Eggs energy value 100 g. Structure and chemical composition of a chicken egg. Use in cooking

At first glance, an egg, such a common food product for people, has a very complex structure that is difficult to imagine. Even the most seemingly insignificant element is called upon to fulfill important functions during the birth of the chick. The article discusses detailed structure an egg laid by a chicken.

Chemical components of a chicken egg

By chemical characteristics chicken egg is valuable set elements. The space enclosed by the shell includes all the required substances necessary for development young body. The human body absorbs 97% of a bird’s egg, while it receives many amino acids and vitamins A, B, E.

Protein composition

Generally speaking, the composition of the protein of a bird's egg is clearly reflected in its name. In addition to moisture, protein contains many proteins of animal origin:

  • Ovoglobulins – about 2%.
  • Ovalbumin (reserve for embryo formation) – approximately 54%.
  • Highly viscous glycoproteins – up to 3.5%.
  • Ovotransferrin (has an antibacterial effect) – up to 13%.
  • Lysozyme (an enzyme together with ovotransferrin helps to increase antibacterial properties) - no less than 3.4%.

Egg whites also contain ovomucoid, a compound that provokes allergic reactions in the human body. Therefore, one cannot believe the statement that eggs consumed without yolk do not cause individual intolerance.

Due to the fact that protein has a rich composition, nutritionists actively recommend consuming it as food. It has been proven that proteins are an important construction material for all tissues and organs of not only the embryo, but also the human body.

Protein food necessary for children, athletes, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers. Chicken eggs are usually the basis in the diet of people suffering from illnesses or undergoing rehabilitation after traumas suffered and diseases. Protein is well absorbed. It is recommended to drink protein in its raw form on an empty stomach. Raw protein is especially beneficial for inflammation oral cavity And gastrointestinal tract.

Yolk composition

The yolk is approximately 1/3 fat, it also contains about 16% protein, and no more than 50% moisture. For carbohydrates minerals and vitamins are allocated about 2%.

Egg yolk is also rich in the following components:

  • macro- and microelements;
  • essential amino acids for the human body;
  • choline;
  • B vitamins, vitamin D, vitamins E, K, F;
  • carotenes;
  • lecithin;
  • lipids and phospholipids.

There is debate about the composition of the yolk of a bird's egg. Chemical analysis has nothing to do with this. Scientists are in conflict with each other regarding cholesterol, of which the yolk contains up to 140 mg. Even though the cholesterol in yolk is “good”, many people still choose to avoid consuming it. If you consume it in large quantities, of course, there will be no benefit from it.

Egg structure

All components in the structure chicken egg very important in the development of a new life. The yolk nourishes the embryo, the air chamber promotes the delivery of oxygen, the shell forms a protective barrier between the future chick and the outside world.


The shell covers the outside of a chicken egg, and also helps maintain its physical integrity, and is also a protection against bacteria. Most of the shell consists of a calcium matrix with organic impurities.

The shell is also rich in the following minerals and trace elements:

  • boron;
  • sodium;
  • aluminum;
  • magnesium;
  • copper;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • manganese

The shell has such a unique structure: it is penetrated by many pores that form tunnels between mineral crystals. Tunnels facilitate gas exchange between internal part product and the external environment. The number of pores varies between 7-15 thousand. Their greatest concentration is in the lower part of the egg with a blunt end, where there is gas chamber.

The shell can be white or brown, it all depends on the breed of bird, on the concentration of pigments (porphyrins) that are located in the calcium matrix of the shell. They have no effect on nutritional properties product and its quality. Also, the color of the shell is not affected in any way by the type of food and technique of raising chickens.

The quality and strength of the shell directly depend on the animal’s mineral metabolism and diet. No less important factors The strength of the shell is sanitary.

The shell under the shell and the air chamber

The two-layer shell under the shell consists of organic fibers intertwined with each other. The stage of egg formation depends on the shape given by the shell, only after which the shell begins to form.

At the blunt end of the egg, the layers of the shell separate, and between them a cavity filled with oxygen is formed - this is an air chamber. It is formed when a bird lays an egg. The air chamber contains as much oxygen as the embryo needs during the entire incubation period.


The cord is a kind of umbilical cord that fixes the yolk in a certain position - in the center of the white. The cord is formed from one or more spiral-shaped strips of tissue, and is located on both sides of the yolk. Through the cord, the embryo receives nutrition from the yolk.


IN different places different protein densities. The most thin layer the yolk is enveloped, in which the cord is located. Next, the layer of liquid protein thickens - it is necessary for feeding the embryo for initial stage. Next is the densest layer, which nourishes the embryo at the second stage and performs protective functions– does not allow the future chick to come into contact with the shell.

Protein is rich in the following components:

  • biotin – 7 mcg;
  • water – 87.9%;
  • pantothenic acid– 0.30 mg;
  • dry substances – 12.1%;
  • niacin – 0.43 mg;
  • proteins – 10.57%;
  • riboflavin – 0.56 mg;
  • fats – 0.03%;
  • folacin – 1.2 mcg;
  • carbohydrates – 0.9%;
  • vitamin B6 = 0.01 mg;
  • ash (mineral substances) – 0.6%;
  • lysozyme – 3%;
  • ovoalbumin – 69.7%;
  • ovomucines – 1.9%;
  • ovoglobulin – 6.7%;
  • ovomucoid proteins – 12.7;
  • conalbumin – 9.5%.

Yolk shell

The yolk shell is a kind of transparent layer necessary for the formation of the egg itself at the stage of its development. In the first 2-3 days of incubation, the yolk membrane is a source of nutrients for the embryo.


It contains everything nutrients, accumulating in the animal’s egg in the form of plates or grains, which sometimes merge into a single mass. If you look closely at the raw yolk, you will notice dark and light layers that alternate. The dark layers are filled mainly with dry substances.

The first few days of embryo development are based on the receipt of nutrients and oxygen obtained from the yolk. The yolk contains the following components:

  • 1.1% ash (minerals);
  • 48.7% water;
  • 1% carbohydrates;
  • 51.3% dry matter;
  • 32.6% fat;
  • 16.6% proteins.

Germinal disc

The germinal disc is also called blastodisc. This is an accumulation of cytoplasm located on the surface of the yolk. This is where the chick begins to be born. The curd has less density than the entire yolk, due to which it can always be in the upper part.


The entire surface of the shell, including the pores, is covered with a special film - an organic cuticle, consisting of 90% proteins and a small amount of hydrocarbons and lipids. This layer protects the egg from infections, gases and moisture.

So that the purchased egg is stored long time, you must try not to damage the cuticle .

Every poultry farmer needs to know what an egg is, as well as its structure, chemical composition. This information is discussed in the video. Regarding egg incubation, such knowledge will be especially useful:

Nutritional value and nutritional value

The calorie content of a chicken egg is no more than 17%, due to which this product is considered one of the main ones when following a diet. The product contains many amino acids. Ten of them are irreplaceable - they are formed in the body, and they can only be obtained by consuming egg products.

Protein is an essential component of the human body, because it can be broken down into important amino acids required for normal operation not only muscles, but also the human brain. The yolk is a higher calorie component, including many fats and fatty acids.

The eggs are similar in structure, but usually differ in size. In the white and yolk, as well as in the shell of eggs, there is a lot of useful substances. This product is useful for humans, and its unique structure provides reliable protection for the future chick.

How much protein, fat and carbohydrates does one chicken egg contain? How much is in the yolk and white separately?

This is important to know when the diet is limited by the choice of foods when gaining weight or on a diet, because protein is not completely absorbed from foods anyway, and it won’t be long before you miss it.

Let's try to figure it out.

Let's start with the fact that there are dietary eggs, marked with the letter D, and table eggs, marked with the letter C - these designations only indicate shelf life.

Eggs that can be stored for no more than 7 days are considered dietary. Therefore, look at the packing date when purchasing eggs. Anything that can be stored for more than 7 days, but not more than 25 days, is table eggs.

Egg categories are defined as follows

  • Highest category (B) - 75 g or more,
  • Selected egg (O) - from 65 to 74.9 g,
  • First category (1) - from 55 to 64.9 g,
  • Second category (2) - from 45 to 54.9 g,
  • Third category (3) - from 35 to 44.9 g.

The highest category is quite rare on sale, the third is even rarer. All other names of eggs: rejuvenating, rustic, this is nothing - a marketing ploy, supposedly they contain more selenium and others useful elements. But no one has done it yet clinical trials, the influence of such eggs on human rejuvenation or health. And it is important for us to know only the composition of BZHU (proteins, fats and carbohydrates) and calorie content.

I buy a package, examine it, the composition of the product per 100 g of weight is written on the package. On the package of eggs the composition is written: protein 12.7 g, fat 11.5 g, carbohydrates 0.7 g, calorie content 157 kcal. Poultry factories analyze their products, and I hope that this data can be trusted.

All eggs appear to be the same size, but this is only at first glance.

I'm weighing the most small egg weighs 66 g, the largest is 72 g - and if you look closely, you can see that it is larger. I will select these two eggs from the entire package and will calculate the average values ​​from them.

Carefully break and separate the yolks from the whites. I weigh on electronic scales(error +- 1 g).

The shell weighs 8 g for an egg, which is 72 g; for the remaining eggs, which are 66-68 g, the shell weighs 7-8 g. The yolks weigh 18-20 g. The whites average 42-43 g.

Now let's turn to the nutritional value of chicken eggs. There is conflicting information on different websites and nutrition calculators. I’m trying to find something that sheds light on this confusion and compare it with institute textbooks, for example, on merchandising of food products (Kazantseva N.S.). So, according to theory, the white of a chicken egg contains on average: water 80-85%, proteins 12-13%, carbohydrates about 0.7%, minerals 0.6%, fat 0.3%.

I remember what was written on the packaging of my eggs specifically.

100 g of the edible part of the egg contains 12.7 g of proteins, then

64 g eggs without shell (72g-8g) – 8.13 g proteins (amino acids),

59 g eggs without shell (66g-7g) – 7.5 g proteins (amino acids).

The average amount of protein (amino acids) is 7.8 g per egg.

Let's check the theory: The white part of eggs consists of approximately 13% proteins (amino acids), which means that 43 g of my egg white contains approximately 5.6 g of amino acids. In a smaller egg, 42 grams of protein contains approximately 5.4 grams of protein. The average is 5.5 g of protein. This is the number I will write down in my nutrition calculator. By the way, 0.7% of protein carbohydrates are 0.3 g, the amount of fat in protein is 0.13 g, and the calorie content is 25 kcal.

We can boil or fry this egg, and in any form it will contain the same 5.5 g of protein and 0.3 carbohydrates. But if we fry it in oil, the BJU changes.

Now the yolks. The chemical composition of the yolk is more vague: according to some data, the yolk contains about 31.8% fat, 16% protein, 0.2% carbohydrates, 1.1% minerals, and 50% water.

According to others - up to 33% fat, if you refer to Wikipedia, which refers to data from the USDA National Nutrient Database, chicken yolks weighing 17 g contain 4.51 g of fat - this is 26.5% - very little, some are wrong chickens in America, not like ours!

In general, I again go by the nutritional information on the packaging of the eggs I bought. It says 11.5 g per 100 g of egg weight. If you remember, fats are contained not only in the yolk, but in the yolk and the white; there is nothing in the shell except calcium salts.

There are 11.5 g of fat per 100 g of the edible part of the egg, then

64 g of shelled eggs contain 7.36 g of fat.

For 59 g eggs without shell there are 6.7 g fat. The average is 7g fat per egg.

How to distribute all this between the white and yolk? It’s simple here: all data on the amount of fat in egg whites, according to different sources, are approximately the same - 0.3% fat. I have already calculated that this amounts to 0.13 g of fat. Then the yolk accounts for an average of 7-0.13 = 6.87 g of fat.

16% of the protein from the total mass of the yolk is on average 3g (I convert between eggs weighing 72 and 66g). And 0.2% carbohydrates 0.038 g. Average calorie content 74.3 kcal.

By the way, regarding the calorie content, they write everywhere that the yolk has three times higher than the white. Let's compare 25 kcal and 74.3 kcal - the difference is 2.9 times, so everything is correct!

I'm summing up, according to my calculations the nutritional value Selected category table eggs.

Weight, g Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g kcal
Nutritional value of the product 100 12,7 11,5 0,7 157
Whole egg C0 59-62 7,8 7 0,34 99
1 egg white C0 42-43 5,5 0,13 0,3 25
Yolk 1 egg C0 18-20 3 6,87 0,038 74,3

What would you like to say in the end? Of course, the difference in the chemical composition of chicken eggs is sometimes different. To calculate your diet, you can take any one - averaged from various nutrition calculator sites, or from a package of purchased eggs. In fact, you should rather believe the information that is written on the packaging of eggs. The fact is that the chemical composition of eggs depends on the breed of chickens, their age, and other factors that are individual at each poultry farm.

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Eggs are familiar and traditional products food, the most common are chicken eggs. Laying hens lay one (less often two) eggs once a day, the healthiest ones are eggs from young domestic chickens; they are small in size, but have a pronounced “eggy” taste.

Chicken egg calorie content

The calorie content of a chicken egg is 157 kcal per 100 grams of product. It must be taken into account that average weight One egg varies from 35 to 75 g, so the calorie calculation will be appropriate.

Damage to chicken eggs

The main harm of chicken eggs is the possible presence of a dangerous microbe in them - salmonella, which causes salmonellosis, which causes serious inflammation intestines, blood poisoning and paratyphoid fever. Excessive consumption of boiled eggs can cause digestive problems and constipation.

The chemical composition of a chicken egg contains more than ten basic vitamins - vitamins (,), and, as well as almost the entire table chemical elements Mendeleev - , and , and , boron and , and titanium, silicon, and aluminum, and . Eggs contain a lot of iron, but it is not absorbed very well from eggs, so it is better to use meat and liver as a source of iron. At the same time, if you drink eggs raw, they also interfere with the absorption of iron from other foods.

A chicken egg consists of white and yolk. - supplier of natural, easily digestible protein, on average there is 10 g of protein per 100 g of egg white. contains fat soluble vitamins, as well as cholesterol.

Chicken egg yolk contains high quantity fat, but these are mainly polyunsaturated fatty acid and monounsaturated fatty acids, saturated fatty acids account for a smaller % of the content:

Polyunsaturated fatty acids:

  • Linoleic acid - 16%
  • Linolenic acid - 2%

Monounsaturated fatty acids:

  • Palmitoleic acid - 5%
  • Oleic acid - 47%

Saturated fatty acids:

  • Palmitic acid - 23%
  • Stearic acid - 4%
  • Myristic acid - 1%

One egg contains about 130 mg of choline. Choline, which is part of the yolk, regulates the amount of fat and cholesterol in the body.

Contained in chicken eggs, it improves blood supply to the brain, which improves memory and prevents the development of sclerosis (calorizator). Even egg shells, washed, cleared of films and dried, are a very useful product for strengthening bones and stimulating hair growth.

The cholesterol content of eggs reaches 570 mg. Cholesterol is found only in the yolk and it is considered the least harmful because it is balanced by lecithin, which in turn is necessary to nourish nerve cells.

In terms of nutritional value, an egg replaces two hundred grams of milk and fifty grams of meat. Chicken eggs must be consumed several times a week; they are almost completely absorbed by the body (97-98%), without clogging the intestines with unnecessary toxins. Although eggs are considered very nutritious product, they don’t get better. Moreover, they are often included in therapeutic diets.

Egg and cholesterol

In a day healthy person 1 egg is allowed. If a person increased level cholesterol in the blood, then nutritionists recommend eating 2-3 eggs per week.

Categories of chicken eggs

Chicken eggs sold from poultry farms are labeled depending on the shelf life and weight of an individual egg. Usually on the packaging we see a letter and a number or two capital letters, let's find out what they mean.

The first sign indicates the shelf life of the product:

  • D - dietary egg, sales period does not exceed 7 days,
  • C - table egg, permissible sales period - 25 days.

Chicken eggs are divided according to their weight in the following way:

  • B - egg highest category, weighing 75 g and above,
  • O - selected egg, 65-74.9 g,
  • 1 - first category egg, 55-64.9 g,
  • 2 - egg of the second category, 45-54.9 g,
  • 3 - egg of the third category, 35-44.9 g.

Differences in chicken eggs in appearance

Chicken eggs, even in the same package, can look completely different - almost round and elongated, with a pronounced sharp tip or almost perfectly oval shape, white, cream, light brown, with dark spots, matte and glossy, smooth and rough to the touch. This does not in any way affect the quality and taste; usually white eggs are laid by white hens, and colored eggs are laid by hens of bright colors. Therefore, when choosing eggs of different colors, we first of all give preference to our aesthetic preferences. Eggs with two yolks are often found - scientists have not yet come to a clear conclusion whether this is a pathology or a common occurrence. When served on the table, these eggs are very impressive, and differ from ordinary ones in their enlarged shape.

There are several options for how to find out about the freshness of eggs. But knowing this thing that the longer the egg is stored, the lighter it becomes, we chose the simplest option - lower the egg into a glass of water. If the egg has sunk, then it is the freshest, 1-3 days since the chicken laid it, if the egg floats but does not rise high, then this means that the chicken laid the egg about 7-10 days ago. And if the egg remains floating on the surface of the water, the chicken laid such an egg more than 20 days ago.

Each egg is naturally covered with a film, which allows the eggs to be stored for a long time, so it is not recommended to wash it off before storing the eggs, but before the actual process of preparing the eggs, it is better to wash off the film with water.

Chicken egg and weight loss

Many have heard about the benefits of chicken eggs and their beneficial influence to the reset process extra pounds. "Two boiled eggs for breakfast - no more excess weight” - a familiar slogan, right? If you think carefully, not everything is so simple. Let us remember that bodybuilders, who are critical of any product, during the period of “drying” the body, consume only proteins, ignoring the yolks, in order to get pure protein and get rid of cholesterol. Therefore, before you unconditionally believe in quick weight loss using chicken eggs alone, you need to understand whether it is so useful. However, there are ones that are based on the consumption of chicken eggs and lead to real weight loss.

Cooking chicken eggs

There is probably no product in nature or in our refrigerator that is simpler and more necessary than a chicken egg. Starting from raw eggs, which are drunk, seasoned with pepper and beaten into eggnog, to soft-boiled eggs, poached and hard-boiled. Scrambled eggs, simple omelettes, with baked goods and fillings, puddings and egg muffins, pie fillings, meatloaf and pancakes, an indispensable ingredient in almost all favorite salads, cold appetizers, desserts - meringues and almond cakes, an addition to dough and colored eggs for Easter - the list goes on and on, because chicken eggs are a universal product that can be boiled, fried and baked in oven, eat raw and in any case, besides pleasure, get the maximum benefit.

Especially for
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An egg is a single cell in a hard shell in which it develops new life. For humans, a chicken egg is of particular value, as it contains a huge amount of useful substances.

Chemical composition

The composition of a chicken egg, the photo of which can be seen above, is unique. It contains the following elements:

  1. A lot of vitamin A is contained in the yolk. Moreover, the more intense and saturated its color, the large quantity vitamin will be in it. This substance is responsible for regeneration skin, promotes wound healing and prevents hair loss.
  2. Vitamin E, which is also present in sufficient quantities, improves health reproductive system person and prolongs youth.
  3. The yolk of an egg contains vitamin D. A lack of this element leads to the destruction of bone tissue. Therefore, it is extremely important to replenish your reserves of this vitamin throughout the year.
  4. From trace elements greatest number belongs to potassium, which strengthens muscles. As well as iron, zinc, magnesium and phosphorus.
  5. People with poor eyesight You should eat chicken eggs as often as possible. The fact is that the yolk contains an element called lute, which helps restore visual acuity.
  6. For women for prevention malignant tumor breasts, it is recommended to eat one egg daily. This product contains a rather rare substance, choline, which can fight tumors.
  7. Eggs are also recommended for people who want to conceive a child. Sufficiently large amounts of folic acid and zinc restore reproductive functions and heals the genitourinary system.

In a word, the benefits of chicken eggs are enormous. They are recommended for use by children, starting from the very beginning. early age. If a person is not allergic to eggs, then they can be eaten up to two pieces daily. Due to their rich composition and nutritional value, chicken eggs are included in all healthy diets.

Chicken egg size

As a rule, its parameters will depend on the breed of laying hen, its age, complementary feeding and housing conditions. For example, if a chicken constantly did not receive any nutrients, then this fact will certainly affect the quality of the egg. The bird will lay much worse. If laying hens are fed natural food without the addition of antibiotics, then the eggs they lay will be classified as organic products and are valued much more highly.

Large eggs are laid by chickens over eight months old. Young birds produce small eggs. The quantity and size of this product also depends on the breed of laying hen. There are so-called egg chickens, among which the following breeds are distinguished: Leghorn, Hisek Brown, Loman Brown and High Line. And also good large eggs are obtained from healthy birds that are kept in favorable conditions. If chickens are constantly cold or hungry, then all their energy will be spent searching for food or warmth. In this case, you should not expect a lot of eggs from her, but be content with a small amount of product and its small size. These eggs are worth much less.

Energy value

This product contains a sufficient amount of protein (12.7 g), a lot of fat (11.5 g) and a small amount of carbohydrates (less than 1 g). Eggs have a fairly high calorie content. So, per 100 g of product - 157 kilocalories. It has been noted that eggs are a valuable source of energy that perfectly satisfies hunger and gives energy. They are recommended to be consumed in the morning before the start of the working day. Vegetarians replace meat with this product if they feel a lack of certain elements. As already mentioned, the egg is one of the few products that is completely absorbed by the human body.

Benefit for health

The benefits of chicken eggs for the human body are as follows:

  1. Due to its quinine content, this product is an excellent preventive measure. oncological diseases.
  2. Scientists have noticed that egg lovers are much less likely to suffer from osteoporosis than people who ignore this product.
  3. Thanks to calcium and vitamin D, eggs are noticeably strengthened bone tissue. Doctors recommend that patients with limb fractures eat one to two eggs daily.
  4. The potassium contained in this product strengthens the heart muscle and promotes the elasticity of blood vessels.
  5. Thanks to zinc and folic acid eggs contribute to the health of a woman’s reproductive system and help her bear a healthy child.

The product has a similar effect on men. Egg lovers are much less likely to suffer from prostatitis and have good potency.

Many people pay attention primarily to the size and condition of the shell. Experts advise evaluating the product according to the variety, storage conditions and GOST. It is believed that the healthiest eggs are those purchased on the market from small producers. There is an opinion that large poultry farms feed laying hens unhealthy food that contains antibiotics.

In order to protect yourself and your loved ones from such a purchase, it is best to find a trustworthy farmer and regularly purchase products from him own production. Very often, the breeder goes to meet regular customers halfway, shows clients his farmstead and talks in detail about the conditions of keeping the birds.

Storage and labeling

According to GOST, chicken eggs are marked as follows: latin letter D means the product has a shelf life of only seven days. This egg will be considered dietary. The table product is marked with the letter C, and its shelf life is twenty-five days. The weight of an egg of the first category should be about sixty grams including the shell.

What is the yolk made of?

The chemical composition of a chicken egg yolk and white are somewhat different from each other. For example, it contains a huge amount of vitamin B12. The yolk has a rich color due to the presence of vitamin A in it. This important element is simply necessary for healing the skin, eliminating peeling and healing wounds. A deficiency of this vitamin leads to premature aging and the formation of wrinkles. In addition, thanks to vitamin PP, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened and their elasticity increases. The brighter the yolk, the more vitamin A it contains, which means its benefits are much higher.

As for other important elements, it boasts substances such as choline and melatonin. Moreover, the yolk of a raw egg will contain the largest amount of these substances.

Protein composition

This unique product has absolutely no fat, but is the most important source protein (protein). It contains a lot of microelements, including calcium, phosphorus and iron. The protein of a chicken egg contains amino acids that supply oxygen to brain cells. Unlike the yolk, the white is not advisable to eat raw. It contains an enzyme that destroys gastric juice. In addition, this product is a fairly powerful allergen, which also adversely affects human health. It contains only forty-eight kilocalories.

Eggs and cholesterol

Very often you can hear the opinion that eggs are a supplier of huge amounts of cholesterol, which is deposited on the walls of blood vessels. In fact, this product contains good cholesterol, which is a building material for the liver. However, the intake of cholesterol from foods is not at all necessary, since it is perfectly produced by the body itself. Therefore, a person will not be left without it.

Unfortunately, very often healthy foods along with vitamins and microelements they also contain harmful substances. For example, chicken yolk, which is known to be extremely rich important elements, has quite a lot of cholesterol. People who monitor their health, as a rule, scrupulously calculate the amount of harmful and undesirable components. When it is not possible to completely give up eggs, you should reduce the consumption of other foods to a minimum. Thus, if a person eats two yolks during the day, then he should limit his consumption of milk or meat so as not to exceed daily norm incoming cholesterol. After all, the body can easily cope with a small amount of it.

Unfortunately, many eggs in supermarkets contain antibiotics. They can be partially destroyed by heat treatment. In addition to antibiotics, these products also contain nitrates and other poisons. There is also a risk of salmonella infection. It's pretty unpleasant disease which sometimes ends fatal. In addition, there is a category of people who are not recommended to eat eggs. These include primarily allergy sufferers and people with problems digestive tract. In psoriasis, eggs cause an exacerbation of the disease. Patients with cardiovascular diseases should be careful and consume this product as little as possible due to the presence of cholesterol in it.

Chicken eggsindispensable product in our diet. Not a single feast is complete without eggs; they are the main product in many dishes and baked goods, and are also used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes.

Composition of a chicken egg

A chicken egg weighs approximately 58 grams and consists of a shell, white and yolk.

  1. The shell makes up about 10% of the egg, it may have white or Brown color, which depends on the breed of chicken.
  2. White makes up most of the egg, namely 60%. Protein mainly consists of water and protein compounds, such as ovalbumin, conalbumin, ovomucoid, globulin and others.
  3. Yolk - the core of a chicken egg, containing all the vitamins and minerals, it occupies 30% of the egg. The yolk contains fat-soluble vitamins, including vitamin D, as well as cholesterol.

Chicken egg calorie content and nutritional value

The demand for eggs never falls, which provides stable profits for many poultry farms and private farms. It's no secret that an egg obtained in household, has great value, nutrition and usefulness. On average, one person eats 290 eggs per year; people value eggs not only for their nutritional value, but also for their taste.

Nutritional value of 1 chicken egg:

  • proteins 12.5 grams
  • fat 11.5 grams
  • carbohydrates 0.8 grams
  • water 74 grams
  • fatty acids 2.5 grams
  • ash 1-1.5 grams
  • monosaccharides and disaccharides 0.6 grams.

The calorie content of the product is 158 kcal.

In addition to the above, a chicken egg contains many macro and microelements such as:

  • phosphorus 190 mg
  • potassium 140 mg
  • magnesium 11 mg
  • calcium 54 mg
  • sodium 135 mg
  • chlorine 155 mg
  • sulfur 177 mg
  • iron 2.6 mg
  • zinc 1 mg
  • iodine 21 mg
  • fluoride 54 mg
  • copper 83 mg

A chicken egg is rich in fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins:

  • vitamin A 0.24 mg
  • vitamin E 2 mg
  • vitamin B2 0.43 mg
  • vitamin PP 0.20 mg
  • vitamin B12 0.53 mg
  • vitamin K 0.31 mg
  • vitamin B9 7 mg
  • vitamin D 2.3 mg

The beneficial biologically active and nutrients in a chicken egg play a huge role for humans, restoring tissue and killing harmful pathogenic microorganisms.

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Useful properties of chicken eggs

As already mentioned, a chicken egg is very useful and even necessary for the human body; it has a number of useful properties, let's look at them in more detail:

  • Strengthens immune system , helps fight viruses by saturating the body essential vitamins and minerals.
  • Reduce the risk of malignant compounds and oncological diseases.
  • Takes care of the cardiovascular system.
  • Strengthens vision and restores optic nerves, prevents eye diseases.
  • Beneficial for bone and muscle tissue, promotes calcium absorption and proper bone growth.
  • Restores muscle tissue , thanks to protein – protein, increases endurance.
  • Increases brain performance, improves memory and develops intelligence.
  • Strengthens nervous system , relieves tension, improves mood.
  • Recommended for pregnant women and nursing mothers, are quickly absorbed and promote lactation. Chicken eggs are also useful for women planning pregnancy, as they contain folic acid.
  • Promotes sperm activity and is useful for men in planning offspring.
  • Combats ulcerative manifestations and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Improves hair color and structure.
  • Promotes weight loss, are recommended for breakfast in boiled form.

The dangers of chicken eggs - truth or myth?

A chicken egg can indeed cause harm to the human body, but only due to non-compliance with sanitary standards, overuse or individual health contraindications:

  1. Cholesterol
    Cholesterol is not always harmful to our body, but correct proportions even useful. IN egg yolk high in cholesterol and should not be eaten in large quantities. Cholesterol will not harm the body. If you eat no more than 2 yolks per day or limit yourself to eating only egg whites. To neutralize bad cholesterol You can eat foods such as plums, raisins, cabbage, beans, oranges, and spinach along with eggs.
  2. Salmonella virus
    The risk of introducing salmonella into human body very large if consumed raw eggs and do not wash them before cooking. Salmonella does not harm the egg; it is found in the egg shell and white. Once a virus enters the human body, it can cause a number of serious illnesses such as blood, intestinal and typhus infections.
  3. Diabetes
    Chicken eggs are contraindicated for diabetics, and their consumption can lead to a heart attack or stroke.
  4. Allergy
    Allergy to chicken eggs is rare. But if you have individual intolerance to eggs, you can cause severe reaction body.

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Egg category

Chicken eggs are classified according to weight into 5 main categories:

  1. (SV) highest category. These are the largest eggs weighing from 75 grams.
  2. (OV) selected egg. Quite large eggs from 65 to 74.9 grams
  3. (C1) first category. A clean, smooth shell and a strong yolk, an egg weighing from 55 to 64.9 grams.
  4. (C2) second category. The egg is small from a young chicken, weighing from 45 to 54.9 grams.
  5. (C3) third category. The smallest chicken egg in size and weight is from 35 to 44.9 grams.

Except standard classification, eggs may vary in additional types: have two yolks, be enriched with iodine or selenium, dietary eggs. Remember that an egg is considered dietary only up to 7 days of storage. After 7 days, this egg is considered a table egg.

How long to cook chicken eggs?

Boiling chicken eggs is simple: place the egg in cold salted water and put on fire. People boil eggs depending on the consistency they want, either hard-boiled or soft-boiled.

On average, boiling an egg takes from 3 to 10 minutes:

  • If you boil the egg for 3 minutes. After three minutes, the egg cannot be considered ready, but rather raw. The white of this egg is still soft, and the yolk is very runny.
  • If you boil the egg for 5 minutes. After five minutes, the egg is considered half-cooked. The white in the egg will be ready and hard, but the yolk will be runny. Such an egg is truly called soft-boiled.
  • If you boil the egg for 7 minutes. Seven minutes of cooking will make the egg cooked, but not yet hard-boiled. The egg will be soft, but easy to peel and will not fall apart when pressed.
  • If you boil the egg for 9 minutes. It is after 9 minutes of cooking that the egg can confidently be considered hard-boiled. Now it is important not to overcook the egg, otherwise the yolk will turn blue and taste like rubber.

Is it possible to lose weight by eating chicken eggs?

Eggs are very useful for dietary and proper nutrition, so you can lose weight with eggs if you follow certain rules:

  • Eggs should be eaten boiled without adding salt for breakfast. They are easily digestible and guarantee a long-lasting feeling of satiety.
  • Drink before breakfast warm water, 1-2 glasses on an empty stomach.
  • Eat fruit along with eggs, citrus fruits and berries are especially effective for weight loss.
  • Do not mix eggs and potatoes, since starch is poorly absorbed from egg white. It is better to replace potatoes with some vegetable.
  • Try it for fast weight loss egg diet for 3 days. During the diet you can only eat eggs and citrus fruit, drink water and green tea. You need to eat 2-3 eggs and 4 fruits a day. The result of the diet can be a weight loss of 2-3 kg.

Eggs - biologically valuable product, which can and should be eaten. They will help preserve strong bones, lose weight and regain youth. If any painful symptoms After eating eggs, you should consult a doctor.

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