Brown long grain indica rice benefits and harms. Brown rice: health benefits and harms Brown rice benefits or harms

Every year, brown rice is becoming increasingly popular in our country. Despite the high cost, it has firmly established itself in the diet of people leading a healthy lifestyle. Many people are interested in the benefits of brown rice and whether it can cause harm to humans. To understand this, you need to study in detail the composition of a specific delicacy and find out the algorithm for its production.

Processing dark grains

Rice grains began to be cultivated a long time ago in China and India. Gradually, this culture gained popularity in America, Africa and other continents. Now rice is one of the most important grains, as it feeds more than half of the people on earth. It is most in demand in the national cuisine of Japan and China. Perhaps this is why representatives of these peoples have excellent health and can boast of a long life span.

Dark rice is essentially a regular grain that is processed differently. All grains collected on the field are in a natural brown shell. To prepare white cereals, they are steamed, husked, and then polished with special machines. Finally, some manufacturers sprinkle the rice with talcum powder, which gives it a sparkling white color. This procedure raises concerns among many scientists, since talc is harmful to the human body.

Brown rice is minimally processed. Only the top husk is removed from its grains, but the shell itself remains, giving them a brown tint and an elusive nutty taste. It contains a huge amount of microelements, which are preserved because the grain is not ground or treated with harmful substances.

Dishes made from brown grains are nutritious. They supply the body with many vitamins and microelements.

Product composition

The remaining shell contains a large percentage of rice oil, protein, vitamin B1, folic acid and niacin, which plays an important role in lowering cholesterol.

Compared to regular white rice, brown rice has 3 times more nutrients:

  • phosphorus, magnesium, ;
  • chlorine, sulfur and calcium;
  • potassium, and iron.

It also contains natural fats and carbohydrates, so the benefits of brown rice are beyond doubt.

Brown grass has another positive feature. It does not contain gluten, which often causes intolerance in adults and children and causes an allergic reaction.

Benefits for humans

The beneficial effects of unpolished cereal on the body have long been proven by scientists. Dishes made from it are not only nourishing and tasty. They can be safely included in the diet menu, because the carbohydrates found in rice do not accumulate as fat deposits, but are completely burned.

  1. Valuable substances entering the body from grains promote cell division and strengthen muscle tissue.
  2. The set of vitamins in cereal improves the functioning of the nervous system, helps cope with insomnia, irritability and excessive fatigue.
  3. Fiber gently cleanses the intestines, removes harmful compounds from the body, protects the stomach from irritation, gently enveloping its walls.
  4. Rice dishes are useful for gastrointestinal diseases, vascular atherosclerosis, heart failure and poor kidney function.
  5. With their help, cholesterol is reduced, blood pressure is normalized and well-being improves.

Properly prepared cereal has a positive effect on brain activity: it strengthens memory, increases attention, and makes you think clearly and clearly.

When purchasing a product, remember that the darker it is, the less processed it has been. This means that it contains more useful substances, which it transfers to the body when consumed.


The benefits of brown rice significantly outweigh the possible negative consequences of its consumption, if you listen to some recommendations.

Experts advise using it no more than 3 times a week. Its daily presence in the diet can cause constipation, bloating or abdominal cramps.

Pay special attention to storing the product. Unpolished rice retains valuable oils in its shell, which oxidize under the influence of heat and light, causing the grains to quickly become unusable. To avoid this, tightly seal the opened bag and keep it in the refrigerator. Try to use the product within a month because storing brown rice longer is not recommended.

Applications of rice

A healthy diet includes regular consumption of dark rice. To preserve the beneficial substances in it, it must be properly cooked.

To inexperienced gourmets, such a cereal often seems unappetizing. It is not soft enough and does not boil well. To prepare it deliciously, it is recommended to soak the grains overnight. Then when cooked they will become as tender as white rice.

  1. In the morning, you need to drain the water from the cereal, take a pan with a thick bottom and put rice in it.
  2. Pour boiling water over it at the rate of 3 tbsp. water for 1 tbsp. grains and put on low heat.
  3. Add salt, cover loosely with a lid and simmer on the stove for 25 minutes.
  4. Turn off, cover the pan with a towel and wait about half an hour. During this time, the rice will steam and become crumbly and soft.

If you want to lose a couple of unnecessary pounds with rice, do not add salt when cooking. It retains water in the body and slows down the weight loss process. Replace it with spices, herbs or.

The calorie content of the dish per 100 g is approximately 340 kcal. It saturates for a long time and is well absorbed. Boiled rice goes well with a fish or meat side dish. When eating on a diet, it is recommended to eat it as a separate dish or together with stewed vegetables.

Rice in folk medicine

Brown grains are used for more than just tasty dishes. They are successfully used in folk medicine to cleanse the body, because they are considered a good adsorbent.

To prepare a healing decoction, you will need 100 g of unpolished. Fill it with 1 liter of water and boil over low heat for an hour. Then cool slightly, strain through a sieve and take the resulting cloudy white liquid a quarter glass 3 times a day before meals.

Brown cereal in cosmetology

Japanese geishas have long known about the beneficial effects of rice on the skin and hair and never tired of using simple, effective recipes. It is not surprising that the face of the oriental beauties was white and radiant, and their hair shone in the sun like silk.

To prepare a rejuvenating mask you will need:

  1. grind 2 tablespoons of brown beans with a coffee grinder;
  2. add a spoonful of heavy cream to the resulting flour and mix thoroughly;
  3. apply the mixture in a thick layer to clean, dry skin, not forgetting to treat the neck and décolleté;
  4. Wait 15 minutes and rinse off any remaining product with a weak chamomile decoction.

If you use the recipe once a week, your skin will quickly become tightened, bright and beautiful.

Rice hair conditioner can strengthen your hair, give it shine and softness. It's easy to prepare in 15 minutes. You will need to take 100 g of brown beans, pour them with a small amount of water, wait 5 minutes and drain the water. Take 1 liter of clean warm liquid and put the prepared rice in it. After 10 minutes, strain the cloudy water through a sieve and moisten your hair with it after shampooing. Allow 10 minutes and when they are up, rinse off the rice water in the shower without using detergents. After drying the strands, you will notice how soft and crumbly they have become.

Having studied the information about brown rice, we can conclude that in moderate quantities it cannot harm, but, on the contrary, will benefit the body. If you want to surprise your family with not only a delicious, but also an original dinner, cook brown rice. They will definitely love its subtle aroma and delicate taste.

A lot is known about white rice. Almost everyone cannot imagine themselves without pilaf or boiled milk with fruit. But nutritionists prefer brown rice. What is its advantage, how useful is it? If cultivated rice is grown everywhere, then cultivated rice is quite difficult to find. Brown rice is an unhusked grain. It is in the shell that there are a lot of useful components. In Asia, this product is consumed by both children and the elderly. Americans believe that brown rice is excellent for improving health, so it should definitely be consumed.

Composition and calorie content

Rice has a fairly rich composition. It contains a lot of dietary fiber, amino acids, fiber, carbohydrates, unsaturated fatty acids, as well as vitamins A, B, C. Brown rice contains many minerals and trace elements - potassium, zinc, manganese, iron, sodium, magnesium, copper, sodium and others elements.

As for the calorie content of rice, it is high - 340 kcal, but boiled rice has only 110 kcal, and does not lead to excess weight.

Useful properties

Scientists have long studied the benefits of brown cereal:

  • Nutritious and satisfying product. After consuming one serving, you will immediately forget about hunger and recharge with positive energy. Rice contains a lot of carbohydrates. The main thing is that they burn quickly, so the product is considered dietary.
  • Rich in protein, which is essential for cells, their normal functioning, as well as muscle tissue.
  • Does not contain (it often causes a severe allergic reaction).
  • Rich in vitamin B, which is needed for the proper functioning of the nervous system and energy.
  • Contains a lot of fiber, which normalizes intestinal motility, removes toxins and toxic substances. The product is especially useful for diarrhea; it reduces the acidity of juice in the stomach.
  • It has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain - it normalizes thought processes, helps improve memory, and increases attention.
  • Rich in magnesium, which reliably protects against stress.
  • Contains potassium, it enriches the heart muscle, helps protect against myocardial infarction.
  • Reduces cholesterol in the blood, prevents the development of atherosclerosis.
  • Controls blood glucose levels, therefore useful for those who suffer from diabetes.
  • Reduces blood pressure, protects against hypertension.
  • Normalizes kidney function, removes excess fluid from the body, and eliminates swelling. Fasting days with brown rice are necessary for people suffering from kidney pathologies.

Basic rules of use

  • Brown rice should not be eaten too often; this should be done no more than twice a week. If you start abusing the product, you may end up with bloating, constipation,...
  • People who suffer from constipation and hemorrhoids are not allowed to eat rice.
  • Store the product correctly. After you have bought and opened the package, it is best to put it in the refrigerator. The shell contains a lot of oil; under the influence of high temperature, heat, and the sun, it begins to oxidize. Spoiled rice can lead to poisoning.


Brown rice is prepared very simply, the main thing is to follow the basic rules:

  • It takes longer to cook than white rice (it takes about 30 minutes to cook).
  • To avoid risk, the product must be soaked overnight in cold water. First, the cereal is thoroughly washed, then filled with water.
  • After cooking, you need to put the pan in a warm place, wrap it up, so you will get tasty, soft, crumbly rice.

Brown rice can be eaten with fish, meat, and seafood. If you need to lose weight, it's best to eat rice with vegetables to reduce the risk of constipation.

Do you like it spicy? Treat yourself to rice and fish. Take 2 cups of brown rice and leave it overnight. In the morning, drain the rice in a colander and allow the water to drain completely. After this, the rice is fried in vegetable oil until it acquires a dark shade. Then you need to fry the onion, fish fillet, and add a little chili pepper. Everything is mixed and filled with water, lemon juice is added at the end. Everything should stand for about 20 minutes.

  • Try to buy darker rice, it is very healthy. But the light brown variety is polished, so it is not much different from white rice.
  • Brown rice is quite an expensive product, so if it is inexpensive, this indicates its low quality.
  • You should not over-salt the rice; try to add as little salt as possible, otherwise the dish will lose all its beneficial properties.

Dietary recipes

Rice with pumpkin

Take half a kilogram, a glass of rice, you will also need milk (800 ml), a little vanilla. The pumpkin needs to be cut into cubes, cleaned well and placed in a saucepan, then add rice, vanilla and sugar (you can use honey, it will be more healthy). Pumpkin is poured with milk and boiled over low heat. Serve the porridge with butter.

Vegetarian soup

Kharcho soup is tasty and healthy. It's easy to prepare! You need to prepare small rice (20 grams), 10 grams of butter, milk (40 ml), flour (10 grams), cream (50 ml). First, boil the rice (until it is completely cooked). Meanwhile, the zucchini is peeled and cut into cubes. At the end, the rice and zucchini are blended in a blender until the consistency of puree. Then milk, cream, broth and vegetables are added. Boil everything so that the soup does not spoil. Decorate everything with greenery.

Rice casserole in a slow cooker

Take 300 grams of cottage cheese + 200 grams of rice + egg (2 pieces) + 70 grams + sour cream (40 grams) + sugar (80 grams). Use butter to grease the pan. First the rice is boiled, then all other ingredients are added. The rice and curd mixture is laid out in the form of a multicooker, and the “Baking” mode is turned on for an hour. Once ready, you need to leave the casserole until it cools, otherwise it may fall apart. Bon appetit.

Never tried brown rice? Be sure to prepare healthy, tasty dishes!

Rice is an annual herbaceous cereal, without which a good half of the world’s population cannot imagine their lives. It can be grown on almost all continents, even in Europe and North America, but it mainly grows in subtropical and tropical areas.

Few people know that over thousands of years of eating rice, man has managed to develop hundreds and even thousands of varieties. “Ordinary” people, not familiar with agronomic science, distinguish rice by color, grain shape and processing methods - for example, there is milled rice, polished rice, etc. When most people hear the word “rice,” they think of white grains that are round, oval, or highly elongated, but the color range of this cereal is much richer. Rice can be white, yellow, beige, black, red, purple, etc.

Benefits of Brown Rice

We will focus on brown rice - one of the varieties of ordinary, white rice, to which everyone has long been accustomed. The structure of the rice grain includes a white core and a double shell: the inner one is brownish-brown, and the outer one is yellowish and rough. White rice is obtained by carefully polishing the grains, and after removing only the protective shell. The brown inner shell consists of several layers and is called bran; it contains the lion's share of all the nutrients in rice - for example, 85% oils, 80% vitamin B1, 70% minerals, 65% vitamin PP, etc. It is not surprising that the nutritional value of brown rice is several times higher than that of white rice. It costs noticeably more, but it is recommended by nutritionists and other specialists as one of the best healthy food products; many even advise patients to eat only it, and forget about white, polished rice completely.

This variety has recently appeared in Russian stores, although millions of tons of rice are grown in our country. For some reason, it was believed (and still is) that brown rice is not in demand among “average” consumers, and the need for it is small: “we have enough other products.” Now you can buy it without difficulty, although the choice is not very rich.

Most people really prefer to buy white rice, short grain or long grain: it looks appetizing, cooks quickly and easily, is tender and tasty - especially with seasonings and meat, and there is no need to chew it - it is easy to swallow. But the stomach and intestines like white rice less, but we don’t ask them - that’s not the point.

Rich composition and great benefits of brown rice

It’s worth saying more about the composition of brown rice..

Among the vitamins, group B is the leader: thiamine, nicotinic acid, pyridoxine, folic and pantothenic acid, choline. Brown rice is rich in biotin - vitamin H, which is involved in the body's most important metabolic processes, as well as in the synthesis of collagen - which is why it is also called the beauty vitamin.

Among the minerals in the first place are silicon, which is involved in the formation and renewal of almost all tissues (bone, connective, epithelial, etc.), and vanadium, an element necessary for the normal course of the processes of hematopoiesis, respiration, growth and regeneration. Brown rice is rich in boron, manganese, cobalt, phosphorus, molybdenum, selenium, magnesium, nickel; It contains lithium, rubidium, copper, zirconium, zinc, potassium and iron.

Rice proteins contain essential and non-essential amino acids, including glycine, which reduces psycho-emotional stress and increases brain performance, and glutamic acid, which plays the role of a neurotransmitter and also stimulates brain function. Due to the properties of the latter, there are fierce debates about the “benefit and harm” of the food additive E621, while it is worth introducing brown rice and other foods rich in glutamine into the diet, and the problem will be solved.

There are 3-3.5 times more fats, and especially unsaturated ones, in brown rice than in regular white rice. It also contains the substance beta-sitosterol, which reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood and is very useful for men: it slows down the process of baldness and improves the condition of the prostate gland.

Brown rice contains a lot of carbohydrates - 100 g of the product contains almost 30% of the daily requirement for an adult - pectin and fiber, so it is unlikely to cause constipation, unlike white rice. The fiber of the grain shell is soft - the intestines are not injured, but carcinogens and excess cholesterol are perfectly absorbed and excreted from the body. Brown rice does not strengthen you like white rice, but normalizes digestion and the state of intestinal flora, so it also helps get rid of diarrhea.

Eating brown rice can improve the functioning of the gallbladder and pancreas - this is important for maintaining normal glucose levels, reduces fat in the blood, alleviates depression, eliminates insomnia and relieves anxiety. In addition to B vitamins necessary for the functioning of the central nervous system, the product contains quite a lot of tryptophan, a precursor to serotonin - a neurotransmitter that promotes good mood and emotional calm.

Who else should consider brown rice? People who have metabolic disorders; kidney function is difficult, cholesterol levels in the blood are increased; prone to obesity, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension and allergies. Although brown rice is high in calories, it has proven itself in weight loss diets: in a week, if you feel well and are not very hungry, you can get rid of 3-5 extra pounds.

Most often, however, brown rice is of interest to vegetarians and healthy eaters, but most people still find it coarse and tasteless. The latter is not true: you only have to learn how to cook brown rice correctly to want to eat it regularly.

How to cook brown rice

Brown rice is not overcooked, but it takes longer to cook than regular rice.. The easiest way is to use a rice cooker, but you can use a regular saucepan. There should be 2-2.5 times more water than rice; Place the washed cereal in boiling water, reduce the heat to low, close the pan and cook for 25 minutes. Rinse with boiled water, put back in the pan and place on a hot, switched off stove for another 10 minutes.

Another way: cook the rice over low heat for half an hour, with the lid open, and then rinse and proceed as stated above.

Another way: soak the washed rice in cold water overnight, and cook it in clean water in the morning - it will be ready in 10 minutes.

Rice is often used by cooks as a side dish, but it is better not to combine it with meat and

    When choosing a type of rice for preparing healthy meals, it is difficult to navigate correctly among the abundance of colorful packaging on store shelves. In the average supermarket there are about 5 species and more than 10 varieties of this cereal. To make the right choice, let's turn to the wise Asian centenarians. The basis of their diet for maintaining youth, health and slimness is brown rice (brown, cargo). Why? Let's figure it out

    Composition and properties of brown rice

    Rice has firmly entered the diet of not only the Asian countries from which it was imported. It has become the main cereal side dish in Europe and America. Rice is so popular among the world's population that it is included in the national cuisine of many countries (China, Japan, Thailand, Spain, etc.). It is used to prepare noodles, flatbreads, salads, risotto, porridge, pilaf, paella, pancakes, bread, pies, wine, etc.

    Brown rice is the healthiest. It differs from regular white in the way it is pre-treated. During grain preparation, such grains lose only the outermost, inedible flower shell. The remaining layers of grain are fully preserved and have a nutty smell and taste.

    The bulk of oils, vitamins (especially fat-soluble), cellulose and other biologically active beneficial substances are contained in the outer layers. Their number decreases towards the center of the grain. Starch and a minimal amount of microelements and vitamins remain in the internal endosperm.

    It is obtained by grinding cargo down to the endosperm. In this case, all useful substances are cut off, including those located in the germ of the grain. Therefore, the composition of brown rice is richer than white rice.

    Cargo* contains:

    CompoundConcentrationUnits of measurement
    Nutritional value
    Squirrelsaverage content 7 – 9G
    Fats1,7 – 2,0 G
    Carbohydrates76 G
    Dry grain calories**330 — 350 kcal
    Calorie content of the finished product**110 — 116 kcal
    Water11 — 13 G
    Dietary fiber2,7 – 3,2 G
    B11,2 mg
    B20,09 mg
    B34,6 mg
    B51,5 mg
    B60,65 mg
    B922-27 mcg
    A1,4 mg
    E4,9 mcg
    RR78 mg
    Potassium200 mg
    Phosphorus210 mg
    Magnesium90 mg
    Calcium12 mg
    Sodium7 mg
    Iron2,2 mg
    Manganese2 mg
    Zinc2,2 mg

    *The concentration of substances in brown rice depends on its variety and region.

    ** When compiling an athlete’s diet, it is necessary to take into account that dry cereals differ in calorie content from cooked grains.

    Brown rice contains all the beneficial substances of the outer edible shells, therefore it is 20-27% healthier than steamed rice.

    The beneficial properties of brown rice are higher than those of white rice. Despite the fact that the amount of carbohydrates in cargo is high, it contains much more dietary fiber. The total amount of sugars in brown grains includes fiber in the upper layers (bran shell). The amount of dietary fiber reaches 14-16 g (per 100 g). cargo 45-50 units. At the same time, cargo does not cause a jump in blood glucose levels. The carbohydrates in brown rice are absorbed more slowly. They keep you feeling full for a longer period compared to white varieties.

    The low GI of cargo is comparable to buckwheat. This allows brown rice to be used in athletes’ menus during the pre-competition period, without fear of fat tissue buildup.

    How does brown rice affect the human body?

    The effect of brown rice on the body depends on the frequency of its consumption. A single dose of rice porridge will not dramatically affect the athlete’s well-being. But by making this grain the basis of your diet, you will lay the foundation for a healthy diet.

    Cargo has a positive effect on metabolism, the functioning of the digestive, vascular and nervous systems.

    Brown rice:

    • stimulates the transmission of nerve impulses. At the same time, sleep improves, stress resistance and attention increase, and depressive symptoms decrease. Its use is especially recommended for representatives of sports in which reaction speed is important (shooting at a moving target, tennis, etc.);
    • stimulates blood circulation. Reduces blood cholesterol levels and thereby prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. Leads to the enrichment of red blood cells with oxygen. This significantly improves the nutrition of peripheral tissues, unloading the heart muscle and leads to an increase in the athlete’s endurance (long-distance running, cycling marathons, etc.);
    • normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. On the one hand, brown rice massages the intestinal wall with fiber, increasing the strength and speed of food movement. On the other hand, it leads to the removal of undigested residues (toxins) from dietary fiber. At the same time, cargo does not increase stomach acidity;
    • removes excess water from the body. This action is gentle, without leading to dehydration and diarrhea;
    • keeps blood sugar levels at an acceptable level, without carbohydrate “suppositories”. Due to the mild increase in blood sugar levels, it is recommended for use in cases of carbohydrate metabolism disorders (metabolic syndrome, etc.). Suitable for nutrition for women with diabetes during pregnancy;
    • promotes cell restoration. This effect leads to rejuvenation of the body, accelerating the recovery of athletes after injuries and surgical interventions;
    • normalizes metabolism, accelerating it slightly. This is especially true for the nutrition of athletes watching their weight;
    • softens the period of menopause;
    • stimulates the immune system;
    • supports the liver. This effect consists of three aspects: cleansing the liver of toxins, reducing the load on it and restoring hepatocytes with selenium included in the cargo.

    What are the benefits of brown rice?

    The benefits of brown rice are due to its composition. Its consumption in food:

    • nourishes the body. Rice provides the calories you need. It is recommended for dietary purposes. By following the consumption standards of this product, you will keep your weight within normal limits;
    • supplies vitamins, in particular group B. By consuming this type of rice, you can avoid hypovitaminosis and the development of Beriberi disease;
    • removes toxins from the body due to fiber. This promotes regular bowel movement;
    • reduces the load on the cardiovascular system. Reduces the volume of circulating fluid, lowers cholesterol levels. All this rejuvenates the body, extends the life of the athlete;
    • builds muscle tissue. The protein content of brown rice (7-9 g) is significantly lower than that of veal (20 g) and tuna (23 g). But in a comprehensive menu, these products complement each other and completely fill the daily protein requirement. When creating a menu for an athlete building muscle mass, brown rice will be high in protein with a low level of fat in the product;
    • Gives a feeling of fullness for a long time. This allows you to stick to your chosen diet and eliminate unplanned snacks;
    • normalizes. This heals the body and allows you to adhere to the developed training schedule all year round.

    Beneficial properties for weight loss and weight maintenance

    The value of brown rice is high in weight control. It is equally recommended for both weight loss and weight gain. To control body weight, you need to choose the correct intake regimen, quantity and additional ingredients for brown rice.

    Recipes for cooking brown rice and various dishes made from it will help you create a balanced and healthy menu for weight loss. It is used by athletes at all stages of training activity.

    Cargo is used for weight loss because it:

  1. Has low calorie content.
  2. Combines well with most products. The neutral taste of this cereal does not get boring even with long-term use.
  3. It is included in a huge number of dishes and makes the diet varied. Rice is used in first and second courses, appetizers, salads, baked goods and even drinks.
  4. It fills you well and keeps you feeling full for a long time. The rice diet is well tolerated and does not debilitate the athlete.
  5. Does not have an aggressive effect on the body.
  6. It has a balanced composition (BJU, vitamins, minerals).

Please note that brown rice is coarser than white rice. It must be cooked for a long time with preliminary soaking. Eating undercooked cereals leads to indigestion!

Brown rice types vary in shape. Each of them has different properties and is used for different dishes.

Is there any harm from brown rice?

Rice has been used successfully as food for thousands of years. But it can also cause undesirable consequences.

Possible negative consequences:

  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. Eating large amounts of rice with oil leads to diarrhea;
  • exacerbation of diseases of the digestive tract. Rice shells are irritating to the intestinal wall. If the digestive system has inflammatory changes (even in remission), taking cargo can lead to an exacerbation of the disease;
  • weight gain. This is a consequence of overeating, especially with a decrease in physical activity against the background of the usual diet;
  • allergic reactions. They are rare and are mainly provoked not by the rice itself, but by the substances with which it is processed to increase shelf life;
  • poisoning - they are provoked by long-term improper storage of brown rice dishes.

Should you only eat brown rice and why?

Although brown rice is healthier than white and steamed rice, its long-term consumption is not recommended by nutritionists.

Possible contraindications for use

Rice is one of the safest foods. It is gluten-free and recommended for people with ciliacia. Cargo has a low GI and is not prohibited for diabetics. However, it also has limitations. From the list of side effects of the product comes a list of contraindications for its use.

These include:

  • individual intolerance;
  • inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • dehydration.

In other cases, adding rice to your diet will not cause harm.


Brown rice is a delicious food that millions of people have consumed for centuries with positive effects. It is much healthier than the white polished and steamed version of the cereal. Proper preparation and storage of the product allows you to use it without harm to the body in a sports diet 2-3 times a week. Violation of recommendations may lead to deterioration of well-being.

It’s not for nothing that adults force each of us to eat porridge since childhood. Any cereal contains vitamins and micronutrients. There is a wide variety of cereal crops. Today we will learn more about one of the healthiest grains - brown rice. Here is a description and nutritional value, benefits and harms, as well as the simplest and fastest recipes for preparing this cereal.

Brown (or brown) rice is a cereal plant whose grains are eaten. The industry produces this rice already processed, but not polished. Brown rice grains are only freed from the shell, but the bran and protective film of the seed are not peeled off. These components preserve the main beneficial substances for which rice is recognized as one of the most essential grains in the diet.

Where and how does it grow

Rice stalks grow in watery, but not swampy places in tropical and subtropical countries. These are mainly India, China, Indonesia, Vietnam, Bangladesh and a number of other countries. Many of them export cereals to other countries. In Russia, rice fields can be found in the Kuban (about 80% of the country's entire rice industry), in the Rostov region, and in the Primorsky Territory.

At first glance, rice plantations look like huge expanses of water with thinned plant stems. Its roots have one important feature - it helps to extract oxygen from the water and direct it to the stem. These are special air chambers in the fibrous root system.

Rice stems rise above the water to a height of 38 cm to 2 m in different varieties of cereals. The leaves are thinned and narrow. The inflorescence is a panicle where the grains of the plant ripen.

For cultivation, clayey, fatty soil is used. In such land, water stagnates and does not drain away for a long time. Sandy soil cannot boast of this. However, experienced agronomists treat sandy soils in a special way, making a cushion of clay rocks underneath. This way the water remains on the plantation and does not leave for a long time.

The water surface of rice fields is drained during the ripening period of the grains - this is a method of artificially irrigating the land for cultivation. But to get the harvest, regions with high rainfall are also used. For example, in India. During the rainy season, the rice crop grows and matures. After the soil has dried by the natural cessation of precipitation, the grains are collected and sent along the production conveyor.

Another method of rice cultivation is to use rivers during floods. Water spreads across the floodplain, forming fertile and moist soil. But, this is only for a short period of time. Therefore, a special variety of rice is planted in such fields - it quickly stretches the stem and forms a panicle.

Fact or Myth

There is an opinion that any colored rice is much healthier than ordinary white rice. But in reality this is not the case. It is from unprocessed grain that the well-known white rice is obtained, which goes through several stages of purification - polishing. Often, stores that sell such cereals do not know how to correctly convey information to the buyer. Or they lure buyers with beautiful slogans to sell goods. This is how rumors and incorrect conclusions about certain food products are born.

Scientists have proven that it is not the grains themselves that are useful in unprocessed rice, but the hard shell. Exactly what is in unpolished brown rice. It is also worth remembering that the process of digesting such cereals slows down and worsens. That is why it is important to prepare it correctly (see “Use in Cooking” below).

Nutritional value and calorie content - per 100 g of product or dish

Product (Dish)Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gEnergy value, kcal
Regular white rice6.7 0.7 78.9 344
Dry brown rice6.3 4.4 65.1 331
Pilaf (see recipe below)4.5 4.8 12.5 112.9
Sweet porridge (see recipe below)2.2 2.9 25.2 135

Now let's find out what negative and positive qualities brown rice has.


Brown rice has very good qualities and helps the body fight the following diseases:

  1. Obesity, allergies, diabetes. In case of such serious diseases, it is allowed to include such a cereal crop in your diet.
  2. Poor metabolism. If periodic stagnation occurs in the body, then brown rice will help normalize everything.
  3. Hypertension. If you suffer from such a disease or want to carry out prevention, then brown rice should definitely appear in your diet. It contains special substances that protect the heart muscle from wear and tear.
  4. Unprocessed rice helps absorb “good” cholesterol and remove excess cholesterol from the body.
  5. Rice consumption is recommended for women. It improves complexion, condition of skin, nails and hair.
  6. Improves blood circulation and kidney function.

The beneficial qualities of the brown rice shell are used in cosmetology. The presence of a large amount of youth vitamin E on the surface of the grain allows millions of women and men, including, to take care of their skin.

In addition, brown rice boasts the presence of about two dozen different minerals and trace elements necessary for our body, as well as vitamins. The list of the latter is headed by B vitamins - they are responsible for the internal health and external beauty of hair, nails, and skin. And also for the state of the nervous system and all metabolic processes in the body.

Interestingly, rice water helps to cope with gastritis and the first stages of stomach ulcers, stops diarrhea and helps improve intestinal microflora.


Like any product, rice has its contraindications and negative side qualities. This is in particular:

  • constipation;
  • increased blood sugar (due to the content of a large number of starchy compounds);
  • increased gas formation.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, follow our tips:

  1. The nutritional intake of brown rice should not exceed three servings (250-500 g of boiled or stewed rice) per week. Otherwise, the body may become oversaturated with starch, which is more than enough in cereals.
  2. Opened packaging should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than one month. Room temperature kills all useful microelements in cereals.

But even when all the rules are followed, it is still impossible to eat rice. Incorrect storage conditions or expired shelf life are to blame for this. From such grains, dishes turn out to be bitter and they do not carry any useful or high taste qualities. When purchasing brown rice in stores, be sure to pay attention to the packaging date of the cereal. The product must not be older than one year.

Use in cooking

Brown rice is tougher than white rice. It needs a longer amount of time to cook. Those who try it for the first time may find the taste unusual. But there is nothing unpleasant about it. To ensure that cereal does not lose all its positive qualities, learn how to cook it correctly.

Basic cooking principles:

  • Before cooking rice, soak it in cool water for 15-20 minutes.
  • Before cooking, rinse the rice and add fresh water. This removes excess starch. This rule is important when cooking porridge or if you want to reduce the calorie content of the finished dish.
  • To cook brown rice porridge, add cold water and cook over high heat until it boils. Then reduce the heat and simmer over low heat. Remove the foam.
  • If the cereal is cooked for pilaf or any side dish, throw the rice into boiling water. Important – do not rinse the rice! Mix it with water and wait until it comes to a low boil. Then close the pan tightly with a lid and simmer until the liquid has completely boiled away. If this has already happened and the rice is still a bit tough, add more hot water.
  • To prepare brown rice, use a pressure cooker, a slow cooker, or the method of simmering in the oven at 180-200˚C, as well as regular stewing on the stove in a saucepan.

If you are not lazy and cook rice according to the given algorithm, it will turn out soft, crumbly and will retain all the beneficial vitamins and minerals.

Brown rice pilaf recipe

Brown rice pilaf will always come in handy for a tasty and healthy lunch or dinner. In addition, you yourself can choose the meat or poultry pulp for cooking - take what you have on hand.

What products to take:

  • brown rice – 200 g;
  • water for rice – 600 ml;
  • poultry or meat pulp – 200 g;
  • lemon juice – 1 tsp. (optional);
  • turnip onion – 1 pc. (about 60 g);
  • carrot – 1 pc. (about 50 g);
  • vegetable oil – 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic – 1 head;
  • barberry berries – ½ tsp;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

How to cook - step by step:

  1. First, prepare the vegetables. Peel the onions and carrots, rinse. There is no need to peel the head of garlic, just rinse and remove the top dry stalk so that only the cloves remain.
  2. Cut the onion and carrots into thin strips. Sauté in a frying pan in oil. Then place the vegetables in a saucepan or cauldron for cooking pilaf.
  3. Rinse and dry the meat. Cut into strips or cubes. Fry in a frying pan until golden brown. Make the heat high so that the crispy crust forms faster. Then add the pieces to the vegetables.
  4. Add some water, lemon juice and spices to the food. Simmer over low heat for about 20 minutes. Then add salt, barberries and unwashed brown rice. Pour in 0.6 liters of hot water. Stir a little and stick a head of garlic into the mixture.
  5. Wait for the mixture to boil over low heat and cover with a lid to simmer. After 30-35 minutes, the liquid will boil away, and the rice grains in the pilaf will become crumbly and soft.

To serve such pilaf to the table, it is laid out on a common large plate. And a head of soft garlic is placed in the center of the dish. Each guest can break off a clove and try pilaf with it.

Sweet crumbly porridge recipe

Those with a sweet tooth will be especially happy with this healthy and tasty porridge. Breakfast with such a dish will be light and pleasant, and the morning will definitely be good!

What products to take:

  • brown rice - 1 tbsp.;
  • water for cooking rice – 2.5 tbsp;
  • salt - to taste;
  • bee honey - to taste;
  • seedless raisins – 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • dried apricots – 5-6 berries;
  • butter – 20 g.

How to cook - step by step:

  1. Prepare dried fruits. Rinse the raisins and dried apricots. Soak in hot water for a couple of minutes and rinse under running water. Cut into small cubes or strips.
  2. Rinse the rice well and place in cold water in a saucepan. Place over high heat and cook until boiling. Foam will appear - remove it.
  3. Add dried fruits and cook the porridge until the rice grains are soft.
  4. Season with salt and honey to taste, as well as butter right before the end of cooking.
  5. Serve the porridge immediately after cooking - now it is the most delicious.

To this porridge you can add chopped dried fruits, grated chocolate, ground nuts, spices for sweet dishes - nutmeg, vanilla, cinnamon or anything else to your taste.

You can improve the nutritional and taste qualities of rice dishes by adding saffron or turmeric to them. This spice is suitable for main hot dishes and sweet porridges. But the spice must first be prepared:

  • soak in boiling water (2-3 tablespoons of water for a pinch of turmeric);
  • leave covered until the mixture cools naturally;
  • strain and add to rice.

If you use saffron powder instead of dried petals, you don't have to strain the tincture.

Rice in home cosmetology

Brown rice, like regular white rice, is widely used in home cosmetology. It is ground into flour and combined with a base for masks - honey, kefir, milk or a beaten chicken egg. The masks are easy and quick to prepare, and the results are stunning (provided you use them regularly 2-3 times a week):

  • even out complexion;
  • soothe irritated skin;
  • accelerate the regeneration of skin cells, slowing down their aging;
  • prevent the appearance of dermatological problems (irritation, redness, pimples, ulcers);
  • as a scrub, the top layer of flaky skin is removed from the face, thereby renewing and cleansing it in a gentle way;
  • tighten and smooth out pores on the face;
  • improve blood circulation in small vessels.

Recipe for a rejuvenating scrub mask

What products to take:

  • rice groats – 1.5-2 tbsp. l.;
  • bee honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • apricot kernel oil – 1 drop;
  • thick kefir – 2 tbsp. l.

How to cook - step by step:

  1. Grind dry rice into flour using a coffee grinder. If possible, use rice flour directly for the recipe.
  2. Collect all the ingredients for the mask in one container and mix thoroughly.
  3. Apply to clean face and lie down on your back. Close your eyes.
  4. After 10-15 minutes, when the mask begins to dry out, wash it off with clean warm water without any cosmetics or soap.
  5. Gently pat your face dry with a soft towel.

Mask recipe for oily and combination skin

What products to take:

  • rice groats – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • full fat milk – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • bee honey – 1 tsp.

How to cook - step by step:

  1. Boil the rice until soft.
  2. In a blender, puree the rice with honey and add milk.
  3. Apply a homogeneous thick mass onto your face with a brush. Leave for a quarter of an hour. At this time, it is better to lie flat on the bed or sofa. But you shouldn’t place large pillows under your head; it’s better to have a soft cushion just for support.
  4. Then remove with warm water.

Important! When applying the mask to your face, use a special brush and follow the facial massage lines from bottom to top! Only in this case will you achieve maximum results after 8-9 masks at intervals of several days.

Now you understand how stupid it is to choose regular white rice instead of brown rice on store shelves. Its beneficial properties help you prepare a delicious breakfast or dinner, cope with some ailments and even tidy up your facial skin!

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