What to do to produce testosterone. How to increase testosterone in a man's body. During puberty

Biologically active substances called hormones produced in human body, are irreplaceable and regulate a number of essential functions. The list of these substances is quite extensive, but they are all grouped according to their area of ​​influence. Thus, sex hormones include male testosterone, without the proper amount of which it is simply impossible puberty men, neither procreation, nor even the acquisition of external features typical of the male sex. The lack of such a component in the body leads to a number of very unpleasant consequences, which can be quite difficult to deal with.

Testosterone - what is it and what is it for?

Testosterone is the main male sex hormone that is produced by the testes and adrenal glands. It is worth noting that this hormone is also produced in the female body, but in extremely small quantities. For an adult male, testosterone levels start at 5.76 nmmol/l. This hormone plays an important role in the production of sperm, as well as growth muscle tissue.

This substance is the main component that determines masculinity at the physiological level. Testosterone determines the strength of libido, the severity of secondary sexual characteristics, roughness of voice, etc. The described hormone is very important for building muscle mass, which is why some athletes use a synthetic version of the hormone as a catalyst for muscle development.

When testosterone production is disrupted, changes begin in the male body, acquiring pathological character. Thus, the described substance determines a man’s productivity, which is extremely important for creating a family and conceiving a child.

Causes of low testosterone in the male body

As you know, at the age of 35 years, the male body begins degenerative processes, including disruption of testosterone production. It is virtually impossible to prevent such changes, since they are caused by age-related changes. The only way To overcome the problem is to undergo hormonal therapy.

  • It should be noted that disruption of hormone production may occur in professional athletes who use anabolic steroids. In this case, when a synthetic hormone enters the body, testosterone production centers reduce their productivity, producing less and less of the substance. For this reason, you need to be extremely careful when taking stimulants to enhance athletic performance.
  • One of the main reasons for the decrease in substances in the body is improper diet and diet. The problem can affect those men whose diet does not include vitamins and necessary substances for the production of testosterone molecules. It should be noted that building material for the described hormone is cholesterol. For this reason, it is important that the diet includes foods consisting of 10-15% fat.
  • Also, among the factors depressing male potential, it is customary to highlight overweight, as a result of which estrogen production in the body increases, female hormone suppressing testosterone.
  • Insufficient physical activity may cause a decrease in male hormone levels. At the same time, alcohol, tobacco and narcotic substances have a detrimental effect on the body.

How to Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally

As is known, when the process of adequate testosterone production is disrupted in the male body, pathological changes begin not only at the organismal level, but also at the mental level. In such a situation, you can find following symptoms: depression, decreased libido, irritability, fatigue, weight loss, etc. In order to regain your former strength, you need to work hard, paying attention to lifestyle, thinking, body condition, etc. The most effective methods are suggested below non-drug treatment low testosterone in the body of a man.

Normalizing sleep affects the increase in male hormones

Sleep is that period of a person’s daily cycle of life when testosterone production occurs to the greatest extent. Here it is necessary to understand quite clearly that it is not good sleep reduces the level of male hormone, making you feel bad, both physically and mentally. If the conditions for healthy, long-term sleep are not met, then there are no qualitative changes hormonal levels there's no point in talking.

The optimal sleep duration should be 7-8 hours for an adult. It is during this time that the body is completely restored, and the production processes necessary substances are being implemented in the best possible way. There are also other conditions that help improve sleep quality. For example, you should fall asleep in complete darkness and try to wake up without an alarm clock, getting enough sleep and feeling alert and active in the morning.

Compliance with diet and nutrition

Diet is the main tool for regulating not only the production of hormones, but also biological processes in general. In order to function as necessary, you need to eat healthy food, rich in all the necessary minerals, vitamins, and other substances that ensure adequate functioning of the body.

It is known that with a reduced level of the male hormone, you need to eat as much food as possible containing components such as: calcium, selenium and magnesium. Important testosterone stimulants are vitamins C, D and E. It is necessary to consume foods containing polyunsaturated fatty acids, namely omega-3, omega-6. In this case, you need to eat at least 5 times during the day, consuming food in small portions.

List of foods that increase testosterone

Among the foods that most contribute to increasing testosterone production are: sea ​​food. Fish and other marine life are an indispensable tool for combating the problem described. Such products are rich in protein and contain vitamins various groups, acids, minerals and everything else. As for the list of products, these are:

  • crabs;
  • mackerel;
  • salmon;
  • herring;
  • oysters;
  • shrimps;
  • mussels, etc.

Plant products are also important, as they contain large number vitamins, vegetable acids, fiber, etc. To the most useful plant foods should be attributed:

  • spinach;
  • iceberg lettuce;
  • beet;
  • lemon and orange;
  • parsley;
  • currant;
  • plum, etc.

Treatment of low testosterone by normalizing weight

No matter how strange it may sound, but men who have overweight suffer from low testosterone levels. The thing is that with fat deposits, the degeneration of sex hormones occurs. Fat in large quantities acts as a source of estrogen production, which in turn reduces the production of the male sex hormone.

The above statement has scientific basis, which is based on statistical data. Research has shown that every man over 16 years of age who has overweight body, has a low coefficient of production of male and high female hormones, which is reflected not only in appearance, but also in the character of a man.

How to increase testosterone through exercise

From time immemorial, the main difference between a man and a woman, excluding obvious anatomical differences, has been strength. Testosterone is the main catalyst for muscle growth and increased strength potential. Accordingly, using physical activity you can achieve a proportional result, that is, an increase in the production of male hormone.

Using running, swimming, and physical exercises with weights as a tool, you can achieve the most incredible results. Most doctors recommend that men with problems associated with hormonal imbalance exercise in the gym. It is important that the muscles different groups were involved in the training process. For this reason, attending sporting events should be taken very seriously.

Other ways to increase male hormone in the body

You can also influence testosterone levels with medication (only if you have medical indications), and using popular methods traditional medicine. Let's consider these approaches in more detail.

Pharmaceutical drugs will help increase testosterone production

Purpose hormone therapy is a serious undertaking, and only a doctor can prescribe it. Selection suitable medicine may be associated with a number of difficulties, since such drugs are often not suitable for patients various reasons. The advantage is that today their variety is very large and there is a real opportunity to choose exactly the remedy that will help most effectively cope with the existing problem.

So, testosterone preparations can be divided into two large groups: hormone substitutes, which ensure that the required volumes of the substance enter the body from the outside, and means for stimulating the body to produce its own testosterone. The first group includes the following drugs:

  • Nebido (injection solution that has a long-lasting effect);
  • Androgel for external application, suitable for long-term use;
  • Andriol (tablets or capsules). It has a minimum of side effects, does not suppress its own hormone production and can be used in different age groups.

The second group of drugs are substances (often of natural origin) that stimulate the testicles to produce testosterone. Most often used the following drugs: Tribulus, Vitrix, Parity, Arimatest, Evo-Test, etc.

The effectiveness of hormonal therapy, regardless of the nature of the drugs used, largely depends on the correctness of their use and, in general, the need for such a prescription. If a man passes similar treatment, then he needs to constantly take blood tests to monitor hormone levels and the condition of his internal organs. Self-medication with such drugs is prohibited, as this can cause serious negative health consequences.

Sports nutrition to increase testosterone

The need for testosterone also lies in the fact that it is thanks to this hormone that active growth of muscle mass occurs in males. Strength also depends on the level of this substance, so strength athletes often resort to using special sports nutrition designed to increase the amount of the hormone.

The most popular means are the so-called testosterone boosters, which contain natural ingredients, capable of stimulating the production of its own hormone. There are also anabolic complexes, antiestrogens and other types of supplements, but they all have their own contraindications and side effects.

It is worth noting that the main danger of such products is that sometimes low-quality and untested substances appear on the shelves, which can suppress their own hormone production, which leads to dangerous consequences for men's health.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine also offers its own ways to solve the problem in this matter. For the most part, these are ways to stimulate the testicles to produce their own hormone. Let's look at the most popular recipes:

  • First of all, it is worth noting herbs, which often help improve potency and increase energy even in old age. The most effective are Tribulus creeping, Forget-me-not flower Smilax, growing in India and Japan, as well as Muira Puama;
  • boiled mackerel with broth;
  • “men's stew”, cooked from meat, onions, carrots and turnips. This dish is served by first placing 4 dandelion leaves and a tablespoon of nettle on the bottom of the plate.

It is customary to link the influence of the hormone testosterone primarily with the sexual sphere - with normal or increased concentrations of the hormone, a man’s ability in bed increases (there is a persistent erection), and with insufficient concentrations, they decrease. However substances secreted by the testicles have a complex effect on the body.

The benefits of healthy hormonal levels

  • Confidence;
  • clarity of mind;
  • energy;
  • strong bones.

Bodybuilders often seek to increase testosterone in order to increase strength and make their figure more attractive: the male hormone helps to effectively reduce fat mass and rapidly increase muscle mass.

Important! Early osteoporosis, depression, and increased fatigue are risks that men with low levels of testosterone in the blood constantly face.

Options for increasing testosterone naturally

You can increase testosterone levels through lifestyle modifications, without resorting to crude methods - using testosterone injections and taking it in pill form.

Natural ways to increase testosterone in men:

Products that reduce male hormone production

  • Carbonated drinks;
  • fast food;
  • margarine;
  • smoked meats;
  • milk;

The last two products contain female hormones: milk - cow estrogen, soy - phytoestrogen. Important There is also moderation: even healthy foods should not be consumed in large quantities - overeating inhibits the production of androgens.

Including healthy foods. Meat is a source of protein, on the basis of which sex hormones are built. Preference should be given to lean meat, otherwise there is a risk of gaining extra pounds.

Libido and hormone stimulants

Eating spinach brown rice, popcorn, pumpkin seeds, boiled chicken hearts (these products have a high zinc content) are also necessary to enhance libido.

In small amounts, eating dark chocolate and peanut butter can help increase testosterone levels.

The importance of physical activity. The stress placed on the body leads to the fact that the paths of nerve impulses go to the pituitary gland, which causes the testicles and adrenal glands to increase the production of hormonal substances.

During training, testosterone levels jump by 20-45%, but after finishing they return to normal. Only with daily exercise is a noticeable stable increase in testosterone; strength training (press), as well as squats, pull-ups and abdominal exercises are especially useful.
Hormones are actively produced when visiting the gym 3 times a week.

Fact. You can provoke the release of hormones during flirting communication and when watching films with erotic content - an increase in hormonal levels is observed after 60 minutes.

How to increase testosterone with herbal preparations?

In pharmacy chains you can find: herbal remedies based on a single component, as well as options for complex treatment, including a combination of herbs, elements of animal origin (sometimes) and other natural ingredients.

All of them are designed to consistently restore testosterone levels (long-term use is required), while taking medications with sildenafil allows you to achieve long-term potency in a single dose.

Significant effect on testosterone levels synthesized chemically pills don't work.

Popular treatment solutions

The original remedy is considered to be the Golden Horse, which is created using ginseng root and extract from a real seahorse. Magic Staff for raising the level of the hormone testosterone contains: deer antlers, bead seeds and Tibetan wolfberry berries.

The Evalar company has released ProstaSable, which leads to normal functioning prostate gland(contains echinacea, ginkgo and sabal palm extract). Herbal medicines of this group to increase testosterone are taken with meals, the status of the drugs is dietary supplements.

If intercourse is expected, then 1-2 tablets are taken 1 hour before the expected intimate contact
(provides a sharp rise in hormonal levels).

Fact. The use of dietary supplements is not addictive.

Additional Methods to Increase Testosterone in Men Naturally

Vitamins and microelements

Important vitamins and minerals for testosterone production:

  • B vitamins;
  • vitamins C and E;
  • folic acid;
  • omega-3;
  • zinc;
  • selenium.

You can choose both universal multi-complexes (Vitrum, Centrum, Alphabet) and those specially created for men (Duovit, SpermaPlant, Speroton).

The latest types of products also have a positive effect on improving sperm production, facilitating conceiving a child, so they are often used during pregnancy planning.


A drop in testosterone levels is observed in modern men already at the age of 25, and the onset of andropause in some cases can begin at the age of 40.

To prevent premature decline of sexual function, you should periodically use methods to increase testosterone, especially natural and safe options with the fewest side effects.

Testosterone is the main male hormone. It is he who is responsible for the development of primary sexual characteristics and participates in the formation of secondary ones during puberty. However, this does not mean that testosterone is only important during this period. Maintaining normal levels of this substance in the body is very important throughout a man’s life. Otherwise, there is a risk of dominance of the female hormone - estrogen. This can cause problems in the sexual sphere and other disorders. So, how to increase testosterone in men?

This hormone is very important for the male body.

Testosterone affects the following components:

  • muscle mass;
  • stress resistance;
  • fitness;
  • sexual performance;
  • energy reserve;
  • body weight;
  • physical endurance.

Before answering the question of how to increase testosterone, you should understand the possible reasons for the decrease in its level. Thanks to this, it will be possible to quickly cope with disturbances in the functioning of the male body.

Normal testosterone levels in men are 10-40 nmol/l. Of course, in women given value much lower - 0.25-2.6 nmol/l.

A decrease in the content of this substance in the body of men can be observed for the following reasons:

  1. Impact of psychological factors. Frequent stressful situations, experiences, psychological overload are the main factors that lead to hypotestosteronemia. This term refers to a decrease in testosterone. This is due to the negative impact of these factors on the production of the substance in the testes of men.
  2. Eating disorders. Scientists have been able to prove the connection between Not proper nutrition and a decrease in testosterone levels. As a result, such men often experience sexual dysfunction.
  3. Infectious diseases of a viral, bacterial or fungal nature. Also, helminthic infestations can lead to a decrease in testosterone levels.
  4. Alcohol consumption. It has been established that during the first quarter of an hour after administration strong alcohol testosterone levels increase slightly. However, this effect does not last long. After 20 minutes, the amount of this substance in the body begins to fall.
  5. Iatrogenesis. In this concept, doctors mean a condition in which treatment medications provokes development certain diseases at the patient. So, long-term use atropine can cause a drop in testosterone levels.
  6. Traumatic injuries. This hormone may be produced in smaller quantities after damage to the testicles or other organs of the reproductive system.
  7. Genetic predisposition. In some situations, decreased testosterone levels are hereditary.
  8. Having excess weight. This factor is considered the most significant in case of sudden acquisition of excess weight. If a man gains more than 20 kg in a short period of time, the amount of testosterone in the blood will certainly decrease.
  9. Physical inactivity. Shortage motor activity leads to the fact that this hormone is produced in smaller quantities.
  10. Lack of regular sex. This factor is one of the key reasons for the decrease in testosterone levels.
  11. Age. In older people, this hormone is not produced as intensively.
  12. Impact environmental factors. All kinds of radiation also have a negative impact.
  13. Smoking.
  14. Sleep deficiency.


The use of medications helps increase testosterone levels quite quickly, but doctors do not advise abusing these drugs. They can cause negative health consequences.

It is strictly forbidden to take risks and use testosterone enanthate. This substance is taken by athletes who engage in bodybuilding. The fact is that injections of this drug lead to active growth of muscle tissue. Such processes can cause water retention in the body, which will result in increased swelling.

In addition, such substances do not contribute to the natural production of testosterone, which should affect the following circuit: hypothalamus-pituitary-testes. This leads to serious hormonal imbalance. Therefore, many bodybuilders are forced to use additional drugs that reduce the feminization of their body associated with an increase in estrogen content.

Remedies such as tribustan and tribulus terrestris are based on the action of a tropical plant. It is called Tribulus terrestris. This product is widely known for its ability to increase the synthesis of luteinizing hormone. It is this substance that stimulates the production of testosterone.

However, the plant has a beneficial effect only on those men who have low testosterone levels. If the hormone is in the body in sufficient quantities, the use of the drug does not make much sense.

Although these drugs have natural ingredients, it is prohibited to abuse them. Otherwise, there is a risk of disrupting the natural synthesis of testosterone. If you use medications in moderation, negative consequences can be avoided.

If it is not possible to increase testosterone in natural ways, it is better to choose a drug called testosterone undecanoate. This substance has minimal effects on health. Only an overdose of this drug can cause negative processes.

This drug has almost no effect on muscle mass. This means that there will not be an excessive hormonal surge after its use. However, in any case, the use of this substance will not lead to the natural production of testosterone, which is fraught with problems later.

In addition, the following drugs help increase the amount of testosterone:

  1. Boldenone – synthetic anabolic drug, which is a derivative of the male hormone. Thanks to its use, it is possible to gradually increase muscle mass. The product is used in courses of 2 months.
  2. Tamoxifen is a non-steroidal drug that has antitumor and antiestrogenic characteristics. Thanks to its use, it is possible to stop inflammation, prevent the formation of tumors, and release hormones that are produced by the pituitary gland.
  3. Proviron is a hormonal agent that produces an androgenic effect. It is also used to increase sexual activity in men. Quite often, Proviron is used by athletes as a supplement to anabolic steroids. The drug does not suppress the synthesis of your own testosterone. However, this is only true if used correctly.
  4. Anastrozole – antitumor agent. Thanks to its use, the amount of estradiol is reduced. The drug is used in strength sports that involve building muscle mass. This substance can only be prescribed by a doctor.

To minimize the negative impact of drugs on health, it is necessary to determine the content of this substance in the body. Consultation with an experienced doctor is also important.

Nutrition, vitamins and minerals

To increase testosterone levels, it is very important to review your diet.

Following these rules will help restore normal production of this hormone:

  1. You need to eat often, but in small portions. The number of meals should be 5-6 per day. Thanks to this, it will be possible to stimulate metabolic processes, which will have a positive effect on testosterone production.
  2. Use natural products. Avoid choosing processed products that contain many chemical additives. It is these foods that lead to a decrease in the amount of testosterone in the blood. In addition, they provoke the appearance of excess weight, depression and increased anxiety.
  3. Include carbohydrates in the menu. Following a low-carbohydrate diet has a negative impact on testosterone levels. The fact is that carbohydrates are considered the main source of energy.
  4. Consume healthy fats. Scientists have been able to establish that these products help raise testosterone levels. This has a positive effect on the sexual activity of men. Beneficial substances are found in bananas, nuts, and egg yolks. It is useful to eat flaxseed and olive oil, salmon.
  5. Include meat in the menu. However, it is important to remember that it is advisable to consume low-fat foods. It is best to give preference to poultry and fish. Seafood is also very useful in this regard.
  6. Reduce salt and sugar intake. Salt significantly reduces testosterone synthesis. Sugar has similar properties.
  7. Reduce caffeine intake. This substance leads to an almost complete cessation of testosterone synthesis. It also has a negative effect on sperm count. That is why men should drink no more than 1 cup of coffee per day.

To increase testosterone levels, it is very important to monitor the balance of vitamins and microelements. The fact is that there are substances that have a positive effect on this hormone.

These include the following:

  1. Zinc. Scientists have found that this component prevents the transformation of testosterone into estrogen.
  2. Selenium. This item is directly involved in the production of testosterone. It is found in large quantities in garlic.
  3. Arginine. This amino acid also increases this hormone in men.
  4. Vitamin C. In addition to strengthening immune system, this substance prevents the conversion of the male sex hormone into the female one.
  5. Vitamins A, B. These elements also have a positive effect on testosterone synthesis.
  6. Vitamin E. This substance plays a special role. It prevents the convergence of insulin and testosterone, which has a positive effect on men's health.

Physical activity

To quickly achieve an increase in testosterone in the blood, you need to exercise. To do this, you should perform special exercises that increase muscle mass. Thanks to this, the synthesis of the male hormone is stimulated. However, it is very important to do everything correctly, otherwise you can only harm your body.

It is best to find a professional trainer who will create a training plan and determine suitable loads. This is extremely important, since all exercises involve lifting weights - barbells and weights. The use of weight training equipment may also be required.

Between workouts you should definitely take breaks of 1-2 days. Thanks to this, the body will be able to recover. This method Helps achieve natural testosterone production. Therefore, it should be supplemented with proper nutrition, focusing on foods that increase this hormone.

However, not all men can handle such stress, especially if they have health problems. In such cases, regular health exercises will be sufficient. Equally important is proper sleep, the duration of which should be at least 8-9 hours. A systematic lack of rest leads to a decrease in the level of this substance.

To increase testosterone levels, you need to follow these recommendations:

  1. Avoid overeating. Thanks to balanced diet you can achieve an optimal balance of sex hormones. However, this does not mean that you can eat too much food. And this applies even to healthy foods.

Overeating plays a negative role in relation to testosterone synthesis. First of all, the process of hormone production requires certain energy costs. With constant overeating, the body has to digest a large amount of food. In this case, the process of hormone synthesis is suppressed.

In addition, excess food consumption provokes the appearance of excess weight. And this also negatively affects hormonal balance. It is especially important not to eat much food at night, since the digestion process suppresses the production of hormones.

  1. Observe normal level sexual activity. With systematic contact, it is possible to increase the synthesis of sex hormones. However, it is important to remember a sense of proportion, otherwise you can achieve the opposite results, and the hormone, on the contrary, will decrease.
  2. Avoid stress. IN similar situations There is an active production of the stress hormone – cortisol. It leads to a decrease in the amount of testosterone. If a man's androgen levels increase, his mood improves significantly. At the same time, the opposite situation is also possible - a positive attitude leads to the restoration of hormonal levels.
  3. Control the amount of hormones that are testosterone antagonists. These include estrogen and cortisol. If the amount of these substances exceeds the norm, synthesis male hormones decreases. To reduce estrogen activity, it is recommended to consume plenty of vegetables that are members of the cruciferous family. These include different varieties cabbage It is these substances that help the liver remove estrogen.

This category also includes red grape varieties and natural wine. Thanks to their consumption, the activity of a special enzyme, aromatase, decreases.

  1. Try to win. It’s not for nothing that testosterone is commonly called the winning hormone. Even a small victory can increase the amount of this substance. This may relate to career, material wealth, sports results.
  2. Temper yourself. A short-term effect of cold on the body leads to increased production of androgens. As a result, your health status improves significantly.

Testosterone not only restores sexual activity and increases desire, but also has a positive effect on the entire male body. It is required for the development of muscle tissue and bone growth, and is a reliable preventive measure depressive states and anemia. However, this does not mean that you can forget about a sense of proportion.

The fact is that a significant excess of testosterone will lead to hypersexuality and can even cause breast obesity. It is impossible to get rid of such problems even with the help of active sports. In such a situation, only surgical intervention helps.

If long time If you try to increase testosterone levels, there is a risk of skin problems such as acne and seborrhea. Therefore, before using any medications, you should consult your doctor. He will determine the reasons for the decrease in testosterone levels and select effective ways to solve this problem.

Drawing conclusions

Did you have a misfire? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, victory is not on your side.

And of course, you know firsthand that impaired potency is:

  • Low self-esteem
  • Women remember your every failure, tell their girlfriends and your friends
  • Prostate disease
  • Developing depression, which negatively affects your health

Now answer the question: ARE YOU HAPPY WITH THIS? Can this be tolerated? Do you remember that feeling when you look at a naked woman and can’t do anything? Enough is enough - it's time to get rid of potency problems, once and for all! Do you agree?

We have studied a huge amount of materials and, most importantly, tested most potency products in practice. So, it turned out that the drug is 100% working without any side effects- this is Predstanol. This drug consists of natural ingredients, completely eliminating chemistry.

ATTENTION! PROMOTION! You can try the drug for free, place your order using the link or filling out the form below.

While many men try to increase their testosterone levels through expensive testosterone injections and other androgen supplements, few realize that in many cases their testosterone imbalance can be restored naturally. If you are suffering from low testosterone, here are a few effective ways increasing its level. You can consult your doctor first.

1. Get more zinc

Zinc is very important trace element to increase testosterone production because zinc prevents testosterone from being converted into the female sex hormone estrogen. Zinc in this case is an inhibitor (a substance that slows down chemical reaction) aromatase (look at point 3 below ). In addition, the presence of zinc in your diet will increase physical endurance and improve brain function.

Zinc itself converts estrogen into testosterone. Zinc helps produce healthier sperm in greater quantity. Therefore, in fact, low levels of zinc can cause a decrease in testosterone levels.

Foods high in zinc: oysters (natural aphrodisiac ) , crabs, lean beef and pork, liver, seafood, poultry, nuts and seeds. You can get more zinc by taking a multivitamin. Adults tolerate approximately 40 mg of zinc per day without negative side effects.

2. Eat more healthy fats

Research has shown that men who ate diets rich in healthy fats such as Monone saturated fats omega-3 had the highest testosterone levels.

So you can naturally raise your testosterone levels by adding more healthy fats to your diet, eating more nuts and seeds, fatty fish (salmon and tuna), fish oil, avocados, olives, olive oil, vegetable oil, flaxseed oil and natural peanut butter.

Food with very low content fat can actually lead to lower testosterone levels because your body needs healthy fats to produce testosterone. However, this does not mean that you should consume large quantities of these fats. Just make sure that at least 20-30% of your total daily calorie intake comes from healthy fats.

3. Lose excess fat

The more fat you accumulate in your body, the higher your estrogen levels will be because fat contains an enzyme called aromatase , which converts “masculine” testosterone into “feminine” estrogen and thus lowering testosterone levels. Hence, the more fat you have accumulated, the more testosterone is converted into estrogen. You can read about how to lose excess weight in the article.

When you start to fight excess fat in order to increase testosterone levels, there is no need to switch to diets or significantly reduce daily calories. There is no need to put your body into starvation or survival mode, because this can lead to a significant reduction in testosterone production.

4. Get Rid of Excess Estrogen

To get rid of excess estrogen , which makes you fatter and weaker , it is necessary that your body naturally produced more testosterone.

  • You need to eat more raw vegetables cruciferous family . These include broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, collards, bok choy, watercress, radishes, turnips, rutabaga. This is because cruciferous vegetables contain chemical substance called diindolylmethane (or DIM), which helps the body get rid of excess estrogen.
  • Two servings of any cruciferous vegetable per day can nearly halve your estrogen levels. These vegetables will also help open up the beta receptors in your fat cells and thus you will lose more fat. If you want to have good level testosterone, then try to keep these vegetables permanent on your table.
  • Eat more fiber to naturally cleanse your body of toxins that cause you to have excess estrogen (such as xenoestrogens see point 5 below ). Most fruits and vegetables, nuts and beans contain high amounts of fiber.
  • You can also supplement your diet with products containing resveratrol . It will help your liver remove excess estrogen, which means increasing testosterone and losing weight. This substance is found in the skins of red grapes, raisins, red wine, cocoa and nuts.

5. Try to avoid xenoestrogens

Xenoestrogens are man-made estrogens that are found in things such as pesticides, artificial growth hormones and steroids, shampoos, air fresheners and plastic food containers. Xenoestrogens increase the level of the female hormone estrogen, while decreasing testosterone levels.

  • Eat more fruits and vegetables that do not contain pesticides. If you buy fruits and vegetables at the grocery store, wash them to reduce the chances of consuming any xenoestrogens.
  • Do not eat meat or milk from animals that have been raised with artificial growth hormones and steroids.
  • Use glass items to store food and water rather than plastic items, as plastic items tend to contain xenoestrogens that leach into water and food, especially when heated. Even some canned foods containing plastic coatings contain xenoestrogens.
  • Do not use perfumes, colognes or air fresheners that contain parabens, which are xenoestrogens.
  • Parabens are found in most personal care products and serve to extend the shelf life of shampoos and conditioners. Research shows a direct link between paraben exposure and low testosterone levels. You should avoid using shampoos containing any ingredients ending in “-paraben” (for example, methylparaben, butylparaben, etc.).

Please note: Of course, it will be quite difficult for you to 100% completely avoid all xenoestrogens, but if you follow the other tips in this article (especially tips 3 and 4), you can still increase your testosterone levels naturally. Also, please note that most xenoestrogens are stored in fatty tissues of the body and your best defense against it is to reduce your fat levels ( look again at point 3 ).

6. Sleep at least 6-8 hours every night

It has been proven that a good night's sleep can improve our hormonal balance. Testosterone production decreases if the body is not sufficiently rested.

A study conducted at the University of Chicago found that men who did not get enough sleep had lower testosterone levels than men who received 6-8 hours of sleep. And according to a study from the University of North Carolina, testosterone levels can drop by as much as 40% when a man doesn't get enough sleep. Your testosterone levels are 30% higher in the morning than in the evening, which is why your sex drive increases in the morning.

Loss of morning erections or loss of sexual desire may be a sign that your testosterone levels are decreasing, so you should get 6-8 hours of sleep every night because while you sleep, your body produces testosterone. And the better you sleep, the more testosterone is produced.

7. Avoid stress

High levels of stress can lead to low testosterone levels. When you are stressed, your body produces "stress hormone" cortisol , which inhibits the enzymes responsible for ensuring the production of testosterone in the testes.

Cortisol also allows you to increase belly fat, and you already know from point 3 above , that the fatter you are, the more estrogen you have and the less testosterone you have.

Try not to worry about little things, control your temperament, learn methods to reduce stress.

A recent study found that fans of the losing team had 50% lower testosterone levels after their team lost, while fans of the winning team had 100% higher testosterone levels.

Thus, it is necessary for yourself to find ways to reduce your stress levels. You can read about some of them in the section of the site.

8. Consume 1000-1500 mg of vitamin C per day

Now, if you have a hard time avoiding tension, you can start taking 1000-1500 mg per day because vitamin C:

  • lowers cortisol levels, allowing your body to produce more testosterone;
  • how zinc reduces levels of the enzyme aromatase, which converts your testosterone into estrogen.

9. Strength exercises

There is considerable evidence that strength training can increase testosterone levels. This is due to the fact that with strength exercises, muscles build up faster and testosterone levels increase. At the same time, as muscle mass increases, more fat is lost, which is used as fuel by the muscles. That being said, the best way to lose fat tissue is to start training with strength exercises, and then at the end of the workout, move on to cardio training.

Using a set of strength exercises. In order to increase testosterone levels, you need to increase muscle mass. This can be achieved by performing a set of strength exercises that include simultaneously several large muscle groups. In this case, more heavy weight, but fewer repetitions are required than when performing isolation exercises aimed at developing one particular muscle.

A set of strength exercises may include working with dumbbells, bench press, deadlift, barbell push, weighted squats, etc. These exercises provide simultaneous stress on several joints, which increases natural production testosterone. However, you should never push your body into a state of overtraining, as this can lead to an increase in cortisol levels, which means a decrease in testosterone ( see paragraph 7 ).

Lifting heavy weights. Lifting light weights builds muscle endurance but does not increase testosterone. The best way Increasing testosterone levels is doing fewer repetitions with heavier weights. When doing these exercises, you can choose a weight that allows you to do 5-8 sets of 3-5 reps each.

Don't do strength training every day. Doing strength training every day won't allow your muscles to rest and it can compromise your testosterone growth. Wait at least two days for your muscles to recover.

Use cardio training to lose weight. Cardio workouts are designed to train the cardiovascular system. They also help increase lung capacity, which increases the supply of oxygen to the blood. If you are overweight, your estrogen levels may be elevated. Estrogen can inhibit the release of testosterone. Cardio workouts such as intense walking, nordic walking, running, cycling, swimming, rowing, hockey, football, volleyball, skiing and skating burn calories and you lose weight. Exercise strengthens the heart and blood vessels. You need to exercise for 45-60 minutes three times a week.

10. Make sure you get enough vitamin A, B and E

Vitamins A, B and E (along with vitamin C and zinc) are essential in the production of testosterone. Not getting enough of them will lower your testosterone levels, but if you eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean meats and nuts, you shouldn't be concerned about being deficient in these vitamins. You can read about the role of vitamins in the article.

11. Don't overheat your testicles

The temperature of your testicles needs to be about 2 degrees cooler than your body temperature to produce testosterone normally.

If you wear tight underwear, tight pants, take hot baths, or soak in a sauna for a long time, this can lead to overheating of the testicles, and therefore a decrease in testosterone production. Therefore, it is better to wear loose clothing to prevent overheating of the testicles. You should also know that excess body fat also leads to overheating of the testicles. So go back to step 3 again and see how to burn fat.

12. Limit your consumption of alcohol and... grapefruits

Try to limit your consumption alcohol , because it increases estrogen levels, which in turn decreases testosterone levels. In addition, alcohol reduces zinc levels in the body ( look again at point 1 ).

Grapefruits . Although grapefruit is a health food in most cases, it acts as a catalyst for the aromatase enzyme, which converts testosterone into estrogen. This can ruin your attempts to increase your testosterone levels naturally.

13. Eat small amounts more often

By “more often” we mean 5-6 times a day. Goal: speed up metabolism. You know that the better your metabolism, the faster the fat burning process occurs, which means testosterone production improves.

It is important that your body naturally increases testosterone levels by providing a slow and steady flow of nutrition. This goal is achieved by fractional meals. Moreover, breakfast should be the most nutritious.

But why is that?

The answer is just as simple. During sleep, your metabolism slows down. When you wake up, you have two options: either skip breakfast, in which case your metabolism will slow down even more, or have a good breakfast and give your metabolism a powerful boost.

14. Regular sex

15. Try herbs

There are herbs that naturally increase testosterone levels. They are often marketed as male enhancement supplements. These herbs can also increase libido. Natural Multifunctional Steroid Hormone Supplements dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and the herbal remedy Epimedium can also be considered as possible testosterone boosters. The herbs Muira Puama, L-arginine, ginkgo biloba, saw palmetto and ginseng are also beneficial for men with low testosterone levels. There are other herbs too.

Before taking any herbs or supplements to increase testosterone production, please consult your doctor before using them at home.

Health to you, friends!

Best regards, Sergey Aydinov

Read more on the topic “Testosterone”:

  • Vitamin A and testosterone: retinoids, carotenoids and hormones

We all know the importance of having and maintaining high level steroid hormone testosterone in the body.

If you want to learn how to increase testosterone levels in your body the healthy and natural way, you've come to the right place!

This article will tell you everything you need to know about increasing this all-important androgenic hormone and how to help increase it without taking any synthetic supplements or other harmful methods.

To get quick and reliable results in building an athletic and beautiful body, it is extremely important to eat certain products, get plenty of sleep, and perform a few key activities throughout your day.

We will explain in detail how to increase testosterone in men in natural ways and justify the importance of the listed tips.

Also from us you will learn how to increase testosterone using several effective and easy-to-follow tips and life hacks that increase the natural production of this hormone in the male sex glands. Increase testosterone in men folk remedies it is possible, but we will consider more scientifically proven ways.

As a man ages, it becomes increasingly important to maintain optimal levels of testosterone in the body, as the amount of testosterone begins to decrease after the age of 30 and can decrease by up to 10% in one decade.

As a result, the older you get, the more difficult it is to maintain your better shape, losing fat and gaining muscle mass.

While all the legitimate and effective testosterone supplements on the market are made from a variety of herbs and ingredients that are safe for the body, there are other ways to increase your testosterone levels without taking supplements.

However, if the most important thing for you is the speed and speed of increasing your testosterone levels, then supplements have proven that they are the most effective way.

However, if you are someone who vehemently hates any sports nutrition and dietary supplements and wants to do everything without medications, here are a few useful ways how to increase testosterone production without taking synthetic substances:

The three pillars of high testosterone levels are sleep, exercise and proper nutrition!

1. Get enough sleep!

This is by far the most important thing you need to do if you want to have a strong, lean, healthy and beautiful body and increase your testosterone levels.

Many people do not get enough hours of sleep and suffer serious health consequences as a result.

But the fact is that a few extra hours of sleep can almost double your testosterone!

This is a consequence of the fact that the level of steroid hormone depends on the daily circadian rhythms of the body.

Circadian rhythms are cycles of mental, physical and behavioral changes tied to the 24-hour day and are primarily regulated by the cycle of day and night.

This means that the amount of hormones is highest in the morning and then slowly begins to decline in the evening.

How to increase testosterone with sleep?

Many studies have been conducted in such a way that a person sleeps and his condition is monitored. When the body is in phase REM sleep, the endocrine system is activated and the brain sends certain signals through the spine to the testicles.

These signals provoke them to secrete more testosterone, enough for one day. Essentially, the body prepares for the next 24 hours while sleeping, and if there is not enough REM sleep, testosterone levels will not reach optimal levels and will fall rapidly throughout the day.

This is why sleep is extremely important if you want to be able to exercise and maintain your gains.

If you sleep less than 5 hours, you can spend the whole day in the gym and eat the best quality protein, but you still won't see any improvements or other results. In reality, you are simply destroying and harming your body!

The decrease in testosterone levels depends on the duration of wakefulness. The longer you stay awake, the lower your overall testosterone levels become.

It can be concluded that people who stay awake for long periods of time and refuse to sleep suffer from chronically low levels of this hormone.

Therefore, our advice to you is to sleep!

If you don't get at least 7 hours of sleep every day, your efforts to build healthy body will come to naught! As a result, you will become fatter and it will be much more difficult for you to gain muscle mass!

Why work against yourself? It’s quite difficult to go to the gym and exercise for a long time and intensely. You don't want lack of sleep to kill half your results and reduce your chances of increasing your testosterone levels!

2. Exercise!

This is the second most important thing to remember if you want to increase your testosterone production!

This is a fitness site, and that's why we believe that proper training should be the foundation of your healthy image life.

It has been proven that strength training exercises have a very positive influence for testosterone.

Some studies show that physically active men better sperm parameters (volume, sperm count, motility and structure) and the amount of hormones than in men who lead a sedentary lifestyle!

So, not only do you get the benefit of higher hormone levels - you also become more masculine, which leads to higher sexual pleasure, sexual performance and, of course, libido!

This happens because during strength training, whether short or long, changes occur in the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal systems of the body.

They cause a stronger production of various growth hormones and cause the body to increase the levels of these hormones in the blood.

To experience this benefit, professionals often talk about lifting heavy weights (or other similar resistance exercises) at least twice a week!

In fact, this is another indirect way to increase the amount of the hormone - through exercise.

When you exercise, your body increases muscle mass and decreases fat stores.

It is known and proven that adipose tissue converts testosterone into estrogen.

The less fat a person has, the more he produces the hormone testosterone! We'll talk about this in more detail a little later!

So, what types of exercises should you do to naturally increase your steroid hormone levels?

The best exercises to increase testosterone levels:

To achieve best effect we propose to implement training program the following exercises are bench press, squats, deadlifts, standing press and the like. They activate the largest muscle groups in your body and provide the best testosterone-boosting results.

Additionally, research shows that the heavier the weights and the fewer reps you do, the better the stimulation for increasing the number of hormones in your body. So, aim for 4-8 reps with a heavy weight and make sure your last one is done to the limit - to the point of muscle failure!

To others great view exercise for people who want to quickly increase their testosterone levels is high interval training.

Short and explosive movements accompanied by fast period recovery are known as excellent stimulators of hormone growth.

You definitely need to make sure that you don't put too much pressure on yourself. high requirements and don't overtrain. Studies have shown that overtraining leads to a decrease in the amount of testosterone and does not allow the body to achieve good results due to the lack of opportunity to recuperate between workouts.

As we all know, recovery is important for correct height muscle and fat loss!

3. Eat right!

The third and final pillar in the quest to increase testosterone is nutrition.

In addition to the fact that nutrition increases the level of this androgenic hormone, everyone knows how important a balanced and healthy diet is for training results.

Most people will even say that nutrition accounts for 50% to 80% of the success of your body building efforts!

Whatever the true percentage number, we can all say one thing for sure - diet is of utmost importance when it comes to achieving the physique of a god!

When it comes to hormone levels, diet plays an important role in your body's ability to produce them.

This means that nutrition can directly influence hormones, and as a result, dictate whether there will be success or failure in building a body.

Chronic overeating or fat loss dieting has a profound effect on your body's ability to produce various hormones and can disrupt your testosterone levels as a result.

All three essential nutrients—protein, carbohydrates, and fat—play important roles in testosterone production.

Carbohydrates play a particularly important role, and research shows that the type of carbohydrates you eat has a very strong impact on your hormone balance.

Low-carb diets should be avoided because they lower testosterone levels and increase the stress hormone cortisol. Below we will talk about this in more detail.

Fats are also necessary and should not be feared. One of the studies in the International Journal sports medicine says that men who ate more fat had the most high concentration testosterone in the body.

But not just any fat! Trans fats and saturated fats have negative impact, while monounsaturated fats show the best results in increasing and maintaining high testosterone levels in the body.

This is why foods such as olive oil, fatty fish, nuts, grains, egg yolks, avocado and other similar ones are the best.

Squirrels are also necessary. Chronic protein deficiency and malnutrition are known to cause low testosterone levels in humans.

Conversely, excessive amounts of protein in short time will also not affect the body positively because the body will not be able to use more than it needs.

So these are the top three ways you can control and increase your hormone levels.

Now let's talk about a few other ways that also have a significant impact, but are slightly less important than the previous three.

4. Reduce the amount of stress in your life!

The stress hormone cortisol is widely known for its negative effects on the body and health.

Not only does it have a catabolic effect on your muscles, causing them to deteriorate faster, but it can completely destroy the body's ability to produce testosterone in a man!

It can have a strong and long-lasting effect when the stress is long-term and severe.

Anything that causes a person to be highly stressed will affect testosterone levels because these hormones work like a swing: when one goes up, the other goes down!

This is why it is very important to live a stress-free life, or at least reduce it as much as possible.

However, in our modern society this is becoming increasingly difficult and much more difficult to do!
Sleeping, relaxing, taking hot baths and exercising - all this great ways reduce stress levels in everyday life. As cortisol levels decrease, testosterone levels increase and you get a much better and quick benefit from training programs!

5. Reduce belly fat!

The effect of abdominal fat on testosterone levels is strange and complex. But it is great. The more fat you have around your belly, the greater the effect it has on lowering testosterone.

Neglecting the need to lose weight can turn into a vicious circle that will be very difficult to break out of - the more fat the body accumulates, the less testosterone is produced and the higher the fat content in the body as a result.

What can you take away from this? The lower your body fat content, the more it tends to increase your overall testosterone levels.

6. The sun and vitamin D are your friends!

Vitamin D is one of the most important nutrients when we're talking about about testosterone production. This is why it is included in most of the best testosterone supplements on the market.

Manufacturers of such supplements know that vitamin D is a steroid hormone that is widely known for its importance in regulating calcium and phosphorus levels in the body, as well as increasing testosterone production and improving the immune system. Its deficiency leads to a decrease in the amount of testosterone!

For example, one study showed the effect of vitamin D supplementation on testosterone levels in men. It leads to the conclusion that the group of subjects receiving supplemental vitamin D, as opposed to those exposed to placebo, showed a significant increase general level testosterone (from 10.7 ± 3.9 nmol/l to 13.4 ± 4.7 nmol/l; p<0,001), а также свободного тестостерона (от 5,21 ± 1,87 нмоль / л до 6,25 ± 2,01 нмоль / л, р = 0,001) и даже собственного тестостерона.

There's a special promise for your own testosterone because it means vitamin D even helps your body free up existing stores of the hormone for later use.

7. Reduce the amount of estrogen you consume!

Getting less estrogen may seem obvious to some, but completely unexpected to others.

The fact is that increased estrogen not only reduces testosterone levels in men, but also increases the risk of various diseases such as cancer, heart disease, etc.

To block estrogen, you can eat foods that contain many phytochemicals that bind to estrogen and lower their levels in the blood.

Another great way to block estrogen is by eating a variety of mushrooms such as portobello, shiitake, and others. The production of an enzyme such as aromatase, which is responsible for converting androgen into estrogen, is inhibited.

As a result, your body produces more testosterone and less estrogen because they both use a certain level of androgens to produce themselves.

This is why quality testosterone boosting supplements always include aromatase blockers!

Other good foods for blocking estrogen are whole grains, various seeds and nuts, red grapes, pomegranates, various citrus fruits, and tea!

We're sure we've missed a lot more, but these are all fantastic sources of phytochemicals and ensure hormone balance.

8. Avoid alcohol.

This is especially important for those who like to drink occasionally, in a bar or at home.

We know that alcohol is a great way to relax and unwind, and even forget about some problems.

But what you may not know is that just three glasses of wine or beer, or the equivalent amount of alcohol in alcohol, can dramatically reduce testosterone levels by as much as 50%!

Drinking a lot of alcohol over a short period of time can reduce testosterone levels as much as possible until the body processes the alcohol.

A small amount of alcohol may be harmless, but taking a little more than your body can handle can cause serious and very adverse effects on your hormones!

Alcohol has other negative effects on building an athletic body.

Metabolic rate drops significantly, and the body is unable to properly process the micro- and macronutrients it receives from food until the body first eliminates the alcohol.

This will negatively impact any training goals you may have!

That's why we will always be on the side of a healthy lifestyle without alcohol!

9. Have more sex!

While short-term abstinence from sex and ejaculation may slightly increase testosterone levels, long-term abstinence will decrease serum levels of the hormones.

Plus, masturbation doesn't actually reduce testosterone levels if you do it as often as you should - more than four times a day!

On the other hand, masturbation does not lead to high testosterone levels, but sex with a real person does lead to higher testosterone levels.

Research shows that healthy men who have sex with their partners have average daily testosterone levels that are 70% higher than those who do not have regular sex.

Sex leads to a significant increase in testosterone, and this is why it beats any masturbation when it comes to naturally increasing, increasing and maintaining testosterone levels!

To have increased levels of the main male hormone, scientists advise having sex at least 2-3 times a week.

We know that many guys are trying to meet beautiful women and go on dates. It is not easy to be socially open and confident if these skills are not developed.

It is important for women to see a personality in their partner, but not all men have invested the time and effort necessary to develop it. Plus, no one is born with communication skills and it takes a lot of practice to learn.

To improve this area of ​​your life, we strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the materials of a well-established trainer on communication with the opposite sex.

Learning how to be successful with women will lead you to sex and help you find your other half. As a result, you will be able to enjoy sex and significantly increase testosterone secretion in one of the healthiest and most natural ways!

10. Buy and use a natural testosterone supplement!

We have already mentioned the fact that all the legit, effective and best natural testosterone supplements contain nothing but healthy and organic ingredients.

Unfortunately, some people still have misconceptions and still believe that all supplements contain various synthetic steroids, hormones and other harmful substances that will make them ugly.

The fact is that there are supplements that are not manufactured according to standards that can lead to this condition. But that is precisely why they are illegal and unavailable through conventional means.

One of the best ways to increase your testosterone levels is to take supplements.

All these ingredients have been proven to have a strong and significant effect on stimulating hormone production in the male body. This includes releasing existing testosterone bound to various proteins so that it can be better used to achieve body building goals.

That's why we make it easy and worry-free to recommend natural testosterone boosters made by trusted and reputable companies that know what they're doing and use only safe and healthy ingredients that promote natural growth and amazing results!


This is everything you need to know about how to increase testosterone levels naturally without using drugs.

If you decide to live a healthy and balanced lifestyle that includes plenty of sleep, exercise, sex, a few natural supplements, less alcohol, less stress and good nutrition - you won't have to worry about low testosterone anymore!

So, what do you personally think about the listed methods, do you have any suggestions or have you found any disadvantages?

We'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas because many people don't realize that all it takes is a simple lifestyle change and they'll enjoy a divine physique and never have to worry about getting fat again!

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