Which electronic scales with a body composition analyzer should you choose? Capabilities of various models of medical scales and excess weight analyzers

She was young and beautiful, and he was old and fat. It seems that such headlines are usually written in the tabloids? Or something like that. Alexandra and I once took a test to assess the state of the body using all sorts of electric currents on a cunning device, it’s called the TANITA Electronic Body Composition Analyzer Scale. Not so much for the benefit, although the benefit was discovered over time, but for curiosity. Moreover, the subscription still included one free measurement.

The device measures and analyzes body composition, calculating about 17 indicators. In principle, the measurement results were not surprising; in some ways it was as expected. Even when we were preparing the article, we reached approximately similar indicators, but now we have received confirmation with the help of “precision instruments”.

Of all the indicators, “metabolic age” turned out to be new and interesting for us. Alexandra had it for 25 years, and I had it for 33 years. The difference is 12 years. What happens? I’ve already finished school in the metabolic sense, but she hasn’t been born yet? No, of course, I assumed that I had about a kilogram of extra fat at the time of measurement (it shouldn’t be there now, it looks like I got rid of it with a bicycle), but you have to agree...

There was an idea that this “metabolic age”, which gives body composition analyzer, there is a complete deception of naive people and it is shown to everyone beautiful picture, but no, later several acquaintances shared their results, it turns out that metabolic age can be far beyond real.

The cost of the device on which we were tested is under $2000, but there are simple versions from $100, you can buy it for your home for especially suspicious people. It is difficult to say how accurately the parameters are determined, but in such cases, most often it is not the specific value of fat or water mass that is important, but the trends over time. If the goal is to lose weight or, on the contrary, gain weight, then it is more important where the arrow moves.

This is the metabolic situation we have at the moment. And the benefits of the measurement were discovered later. After three months, Sasha became worried that she had gained weight. I don’t need to tell you what a woman’s anxiety about weight is. Especially at 25 years of metabolic age. My weight suddenly jumped by 1 kilogram and didn’t want to fall off. Realizing that it was impossible to live so fat, the wife took all imaginable and unimaginable measures, forced cardio exercise machines, ran around the school stadium to the delight of the whole house, even tried to adjust her diet. I tried to dress in dark clothes so as not to shine and attract attention. After a couple of weeks of tragedy, she gathered all her will into a fist and decided to take drastic measures - to weigh herself again on super-smart scales. The body composition analyzer showed that meat mass had increased and fat mass had decreased. Thus, fatness turned out to be growth muscle mass and Sasha approached her ideal weight. Peace and harmony have returned to our village. Hopefully, at least for a couple of months.

But with this healthy lifestyle, everything is still not clear. Out of curiosity, I started counting how many times I went to hospitals, starting with early childhood. Not with colds, flu, etc., but something more serious. Fortunately there were few requests. It was estimated that at least a third was associated with in an active way life. In fairness, it should be noted that problems caused by sports were significantly less serious than non-sports ones. Ligaments in volleyball, pulled muscles, knocked out joints, even a broken little finger while skiing. The thought comes to mind that without healthy image life and perhaps health problems would be less? But on the other hand, who said it would be less? Could it be the other way around? Would there be more, just others?

Dietetics courses provide many important and useful information in this area. One of the issues that is covered when training to become a nutritionist is conducting an analysis of the client's body composition. It is most convenient to carry out such an analysis on Tanita analyzer balances.

Operating principle of Tanita analyzer scales

When analyzing the composition of the human body on Tanita analyzer scales, the method of bioelectrical resistance of body tissues is used using weak electrical impulses.

These pulses come from special electrode plates built into the Tanita analyzer platform. To undergo a body composition analysis, it is enough to stand on such scales for a short time (the feet should be bare for better conduction of impulses).

The nutritionist will have to enter the client's height, age and gender before weighing.
Next, the scales independently process the data read from the person using programmed mathematical formulas. As a result, the nutritionist receives a number of indicators of the body composition of the person being examined.

Our advice: For home use TANITA BC 582 scales are excellent, and for use in professional activities TANITA BC 587 (weighs up to 200 kg).

What do Tanita analyzer scales measure?

Tanita analyzer scales measure a lot of things in addition to a person’s body weight. different indicators body composition, which indicates the client’s health status (measurement takes place within 30 seconds). Depending on the model, Tanita analyzer scales measure:

1. Body fat percentage.
This indicator helps to judge whether nutrition is correct or incorrect.
Estimates the size of fat deposits in the body. Fat content standards depend on the gender and age of the client.

Excess external fat is very noticeable - this is the very fullness that clients want to get rid of. If external fat is higher than normal, then a number of various diseases, in addition to the already mentioned aesthetic effect.

However, very low content external fat is also bad - this leads to the development of diseases such as dystrophy and anorexia. In addition, fat is involved in the synthesis of certain hormones and is responsible for the beauty of our skin and hair. So everything should be in moderation!

2. Percentage of water in the body.
Shows whether the body has enough fluid intake and whether the body is dehydrated. The normal water content in the body for women is 45-60%, for men – 50-65%.

A drop in this indicator during the process of monitoring the result of weight correction shows that overweight goes away, among other things, due to a decrease in the volume of fluid in the body. In this case, you will have to adjust drinking regime client to ensure fluid levels in the body remain within normal limits.

3. Visceral (internal) fat.
Visceral fat is located in abdominal cavity and around vital organs. If
too much of it – the client’s risk of developing arterial hypertension, type 2 diabetes, heart failure and others serious illnesses.

Normal quantity internal fat should be within 1-5% of body weight. Anything more than 5% is already an alarming indicator that requires urgent correction.
Remember that if there is more internal fat than normal, it will begin to put pressure on internal organs, interfering with their normal functioning. Getting rid of excess visceral fat is much more difficult than getting rid of external fat.

4. Amount of muscle mass.
Shows the weight of all muscle tissue in the body, including the heart muscles. Assessing this indicator is important not only for men, but also for women. Muscle mass gives insight physical training person. Lack of muscle mass indicates the need to increase physical training.

If there is very little muscle mass, basal metabolism slows down significantly, and even a low-calorie menu can lead to weight gain due to an increase in fat mass. And, conversely, with an increase in muscle mass, metabolism accelerates and you can safely increase the caloric content of your diet (subject to all the norms of a properly balanced diet).

5. Mass bone tissue.
Tanita scales determine the content of inorganic substances that make up the bones of the person being studied, including the calcium content. Decrease in bone mass – alarm signal, requiring changes in power and level physical activity.

If you have low bone mass, you need to increase your intake of calcium-rich foods and adjust your diet to match your level of physical activity. Sometimes bone mass below normal indicates a lack of protein or poor absorption when the level of physical activity increases.

6. Physical type of a person.
Based on the ratio of fat and muscle mass, you can determine a person's body type. There are 9 body types in total. Depending on your physical type, you can give specific recommendations on nutrition, type and level of physical activity.

Body type 5 is considered the norm, when there is a balance between fat and muscle mass of the body.

7. Necessary daily consumption calories.
Tanita scale shows the base amount of calories you need to consume
to the person being studied during the day at rest. During physical activity, daily calorie intake must be increased, and the more intense the exercise.

On this indicator is influenced by gender, age and physical activity of a person (the greater a person’s muscle mass, the more calories will be needed to “maintain” it).

8. Basic metabolic rate.
This value shows the metabolic rate in our body. Metabolic speed depends on many factors, including age. How older man, those less speed its metabolism.
Metabolic rate makes it possible to understand how quickly a person will be able to adjust his weight. Based on this value, the nutritionist selects an individual nutrition plan for his client and the level of physical activity.

Watch our video on how to work with TANITA analyzer scales

9. Metabolic age.
This is the age of the cells and tissues of the human body, an indicator of the state in which they are, what kind of metabolism and energy occurs in the body of the person being studied.

If your metabolic age is higher than your biological age, you should seriously think about the quality of your diet and the level of regular physical activity. The nutritionist’s task is to bring the client’s metabolic age closer to the biological age. And it’s absolutely good if the client’s metabolic age is much lower than what is written in his passport.

To reduce metabolic age, it is necessary to restore normal metabolism in the human body and increase its level of physical activity. The reduction in metabolic age will occur due to a decrease in body fat mass and an increase in muscle mass.

10. Special programs

Tanita analyzer scales also have a number of special programs that help facilitate the work of a nutritionist in correcting a client’s weight.

For example, the FITPLUS function, which allows you to individually coordinate a woman’s life rhythm with the monthly cycle of changes occurring in her body. Setting the start date menstrual cycle women, you can determine the optimal period of diet and physical activity for her. Thus, it will be easier for clients to lose body fat and build muscle mass without harm to health or loss of vital energy.

And the Athlete mode, which provides more accurate results for this group of clients.

What to look for when choosing weighing analyzers?

- They should be light.

“They must show a metabolic age of up to 90 years.”

— They should have a function for programming your results (usually it is designed for 4 people).

— They must be accurate (deviation of no more than 100 g is acceptable).

— Maximum measurement weight — up to 150 kg (for professional use- up to 200 kg).

— They should have a “Guest” function, it is very convenient for use in health centers where people often weigh themselves different people, and there is no need to save someone’s body composition indicators.

What are the advantages of Tanita analyzer scales?

With the help of Tanita analyzer scales, the nutritionist sees a holistic picture of the client’s body composition and, therefore, his state of health. And this allows us to develop correct diagrams nutrition and drinking regime for the client, calculate the daily amount of calories required for weight correction, and select the optimal physical activity.

In addition, with the help of Tanita analyzer scales, it is convenient for a nutritionist to monitor the client’s visceral fat level, muscle, fat and bone mass. And the nutritionist’s client will see and understand how not only his weight changes, but also his body composition.

That is, it will be clear why weight loss occurs: due to loss of fat mass (which is correct), due to loss of fluid or due to a decrease in muscle mass. This will help increase the client's motivation and responsibility during the period of adherence to the weight correction program prescribed for him.

The task of a nutritionist is to develop such a weight correction program ( proper nutrition, balanced in calories, the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates and the desired level of physical activity), which will lead to weight loss by reducing external and internal fat. The client should not lose weight through bone, muscle, or fluid mass.

Working with Tanita analyzer scales is not difficult. However, there are several on Tanita analyzer scales. They will definitely tell you about this in dietetics courses...

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We also welcome your comments on this topic. Tell us on what basis you chose your body composition analyzer scales, what scales you use in your professional or personal activities, whether such scales help you in correct correction weight?

First, click on the icon for your gender. Then move the sliders to set your parameters. You will see the results below immediately.

You can discuss the work of the analyzer at.

Body mass index

Depends on weight and height.

Body mass index (BMI), also known as Body Mass Index (BMI), is a simple way to roughly determine whether you are overweight. Helps measure body fat levels and assess the level of health risks caused by increased content fat

Calculated using the formula: BMI = Weight/(Height*Height). Weight in kilograms, Height in meters.

Body mass index:

Ideal weight (according to Broca)

Ideal weight: height in centimeters minus 100.

Ideal weight (according to Broca), kg:

Ideal weight (according to Devine)

Range is ±15% for women and ±10% for men.

Ideal weight (according to Devine), kg:

Ideal weight (according to Robinson)

Range is ±15% for women and ±10% for men.

Ideal weight (according to Robinson), kg:

Ideal weight (according to Miller)

Range is ±15% for women and ±10% for men.

Ideal weight (according to Miller), kg:

Body mass index (BMI) is a quick and easy way to compare weight to height. BMI can be used to determine a person's approximate obesity level.

Body mass index should be used with caution, only for indicative estimate. It is only one of the factors determining the danger of a health condition. Even if the BMI is in the range " normal weight", this does not necessarily mean that you are in good physical fitness and healthy. BMI does not take into account the lean component of body mass or bone density.

Calculating the BMI for a person with high muscle mass and large bones may show obesity, while other indicators will be normal. BMI will not be effective in determining the condition of people under 18 years of age, people with high muscle mass, people with large bones, or pregnant women.

To calculate the table, select your daily calorie content:

Proteins, g Fats, gr Carbohydrates, g Kilocalories, kcal

Research shows that losing weight slowly and unhurriedly is not only healthier, but the results last longer. long term. The threshold recommended by doctors and nutritionists for monthly weight loss without negative consequences equals 2-4 kg per month. All you need to do is create a daily calorie deficit. The number of deficits needed is different for each person, but it makes sense to combine diet and exercise for faster and more consistent results.

The most optimal is to reduce daily ration, for example, by 200-300 kcal and adding activity to burn calories by 200-300 kcal. This way you will get an average calorie deficit of 500 kcal, without stressing the body.

To spend, for example, 500 kcal, you need a two-hour workout (an hour of intense exercise in the cardio room and an hour of group classes (aerobics or dance sports)) or a two-hour walking at a moderate or fast pace.

Remember, maintaining muscle requires much more energy than storing fat, so the higher your muscle-to-fat ratio, the more calories you'll burn. Therefore, by just adding a little muscle mass, you will increase your body's daily basal caloric expenditure.

Don't forget to take into account that as we age we become calmer and less active. Therefore, the caloric content of the diet should also be reduced.

When losing weight, it is recommended to have a fasting or fasting day once a week. On a fasting day, you can eat 1 kilogram of fruit (usually apples) or vegetables (not potatoes) or drink a liter of kefir. If you'd rather fast, drink herbal tea. Some experts believe that you need to fast for 24 hours - from 6 p.m. to 6 p.m. next day. So, for example, you don't have dinner on Sunday, but you fall asleep well because you ate during the day. The feeling of fullness has already passed, but has not yet turned into hunger. You abstain from food on Monday (drink tea, water) until six in the evening, and a modest dinner the same day (on Monday) gives you the mood for proper nutrition on Tuesday. If you have a healthy stomach, you can limit your Tuesday dinner tomato juice, a small amount of boiled vegetables or a plate of hot soup (broth).

It is important that nutrition should be organized in such a way that it ensures the harmonious development and coordinated functioning of the body. For this food ration must be balanced in quantity and quality with human needs. The recommended value by doctors and nutritionists in Russia for a balanced diet is the formula B (30%) - F (20%) - U (50%) (BJU ratio), which fits into generally accepted standards and at the same time gives the most effective result.

Low-carbohydrate, low-protein, and low-fat diets cannot be recommended on a regular basis. These diets are unbalanced, short-term in nature, and must be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor.

Remember, weight loss will definitely slow down if you do not regularly adjust to the new weight - after all, you will lose kilograms, therefore, your consumption will decrease. It makes sense to do a “recalculation” every month.

You want .
For a given calorie difference you can
on average your weight per week,
and achieve the desired result by:

Remember that to achieve optimal results, when losing weight will not harm your body, it is recommended to create a calorie deficit in the range of 400-600 kcal. The best option is to reduce calories consumed by 200-300 kcal per day and add activity by the same 200-300 kcal per day. Thus, you will get a deficit of 400-600 kcal without harming your health. If you want to do more sports (with an consumption of about 500 kcal per day), then you don’t have to reduce the caloric content of your diet, but only edit and balance it.

If you want to gain weight, then you need to increase your calorie intake, and physical exercise (anaerobic) and fractional 5-6 times a day are also required. balanced diet.

Among the many electronic measuring instruments, diagnostic models occupy a special position. For example, electronic floor scales with a body composition analyzer can determine not only the total weight, but also by “looking” inside human body, establish the mass of fat, bone and muscle tissue, as well as the volume of water. Let's look at the principle of their operation in more detail.

Conventional measuring devices show our total weight, taking into account only fat mass, not taking into account muscle, water and bone mass. Such information is relevant for us if we weigh ourselves in order to obtain data about our weight. For example, when we are interested in knowing what body weight was before and after childbirth.

Diagnostic scales with a fat analyzer determine not only total weight, but can also determine the risk of disease, determine the effectiveness of physical activity and determine metabolic age. Their cost is far from low, but the device is worth it.


Measuring instruments equipped with a body composition analyzer are unsurpassed. With their help medical workers, nutritionists, people involved in sports, fitness trainers, and simply those who lead a healthy lifestyle can find out such indicators as:

  1. Total weight.
  2. Body fat content (in children over 5 years old, in adults over 17 years old, different manufacturers can be used by different age categories).
  3. Bone mass weight.
  4. The volume of water in the body.
  5. Muscles.
  6. Metabolic age.
  7. Amount of visceral fat: This accumulates around the abdominal organs.

Operating principle

The operation of the device is carried out by the influence electrical impulses. The main advantage of the device is its built-in body composition analyzer. The fact is that biological tissues in human body have a certain electrical conductivity value.

The principle of operation of the scale is based on the bioelectric resistance provided by our body. Thanks to this physiological feature organism, it becomes possible to determine its composition and volume.

When an electric current passes through the body, the organic mass easily transmits impulses due to the presence of liquids. In muscles its concentration is within 75%. But in adipose tissue the volume of fluid is minimal, which means that the resistance in it will be higher. The technique is called BIA (bioelectronics impedance analysis). Reducing the standard voltage between the electrodes through which this pulse is passed allows the resistance to be calculated. And the BIA body analyzer program, which is equipped with all diagnostic scales, analyzes the result and displays an individual result.

Mechanism for reading received information

Electronic scales newest generation with a body composition analyzer are equipped with metal electrodes that are built into their platform. When a person stands on a diagnostic scale, a low-frequency pulse is passed through his body. It is not possible to sense this signal; for us it is absolutely safe.

Our body consists of various tissues, fat, bone, including water. The passing impulse will encounter resistance along its path, thanks to which it will be possible to establish the exact ratio of water and fat.

Having received the result, the BIA program will compare the data with the age, gender and height of the person being studied, and give a personal result. In addition to these indicators, floor scales with an analyzer will indicate other data: metabolic age, as well as the amount of fat accumulated around the abdominal organs.

Why are they needed?

Analyzer scales are indispensable for people following a therapeutic or sports diet.

Using this innovative measuring device, you can monitor not only your weight, but also the condition of the body as a whole.

The data that these scales provide about body composition will be useful when compiling healthy diet, to prevent many serious diseases (diabetes, cardiovascular and oncological diseases). For example, obesity is the source of many diseases, and low water content in the body disrupts metabolism and promotes early aging.

How to choose

Anyone with varying financial income can afford to buy diagnostic scales. The cost of such a device starts from 1500 rubles. Although the price of some products can reach up to 100 thousand. The variation in cost indicates the presence of distinctive characteristics:

  • segment-by-segment analysis (each arm, leg and torso);
  • maximum load capacity up to 270 kg;
  • wireless communication for connecting to a computer or other device for transmitting data obtained as a result of weighing;
  • availability of memory in some models – up to 4 users;
  • automatic identification of a person stepping on the scale;
  • metabolic age reading;
  • measurement of visceral fat mass.


Diagnostic scales with a fat analyzer can be considered a new generation device. With their help, you can find out not only the total weight of your body, but also its composition. Athletes, people who are obese or have some kind of disease, or simply those who monitor their health will appreciate such a measuring device.

Indeed, sometimes it is not enough just to know your weight; you often need to control more detailed information, have data on the mass of bone and fat tissue, and the amount of water in the body. Floor scales-analyzers provided us with such an opportunity. Having such a device at home, a person can easily carry out diagnostics on their own.

Body Composition Analysis

By increasing muscle mass and burning fat, you thereby change the body composition that was given to you by nature. Track the process by floor scales- a thankless task. While burning fat, you may not see much progress in weight, because the same workouts simultaneously add muscle mass. While gaining muscle, you may not see growth, since at the same time you are burning fat. In a word, scales are an unreliable guide that does not divide weight into good and bad. Also, you shouldn’t always trust a biased look in the mirror. Thus, the best monitor of your progress will be to check your body composition.


Understanding the relationship between the basic parameters of the body will allow us to determine specific tasks to achieve your goal of losing and maintaining weight, as well as gaining muscle mass.

Having learned for the first time your basic parameters of the body, in the future you can track the dynamics of changes in these parameters, and therefore the qualitylosing weight (you need to lose weight with fat, not water and muscles) or gaining weight (you need to gain weight with muscles, not fat).

In addition, quite often many people give up their attempts to lose weight or gain weight, without even having time to really start, because, after walking for several weeks, gym or after going on a diet, they don’t see the result in the mirror. You may not see the results in the mirror, but you can’t fool the device. It records the slightest changes, which encourages you to go further towards your goal.

Therefore, diagnosing body parameters is simply necessary for all people. After all, at any age we can have a beautiful body and good health.


The method for calculating human body composition is based on the results medical research and scientific developments. Special device(body analyzerTanita) to determine body composition is able to determine required parameters body.


When you stand on the Device platform, the monitor sends weak, safe impulses electric current, which pass through the entire body. Since muscle tissue contains a large volume of water, it acts as a conductor of electrical current. Fat tissues contain little water and are objects of resistance to electrical impulses. The resistance of various body tissues is compared with age, gender and weight. Based on these data, the Device calculates the main indicators of body composition.


You will find out your weight and your body mass index.

Body mass index - this is a value that allows you to assess the degree of correspondence between a person’s mass and his height and, thereby, indirectly assess whether the mass is insufficient, normal or excessive (obesity).

Based on individual body parameters, the Body Composition Device is also able to calculate your optimal weight. The optimal weight is individual - this is the weight characteristic only to this person, based on the basic parameters of his body.

This is exactly the weight that is easiest for the body to maintain.

Knowing your optimal weight will help you create the right program for changing and maintaining weight.

Changing your eating habits and improving key body composition parameters can help you manage your weight and maintain your results over time. long period time.


Muscles play important role, since they act as the main consumer of energy and actively participate in calorie consumption. The more physical exercise, the more muscle mass increases, and accordingly, the level of energy or calorie intake increases. An increase in muscle mass allows you to increase your metabolic rate, which leads to the reduction (burning) of excess fat deposits, because.Each additional kilogram of muscle mass burns an additional 30 kilocalories per day.

For normal functioning muscles and the whole body need protein.

Protein reserves in the human body are practically absent, and new proteins can be synthesized only in two ways:

From amino acids supplied with food;

From proteins in the body's muscle tissue.

IN low calorie diets contains little protein, and the body is forced to expend its own muscle mass. This leads to you losing weight, but not by burning fat, but by losing muscle. The same thing happens during intense physical activity, as they requireincreased protein content in the body. The greater the volume of your muscles, the more protein you require.

Determining muscle mass is especially important when you begin to both lose weight and gain muscle mass. When losing weight, so that the weight loss process takes place precisely by losing excess fat and maintaining muscle mass. When gaining muscle mass - so that the process of weight gain takes place due to an increase in lean muscle mass, which is quite rare, since people trying to gain weight rarely follow a proper balanced diet and usually eat whatever they can get their hands on and large quantities. As a result, weight gain occurs not only due to muscles, but also fat (and in large quantities).


First of all, we're talking about about subcutaneous fat. Very inIt is important to control the amount of fat.

A decrease in body fat and a simultaneous increase in muscle mass are a clear indicator of the effectiveness of an exercise program and the rationality of weight loss.

There is a physiological norm of fat mass, which is necessary for health and hormonal balance in the body. To know You can see the recommended percentage of body fat adjusted for age in a separate section.

It is very important to know the amount of subcutaneous fat, since every kilogram of fat contains 1.5 km of additional blood vessels, which significantly increases the load on cardiovascular system. Excess fat has increased load on the spine and joints, besides, excess fat content is fraught with increased accumulation toxins and wastes in the body, since fat is a waste depot, and a violation of hormonal status in both women and men.


Internal (visceral) fat is concentrated in the abdominal cavity and indicates the degree of obesity of the internal organs.

During a weight loss and muscle gain program, it is important to monitor the dynamics of changes in internal fat content.Since this type of fat increases the risk of developing a number of diseases such as heart disease vascular diseases, diabetes mellitus etc.

PARAMETER 5 - METABOLISM (Basal Metabolism)

Basal metabolic rate (daily calorie consumption by the body at rest, necessary to support life). The higher the metabolism, the more calories burned, the lower, the higher the likelihood of obesity with all the ensuing consequences. You will find out how many calories you can consume per day, i.e. the number of calories necessary for life, taking into account your physical activity. By adding to this figure the number of calories you spend on daily activities, you will calculate the total energy needs of the body per day and can easily solve your goals of losing weight or gaining muscle mass.


The percentage of water in the body is one of the key indicators, youth and good health.

It also directly determines how easy it will be for you to lose or maintain weight, as well as gain muscle mass.

Approximately 50-65% of a person's weight is water. IN muscle tissue water content reaches 75%. It plays a major role in the functioning of all organs of the body:

Provides an environment where everything flows biochemical reactions body

Regulates body temperature

Carries nutrients, oxygen, enzymes, hormones into cells

Removes toxins and metabolic products from the body

Supports normal work joints

Provides natural moisture to skin and other tissues And etc.

If there is a shortage of water, kidney function will deteriorate, the load on the liver will increase, the body will become sludge-laden, metabolism will deteriorate, etc.

Maintaining your body's water levels is critical to the success of a weight loss and bulking program.

Body water content:

Norm: women

Norm: men




Bone mass deficiency can occur with an unbalanced diet and lack ofphysical activity. It is especially important for athletes to maintain normal bone mass.

The human body contains more than 1 kg of calcium. It gives strength to bone tissue and is necessary for normal functioning. nervous system and muscles. With the participation of calcium, blood clotting occurs.

That is why it is necessary to eat a balanced diet and maintain normal calcium levels in the body.

Bone mass scale

Norm: women

Norm: men

up to 50 kg

50-75 kg

from 75 kg

up to 65 kg

65-95 kg

from 95 kg

1.95 kg

2.40 kg

2.95 kg

2.66 kg

3.29 kg

3.69 kg

Source : World Health Organization (WHO)


Metabolic age is determined by the Device based on the integration of all of the above body parameters and differs from chronological age.

Chronological age is age in calendar years. Metabolic age depends on your metabolism and general chemical processes in the body, in fact, this is the age of your body. Therefore, it is especially important to ensure that yourMetabolic age was at least no higher than Chronological age.

The duration of such an analysis of the main parameters of the body is about 30 minutes. Cost - FREE.Anyone can take it by making an appointment with.

As you understand, these body parameters depend primarily on our diet and lifestyle. In order to adapt to a new diet, the body only needs about twelve weeks. Therefore, I suggest you consider an example of changes in the parameters of the human body that have undergone


These are the numbers of a specific person, since each person is purely individual and pursues different goals, so these numbers will also be individual for each (perhaps better, perhaps not). It all depends on your desire, perseverance and following the advice of a personal trainer.