Seeing large carrots in a dream. Why do you dream of clean carrots? Interpretations from the dream books of Miller, Vanga, Freud and others

Carrots are a multifaceted symbol, the interpretation of which, in general, depends on other details of the dream. So that you can get the most exact transcript you need to pay attention to the quality of the vegetable, as well as the actions that you performed with it. In addition, each dream book offers its own version, so the information you receive must be compared with current events in life.

Why do you dream about carrots?

Often dreams about root vegetables promise health and prosperity. During this period, you can make deals, as they will certainly end in grandiose results. Spoiled carrots are a warning of various troubles. A dream in which you see a root crop growing in a garden bed predicts family well-being. Droopy or boiled carrots are a disease. If you plant carrots in a dream, this is a symbol that the time has come to bring a long-planned task to life. Do not be afraid, as this is a time for successful endeavors. A large number of root vegetables is a symbol of wealth in the near future.

Why do you dream fresh carrots?

Such a dream promises profit, and during this period you can invest money in a risky business, since in the end you will remain in the black. Another similar dream suggests that you will not have problems in your personal sphere and you can expect a long-term romantic relationship.

Why do you dream of clean carrots?

If you peeled root vegetables in a dream, it means you can get rid of existing problems and achieve what you want.

Why do you dream of grated carrots?

Such a dream warns that some kind of threat looms over your family well-being. If you grate carrots, then you should expect financial problems.

Why do you dream about buying carrots?

Purchased root vegetables are a harbinger of unexpected profits. In the near future you can get outside help, which will help significantly improve your situation in business or at work.

Why do you dream about picking carrots?

In this case, the dream foreshadows the coming of a time when you will receive a reward for the work done. At that time, he is on your side, so try to make the most of the chance. This dream also means receiving an inheritance or winning the lottery. For married women, the dream promises the birth of a child.

Why do you dream about big carrots?

A large root vegetable is a symbol that many problems will arise due to your great ambitions.

Carrots in a dream have several interpretations depending on what exactly the fruit looked like, what happened to it, what feelings did the dreamer experience?.

Therefore, you should not blindly believe everything that is written in different dream books, because it is your subconscious that sends this or that dream.

For some people, a carrot seen in a dream brings money in reality, while for others it brings problems with their lover.

Why do you dream about carrots: appearance and taste

Strong, bright carrots is a symbol of prosperity, good health and general well-being. A person will experience success in business or work, the appearance of successful circumstances, great success in all matters, a cheerful and joyful state of mind. Everything planned will definitely come true, the main thing is not to miss your chance, to act actively.

Girls can count on the imminent appearance in their lives of an enviable groom who will turn out to be a noble and decent man. Children may soon appear, and the birth will take place safely.

Why does a young man dream of carrots? To good luck in business matters and a quick acquaintance with a young stranger. The brighter the color, the more beautiful the girl will be and the greater happiness awaits the couple.

Very good if possible taste the carrots. If the fruit is sweet, causes pleasant sensations, then you can count on well-deserved wealth and great unexpected joy.

Why do you dream about carrots? with an unpleasant, bitter taste? To disappointments, failures, losses and grief. The plan will not come true, the time to act has been lost.

It's bad to see rotten carrots. Such a dream can be considered a warning: you should not take risks in either business or personal matters. It's better to wait a while. Girls dream of a spoiled carrot as a sign of a quarrel with their lover or separation from him. The wife must beware of unpleasant and even catastrophic exposure, shame and condemnation.

Sometimes rotten carrots are a harbinger of small monetary losses, squabbles, quarrels with bosses or household members, all sorts of troubles and even illnesses. In some cases, such a dream foreshadows the death of children.

Dirty carrots means health problems, difficult sad times, problems, troubles and quarrels out of nowhere. Ill-wishers and gossipers can annoy you. But a woman’s dream of a limp carrot can mean hidden dissatisfaction with her partner, female dissatisfaction.

Important! The unpleasant image of a rotten carrot may be associated with a loss of energy - take a closer look to see if there is one near you energy vampire? You should pay attention to your health: a dream could mean a debut dangerous disease. After such a dream, you need to analyze your condition and consult a doctor if anything seems unusual or causes you to feel unwell.

Why do you dream about carrots: actions

Great value For the interpretation of a dream, the actions that we perform in a dream, the passive or active state of the dreamer or the dream object itself are important.

Plant carrots in even, beautiful rows, to see lush green tops and strong foundations - to big profits, streamlining of affairs, correction of mistakes and complex, and sometimes dangerous situations. It's time to act, because help higher powers is now on your side.

Why do people dream about carrots? buys? To profit, completely unexpected and therefore doubly pleasant, as well as the help of allies. Perhaps, just as news of a large inheritance falls out of the blue, a rich patron, a secret benefactor, will appear. In any case, things will improve significantly. You will be lucky in the game, luck will turn its face, grievances will be forgotten.

See a bed of carrots- a sign of the imminent achievement of your plans, the approaching time of collecting the fruits of your labor. Look at the condition of the carrots: if large, beautiful fruits are visible, and the tops are clean and correct, the results will please you. Those who are planning a big undertaking do not need to be afraid of failure: everything will work out, great opportunities will open up, and hopes will not be in vain.

If you dream process of digging carrots, then this may mean receiving an inheritance. It will most likely come from a distant relative and will not cause much grief. Perhaps the dreamer will soon receive the long-awaited results of his work, which will be joyful.

Picking carrots means receiving a lot of money or a valuable item. This is a material sign that guarantees quick profit. Its size depends on the size of the fruit and the sensations experienced by the dreamer. If the carrot is small, ugly, and the feeling in a dream is unpleasant (disappointment, surprise, indignation), then in reality the profit will be much less than expected and will cause negative emotions.

If a childless woman dreams about picking carrots, she may finally be lucky in a personal matter: she will be born long-awaited baby.

Peel carrots- to quick relief from worries, anxieties, and problems for married men. But if a married woman sees such a dream, she should take a closer look at her husband’s behavior: is he having an affair on the side? Symbolic cleansing of problems and rapid progress towards the intended goal is the meaning of the dream for a businessman, although one cannot hope for big profits. This is not a good dream for a young man: if he peels carrots, he will have trouble or little money.

Why do you dream carrots that are cut? For men - to victory over an opponent, a happy deliverance from gossipers and ill-wishers. A woman should beware of waste and stupid purchases made under the influence of emotions.

Grate carrot- to a lot of small financial troubles. For a man, such a dream will bring success in a risky business, a profit that he did not expect, an unexpectedly profitable business proposal. If the dreamer sees a lot of grated carrots, small money awaits him. A girl who sees grated carrots can get pregnant very soon.

Why do you dream about carrots: interpretations of various dream books

Compilers of dream books sometimes interpret the appearance of carrots in our dreams in completely different ways.

Family dream book

A dream about carrots foretells worries about your own health. Collecting bright, large fruits means a profitable business and good profit. If someone treated you to a carrot in a dream, then in the near future they will receive advantageous offer. It will certainly bring satisfaction and joy if the waking dreamer accepts this offer.

An artificial carrot is a sign of deception, a strange unexpected loss.

Miller's Dream Book

A girl or young woman who treats herself to carrots in a dream will soon get married and become the mother of beautiful children. For everyone else, a dream about carrots promises prosperity, health, and successful events.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

A carrot in a dream promises good things to everyone, without exception, good things, success, joy, and big profits. And for girls - a favorable marriage and happy motherhood.

Modern dream book

Why do you dream about carrots according to modern dream book? Image means good stable income, professional and personal success, excellent health. A young girl can quickly and successfully get married, become a happy mother of many children and live in complete harmony with herself.

Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

Why do you dream of carrots according to Freud? From the point of view of the Austrian sex therapist, carrots are a clear phallic symbol. Unlike ordinary dream interpreters, Freud rarely saw anything good in this image, associating it rather with repressed emotions and desires.

If a man carefully chooses carrots, in reality he is very picky about sexual partners, proud, inclined to exaggerate the importance of his reproductive organ. A woman who chooses larger carrots is prone to self-satisfaction.

Buying carrots means being overly concerned about your intimate life.

For a man, grating carrots is a sign of constant suppression of his temperament, a habit of restraint. For a woman, this is a sign of denial of men, negative attitude to sex with members of the opposite sex.

Why do you dream about carrots according to Freud without reference to sex? Eating her means in literally eating spiritual food, gaining new experience and knowledge. To see is a lack of activity, healthy initiative, laziness and unforgivable slowness.

Why do you dream of carrots cooked in the form of some kind of dish? Such a dream means that a person has come up with an idea and is ready to implement it. Overcooked indicates an obsession with something or indicates the presence of outdated relationships in the dreamer’s life.

If you dream of rotten, spoiled carrots, family problems, troubles, and something close to an unpleasant ending are coming.

Why do you dream about carrots - folk signs

In Rus' they always believed in omens and were very careful about dreams. Dreams were often interpreted as a direct instruction to action. The dream about carrots, for example, meant a lot in the lives of our ancestors. Knowing what carrots mean in dreams, you can plan your life and correct those situations that cause negative emotions.

If you dreamed of a cheerful, smooth, beautiful carrot, then you can safely get down to business that has been put off for a long time. It will definitely turn out to be profitable and successful, bringing profit and prosperity to the family.

If the dreamer planted carrots, he needs to immediately begin searching new job. If you don’t miss your chance, you can get a very lucrative offer and change your fate.

Why do you dream about carrots in the form of food made from them? A small but unpleasant ailment or illness is coming. If the carrot tasted sweet, you need to beware food poisoning and stop drinking alcohol. The taste of rot on the tongue means serious illness and the high costs associated with it. It is better not to delay visiting the doctor.

Eating carrots means shame and disgrace. So you need to beware of compromising actions and relationships.

Digging carrots is a sign of discord and troubles related to money. You should abandon all dubious matters and remain calm. Family is more important!

Large (very large) carrots are not a good sign. After such a dream, you should expect shame and disgrace, so if you have nothing to be ashamed of yet, be very careful. If in the next few days you are offered something indecent, adventurous, obscene - no matter how tempting it is, refuse. You will have to regret it until the end of your days.

If everything bad has already happened, you need to expect a strong negative impact, but accept it with dignity. Yes, the consequences will be serious, and it will be difficult to cope with what happened. But if you prepare for the tests in advance, you can try to correct the situation. Such an opportunity will present itself soon. Don't miss out!

All actions associated with processing and chopping the orange vegetable (cutting, peeling, washing) represent waste that can be avoided. After such a dream, you need to put your wallet away and not give in to adventures.

Why do you dream about carrots on Fridays? To gossip and quarrels. Therefore, all the gossips need to be sent away, not to talk about anything important in front of strangers, and about anything unimportant either. WITH a large share Most likely, all your words will be distorted, which will cause scandals and quarrels with loved ones.

In almost all dream books, carrots are a sign of something good. But for an accurate analysis of a dream, you need to remember some of its details. Indeed, in certain cases, root vegetables can be a harbinger of problems and troubles.

Decoding in dream books

Interpretation of a dream about carrots according to different interpreters:

  1. Dream book of Tsvetkov. Benefits and cash flows are foreshadowed by a dream in which you saw clean and large carrots. A damaged root crop means wasted effort or shame. If a woman had such a dream, then it can indicate her dissatisfaction in her personal life. It might be worth changing something. If you had to grow a root crop, then this is an omen of good health and success in all matters. Removing from the garden means a positive outcome to existing problems. A bonus and profit are promised by a dream in which you had to cook carrots, in particular make carrot juice, - to good luck in business. Family harmony promises a vision with root cleaning. A dream in which the carrots were pale speaks of problems with health. But a bright and juicy vegetable can be seen as an improvement in mood and well-being.
  2. Miller's Dream Book. Large carrots in a dream are a sign of well-being and prosperity; if an unmarried young lady sees a vegetable, it means that she will soon get married, and her marriage will be successful and prosperous; caring for root crops in the garden means increased opportunities and success in business. Eating raw carrots means making new acquaintances. Here it is important to pay attention to your feelings: if the fruit was bitter, then the events will not bring pleasure; if it was sweet, then the relationship will be pleasant and long-lasting. Pickling or preparing a vegetable for the winter means losing something important.
  3. According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, carrots can be a symbol of shame and disgrace. If she dreams of an unmarried girl who dreams of wearing wedding dress, which means that her thoughts are not entirely pure, and her actions urgently need to be changed. Eating carrots with a man indicates possible thoughts of an erotic nature. Raking rotten carrots out of the cellar is a sign of gossip that can ruin your life. Buying bad carrots means diseases associated with the cardiovascular system.
  4. Vanga deciphers a dream about a root vegetable as follows: planting carrots - to prosperity; pull out - to improve the financial side; eat - to illness; sell - to a loss; feeding someone is time to lower your self-esteem.
  5. Freud's Dream Book. This interpreter is convinced that boiled carrots can be dreamed of as a warning about some troubles. For an unmarried woman in a relationship, the root vegetable may indicate that her husband has begun to look at other women. If a man dreams of carrots, this means problems in intimate life. A low-quality vegetable can also be a harbinger of monetary losses and emotional disappointments.

Important! The juicier the vegetable, the stronger its significance. It is also worth paying attention to the color of the fruit.

Why do you dream about grated carrots?

If you dream of grated carrots, this is a sign of financial well-being, although there are other interpretations.

  1. Rubbing it yourself means minor material expenses.
  2. Seeing a vegetable that has already been grated means a small profit.
  3. If a man saw such a dream, then you can prepare for new position, changing a job to a more profitable one, to the successful resolution of even a risky plan.
  4. If a man in a dream did not grate, but cut a root vegetable, it means that he will be able to avoid expenses associated with the meanness of loved ones.

If a nulliparous woman sees her rubbing a carrot, it means that very soon she will find out about her pregnancy.

Cook, fry vegetables in a dream

The dreamer who cooks carrots in his vision will experience pleasant changes in the near future.

  1. Frying a vegetable means a quick resolution to long-standing problems. The main thing is that it does not burn in the pan. Otherwise, the dream is interpreted exactly the opposite.
  2. Boil carrots whole - to cash receipts; cut into pieces - to small expenses; crushed - to tears; carrot puree - for unexpected but pleasant guests.
  3. Baked carrots are a symbol of health. It is important to pay attention to its quantity. A lot - to improve the condition, a little - to an approaching illness.
  4. Making various decorations for dishes from carrots is an opportunity to change your life. You should start with your own appearance.
  5. Seeing a lot of carrots in different ready meals in its raw form - to news that can radically change the way you think about the people around you. Take a closer look, perhaps not all friends are like this; among them there may be envious and insidious individuals who will not miss the chance to harm you and your family.

Some dream books claim that cooking all vegetables can also be a symbol emotional state. Thus, a bright root vegetable speaks of well-being, a pale one speaks of melancholy, and a spoiled one speaks of depression and an imminent nervous breakdown.

Wash and peel root vegetables

Cleanliness is the key to health. The dream about this root vegetable is no exception.

  1. Peeling carrots in a dream or washing them thoroughly means successfully getting rid of problems in real life. These can be not only physical, but also emotional difficulties that can be quickly resolved.
  2. A young guy had such a dream - to justified troubles at work, which will bring financial and mental well-being.
  3. If a married girl peels carrots in her vision, it means that she is given a sign from above that she has a rival and needs to get rid of her as soon as possible.

If you dreamed that you cut yourself while peeling a root vegetable, it means you should postpone your planned activities. They won't be successful any time soon.

Large, small carrots in a dream

The size of the root crop is always one of important aspects sleep that you need to pay attention to. If the carrots are small, then there will be small expenses or income, small joys or disappointments, depending on the meaning that the dream has in general.

Large carrots can also be a symbol of profit and growing prosperity. But if in a dream you saw a lot of rotten large carrots, this is a sign of imminent and significant health problems.

Plant in the garden

If you dream of carrots in the garden bed you are planting, this is a good sign.

  1. Planting a lot of beds means a quick improvement in your financial condition.
  2. Planting just a row means a small find.
  3. Squeezing carrots in winter or in bad weather means the destruction of plans and dreams.

In some dream books, planting a root crop is a sign of the imminent birth of a long-awaited child. Even if the dream was dreamed by the husband of the woman who for a long time can't get pregnant.

Good luck in all endeavors is also symbolized by the harvest.

  1. Pulling out large carrots and putting them away for storage means receiving a large sum of money.
  2. Collecting root vegetables is a treasure trove. If the vegetable was dirty, then the find will not be very pleasant. If on the contrary, then you can even count on a real treasure or treasures.
  3. Dripping vegetables with a shovel means inheritance.
  4. But picking rotten carrots means sad events. You may have to take care of your health or solve sudden problems.

If a pregnant woman has a dream, you should pay attention to how you feel. Premature but successful birth cannot be ruled out.

I dreamed about a lot of carrots

If you dreamed about a lot of carrots, you need to pay attention to them appearance.

  1. According to the Gypsy dream book, large number root vegetables are a sign of utter wealth. In the very near future, an inheritance may fall on the dreamer.
  2. Also good carrots in large quantities may indicate that the sleeper’s health is not in danger.
  3. If a sick person had such a dream, then he will soon recover.
  4. A married woman, seeing a lot of carrots, can expect a pleasant gift from her husband.
  5. For a free girl, the dream promises a meeting with a generous and rich groom who will become her husband.

If the carrots were rotten or damaged:

  1. Throwing away a large amount of spoiled carrots means wasting money.
  2. Buying root vegetables means separation from loved ones. If the sleeping person also sees that he is paying for a large amount of carrots in small change, then perhaps one of his relatives will die.
  3. Seeing a bunch of rotten vegetables is a sign of sadness.
  4. Stepping into this pile means you will have to become stronger, otherwise you will not be able to solve the many problems that have piled up.

Every dream in which carrots are present can become a harbinger of some events. Therefore, it is important to remember the details of the dream in order to know exactly what to expect in the future.

The dream “Carrot” is a rather interesting and ambiguous dream that has different interpretation, based on the details of the dream. What does it mean to see carrots in a dream? The interpretation of this dream in many dream books has a positive connotation; it is a rather favorable dream. If you had a dream in which main role played by carrots, know that soon you will experience great success in business and great happiness. A dream about carrots usually speaks of wealth, good health and a prosperous life. However, not all dream books give a positive forecast; the meaning of some dreams about carrots says that a carrot seen in a dream is a symbol of shame and disgrace. To find out the interpretation that is right for your dream, you need to remember the details of the dream and the type of carrot itself. Below are answers to questions that may arise after a dream about carrots, as well as all famous dream books, helping to decipher this dream.

Modern interpretation of dreams about carrots

  • Why does a young woman dream of carrots - Dream Interpretation: if a young unmarried woman or girl dreams of carrots, then this dream portends her a faithful and noble husband, as well as the imminent birth of children. A similar interpretation of this dream is given to any woman - she dreams of carrots being pregnant.
  • What does it mean to “see carrots in a dream for young people” - Dream Interpretation: for young people, a dream about carrots promises good luck in all endeavors, predicts a love adventure with a beautiful stranger.
  • Why do you dream of carrots, a bag of carrots - Dream Interpretation: seeing carrots in a dream predicts family well-being, as well as good health, and not only for the person who had this dream, but also for the loved ones and relatives of the sleeping person.
  • The meaning of the dream “seeing carrots” - Dream Interpretation: seeing a lot of carrots in a dream means that success awaits you both in your professional and personal life, success will literally fall on your head and will haunt you in everything.
  • What does a large carrot mean in a dream - Dream Interpretation: a large carrot that a sleeping person dreams of means the fulfillment of his plans, blesses the dreamer for active actions, gives him a sign to take a risk, advises him not to miss his chance and begin to implement long-planned plans with great benefit for himself.
  • Why do you dream of a big, clean, huge carrot - Dream Interpretation: if you dreamed of a big, ripe carrot, know that this dream is a symbol of good health and is a harbinger of everyday life’s pleasures.
  • Why do you dream about raw carrots - Dream Interpretation: to see in a dream how you peel raw carrots In order to put it in the soup in the future, it is usually dreamed of to the agreement of the family.
  • Why do you dream of dirty carrots - Dream Interpretation: dirty, overripe or damaged carrots in a dream are a harbinger of grief, troubles in family life and upcoming worries in reality. (cm. )
  • Why do you dream of buying carrots - Dream Interpretation: carrots, then the interpretation of this dream predicts unexpected profits for you, as well as help from an unfamiliar benefactor or winning the lottery.
  • Why dream of planting (planting) carrots in a dream - Dream Interpretation: a dream in which you plant carrots means the successful start of an important business for you, which you could not begin in any way, avoiding risk. The main thing is not to hesitate, this dream tells you.
  • Why do you dream of seeing carrots in a garden bed - Dream Interpretation: if a sleeping person dreams of carrots in a garden bed, then in the near future he will be able to achieve his desired goal, reap the fruits of his labor.
  • Collecting carrots in the garden - Dream Interpretation: a dream in which the dreamer is collecting carrots means that a lot of opportunities will open up before him that he simply needs to take advantage of.
  • Why dream of digging up carrots - Dream Interpretation: digging up carrots in a dream says that in reality you will reap the fruits of your success.
  • Why dream of digging carrots out of the ground - Dream Interpretation: a dream in which you dig carrots means that fate is favorable to you, the time for your success has come for you. What you have been working on for so long will finally bear fruit. Top tip for you, do not miss the unique chance to take advantage of the luck provided.
  • Why dream of digging carrots in the ground - Dream Interpretation: digging carrots in a dream may foretell receiving a distant inheritance, or it will be a monetary gain.
  • Why do you dream of picking carrots - Dream Interpretation: picking carrots in a dream is a fairly favorable dream, it means receiving a large sum of money.
  • Why dream of picking carrots from the garden - Dream Interpretation: picking carrots in a dream can indicate the discovery of a valuable thing, as well as the successful completion of a started project. Sometimes a similar dream about picking carrots means the imminent birth of a desired child. (cm. )
  • Why do you dream about boiled carrots in a dream - Dream Interpretation: boiled carrots in a dream are not very good good sleep, the dream is a warning of impending punishment from the boss, but in reality this punishment will not be so severe. Also, this dream may mean an unexpected hitch in business and endeavors. Dream about boiled carrots warns you that you should not risk money, but rather wait and think it over carefully.
  • Why do you dream about peeling carrots - Dream Interpretation: peeling carrots in a dream gives you a sign to get rid of unnecessary problems. Your desire to achieve your intended goal will not be overshadowed by anything, nor will anything hinder the further successful development of events. For a married woman, peeling carrots in a dream is a warning sign; such a dream may mean that the wife has a rival that she needs to get rid of. For young people, such a dream speaks of small troubles at work, sometimes promising small profits.
  • Why dream of cutting carrots - Dream Interpretation: cutting carrots in a dream means gaining valuable experience in real life, this dream foreshadows activity in matters in which the sleeping person will be able to gain positive result. This symbol - cutting carrots in a dream - sometimes means unexpected expenses or unplanned purchases. For a man, cutting carrots in a dream means in reality harming an opponent, neutralizing the machinations of ill-wishers.
  • Why do you dream of grated carrots in a dream - Dream Interpretation: seeing grated carrots in a dream means small money. For a girl, a lot of grated carrots in a dream means fertility for her; the dream speaks of her imminent pregnancy from her lover.
  • Why dream of grating carrots - Dream Interpretation: a dream in which you grate carrots yourself is a sign of financial troubles. For a man, grating carrots in a dream means receiving a profitable business proposal from partners in reality; the dream says that you can safely take a risky step, the business you start will be successful, and the results will please you.
  • Why do you dream of rotten carrots, a bag of rotten carrots - Dream Interpretation: dreaming of rotten carrots is a bad sign. At this time, it is advisable not to start any risky business. For a young girl, such a dream predicts a quarrel with her lover, which can lead to a break in the relationship. This dream does not bring anything good to a married woman - the dream predicts her husband will betray her. If a married woman in real life is herself a traitor, then such a dream foreshadows the exposure of her betrayal and brings obvious shame to her.
  • Why do you dream of throwing away rotten carrots - Dream Interpretation: rotten carrots in a dream predict loss, minor squabbles, unpleasant chores, illness, and unsuccessful outcome to the person who saw the dream.
  • Why do you dream about carrot pies - Dream Interpretation: if you dreamed that you were drinking carrot juice or eating carrot pies in a dream, it means making a new acquaintance at work.
  • Why do you dream of carrots, beets, and other vegetables - Dream Interpretation: they dream of big profits.

Miller's Dream Book
Miller's Dream Book: carrots in a dream means that good news awaits you in reality. For a young girl, this dream foreshadows a successful marriage. For a man, seeing carrots in a dream, according to Miller’s dream book, brings prosperity and flourishing health. For a patient, such a dream portends a speedy recovery and relief from all ailments.

Gypsy dream book
Why do you dream about “seeing a lot of carrots”, “dreaming about a lot of carrots” - this dream is based on gypsy dream book promises undoubted wealth that will fall on you in the near future. Dreaming of carrots is a sure sign good health. For the patient - sure sign his speedy recovery. A young girl's dream of carrots predicts a rich and generous groom. Married woman this dream speaks of an expensive gift.

Women's dream book
A woman’s dream book when asked “why do you dream about fresh carrots” foretells profit in the near future. The money invested in a risky business will pay off with interest. In your personal life, the dream brings a quick romantic adventure. To a young man fresh carrots foretell a profitable enterprise; this dream encourages you to boldly meet your destiny.

Children's dream book
Children's dream book: dreaming of carrots means shame or disgrace.

Maly Velesov dream book
Carrots in a dream, as Veles’s dream book says, are a sign of health, benefit, success, and fun. Dreaming of “eating carrots” means illness.

Dream Book of Z. Freud
According to Freud, boiled carrots are a clear warning. For a young girl, such a dream may mean that her chosen one has lost interest in her and began to look to the side. For a man, such a dream speaks of problems of an intimate nature.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus
Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus: dreaming about dirty carrots - this dream does not bring good news. To the question “why do you dream about dirty carrots”, the dreamer answers that this dream foreshadows possible troubles at work, family quarrels and troubles. For a woman, dirty carrots mean worries. A man dreams of this dream as a sign of health problems or some kind of grief. He warns to be wary of the machinations of enemies and ill-wishers.

Islamic dream book
Dream about carrots Islamic dream book to sadness. But holding a carrot in your hand means easing some difficult task. Eating carrots in a dream in reality means benefits and favorable outcome business

Ancient Russian dream book
An old Russian dream book: if you dreamed that you were a carrot, this meant illness.

Dream Interpretation of E. Tsvetkova
Dream Interpretation by E. Tsvetkova: a dream about carrots is beneficial.

Vanga's Dream Book
Vanga's dream book: fresh carrots in a dream mean wealth.

Ukrainian dream book
A dream about carrots, according to the Ukrainian dream book, is not a very good dream. Carrots are a symbol of shame, disgrace, are a bad omen, and portend wasted efforts.

Wanderer's Dream Book
Wanderer's Dream Book: carrots in a dream are a sign of winning, love relationships, illness. For a woman, this dream means dissatisfaction in intimate relationships.

Spring dream book
Spring dream book: I dreamed of carrots - to boast.

Autumn dream book
Autumn dream book: seeing “peel carrots” in a dream means health.

Psychological dream book
Carrots in a dream, as the psychological dream book says, mean quick prosperity and health. For a girl, if she ate carrots in a dream, it means early marriage and numerous offspring.

Culinary dream book
Culinary dream book: if you dreamed that you were growing carrots in a dream, this portends good health and large income.

Esoteric dream book
Esoteric dream book: if you dreamed that you were pulling out carrots, it means that your efforts will bring a positive result. Cooking carrots in a dream, eating carrots - soon you will receive a profit, a bonus.

Lunar dream book
Lunar dream book: you dreamed of carrots - this is beneficial. Eating carrots in a dream means illness.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite
According to Kananite, seeing carrots in a dream means expecting profit, good luck in all matters

Dream book for the whole family
Dream Interpretation for the Whole Family: For a woman to see carrots in a dream is a sign of excellent health and prosperity; she will literally be swimming in gold. For an unmarried girl, a dream about carrots promises a quick successful marriage, many cheerful and cute children, and she should also expect a golden wedding, at which there will be many guests and champagne.

In conclusion, I would like to note that a dream about carrots should be considered based not only on the appearance of the carrot, but also on the sensations that you experience when you see it. The dream itself often not only foreshadows our future, but also reflects our present. Experiences in real life, be they joyful or sad, often find a way out in the dreams of a sleeping person. When deciphering your dream, you should not forget about this. However, we should not forget that most of the meaning of dreams about carrots, as can be seen from the interpretations, is favorable and portends positive changes both in financial and other aspects of life.

A woman eating carrots promises her an early and successful marriage, in which she will become the mother of several cheerful and brave children.

Collection of dream books

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Ukrainian dream book

If you dream about carrots- This bad omen, there will be any shame, wasted effort.

Esoteric dream book

Carrot pulling- your efforts will give a positive result.

Cook, eat- to profit, bonuses.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Carrot- health, benefit, success, fun / illness, shame, empty efforts; there is a disease.

Culinary dream book

Growing carrots in a dream- signifies great income and good health.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Carrot- winning; disease; love relationship. For a woman- dissatisfaction in close relationships.

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

There are carrots- foreshadows illness.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Lunar dream book

Women's dream book

Carrots in a dream- portends prosperity and health.

For a young woman to eat carrots- to early and successful marriage, to happy motherhood.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Dream book for the whole family

The woman who saw carrots in her dream- will bathe in gold and enjoy rare health.

In addition, such a dream promises an unmarried girl- a quick and successful marriage, the result of which will be a crowd of cheerful and cute children and a golden wedding with a sea of ​​​​guests and champagne.

Women's dream book

If in a dream you eat carrots- very soon you will have to tie the knot. Be prepared to have a lot of children.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Ripe, strong carrots in a dream- a sign of good health and worldly pleasures.

At the same time, dirty, overripe or damaged carrots- portends grief, family troubles and worries.

Freud's Dream Book

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in open window: “Where there is night, there comes sleep. All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.