Is it possible to have eggs at night when losing weight? Is it possible to eat boiled eggs for weight loss? How often can you eat fried eggs if you are losing weight?

Eggs can be seen on the menu of various diets, since they are considered a balanced product in their composition. Is it possible to eat eggs while losing weight, in what form should they be consumed?

Is it possible to eat boiled eggs while losing weight?

The average calorie content of this popular product is 158 kcal/100 g (about 70 kcal 1 piece). Most of the calories come from the yolk (it contains 3 times more calories than the white). During the diet, eggs can and should be consumed - it is recommended to boil them soft-boiled (cooking time: 2-3 minutes), in a bag (cooking time: 5-6 minutes), hard-boiled (cooking time: 8-9 minutes). It is perfectly acceptable to cook poached eggs - the shells are broken and the contents are released directly into boiling water. Those who need to reduce their calorie intake as much as possible are advised to consume protein alone. The egg diet can be supplemented with vegetables, herbs, cereals, and lean meat products.

An egg allows you to quickly feel full and maintain it for a long time (after an egg meal you want to eat less, so you can easily reduce the number of calories you consume). It is a source of complete protein necessary for the body to build tissue (1 piece provides about 14% of the daily requirement). Interestingly, cooked protein is absorbed better than raw protein (97-98% versus 60%). Eggs provide the human body with amino acids, vitamins (including K, A, E, B) and minerals (they contain calcium, iodine, phosphorus, iron and 13 other elements). This vitamin and mineral support is especially important when following a diet. It is also worth considering that the chemical composition of the product helps to normalize metabolic processes, which has a beneficial effect on the figure. It is especially important to eat boiled eggs if the diet is combined with sports activities. The number of eggs that can be safely consumed during the diet is 1-2 pcs. per day.

Is it possible to eat fried eggs while losing weight?

Nutritionists believe that eggs should not be combined with fats. The calorie content of a product fried in fat can increase 3-5 times - it all depends on the amount of fat used (100 g of fat provides about 900 kcal). If you fry an egg in a dry non-stick frying pan, you don't have to worry about the increase in calories.

Is it possible to eat eggs at night while losing weight?

It is quite acceptable to eat eggs in the evening (for dinner) - it is recommended to finish the meal 2-3 hours before the night's rest. You should not eat them immediately before going to bed - it takes about 3 hours for the product to be completely absorbed. Such a meal will lead to indigestion.

Is it possible to eat eggs while losing weight? Nutritionists confirm the benefits of this product for the body and recommend introducing it into the diet menu. If you follow reasonable standards, you don’t have to worry about the harmful effects of cholesterol.

Is this true? Turning to experts, we tried to understand the main arguments of opponents of the egg diet, most of which turned out to be outright misconceptions.

Eggs increase blood cholesterol levels

About thirty years ago, doctors actually declared eggs to be almost the main source of cholesterol. It was recommended to eat no more than three to four eggs per week. And many have banished the classic breakfast from their tables - fried eggs, scrambled eggs, hard boiled eggs, soft-boiled and in a bag.

Later science figured it out. There really is a lot of cholesterol in eggs: the average egg contains 213 mg. Considering that it is not recommended to take more than 300 mg of cholesterol per day, then one egg covers this limit by more than two-thirds. But thanks to other substances - phospholipids, which are found in abundance in eggs, cholesterol turned out to be not as terrible as it was made out to be. It turns out that the egg is a kind of shield and sword in one bottle: on the one hand, it increases the amount of cholesterol in the blood, on the other, it reduces its concentration with the help of phospholipids.

Not long ago, American scientists summed up the results of a study, which found that an egg or two a day does not bring any harm to most people. For 14 years, doctors observed almost 120 thousand men and women, studying their gastronomic habits in detail. All myocardial infarctions and strokes (cerebrovascular accidents) were also recorded. As a result, it turned out that those who ate from seven to fourteen eggs a week suffered from these ailments no more often than those who ate no more than one egg during this time.

Eggs are bad for the liver

And this opinion is wrong. Phospholipids have another good cause - they help maintain liver health, strengthening its protective functions against the mass of toxic substances that it has to deal with every day. The most famous of them is alcohol, the effect of which on the liver can be very deplorable, and only phospholipids can mitigate it. Let’s just make a reservation that nutritionists still do not recommend that liverworts eat eggs with mayonnaise or fry them with fried eggs in butter.

Eggs make you fat, they are very high in calories

It’s hard to imagine how you can gain weight from a product that contains only 75 kilocalories. The yolk (there is no fat in the white) contains 5 g of fat. Moreover, eggs are included in all kinds of fasting diets precisely because, with a low calorie content, they contain a storehouse of proteins - 10-13%, many vitamins and minerals (especially large amounts of calcium and iron).

You should not eat an egg at night, as it is difficult to digest.

This is not entirely true. A soft-boiled egg is digested faster than a fried and hard-boiled egg. The longer the egg is cooked, the more time the stomach will need to work. But even a hard-boiled egg can be processed by the stomach in three hours. It’s just worth remembering that a late dinner, even the lightest one, cannot bring you health.

Raw eggs increase male strength

Indeed, the famous Casanovas have always been distinguished by their passion for cocktails, which always included a raw egg. Henry IV, famous for his passion, drank a glass of cognac mixed with yolk every morning. Other gentlemen preferred to shake a raw egg in dark beer.

And in the Kama Sutra, before the night of love, it is recommended to eat a mixture of rice boiled in milk with sparrow eggs, fried onions and honey. Nevertheless, modern science does not find any special substances in the egg that affect potency. But here there is an abundance of vitamins and proteins, which will be very useful for ardent lovers.

The brighter the yolk, the more benefits the egg has.

They explained it this way: if the chicken has had plenty of time in the sun, the yolk has a more saturated color. But in fact, bright yellow and even reddish yolks are obtained if the chicken is given the appropriate food. To do this, a good housewife always chops green nettles for her chickens. And farmers at poultry farms give laying hens canthaxanthin, a special nutritional supplement.

The same substance is used to feed salmon and trout to give the fish a rich pink color. But European doctors recently warned the public that canthaxanthin may have harmful effects on vision.

Eggs with brown shells are tastier and healthier than eggs with white shells.

In fact, there are no differences in taste and benefits. Dark ones are laid by chickens of Asian breeds, and light ones are laid by European ones. Poultry farmers find more advantages in “dark” eggs only because they have a stronger shell, which means they can be transported to the store without loss, and Asian chickens themselves are larger than European ones and have a calmer disposition, which increases egg production.

Eggs often cause salmonellosis

Only if they are cooked incorrectly. Poorly cooked fried eggs with unset jelly-like whites pose the greatest risk. It is better to fry the eggs well, and you need to cook the eggs in boiling water for at least a minute so that the yolk becomes soft, like wax. Once the yolk has lost its fluidity, the salmonella is dead.

By the way, poultry farmers claim that salmonella germs are found in only one out of seven thousand fresh eggs. Salmonella will only show its harmful power if the egg was stored in unsuitable conditions. To protect yourself from trouble, wash it before cracking a fresh egg. And you shouldn’t be afraid of Easter eggs that are hard-cooked and blessed in church.

There are many legends regarding the custom of dyeing eggs for Easter. One of them says that the stones that were thrown at the Savior by the enemies they encountered during Christ’s journey with the Apostle Peter turned into colored and painted eggs. Saint Peter collected them in his pocket and later distributed them to good people. Since that time, there has been a custom of preparing Easter eggs for the Great Day. According to another legend, the tradition of painting eggs red symbolizes the blood of the crucified Christ.

By the way

In ancient times, Easter eggs served as amulets: the egg seemed to our distant ancestors as a symbol of the spring rebirth of the luminary. This custom also existed among other peoples. The Egyptians imagined the Universe in the shape of an egg. The ancient Greek historian and philosopher Plutarch believed that the egg is a symbol of the Creator of the Universe. Even earlier, many eastern peoples had a tradition of placing red colored eggs on the table on the first day of the New Year - it was considered the most beautiful. This tradition came to Europe from the ancient Jews.

Personal opinion

Valentin Smirnitsky, actor:

– At Easter we always paint eggs with onion skins. We make cottage cheese Easter with dried apricots and candied fruits and bake Easter cakes. True, recently such an assortment of Easter cakes has appeared that the need to bake them has naturally disappeared.

Recently, we have increasingly heard positive reviews about the effectiveness of the egg diet; many have already tried instant weight loss with the help of eggs, because in order to lose five to ten kilograms, it only takes one week.

This article will help you understand some issues that will undoubtedly be of interest to those who want to try the effectiveness of this diet.

How is the result achieved in such a short period of time? How does this affect the body? What is the best way to get out of this diet? And how to achieve the best effect when using eggs to lose weight?

Before getting acquainted with all the intricacies of the egg diet, it is worth knowing the most important thing.

Losing weight with eggs: reviews from people who have already tried this method on themselves

Judging by numerous reviews, the combination of citrus fruits and eggs ensures weight loss and also helps in maintaining physical activity. Many claim that when they used egg yolks to lose weight, that is, while on an egg diet, they never experienced a feeling of extreme hunger. Perhaps because the weekly menu of this diet includes not only chicken eggs, but also fruits, vegetables, as well as fish and meat. This is undoubtedly a completely balanced diet for the body, despite the small amount of food during the diet. In addition, eggs are rich in amino acids, vitamins A and B. Thanks to this, additional vitamin intake is not necessary.

And indeed, judging by the reviews of those who have tried this diet on themselves, if you adhere to the diet menu, the result exceeds all expectations. The minimum weight loss observed with the egg diet was five kilograms, and the maximum was up to twelve kilograms. People who are losing weight also like this diet because they don’t have to stay on it for months. A week is enough to get your body in shape.

By the way, celebrities like Elena Malysheva also believe in rapid weight loss with the help of eggs. Valley believes that it is effective not only in terms of losing extra pounds, but also in terms of positive effects on the skin. And Malysheva increasingly began to mention her on the air of her television program.

Instant weight loss

The egg diet is truly one of the fastest-acting. Instant weight loss with eggs is achieved due to the yolk, or more precisely, (biotin), which is contained in it.

Biotin, or vitamin H, is the main activator of weight loss. It is thanks to him that you can easily lose weight up to 10 kg in a week. Biotin takes control of the metabolism of fats in the body and is responsible for the process of burning them. If it is in the body within the prescribed norm, but still in the required high concentrations, then it independently starts the process of the body consuming subcutaneous fat. In addition, vitamin H also accelerates carbohydrate metabolism, as a result of which they do not have time to turn into fats and, accordingly, be deposited on the body. It is biotin that guarantees the effectiveness of the egg diet.

Feeling hungry during the egg diet

Due to the constant desire to eat, most diets are simply unbearable for many losing weight, but the option based on eggs is not one of them. A boiled egg, entering the stomach, immediately brings a feeling of fullness. It takes a very long time to digest, about 3-4 hours, so the feeling of hunger does not return for a long time.

An interesting fact is that losing weight with eggs and oranges or any other citrus fruit prolongs the feeling of fullness by 1.5 times. It is believed that if you introduce even a small orange into the egg diet, this will allow you to lose another 500 grams of weight beyond the result that would have been achieved without the use of this fruit.

That is why the egg diet is often combined with citrus fruits. This combination will allow you to achieve the most effective results.

Losing weight with eggs: menu for the week. Monday (day one)

For breakfast you need to eat one grapefruit, two boiled chicken eggs, and drink one or two glasses of green tea.

For lunch - one boiled egg, one orange, 150-200 g of boiled chicken (can be salted).

For dinner - 200 g of boiled chicken fillet and one glass of low-fat or low-fat kefir.

Tuesday (day two)

Breakfast will consist of two boiled eggs and one glass of any freshly squeezed citrus juice.

For lunch - a piece of boiled chicken fillet (or stewed), two oranges and one glass of plain water.

For dinner - one grapefruit, two boiled eggs, one glass (can be replaced with kefir).

Wednesday (day three)

For breakfast - one boiled egg and one glass of plain water with a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

For lunch - 200 g of any lean boiled meat (chicken, beef, veal) and one grapefruit.

For dinner - two boiled eggs, one glass of mineral or plain water.

Thursday (day four)

For breakfast you can eat a three-egg omelet with an unlimited amount of any greens.

For lunch - boiled chicken legs without skin, or stewed (two pieces), and (unlimited quantity).

For dinner - two grapefruits, one boiled egg and one glass of plain water.

Friday (day five)

For breakfast - a salad of two boiled eggs, one boiled carrot and one tablespoon of low-fat sour cream. Carrots and eggs must be chopped, salt if desired, you can add greens in any quantity and mix everything with sour cream.

For lunch - one or two fresh carrots and one glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.

For dinner - stewed or boiled any - 200 grams (can be salted and sprinkled with lemon juice), one boiled egg, one glass of mineral or plain water.

Saturday (day six)

For breakfast - 200 g of fat-free or low-fat cottage cheese and one glass of freshly squeezed juice of any citrus.

For lunch - two boiled eggs and two grapefruits.

Sunday (day seven)

For breakfast you can eat two boiled eggs and half a grapefruit.

For lunch - 200 g of any boiled meat (chicken, veal, beef) and one orange (can be replaced with grapefruit).

For dinner - mineral or plain water.

Recommendations that must be followed when eating an egg diet

1. Mineral water is included in the menu for a reason. You should definitely drink it. It is better to choose an alkaline one, it helps to neutralize the excess acidic environment in the stomach that is created when eating citrus fruits.

2. Losing weight with eggs will be more effective if the dairy products on the menu are low-fat or have minimal fat content.

3. The sixth and seventh days of the diet - no dinner. You should not disrupt your diet. The result will be truly impressive. If the feeling of hunger is unbearably strong, drink two raw eggs.

4. If desired, one chicken egg can be replaced with two quail eggs. The result will not change.

5. Plain water can be consumed in unlimited quantities. But if it is listed on the menu, then its consumption is mandatory. This is a necessary measure to reduce the acidity in the stomach that is created by citrus fruits.

6. If for some reason the diet was disrupted, to achieve the desired result it is better not to continue it, but to start again.

7. Exercise is encouraged during any diet, it brings even more effectiveness in weight loss. You can spin a hoop, swim, ride a bike.

8. During the egg diet, the use of vitamins and mineral complexes is not prohibited.

How to get out of a diet correctly

In order for weight loss with eggs to be effective, you need to quit the diet not abruptly, but gradually. That is, in order to avoid regaining weight and not putting your body under additional stress, you will need to partially consume the foods that were part of the menu: eggs, dairy products, citrus fruits. After finishing the diet, you should include them in your diet for at least a week. This will definitely ensure the safety of the result.

(because it increases the level of ghrelin, the “hunger hormone”), you can fall into deep despair. If you refuse to eat, you will lose sleep. If you lose sleep, you will gain weight. Total: no food, no sleep, no thin waist. In the name of what is such torment?

Let's be honest with ourselves: we all want to eat and sleep enough. And at the same time fit into jeans. So let's try to put some scientific basis under our arrogant requests.

Scientific basis

Melatonin is essential for good sleep. Melatonin is a hormone that is produced exclusively in the dark. That is, if you are sleeping, and your monitor is on and lit... Or not even a monitor, but a charging indicator, then you are not getting your dose of melatonin, and therefore you are sleeping poorly.

In addition to darkness, the production of melatonin requires serotonin - the well-known “happiness hormone”. Actually, it is synthesized from serotonin. Serotonin is obtained from tryptophan. But tryptophan, dear sweet tooth and sleepyheads, is a proteinogenic amino acid. That is, it is found in protein foods.

And now would be the perfect time for us to recommend to you, amid fanfare, a jar of black caviar for your next bedtime and a piece of Camembert cheese - they contain a lot of tryptophan! Those who eat camembert and black caviar very rarely feel sad over trifles and, as a rule, sleep peacefully... But it is important not to lose sight of the second (although, perhaps, the first) task: not to gain weight! Eat after 18-00 and not gain weight. Even worse: eat right before bed - and so that we don’t have to pay anything for it!

You will have to choose something high tryptophan, but low in calories. So we immediately exclude flour, fatty and sweet foods from the list. What remains for us? Here's what:

  1. Low-fat dairy products: cottage cheese, Greek yogurt... Okay, eat a piece of Camembert or any other fatty cheese. But only one piece! In addition to tryptophan, dairy products contain zinc, which promotes rapid absorption of amino acids, as well as magnesium, which is known to calm the nerves.
  2. Fatty fish. The best are sardines and mackerel (but not smoked or salted). Omega-3 fatty acids have a wonderful property: they suppress the feeling of hunger. And nothing will stop you from falling asleep sweetly!
  3. Eggs. Better yet, a protein omelet with skim milk. You can even add a bunch of lettuce leaves and you will get a dish with a negative calorie content: it will take more calories to digest food than it will absorb from it.
  4. Nuts. Any kind: hazelnuts, walnuts, peanuts... Even coconuts! We are interested in B vitamins, which quickly put the nervous system in order. Green vegetables are richer in this regard, and they are also low in calories... But they do not contain tryptophan. And pork contains a lot of vitamin B and tryptophan, but even more calories. So nuts are the best choice!
  5. Cereals. Gluten-free. Buckwheat, quinoa, rice. They work like nuts, but are psychologically perceived as a hot dinner.
  6. Bananas and pineapples. Unexpectedly, yes. But it is believed that these two fruits contain serotonin literally in its pure form: eat it, turn off the light, and get melatonin.

A chicken egg is a real storehouse of vitamins, microelements and easily digestible protein.

However, it often causes allergic reactions and contains cholesterol that is harmful to our body.

To get the right dose of nutrients from this product, you need to know exactly the rate of its use.

Eggs are present in many dishes, both raw and after heat treatment. But the most harmless way to prepare them is boiling.

This heat treatment helps to eliminate harmful bacteria such as salmonellosis, and also promotes the uniform separation of the product parts - the white and the yolk.

The white is famous for its lightness, and the yolk contains the maximum amount of vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

Eggs are a dietary product, and since they contain healthy protein masses, they are often prescribed in therapeutic diets and for weight loss.

It all depends on the recommendations of your doctor or nutritionist - if a diet is prescribed or you are prone to allergic reactions, then egg consumption should be limited to 2-3 eggs per week.
If you follow a proper nutrition regimen, and also for those who are interested in maintaining their good health, you can safely eat 2-3 pieces a day.

It is not necessary to eat them in their original form - boiled eggs will perfectly complement salads, pates and other delicious daily dishes.

Despite recent protests from scientists, it has been proven that cholesterol from eggs is not deposited on the walls of blood vessels, so their consumption should be limited only in order to prevent allergies.

Do not forget that the egg diet is now very popular for weight loss - if you follow it, you will have to eat eggs every day for 6-7 days.

Naturally, the diet includes other healthy ingredients (citrus fruits, tea without sugar, fresh vegetables, apples, melon, and so on) that help better breakdown and absorption of the main product - chicken eggs. Another option of the same name way to lose weight is tougher, but more effective.

With such a diet, your body will receive everything it needs to maintain immunity and health in good condition, but will limit the consumption of all other foods for a week. – this is the only rule for those who want to lose weight using this technology.

A boiled egg is distinguished by its property of quick and long-lasting satiety - those who consume the product in the morning do not want to have lunch longer, and by eating boiled white with yolk at night, you don’t have to worry about adding extra grams to your weight.

Naturally, when consuming chicken eggs, you should take only selected and freshest specimens - this will help avoid unwanted reactions of the body and the introduction of dangerous bacteria, salmonella.

Under no circumstances purchase goods from spontaneous markets, since no one will reimburse you for losses from the consequences associated with low-quality eggs.

Moreover, all large stores and supermarkets care about the quality of their goods and the chance of buying stale goods is reduced several times.

You can apply for a wholesale purchase from private farms that have the necessary documents on the health of the birds and inspection of the eggs sold. No matter what you eat, you should always take care of your health and your loved ones. Bon appetit!