Sanatorium and resort provision for military pensioners in the city. Registration of applications for sanatorium-resort treatment. The list of required documents includes

Sanatorium-resort treatment provided to military pensioners, military personnel and members of their families is one of the social guarantees established by the state. In April 2016, new rules for the registration and use of this type of benefits, reflected in the documents of the RF Armed Forces, came into force. Adjustments have been made to the procedure for providing military personnel with sanatorium and resort treatment, its types and categories of military beneficiaries have been streamlined. The legal acts of the Ministry of Defense reflect the principles of compensation for the costs of rest and treatment of military personnel and members of their families, and also set out in detail the application submission scheme and outline the package of documents necessary to receive benefits.

Studying the legal framework will help you understand who and under what conditions are entitled to sanatorium and resort provision in medical organizations of the Ministry of Defense in 2019, in which cases rest and treatment will be free, and when only part of the costs are reimbursed, and how to correctly register the benefit.

The legislative framework

Documents related to providing military personnel with the opportunity to rest and restore health can be conditionally divided into those that secure this right, contain a list of preferential categories and requirements for applicants for the provision of guarantees, and papers regulating the procedure for obtaining benefits and processing documents.

The first group includes:

  • “Law on the status of military personnel” (No. 76 Federal Law);
  • “Law on Veterans” (No. 5 Federal Law);
  • Presidential Decree on Military Service (No. 1237);
  • a number of Ministry of Defense documents issued within individual departments and service areas.

The second is Order 333 of the Ministry of Defense, the last adjustments to it were made in March 2016.

Since the main task that this benefit should solve is to improve the health of military personnel, among the main documents one cannot fail to mention the legal acts of the Ministry of Health and Social Development, namely Order 328 (12/29/2004) and the “Law on Social Assistance” No. 178 Federal Law (07/17/99) .

The provision of benefits depends on two factors:

  • whether the serviceman is classified in one of the categories approved by law;
  • Are there medical indications for treatment?

The opportunity for free periodic visits to departmental sanatoriums is available only to those categories of military personnel listed in the laws. It is there that one should look for the answer: is sanatorium-resort treatment appropriate for a military pensioner, a combat veteran, the widow or wife of a serviceman, his children, and so on.

The last criterion is the main one when determining the type of collateral.

Differences in sanatorium and resort provision for military personnel

There are a large number of medical institutions under the Ministry of Defense.

These include:

  • hospitals;
  • clinics;
  • sanatoriums;
  • recreation centers;
  • boarding houses.

With a doctor's prescription, active military personnel, military retirees and their families can combine vacations in Defense Department sanatoriums with additional treatment or rehabilitation. Benefits in this case will be provided by providing a referral to a specialized organization.

Among the existing sanatoriums under the Ministry of Defense there are resorts and boarding houses specializing in:

  • treatment of the musculoskeletal system;
  • prevention and treatment of respiratory organs;
  • restoration of the nervous system;
  • treatment and prevention of the gastrointestinal tract, etc.

The geography of health resorts in the Moscow Region is quite extensive - they are located in Crimea, Sochi and the Krasnodar Territory, in the Far East and North Caucasus, on the Volga and in the Moscow region. This allows military personnel to choose a suitable climate zone for rest and treatment, depending on medical purposes or personal preferences.

Important! When issuing a voucher, medical contraindications that the person liable for military service have are taken into account.

In addition to treatment, the Ministry of Defense provides military personnel with the opportunity to relax at existing bases/rest homes. A tourist voucher can be obtained at any time of the year, based on the type of activity that the military man and his family prefer. Recreation centers offer excursion tours, boat trips, programs for lovers of skiing, cycling, river rafting, fishing and the like.

Certain organizations of the Ministry of Defense are engaged in providing children's recreation during the holidays.

A complete list of sanatorium and resort events is contained on the Ministry of Defense portal:

  • sanatoriums;
  • rest houses ;
  • recreation centers;
  • children's centers

Who is entitled to free holidays in sanatoriums of the Russian Ministry of Defense

Discount vouchers are provided to military personnel on a paid basis, while the Ministry of Defense compensates employees for part of their vacation costs. Some employees of military departments are entitled to sanatorium-resort treatment free of charge.

The right to free trips through the Social Insurance Fund is provided for:

  • disabled people and WWII veterans, as well as WWII participants;
  • military personnel who have the title of Hero of the Russian Federation and the USSR, Social. Labor;
  • military, awarded the Order of Labor Glory;
  • citizens who survived the siege of Leningrad and have the appropriate sign;
  • disabled war veterans;
  • combat veterans and participants in battles in Afghanistan (1979-1989).

If a military man belonging to the above category has issued cash payments, then the vouchers are provided to him at full cost.

It is understood that he must pay from the social benefits he receives.

Through the military department, the following categories can benefit from sanatorium-resort treatment free of charge:

  • children of contract military personnel in active units (except for members of permanent military units, if their service began on 01/01/04, and cadets);
  • children of military pensioners who left the army due to length of service;
  • family members of military officers, if the latter died during their service (those who lost their breadwinner, retired parents or disabled people);
  • family members of a deceased military pensioner, if during his lifetime he had this benefit (he was a veteran of the Second World War, a disabled war veteran, a war veteran, a siege survivor, and so on);
  • disabled parents, spouses of military personnel listed as missing after the North Caucasus conflict (from 08/01/99);
  • widows/widowers and parents of military personnel who died during the sinking of the cruiser Kursk.

This list is supplemented if the serviceman is sent to undergo rehabilitation by a medical institution after being in a hospital. The vouchers are paid, but the department reimburses 100% of their cost.

The following are entitled to benefits on this basis:

  • contract soldiers serving in permanent readiness units, regardless of the date of their entry into service;
  • conscripts;
  • cadets;
  • military pensioners;
  • civil servants under the military department.

When a serviceman is entitled to spa treatment for several different reasons, he has the right to use only one. Meanwhile, it is permissible to choose the basis for which the conditions for providing benefits are most beneficial to the recipient.

Conditions for providing benefits to military pensioners and reservists

Receiving social guarantees, including the organization of recreation and treatment, is not available to every military man who has retired to the reserve and received pensioner status.

Taking on the obligation to provide resort facilities for military pensioners and military personnel transferred to the reserve, the Ministry of Defense puts forward a number of requirements for applicants for benefits. Only if they are observed, the department will reimburse its former employees for vacation costs.

To take advantage of the benefit for sanatorium treatment, military pensioners must have:

  • preferential service of at least 20 years in the ranks of the RF Armed Forces or law enforcement agencies upon dismissal on the grounds stated below, or the duration of service was 25 years or more;
  • a certain basis for dismissal from the army (poor health, age limit, dismissal, staff changes in the unit);
  • illness or injury acquired during military operations, resulting in a military disability;
  • direction of the medical department of the Moscow Region;
  • appointment for health improvement from the attending physician indicating the absence of contraindications (certificate No. 070/U-04).

Those military pensioners who have been assigned by a commission for treatment and rehabilitation based on the list of diseases recommended by the Ministry of Defense can count on reimbursement of costs.

List of diseases requiring referral to sanatorium-resort treatment

CirculationRecovery after:
myocardial infarction and severe operations on the heart and blood vessels;
acute rheumatic fever;
non-rheumatic myocarditis;
hypertensive crisis.

Exacerbation of coronary heart disease.

DigestionTransfer of acute gastrointestinal diseases:
stomach ulcers;
diseases of the esophagus and duodenum;
hepatitis A;
Acute course of chronic gastrointestinal diseases:
peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum;
ulcerative colitis;
Crohn's disease;
Recovery after surgical intervention in the gastrointestinal tract.
BreathAfter suffering from acute illnesses:
purulent diseases of the lungs and pleura.
In case of exacerbation of chronic respiratory diseases:
obstructive pulmonary disease;
bronchial asthma.
After surgery, including operations related to the treatment of wounds and injuries.
Nervous systemTransfer:
acute diseases of the nervous system;
vascular diseases of the brain and spinal cord;
surgical intervention in the functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system;
ischemic attack;
consequences resulting from wounds and injuries.
Musculoskeletal systemRecovery after:
operations performed on bones, muscles, joints, tendons, skin;
exacerbation of chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
Endocrine systemTreatment of eating disorders, metabolic disorders, diseases of the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus, menopausal syndrome;
Genitourinary systemTransfer/treatment of acute chronic disease:
After surgical intervention in the genitourinary system.
After infertility treatment using IVF.
VisionImpaired vision or motor functions of the eyes as a result of:
acute or chronic disease of the visual organs;
trauma, wounds and burns;
HearingHearing impairment as a result of:
acute or chronic disease;
undergoing surgery on one or both eyes.

The Ministry of Defense compensates for sanatorium-resort treatment only in subordinate institutions.

The law does not provide for the provision of military pensioners with free travel vouchers or reimbursement of costs for recreation/treatment in civilian sanatoriums.

In addition to military pensioners themselves, their relatives can take advantage of preferential holidays.

  • spouse;
  • minor children;
  • disabled parents;
  • adult children who received a disability before reaching 18 years of age or under 23 years of age and studying full-time;
  • dependent relatives.

In addition, if a pensioner is a disabled person of group I and needs an accompanying person, the latter is provided with a separate paid voucher.

By providing benefits, the department compensates vacationers not only for food and accommodation, but also for travel costs. See terms and conditions for reimbursement of travel expenses.

Frequency of receiving benefits

As a general rule, beneficiaries who have legal grounds for sanatorium and resort benefits can use it once per year. Based on existing diseases, military personnel have the right to choose the place for treatment or recreation. On the portal of the Ministry of Defense and the websites of health resorts you can find out about the availability of places in departmental boarding houses.

If a serviceman was unable to take advantage of the benefit this year, it is not carried over to the next year.

Exceptions to the frequency rules:

  • the opportunity for treatment twice a year is given to group I disabled people;
  • active military personnel, when the medical commission insists on their treatment and rehabilitation more than once a year, are provided with preferential vouchers, in accordance with medical purposes.

Especially in the case of the consequences of injuries, injuries and illnesses that were directly caused by the performance of duties.

Benefits for a military sanatorium for civilian personnel

The conditions for providing treatment and recreation in departmental sanatoriums for civilian personnel in the law are determined by an agreement between the civil trade union organization of the RF Armed Forces and the Defense Ministry. The agreement is formalized in the form of an agreement.

Most often, annual vouchers are provided to civil servants at the Ministry of Defense on the terms of payment of 30% of their total cost.

The exception is the referral of civilian employees for treatment and rehabilitation according to the testimony of the military medical commission. In this case, the defense department assumes all costs.

For relatives of this category of employees, the cost of vacation will be equal to commercial.

The package of necessary documents will depend on the basis on which the military member is granted the benefit.

If a serviceman who has received a voucher cannot use it due to objective circumstances, he should contact the department with an application to cancel it. The reason for refusal must be valid. This way you can use the benefit at another time.

At the moment, the Ministry of Defense has begun implementing vouchers for 2019.

Typical problems

The main difficulties faced by military personnel who want to receive sanatorium and resort provision are related to justifying their rights to benefits, the availability of places in health resorts and the preparation of the necessary documents.

Often, military personnel who are legally obligated to pay for the vacation in full try to claim the benefit. For example, if a military pensioner does not have enough length of service, or the WBD receives a free voucher for himself and demands 100% compensation for his spouse and child.

This error is due to a misunderstanding of the law, and can be resolved by informing applicants. The law clearly defines the dependence of the amount of compensation for expenses on the category of the serviceman or his family members.

The largest number of errors during registration is associated with certificate No. 070/U-04. Military personnel, having received it, do not attach importance to the validity period of the document. It should be remembered that the certificate remains valid for six months after issue. After the specified time, the document must be issued again.

Since the Department of Sanatorium and Resort Services abandoned the allocation of places in departmental institutions and switched to a personal reservation system, military personnel have to literally “catch” free places in health resorts in order to issue a voucher. Especially difficulties arise for those who expect to relax during the holiday season. There are options for solving this problem, however, none of them have been implemented yet.

If you still have questions on the topic, or you encounter difficulties when applying for a voucher for sanatorium treatment, share your experience in the “Comments” field.

The health improvement of military pensioners is a standard procedure associated with the provision of social support and the provision of guarantees for obtaining mandatory benefits for the population. As part of the current program, citizens are issued special documents - vouchers to visit a certain sanatorium in the Russian Federation.

In fact, preferential provision of such vouchers is required to obtain mandatory medical services, which are aimed at maintaining the health of military pensioners, as well as providing subsequent rehabilitation in connection with the occurrence of complex health problems. Our article will be devoted to how sanatorium and resort provision will occur for military pensioners in 2019 and what procedure for issuing vouchers is provided today.

The social health program is aimed primarily at providing therapeutic measures for certain groups of people. In particular, we are talking about the following citizens:

  • people with health limitations, namely, disabled people of groups 1, 2 or 3, as well as people with disabilities since childhood;
  • WWII participants;
  • military personnel, officers;
  • disabled people from military events;
  • persons who received veteran status after participating in military events in hot spots;
  • family members of deceased disabled veterans of the Second World War;
  • persons affected by the impact of man-made disasters during the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and other facilities;
  • pensioners;
  • reserve officers and labor veterans;
  • persons holding the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Of course, citizens counting on receiving such benefits can only receive a voucher if there are certain medical indications for this. In addition, the applicant is required to submit an official application and prepare a complete package of documentation.

Who else can exercise this right?

In addition to the indicated persons, persons who do not have appropriate medical indications can take advantage of benefits. It is worth mentioning the following categories of citizens:

  • widows and widowers, if a serviceman died during or after performing his direct duties;
  • persons who served under a contract in the RF Armed Forces and have the status of military pensioners;
  • family members of military personnel, spouses and children, but provided that the latter have not reached the age of majority. The exceptions are children under 23 years of age who are full-time students and dependents;
  • military personnel who have retired to the reserve have the right to such a benefit if they have more than 20 years of service before retirement.

It should be noted that each of the listed citizens must provide appropriate documentation confirming their status, indicating the grounds for calculating benefits.

How is the cost of a trip to a sanatorium determined?

According to the order of the Ministry of Defense No. 333, benefits for vouchers to a sanatorium are provided no more than once a year. Discounts in this case are determined as follows:

  1. For contract employees, military school students and immediate relatives, there is a 100% discount.
  2. Military personnel of retirement age who have been transferred to the reserve can count on a 25% discount.
  3. If family members of citizens apply for a voucher, they will be able to receive a discount in the amount of 50% of the cost of the trip.
  4. Free vouchers are provided to Heroes of the Soviet Union, as well as to people who have a set of awards of all degrees. For family members of such citizens, discounts will be up to 25%.

A voucher is provided only by order issued by a special commission body. To do this, you will initially have to prepare special documents confirming that the applied pensioner needs mandatory treatment and rehabilitation. It is possible to obtain such papers through a clinic, where a citizen undergoes the necessary examination and various medical procedures.

How are vouchers distributed?

An important point when obtaining such a voucher is to obtain information about the availability of seats. As a rule, such information can be found on the official website of the Ministry of Defense. If there are free places in a suitable institution, you will need to contact the FSS or the Ministry of Defense with a package of mandatory documentation. It is these institutions that distribute vouchers.

In general, it is worth noting that the sequence of actions on the part of the applicant should be as follows:

  1. Visit a physician who is the citizen’s attending physician and inform him of your desire to visit the sanatorium. After that, get form No. 070/u-04 from him to fill out.
  2. Take your passport and certificate, and then go to the social security office or the municipality at your place of residence.
  3. Fill out an application in the established form for the purchase of a voucher and hand it over to its destination.
  4. Wait until they are added to the queue, and as it approaches, receive a referral for treatment.

In general, it is worth noting that the procedure is quite simple, but it may require a lot of time and effort from the citizen. In addition to the specified documents, you will need to submit a pension certificate, medical policy, SNILS and a sanatorium-resort card.


Rest and rehabilitation in a specialized sanatorium is an opportunity that is provided to retired military personnel and members of their families at a discount. The amount of the benefit is determined at the legislative level, and in order to take advantage of this right, you must fulfill all the requirements for completing the referral.

Based on the Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, military personnel and members of their families have the right to receive vouchers to sanatorium-resort institutions on preferential terms. The article provides information on whether retired military personnel can receive a voucher and under what conditions, and how a preferential voucher to a sanatorium for military retirees is issued.

The legislative framework

The right of military personnel to receive preferential vouchers to sanatorium-resort institutions is enshrined in Order of the Ministry of Defense (MoD) No. 333 dated March 15, 2011. According to the document, this category of citizens can relax and undergo treatment in a sanatorium for free or with partial payment of the cost of the voucher. Discount travel can be obtained by:

  • military personnel (including contract soldiers);
  • relatives of a deceased military man (in case of loss of a breadwinner);
  • widows/widowers of military personnel who died both during military service and after discharge.

Depending on the rank, place of military service and other factors, the voucher can be issued on a free basis or with the condition of partial compensation (25%, 50%). Information on the procedure for full or partial compensation of the cost of a trip is presented in paragraph 7 of Law No. 333.

Along with active military personnel, military pensioners also have the right to receive discounted vouchers to sanatoriums. The following citizens from among military pensioners can receive a voucher for treatment at a sanatorium-resort complex: :

  • persons who are recipients of a military pension based on service of 25 years or more;
  • citizens dismissed from military service due to health reasons (disability), with at least 25 years of service;
  • military personnel dismissed due to organizational measures or due to reaching the age limit for service (minimum 25 years of service);
  • Heroes of the Russian Federation, the USSR, Socialist Labor, holders of the Order of Glory, provided that they are assigned a military pension based on length of service.

In certain cases, a citizen can apply for a discounted voucher to a sanatorium without having the required number of years of service. Persons who are not military pensioners , but acting as relatives of the deceased serviceman, has the right to apply for a discounted ticket in the following situations:

  • the citizen has reached the generally established retirement age and is the father/mother of a deceased serviceman;
  • the person has the status of a disabled person (regardless of age) and is the parent of a senior/higher officer who died during military service.

In addition, the spouse of a military serviceman can apply for a preferential voucher if he retired due to length of service or health reasons.

Duration and frequency of sanatorium holidays for military pensioners

A citizen who is a recipient of a military pension and, on the basis of Law No. 333, has the right to a preferential voucher to a sanatorium, has the right to apply for such a voucher in the general manner, namely no more than once a year . The period of stay for treatment in a sanatorium-resort complex is determined by the period specified in the voucher and, as a rule, is 21 calendar days.

How to pay for a discounted voucher to a sanatorium for military pensioners

For military pensioners, the following procedure is provided for compensation of the cost of a trip to a sanatorium:

  • citizens dismissed from military service due to length of service or health reasons pay ¼ part of the cost of the tour, ¾ of the cost is paid from the budget;
  • right to receive a free trip ( 100% compensated by the state) have military pensioners with the status of Hero of the Russian Federation, USSR, Socialist Labor, and Knight of the Order of Glory.

How can a military pensioner get a discounted voucher to a sanatorium?

Required documents

To receive a discounted voucher for treatment at a sanatorium-resort complex, a pensioner will need the following documents:

  • ID card (copy and original passport);
  • certificate of assignment of SNILS, confirming the fact of registration in the compulsory pension insurance system and the assignment of a long-service pension;
  • military ID as proof of military service;
  • a certificate from a medical institution in form 070/у about the need to undergo treatment at a sanatorium-resort institution.

Citizens who have retired due to length of service must also provide a pension certificate. Persons who have not reached retirement age and do not have a sufficient number of years of service, but are military disability pensioners, in addition to the main package of documents, provide an extract from the ITU act on assignment of disability.

If preferential the voucher is issued by the relatives of the deceased serviceman , or the spouse of a citizen who retired due to length of service or health reasons, then such citizens additionally provide document confirming relationship with a military man (marriage certificate for a spouse, birth certificate for the parents of a deceased military man).

Registration procedure

A military pensioner receives a preferential voucher in the following order.

Stage 1. Informing pensioners about the availability of preferential vouchers.

Every year, before June 1 of the current year, sanatorium and resort institutions of the Ministry of Defense submit to the military department (Department of Sanatorium and Resort Support of the Ministry of Defense) information on the availability of beds in sanatoriums (the so-called bed capacity plan for the next year). Based on the information received, the Moscow Region draws up and approves a plan for the distribution of preferential vouchers, information about which is published in the media (federal and regional print media, television) and on the Internet (on the Moscow Region website). The published information contains data on the availability of vouchers for the next calendar year, indicating the names of departmental sanatoriums and periods of rest in these institutions.

In addition to the above sources of information, a pensioner can obtain information about available vouchers by directly contacting the Department of Sanatorium and Resort Provision of the Moscow Region.

Stage 2. Submission of documents to receive a preferential voucher.

Based on information about the availability of vouchers, the pensioner applies to the Department to receive one of the vouchers of his choice and in accordance with the medical direction. Along with the documents listed above, the pensioner submits to the department an application drawn up in free form (the document form can be downloaded on the Internet on the MO website, or received directly at the time of applying for a voucher).

Stage 3. Notification of the pensioner about the provision of a preferential voucher.

Based on applications received by the Department from military personnel and members of their families, as well as from military pensioners, the department draws up a schedule for the distribution of preferential vouchers. One of the priority factors in the distribution of referrals to a sanatorium is medical recommendations (based on doctors’ certificates and extracts from ITU acts on the assignment of disability).

Upon processing of documents and drawing up a schedule for the distribution of vouchers, but no later than 30 days from the moment the citizen submits an application, the Department sends the applicant a notification of the issuance of the voucher.

Having arrived at the sanatorium-resort complex, the pensioner presents to the sanatorium employee a notice issued by the Department of the Ministry of Defense. Based on this notification, the voucher is issued and issued, as well as partial payment of its cost (if necessary).

Sanatorium-resort treatment for military pensioners is a good opportunity to relax, and at the expense of the state. The government is concerned about the rest of former defenders, and rest options are provided for in the provisions of Federal Law No. 76 “On the status of military personnel.” The Russian military department cares not only about active military personnel, but also about retired military personnel. Sanatoriums and rest houses have been built for them, and it has become easier to rest on preferential terms, since the very principle of distribution of vouchers has changed, and the list of those who are entitled to free holidays has increased.

What do benefits for military pensioners depend on, and who can count on them?

While the rules for the distribution of vouchers for sanatorium-resort treatment have changed, and today any officer can apply for this, regardless of rank and position, the procedure for providing benefits has remained the same. Benefits for a military sanatorium, as before, depend on factors such as position, rank and length of service. At the same time, depending on the above factors, active military personnel can rest and receive treatment for free, or by paying a quarter of the cost of rest. As for military pensioners, the rules are slightly different, and we’ll talk about this in more detail.

  • According to Federal Law No. 333, which has not changed since 2011, officers who have given at least 20 years of their life to their homeland are entitled to preferential treatment. In particular, military personnel who have reached the maximum age of service in the army/navy, transferred to the reserve for health reasons, or as a result of regular activities can receive a 25 percent discount. In any case, the service life should not be less than 20 years.
  • The law also covers warrant officers and midshipmen whose service period is 20 years, and it does not matter at all for what reasons they were transferred to the reserve.
  • Under the same conditions, according to current legislation, military personnel who have served in the army/navy for 25 years or more can rest. The difference in this case is that preferential treatment is also available to military family members. They can receive a discount in the amount of half the cost of the trip.

According to the law, the rules of preferential treatment and recreation for military pensioners and members of their families apply exclusively to establishments owned by military departments. If we are talking about civilian medical institutions: rest homes, boarding houses, sanatoriums and tourist centers, then preferential stay in such institutions is not provided for military personnel, both active and retired. Payment is made in full.

Military personnel of the military department, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other paramilitary structures apply for benefits and are equal to military pensioners. This also includes fire service employees, employees of services fighting the spread of narcotic drugs and psychotropics, employees of the penal system, as well as “national guardsmen”.

Medical institutions are scattered throughout all regions of Russia, which means that getting to them is more expensive than getting treatment, in principle. The state has thought through this issue, and any military pensioner with sufficient length of service can count on preferential travel. This applies to officers, warrant officers and midshipmen who went into reserve due to health reasons or in case of regular events. Such military personnel must serve for at least 20 years, as do those who gave 25 years to their Motherland. And it doesn’t matter what the reason for the dismissal was. In this case, former military personnel can travel to the place of treatment and back free of charge once a year.

You can get to the place of treatment free of charge by all types of transport: air, rail and road. The only exception is the taxi service. The state pays for travel to sanatoriums and other health institutions if a referral for treatment is given by a military medical commission. Family members of officers traveling to sanatoriums and other medical organizations can also use the travel discount. Warrant officers and midshipmen who have served in the Armed Forces or Navy for at least 20 years have equal rights with officers, regardless of the reason for dismissal.

Many people mistakenly believe that all military pensioners have the right to discounted travel on any public transport, but this is far from the case. Each region of the Russian Federation has its own circle of people applying for preferential travel, but in any case this does not apply to former military personnel, who must pay for travel in full. The only exceptions are disabled people or combatants.

What can military personnel who have served for 10 years expect?

Not all military personnel who retired for various reasons have 20 or more years of service, so I would like to talk separately about those who gave no more than 10 years to their homeland. This period is sufficient to be called “Defender of the Fatherland,” but as for benefits, their number is limited. In this case, we have to talk about the possibility of obtaining housing at the place of dismissal, the extraordinary provision of a land plot for development and the right to join housing construction cooperatives (a benefit provided to military personnel dismissed for health reasons). Military personnel who have served for 10 years and have been dismissed for various reasons remain on the list for the next round of housing.

Preferential medical care for military pensioners

There are no benefits for free medical care for officers, warrant officers and midshipmen who have served for 10 years. Meanwhile, military personnel whose service life exceeds 20 years have the right not only to receive treatment on a preferential basis, but also to free medical care. Not only the military pensioner himself, but also members of his family: minors and children over 18 years of age who have become disabled can receive treatment free of charge. Such assistance is also available to military children under the age of 23, but in the case of full-time education. Dependents under the care of a military pensioner can also receive treatment on a preferential basis.

Military pensioners belong to a special category of citizens, since they made a significant contribution to the development and implementation of the country's defense. In connection with this law, various preferences are provided for them and their family members, including benefits for military pensioners for sanatorium and resort treatment.

How to get a ticket to a sanatorium-resort institution

As a rule, the attending physician of a military pensioner speaks about undergoing sanatorium-resort treatment. Although undergoing rehabilitation in a specialized institution is not a mandatory and sufficient condition for recovery and continued provision of medical services to the patient. Sometimes a citizen himself expresses a desire to go to a sanatorium to improve his health.

It is a mistake to believe that a trip to a sanatorium-resort institution is a kind of vacation package. The fact is that only citizens whose health condition is not satisfactory can be sent to the sanatorium, and therefore it is recommended that they spend time at the sanatorium-resort treatment.

In order for the FSS to approve an application for a subsidy, a special certificate must be presented, which is issued by the attending physician, who is confident that his patient needs health improvement in the sanatorium. The same doctor must later (no earlier than 60 days before the trip) issue a resort card.

If the doctor agrees to issue a certificate and issue a resort card, the patient remains to take all the documents to the regional office of the Social Insurance Fund, write an application for issuing a voucher and wait for the decision of the Social Insurance Fund specialists (18 days in general and 21 days if disabled people suffering from damage to the brain or spinal cord).

Conditions for providing benefits to military pensioners for sanatorium and resort treatment

To receive a partially subsidized voucher for treatment at a sanatorium, you must meet two basic requirements:

  • have medical indications for undergoing rehabilitation;
  • belong to preferential categories of citizens who have the right to apply for vouchers (this includes military pensioners).

Officers who have been discharged from military service have the right to claim benefits for sanatorium treatment if:

  • they were dismissed due to reaching the age limit for service;
  • left service due to deteriorating health;
  • were fired due to organizational and staffing measures;
  • they served for 20 years or more in preferential terms;
  • the total duration of service is 25 years or more.

Benefits for military pensioners for sanatorium and resort treatment

Military pensioners, subject to all the conditions that we mentioned above, are provided with a voucher to a sanatorium-resort institution with payment of 75% of its total cost (the Ministry transfers 600 rubles annually to the account of each military pensioner).

As for family members of military pensioners, provided they are dependent on a military pensioner and live together with him, they can also count on partial payment for vouchers, namely 50% of their actual cost (300 rubles per year are transferred to the account of the military pensioner’s relatives).

The discounted voucher will be issued after a decision is made by the Department of Sanatorium Treatment of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. In order to declare a desire to receive a partially paid voucher, a citizen must submit an application to the Main Military Medical Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (or directly to the administration of the medical institution), attaching to the document a certificate in form 070/U-04 as evidence of medical indications for rehabilitation. The voucher will be issued by the Department of the Social Insurance Fund on the basis of the above documents.

What documents are needed to apply for a trip to a sanatorium-resort institution?

To receive a subsidy for a trip to a sanatorium, a military pensioner must present the following documents to the Social Insurance Fund:

FSS employees may ask you to provide any additional documents. If the voucher is issued for a family member of a military pensioner, other documents may be needed - about the composition of the family, the degree of relationship, etc.

Legislative acts on the topic

Common mistakes

Error: The military pensioner did not use certificate 070/U-04 on time.