How to eat after rotavirus infection. What can a child eat with rotavirus infection? Is it possible to get re-infected with the virus?

It happens that, out of the blue, a person suddenly develops a fever, a stomach ache, vomiting and diarrhea. What kind of misfortune is this, because there were not the slightest prerequisites for any disease. Most likely you have contracted a rotavirus infection, which, as a rule, always begins unexpectedly. Rotavirus, or as it is also called “intestinal flu,” is one of the most common intestinal infections. At the first symptoms, you should immediately take action, namely, start following therapeutic diet, aimed at restoring the body after “food poisoning”.

What is rotavirus infection

Rotavirus infection is contagious viral disease, transmitted by airborne droplets, when consuming low-quality or spoiled food, as well as through dirty hands. Rotavirus affects the mucous membrane gastrointestinal tract, then excreted from the body naturally. However, not every intestinal infection is a rotavirus; the diagnosis can be accurately determined in the laboratory after testing.

Symptoms rotavirus infection:

  • Sneeze;
  • High temperature;
  • Sharp pain in the abdomen;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Vomit;
  • Malaise and weakness.

According to statistics, about 137 million people in the world suffer from rotavirus infection, while only a quarter of them are hospitalized. In order to avoid hospitalization, it is necessary to urgently take a number of measures to treat the disease. The main methods of treating rotavirus infection are: diet, drinking regime and additional intake of rehydration solutions.

Basic principles of diet for rotavirus infection in adults

In order to cure rotavirus infection at home, you should follow a soft, gentle diet aimed at replenishing fluid deficiency in the body.
The first step is to exclude from your diet all dairy products, fatty, fried, smoked, pickled foods, as well as sweets and fresh baked goods.

In the first days, due to intoxication of the body, diarrhea and vomiting, there is a lack of appetite. However, in order to replenish all nutrient losses, it is simply necessary to eat, preferably 5-7 times a day, but in small portions. Food should be easily digestible, have binding and astringent properties in order to prevent diarrhea. It is recommended to eat porridges, low-fat soups, and wheat bread crackers during the diet. You can eat vegetables during your diet, but only boiled, stewed or baked.

With rotavirus, the human body is dehydrated, and therefore it is worth drinking as much fluid as possible. It is recommended to drink 50-70 ml every 30 minutes. You can drink both purified water without gas, as well as compotes and jelly from berries, and herbal decoctions. You can add sugar for taste.

For speedy recovery The use of rehydration solutions is recommended, which can be prepared independently at home (for example, rice water, rosehip infusion), or you can purchase specialized drugs at the pharmacy (hydrovit, rehydron, humana, gastrolit), which are diluted with water and taken half a glass every 1 day. 5-2 hours.

Features of the diet for rotavirus infection in children

Children are much more susceptible to rotavirus infection, especially in early age(up to 2 years). The symptoms of the disease in children correspond to adults, however, treatment is much more difficult, since in childhood immune system not yet fully formed. The main method of treating rotavirus infection in children is diet, since there are no specialized drugs to combat rotaviruses.

If a child with rotavirus infection is on breastfeeding , then you should continue to continue your normal diet, since mother's milk contains everything essential vitamins, immunoglobulins and other beneficial substances. In this case, you should refuse other complementary foods. Infants who are on artificial feeding, it is necessary to switch to a dairy-free diet (porridges and mixtures that do not contain lactose).

Diet for rotovirus in children 2-5 years old according to Komarovsky is aimed at relieving inflammation in the intestines and replenishing fluid deficiency in the body. In the first 2-3 days, it is necessary to give the child porridge cooked in water without oil, lean broths, and crackers. In the following days, you can gradually expand your diet by adding lean meat and fish, steamed omelettes, potato, apple or carrot puree. Baked fruits (apples, pears) are recommended as snacks. At the recovery stage, when gag reflexes cease, temperature and stool normalize, it is recommended to include yoghurt in the child’s diet to restore intestinal microflora.

Basic rules of diet for rotavirus infection according to Komarovsky:

  1. Exclusion from the diet of dairy and fermented milk products, raw fruits and vegetables, carbonated drinks, sweets;
  2. Drink plenty of fluids. You should give your child a rehydron solution as often as possible, but since it tastes unpleasant, you can replace it with compotes, jelly, and berry decoctions. The child needs to drink 50 ml every 30 minutes;
  3. Meals should be fractional (7-8 times a day), but in small portions so as not to provoke vomiting;
  4. There is no need to force a child to eat;
  5. Before starting a diet, you should definitely consult your pediatrician.

List of permitted and prohibited products

Diet for rotavirus infection - allowed foods and dishes:

  • Dried wheat bread;
  • Low-fat fish or meat broth;
  • Vegetable soup;
  • Lean meat (beef, rabbit);
  • Lean poultry (turkey, chicken);
  • Low-fat fish (hake, carp, bream, pollock, pike);
  • Eggs (1 hard-boiled egg per day);
  • Buckwheat, rice, semolina;
  • Potatoes, beets, tomatoes, carrots, cauliflower;
  • Jam, honey

The following drinks are allowed during a diet for rotavirus infection: tea, compotes and decoctions of berries (blueberries, currants, raspberries), herbs (chamomile, St. John's wort, mint), jelly. During the day, you need to drink as much liquid as possible, at least 2-2.5 liters of pure water without gas, to restore the water balance in the body, which was disturbed by rotavirus infection.

Prohibited foods during the diet for rotavirus infection:

  • Fresh bread(rye, wheat);
  • Butter baked goods and flour products;
  • Fatty meat (lamb, beef);
  • Fatty fish (salmon, tuna, mackerel, trout);
  • Fat bird (duck, goose);
  • Fatty meat broths and other first courses (soups, borscht);
  • Sausages;
  • Smoked and canned goods;
  • Pasta;
  • Pearl barley, millet, barley;
  • Dairy products;
  • Fermented milk products (kefir, fermented baked milk, sour cream, yogurt);
  • Cheese (all varieties);
  • Radishes, onions, garlic, white cabbage, cucumbers;
  • Legumes (beans, peas, lentils);
  • Citrus fruits, plums, grapes, apricots;
  • Chocolate, candy and cocoa.

When dieting during the acute period of the disease, carbonated drinks and coffee are excluded.

Menu for the week

Sample menu for a week for rotavirus infection (breakfast, snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner):

  • Steamed omelette;
  • Dried fruit compote;
  • Bouillon. Wheat crackers 2 pcs. Steamed pollock fillet;
  • Toast with jam;
  • Boiled chicken fillet. Boiled grated carrot salad.


  • Buckwheat porridge on water;
  • Kissel;
  • Vegetable soup. 2 crackers;
  • Boiled beet salad;
  • Mashed potatoes. Boiled turkey fillet.


  • Semolina porridge;
  • 1 hard-boiled egg;
  • Mashed potatoes. Steamed beef cutlets;
  • Berry juice;
  • Hake soup with pieces of fish. Dried wheat bread.


  • Rice porridge;
  • 1 hard-boiled egg;
  • Vegetable cream soup with croutons;
  • Compote;
  • Stewed rabbit meat. Vegetable stew.


  • Carrot puree;
  • Kissel;
  • Cauliflower soup. Steamed fish cutlets;
  • 1 hard-boiled egg;
  • Mashed potatoes. Boiled beet salad.


  • Steamed buckwheat;
  • 1 hard-boiled egg;
  • Chicken soup. Crackers;
  • Rosehip decoction. Toast;
  • Steamed carp fillet. Boiled carrot salad.


  • 1 hard-boiled egg. Kissel;
  • Toast with jam;
  • Pike soup with pieces of fish. Dried wheat bread 2 slices;
  • Green apple;
  • Rice porridge on water. Turkey meatballs.

During a diet for rotavirus infection, you can eat even at night if you feel hungry. You can have a snack with a baked apple, grated carrot salad, and crackers.


At the very beginning of treatment for rotavirus infection, during the period of exacerbation, the most important role drinking regime plays a role rather than food. During this period, it is necessary to include rehydration solutions in the diet menu. Can be used pharmaceutical drugs(hydrovit, rehydron), which are produced in the form of ready-made powders and are simply diluted with water. If you don’t have any at hand, don’t be upset; you can prepare decoctions of herbs and cereals at home, as well as water-salt solutions to replenish fluid loss in the body.

Water-salt solution for rotavirus infection


  • Water 1 liter;
  • Sugar 2-4 tablespoons;
  • Table salt 1 tablespoon;
  • Soda 0.5 teaspoon.

Cooking method:

  1. Bring water to a boil, add sugar, salt and soda, stir until the ingredients are completely dissolved.
  2. Let cool. Take 50 ml of solution every 2 hours.

In order not to provoke excess salts in the body, it is recommended to use a water-salt solution during the diet in combination with other drinks (decoctions of berries, herbs).




  • Rice 3-4 tablespoons;
  • Water 1 liter;
  • Salt 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Soda 0.5 teaspoon.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, add rice and cook over low heat until fully cooked.
  2. Let cool slightly, then strain the broth through a sieve.
  3. Add 0.5 teaspoon of soda and salt to the broth, stir until the ingredients are completely dissolved.

Rice water has an enveloping effect and will help you quickly cope with diarrhea during an exacerbation of the disease, so it is recommended to use it in the first days of the diet.

Rose hip decoction

Rose hip decoction


  • Rose hips;
  • Water.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind the rose hips, pour them into a saucepan and add water in a ratio of 1:10 (i.e., take 1 liter of water for 100 grams of berries).
  2. Place the pan on gas, bring to a boil, cover with a lid.
  3. Leave the broth to infuse for 12 hours.

Rose hips - effective remedy against pathogenic bacteria, especially the digestive organs, and therefore a decoction of these berries is extremely useful in a therapeutic diet for rotavirus infection.

Nutrition after rotavirus infection

With rotavirus infection, an inflammatory process begins in the intestines, which disrupts the synthesis of an enzyme capable of breaking down lactose. That is why in the first days dairy and dairy products should be completely excluded from the diet. fermented milk products. However, to restore normal microflora intestines, they are necessary, so it is important to continue to follow the diet correctly after rotavirus infection, both for children and adults.

IN rehabilitation period, which lasts at least 3 weeks, you should continue to follow the diet menu for rotavirus infection, eat cereals, soups, boiled or stewed vegetables, lean meat and fish. Foods prohibited during the diet should be introduced gradually during the rehabilitation period. In the first week, you are allowed to flavor the porridge without a large number butter or vegetable oil, add honey to tea or compote.

During the recovery period with a diet, other side effects- constipation or stool retention. In this case, you need to drink a couple of tablespoons of freshly squeezed water at night. beet juice or prepare a salad from boiled beets, grated, seasoned lemon juice and vegetable oil. Adults can add a couple of cloves of chopped garlic to the salad.

Towards the end of the recovery period you can gradually add dairy and fermented milk products to your diet(for example, kefir or natural yogurt), observing the body’s reaction and gradually increasing their amount.

IN preventive measures To avoid re-infection with rotavirus infection, it is recommended to carefully observe the hygiene regime, wash your hands with soap before meals, and also give close attention consumed food products, monitoring their consumer characteristics and expiration dates.

For a mother, there is nothing sadder than a child’s illness. In this situation, you can only rely on the attending physician and your own parental instincts. If your baby has been diagnosed with rotavirus, the first thing you should take care of is drawing up a therapeutic diet menu.

Rotavirus infection (rotavirus gastroenteritis) is popularly called stomach (or intestinal) flu. Most often it occurs in children of the nursery group, namely, between the ages of 6 months and 2 years. Even healthy person who does not show any signs of illness.

Triggered by rotavirus acute infection does not manifest itself immediately. Incubation period: 1-5 days. With the advent acute symptoms the picture of the disease becomes clearer:

  • abdominal cramps accompanied by pain,
  • vomit,
  • diarrhea,
  • general weakness.

But since the listed symptoms are also characteristic of other childhood ailments ( food poisoning, salmonellosis, cholera), the correct diagnosis can only be made by a specialist.

With proper therapy and diet, recovery occurs within 4-7 days after symptoms are detected. A child who has recovered from the disease receives immunity that helps resist this type of virus.

Diet rules

In this case, diet is a necessary measure. It has several important functions:

  • reduces the load on the digestive tract;
  • promotes a speedy recovery;
  • prevents dehydration, which is extremely dangerous in childhood;
  • ensures the supply of important nutrients to the body.

A properly formulated diet for a sick baby is all the more important when you consider that this is perhaps the only method of treating rotavirus. None of modern drugs does not guarantee recovery.

During this difficult period for a child, a split diet becomes especially important. In other words, permitted drinks and food should be given to the toddler in small portions, maintaining short intervals between doses.

It has been noticed that in the first few days of the disease, children who have contracted rotavirus lose their appetite. In this case, it is forbidden to force the baby to eat. You can offer him some light food or drink. For example, low-fat broth cooked on skinless chicken breast, or unsweetened but strong tea.

And only after the child shows interest in food can he be switched to a therapeutic diet. Until the symptoms of diarrhea disappear, all products are crushed and well boiled or steamed.

The disease can cause serious complications in the child. The word is to mothers.

“My daughter caught this virus from her cousin when she was 3 years old. The diagnosis was made by a pediatrician. She had severe vomiting and diarrhea. The virus destroyed healthy bacteria in the intestines, and the child developed temporary lactose intolerance, which persisted for a full six months after past illness. I gradually introduced dairy products into her diet. Only a year later, my baby’s body fully recovered.”

Product Lists


First of all, foods that fuel the infection will have to be excluded from the children's diet. This cow's milk sugar-containing confectionery and food, rich in carbohydrates. Prohibited:

  • fatty broths and soups;
  • sausages and fatty meats;
  • pasta;
  • raw vegetables and fruits;
  • millet, barley and pearl barley porridge;
  • chocolate and cocoa;
  • fresh black bread and baked goods;
  • canned fish, smoked and salted fish, all its fatty varieties.

The greatest danger in the group of vegetable crops are cucumbers, garlic, onions and representatives of the cruciferous family: radishes, radishes, cabbage and cauliflower. They contain fiber that is difficult to digest and can worsen symptoms.


  • porridge cooked in water or vegetable broth from semolina or tender rice flakes without adding butter or sugar;
  • low-fat broth, perhaps with the addition of a small handful of thoroughly boiled vegetables or cereals;
  • omelette from 1 egg (preferably rustic), steamed;
  • fresh, non-acidic cottage cheese, pre-grated (ready-made cottage cheese with added pieces of fruit should not be used);
  • steamed cutlets or meatballs from fish fillet and lean meat;
  • puree from boiled or steamed carrots homemade;
  • baked apples(just remember to remove the skin);
  • fermented milk products enriched with bifidobacteria: acidophilus, bifidoc, "Activia", lactobacillin, etc.;
  • , also preferably homemade.

If your baby is used to eating bread, offer him homemade croutons from a loaf without crusts.

Drink Recipes

During illness, the child needs fluids. First of all, it is a water-salt solution with high content sodium - purchased or homemade.

Water-salt decoction with raisins

  1. Add 1/3 cup to 1 liter of water and boil for an hour.
  2. Cool and strain the broth. Carefully mash the raisins remaining in the strainer or gauze so that as much glucose as possible passes into the drink.
  3. Stir with 1 tsp. salt, half tsp. baking soda and 4 tsp. Sahara.
  4. Boil for a couple more minutes and cool again.

This decoction tastes good, and children drink it without whims.

When the symptoms subside, rice broth, a fruit and vegetable mixture (200 g of peeled apples and carrots and 2 tsp of sugar per 0.5 l of water), as well as or (2-3 tbsp of berries and 1 .5 tbsp sugar per 1 liter of water).

These drinks contain pectin, known for its cleansing properties. But you can feed your child with them only in a heated state.


Cook 2-4 tbsp. l. rice in boiling water until it softens. This will take about 2 hours. Rub the cereal through a sieve, add a pinch baking soda and salt (incomplete teaspoon of fine salt).

Nutrition after illness

It will take at least another two weeks for the digestive system to recover from the infection. During this period, it is important to continue to observe certain dietary restrictions. Take some time with the products:

  • cold foods and drinks, including ice cream: they complicate the digestive processes;
  • legumes: can cause flatulence;
  • whole milk;
  • rye bread;
  • millet porridge;
  • : Contains coarse dietary fiber.

Even if all the unpleasant symptoms have passed, this does not mean that you can transfer your baby to a regular diet. Be patient, and then your baby will emerge victorious from this battle with rotavirus.

Greetings, dear friends, blog readers. Today I propose to talk about what to feed a child with rotavirus infection (sample menu, recipes, recommendations from Dr. Komarovsky).

I think many mothers of preschoolers have encountered this problem, and I was no exception. So in today’s article I’ll tell you how to organize meals if a child is sick with rotavirus infection, what to feed the baby, what menu to follow, recipes, as well as recommendations from Dr. Komarovsky.

Rotavirus infections are one of the types of massive viral epidemics among children. In the area infectious pathology this disease is treatable early diagnosis thanks to modern technologies. Rotavirus infection has a pronounced manifestation. The virus can seriously infect the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, not only children, but also adults are susceptible to the disease. Only children's body, due to fragile immunity, it is more difficult to withstand the attack of the virus. And we need to do everything to help the baby. In particular, it is necessary to change the child’s diet in case of rotavirus infection.

What is rotavirus infection, as well as the consequences it can lead to, is it necessary to vaccinate a child against of this disease says Dr. Komarovsky:

Features of rotavirus infection in children

Today, the spread of viral infections is no less pronounced than before. Mass diseases cause many problems. Fortunately, doctors have learned to quickly identify the causes of diseases and fight them. Drugs against rotavirus infections have a focal effect. Usually helps complex treatment child, including therapeutic nutrition. Therefore, the question of what to feed a child with rotavirus infection is relevant. The virus mainly affects peristalsis, the symptoms of the disease are characteristic features unpleasant consequences for intestinal and digestive disorders. Doctors unanimously say that during an intestinal infection it is necessary to follow a diet. When a child becomes ill, all signs of intoxication in the body intensify and the temperature rises.

Therapeutic food for a child with rotavirus infection

Having fallen ill, the child refuses food. At this time, you can give your baby porridge on the water, boiled dishes, jelly. As for fermented milk products, experts have somewhat different opinions. So, in some children even kefir can cause an increased reaction. The baby constantly vomits and has diarrhea. While for others, this drink relieves spasmodic reactions and unpleasant consequences. It is necessary to monitor the child's condition.
At this time, it is important to give the child plenty of fluids and frequent drinks in an amount that will not cause a gag reflex in him. Sweetened tea also helps. You just need to add less sugar than usual. But these are more preventive measures.

What to feed a child with rotavirus infection if the child refuses to eat?

Recommended are fish, chicken, vegetables, and cereals. Should be excluded from the diet white bread, fatty broths, canned food, pasta, cabbage, radishes. All meals during illness must be prepared in a gentle way. It is necessary to exclude coarse, fibrous foods, fried, spicy, salty foods, and marinades from the child’s diet, so as not to further cause irritation of the intestinal mucosa. It is better to cook well-chopped and steamed food. Pureed, pureed foods are best.

In most cases, rotavirus infection does not cause serious consequences. However, it is worth remembering that this is the strongest allergen for a small organism. An intestinal infection quickly leads to dehydration and significant loss of useful substances. And this is already serious damage to the immune system.

It is important to follow a diet not only during illness, but also for another two to three weeks after recovery. As soon as the child develops more or less good appetite, then you can give him food in small portions several times a day.

If you have a viral disease, you need to drink 50-70 ml every 30 minutes. If you exceed the volumes of food and drink that the child’s body can at the moment is able to assimilate, then this can provoke profuse vomiting. Fresh vegetables And it’s better not to give fruit yet. Let it be a couple more weeks before full recovery and until stool normalization. The child himself will feel when he feels better. Of course, all actions, refusal or consent to take any products should only occur under the supervision of a doctor.

Recipes for children with an intestinal virus

When preparing food, you can use more universal recipes to know what to feed your child with rotavirus infection.

Rice congee recipe.

This drink is prepared in water for two hours. Three to four tablespoons of rice should be boiled in 1 liter of water. It is necessary to ensure that the cereal is completely boiled. Then the resulting mass must be wiped and added ½ teaspoon of soda and 2/3 teaspoon of salt, stir. When finished, the decoction can be poured into sterile bottles and cooled. For storage, the broth should be placed in the refrigerator, and when necessary, it can be shaken and heated.

Recipe for a mixture of carrots and apples.

This product has not only useful, but also incredible taste qualities. To prepare the mixture you will need 500 g of peeled apples and grated carrots. The mass needs to be softened and rubbed, add sugar (5 tablespoons). The mixture is then brought to a boil. And you can bottle it.

Menu for rotavirus infection in a child

When the baby begins to eat food as before in the form of three meals a day, you can create a special menu for him, since the body is still weakened.

Breakfast may consist of a steamed omelet. Low-sour homemade cottage cheese will also be useful. A diet of porridge made from semolina, buckwheat and rice. Vegetable decoction or broth is useful. It is also good to give your child weak tea with crackers.

At lunch You can make soup with meat broth. The main thing is to make sure that the vegetables are well cooked. You can also give soup with fish balls. Lunch can be washed down with rosehip decoction.

Dinner may consist of steamed fish cutlets, boiled buckwheat porridge and carrot puree. Baked blocks are great for snacking.

What else is important to remember

It is important for parents to remember that a small organism is significantly weakened during illness. And it is impossible to demand that your baby eat as before in order to gain strength. Appetite is reduced as the body uses other resources to fight the infection. You should also not self-medicate. A child's illness must be diagnosed by a doctor. The recovery process should take place only under his control. The therapist will determine the composition of nutrients in the child’s diet, based on specific test results and taking into account individual food tolerance.

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Rotavirus infection is a common intestinal disease, also called intestinal flu, and is transmitted by airborne droplets, household contact, or the fecal-oral route.

The main symptoms of rotavirus infection include:

Frequent vomiting;

Fever, cold symptoms;

In the treatment of rotavirus, diet therapy plays a major role, which helps relieve the inflammatory process in the intestines and put things in order. gastrointestinal activity.

A well-chosen diet from the first days of illness becomes the main condition for the patient’s rapid recovery.

What kind of food do nutritionists prescribe when treating this disease?

Basic principles of diet for intestinal and rotavirus infections in children and adults

The main objectives of diet therapy for intestinal infection:

Preventing dehydration that can occur due to diarrhea and vomiting;

Complete exclusion of foods that irritate the esophagus and intestines from the diet;

Recovering lost due to past infection vitamins and microelements that are necessary for the whole body.

During the first day from the onset of the disease, while vomiting and diarrhea are frequent, you need to temporarily refuse to eat and only “supply” the body with plenty of fluid. Unsweetened tea, decoctions of bird cherry and blueberries, and cocoa brewed in water are recommended. All these drinks contain tannin, which slows down intestinal motility and reduces flatulence.

Once the diarrhea and vomiting have subsided, you can gradually begin to eat. Boiled, pureed and steamed dishes with a semi-liquid consistency are prepared for patients. Food should be eaten warm (33–36 degrees), in small portions (150–300 g) five to six times during the day.

The first three days, the caloric content of the diet is approximately 2000 kcal per day, then a more complete diet is recommended, based on the same products, but with a higher calorie content (up to 3000 kcal per day) to support the body in the fight against intestinal infection.

What foods should you eat during stomach flu for a speedy recovery, and which ones need to be completely excluded from the diet of patients for a while?

Prohibited foods and drinks

Any fatty, smoked, fried, spicy and canned food;

Black bread;

Barley and millet;

Dairy products;

Raw vegetables and fruits;

Mushrooms and nuts;

Dried fruits;


Herbs and spices;

Chocolate, cookies and fresh baked goods;

Hard-boiled eggs and scrambled eggs;

Carbonated drinks and coffee.

Allowed foods and drinks

Crackers made from a white loaf;

Low-fat broth (fish, chicken or meat) and slimy soups prepared with such broth;

Soft-boiled eggs;

Liquid pureed porridge (rice, buckwheat or oatmeal), cooked in water without milk;

Lean meats and fish cooked in a steamer;

Applesauce and banana puree;

Homemade low-fat fermented milk products;

Homemade jelly;

Tea without sugar;

Cocoa prepared without milk;

Decoctions from dried berries blueberries, raspberries, bird cherry and currants.

Basic rules of diet for intestinal and rotavirus infections in children

The principles of nutrition for intestinal and rotavirus infections in children and adults are the same, but there are slight differences.

Stomach flu It is more severe in children, since dehydration in them, unlike adults, occurs much faster. When the first symptoms of rotavirus appear, it is recommended to stop feeding the baby during the first day and give him as much to drink as possible. Pediatricians recommend a mint decoction that reduces the urge to vomit or special solution for dehydration.

During the active period of the disease, all patients, regardless of age, dairy products are strictly prohibited. But if a child who feeds is sick breast milk, then they definitely continue to breastfeed him, because mother’s milk is the best remedy to improve immunity and fight infection.

If the child is on artificial nutrition , then during the acute period of the disease he needs to be switched to lactose-free infant formula, since intestinal infection destroys the enzymes that are needed to break down lactose, and in the absence of these enzymes, abdominal pain and diarrhea only get worse.

As soon as the vomiting and diarrhea subside, you can start giving baby's lungs food in small portions of 100–200 grams. It is recommended to start with oatmeal or rice broth, jelly and low-fat broth. You need to eat frequently, about two and a half to three hours later.

Gradually, they add to the diet of small patients applesauce, which not only makes a strict diet more varied, but is also a source of pectin.

This substance adsorbs the remains of poorly digested food masses, mucus and bacteria. As a result, new portions of food entering the intestines are better digested and absorbed by the body. In addition, apples contain organic acids that help destroy pathogenic bacteria, as well as vitamins that enhance immunity. Apple pulp is used to make puree, and apple peel is used to make puree. useful decoction.

What dishes do nutritionists recommend for the diet of patients with intestinal flu?

The first three days of the diet for intestinal and rotavirus infections in adults

First day:

Breakfast: semolina prepared without milk, steamed omelette (100 g), a glass of unsweetened tea;

Snack: steamed soufflé homemade cottage cheese zero fat content;

Lunch: light broth from lean chicken meat, steamed veal meatballs, currant jelly;

Afternoon snack: 200 ml of rosehip decoction with white loaf croutons;

Dinner: steamed lean fish, unsweetened tea.

Second day:

Breakfast: oatmeal cooked in water, steamed omelette (100 g), a glass of tea without sugar;

Snack: apple pulp puree (150 g);

Lunch: lean beef broth, steamed white chicken meat, chopped in a blender, blueberry broth;

Afternoon snack: cocoa with water (200 ml) with croutons from a white loaf;

Dinner: steamed meatballs from lean fish, unsweetened tea.

At night: homemade low-fat kefir.

Third day:

Breakfast: rice porridge prepared without milk, 100 g of apple puree, tea without sugar;

Snack: 200 ml of rosehip decoction with white loaf croutons;

Lunch: slimy rice soup with low-fat meat broth, steamed chicken dumplings, blueberry jelly;

Afternoon snack: a glass of apple peel decoction with dry biscuits;

Dinner: steamed homemade low-fat cottage cheese pudding, cocoa boiled in water;

At night: homemade low-fat kefir.

The first three days of the diet for intestinal and rotavirus infections in children

First day:

Breakfast: oatmeal cooked without milk (100 g), unsweetened cocoa in water, one soft-boiled egg;

Snack: applesauce (100 g);

Lunch: light broth from lean fish, steamed fish meatballs (150 g), raspberry jelly;

Afternoon snack: blackcurrant jelly (200 ml);

Dinner: steamed chicken breast, mashed (200 g), blueberry broth;

At night: homemade low-fat kefir.

Second day:

Breakfast: semolina cooked in water, steamed omelette (50 g), a glass of unsweetened tea;

Snack: steamed banana puree (100 g);

Lunch: slimy oatmeal soup, steamed chicken meatballs (150 g), blueberry jelly;

Afternoon snack: 200 ml of apple peel decoction with white loaf croutons.

Dinner: steam casserole of low-fat homemade pureed cottage cheese, (200 g), unsweetened tea;

At night: homemade low-fat kefir.

Third day:

Breakfast: pureed rice porridge with water, white bread croutons with unsweetened tea;

Snack: a glass of blackcurrant jelly;

Lunch: light lean beef broth, steamed fish meatballs (200 g), raspberry jelly;

Afternoon snack: cocoa boiled in water (200 ml) with unleavened biscuits;

Dinner: steamed rabbit soufflé, tea without sugar;

At night: homemade low-fat kefir.

After only 2-3 days of following the diet for intestinal and rotavirus infections, children experience a noticeable improvement.

In recovery can be gradually introduced into the patients’ diet following products:

Yogurt and fruits, which normalize intestinal microflora and help restore lost immunity;

Lumpy food, since eating pureed food for a long time leads to intestinal sluggishness and constipation.

Despite the strictness of the diet, in modern dietetics there is a large selection of dishes for patients suffering from intestinal infection. All dishes included in this diet are easy to prepare.

Recipes for dietary dishes for intestinal and rotavirus infections

Steamed chicken dumplings

From half a kilo white meat Make minced chicken, add one egg and two pieces of stale white loaf soaked in water. Grind the resulting mixture with a blender, add salt to taste and form small cutlets, which we steam for 25 minutes.

Slime recipe oat soup

Boil 100 g in one liter of lightly salted water until tender. rolled oats and 100 g of chopped carrots and onions. At the end of cooking, you need to puree the soup and add a little vegetable oil.

Blueberry jelly

Add half a glass of dried blueberries and two tablespoons of sugar to one liter of boiling water. Separately in a glass cold water dissolve a tablespoon of starch and gradually pour the resulting mixture into the berry broth. Without ceasing to stir, bring to a boil and remove from the stove. The finished jelly must be strained.

Rose hip decoction

For a glass of boiling water you will need a tablespoon of dried and crushed rose hips. The broth is infused in a thermos for two hours, after which it must be filtered.

Prevention of intestinal and rotavirus infections

The diet for intestinal and rotavirus infections in children and adults must be followed for two weeks, and after complete recovery you can return to your usual diet. It is necessary to remember about rotavirus prevention and follow simple rules:

Always wash your hands before eating;

Do not swim in bodies of water that are prohibited for swimming;

Thoroughly wash foods such as greens, salads, vegetables and fruits;

Do not eat raw fish and meat;

Strictly follow food storage rules.

Thus, a timely visit to the doctor and compliance with all the above nutritional principles for intestinal and rotavirus infections will help you cope with intestinal flu as quickly as possible!

Rotavirus infection is a common viral disease called intestinal flu that affects the digestive tract. The causative agent of the infection is rotavirus. Most often, the disease affects children under 5 years of age who have physiological characteristics digestive organs and an incompletely formed immune system.

During the acute period of the disease and after it, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules that will be aimed at restoring the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (hereinafter referred to as the GIT). What diet should be followed after rotavirus infection? Let's consider all its features.

What happens to the digestive tract?

After the virus has entered the body and reached small intestine, may not manifest itself in any way for another 1–5 days. In this case, the patient is already infectious to others and will remain a carrier until last day full recovery.

Then it begins to actively multiply, causing a lot serious symptoms. Once inside the enterocytes, they begin to destroy them. As a result of this, normal cells are replaced by defective ones that do not have the ability to absorb, break down and synthesize enzymes.

To make it easier to bear the disease, you need to follow a certain order:

  • reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • it is necessary to provide the body with micro- and macroelements;
  • prevent loss of fluid and body weight;
  • reduce the inflammatory process in the digestive tract;
  • normalize the functioning of all digestive organs.

Basic rules of diet for rotavirus infection in adults and children:

  • food should be varied and easily digestible, taken at least 5–7 times a day;
  • the recommended temperature of finished products should be no lower than 30 and no higher than 38 degrees;
  • total volume daily ration should be reduced by 20–50% of the physiological norm;
  • providing the body with a sufficient amount of proteins, carbohydrates and fats;
  • ensuring protection from mechanical effects on the digestive organs;
  • all products should be consumed only in boiled form, rubbed through a fine sieve;
  • include fermented milk products rich in lactobacilli in your diet.

In the first days, when symptoms are at their peak, it is important to drink plenty of fluids

Nutrition after rotavirus infection should remain unchanged for 10–14 days in order for the body to finally become stronger and the digestive tract to return to normal.

What you can and cannot eat

After a child or adult falls ill with intestinal flu, the question arises: “What can you eat so as not to harm the body?” Specialists have identified certain products, which have a beneficial effect on inflamed organs and those that can cause even greater harm.

Allowed foods and dishes Prohibited foods and dishes
Fermented milk products from day 3. Milk, sour cream.
Lean meats. Fatty varieties meat, fish and poultry.
Fruits and vegetables, boiled or baked. Fresh fruits and vegetables.
Cereals: rice, semolina, buckwheat, oatmeal. Marinades and spices.
Bread crackers, biscuits, dryers. Pickles, smoked meats, pickles.
Soups with vegetable or diluted meat broth. Confectionery and sugar.
Strong coffee and tea.
Soft-boiled eggs or steamed omelet. Fresh bread and bakery products.
Honey instead of sugar. Carbonated drinks.
Highly diluted tea and fruit decoctions without sugar. Food colors and additives.
Kissel and soufflé of fruits and vegetables. Alcohol products.

In addition to foods that should not be eaten, it is worth noting that all dishes should be served warm. Food that is too hot or cold will irritate and negatively affect the upper digestive tract.

Sample menu for a week during an acute period

After the first signs of intestinal flu appear, you should pay attention to what you can and cannot eat. For the first 2 weeks, you must strictly follow a diet that will spare the digestive tract.

The diet can be expanded only taking into account the patient’s normal well-being and the permission of a specialist.

Day 1: in the morning jelly without sugar, at lunch pureed noodle soup in vegetable broth, snack cracker, rosehip decoction, dinner mashed potatoes without milk and butter, rice water at night.

Day 2: in the morning, steamed omelette, several sushi, lunch, diluted rice soup chicken broth, a decoction of berries without sugar, an afternoon snack of baked apples in the oven, dinner buckwheat with half a steamed cutlet, jelly for the night.

Day 3: soft-boiled egg, biscuits, weak tea, buckwheat soup with weak meat broth, potato casserole, fruit soufflé, dinner, rice with a piece of boiled fish, a glass of low-fat kefir at night.

Day 4: oatmeal porridge with water, diluted cocoa drink, soup with meatballs, durum wheat pasta, bifido for afternoon snack, dinner vegetable stew with a piece of baked chicken, yogurt overnight.

Day 5: buckwheat porridge, infused with kefir, crackers or dry cookies, lunch rice soup, mashed potatoes with meatballs, dried fruit compote, baked sweet apple without sugar, casserole with pasta, jelly for the night.

Day 6: 2 soft-boiled eggs, a sandwich with butter and a piece of cheese, weak tea, creamed meat soup, buckwheat porridge and a piece boiled chicken, compote with sushi, for dinner rice with steam cutlet, fruit soufflé, rose hip decoction, a glass of kefir at night.

Day 7: oatmeal with diluted milk, cocoa drink and sandwich with cheese, lunch soup with meatballs, pasta with steam cutlet, tea with honey, fruit soufflé, mashed potatoes with baked fish, a glass of bifidok or fermented baked milk at night.

You should not force a child or an adult to eat if there is absolutely no appetite. It will be enough drink plenty of fluids to reduce the risk of dehydration

Recipes for rotavirus patients

As it was written above, what you can and cannot eat during illness. It is recommended to eat only boiled lean meat, fruits and vegetables that have been heat treatment etc. But how to diversify your dietary table and make it more tasty? To do this, you can use several recipes for preparing delicious food.

Recipe No. 1. Chicken breast with vegetables

For cooking you will need a chicken breast without skin and bones, large carrots, 2 small tomatoes, potatoes and mineral water. We make transverse cuts in the breast and soak it in mineral water for about 40 minutes to make the meat much softer.

Then cut the carrots, potatoes and tomatoes into small cubes, place them next to the breast on a baking sheet and cover everything with foil (you can bake it in a sleeve). Place in the oven, preheated to 220 degrees and bake until fully cooked. If desired, the dish can be slightly salted.

Recipe No. 2. Steamed stuffed peppers

Bell peppers They are washed well and the core with seeds is removed. Then the minced meat is prepared (you can take ready-made): beef or turkey meat is minced through a meat grinder with the addition of a small head of onion and carrot, zucchini or eggplant, 1 egg and a small pinch of salt

Stuff the peppers with the resulting mixture and place them in a double boiler. Cook for at least 40 minutes until fully cooked. You can chop the vegetables finely instead of putting them in a meat grinder. This way they produce less juice and it will be retained in the main dish.

Recipe No. 3. Apple and carrot puree

Boil 2 carrots in an aluminum pan and bake several in the oven big apples. Mix the vegetable and fruit in one container and beat well with a blender until smooth. You can add a little honey for sweetness.

Recipe No. 4. Kissel from berries (black currants)

Rinse fresh or frozen berries well and place in a pan filled with water. After the broth boils, strain it through a sieve and discard the resulting cake. To the still hot compote, add starch and a teaspoon of sugar, previously mixed in cold clean water. Place the entire mixture on low heat and stir for a few more minutes until thickened. It is recommended to serve the drink chilled.