Protein food for athletes. Proper nutrition for an athlete: what foods are necessary for a complete diet. Frequently asked questions about the sports diet. Leading European experts answer

Athletes and people who do not dedicate their free time training, have different nutritional needs. The difference is due to several factors. Athletes expend much more energy than office workers or even industrial workers. High energy consumption is not the only reason for the special nutritional requirements of an athlete.

Increased physical activity affects the athlete’s body in such a way that he begins to work in a more intense “mode”. To restore the energy expended during training, maintain good physical shape and perform exercises, sports nutrition must be high in calories, natural, and varied.

Proper distribution of physical activity and restoration of the forces expended are the main key to success in achieving high sports results. Energy costs cannot be replenished without consuming properly selected products. Food serves as both a source of energy and material for cell reproduction.

Products for an athlete's diet

The main thing to consider is that food for an athlete must perform a number of specific tasks, and is not solely a source of satisfying hunger. Products on a bodybuilder’s menu must meet the following requirements:

  1. Supply the body with all necessary nutrients, micro- and macroelements, vitamins, calories

Caloric value directly depends on the athlete’s sporting goals.

  1. Contribute to the normalization and activation of metabolic processes occurring in the body

This quality is fully met by natural additives and active biological substances.

  1. Regulate body weight

Weight depends on your goals. At some stages of training, the mass should decrease, at others it should increase, and in some cases it should be maintained in an unchanged state.

  1. Change morphological parameters

This property allows you to increase muscle mass, and fat deposits, on the contrary, are reduced.

The importance of proper nutrition for an athlete

Training requires the athlete to expend a huge amount of energy both to perform physical activity and to maintain vital functions. This is the work of the heart muscle, respiratory and digestive systems. This is due to the fact that during intensive training both the muscles and internal organs work in an intensive mode.

If the body does not receive sufficient amounts of nutrients and useful substances, then this will lead first to energy imbalance and then to exhaustion. To avoid this, the athlete must pay increased attention to his daily diet. It should be as balanced as possible, completely replenish expended energy, and consist of healthy natural products of animal and plant origin.

Sports diet

The formation of the menu depends on both individual and general requirements. The first include physical features athlete, sports discipline, loads, and secondly, independent of discipline and other factors, the qualitative composition of the athlete’s diet, which should contain foods rich in macro- and microelements.

In terms of qualitative composition, proper nutrition for an athlete should be close to the formula: 30% - proteins, 60% - carbohydrates, 10% - fats.

The use of microelements and vitamins involves the inclusion in the diet of food containing them in varying quantities, or the intake of special complexes.

One of essential components sporty healthy and balanced nutrition. It has a multifaceted effect on the body.

All biological structures, which include the organic part bone tissue, tendons, ligaments and muscle tissue are made of protein. Protein is a catalyst for biochemical processes, accelerating them millions of times; it is part of hormones and is a growth factor. The activity of the enzyme protein directly determines both energy and metabolic processes.

Thanks to proteins, tissues receive oxygen and essential nutrients. The component also plays a huge role for immune system. This is due to the fact that antibodies are specific protein molecules.

For girls

Nutrition for athletes actively training in the gym has its own characteristics. In addition to complex carbohydrates, it should be dominated by vegetable fiber and monounsaturated fats. It is preferable to eat small meals. The break between individual meals should be less than three hours.

Sample menu for girls actively involved in sports:

  1. The first breakfast includes three eggs, oatmeal (100 g), and the second - half a liter of kefir or milk;
  2. It is recommended to eat for lunch brown rice(150 gr.), white poultry or fish (200 gr.);
  3. For an afternoon snack, nuts and cottage cheese (200 g) are best;
  4. For dinner they serve salad or fruit, meat or fish (200 gr.);
  5. Before going to bed, it is recommended to drink at least 500 ml of kefir, which can be replaced with any other fermented milk product.

The dietary requirements for an athlete remain the same, regardless of how long the menu is drawn up - for a week or a month. The main thing is that the products in it are chosen exclusively nutritious, natural and healthy.

Prohibited Products

Regular table salt- taboo for athletes. An alternative to it is sea. She is rich in many useful elements. The menu should not include spicy or fried foods, mushrooms, sugar, alcoholic drinks, various types semi-finished products made from juice powder.

You need to eat enough so as not to overeat or, conversely, feel hungry. Eating should be done without haste. Food needs to be chewed well. It is necessary to constantly monitor your weight and monitor your own well-being.

A protein diet for athletes is necessary not only for building muscles - it is developed taking into account a number of important factors. It is important to remember that active physical activity requires full nutrition.

Why do you need protein?

Proteins are necessary for our body and especially important role This element is acquired if a person is actively involved in sports.

Protein includes essential amino acids, some of which are not synthesized in our body. Protein foods provide energy (when 1 g of protein is burned, about 4 kcal are released).

Protein is present in enzymes skeletal muscles, hormones, that is, without using required quantity rich in protein food, you will not be able to build muscle mass.

Diet plan

During active training, the protein intake rate is increased by 2-3 times (the physiological norm is 1 g/1 kg of body weight). The following range of protein products is ideal for athletes:
Meat, poultry
Fish and seafood
Milk and dairy products (kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, sour cream, etc.)
Protein shakes

You need to eat often and in small portions. In addition to proteins, the diet should contain vitamins, minerals, complex and simple carbohydrates, enzymes, healthy fats, high-quality still water.

Sample menu

Diet No. 1

Breakfast options:
Bananas (2 pcs.), cottage cheese with sour cream – 200 g, tea with milk
Toasts from grain bread (3 pcs.), berries (200 g), hard cheese - 50 g, tea with honey
Protein shake and berries
A serving of porridge, boiled meat (100 g), apple, tea

Snack options:
Toast with natural butter
Muesli with milk and berries (100-200 g)
30-50 g unsalted raw nuts
Up to 100 g of low-fat cheese and rye bread
Yogurt and 30-40 g dark chocolate

Lunch options:
Grilled meat (200 g), porridge with butter (200 g), vegetable salad, rose hip decoction
Soup (vegetable, chicken, beef, fish), boiled meat (100 g), grain bread, vegetable salad and tea

Dinner options:
Beef, chicken or fish (150 g), vegetable mix(200-300 g), baked potatoes, tomato juice
Omelette, vegetable salad, grain bread and tea

Snack options before bed:

Diet No. 2

Breakfast: soft-boiled eggs (2 pcs.), oatmeal, cottage cheese, Orange juice
Second breakfast: fruit and cottage cheese
Lunch: 200 g boiled chicken fillet and rice porridge, vegetables, rosehip decoction
Afternoon snack: any fruit or berries
Dinner: low fat fish stew, vegetable side dish cooked on vegetable oil, fruits
Before bed: fermented milk drink


A high intake of protein foods creates additional stress on the digestive organs. You should not use the diet if your kidney function is insufficient and gastrointestinal tract. Contraindications include diseases such as chronic pancreatitis, irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, dysbacteriosis, gout.

As a rule, dietary nutrition is aimed at correcting body weight and building muscle mass.A protein-rich diet will help speed up your metabolism, fill your body with nutrients, and also help you lose weight and build muscle.

It is important for athletes to strike the right balance between conserving energy, nutrients and weight loss, especially for this, nutritionists have developed special diets with low content fats and high proteins.

The essence of the method

To increase physical endurance and achieve high results without harm to health, it is important to create the correct balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates entering the body.

Sport goes well with a protein diet, which is often recommended for athletes. Its essence lies in a person’s consumption of a sufficient amount of protein, which represents the main energy supply when building muscle mass.

Protein is a catalyst for biochemical processes in the body, building material for cells, the basis of tissues and organs, skeletal muscles and receptors. It contains important amino acids that are not fully synthesized in the human body.

Vegetable protein is absorbed only by 70%, and therefore it is useful for vegetarians to eat more nuts, legumes, vegetables and seeds - like natural source squirrel.

Secrets of a sports protein diet:

  • consume proteins of animal and plant origin;
  • use in diet natural products, seasonal vegetables and fruits;
  • Eat prepared dishes immediately and avoid long-term storage;
  • chew food thoroughly;
  • drink liquid 20 minutes before meals and 30 minutes after finishing the meal;
  • coordinate your eating regimen with your workouts.

Must take vitamin complexes to improve the performance of systems and organs during increased stress on the body. Dietary food should not cause weakness and a strong feeling of hunger.


It is forbidden to adhere dietary ration in the presence of diseases digestive tract, diabetes mellitus, renal failure, acute inflammatory processes in the body.

With any change in diet, you must consult with a specialist to draw up correct menu and exclude possible side effects.

Diet options

Protein diets are developed by specialists. But it is important for you to decide on your goal. Do you want to immediately build muscle mass, or do you first want to lose extra pounds?

Pierre Dukan's technique

Today, the dietary nutrition system of Pierre Dukan has become widely known among protein diets for athletes. The essence of the technique is to carry out dietary nutrition over 4 stages.

Pros and cons

The diet is praised for its ability to consume large amounts of protein foods, which include low-fat dairy products, eggs, dietary meat, and seafood.

From such a sharp reduction in carbohydrates, a person quickly loses weight, which is noticeable already in the first days of following the diet, and muscle mass thanks to regular physical exercise increases.

As a result of the diet, you not only burn excess calories, but also visually improve the condition of your hair and skin, nail plates. Metabolic processes in the body are improved.

However, many experience problems with stool, since during the attack stage the body does not receive vegetables and fruits. This can be compensated for by drinking plenty of liquid and taking a few tablespoons of bran in the morning. Since sugar should not be consumed, it is recommended to use sugar substitutes, which large quantities may be harmful to the body.


The Dukan diet consists of three stages, the first two of which are time-limited, and the last one can be used as a template for daily eating throughout life.


The duration of the stage is up to 7 days. “Attack” involves eating exclusively protein foods that contain little fat and carbohydrates. They are allowed to be eaten during all periods of the diet without any special restrictions.

Similar products include:

  • Veal, chicken, turkey, rabbit;
  • Lean ham;
  • All types of fish and seafood;
  • Low-fat dairy products;
  • Egg whites are unlimited, yolks are only 2 pcs. per day;
  • Crab sticks;
  • Various teas;
  • Greens, lemon.

Duration – 7 days for each extra kilogram.

A very important part of the entire diet, since here the desired weight is achieved and muscle mass is built. Now protein days need to alternate with vegetables.

For example, on Monday you need to eat only protein foods, on Tuesday – proteins with vegetables, and so on.

Vegetables and protein food are not limited in quantity, but in order for the stool to be normal, you need to eat 2 tbsp every day. l. oat bran. Prohibited at this stage pasta, cereals, legumes and potatoes.

Consolidation of results

The stage lasts 10 days. In the menu of this stage of the protein diet for athletes, you can add 1 fruit per day, a piece of low-fat hard cheese. Several times a week you are allowed to eat a portion of fried pork and lamb. Bran – 2.5 tablespoons per day.

By fruit we mean medium-sized specimens; it can also be a cup of berries, a slice of watermelon or melon. All newly introduced fruits should not contain a lot of sugar, for example, grapes, bananas, cherries. It is important to keep one protein day during the week.

The body does not experience much stress, since both protein foods and vegetables are allowed in unlimited quantities. Once the results are achieved, they need to be consolidated and stabilized.

If you have lost 5 kg, then this stage should last at least 50 days. Upon returning to a normal lifestyle, do not forget about protein days, limiting sweets and starchy foods, active image life.

Kim Protasov's method

This method of weight correction and muscle building has been known since the late 90s, when the consumption of protein foods increased.

Kim Protasov developed special system nutrition for athletes and those who want to lose weight, which would not harm the body.

The essence

From the experience of many people, it is clear that maintaining such a regime is not at all difficult, a person does not feel severe hunger or exhaustion, and can engage in active exercises, since they are allowed to eat at any time during the day different products, regardless of their calorie content.

The principle of Kim Protasov's diet is to reduce the amount of fat consumed. To replace it, the body will consume energy from proteins and complex carbohydrates. Required condition is to consume at least 2 liters of water per day, as this helps to quickly burn excess calories.

Protein essential to the human body, if this substance is not enough, then it is taken from the brain and other organs, so memory noticeably deteriorates, exhaustion and constant irritation are felt. The amount of protein consumed per day should be about 100 grams.

Complex carbohydrates activate metabolic processes. Unlike getting pleasure from chocolate, now the body will have to break down complex carbohydrates, so he will have no time to relax and store fat deposits.


The first stage lasts exactly 2 weeks, the second - until the end of the fifth. At the first stage you need to eat a lot raw vegetables, leaning on white cabbage. Fat content fermented milk products should be no more than 5%, these are: kefir, yogurt, cheese and cottage cheese. In addition, it is allowed to use one chicken egg per day and green apples, no more than 2 pcs.

This set of products can be eaten at any time. convenient time. At the same time, starvation should not be allowed, otherwise the body will simply break down and will not be able to cope with all the complex carbohydrates. You can make salads from vegetables, add a little salt and season with yogurt.

At the second stage of the diet, lean meat and fish are introduced into the diet - 300 grams per day. Thus, the changes after the second week of the diet are not too big, and excess weight is already actively starting to leave the body, giving way to muscle mass.

Prohibited Products

Sausages and flour products, sugar in pure form, semi-finished products, juices. Salads should not be seasoned with oil and vinegar, and vegetables for them should not be cut raw, without steaming or boiling.

Thus, the body will stock up on the vitamins and minerals it needs. Drinking milk in its pure form is undesirable, but many athletes claim that 300 grams per day does not have a negative effect on the results.

Drying diet

The period of drying the body is an opportunity to give relief to the muscles by removing subcutaneous fat deposits. Nutrition must be organized so that the body receives fewer calories than it expends during training.

Diet options:

  • Breakfast – grapefruit;
  • Second breakfast – fruit salad;
  • Lunch – toast with butter, vegetable salad, a glass of freshly squeezed juice;
  • Afternoon snack – tea with crackers;
  • Dinner – a portion of baked fish, vegetable salad, spinach, rosehip broth.

Before bed - a glass of low-fat kefir. You can stick to this diet for no more than a week, so as not to worsen general health. Muscles should not lack protein, and therefore athletes are recommended special food additives– protein to replenish protein reserves in the body.

When following a dietary diet, food should be consumed in small portions and at least 5-6 times a day. In addition to proteins, the diet should contain vitamins, minerals and trace elements for proper operation the whole body.

Important!Protein breakdown products must be excreted naturally, and therefore you cannot do without intensive drinking - for this you can use non-carbonated mineral water, green tea.

Before going to bed, be sure to have a glass of kefir, fermented baked milk, or drinking yogurt. Those who have already normalized their weight need to focus their efforts on providing their muscles with enough protein.

This diet is suitable for every day protein diet for athletes:

  • For breakfast – 2 bananas, a portion of cottage cheese with sour cream, tea with milk;
  • Snack – muesli with milk and berries;
  • Lunch – a portion of boiled meat, vegetable soup, grain breads, rosehip decoction;
  • The next snack is a handful of unsalted raw nuts;
  • Dinner – omelet, vegetable salad, grain bread and tea.

You can also drink a cup of coffee for breakfast, but without sugar, boil a few eggs, add a cracker. For lunch, it is useful to eat fish, beef, vegetable salad, washed down with tomato juice.

Advice! D dietary products that help activate energy balance - oatmeal with dried fruits, asparagus, broccoli, rice cake, protein drink, whey, fish, French loaf, beef tenderloin.

It is necessary to take into account that protein nutrition creates a load on the digestive organs, and therefore it is important not to oversaturate the stomach, but to eat food in moderation, and get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger.

Results and reviews

Vitaly, 32 years old, Omsk: “I train in the gym several times a day, and in order to maintain my body’s endurance, I follow the rules of a protein diet, consuming up to 200 g of protein per day. First, a nutritionist recommended the Dukan diet system to me, thanks to which I lost 10 kg. Now all that's left is to build muscle. Today I am in excellent physical shape, every day I go to classes with great pleasure.”

Veronica, 26 years old, Saratov: “I couldn’t stand the diet sports nutrition, the need for sweets did not allow me to build muscle mass. I'm trying my best to lose weight to get into great shape. I think I'll try to enter fasting days and reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed. How I want to be slim and fit!”


As practice shows, a protein diet for athletes gives excellent results, improves the general well-being of the patient, saturates the body useful vitamins and microelements, allows you not only to build muscle mass, but also to adjust your figure parameters.

A protein diet for athletes activates metabolic processes in the body, allows you to keep yourself in excellent physical shape, increases endurance and ability to work, and provides energy during various physical activities.

I wish you excellent health and high sports results

Reader's story "How I lost 18 kg in 2.5 months"
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As a rule, people who go in for sports are strong and resilient with excellent health and a beautiful physique. The main task for them is to maintain excellent physical shape. And this means not a drop of excess fat. To achieve results, there is a special diet for athletes.

Basics of a sports diet for men

A diet for athletes to burn fat should be designed so that the person following it can live a full life. Play sports, be full of energy and get everything necessary substances and microelements for the normal functioning of the body. And at the same time, the athlete should not gain excess weight.

The daily menu of people who devote their lives to sports differs in composition from the diet of those men who are far from sports loads. When creating a diet for athletes to lose weight, the diet also includes all kinds of dietary supplements and special sports drugs.

What products are included in the diet for men involved in sports?

Products containing protein are the main component of the diet. Fats are also necessary for the proper functioning of the body, but their consumption should be minimal. The main rule is to monitor the quantity of one or another microelement consumed.

The average calorie content of meals for athletes is approximately 2800 Kcal. Consider the intensity of power loads. If it is high, then the calorie content of the diet will be higher.

There are 4 product groups:

  • Dairy and fermented milk products;
  • Fruits and fresh vegetables;
  • Cereals and cereals.

The fruit and vegetable set must be consumed to obtain essential vitamins and microelements

Fats give muscles a boost of energy. But you need to take into account that they are not absorbed very quickly and the body’s strength capabilities at this moment are reduced.

♦ Do not adhere to several diets at once. Pick one and follow it religiously.

Abrupt change eating habits may have a negative impact on your health. For beginners in sports, it is recommended to gradually switch to special nutrition.

♦ Don't smoke or drink alcohol. These bad habits completely incompatible with sports.

♦ Don't leave the race. If you decide to take the path healthy image life, stick to the proposed menu and don’t skip training. Don't be the weak link.

Useful tips:

  1. Drink plenty of water.
  2. Nutrition should be balanced with an emphasis on proteins.
  3. Count your calories.
  4. Eat fresh food (leave the prepared dish in the refrigerator for no more than a day).
  5. If possible, try to exclude heat treatment fruits and vegetables. At high temperatures they lose a huge amount of vitamins. Also remember that fractional meals the key to success.
Protein diet


A glass of juice or milk;

Omelet with vegetables;

Cottage cheese, low fat 1 serving.

Afternoon snack

Any unsweetened fruit;

Tea or juice.


Meat broth 1 cup;

Lean meat or fish 150 grams;

Vegetables and greens.

Evening reception food

Low-fat baked fish 200 grams;

Kefir or natural yogurt 1 cup.

⇒ Between main meals, it is not prohibited to snack on a small slice of hard cheese or drink sweet tea.

Drying for men

A diet for athletes - drying - gives excellent results. It occurs in several stages and requires strictest observance proposed diet.

First stage

Boiled food is a priority. All smoked, fried, confectionery, bakery products. The menu should consist of proteins, complex carbohydrates, vegetables and grains.

Carbohydrate foods should be eaten in the first half of the day, and protein foods in the second; the duration of the first stage of drying is 1 week. The calorie content of food at the first stage should not be higher than 2.5% per kilogram of total body weight.

Sample menu:

♦ Breakfast

Boiled eggs 7 pieces (available without yolk);

Linseed oil a full tablespoon.

♦ Afternoon snack

Rice porridge with boiled chicken breast;

Low-fat kefir.

♦ Lunch

Boiled chicken with lean rice porridge;

Vegetable salad;


♦ Second lunch


Boiled tuna;

♦ Dinner

Boiled potatoes, several tubers;

Lenten fish.

Second stage

Daily dose protein intake increases to 3.5 grams per kilogram of weight. It is forbidden to eat salt or season dishes with spices. The diet focuses on proteins and vegetables. The menu is compiled independently based on the food set of the first stage. Observe for 7 days.

Third stage

This is the most difficult period and it lasts for seven long days. Daily norm protein intake increases to 5 grams per kilogram of weight. Carbohydrates eaten per day should not be more than 90 grams. This is enough for the viability of the body, but physical and psychological state will get worse. You need to be prepared for this, this is the last test, then an amazing result awaits you.

Calorie content of dishes during drying

♦ Breakfast – 600 Kcal

♦ Lunch – 700 Kcal

♦ Snack – 150 Kcal

♦ Dinner – 600 Kcal

⇒ The set of products is the same as in the first stage, with the exception of potatoes.

While drying, do not forget to saturate your body with water. The liquid will free the kidneys from waste accumulated due to intensive fat burning.

Burning fat is difficult chemical process, so you can support your body with vitamin, nutritional and mineral supplements.

As you know, there are many diets for athletes. One of the most effective is a protein diet. It is specifically designed for physically active people. Protein nutrition, most often used by athletes involved in bodybuilding and powerlifting. Protein-rich foods allow athletes, with large physical activity, correctly distribute energy costs and achieve high results. Since following this diet, you can short terms build muscle mass and lose excess fat .

With the Christmas tree diet, the human body does not receive enough fats and carbohydrates, and the metabolism begins to undergo dramatic changes. Excess fat reserves are broken down, causing a certain amount of stress. Therefore, you need to consider all the pros and cons of this diet. Be sure to drink 1.5 to 2 liters of purified still water per day. It is best to do this before eating and not drink water for 20 - 30 minutes after eating.

Protein in the human body performs irreplaceable functions due to the great need for it. It is found in almost all tissues and organs, with the exception of bile and urine. It is muscles that contain half of all the protein found in the human body. For construction and restoration muscle tissue Proteins are simply vital.

A protein diet, thanks to the rapid saturation of the body, allows you to quickly satisfy hunger. And for people involved in sports, this is very important factor. After all, the body’s need for food increases by about 3-5 times, depending on the intensity of the load on the body and the duration of training. The diet according to this system includes mainly fish, meat and eggs. . It should be remembered that veal and beef are absorbed by the body faster than lamb or pork. Large quantity Protein contains nuts, soy, beans, and peas. Protein-rich dairy products include milk, kefir, low-fat cottage cheese and a variety of cheeses. Healthy Products with this diet: potatoes, spinach, cauliflower, buckwheat and wheat cereal, pearl barley and semolina, pasta.

Protein diet menu for athletes


Breakfast: Glass of milk, 3 pcs. grain cookies.

Lunch: 250 g of boiled veal, 150 g of vegetable salad.

Dinner: Soup on meat broth with vegetables 150 g, 150 g lamb, 1-2 slices of bread.


Breakfast: 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese, natural coffee.

Lunch: 150 g of boiled beans, 100 g of carrot salad with sour cream.

Dinner: 150 g fish, 100 g vinaigrette.


Breakfast: Glass of fermented baked milk, 3 pcs. unsweetened cookies.

Lunch: Fish soup lean fish 150 g, 120 g tomato salad with olive oil.

Dinner: 150 g lean boiled pork, 1 apple or pear, 150 g apple juice.


Breakfast: 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese with dried apricots, a cup of green tea.

Lunch: 200 g stewed beef with vegetables, 1 small piece of bread.

Dinner: 100 g chop cutlet, 100 g carrot salad with sour cream.


Breakfast: A glass of milk, a bun with dried apricots.

Lunch: 150 g boiled beans, 150 g vegetable salad.

Dinner: 100-110 g of boiled beef, 150 g of sauerkraut salad with green peas.


Breakfast: 150 g of goat cottage cheese, a mug of black tea or coffee.

Lunch: 150 g of fish (boiled), 100 g of salad with tomatoes and sour cream, black bread.

Dinner: 150 g beef meatballs, 100 g vinaigrette with sauerkraut.


Breakfast: 1 glass of kefir 1%, 2 slices of grain bread.

Lunch: 150 g boiled lean beef, 150 g vegetable salad, 1 slice of bread.

Dinner: 150 g veal cutlets, tomato salad with sour cream.

A protein diet for athletes helps achieve high results . It is very important for athletes to maintain appropriate physical fitness and psychological attitude.