Use of unused egg whites. Egg white


There is no fat in the egg white, but the yolk contains more proteins. Are both parts of the egg equally healthy?

Do you love chicken eggs? You may have already wondered what is the healthier part of the egg. white or yolk.

Nutrition experts say that eating chicken eggs in principle very useful. However, the white and yolk contain various specific components (as indicated in the study), which we will talk about in our article today.

Chicken eggs are a rich source of nutrients, so including them in your diet is definitely worth it. And no need to worry about the "huge amount" cholesterol. Eggs are dominated by unsaturated fatty acids , and they are not at all harmful to cardiovascular system.

Would you like to know more about beneficial properties eggs? Which is more useful white or yellow To? Then read on!


What do you like better, white or yolk? Many people believe that it is better to separate one part from another. Supposedly this way they can take better care of their cholesterol levels. There is an opinion that the protein is the most useful part of the egg.

Let's see what are its advantages?:

  • Egg white does not contain fat. It is low in calories, which makes it dietary and healthy product. Risk arises when we cook scrambled eggs After all, the oil we use for frying contains fat that is dangerous to our health.
  • Protein is rich in B vitamins.
  • Whites contain fewer calories than yolks.
  • They tend to be very good for weight loss diets. Many people eat only egg whites for breakfast because they contain proteins, vitamins, and are also quite nutritious. We, in turn, do not recommend that you limit your breakfast to protein alone. It will be better if you supplement it with other products: a portion oatmeal, fruit cocktail etc.
  • Egg whites are also used in for cosmetic purposes : this is great natural remedy to increase skin elasticity. Protein softens the skin and reduces irritation.
  • Finally, egg whites contain a special type of peptide that can help lower blood pressure.


  • The yolk contains more protein than the white!
  • The yolk is also rich in fats. In one egg contains about 4 g of fat, of which only 1.5 g is saturated (that is, unhealthy). Other fats - unsaturated and, accordingly, healthy. The cholesterol level in the yolk is very low. So it is harmless to healthy people. If you have increased level cholesterol in the blood, you should slightly limit your intake egg yolks. But do not exclude them from your diet completely, as they are a rich source of healthy proteins.
  • Egg yolk contains vitamins and minerals: iron, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium. Vitamins include the following: vitamin A, E, D, B9 (folic acid), B12, B6, B2 and B1. Don't forget that this is one of the few foods rich in vitamin D.
  • Another fact about yolk that we shouldn't ignore: it contains a substance called choline. Do you know why it is useful? This element supports our brain health, improves memory and fights degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, for example.
  • Yolk rich in lecithin. This element combines with cholesterol and prevents its complete absorption by the body. Lecithin is important element for the functioning of the bone marrow, brain, liver, hearts and nervous system.
  • Many people eat raw yolk pure form or as part of various cocktails, thinking that all its beneficial proteins will be better preserved this way. But this is a mistake. Eating raw yolk can cause diseases such as salmonellosis. We strongly recommend that you always eat the yolk (and chicken eggs) only in cooked form. This way you can avoid unnecessary problems.

So what Is the white or the yolk healthier in an egg? It turns out that both! The white does not contain fat, and the yolk, although it contains large number saturated fat, very rich in proteins.

Eat whole eggs. Being part of balanced diet, they will help you take care of your health. And besides, they are very tasty!


Huopalahti, R., López-Fandiño, R., Anton, M., Schade, R., Recio, I., & Ramos, M. (2007). Bioactive egg compounds. Bioactive Egg Compounds.

Jacob, J. P., Miles, R. D., & Mather, F. B. (2011). Egg quality. IFAS Extension PS24.

Nimalaratne, C., & Wu, J. (2015). Hen egg as an antioxidant food commodity: A review. Nutrients.

Mine, Y. (2002). Recent advances in egg protein functionality in the food system. Worlds Poultry Science Journal.

One of the main tasks of bodybuilders and just physically active people is the correct selection of products and sports supplements. It is known that the same sports supplements designed to perform different functions for different athletes. For example, bodybuilders consider amino acids with branched chain in terms of improving muscle growth and sustainable muscle protein synthesis. But an important point in training is the period of fatigue during intense training. In such situations, athletes need endurance, and one of the components that can increase it is citrulline malate. That's why many bodybuilders include it in their pre-workout routines.
Citrulline is an amino acid resulting from the combination of the amino acid ornithine and carbamoyl phosphate. In the body, this occurs during the urinary cycle, thus the body gets rid of nitrogenous waste. Excess citrulline from supplements allows the urinary cycle to remove ammonia produced by exercising muscles before it has a fatigue effect.
Citrulline plays important role V metabolic processes body. In addition, citrulline is by-product, obtained when the body processes an amino acid such as arginine into nitric oxide. Studies show that excess citrulline increases the amount of arginine in the blood, which leads to increased production of nitric oxide. In turn, a large amount of nitrogen has a positive effect on blood flow to the muscles during exercise, which allows muscle tissue stay under load longer and pump better with blood.
Malate or malic acid is a salt compound that is often used as food preservative, some fruits, such as apples, have a sour taste because of it. One more positive property Malate is that it promotes the recycling of lactic acid, which helps in the fight against fatigue. Together with citrulline, malate allows the body to withstand various loads longer.

Citrulline in sports

In bodybuilding and other sports, citrulline is used quite often as this supplement increases training performance. By accelerating the release of ammonia, citrulline from sports nutrition allows you to delay the decrease in hydrogen activity in the muscles that occurs during intense physical work. When hydrogen activity drops, the muscle becomes acidic and fatigue sets in.
Since arginine is synthesized from citrulline, it can act as a nitrogen donor; it is better absorbed and is not destroyed in the liver after absorption from digestive tract, but this mechanism of action is not the main one. Also, citrulline inhibits enzymes that destroy nitric oxide. It has been suggested that citrulline may increase growth hormone production, insulin secretion, and creatine production, although these effects have not been proven. Adding to the positive effects is that this drug helps athletes reduce muscle pain after training.

How to take and in what doses

It is recommended to take citrulline on an empty stomach before training, 05-1.5 hours before. You can also take it additionally in the morning and before bed. Since many of the effects of citrulline are due to an increase in arginine levels, the specifics of administration are also the same.
The minimum effective dose of citrulline is 6 g per day. But studies show that if you take 18 grams per day, the results will be significantly better.

Combining Citrulline with Other Supplements

To increase the effectiveness of your workouts, you can combine various supplements with citrulline.
The most preferred sports nutrition for combination:
Carnosine - helps increase the anaerobic threshold by buffering lactic acid, and also protects muscles from oxidative stress.
L-carnitine - increases energy production by including fat in the metabolism. Allows you to improve physical indicators, protect the cardiovascular system.
Creatine - increases strength and muscle growth.
Arginine - improves muscle nutrition by increasing the production of nitric oxide. Increases the production of growth hormone and insulin. The feasibility of the combination is not sufficiently substantiated.
Vitamins and minerals are elements that are involved in almost all metabolic processes. Citrulline combines especially well with B vitamins and zinc.

Side effects of citrulline

Until now, during clinical trials none were identified side effect citrulline. There have also been no reports from athletes using citrulline.

Natural Sources of Citrulline

Watermelon. Watermelon peel is especially rich in citrulline. In addition to citrulline, watermelon also contains other immune-stimulating antioxidants that are beneficial for the cardiovascular system, including lycopene. Citrulline is also present in watermelon seeds.
Peanut. Peanuts are a good source of citrulline at relatively high content heart-healthy monounsaturated fats. Peanuts are also high in antioxidants and fiber, important components of a healthy diet.
Soybeans. Unlike many other products plant origin, soybeans contain the full range of essential amino acids. This makes them a very attractive food for vegetarians. IN soybeans contains citrulline, iron, copper and omega-3 fatty acids. Iron is necessary for the formation of red blood cells, copper for metabolism, and fatty acids for active brain activity And uninterrupted operation hearts.
Citrulline is also found in other foods such as fish, milk, eggs, meat, as well as onions and garlic.

Vitamins are highly active biological substances, which are responsible for certain life processes. When they enter our body, they contribute to the activation of various processes. Various vitamins can help strengthen immune system, reduce fatigue, improve recovery during physical activity, improve overall functional state the body and neutralize harmful factors environment.
Vitamin-mineral complex (multivitamins) are supplements whose task is to provide the body with vitamins, minerals, and other important substances. Multivitamins can be found in various forms, they come in the form of tablets, capsules, lozenges, powder, liquid and injection solutions. At the present time, vitamin-mineral complexes are produced taking into account various factors, such as age, gender and human activity. For example, there are such multivitamins: for pregnant women, children, the elderly, for athletes, for men and women. Multivitamins do not contain hormonal or harmful substances, they are not dangerous to health, and help strengthen it, as well as activate metabolic processes.

Quality of vitamin-mineral complexes.

Today the sports nutrition market has various types vitamin and mineral complexes, which differ in their price and quality. But the composition of all multivitamins is very similar.
The whole point is in the interaction of individual components of the complex. Cheap vitamin-mineral complexes often differ from expensive ones by impaired absorption certain vitamins and minerals, which of course contributes to the deterioration of the balance of micronutrients that enter the body, thereby reducing the effectiveness of taking this complex. IN expensive drugs on the contrary, there are elements that contribute to the absorption of certain elements, and also help to achieve a synergistic effect when the elements enhance each other’s properties. Naturally, such components bring much more benefits to the human body.

Vitamins and minerals in bodybuilding.

Practice shows that both in strength sports, such as bodybuilding, powerlifting, and other sports, such as fitness, it is very difficult to achieve the desired results without the use of vitamin and mineral complexes. Even if a person consumes enough proteins and carbohydrates and regularly exercises, he may have problems with a training plateau. The reason for this may be insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals.
Bodybuilders need to eat large amounts of high-calorie foods that are low in minerals and vitamins. They cannot always add enough fruits and other sources of vitamins to their menu, as this will lead to digestive upset. But on the other hand, such athletes have much higher body needs for minerals and vitamins than ordinary people. Therefore, vitamin-mineral complexes are simply irreplaceable for them.
Having learned about this problem, novice bodybuilders are faced with the following problem: which complex to choose for themselves? There are many multivitamins you can buy in stores, which according to the manufacturer's description are the best, but in reality good complexes not much. As noted earlier, the quality of a vitamin-mineral complex is determined by its matrices, which allow the release of substances at a certain speed and in certain combinations, giving best effect assimilation. In addition, when playing sports, especially bodybuilding, the body's needs change significantly: some vitamins are needed 30% more, others even more. That is why weightlifters are recommended to purchase specialized vitamin and mineral complexes that are designed taking into account the specific needs of the body in training conditions. In addition, sports vitamin and mineral complexes are divided by gender: for men and women, and they take into account physiological characteristics both sexes.
Separately, it should be noted that vitamin-mineral complexes should be taken as when recruiting muscle mass and increasing strength indicators, both when working on relief and when losing weight.

Reception mode.

Manufacturers' recommendations must be followed. Typically, multivitamins are taken for 1-2 months, after which a break of at least one month is taken. Experts do not recommend continuous use, since over time the body loses the ability to absorb hard-to-reach minerals from food, and the synthesis of vitamins within the body decreases.

Many people underestimate egg white, its role in the human diet and regularity of use. People who strive to create certain body proportions are simply leading people active image life, and especially professional athletes, know very well the benefits of egg white. And in this article, we will look at beneficial properties egg white and let's figure out why it is so valued.

Useful properties of egg white

Chicken egg is a product with low content calories. The bulk of the calories are contained in the yolk. There are only fifteen percent organic compounds in protein. The rest is water. Protein contains everything necessary for the human body, amino acids and microelements.

Useful properties:

Protein helps normalize the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, reducing cholesterol levels;

Protein contains a lot of protein;

Low calorie protein;

Amino acids contained in protein improve the functioning of brain cells;

Protein contains vitamins B and D. By the way, protein is second after fish oil product according to vitamin D content.

The influence of protein on brain cells is invaluable. Egg white proteins help the body produce the hormone orexin. This hormone allows the body to feel energetic. Egg whites block the action of carbohydrates, which block the production of orexin. These carbohydrates enter the body with sugar, chocolate and cakes.

Egg white is also an excellent natural energy drink. It speeds up the burning of excess calories. To fully demonstrate the beneficial properties of egg white, it must be taken boiled.

No less useful is the external use of egg white.

It is indispensable for caring for oily skin. Egg white The skin of the face is dried and sebaceous metabolism is regulated. For facial care, a mask is made from whipped egg white. It is applied to the face and dries for five minutes. Repeated three times. It turns out to be a triple mask. It is washed off after fifteen minutes. Many beauty salons use this simple, natural face mask.

Also egg white very used for hair restoration. In this case, the protein is mixed with yogurt and applied to the hair for twenty minutes. After this, the hair becomes silky, with improved structure.

In conclusion

Completely ordinary and affordable product- egg white. Using it in everyday life, you can refuse expensive medicines and cosmetic products.

Eat right and good luck with your training!

Egg white is a low-calorie source of complete proteins. In the egg it occupies the largest part, approximately 67%. In its raw state, the protein looks like a viscous clear liquid. During heat treatment it acquires white and becomes dense (see photo).

Useful properties

Egg white is considered ideal for the body due to its amino acid composition. In addition, this product is almost completely absorbed by the body. Considering the low calorie content (444 kcal per 100 g), as well as the low fat and carbohydrate content, natural chicken egg white is dietary product and it can be consumed during weight loss and to maintain ideal shape.

This product has cleansing properties and helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, which in turn normalizes the activity of the heart and blood vessels. In addition, egg white is an excellent source of protein, which gives the body energy. Given the rich composition of nutrients, it improves brain activity, cell regeneration and connective tissue in the body.

Egg whites contain vitamin K, which promotes blood clotting, as well as choline, which has a positive effect on memory.

Egg white in cosmetology

The beneficial composition of egg white helps improve the condition of skin and hair.. For example, it helps clear the skin of blackheads. In addition, egg white helps smooth out wrinkles, tighten pores and whiten the skin. With this product you can get rid of dark circles under the eyes. This may be due to the vitamin B12 content, which improves blood circulation. Protein also makes the skin soft and elastic. In addition, this product is used to prepare hair masks that promote nutrition and improve growth.

Use in cooking

Egg whites are used to prepare various sauces, creams, and are also added to baked goods, for example, the well-known meringue and sponge cake.

Harm of egg whites and contraindications

Egg whites can be harmful to people with individual intolerance to the product.

Egg white - calories and properties. Benefits of egg white

Calorie content: 44.4 kcal.

Energy value of the product Egg white (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates):

Proteins: 11.1 g (~44 kcal) Fats: 0 g (~0 kcal) Carbohydrates: 0 g (~0 kcal)

Energy ratio (b|w|y): 100%|0%|0%

Egg white: properties

How much does egg white cost? average price for 1 piece)?

Moscow and Moscow region 4.5 rub.

A chicken egg can be called perhaps one of the most nutritious foods. However, many people choose to avoid eating them, citing the fact that they contain too much fat and cholesterol. But in order to draw such conclusions, it is necessary to thoroughly study this food product.

Egg white, which occupies more than half (about 67 percent) of the total mass of the egg, along with the egg yolk, is an integral component of a chicken egg. In its raw form it is a transparent viscous liquid, which after heat treatment turns white. Egg whites have much lower calorie content nutritional value yolk, but it contains a lot of protein. The beneficial properties of egg white are used in many areas of human life, but it plays a special role in cooking.

The first thing that comes to mind when mentioning egg whites is, undoubtedly, airy meringue and sponge dough. By the way, in order to achieve excellent results when whipping egg whites, you need to know a few secrets. They can be easily whipped into a strong foam if the chicken eggs are thoroughly cooled beforehand and a pinch of salt is added during the process.

In Russian folk cuisine, chicken eggs, in particular egg whites, have relatively recently begun to be used in soups (as in the cuisine of Transcaucasia). But preparing a variety of main courses based on this healthy product, combining it with fish and vegetables, has become almost a tradition. Along with French and English chefs, our masters learned to use egg whites in soufflés, jelly and drinks.

Benefits of egg white

The benefits of egg white are undeniable, as it is a rich source of niacin, which is necessary for proper brain function and stimulation of its activity. Also in this useful product and vitamin H, which ensures better blood clotting. And choline helps improve memory and has the ability to remove poisons and toxic substances from the liver.

Egg whites contain a lot of B vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on human health, in particular, they prevent the development of birth defects in newborns. At the same time, the benefits of egg white are expressed in their anti-cholesterol properties, in which this product is superior even to soy cheese. It has been scientifically proven that regular use chicken protein helps strengthen the heart and blood vessels, and thanks to recent research it has been found that the protein contained in protein raises the level of good cholesterol.

By the way, as for the current opinion about the dangers of eggs due to the high content of cholesterol and fats: they are completely absent from the egg white, and although they are present in the yolk, they do not carry anything dangerous when consumed correctly.

Product proportions. How many grams?

1 piece contains 15 grams

Nutritional value

Egg white - benefits

Chicken eggs are perhaps the most nutritious product. But many people prefer not to eat them, they say, eggs contain a lot of cholesterol and fat. However, these substances are contained only in egg yolk, and the nutritional and beneficial properties of egg white are, on the contrary, recommended by many doctors to strengthen the heart and overall health of the body.

The healing properties of egg whites

An egg consists of a yolk and a white. The yolk contains proteins, cholesterol and harmless polyunsaturated fats(on average, a chicken egg contains 11.5% fat). Protein is 90% water and 10% protein and contains no cholesterol or fat.

The benefits of egg whites. What are the benefits of egg white?

Egg whites are a rich source of niacin, essential for good nutrition brain and stimulation brain activity. Protein also contains vitamin K, which ensures better blood clotting, and choline, which helps improve memory and remove toxins from the liver.

Protein contains a lot of vitamins B12, B6, B2, E, folic acid and biotin, which prevent the development of birth defects in infants. And in terms of vitamin D content, egg white is second only to fish oil.

In addition, protein contains minerals, protein, carbohydrates and important amino acids that are not produced in our body. Their entire value lies in the fact that without them the renewal and formation of new tissues and cells of the body is impossible.

Moreover, egg whites are a low-calorie source of complete proteins: 100 grams of protein contain about 45 grams of calories and 11 grams of protein, while milk contains 69 calories and 4 grams of protein, and medium-fat beef contains 219 calories and 17 grams of protein.

Egg white is absorbed by our body by 93.7%, for comparison, for fish this figure is 76%, for beans - 73%, and for beans - only 58%.

At the same time, the protein has pronounced anti-cholesterol properties that are superior even to soy cheese. It is also known that egg white strengthens the heart and blood vessels, and recent research by scientists has proven that the protein contained in the egg white helps to generally increase the level of good cholesterol in the body.

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Egg white - benefits and beneficial properties of chicken egg white

author: Kristina Reznikdate: 10.29.2013

Many of us cannot imagine breakfast without eggs - boiled or fried. However, for some this product is useful, but for others it is harmful. You can eat the eggs of any birds, but due to their prevalence, chicken eggs can rightfully be called a regular in our diet. Let's consider their composition and properties.

Egg white - what's special?

Chicken eggs are considered relatively low-calorie product. The weight of one chicken egg is approximately 55 grams, and 100 grams of a chicken egg contains only 155 kcal, of which the yolk takes up most of it; the caloric content of the protein is extremely low. Protein consists of 85% water, and the remaining 15% is organic matter. The amount of protein in egg white in total reaches 10%, this percentage includes ovalbumin, lysozyme, ovomucoid, ovomucin, ovotransferrin, ovoglobulin.

In addition, the composition of egg whites can contain fats (about 0.3%) and carbohydrates (about 0.7%), due to the low content of these elements, a chicken egg considered a dietary product. Cooking chicken eggs varies depending on different countries and depends largely on taste. Eggs are boiled, fried, baked, made into eggnog, pickled, and drunk raw.

Chicken egg white contains a full range of amino acids and microelements required for the daily human diet.

Benefits of egg white

The benefits of eggs are due to their composition:

  • It is the egg white that has cleansing properties. It has been proven that egg whites are involved in reducing blood cholesterol levels, thereby helping to improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Along with being low in calories, egg white is a source of protein, an enzyme that produces energy in the cell.
  • Protein contains almost all vital amino acids that promote brain function, cell regeneration and improvement of connective tissue.
  • Protein contains a lot of B vitamins, as well as vitamin E. In terms of the amount of vitamin D, egg white is superior only to fish oil.

Healing the body from the inside, the beneficial properties of egg white allow this component to be used externally. The cosmetic properties of chicken protein provide complete care for combination, and especially for oily facial skin, drying it and regulating sebaceous metabolism.

The egg white mask is extremely simple and suitable for regular use. To do this, just beat the egg white and let it cool. Apply the mask to the skin with a brush, let it dry for about 5 minutes, repeat the procedure, thus applying three layers of protein to the skin. After 15 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water.

Egg white can be called a common component of hair masks. For nutrition and hair growth, you need to mix one protein with 3 tablespoons natural yogurt. Distribute the mask along the length of your hair and leave for 20 minutes. According to reviews, egg white for hair helps improve its structure, makes it silky and soft.

Is egg white harmful?

Despite the value of chicken eggs, many consider them quite harmful and avoid eating them. daily diet. However, the only possible harm comes from concerns about cholesterol content in eggs. Will help dispel fears scientific fact, testifying in favor of egg white.

"Bad" cholesterol overuse which promotes the formation of vascular plaques, is found in the yolk, but not in the white. 100 grams of egg yolk contains 250 milligrams of cholesterol, its content in the protein is zero. If there is a problem with cholesterol, it is not at all necessary to give up chicken eggs; it is enough to consume egg whites without the yolk.

The possible harm of egg whites is only V individual intolerance squirrel. Chicken yolk is a much weaker allergen than protein. In 60% of cases, egg white allergy is accompanied by allergic reaction for chicken meat.

People suffering from such allergies need to remember that chicken eggs are an integral component in the production of bread and confectionery, some sweets, mayonnaise and other products.


Protein - essential component food for normal human life. Protein - building material, necessary for tissue growth and repair. Muscle contraction occurs due to the contraction of two proteins - actin and myosin. Any organ or tissue in our body needs oxygen, and it is carried by a protein with a complex quaternary structure - hemoglobin, which is part of red blood cells.

Protein is made up of structural units called amino acids. More than a hundred different amino acids are known, although for normal functioning twenty is enough for the body. Some amino acids can be synthesized by the body (nonessential amino acids), others must be obtained from food - essential amino acids.

A lack of protein can lead to serious disruptions to the body’s functioning: decreased hormonal levels, malfunction of enzymatic systems. With a lack of protein, the functioning of the liver and brain is also disrupted, and dystrophy develops. If there is a lack of protein in children's diets, developmental retardation may occur. Since somatropin (growth hormone), which is produced by the pituitary gland, is responsible for growth, when poor nutrition, the pituitary activity of the brain decreases, thereby causing a slowdown in the growth of body tissues.

How much protein should you consume in food?

Today, nutritionists call the optimal protein consumption rate - 100-120 grams per day. However, this figure is individual and depends on weight. More accurately, the amount of protein can be determined by the formula: from 1.3 to 1.5 g. protein per kilogram of weight. It should be remembered that with significant physical activity, the body’s protein consumption increases.

There are plant proteins and animal proteins. For humans, the latter are more important, since plant proteins lack some essential amino acids. In addition, plant proteins are less digestible. Although, of course, in a complete diet Proteins must be present, both animal and plant origin.

Sources of animal protein - meat, fish, dairy products, cottage cheese, cheese, eggs;

Sources of protein of plant origin - nuts, legumes, mushrooms.

You can read about the protein diet here.

2 Reviews to “About the benefits of protein”

  1. Yura09/21/2012 at 1:53 pm

    I don’t want to offend anyone, but the materials in the article are a little outdated (about 50 years old). Although many people believe that animal protein is simply necessary, my body does not accept any meat, eggs and all dairy products very well. I have nothing to say about amino acids, their synthesis and absorption. But after giving up animal products (meat, eggs, milk, fish), I began to have smooth skin, clear eyes, weight returned to normal and a lot of energy appeared. People I haven't seen more than a year They compliment me and ask me one thing: how, at 42, did I look 30? I don't force anything on anyone. I wish everyone good health. PS don't trust doctors

Why, when it comes to sources of protein, do dairy products and meat come to mind first, and not, for example, peas or soy, although their protein content is quite high?

Alas, plant proteins are largely incomplete, that is, they do not contain a complete set of essential amino acids (amino acids are the “building blocks” that form proteins). Soy protein is the closest to complete protein, followed by lentil protein. Potato protein is almost complete, but it is small (about 2 percent of dry weight). This is partly why protein from plants has a relatively low biological value, that is, it is absorbed by 50-60 percent (For example, egg and milk proteins - up to 100 percent).

Science shows that when you eat multiple sources of protein, their biological value increases significantly. Hence the conclusion: correctly combine herbal and animal food. In the diet of bodybuilders, the proportion of animal proteins (meat, offal, fish, poultry, cottage cheese, cheese, eggs, milk) should be about 60-80%. In this case, the required ratio of amino acid composition is achieved. But the remaining 20-40% should be proteins of plant origin. Ideally, this ratio of animal and plant proteins should be observed at every meal.

Simultaneously with the increase in protein consumption, the body's need for B vitamins also increases. The B group of vitamins plays an important role in protein metabolism. In general, nutrition in bodybuilding is a planned attempt to force the body to exceed its original natural capabilities. This, first of all, concerns the process of protein absorption by the body, during which the individual capabilities of the body are often recognized.

Eat smaller portions, but more often (5-6 times a day). If there is any doubt about whether you are absorbing protein well, use food additives, containing enzymes that promote protein digestion.

The main thing is not to overdo it.

Most often, in the diet of a beginning athlete there is a shortage of proteins. However, it should be borne in mind that a regular excess of proteins in the diet is also undesirable. It reduces resistance to stressful situations, in adolescents causes premature puberty. There is an opinion that excess protein creates the preconditions for possible occurrence urolithiasis.

Raw chicken eggs are food product with high nutritional value, used in dietary, as well as medicinal and preventative nutrition. In a balanced composition of chicken eggs - nutrients, vitamins, microelements. Raw chicken eggs have inconsistent chemical composition, which is influenced by the type of bird, the quality and type of feed, and the duration of storage.

To be included in the diet dietary and therapeutic nutrition Use fresh chicken and turkey eggs. Only an egg laid by a hen has a temperature of approximately 40 degrees, to preserve all of it nutritional properties The storage temperature should be +5 degrees. Eggs that are stored for no more than 5 days are considered dietary.

A chicken egg weighs on average about 53 grams. - the share of protein is 31 g, yolk - 16 g, and 6 g. the shell weighs.

Raw chicken eggs beneficial properties

In chicken eggs - mineral salts and vitamins. Vitamin composition quite diverse: vitamin A, D, B2, B6, E and others. The egg contains phosphorus, iron, calcium, copper, cobalt, iodine, a small amount of sodium chloride, as well as purine substances.

Effective use chicken egg white, which has beneficial properties, as an alkalizing factor in the treatment inflammatory processes. A particularly noticeable effect is observed with severe acidosis. But the use of raw egg white must be treated with extreme caution, since it contains the mucoprotein avidin, which binds the vitamin biontin, defiant theme most biotin deficiency

Up to 50 percent of chicken egg white is not exposed hydrolysis, because it contains antitryptase - a trypsin inhibitor, so it does not irritate the gastric mucosa and is quickly eliminated. These protein properties allow the use of raw chicken eggs in therapeutic nutrition at stomach diseases. But when chronic pancreatitis, raw eggs should be used with caution; it is better to give preference to boiled ones, since avidin, contained in raw chicken eggs, when exposed to high temperatures is destroyed.

It should be noted that the following are contained in fresh chicken eggs: useful substances, How lecithin and lutein. Chicken egg whites in their own way biological value significantly superior to the proteins found in other products. It is egg white that is the most effective building material for various muscles.

Raw chicken eggs are rich in albumins, which have a special place in dietary nutrition in the treatment of diseases varying degrees severity, various injuries, burns, complex conditions, which are complicated by protein metabolism disorders. These simple water-soluble proteins are essential components of blood.

Isolating albumins from a chicken egg is not particularly difficult; to do this, you need to carefully separate the white from the yolk, beat with a mixer into a thick foam and dilute warm water in a ratio of 1*10. The solution resulting from mixing must be filtered through a piece of clean cloth or gauze, which should be folded in several layers. Coarse particles of globulins will be retained on the filter, and albumins will be in the filtrate.

Regarding the consumption of chicken eggs, which have invaluable beneficial properties: no one has established any specific norm for how many eggs can be consumed per day. But one thing is clear, that young body exposed to frequent physical activity, people leading an active lifestyle should consume eggs much more often than older people, whose rhythm of life is more measured and calm.

With a tendency towards obesity, in case of diseases of the biliary tract, preference should still be given to a steam omelet, which is prepared from one protein, without the yolk.

Found its application in dietary nutrition and melange- a special mixture prepared in a special way, in which the white and yolk of a fresh, raw chicken egg are mixed and immediately frozen.

Beneficial properties of raw chicken eggs in folk medicine

- for opening and cleaning ulcers: you need to take 2 egg yolks (raw), natural honey in the amount of one tablespoon, half a teaspoon of kitchen salt. Mix all the ingredients, add enough flour so that you can knead the dough and mold it into a small flat cake. The resulting cake is applied to the abscess. After some time, the abscess will open and gradually clear itself;

- for burns You should beat one fresh chicken egg, apply the resulting mass to the burn in layers, waiting for the previous one to dry;

Another composition used for burns: 3 fresh raw protein beat until foamy, in a separate bowl beat 3 tablespoons of Provençal oil 9 can be replaced with olive oil) combine both mixtures and mix well. Lubricate the burn with the resulting composition.

- when coughing: fresh egg yolks are thoroughly ground until white with sugar, and the mixture should increase in volume by 2-3 rubles. This “mogol-mogol” is taken on an empty stomach;

Received wide application raw chicken eggs and in cosmetology. To soften dry skin It is recommended to use masks containing egg yolk. To prepare such a mask, you need to mix one egg yolk of a fresh chicken egg with one teaspoon of natural honey and a teaspoon of glycerin. Stir the mixture well and apply to dry facial skin. After 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water. After using this mask, the skin becomes velvety and soft.