From what age can inhalations be used? Inhalations with saline in a nebulizer for children. Dosage, reviews. Age category of children predisposed to inhalation

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Inhalation today is called the most effective way to treat respiratory diseases. Compared to pills and syrups, this method has obvious superiority. Firstly, the sprayed medicine comes into contact with almost the entire surface of the mucous membrane, is absorbed faster into the blood and, as a result, gives a better result and a speedy recovery. Secondly, the effect of drugs goes directly to the respiratory tract, bypassing the long route of taking the drug through the stomach. Thirdly, with the help of inhalation, microbes are removed from the respiratory system more quickly, which makes it easier to remove mucus and phlegm.


In this regard, the nebulizer has received great recognition among doctors and patients. This device converts medications into an aerosol and delivers it into the patient's respiratory tract. Thanks to this device, today inhalation therapy is available not only in physiotherapy rooms of medical institutions - it is easy and convenient to use a nebulizer at home.

Patients of all ages can use inhalation to prevent attacks of bronchial asthma, to facilitate breathing and improve inhalation speed, to speed up the discharge of sputum during acute respiratory diseases.

Along with other types of inhalations, nebulizer inhalation is the safest, most comfortable and modern.

The device provides a continuous supply of medication, and therefore there is no need to take deep breaths. Another of the most important advantages of nebulizers is that they do not use propellants - substances that create pressure to ensure atomization.


In the treatment of what diseases is the use of a nebulizer effective?

Inhalations are used not only as a means of combating and eliminating the disease, but also as preventive measures to maintain immunity and to treat fungal infections of the mucous membrane. The range of diseases that can be treated using the inhalation method is quite wide; it can be divided into several groups.

  • The first group includes diseases that manifest themselves in attacks and require immediate intervention. In case of exacerbation of allergic and asthmatic diseases, inhalation is considered the main method of administering a medication. The drug for inhalation is prescribed by an allergist.
  • The second group includes chronic inflammatory pathologies of the respiratory tract: chronic bronchitis, chronic rhinitis and others. The presence of a nebulizer is especially important in families where there are small children who are susceptible to frequent colds. Giving a child inhalation to treat a cough means speeding up the healing process. Since inhalation is a local therapy, the effect of the medicine goes directly to the sites of the disease.
  • The third group includes acute respiratory diseases: laryngitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis.
  • The fourth group is diseases associated with professional activities. Such dangerous professions include actors, miners, chemists, etc.
  • The fifth group is diseases of the nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular and other systems.

For what cough?Is it recommended to do inhalation?

Let's take a closer look at the question of what kind of cough can be treated with inhalations. Most often, inhalations are used for dry tracheitis cough that occurs against the background of ARVI, which is accompanied by a sore throat and damage to the vocal cords. In this case, inhalation therapy relieves laryngeal swelling.
Wet coughs also respond well to inhalation treatment. When treating a wet cough, it is necessary to liquefy difficult-to-separate sputum and remove it from the bronchi as quickly as possible. For dry and wet cough, doctors often prescribe inhalation with ambrohexal. The drug belongs to the group of mucolytics and mucoregulators and promotes the formation of mucus. Inhalation with fluimucil is used only for viscous sputum to improve expectoration. Ambrobene is also used for inhalation in acute and chronic respiratory diseases with the release of viscous sputum. Ventolin-based inhalations are suitable for the prevention and symptomatic treatment of bronchial asthma, as well as to eliminate asthma attacks. Dioxidin has broad-spectrum disinfectant properties. Typically, inhalations with dioxidine are prescribed for long-term illness after the ineffectiveness of other drugs.
The treatment regimen and composition of the solution are determined only by the doctor.

How to use a nebulizer correctly?

Before inhalation, you must first wash your hands thoroughly with soap to avoid contamination of germs. Then you need to connect all parts of the device, carefully studying the attached instructions. After this, the required amount of medicinal substance (at least 5 ml) is poured into the nebulizer cup. Initially, saline solution is infused, then the required dose of medication. Only sterile needles and syringes should be used for refilling. When everything is ready for the procedure, a mask is put on and inhalation therapy can begin. It is important to be sure of the suitability of the drug, so you need to check the expiration date every time.
Many people are interested in the question: how many minutes does it take to inhale with a nebulizer? The procedure should be carried out until the medicinal solution is completely consumed. In total it takes no more than 10 minutes. The duration of one course should not exceed this time. After finishing, all parts of the nebulizer are washed under hot water without using any improvised means (brushes or pipe cleaners), using a regular soap solution.
The device must be sterilized once a week: this must be done either in a specially designed thermal disinfector, or by boiling for at least 10 minutes (if such a method is allowed in the instructions for your nebulizer), or using disinfectants from the “Dezavid” line. The washed and dried nebulizer is stored in a clean, dry towel or napkin.

Rules for inhalation with a nebulizer

Inhalations will give the desired effect after just a few procedures. However, not everyone knows how to properly do inhalation using a nebulizer. There are a number of rules that cannot be ignored:

  1. You need to start inhalation 1-1.5 hours after eating and performing serious physical activity;
  2. during the procedure you should not be distracted by reading or talking;
  3. clothing should not restrict the neck area, so as not to impede breathing;
  4. Smoking is not recommended during inhalation therapy;
  5. for diseases of the nasopharynx, nose or paranasal sinuses, it is recommended to carry out nasal inhalation (it is best to inhale the aerosol through the nose), using a mask or special nozzles;
  6. for diseases of the pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs, the aerosol should be inhaled through the mouth, while breathing evenly. Taking a deep breath, you need to try to hold your breath for 2 seconds and calmly exhale through your nose;
  7. before inhalation, you do not need to take medications that improve sputum discharge, or rinse your mouth with antiseptics;
  8. After the procedure, you should rinse your mouth with boiled water cooled to room temperature. If a mask was used for inhalation, it is also necessary to rinse the face and eyes;
  9. Eating, drinking and talking is prohibited for 15-20 minutes after inhalation;
  10. Inhalations with medications should be carried out up to 3 times a day.

When to do inhalationschild?

Most often, children are prescribed nebulizer inhalation for obstructive bronchitis. Procedures using medications can only be carried out as prescribed by a doctor and in strict accordance with the pediatrician’s recommendations. The duration of inhalations for children under 5 years of age should be 3 minutes, frequency - 1-2 times a day. You can treat a child with inhalation for any type of cough.

When should the inhalation method not be used?

Despite the effectiveness of inhalations, there are a number of contraindications for inhalation treatment. The method cannot be used if the patient has:

  • tendency to nose and lung bleeding;
  • purulent sore throat;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (heart failure, myocardial infarction, hypertension, stroke);
  • pathologies of the respiratory system.

Thus, each specific case is individual. Before inhalation, it is better to consult with your doctor to identify contraindications.

For inhalation with a nebulizer, pharmaceuticals produce special medicinal solutions for various purposes. Some are used to thin sputum, others are used as antibiotics and antiseptics, an allergist in Minsk prescribes them as antiallergic, and so on. All drugs and their dosage are determined exclusively by the doctor, who monitors the effectiveness of their effects during treatment.
It is prohibited to use oils in nebulizers, as they increase the risk of developing allergies (the pediatric allergist should warn you before starting treatment) and the occurrence of so-called “oil pneumonia.” For oil inhalations, a special steam inhaler is used.
Suspensions and syrups cannot be used in most devices - their use can lead to damage to the device. Self-prepared decoctions and infusions of herbs must be filtered with special care so that no suspended particles remain in the solution.

Any mother has encountered a child's cold - acute respiratory diseases very often plague both children and adults. Seeing how difficult it is for babies to endure illness - they have difficulty breathing and suckling, or have a sore throat - many parents are thinking about buying a nebulizer for children, which, according to reviews on the Internet, treats and significantly alleviates the symptoms of ARVI or flu. Is this really so, and is it worth buying an expensive device? Let’s figure it out together.

Nebulizer - let's defeat colds and coughs together!

What is a nebulizer?

This word refers to a special device that makes it easy to inhale medications for children. Nebulizers break medicinal solutions into tiny particles (aerosols) up to 5 microns in size. Such aerosols penetrate well even into the lower respiratory tract.

Nebulizers come in several types depending on the mechanism of spraying the medicine:

If you haven’t bought it yet, but are just choosing a device, there are different models of nebulizers from different manufacturers. The reviews contain real photographs, and some even have small video reviews.

For compressor devices, also check the type of nebulizer chamber: a direct-flow (convection) chamber has large losses of the drug on exhalation (up to 70%), since the nebulizer constantly produces and sends an aerosol into the tube. That is, the baby exhales not only his own air, but also the resulting new portion of the aerosol. The problem of loss of medicinal particles is solved by chambers that are activated by inhalation. Losses in this type of chamber are no more than 10%.

Why does a nebulizer have a beneficial effect on respiratory infections?

This device has become popular due to its double action effect:

  • spraying of the smallest particles of the drug contributes to the uniform distribution of the drug throughout the respiratory system, delivering the active substance even to its lower parts, increasing and prolonging the therapeutic effect;
  • inhaling water vapor improves the condition of the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs - mucus secretion increases, blood circulation in the capillaries increases, metabolism accelerates, which significantly helps the body in the fight against disease.

Together with a nebulizer, a runny nose and cough can be cured much faster.

That is, when you perform treatment with a nebulizer, you simultaneously take medicine and inhale water vapor, which is useful for inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract. So does a nebulizer really have no contraindications?


Very important: oil solutions are PROHIBITED for inhalation with nebulizers: Inhalation of tiny oil vapors can cause oil pneumonia due to the blockage of small bronchial passages. Oil pneumonia is extremely difficult to treat. Never use oils or oil solutions in nebulizers!

The use of oil solutions is strictly prohibited!

How to choose a good nebulizer

To buy a high-quality nebulizer, remember or write down the main technical characteristics. Find out about them from a consultant or read the instructions:

  • Nebulizer type(compressor or mesh are optimal), and for compressor - the type of chamber (preferably those that are activated by inhalation).
  • Tank capacity for medicine, that is, the maximum volume of solution that can be poured into it, is important when choosing compressor models: if this volume is exceeded, an aerosol will not be formed.
  • Performance- how much aerosol is produced per minute. For the treatment of children, this indicator is very important - children really do not like to do something for a long time. Choose nebulizers with higher performance.
  • Residual volume: during inhalation, not all of the solution turns into an aerosol due to the technical features of nebulizers. That is, some amount of the medicine will still be lost. But mesh nebulizers have no residual volume.

The trick: add saline solution (sold at the pharmacy, look for 100 ml vials) as the medicine evaporates, then you can significantly reduce losses due to residual volume. But the procedure time will increase.

On Russian shelves, nebulizers are presented in fairly wide price categories - from 1,500 rubles for a compressor device to 9,000 for a mesh.

The most common and trusted companies are OmronCompAir (from 2,300 rubles), MicrolifeNeb (from 4,000 rubles) and B.Well (about 3,000 rubles).

These models are the sales leaders in Russian online stores. They have an optimal price-quality ratio:

Fast delivery throughout Russia is possible.

Is it possible to do without a nebulizer?

Can! The bottom line is that inhalations, both folk recipes and medicines, can be carried out using basins or ladles, covered with a towel or bathing in a bath. For a common cold or seasonal flu, this is more than enough. But if someone in your family is prone to protracted or obstructive respiratory diseases, or there have been complications after infections, a nebulizer is worth buying, as it effectively delivers medications even to the lower sections of the bronchi.

If someone in the family suffers from chronic respiratory diseases, you cannot do without a nebulizer.

Solutions for various types of devices

Due to design features, not all inhalation solutions are suitable for different types of nebulizers. Let's look at the most commonly prescribed by doctors:

  1. Mucolytics(acetylcysteine, lazolvan, mucomist) - only for compressor and mesh nebulizers.
  2. Alkaline complexes(sodium chloride, sodium bicarbonate) - all types of devices;
  3. Antibacterial solutions(furacilin, dioxidin, malavit) - mesh and compressor types.
  4. Bronchodilators(, salbutamol, Berotec, Atrovent) - all types.
  5. Glucocorticosteroids(hydrocortisone) - all types of nebulizers.

Solutions for various diseases

Depending on the type of ailment, the doctor may prescribe various medications:

  • Sodium chloride, Borjomi type mineral water- inhalations are recommended for laryngitis, productive - 2-4 times a day through a mask.
  • Fluimucil, ACC injection- dilution and removal of sputum, recommended for difficult expectoration. Children 2-6 years old are usually prescribed 1-2 ml per procedure. Diluted with saline solution in a 1:1 ratio. Inhalations are given 1-2 times a day, the course is no more than 10 days. It is not recommended for use in therapy with antibiotics.
  • Lazolvan and Ambrobene- with viscous, difficult to expectorate sputum. For children under 2 years of age, the dosage is 1 ml, for older children - 2 ml per inhalation, diluted with saline 1:1. The course of inhalation with a nebulizer for cough is no more than 5 days. Do not use in combination with antitussives (sinecode, pertussin, falimint, codeine).

Lazolvan promotes the removal of sputum from the lungs.

  • Pertussin- cough, good for tracheitis, whooping cough,. Children under 10 years old - 1 ml per inhalation, diluted in 2 ml of saline solution.
  • Fluimucil antibiotic- for infections of a confirmed bacterial nature (sore throat). For children, a quarter of the bottle for 1 procedure no more than twice a day. Store the bottle in the refrigerator on the door for no more than a day. Warm to room temperature before inhalation.
  • Dekasan- antimicrobial drug, indicated for sore throat, laryngopharyngitis. No more than 2 times a day, 1-2 ml, diluted with saline 1:2. The course of treatment is up to 5 days.
  • - antiseptic drug (complicated infections, their purulent forms). For children, the drug is diluted 1:2 (two parts of saline), the procedures are carried out 3 times a day.

It is used for complex forms, kills microbes, removes pus.

  • Tussamag- relieving the urge to cough with a non-productive cough. For children 1-5 years old, 1 ml of the medicine is diluted with 3 ml of saline solution. Inhale 3-4 ml of diluted solution no more than 3 times a day.
  • - bronchodilator, prevents asthma attacks, relieves spasm of the respiratory organs. Up to 6 years of age - 10 drops per 1 procedure, diluted with saline solution (about 3 ml), let the child breathe no more than 3 times a day.

When a child is sick, you cannot do without a blood test. Only in this way will the doctor be able to get a complete picture of the child’s health status. will tell you about what is going on inside the baby.

You also cannot do without a general urine test. This test is prescribed whenever the child feels unwell. An advanced mother should be able to decipher the result, and we will tell you how to read unfamiliar medical formulations.

How to carry it out so as not to cause harm

How to give inhalations to a child in order to cure them without scaring them? Rules for using the nebulizer:

  1. Do not inhale after eating, do not talk during the procedure.
  2. It should not be carried out when the baby has a high temperature.

When the baby has a fever, the procedure cannot be performed!

  1. When treating the upper respiratory tract, breathe through the nose through a mask.
  2. For diseases of the middle respiratory tract (throat), inhale and exhale through the mouth, using a mask.
  3. Treatment of the lower respiratory tract is through a tube.
  4. The use of oil solutions for inhalation with a nebulizer is prohibited!
  5. When using herbal decoctions, the mechanism of the device may become clogged; it is not recommended to inhale decoctions using a nebulizer.

Residues of grass may cause damage to the device.

  1. If the instructions for a drug say “for children over a certain age,” always consult your doctor; some medications (for example, vasoconstrictors) may be toxic to young children.

Young children are often afraid of new things, so always show yourself how to carry out the inhalation procedure. Let your baby look at the device, hold it, and press buttons. From the age of 1-1.5 years, children begin to actively imitate their adults, so demonstrate how much you like this procedure. Do not force your child to breathe for more than 7-10 minutes, otherwise the next time he will refuse to use the nebulizer. It is better to keep the inhalations shorter, but do them more often. It is more effective to do inhalations at bedtime.

“Children, drink milk, you will be healthy!” - this is what the well-known song says. However, many mothers are tormented by the question. Let's figure it out together. With a high temperature and cough, the baby should drink a lot. The best drink is warm tea. It promotes the removal of phlegm, removes toxins from the body and helps in the fight against viruses. At what age can you give tea to a baby, read.

When your baby is constipated, his stomach hurts and he cries constantly. Parents don’t know what to do to alleviate suffering; prune compote will come to the rescue. Anyone can cope with the preparation of a miraculous drink. Click here and we'll tell you how to do it.

Until recently, I associated the word “inhalation” with inhaling fumes from boiled potatoes. Now I know that this term hides not only traditional methods of treating respiratory diseases, but also the targeted use of special-purpose drugs.


It would seem, why are these inhalations needed if there is a huge amount of all kinds of tablets, syrups, suspensions and lozenges? Let's remember the school anatomy course: how does cough syrup, for example, work?

During inhalation, the medicine enters the respiratory tract directly, without a gastrointestinal intermediary. Moreover, preparations for inhalation and the size of the inhaled particles ensure that the active substances are absorbed into the mucous membrane almost instantly, therefore, the effect occurs faster.

At what age should I start?

If we are talking about the use of medical equipment - nebulizers, then their use can be started practically from the birth of the child. For such cases, the kit usually includes a special attachment (mask) for children.

Of course, inhalations should only be carried out as prescribed and under the supervision of a doctor. Typically, antibiotics or antiseptics are used in this way for acute diseases of the respiratory system, when it comes to urgent treatment.

For babies, you can also use inhalations with saline or mineral water. The effect in this case is similar to rinsing the nose with saline solution - humidification mucous membrane, promotion resistance to viral diseases.

It is very important to remember that the younger the child, the more caution should be used when using inhalations. expectorants.

The fact is that children under two years of age find it very difficult to cough up mucus, and inhalations help to liquefy and expel it. Therefore, under no circumstances should you do these procedures immediately before bed.

What can be treated

Obviously, with the help of inhalations, the respiratory tract is treated. Without an inhaler, the life of an asthmatic child is almost impossible. Also, some pediatricians recommend doing these procedures and for preventive purposes: before and after visiting kindergarten.

In most cases, inhalations are used to treat cough(dry and wet), swelling And copious discharge from the nasal cavity. As prescribed by the doctor, hormonal and antibacterial drugs can be “injected” into the respiratory tract in this way.


To be honest, before purchasing the nebulizer, I was sure that this device was difficult to use and not necessary for a child. Now I know for sure that treatment occurs many times faster and, importantly, more effectively with the help of inhalations.

In the following topics, I will share with you information on how to choose a nebulizer and how to use it correctly in everyday life.

Do you give inhalations to children?

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The effectiveness of inhalation therapy for respiratory pathologies has been proven by centuries of experience in the treatment of folk remedies. Science does not deny the effectiveness of inhalations.

The advantages of inhalation therapy for pathology of the respiratory system are undeniable, especially in relation to the treatment of children:

  • use of minimal dosages of medications;
  • immediate effect after treatment;
  • predominantly local action of the drug, minimizing systemic (general) action;
  • the child’s recovery occurs faster.

But for many, the word “inhalation” is associated with a saucepan with boiled potatoes or a kettle with herbal infusion and a huge towel, covered with which you need to breathe. Of course, this method of treatment is of little use for children due to the danger of burning the delicate mucous membrane.

Modern inhalers

Ultrasonic nebulizers are typically used in hospital settings.

Modern medicine has equipment for inhalation therapy that allows treatment of both adults and children safely, comfortably and painlessly. Such devices are nebulizers.

A nebulizer is a portable inhaler that converts liquid medicine using ultrasound or compressed air into an aerosol, tiny droplets (their size ranges from 0.5 to 10 microns). The device can be used in the treatment of acute and chronic diseases of the upper and lower airways.

Unlike single-drug inhalers used to relieve an attack, nebulizers can be filled and used multiple times and with different medications.

The area of ​​influence of nebulizer inhalation depends on the size of the resulting microparticles of the drug: the smaller their size, the deeper the inhaled drug substance penetrates. Thus, particles with a diameter of 8–10 microns have an effect; from 5 to 8 microns – droplets with a diameter of 3–5 microns enter, small bronchi (bronchioles) – from 1 to 3 microns, particles of 0.5–2 microns penetrate into the alveoli.

Purposes of using inhalations:

  • relieving bronchospasm;
  • increasing drainage function in the respiratory system;
  • sanitation of the respiratory tract at all levels;
  • relieving swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory system;
  • delivery of the drug to the desired part of the respiratory system;
  • relief of the inflammatory process;
  • stimulation of local immunity;
  • improvement of mucosal microcirculation.

Contraindications for inhalations:

  • severe respiratory failure;
  • nose and lung bleeding;
  • fever over 37.5 0 C;
  • cardiac arrhythmias;
  • drug intolerance.

How to choose the right nebulizer for children

Manufacturers offer 3 types of nebulizers: compressor, ultrasonic and membrane. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Learn more about the types of nebulizers and their scope of application. It is important to understand that the most expensive inhaler from a well-known brand does not mean that it is the best for children. It will be the device that will satisfy all the requirements and purposes of use.

Compact ultrasonic nebulizers

They are easy to use and safe for children. The device can operate both from the mains and from the battery. The mask allows the baby to inhale in both vertical and horizontal positions. Parents are attracted by the silent operation of the device, which does not scare away small children.

But there are restrictions on the use of drugs using an ultrasonic inhaler. Antibiotics, mucolytics, and hormones should not be used (they are destroyed under the influence of ultrasonic waves). In some models of the device it is also prohibited to use herbal decoctions and essential oils.

The disadvantage of the device is also the need to use additional accessories needed to process the medicine container. Considering the listed disadvantages, the ultrasonic nebulizer, despite the excellent fine atomization of drugs, cannot be considered a universal inhaler.

Compressor nebulizer

The most universal model is the compressor nebulizer.

It has a slightly larger size and weight and is noisier, which can be considered disadvantages of this type of inhaler. The medicine is sprayed under the influence of a powerful air stream. No additional accessories are required, but after 2 years of operation the sprayer and connecting tubes may need to be replaced.

The advantages of the device are:

  • reliability and ease of operation;
  • the possibility of using various medications, including hormones and antibiotics, the structure of which is not destroyed;
  • lower price of the device;
  • convenience for home use;
  • can be used to treat children from infancy.

The compressor inhaler is most suitable for children. The degree of dispersion of the drug at the outlet can be adjusted automatically (inhalation intensity) or using a special valve. Automatic adjustment allows you to clearly dose and control the consumption of expensive medications.

The device can be used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of various organs of the respiratory system, to relieve attacks of bronchial asthma or.

Membrane or mesh-electronic nebulizer (mesh inhaler)

The medicine is sprayed into it using a vibrating membrane with a huge number of microscopic holes.

The advantages of the inhaler are:

  • compactness and low weight (about 100 g);
  • silent operation;
  • economical use of medicine;
  • high degree of aerosol dispersion (almost 70% of particles have a size of up to 5 microns);
  • the ability to use medications of all types;
  • low power consumption;
  • Possibility of battery operation (2 AA batteries provide 4 hours of continuous inhalation).

The disadvantages of the device include the high cost of the device and strict adherence to the operating mode and rules for treating the membrane after use. If these rules are violated, the device becomes unusable. If we do not consider these disadvantages, then this version of the inhaler can be called ideal.

When choosing an inhaler, you should be guided by the purpose of its use. An ultrasonic inhaler can be purchased if inhalations are intended only with mineral water, saline solution or herbal decoctions. But you should remember that you cannot use antibiotics, hormones and mucolytics in this inhaler.

If a child suffers from bronchial asthma or cystic fibrosis, or experiences attacks of allergic cough, then ultrasonic inhalers are automatically eliminated. And when choosing another type of device, preference should be given to mobile models (with the ability to operate on battery power).

The choice between compressor and membrane devices depends on the financial condition of the family. If it is possible to buy an expensive device and provide careful care for it, a mesh inhaler will be optimal. In all other cases, buy a compressor nebulizer.

When choosing a specific model, you need to pay attention to the presence of a child’s mask with special valves that allow the child to breathe freely, without any strain. For very young children, toy models are produced in bright colors, some of which can make sounds. This allows you to distract the child from the noise of the working nebulizer.

You should pay attention to the expiration date of the inhaler (the longer it is, the higher the reliability of the device). When purchasing, it is important to inquire about the method of cleaning and disinfecting the device, and the need to replace parts of the device.

An important indicator of the device’s operation is the method of delivering the medication aerosol:

  • continuous supply, which leads to unnecessary consumption of medicine and the inability to control the dosage of the medicine received by the child;
  • with manual adjustment of the supply of medicine only during inspiration - an unacceptable method for children;
  • automatic regulation of aerosol supply only during inhalation using special valves makes it possible to target and economically use drugs.

Automatic models are most suitable for treating children, but they are more expensive.

How to use a nebulizer

We will talk about using an inhaler in detail. First, you need to carefully study the instructions for the purchased inhaler model. The medicine prescribed by the pediatrician in the appropriate dosage is poured into a special glass.

To dilute the medicine, you can only use saline solution! It cannot be diluted with distilled or boiled water (!), because the water will quickly be absorbed by the mucous membrane and swelling will develop, which will aggravate the child’s condition.

One procedure requires 3–6 ml of liquid medication. Under no circumstances should you try to add a crushed tablet to the solution - only special medications in liquid form are used.

The chamber (or cup) is closed. A tube or mask is attached to the outlet. The device turns on; inhalation is carried out from 5 to 20 minutes until the aerosol ceases to form.

If the procedure is carried out with an open valve, then the size of the drug particles is from 2 to 10 microns; when closed, the dispersion will be 0.5–2 microns. In this mode, the medicine quickly reaches the most distant parts of the bronchial tree.

The child should breathe normally and freely during the session. Forced inhalations can cause irritation of the mucous membranes and provoke a coughing attack.

After the procedure, the nebulizer is disconnected from the compressor. After each session, all parts of the device that came into contact with the medicine should be thoroughly washed with hot water using a disinfectant and detergent. Then you need to rinse well and dry with a soft cloth or hairdryer.

Medicines for inhalation with a nebulizer

Through a nebulizer, the medicine enters directly into the respiratory tract, bypassing the digestive tract and bloodstream.

Pharmacies sell ready-made medications for use in a nebulizer (nebulas). You can use saline solution (0.9% sodium chloride solution), alkaline mineral waters Narzan, Borjomi, Essentuki - previously degassed and heated to room temperature.

The following may only be used as prescribed by a pediatrician:

  • antiseptics furatsilin, dioxidin;
  • antibiotics Tobramycin, Gentamicin;
  • anesthetic lidocaine;
  • bronchodilators Berotek, Atroven, Salbutamol, Astalin, Salgim, Ventolin, Fenoterol, Salamol.
  • hormones Budesonide, Pulmicort, Cromohexal;
  • immunomodulator – dry leukocyte interferon;
  • mucolytics Ambroxol, Acetylcysteine, Lazolvan, Fluimucil, Ambrohexal, hypertonic solution;
  • herbal medicine Rotokan.

This list of drugs is sufficient for the treatment of respiratory diseases of an inflammatory and allergic nature in combination with other therapeutic purposes. But you cannot select them for treating children on your own!

There is also a list of drugs whose use in nebulizers is undesirable. This is due to the fact that not all of the inhaled drug remains in the respiratory tract. The mucous membrane in them is abundantly supplied with capillaries, which allows finely dispersed medicine to penetrate into the bloodstream.

For this reason, one should not strive for the smallest possible size of drug droplets in an aerosol: such microparticles will not linger on the bronchial mucosa, and, having reached the alveoli, will quickly penetrate into the blood, the local effect of the drug (the purpose of inhalation) will be minimal.

You should be very careful when using herbal infusions:

  • firstly, at home it is difficult to filter them efficiently so as not to introduce debris into the alveoli and cause damage to the inhaler;
  • secondly, herbs are among the strongest allergens and when used, instead of a therapeutic effect, you can get a very strong allergic reaction.

Despite the instructions in the instructions about the possibility of using essential oils in inhalations, you need to remember that these oils give a good effect in the treatment of the oropharynx and nasopharynx. Injected into the alveoli of the lungs, they cause the development of severe lipoid pneumonia.

Should not be used in any type of nebulizer:

  • Eufillin;
  • Papaverine;
  • Diphenhydramine;
  • Platyfillin;
  • Dexazone;
  • Prednisolone;
  • Hydrocortisone.

This is due to the fact that these drugs do not have a local effect at all or the effect is insignificant.

Summary for parents

Inhalations are a fairly effective method of treatment for respiratory pathologies in children. Modern nebulizer inhalers make the procedure easier and more accessible at home.

A properly selected nebulizer will serve for many years, accelerating the child’s recovery. But the inhaler should be used wisely; prescriptions for treating a child with inhalations should be obtained from a pediatrician. Experimenting with medication selection on your own is dangerous.

The drugs and products that are best used for inhalation for children using a nebulizer are listed in the “Doctor Komarovsky School” program:

Babies suffer from the same diseases as adults, only the small body reacts to them much more strongly and at the same time requires delicate, gentle and most effective treatment. For frequent colds, coughs, diseases of the throat, nose, upper and lower respiratory tract, inhalations have a very good therapeutic effect. But for kids it needs to be done extremely carefully, taking into account certain nuances.

What benefits do inhalation procedures bring to children?

Inhalation, as a means of introducing healing substances into the body, is much preferable to most other methods. Some dosage forms of drugs cannot be used on children. For example, it is forbidden to use sprays for colds - they cause swelling of the mucous membrane in the larynx and respiratory tract. Tablets can disrupt the functioning of the stomach and liver. The body of young children, especially infants, is very delicate - it is easy to harm it, even without meaning to.
Inhalations help to gently solve several problems at once.

  1. Warm steam moisturizes dry surfaces, liquefying and removing discharge from a runny nose and, thus, easing the child’s condition
  2. With the help of water vapor, medicinal substances are sprayed across the mucous membrane and through it enter directly into the blood - this makes their action more effective
  3. Passing through the respiratory tract, steam can get very deep into the lungs, disinfecting them along the way, killing pathogens and clearing mucus
  4. Any therapy works best when directed directly to the affected area - in our case, the respiratory system

What can be used to inhale a child?

Tools and accessories

Inhalations can be done using special devices, or you can limit yourself to a kettle with hot water. The choice depends on the disease. Ideally, a doctor should prescribe inhalation and the method of its administration. But in mild cases, with a slight runny nose, you can do it yourself at home. Moreover, modern tools help to perform such a procedure without difficulty. And some medications - for example lazolvan - are produced in forms designed specifically for inhalation procedures.

Parents may have a modern, convenient and useful device at their disposal - a nebulizer. Unlike an ordinary glass inhaler, it sprays water into very small particles, creating a kind of fog (that’s why it’s called “nebula,” translated from Latin as “fog”).

We offer you a short video that will help you choose the right inhaler.
The smallest particles of medicinal substances penetrate deep into the body and are well absorbed by the mucous membrane. In addition to nebulizers, there are several other types of inhalers - steam, ultrasonic and compressor. They are “filled” with saline solution, as a basis for other mixtures or medications.

What medicinal substances are used for inhalation?

Inhalation can be done using saline and mineral water, herbal teas, a solution of honey and sea salt, as well as medications, for example, lazolvan. Other substances can be diluted with saline solution - it serves as the basis for inhalation liquid.

Inhalations with soda and mineral water very well cleanse the nasopharynx and bronchi of mucus, facilitating its release. Honey perfectly softens and moisturizes the surface of the mucous membrane of the nose, larynx and lungs. Onion and garlic juice are used for tonsillitis, cough, runny nose and various colds. To treat more difficult diseases - bronchitis, pneumonia - you can use lazolvan.

Be careful, many plant components can cause allergies in children. Medicines should be prescribed by a pediatrician.

Medicinal herbal mixtures are widely used for inhalation; they disinfect and alleviate coughs, acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections. Herbs such as chamomile, thyme, sage, oregano, and lavender are natural healing agents and cannot harm a child. In addition to them, you can use leaves, buds and needles of trees - pine, linden, oak, birch and others.

You can do inhalations not only with saline solution. This is a good way to prevent colds or help with a slight runny nose. Often sea buckthorn and other essential oils or Kalanchoe juice are added to it.

By using natural sea water instead of a salt solution, you can strengthen the walls of the respiratory tract, restore the mucous membrane and increase its immunity. And, of course, we should not forget about potato steam, which has long proven its effectiveness in the treatment of respiratory diseases.

Medicines, for example, lazolvan, can also be added to the inhalation liquid. Since such medications are very effective, the procedure can be performed once or twice a day, and the duration of each session should not exceed five minutes. Lazolvan is diluted with saline solution in a 1:1 ratio, brought to the required temperature and poured into a container for inhalation.

Before using any substance, make sure that your baby is not allergic to it. And during the procedure, monitor the child’s condition - if he becomes ill, it must be stopped immediately.

How to do inhalations correctly for babies?

If a very small child is sick, inhalation as such cannot be done. Instead, the child can spend some time in a room filled with warm healing steam. Older children can already do this procedure using a nebulizer. If it is not there, it is quite acceptable to carry out inhalation using a kettle with warm water.
Under no circumstances should you pour boiling water into the container. The liquid temperature should be no higher than 40 degrees. The kettle is filled with saline solution in which lazolvan, honey, sea salt or other ingredients are diluted. After this, a cardboard funnel is placed over the neck, through which steam will rise. Before starting the session, you need to check the temperature of the steam yourself - if it is comfortable, you can inhale your baby. The maximum duration is approximately 5-7 minutes; it will be difficult for the child to sit for a longer time.

Warm water cools down very quickly. For the session to have an effect, you need to add liquid at the required temperature to the kettle. And every time, before giving it to a child, you need to check the quality of the steam on yourself.

You should not eat food 1.5-2 hours before the procedure. During treatment, the child should be dressed in loose clothing that does not restrict breathing. When doing inhalation, you need to focus only on it, without being distracted by reading, talking or watching videos.

The order of inhalation (inhale through the mouth, exhale through the nose or vice versa) depends on the nature of the disease. If the nose and its sinuses are affected, you should breathe through it, calmly, without straining, if this is possible with a runny nose. If you need to heal the airways and pharynx, inhalations are done through the mouth. After the session you cannot speak or eat for some time.

When is inhalation prohibited?

There are several conditions under which inhalation will only cause harm. One of them is high temperature. If the baby’s temperature is above 37 degrees, inhalation is strictly prohibited. In addition, if a child often experiences nosebleeds or even has problems with the heart or vascular system, inhalations should also be avoided.

When choosing treatment methods, you should always consult a pediatrician or specialized specialist. And of course, if the baby is allergic to any component, for example, lazolvan, it should not be used.

Look at the review of inhalers from the famous children's doctor Komarovsky.