SARS virus incubation period. The incubation period of ARVI and how long the disease lasts

The influenza virus, which penetrates the human body, does not immediately make itself felt. Therefore, for the timely detection of the first symptoms and initiation of treatment, it is advisable to understand how long the incubation period of ARVI is, how to determine this state and what measures can be taken at the very beginning of infection. In addition, this will help prevent infection of others.

What is the incubation period for influenza and ARVI in adults?

It should be noted that there are many types of acute respiratory viral infections, the type of which determines the etiology and timing of development clinical symptoms. The most common among them:

  • flu;
  • reovirus;
  • respiratory syncytial virus;
  • coronavirus;
  • adenovirus;
  • parainfluenza;
  • rhinovirus;
  • coxsackievirus;
  • ECHO virus.

As a rule, all of the listed subtypes of the disease in question are similar in characteristics that characterize acute intoxication body:

  • cough;
  • runny nose;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes;
  • hyperemia of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • temperature rise.

But there is often a mixture of different clinical manifestations, which subsequently provokes the emergence of secondary infectious complications in the form of catarrhal tonsillitis, pneumonia, bronchitis. Moreover, the development of these diseases can occur directly during the incubation period of ARVI. In such cases, it is believed that immediately after infection with the virus, intensive reproduction of pathogenic aerobic and anaerobic bacteria began in the body.

How many days is a patient with ARVI contagious?

From the moment the virus enters the body, a person is its carrier and, accordingly, can infect others, even if obvious symptoms haven't appeared yet. Typically, influenza and other types of the described illness begin quickly and acutely, within 1-3 days, but with strong protective functions of the immune system, incubation can last about a week.

It is worth noting that a patient with ARVI is contagious throughout the entire period of the pathology until all the virus cells in his body die. This means that even with persistent improvements, a decrease in body temperature to normal values and elimination external symptoms Influenza, a person still remains a carrier of the disease and can pose a danger to others, because ARVI is easily transmitted - by airborne droplets.

How long is the incubation period for acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections?

First of all, it is necessary to clearly understand the difference between these two diseases.

With acute respiratory infections, local damage occurs, most often - respiratory tract, without a significant increase in temperature (rarely exceeds 38 degrees). The disease progresses slowly and does not spread to other organs; the symptoms of intoxication are either weak or not expressed at all.

Influenza and ARVI are characterized by a sharp, intense onset, with the rapid onset of signs of illness. In addition, these pathologies cause several groups of clinical manifestations:

The main difference between the considered respiratory diseases is that the cause of ARVI is necessarily viral infection, and the patient is contagious for a long period of time, while acute respiratory infections do not have these qualities.

Incubation period Influenza, as already mentioned, is short, and with acute respiratory infections it can last up to 14 days. In this case, the victim’s condition is relatively normal, and sometimes there is no increase in temperature at all, or reaches a subfebrile level.

ARVI: incubation period. Acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI)

Among numerous diseases, colds probably occupy the very first place. After all, these problems bother almost every person several times a year. In this article I would like to tell you the main thing about ARVI.

What is it

At the very beginning, you need to find out how this abbreviation, ARVI, stands for. So, this is an acute respiratory viral infection. With this disease, the epithelium of the respiratory tract is affected by RNA and DNA viruses. It is also worth mentioning that the incidence of this disease increases during the cold season. The disease most often and mildly affects children aged 3 to 14 years. ARVI has no gender or territorial differences (it affects both men and women equally, regardless of place of residence).


ARVI is a group viral diseases. So, this abbreviation can mean the following diseases:

  1. Flu.
  2. Parainfluenza.
  3. Adenoviruses.
  4. Reoviruses.
  5. Respiratory syncytial viruses.
  6. Parawhooping cough.

Incubation period

What you need to know when we're talking about about ARVI? The incubation period is what you need to understand. At the very beginning, you need to understand what this term means. So, the incubation period is the time when the microbe has already entered the human body. But the first symptoms of the disease have not yet appeared.

  1. Beginning of the incubation period: the time when a person was in contact with a sick person.
  2. End of the incubation period: when a person first develops symptoms of the disease.

Its duration is different for all diseases. What can be said specifically about ARVI? The incubation period of these diseases ranges on average from several hours to 14 days. The duration of the disease will also vary.


If a person has adenovirus infection(a subtype of ARVI), the incubation period for this particular disease ranges from 2 to 12 days. Further, the development of the disease proceeds quite rapidly. First symptom: high temperature, cough, runny nose. This disease is long-term, often wave-like (the virus has the ability to form new foci). The man is quite for a long time may remain a carrier of adenovirus (it remains in latent form for a long time in the tonsils).

Respiratory syncytial infection

If we talk specifically about this subtype of ARVI, the incubation period in this case ranges from two to seven days. Main symptoms: runny nose, pain when swallowing. An increase in temperature is recorded very rarely, and there are no cases of intoxication. In children younger age the disease occurs in a more severe form, ARVI penetrates deeper (bronchiolitis). The disease itself lasts on average 10-12 days. However, a longer course is possible, and relapses are common.

Rhinovirus infection

When a person has rhinovirus infection (ARVI), how many days does the incubation period last? So, it is approximately 2-3 days. Main symptoms: runny nose, lacrimation. Fever and intoxication – uncharacteristic symptoms. There may also be a dry cough.

The incubation period for ARVI in children is the same as in adults. Only the time and nature of the course of the disease can differ. The treatment will also be excellent, because the drugs that adults take are often contraindicated for children.

Characteristics of ARVI

Now let's look at another pressing topic. It is imperative to consider the main signs of ARVI so as not to miss the moment of its onset. How does the disease manifest itself?

  1. The disease comes on slowly. The first symptoms are not pronounced. Most often it is a runny nose.
  2. The course of the disease is different times. So, you can cope with the problem within 5-7 days. However, complications and relapses often occur.
  3. After an acute respiratory viral infection for three weeks, a person runs the risk of easily catching another disease.
  4. Mortality is very low; worldwide, only 0.2% of patients die from ARVI (and then only those who did not receive timely and adequate treatment).

Main symptoms

Having considered the signs of ARVI, I would definitely like to talk about the main symptoms that are characteristic of this group of diseases. So what can be observed in a patient if we are talking about intoxication:

  1. Chills, fever. Temperatures can even rise to 40 °C.
  2. Pain: headaches, muscle pain.
  3. At the very beginning of the disease and during its course, a person will feel tired and lethargic. Performance is greatly reduced.
  4. Often the patient may have enlarged lymph nodes in the neck and lower jaw.
  5. Rash on the skin or mucous membranes (typical of some diseases).

If we are talking about respiratory syndrome(a feature of ARVI), the symptoms in this case may be different, depending on the type of virus and the patient’s body. However, it is also possible to highlight typical signs:

  1. Nasal congestion, runny nose (whitish thick discharge).
  2. Dry throat, sore throat, pain (including during swallowing).
  3. Watery eyes, photophobia, pain in the eyes.
  4. Cough. Can be wet, dry, barking.


If a patient develops a complication of ARVI, the symptoms in this case will be alarming:

  1. Fever, body temperature may exceed 40 °C. Antipyretics often do not have the desired effect on the body.
  2. A person may lose consciousness, it may become confused.
  3. The patient has severe headaches. Often it is almost impossible to press your head to your chest.
  4. Skin rashes in the form of hemorrhages or stars may appear.
  5. There may be pain in chest, lack of air, shortness of breath.
  6. Cough with phlegm unusual color: brown, green, red.
  7. Edema.
  8. The course of the disease is long, the infection can rage for more than two weeks.

Attention: such symptoms are alarming. In this case, you should immediately seek medical help.


What could be the consequences after ARVI? Most often, these diseases pass without leaving a trace on the body. The exception is complications that can affect one or another organ. The consequences of ARVI are especially dangerous for infants, pregnant women and people with weakened immune systems.


Prevention of ARVI is something that should also be mentioned. After all, preventing a disease is much easier than dealing with it in the future.

  1. The first point of prevention is flu vaccination.
  2. You can support the body during the widespread spread of the disease with the help of immunostimulating or antiviral drugs. It could be like this medications, like “Aflubin”, “Anaferon”, “Arbidol”.
  3. It is very important to nourish your body every day required quantity vitamins and microelements.
  4. You also need to properly think through your diet; food should be protein-rich and balanced.
  5. Prevention of ARVI also means giving up all bad habits, healthy image life.
  6. Good uninterrupted sleep (duration: at least 7 hours a day) is very important.
  7. During the cold season, you need to wear a protective mask. You should also try to avoid contact with sick people.

How many days is a person contagious with ARVI: how long does the influenza virus live

The influenza virus is contagious and poses a great danger to humans - history knows of cases when a sudden outbreak of the disease covered entire countries, claiming the lives of many people.

Moreover, complications arising after an acute respiratory viral infection are also dangerous.

An organism that has once suffered an acute respiratory infection is not protected from new infection– the virus constantly mutates, it lives, forming new complex forms with an even greater degree of infectiousness.

Experts, using influenza strains, are developing new vaccines to prevent the spread of another outbreak of acute respiratory viral infection. But the majority of the population ignores the flu vaccination, which is why the risk of infection is high.

The spread of infection can only be prevented by quarantine measures - limiting the contact of healthy people with carriers of the infection. Therefore, it is very important to know exactly how many days a person with the flu can be contagious.

Doctors have not yet found a clear answer to this question. French doctors, for example, based on their research, argue that when infected with ARVI, the circle of communication with the patient should be strictly limited for at least four days.

Employees research center University named after Pierre and Marie Curie (Paris) conducted studies of the intensity of disease development in volunteers infected with the influenza virus. Experts tried to find an answer to the question of how many days the virus lives in the body and how long it remains infectious.

For this, several groups of people were selected and monitored by a group of medical experts for ten days. The probability of disease among infected experimental participants was calculated using a mathematical algorithm.

Based on the results of the study, scientists found that isolating participants with primary symptoms flu made it possible to reduce the number of infected people by half.

Based on the results of the experiment, scientists concluded that during the period from the moment of infection and the transition of pathology to active phase(4 days), the likelihood of spreading the virus to the immediate environment is significantly reduced.

Features of the incubation period

  • Low probability of detecting infection on the first day;
  • Absence in the incubation period of characteristic signs inherent in the influenza virus;
  • Individual duration of the incubation period, depending on the state of the patient’s immune system;
  • Sudden development of the disease after the end of the incubation period.

During the first 24 hours of a cold, it is very difficult to recognize signs of infection due to the lack of clear symptoms. A person who has been attacked by a virus does not suspect that he has become a carrier of infection until the first signs of ARVI appear.

Since the virus remains active for about 7 days during the incubation period, it is almost impossible to determine the moment of infection. The incubation period of influenza occurs secretly, and how long it lasts can only be determined conditionally, based on its typical manifestations.

The length of the incubation period may vary depending on the state of the person's immune system, as well as the presence of other viruses. With a strong attack large quantity Viruses on the immune system cause a malfunction in the body and intensive development of pathology.

The virus has the ability to multiply at tremendous speed - within a couple of days after infection, the patient becomes a dangerous virus carrier for close circle. The risk of infection from such a patient disappears only after a week.

After the incubation period, the disease progresses to open phase. The patient feels this through a sudden heaviness throughout the body, muscle soreness and joint aches.

It is necessary to detect the influenza virus in time. To do this you need to know primary signs ARVI. Correct therapy already has a positive effect during the incubation period.

Main risks and characteristic signs of infection

The insidiousness of the influenza virus lies in the difficulty of identifying it at the first stage of the disease. A person does not notice during what period he became infected. Further, the presence of the virus in the body can be judged if the patient has the following: characteristic features:

  1. Fever;
  2. Runny nose, cough;
  3. Sore throat
  4. Ears hurt when you have a cold.

Infection most often occurs in public places with large crowds of people - shops, public transport, offices. There is also a high risk of infection through general subjects for domestic use, in drafts.

In people with weakened immune systems, the incubation period increases. The risk group for contracting the virus consists of people living together with an infected patient.

The duration of the illness may also vary for each individual - people with good health They tolerate the disease more easily, which usually lasts from 4 to 14 days.

If a person’s period of feeling a painful condition is longer than the specified time, it is necessary to see a doctor to exclude the possibility of secondary infection or the development of complications.

Preventing influenza virus infection

The influenza virus differs from other viral pathologies in its “secrecy” - even before the first signs of the disease begin to appear, the patient already becomes a carrier of the infection. Until he is diagnosed with a viral infection, a middle-aged patient remains a dangerous carrier of the virus for about 5-10 days.

During this period, he is able to infect a large number of people around him.

Often a person with a cold continues to go to work, especially if he works on a prison basis employment contract. This is due to the terms of the contract and the current economic situation, when concern for family budget exceeds concern for one’s own health.

An apparent cold may be a sign of a virus. The employee becomes a carrier of infection and can infect a significant number of people. Therefore, when several cases of ARVI appear in children's institutions, educational institutions and quarantine is imposed at production.

  • Bed rest must be observed until the patient’s temperature normalizes and the patient’s appetite appears.
  • In case of non-compliance with home quarantine standards, continuing labor activity In patients, the activity of the virus increases and the period of possible infection of others is extended.
  • Non-compliance preventive measures leads to infection of a large number of the population.

The patient must undergo the prescribed treatment while observing bed rest and proper nutrition. If these requirements are not met, the doctor may prescribe hospitalization. Dr. Komarovsky will talk about the period of infectiousness of a patient with ARVI in the video in this article.

How many days does the incubation period of colds and viral diseases last?


Let the seeker find

Typically three days. Colds are caused primarily by viruses. This period is characterized by the penetration of microbes and rapid reproduction in the body, which does not have specific immunity.


from 14 to 21 days

Fanta Lemon

the flu lasts 2-3 days


from several hours to 2 days


From 3 days, to 2 Weeks. Sawisit ot rasnowidnosti sabolewanija.


viruses - hundreds and hundreds of types. For example, hepatitis B virus - incubates up to 6 months

Natalia Ryabokon

The incubation period after infection with viruses that cause ARVI lasts from 1 to 10 days, usually 3-5 days. The period of infectiousness of the patient is quite short - from 3 to 5-7 days (in children). However, when children are infected with respiratory syncytial virus, the isolation of the virus after the appearance clinical symptoms may, although rarely, last several weeks.

Cold seasons are the best dangerous time for those who are afraid of catching a cold, acute respiratory viral infection or acute respiratory infection. It has long been known that when you come into contact with a sick person, you do not immediately get sick. First there is an incubation period - the most best time to begin preventive procedures that will save you from unpleasant consequences diseases. Learn more about viral diseases.

What is the incubation period for the influenza virus?

At first, the virus is almost invisible to humans. You can continue to do your everyday affairs, sports and at one point fall down with ARVI. The duration of this stage depends on the immune system - both in adults and children. If you feel unwell, then take care of your loved ones and carry out preventive procedures with them. Protect them from further development of the viral disease.

How long does it last

Depending on the organism, the incubation period can be 3-5 days. The infection does not manifest itself immediately. Once the disease reaches its goal, it will not let you relax for a second. In addition to ARVI, there are many other viral diseases that are transmitted not only through the respiratory tract. If you want to know about the 2016 flu incubation period, you will receive a whole list infectious diseases. Among the transmitted diseases will be rotavirus (parainfluenza, avian, intestinal or stomach), which can be contracted by drinking from the same glass as a sick person.

The following list offers an overview of the incubation times for various viral diseases:

  1. The incubation period for a cold is often 1-3 days, but can last up to 10 days.
  2. As for the flu, its duration is 3-5 days. This indicator is often influenced by the state of the immune system: the weaker it is, the faster the virus spreads throughout the body.
  3. The incubation period of ARVI in children lasts from several hours to 14 days. How stronger body child, the longer this phase lasts.
  4. Time typical for stomach flu– 1-5 days. In infants, it can appear within a few hours after rotavirus enters the body. The disease is especially dangerous for pregnant women.
  5. Incubation period swine flu(H1N1) – 1-7 days. But the most common indicator is up to 4 days. This flu develops even faster in children than in adults.

Symptoms in humans

Signs of influenza may vary depending on its type. Flu symptoms early stage produces similar symptoms: acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections are often manifested by severe body aches, fever, sore throat, and runny nose. In such a state, a person cannot even do the most simple work. In this case, it will be best if you switch to bed rest. This is the only way to fight this unpleasant disease.

As for rotavirus infections, the symptoms can be much more unpleasant. Nausea, diarrhea, flatulence - all this will definitely bring a lot of discomfort to the daily life. It is necessary to consult a doctor to find out the form of the disease and its prescription. the right medications. The longer you neglect going to the doctor, the stronger virus will spread throughout your body. Treatment may take a long time, leading to more serious consequences.

Is influenza contagious during the incubation period?

You have learned what the incubation period of influenza is. Is such a person contagious? Since the virus spreads throughout the body over several days, it is not contagious during this period. You yourself do not feel any manifestations of the infection until it shows itself in all its glory. From this moment on, you can become infected from the patient. Sneezing, coughing of a patient, drinking from dirty dishes - these factors are more significant than others for a healthy person. They often lead to infection.

Signs of ARVI

With the onset of cold weather, almost everyone faces colds. Every year specialists make disappointing forecasts about the coming wave of influenza and acute respiratory infections. The epidemic lasts for almost two months, during which time many people manage to get sick. Symptoms of ARVI and influenza are similar to signs of other diseases, so it is not always possible to detect the presence of the disease in time. In this review you will get acquainted with methods for determining the virus, routes of infection and stages of infection development in human body.

What are the symptoms and signs of ARVI?

It is important to note that the signs of ARVI in adults and children are the same, there are no differences between them, however, the severity of symptoms may vary, depending on the functioning of the person’s immune system. Respiratory tract infections are diagnosed based on general condition body. The doctor asks the patient about all the symptoms of ARVI, conducts an examination, and based on this makes a conclusion about the presence or absence of the disease. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, treatment begins immediately. You can read about this in O. E. Komarovsky’s book about this disease.

Incubation period

It is important to determine the presence of microbes in the human body that subsequently cause this disease in advance. There is a difference between common cold and symptoms of ARVI, for example, the time of active development of infection. At the first stage, respiratory diseases occur without any special symptoms; during this period, the infection develops and microbes actively multiply. This time is called the incubation period of ARVI in children or adults.

It begins on the day when a healthy person came into contact with a sick person and infection occurred, however, no manifestations of infection were observed. The incubation period ends when the first symptoms of ARVI appear. Each organism is differently able to prevent the development of the disease, so the period from infection to the first signs is different for everyone. On average, it can take from several hours to two weeks. The disease also progresses differently for everyone, this will depend on the methods of treatment, the effectiveness of the drugs chosen, and the patient’s lifestyle.

First signs

A viral infection in a child and an adult begins with a high body temperature. Against the background of general malaise, a sharp rise in its indicators to 38-39°C can be noted. The elevated temperature persists for up to several days, sometimes decreasing in the morning, then increasing in the evening. In addition, if there is an acute respiratory infection in the body, pain and pain in the eyes, trembling, body aches, and weakness may appear.

The first signs of ARVI:

  • a sharp deterioration in general health;
  • chills;
  • shiver;
  • runny nose;
  • sore throat;
  • cough;
  • increased sweating;
  • drowsiness;
  • lack of appetite.

How long does the temperature last for ARVI?

An increase in body temperature during respiratory infections is a sign that the body is fighting the disease. Leukocytes in human blood actively destroy foreign viruses. It is useful for patients to know how long they should keep elevated temperature body, so as not to worry once again and protect yourself from taking unnecessary medications: normally it lasts from two to five days. During this time it is produced required quantity antibodies that fight the disease. If the patient’s temperature bothers him for more than 5 days, then the infection has a complex form.

How does acute respiratory viral infection occur without fever?

Sometimes ARVI symptoms appear without a rise in body temperature. This type of disease is dangerous, because the infected person continues to go to school or work, actively spreading ARVI pathogens among healthy people. There are several reasons for this course of the disease:

  1. First of all, it is worth noting that this is how it manifests itself light form illness (rotavirus infection).
  2. In some cases, this indicates the body’s inability to fight the virus (weakened immunity).

Features of acute respiratory viral infections

Viral diseases occur when the epithelium of the respiratory tract is damaged. Except typical symptoms, the disease may be accompanied by lacrimation and signs of poisoning of the body. This is a dangerous problem, primarily due to the complications that develop when untimely or improper treatment. Among them are bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis. ARVI is diagnosed using serological and virological tests. Based on the severity of the course, they distinguish between mild, moderate and severe form diseases.

The following are distinguished: respiratory infections, each of which has its own characteristics:

  • rotavirus;
  • flu;
  • parainfluenza;
  • rhinovirus;
  • adenoviral;
  • respiratory syncytial;
  • coronavirus.

In adults

The main signs of ARVI in children and adults are not very different, but sometimes the sick continue to go to work (kindergarten, school), hoping that the illness will go away on its own. You should not ignore the infection if you have a temperature of up to 40, especially if antipyretic drugs do not have the desired effect. In addition, adults with the disease may experience mental confusion, lack of oxygen, swelling, and a rash on the body. If you consult a doctor in a timely manner, treatment takes about a week and it is possible to avoid reinfection or serious complications.

Any viral disease can become more serious at any time, for example:

  • bronchitis;
  • frontal sinusitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • otitis media;
  • meningitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • neuritis.

In children

According to statistics children's body more susceptible than adults viral diseases(especially from three to twelve years old). ARVI often appears in children under one year of age, for example, with artificial feeding when the body's defenses are weakened. Children should be especially protected from viruses (limit contact with strangers, do not visit public places in the midst of an epidemic, to strengthen the child). ARVI in infants is very difficult to treat, so it is better to prevent infection.

Table of differences between symptoms of influenza and ARVI 2016

Comparison of symptoms of influenza and ARVI Signs of Flu ARVI

Video about acute respiratory diseases

ARVI in winter period is the most common type of disease that is transmitted by airborne droplets from infected people to healthy people. The incubation period and the course of the disease depend on individual characteristics body. Detailed information O this disease you will find out after watching the video below.

Incubation period of regular and swine flu

The incubation period of influenza depends on the type of virus (adenovirus, rhinovirus, reovirus). All subtypes of the disease in question are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • cough;
  • runny nose;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • high body temperature.

Medical indications

The typical incubation period for the influenza virus lasts 1-4 days. After the first symptoms of the disease appear, an adult can spread the virus for 5-10 days, and a child can spread it for up to 10 days. People with weak immunity can be carriers of the virus for 1-5 months.

Influenza and its subtypes develop within 1-3 days. If the patient has a strong protective immune system, then the incubation period of influenza lasts 1 week. A patient with ARVI is contagious to others until the virus dies. This is due to the fact that the disease is transmitted by airborne droplets.

With influenza and ARVI, symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, cough, nasal congestion, and insomnia appear. In acute respiratory infections, local damage to the respiratory tract is observed. The main difference between these respiratory diseases is that ARVI develops against the background of a virus. It is characterized by a long incubation period, which is not typical for acute respiratory infections.

The following factors have a direct impact on influenza:

  • state of immunity;
  • the number of pathogens in the body.

Among the complications of the disease, experts distinguish bronchitis, pneumonia, and the presence of infection in the kidney and urinary system. As a result of the incubation period, influenza causes a strong and sudden fever. The patient's health deteriorates sharply. The eyes become red and watery, and joints and body begin to break down.

Treatment methods

When suffering from influenza, the patient must adhere to bed rest and a dairy-vegetable diet. The patient is prescribed antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs. Children can be given Panadol. If necessary, the patient is wiped with alcohol diluted with water. At " pale fever” is carried out intensive care. You should not take aspirin if you have the flu. Otherwise, Reye's syndrome may develop.

Among mucolytics, doctors distinguish carbocysteine ​​and bromhexine. Children can be given marshmallow root. Since influenza develops against a background of viruses, antibiotics are not prescribed. Antibacterial therapy may cause harm to the patient, since viruses and bacteria are of different natures. Similar techniques are used by doctors in the following cases:

  • pneumonia;
  • bacterial bronchitis;
  • inflammation of the airways and pharynx.

Particular attention should be paid to bacterial complications that occur in children under 3 years of age. Antibiotics can be taken as prescribed by a doctor when clinical signs immunodeficiency.

Porcine form of the disease

Swine flu, developed against the background of a strain of the virus, is considered a dangerous disease for adults and children. A special test system is used to diagnose it. Swine flu, unlike bird flu, is transmitted by airborne droplets. Its incubation period is 2-4 days. In severe cases, this figure is 7 days. Doctors include the following main symptoms of the disease:

  • dyspnea;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • turning blue;
  • sputum with blood;
  • chest pain;
  • high body temperature for 3 days.

Swine flu, unlike regular flu, has new uniform virus.

The clinical picture of this disease causes typical symptoms in the patient regular flu. When diagnosing the swine form, the patient develops a fever and cough. Rarely does the disease occur without symptoms. If older people get the flu, then the virus can be fatal.

The swine form occurs at an unusual time of year for influenza. People can become infected with the virus throughout the summer. Strain, unlike common illness, spreads 6 times faster. Doctors believe that swine flu is especially dangerous for pregnant women. During the Spanish and Asian disease, more high risk Pregnant women in the 3rd trimester were exposed. Pregnant women diagnosed with the common flu are more likely to be hospitalized than other representatives of the fair sex of reproductive age.

Treatment and prevention

During pregnancy, the immune system is very weakened. The body does not reject foreign body– fruit. At the same time female body Those with a weakened immune system are more susceptible to contracting the flu. If the disease is diagnosed on later pregnancy, then the diaphragm may rise and lung capacity may decrease. Similar phenomena provide negative impact on the female body and fetal development.

Treatment of swine flu involves taking medications aimed at the causative agent of the disease. The patient is prescribed the following medications:

  1. Amantadine.
  2. Zanamivir.
  3. Arbidol.

These drugs have been successfully clinical trials. They are prescribed taking into account the patient's age. Last resort Russian production has antiviral, immunomodulatory and antioxidant effects. Arbidol warns bacterial complication virus, having a positive effect on conformational changes in the hemagglutinin of the virus strain. It is recommended to take the above medications after consulting a doctor.

Prevention of the disease consists of following the following recommendations:

  • you should not contact people who have symptoms such as high body temperature, coughing, sneezing;
  • During the epidemic, it is not recommended to visit public places. Otherwise, use a protective bandage;
  • frequent hand washing;
  • you cannot travel abroad to a country where outbreaks of the virus strain have been identified;
  • Pediatricians and therapists recommend taking complex multivitamins.

Doctors recommend getting vaccinated against influenza annually. But this method does not guarantee 100% effectiveness in preventing the virus. When communicating with infected person close contact with it should be avoided.

The virus that has entered the human body can be overcome by drugs whose action is aimed at producing a protective protein – interferon. Such drugs include Amiksin. Separately, you should consider products that already contain this protein. When interferon enters the body with the medicine, it destroys viruses without causing harm to its own cells. Such means include Viferon.

Antiviral drugs may have different shape release - from conventional pills taken orally to rectal suppositories, recommended for the treatment of infection in young children, nasal drops, ointments, gargling solutions.

Depending on the presence of certain symptoms of ARVI, antipyretics (Antigrippin), anti-inflammatory (Coldrex), and painkillers (Paracetamol) are prescribed. To combat local manifestations of the disease, nasal drops, irrigation sprays and gargling solutions, and lozenges are used. For quick recovery the body from infection, it is recommended to take vitamins and immunostimulating drugs.

Treatment of ARVI at home

If you suspect that there is an infection in your body, you should first stay at home in the morning. There can be no talk of any work or study in this case. Firstly, the lack of treatment and non-compliance with a certain daily routine can cause a deterioration in health and increased symptoms of the disease. Secondly, ARVI is a highly contagious disease that is quickly transmitted, so a person infected with it poses a potential danger to other still healthy people.

The main manifestations of infection are directly related to the activity in the body of the virus that has entered it. The development of symptoms of intoxication can be avoided by regularly taking fluids - boiled water, tea, natural juice.

Currently, there are drugs that provide healing effect already in the first hours of the development of the disease. These drugs include Arbidol. This complex remedy, which has a predominantly antiviral effect, must be taken within 24 hours from the moment the first signs of a cold appear. The course of treatment with Arbidol is no more than 5 days (no more than 5 tablets).

In the event that the development of the disease could not be avoided, it is recommended to take such ARVI medications, like Rinza, Rimantadine, Koldakt, etc. You should not lower your temperature in the first days of treatment. Its presence indicates that the body is trying to get rid of foreign agents on its own. It is necessary to take antipyretic drugs only if the high temperature (above 37.5) lasts for 4-5 days. ARVI without fever does not require taking antipyretic drugs at all. The basis of treatment in such a case is anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamins that stimulate the immune system, and interferon-based drugs.

In acute respiratory viral infections, great attention should be paid to local procedures: gargle (Hexoral solution), instill drops into the nose (Tizin), if available severe runny nose– rinse your nose special means(Dolphin).

Prevention of ARVI

The prevention of infectious diseases can be considered hardening the body. If similar method increasing immunity for any reason is unacceptable, you can resort to the help of vitamins, take Arbidol during the “cold season”, in extreme cases, when going outside, put on a protective face mask medical bandage. A similar measure It will not be superfluous for persons with severely weakened immune systems (infected, undergoing chemotherapy treatment), and pregnant women.

If yesterday you were coughed on on the street or had to communicate for a long time with a sick colleague, and today you still feel cheerful and healthy, do not rush to rejoice. Perhaps the incubation period of ARVI has not yet ended and the disease is only waiting for you ahead.

The incubation period is the period of time from the virus entering the body and becoming infected until the first symptoms of the disease are detected.

At this time, the pathogen actively multiplies in the human body and does not manifest itself externally.

The higher the level of immunity, the longer the infected person is able to resist the disease and the longer the incubation period will be. But certain average values ​​for the duration of the latent period can be named.

Knowing the length of the incubation period will help in the prevention of ARVI. This is especially important during an epidemic, when sources of infection are surrounded on all sides.

The term acute respiratory viral infection hides more than a hundred viruses.

It is possible to determine exactly which of them affected the patient only by tests and specific symptoms.

Despite the common collective name, viruses are very different from each other.

In this regard, it is difficult to say exactly how long its incubation lasts. On average, ARVI goes into the disease stage in 5-7 days.

If you look at the main types of viruses separately, you can distinguish the following incubation periods:

  • rhinovirus infection – up to five days;
  • adenoviral infection – 3-7 days;
  • flu – up to three days;
  • parainfluenza – from 2 to 6 days.

Incubation period in children

The incubation period in children is shorter than in adults. Due to the child’s fragile immune system, the influenza virus may take only 3 hours to travel from entering the body to the appearance of the first symptoms.

On average, the incubation period of ARVI in children lasts from several hours to 7 days.

In children under one year of age, these diseases appear extremely rarely. Infants are protected by maternal immunity, which they receive from milk, and rarely see their mother. strangers which could become a source of disease.

As Dr. Komarovsky says: a child’s body is susceptible to acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections in the period from one to six years, when maternal protection gradually disappears, and its own immune system has not yet finished forming.

As in adults, the disease can only be detected in children through tests.

But parents can notice the first manifestations of ARVI by carefully watching their baby.

If your child becomes restless, loses his appetite and feels weak, you should consult a doctor.

Is a person contagious at this time?

A person most often becomes contagious three days before the first symptoms appear. This time period differs for all viruses.

Therefore, if you suspect an acute respiratory viral infection, you should immediately put on a medical bandage, which will protect others from germs.

A person’s infectiousness also depends on the type of disease they have.

The adenovirus can go into a latent form and settle in the tonsils, leaving the recovered person a carrier of the infection.

If a person is recovering, you should avoid prolonged contact with him and staying in the same room.

The room should be ventilated several times a day and wet cleaning should be carried out regularly.

Rhinovirus infection

In almost 50% of cases of ARVI diagnosis, this abbreviation hides a rhinovirus infection.

On average, the incubation period of infection is 1-5 days.

The main target of rhinoviruses is the nasal mucosa, where inflammatory processes begin.

One of the manifestations is copious discharge from the nose and swelling of the mucous membrane.

Coughing, redness of the whites of the eyes and tearing are also common.

A rise in temperature is not a characteristic manifestation of this virus. Against the background of these manifestations, the temperature may remain normal or rise to low-grade levels.

Typically the illness lasts from 7 to 10 days. But nasal congestion can last for two weeks.

Adenovirus infection

Adenoviruses are not as common among adults and more often affect children. Adenovirus infection accounts for 2.5% to 5% of all ARVI diseases.

On average, the incubation period takes from 3 to 7 days. The virus affects the upper respiratory tract, mucous membranes of the eyes and gastrointestinal tract.

The disease most often begins in the acute phase. Although there are cases when it develops gradually and the disease manifests itself only after 9-14 days.

The first symptoms at the end of the incubation period are sharp increase fever, cough, runny nose, swelling and redness of the mucous membranes.

One of distinctive features adenovirus is considered to be an increase in submandibular and axillary lymph nodes. The virus often leads to rhinitis, pharyngitis and tonsillitis.

The illness usually lasts two weeks.

If not treated properly, a number of serious complications may occur: pneumonia, encephalitis, sinusitis, conjunctivitis, cystitis, etc.

The source of infection becomes infection carriers or microbes on household surfaces.

Adenoviruses are resistant to exposure external environment and can survive at room temperature in water or on any surface in the home for up to two weeks.

A person can remain a carrier of adenovirus for a long time, even after getting rid of the main symptoms of the disease. The infection remains in a latent form for a long time in the tonsils. The disease must be treated carefully and comprehensively to prevent further infection.


Compared to other viruses, the onset of influenza is particularly severe intoxication. For of this disease characterized by the rapid appearance of the first symptoms.

The incubation period in this case will be from a couple of hours to three days.

The main symptoms of the disease are fever, chills, and weakness. Severe headaches, joint pain and pressure in the area eyeballs often precede the main manifestations of the disease, appearing even before the temperature rises.

Influenza is also characterized by nasal congestion and a runny nose. But often these catarrhal phenomena appear only a few days after the onset of the disease.

Sources of infection can be both a sick person and household items with which he came into contact.

The insidiousness of the flu is that the virus is extremely viable: activity on the surface of things can last a week, and in dust – up to a month.

The severe stage of the disease passes in 3-4 days. With proper immunity, symptoms disappear within 7 days.

But a person infected with the flu can be contagious as early as a day before the first symptoms appear and remain dangerous to others for an average of five more days from the onset of the disease.

Flu has very dangerous consequences. It may be accompanied by other bacterial infections in the form of meningitis, sinusitis, and secondary pneumonia. Influenza infection can lead to decreased heart function, kidney function, and deafness.


The average incubation time for parainfluenza is from 2 to 6 days.

Infection with the virus occurs through prolonged contact with a sick person, but even in this case it is not 100% possible.

The paravirus does not withstand exposure to the external environment, so timely disinfection and temperature treatment can save you from infection.

The onset of parainfluenza development is moderate in intensity.

Since the source of infection is the respiratory tract, the first symptoms are usually swelling and soreness in the throat.

The temperature rises to 38.5 degrees. Later, it is accompanied by nasal discharge: light at the beginning and gradually turning gray as the disease progresses.

The main difference between parainfluenza and regular flu is a dry, debilitating cough. It is not uncommon for children to develop complications in the form of false croup - attacks of suffocation.

How to help the body?

If you are already sick, try not to carry the illness on your feet.

Especially if you have the flu, this can lead to unpleasant complications.

Stay in bed, follow your doctor's instructions, and drink plenty of warm liquids.

If you are not sick yet, but have been in contact with sick people and suspect that you are already infected, it would be a good idea to take the following measures prevention:

  • take a course of immunoboosting drugs and vitamins (after discussing them with your doctor);
  • regularly ventilate the room and do wet cleaning;
  • wear a gauze bandage;
  • Take better care of personal hygiene, wash your hands more often;
  • normalize your diet and sleep patterns;
  • dress according to the weather;
  • spend less time in crowded places.

These simple steps will help you avoid getting infected during an epidemic.

At high level immunity, they can even help you stop the disease at the incubation stage.

Therefore, for greater efficiency and confidence in the strength of your own body, it is worth strengthening your own immune system.

After all, it is much easier and more pleasant not to get sick than to look for ways to heal.

Good day, dear readers!

Today we will look at a disease such as ARVI, as well as its symptoms, causes, treatment and prevention. In addition, we will look at how ARVI differs from acute respiratory infections and colds. So…

What is ARVI?

ARVI (acute respiratory viral infection)– a disease of the respiratory tract caused by a viral infection entering the body. Among the pathogens, the most common are influenza viruses, parainfluenza, adenoviruses and rhinoviruses.

The affected area of ​​ARVI includes the nose, paranasal sinuses, throat, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs. The conjunctiva (the mucous membrane of the eye) is also under the “sight”.

ARVI is one of the most common infectious diseases. Children who attend are most affected by it. kindergarten, school - up to 10 times a year. This is due to the immaturity of the immune system, close contact with each other, lack of knowledge and/or unwillingness to follow preventive measures to avoid infection. Other groups at risk include students, teachers, office workers, healthcare workers and others. However, adults usually suffer less from acute respiratory diseases of viral etiology, which is associated with the established immune system, as well as its resistance to these diseases due to other previous diseases. However, even if an adult is not susceptible to the development of this infection in the body, and he does not have obvious signs disease, he may simply be a carrier of infection, infecting everyone around him.

Acute respiratory viral infection has a seasonality. Thus, the most cases of morbidity were noted in the period from September–October to March–April, which is associated with cool and humid weather.

How is ARVI transmitted?

ARVI is transmitted primarily by airborne droplets (by sneezing, coughing, close conversation), but infection is possible through direct contact with the pathogen (kissing, handshakes and further contact of hands with the oral cavity) or contact with objects of the carrier of infection (dishes, clothing). When a person catches an infection, he immediately becomes a carrier. At the first signs of ARVI (general malaise, weakness, runny nose), the patient begins to infect everyone around him. As a rule, the first blow is taken by relatives, work teams, and people in transport. This is precisely the reason for the recommendation - at the first signs of ARVI, the patient should stay at home, and healthy people, if the media reports an outbreak of this disease, avoid staying in places large cluster people (public transport, holiday gatherings on the street, etc.).

Incubation period and development of ARVI

During a person’s contact with an infection, the virus first settles on the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract (nose, nasopharynx, mouth) of its potential victim. Next, the infection begins to release toxins that are absorbed into circulatory system and are carried by the blood throughout the body. When a patient's body temperature rises, this indicates that the infection has already entered the circulatory system and turned on protective functions body, because elevated temperature actually destroys the virus and its toxins.

The incubation period of acute respiratory viral infection is about 2 days, i.e. from the virus entering the mucous membrane until the first symptoms of the disease appear. At this time, a person may feel slightly unwell and irritable. Further, as the infection progresses, the symptoms intensify.

After past illness immunity does not develop resistance to ARVI, which is due to a large number various viruses and their strains. Moreover, viruses are susceptible to mutation. This leads to the fact that an adult can get ARVI up to 4 times a year.

What is the difference between acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections and colds?

Many people have many inaccuracies and ambiguities on this issue, so let’s briefly go over the topic and find out how these terms differ.

ARVI– a disease of viral etiology, i.e. The cause of the disease is a viral infection.

Warming up the nose. It helps well to relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa, improve blood circulation, and remove pathological secretions formed by infection from the nasal sinuses.

Nasal rinsing. As you remember, dear readers, the nasal cavity is practically the first location that is attacked by infection. That's why nasal cavity it is necessary to rinse, which minimizes not only the further development of the disease if it is just beginning to manifest itself, but is also an excellent in a preventive way, if there are no signs of it at all. In addition, it is from the nasal cavity that the infection actively spreads into the body, so during ARVI it must be washed daily.

Weak ones work well as a nasal wash. salt solutions, as well as special pharmaceutical sprays.

Gargling. The throat, like the nasal cavity, must be rinsed for the same reason, because... This is the first barrier between infection and the body, so this “block post” must be constantly rinsed. Gargling also helps relieve cough - transferring it from a dry to a wet form. This procedure will limit the possibility of exacerbation of the disease due to mucous membranes irritated by coughing.

For rinsing oral cavity and throat, soda-salt solution is excellent, as well as decoctions of chamomile, calendula, and sage.

Inhalations. This procedure practically aimed at the same thing as gargling - to relieve cough. From folk remedies, for inhalation you can use steam from potatoes “in their jackets”, as well as decoctions from, and other medicinal herbs. Among modern means, to facilitate inhalation, you can purchase a nebulizer.

Diet for ARVI. During acute respiratory viral infections, it is advisable to eat easily digestible food enriched with microelements. Particular emphasis should be placed on vitamin C. It is advisable to exclude fatty, spicy and fried foods, and smoked foods.

Symptomatic treatment. Aimed at suppressing certain symptoms to alleviate the course of the disease.

Medicines for ARVI

Antiviral drugs. Antiviral therapy is aimed at stopping the vital activity of a viral infection and the spread of its toxins throughout the body. In addition, antiviral drugs speed up the healing process.

Among the antiviral drugs for acute respiratory viral infections, one can highlight - “”, “”, “Remantadine”, “Cycloferon”.

Comprehensive products help eliminate unpleasant symptoms influenza and acute respiratory viral infections, maintain performance, but often contain phenylephrine, a substance that increases blood pressure, which gives a feeling of cheerfulness, but can cause side effects from the outside cardiovascular system. Therefore, in some cases, it is better to choose a drug without components of this kind, for example, AntiGrippin from Natur Product, which helps relieve the unpleasant symptoms of influenza and ARVI without causing an increase in blood pressure.
There are contraindications. It is necessary to consult a specialist.

Temperature during ARVI. The temperature during ARVI is not reduced, because it is a defense mechanism against viral infection within the body. The immune system increases the temperature, thereby “burning out” the infection, so it is very important not to interfere with it. The exception is cases when body temperature lasts more than 5 days or exceeds 38 °C in children, 39 °C in adults.

To lower body temperature, antipyretics and analgesics are used: "", "".

For nasal congestion, to facilitate breathing, vasoconstrictors are used: “Naphthyzin”, “Noxprey”.

For severe dry cough used: “Codelac”, “Sinekod”. To remove phlegm from the respiratory tract - syrup, "Tussin". To liquefy sputum - “Ascoril”, “ACC” (ACC).

For headaches Prescribed: “Askofen”, “Aspirin”.

For insomnia appoint sedatives: "Barbamil", "Luminal".

Antibiotics for ARVI. It is not advisable to prescribe antibiotics for ARVI, since with proper maintenance therapy the body itself copes well with a viral infection. Moreover, as a rule, the course of treatment with antibiotics is much longer than the duration of the disease.

Antibiotics are prescribed only if the symptoms of acute respiratory viral infection do not subside after 5 days of illness, as well as if a secondary infection has joined the acute respiratory viral infection or complications have appeared, for example, pneumonia, otitis media, sinusitis, etc. Antibiotics may also be prescribed if, after relief, the symptoms intensify again, which sometimes indicates infection of the body bacterial infection. Antibiotics are prescribed only by a doctor based on a personal examination of the patient.

Prevention of ARVI includes the following recommendations:

  • when an epidemic is announced in your area of ​​residence, wear masks;
  • do not allow;
  • eat predominantly healthy food, enriched with vitamins and minerals, especially in autumn, winter and spring;
  • try to eat at the same time natural antibiotics, such as - and onions;
  • Ventilate your living and working areas more often;
  • if there is a patient with ARVI in the house, then provide him with cutlery (forks, spoons, dishes), bedding, towels for separate use, and also disinfect him daily door handles and other objects with which the patient comes into contact;
  • Video about ARVI

They probably occupy the very first place. After all, these problems bother almost every person several times a year. In this article I would like to tell you the main thing about ARVI.

What is it

At the very beginning, you need to find out how this abbreviation, ARVI, stands for. So, this is an acute respiratory viral infection. With this disease, the epithelium of the respiratory tract is affected by RNA and DNA viruses. It is also worth mentioning that the incidence of this disease increases during the cold season. The disease most often and mildly affects children aged 3 to 14 years. ARVI has no gender or territorial differences (it affects both men and women equally, regardless of place of residence).


ARVI is a group of viral diseases. So, this abbreviation can mean the following diseases:

  1. Flu.
  2. Parainfluenza.
  3. Adenoviruses.
  4. Reoviruses.
  5. Respiratory syncytial viruses.
  6. Parawhooping cough.

Incubation period

What do you need to know when it comes to ARVI? The incubation period is what you need to understand. At the very beginning, you need to understand what this term means. So, the incubation period is the time when the microbe has already entered the human body. But the first symptoms of the disease have not yet appeared.

  1. Beginning of the incubation period: the time when a person was in contact with a sick person.
  2. End of the incubation period: when a person first develops symptoms of the disease.

Its duration is different for all diseases. What can be said specifically about ARVI? The incubation period of these diseases ranges on average from several hours to 14 days. The duration of the disease will also vary.


If a person has an adenovirus infection (a subtype of ARVI), the incubation period for this particular disease ranges from 2 to 12 days. Further, the development of the disease proceeds quite rapidly. The first symptoms: high temperature, cough, runny nose. This disease is long-term, often wave-like (the virus has the ability to form new foci). A person can remain a carrier of the adenovirus for quite a long time (it remains in a latent form in the tonsils for a long time).

Respiratory syncytial infection

If we talk specifically about this subtype of ARVI, the incubation period in this case ranges from two to seven days. Main symptoms: runny nose, pain when swallowing. An increase in temperature is recorded very rarely, and there are no cases of intoxication. In young children, the disease is more severe, and ARVI penetrates deeper (bronchiolitis). The disease itself lasts on average 10-12 days. However, a longer course is possible, and relapses are common.

Rhinovirus infection

When a person has rhinovirus infection (ARVI), how many days does the incubation period last? So, it is approximately 2-3 days. Main symptoms: runny nose, lacrimation. Fever and intoxication are uncharacteristic symptoms. There may also be a dry cough.

The incubation period for ARVI in children is the same as in adults. Only the time and nature of the course of the disease can differ. The treatment will also be excellent, because the drugs that adults take are often contraindicated for children.

Characteristics of ARVI

Now let's look at another pressing topic. It is imperative to consider the main signs of ARVI so as not to miss the moment of its onset. How does the disease manifest itself?

  1. The disease comes on slowly. The first symptoms are not pronounced. Most often it is a runny nose.
  2. The course of the disease varies over time. So, you can cope with the problem within 5-7 days. However, complications and relapses often occur.
  3. After an acute respiratory viral infection for three weeks, a person runs the risk of easily catching another disease.
  4. Mortality is very low; worldwide, only 0.2% of patients die from ARVI (and then only those who did not receive timely and adequate treatment).

Main symptoms

Having considered the signs of ARVI, I would definitely like to talk about the main symptoms that are characteristic of this group of diseases. So what can be observed in a patient if we are talking about intoxication:

  1. Chills, fever. Temperatures can even rise to 40 °C.
  2. Pain: headaches, muscle pain.
  3. At the very beginning of the disease and during its course, a person will feel tired and lethargic. Performance is greatly reduced.
  4. Often the patient may have enlarged lymph nodes in the neck and lower jaw.
  5. Rash on the skin or mucous membranes (typical of some diseases).

If we are talking about respiratory syndrome (a feature of ARVI), the symptoms in this case may be different, depending on the type of virus and the patient’s body. However, typical signs can be identified:

  1. Nasal congestion, runny nose (whitish thick discharge).
  2. Dry throat, sore throat, pain (including during swallowing).
  3. Watery eyes, photophobia, pain in the eyes.
  4. Cough. Can be wet, dry, barking.


If a patient develops a complication of ARVI, the symptoms in this case will be alarming:

  1. Fever, body temperature may exceed 40 °C. Antipyretics often do not have the desired effect on the body.
  2. A person may lose consciousness, it may become confused.
  3. The patient has severe headaches. Often it is almost impossible to press your head to your chest.
  4. Skin rashes in the form of hemorrhages or stars may appear.
  5. There may be chest pain, shortness of breath, and shortness of breath.
  6. Cough with sputum of an unusual color: brown, green, red.
  7. Edema.
  8. The course of the disease is long, the infection can rage for more than two weeks.

Attention: such symptoms are alarming. In this case, you should immediately seek medical help.


What could be the consequences after ARVI? Most often, these diseases pass without leaving a trace on the body. The exception is complications that can affect one or another organ. The consequences of ARVI are especially dangerous for infants, pregnant women and people with weakened immune systems.


Prevention of ARVI is something that also needs to be mentioned. After all, preventing a disease is much easier than dealing with it in the future.

  1. The first point of prevention is flu vaccination.
  2. You can support the body during the widespread spread of the disease with the help of immunostimulating or antiviral drugs. These may be medications such as Aflubin, Anaferon, Arbidol.
  3. It is very important to saturate the body with the necessary amount of vitamins and microelements every day.
  4. You also need to properly think through your diet; food should be protein-rich and balanced.
  5. Prevention of ARVI also means giving up all bad habits and a healthy lifestyle.
  6. Good uninterrupted sleep (duration: at least 7 hours a day) is very important.
  7. During the cold season, you need to wear a protective mask. You should also try to avoid contact with sick people.