What is an anabolic steroid? What is their effect on the body? Anabolic drugs

The anabolic effect is the process of converting simple compounds into more complex ones. It uses a certain amount of energy and is regulated by hormones. It is based on it main mechanism actions of steroids. These drugs help speed up growth muscle mass and promote muscle recovery. They give a quick effect, but at the same time have some side effects. How do anabolic steroids affect the body? What else is the principle of their operation?

In the process of gaining fat or muscle tissue occurs in the human body large number a wide variety of reactions. Playing sports, such as bodybuilding, requires significant energy expenditure. If energy “appetites” are greater than the body’s reserves, a dose is required special means. These can be sources of fat or muscle tissue itself.

If you use muscles as a source of energy, the results of sports activities will be reduced to zero. That is why the use of special substances – anabolic steroids – is indicated in the process of playing sports. The purpose of their use is to increase the amount of protein, as well as to activate its synthesis.

The mechanism of action of such drugs is similar to how peptide hormones work. Once in the bloodstream, steroid particles react with the skeletal muscles, sebaceous glands, some parts of the brain and certain glands. They penetrate into cells and bind to receptors in the nucleus and cytoplasm. Thanks to this, the process of formation of nucleic acids and protein molecules is launched.

Steroids have a lot of positive properties.

  1. Increasing testosterone levels.
  2. Increased strength and endurance.
  3. Fat burning.
  4. Normalization of nitrogen balance.
  5. The body receives a large amount of proteins.
  6. Increased appetite.
  7. Increased sexual desire.

Despite positive aspects, doctors talk about the dangers of steroids. Their long-term use may cause development various pathologies and diseases:

· transformation of testosterone into female hormones;

  • an incorrectly designed system for using drugs has the opposite effect;
  • fluid retention in the body and, as a result, swelling and high blood pressure;
  • seborrhea and acne;
  • irregularities in work internal organs, in particular, the liver;
  • all gained muscle mass is lost;
  • androgen receptors lose sensitivity.

There are known cases in medicine where the use of steroids by men over a long period of time led to infertility. However, materials about such complications appear very rarely. Most negative consequences do not affect the cell structure, are reversible and can be treated.

What does anabolic effect mean? This is a process that involves replenishing the energy spent on training with the help of some substances, in this case steroids. They have a lot of advantages. The effect is possible under one condition - the athlete strictly adheres to the instructions.

Steroids are a scary word. Their illegal production, storage, distribution, and sometimes use are criminal offenses. What is their harm? Is there any benefit? Are there legal analogues? In this article we will talk about anabolic steroids for muscle growth.

Anabolic steroids are first and foremost medical supplies. They were synthesized on the basis of testosterone and growth hormone in the 30s of the last century and immediately won the love of doctors. The medicine began to be used to treat a wide range of diseases.

Pay attention! At that time, steroids were considered a completely harmless drug. They also could not detect it in any biological fluid.

Later, veterinarians became interested in them - with their help it was possible to significantly increase the strength and endurance of horses. You can probably already guess what this led to?

Yes, coaches and athletes also became interested in steroids. At first, doctors had nothing against it, but athletes began to completely exceed modest dosages. In the 60s, doping became a real plague, affecting bodybuilders left and right.

How do anabolic steroids work?

Anabolic steroids are artificial testosterone. The latter determines male sexual characteristics: abundant hair, deep voice and greater muscle strength. It accelerates muscle protein synthesis and reduces the amount of cortisol, allowing a person to exercise longer. They are also used to save muscle fibers while drying the body.

Pay attention! A woman's body also produces testosterone. It is responsible for bone strength, skin condition and even good mood.

With the help of steroids, an athlete incredibly speeds up metabolism, which is so necessary for building new tissue.

Forms of release of drugs

Anabolic steroids are taken orally or by injection. Depending on this, they are produced in tablets, syrups, bottles or ampoules. A little about the form of admission:

  • Oral. Convenient, but toxic - it hurts the liver. In addition, some people simply cannot stand injections.
  • Injectable. Less pleasant, but more effective form taking steroids. The result appears within a few days after use.

Positive properties of anabolic steroids

What effect does an athlete who uses anabolic steroids get? Essential. With their help, you can increase the effectiveness of your training by 3-4 times:

  • Rapid growth of muscle tissue. Anabolic steroids increase protein synthesis, muscles grow by leaps and bounds. Of course, only with intense training and a protein diet.
  • Increase physical strength. Strength characteristics grow due to the same thing as muscles. Partially due to increased physical strength, weight gain occurs.
  • Increased endurance. Anabolic steroids reduce the production of cartisol and increase the production of creatine phosphate. Thanks to this, the training can last many times longer.
  • Dullness inflammatory processes. Reduce joint pain, allowing you to train despite it (dubious advantage).
  • Reduction of fat layer. Fatty acids begin to be used for energy production during strength exercise.

All these effects are especially attractive in bodybuilding. Anabolic steroids allow athletes to gain significant muscle mass and promote fat burning.

Side effects of anabolic steroids

As a rule, athletes are not inclined to talk openly about the side effects of anabolic steroids. However, we know enough about it. Many drugs affect the condition of the skin, reproductive function, sexual characteristics, blood vessels and the heart and liver.

More about side effects

People who abuse drugs experience:

  • Mood changes. A person may feel inadequately happy or, on the contrary, become depressed.
  • Problems with the epidermis. Swelling and pimples appear on the skin.
  • Liver dysfunction. Liver swelling often develops.
  • Increased estrogen production. Leads to breast enlargement - undesirable for men. You can reduce production only with the help of other (anti-estrogenic) steroids - Tamoxifen Nolvadex.
  • Heart problems and blood vessels. Anabolic steroids increase blood volume, levels of “bad” cholesterol and increase blood pressure. Increased risk of heart attack and coronary disease hearts.
  • Drug addiction. Many anabolic steroids are addictive, strong physiological and psychological dependence oh quiet.
  • Violation reproductive function. For men, this means a decrease in sperm production in the testicles and infertility; for women, it means a reduction in the mammary glands and problems with the menstrual cycle.

Pay attention! Women also receive other unpleasant effects: a lot of body hair, deepening of the voice, actual breast reduction due to the reduction of the mammary glands.

Victims of steroids

Many bodybuilding stars have become victims of steroids. Some used doping to speed dial muscle mass, some to reduce inflammation and increase endurance. Here are just a few famous bodybuilders who suffered due to dangerous drugs:

Ray McNeil is a Jamaican bodybuilder, Olympia competitor and steroid addict. He was shot and killed by his wife while in a fit of “steroidal rage.” A state in which a person does not control himself. At the trial, it turned out that Ray regularly beat his wife and forced her to have perverted sex.

Mike Mentzer is a winner of the Mr. Athletics and Mr. Olympia competitions. The bodybuilder's heart was exhausted by a course of steroids. The man was “finished off” by morphine, which Mike took to drown out constant pain. The cause of death was a heart attack.

Andreas Münzer is a “man without skin.” He became famous for having the leanest figure among bodybuilders of the 90s. Often appeared in commercials sports nutrition and posed at social events. Steroid and diuretic drugs led to liver failure, dehydration, zero immunity and disease cardiovascular system. Died from internal bleeding.

Classification of anabolic steroids

Despite the fact that in everyday speech we understand steroids as anabolics, this group includes all drugs that increase protein synthesis in the body (including non-steroidal ones). We will talk more about what they are and what they are below.

Non-steroidal anabolics

Non-steroidal anabolizers are included in any sports nutrition. These are amino acids, vitamins and nootropics. They improve metabolism and promote rapid recovery muscle tissue and its growth. Popular non-steroidal anabolics are:

  • Ecdisten – contains the active ingredient, lavzea safflower. Produced on the basis of natural ingredients.
  • Carnityl hydrochloride – stimulates protein synthesis, accelerates muscle regeneration, increases mental activity(often prescribed for Alzheimer's disease).
  • Safinor – used for debilitating physical activity and training in the mountains. Pharmaceutical drug made on the basis of a medicinal plant - Manchurian aralia.

Yes, compared to steroidal anabolics, non-steroidal ones have a very weak effect. But they are more beneficial than harmful to your health. The side effect is most often limited to allergies.

Non-steroidal anabolic steroids include some preventive and medicines. For example, methionine, bemityl or vitrum antioxidant. The latter contains vitamins A, C, E, beta-caratine, zinc oxide, etc.

Pay attention! If a drug contains vitamins, this does not make it safe! For example, neurorubin, which contains important vitamins group B, has many contraindications. The product is used to reduce pain symptoms and neuralgia.

Drugs with metabolic effect

  • Metformin (used in medicine for diabetics). It increases the sensitivity of insulin receptors and accelerates the process of glucose consumption by muscles. It also promotes the oxidation of fatty acids, suppresses hunger and fat synthesis. Therefore, it is often used for weight loss.
  • Triiodothyronine is a drug containing a synthesized hormone analogue thyroid gland– hydrochloride. Accelerates protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism, leading to weight loss. The drug is often used by fitness models to look thin without counting calories every day.
  • Saltos (saltosis) – increases body temperature and speeds up metabolism. Attention! Taken for treatment bronchial asthma, can trigger the development of diabetes.

Some drugs and substances belong to sports pharmacology, but do not have an anabolic effect: asparkam, vinpocetine, trimetazine (trimetazidine), calcium glycerophosphate, cytomac or cytochrome c, riboxin or inosine, pentoxifyline, methyluracil, etc.

Such drugs can help with training and recovery after it, but are not directly associated with an increase in muscle mass. Most often taken together with anabolic steroid drugs and sports supplements.

Pay attention! The use of pharmaceutical anabolic steroids and medicines has a lot of side effects. Many of them are not sold without a doctor's prescription and are considered doping (prohibited for use in competitions). For example, clenbuterol or mildronate.

Anabolic steroid

Doping drugs that are produced on the basis of synthesized male hormone– testosterone (or rather its analogues). They cause numerous side effects, which we wrote about above. Among them: Winstrol, Sustanon, Nandrolone, Methandrostenolone and others.

Pay attention! We understand that the means mass media“demonize” the image of steroids. Of course, in reality everything is not so bad. However, they negative impact on the human body cannot be denied.

How to cleanse the body after a course of steroids?

To overcome addiction, minimize and prevent side effects from a course of steroids, you need to cleanse the body. The process will take you 4-6 weeks (depending on how long you have been taking them).

Let's get off the hook

Let’s immediately say that you won’t be able to stop taking steroids overnight. This is fraught with even more serious hormonal disorders, physiological and psychological problems. Proceed as follows:

  • Slowly begin weaning off highly androgenic (strong) steroids. In 3-4 weeks, completely eliminate them by switching to lighter analogues.
  • For the next 3-4 weeks, try to get rid of soft drugs. Start using Proviron.
  • Take a course of gonadotropin to restore testicular function.
  • Afterwards - a course of Primobolan.

Don't skip protein shakes or protein foods while you are coming off steroids. On the contrary, increase your protein intake.

Restoring liver function

Hepatoprotectors will help us with this: Essentiale Forte, Legalon or Karsil, Hepatostan, etc. To normalize liver function, you can eat pumpkin seeds and artichoke.

Homeopathic preparations for normalizing liver function contain cassia, celandine, cinchona, yarrow and much more. So, do not use homeopathic medicines or what they are made from.

Pay attention! Dilution rate active substance V homeopathic medicine so big that it simply won't work. And many medicinal plants have unwanted effects. The same yarrow increases the likelihood of blood clots. This is generally inappropriate for a person who has just used steroids.

Restoring the cardiovascular system

To restore the cardiovascular system, we will need cardioprotectors: lipoflavone, quercetin, corvitin, vitamins C and E, potassium and magnesium.

Cardioprotectors regulate the supply of oxygen to the myocardium. Their effectiveness is low, the course is very long (starting from several months). Partially normalize the condition circulatory system Maral root or Leuzea safflower will help.

Legal form of anabolic steroids

There are many pharmacological drugs, which increase endurance and accelerate muscle growth. They belong to the non-steroidal anabolic steroids that we wrote about above:

  • Diabeton CF. Stimulates insulin production and is prescribed for diabetics. Used in bodybuilding as a non-steroidal anabolic. Acceptable dosage is 30 mg.
  • Agapurin. Improves microcirculation in muscle tissue, dilates blood vessels. Contraindicated in case of heart disease, previous heart attack or predisposition to it.
  • Liv 52 – has an anabolic and anti-inflammatory effect, reduces the likelihood of side effects from taking other drugs (according to the manufacturer).
  • Alvezin – stimulates protein metabolism, contains amino acids: arginine, alamine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid etc.

Do not buy drugs that are not officially used in sports pharmacology. Be wary of products that may alter your hormonal background, disrupt the balance of androgen and estrogen. Corticosteroids are not one of them. They contain hormones produced by the adrenal cortex.

Completely avoid products that contain testosterone ester. It is better to use them instead medicinal herbs, which are a “natural” anabolic. For example, golden root or pink radiola.

If you are determined to use anabolic steroids, use “soft” drugs. For example, Nandrolone. It is relatively safe and has virtually no side effects if the dosage is observed.

In this case, use our tips:

  • Don't delay your appointment. Limit course time to 6 weeks.
  • Start with a reduced dosage (3 tablets per day) and gradually increase it to 6 closer to the middle of the course. After this, begin to reduce the dose back.
  • Increase your nutrition. To get the effect you need to consume more calories than usual.
  • Train! Otherwise there will be no effect.

Pay attention! It is better to increase the rate of creation of androgen receptors than to increase the dose of testosterone. To do this, use protein and regular strength exercises.

Do you have any questions?

Now you know what anabolic steroids are, what their benefits and harms are, what they are like and what they can lead to. If you really decide to try it, do everything to minimize side effects and possible harm for health. Try to use non-steroidal drugs.

Anabolic steroids (anabolic steroids) - drugs synthesized on the basis of the male sex hormone testosterone.

The most common anabolic steroids include drugs such as: Retabolil ( synonyms: Nandrolone Decanoate, Deca-Durabolin, Turinabol-Depot,Northestosterone decanoate, Phenobolin (Nerobolil, Turinobol, Durabolin, Nandrolone-phenylpropionate), Silabolin, Methandrostenolone (Nerobol, Dianobol, Methandinone),Methylandrostenedione (Methandriol, Methasterone)

Synonyms and slang names for anabolic steroids:

Russians: anabolic steroids, AS, food

Steroids - animal substances or plant origin, with high biological activity and regulating life processes in animals and humans. Steroids include steroid alcohol contained in the human body cholesterol, cholic acid etc. The group of steroids also includes the so-called cardiac glycosides- substances of plant origin obtained from foxglove and lily of the valley plants.
TO anabolic steroids include drugs synthesized on the basis of the male sex hormone testosterone, which is responsible in the body for the formation of a male muscular figure (the so-called androgenic effect).
In medicine, drugs of this group are used during the rehabilitation period after serious illnesses and injuries that cause general exhaustion of the body, as well as to accelerate the healing of wounds and burns.
Anabolic steroids facilitate the absorption of substances necessary for cell growth, thereby stimulating body weight gain and increasing muscle strength. It is this property that has become the basis for the widespread non-medical use of anabolic steroids in sports.

History of anabolics

According to some reports, already at the ancient Olympic Games, athletes used stimulants to improve athletic performance.
In 1865, there was the first officially registered case of doping in swimming competitions. And already in 1866, the first death associated with doping was registered. But despite this fact, stimulant drugs various actions are used almost everywhere in sports today.
However, the most widespread use of doping in sports began with the creation of synthetic testosterone in 1935 by A. Butinandt and L. Ruzicka. According to sports historians, the resounding success of German athletes at the 1936 XI Olympic Games in Berlin, when the German team won 33 gold medals, was ensured by the use of this particular drug.
In the 1950s-1970s, a large number of synthetic testosterone derivatives with reduced androgenic and increased anabolic properties. Among them dianabol, non-worker, unemployed, retabolil, duranobolin etc. These steroids were named anabolic .
At first synthetic steroids were intended for medical purposes and were widely used to treat a number of diseases - cachexia, myodystrophy, pituitary dwarfism, burns, various injuries, anemia, heart weakness, etc. Then anabolic steroids began to be used to increase the muscle mass and strength of horses, after which they attracted the attention of athletes. They are increasingly being used to increase muscle mass and physical strength of athletes. At the same time, the dosages of the drugs differed significantly from the therapeutic ones. In the early 60s, a craze for bodybuilding spread in the United States, and here anabolic steroid came in handy.
In the 50s, the drug was released methandrostelone, which actually revolutionized the sport.
Production of this drug in former USSR was established in huge quantities, and almost all athletes involved in strength sports took it regularly.

“It got to the point where athletes would throw a handful of pills into traditional oatmeal for breakfast.” methane“- it was called “breakfast for champions”. After the production of methandrostenolone was established in huge quantities in the USSR, this drug became the basis for the training of domestic athletes..."

Y. Bombela. "Anabolic steroids: eliminating illiteracy"

In 1968, on the initiative of Prince Alexandre de Merode, an active participant in the Olympic movement, compulsory doping control was introduced for the first time at the Mexico City Olympics. If prohibited drugs are detected in the blood of athletes, including anabolic steroid, athletes began to withdraw from competitions.

Use and effects of anabolic steroids.

Methods of using anabolic steroids:

Anabolic steroid are produced in dosage forms both for oral use - in the form of tablets, and for intramuscular injections– in the form of solutions.

Action of anabolic steroids:

The main effect of anabolic steroids affects the strengthening of the process of metabolism and production of substances that go towards the construction of organic tissues. Because of this they are also called construction hormones. By retaining potassium, phosphorus and sulfur in the body, which are necessary for the synthesis of protein molecules, steroids stimulate protein production in the body.
At the molecular level, the androgenic effect of the molecule anabolic steroid due to the fact that when it enters a cell, it binds to androgen receptor, activating it. In turn, the receptor acts on certain parts of the DNA molecule, triggering information about which protein should be produced. Thus, steroids “force” the cell to intensively produce muscle proteins, thereby promoting an increase in muscle mass.
Efficiency and duration of steroid exposure depends on chemical structure specific drug.
For example, anabolic effect from a single injection phenobolin lasts up to two weeks, and the injection is most strong drug this group - retabolil, affects the body for three months.

Harm and dependence on anabolic steroids

Majority anabolic steroids They have primarily hepatotoxic properties - that is, they negatively affect liver function. Therefore, such drugs are usually taken together with drugs that improve the functioning of this organ.
Generally, regular use of steroids contributes to hormonal imbalance in the body, which can lead to many pathologies. In men, they can result in decreased sperm production, impotence, and the development of tumors. prostate gland. In women, the menstrual cycle may change, muscles and voice may become rougher, hair growth may vary. male type etc. Regular use of steroids by teenagers can be especially dangerous: among other things, they sometimes cause premature cessation of growth.
In addition, with hypertrophied muscle development and due to increasing loads, there is a danger of rupture of ligaments and tendons.
As for addiction, then anabolic steroids, having a tonic effect on the body, cause serious psychological addiction. Refusal to take them after long-term use can lead the patient to deep depression.

"There are also non-hormonal anabolic drugs, which in their own way chemical composition and action are completely different from anabolic steroids. They are also prescribed for weight loss, protein metabolism disorders, and asthenia. These are, for example, potassium orotate, carnitine, cobalamide, methyluracil, etc. Similar drugs are practically harmless if taken in appropriate dosages after consultation with a doctor. Have a mild anabolic effect and some plants - celery, garlic, onions, wild garlic, parsnips, etc.”

A. Dobrovolsky, nutritionist.

Diagnosis and treatment.

Symptoms of anabolic steroid overdose may manifest as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, increased blood pressure, cardiac dysfunction, as well as loss of appetite, increased aggressiveness and irritability.

Not only women want to have a beautiful body - many men are also sensitive to their appearance and work hard at gyms. In order not only to get a toned figure, but also to increase muscle mass and gain sculpted shapes, some men take special supplements, in other words, anabolic steroids. An anabolic steroid is virtually any drug that promotes muscle growth.

A little physiology

In ordinary life, the human body continuously destroys and eliminates old cells and tissues, replacing them with new ones. Doctors call this process catabolism. The opposite process of catabolism is called anabolism, it is characterized by the production of young, new cells. Special food additives provide similar action and promote fast These are anabolic steroids for fast They are made on the basis of the hormone testosterone, the production of which is more characteristic of men. These drugs are produced in the form of tablets or capsules, and are taken orally according to a special regimen. There are also muscle anabolics that need to be taken long time. They are available in the form of injections.

What are anabolic steroids needed for?

An anabolic steroid is a drug that enhances metabolism and also helps to quickly absorb those substances that are responsible for renewing body tissues. First of all, it improves protein and mineral metabolism. Considering that anabolic steroids are based on testosterone, this type supplements contributes to the formation of a muscular male figure. Anabolic steroids for muscle growth are sometimes prescribed by specialists in medical purposes, for example, if the patient is severely exhausted, after serious injuries and serious illnesses. Doctors prescribe these substances when the human body itself cannot cope with the production of new cells. But most often anabolic steroids for muscles are acquired absolutely healthy people- athletes and bodybuilders. And they take these substances not for medical purposes, but to obtain sculpted muscles and increase physical strength.

Why do athletes take anabolic steroids?

An anabolic steroid is essentially a doping, and in big sport it is prohibited. But still, bodybuilders, bodybuilders, sprinters and other athletes actively use the mentioned substance to improve their results. At the same time, the dosage of anabolic steroids taken by athletes differs significantly from the doses prescribed by doctors in medicinal purposes. When these supplements first began to appear (in the 60s of the last century), they were not yet able to determine their presence in human blood, so there was no ban on anabolic steroids at that time. Now they are included in the list of drugs prohibited in sports, and testing for the use of anabolic steroids is carried out not only at competitions, but also during training.

What are the dangers of taking anabolic steroids?

Regular use of anabolic steroids ensures the formation of a beautiful muscular body and rapid growth muscle mass. But these substances are not at all harmless, because it is not for nothing that they are included in the list of prohibited substances. As we have already mentioned, anabolic steroids are classified as doping drugs, so their use to improve athletic performance is prohibited. In addition, they fundamentally undermine human health and lead to disruptions in the functioning of internal organs and systems. The insidiousness of anabolic steroids lies in the fact that a malfunction in the functioning of one or another organ is not detected immediately, but after some time. Therefore, in most cases, the disease is detected when it is already advanced, and its treatment requires considerable effort and money.

Consequences of taking anabolic steroids

Regular use of anabolic steroids leads to the following side effects:

  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • vomiting, loss of appetite up to refusal to eat;
  • irritability, aggression.

Males often experience impotence, inflammation of the prostate gland, decreased sperm activity, and difficulties conceiving a child. Taking anabolic steroids in women leads to problems menstrual cycle And increased growth hair (the influence of the male hormone on In addition, representatives of the fair sex often have a rougher voice. It is especially dangerous for teenagers to take anabolic steroids, because, in addition to disruptions in the functioning of all systems and organs, this leads to a cessation of growth. Often the effect of the substances in question on a fragile young body is so strong that there is a delay in its development. Very often, the use of anabolic steroids leads to an increase in injuries. The reason for this phenomenon is that from the abuse of steroids, the muscles rapidly increase in size, but the ligaments and bones remain in the same condition and cannot withstand this. The faster the muscles grow, the greater the risk of tendon rupture, but this is true. reverse side medals. As a rule, in pursuit of a muscular body, people do not think about it. Or they simply don’t know about all the consequences of taking anabolic steroids. The insidiousness of these substances also lies in the fact that performance, increased strength and muscle growth occur only with the use of the mentioned supplements. If you stop taking them, then everything returns to its original position, which forces the person to take the drugs again and again and even increase their dosage. But giving up anabolic steroids can be difficult, as a person simply becomes dependent on the drug.

Is there an alternative?

But not all anabolic steroids are harmful. There are plants that have a slight anabolic effect. Due to their natural origin, they do not upset the balance of the body, but promote the growth of muscle mass. Natural anabolics for muscle growth are celery, dill, wild garlic, parsnips and horseradish. Let their use increase muscle mass not as quickly as from synthetic drugs, but they do not undermine human health, do not lead to side effects and are not prohibited for use in sports competitions. Therefore, before taking anabolic steroids in order to quickly build muscle, carefully weigh the pros and cons, and also consult your doctor about possible consequences use similar drugs. After all, an anabolic steroid is not harmless vitamins or whey protein, but substances that have a strong effect on the body and therefore require strict control and use in recommended dosages, exceeding which is strictly not recommended.

Jan 04, 2016 by the author in the section

Pharmacy steroids are not steroids in the absolute sense of the word. This pharmacological agents(medicines, dietary supplements, vitamins), which are sold in any city pharmacy. They are preferred by natural athletes and beginners, when training and nutrition do not help achieve the desired result, you can buy them on the website.

Steroids are available in pharmacies with or without a prescription.

Effect of steroids from a pharmacy:

  • Increases the athlete's endurance and immunity
  • Improve metabolism at the cellular level
  • Support the heart
  • Restore the liver
  • Activate blood supply to muscle tissue and amino acid synthesis
  • Increase appetite
  • Accelerate anabolic processes

Before using medications and biological additives be sure to read the instructions. Consider side effects and contraindications.

Non-steroidal anabolics

Drugs with a pronounced or insignificant anabolic effect. Raise muscle strength, endurance and performance. Increase body weight, but block fat formation.

The active substance, gliclazide, stimulates beta cells of the pancreas. More insulin is released into the blood. Moreover, this happens gradually, over 10-12 hours.

In sports, it is used in mass-gaining programs, during periods between courses.


  • Minimum rollback
  • Carbohydrates are quickly absorbed, so there is no fat deposits
  • Diabeton MV is started at a dosage of 0.5 tablets once a day. Gradually increase to 30 mg per day
  • Reception - in the morning. Within 10 hours after – carbohydrate food (to prevent hypoglycemia)
  • Course – 1 month. Then a break - 2-3 months
  • Be sure to follow a high-calorie diet
  • Diabeton MV is contraindicated in hypoglycemia, underweight

2. Potassium orotate

Metabolic drug. Regulates and stimulates endogenous biochemical processes.


  • Improvement of protein metabolism
  • Fast recovery during increased physical activity
  • Improved skin condition
  • Muscle gain
  • It is optimal to take potassium orotate together with anabolic steroids, vitamins and minerals
  • Dosage – 1 t 3-4 times a day. Course – 20-40 days
  • Do not exceed the dosage or increase the course: fatty degeneration liver

A synthetic derivative of pyrimidine, a substance that accelerates cell division.


  • Improving the regenerative and recovery capabilities of the body
  • In bodybuilding, the drug is often combined with ATP, adaptogens, Methionine, Inosine
  • Dosage: 2 t. 3-4 times a day
  • Course – 1 month
  • Methyluracil is contraindicated in malignant formations and individual intolerance

Protein preparation. Source of amino acids.


Used by athletes for cutting and gaining lean mass.

  • 400 ml intravenously every 3 days
  • Course – 14-21 days
  • Alvezin is contraindicated for liver and kidney diseases, increased content blood potassium

Tonic. Enhances protein biosynthesis.


  • Increases physical activity
  • Increases speed and strength qualities before competitions
  • Recommended for intense training, cardiovascular problems
  • How to take: 1-2 t. 3 times a day for 2-3 weeks
  • Ecdisten is contraindicated for nervous excitability, insomnia, hypertension

Vitamin-like substance. Delivers long-chain proteins to mitochondria fatty acids through the internal membranes. There, fats are broken down, releasing energy.


  • L-carnitine is taken by athletes as a fat burner
  • Lowers cholesterol levels
  • Protects the heart and blood vessels
  • Increases endurance during aerobic and anaerobic exercise
  • When taken with other fat burners, it increases their activity and reduces side effects
  • With L-carnitine, a bodybuilder gains clean mass, without fat
  • Take 1000 mg 2 times a day. In the morning on an empty stomach and half an hour before training



  • Restores testosterone levels
  • Prevents fluid retention in the body
  • Blocks estrogen production
  • Lowers cholesterol, which is important during steroid cycles
  • Nolvadex is toxic! Taking may lead to vomiting, nausea, and dizziness. Tamoxifen should not be combined with progesterone drugs (Nandrolone, Trenbolone)
  • A week after the start of almost any course, the concentration of anabolic hormones increases. During this period, it is recommended to add Tamoxifen 10-20 mg per day

Drugs with metabolic effect

The active substance is pentoxifylline, an angioprotector.


  • Improves microcirculation
  • The blood is saturated with oxygen faster and nutrients, rather delivers them to muscle fibers
  • Dosage: 2 t. 3 times a day
  • Course – 4-6 weeks

An enzyme preparation obtained by extraction from the heart tissue of cattle.


  • In bodybuilding it is used to activate tissue respiration and oxidative processes in muscles
  • 20 mg 4 times a day or 60-100 mg simultaneously, 2 hours before training
  • Course – 5-10 days

Replaceable amino acid.


  • Stimulates protein and carbohydrate metabolism, oxidative processes
  • Improves skeletal muscle activity
  • Prevents a decrease in redox potential
  • Usage rate – 4 t. 2-3 times a day


Steroid courses hit the liver hard. Therefore, the body needs support. Row pharmaceutical drugs do an excellent job with this task. The following have proven themselves in sports.

A product from the group of proteins, amino acids, hepatoprotectors.


  • Normalizes the synthesis of phospholipids and choline
  • Has a lipotropic effect
  • Replenishes protein and energy reserves
  • Eliminates the toxic effect on the liver, restores damaged cells
  • 1 t. 3-4 times a day
  • Course – 30 days

The active substance – silymarin – strengthens cell membranes.


  • Supports liver health, restores damaged organ structures
  • Increases appetite
  • Positively affects the functioning of the digestive system
  • Dosage: 1-4 t. 3 times a day for 3 months

Combined herbal preparation with antitoxic effect.


  • Pain syndrome in the liver
  • Indigestion
  • Hepatitis
  • Extreme physical activity
  • Prevention of liver diseases
  • Dosage: 2-3 t. 3 times a day - for treatment; 2 t. 2 times a day - for prevention

Bonus. Heart support

Active training in the gym is a huge burden on the heart. In addition, the motor does not always keep up with the rapid growth of muscle mass. Without organ support, failures occur.

The following drugs support the heart muscle::

  • Asparkam(source of potassium and magnesium)
  • Riboxin(improves coronary blood supply, metabolic processes in the myocardium)
  • Mildronate(cardioprotector, relieves mental and physical stress)
  • Bisoprolol(beta blocker, normalizes pulse and eliminates pain)
  • Trimetazidine(improves heart nutrition at the cellular level)
  • Herbal preparations with cardioprotective effects – Rhodiola rosea, Hawthorn, Leuzea

To protect the heart and maintain the health of the whole body, increase tone, endurance and performance, vitamins and minerals are important. There are combined courses and solo preparations. The choice is made depending on the task at hand.