The magic of pure water. Magic water - recipe How to complete the task of pure water magic

The quality of water even in a city apartment often leaves much to be desired, and what can we say about a country house... Modern filters help solve the problem of water purification. Last year, we looked at water filtration devices that are placed on the table (filter jugs) or mounted directly on the water tap*. Continuing the story about tap water purification systems, we will touch on larger devices that are connected to the kitchen sink.

Filter for washing

Rice. 1. Filter “Aquaphor Modern”

Operating principle: the filter is not attached to the drain of the water tap, but is connected to it with a flexible hose. Water passes through the hose under pressure, and the filter itself can be placed next to the sink

Pros: greater productivity than a filter attachment for a faucet (1...1.5 l/min), no need for a separate container for storing water.

Cons: the filter takes up space next to the sink (although most modern filters of this type decorate rather than clutter the kitchen). The filter must be connected and disconnected after filtration.

Although the Aquaphor Modern filter [1] is not stationary, it is almost as convenient thanks to its ease of connection to the tap, which takes just a few seconds. A successful solution is the unusual egg-shaped shape of the body, which allows, with a minimum of space taken up, to have a resource that is more than 10 times greater than the service life of filter jugs or faucet attachments. The housing contains two filter elements installed one on top of the other. When entering the filter, water is divided into two streams, each flowing into its own cartridge. This reduces the water pressure inside the cartridges, which means the water stays in contact with the cartridge material longer, which leads to improved cleaning quality. In addition, when the water pressure decreases, the filter material does not wash out. Cartridges provide multi-stage complex cleaning of all the most typical contaminants present in tap water.

The high quality of cleaning is evidenced by the fact that the filter (like all Aquaphor filters) is tested according to the American standard NSF 53 - the most demanding in the world. A prerequisite for operation is timely replacement of both cartridges. Due to the large resource, this will have to be done no more than once a year, and in order not to forget the replacement date over such a long service life, a calendar is placed on the top of the filter.

Rice. 2. Filter “Barrier Optima”

Another filter of this class is “Barrier Optima” [2]. The desktop version makes it possible to significantly increase the service life compared to a similar filter in the form of a faucet attachment. The replacement cartridge contains high-quality coconut activated carbon and fibrous ion exchange materials. These components, combined with technology for uniform distribution of water flow, provide the highest efficiency in removing major impurities contained in tap water. Using a quick-release adapter, which can be installed on a faucet with both external and internal threads, the Barrier-Optima filter is connected to the faucet with literally one movement of the hand. In addition, you can purchase an adapter with a two-position switch: in one position, the water passes through the cleaning cartridge, in the other, when water purification is not required, it bypasses it, which allows you to leave the water purifier permanently connected to the water tap. A microprocessor indicator of the resource of a replaceable cartridge is built into the cover of the water purifier.

Stationary water purifier

Operating principle: A stationary flow filter consists of one or more housings built into the water supply system. The purification unit is mounted under the sink, and a separate tap is installed on the sink only for filtered water

Pros: As a rule, the degree of purification and productivity are higher than that of other types of filters, the filter does not occupy the “working” kitchen space, it is convenient to use - just open the tap, and already filtered water flows in any quantities.

Cons: high price.

Rice. 3. Filter system "Aquaphor B150"

Although the Aquaphor B150 system [3] has only one housing, the filter element contained in it provides multi-stage cleaning due to the combined action of fibrous and granular sorption materials. The large contact surface of sorbents promotes deep purification of water from active chlorine, phenols, organochlorine compounds, petroleum products, pesticides and microorganisms. Purified water is supplied through a tube to the faucet, which is mounted on the sink in addition to the usual one, and the connection to the water supply network is made using a supply system. The case is made of high-quality stainless steel, is not afraid of impacts and is designed for many years of use. Good filter performance ensures a normal flow rate, and a resource of 12,000 liters will allow you to not remember the need to replace the cartridge for a long time.

Rice. 4. Filter system “Aquaphor Duet”

In the Aquaphor Duet system [4], the first module retains rust, sand and other mechanical impurities, and the main filter module removes heavy metals, chlorine, phenol and pesticides. In the Aquaphor Trio system, the pre-purification module retains insoluble impurities and is actively involved in purifying water from chemical compounds and rust, the deep purification module retains heavy metals, chlorine and organochlorine compounds, leaving useful substances in the water, and the final purification module, traps particles of up to 0.5 microns, kills bacteria and viruses. Especially for regions with hard water, the filter is equipped with modules that not only purify, but also soften the water. In this case, the first module includes high-quality ion exchange resin, and you get not only clean water, but also protection from scale in the kettle.

A high degree of water purification is provided by so-called reverse osmosis filters, which remove organochlorines, heavy metal ions, pesticides, bacteria, viruses and other harmful substances from water. The main element of such filters is a special semi-permeable membrane, the extremely small pore size and special physico-chemical structure of which allow only water molecules to pass through it. For impurities, the membrane represents an insurmountable barrier.

Rice. 5. Reverse osmosis filter “Atoll A-560 E”

Passing through a multi-stage filtration system, water enters a storage tank, the volume of which, for example, in the Atoll A-560 E filter [5] is 12 liters. This is your continuously replenished supply of clean water. The filter and storage tank are easily installed in the space under the sink, and the drinking tap is mounted on the sink.

Rice. 6. Stationary filter “Geyser-3 IV Lux”

The three-stage stationary filter “Geyser-3 IV Lux” [6] with a separate tap for drinking water uses the new filter material “Aragon” [7], which allows not only to remove harmful impurities, but also to make water healthy.

Rice. 7. Natural aragonite

As you know, one of the most important microelements for humans is calcium. Lack of calcium is the root cause of many diseases, for example, cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, caries, increased nervous excitability, etc.

However, calcium is not well absorbed in any form. In ordinary water, calcium is in the form of calcite (the scale on the kettle is made up of it) and is of little use. But in nature there is another, easily digestible, type of calcium - aragonite. In ordinary water it is no more than 1%, but the healing properties of the water of the Karlovy Vary resort and the mud of the Dead Sea are determined precisely by the high content of aragonite. The Geyser company managed to find a simple way to transform useless calcite into aragonite directly during filtration, making the water not only clean, but also useful.

The filter, consisting of three housings (according to the number of cleaning stages), can be conveniently installed in a cabinet under the sink, in close proximity to the water supply connection. The presence of a filter produces only an additional chrome tap for purified water.

At the first stage, tap water passes through a mechanical cleaning cartridge, which removes insoluble suspensions from it - sand, rust, silt. The second stage cartridge is a finely porous polymer of combined action: thanks to ion exchange, water is purified from dissolved iron and heavy metals, and the “quasi-softening” effect converts hardness salts into the crystalline form of aragonite. The presence of silver in the polymer material prevents the growth of filtered bacteria. The polymer has an increased filtration rate and the ability to be regenerated at home, which greatly increases its resource. At the final stage, the water passes through pressed activated carbon from coconut shells - an excellent sorbent for chlorine and organochlorine compounds.

It is curious that the property of aragonite water not to form scale is also useful in the fight against deposits in the kidneys, the so-called “stones”. Studies have confirmed that water after the Geyser filter serves as a natural non-drug means of preventing urolithiasis.

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("60 minutes" Watson, Grint, Radcliffe, Rowling, 07/01/07)

This month has been magical for absolutely all Harry Potter fans. And, moreover, very profitable for the brand itself - Harry Potter, ink.
First of all, there's a new movie coming out next week. Then, three weeks later, the most anticipated event will happen - the seventh and final part of Harry Potter will be released, in which we will learn the fate of Harry and his friends.
But this is not the end for the world of Harry Potter - there are still two films left that will be released and will prolong your happiness for a couple of years.

Next hit.
Ten years ago, Barry Cunningham was the only publisher who agreed to print Harry Potter. Today he predicts that the next surefire hit among children's books will be Tunnels, written by Roderick Gordon and Brian Williams.
It is a science fiction story with horror elements that follows a boy's journey to the center of the earth. The contract for the film has already been signed and it looks like Barry is in luck again.

Tara Brown: It feels like just yesterday that the impossible cutie Harry Potter crossed the threshold of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. But, be that as it may, seven years have passed since that day! Since then, four films have already been presented to the public, each of which collected more than a billion dollars in net profit. But the most magical thing was the chance to watch three young actors, Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson, grow up before our eyes. They are completely unstarred, charming teenagers, but every day they are reminded that they are also rich and famous teenagers!
EMMA WATSON: Everywhere I go, people stop me and recognize me. How would... Well... I can't describe it... It immediately turned my life upside down... But then comes something like an adaptation to it.
Tara Brown: Do you have any technique on how to survive in such cases?
EMMA WATSON: Um, no, it's just... You just have to accept it as it is, or something...
Tara Brown: How has Harry Potter helped you with your girls fan clubs?
RUPERT GREEN: Well, of course, I get a lot more attention now, and, strangely enough, I actually still like being recognized!
Tara Brown: I heard you don't have to be forced twice to date a girl fan?
RUPERT GRINT: Well, yes, it's true, I'm not very picky at all.
Tara Brown: Who would have thought that 17-year-old star Daniel Radcliffe would become such a heartthrob? Fame and success - how do they help you with girls?
DANIEL RADCLIFFE: Not really, I honestly didn’t notice that it was such a huge help... Well, I don’t know... No, I honestly don’t know!
Tara Brown: Is it disturbing?
DANIEL RADCLIFFE: No, it doesn’t interfere. In fact, this is all great, but I don’t really think that fame and money make such a difference!
Tara Brown: I've read a few things about you. You had signs saying "Mr. Radcliffe is here" and things were thrown at you...
DANIEL RADCLIFFE: Yeah, there was definitely one girl like that, I remember her very well. She followed us the whole time we were in New York! She was very stubborn!
Tara Brown: Who are the most reckless - English, American or Australian?
DANIEL RADCLIFFE: Clearly American, absolutely!
Tara Brown: In the new film, Harry discovers girls. This is definitely one of the most exciting parts of the film! And now we received the much-awaited kiss! It's sweet and short. Tell me, what was your first kiss like?
DANIEL RADCLIFFE: Oh, it was great! This is truly one of the most exciting parts of the film! Well, at first I was all nervous, I couldn’t calm down, but after several takes everything went like clockwork!
Tara Brown: I read somewhere that you were a little disappointed with the kiss, like it wasn't that sexy...
DANIEL RADCLIFFE: Yes, it is, but not on screen! What I meant was that in normal life a kiss isn't that sexy. But when you do it in front of a lot of people, it really blows your mind!
Tara Brown: “Order of the Phoenix” is the fifth film. It's darker and more aggressive, but still full of loyal friends and formidable enemies. Do you still like all this?
DANIEL RADCLIFFE: I definitely like it! When children react so wonderfully to you, when you make them happy like crazy, for me this is the power of magic!
Tara Brown: Hermione has always been a fierce, but very smart witch. In the new film she became more talkative and freer. Has it become more interesting to play her?
EMMA WATSON: Yes, I had fun showing everyone her rebellious side! She became a little freer, because before Hermione played by the rules and would rather die than be expelled from school. So I'm a rebel!
Tara Brown: The extraordinary thinking of a British woman gave the world Harry Potter. Rowling is the only mother who made up a fairy tale while traveling on a train, wrote it in an Edinburgh cafe and was rejected by all the publishers. Rowling very rarely gives interviews. The latter was broadcast a year ago on British television, but her days of difficulty are certainly still there.
Rowling: I'm not going to reinvent the wheel and just say that what I meant was that if you were in the thick of it for a few years, dealing with the toughest things - and they were really tough - then you obviously wouldn't consider any of this romance! While starving in the attic, I once suddenly thought: “Come on, buddy, try it!” I thought this was life for twenty years.
Tara Brown: Let's turn to Barry Cunningham - he is the only publisher who agreed to publish Harry Potter after receiving this precious manuscript in a brown paper bag.
BARRY CUNNINGHAM: I read it evening and night, I laughed and was intrigued, I liked it so much that I bought the manuscript the next morning!
Tara Brown: How much did you pay overall?
BARRY CUNNINGHAM: Well, just a little bit, I'm never allowed to talk about it - but I'll just say that it's the least amount of money that you can imagine. In my opinion, this is generally the most successful and best investment in the history of mankind.
Tara Brown: Did you ever tell JK Rowling that her book would be a great phenomenon?
BARRY CUNNINGHAM: Well, no, I didn't say that. I actually convinced her back. The success of this book is very surprising! At that time, I remember, I advised her to look for a permanent job, because, as I said then, she would no longer make a cent from children's books.
Tara Brown: O-ball-child... Today the queen of children's literature is richer than the queen of England! Of course, Joan won't confirm this, but she is a billionaire.
Rowling: First I will say that all these reports about my money are an exaggeration, although I am not going to deny that I am very rich. And in general, it’s somehow supernatural when they start counting every penny I have.
TV VIEWERS: £70 a week - how much did you get before publication?
Rowling: Yes, yes.
Tara Brown: JK Rowling has already sold 325 million copies of her books. Then there were the film rights, various types of trade and, finally, a Harry Potter theme park! Even in the eccentric world of book collecting, where modern books usually don't do well, Harry Potter commands a very high price. Okay, how much is it worth to collectors?
Adrian Harrington: It depends!
Tara Brown: Adrian Harrington usually sells old and rare books, but the first Harry book was printed in just 350 copies, and each of those copies is a collector's dream.
Adrian Harrington: One of these books was sold for 32,500 thousand pounds...
Tara Brown: In Australia, as far as I know, for $75,000!
Adrian Harrington: Wow!
Tara Brown: Listen, would you mind giving me one book for nothing?
Adrian Harrington: Well... I'll sell it to you... Or no, I'll give you a discount!
Tara Brown: In all this talk about money, we risk missing the beginning of the magical journey of Harry Potter. Children really love the person who created Harry Potter. Before this godless advertising began, children, after reading the book, talked about it excitedly and gave it to interested friends, who gave it to their friends. Well, what do you love most about Harry Potter?
GIRL: Well, I really like the idea of ​​​​owning animals that are not supposed to be pets - say, keeping an owl at home. For me, this is magic!
BOY: I love reading Harry Potter! It's so great to read and immerse yourself in this magical world of galleons and magic wands, hippogriffs and other magical creatures.
Tara Brown: But this dream will end soon. The seventh book will be released on July 21st. This book looks set to be one of the fastest selling books as fans are so desperate to find out what will happen! Bets are in full swing! The epic's dramatic ending is the main mystery, but JK Rowling has dropped a small hint about what she plans to do with her most beloved characters...
Rowling: Well, the last chapter is very well hidden, and I redid it properly. I can only say that those two died, from whom even I myself did not expect death.
Tara Brown: Two favorite characters?
Rowling: You know, you have to pay for everything. We are dealing with pure, primordial evil, which is unlikely to waste time on trifles and would rather take proper aim at the main characters.
Tara Brown: Do you know which of her favorite characters she killed?
Tara Brown: Oh, tell me!
BARRY CUNNINGHAM: No, I'm not going to tell you. I have already been questioned about this by 11, 12 and 13 year old children, who, believe me, are much more cruel than you! And I didn't give up! This information will not be knocked out of me so easily, I guarantee.
Tara Brown: Come on! What will happen?
BARRY CUNNINGHAM: There will be too much magic in this room, there simply shouldn't be so much here.
Tara Brown: Even the movie stars don't know about anything yet. How do you think it will end?
RUPERT GRINT: No, I honestly don't know.
Tara Brown: But I read about your last idea for the ending of the book - you kill Harry at the end.
Tara Brown: Yes!
RUPERT GRINT: What a surprise it happened...
Tara Brown: You didn't expect that?
RUPERT GRINT: I ​​don't know, maybe. In general, I can only guess, I don’t know anything for sure.
Tara Brown: Some of the young Harry Potter fans I've had the pleasure of talking to think that your intelligence can hurt you, just like it did with Hermione.
EMMA WATSON: Damn right!
Tara Brown: What do you want to happen in book seven?
BOY: This may sound strange, but for some reason I want to see something like Potter die.
Tara Brown: Why?
GIRL: My God, you are Evil!
BOY: He thinks he's so wonderful and he's always right.
Tara Brown: Do you want Harry to die in the finale too? Do you want his death to be painful?
GIRL: And what's the trick here?
BOY: He shouldn't die in pain, no! It would be better if there was pain in the beginning, and then he would leave calmly. If Harry dies painfully, it will be disappointing.
GIRL: I don’t want anyone to die at all, I don’t wish death on anyone!
Tara Brown: Can you imagine life after Harry Potter?
DANIEL RADCLIFFE: It's so difficult. I don't know, Harry Potter has been a part of my life for so long. It’s very difficult to imagine everything without him, but, you know, it will be very unusual and exciting to live without “Harry Potter”!
Tara Brown: Let's return to the world of Harry Potter and continue the magic. All three young stars have signed on for all of the remaining Potter films. This means that we will see Harry, Ron and Hermione many more times. At the same time, Dan Radcliffe, having purchased a house in Melbourne, was just as fascinated by Australia as we were by him.
DANIEL RADCLIFFE: I love Australia and, although I'm tired of hearing it, I love being there and I love the people of Australia. But I hate their cricket team because they, damn it, they and they alone are the best team on the planet.
Tara Brown: You're just a sad loser.
DANIEL RADCLIFFE: Yeah, of course I'm a loser, aren't you? Well, wait until 2009!
Tara Brown: Yeah, let's wait! Okay, good luck everyone!

()Exercise 1: Look around and notice things around you that are damp and cool. Remember that all these basic qualities are relative. Make a list of these things and put it in your magic journal. do this daily for 1 week.

Exercise 2: Remove clothing and enter cool water (such as a bath). The best source of water would be a lake or river. Take the breathing tube.

Dive deeper into the water. Breathe through the tube. Relax. You will notice that in water - thanks to its qualities, it is quite easy to relax. Pay attention to your breathing: it will slow down. Observe how the air passes through the breathing tube into the mouth and into the lungs. Feel or imagine the exchange of oxygen and carbon in the lungs. Feel the carbon dioxide leaving your body.

Again imagine that your whole body is a huge breathing apparatus. Every part of him breathes. Your skin is also part of this system. As with Air, imagine that each pore breathes Water. Feel how it cleanses you and comes out. Do not identify elemental Water with physical water, otherwise the “drowned effect” will appear. if this happens, stop the exercise and postpone it until another time.

Perform this exercise at different times of the day, and if possible, in different places. The water is very changeable. Only after completing this exercise for a week, move on to the next one.

Exercise 3 For 3 minutes a day (no more) imagine that you are the element Water. Feel the fluidity, coolness, refreshing moisture of elemental Water. If you're studying astrology, brush up on the water trinity (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). Know water in all its different manifestations: know what water is. Do this for a week.

Exercise 4 One day you will learn to "be Water". The next step is to learn to consciously control this element. Take a moment and imagine yourself as elemental Water. Raise your hands so that there is approximately 20 cm between your palms facing each other. Visualize a bottle or keg between your hands. As you exhale, visualize how the elemental Water flows from you into the barrel. It will fill with 4-7 breaths. Once this happens, watch him for a while, but not for long. Then, after taking 3 breaths, inhale the water back into yourself and return to your normal state. Do this exercise for a week.

Test . This is a simple test of whether you have really managed to not only come into harmony with the element Water, but also become its master. No one will check your work: do it and test it as you please. But to become good, you need to be able to control all the elements.

When you feel that you have a heavy head and a reluctance to do anything, that your muscles are tense, form a container for Water, as described above. Once it is full, inhale the entire contents, taking one big breath. After 5 minutes you should relax and feel relief.

If everything is falling out of your hands, form a water container in front of you. Fill it up. Then visualize a large black hole in the air in front of you and push the container into it. In a few minutes you will feel more confident. It may be necessary to repeat this several times.

When you are satisfied with the test results, you will become the ruler of elemental Water. But different elements require different amounts of effort to master.

Attunement: Primary attunement with the element is carried out in the TS state (Assemblage Point) at the Anahata level (cokn zone).
Consciousness is tuned to the passage of time. We are trying to feel the uniformity of the passage of time in the surrounding objects by taking the vehicle outside the window and reading information from the objects to it. We are collecting a catalog of different sensations. The result is experience and the ability to feel the passage of time.

Water Meditation

To do this, it is best to find a quiet place on the shore of a lake, river or ocean where you can position yourself so that your toes can be submerged in the water. If you are not afraid, you can be directly in the water or in a boat. The main thing is that you feel calm and confident. Those who live in the city can use a large vessel of water for this.

Relax and look into the water. Touch it with your hands. Breathe evenly, slowly. Inhale through your nose and smell the water, let it fill you, touch you from the inside along with the air and leave you with the exhalation through your mouth. Feel the touch of water on your skin, stretch your hands further and extend it. Concentrate and allow thoughts to flow from your palms like drops. Now you too are water, feel your own flow, how you touch the bottom, the sandy shore, the muddy bottom. Hear the roar of stones that yield to your strength and rumble, carried away by the waterfall. You now have the original movement, the primitive strength. Feel it.

Let the water fill your consciousness and guide you. Let it cleanse you from sorrows, troubles, wash your soul, mind, body. When you feel that you can do this, bring your consciousness back into your own body, remove your hands from the surface of the water and take a few deep breaths. Scoop up a handful of water, wash your face with it, and let it flow through your hair. Say goodbye to the water and get up. If you spent indoors, pour the water from the container into the garden. Then remember and write down your feelings in the Book of Shadows. Carry out separate

In the article “” I promised to talk about how to properly prepare and charge water for drinking. The quality of water in our body depends not only on our health, but also on our success in meditation. This statement of mine is very easy to verify - you just need to go through the cleansing program I described earlier. In 3 weeks you will be reading my articles about water with a completely different mindset. I never tire of repeating - try everything you learn on yourself. Only personal experience has maximum value. My articles on the issue of water, which have already been published on the blog, can be viewed. Be sure to check them out. In this article I will try to describe in as much detail as possible all the stages of preparing water in order to give the reader not only a list of actions that need to be performed, but also, most importantly, understanding why this should be done.

At the beginning, I want to introduce 3 concepts that define water quality:

1 – Physical purity of water.

2 – Informational purity of water.

3 – The program that water carries within itself.

Now let's talk about all this in more detail.

1 – Physical purity of water

By clean water I mean water that does not contain impurities harmful to human health. It is also important to maintain a balance of those substances (mainly minerals) that are beneficial to a person in certain dosages. Don't forget the golden rule: “Everything is poison and everything is medicine. And between them there is a norm.”

Nowadays it is very difficult to find clean water. Tap water, even filtered through filters, still cannot be called pure water. I have not yet met household filters in an affordable price range that would truly clean water efficiently. Of course, there are filters whose cassette cost significantly exceeds $1000 (for example, Zepter filters), and this cassette must be changed every 4-6 months, depending on the quality of the water they filter. Their filtration quality is really very high. But are such expenses affordable for the common man? Hardly. Purchased bottled water is now the only option for city dwellers. But she’s not ideal either, if we’re being completely honest with ourselves. Here is a situation where the lesser of many evils is chosen. There are brands of water whose quality is really good, but again, there are only a few of them. It all depends on the location of the well from which the water spills. It's no secret that the environment hasn't gotten any better lately. Therefore, there are fewer and fewer truly clean areas where water is produced.

There are two options of water that can be used for our needs: store-bought drinking water and distilled water.

In addition to what I have already written about drinking water, I will add more critical An important point: you should drink water from the region in which you live. I have written about this several times. There are a great many reasons for this - from the body’s habit to this particular type of water, because... the body has been accustomed to receiving it since childhood and has adapted to it as much as possible, to the point of energy native place. By region we should understand, ideally, a city district, or at most a region. If your region has environmental problems (Moscow, Cherepovets, for example; regions where there are many industrial enterprises), then choose water that is produced in the most ecologically clean region of Russia. Browse websites, read about water manufacturers. Take the time to do this, it will pay off handsomely.

I will dwell on distilled water in more detail.

There is a common misconception that distilled water is harmful. They say it washes minerals out of the body, which supposedly leads to major health problems. I will say right away that I have no experience of long-term (more than a month) drinking distilled water. But I have many friends who drink it on a periodic basis for about 2-3 months, 2 times a year. These are athletes. Those who are seriously involved in sports in which they need to get rid of excess weight (fat) several times a year in a short time know that distilled water helps a lot with this. Especially now I can highlight one acquaintance, a professional bodybuilder, whose competitive career obliges him to constantly be in very serious shape. He drinks distilled water almost constantly. I specifically talked to him about this topic. An acquaintance told me that as soon as he started drinking distilled water, his energy tone immediately increased - he had more strength, began to sleep less, joint pain began to go away, etc. This fully confirms his appearance - he is bursting with health.

It is important to remember that our body is a very smart organism. Yes, distilled water does wash out salts. But those salts that the body does not need are washed away - salt deposits disappear and other related problems. The cell will never give up its supply of minerals just like that, no matter how much water you drink. To do this, cells have membranes that regulate all this. So fears about leaching out microelements the body needs are completely unfounded.

Another common misconception is that we get minerals from water, and that if a person drinks distilled water, he will be deprived of these substances. To understand the fallacy of this statement, let's take calcium as an example. The average daily calcium intake for children is 1500 mg, for adults 1000 mg. If you take a bottle of purchased drinking water, the average amount of calcium in such water will be about 50 mg/l. Using simple calculations, you can calculate that to get the daily requirement of 1000 mg of calcium, you need to drink 20 liters of water. Do you drink that much per day? Of course not. A person receives minerals not from water, but from food.

In conclusion, I can give one more statement that I have often heard about distilled water. Some “experts” also give such a “killer” (in their opinion) argument that distilled water does not exist in nature. And what is not in nature (read: artificially created) is not useful. Always at such moments I want to ask what they did in geography and biology lessons.. Everyone knows the process (in any case, it should be known if a person attended school) called the “water cycle in nature.” It rains, then the water evaporates, clouds form and it rains again. This is if we exaggerate it very much. Keyword " evaporates" In summer, clouds shower us with distilled water. And we don't even think about it. Of course, you can’t take my words to mean that you need to go outside, collect rainwater (here, by the way, it doesn’t matter whether it’s rain or snow, the essence is the same) and drink it. Ecology again plays a key role here. If a chimney from a factory is smoking outside your window, then you can hardly assume that rainwater will do you any good. However, there are places on Earth where everything is in order with the environment, and there people drink rainwater and live longer than all other inhabitants of the planet. They even sell rainwater, and it is very expensive. For example, the “Tasmanian Rain” brand water, which is produced in Tasmania, is known to all people with good incomes. The ecology there is very good, so the manufacturer simply collects rainwater in special containers, from which it is bottled directly, without treatment. The cost of a 375 ml bottle is $5-6. So when you hear somewhere that distilled water is a terrible poison, tell them to type the name of this water into Yandex. This, of course, is not the only brand, there are others. Let them honor it.

I deliberately dwelled in such detail on distilled water so that you have a correct understanding of it. This is important.

Recently, in meditation, I have come across techniques that are related to the cleansing of both energy and the physical body. Regarding the second, I constantly receive information that I need to radically change my approach to water and its quality (that’s why I’m writing this article, to give blog readers information on this issue). In meditations, I went through in every possible way all the possible options for what needs to be changed regarding water. In addition to information about how to prepare it correctly, information also came that the water should be harmonious (harmonious in the understanding of the Source - pure in every sense, I will explain further). Bottom line - I need to completely switch to distilled water. I spent several days reading reviews on the Internet for a variety of distiller brands. I chose the “Distiller DE-4 TZMOI” model. Not the cheapest device. But when I picked up a calculator and calculated how much I spend a year on buying drinking water, I came up with approximately this amount. As a result, I cast aside all doubts and placed an order.

There are also cheaper distillers. If you decide to also buy a similar device for yourself, then pay attention to the following points before purchasing:

1 – There should be no plastic in the device(!). Ideally, it should be glass or made of high-quality stainless steel, better according to medical standards (for example, high-alloy stainless steel 12Х18Н10Т (AISI 321)).

2 – The device must have a brine drain (what remains of the water during distillation). This brine must be drained as often as possible so that the quality of the distillate is higher.

3 - The water in the distiller must be constantly changed, so it better be running.

Anyone who is interested should not be lazy and read, as I did, information and reviews on the Internet on the instruments and operating principles of the distiller.

So, we have decided on the preparation of, let’s call it that, water. We chose either store-bought drinking or distilled.

2 – Information purity of water

What is it? Water is one of the most powerful carriers of information existing on Earth. It records everything it comes into contact with both physically (water in a stream, for example) and energetically (if water is in the room, it will absorb the energy of the room). Scientists came to this phenomenon not so long ago. Some of them even began to construct a computer based on water. I won’t describe all this now. You can find out about this yourself by watching the films to which I gave links above - “The Great Mystery of Water.” Be sure to download them in maximum quality. You will learn a lot of interesting things and get a lot of positive emotions. I watch these films about once every six months or a year - they charge me very powerfully.

Let's imagine what the water went through before it entered our home. Extraction, strict filtration, storage in warehouses, then retail outlets, and only after that we buy it. It is absolutely clear that it is not the lamas from Tibet who pour it :) Then the water would be ideal in its informational purity. In short, we buy water that has already absorbed a huge amount of negativity. And there is absolutely no point in pouring this negativity into yourself. How to get rid of it?

Nature took care of everything for us. Water has a cleaning mechanism - when water is completely frozen, it erases all information accumulated previously. It becomes pure information. This is why, for example, mountaineers live so long - they drink water from mountain springs, which have accumulated a powerful energy charge of Nature and Health.

I described in detail how to prepare melt water in the article “”, read carefully. If someone really doesn’t have time at all (often this is just an excuse, but there really are people who are extremely busy), then you can simply put the water in the freezer directly in a plastic bottle, just like you bought it in the store, and wait for it full freezing (so that nothing gurgles in the bottle at all), and then defrost it completely. That's it, your information is clear water. To make the freezing and thawing process faster, buy water in 2.5-liter bottles rather than in 5-liter containers. This way the water will freeze faster and the process will proceed faster. With distilled water everything is very simple - this is exactly what you need to do with it, there will no longer be a white core in the ice that needs to be removed.

After you have received melt water, you need to infuse it with natural minerals. Minerals perform 2 functions:

- Mineralizes and purifies water,

- They charge it energetically.

The main minerals that give the most striking effect for our body and energy are silicon and mountain quartz. Silicon is the main mineral found in our body. Many processes occurring in the body are tied to it. Silicon is vital for us. Quartz is the most powerful mineral in terms of energy, which contains the most harmonious vibrations of the Earth. In addition to these minerals, you can add shungite to the water, which is also a powerful mineral (my article on shungite is “”). You can also put jadeite into the water, which is a relative of jade, a mineral known for thousands of years for its healing properties, and pink sand (argillite), a unique mineral that was formed from minerals melted in magma during the era of tectonic activity of the Earth. I use all 5 minerals at once.

After writing an article about shungite, I began to receive questions about what fraction (size of pebbles) is best to use for infusion of water with it. The situation here is twofold. On the one hand, the smaller the mineral fraction, the faster the water is infused (mineralized and purified by the mineral). On the other hand, the larger the stone, the greater the energy charge it carries, which it ultimately transfers to the water. Here everyone decides what is more important to them. I opted for the second one. The golden mean is pebbles measuring approximately 2-3 centimeters in diameter. I buy minerals from this manufacturer - Regional Center for Lithotherapy "Natural Healer".

Approximately 200-250g of minerals should be placed in a three-liter jar. Take a little bit from everywhere in equal parts, rinse thoroughly under cold running water for 5-10 minutes. You can put the stones in a small sieve, place it in a wide saucepan, and rinse the stones under high pressure of cold water. Then the stones must be scalded with boiling water. You DO NOT need to keep the pebbles in boiling water, you just need to scald them very quickly and shake them after that.

Regular bottled water is infused for 24 hours. Distilled - from one and a half to two days.

3 – The program that water carries within itself

We have come to a point that modern science can call charlatan, and ordinary people can call magical.

As I wrote above, water is an ideal carrier of information. Due to the fact that our body consists of 70% water, and the brain is 80-85%, everything that happens in our body depends on water. More precisely, from the program that is embedded in it.

Surely many have heard about all sorts of devices that have recently become very popular, which structure water. I admit, I haven’t used it. But I also spent a lot of time reading reviews, because... The issue of water has always aroused my keen interest. I won’t recommend any devices to you now, I’ll save you money. I will teach you a method that will allow you to create real miracles with water. It’s miracles, I’m not saying this for the sake of words.

First, you need to decide for yourself what kind of water you need. More precisely, what you want to get from water. For example, to heal the stomach, increase the overall tone of the body, etc. Anything. You can put any water into it, I emphasize, any information. And the water will carry out the program embedded in it. Let’s take for example the most common option – treatment of the stomach and digestive system. It’s a very relevant issue in our time - at least everyone has gastritis. What needs to be done.

Pour water into the jar. Lock yourself in a room where no one will bother you for about 10 minutes. Sit in the half-lotus position (or just sit on a chair and place a jar of water on the table in front of you), place the jar between your palms. Close your eyes and completely relax. This is where your concentration on the process plays a key role. Imagine that you are merging with the Sun. Mentally imagine how its ray enters the top of your head and spreads pleasant light and warmth throughout your entire body, exits through the center of your palms and penetrates the water. Mentally smile at the water. Feel your unity with her. Then mentally or out loud say the following words to the water:

- I fill you with the energy of the Sun. I charge you to heal my stomach. Every time I drink you, you will heal my stomach. With every sip, all my illnesses go away, I am healthy and energetic. Thank you for helping me.

It is necessary to speak in the present tense, as a fait accompli. Not “I will be healthy”, but “I am healthy” (already) - critical important point!

This is not some kind of magical conspiracy, I just came up with it :)

What matters here is not what you say to the water, but what emotions you bring into it. When I charge water, I don’t say anything - I immediately imagine the end result of what I’m charging it for. It takes about 20-30 seconds – I give the water a flow of energy and a program.

The method is available to absolutely everyone. Of course, it is better if you have meditation skills. Then it will be completely easy. And if you are familiar with any energy system (Reiki, for example), then it’s absolutely beautiful. At my School I show a very powerful technique for charging water.

Over time, you will need less and less time to charge. It's a matter of practice.

And don’t forget to thank the water at the end of your exercise. It is very important that she feels your gratitude.

To avoid charging every time you pour water into a jar, you can use a little trick. This should be done when you are in the best possible mood of Spirit, in an upbeat and joyful mood. Remember how you drew as a child - a piece of paper, colored pencils, from under which real Magic came out. And it doesn’t matter that to outsiders it seemed like scribbles.

Take a blank sheet of paper (no need to take notebooks, the sheet should be clean - white), you can take printer paper. Cut it in half - we need A5 format. Focus on your childhood. Draw on this piece of paper a yellow sun, green grass, a blue sky, a bird in it and... whatever comes to mind. The picture should be as positive as possible. Here you are not required to have high artistic talents - it doesn’t matter what your picture will look like externally, what matters is what it will have internal, energetic filling. Then write on a piece of paper what you would like to charge the water with. There is no need to write a long opus. The phrase should be as succinct and short as possible. On my jars there is a piece of paper with the inscription “LIVING WATER” stuck on it. You can write yourself the same inscription, or some other one. Next, with this piece of paper, do everything that I described above - charge it. Just add the following phrase at the end of charging:

— I stick this piece of paper on a jar (bottle, some other container) of water. This piece of paper will transfer to the vessel with water the entire program that I put into it.

Thus, the leaf turns into a thing of Power that will constantly execute the program that you put into it.

There is no need to succumb to the mistakes that many people to whom I showed this technique have made in my lifetime. It has always been a mystery to me why a person believes that if something is too simple, it will not work. Our people's psychology is strange. For a long time they hammered it into us with the phrase “if you want to get something, you have to work long and hard.” All this is not correct. Only simple things can work. However, this technique is not so simple in reality. Yes, anyone can really repeat it, but for it to work at full power, as I have already emphasized, you need very strong concentration during the charging process, Intention. And this is exactly what comes with very long practice. But you can start small. The point is that you must completely believe at the moment of charging what you are charging the water with. The World will do the rest for you.

You need to store charged water exclusively in a glass container. Even if you pour water into a food-grade enameled metal container, a bucket, for example, the lion's share of the charge will be lost. Metal tends to weaken the program embedded in the water. Therefore, use only glass.

So, let me summarize

1 – We need clean water. We take either bottled drinking water from the store, produced in your region (if your region is environmentally polluted, we choose a manufacturer from the cleanest region of Russia). Do not buy foreign water (aquaminerale, bonaqua and others like them), this is NOT our water. Or take distilled water.

2 – Reset the water information - freeze and defrost the water.

3 – Charge the water – put the program you need into it.

Re-read the article “”, memorize the rules for drinking water, which I gave at the end of the article.

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Discussion: 8 comments

    1. You need to look at the quality of spring water. If you are not a village resident (if you have not been drinking spring water all your life), then it is better not to experiment and not drink spring water all the time. Again, it all depends on the quality of the source.
      In any case, you need to freeze it.


The composition of water is not as important as its Redox potential. Regarding the leaching of minerals from the cell. The cell allows water inside with a potential of -100 mV. and even then with molecules, because our internal water has an ORP (oxidation reduction potential, also known as Redox) from -100 to -200 mV. The intercellular space may be full of water, but the cell will not let it inside until it changes its ORP and will waste energy and time on this. I did not take measurements on the distillate, but the water after reverse osmosis is about 15 mg/l (number of impurities), with a new filter. It's practically a distillate. The water in the water supply in Moscow is approximately 240-250 mg/l, and its ORP is +200 mV, i.e., in order for the cell to let it in, you need to spend energy to change the ORP from +200 mV to -100 mV - this is living water. With the help of freezing, you can distill water, because pure water freezes first, and impurities are forced into the middle of the container, and when everything freezes, there will be a white column in the middle. You need to throw out the mixture that is in the middle on time. But it is not a fact that its ORP will be -100mv. To make living water, you should use a household electrolyzer, there are factory ones, for example, “Iva-1” and others. You can do it yourself, the problem is the quality of the electrodes, because during electrolysis the components can get into the water. I use Iva-1, it is convenient because it has a timer. Dead water can also be used. At the same time, chlorine goes into dead water, and Ca is released into living water, which needs to be settled. And also water changes pH - from neutral it becomes highly alkaline, and dead water becomes highly acidic - this is a good disinfectant. Masaru Emoto proved that a good word written on paper and attached to a container structures water in a positive direction. For example, you can put a photo of yourself next to the container when you were young, when you were healthy and full of strength - the effect will be positive. When I structured the water between my palms, the taste changed, if I did it with Christian prayer, the seer noticed it. Regarding shungite. Shungite consists of fullerenes - this is one of the aggregate states of carbon and water removes this information - it is structured like fullerenes, I did not take measurements on this water. Good information about water in the books of F. Batmanghelidj: “Your body is asking for water”, “Water as a means of curing cancer, depression, etc.”, I don’t remember the exact name. He cites research data from George's group, who proved that if there is enough water in the cell, then the energy output increases by an order of magnitude. For example: a magnesium ATP molecule contains 600 kcal, if there is enough water, the yield is 5835 kcal, an egg is approximately 80 kcal, with water the energy yield is 700 kcal. The main problem of modern medicine is that food is considered the main source of energy. At the same time, there is a lot of slag - an analogy with the generation of electricity by coal-fired thermal power plants - mountains of slag and black smoke. In contrast to hydroelectric power plants, it is environmentally friendly. So here it is. There are different proteins on the cell membrane and each gets its own mineral - Mg, Ca, Na, Ka, etc., after which, in the presence of water, a vortex spins - this is a hydroelectric power station. If the cell is dehydrated, no electricity is produced; these conditions are given names of diseases. Regarding the use of water and food depending on the area, the Russians limited the area most suitable for drinking and food to three days of travel, which is approximately 100 km. from your place of residence. Well, in a nutshell, something like this.