Why you can't fall asleep at sunset. Why can't you go to bed at sunset!? Determining a comfortable position while sleeping

Many of us are familiar with the warning not to go to bed at sunset. Those who disobeyed wise advice feel the consequences of pre-sunset sleep - general malaise, lethargy and headache. Why can't you sleep at sunset? Why at this time of day does pre-sunset sleep not affect us as much as afternoon or night sleep?
Mythological aspect
To find the answer to the question of why you can’t sleep at sunset, let’s first turn to Holy Scripture. It is here that you can first read the ban on sleeping before sunset: at sunset the colors of life fade, and sleep shortens it.

In the culture of different nations, you can find your own explanations for why you can’t sleep at sunset. According to the mythological version, during pre-sunset sleep, demons and evil spirits gather around the sleeper. A sleeping person is vulnerable and defenseless in front of them, so they can take advantage of his condition and harm his body and soul.

A similar version is also present in ancient Egyptian religion, where the sunset is associated with the journey of the god Ra in the Boat from the East, which is the beginning of life, to the West, where the Kingdom of the Dead is located. At this time, the soul and body of a person become most vulnerable to demons.

In Kazakh mythology, at sunset there is a battle between day and night, light and darkness, life and death, which always ends in the victory of darkness. If you go to bed at this time, it means wishing yourself death.
Our ancestors, the Slavs, believed that sleep at sunset foreshadows a fever or brings the hour of death closer.
Muslims believe the same, which is why in the evening, until the sun has set, residents of the east do not even go to bed to rest.

Medical aspect
Modern scientists, like the ancient sages, still cannot give an intelligent answer to the question of why you can’t sleep at sunset.

From a physiological point of view, during sleep all internal processes occurring in our body are inhibited, and a person wakes up with a heaviness in his head and the feeling that he has worked like an ox during the day. The body gets used to one daily routine, and its sudden change - falling asleep in the light and waking up at night - negatively affects its functioning. Poor health, weakness and fatigue during the day will also be the result of early awakening, along with the sun, and a long sleep until lunch. Night owls suffer from such ailments, which is why doctors recommend that such people change their sleep patterns.

In addition, there have been cases in medicine where sleep at sunset ended in death, but these facts most likely apply to older people. That is why during this period of the day, when the human body is more weakened, the doctors on duty expect an exacerbation of diseases.

Chinese sages give their version of why you should not sleep at sunset. According to the biological clock, processes in the kidneys are activated before sunset. If the person’s body is relaxed at this time, the increased load on the kidneys causes an increase in pressure, leading to swelling, loss of strength and headache.

Versions of other teachings
Astrology fans compare the head and brain to the sun. They, like the Sun in the Universe, are the center of our body and its main luminary and feed on its energy. When the sun sets, its energy weakens, so the celestial body “feeds” on the energy of sleeping people.

Indian Vedic scriptures confirm the opinion of astrologers. Waking up with the first rays of the sun, a person is charged with its energy. Those who sleep longer do not receive this power, and those who spend a lot of daytime sleeping receive only negativity from the luminary. In other words, the more we sleep during the day, the more negative energy we receive from the Sun. In addition, according to the laws of Ayurveda, sleeping at sunset promises poverty.

It is worth noting that pre-sunset sleep does not have a negative effect on everyone. For example, those who live in northern latitudes, when the length of day and night varies greatly, the time for sleep is adjusted by local natural features.

The time before sunset does not end the day; it ends with the appearance of the first star in the sky. Our body senses this and continues to work. If you fall asleep before sunset, your brain will experience a disruption in biorhythms, which will lead to “internal contradictions.” Falling asleep at sunset is not recommended for those who are sensitive to climate change, have difficulty falling asleep at night, or suffer from insomnia. The rest can ignore the advice of loved ones and sleep for their own pleasure at any time of the day.

Sometimes in the evening you are so exhausted that you want to go to bed early. But popular wisdom says that you shouldn’t fall asleep at sunset - it’s better to wait until the sun is completely hidden behind the horizon.

Why you shouldn't go to bed at sunset - rational reasons

Of course, sunset and sunrise do not occur at the same time every day, but depend on the time of year and where you live. But for simplicity of calculations, we will take the interval from 7 to 8 pm as the average sunset value.

As a rule, if a mortally tired person goes to bed earlier than usual, then he wakes up earlier. For example, if you are used to going to bed at 10–11 pm and getting up at 7 am, then sleeping at sunset promises you to wake up in the middle of the night - somewhere around 3–4 am. Waking up at such an unusual time, you will probably feel weak and tired by the middle of the day. Shifts in your daily routine have a significant (and negative) impact not only on your work productivity, but also on your well-being.

Many people who experiment with sleep routines report headaches and a feeling of slow thinking when switching to a new schedule.

Therefore, if you are used to sticking to a classic daily routine, then going to bed during sunset is not a good idea. It's better to endure at least a couple of hours doing something relaxing - for example, read something light or watch a movie.

To make it through until your bedtime, do something simple.

Signs and superstitions about sleeping at sunset

Superstitious people have their own explanation for this weakness. Adherents of this approach argue that man, being a diurnal creature, takes his energy from the sun. If he doesn’t wake up with the sunrise, then he won’t have the strength for the day. However, residents of polar cities, who survive the winter quite well with almost no sunlight, will be ready to argue with this statement.

The ban on sleeping at sunset is also found in religions. In Christianity, for example, it is believed that sleeping at sunset shortens a person’s life expectancy and makes his existence dull. And the Muslim prophet Muhammad argued that sleeping during sunset has a detrimental effect on the human mind.

It is believed that sleeping at sunset can shorten your lifespan or make your mind less sharp and alert.

Sleep is a natural physiological state of the human body. This is the phase of a person's life that is shrouded in many mysteries. Quite a lot of research is being conducted to understand and explain the processes that occur in the body. So, scientists still cannot explain why you can’t sleep at sunset...

Consequences such rest

This issue causes a lot of controversy and controversy both among scientists and among ordinary people. It is believed that sleeping at sunset is not able to replenish the necessary supply of energy and vitality. On the contrary, many note that waking up after sleep at such a time is very problematic. Along with the fact that it is difficult for a person to wake up, he may feel some ailments. Among them are:

Even ancient peoples had many beliefs that said that sleep at such a time of day could negatively affect the human body. For example, in the myths of the Slavic peoples it was said that at a time when the sun was approaching sunset, a large number of demons and otherworldly creatures gathered on the earth. A person who slept during this time period was especially vulnerable and susceptible to their influence. There was an opinion that spirits could easily take over a person’s body, and the manifestation of this was poor health. Another version says that as the sun sets, vitality leaves a sleeping person.

The scientific basis for the question: “Why can’t you sleep at sunset?”

For the normal existence and functioning of the human body, a certain systematicity is needed. At least this should apply to the process of sleep and wakefulness. To fully replenish strength, a person’s sleep must be continuous and last at least 8 hours. In this case, it is desirable that the period of sleep occurs during the dark time of the day, and awakening coincides with daylight hours.

Changing sleep patterns and duration can significantly undermine a person’s health. So, during sleep, complete relaxation occurs, metabolic processes and brain activity slow down. When going to bed after sunset, the internal sense of time is lost, and the normal physiological activity of many body systems is disrupted. As a rule, people who decide to sleep at sunset do not set themselves the task of sleeping until the morning, but simply want to rest a little. It turns out that they wake up at the time that the body perceives as sleep time. The consequences of such a rest can be a feeling of weakness and lethargy, as well as further problems with sleep.

The benefits of daytime sleep have been known for a long time, but it is recommended to devote time to it exclusively in the middle of the day. And no one explains why even children cannot go to bed at sunset. The maximum that can be achieved is assurance that you are not feeling well while on vacation at this time.

Is it possible to sleep at sunset?

You can check the validity of this prohibition by falling asleep at sunset. Most likely, the result will be lethargy and an inability to concentrate on anything. But this does not happen to everyone; some will not even notice the difference between sleeping at this time and resting at night. So is it possible to sleep at sunset if no negative consequences are observed afterwards?

From a medical point of view, this is undesirable, especially for older people or those with significant health problems. For some reason, it is during this period that the human body is most vulnerable. It is believed that at this time relaxation leads to a strong increase in pressure, which causes weakness along with headaches. This can also explain why children should not sleep at sunset. Of course, this prohibition is conditional; if such a vacation does not affect your well-being in any way or even gives you the opportunity to relax better, then there is no point in denying yourself it.

Another explanation for why you shouldn't sleep at sunset has to do with the human body's setting to rest in the dark and gradually wake up as the sun rises. Therefore, sleeping at any inopportune time leads to disorientation and loss of strength.

Astrologers and religious leaders have their own opinions on this issue. The first believe that people receive energy from the sun, and the sooner you catch its rays, the more energy you will receive. But at sunset there is nothing, and energy is wasted on sleep, as a result the person wakes up exhausted.

As for religions, many of them believe that darkness and light alternately win every day. And if you wake up with the light, then strength awaits the person, and if you open your eyes after sunset, then this will be regarded as a desire to go into the darkness, that is, to die. And of course, this cannot be done without evil spirits, who are active not at night, but precisely at the moment the daylight leaves the sky. If a person relaxes at this moment, he will immediately get himself a demon, perhaps more than one.

It turns out that only non-superstitious and healthy people can relax at sunset, while others should abstain. It is also worth rescheduling sleep to another time if you are sensitive to weather conditions.

Every person has probably heard at least once in his life that you can’t sleep after sunset. For many, this is associated with superstitions, and only causes laughter. Some feel a general malaise, some experience a headache. Let's try to find out if there are any justified reasons why can't you sleep at sunset?

Why can't you sleep after sunset?

It turns out there are many explanations for this. First, let's turn to Holy Scripture. Already here you can find reliable explanations for this warning. This scripture says that at sunset, not only can the colors of life fade, but sleep can also shorten life.
A reliable explanation can also be found in the mythological version. She warns us that when the sun begins to set, evil spirits gather around a person: demons, evil spirits and other creatures. It is during sleep that a person cannot be protected from spirits and demons. At such moments, a person is defenseless against evil spirits. Demons and spirits, in turn, are just waiting for the moment to harm a person, his soul, his body.

Let's turn to mythology

The most interesting mythological version, why can't you sleep after sunset, also exists in ancient Egyptian religion. At sunset, God Ra begins his journey from East to West. The West is the place that leads us to the kingdom of the dead. Hence the conclusion is that at this time of day the human soul and body are most vulnerable to demons. Therefore, you can’t sleep.
The version of Kazakh mythology is very interesting. In their opinion, during the sun's departure there is a struggle between day and night, light and darkness. Darkness, sadly enough, always wins. Therefore, it is believed that a person who goes to bed at this hour wishes himself to die.
Our ancestors believed practically the same. Going to bed at sunset means hastening your death.

The Muslim version completely coincides with the Slavic version. Therefore, Eastern residents do not allow themselves to rest at this time of day. Many people believe in this kind of mythology, but for some reason they believe that the most dangerous time of day when demons come out is night. It turns out that this is considered an error.

In medicine, as well as in mythology, there were several answers to the question that interests us. Our body gets used to a certain work and sleep schedule. It is more typical for us to work during the day and sleep at night. Therefore, having changed his usual regimen, a person begins to feel weakness, fatigue, headache and other unpleasant symptoms. And it is true that a person is accustomed to falling asleep in the dark and waking up in the light, and not vice versa.

It is also believed that when the sun sets, you cannot relax your body, since in a relaxed state the pressure increases. It can cause both loss of strength and headache.
In addition, medicine has established many cases where sleep at this time of day ended in death. Most likely, this is more typical for older people, but it is at this time of day that the human body is more weakened than at any other time.

Why can't you sleep at sunset? Explanation of astrologers

Astrologers also have an interesting version. It is believed that a person who wakes up with the first rays of the sun receives a lot of energy from it. Those who wake up later receive less energy. And those who sleep until lunch can only receive negative things. Therefore, the more we sleep during the day, the more negative we get from the sun.
It is also very important to know that sleeping at sunset is not recommended for those who suffer from insomnia or are sensitive to weather changes. Other people who do not believe in superstitions and mythology can sleep to their heart's content.