How many grams of protein are in one boiled egg without yolk. Egg white

How much protein, fat and carbohydrates does one chicken egg contain? How much is in the yolk and white separately?

This is important to know when the diet is limited by the choice of foods when gaining weight or on a diet, because protein is not completely absorbed from foods anyway, and it won’t be long before you miss it.

Let's try to figure it out.

Let's start with the fact that there are dietary eggs, marked with the letter D, and table eggs, marked with the letter C - these designations only indicate shelf life.

Eggs that can be stored for no more than 7 days are considered dietary. Therefore, look at the packing date when purchasing eggs. Anything that can be stored for more than 7 days, but not more than 25 days, is table eggs.

Egg categories are defined as follows

  • Highest category (B) - 75 g or more,
  • Selected egg (O) - from 65 to 74.9 g,
  • First category (1) - from 55 to 64.9 g,
  • Second category (2) - from 45 to 54.9 g,
  • Third category (3) - from 35 to 44.9 g.

The highest category is quite rare on sale, the third is even rarer. All other names of eggs: rejuvenating, rustic, this is nothing - a marketing ploy, supposedly they contain more selenium and others useful elements. But no one has done it yet clinical trials, the influence of such eggs on human rejuvenation or health. And it is important for us to know only the composition of BZHU (proteins, fats and carbohydrates) and calorie content.

I buy a package, examine it, the composition of the product per 100 g of weight is written on the package. The composition of the egg packaging is written: protein 12.7 g, fat 11.5 g, carbohydrates 0.7 g, calorie content 157 kcal. Poultry factories analyze their products, and I hope that this data can be trusted.

All eggs appear to be the same size, but this is only at first glance.

I weigh it, the smallest egg weighs 66 g, the largest 72 g - and if you look closely, you can see that it is larger. I will select these two eggs from the entire package and will calculate the average values ​​from them.

Carefully break and separate the yolks from the whites. I weigh on electronic scales(error +- 1 g).

The shell weighs 8 g for an egg, which is 72 g; for the remaining eggs, which are 66-68 g, the shell weighs 7-8 g. The yolks weigh 18-20 g. The whites average 42-43 g.

Now let's turn to the nutritional value of chicken eggs. There is conflicting information on different websites and nutrition calculators. I’m trying to find something that sheds light on this confusion and compare it with institute textbooks, for example, on the merchandising of food products (Kazantseva N.S.). So, according to theory, the white of a chicken egg contains on average: water 80-85%, proteins 12-13%, carbohydrates about 0.7%, minerals 0.6%, fat 0.3%.

I remember what was written on the packaging of my eggs specifically.

100 g of the edible part of the egg contains 12.7 g of proteins, then

64 g eggs without shell (72g-8g) – 8.13 g proteins (amino acids),

59 g eggs without shell (66g-7g) – 7.5 g proteins (amino acids).

The average amount of protein (amino acids) is 7.8 g per egg.

Let's check the theory: The white part of eggs consists of approximately 13% proteins (amino acids), which means that 43 g of my egg white contains approximately 5.6 g of amino acids. In a smaller egg, 42 grams of protein contains approximately 5.4 grams of protein. The average is 5.5 g of protein. This is the number I will write down in my nutrition calculator. By the way, 0.7% of protein carbohydrates are 0.3 g, the amount of fat in protein is 0.13 g, and the calorie content is 25 kcal.

We can boil or fry this egg, and in any form it will contain the same 5.5 g of protein and 0.3 carbohydrates. But if we fry it in oil, the BJU changes.

Now the yolks. The chemical composition of the yolk is more vague: according to some data, the yolk contains about 31.8% fat, 16% protein, 0.2% carbohydrates, 1.1% minerals, and 50% water.

According to others - up to 33% fat, if you refer to Wikipedia, which refers to data from the USDA National Nutrient Database, chicken yolks weighing 17 g contain 4.51 g of fat - this is 26.5% - very little, some are wrong chickens in America, not like ours!

In general, I again go by the nutritional information on the packaging of the eggs I bought. It says 11.5 g per 100 g of egg weight. If you remember, fats are contained not only in the yolk, but in the yolk and the white; there is nothing in the shell except calcium salts.

There are 11.5 g of fat per 100 g of the edible part of the egg, then

64 g of shelled eggs contain 7.36 g of fat.

For 59 g eggs without shell there are 6.7 g fat. The average is 7g fat per egg.

How to distribute all this between the white and yolk? It’s simple here: all data on the amount of fat in egg whites, according to different sources, are approximately the same - 0.3% fat. I have already calculated that this amounts to 0.13 g of fat. Then the yolk accounts for an average of 7-0.13 = 6.87 g of fat.

16% of the protein from the total mass of the yolk is on average 3g (I convert between eggs weighing 72 and 66g). And 0.2% carbohydrates 0.038 g. Average calorie content 74.3 kcal.

By the way, regarding the calorie content, they write everywhere that the yolk has three times higher than the white. Let's compare 25 kcal and 74.3 kcal - the difference is 2.9 times, so everything is correct!

To summarize, according to my calculations, the nutritional value of table eggs of the selected category.

Weight, g Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g kcal
Nutritional value of the product 100 12,7 11,5 0,7 157
Whole egg C0 59-62 7,8 7 0,34 99
1 egg white C0 42-43 5,5 0,13 0,3 25
Yolk 1 egg C0 18-20 3 6,87 0,038 74,3

What would you like to say in the end? Of course, the difference in the chemical composition of chicken eggs is sometimes different. To calculate your diet, you can take any one - averaged from various nutrition calculator sites, or from a package of purchased eggs. In fact, you should rather believe the information that is written on the packaging of eggs. The point is that chemical composition The number of eggs depends on the breed of chickens, their age, and other factors that are individual at each poultry farm.

Food component Contents of 100 g of raw egg Contents in raw egg, 1 pc. (50 g) Protein content (28 g) Contents in yolk (16 g)
Squirrels 12,6 6,3 3,7 2,6
Fats 12 6 0 6
Carbohydrates 0,68 0,34 0,18 0,16
Water 70 35 24 7

Chicken eggs - enough useful product nutrition present in the diet of almost every person. The composition is rich in amino acids, minerals and vitamins of different groups.

How many proteins are in 1 egg (white + yolk)

A significant part of the composition of the egg is made up of proteins - about 13 g per 100 g of product. In 1 piece first category, weighing 50 g - about 6.5 g. The amount of this nutrient in the protein and yolk is different. The yolk contains fewer amino acids, it has more calories, and the protein content does not exceed 16%. The main protein components in the yolk are phosphovitin, livetin, and vitellin.

When cooked, the product does not lose its useful properties. Protein content in a boiled egg: 1 pc. – 6 g, in 100 g – 12 g.

The protein contains a protein called ovalbumin (~ 68% of the protein composition), which has antibacterial and restorative properties, the rest is avidin, conalbumin, ovomucin and ovoglobulin. Thanks to a large number beneficial amino acids, the product is perfectly absorbed by the body. The protein content of egg whites is 13%, the largest part being water – about 80%.

Fats in 1 egg, raw and boiled

The majority (160 kcal) comes from the yolks - more than 70%. The total fat content of a raw egg is 11%; when boiled, this figure remains virtually unchanged. One piece weighing 50 g contains 5.5 g of fat.

Yolks contain 30 g of fat (per 100 g), while whites have zero fat.

The yolk contains many unsaturated fatty acids. Some of them are linoleic, oleic, and stearic, representing, respectively, the groups of polyunsaturated, monounsaturated and saturated acids. Due to the cholesterol it contains, you should limit daily use product up to 3 pcs.

Carbohydrates in eggs

For lovers healthy image life and those losing weight should not worry about eating chicken eggs, because their carbohydrate content is less than 1 g. More precisely, 0.7 g. A product of the highest and first category, whose weight reaches 80 g, includes about 0.5 G.

The indicator for the yolk (per 100 g of weight) is 1 g, for the white - 0.65 g. Carbohydrates in the product are represented only by sugars. When cooked, the indicator remains virtually unchanged - 0.8 g per 100 g.

BZHU table - nutritional composition of raw chicken eggs

Eggs are complete sources of microelements and vitamins. Due to its balanced composition, the product is recommended during the diet, for severe physical activity. It is used to increase muscle mass and burning fat deposits.

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

The chicken egg is one of the most affordable, tasty and nutritious foods nutrition, known to man from time immemorial. Inside the dense shell there is a transparent, multi-layered protein mass, which has different densities to be held in the center of the core -. Protein is an almost colorless viscous liquid, odorless, has a gluing property, and forms a dense foam when whipped.

Egg white calories

The calorie content of egg white is 44 kcal per 100 grams of product.

90% of egg white is water, the rest is whites various types, such as ovoalbumin, ovomucin, lysozyme, etc. The egg white also contains: vitamins necessary minerals: , (calorizator). Protein does not contain fat or cholesterol, so it is an ideal food for those recovering from viral, colds and other diseases. The protein of fresh chicken eggs has bactericidal properties, is necessary for hematopoietic processes, improves the functioning of brain cells, and is prophylactic from the formation of cataracts. Egg white- a powerful immunostimulant, has the ability to neutralize negative impact external environment.

In terms of nutritional value, an egg can replace 200 grams and 50 grams of meat. Chicken eggs have the highest digestibility among products of animal origin, which is 97-98%, that is, the egg is almost completely absorbed by the body

Egg white harm

Excessive consumption of eggs provokes an increase in the level of “bad” cholesterol, which is fraught with the risk of disease. cardiovascular system. And protein can cause allergic reactions at individual intolerance product.

Egg whites for weight loss

Athletes-bodybuilders for effective “drying” of the body (reduction of fat with minimal loss muscle tissue) often use an omelet made from egg whites only. Various diets include both whole eggs and separate whites. Examples include , .

Egg white in cooking

The most common dish made from egg whites is the airy meringue dessert (or meringue, it’s more common). Meringue is prepared as a separate delicacy, or coated with protein mixture on pies and cakes, then baked to a delicious crust. Protein cream- the name speaks for itself; it is used to fill tubes, eclairs and baskets, and is used as a layer for sponge cakes. Almost no dough can do without egg whites, be it bread, pastries, pancakes or dumplings with dumplings. Fresh egg whites are added to minced meat for cutlets or rolls so that the finished products do not fall apart. Boiled egg whites (either as part of a whole egg or on their own) are ingredients in many appetizers, salads and soups.

Other uses of egg white

Chicken egg white has been successfully used in medical purposes- with its help you can significantly facilitate painful sensations for burns, stop strong nosebleed. Taking fresh egg whites internally will relieve pain and sore throat, restore a lost voice and is indicated for poisoning, especially with mercury vapor.

In cosmetology, egg white is used to prepare masks to improve the condition of hair; it is included in many products that smooth out wrinkles and maintain skin tone. An excellent mask for oily skin - and egg white, the mask removes oily shine and gives the skin a matte finish.

For more information about chicken eggs, their sizes, weight, categories, see the article.

You can learn more about the benefits and harms of eggs from the video clip of the TV show “About the Most Important Thing.”

Especially for
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    Chicken eggs are highly valued by bodybuilders because of their high content they contain natural protein. Bodybuilding legend Arnold Schwarzenegger himself recommended that novice athletes make a protein shake from eggs and milk.

    Thus, a medium-sized egg contains 7-8 grams of protein.

    According to the Internet, a chicken egg contains about 12.6 g of protein.

    Although, to be honest, I think this figure is too average. I have personally seen eggs from purebred chickens with two yolks. Accordingly, with the same total volume, there will be less space for protein.

    p.s. This is not an isolated case - these chickens were specially bred. Loman-brown, if I'm not mistaken.

    Chicken eggs come in different sizes and therefore the mass of chicken protein will be different. It is generally accepted that the weight of chicken protein is approximately 55% of the total weight of the egg (picture for clarity).

    For example, if the weight of an egg is 50 grams, then the weight of chicken protein is 50 * 0.55 = 27.5 grams

    Many people confuse liquid chicken protein with white (protein), but it is contained in both the white and the yolk.

    One chicken egg contains different levels of protein (depending on the weight of the egg); for this you can use the following tablet, which indicates the amount of protein per 100 grams of product.

    This plate also indicates energy value quail egg (amount of protein in quail egg).

    For example, let's take chicken egg 50g - it contains 6.55 grams of protein.

    And finally, it’s worth adding that in a chicken egg there are more proteins (proteins) in the white, while there are fewer in the yolk

    Egg white consists of protein only in a ratio of 1/10, the rest is water.

    The egg white protein itself consists of:

    • 1/6 ovalbumin;
    • 1/10 ovotransferrin;
    • the rest is lysozyme, ovomucoid, ovomucin and ovoglobulin.
  • The average weight of one chicken egg is 58 grams. Approximately 12% is the shell, 56% is the white and 32% is the yolk. The calorie content of 100 grams of eggs is 158-172 kilocalories, which is about the same as in 100 grams of beef.

    Depends on the type of egg. An ordinary first grade egg contains 13-15 grams. By the way, there is more in the yolk nutrient, including protein than in the shell which we call egg white.

    The weight of the protein directly depends on the weight of the egg itself; if we consider the standards, we can make a table:

    These are of course approximate numbers...

    The composition of egg white itself is divided into water and protein, fats and carbohydrates, glucose and various enzymes, as well as B vitamins.

    The protein itself contains about 12.7 percent...

    But that’s not all, since all protein is divided into types, of which there are as many as 6 in the egg white:

    • Ovalbumin 54%;
    • Ovotransferrin 12-13%;
    • Lysozyme 3.4-3.5%;
    • Ovomucin 1.5-3.5%;
    • Ovoglobulins 2%;
    • Ovomucoid;
  • Let's take into account that an average chicken egg weighs 50 grams. Approximately 50% of this egg is white. About 15% shell and about 35% yolk. By simple calculations you can find out that one egg contains 25 grams of protein.

    if you believe scientists, then in 1 chicken egg there is 87% water, and 11% protein (that is, protein). The remaining 2% is ash and minerals. And imagine not a drop of fat!!!

    Egg white is the most easily digestible protein. But! In its raw form, it is absorbed 50% less than in the finished form.

    But the yolk contains more protein than the white. Total 16.2.

    Here is an approximate table of the composition of a chicken egg.

    As far as I know, a chicken egg weighs on average about 50-60 grams. The entire egg consists of the following components:

    • shell - 12%;
    • protein - 56;
    • yolk - 32%.

    But there is also such an indicator as calorie content. One chicken egg contains as many calories as 100 grams of beef.

    Well, there are different eggs, large and small, but let’s take the average egg as the standard.

    There is only 12 grams of protein -/+ 0.5.

    Let's take the total weight homemade eggs 75 grams.

    And it turns out that the protein in an egg is only about 10%

    In general, the percentage of protein in this product is not high.

    but there are also rare cases when there are two or three whites in an egg.

Eggs are a healthy animal product that many are accustomed to eating for breakfast or throughout the day, adding to salads and many other dishes. This good source protein, but you hardly know how much there is in one chicken, quail or duck egg. Many calorie tables always indicate the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates per 100 grams of product, which is not very convenient in the case of eggs. It is much easier to find out and remember how much protein is in raw, cooked or fried egg, and take this into account when preparing.

Amount of protein in one egg

No reference book contains exact information on how many grams of protein are in one egg, since they differ in origin, size and methods of preparation. If you are not interested in scientific accuracy and you are not going to weigh every chicken egg you take from the refrigerator, remember the following values:

  • at 1 small egg(they weigh up to 40 g, where the protein weight is 23-28 g) contains approximately 5 g of protein;
  • in a medium-sized egg (about 45 g) - 5.7-6 g of protein;
  • in large (about 50 g) - 6.5 g of protein;
  • in very large (up to 55 g total weight and approximately 35-40 protein) - 7.3 g of protein;
  • 1 huge chicken egg contains up to 8 g of protein or more, and the weight of such an egg is 63-65 g.

It turns out that you can determine how much protein is in one chicken egg by simplest formula: The amount of protein is approximately 1/8 of the total mass. This is not the most accurate calculation, but many athletes use it because it is important for them to consume enough protein.

And one more interesting fact about chicken eggs. If you don’t know exactly how much protein is in one boiled or fried egg, you might think that it is predominantly contained in the protein. It is also present in the yolk, and in considerable quantities!

Cooking methods and amount of protein

The amount of protein in chicken, quail and other eggs does not change significantly with in different ways preparations. Let's look at the example of one medium-sized chicken egg:

  • raw - about 5.5 g of protein;
  • boiled - 5.3-5.4 g;
  • fried - 6-5.3 g.

However, everything is a little more complicated, because the digestibility of protein depends on the method of preparation. Regardless of the number of grams of protein in an egg, when consumed raw, no more than 50-60% of the protein will be absorbed. Heat treatment improves digestibility:

  • the protein from a hard-boiled egg will be absorbed by 90-92%;
  • from soft-boiled eggs - by 97-98%;
  • from fried - by 93-95%.

Now consider not only how much the white of one egg weighs or how much protein it contains, but also the method of preparation. It is better to consume the product after a certain heat treatment.

How much does the protein weigh in other types of eggs?

In addition to chicken eggs, in stores you can find quail, duck and even sometimes ostrich eggs, but how much protein is in 1 piece? Small quail eggs contain a little more protein than chicken eggs per 100 g. On average, each such egg weighs no more than 10-12 g, so 1 raw or boiled quail egg contains 1.3-1.5 g of protein.

The largest eggs are ostrich eggs. Their weight reaches 750-780 grams, so one such egg contains up to 80-100 g of protein (raw, boiled or fried, almost the same). One raw ostrich egg white weighs about 450-470 g, but protein is also contained in the yolk.

As for the eggs of waterfowl (ducks and geese), they are rarely eaten due to a possible source of infection, which is not always killed during heat treatment. One duck egg contains up to 10-12 g of protein, and it is approximately twice the size of a chicken egg.

Goose eggs are four times the size of chicken eggs, and each egg contains 22-25 g of protein. Rarely found turkey eggs also exist. Weight 1 pc. is about 80 g, and the protein in it is about 8-11 g.