Why is ibuprofen dangerous for the elderly? Corporal Punishment of Children is Harmful to the Child. Harm of Aspartic Acid for Children and Adults

Paracetamol has similar pharmacological properties, but if we have already dealt with its side effects, then there are still several serious complaints about ibuprofen.

1. Ibuprofen increases the risk of heart attack by 30%

In 2013, The Lancet published a devastating article that some popular painkillers (including ibuprofen and diclofenac) may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

British specialists have done a great job: they analyzed 639 clinical trials, medical data from 353 thousand patients, and proved that high doses of ibuprofen (2400 mg per day) actually increase the risk of heart attack by as much as 30%. People with weak hearted It is not recommended to take this over-the-counter drug without consulting your doctor.

The fears of British colleagues were confirmed in July 2016 by specialists from the American Heart Association: scientists discovered that ibuprofen retains salts and fluid in the body, which is why diuretics to lower blood pressure stop working, and patients develop heart failure.

The uneasy relationship between ibuprofen and the heart has been suspected before: in 2011, scientists at the University of Copenhagen (Denmark) said that survivors of heart attack are 45% more likely to have a second heart attack during the first week of treatment if they are prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

2. Ibuprofen can cause impotence

Men taking ibuprofen 3 times a day for 3 months increased their risk of impotence by 38%. Experts spoke about this in 2011 non-profit organization Kaiser Permanente (USA) in The Journal of Urology.

Scientists conducted a large observational study of 80 thousand Californian men aged 45 to 69 years. It turned out that along with smoking, diabetes and obesity, regular use of ibuprofen can cause erectile dysfunction. However, there is no need to throw away the pills in a panic: most patients take ibuprofen symptomatically, and chronically ill patients can always discuss the potential risks with their doctor.

Associated diseases:

3. Ibuprofen during pregnancy causes cryptorchidism in newborns

Alas, this applies not only to ibuprofen, but also to other non-narcotic painkillers - aspirin and paracetamol. Taking these drugs during pregnancy increases the risk of cryptorchidism in boys by 16 times. Danish scientists from the University of Copenhagen reported this in 2010 in the journal Human Reproduction.

The researchers observed 1.5 thousand pregnant Finnish women and 834 Danish women. Doctors monitored how often they took analgesics, and a few months later they checked their sons for cryptorchidism (undescended testicle in the scrotum).

It turned out that simultaneous use of two types of drugs increases the risk of cryptorchidism by 16 times. The second trimester of pregnancy is considered the most unfavorable time for taking ibuprofen, paracetamol and aspirin: they reduce testosterone production, and the formation of the genital organs is disrupted in the fetus. If cryptorchidism is not treated, it can lead to infertility in the future.

4. Ibuprofen does not combine with many medications.

Sometimes one medicine can interfere with the effects of another. In this regard, ibuprofen is unlucky: it does not combine well with a large number common drugs. Among them:

  • Medicines that lower blood pressure. Ibuprofen may cause a significant increase in systolic (upper) blood pressure in patients taking ACE inhibitors and other antihypertensive drugs.
  • Anti-inflammatory painkillers. If you are taking diclofenac, indomethacin or naproxen, you will need to avoid ibuprofen: when combined with these medications, it increases the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding.
  • Aspirin. Taking ibuprofen in combination with aspirin significantly increases the risk of bleeding, since both drugs have an antiplatelet (thinning) effect. The medicine is strictly contraindicated in patients with bleeding disorders.
  • Digoxin. This drug is often used to treat arrhythmia, but in combination with ibuprofen the risk of relative overdose increases, which can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, intestinal necrosis, tachycardia and even psychosis.
  • Lithium. Lithium drugs are sometimes prescribed to treat mental illness (bipolar disorder, depression, affective psychoses), but in combination with ibuprofen the metal is less cleared from the body. When too much lithium accumulates, a person faces serious intoxication, irreversible changes in the central nervous system, and even death.
  • Methotrexate. This cytostatic drug is used in the treatment of cancer and some autoimmune diseases. Just like lithium, in combination with ibuprofen it begins to accumulate in the body, affecting the liver and disrupting hematopoietic function.
  • Antidepressants. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors include fluoxetine, citalpram, paroxetine and sertraline. When combined with ibuprofen, they increase the risk of bleeding.

Associated symptoms:

Instructions for medications


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Why is Ibuprofen dangerous? Exposing the most popular analgesic

100 thousand people are hospitalized every year with internal bleeding due to the use of Ibuprofen and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in the United States. 16.5 thousand of them die in a hospital bed. Ibuprofen kills them.

Ibuprofen hurts people

Maggie Quayle is used to pain. In her second decade, she worked as a professional ballerina, and what she had to do with her body was often beyond reason. For many days she strived to perform flawless arabesques and jumps. She fell asleep, replaying ballet exercises in her head. She knew that she was fixated on ballet, but she understood that it was the only way become a successful ballerina. And she didn't want the injuries from grueling rehearsals to get in her way.

“Not rehearsing for a day or two, let alone weeks or months, was unacceptable,” says Maggie. Now 37, she is a mother of three boys and works as a public relations consultant. “If you don't practice, your ballet technique quickly deteriorates, so we've all found ourselves returning to the barre prematurely and dancing with untreated injuries.”

To numb the pain, Maggie Quayle took Advil, a drug whose main ingredient is Ibuprofen.

“Many dancers and athletes swallow Advil like candy,” says Maggie. “I think many of us are under the illusion that we have cast iron stomachs and that it (the drug) will never harm us.”

But one day during a rehearsal for The Nutcracker, Maggie had a stomach ache. At first, the pain was like intense hunger, as if it was eating away at the stomach from the inside. After a couple of days, the pain intensified and became sharp, like a knife cutting into the sternum. The trip to the doctor is over disappointing diagnosis: ulcer.

Of course, Maggie Quayle was not the first to suffer from NSAIDs such as ibuprofen, naproxen and aspirin. Kenny Easley, a former Seattle Seahawks football player, was forced to retire from the sport in 1988 due to kidney disease, triggered by taking ibuprofen, which was prescribed to relieve inflammation and reduce pain in an injured ankle.

But not only athletes and dancers suffer from Ibuprofen and other NSAIDs. According to statistics, 100 million prescriptions are written for this drug in the USA, 20 million in the UK, 10 million in Canada. But since Ibuprofen is an over-the-counter drug, it is difficult to say how many hundreds of millions of people buy it in pharmacies around the world. Just according to rough estimates, Americans buy about 30 billion NSAID tablets every year! Moreover, most buyers do not read the instructions for Ibuprofen, which indicate many serious side effects.

Harm of Ibuprofen to the body

NSAIDs were discovered in the 19th century with the invention of aspirin, which was isolated from a plant used by the ancient Egyptians to relieve pain. Ibuprofen was discovered in 1969 as a treatment for rheumatoid arthritis.

The action of all drugs in the NSAID group is similar: they reduce inflammation by inhibiting the action of the enzymes COX 1 (cyclooxygenase 1) and COX 2 (cyclooxygenase 2). These enzymes create prostaglandin lipids, which regulate the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, and blood vessels. These same enzymes are responsible for reducing pain and inflammation. However, there is one catch: pain is a signal from the body that something is wrong with it. By suppressing pain, people often aggravate the original problem and add new diseases caused by side effect ibuprofen and other NSAIDs.

And this is what taking Ibuprofen leads to:

Maggie Quayle's story is just an illustration of the risks that people taking Ibuprofen take, as studies show they are 5 times more likely to develop ulcers than those who don't take NSAIDs! Up to 35% of side effects of NSAIDs are associated with the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, erosion of the gastric mucosa, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum.

Taking Ibuprofen can lead to the development of renal failure and acute renal tubular necrosis. NSAIDs generally reduce the rate of blood flow in the kidneys, which leads to sodium and water retention in the body (water-salt imbalance). This in turn may cause an increase blood pressure and, as a consequence, to the development of heart failure.

The results of a study published in the respected medical journal Lancet show that taking NSAIDs increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease by 30%. And researchers from the University of Copenhagen found that if patients were prescribed Ibuprofen for a week after their first heart attack, the risk of a second heart attack increased by 45%; while the probability fatal outcome increases by 60%!

In men over 45 years of age, regular use of Ibuprofen may cause erectile dysfunction. Thus, men who use the drug three times a day are 38% more likely to develop impotence.

Side effects of the drug such as neuritis occur in people taking Ibuprofen optic nerve and toxic amblyopia.

Taking Ibuprofen and NSAIDs may have a mutagenic effect on the fetus. According to a study from the University of Copenhagen, women who took Ibuprofen during pregnancy were 16 times more likely to give birth to boys with cryptorchidism.

Alternative to Ibuprofen and NSAIDs

Of course, at the moment acute pain we don’t think about the dangers of Ibuprofen, but simply swallow the pill and wait for relief. But why poison yourself with chemicals if there are effective and time-tested natural painkillers?

Here are the most easily accessible ones:

Almost every housewife has this golden spice in her kitchen. But few people know that it contains curcumin, which, according to research published in 2009 in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, is as effective in relieving arthritis pain as Ibuprofen.

This tree is little known among us, but its resin is used to make incense that has an aroma reminiscent of incense (hence its second name - Indian incense). Boswellia is used to treat arthritis, ulcerative colitis, for asthma and cough.

According to research, taking ginger reduces painful sensations by a quarter. But it is more effective to use ginger in combination with turmeric, boswellia and black pepper.

Bromelain is an enzyme produced naturally from pineapple. Bromelain is useful for muscle pain after sports, to relieve pain from injuries and arthritis. Bromelain also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

This substance is isolated from cayenne pepper. When you rub capsaicin cream into the skin, you feel a warm feeling in the affected area. Capsaicin preparations are used externally to relieve pain in muscles and joints.

Arnica-based medicines have been used for many centuries to treat bruises and sprains, speed up wound healing, as well as relieve pain in muscles and joints and reduce swelling in fractures. And new research shows that arnica extract helps burns heal.

especially for Anvictory

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Are you normal at all? Instead of ibuprofen they suggested ginger and black pepper. This mixture will eat away at your stomach a hundred times faster!

Maybe it's all about its low cost compared to other drugs of the same type? Maybe this is why there is so much hype around Ibuprofen and so much talk about its dangers?

Digrots. All examples swallowed handfuls of ibuprofen. You can even ruin your heart with regular water if you drink too much.

I am generally against pills. Everything written here is correct: pain is a signal from the body that something is going wrong. Taking pills is not the answer.

Flu... If your temperature has risen above 39°C, then you have only one simple, affordable and effective remedy in your hands - Ibuprofen! 1 tablet plus another one after 2 hours (if the temperature has not dropped). It is better to take it if you eat a few spoons of borscht (soup) 10 minutes before. This way there is less harm to the stomach. Cannot be used with other medications at the same time. If you have already drunk powders with paracetamol, you need to wait 12 hours, otherwise a blow to the kidneys is guaranteed. Try to use this wonderful remedy no more than 2 times a month (except in emergency cases), otherwise right moment(high temperature, back pain and other pain) it will no longer help. but will cause harm. If at high temperatures the cough also shakes the brain, I haven’t seen it better means than “Tussin Plus” is much better than just Tussin (the active ingredient is guaifenesin in both). Take separately with ibuprofen at 1 hour difference, according to instructions. Suitable for children over a certain age. These two drugs will allow you to avoid replenishment of the lungs from influenza viruses and others (or rather from the action of their taxins) and preserve the body’s strength until the immune system defeats the virus. In general, Ibuprofen is very the right remedy V home medicine cabinet, but always remember the words from the famous Soviet film: “One tablet is enough.”

Why is Ibuprofen dangerous?

Ibuprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that does an excellent job of relieving pain in:

Despite the fact that Ibuprofen is similar to Paracetamol, there are still some questions about it. So why is Ibuprofen dangerous?

Does Ibuprofen really increase the risk of a heart attack?

Back in 2013, a European magazine published a shocking article that some painkillers that are wildly popular (Ibuprofen was included in this list) increase the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases. After such a statement, British scientists did a tremendous amount of work and found out that, indeed, harm from Ibuprofen in large quantities is possible. They proved that taking Ibuprofen can be dangerous if the drug is overdosed over 2400 mg per day. It is the use of the drug in this amount that increases the likelihood of a heart attack by 30%. Therefore, patients with a “weak” heart should not self-medicate with this substance.

A little later, scientists from America also proved that taking Ibuprofen retains salts and water in the human body, which in turn neutralizes the work of diuretics to normalize blood pressure and causes heart failure.

Ibuprofen and impotence: what is the relationship?

In 2011, one of the organizations in the states wrote an article that men who took Ibuprofen for 3 months three times a day increased their “chances” of becoming impotent.

After a series of studies side effect was confirmed. But you shouldn’t be too scrupulous about this fact, because symptomatically in small doses Ibuprofen does not cause harm, and for chronic ailments you can choose a less dangerous remedy.

Can I use Ibuprofen during pregnancy?

Despite the risks above, Ibuprofen can also be dangerous during pregnancy. The instructions for the drug state that the use of Ibuprofen is dangerous for a child, because it can provoke the development of cryptorchidism (the risk increases 16 times in boys).

Danish scientists reported this proven fact in 2010. After monitoring the course of pregnancy in more than 1,500 expectant mothers who often abused analgesics, it became clear that after a couple of months after combining the two medicines the risk of such a pathology has increased significantly.

The most unforeseen consequences may occur if you take the medication in the second trimester of pregnancy. It is during this period that Ibuprofen (as well as other analgesics) reduces the production of testosterone, which leads to improper and defective development of the male genital organs. If such a disease is not treated promptly, adult life it can result in infertility.

Is it possible to combine Ibuprofen with other medications?

Sometimes the benefit or harm of treatment depends on the correct combination various drugs, especially if the patient is prescribed them in large quantities. In this regard, Ibuprofen is not very lucky, because it is not combined with a large list of the most popular medications.

Ibuprofen is not dangerous if you avoid using the following medications:

  • Drugs that lower blood pressure;

Ibuprofen may cause an increase in upper pressure in patients taking ACE inhibitors and other antihypertensive substances.

  • Analgesic and anti-inflammatory substances;

To avoid development or exacerbation gastrointestinal diseases and the likelihood of bleeding, while taking Ibuprofen you should not take Diclofenac, Naproxen and similar drugs.

The simultaneous use of Ibuprofen with Aspirin increases the likelihood of bleeding, because both medications have a thinning effect. It is strictly contraindicated to take Ibuprofen for people who have poor clotting blood.

Typically, this drug is prescribed as therapy for arrhythmia. But, if you add Ibuprofen to its use, there is a high probability of overdose, which in turn can cause vomiting, upset, intestinal necrosis, tachycardia and even mental disorders.

This drug is mainly prescribed to patients who suffer from mental disorders. Ibuprofen, unlike Lithium, is not dangerous for humans, but the combination of these two drugs impairs the removal of metal from human body, the accumulation of which in excessive quantities threatens with intoxication, irreversible destruction of the central nervous system. In more complex cases, death is possible.

This substance is used to treat cancer patients, as well as patients with autoimmune diseases. Combining it with Ibuprofen has the same effect as combining Ibuprofen with Lithium, because the substance accumulates, which leads to irreversible liver damage and disruptions in the hematopoietic system.

Combining all kinds of antidepressants with Ibuprofen can cause bleeding.

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IMPORTANT. The information on the site is provided for informational purposes only. Do not self-medicate. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Ibuprofen For Children - Is It Harmful?

Ibuprofen, widely known today, which was synthesized in 1962 and was originally used in the UK, has become a good alternative to acetylsalicylic acid, which has many side effects. It was the invention of the new drug that culminated the active search for “superaspirin” that took place in Europe at that time.

Ibuprofen is approved for use in the treatment of children; doctors consider this medicine to be more gentle and safe for children than its antipyretic counterparts. It is recommended for use if a child experiences pain - with infectious diseases, colds, bruises and injuries. It is also used for inflammatory processes and high temperatures.

However, let’s make a reservation right away: the safest does not mean completely harmless. And before you finally decide whether you will give your child such a medicine, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons.

If you use ibuprofen for children to relieve fever, make sure that your children do not take paracetamol at the same time, otherwise the illness may be delayed. According to a report by representatives of the American Academy of Pediatrics, parents often use two drugs together to reduce fever in children, even without requiring drug effects, and thereby expose children's body unjustified load. Often parents do not follow the recommendations, allowing an overdose.

In addition, young children should not be given this medicine more than four times a day, and the interval between doses should not be less than four hours, so that the concentration in the body active substances– did not exceed the components of the drug permissible norm. Be sure to read the list of contraindications for the drug - perhaps your children have diseases from it, and you need to find another antipyretic drug.

When taking a drug such as ibuprofen, it is possible allergic reactions– from skin rash to Quincke's edema (a rapid allergic reaction with complications including suffocation).

Scientists from the UK opposed children being treated with such a drug - in their opinion, fever and fever are less dangerous than such a drug. Researchers have found out why it should not be given to children under 15 months of age - it turns out that they can develop asthma, and in the first six years of life.

Somewhat confusing age restrictions, determined by the manufacturers of the drug and those published by doctors - for example, the instructions for the medicine indicate that it is indispensable for fever and pain even in newborns. Whereas, for example, the National Pharmacological Committee and the Union of Pediatricians of Russia recommend using this drug in children from 12 years of age and for no longer than 5 days ( acetylsalicylic acid- from 15 years old).

Doctors note that using medicines, including ibuprofen, it is necessary to take into account the age, weight and even gender of the child, as well as individual characteristics the pace of development and how organs and systems function. Then there will be no harm from the treatment. Be careful when choosing medications!

Is Sugar-Free Drinks and Chewing Gum Harmful to Your Teeth?

AirPods and Other Bluetooth Headphones – Are They Harmful to Health?

Ibuprofen - Indications for Use

Corporal Punishment of Children – Harm to the Child

Ibuprofen During Pregnancy - Should You Take It?

Harm of Aspartic Acid for Children and Adults

Is it safe to treat children with ibuprofen or rather harmful, I still don’t understand)))

Ibuprofen suppresses immune system person. For fever, only paracetamol. These are not my words, these are the words of a doctor from regional hospital, where I ended up with my child because of very low immunity. Also, under no circumstances should you take immunostimulants (the well-known Viferon!) So we poison ourselves according to the recommendations of local doctors.

The information on our website is informative and educational in nature. However this information is in no way intended to be a guide to self-medication. Be sure to consult your doctor.

Positive properties of Ibuprofen and harm in case of overdose

Ibuprofen is a drug belonging to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Let's consider what Ibuprofen is, its benefits and harms, signs of overdose with possible improper use. Although its effect is long-lasting, and a person may not feel pain for several hours, there is still no need to get carried away with it: increasing the taken dose of any medicine has never brought benefit to anyone.

Causes of intoxication

Most significant reason poisoning is buying medicine without a doctor's prescription and self-medication. How much medicine does it take for a person to become poisoned? The instructions for use of the medicine indicate that maximum dose– 2.4 grams per day, that is, 12 tablets. Moreover, it is important that this dose be distributed into 3 or 4 doses, that is, you should drink no more than 3 capsules at a time.

You can be poisoned by the medicine in question in the following cases:

  1. Wrong reception. The medicine comes under different names, which can cause confusion.
  2. Often patients forget to read the instructions for use, as a result of which they take the medicine incorrectly.
  3. The consequences of incorrectly taking Ibuprofen in children occur when the drug is in places accessible to them. Children may mistake the medicine for candy and drink it.
  4. Treatment on the advice of friends, and not after seeing a doctor. Patients can take the medicine when it is prohibited. This can cause irreversible changes in the body.

How does poisoning occur?

The pathogenesis of poisoning has not been sufficiently studied to date. It is obvious that the toxicity of Ibuprofen is associated with the suppression of the formation of prostaglandins. It is with a decrease in the amount of these active substances that phenomena such as decreased blood flow in the kidneys, damage to the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, and pathologies of platelet aggregation are associated.

If a person uses large number Taking such a medicine, he may develop convulsions, breathing problems, or even stop breathing.

Long-term use of Ibuprofen tablets leads to the development of severe muscle weakness and paralysis in a person. This by-product inappropriate treatment of chronic pain. Due to the excessive use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, microelements and vitamins are removed from the body. Patients exhibit hypokalemia - a decrease in potassium levels in the blood.

Symptoms of hypokalemia are:

  • paresis and paralysis;
  • a sharp disturbance in the rhythmic activity of the heart;
  • severe disturbances of digestive function.

When is the drug prescribed?

It effectively blocks the production of cyclooxygenases - enzymes involved in the synthesis of prostaglandins, prostacyclins and thromboxanes. Inhibition of these substances significantly reduces pain and reduces the intensity of inflammatory processes in the body. There are many forms of release of such a medicine - in the form of tablets, ointments, suspensions. Tablets are also available for preparing an effervescent drink - this way it acts faster.

The medicine is indicated for relieving pain of various etiologies and relieving fever. Has the following indications for use:

  1. High body temperature caused by infectious processes in the body.
  2. Increased temperature in a child during teething.
  3. Pain during tonsillitis or otitis.
  4. Migraines.
  5. Toothaches.
  6. Painful sensations of varying intensity in the joints.
  7. Pain caused by diseases of the spine.


Please note that it is strictly forbidden to drink Ibuprofen for diseases that have symptoms “ acute abdomen" It smooths out clinical symptoms, and diagnosing diseases will be much more difficult.

There are the following contraindications to the use of Ibuprofen:

  • chronic heart failure;
  • diseases of the optic nerve;
  • acute pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diathesis;
  • high blood pressure, which is difficult to treat;
  • ointment or gel cannot be used if there are wounds on the skin;
  • breast-feeding;
  • third trimester of pregnancy;
  • the suspension is not used if the child is less than three months old;
  • tablets should not be used in children under 6 years of age;
  • if there is a history of allergic reactions.

What you need to know about side effects?

Even if Ibuprofen is used correctly, it is possible that side effects. They can occur even if the amount of the drug prescribed in the instructions for use is followed. So, when using this remedy, the following side effects are possible.

  1. Nausea, vomiting, or heartburn.
  2. The appearance of ulcers in the mouth (this is accompanied by painful sensations).
  3. Inflammation of the liver (it may be accompanied by yellowness of the mucous membranes or skin).
  4. Breathing disorders (shortness of breath, heaviness of breathing movements).
  5. Confusion, severe headache.
  6. Increased heart rate, hypertension.
  7. Acute kidney failure.
  8. Appearance of skin rash, itching.
  9. Changes in blood composition.

When such effects occur further treatment Ibuprofen is stopped. The patient needs to see a doctor.

How does an overdose manifest?

Ibuprofen poisoning occurs if a person takes large dose medicines. Symptoms of an overdose of Ibuprofen are:

  • disorders of movement regulation, possible inhibition;
  • sharp pain in the abdominal area;
  • severe nausea leading to vomiting;
  • there is noise in the ears;
  • insomnia or daytime sleepiness;
  • migraine-like pain;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • breathing problems;
  • in severe cases, a coma develops.

First aid measures for intoxication

If a person has an overdose of Ibuprofen, first aid is provided within an hour, until the medicine is completely absorbed into the blood. Detoxification measures include:

  1. Gastric lavage (clean or salted water is used for this).
  2. The use of absorbents (so the medicine is removed from the body faster).
  3. Frequent drinking.

Complete removal of the drug from the blood occurs within 24 hours. Eliminated mainly through the kidneys.

Features of poisoning in children

Sometimes medications containing Ibuprofen are used to treat febrile conditions and pain in children. Some parents may give their child medicine even if the temperature has risen to 37 degrees. Meanwhile, the benefits and harms of such a medicine are very vague if we're talking about about the treatment of children. An overdose can occur even from a slight excess of the dosage. Her symptoms are:

  • decrease in body temperature;
  • increased lethargy and drowsiness of the child;
  • the appearance of cold sticky sweat.

Treatment of poisoning in children is symptomatic. It is necessary to rinse the victim's stomach. In severe cases, you must call a doctor. Remember that the development of dangerous and severe consequences poisoning is possible even if the dosage of the drug is slightly exceeded.

Video: What should you not eat while taking Ibuprofen?

Is Ibuprofen harmful?

This medicine is beneficial for pain syndrome, elevated temperature And inflammatory phenomena. In some cases it can be harmful. Scientists have proven that in patients with severe forms coronary disease heart Ibuprofen leads to the development of a heart attack. That is why doctors’ recommendation to treat with Ibuprofen only under the supervision of specialists remains relevant.

The drug also harms patients with work disorders digestive tract. Under the influence of Ibuprofen, irritation of the gastric mucosa occurs, which in some cases leads to life-threatening bleeding.

To summarize, we note that harm from Ibuprofen can occur in cases where a person uses the medicine incorrectly and if he does not pay attention to contraindications for use. Correct dosage medications are determined only by a doctor. It cannot be exceeded, because it is in these cases that intoxication occurs.

For many years I suffered from abdominal pain during menstruation. And the gynecologist suggested these painkillers to me. Now in case severe pain I only drink them. Firstly, it is completely inexpensive, and secondly, it is much more effective than analgin, drotaverine, noshpa, etc.

©. All rights reserved. Poisonhelp.ru.

The materials on the site are provided for informational purposes only.

They can't replace qualified assistance doctor Contact the specialists!

Paracetamol has similar pharmacological properties, but if we have already dealt with it, then there are still several serious complaints about ibuprofen.

1. Ibuprofen increases the risk of heart attack by 30%

A 2013 report in The Lancet found that some popular painkillers (including ibuprofen and diclofenac) may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

British experts have done a lot of work: they analyzed 639 clinical trials, medical data of 353 thousand patients, and proved that high doses of ibuprofen (2400 mg per day) actually increase the risk of heart attack by as much as 30%. People with a weak heart are not recommended to take this over-the-counter drug without consulting a doctor.

The fears of British colleagues were confirmed in July 2016 by specialists from the American Heart Association: scientists that ibuprofen retains salts and fluid in the body, which is why diuretics to lower blood pressure stop working, and patients develop heart failure.

The complex relationship between ibuprofen and the heart has been known before: in 2011, scientists at the University of Copenhagen (Denmark) found that heart attack survivors were 45% more likely to have a second heart attack during the first week of treatment if they were prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

2. Ibuprofen can cause impotence

Men taking ibuprofen 3 times a day for 3 months increased their risk of impotence by 38%. Specialists from the non-profit organization Kaiser Permanente (USA) spoke about this in 2011 in The Journal of Urology.

Scientists conducted a large observational study of 80 thousand Californian men aged 45 to 69 years. It turned out that along with smoking, diabetes and obesity, regular use of ibuprofen can cause erectile dysfunction. However, there is no need to throw away the pills in a panic: most patients take ibuprofen symptomatically, and chronically ill patients can always discuss the potential risks with their doctor.

3. Ibuprofen during pregnancy causes cryptorchidism in newborns

Alas, this applies not only to ibuprofen, but also to other non-narcotic painkillers - aspirin and paracetamol. Taking these drugs during pregnancy increases the risk of cryptorchidism in boys by 16 times. Danish scientists from the University of Copenhagen wrote about this in 2010 in the journal Human Reproduction.

The researchers observed 1.5 thousand pregnant Finnish women and 834 Danish women. Doctors monitored how often they took analgesics, and a few months later they checked their sons for cryptorchidism (undescended testicle in the scrotum).

It turned out that simultaneous use of two types of drugs increases the risk of cryptorchidism by 16 times. The second trimester of pregnancy is considered the most unfavorable time for taking ibuprofen, paracetamol and aspirin: they reduce testosterone production, and the formation of the genital organs is disrupted in the fetus. If cryptorchidism is left untreated, it can lead to infertility in the future.

4. Ibuprofen does not combine with many medications.

Sometimes one medicine can interfere with the effects of another. In this regard, ibuprofen is unlucky: it does not combine well with a large number of common drugs. Among them:

  • Medicines that lower blood pressure. Ibuprofen may cause a significant increase in systolic (upper) blood pressure in patients taking ACE inhibitors and other antihypertensive drugs.
  • Anti-inflammatory painkillers. If you are taking diclofenac, indomethacin or naproxen, you will have to avoid ibuprofen: when combined with these medications, it increases the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding.
  • Aspirin. Taking ibuprofen in combination with aspirin significantly increases the risk of bleeding, since both drugs have an antiplatelet (thinning) effect. The medicine is strictly contraindicated in patients with bleeding disorders.
  • Digoxin. This drug is often used to treat arrhythmia, but in combination with ibuprofen the risk of relative overdose increases, which can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, intestinal necrosis, tachycardia and even psychosis.
  • Lithium. Sometimes lithium preparations are prescribed for the treatment of mental illnesses (bipolar disorder, depression, affective psychoses), but in combination with ibuprofen the metal is less cleared from the body. When too much lithium accumulates, a person faces serious intoxication, irreversible changes in the central nervous system, and even death.
  • Methotrexate. This cytotoxic drug is used in the treatment of cancer and some autoimmune diseases. Just like lithium, in combination with ibuprofen it begins to accumulate in the body, affecting the liver and disrupting hematopoietic function.
  • Antidepressants. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors include fluoxetine, citalpram, paroxetine and sertraline. When combined with ibuprofen, they increase the risk of bleeding.

Ibuprofen is a medicine that belongs to the category of nestoroids. Its nature of origin is purely synthetic. It is prescribed in cases where it is necessary together with pain syndrome relieve fever, stop inflammatory process. The substance ibuprofen is a derivative of phenylpropionic acid.

The medicine Ibuprofen is produced in two forms - tablets and ointment for external use. In the form of an ointment, this drug does not pose a danger to the human body. But with the tablet form of the drug, extreme caution must be taken and in no case exceed the dosage prescribed by the doctor.

The consequences of ibuprofen intoxication can be very complex and serious.

Since the list of indications for prescribing Ibuprofen is quite extensive, in each individual case of illness the doctor calculates the dosage of the drug individually.

For example, daily dosage for algodismenorrhea or arthritis, the dosage will be 400-600 mg, divided into 3-4 doses. And for soft tissue injuries daily dose of the drug is 1600-2400 mg of the drug.

For diseases of the nasopharynx, ibuprofen can be prescribed in a dosage of 200-400 mg per day. Children, depending on their age category this medicine prescribed in a dosage of 100 to 300 mg per day.

Thus, any excess of the dosage prescribed by the doctor may contribute to the development of the process of intoxication of the body.

Who is prone to overdose

A tendency to overdose may occur in people suffering from aspirin asthma, swelling, leukopenia, increased blood pressure, hypersensitivity to the substances of this medicine.

In these cases, Ibuprofen should not be prescribed or used.

You should also not take ibuprofen after surgical operations on internal organs.

All manifestations of ibuprofen intoxication are directly dependent on the amount of the drug (tablets) taken and the time that has passed since this administration.

The following symptoms may be observed:

If measures to save a person are not taken immediately, a fatal outcome is possible.


There is no specific antidote for ibuprofen.

First aid

Help should be provided in case of ibuprofen poisoning immediately, when the first signs of intoxication appear.

The first stage is the mechanical release of the body from the toxic substance. It is necessary to perform gastric lavage with clean water room temperature.

The purpose of the second stage is to stop the absorption of ibuprofen into the bloodstream. Adsorbents are given to drink - activated carbon, polysorb, enterosgel.

In children, ibuprofen overdose primarily manifests itself through stomach upset. This is due to the special negative impact substances gastrointestinal tract in children.

Possible complications

If assistance is not provided in a timely manner, the patient may develop renal failure, respiratory arrest and coma leading to death.

) in 1962 under the code BTS 13621.

The drug was registered on January 12, 1962 by the British Patent Office under the name Brufen. It began to be used as a prescription drug to treat rheumatoid arthritis.

Since 1974 in the USA, ibuprofen has been used under trade name Motrin as an analgesic and antipyretic drug.

In 1983, in the UK, Nurofen (ibuprofen) received over-the-counter drug status for the first time. The success of Nurofen was truly amazing - by the end of 1985, more than 100 million people were using this drug.

The biggest moment in the history of ibuprofen was in 1985, when Boots was awarded the Queen's Award in recognition of its scientific and technological achievements in developing the drug.

Today, ibuprofen is available in more than 120 countries around the world and is effectively used in the treatment of various types of pain and fever by millions of people.

At the Pediatric Pain Symposium (Vancouver, Canada, August 2006), the manufacturer of the original ibuprofen admitted that the effectiveness of the drug is inferior to paracetamol in therapeutic doses, which means ibuprofen is recommended World Organization health care, and according to the recommendations of the Russian Ministry of Health, it remains the second choice drug for the treatment of fever and pain in children (paracetamol was and remains the first choice drug for the treatment of fever and pain in adults and children from 2 months of life).

It so happened that my treasure Seryozhka fell ill on his birthday

in the evening his temperature rose and his mother gave him Nurofen, it was a terrible mistake, it had no effect, the temperature did not drop at all, then I took a basin of warm water and a diaper, wrapping Sergei in a wet diaper was not difficult, he is still small, so we sat all night, rinsing the hot diaper in water, and from time to time using the “titkavrot” method, in the morning, i.e. eight hours later, my bad head gave me another dose of this poison, either Nurofen still worked, or rubbing helped, the fever subsided a little and we both fell asleep, and on the afternoon of December 31, leaving my son with daddy, I went shopping, well, I really wanted to meet New Year Like a normal family with a decorated Christmas tree, tangerines and Olivier (I managed to cook fruit juice while Sergei Sr. was at work), I arrive loaded three hours later and am greeted by panicking people.

Grandma is running around with the phone calling an ambulance, Sarochka is crying and rushing in and out of the bathroom, Sergei Sr. holds Sergei Jr. in the bath and washes his nose cold water- the child has a fever, blood from the nose and was vomiting blood before the nose began to bleed.

Mom first reassured her daughter that her brother wouldn’t die and nothing would happen to him, then they called the grandmother for an ambulance, everything would be fine, then I came to my husband!

Two hours later the ambulance arrived, the doctor, a calm young girl, liked the younger one so much during the examination =) rolled his vehicles sat down next to her, dangling his legs, and inspiredly told her about his adventures =)

The doctor reassured me with the assurance that the bleeding was caused by the action of Nurofen, recommended changing the prescribed treatment and in general it would be great to have a nebulizer, which was what my grandfather did - on the next working day, my grandfather went to the pharmacy and now we have this miracle of technology.

I looked through the information on the Internet and this is what I found:

95% of sick children with acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections require the use of antipyretics. Antipyretic drugs, which are classified as non-opioid analgesics (analgesics-antipyretics), are widely used. They are divided into nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and “simple analgesics” (paracetamol or acetaminaphen). Paracetamol has almost no anti-inflammatory effect, unlike NSAIDs (ibuprofen).

Nurofen or paracetamol?

Today, only paracetamol and ibuprofen meet the strict safety criteria and high efficiency. Therefore they are officially recommended National programs RF in pediatric practice and WHO as antipyretics. The antipyretic effects of paracetamol and ibuprofen are comparable.

Paracetamol acts mainly in the central nervous system, affecting the centers of thermoregulation and pain, inhibiting the synthesis of prostaglandins. This explains the pronounced analgesic, antipyretic effect and low anti-inflammatory effect.

Ibuprofen inhibits the biosynthesis of prostaglandins not so much in the central nervous system as in peripheral inflamed tissues, which results in the addition of an anti-inflammatory effect to the antipyretic and analgesic effect. When peripheral inflammation is severe, the effectiveness of paracetamol is insufficient. Here it is more advisable to use NSAIDs based on ibuprofen.

Ibuprofen is effective in reducing fever. Its antipyretic effect begins quickly (15-25 minutes), simultaneously with paracetamol, and lasts longer (6-8 hours). Ibuprofen is re-prescribed to control hyperthermia much less frequently than paracetamol. Ibuprofen is better than paracetamol, it reduces critically high temperature. The antipyretic effect of ibuprofen at a dose of 10 mg/kg is more pronounced than that of the same dose of paracetamol.

When choosing an antipyretic, you need to pay attention to the ease of administration and the availability of dosage forms for children of all ages. Taste properties, appearance and the method of administering the drug is very important to the child. Most often used in pediatrics dosage forms suppositories, syrups and suspensions. Ibuprofen and paracetamol come in all of these forms.

Thus, ibuprofen and paracetamol have their advantages in different clinical situations when for various reasons temperature. In case of sudden critical temperature The emergency use of any of these drugs will be justified (taking into account contraindications), and subsequent treatment should be agreed upon with a pediatrician who will help make the right choice.

Why is Nurofen dangerous?

Ibuprofen is well tolerated, but has side effects, which are usually associated with exceeding recommended doses and long-term unnecessary therapy. May appear:

dyspepsia (nausea, vomiting or diarrhea) and intestinal erosions; headache, dizziness, sleep disturbances; increased blood pressure, tachycardia; changes in the blood count (cytopenic conditions); skin allergies, Quincke's edema, bronchospasm, anaphylaxis; dysfunction of the kidneys, liver, etc.

When taking the recommended dosage of the drug, complications practically do not develop. At the slightest side effects Ibuprofen is discontinued. If accidental poisoning occurs (for example, a child drank syrup), you need to call ambulance, and before her arrival induce vomiting drinking plenty of fluids water.

When is Nurofen contraindicated?

in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug or any NSAIDs; for allergic bronchospasms and rhinitis, allergic history after using aspirin or other NSAIDs; for bleeding and coagulopathies with coagulation disorders; for ulcers of any part of the intestine (including healed ones); with an allergy to fructose. The suspension is contraindicated for up to 3 months. Suppositories are contraindicated in children ≤ 6 kg.

What else do you need to know about Nurofen?

When taken simultaneously with aspirin or anticoagulants, the risk of side effects increases. They potentiate each other's action.

Simultaneous use with drugs that lower blood pressure and diuretics reduces their effectiveness.

Increases the concentration of methotrexate and lithium drugs in the blood plasma.