Advantageous offers for clients using an example. Sample commercial proposal for the supply of goods, materials or products. Commercial proposal for the provision of educational services

Evgeniy Malyar


# Business nuances

Samples of commercial proposals

Commercial offers are usually divided into two categories: “cold” - intended for mass mailing, and “hot”, addressed to specific managers of companies theoretically interested in the services.

Article navigation

  • The main task of the commercial proposal
  • The role of templates
  • How to draw up a commercial proposal for the provision of services, examples
  • Commercial offer for transport services
  • Commercial proposal for design
  • Commercial offer for cleaning services
  • Commercial offer for furniture manufacturing
  • Car service, proposal for cooperation
  • Offer for special equipment services
  • For the provision of legal services
  • Building maintenance
  • For garbage removal
  • For the production of metal structures
  • Commercial proposal for site protection
  • Offer for the provision of accounting services
  • Commercial proposal for the provision of educational services
  • Manual for sewing curtains

All commercial products are divided into two categories: goods and services. It is necessary to sell both, and one of the most effective promotion tools is rightfully considered a letter containing an offer.

The article will discuss the rules for composing texts promoting services and provide examples of them with comments.

The main task of the commercial proposal

At many enterprises, writing a commercial proposal is entrusted to the most qualified specialist. It is believed that he is the one who knows everything about the product being offered, and therefore will cope with the task better than anyone else. This approach is justified in a number of cases when it is known for sure that the letter will be read by people who understand all the intricacies of the matter. For example, a generator for a power plant cannot be offered to a large energy supply company in “simple words.” But concluding an agreement for services (or rather, their provision) is most often achieved after reading the text of the head of the company, who does not delve deeply into the nuances.

A common situation: the director received a letter offering cleaning of premises, legal support, or, for example, refilling a cartridge with a visit to the client. The manager calls the head of the department (supply manager, chief lawyer or someone else) and offers to evaluate the usefulness of the proposal for the company.

The main task of the CP compiler is to ensure that his message does not end up being thrown into the trash (or deleted into the mailbox trash) without familiarizing himself with the contents.

The role of templates

Today, downloading a sample commercial proposal for any service is not a problem. After changing the company details and other individual information, you will get a text that meets the main requirements for letters of this kind. Here's an example:

Everything is clear, understandable and concise. However, a universal template for filling has not yet been invented, and, most likely, there will never be one. The sample should definitely be creatively reworked to give it individuality. In order not to spoil a good selling text, you need to know the rules by which it is compiled.

How to draw up a commercial proposal for the provision of services, examples

Just as any car, regardless of brand and price, consists of certain components and assemblies, the right proposal contains indispensable functional blocks, without any of which it “does not work.” And it’s not just about a beautiful letterhead or a sweeping signature. It is important that the letter:

Offered benefits: the potential customer of the service is not very interested in the glorious history of the company and the degree of friendship of its team. He wants to know what benefits he will receive (savings, quality, speed).

Unobtrusively “pressed” on deadlines: Any product has an expiration date. The proposal for the provision of services must also have a deadline that defines its conditions: “Until June 24, 2018, the prices are as follows, and after (by default) it will be more expensive.”

Call to action: Having realized how good the conditions set out in the first part are, and having received a slight push from the second, a potential client may want to talk about concluding an agreement. The actions proposed to him should be simplified as much as possible. Any commercial product is successfully sold when access to it is easy. Just “call this phone number” or “answer this letter.”

These threefold rules are not always observed by the writers of commercial proposals. So in the above example there is no deadline. If all conditions are met, the letter promises much greater effectiveness.

Now it's time to look at specific examples of commercial proposals.

Commercial offer for transport services

Commercial offers are usually divided into two categories:

  • “cold” – intended for mass mailing;
  • “hot” ones, addressed to specific managers of companies theoretically interested in services.

Based on this classification, it should be understood that in order to increase efficiency, it is desirable to “warm up” the offer, which many sales department managers do not want to do. This means that it is still better to call or visit the selected company before sending a letter. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to seek a conversation personally with the manager. You can have a nice conversation with the secretary (or another employee who has the information), and, if the employee is professionally suitable, then find out:

  • does the company use the services of any transport company, or does it have its own fleet of vehicles;
  • what are the volumes of transportation;
  • Is the fee expensive?
  • is the director satisfied with the existing cooperation;
  • if there are complaints, then regarding what unpleasant moments;
  • We need cargo transportation or passenger delivery.

The work of a salesman is generally very similar to the difficult life of an illegal intelligence officer, and the more he learns, the better.

From the information received, it becomes clear what to focus on when drawing up a commercial proposal. At the same time, even using the template, you should remember the mentioned deadline. However, when negotiating with a particularly valuable client, you can forget about him later.

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General rules: depending on the profile specifics, the requirements for transport services may be as follows:

  • trading companies are interested in prompt delivery and safety. If security services are also offered along with transport services, this may become a decisive factor;
  • a budget organization that announces a tender for the transportation of goods is often attracted by a good price, supported by the quality of the delivery service;
  • Everyone likes discounts.

It should be remembered that the most enviable transportation clients are already working with someone, and they will have to be lured away with significant advantages.

Commercial proposal for design

Typically, design organizations in their main profile specialize in the provision of construction services, and at the same time, engineering documentation is included in the total estimated cost. The rules for drawing up a commercial proposal are the same as in other cases, but it is recommended to pay special attention to:

  • high quality materials at a reasonable price;
  • speed of design, installation, repair or finishing work.

In this case, at the beginning of the letter it is considered useful to mention the objects that have already been commissioned and the clients who were satisfied. Since the volume of text is limited, only the main thing should be stated: the specialization of the construction company, the use of directly imported materials, warranty obligations, etc.

Budgetary organizations are more interested in the benefits of pricing policy, but this does not mean that low quality is tolerated.

As for purely design organizations, it is useful for them to provide in their proposals images of buildings built according to the documentation they developed. It's better if these are photographs of houses that you can be proud of.

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Commercial offer for cleaning services

The commercial offer of a cleaning company, subject to the necessary observance of general rules, has a number of specific features that reflect the advantages and disadvantages. You can attract clients:

  • discounts for regular orders or signing a long-term contract;
  • using environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic and health-safe detergents;
  • the use of modern technologies that reduce cleaning time and improve quality;
  • ability to perform particularly complex surface cleaning tasks.

Cleaning services can be offered not only to legal entities, but also to ordinary citizens who want to save time and are willing to pay for it. In this case, the “cold” mailing method demonstrates effectiveness, if, of course, the proposal is drawn up correctly.

Commercial offer for furniture manufacturing

At the present stage, the furniture business also has its own characteristics, and they consist in the fact that the prevailing share of products is mass-produced in large factories with high technological capabilities. Laser cutting with markings, special equipment for trimming edges, advanced fastening methods - all this is very expensive and inaccessible to small manufacturers.

However, they have a certain market niche - fulfilling individual orders in cases where mass-produced samples do not fit into the interior. The concept of a commercial offer for furniture manufacturing services can be built on this factor. The potential client is offered:

  • a unique design that matches his wishes and the characteristics of the room;
  • no hassle (measurer arriving at a convenient time, delivery, assembly);
  • the ability to view the result in a 3D model on a computer, followed by approval of the order;
  • fulfillment of the most unusual wishes regarding the color, shade and shape of furnishings (the notorious “any whim”);
  • integration of any technical means into furniture bodies;
  • high-quality harmless materials with ISO certificate;
  • warranty and post-warranty service if necessary;
  • affordable prices.

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In fact, when offering furniture manufacturing services, it is advisable to focus on the advantages implied by an individual approach and emphasize that the quality of the products is practically no different from large-scale samples.

Car service, proposal for cooperation

Car service is a broad concept and includes services ranging from a car wash to a high-tech service station equipped with sophisticated diagnostic equipment. The peculiarities of a commercial offer for car repairs are that a potential client must understand what services the company can offer him. If a company specializes in chassis or any specific brand in general, then this should definitely be indicated. In particular, information is required:

  • on cooperation with vehicle insurers;
  • availability of own expertise;
  • about special types of work performed. In particular, this may be the possibility of restoring expensive body elements, bumpers, supporting frames of SUVs, aluminum parts, argon welding, etc.
  • prompt diagnosis and troubleshooting;
  • the presence of a heat chamber for drying the body after painting;
  • large stock of auto parts.

If there are other advantages that can attract clientele, then they must be listed, accompanying the text with appropriate images.

For motorists, the ability to easily find a business with or without a navigator is especially important. A map is required.

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Offer for special equipment services

The peculiarities of using special equipment are that it is dictated by extreme necessity. When it is impossible to do without an excavator, aerial platform or other means, the client is left with only a choice between possible service providers, and, as a rule, there are few of them. Based on this circumstance, the offer for special equipment is relatively laconic and consists mainly of an offer, which indicates the parameters (characteristics) of the proposed equipment and prices.

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For the provision of legal services

Legal market services is characterized by high competition and literacy of its participants. It is indeed very difficult to stand out among law firms and consulting firms, so the preparation of a commercial proposal should be treated with special care. It is first necessary to study the conditions of other similar companies and determine possible advantages. Standard benefits include the following:

  • high probability of a favorable court decision. Every lawyer knows that a 100% guarantee in this matter is impossible;
  • support and guarantee in various authorities on a contractual basis;
  • the opportunity to save money by reducing the company's staff of lawyers;
  • high qualifications and guarantee of legal impeccability of all outgoing and internal documentation of the company;
  • speed of resolution of issues in various authorities;
  • the opportunity to receive some types of services for free, for example, consultations.

In all other respects, each law firm decides for itself what advantages it will attract new clients with.

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Building maintenance

As a rule, commercial proposals to support individual houses, residential areas and cottage communities fall into the category of “warm” and “hot”, that is, pre-agreed. They are rarely sent by mail, especially electronic, and are more often delivered in person after a verbal agreement.

The text of the proposal is tied to a specific object, the service of which the contractor company is applying for, and is accompanied by a table with the prices of each service per month and the total amount. Usually the document is addressed to the tender commission. The numbers specified in the offer are decisive. The style of writing is not so important.

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For garbage removal

This service, if provided regularly on a contractual basis, is included in the range of building maintenance already discussed. The exception is one-time episodes when a large amount of waste is generated after repair, construction and emergency work. In the commercial proposal, the offer contains information about tariffs and types of additional services (loading, disposal of hazardous waste).

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For the production of metal structures

In this case, it is desirable that the commercial proposal contains information about the enterprise, its production capabilities, equipment that allows the production of structures of any complexity, advanced software and other details. It is also worth mentioning that rolled metal is used only of the highest quality. For the customer, when ordering structures, quality is often more important than price - he will have to use these products for a long time.

Prices are not given in the text. The cost of metal structures is calculated according to the estimate, which is individual and represents part of the project.

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Commercial proposal for site protection

It is not customary to skimp on security, so the offer of security services usually places emphasis on the effectiveness of the measures taken. High quality services can be ensured by applying many years of experience and advanced technical means. A list of protected objects belonging to the most famous partners will be very useful.

  • personal,
  • informational
  • fire department
  • the territory of the enterprise from the penetration of unauthorized persons.

Monitoring personnel access and ensuring that trade secrets are maintained can also be mentioned.

Despite the secondary importance of the price of the service, you should not forget about it either: competitors, perhaps no less qualified and having no worse equipment, are not asleep.

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By video surveillance

This service relates to the security activities already discussed, and it can only be distinguished if it is provided separately, outside the complex of other measures that ensure security. For example, a proposal to install video intercoms in a residential complex is drawn up in the form of a letter indicating prices for the entire entrance and for a separate apartment. It is advisable to list the technical advantages of the installed system.

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The subject of the contract may be any work for which the use of internal resources for any reason is unjustified:

  • catering for company employees;
  • washing bed linen for a hotel that does not have its own laundry;
  • accounting for a small company;
  • legal services;
  • supply of components for assembly;
  • services for creating an organization’s website and its ongoing maintenance.

In general, the meaning of the term is expressed by translating the word outsourcing - external source. The task of the creator of a commercial proposal is to convince the potential client of the benefits of outsourcing cooperation, and specifically with his company.

In many cases, companies with extensive experience performing a particular service can provide cost savings.

For example, creating and maintaining a corporate website requires a qualified specialist in this field. An ordinary system administrator may not be able to cope with this task, or will create the resource unsuccessfully. In this case, the proposal should include several options, taking into account potential clients of different levels of solvency.

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Offer for the provision of accounting services

Is it possible to imagine a company without a full-time chief accountant? This idea may not seem very successful to some, but in practice, third-party finance and accounting specialists are brought in quite often. Accounting conducted on the basis of an outsourcing agreement relieves the company's management from troubles in the form of fines and penalties caused by mistakes made due to the inexperience of the employee. In some cases, a third-party audit is simply necessary.

The market for accounting services is oversaturated, so very high demands are placed on the commercial offer. It must be convincing, and the text must correctly emphasize the advantages and benefits of this company.

Reputation and experience play a paramount role. Of particular note are the measures taken to preserve trade secrets.

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Commercial proposal for the provision of educational services

Regardless of the type of educational service offered (university, college, private gymnasium, courses, tutoring, etc.), the main advantages can only be the qualifications of teachers and the quality of the knowledge received.

The proposal begins with a title that accurately describes its essence. In a few words it is necessary to express what the educational institution is preparing for. It is also advisable to mention:

  • individual approach;
  • the presence of unique techniques that have proven their effectiveness in practice;
  • tuition fees (per semester, year, full course);
  • if possible, a short list of graduates who have had successful careers (if any).

Manual for sewing curtains

At the end of the article, the requirements for the supply of such a common household item as curtains will be considered. As you know, they vary in quality and price, but every housewife, regardless of financial capabilities, wants them to be beautiful.

“Only a dry summary of how to draw up a commercial proposal (compredator, CP). We will look at the basic approaches and principles using illustrative examples. Also, just below, I will provide templates and samples of the structure and text of a commercial proposal with links so that you can download them and adapt them to your needs.” © Daniil Shardakov.

The purpose of this article is to teach you how to develop a CP that, first of all, will be read. And secondly, after reading it, they will respond and agree to the proposed deal.

What is a commercial offer

Commercial offer is a marketing tool that is sent to the recipient by regular mail or email in order to get a response. A response is a transfer of a potential client to the next stage of communication (meeting, presentation or signing of an agreement). Depending on the type of CP, the particular tasks of the tool, as well as its volume and content, may differ.

Types of commercial offers

There are three types of comps: cold, hot and public offer. The first two types are used in marketing and sales. The third is in jurisprudence.

1. Cold offer

“Cold” commercial proposals are sent to an unprepared client (“cold”). Essentially, it's spam. As practice shows, people don’t really like spam, but if it interests them, then... it becomes an exception to the rule. For this type of CP to work, you need a high-quality target list (list of recipients). The “cleaner” this list is, the higher the response. If the target list contains general addresses like [email protected], then the efficiency of the compressor is a priori reduced by 80-90%.

Let's take a spicy situation as an example. Let’s say the head of the sales department of company N has a plan “on fire”. A little less than two weeks away from the report, he's tearing his hair out, not knowing what to do, and receives an email with something like the title: "5 Ways to Meet Your Monthly Sales Plan in a Week." Tada-a-am! This is the salvation of the situation! And the person reads the main text, in which the service we offer is hidden among the methods.

But this is only a special case. The main task of a “cold” commercial proposal is to force the recipient to read it to the end. Make a mistake and the letter ends up in the trash.

That's why when designing a cold gearbox, three main risks of ejection are taken into account:

  1. At the receiving stage. Costs to attract attention. This could be a subject line if the proposal is sent by email, or a custom envelope with a color or form factor if the delivery channel is physical, etc.
  2. At the opening stage. It gets by with an attractive offer (it’s also called an “offer”), we’ll talk about it a little lower.
  3. At the reading stage. It gets around using elements of persuasion and marketing tricks. We will also talk about them below.

Please note: the volume of a “cold” commercial offer, as a rule, is 1-2 pages of printed text, no more. This is due to the fact that the recipient is not initially inclined to read the CP, and even more so he will not read it if the volume exceeds 10-20 pages.

The main advantage of a “cold” commercial proposal is its mass appeal, but practice shows that when the proposal is personalized, the response to it is much higher.

2. “Hot” commercial offer

Unlike “cold” analogues, a “hot” commercial offer is sent to a prepared client (a person who himself requested a proposal or who was previously contacted by a manager).

“Hot” CPs differ from “cold” ones both in volume (which can be 10-15 pages or slides) and in the approach to compilation. More importantly, they provide a person with information of interest for making a decision (on price, availability, conditions, etc.). Recently, “hot” commercial offers, designed in the form of PowerPoint presentations or translated from PowerPoint to PDF format, have become especially popular.

3. Offer

This is a special type of comprades, made in the form of a public agreement that does not require signing. It is used on the websites of various SaaS services or in online stores. As soon as a person fulfills the terms of the contract (for example, registers on the site), he automatically accepts the terms of the offer.

Commercial proposal offer

Not to be confused with an offer. This is completely different. To create a truly powerful commercial offer, you will need a killer offer - the “heart” of your offer (English offer - to offer). That's the point. In other words, a clear statement of what exactly you are offering. In this case, it is advisable to indicate the essence at the very beginning (this especially applies to “cold” CP).

Please note: the offer is ALWAYS aimed at benefiting the reader, and not at goods or services! The easiest way to compose it is according to the formula: we offer you (benefit) due to (product)

Every day I come across commercial proposals, the authors of which step on the same rake again and again (don’t repeat it!):

  • We offer you office furniture.
  • We invite you to attend the seminar.
  • We invite you to order website promotion from us.
  • We offer you to wash your floors.

And so on... This is a gross mistake. Look around: competitors offer the same thing. But most importantly, there is no benefit for the recipient. Absolutely no way. What will he gain from this? What benefits will it receive?

  • I suggest you save up to $5,000 on furnishing your office with luxurious European furniture.
  • I suggest you increase your company's turnover by 20-70%, thanks to the information you receive at the seminar.
  • I suggest you attract hundreds of new potential clients at a price of 1.5 rubles per person.
  • I suggest you reduce the incidence of colds among your employees (and the number of sick days, respectively) through daily wet cleaning.

You get the idea. The main thing is to convey to the recipient the benefits that you offer him, and goods and services are a way to receive these benefits.

In its structure, a commercial proposal is somewhat reminiscent of a selling text. And this is natural, since commercial text is a special case of a commercial text. But there is one element that sets compreads apart from the mass of other tools. This is an offer. However, let's talk about everything in order.

0. Footer

The footer most often includes a logo (so that the CP is identified with a specific company) and contact information with a mini-appeal. This is done to save time and space. As soon as a person looks at the top of the document, he already knows what is being discussed and how to contact you. Very convenient. The size of the footer, as a rule, does not exceed 2 cm. After all, for a cold compressor in A4 format, every centimeter counts. Look at how I would put together a proposal for, say, my blog. In this case, I sell content in exchange for readers' time.

1. Title of the commercial offer

Vital element. Especially for a “cold” gearbox. Its task is to attract attention and immediately hook it with benefits.

Please note: when it comes to a “cold” proposal, the heading “Commercial proposal” is not the best option. If only because it is uninformative, takes up space and is no different from dozens of others that your competitors send. In addition, if a person does not expect letters from you and receives something so abstract, he reflexively makes several clicks: “select” and “add to spam.”

At the same time, for a “hot” commercial offer, such a headline is more than appropriate if the company name is indicated next.

In my practice, headlines (not to be confused with the subject line of the cover letter!) work best using the 4U formula. In today's sample sales pitch, the headline is a combination of a headline and a subhead.

2. Lead (first paragraph)

The main task of a lead is to arouse interest in what you say. Otherwise, people simply will not listen to you. Well, or literally, then read your commercial proposal. The lead always talks about what is important to the client. To do this, four approaches are used:

  1. From the problem (most often).
  2. From the solution (if there is no problem as such).
  3. From objections (if relevant).
  4. From emotions (very rarely).

In my example, I used a “from the problem” approach, take a look. Below I will show a few more samples with other approaches.

3. Offer

I already talked about creating an offer a little higher. The offer should interest the recipient in the benefits so much that he continues reading your commercial offer. Practice shows that if the reader is not interested in the offer, the commercial proposal goes straight to the trash can (the second wave of discarding).

For an offer, you can use either a general formula with benefits, or the so-called amplifier link:

  • Product + product at a good price.
  • Product+service.
  • Product + gift, etc.

At the end of the offer, I recommend making a graphic anchor (if space allows). It thins out the text mass and adds “air”. In addition, it makes your business proposal easy to scan. Look at the offer and graphic anchor I made in the sample commercial proposal for my blog. In your commercial proposal, you can use as an anchor a visualization of the goods supplied or the main areas of services, plus prices (if they are competitive for you).

4. Benefits for the client

The next block is the benefits blog. In other words, this is a transfer of what a person receives when he agrees to your commercial offer. It is important to be able to distinguish benefits from properties and characteristics.

For example, in a sample CP for readers of my blog, I can cite the following benefits. Please note: the benefit block has a subtitle that is always directed towards the reader.

5. Processing of objections

It is not always possible to insert all objection handlers into the commercial proposal. But even so, the main ones can be closed by simply answering the questions: “Who are you?”, “Why can you be trusted?”, “Who is already using your services?”, “Geography of presence,” etc. Look at my sample CP for the blog. I handle the objection by answering the question “Who is the author and can he be trusted?”

Blocks with social proof or authority triggers are often used as objection handlers. Finally, another powerful sales persuasion technique is guarantees. In this case, guarantees can be both expected (12 months for office equipment) and unexpected (if something breaks down, the company makes repairs at its own expense, and provides a similar model of equipment for the duration of the repair).

To inspire even more trust, tell us about your company, without unnecessary praise - specifically and to the point. Just the facts.

6. Call to action

Another essential attribute of a good commercial proposal is an appeal. In this case, there should be only one call (calling for one specific action): most often it is a call, but it can also be an application on the website or a visit to the sales department. The maximum is an alternative: call or send an Email.

Please note: the call should be a strong verb, so the response will be higher.


  • Call me (strong verb).
  • You can call (weak verb, the effect will be lower).

And one more important point. You will be surprised, but sometimes people who develop business proposals forget to include contact information in them. It turns out to be a comical situation: the recipient of the CP wants to order a product or service, but physically cannot do this because he does not know where to go.

In my sample, I put the call in the footer.

7. Postscript

The final, and at the same time one of the most important elements of all “killer” commercial proposals, is the postscript (P.S.). When used correctly, the postscript becomes a very powerful motivating lever. Practice shows that people read postscripts most often (after captions under pictures). That’s why, if you want to strengthen your commercial offer, then the cherished letters P.S. It is advisable to take it into service.

In addition, you can insert a restriction (deadline) into the postscript. Many people miss this point of the structure. And if, in the case of sending a “hot” commercial proposal, the manager can call and remind about himself, then in the case of a “cold” proposal, the absence of a restriction can deprive the company of more than half of the responses.

You can limit either in the context of time or in the context of the quantity of goods.

For example:

  • There are only 5 fax machines left.
  • The offer is valid only until August 31, from September 1 the price will double.

It is worth mentioning that if you make a restriction, then you must keep your promises. And not so that you promise to double the price tomorrow, but the next day you don’t do this, but promise the same thing.

Ready-made commercial proposal sample

If we connect all the blocks, we will get this sample commercial proposal. It's universal. I adapted it for selling various goods and services: from logistics to rolled metal. In some places it worked better, in others worse. But everywhere it justified itself and paid for itself. The only thing is to remember to keep the target sheet clean.

Another strong point of this sample is that it is easy to scan. A person understands what we offer him in a matter of seconds.

You can download this sample to your Google Drive using this link to adapt it to your task. There you can save it in RTF, MS Word or PDF formats. The compilation algorithm is below.

How to write a commercial proposal (algorithm)

To correctly draw up a commercial proposal, you need:

  1. Step 1: Use the sample from the link above as a basis.
  2. Step 2: Replace the logo, call and contacts with your own.
  3. Step 3: Design a header using the 4U formula.
  4. Step 4: Describe the client's real "pain" in the first paragraph.
  5. Step 5: Create an offer with a solution to the “pain”.
  6. Step 6: Make a graphic divider.
  7. Step 7: Describe the additional benefits of your proposal.
  8. Step 8: Address key objections or briefly introduce yourself.
  9. Step 9: Make a call to action, write P.S. with a deadline.

Other commercial proposal samples

Using the above structure, you can also compose purely textual compendia. Let's look at samples of commercial proposals for the supply of goods and transport services. Despite the fact that they do not have graphic separators, the order of the blocks in them is identical. Pay attention to the objection handler “If you already have a supplier.” This technique is called psychological adjustment and is described in detail in the book “The Laws of Influence” by Susan Weinschenk.

a) Sample commercial proposal for transport services

Download a sample commercial proposal (Google Docs, MS Word, PDF, RTF formats).

How to submit a commercial proposal (prototype and design)

There are also more complex examples of compreads, which consist of text and graphics. This is for situations when the CP needs to be beautifully designed. In such situations, a prototype is developed first. This is a technical task for the designer. When the design is ready, the design proposal is sent to the potential client. Look at an example of such a prototype commercial proposal for a transport company.

But a sample control panel is already in design (one of the possible concepts).

What to do when the compr is written

Let's assume that the commercial proposal has already been written. The question arises: what to do with it next, and how to send it. It’s good if the compressor is of the “hot” type. It can be saved as a PDF and immediately sent to the waiting client. But what about cold gearboxes? And here there are as many as four options.

  1. Sending by regular mail(physical format). This can work great when your competitors are bombarding potential clients with their sales pitches via email. At the same time, try to make the letter look expensive: a snow-white envelope made of thick paper, a stamp. Ideally, the address will be written by hand.
  2. Sending a commercial offer in the body of the letter(HTML format). To do this, you will need the help of special programs or services for Email marketing. An additional advantage of this approach is that you see the number of open letters linked to each contact in the target list and time. Very convenient.
  3. Sending in the app with a covering letter. In the letter you introduce yourself and arouse interest. But without overloading with details. For additional information, a person opens a document in the application.
  4. First the letter, then the committee representative (if there is a response). Unlike the previous option, you divide the sending into two stages. First, you check the interest, and only when you have established contact, do you send a commercial offer.

Which of these approaches will work better cannot be said a priori. Need to test.

Typical mistakes when drawing up commercial proposals

There are a lot of forms, templates and samples of commercial proposals on the Internet. And most of them have one thing in common - they don’t work and no one reads them. Simply because they contain the same typical errors:

  1. Ode to your company in the style of “Professional, customer-oriented, young, dynamic, ambitious, reliable and blah blah blah.” A client, in principle, is not interested in a company that does not interest him in a worthwhile offer.
  2. Praises to the recipient in the style of hard licking “Your company has always been a model of quality and reliability, stability and prosperity...” It’s especially funny to read this in cold CPs. Flattery is good in moderation. When it overflows, the reader has a gag reflex, and the commercial proposal goes into the trash.
  3. Cleverness. Another common mistake is when the beginning of the CP is overloaded with too much information, and in a format in which it is difficult to even pronounce it. Example: “Our company strives to stand out among the average market conditions and provides services of unprecedented high quality, taking an individual approach to each client through the prism of symbiotic interaction.”
  4. All at once. Many companies consider it their duty to send in one letter a commercial proposal, a price list, a presentation, a card with details, a catalog and a lot of other electronic waste paper, which is more likely to irritate than help solve the problem.
  5. Dirty target list. Purchased or old bases that have become stale and covered with dust 10 times. With this approach, it is easy to get caught by spam filters. In the worst case, postal services will impose sanctions on the company name (the name will become a stop word). Then even legitimate emails will often end up in spam.
  6. Abstraction and water. The less specific you are, the more time the recipient needs to grasp the essence of your offer. And time is too valuable a resource to waste.
  7. Cliche. Many companies believe that a commercial proposal is a formalized document. And they write like everyone else. That is, no way. Or they send the CP without segmentation to everyone. But meanwhile, the same product may have different target groups with different interests. This also needs to be taken into account.

And there are a lot of such errors in templates. Another common mistake is being boring. Many people believe that if a commercial proposal is to be read by the director of a company, then it should be written formally, dryly and boringly. Bullshit! First of all, because, as practice shows, there are already enough dry and boring texts in the correspondence of directors. And the director is also a person. In the end.

Notes for preparing a commercial proposal

In order to write a truly effective business proposal, you need to move away any templates so that they do not confuse you. First of all, because many of your competitors also write business proposals using the same templates.

A truly effective commercial proposal requires an individual approach!

Next, start writing the CP following the above structure and algorithm. Don’t forget that the offer is the “heart” of any commercial proposal. It should offer some kind of benefit from the goods or services you sell.

Don’t forget about persuasion techniques: reviews, guarantees, visual images, facts.

And, most importantly, remember about the call and the opportunity to respond to it.

I am sure that this information will help you write a truly selling commercial proposal!

Commercial offers under 44-FZ are the easiest way to obtain up-to-date information on prices on the market. Without this data, it is impossible to justify the NMCC using the market analysis method. In the article we will analyze the requirements for commercial proposals under 44-FZ.

(NMCC) - one of the stages of procurement planning. The Contract System Law established the requirement to first apply the market analysis method. This leads to the need to use commercial proposals in the process of determining the cost of an object. At the same time, for errors or failure to comply with the procedure for justifying the NMCC, administrative liability is established in the form of a fine of up to 10,000 rubles, which is an unpleasant addition.


For a supplier whose field of activity is related to the customer’s needs, a commercial proposal is an official document that confirms the cost of his goods, work, services with certain characteristics for a specific period, but does not entail an obligation to conclude a contract.

Part 2-6 art. 22 44-FZ describes the rules for applying the market analysis method and indicates that when justifying the cost of a contract using this method, it is necessary to compare prices for goods or services that are similar to the object of the planned purchase. To do this, you need to obtain up-to-date information on market prices. And the easiest way to do this is to request a commercial proposal (a sample can be seen below) from companies that supply such goods or provide similar services.

Procedure for obtaining information about prices

Methodological recommendations have been developed for the use of methods for determining NMCC (). To collect data on prices, it is recommended that the customer send requests for price information to at least five suppliers, and in determining the NMCC use at least three prices that are provided by different suppliers (clause 3.19).

The algorithm for submitting such a request is as follows:

  1. Compile it indicating its quantitative and qualitative characteristics (read the article).
  2. Indicate the essential conditions for the supply of goods and performance of work that affect their cost: territorial location, delivery time, completion of work, availability of a guarantee, the need for adjustment, installation, training of persons, etc.
  3. Select the target audience of the newsletter. At the same time, according to the recommendations of the Ministry of Economic Development, suppliers must have experience in similar supplies, including experience in executing contracts without the use of penalties over the past three years. At this stage, the customer can use information retrieval systems or publicly available directories of organizations. You can check how the supplier performed contracts under 44-FZ and 223-FZ on the Unified Information System (EIS) website. To do this, you need to enter the name or TIN of the winner.
  4. Fill out a request and send it to potential partners. At the same time, according to the Ministry of Economic Development (Letter No. D28i-1308 dated May 10, 2016), in order to justify the NMCC, it is considered acceptable to use fax or email to submit requests and receive responses.
  5. Get an answer, analyze the data and draw up a rationale.

Please note that the validity period of the commercial offer under 44-FZ has not been established. This information must be included in the response document. This is done to eliminate justification based on irrelevant prices.

Prices from previous periods (more than six months from the period when the NMCC was determined) must be brought to the current level by applying a conversion factor.

In addition to sending requests to suppliers, the Ministry of Economic Development recommends carrying out several more procedures: searching for prices in the EIS contract register, collecting and analyzing publicly available price information (advertising, catalogues, statistical reporting, etc.).

From this article you will learn:

  • What types of commercial offers are there?
  • How to create a commercial proposal
  • How to arrange it correctly
  • What mistakes are most often made when preparing a commercial proposal?

Communicating with a client live and presenting a commercial proposal in writing are very different from each other. In order to arouse the interest of a potential buyer in completing a transaction, you need to format your commercial proposal in such a way that it is both brief and succinct. In this article we will focus on how to prepare a commercial offer in such a way as to get the maximum benefit from it.

What commercial offer do you want to make: main types

What commercial offers are there? Below we will look at the main ones.

Basic (cold) commercial offers

Commercial offers of this type are mainly sent out in bulk. Potential clients do not expect any messages from your organization, so their main goal is to attract the attention of the target audience, and therefore they are in the nature of mass mailings.

On to the pros this type of proposal should be considered

  • large target audience coverage;
  • saving time costs.

Cons are:

  • lack of a personal approach to the client;
  • there is a high probability that your commercial proposal will be reviewed by an employee who does not have decision-making authority.

It is advisable to send basic commercial offers in the case when you provide single services or your offers will be of interest to a large circle of buyers (you offer website design, food delivery, etc.).

"Warm" commercial offers

Such a commercial offer is personalized and addressed to a specific person, usually after completion of negotiations. Its advantage is that the client expects it. When offering something, one should take into account the buyer’s desires identified during preliminary work, and the proposal itself should include the most specific information and offer.

At the beginning of this type of commercial proposal, it is advisable to write the following phrases: “As a result of our meeting, I am sending you...”. “In response to your request, I am sending...”.

Another distinctive feature of such commercial offers will be the opportunity, some time after sending the offer, to call the client again for a detailed discussion of further interaction. For example, you can ask the consumer how interested he is in your offer, and whether he has any clarifying questions.

As practice shows, “cold” sales proposals are currently very ineffective, especially when you send them out without first notifying the possible client.

Consequently, a “warm” commercial offer is much more likely to interest a potential client.

How to make a commercial offer correctly

It’s optimal if you fit your commercial offer on one page, or maximum on two. By formatting it correctly, you will be able to compactly place all significant information, including the client’s benefit, on one sheet.

Today, entrepreneurs, and they are the main recipients of commercial proposals, are busy enough to read proposals of more than two A4 sheets.

The commercial proposal (CP) must be formatted as follows.

  • The header contains information about the TIN/KPP, logo and contacts of the organization (telephones, email).
  • To whom is the letter addressed?
  • Nature of the letter (commercial proposal).
  • Methods and options of payment, conditions for providing installment payments.
  • Delivery times (when sending a package to the regions, you should attach a list of other products and delivery conditions).
  • Each item should be numbered, the name of the product should be written in Russian, the price per unit of product or service, and the total cost for all items should be indicated (by default, prices are indicated in rubles; if the price is indicated in a foreign currency, the exchange rate for conversion into rubles should be indicated).
  • Photographs (images) of products, their characteristics.
  • Company seal, full name, signature of the person who prepared the letter.
  • The period during which the commercial offer is valid.
  • Outgoing number (indicates the organization of internal document flow).
  • Contact details of the responsible person.

7 steps to create a commercial proposal

Step #1: Your Goal

The task of a commercial proposal is to send it to people belonging to the target audience. The indication of products and services in the commercial proposal is intended to ensure that any of the presented items will be of interest to the buyer. However, if you do the work in advance to find out the needs of a potential client and use this information when preparing your commercial proposal, it will be much more effective, which means the response to it will be faster and more positive. It is in this regard that it is initially necessary to determine the ultimate goal of your commercial proposal.

Step No. 2. Not quantity, but quality

When writing a proposal, try to keep it to a moderate length rather than listing every item you have. It is much more correct if, when composing a letter, you focus not on quantity, but on quality. It is necessary to pay attention to the relevance of the information, omitting unnecessary details that can only distract the client from the essence of the commercial proposal. Information that motivates the client to accept your offer is of great importance.

Step No. 3. Your proposal or offer

An offer is the most significant part of any commercial offer to a future buyer. Since the buyer's interest in exploring the offer depends on the headline, it is worth making an effort to make it “catchy.”

When creating an offer, check whether it contains the following main items:

  • efficiency of services provided;
  • favorable price;
  • payment options – possibility of deferred payments;
  • discounts offered;
  • delivery options;
  • additional services;
  • guarantees provided;
  • prestige of brands;
  • several configuration options.

Step #4: Focus on solving customer problems

The goal of a well-designed commercial proposal is to solve the “problems” of clients. Accordingly, it must necessarily focus on this.

When a commercial offer exclusively talks about the products and services of a store, it has no value, since it is unable to arouse the interest of a possible buyer.

The text of the commercial proposal is intended for the consumer; he is the main character of your story. The text should not be replete with the pronouns “we”, “I”, “our” - it is doubtful that the client will want to waste time reading a laudatory “song” of your organization.

There is such a rule - four “You” and one we. A good sales pitch focuses on the buyer, not the company. Only in this case will you increase the value of your offer for a future client. When preparing a commercial offer, you need to focus on whether it is beneficial to the consumer.

Step #5: Pricing

The buyer should be made aware of the company's pricing principles. Therefore, the commercial offer may contain data about this (about factors influencing the formation of the price of the product). Instead of a story, you can send the client a price list. If you work in a highly competitive industry, submit a proposal outlining the cost of competing products. This method is quite effective - after all, the buyer will see the benefits that he can receive.

When sending a price list along with your commercial offer, please consider the following points.

  • When a commercial offer consists of one price list, then its chances of ending up in the trash bin without being studied are very high. To prevent this from happening, you should take care of how to motivate the client to familiarize yourself with the presented price list. You can interest the buyer, for example, with information about discounts on all products listed in the price list (attached to the letter).
  • The price list should indicate the clear cost of the product. If you indicate that the cost of the product is “from ... rubles,” then it is necessary to explain what influences the final price.
  • If the cost varies depending on various indicators (for example, on the volume of containers), this point also needs to be deciphered.
  • You should not write down variable parameters (such as the period of validity of prices or discounts) in small print. Your buyer has the right to know both the essence of the commercial offer itself and the procedure and pricing system.
  • Try not to use the word “price list”; it can easily be replaced with other words. Separately highlight the recipient so that it is clear to him that the price list was sent specifically to him, individually, and not as a general mailing.
  • In cases where the prices presented are valid for a limited period, this information is indicated in large print so that it cannot be missed.
  • Before sending your commercial proposal, you need to check how well the printing is done and whether all the letters, and especially the numbers, are clearly visible.

Step No. 6. Call to action in the commercial proposal

When preparing a commercial proposal, do not forget that it is drawn up with the goal of inducing the client to take certain actions. You can encourage him to make a call, visit a website, fill out an application to purchase products, etc. The buyer needs to explain what needs to be done, listing all the necessary contacts. By doing this, you will show the client that you care about him.

Step No. 7. Gratitude after the first sale

After completing the transaction after the commercial offer, thank the buyer. Anyone would be pleased to hear a simple “thank you.” In modern society, grateful people are not so common. And having received a letter of gratitude from you after the purchase, the buyer will be surprised and delighted, which means that the likelihood of him contacting you again will be higher.

How to properly prepare a commercial proposal, avoiding common mistakes

Below are 8 main mistakes that reduce the effectiveness of a business proposal.

  1. Uncompetitive offer.
  2. Sending a commercial offer to people who are not part of the target audience.
  3. The CP is drawn up without taking into account customer problems.
  4. Poor design of the CP, making it difficult to read.
  5. A sales pitch is simply a story about products without a clearly defined offer for the consumer.
  6. The commercial proposal describes the product itself, but does not indicate the benefits the client receives when purchasing it.
  7. Too voluminous CP.
  8. The control panel may go to an employee who does not make responsible decisions.

How to make a commercial offer (example)

David Ogilvy, one of the most famous copywriters in the modern world, prepared this business proposal in 1959.

Why is Rolls-Royce the best car in the world? According to the chief engineer of Rolls-Royce, this is not a miracle at all - just keen attention to every detail.

  • “When you're driving at 60 km/h, the loudest sound you'll hear will be the sound of the digital clock,” says the engine designer. The sounds produced by the three mufflers are much quieter.
  • Before installation in a vehicle, all Rolls-Royce engines run for 7 hours at a time with the throttle open. Each vehicle is tested on hundreds of miles of a wide variety of road surfaces.
  • Rolls-Royce is 18 inches shorter than the largest American cars, so you won't have any problems parking.
  • Rolls-Royce was designed to be a car that you could drive yourself. Every car has power steering, power brakes, and an automatic transmission - all of which will make driving that car much easier. And you will no longer need a driver.
  • After the car is assembled, it remains in the test center for another 7 days, where another 98 different tests are carried out. For example, engineers with stethoscopes listen to axles creak.
  • Rolls-Royce provides a three-year warranty on its cars. To ensure that you do not have problems with service, the company has created a new network of dealers, as well as a network of auto parts stores.
  • The Rolls-Royce radiator was changed only once - in 1933 after the death of Sir Henry Royce. That year, the color of the RR monogram changed from red to black.
  • The body of each car is painted 5 times with initial paint, each layer being rubbed by hand, after which it is covered with final paint 9 times.
  • A special switch on the steering column will help you adjust the shock absorbers based on road conditions.
  • A French hickory pull-out picnic table is mounted under the dash. Two other tables are hidden in the backs of the front seats.
  • Additionally, the car can be equipped with a coffee machine, voice recorder, bed, hot and cold water.
  • The cars are equipped with three brake booster systems - two hydraulic and one mechanical. If suddenly one of them turns out to be damaged, it will not affect the others in any way. In addition to being the safest car, Rolls-Royce is also very fast. You'll feel great driving it at 85 mph. It can reach a maximum speed of 100 mph.
  • The Rolls-Royce concern also produces Bentley cars. The difference between these cars is the radiators. People who feel insecure driving a Rolls-Royce can buy a Bentley.

The Rolls-Royce in question costs $13,995. If you would like to test drive a Rolls-Royce or Bentley, please email us or contact one of the dealers listed on the next page.

In the practice of trading activities commercial proposals related to the supply of goods have long been one of the mandatory documents. Such documents reveal the advantages of contacting this particular supplier.

Commercial offers are made to awaken a desire to purchase this particular product. In order to achieve your goals, you need to describe the most favorable terms of the deal.

Under these conditions, all the nuances are present, including discounts for purchases of large quantities and delivery services.

The form of drawing up the document is arbitrary. It can take into account all the specific features of a particular company. But there are a number of points that must be present in any case.

The main thing is to take into account the characteristics of the audience for which the text is intended.. After all, each field of activity develops its own vocabulary.

They try to stick to it. Information related to the company's priorities will not be superfluous.

Brief and competent messages about the delivery of goods

The general idea in the document is what, first of all, the addressee must grasp.

Don't use too many terms, which will not be clear. Especially if they have no meaning for the document itself.

It is not necessary to prove your literacy in every aspect at once. The main thing is an intelligible presentation of thoughts.

It would be good if there was at least one example of drawing up such a document. This is a type of official paper that becomes an indirect representation of the company and its interests.

Hints on identifying the required characteristics can always be obtained from employees in the technical service.

Selecting the layout and design of the proposal

Each organization uses its own unique style when preparing commercial proposals. Personification of a document is often given maximum attention.

You can use the form of a letter that is personally sent to one or another person.

But there is information that must be present regardless of the recipient:

  • Basic information on the supply for which the proposal is being prepared.
  • Organization details.
  • Brief information about the company.

Examples of provisions that are best excluded from the document

There are certain points that should not be included in the document.

  • Templates and hackneyed phrases are the first thing you should get rid of. The same goes for sentences that have no substance. And which mean nothing to the client.

Even non-picky buyers are sometimes afraid of complex sentences with long paragraphs. It doesn't matter how well the overall form is designed.

  • The qualities and characteristics of the product must be described, but not excessively. An example is creating an emphasis on benefits for clients when organizing ongoing cooperation. It is better to present information in numbers that can be easily compared with other indicators in a given field of activity. Then it will be easier for customers to see the specific benefits of this offer.
  • There should also be no explanations for obvious truths. It is only permissible to use generally accepted concepts that are precisely known to each reader. But jargon and specific words must be completely abandoned. Then the partners will not have negative emotions.
  • No need for unnecessary technical details. Customers pay attention to the real benefits that each product can bring.

Commercial offers cannot be made without specifying the period of validity.

What provisions will be the main ones?

What must be included in proposals, regardless of form?

  • The beginning is in the corporate header, where logos and details are placed.
  • It is important that there is a title of the document itself.
  • It became a mandatory part to contact each of the clients. Both general phrases and nominal addresses are allowed. But the first option is not recommended.
  • The proposal requires only a clear structure. It is allowed to leave specific prices and delivery conditions outside the offer. For this purpose, price lists and consultations with managers are used.
  • A price list makes a great application for business proposals. The main thing is to break it down into several categories to make it easier to use.
  • A separate block is allocated for the terms and conditions of delivery of goods to the consumer’s address.
  • Another block should be dedicated to payment. But it is not recommended to devote an entire page to this issue. 2-3 sentences are enough.

Other options are permissible only in sentences with an offer, where there is a text of a serious volume.

  • The period during which the offer is valid can be indicated at the very beginning of the page.
  • A popular tool is pointing to reviews and links to them on the Internet.
  • The final element is the director’s signature, date of creation and company seal.

A job description must be written for each employee. The rules for drawing up and a sample job description for the director of an LLC can be viewed.

Is it possible to simplify the work on the document?

All managers try to simplify their work as much as possible. There is nothing unusual about this. This will give you more time to contact new clients. It also helps to avoid a large number of typos and errors.

This is why work processes are automated. This work involves the creation of special templates.

To create documents, a single form is used; different personal data of partners is simply inserted into it.

Such templates are easy to create in special accounting programs.

Other important nuances of document preparation

Either professional philologists or technical specialists in the company can be responsible for drafting the document.

There are two main types of proposals:

  • Advertising.
  • Personal.

You should not rely from the very beginning on the fact that commercial offers will be the most effective. This is a mistake many sales managers make.

It is necessary to pay no less attention to other factors, personal communication with each consumer.

It is better to collect information in advance about those with whom you want to establish cooperation in the future. This will help you understand the needs and requirements of your future partner.

For example, a price list contains a description of five different colors for the same product. Then there is no need to put several names in the table with the same name.

One is enough. And then cells are attached to it, where a link to the color will be given. The reader perceives such information much better.

There should only be one measurement unit per column. If there are data of different formats, they are separated into different cells.

It would be irrational to create tables that are too large. Otherwise they will be too complicated. Clients easily lose their desire to understand further.

The ideal option is one table that fits in A4 format. At the same time, the scale does not increase or decrease. Landscape orientation is an excellent solution to fit more information.

It is important that each of the presented formulas works correctly. Especially if there are variable values ​​that are set manually.

Commercial offers will become more transparent if the clients themselves appreciate and understand what they see in front of them. It’s good if it is possible to make partners themselves change some of the presented values.

You will find step-by-step instructions on how to make a commercial proposal in this video: