Weight of a one-year-old cat. Normal weight of a domestic cat

According to various international studies, domestic cats and dogs are prone to obesity due to overfeeding by their loving owners. For example, in the USA, 58% of cats kept at home weigh more than normal.

At first glance, nothing serious, at least most owners think so, but excess weight can lead to dangerous diseases. For example, to the development of arthritis, skin diseases, problems with the heart and breathing.

What weight is considered normal for pets?

It depends on the breed of cat.

  • non-pedigreed specimens usually weigh from 3.5 to 4.5 kg;
  • ideal weight for – from 3 to 5.5 kg;
  • Siamese cats do best when their weight does not drop below 2.5 kg and does not exceed 4.5 kg.

There are also visual ways to determine whether your cat's weight is within normal limits.

Feel the animal's ribs and spine. Normally it should be felt thin layer fat between bone and skin. If the ribs are visible, it means that it is not harmful for the cat to gain more weight. But if the ribs are difficult to palpate, obesity is evident.

There is another way: look at the cat from above. Yes, yes, don't be surprised! U healthy cat The waist, which is smaller in diameter than the chest, should be clearly visible.

What to do if your cat weighs too much?

Medical examination

Of course, first of all, the weight of your pet depends on the diet and food he consumes. However, it is definitely worth checking out veterinarian. First, he will order several tests to identify possible diseases, a sign of which is weight gain. Secondly, be sure to ask for recommendations regarding your ward's diet.

A special diet may be required.

More sports and less food!

Try to reduce single portions of food and do not fall for cat tricks like persistent purring and demonstrative falls into a “hungry faint” after eating a delicious bowl.

Do not give your cat all at once daily norm food.

If your pet has gained too much weight, do not treat it with dry food, rich in carbohydrates and fats; instead, offer canned food.

Choose food according to your cat's age and set aside at least 5-10 minutes every day to play with your pet. A few minutes of active movements, running and jumping will be the minimum necessary for her to keep her body in good shape.

Marina Karetnaya especially for Murchiki

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The Scottish Fold is a specific cat breed. Such an animal will be in the house the perfect pet, which is distinguished by a good disposition, easy-going behavior, pleasant coat color and ease of care.

The Scottish Fold breed was created by accident gene mutation. The ears of this animal are directed forward and slightly downward, which is caused by a defect in the osteochondral tissue. This breed is a variety of Scottish, and the “zest” is appearance The original shape of the ears adds to the animal's appearance.


Normal weight of a kitten up to six months

Weight of regular and lop-eared Scottish kitten at birth is 70–120 grams and depends on the number of animals in the litter. It is necessary to monitor the weight of kittens week by week in order to identify deviations in time and identify the cause of insufficient gain.

If the baby turns out to be the last in the brood, he may not have enough mother's milk, so it should be fed through a pipette or pacifier. If underweight is associated with a disease, you should consult a veterinarian for advice.

In the first two weeks of life, kittens gain 10–20 grams in weight. During this period, they are still blind and do not crawl away from their mother.

As they grow up, they begin to try to control their body and explore the world around us. Kittens should weigh about 440 grams.

It is necessary to monitor the diet of the mother cat herself, purchasing only appropriate food for this period of her life.

Average weight of kittens by month according to the table

During the first months of life, kittens experience increased weight gain. At this time it is necessary to provide complementary feeding natural food. There may be finely chopped beef and yolks. At 2.5 months, kittens can feed on their own, since their teeth are already formed by 2 months, and their weight by this age should be at least 1.5 kg. At 4 months, body weight increases to 2 kg. The exact values ​​depend on genetic predisposition animal and food absorption. At 6 months, a kitten weighs 3 kg or more.

Age Cat weight (kg) Cat weight (kg)
Newborn 0,0 6 – 0, 14 0,06 – 0,14
1 month 0,6 0,7
2 months 0,7 1.6
3 months 1,6 2,4
4 months 2,3 3,7
5 months 3,1 4,1
6 months 3,5 5,5
10 months 4,5 7,0

The table shows the maximum weight values ​​for kittens with successful growth and good nutrition. The minimum values ​​will be 300 - 700 grams less.

Reference. Scottish Fold kittens gain weight much faster than other breeds due to their excellent appetite. At the age of one year, the cat’s weight is equal to the weight of an adult animal: 6.5 kg for a male and 4.4 kg for a female.

Weight gain rate

Proper nutrition and healthy image life - the main living conditions of an animal at home. Excess weight gain leads to obesity and concomitant diseases: heart disease, arthritis and shortness of breath.

It is necessary to comply with obtaining the necessary nutrients for the normal functioning of the animal. Feeding frequency for kittens of different ages next:

  • up to 4 months of age they eat 5 times a day;
  • 8 month old kittens should eat 3 times;
  • after 8 months it is recommended to feed 2 times a day - it all depends on the constitutional characteristics of the pet and its needs.

Very soft and easily digestible food is suitable for kittens - milk porridge, boiled meat, yolk and special canned food for kittens. This food is quite acceptable for animals in the first months of life. As you grow older and after your teeth form, your food also changes. Adult cats will enjoy the following foods:

  • raw beef, cut into pieces;
  • boneless poultry;
  • meat and dairy products;
  • porridge with milk, dry food and vegetables.

Fresh water should always be available to your cat. You should not give pork, fish, expired products and raw poultry meat. A sedentary lifestyle also affects a cat's health. This is observed in animals living in city apartments.

How to weigh

For proper development kittens and determining abnormalities in height and weight, it is necessary to keep a special table reflecting the dynamics of development. To do this, you can use simple household scales. With normal development, kittens should gain 15–20 grams daily in the first months of life. Monitoring is necessary to determine nutritional deficiency, disease of the kitten itself or its mother. After identifying the cause, you need to start complementary feeding or treatment.

Adults are weighed using floor scales. From overweight talks about obesity and the need to take measures to reduce body weight. You should also take into account the timeliness of vaccinations to help cats cope with their ailments.

Standard height and weight for an adult cat

Scottish Fold cats live up to 15 years. They are distinguished by their accommodating character and kindness towards people. They love to play with children. Average weight The animal can reach 8 kg in females and 10 kg in males. It all depends on nutrition and lifestyle. Excessive love owners can lead to obesity, which adversely affects the health of the cat.

At 7–8 months of age, weight loss may be noticeable. This is due to the surge hormonal levels and sexual maturation of the animal. It is not recommended to breed cats from the first year of life. The body is still poorly adapted to such stress.

Full development and weight are determined at the genetic level. It depends on the parents, and the cat's development can vary from minimum sizes to the largest in comparison with British species.

The purpose of acquiring a Scottish Fold is of great importance. If she performs at various exhibitions, it is necessary to closely monitor her health - carefully select her diet and, if necessary, burn extra calories. The cat must meet the standard standards from the ears to the tip of the tail. You need to look after her and love her. This good-natured animal will always respond in kind.

Pets, like people, can experience weight problems. Cats living in city apartments often lead an inactive lifestyle and receive excess nutrition. As a result, the pet develops an excess of fat cells, which negatively affect general condition health. Animals experience heart problems and are prone to developing arthritis and other pathologies internal organs. Therefore, the cat’s weight must be maintained within certain limits, and for this you need to know accepted standards depending on age and breed.

Visual inspection

To determine the condition of the animal, it is necessary to carefully examine its physique. The condition of the limbs and abdomen is determined by looking at the profile, lumbar region and waist are assessed when viewed from above. The weight of a cat can also be “calculated” by manual palpation. To do this, the area of ​​the ribs is felt with your fingers. Moreover, if the bones stick out at the slightest pressure, then the animal is malnourished; if you need to make an effort to feel them, then most likely the pet is obese.

After the ribs, the waist and abdomen area is assessed. In cats, it is very sensitive, so you must be careful when palpating. If you run two palms from the waist to the pelvic bones, you should get an hourglass shape. If this sensation does not arise, then the cat is most likely overweight.

Next, the abdomen is examined. Softness should be felt under your fingers. But if it hangs down a lot or is swollen, then nutritional adjustments are necessary. A sunken belly indicates a lack of nutrition or illness.

Lack of weight and its causes

If a cat's hip bones and ribs are visible, and the spine has a minimal layer of fat, then the animal is underweight. At the same time, the neck is thin, the stomach is sunken and the limbs have an unhealthy appearance. In this case, the pet should be shown to a specialist for an appointment. therapeutic nutrition and finding out the problem. Worms are often the cause of weight loss.

Lack of weight can be determined by the following signs:

  • easily palpable when stroking;
  • the layer of fat is minimal or completely absent;
  • muscle mass difficult to palpate;
  • vertebrae are visible;
  • the abdominal fold is difficult to palpate, the abdomen is sunken.

Obesity and problem solving

A cat is considered overweight if the waist cannot be felt, the ribs are covered with a layer of fat, and the stomach protrudes and has a spherical shape. Fatty deposits may also be visible on the limbs, lower back and muzzle. To help your animal, you should contact your veterinarian to prescribe corrective nutrition and recommendations for physical activity.

If the breeder decides to act independently, then it is important to follow the principle of gradualism. A sharp decrease in weight can lead to health problems, which the cat is already weakened by. The diet should be less calorie. It is best to choose a special one medicinal food for obese animals.

It is important to prevent overeating and control your pet’s diet. Therefore, it is, of course, possible to pamper an animal with treats, but it is important to be reasonable. Obesity brings not only discomfort during movements to a cat’s life, but is also fraught with the development of diseases such as diabetes mellitus, cardiac pathologies, renal failure and joint problems.

Normal animal weight

The weight of an adult cat may vary depending on its breed. To determine normal parameters, specialists use specially developed data. But the given parameters should be taken as food for thought, because they may differ depending on individual characteristics animal, its gender and health status. For example, weight british cat has several standards. If a short-haired dog can weigh from 4 to 8 kg, then for a long-haired dog the norm is from 3 to 7 kg. Below are the average weights of popular cat breeds.

  • Bengal - 3.5-6.8 kg.
  • Bombay - 3.0-6.0 kg.
  • Cornish Rex - 3.0-5.0 kg.
  • Siamese - 3.0-5.0 kg.
  • Maine Coon - 4.0-10.0 kg.
  • Scottish - 2.7-6.0 kg.

As you can see, the weight Scottish cat and the Maine Coon has a large range. Therefore, in addition to standards, one must be guided by both age and visual inspection. And the given standards show only the lower and upper limits.

Normal weight cat

An animal with normal weight has a harmoniously built body and a clearly defined waist. If you look at a cat from above, its body resembles an hourglass. The ribs are palpable, but do not protrude and are devoid of a large layer of fat. The side view shows a well-toned abdomen.

However, during a visual inspection, the characteristics of the breed should be taken into account. While some cats look sophisticated, others are always heavy and stocky. It happens that the breed standard does not exclude the presence of a small abdominal fold.

Ideal weight

Before putting an animal on a diet or, conversely, fattening it, you should familiarize yourself with the standards and characteristics of the breed to which the cat belongs. Size and weight also depend on gender.

Thus, male Make Coon, Ragamuffin and British Shorthair can weigh up to 10-12 kg, and at the same time they will not show signs of obesity. Females always weigh less. But the Japanese Bobtail, Peterbald or Cornish Rex cannot be heavier than 5 kg. Females weigh even less - 2-3 kg.


A cat’s active growth and weight gain occurs up to a year. Ordinary domestic cat, excluding breed, weighs on average 3-6 kg. Females are always 2-3 kg lighter. If your pet is diagnosed with underweight or excess weight, it is recommended to take him to the veterinarian to find out the cause and eliminate it. The specialist will also recommend proper diet, promoting normal digestion and satisfying the pet with all the necessary nutrients.

Excess weight or lack thereof always signals health problems. Exceeding the norm causes disruptions in cardiac activity, can provoke the development of diabetes, gives complications to the joints and reduces life expectancy.

Lack of weight is manifested not only due to poor nutrition. It may indicate some problems. The causes may be worms, metabolic disorders, diseases gastrointestinal tract and even cancer.

Regular examination of your pet and assessment of its weight will allow you to promptly detect signs of disease and signs of exhaustion or obesity.

How to determine a cat's normal weight

You can assess the condition of your pet visually by looking at the animal from different angles. Thus, assessing condition when looking in profile will allow you to assess the condition of the abdomen and limbs, and looking from above will help you determine the waist and evaluate the lumbar region.

For a more accurate assessment, it would be a good idea to palpate your pet’s body. Walk your hands along the ribs without pressing too hard. If the bones stick out with a slight touch, then - exhaustion, but if you need to make an effort and apply pressure to palpate - obesity.

Then you can move on to the waist. This area is sensitive, so you should handle your pet carefully. By running your palms along the waist to the pelvis, you can feel the almost hourglass shape. In obese cats, the waist cannot be felt.

You should pay attention to the stomach. A little softness on the stomach is quite normal phenomenon. But if the abdominal fold hangs down and sways when the cat moves different sides, then this is a sign of obesity.


In very thin hairless and short-haired individuals with low weight, the ribs are visible, very pronounced pelvic bones and a spine with minimal muscle mass, minimal or no fat. The ribs can be easily felt. The stomach is strongly tucked. The neck is thin. In such a situation, the help of a veterinarian is necessary; perhaps the animal has health problems, for example, a helminthic infestation.

In thin individuals, the ribs are easily noticeable, muscle mass and a layer of fat are minimal. The vertebrae are clearly visible, the waist is visible. The abdominal fold is weakly defined with minimal fat.


At ideal weight, cats have a well-proportioned body with a noticeable waist after the ribs. The waist is clearly visible when viewed from above (the shape of the torso resembles an hourglass shape). The ribs can be felt, but the fat layer is minimal. When viewed from the side, the stomach is tucked in. But breed characteristics should be taken into account. After all, representatives of some breeds are built more elegantly and refinedly, while others are naturally stocky and heavy; in such animals the presence of an abdominal fold can be considered normal in accordance with the Standard.


In slightly overweight pets, ribs covered with a small amount of fat may be palpable. The waist is little noticeable. At a more advanced stage of obesity, the waist is indistinguishable, the ribs are hidden under a layer of fat and cannot be felt, the stomach is rounded, and there is a clear presence of fatty tissue in the abdominal area. Fatty deposits are present on the face and on the limbs, lower back, and even on the tail. If you are obese, you need the help of a veterinarian who will give recommendations on proper nutrition and the regime physical activity, promoting weight loss. With self-control, you should act gradually, you should not allow sharp decline weight. Changes are made to the diet, namely reducing the caloric content of food or selecting appropriate dry food for cats suffering from or predisposed to obesity.

Excess weight can lead to a number of health problems, so it is important to control your pet’s diet and prevent overeating. Of course, you can pamper your pet, but within reason, because what could happen? more important than health cats whose life expectancy is already short.

Returning to the problem of obesity, it is worth mentioning possible problems to which it leads: diabetes mellitus, heart disease, liver dysfunction, joint diseases.

How to keep your cat at a normal weight

Before you start fattening your pet or reducing daily norm and calorie content of food, you need to take into account the characteristics of the breed. Ideal weight cats depends on age, gender and breed. Males of the Maine Coon, British Shorthair, Ragamuffin, and Chartreuse breeds can weigh 9-12 kg and have no signs of obesity, while males of the Japanese Bobtail, Cornish Rex, and Peterbald breeds weigh 3-5.5 kg. Moreover, females are noticeably smaller than males and weigh on average 2-3 kg less.

Normal weight chart for cats

This cat weight chart is not intended to be a guide to determining your exact weight. ideal mass the body of an adult is only informational material that allows you to find out the approximate limits of the normal weight of a particular breed. After all, the body weight of a particular animal depends on the age, gender, health and individual characteristics of the pet.

Breed Normal weight (kg)
Abyssinian 4-7,5
Australian smoke 4-7
american bobtail 3-7
American Curl 3-6
American Shorthair 4-8
American Wirehair 3,5-7
Balinese 2,5-5
Bengali 3,6-6,8
Burmese 4-9
Bombay 3-6
british shorthair 4-8
british longhair 3-7
burmilla 4-7
Havana 2,5–4,5
Devon Rex 2,3-3,6
Egyptian Mau 2,7-6,3
kao-mani 3-6
Kymrik 3,5-6
korat 2,5-5
Cornish Rex 3-5
la perm 3-5,5
munchkin 2-4
Maine Coon 4-10
minuet (Napoleon) 1,8-4
Manx 3,5-5,5
Nibelung 3,5-6,5
Norwegian Forest 4-9
oriental 4-8
ocicat 4-7
Persian 3,8-7
Peterbald 3-5
pixie bob 3-9
ragamuffin 6-9
Russian blue 4-8
ragdoll 4-9
Selkirk Rex 3,5-5
Siamese 3-5
Siberian 3,5-9
Singaporean 2-3
snowshoe 2,5-5,5
Somali 3,4-5,5
sphinx 3-5
Tonkinese 2,7-5,5
Turkish Angora 2,5-5
turkish van 4,5-9
foreign white 3,5-5,5
Scottish fold 2,7-6

A cat's body weight matters more to their normal development and health. Like humans, felines can also have problems with weight (overweight or, less commonly, underweight). Obesity is enough common problem, which is found among domestic cats. In addition, you need to know how much the cat weighs in order to calculate the right dose. medicines, volume of food portions, also for traveling with an animal. How to determine the weight of a cat? This article will help answer this question.

Weight is determined by various factors:

  • Breed.
  • Availability of sterilization/castration.
  • General health.
  • Lifestyle (activity, diet).
  • Age.
  • Genetics.

Weight of different breeds

Normal cat weight different breeds ranges from 2 (Nibelung, Singaporean) to 10 kg (Maine Coon). The average weight is considered to be 3-5 kg. For every breed and age category There are special tables with mass standards. Although among cats of the same breed there can be both large and small animals.

Kittens grow until they are one year old, but actively gain weight until they are 6 years old. one month old. Newborn kittens of medium-sized breeds (British, Abessinian, Siamese, Bengal) weigh on average 80-120 g, one month - 320-520 g, 2 months - 450-780 g, 3 months - 800-1100 g, 5 months - 2-2.7 kg, 7 months - 2.5-3.2 kg, 8 – 3.3-4.5 kg. A one-year-old cat has a mass of 4.5-5.5 kg, a mature cat - 4.6-5.6 kg.

Average weight of newborns large cats breeds such as Savannah, Maine Coon is 120-160 g, one month old – 500-800 g, two month old – 800-1200 g, 3 – 1.4-1.9 kg, 5 – 2.8-3, 6 kg, at 7 – 4.5-5.6 kg, at 8 months – 6-7 kg. A 1 year old cat should weigh 7.5-8.5 kg, an adult cat should weigh 8.0-10.0 kg, sometimes 12 kg.

Newborn Scottish kittens weigh about 80-120 g, monthly - 240-520 g, 2 month old kittens - 470-630 g, 3 month old - 930-1200 g, at 5 months - 1.7-2.5 kg, at 7 months - 3.0-3 .5 kg, at 8 – 3.5-4.5 kg. Scottish cat at the age of one year it can reach 5.0-6.7 kg, adult cat can weigh 5.3-6.5 kg.

For non-pedigreed pets, you can use the average weight standards for the British breed.

The effect of castration/sterilization on weight

Sterilization or castration itself does not affect weight gain, but adult cats after such a procedure need to reduce their caloric intake by a third daily ration, since their metabolism and hormonal levels change.

Dependence of weight on gender, lifestyle

Cats usually larger than cats of the same breed by 1-2 kg. If the mother is a cat large sizes, then her kittens will most likely be large.

Pets that lead sedentary lifestyle life and do not experience difficulties in obtaining food, unlike stray cats, they are more likely to gain excess weight.

Determining normal weight without weighing

The normal weight of an adult cat is an individual concept. You can determine if your pet is obese or underweight in a simple way without resorting to weighing. You need to run your hand along the cat's back. If the spine is practically not palpable, then the animal is overweight. By palpably palpating the vertebrae (as if on a washboard) or visually viewing them, we can conclude that the cat weighs little.

How to weigh a cat

To determine exactly how much an adult cat weighs, it must be weighed on a scale. This is quite difficult to do if the cat does not want to step on the scale. In this case, the owner himself can weigh himself, then together with the cat in his arms. Then subtract the mass of the owner from the total mass of the cat, this will be the mass of the cat. Little kitten It's better not to weigh bathroom scales, and on kitchen electronic ones.