Sexually transmitted diseases and STDs: from infection to symptoms. Sexually transmitted diseases - symptoms and treatment, list, prevention, first signs

The topic is very prosaic - sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). IN last years rates of infection with sexually transmitted diseases are steadily increasing. Unfortunately, this applies primarily to adolescents, due to the lack of proper sex education in schools and families. Statistics say that every 10 people on our planet suffer from STDs, not excluding children and the elderly.

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are a group of infectious diseases with a variety of clinical manifestations united by sexual transmission and high social danger. The term appeared in 1980, and to date, more than 20 types of infections and viruses are classified as STDs: from deadly HIV infection to banal chlamydia, which, by the way, cannot be called trifling either. Moreover, in terms of prevalence in Russia, it is in second place after the flu.

According to the type of causative agent, STDs are divided as follows:

World Organization The Health Authority classifies STDs as follows:

Common sexually transmitted infections

  • gonorrhea;
  • syphilis;
  • lymphogranulomatosis (inguinal form);
  • chancroid.
  • granuloma of the venereal type.

Other STDs

that affect mainly the organs of the reproductive system:

  • urogenital shigellosis (occurs in persons with homosexual sexual intercourse);
  • trichomoniasis;
  • candidal lesions of the genital organs, manifested by balanoposthitis and vulvovaginitis;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • herpes type 2;
  • gardnerellosis;
  • scabies;
  • genital warts;
  • chlamydia;
  • flatheads (pubic pediculosis);
  • molluscum contagiosum.

that affect mainly other organs and systems:

  • sepsis of newborns;
  • Hepatitis B;
  • lamblia;
  • cytomegalovirus;
  • AIDS;
  • amoebiasis (typical for persons with homosexual contacts).

Often, STDs are asymptomatic and are detected only at the stage of development of complications. Therefore, it is very important to pay due attention to their prevention: use contraceptives, avoid casual sexual contact, observe hygiene and take tests twice a year in the direction of a gynecologist or urologist.

Of course, most STDs are curable, but not all. For example, it will never be possible to part with genital herpes - treatment only softens the course of the disease and reduces the frequency and severity of relapses. Only those under the age of 25 have a chance to permanently get rid of the human papillomavirus (HPV).
By the way, it is believed that the human papillomavirus can cause cancer of the cervix, vagina, vulva and penis. The genital herpes virus also affects sperm, and if a woman becomes infected with it during pregnancy, it can cause severe congenital diseases of the fetus.

Note: almost all viral and bacterial sexually transmitted diseases penetrate the placental barrier, that is, they are transmitted to the fetus in utero and disrupt its physiological development. Sometimes the consequences of such infection appear only a few years after the birth of a child in the form of dysfunction of the heart, liver, kidneys, developmental disorders.

Successful treatment will only be if you start it without delay and bring it to the end. How to spot the very first danger signals?

An alert has been declared!

There are eight main signs, having discovered which, you should not delay a visit to the doctor.

  1. Itching and burning in intimate area.
  2. Redness in the genital area and anus, sometimes - sores, vesicles, pimples.
  3. Discharge from the genitals, smell.
  4. Frequent, painful urination.
  5. Enlarged lymph nodes, especially in inguinal region.
  6. In women - pain in the lower abdomen, in the vagina.
  7. Discomfort during intercourse.
  8. Cloudy urine.

However, for example, syphilis or chlamydia can appear several weeks after infection, and sometimes STDs in general long time can proceed covertly, passing into chronic form.

Regardless of the presence of discomfort in the genital area, a preventive visit to the doctor is necessary twice a year, as well as after casual sexual contact, sexual violence, in case of infidelity of your regular partner. If you notice any STD symptoms, go to your appointment the same day.

Symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases in women

The presence of certain symptoms of STDs in women is explained by the peculiarities of their physiology.

The following signs should alert a woman and become a reason for an extraordinary visit to the gynecologist:

  • pain and dryness during sex;
  • single or group enlargement of lymph nodes;
  • dysmenorrhea (disorders of the normal menstrual cycle);
  • pain and discharge from the anus;
  • itching in the perineum;
  • anus irritation;
  • rash on the labia or around the anus, mouth, body;
  • atypical vaginal discharge (green, frothy, odorous, bloody);
  • frequent painful urge to urinate;
  • swelling of the vulva.

Sexually transmitted diseases in men: symptoms

You can suspect an STD in men by the following signs:

  • blood in semen;
  • frequent and painful urge to urinate;
  • low-grade fever (not with all diseases);
  • problems with normal ejaculation;
  • pain in the scrotum;
  • discharge from the urethra (white, purulent, mucous, with a smell);
  • rash different kind on the head of the penis, the penis itself, around it.

Let's get to know each other better

  • Chlamydia

Symptoms. 1-4 weeks after infection, patients develop purulent discharge, painful urination, as well as pain in the lower abdomen, in the lower back, bleeding between menstruation in women, in men - pain in the scrotum, perineum.

What is dangerous? In women, it can lead to inflammation of the fallopian tubes, cervix, pathologies of pregnancy and childbirth, diseases of the liver, spleen.
In men - to inflammation of the epididymis, prostate gland, Bladder, violation of potency. Newborns may develop conjunctivitis, nasopharyngeal lesions, pneumonia.

  • Trichomoniasis

Symptoms. They can appear on the 4-21st day after infection, sometimes later. Women have copious white or yellowish-green frothy discharge with pungent odor, causing severe itching and irritation of the genital organs, as well as pain, burning during urination, soreness during intercourse. In men, there is a burning sensation during urination, mucopurulent discharge from the urethra. However, this disease is often asymptomatic.

What is dangerous? In women, the cervix and the inner layer of the uterus are affected, the fallopian tubes, ovaries, urinary tract. The infection can even cause peritonitis!
Men suffer prostate, testicles and their appendages, urinary tract.

  • Mycoplasmosis (in men - ureaplasmosis)

Symptoms. It can detect itself 3 days after infection, and maybe even a month later, manifesting itching and discomfort in the genital area, scanty transparent secretions, painful urination.

What is dangerous? A frequent complication in women is inflammation of the genital organs, in men - a violation of spermatogenesis.

  • Gonorrhea

Symptoms. 3-7 days after infection, women develop a yellowish-greenish discharge from the vagina, rapid, painful, urination, pain in the lower abdomen, sometimes bloody issues. However, in most of the fairer sex, the disease goes unnoticed for a long time. Men have pain and burning sensation when urinating, yellowish-greenish purulent discharge from urethra.

What is dangerous? In women, the urethra, vagina, anus, uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes are affected. In men - internal genital organs, chronic inflammation of the epididymis, seminal vesicles, prostate develops, which threatens impotence, infertility.

  • Syphilis

Symptoms. The incubation period of the disease is 3 to 6 weeks. The first sign is a rounded sore (hard chancre). In women, it lives on the labia or vaginal mucosa (sometimes in the anus, in the mouth, on the lips), in men, on the penis or scrotum. By itself, it is painless, but a week or two after its appearance, the nearest lymph nodes increase.
This is the time to start treatment! This is the first stage of the disease, when it is still reversible.

2-4 months after infection, the second stage develops - a rash “spreads” all over the body, heat, headache almost all lymph nodes are enlarged.
In some patients, hair falls out on the head, wide condylomas grow on the genitals and in the anus.

What is dangerous? This disease is called slow death: if not fully cured in time, serious problems arise with musculoskeletal system, irreversible changes occur in the internal organs, the nervous system - the third stage of the disease begins, in which about a quarter of patients die.

Forget about the Internet!

Did you notice that something is wrong? It is better to play it safe and hurry to the doctor, rather than looking on the Internet for symptoms and treatments.

How is an STD diagnosed? First - an examination by a doctor, then - tests and studies. Most modern method DNA diagnostics: PCR (polymerase chain reaction). For research, scrapings are taken from the urethra, vagina and cervix.

Doctors also use the ELISA method (blood is taken from a vein or a scraping is done and the presence of antibodies to STDs is determined), bacterioscopy (most often it detects gonococci and Trichomonas) and many other diagnostic methods.

Treat STDs with antibiotics and local procedures(washing the urethra in men, sanitation of the vagina in women and other procedures).
At the end of the course of treatment, it is imperative to undergo a control examination - to pass several tests to make sure that there is no infection in the body.

What is important to know

  • Is it possible to get infected in a bath or pool?

In fact, the likelihood of catching an STD household way very low. Microorganisms that cause sexually transmitted diseases are unstable during external environment. In the pool, for example, it is almost impossible to pick up such an infection (unlike fungal or intestinal). Even if an HIV-infected or syphilis patient swims in the water next to you, chlorinated water will quickly kill pathogens.

However, in public toilets if surfaces are not monitored there, there is a risk of infection with the papillomavirus or herpes virus. But the classic venereal diseases - syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhea and trichomoniasis - require contact with blood or mucous membranes.
The exception is syphilis: it can be transmitted through saliva if you use the same dishes with the patient and do not wash them well. So, in any case, you should not forget about the rules of hygiene.

Keep in mind: on a short time microorganisms that cause "bad" infections can survive on warm, damp clothes. Therefore, in the bath or pool (and at home too), do not use someone else's wet towel, washcloth or other personal hygiene items.

  • Symptoms of sexual disease appear immediately?

Not always. At good immunity an illness (such as chlamydia) can go years without symptoms. The person may not even know they are sick. AND the only way identify such a latent infection - laboratory tests.

The first signs of infection in women are unusual discharge from the vagina. In men, urethritis (inflammation of the urethra). Its symptoms are urinary incontinence and purulent discharge. All other symptoms (rashes, swollen lymph nodes, etc.) appear when the infection has already spread in the body.

Yes. If it is of good quality, has not expired, is properly sized and used correctly, then the risk of contracting most STDs is reduced to zero.
The exception is external warts and severe herpetic infection.

Incidentally, nonoxynol-9 spermicidal lubricant used on condoms does not protect against STDs, according to a 2001 WHO report. By damaging cell membranes, nonoxynol-9 spares neither spermatozoa, nor infections, nor the mucous membranes of the genital organs. By damaging the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix, nonoxynol-9 "opens the gate" to infections.

Although the condom is not ideal remedy protection against STDs, it is considered the most effective. Therefore, it is necessary to use condoms for all types of sex: vaginal, anal and oral.
In order not to increase the risks, you should buy condoms only in reputable pharmacies. To avoid damaging the condom, do not open the package with a file or fingernails.

It must be remembered: a condom can only be used with special lubricants. Ordinary creams and ointments are not suitable for this.
A common mistake is to use birth control candles with a condom, vaginal tablets or spermicidal creams. Gynecologists warn that these drugs disrupt the microflora of the vagina and provoke the development of candidiasis (thrush). Thus, instead of getting rid of problems, you can acquire them.

If you want to protect yourself as much as possible, it is enough to use a condom correctly and follow personal hygiene measures. High degree of protection and practically complete absence side effects is a definite plus of condoms. However, it should be remembered that the condom can break, in which case you should have emergency prophylaxis on hand.

used and emergency drug prophylaxis- single dose or injection antibacterial drugs which can only be prescribed by a dermatovenereologist. The procedure helps to prevent gonorrhea, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, syphilis and trichomoniasis. But this method should not be used frequently.

But you should not count on various gels, suppositories and vaginal tablets in terms of protection against STDs. These products contain spermicidal substances in not enough to secure at least 80-90%. In addition, the causative agents of many STDs do not live in seminal fluid, but on the genitals and are insensitive to spermicides.
The same applies to douching after intercourse with special gels or chlorine-containing antiseptics.

Sexually transmitted diseases are dangerous, primarily due to complications: infertility, impotence, chronic inflammatory processes, lesions nervous system And internal organs. Wrong treatment, ignoring symptoms, neglecting preventive measures can adversely affect your health.

What can be done in an emergency?

So, what to do after unprotected intercourse if you have no confidence in the health of your partner?

  • Urinate profusely.
  • Wash hands and external genitalia with soap.
  • Treat the genitals, pubis and thighs with an antiseptic (miramistin, chlorhexidine and others). This technique helps to reduce the risk of STDs by 80-90%. But not 100%. So the best prevention- a condom and common sense.
  • If it is not possible to visit a doctor in the next 24 hours, take a “shock” dose of antibiotics.
  • Seek medical attention as soon as possible.

It makes sense to see a doctor within 5 days of having unprotected sex. There is an emergency drug treatment, which can prevent the development of syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia and other sexual diseases.
But it will not help against HIV and the human papillomavirus (HPV).
Blood for hepatitis, syphilis and HIV is taken 3 months after contact. It makes no sense to be examined before: antibodies to these diseases do not appear in the blood immediately after infection.

Following these precautions will reduce the likelihood of infection and the severity of its possible consequences.

The sexual freedom that a modern person is accustomed to using has its own “pitfalls”: according to WHO, at present, every tenth, including children and the elderly, suffer from one or another STD. Every 15 seconds, someone in the world is diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection. In order to maintain your health and not endanger your partner, timely prevention and treatment are required.

The constant increase in the number of sexually transmitted diseases does not indicate the complexity of prevention, but the irresponsible attitude of most people to their health and their ignorance in this matter. Often, patients are embarrassed to see a doctor when symptoms occur and try to get by with folk remedies. This is fraught with irreversible consequences for their health.

The only effective folk remedy protection against STDs is complete sexual abstinence:).
Plus: it's free. Minus: does not exclude the possibility of infection by domestic means and in case of violence.
Based on materials

How many times have they told the world, but only things are still there - it is a quote from two well-known fables at once that can most clearly characterize the situation with venereal diseases in Russia. According to the Ministry of Health, chlamydia is second only to the flu in terms of prevalence. Why it happens? What are the first signs venereal diseases? Are there reliable methods of treatment and prevention? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article. For convenience, the material is supplemented with video and photos.

Features of venereal diseases

Sexually transmitted infections are insidious. The incubation period of some of them ranges from several weeks to 2 months. That is, a person can be a carrier and be completely unaware of it. Most of the men who applied to the Dermatovenerologic Dispensary are 100% sure of their partner, and only after examining the woman with whom they had sexual contact, the source of infection is revealed.

Another insidiousness of sexually transmitted diseases is the transition from acute stage into chronic. In other words, the virus can suddenly stop causing anxiety for the patient, creating the illusion of recovery (miraculous healing). In this case, the risk of infection of an unsuspecting partner increases.

What are the main signs associated with STDs? There are several of them:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • pain and pain when urinating;
  • the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the penis;
  • more frequent urges to urination;
  • inflammation of adjacent lymph nodes.

For various diseases sexually transmitted diseases are characterized by their own symptoms.

Major sexually transmitted diseases and their symptoms

The World Health Organization (WHO) identifies over 30 sexually transmitted diseases. For Russia, only a few of them pose the greatest danger. Signs, including in pictures, and treatment features will be discussed below.

AIDS - signs and consequences

HIV infection is not scary, except perhaps for small children. adult people know about the disease, have an idea about protection, but the number of infected is growing rapidly. This is largely due to the long incubation period, up to several years. That is, a person can long time not suspect that he has AIDS and infect other people. External signs characteristic of AIDS:

  1. IN initial stage HIV infection is strikingly similar to the flu: a sharp, unreasonable rise in temperature, pain in muscles and bones.
  2. Often the disease is accompanied by rashes different color on the skin, fungal infections in oral cavity and on the genitals.
  3. Weakened immunity is not only fraught with endless colds but also the development of cancerous tumors.

A person with AIDS complains of a constant decline in strength, quickly gets tired. A blood test for HIV is required to make a diagnosis. Moreover, if you have an active sex life with different partners, you need to take such tests at least twice a year. This will allow you to start treatment already on early stages and increase the likelihood of infection suppression. Be attentive to your health, remember that the death rate from AIDS has increased by 7.4% in recent years.

Read also: Ulcers on the penis: causes and treatment

Chlamydia - description and first signs

This venereal disease has incubation period up to a month. At the very beginning of development, at the moment of weakening of the body, it is manifested by cystitis, pneumonia, conjunctiva, arthritis. The patient, instead of being examined, begins to treat these diseases on his own, allowing the infection to get stronger. In the future, chlamydia manifests itself in men with the following symptoms:

  • increase in body temperature up to 37.5 C;
  • constant weakness, fast fatiguability after physical exertion;
  • mucous discharge from the urethra, often with impurities of pus and an unpleasant odor;
  • admixture of blood during ejaculation or urination, the processes themselves are accompanied by itching and pain;
  • redness of the glans penis near the opening of the urethra;
  • pain in the lower back, knees, hip joints.

If you have at least one symptom, you should consult a doctor. Most men are embarrassed to visit the dermatovenerological office, they independently take loading doses antibiotics, hoping for self-medication. This is a big mistake. Really, unpleasant symptoms may pass, but the infection remains in the body. Later, it will manifest itself with greater force than the first time.

Trichomoniasis - features of the course in men

The insidiousness of this venereal disease lies in the weak severity of the first signs. And the incubation period is quite long, up to 3 weeks. It is impossible to independently understand when a disease appears: a weakening of the body lowers resistance to pathogens, often they are activated simultaneously. Eventually clinical picture mixed and reveal venereal disease is possible only according to the results of research.

What are the main signs of the body signals about trichomoniasis?

There are several of them:

  • mild pain when urinating, stinging or burning;
  • urge to urinate in morning time but no urine
  • mucous discharge in a small amount (literally a few drops).

If you do not start treatment, the symptoms gradually disappear and the patient calms down. At the same time, he remains a carrier of infection and poses a danger to a partner in sexual intercourse. Another unpleasant consequence of this sexually transmitted disease is prostate cancer, the likelihood of which increases by 2 times. Trichomoniasis provokes the development of prostatitis, urethritis and infertility in a man.

Treatment is with antibiotics a wide range action, drawing antimicrobial formulations. Simultaneously with the treatment of the man himself, an examination of his permanent sexual partner is also carried out.

Gonorrhea in men - signs and features

A venereal disease can hide in the body for a week, and only then manifest itself. At the same time, gonorrhea, and this is what the people call this infection, is most pronounced in men than in women.

What symptoms to look out for:

  1. The most characteristic is mild itching when urinating. It does not bring much anxiety, it is often compared with a "tickle".
  2. Feeling of heat inside the head and at its end.
  3. The mouth of the urethra may stick together, a sick man notices swelling in this place and slight redness.
  4. Often, especially in the morning, you can notice the discharge gray color with an unpleasant odor.

In some cases, the described symptoms are minor, may be absent altogether and appear several weeks after infection, but in a more severe form. With self-treatment, the appearance of recovery comes, in fact, a sexually transmitted disease in men turns into chronic stage which is difficult to cure.

Syphilis - symptoms and consequences for men

One of the most ancient sexually transmitted diseases, which is still infected by people through sexual intercourse. The danger and insidiousness of the infection lies in the fact that it occurs in two stages, the first often having no pronounced symptoms.

STDs can become an unpleasant surprise after a holiday romance or a romantic adventure with a stranger. The topic is quite sensitive, so people tend not to rush to see a doctor. but venereal symptoms which may or may not be present can lead to very backfire.

Today, more than 20 of them are known. The most common STDs are chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, trichomoniasis, genital herpes, hepatitis, genital warts and, of course, the most formidable - HIV.

The problem is that women don't always show up. Often they do not even realize that they are infected and continue to transmit the infection to their sexual partners, and sometimes to relatives in the household.

The disease, in its asymptomatic course, causes the body no less harm than in the presence of severe symptoms. Without timely therapy, it becomes chronic, which is more difficult to diagnose and treat. It can manifest itself as periodic exacerbations with a decrease in immunity.

So, how do sexually transmitted diseases manifest themselves? Symptoms in women depend on the body and have different severity. STDs can manifest themselves in the following ways:

  • redness, itching, burning, soreness and swelling of the genitals;
  • unusual discharge (copious, purulent, having bad smell and strange color, foamy, etc.);
  • painful and;
  • the appearance of ulcers, rashes, neoplasms on the genitals;
  • abdominal pain;
  • cycle disorders;
  • pain during sex.

Even the presence of one of these symptoms is a reason to see a doctor. By the way, inflammation also manifests itself in a similar way. genitourinary system caused not by STDs, but by the usual conditionally pathogenic flora. It is impossible to distinguish them only by symptoms, therefore it is necessary to visit a gynecologist or venereologist.

Treatment can be prescribed only after the pathogen is established. Quite often there is a combination of several diseases. Therefore, it is usually carried out in the presence of symptoms complete diagnostics.

Today, crops and PCR are used to detect sexually transmitted diseases in women. Symptoms can only indirectly indicate specific pathogens. For example, the presence of ulcers is characteristic of genital herpes and trichomoniasis, and the appearance of an odor in the secretions rotten fish- for gardnerella.

PCR is highly accurate and is able to detect even one pathogen DNA in the material. With the help of crops, you can determine the number of microorganisms and the drugs to which they are sensitive. The main disadvantage of the method is a very long analysis, about a week.

To detect HIV, hepatitis and syphilis, it is usually given. These are the most formidable diseases that can even lead to death of a person without treatment.

Sexually transmitted diseases in women are especially dangerous for reproductive function. Their symptoms disappear without treatment, but chronic inflammation remains. They eventually lead to the formation of adhesions, pathological changes in the mucous membranes, can periodically worsen, this is especially dangerous during pregnancy, as it can lead to its pathologies and even miscarriage.

Quite often, it leads to infertility in which its bearing becomes problematic. Indolent inflammation of the ovaries disrupts their functioning, calls into question the possibility of pregnancy and worsens the condition women's health.

However, the most common complication of STDs, especially chlamydia, is obstruction of the fallopian tubes. It occurs when there are adhesions in them and in the small pelvis. With this pathology, either fertilization is not possible at all, or an ectopic pregnancy occurs, threatening the woman's life.

So, sexually transmitted diseases in women, whose symptoms may be absent, must be treated. Otherwise, they can lead to infertility, chronic inflammation, pelvic pain, even cancer and death.

The beginning of an active sexual life is always associated with the fear of contracting various sexual infections.

In this regard, young people are interested in two main questions:

  1. I. what are the symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases and
  2. II. after how many symptoms of venereological diseases appear.

Let's consider these problems.

The first symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases

All infections that are transmitted primarily through sexual contact can be combined into a group of sexually transmitted diseases.

And, lead to the defeat of the genital and urinary organs.

The earliest symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases can be:

  1. I. Discharge from the genital tract. Normally, vaginal discharge is light (white or mucous), odorless, not plentiful. A change in one of these signs may indicate infection with a sexually transmitted disease. If the discharge has acquired a yellowish or greenish tint, this may indicate bacterial pathogen. BUT copious discharge milky gray may indicate a gonorrhea or trichomonas infection. The smell is also important. Many patients note that they feel a "sour" smell. This indicates the presence of gardnerellosis, trichomoniasis or mixed infection. Even very abundant mucous discharge, which was not previously observed, may indicate latent infections. For example, about ureaplasmosis or mycoplasmosis.
  1. II. Unpleasant sensations in the vagina: itching, burning, discomfort when walking and during sex. Combination of vaginal itching and white curdled secretions are almost always a manifestation of a fungal infection.
  2. III. Burning when urinating, feeling of "sticking" of the urethra, frequent and painful urination. All this may indicate an infection in the urinary system.
  3. IV. Pain in the lower abdomen and appendages- These are symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases, which most often occur hidden. For example, chlamydia, urea- and mycoplasmosis.
  4. V. Appearance on the labia, in the urethra, anus, on inner surface hips of any neoplasms. It can be vesicles, tubercles, sores, just reddened areas of the skin. Such manifestations are more characteristic of viral infections - herpesvirus, papillomavirus.

Unfortunately, some infections

And the first complaint of patients is the inability to get pregnant.

The term "venereal diseases", widely used in Soviet times in relation to syphilis and gonorrhea, is gradually being replaced by a more correct one - diseases (infections) that are predominantly sexually transmitted.

This is because many of these diseases are also transmitted by parenteral and vertical routes (that is, through blood, raw instruments, from mother to fetus, and so on).

Eight venereal disease pathogens are the most common and are associated with the majority of diagnosed STDs. STDs are mainly contracted during sex (vaginal, anal, oral).

  • Show all

    1. Key facts about STDs

    1. 1 More than 1 million new cases of sexually transmitted diseases are registered daily worldwide.
    2. 2 Every year there are 357 million new cases of 1 of 4 sexually transmitted infections worldwide: chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis and trichomoniasis.
    3. 3 WHO estimates that about half a billion people worldwide are infected with the genital herpes virus.
    4. 4 More than 290 million women are infected with papillomaviruses.
    5. 5 Most STDs are not accompanied by severe symptoms and are asymptomatic.
    6. 6 Some sexually transmitted infections (herpesvirus type 2, syphilis) may increase the chance of transmission of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
    7. 7 Beyond negative impact on the body and triggering a chronic infectious and inflammatory process, venereal diseases can cause serious reproductive disorders.

    Table 1 - The most common STD pathogens

    2. Bacterial STIs

    2.1. Chlamydia

    - a disease caused by Chlamydia Ch. trachomatis serovars D-K. Chlamydia is one of the most common STIs. Most often, the infection is diagnosed in young patients (15-24 years).

    In women, chlamydia is more often asymptomatic (80% of patients are not bothered by anything). Only half of men infected with chlamydia may experience genital and urinary symptoms.

    Most typical symptoms that accompany chlamydial infection: pain, cramps in the urethra during urination, the appearance of a mucous or purulent yellow discharge from the urethra (in women - from the vagina).

    2.2. Gonorrhea

    venereal disease, caused by Neisser's gonococci and accompanied by lesions of the genital organs, rectum, in some cases rear wall throats.

    In men, the disease is accompanied by a burning sensation in the urethra during urination, the appearance of white, yellowish or green discharge from the urethral canal (often the secret is collected during the night and it maximum amount excreted before the first urination), swelling and tenderness of the testicles.

    Some men gonorrhea is asymptomatic. Most women infected with N. gonorrhea do not complain about their health. Symptoms in women can be pain, burning in the urethra during urination, the appearance of discharge, bleeding between periods.

    Rectal infection occurs during unprotected anal sex and is accompanied by itching, burning, pain in the anus, the appearance of discharge, blood from the rectum.

    2.3. Mycoplasmosis

    Not all mycoplasmas are pathogenic. At the moment, only infection requires mandatory treatment, as they are often the cause of non-gonococcal urethritis, vaginitis, cervicitis, PID.

    M. hominis, Ureaplasma urealyticum, Ureaplasma parvum are also found in healthy men and women, however, in the presence of predisposing factors, they can cause diseases of the urogenital area.

    2.4. chancroid

    Chancroid (causative agent - Haemophilus ducreyi) - endemic, registered predominantly in the countries of Africa, the Caribbean, South-West Asia. For European countries, only periodic outbreaks (imported cases) are typical.

    The disease is accompanied by the appearance of painful ulcers on the genitals, an increase in regional lymph nodes. H. ducreyi infection increases the chance of human immunodeficiency virus transmission.

    Figure 1 - In the area of ​​the penis, at the base of the head, an early chancroid is determined. In the right inguinal region - regional increase inguinal lymph nodes.

    2.5. Inguinal granuloma

    Inguinal granuloma (synonym - donovanosis, causative agent - Calymmatobacterium granulomatis) - chronic bacterial infection, which usually affects the skin and mucous membranes in the groin and genitals.

    Nodular seals appear on the skin and mucous membranes, which then ulcerate. Ulcers may gradually grow.

    Inguinal granuloma in temperate countries is rare and is most typical for South countries. Africa, Australia, South. America. Most often the disease is diagnosed in patients aged 20-40 years.

    Figure 2 - Inguinal granuloma.

    2.6. Venereal granuloma

    - damage to the inguinal lymph nodes that develops as a result of infection with serovars L1 - L3 Chlamydia trachomatis. The disease is endemic to Africa, Southeast Asia, India, South. America. Over the past 10 years, there has been an increase in the incidence in the North. America, Europe.

    The patient is concerned about ulcerative defects on the skin of the genitals, which are then supplemented by an increase in the lymph nodes in the groin area, an increase in body temperature. Patients may also experience ulceration of the rectum, which leads to pain in the anus, perineum, the appearance of discharge, blood from the anus.

    2.7. Syphilis

    - a highly contagious (contagious) sexually transmitted disease, which is characterized by a staged course. In the early stages, a chancre is formed in the genital area, oropharynx, etc. The ulcer closes over time.

    After a short period of time, a rash appears on the patient's body, which is not accompanied by itching. The rash can appear on the palms, soles, and then spread to any part of the body.

    In case of untimely therapy for late stages there is irreversible damage to internal organs, including the nervous system.

    Figure 3 - The figure in the upper left corner shows the causative agent of syphilis. In the left bottom corner- chancre (ulcer), which is formed at the first stage of the disease. IN right half- type of rash characteristic of secondary syphilis.

    3. Trichomoniasis

    - protozoal STI, in which the tissues of the vagina and urethra are involved in inflammation. Every year 174 million new cases of trichomoniasis are registered in the world.

    Only 1/3 of infected patients have any signs of trichomoniasis: burning, itching in the vagina, urethra, fetid yellow-green discharge from the genital tract, pain during urination. In men, the listed symptoms may be accompanied by complaints of pain and swelling of the scrotum.

    4. Candidiasis

    infection caused by yeast fungi of the genus Candida. There are more than 20 species of Candida that can cause infection, but the most common pathogen candidiasis is Candida albicans (Candida albicans).

    The disease does not belong to STDs, but is often transmitted by unprotected sex.

    Normally, candida lives in the intestines, on the skin and mucous membranes. healthy person and do not cause disease. With concomitant chronic diseases, inadequate antibiotic therapy, immunodeficiency, unprotected sexual contact with the patient, fungal colonies grow and local inflammation develops.

    Vaginal candidiasis is accompanied by a feeling of itching, burning in the vulva and vagina, pain, discomfort during sex, the appearance of pain during urination, the appearance of a white cheesy discharge from the genital tract.

    In men, candida often causes balanitis and balanoposthitis (itching, redness, peeling foreskin and glans penis).

    5. Viral sexual infections

    5.1. Genital herpes

    Genital herpes (HSV, HSV type 2) is one of the most common STDs. Most often, genital herpes develops as a result of infection with a virus. herpes simplex 2 types. Most patients are not aware that they have an infection.

    The virus is transmitted during unprotected sexual contact, regardless of whether the carrier has symptoms. After entering the body, the virus migrates along the nerve endings and can be in a "sleeping" state for a long time.

    When weakened immune system the patient experiences a reverse migration of the virus to the skin and the development of symptoms of genital herpes: redness of the skin of the genitals, the appearance of small bubbles filled with a clear liquid.

    Such vesicles burst, a superficial ulcer forms, which heals within a few days. Rashes are painful, may be accompanied by an increase in body temperature, an increase in inguinal lymph nodes.

    Figure 4 - Rashes with genital herpes.

    5.2. Papillomaviruses

    Genital papillomas (HPV, HPV, papillomavirus infection) is a disease accompanied by the formation of growths (papillomas) on the skin of the genital organs. Throughout life, almost all people become infected with one of the subtypes of the human papillomavirus.

    Infection with HPV types 6 and 11 is not always accompanied by the appearance of papillomas. In women, papillomas occur more often than in men.

    They are small skin growths on a thin stalk, often skin-colored, soft in texture. Some subtypes of the virus (16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, etc.) can lead to the development of cervical cancer. HPV vaccines have been developed.

    Figure 5 - Genital papillomas.

    5.3. Hepatitis B

    Hepatitis B (HBV, HBV)– viral defeat liver, accompanied by inflammation, death of hepatocytes, development of fibrosis. In addition to sexual contact, the hepatitis B virus can be transmitted through blood transfusion, hemodialysis, from mother to fetus, accidental injections with infected needles from syringes (more often among medical staff, drug addicts), tattooing, piercing using poorly sterilized materials.

    The disease may occur in acute form accompanied by impaired liver function varying degrees(mild to severe, including acute liver failure), the development of jaundice skin, general weakness, darkening of urine, the occurrence of nausea, vomiting.

    At chronic hepatitis The liver tissue undergoes fibrosis. Infection increases the risk of developing liver cancer.

    5.4. HIV infection

    - a retrovirus that is transmitted sexually, parenterally (when the blood of an infected patient enters the recipient's bloodstream) and vertically (from mother to fetus) routes. After entering the human body, the virus mainly infects lymphocytes, leading to a decrease in their number and weakening of the immune system.

    Currently, when lifelong antiretroviral therapy is prescribed, viral replication can be stopped, thereby maintaining normal immune status patient.

    With an untimely start of treatment, refusal of therapy, the level of lymphocytes decreases significantly, and the likelihood of developing opportunistic diseases (infections that are extremely rarely recorded in people without impaired immune status) increases.

    6. The main symptoms of STDs

    In menAmong women
    Pain, cutting in the urethra during urination
    Itching in the head, urethraItching in the vagina, urethra
    Increased urinationIncreased urination
    Enlarged inguinal lymph nodes
    Pain in the rectum, discharge from the anus
    Vaginal bleeding between periods
    pain, discomfort during sex
    Table 2 - Main symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases

    7. Diagnostics

    1. 1 If the symptoms described above appear, suspected STDs, casual unprotected sex, it is recommended to contact a urologist or venereologist, a woman is also recommended to consult a gynecologist. After initial examination the patient is referred for a series of examinations that allow to identify genital infections and prescribe adequate treatment.
    2. 2 Initial examination by a doctor. In men, the scrotum, penis, penis head, and, if necessary, the rectum are examined. A gynecologist performs an external examination of the genital organs, examination of the vagina and cervix with mirrors.
    3. 3 During the initial examination, a smear can be taken from the urethra, vagina, followed by staining with dyes and microscopy.
    4. 4 Sowing a smear on nutrient media for cultivating the pathogen and determining its sensitivity to antibacterial drugs.
    5. 5 Direction of the smear material from the urethra / vagina for molecular genetic diagnosis (determination of the DNA of the main pathogens of STDs by PCR).
    6. 6 To identify some STDs (hepatitis B and C, HIV, syphilis, etc.) venous blood and its direction for serodiagnosis (enzymatic immunoassay to determine antibodies to the causative agent of the disease), PCR diagnostics.

    Figure 6 - A sample of the results of determining the DNA of pathological microorganisms in a smear from the urethra by PCR (DNA of the main pathogens was not detected in the scraping from the urethra).

    8. Most common complications

    Due to the fact that most STDs are asymptomatic in the early stages, it is not uncommon for patients to see a doctor late. Most frequent complications venereal diseases are:

    1. 1 Chronic pelvic pain syndrome.
    2. 2 Complications of pregnancy (miscarriages, premature birth, syndrome of intrauterine growth retardation, infection of the newborn - pneumonia, conjunctivitis, etc.).
    3. 3 Conjunctivitis (inflammation of the outer shell of the eye).
    4. 4 Arthritis (inflammation of the joints).
    5. 5 Female and male infertility.
    6. 6
      In menAmong women
      Pain, cutting in the urethra during urinationPain, cutting in the urethra during urination
      Itching in the head, urethraItching in the vagina, urethra
      Increased urinationIncreased urination
      The appearance of discharge from the urethra (mucous, yellowish, green)The appearance of discharge from the vagina
      Enlarged inguinal lymph nodesEnlarged inguinal lymph nodes
      Swelling, pain in the scrotum, inflammation of the testiclesVaginal bleeding between periods
      Pain in the rectum, discharge from the anusPain in the rectum, discharge from the anus
      The appearance of ulcers on the genitalsVaginal bleeding between periods
      Redness of the head of the penis, the appearance of plaque on the headChronic pain in the lower abdomen
      Pain, discomfort during sexPain, discomfort during sex