Pain in the left side under the rib causes. What causes pain in the left side under the ribs. Pain in the left side in the lumbar region due to kidney pathologies

On the left side of the human body are located: the spleen, pancreas, part of the diaphragm, left side stomach, intestines. In most cases, pain in the left hypochondrium means a disruption in the functioning of these organs. Painful sensations do not arise out of nowhere, so you need to determine the source of pain as quickly as possible.

Causes of sharp pain in the left hypochondrium

If you have a sudden cramp in the left hypochondrium, this is a reason to think about your own condition.

Along the left side of the ribs there are nerve fibers that come from the spine, the central nervous system. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, for example, osteochondrosis or scoliosis, as well as injuries can cause a pinched nerve. The pain spreads not only at the site of the compressed nerves, but is also transmitted to other areas of the nerve fibers. It is worth checking yourself for the presence of a spinal hernia.

It hurts on the left under the rib in front and from the pathology of the kidney, its doubling, diseases. Despite the fact that it is located in the lumbar region, painful sensations transmitted to the nerve fibers that intertwine the left rib.

Intolerable sharp pain may be associated with gynecology, when the ovaries or uterus are inflamed, there is venereal diseases. This phenomenon occurs only with women, and rarely.

Most people associate pain under the ribs on the left side with heart problems. However, a similar syndrome can be a sign of other diseases - from intercostal neuralgia to renal failure. There is no clear reason that will allow you to initially determine the diagnosis based on the localization of pain. That is why pain under the left rib requires consultation with a specialist.

A visit to the clinic under such circumstances should not be postponed in order to avoid unforeseen health consequences. Timely diagnosis will help determine the cause, and treatment prescribed by a doctor will relieve you of your ailments in the shortest possible time.

Causes of pain on the left under the ribs

Localization of discomfort in the area of ​​the left rib may indicate the development of an acute process or the presence of chronic diseases of the nervous, endocrine, respiratory, cardiovascular systems, gastrointestinal tract, injuries of the diaphragm, ribs, liver, kidneys, spleen, etc.

Periodicity, irradiation, accompanying syndromes (nausea, vomiting, headaches), factors that increase pain syndrome (physical activity, respiratory activity, change of position, eating or drinking water) - this information provides the basis for a detailed analysis of pain and understanding why it hurts on the left under ribs.

To diagnose pain, a list of studies (laboratory, instrumental) is used: CBC, blood biochemistry, urinalysis, radiography, ultrasound examination, MRI, CT. Depending on the anamnesis, external examination and research results, a consultation with a specialized specialist (gastroenterologist, traumatologist, cardiologist, endocrinologist, surgeon, etc.) is scheduled.

Diseases associated with pain on the left under the ribs

The reasons why it hurts under the left rib may be:
  • cardiomyopathy, myocardial infarction;
  • enlarged spleen, splenic rupture;
  • gastrointestinal dysfunction (ulcer, gastritis, gastroduodenitis, stomach cancer, pancreatitis);
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • pulmonary diseases(pneumonia, pneumonia, oncopathology, pleurisy);
  • endocrine disorders;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • injuries to the ribs, diaphragm, internal organs;
  • musculoskeletal system(osteochondrosis, protrusion, etc.).

The nature of the pain (sharp, dull, aching, pulling, shooting) also provides information about the possible source of the problem. Pain in the left side under the ribs often accompanies injuries and ruptures of internal organs. Dull, diffuse, long-lasting pain distinguishes gastrointestinal diseases; they are also indicated by pain in the morning in the epigastric region. Morning pain after long sleep shooting character with sudden movements is a characteristic of osteochondrosis. Permanent aching pain is a sign of disturbances in the functioning of the heart, and aggravated by nausea and vomiting is a sign of stomach ulcers.

Elimination of pain on the left under the rib

Localization of pain makes it possible to focus on dysfunction of specific organs. Pain in the left side under ribs in front, chest pain is associated with functional disorders of cardiac activity - clinical forms coronary disease heart (myocardial infarction). The same localization of pain is observed in gastrointestinal ulcers, stomach cancer and gastritis with high/low acidity. Damage to the diaphragm is characterized by pain on the left under the rib in front, radiating to the supraclavicular region or under the scapula, aggravated by respiratory activity, coughing, and sneezing.

Painful sensations accompanied by headaches, migraines, and manifestations of convulsions are a sign of disorders of the nervous system. The pain is localized on the left under the ribs on the side and is paroxysmal in nature. The same symptoms are characteristic of a viral disease – herpes zoster. The pain is aching at first, eventually turning into a sharp one. Pain syndrome precedes the appearance of herpetic eruptions.

Kidney disease and vertebral osteochondrosis are distinguished by pain in the back left under the ribs. Acute severe pain indicates renal colic. Tolerable pain of a constant nature indicates an enlargement of the organ and the development of inflammation. With osteochondrosis, pain changes the level of intensity as motor activity. The answer to the question of what hurts in the left side below the ribs is in most cases the same - the spleen. Disturbances in its work entail the appearance of aching pain.

The patient’s understandable desire is to relieve acute pain with the help of antispasmodics and analgesics. However, this is a situational temporary solution that does not eliminate the cause and is very dangerous for health. If you have pain on the left side under the ribs, especially in combination with pallor/blueness skin, nausea, vomiting, increased pain when taking lying position, fever - contact a medical facility immediately.

Treatment of pain in the left side

Based on the causes and nature of pain in the left side near the rib, it is possible to use various methods treatment. To eliminate pain syndrome It is used by specialists at our clinic.

Any discomfort in the left hypochondrium is an indicator of many pathologies. Due to the fact that this area of ​​the peritoneum is occupied by several organs, dysfunction of any of them can be a potential source of pain. It hurts on the left under the ribs in front: what is it, and what consequences this process can have on the body, read on.

Depending on the description of the pain process and previous events, it seems possible to find out the cause of its occurrence. However, self-diagnosis of the body can pose a health hazard. Only a qualified specialist after carrying out a series diagnostic measures able to detect disease.

Table 1. Pain sensations

Features of painDescription
StabbingOccurs with excessive physical exertion. Long runs or jumping, for example, can trigger a short-term attack, especially if the exercise is done immediately after a large meal.
cuttingIf the attack was not preceded by vigorous activity, the following diseases are suspected:
myocardial infarction;
splenic rupture;
acute form pancreatitis.
AcuteAfter serious injuries In the abdominal area, discomfort sometimes appears during active inhalation. This indicates injury to internal organs.
DumbIf an attack lasts more than 1 day, there is a high probability of having chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. An enlarged spleen caused by autoimmune pathologies and bacterial infections also occurs with muted pain.
AchingMild pain occurs a wake-up call colitis or duodenitis. In combination with attacks of nausea or vomiting, it is sometimes diagnosed as a stomach ulcer. Often such symptoms indicate the development of coronary heart disease.

Summarizing the above factors, painful sensations can be caused by the following ailments:

  • heart attack;
  • pleurisy;
  • splenic rupture;
  • tumors of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • dysfunction of the heart muscle;
  • duodenitis;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • splenomegaly;
  • diaphragmatic hernia.

In general, any diseases of the “representatives” of the digestive system, localized in the left part of the peritoneum, can provoke a painful attack.

A good diagnostic source is detailed description blades of pain, starting from the moment of its occurrence:

  1. Reflected. It appears as an echo of painful sensations coming from organs adjacent to this area, such as during pneumonia.
  2. Visceral. Accompanies intestinal cramps and disruptions in the motor functions of the stomach. With increased gas formation, it can spread from the left to the right hypochondrium.
  3. Peritoneal. The source of occurrence is easily determined. The pain is caused by irritation of the abdominal area. Observed during exacerbation of stomach ulcers.

Please note. If pain slowly moves from the left side of the abdomen to the navel, doctors diagnose diseases of the duodenum.

Why does it hurt on the left side under the ribs in front?

Centuries-old medical practice succeeded in defining internal pathologies. Women experience pain on the left side during exacerbation of endometriosis. The affected tissues, when swollen, provoke the occurrence of prolonged nagging pain that fills the peritoneum.

Cracks and fractures of the ribs also lead to severe pain in the left hypochondrium. Numerous fractures pose a danger to organs located adjacent to the sternum and cause severe damage to the body.

Among the many diseases localized in this zone, the most typical and common ones can be identified.

Pathologies of the diaphragm

The opening in the thoraco-abdominal barrier, intended for the esophagus, serves as the border zone between the thoracic and abdominal cavities. If the muscular frame weakens, the lumen becomes larger, which is fraught with movement of the upper part of the stomach from the peritoneum to the sternum. At the same time, the “filling” of the stomach begins to be released into the esophagus.

Factors that enhance the formation of a hernia:

  • bearing a fetus;
  • decreased muscle tone;
  • excess weight;
  • excessive loads.

Often this condition leads to pinching of the stomach, accompanied by acute, cutting pain.

Intercostal neuralgia

Many neurological pathologies can lead to irritation of the nerves located between the ribs. Painful sensations are characterized by a wide range of manifestations - from weak and aching to cutting. When coughing, sharp sighs or changing body position, the pain intensifies.

The attacks are severe: a stabbing pain arises in the sternum, radiating to the left side, the muscles spasm and sweating increases. When you press on the spine area, severe pain occurs.

During neuralgia, the pain covers the entire lumbar region and the area under the shoulder blades. The pain lasts for a long period of time and often leads to numbness in certain areas of the body.

Heart pathologies

Even though left side The peritoneum is attached to the organs of the digestive system; diseases of the internal motor are also expressed through discomfort in this area.

For example, the following symptoms are typical for coronary heart disease:

  • aching, weak pain;
  • constant shortness of breath;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • nausea;
  • burning sensation in the chest area.

Ischemia is caused by pathologies of the arteries, leading to a deterioration in the blood supply to the heart.

Also, similar symptoms are observed with cardiomyopathy, characterized by dysfunction of the heart muscle. It is accompanied by severe asthenia and acute pain during any active actions.

The gastralgic form of myocardial infarction in 3% of situations manifests itself through pain in the left side of the abdomen. Patients note uncomfortable, bursting sensations in the sternum, increased sweating, diarrhea and nausea, turning into vomiting. Such symptoms often mislead specialists when making a diagnosis, since they are similar to the manifestations of digestive disorders. Difficulty breathing, blue lips and swelling of the face indicate the presence of heart problems.

Spleen diseases

The spleen is a fragile, easily injured organ. Any negative changes in its functioning are accompanied by painful sensations. In patients suffering from overweight, pathological processes appear less noticeably, because it is deeply “hidden” in the left hypochondrium area.

Enlargement of the spleen occurs in infectious pathologies. In addition to pronounced painful sensations, the pathology is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • high body temperature;
  • angina;
  • migraine;
  • intoxication;
  • muscle pain;
  • enlarged lymph nodes and liver.

With hypertrophy of the spleen, which occurs against the background of immune diseases, the injured organ causes pain. It manifests itself especially acutely with severe injuries leading to rupture of the spleen. In addition to discomfort, evidence of cracks is the bluish discoloration of the skin in the central part of the peritoneum due to the accumulation of a large amount of blood contained in the organ.

Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract

Considering the specificity of the left part of the peritoneum, the most characteristic ailments manifested through pain in the left hypochondrium are considered diseases gastrointestinal tract.

Table 2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

DiseaseDescription and additional symptoms
GastritisA very common pathology. The mucous membrane of the gastric walls is hypersensitive to any microirritants found in food. The following manifestations are typical for the disease:
heaviness in the abdominal cavity;
feeling of fullness in the stomach;
paleness of the skin;
dryness in oral cavity;
burning in the central part of the abdominal cavity.
Stomach ulcerManifestations of pathology are similar to gastritis. Pain appears after eating. Symptoms:
sour belching;
loss of appetite;
weight loss.
The acute form of the disease is characterized by sharp, piercing pain leading to loss of consciousness.
Colitis of the upper intestinal loopsTypical symptoms:
discomfort in the central part of the peritoneum;
increased gas formation;
regular diarrhea;
bad smell bowel movements;
Oncology of the gastrointestinal tractIn the early stages of development, the tumor is difficult to diagnose without the use of special equipment. Symptoms:
depressed state;
loss of appetite or, conversely, rapid satiety;
non-acceptance certain products;
regular bowel disorders;

Pathologies of the pancreas

Despite the fact that the organ is partially located in the left hypochondrium, pancreatic diseases often manifest themselves through severe pain in this zone.

One of the most characteristic diseases glands - pancreatitis, for which the following symptoms are typical:

  • acute, prolonged pain;
  • nausea;
  • fever;
  • regular vomiting of bile;
  • a feeling of bitterness in the mouth;
  • darkening of urine;
  • lightening of stool.

The pain can be so piercing that the patient is unable to straighten up. The only acceptable body position during an attack is sitting with your head pressed to your knees. In the chronic form of the disease, patients note aching pain appearing after consumption fatty foods.

More detailed information You can find out what pancreatitis is and why it is dangerous.

Please note. Due to the fact that this organ is difficult to access, oncological pathologies of the pancreas are difficult to diagnose. On initial stages Cancer symptoms are practically not manifested.

Treatment methods

Diagnostics involves the use of a wide variety of instrumental and laboratory tests:

  • X-ray;
  • blood and urine tests;
  • Ultrasound of internal organs;

Depending on the complaints and examination results, the patient is prescribed a consultation with a specialist doctor - a gastroenterologist, cardiologist, surgeon, traumatologist and endocrinologist.

To relieve painful sensations and eliminate the disease that provoked them, specialists use the following methods.

Table 3. Methods for relieving and eliminating painful sensations

Manual therapyReduces inflammatory processes and accelerates tissue regeneration.
ReflexologyIncludes many techniques - heat therapy, acupuncture and acupuncture. Effectively relieves pain and relaxes.
PhysiotherapyUsed as additional method to the main therapy. Increases blood circulation, successfully fights swelling and inflammatory processes, eliminates disorders of the musculoskeletal system.
Therapeutic massageRemoves muscle spasms and stimulates the circulatory system in problem areas.

If in the area of ​​the left hypochondrium occurs severe discomfort and the pain appears at regular intervals, you should immediately consult a doctor. Self-diagnosis and treatment not agreed upon with a specialist can lead to negative consequences for the body. Timely initiation of therapy will help prevent diseases from becoming chronic and maintain health.

Video - Pain and heaviness in the left hypochondrium

Severe pain in the left hypochondrium - its appearance is a symptom of a large number of various diseases and pathological conditions. Since the left hypochondrium region of the abdomen corresponds to part of the stomach, the left part of the diaphragm, intestinal loops, the pole of the left kidney, the pancreas and the most obvious organ - the spleen, therefore, most often the causes of such pain can be a dysfunction of these organs.

Character of pain on the side under the ribs

First, you should decide what the hypochondrium area means - this is the upper left quadrant, located under the ribs (see figure). Depending on the nature of the pain, when it appears, after what events, you can determine what caused it and which doctor you should contact for an accurate diagnosis and treatment:

Stitching pain in the left hypochondrium during exercise

If they occur only during intense physical activity, such as running, fast walking (on a treadmill), jumping, during fitness training, etc. physical activities- it’s not scary and happens almost healthy people. Such painful sensations pass quickly and only indicate insufficient warm-up before exercise and too sudden or excessive movement.

Without a thorough warm-up (20 minutes), the body does not have time to adapt to sharp increase blood circulation If pain occurs only during exercise, there is no particular danger in this, unless the person suffers from heart disease (cardiomyopathy, etc.). Even if you are absolutely healthy, you should not test your body - stop, relax your arms, shoulders, breathe deeply, or while exhaling sharply, press your palm on the place where the pain is located, while sharply leaning your body forward, repeat this 2-3 times and you can run on.

You should also ensure that your breathing is deep enough during exercise, since it is shallow and rapid breathing accompanied by small excursions of the diaphragm. Usually spicy stabbing pains on the left and even on the right when running occur if training begins abruptly without warming up and after eating. After eating, at least 1-1.5 hours should pass, since the gastrointestinal tract is overloaded with work, the body has not warmed up and has not rebuilt, hence double the load and double the pain.

Dagger cutting acute pain syndrome

It’s a completely different matter if a dagger-like, cutting, sharp pain occurs in the left side under the ribs, when it is not associated with stress and appears suddenly - this is a reason to provide urgent medical care. Sudden severe pain in the left hypochondrium may indicate a rupture renal pelvis, spleen, be a consequence of perforation of the loops small intestine or stomach wall. And also as an abdominal variant of myocardial infarction or acute pancreatitis.

Sharp, severe pain after injury

If pain occurs when inhaling after a fall, injury or car accident, this may be a sign or symptom of serious damage to internal organs that is life-threatening.

Dull pain in the left hypochondrium

Diffuse, dull pain under the ribs on the left, if it occurs periodically over a long period of time, is a cause for concern, as it may be a symptom of sluggish chronic disease organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Most often these are cholecystitis, gastritis, pancreatitis and others. To confirm or exclude these pathologies, you should contact a gastroenterologist and do a series of laboratory tests, instrumental studies, Ultrasound and other procedures, tests.

Splenomegaly with various pathologies blood, autoimmune or systemic diseases, sepsis, bacterial infections– this is a reason for dull or aching chronic pain on the left hypochondrium.

It's a dull pain

A constant nagging, aching pain on the left under the ribs is a symptom, a sign of sluggish colitis or duodenitis, if this symptom is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, this may be a manifestation of a stomach ulcer. Such pain not related to the gastrointestinal tract may be a sign pre-infarction condition, coronary heart disease or angina.

So, pain that occurs in the left upper abdomen can be caused for the following reasons, pathologies and diseases:

  • Cardiomyopathy, heart attack, damage to the heart muscle
  • Most diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - cholecystitis, gastric ulcer, colitis, duodenitis
  • Splenic rupture (trauma) or enlarged spleen due to infectious diseases
  • Splenic infarction due to arterial thrombosis
  • Tumors of internal organs
  • Diaphragmatic hernia or diaphragm injury
  • Rheumatic manifestations
  • Left-sided pneumonia, left-sided pleurisy, which occurs in the lower part of the left lung

Pain in the hypochondrium should be distinguished according to the mechanism of occurrence

All possible pain in the left side under the ribs are also divided according to the mechanism of occurrence, this can serve as an additional diagnostic sign to help determine the pathology of a particular organ or system.

Referred pain - these pain sensations appear as radiating from fairly distant organs, such as with a heart attack, left-sided pneumonia, pleurisy or other diseases.
Visceral pain- for intestinal spasms or impaired gastric motility, as well as their sprains muscle fibers. When there may be aching and dull pain, or cramping pain - with intestinal colic, which often radiates to nearby areas of the body.
Peritoneal pain- constant and clearly localized pain, which is caused by irritation of the peritoneum, such as when perforated ulcer stomach. This pain intensifies with breathing and movement, it is cutting and sharp.

When there is pain in the left hypochondrium in front

If such pain is localized under the ribs in front, this most likely indicates diseases of the spleen or damage to the tissues of the stomach. In these cases differential diagnosis carried out with myocardial infarction, colitis of the upper intestinal loops,. If the pain shifts more towards the center, a combination of stomach disease with diseases of the gallbladder and duodenum is possible.

When the pain is behind

Most often, when the left kidney is damaged, the pain is localized in the left hypochondrium at the back; it is quite strong and constant; to diagnose kidney disease, an ultrasound should be done, general analysis urine and blood. In addition to the pathology of the left kidney, such pain can occur during chest and lumbar osteochondrosis, palpation of the paravertebral processes can give rise to this pain syndrome.

Girdle pain combined with pain on the left

If there is a girdling pain in the area under the left ribs, moving from behind to the front abdominal wall, this may be a sign of inflammation of the pancreas - pancreatitis. When inflammation begins, there is an unbearable burning pain that subsides a little when the person leans forward in a sitting position.

Pathologies of the diaphragm

Constant pain in this area can occur due to pathologies of the diaphragm, diaphragmatic hernia. The hole in the diaphragm, necessary for the esophagus, which connects to the stomach, separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity. And when the muscle tissue that regulates this opening weakens, the lumen expands, so the upper part of the stomach can extend beyond abdominal cavity into the chest.

In this case, the stomach contents reflux into the esophagus, causing constant dull, aching pain on the left, with nausea and heartburn. Promote development diaphragmatic hernia can - pregnancy, obesity, excessive physical activity, and often this pathology occurs in older people with a general weakening of the entire muscular system. Sometimes this condition is aggravated by pinching of the stomach, then sharp, cutting, sharp pain appears in the left hypochondrium.

Cause: intercostal neuralgia

Various neurological diseases may cause compression or irritation of the intercostal nerves. Painful sensations with intercostal neuralgia have wide range manifestations:

  • In the area of ​​the ribs, under the ribs - shooting, piercing, sharp or aching, burning or dull pain (see also).
  • The pain may intensify with sudden movements, sneezing, inhaling, coughing, even when changing body position.
  • Attacks of intercostal neuralgia are accompanied by stabbing pain on the left side, manifested by muscle twitching, pallor or redness of the skin, and increased sweating.
  • When pressing on certain points on the back, chest, between the ribs or along the spine, painful sensations also appear.

With neuralgia, pain can be localized not only in the left side, but also in the lower back, under the shoulder blade (as with heart disease). They can be at night, and in the morning, and during the day, enough long time, in places where the nerve pathways are damaged, a feeling of numbness sometimes appears.

Heart pathologies

Aching pain in the left side in combination with shortness of breath during exertion and even at rest, nausea, rapid heartbeat, burning and heaviness in the chest occur with heart disease, such as coronary heart disease. When the coronary arteries are damaged, the blood supply to the heart muscle is disrupted, causing pathological condition like ischemia.

Also, similar pain under the ribs can occur with cardiomyopathy - these are several different diseases that lead to dysfunction of the heart muscle, but there is no pathology of the valve apparatus, arterial hypertension, diseases of the heart vessels. With cardiomyopathy, the heart muscle changes structurally. It shows up fatigue, pain in the left side during physical activity. .

Pathological conditions of the spleen

The spleen is a fragile, easily torn organ, so any pathological condition of it is reflected by pain. Its slight increase is difficult to recognize, especially in fat people, since it lies deep in the left hypochondrium. An enlarged spleen or splenomegaly occurs with some infectious diseases, for example, when infectious mononucleosis. However, in addition to pain in the spleen area, this disease is characterized by bright severe symptoms such as fever, muscle pain, headache, increased lymph nodes, general intoxication, sore throat, liver enlargement. The spleen performs several important functions in the body:

  • This is the thinnest blood filter
  • This is the largest lymph node
  • It is the largest conglomerate of reticuloendothelial tissue

With hypertrophy of the spleen, when it intensively performs immune, phagocytic and filtering functions, that is, against the background of diseases of immune complexes, hemolytic anemia, acute severe infections- it increases in size and can cause pain on the left. Other causes of pain and enlargement of the spleen include trauma, infiltration, tumors or defects in its development. Particularly acute sharp pain in the area under the ribs occurs during a blow or injury, leading to rupture of the spleen. In addition to pain, a sign of rupture is the bluishness of the skin around the navel, since it accumulates there. large number blood, and the pain radiates from the left hypochondrium to the back, if such symptoms appear, you should call an ambulance.

Diseases of the stomach, pancreas

  • Gastritis

This disease affects the majority of the population because current state food industry aimed at creating chemicalized products contributes to the development functional disorders stomach and entire gastrointestinal tract. The gastric mucosa is quite sensitive to any irritants, which in our daily diet more than enough. Gastritis most often manifests itself as belching, aching pain in the hypochondrium, nausea, pain in the epigastric region, vomiting, heartburn, heaviness, and a feeling of pressure. These symptoms appear soon after eating and may also occur general disorders- pallor, weakness, irritability, impaired sensitivity of the lower and upper limbs, signs of dyspepsia - diarrhea, .

She has similar symptoms with gastritis and depends on the duration and severity of the disease, in contrast to duodenal ulcers, when pain occurs during periods of hunger, an empty stomach, pain with a stomach ulcer occurs after eating. This also causes heartburn, nausea, vomiting, sour belching, loss of appetite and body weight. For a perforated ulcer, the main a clear symptom is a dagger, sudden pain, pallor, general weakness.

  • Pancreatic diseases

The most typical symptoms of acute pancreatitis are severe pain under the left hypochondrium, in the left side, and in the epigastric region, of a girdle nature, accompanied by vomiting with bile, nausea, increased body temperature, and possible urine staining dark color and stool clarification. The pain can be so severe that the person is forced to sit bent over. At chronic pancreatitis patients complain of a dull, aching pain, especially after a lavish feast. With cancer of the pancreas, it is very difficult to diagnose; this is a very small, hard-to-reach organ that is difficult to diagnose and treat, and the symptoms of cancer are practically invisible at the onset of the disease.

  • Oncological diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

In our time of oncological tension, any manifestations of ailments, weakness, lack of appetite, anemia, aversion to certain foods, for example, meat, rapid satiety, periodic pain in the stomach, intestines, a series of constipation with diarrhea, should alert a person, especially with age. Oncology is dangerous due to its asymptomatic course in the early stages. For any constant pain You should consult a doctor to find out the cause and carry out timely treatment.

When feeling a twinge of pain in the left side under the ribs, many people immediately think that it is related to the heart. However, under the ribs, in addition to the heart, there are also the left lung and left kidney, pancreas, spleen and partially the intestines, stomach and diaphragm, which means that any of these organs can cause pain.

Associated symptoms

Pain on the left side under the ribs can vary greatly, depending on which organ is causing it. To guess the cause, you need to pay attention to everything associated symptoms. First of all, you must determine the exact location where the pain is located. View your body as a whole, with organs influencing each other.

The type of pain matters a lot. It can be sudden, sharp, or more of a burning sensation that causes discomfort. Last only a few seconds, be pulsating or continue to disturb. Feel only under the ribs or radiate to the shoulder, neck and even jaw, and are also accompanied by dangerous symptoms such as coughing, vomiting or nausea.

If, in addition to pain on the left side under the ribs, you also experience dizziness, fever or chills and rapid breathing - this is an alarming sign that means serious problems with health.


Pain under the ribs on the left can mean both acute and chronic inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, nervous, endocrine or cardiovascular systems, as well as injury to any of the organs located in this area. When visiting a doctor, it is important to mention everything possible symptoms– their frequency, periodicity, connection with food intake or physical activity.

1. Digestive problems (pain in the intestines or stomach)

Irregular and poor-quality nutrition, including fast food, causes digestive problems. One of the conditions that very often manifests itself as burning pain in the left side under the ribs, is heartburn. This occurs when acid from the stomach backs up into the esophagus and is medically called acid reflux. The sensation can be described as a burning sensation, sometimes so strong that it is mistaken for heart attack. Don't ignore heartburn because it's there rare cases when it is actually one of the symptoms of a heart attack.

At gastritis or stomach ulcer The most common site of pain is under the ribcage on the left side. This pain often attacks within two to three hours after eating, but can also occur at night when the stomach is empty. Other symptoms include headaches, dizziness, weakness, tiredness, weakness, and pale skin. Some people report feeling bloated after eating, while others complain of significantly reduced appetite levels.

Another popular disorder in the modern world is irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). This is a multifaceted condition that can have various reasons, from poor nutrition to a stressful lifestyle. With IBS, there are periodic attacks of severe or dull ache in the chest area on the left side. This is often accompanied by excess gas, which is actually the cause of pain. It is very difficult to completely cure IBS, but there are ways to improve symptoms and relieve pain.

Insufficient or difficult bowel movements ( constipation) can also cause pain in the left hypochondrium, especially if problems with stool become chronic. With the accumulation of hardened feces, a person begins to feel discomfort, heaviness in the abdomen, both on the left and on the left. In severe cases, intestinal overcrowding feces leads to pain behind the sternum, in the abdomen, and even difficulty breathing. Therefore, it is extremely important to tell your doctor about constipation.

Another, but rare, condition is the accumulation of gas inside the walls of the gastrointestinal tract in the form of cysts, which is called pneumatosis. This pathology has not been fully studied and is more often considered not in the form separate disease, but as consequences of some other thing. It can manifest itself in different ways: be asymptomatic or accompanied by pain in the places where these thin-walled cysts appear, nausea, diarrhea, blood, etc.

2. Angina pectoris

People don't always take this set of symptoms seriously. If angina is not treated properly, it can cause life-threatening heart disease.

Angina occurs when our arteries become narrowed or blocked. Thus, it is a fairly common condition among overweight and obese people who have high level cholesterol or blood pressure.

Pain in the left side under the ribs caused by angina can often be mistaken for a heart attack or heartburn. The pain is usually sudden and occurs along with a feeling of discomfort, even when you are resting.

To prevent dangerous complications associated with angina, never ignore this condition and make sure it is completely treated. Also, make changes to your daily lifestyle to reduce bad cholesterol and keep your blood pressure at a healthy level.

3. Costochondritis (Tietze syndrome)

The costal cartilages are red, one or more of which may become inflamed with costochondritis

This is an inflammation of one or more cartilages in the area where the ribs attach to the breastbone (sternum). One symptom is sudden, sharp pain in the chest that may get worse with breathing or movement.

There are several reasons that can lead to the development of costochondritis. Often this is the result of some minor trauma to the sternum, complications after surgery, or a respiratory viral infection.

With chondritis, the pain may spread to your back or stomach and gets worse when you cough. To cure chondritis, you do not need to take any special measures. Usually enough good rest and avoidance physical activity until the pain subsides.

good home remedy for the treatment of chondritis and other inflammatory conditions - tea with ginger and turmeric, which are widely known for their anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties.

4. Pancreatitis

Inflamed pancreas

A very common cause of pain in the upper left quadrant of the abdomen, which can also be felt under the ribs, is inflammation of the pancreas - pancreatitis. The pancreas is an extremely important organ, which is located on the left just below the chest and produces enzymes responsible for proper digestion.

People who tend to drink too much alcohol or suffer from gallstones, are exposed to more high risk development of pancreatitis. Although the cause of this disease is not completely clear. The pain is often worse after eating fatty foods or when you lie on your back. She can also give in left shoulder blade or back.

This serious illness, and in most cases it should be treated in a hospital setting, with the exception of mild forms. Moreover, you need to understand that it may happen again in the future. To prevent the development of pancreatitis, it is important to drink plenty of water, not smoke, eat healthy food and stop drinking alcohol.

5. Lung diseases

Pain in the left half of the chest can also be due to certain diseases that affect the left lung. Complications caused respiratory infections or other conditions affecting the lungs can be very serious. Thus, if you feel any sharp, unexplained pain in the left or right side behind the ribs, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Tuberculosis and pneumonia– diseases infectious nature that affect lung tissue. In addition to coughing, they have another common symptom - pain under the sternum. Unfortunately, the treatment of tuberculosis, unlike most cases of pneumonia, is a rather complex and lengthy process, but both diseases, if treated negligently and without proper treatment, can develop into pleurisy.

Pleurisy– inflammation of the pulmonary membrane (pleura), with possible accumulation of exudate under it. Inflammatory process will manifest itself primarily as chest pain. Pleurisy can be dry (without fluid accumulation) and exudative (with fluid accumulation under the pleura). These types differ slightly in their clinical picture, but they are united by pain under the ribs.

Lung collapse may also be the cause of sudden and sharp pain in the left or right half chest. Symptoms will get worse when you breathe deeply, and along with the pain, you may also experience fatigue, coughing and shortness of breath. It is difficult to determine the cause of a collapsed lung. Smoking increases the risk of developing it. Sometimes it is the result of surgery or chest injury. It is often also a matter of genetics, so if your close relatives have had collapse, you may also have it.

6. Spleen disease

The spleen is another extremely important organ located under the ribs on the left. She is responsible for correct work lymphatic system, protects you from infections and filters the blood.

When the spleen is diseased, it enlarges, causing severe pain in the left side under the ribs or in the left side of the abdomen. The condition is not easy to detect as symptoms are often non-specific. One of the signs is a decrease in the amount of food consumed.

7. Renal colic

Renal colic is a spasm or sharp pains, which are caused by the movement of kidney stones (less often blood clots or dead tissue) along the ureter towards the bladder.

Spasmodic pain in the affected kidney is usually one-sided and often spreads in all directions to the back and lower abdomen, usually one-sided. When it first appears, it can sometimes be pain in the left side under the ribs and you may not even be able to understand that the pain is coming from the kidney. Additional symptoms serves as blood in the urine, sweating, vomiting. Renal colic may periodically release or last continuously.

8. Rib injury

Some accidents or injuries to the left ribs can cause mild to severe pain. The problem is that many people don't know that their rib is broken. You need to understand that any injury to the left side of the chest can lead to damage to other organs, such as the left kidney or spleen.

Therefore, if you have suffered any injury to the chest area or know that any of your ribs have been broken, make sure full recovery. Avoid strenuous exercise, rest, and take medications to relieve symptoms.


To find out what is causing pain on the left side under the ribs, your doctor will test physical examination which involves feeling (palpating) the affected area. This will help check for any signs of swelling or inflammation, especially due to chondritis.

If the doctor suspects that the pain may be caused by a heart problem, he will order an electrocardiogram to measure electrical activity in your heart.

You may then need to take blood and urine samples for testing. Deciphering the results of these tests can tell about signs of kidney disease, pancreatitis or gastritis. If gastritis or an ulcer is suspected, a stool sample will likely be taken or an endoscopy will be performed to examine the stomach lining. An endoscope is a long flexible tube with a camera at the end that is inserted through the mouth.

If the cause of your chest pain remains unclear, you may need an X-ray, CT scan, or magnetic resonance imaging scan. This will give your doctor a more accurate picture of your organs and any areas of inflammation that don't show up during a physical exam.

When do you need to see a doctor urgently?

Although pain under the ribs on the left side is not dangerous in most cases, it can sometimes signal a medical emergency.

Urgently apply for medical care necessary if you have at least one of the following additional symptoms:

  • difficulty breathing
  • confusion
  • excessive sweating
  • dizziness

Pain at the lower border of the chest

Given the number of organs in the upper left abdomen, such pain can be caused by many reasons. Most of them are easily treatable or go away on their own.

However, if the pain in this area is very severe, worsens over time, lasts more than 24 hours, or is associated with one of the serious symptoms listed above, you should seek immediate medical attention to rule out any life-threatening health conditions.


As you can see, there are various conditions, which can lead to pain in the left side under the ribs. However there are several general advice, which you can try and see if they help you.

Most problems that lead to this symptom are related to digestive system. Therefore, a healthy diet is often the only type of treatment that needs to be followed. Try not to overeat as this is the main cause of stomach, intestinal or spleen problems.

Also, make sure you eat plenty of foods that digest quickly, such as fruits, vegetables, and fiber-rich foods. Avoid foods such as fast food, fatty meats, carbonated drinks and sweets. Avoid alcohol and stop smoking as these are two main culprits of many diseases.

Your daily menu should have a sufficient amount fatty acids Omega-3, which means you need to eat a lot of fish. Make sure to get enough vitamin D, as it has been scientifically proven that deficiency can lead to several chronic conditions. Additionally, if you want to live a healthy life, you need to get a regular supply of B-complex vitamins. If your diet is poor, consider taking a vitamin supplement.

When you experience pain under the left ribs, simple over-the-counter medications from the pharmacy can often help. You can buy anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal painkillers (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen or paracetamol. It is also recommended to try medications that speed up the digestion process, provide relief from constipation or excessive gas formation. If they don't help, it may mean your problem is more serious and you should consult your doctor.

There are rare cases when surgery - the only way cure the disease and relieve pain. This happens mainly when you have been suffering from kidney stones for a long time and they become so large that it is too late to dissolve them. Some heart conditions may also require surgical treatment, since this is often the only way to prevent a threat to life.

Folk remedies

However, before turning to chemicals, you can try to use some natural traditional methods no side effects.

Red pepper

One of the most active natural ingredients is capsaicin, which is found in red peppers. The sharper it is, the more of this substance there is. Therefore, cayenne pepper is the most powerful in this regard. It is said to be effective in relieving pain in the form of a cream/paste, spray, or when you take it by mixing it lightly with water.

Ginger is another solution to many health problems. It has strong antiviral and antibacterial properties and can help with digestive problems. Include it in your diet on a daily basis and you will quickly feel the difference. You can use it in the form of fresh root slices or in powder form.

A relative of ginger with similar qualities is turmeric, which contains a substance called curcumin. Drink turmeric and ginger tea and you will feel relief. It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral properties. This is also strong antioxidant, and is believed to produce an antitumor effect.