imagination and did not seem as terrible as these few minutes, short and incomprehensible, standing as if outside of time, as if outside life itself,” - this is how he conveys feelings Sergei Golovin before the execution of L.N. Andreev. The writer conveys the hero’s excited state before the date through a gesture: Sergei furiously “paces around the cell,” plucks his beard, and frowns. However, the parents try to behave courageously and support Sergei. The father is in a state of tortured, desperate firmness. Even the mother only kissed and sat down silently, did not cry, but smiled strangely. Only at the end of the date, when the parents kiss Sergei jealously, do tears appear in their eyes. However, at the last minute, the father again supports his son and blesses him to die. In this artistically expressive scene, the writer glorifies the power of parental love, the most selfless and selfless feeling in the world.

Only his mother comes to see Vasily Kashirin on a date. As if in passing, we learn that his father is a rich merchant. The parents do not understand their son’s actions and condemn him. However, the mother still came to say goodbye. During the date, she seems to not understand the current situation, asks why her son is cold, and reproaches him for the last minutes of the date.

It is symbolic that they cry in different corners of the room, even in the face of death, talking about something empty and unnecessary. Only after the mother leaves the prison building does she clearly understand that her son will be hanged tomorrow. L.N. Andreev emphasizes that the mother’s torment is perhaps a hundred times stronger than the experiences of the person doomed to execution. The old woman falls, crawls on the icy crust, and she imagines that she is feasting at a wedding, and they keep pouring wine on her. In this scene, where grief borders on a crazy vision, the full force of despair of the heroine is conveyed, who will never attend her son’s wedding, will not see him happy.

Tanya Kovalchuk worries primarily about her comrades. Musya is happy to die as a heroine and martyr: “There is no doubt, no hesitation, she is accepted into the fold, she rightfully joins the ranks of those bright ones who, from time immemorial, go to the high sky through the fire, torture and execution.” Basking in her romantic dreams, she had already mentally stepped into immortality. Musya was ready for madness for the sake of the triumph of a moral victory, for the sake of euphoria from the madness of her “feat.” “I would even like this: to go out alone in front of a whole regiment of soldiers and start shooting at them from a Browning gun. Even if I am alone, and there are thousands of them, I will not kill anyone. This is what is important, that there are thousands of them. When thousands kill one, it means that one has won,” the girl reasons.

Sergei Golovin feels sorry for his young life. His fear was especially acute after physical exercise. While in freedom, he felt at these moments a special upsurge of cheerfulness. In the last hours, the hero feels as if he has been exposed: “There is no death yet, but there is no longer life, but there is something new, amazingly incomprehensible, and either completely devoid of meaning, or having meaning, but so deep, mysterious and inhuman that it is impossible to open it.” Every thought and every movement in the face of death seems madness to the hero. Time seems to stop for him, and at this moment both life and death simultaneously become visible to him. However, Sergei, through an effort of will, still forces himself to do gymnastics.

Vasily Kashirin rushes around the cell, suffering as if from a toothache. It is noteworthy that he held his own better than others when preparations were underway for a terrorist attack, as he was inspired by the feeling of affirming “his daring and fearless will.”

In prison, he is suppressed by his own powerlessness. Thus, L.N. Andreev shows how the situation with which the hero approaches death affects the person’s very perception of this event.

The most intelligent member of the terrorist group is Werner, who knows several languages, has an excellent memory and a strong will. He decided to take a philosophical approach to death, because he did not know what fear was. At the trial, Werner does not think about death or even about life, but plays a difficult chess game. At the same time, he is not at all stopped by the fact that he may not finish the game. However, before his execution, he still mourns his comrades.

Along with the terrorists, two more murderers were sentenced to execution: Ivan Yanson, the worker who sent his master to the next world, and the robber Mishka Tsyganka. Before his death, Janson withdraws into himself and repeats the same phrase all the time: “I don’t need to be hanged.” The gypsy is offered to become an executioner himself and thereby buy his own life, but he hesitates. Depicts L.N. in detail. Andreev’s torment of the hero, who either imagines himself as an executioner, or is horrified by these thoughts: “... It became dark and stuffy, and the heart became a piece of unmelting ice, sending out small dry tremors.” One day, in a moment of extreme mental weakness, Gypsy howls with a trembling wolf howl. And this animal howl amazes with the horror and sorrow reigning in the soul of the Gypsy. If Janson is constantly in the same detached state, then the Gypsy, on the contrary, is haunted by contrasts: he either begs for mercy, then swears, then cheers up, then he is overwhelmed by wild cunning. “His human brain, placed on the monstrously sharp line between life and death, fell apart like a lump of dry and weathered clay,” writes L.N. Andreev, thereby emphasizing the idea that the personality of a person sentenced to death begins to disintegrate during his lifetime. A recurring detail in the story is symbolic: “Yanson constantly adjusts the dirty red scarf around his neck. Tanya Kovalchuk suggests that the freezing Vasily Kashirin tie a warm scarf around his neck, and Musa rubs his woolen collar on his neck.”

The main idea of ​​the story is that each of us, in the face of death, must think about the main thing, that even the last minutes of human existence have a special meaning, perhaps the most important in life, revealing the essence of our personality. “The Tale of the Seven Hanged Men” was written in line with the mood of the early 20th century, when the theme of fate, fate, and the confrontation between life and death took center stage in literature. The threshold, the catastrophic nature, the loss of social supports - all these features determined the relevance of the story's problems.

Leonid Andreev

The Tale of the Seven Hanged Men

Dedicated to L. I. Tolstoy


Since the minister was a very obese man, prone to apoplexy, with all precautions, avoiding causing dangerous excitement, he was warned that a very serious attempt was being prepared on his life. Seeing that the minister greeted the news calmly and even with a smile, they also reported the details: the assassination attempt was to take place the next day, in the morning, when he leaves with a report; several terrorists, already betrayed by the provocateur and now under the vigilant surveillance of detectives, must gather at the entrance at one o'clock in the afternoon with bombs and revolvers and wait for his exit. This is where they will be captured.

Wait,” the minister was surprised, “how do they know that I will go at one o’clock in the afternoon with a report, when I myself only found out about it the day before?”

The head of security waved his hands vaguely:

Exactly at one o'clock in the afternoon, Your Excellency.

Either surprised or approving of the actions of the police, who arranged everything so well, the minister shook his head and smiled gloomily with his thick dark lips; and with the same smile, obediently, not wanting to further interfere with the police, he quickly got ready and left to spend the night in someone else’s hospitable palace. Also taken away from the dangerous house, near which the bomb throwers will gather tomorrow, were his wife and two children.

While the lights were burning in a strange palace and friendly, familiar faces were bowing, smiling and indignant, the dignitary experienced a feeling of pleasant excitement - as if he had already been given or would now be given a great and unexpected reward. But the people left, the lights went out, and through the mirrored glass the lacy and ghostly light of electric lanterns lay on the ceiling and walls; a stranger to the house, with its paintings, statues and the silence that entered from the street, he himself was quiet and vague, he awakened an alarming thought about the futility of locks, guards and walls. And then at night, in the silence and loneliness of someone else’s bedroom, the dignitary became unbearably afraid.

He had something wrong with his kidneys, and with every strong excitement his face, legs and arms became filled with water and swollen, and from this he seemed to become even larger, even thicker and more massive. And now, towering over the crushed springs of the bed like a mountain of swollen meat, he, with the melancholy of a sick person, felt his swollen, as if someone else’s, face and persistently thought about the cruel fate that people were preparing for him. He remembered, one after another, all the recent terrible cases when bombs had been thrown at people of his dignitary and even higher position, and the bombs had torn bodies to shreds, splashed brains on dirty brick walls, knocked teeth out of their sockets. And from these Memories, one’s own corpulent, sick body, stretched out on the bed, seemed already alien, already experiencing the fiery force of an explosion; and it seemed as if the arms were separated from the body at the shoulders, the teeth were falling out, the brain was being divided into particles, the legs were going numb and lying obediently, with their toes up, like those of a dead person. He moved vigorously, breathed loudly, coughed so as not to resemble a dead man, surrounded himself with the living noise of ringing springs and a rustling blanket; and to show that he was completely alive, not a bit dead and far from death, like any other person, he loudly and abruptly boomed in the silence and loneliness of the bedroom:

Well done! Well done! Well done!

It was he who praised the detectives, the police and the soldiers, all those who protected his life and so timely, so cleverly prevented the murder. But moving, but praising, but smiling with a violent crooked smile to express his mockery of the stupid terrorist losers, he still did not believe in his salvation, in the fact that life would not suddenly, immediately, leave him. The death that people had planned for him and which was only in their thoughts, in their intentions, as if it was already standing here, and will stand, and will not leave until they are captured, the bombs are taken away from them and they are put in a strong prison . She stands in that corner and doesn’t leave - she can’t leave, like an obedient soldier, put on guard by someone’s will and order.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, Your Excellency! - the spoken phrase sounded, shimmering into all the voices: now cheerful and mocking, now angry, now stubborn and stupid. It was as if they had placed a hundred wound-up gramophones in the bedroom, and all of them, one after another, with the idiotic diligence of a machine, shouted out the words ordered to them:

At one o'clock in the afternoon, Your Excellency.

And this tomorrow’s “hour of the day”, which until so recently was no different from others, was only a calm movement of the hand along the dial of a gold watch, suddenly acquired an ominous conviction, jumped out of the dial, began to live separately, stretched out like a huge black pillar for the rest of its life. cutting in two. It was as if no other clocks existed either before or after him, and he alone, arrogant and self-important, had the right to some kind of special existence.

Well? What do you want? - the minister asked angrily through clenched teeth.

The gramophones screamed:

At one o'clock in the afternoon, Your Excellency! - And the black pillar grinned and bowed.

Gritting his teeth, the minister rose up in bed and sat down, resting his face in his palms - he could not sleep that disgusting night.

And with terrifying brightness, clutching his face with his plump, perfumed palms, he imagined how tomorrow morning he would get up, knowing nothing, then drink coffee, knowing nothing, then get dressed in the hallway. And neither he, nor the doorman who served the fur coat, nor the footman who brought the coffee, would have known that it was completely pointless to drink coffee, put on a fur coat, when in a few moments all this: the fur coat, and his body, and the coffee in it, will be destroyed by explosion, taken by death. Here the doorman opens the glass door... And it is he, the sweet, kind, affectionate doorman, who has blue soldier’s eyes and medals all over his chest, who opens the terrible door with his own hands - he opens it because he knows nothing. Everyone smiles because they don't know anything.

Wow! - he suddenly said loudly and slowly moved his palms away from his face.

And, looking into the darkness, far in front of him, with a stopped, intense gaze, he just as slowly extended his hand, groped for the horn and turned on the light. Then he got up and, without putting on his shoes, walked around someone else’s unfamiliar bedroom with his bare feet on the carpet, found another horn from the wall lamp and lit it. It became light and pleasant, and only the disturbed bed with the blanket falling to the floor spoke of some kind of horror that had not yet completely passed.

In nightwear, with a beard tousled from restless movements, with angry eyes, the dignitary looked like any other angry old man who has insomnia and severe shortness of breath. It was as if the death that people were preparing for him had exposed him, torn him away from the pomp and impressive splendor that surrounded him - and it was difficult to believe that he had so much power, that this body of his, such an ordinary, simple human body, should have It’s scary to die in the fire and roar of a monstrous explosion. Without dressing and not feeling the cold, he sat down in the first chair he came across, propped up his tousled beard with his hand and concentratedly, in deep and calm thoughtfulness, stared with his eyes at the unfamiliar stucco ceiling.

So that's the thing! So that's why he was so scared and so excited! So that's why she stands in the corner and doesn't leave and can't leave!

Fools! - he said contemptuously and weightily.

Fools! - he repeated louder and slightly turned his head towards the door so that those to whom this concerned could hear. And this applied to those whom he recently called well done and who, in excess of zeal, told him in detail about the impending assassination attempt.

Well, of course,” he thought deeply, with a suddenly stronger and smoother thought, “now that they told me, I know and I’m scared, but then I wouldn’t know anything and would calmly drink coffee. Well, and then, of course, this death - but am I really so afraid of death? My kidneys hurt, and I will die someday, but I’m not afraid, because I don’t know anything. And these fools said: at one o'clock in the afternoon, Your Excellency. And they thought, fools, that I would be happy, but instead she stood in the corner and did not leave. Doesn't go away because it's my thought. And it is not death that is terrible, but the knowledge of it; and it would be completely impossible to live if a person could quite accurately and definitely know the day and hour when he would die. And these fools warn: “At one o’clock in the afternoon, Your Excellency!?”

1. General provisions

1.1. The head of the subscriber department belongs to the category of managers.

1.2. The head of the subscriber department is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order of the head of the organization on the proposal of the deputy head of the organization (other official).

1.3. A person with a higher technical or engineering-economic education and work experience in the specialty of at least 3 years is appointed to the position of head of the subscriber department.

1.4. In his activities, the head of the subscriber department is guided by:

— regulatory legal acts, other guidelines and methodological materials on the organization of operational management;

— Charter of the organization;

- orders, instructions from the head of the organization;

- this job description.

1.5. The head of the customer service department must know:

— regulatory legal acts on housing policy issues, other guidelines and methodological documents on the organization of operational management;

— means of mechanizing operational accounting;

— water measuring equipment;

— technical characteristics of devices, rules of their operation;

— organization of accounting of settlements with subscribers;

— the possibility of using computer technology for accounting;

— organization of metrological support;

— basics of economics, organization of labor and management;

— rules for formalizing contractual relations;

— basics of labor legislation of the Republic of Belarus;

— rules and regulations of labor protection and fire safety.

1.6. In the event of the temporary absence of the head of the subscriber department, his duties are performed by a person appointed by order of the head of the organization, who is responsible for their proper execution.

2. Job responsibilities

The head of the customer service department performs the following duties:

2.1. Manages the work on settlements with subscribers for the supply of drinking water and sewerage services.

2.2. Provides collection of funds for water and sewerage services.

2.3. Organizes the work of controllers.

2.4. Monitors the correct application by controllers of current tariffs, water consumption standards, established codes, and the accuracy of their settlements with subscribers.

2.5. Provides replacement of water meters and performance of work related to the examination of subscribers.

2.6. Monitors the timely and correct preparation of linear accounting books and accounts.

2.7. Considers complaints and statements from subscribers.

2.8. Organizes accounting of work submitted by inspectors, operational accounting of water sold.

2.9. Checks and endorses timesheets and account registers.

2.10. Supervises the preparation of inventories.

2.11. Ensures compliance with established rules for maintaining linear accounting books.

2.12. Organizes work on rationalization and invention.

2.13. Prepares requests for materials, equipment, personal protective equipment.

2.14. Monitors compliance with the rules of technical operation of equipment and devices, labor safety rules.

The head of the customer service department has the right:

3.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the organization’s management regarding the activities of the subscriber department.

3.2. Submit proposals for improving the work of the customer service department for consideration by the organization's management.

3.3. Within your competence, inform your immediate supervisor about all shortcomings in the activities of the organization (structural unit, individual employees) identified in the performance of their official duties, and make proposals for their elimination.

3.4. Sign and endorse documents within your competence.

3.5. Submit for consideration by the head of the organization proposals on the appointment, relocation, dismissal of employees of the subscriber department, proposals for their encouragement or the imposition of penalties on them.

3.6. Require the management of the organization to provide assistance in the performance of their official duties and rights.

3.7. Represent the interests of the organization in relations with other structural divisions and third-party organizations on issues within its competence.

4. Relationships (connections by position)

4.1. The head of the subscriber department is directly subordinate to the deputy head of the organization (other official).

4.2. The head of the subscriber department interacts with the heads of all structural divisions of the organization on issues within his competence.

5. Performance evaluation and responsibility

5.1. The results of the work of the head of the subscriber department are assessed by the deputy head of the organization (other official).

5.2. The head of the customer service department is responsible for:

— failure to perform (improper performance) of one’s official duties;

— non-compliance with internal labor regulations, rules and regulations of labor protection and fire safety;

— incorrect use and incomplete use of the granted rights;

— poor performance of duties by employees subordinate to him;

— low performance and labor discipline of employees subordinate to him;

— causing material damage to the organization — in accordance with current legislation.

Note. The job description for the head of the subscriber department was developed on the basis of the Unified Qualification Directory of Employee Positions, Section 8 “Housing and Communal Services and Consumer Services”, Issue 23 “Positions of Employees Employed in Housing and Communal Services”, Section “Water Supply and Sewage Services” (approved by the resolution Ministry of Labor of the Republic of Belarus dated May 26, 2000 No. 84), and is designed in accordance with the requirements of the State Standard of the Republic of Belarus 6.38-2004 “Unified documentation systems. System of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for the preparation of documents" (approved by the resolution of the Committee on Standardization, Metrology and Certification under the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated December 21, 2004 No. 69, included in the Unified System of Organizational and Administrative Documentation (USORD), approved by the order of the Department of Archives and Records Management of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus dated May 14. 2007 No. 25).

September 30, 2008

Alla Maslina, economist

Job descriptions for managers of housing and communal services enterprises

Chief Engineer's Instructions

I. General provisions

1. The chief engineer belongs to the category of managers.
2. The chief engineer is the first deputy director of the enterprise and is responsible for the results and efficiency of the enterprise’s production activities.
3. A person with a higher professional (technical) education and work experience in his specialty in management positions in the relevant industry profile of the enterprise for at least 5 years is appointed to the position of chief engineer.

Job description of the head of the subscriber department

Appointment to the position of chief engineer and dismissal from it are made by order of the director of the enterprise.
5. The chief engineer must know:
5.1. Legislative and regulatory legal acts regulating the production, economic and financial-economic activities of the enterprise, resolutions of federal, regional and local government authorities and management, defining priority directions for the development of the economy and the relevant industry.
5.2. Organizational and administrative documents and regulatory materials of other bodies relating to the activities of the enterprise.
5.3. Profile, specialization and features of the enterprise structure.
5.4. Prospects for technical, economic and social development of the industry and business plan of the enterprise.
5.5. Production capacity of the enterprise.
5.6. Technology of production of the enterprise's products.
5.7. The procedure for drawing up and approving plans for the production and economic activities of an enterprise.
5.8. Market methods of business management and enterprise management.
5.9. The procedure for concluding and executing economic and financial contracts.
5.10. Scientific and technical achievements in the relevant industry and the experience of leading enterprises.
5.11. Economics, organization of labor, production and management.
5.12. Fundamentals of environmental legislation.
5.13. Fundamentals of labor legislation.
5.14. Rules and regulations of occupational health, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

6. The chief engineer reports directly to the director of the enterprise.
7. The chief engineer manages the technical services of the enterprise.
8. During the absence of the chief engineer (vacation, illness, business trip, etc.), his duties are performed by a deputy (in his absence, a person appointed in the prescribed manner), who acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for their proper execution.

II. Job responsibilities

Chief Engineer:
1. Determines the technical policy and directions of technical development of the enterprise in a market economy, ways of reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing production, the level of specialization and diversification of production for the future.
2. Ensures the necessary level of technical preparation of production and its constant growth, increasing production efficiency and labor productivity, reducing costs (material, financial and labor), rational use of production resources, high quality and competitiveness of manufactured products, works or services, compliance of manufactured products with existing ones state standards, technical conditions and technical aesthetics requirements, as well as their reliability and durability.
3. In accordance with the approved business plans of the enterprise for the long and medium term, manages the development of measures for the reconstruction and modernization of the enterprise, preventing the harmful effects of production on the environment, careful use of natural resources, creating safe working conditions and improving the technical culture of production.
4. Organizes the development and implementation of plans for the introduction of new equipment and technology, carrying out organizational and technical activities, research and development work.
5. Ensures the effectiveness of design solutions, timely and high-quality preparation of production, technical operation, repair and modernization of equipment, achieving high quality products in the process of its development and production.
6. Based on modern achievements of science and technology, the results of patent research, as well as best practices, taking into account market conditions, organizes work to improve the range and quality, improve and update manufactured products, work (services), equipment and technology, create fundamentally new competitive types of products, on the design and implementation of means of complex mechanization and automation of technological processes, control and testing of high-performance specialized equipment, the development of standards for the labor intensity of products and standards for the consumption of materials for their production, the consistent implementation of savings and cost reduction.
7. Monitors compliance with design, engineering and technological discipline, rules and regulations on labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire safety, requirements of environmental, sanitary authorities, as well as bodies exercising technical supervision.
8. Ensures timely preparation of technical documentation (drawings, specifications, technical conditions. Technological maps).
9. Concludes agreements with research, design (engineering and technological) organizations and higher educational institutions for the development of new equipment and production technology, projects for the reconstruction of the enterprise, its divisions, renovation and modernization of equipment, comprehensive mechanization and automation of production processes, automated control systems production, exercises control over their development, organizes the consideration and implementation of technical re-equipment projects developed by third-party organizations, and draws up applications for the purchase of equipment on leasing terms.
10. Coordinates work on issues of patent and invention activity, unification, standardization and certification of products, certification and rationalization of jobs, metrological support, mechanical and energy maintenance of production.
11. Takes measures to improve the organization of production, labor and management based on the introduction of the latest technical and telecommunication means for performing engineering and management work.

Organizes scientific research and experiments, testing of new equipment and technology, as well as work in the field of scientific and technical information, rationalization and invention, dissemination of advanced production experience.
13. Works to protect the priority of implemented scientific and technical solutions, prepare materials for their patenting, obtain licenses and intellectual property rights.
14. Organizes training and advanced training for workers and engineers and ensures continuous improvement of personnel training.
15. Manages the activities of the technical services of the enterprise, monitors the results of their work, the state of labor and production discipline in subordinate departments.
16. During the absence of the director of the enterprise, he performs his duties and uses his rights, and is responsible for their proper execution and use.

The chief engineer has the right:
1. Act on behalf of the technical services of the enterprise, represent the interests of the enterprise in relations with other structural divisions of the enterprise, organizations and government bodies.
2. Request and receive the necessary information from the heads of structural divisions of the enterprise and specialists.
3. Check the activities of the structural divisions of the enterprise in the field of technical preparation of production.
4. Participate in the preparation of draft orders, instructions, directions, as well as estimates, contracts and other documents related to the production activities of the enterprise.
5. Interact with the heads of all structural divisions on issues of production activities of the enterprise.
6. Give instructions to the heads of structural divisions of the enterprise on production issues.
7. Within the limits of their competence, sign and endorse documents; issue, with his signature, orders for the enterprise on issues of production activities.
8. Independently conduct correspondence with structural divisions of the enterprise as well as other organizations on issues within its competence.
9. Make proposals to the director of the enterprise on bringing officials to material and disciplinary liability based on the results of inspections.

IV. Responsibility

The chief engineer is responsible for:
1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The job description has been developed in accordance with

Head of structural unit

Head of Legal Department

(signature) (surname, initials)

I have read the instructions:
(signature) (surname, initials)

The job description of the director regulates labor relations. The document establishes the necessary qualification requirements for the employee: his skills, education, knowledge, skills, experience, describes the rules for appointment and dismissal from a position, defines the functional duties, responsibilities, and rights of the employee.

The standard form provided below can be used when drawing up a job description for the director of development, construction, production, project manager, store, artistic director of a cultural center, etc. A number of provisions of the document may differ depending on the specifics of the organization’s activities.

I. General provisions

1. The director belongs to the “managers” category.

2. The dismissal or appointment of a director is carried out by decision of the general meeting of founders.

3. A person with a higher education and at least five years of experience in a managerial position is appointed to the position of director.

4. The director is directly subordinate to the meeting of founders.

5. During the director’s absence, his responsibility, functional duties, and rights are transferred to the deputy director, as reported in the organization’s order.

6. The director of the enterprise in his activities is guided by:

  • legislative acts, regulatory documents defining the production, economic, financial and economic activities of the organization;
  • orders and instructions from the management of the enterprise;
  • methodological materials regulating the activities of the organization;
  • Charter of the enterprise;
  • regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation;
  • internal labor regulations, other regulations of the organization;
  • this job description.

7. The director must know:

  • legislative and regulatory legal acts regulating the activities of the organization;
  • tax, economic, civil, labor legislation;
  • production capacity of the enterprise, production technology;
  • procedure for concluding and executing contracts;
  • organizational structure of the enterprise;
  • methods of managing and managing an organization;
  • indicators that determine the position of the enterprise in the market;
  • management of the organization’s economy and finances, labor resources;
  • rules and regulations of labor protection.

II. Job responsibilities of the director

The director performs the following duties:

1. Establishes the work and effective interaction of all departments and production units. Directs their work to improve production, increase labor productivity, increase profits, quality and competitiveness of products.

2. Manages the production, business and economic activities of the organization.

3. Promotes the enterprise’s fulfillment of contractual obligations to state budgets, extra-budgetary funds, counterparties, and creditors.

4. Establishes economic and production activities based on standards of material, financial, and labor costs. Uses all types of resources rationally.

5. Establishes the correct balance between economic and administrative management methods in addressing issues of increasing production efficiency, stimulating the material interest and responsibility of employees.

Implements measures to provide the organization with qualified personnel, apply, develop their knowledge and experience, and ensure favorable, safe working conditions. Complies with environmental legislation requirements.

7. Ensures, together with the workforce and trade union organizations, the development, conclusion and implementation of collective agreements, adherence to labor and production discipline, and promotes the development of motivation and initiative of the enterprise’s employees.

8. Resolves issues related to the economic and production activities of the organization, entrusts the management of certain tasks to other officials.

9. Takes measures to protect the property interests of the enterprise in the courts and government bodies.

10. Promotes compliance with the rule of law in the work of the enterprise, the use of legal means for economic management and activities in market conditions, strengthening contractual and financial discipline, managing labor relations, and ensuring the investment attractiveness of the organization.

III. Rights

The director has the right:

1. Act on behalf of the organization without a power of attorney.

2. Represent the interests of the enterprise in relations with government agencies and contractors.

3. Endorse documents related to the activities of the organization.

4. Take part in the preparation and approval of documents.

5. Send recommendations and instructions to the heads of departments regarding the activities of the enterprise.

6. Establish official duties and powers of subordinate employees.

7. Obtain information necessary to perform your job duties.

Consider or reject proposals for:

  • personnel changes;
  • encouragement, disciplinary and financial penalties for employees;
  • improving the organization's performance.

9. Require the founders of the enterprise to provide conditions conducive to the performance of their official duties.

IV. Responsibility

The director is responsible for:

1. Consequences of decisions made.

2. Safety and use of enterprise property.

3. Financial and economic results of the organization’s activities.

4. Violation of regulations and governing documents of the enterprise.

5. Causing damage to the organization, its employees, the state, or contractors.

7. Improper performance of one’s official duties.

8. Unauthorized transfer or disclosure of personal information, trade secrets, confidential data.

9. Violation of safety rules, labor discipline, internal labor regulations, fire protection.

10. Conducting meetings and representations of the interests of the enterprise that are not authorized by management.

Job responsibilities of the employee The following job responsibilities are assigned to the engineer for landscaping, the appearance of buildings and structures, and public services: 2.1. Drawing up plans for the implementation of work on current maintenance, landscaping, landscaping, and festive decoration of the assigned territory. 2.2. Carrying out inspections, both scheduled and unscheduled, of compliance by individuals, individual entrepreneurs, legal entities with the requirements of the Landscaping Rules on the assigned territory. 2.3. Take part in the formation and placement of orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services on issues of current maintenance, landscaping, landscaping, and festive decoration of the assigned territory; collection and removal of solid household waste and garbage. 2.4.

Job Description for Residential Improvement Master


A housing and communal services foreman is a full-time employee of a utility company who is always visible and who is contacted in case of problems. The profession of housing and communal services master assumes that he receives residents and solves their problems within his competence, or explains how and who to contact.

Often the foreman is at the same time the caretaker of buildings and structures, determining where, first of all, it is necessary to repair the roof, restore the plaster of the facade of the house, replace the hatch on the well, etc. The profession of housing and communal services foreman provides this housing and communal services representative with the opportunity to command workers and be constantly on communications with management - receive tasks and report the situation.

Collection of job descriptions for housing and communal services workers.

Job description of a housing and communal services foreman The housing and communal services foreman belongs to the management team, his qualification level is specialist.

Responsibilities of a landscaping technician

Regulations on labor protection In the housing and communal services sector, the site foreman has to carry out work in various areas under his supervision, many of which require special attention to labor protection - installation, welding, masonry, excavation, electrical installation, etc. Even plastering and finishing must be done using only reliable and proven scaffolding, scaffolding, not to mention other work.

The labor safety instructions for the foreman of the housing and communal services section contain a lot of points, among them there should be all those that are taken into account by the Rules approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor dated 07/07/2015 No. 439N. Now this is the main document regulating safety and health in the housing and communal services sector.

The labor safety instructions for the housing and communal services section foreman contain the following main points:

  • conduct instructions provided for by law, with entries in logs;
  • require workers to undergo medical examination.

Job description for street cleaning specialist (sample form)

General provisions. Master of green management belongs to the category of managers. Appointment to the position and dismissal of a master of green management is carried out by order (instruction) of the head of the organization. A person with a higher professional (technical) education and work experience in production of at least 1 year or secondary is appointed to the position of master of green management professional (technical) education and work experience in production for at least 3 years. In the absence of professional education, work experience in production is at least 5 years. The green management master reports directly. The green management master has people subordinate to him.

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Salary level A huge list of responsibilities, a measure of responsibility, especially taking into account labor protection measures, make this position a difficult and difficult one. This is why in the housing and communal services sector there is such a high turnover of personnel in this position, and there are always vacancies.

The salary level for a housing and communal services section foreman is as follows:

  • in Moscow – 32-35 thousand rubles;
  • in St. Petersburg – 26-30 thousand rubles;
  • in Kaliningrad, Yekaterinburg – 25-28 thousand rubles;
  • in Tula – 22-25 thousand rubles.

A competent, efficient and disciplined site foreman in the housing and communal services sector is worth his weight in gold, because this is a job that requires not only special knowledge and the ability to use the regulatory and legislative framework, but also the ability to get along with people on both sides - both subordinates and residents. We hope that in our article you learned about what kind of profession a housing and communal services foreman is and what his responsibilities are.

Vacancies and work: “landscaping technician” in Moscow

Interact with managers and specialists of other departments, obtain the necessary information. 3.6. Freely visit organizations of various organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership on issues of current maintenance, landscaping and landscaping of the assigned territory, collection and removal of household waste, garbage, festive decoration of buildings, structures, as well as the territory, organization and conduct of events for mass cleaning of the assigned territory and other issues within its competence.

3.7. Issue mandatory instructions to individuals, individual entrepreneurs, and legal entities to eliminate violations. 3.8. For systematic professional development. 3.9. Other rights provided for by labor legislation.

Jobs for landscaping technicians in Moscow: 81 vacancies

Compiled in copy. I approve (initials, surname) (name of the employer, (manager or other person, his organizational and legal authority to approve the form, address, telephone number, job description address) email, PSRN, INN/KPP) » » city N » » d. JOB DESCRIPTION for a street cleaning master (approximate form) 1.

GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. This job description defines the job duties, rights and responsibilities of a street cleaning master. 1.2. A street cleaning master is appointed and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation by order of the head of the organization.

1.3. A person with professional education and at least management experience is appointed to the position of street cleaning foreman. 1.4.

Job Description for Green Farm Master

Participate in discussions of issues related to the duties performed by him. 3.1.3. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in these instructions for consideration by management. 3.1.4.

Sign (endorse) documents within your competence. 3.1.5. Make proposals to the management of the organization to reward distinguished employees and impose penalties on violators of production and labor discipline.

Require the head of the organization to provide assistance in the performance of his official duties and rights. 3.1.7. Receive from heads of structural divisions, specialists information and documents necessary to perform their job duties.

3.1.8. . 4. RESPONSIBILITY 4.1. The street cleaning master is responsible for: 4.1.1.

Job descriptions for housing and communal services specialists

Engineer's instructions

I. General provisions

1. An engineer belongs to the category of specialists.
2. For the position:
- a person with a higher professional education is appointed as an engineer without presenting requirements for work experience;
- category III engineer - a person with a higher professional education and work experience as an engineer for at least 3 years;
- category II engineer - a person who has a higher professional education and work experience as an engineer of category III for at least 3 years;
- category I engineer - a person who has a higher professional education and work experience as an engineer of category II for at least 3 years.
3. Appointment to a position and dismissal from it are made by order
director of the enterprise upon recommendation (head of the relevant structural unit; other official)
4. The engineer must know:
4.1. Directive and administrative documents, methodological and regulatory materials on the work performed.
4.2. Prospects for technical development and features of the activity of the enterprise (divisions of the enterprise (workshop, site, etc.)).
4.3. Operating principles, technical characteristics, design features of developed and used technical means, materials and their properties.
4.4. Modern means of computing, communications and communication.
4.5. Research methods, rules and conditions for performing work.
4.6. Basic requirements for technical documentation, materials, products.
4.7. Current standards, technical conditions, regulations and instructions for the preparation and execution of technical documentation.
4.8. Methods for carrying out technical calculations and determining the economic efficiency of research and development.
4.9. Achievements of science and technology, advanced domestic and foreign experience in the relevant field of activity.
4.10. Fundamentals of economics, labor organization and management.
4.11. Fundamentals of labor legislation.

Housing and communal services management company: staff structure, composition of positions and scheme

Internal labor regulations.
4.13. Rules and regulations of occupational health, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.
5. The engineer reports directly (to the head of the relevant structural unit; other official)
6. During the engineer’s absence (illness, vacation, business trip, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner. This person acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

II. Job responsibilities

1. Using computer technology, communications and communications, performs work in the field of scientific and technical activities in design, construction, information services, organization of production, labor and management, metrological support, technical control, etc.
2. Develops methodological and regulatory documents, technical documentation, as well as proposals and measures for the implementation of developed projects and programs.
3. Conducts a technical and economic analysis, comprehensively substantiates decisions made and implemented, seeks opportunities to shorten the cycle of work (services), assists in preparing the process for their implementation, providing enterprise departments with the necessary technical data, documents, materials, equipment, etc.
4. Participates in research, development of projects and programs of the enterprise (divisions of the enterprise) in carrying out activities related to testing equipment and putting it into operation, as well as carrying out work on standardization of technical means, systems, processes, equipment and materials, in consideration technical documentation and preparation of the necessary reviews, feedback, conclusions on the work performed.

Study and analyze information, technical data, indicators and work results, summarize and systematize them, carry out the necessary calculations using modern electronic computer technology.
6. Draws up work schedules, orders, applications, instructions, explanatory notes, maps, diagrams and other technical documentation, as well as established reporting according to approved forms and within established deadlines.
7. Provides methodological and practical assistance in the implementation of projects and programs, plans and contracts.
8. Carries out examination of technical documentation, supervision and control over the condition and operation of equipment.
9. Monitors compliance with established requirements, applicable norms, rules and standards.
10. Organizes work to improve the scientific and technical knowledge of employees.
11. Promotes the development of creative initiative, rationalization, invention, the introduction of achievements of domestic and foreign science and technology, and the use of best practices that ensure the effective operation of the organization.
12. Performs individual official assignments of his immediate superior.

The engineer has the right:
1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning its activities.
2. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in this job description for management’s consideration.
3. Inform your immediate supervisor about all shortcomings in the production activities of the enterprise (its structural divisions) identified during the performance of your official duties and make proposals for their elimination.
4. Request personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor from the heads of departments of the enterprise and specialists for information and documents necessary to fulfill his official duties.
5. Involve specialists from all (individual) structural units in solving the tasks assigned to it (if this is provided for by the regulations on structural units, if not, then with the permission of management).
6. Demand that the management of the enterprise provide assistance in the performance of its official duties and rights.

IV. Responsibility

The engineer is responsible for:
1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Job descriptions of the deputy director of housing and communal services


1.1. The Deputy Director of Housing and Communal Services (hereinafter referred to as the “Employee”) is a manager.
1.2. This job description defines the functional responsibilities, rights, duties, responsibilities, working conditions, relationships (positional connections) of the Employee, criteria for assessing his business qualities and work results when performing work in his specialty and directly at the workplace in "______________" (hereinafter referred to as " Employer").

An employee is appointed to a position and dismissed from a position by order of the director in the manner prescribed by current labor legislation.
1.4. The employee reports directly to the sole executive body of the Employer.
1.5. The employee must know:
resolutions, instructions, orders, normative documents and guidance materials of higher and other bodies relating to the activities of housing organizations;
rules and regulations for the technical operation of housing stock;
fundamentals of economics, labor organization and management; basics of labor legislation;
rules and regulations of labor protection and fire safety.
1.6. Qualification requirements. Higher professional education and work experience in the specialty in engineering, technical and management positions for at least 5 years.


2.1. Organizes work to preserve and maintain the housing stock in good condition in accordance with the rules and regulations of technical operation, ensures uninterrupted operation of equipment and devices in residential buildings, proper maintenance of external improvement elements, compliance with sanitary, technical and fire safety regulations.
2.2. Organizes work on preventive inspection of the housing stock and its scheduled and extraordinary routine repairs.
2.3. Monitors the timely preparation of residential buildings for winter. Ensures the implementation of established plans and cost-effective management of housing, timely receipt of apartment and rent payments.
2.4. Organizes the development of measures to reduce operating costs and reduce labor costs for maintaining the housing stock.
2.5. Takes measures to strengthen the material and technical base of the housing maintenance organization, the safety and proper use of equipment and materials.
2.6. Ensures timely submission of economic and financial plans, estimates, accounting reports and balance sheets of the housing maintenance organization to higher authorities.
2.7. Monitors compliance with deadlines for concluding residential lease agreements, as well as certification of the housing stock.
2.8. Monitors the correct use, accounting and distribution of office space, as well as compliance with the passport regime.
2.9. Organizes cultural and educational work with children and adolescents at their place of residence, and competitions between residents for exemplary maintenance of residential buildings.

Receives residents.
2.11. Takes measures to provide the housing maintenance organization with qualified personnel, to make the best use of the knowledge and experience of workers, to create healthy and safe working conditions, to improve their housing, cultural and living conditions.


3.1. The employee has the right to:
— management of subordinates;
- providing him with work stipulated by the employment contract;
— a workplace that complies with state regulatory requirements for labor protection and the conditions provided for by the collective agreement;
— timely and full payment of wages in accordance with their qualifications, complexity of work, quantity and quality of work performed;
— rest provided by the establishment of normal working hours, reduced working hours for certain professions and categories of workers, the provision of weekly days off, non-working holidays, paid annual leave;
— complete reliable information about working conditions and labor protection requirements in the workplace;
— professional training, retraining and advanced training in the manner established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws;
— association, including the right to create trade unions and join them to protect their labor rights, freedoms and legitimate interests;
— conducting collective negotiations and concluding collective agreements, as well as information on the implementation of the collective agreement and agreements;
— protection of one’s labor rights, freedoms and legitimate interests by all means not prohibited by law;
— compensation for harm caused to him in connection with the performance of his job duties, and compensation for moral damage in the manner established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws;
— compulsory social insurance in cases provided for by federal laws;
— obtaining materials and documents related to their activities.


4.1. The employee is obliged:
— conscientiously fulfill his labor duties assigned to him by the employment contract and job description;
— comply with internal labor regulations;
— maintain labor discipline;
— comply with established labor standards;
— comply with labor protection and occupational safety requirements;
— take care of the property of the Employer (including the property of third parties held by the Employer, if the Employer is responsible for the safety of this property) and other employees;
— immediately inform the Employer or immediate supervisor about the occurrence of a situation that poses a threat to the life and health of people, the safety of the Employer’s property (including the property of third parties held by the Employer, if the Employer is responsible for the safety of this property).


5.1. The employee is responsible for:
— failure to fulfill one’s duties;
— inaccurate information about the status of the work;
— failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions of the Employer;
— violation of safety rules and labor protection instructions, failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety rules, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the Employer and its employees;
— failure to comply with labor discipline.
5.2. The employee bears full individual financial responsibility in accordance with the contract concluded with him.


6.1. The Employee’s work schedule is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established by the Employer.
6.2. Due to production needs, the Employee is required to go on business trips (including local ones).
6.3. Characteristics of working conditions in the workplace: ____________________.
6.4. The Employee is familiar with the Employer's provisions on official and commercial secrets and undertakes not to disclose them (indicated if necessary).
6.5. __________________________________________________________________
(additional conditions that do not worsen the Employee’s position under

comparison with those established by labor legislation and other regulatory

legal acts containing labor law norms, collective

contract, agreements, local regulations)


7.1. At work, the Employee interacts with ___________________________________
(divisions and employees,

from whom he receives and to whom he transfers materials, information, their composition

and the timing of the transfer, with whom he interacts during the execution of the work)

7.2. In emergency situations, the Employee interacts with _________________
(units that eliminate accidents

and consequences of emergency incidents)

7.3. During the period of temporary absence of the Employee, his duties
are assigned to _____________________________________.
(job title)

Job descriptions in housing and communal services

The Employee is subordinate to: ______________________________.


8.1. The criteria for assessing the Employee’s business qualities are:
work experience in the specialty;
professional competence, expressed in the best quality of work performed;
the ability to predict and plan, organize, coordinate and regulate, as well as monitor and analyze the work of subordinates;
level of labor discipline;
the ability to adapt to a new situation and apply new approaches to solving emerging problems;
labor intensity (the ability to cope with a large volume of work in a short time);
ability to work with documents;
the ability to master technical means in a timely manner that increase labor productivity and quality of work;
work ethics, communication style;
creativity, entrepreneurship;
ability to adequate self-esteem;
showing initiative in work, performing work of a higher qualification;
increasing individual output;
rationalization proposals;
practical assistance to newly hired employees without securing mentoring by a corresponding order;
high work culture at a particular workplace.
8.2. The results of the work and the timeliness of its completion are assessed according to the following criteria:
results achieved by the Employee in performing the duties provided for in the job description and employment contract;
quality of completed work;
timely performance of job duties.
fulfillment of standardized tasks, level of labor productivity.
8.3. Assessment of business qualities and work results is carried out on the basis of objective indicators, the motivated opinion of the immediate supervisor and colleagues.