Top tips for taking medications. Birth control pills to avoid getting pregnant

You can speed up the action of the pill or enhance its effect, minimize the risk of adverse reactions or, on the contrary, get poisoned by taking usual dose drug... The regimen and method of use radically affects the work of many medications: from ordinary vitamins to potent drugs.

After the tablet enters the body, it must dissolve in digestive tract, penetrate through the walls of blood vessels into the blood. Then active substance spreads throughout the body and exerts its effect, after which it enters the liver, where it is destroyed and excreted unnecessary products metabolism through the kidneys or intestines. This is the most common route taken by oral medications in the body.

What we eat and drink during treatment can slow down or speed up the absorption of the drug, interfere with its inactivation in the liver, or even remove the drug from the body in transit, without any effect. Therefore, it is important to know how to take pills correctly.

What should I take with my medications?

The universal liquid for washing down tablets is clean, non-carbonated, warm or room temperature water. Cold water slows down absorption in the stomach and may, during illness, provoke nausea and vomiting. The amount of water should be at least half a glass (100 ml).

Only some medications can be taken with milk and are even beneficial. These are drugs from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that we most often use for pain and fever: aspirin, ibuprofen, ketanov, analgin, indomethacin, voltaren and others, as well as steroid hormones: prednisolone, dexamethasone. Milk has a protective effect on the gastric mucosa and reduces the likelihood of the damaging effects of these medications on it. The exception is drugs from these groups in the form of tablets or capsules coated with an enteric coating (such information can be found on the packaging) - their contents are released only in the intestines.

Generally not recommended for use with tablets mineral waters, since they contain ions of calcium, iron and other elements that can enter into chemical reaction with the components of the drug and interfere with their absorption.

The most complex interactions are observed when tablets are taken together with vegetable and fruit juices: they can both weaken and enhance the effect of the drugs. On the “black list”: apple, cherry, pear, grape, lemon, orange, pineapple, beetroot, tomato, viburnum and many other juices. The most dangerous is grapefruit. About 70% are incompatible with it existing drugs, including blood pressure lowering agents, heart medications and oral contraceptives. Drugs to lower blood cholesterol (atorvastatin, simvastatin, etc.) together with grapefruit juice cause massive destruction muscle tissue And renal failure. Moreover, for the development adverse effect 1 glass of juice is enough, it all depends on individual characteristics body. Therefore, it is recommended to stop using grapefruit juice three days before starting treatment with any medications (including injections).

It is not harmless to take some medications with tea and coffee. Tannins, catechins and caffeine contained in these drinks can play a cruel joke, for example, reducing the effectiveness of oral contraceptives. On the other hand, oral contraceptives increase the side effects of caffeine, which can lead to insomnia. Tea and coffee reduce the absorption of many others medicines: antispasmodics, cough remedies, glaucoma, etc. But paracetamol washed down with tea will relieve symptoms faster headache, since caffeine increases the penetration of the drug into the brain.

The most explosive mixture can result from the combined use of drugs and alcohol of any strength. Ethyl alcohol and its metabolic products enhance the effects (including side effects) of psychotropic, antiallergic drugs, drugs for pain and fever, reduce the effect of antibiotics, diabetes drugs, drugs that affect blood clotting and anti-tuberculosis tablets. And the most dangerous thing is that in some cases, alcohol together with completely harmless drugs causes poisoning, even death as a result of liver failure. This most often happens when taking antibacterial drugs with alcohol, antifungal medications and paracetamol.

When to take the tablets: on an empty stomach or after meals?

Given the fact that the active components of drugs can enter into unwanted connections with food, and the consequences of these connections are poorly understood, most drugs are recommended to be taken on an empty stomach.

If the instructions say “on an empty stomach,” this means that the medicine should be taken an hour before meals or 2-3 hours after. This regimen of administration, firstly, minimizes contact of the tablet with food. Secondly, it is believed that in the intervals between meals the secretion hydrochloric acid gastric juice minimal, which also affects the work of many medications. Thirdly, the medicine taken on an empty stomach works faster.

The exception is those medications that irritate the mucous membrane gastrointestinal tract, for example, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, aspirin, etc.). For the same reason, it is recommended to take iron supplements after meals to treat anemia, although they are better absorbed on an empty stomach.

The connection with food intake is especially important for drugs for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, because each of them affects individual stages of digestion, and therefore must enter the body at certain time. So, medications that reduce acidity and relieve heartburn are taken 40 minutes before meals or an hour after. Enzymes (mezim, pancreatin, festal) are drunk during meals, as they must be mixed with food. Pre- and probiotic preparations are usually taken during or after meals.

Antacids (almagel, maalox, de-nol and others), as well as sorbents (smecta, activated carbon, polyphepan) interfere with the absorption of most drugs, so the interval between their use and the use of other drugs should be at least 1-2 hours.

Time of day and interval for taking medications

The daily amount of medication is usually divided into several doses to ensure a more or less constant concentration of the active substance in the body, as well as to reduce single dose and the likelihood of side effects. Therefore, the instructions for the medications and the note from the doctor usually say: 2-3 times a day. However, for some medications, the dose should be divided not throughout the daylight hours, but throughout the day. That is, a three-time dose means taking the medicine every 8 hours, a 4-time dose means taking the medicine every 6 hours, and so on.

Such a strict regime must be maintained, for example, when treating with antibiotics, which is often overlooked. If you take antibiotics irregularly, for example, by taking a long break for night sleep, the concentration of the active substance in the blood will fluctuate greatly. This is unlikely to cause overdose symptoms during the day, but at night it is highly likely to lead to the development of treatment resistance. That is, while you sleep, microbes adapt their metabolism to the antibiotic residues in the blood. Further treatment this drug will not be effective.

For convenience, many medications come in the form of long-acting tablets or capsules that can be taken only once a day. Diuretics are taken in the morning, hormonal drugs, medications, caffeine content and adaptogens (ginseng, Eleutherococcus, Rhodiola rosea, etc.).

Forgotten pill rule

If you forgot to take a pill, estimate how much time has passed since “X”. Depending on the period of delay, three options are possible. First: if it is very close to the next dose, skip the forgotten pill completely, but keep in mind that the effect of the treatment may be reduced. The second option is that you take the medicine as soon as you remember it, but take the next dose according to the old schedule. This can be done if you take the medicine 1-2 times a day and up to next appointment at least half of the time period remains. You cannot double the dose of medication at one time. The third option to fix everything: you take a single dose of the medicine and start a new countdown, that is, shift the dosage schedule by the number of hours missed. This is the most rational method for short-course treatment, for example, if you have been prescribed antibiotics for 5-7 days.

Can I split tablets and open capsules?

If the tablet does not have a groove (scores, notches) to separate it into parts, most likely it is not intended for consumption in pieces. As a rule, these are all drugs that are coated with a protective coating. If they are broken, dissolved, chewed or crushed, they reduce their effectiveness. However, this can be neglected when emergency assistance is required.

When taken orally, the tablet begins to act after an average of 40 minutes. If you require quick effect, you can put the medicine under your tongue or chew it thoroughly and hold it in your mouth along with warm water. Then the absorption of the medicine will begin directly in oral cavity and the effect will occur within 5-10 minutes.

Gelatin capsules consisting of two halves are also not recommended to be opened. The shell protects the contents from contact with air, accidental entry into respiratory tract(can cause irritation) or is destroyed only in the intestines, ensuring the medicine is delivered exactly to the target without loss.

However, exceptions are sometimes made to this rule. Tablets and capsules are divided into parts if a person cannot swallow a large capsule or titration of the medicine is required (individual dose selection). These cases should be discussed with your doctor.

Is it possible to avoid side effects of medications?

Compliance with the doses, regimen and rules for taking medications allows you to minimize the risk of side effects, but you cannot completely protect yourself from troubles during treatment. You need to be alert. Most complications become noticeable in the first days of therapy. This various types allergic reactions, nausea, abdominal pain, stool disturbances, headaches, swelling and other manifestations that usually disappear when the drug is replaced with a similar one or after treatment is stopped.

Delayed and most severe complication treatment is liver failure, kidney function is less likely to suffer. These organs are involved in the neutralization and removal from the body of almost all medications, including those that many of us take lightly: oral contraceptives, drugs for blood pressure and arrhythmia, lowering blood cholesterol, drugs for joint pain. By the way, these are the drugs that long-term use most often caused by drug-induced hepatitis.

The insidiousness of drug-induced damage to the liver and kidneys is that initial stages diseases, when they can still be easily corrected, are asymptomatic. Therefore, everyone who takes medications for a long time needs to do it once every six months. biochemical analysis blood and general analysis urine. These basic tests allow you to monitor liver and kidney function. In case of significant deviations from the norm, it is necessary to interrupt treatment and consult a doctor.

In the work brought to your attention, we will look at pills against pregnancy after unprotected act. Let's start with the fact that unwanted pregnancy is a fairly common phenomenon in our country. At the same time, the girl’s position in society does not matter at all.

Sociologists have noted that half of pregnancies in Russia are unplanned. And a quarter of all cases are perceived by future parents as extremely undesirable. Very often, women resort to artificial abortion (medical or surgical). In order not to resort to the help of a gynecologist, it is necessary to properly protect yourself. If this is not taken into account, then there are pills against pregnancy after unprotected intercourse, the names of which we will consider in the article.

What medications can be used?

Anything can happen in our lives, but unfortunately, only a few people remember about safe sex. Please note that it is simply necessary to protect yourself with unstable partners. This will protect you not only from unwanted pregnancy, but also from a host of infections that can be transmitted from a partner. In this case, we are talking about condoms, which are a barrier to infection from both women and men.

Taking birth control pills after unprotected intercourse will only prevent unplanned pregnancy. This method of contraception can only be used with a regular sexual partner in whom you are confident. A woman who does not protect herself during sex and does not plan to give birth to a child in the near future is simply obliged to always have medications with her that can prevent pregnancy, since this event is not considered at the moment desired.

We will look at which birth control pills to take after unprotected intercourse a little later. Now it is worth noting that any medicine if incorrect or long-term use may cause harm to health. Be sure to read the instructions before use (duration and regularity of use, dosage and side effects, composition of the drug - to avoid the occurrence of allergies).

Oral contraceptives should be used with great caution. To exclude side effects and health problems, you should contact a specialist so that he can select the drug that is the least dangerous and most suitable for you.

Anti-pregnancy pills after unprotected intercourse are an emergency measure to prevent an undesirable phenomenon. To avoid pregnancy, you must take a special drug as soon as possible. Please note that these medications cannot be taken continuously. Be sure to monitor your menstrual cycle: there are days that are unfavorable for conception, during these periods you can avoid taking the drug. It's about about days: from 5th to 7th and from 16th to 28th. This example is for menstrual cycle in twenty-eight days, provided that it is permanent. If your menstrual cycle is inconsistent, then this method of contraception will not suit you. With this problem, you should definitely contact a gynecologist to find out the cause of this phenomenon.

When choosing an emergency contraceptive drug, pay attention to the following points:

  • contraindications;
  • application diagram;
  • duration of use;
  • regularity;
  • compound.

All this will help you avoid unpleasant consequences after use. Please also note that this method is effective only for very early stages. That is, the sooner you take the pill, the less chance you have of getting pregnant. For example, if you took the drug within a few hours after intercourse, then the chance of pregnancy is 5%, but by the third day this indicator increases to 45%.

If you take a pill during the day?

Tablets after unprotected intercourse against pregnancy, the names of which will be presented in this section articles help if they are used within 24 hours after sex on days favorable for conception. Please note that there are drugs that need to be taken once, but there are also those that should be taken according to a regimen for several days. For this reason, be sure to pay attention to the method of application and dosage. If you take a birth control pill after unprotected intercourse, the chance of preventing an unfavorable pregnancy is more than ninety percent.

Now we will present to your attention a number of drugs recommended by gynecologists throughout Russia. These medicines include:

  • "Ovidon".
  • "Non-Ovlon."
  • "Ministison."
  • "Rigividon".
  • Marvelon.

Be sure to pay attention to the number of tablets you should take. For the first two drugs presented above, the dosage is two tablets, for the next two - three tablets, and for Marvelon the dosage is four tablets. Taking more than the prescribed amount is highly not recommended to prevent unpleasant consequences.

There are also some anti-pregnancy pills after unprotected intercourse that should be taken within twenty-four hours. These include drugs based on levonorgestrel or mifepristone. For emergency use, you can use the following medications:

  • "Eskinor F".
  • "Postinor".
  • "Escapelle".
  • "Mifetin."
  • "Mytholian".
  • "Gynepristone."
  • "Genale".

Tablets against pregnancy after unprotected intercourse “Postinor”, ​​“Eskinor F” and “Escapelle” contain levonorgestrel as the main component. Now we will look at the effect of the drugs. It is based on the fact that the efficiency of the uterus, which produces less hormones than is needed for fertilization, decreases. As a result, the fertilized egg cannot reach the uterus and dies. If she nevertheless reaches it, then the drug affects the state of the endometrium, as a result of which the fixation of the egg in the uterine cavity becomes impossible.

The main component of the next three drugs on our list is mifepristone. This substance can cause uterine contractions and changes in the endometrium. These are new generation drugs; if you take one tablet, the egg will not be able to gain a foothold in the uterine cavity and will come out.

In any case, you cannot use the data medicines often, so as not to cause harm to health and not to harm the functions of the ovaries, which in the future can lead to infertility.

Combined oral contraceptives (COCs)

What other pills exist against pregnancy after unprotected intercourse? In this section, you will learn about combined oral contraceptives, which are called COCs for short. These drugs contain a very large dosage of the hormone progestogen and estrogen. When taking these medications, you should strictly follow the dosage and regimen. Long lasting and uncontrolled reception hormonal drugs carry with them a whole list of serious problems that will affect reproductive function.

They act as follows: the endometrium is rejected, so the fertilized egg cannot implant in the uterine cavity. Be sure to take COCs very responsibly, because their action can cause bleeding.

  • "Ovidon".
  • "Non-Ovlon."
  • "Silest".
  • "Rigevidon".

Tablets after unprotected intercourse against pregnancy, the names of which are presented above, belong to the COC group. Please note that there are several contraindications to taking these medications. If you are diagnosed with at least one of them, then you should stop taking COCs. Contraindications include:

  • thrombosis or high probability the occurrence of this disease;
  • congenital thrombophilia;
  • stroke;
  • coronary heart disease;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • atrial fibrillation;
  • septic endocarditis;
  • age over thirty years (there is a possibility of developing cardiovascular diseases);
  • smoking;
  • diabetes;
  • hypertension;
  • presence of viral hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis;
  • liver tumor;
  • migraine;
  • diabetes mellitus that lasts more than twenty years;
  • breast cancer (this includes cases where the diagnosis is confirmed or only suspected);
  • lactation period;
  • pregnancy.

In all of the above cases, the use of COC drugs is strictly prohibited.

We have discussed how to prevent pregnancy after unprotected intercourse with a COC tablet, now let’s talk a little about returning the proper functioning of the ovaries and the return of reproductive ability.

In 90% of cases, women were able to become pregnant within a year after stopping taking contraceptives. Don’t worry that taking medications may somehow affect your future reproductive life. If you follow the instructions, then the possibility of getting pregnant after stopping the medicine is very high and taking it will not affect the development of pregnancy in any way.

Incorrectly taking a COC during pregnancy should not cause concern; this is not a reason for prescribing an abortion. Nevertheless, it is simply necessary to stop taking COCs so that pregnancy and fetal development proceed correctly.

Action of COC

This section will discuss the mechanism of action of birth control pills after unprotected intercourse (COC). These drugs can suppress the ovulation process, thicken the cervical mucus so that the movement of sperm becomes much more difficult, and change the endometrium, which is an obstacle to the implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterine cavity.

This action is provided by a component included in the drug - progestogen. You can also find ethinyl estradiol in the composition, which ensures a normal menstrual cycle, that is, there should be no intermediate bleeding. The menstrual cycle should not be disrupted. In addition, it is worth knowing that when taking COCs, the ovaries do not produce estradiol, which is responsible for follicle growth. The substance ethinyl estradiol replaces it.

Emergency contraception regimen

The most popular are contraceptive pills after unprotected intercourse, the names of which are:

  • "Postinor".
  • "Gynepristone."
  • "Ovidon".

Now we propose to get acquainted with the scheme of their use. Let's start with Postinor. This drug is available in one tablet per package. For least likely If you get pregnant, you should buy four packs. It should be taken according to this scheme:

  • two tablets once within twelve hours after intercourse;
  • one tablet twelve hours after the first dose;
  • one tablet twelve hours after the second dose.

Within 72 hours after unprotected intercourse, anti-pregnancy pills “Ginepriston” will prevent unwanted conception. It is very important to know that this drug accepted once. No re-appointment is required.

The drug "Ovidon", which we mentioned earlier in this section, should be taken in the following course:

  • first you need to take two tablets at a time (please note that this must be done in the first 24 hours);
  • repeat the dose after 12 hours.


Pills against pregnancy after unprotected intercourse, the names of which were presented to your attention in the article, have a list of indications and contraindications. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the indications for use in this section. These include:

  • spontaneous sex;
  • skipping oral contraceptives;
  • frequent change of sexual partner;
  • a broken condom during sex;
  • sexual intercourse while intoxicated;
  • untimely interruption of contact if a condom is not used;
  • negative attitude towards contraception;
  • sexual violence.

These drugs contain large number hormones. At frequent use Serious health problems may arise. Gynecologists recommend using emergency measures to protect against unwanted pregnancy no more than three times a year. Before use, you must carefully read the instructions, familiarize yourself with contraindications and dosages. One of these issues will be considered right now.


Before you familiarize yourself with the contraindications for use, it is worth clarifying one fact: the more time has passed after sex, the greater the likelihood of pregnancy. The likelihood that anti-pregnancy pills will help after unprotected intercourse a week later is very low. It is recommended to take emergency contraception measures during the first three days.

Contraindications to their use include:

  • liver diseases;
  • age over thirty-five years;
  • thromboembolism;
  • migraine;
  • age less than sixteen years;
  • breastfeeding;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • instability of the menstrual cycle;
  • pregnancy;
  • kidney disease;
  • anemia;
  • smoking (especially long-term smoking).

This issue should be treated with maximum responsibility, because the drugs are hormonal. They can greatly harm your health. Be sure to read the instructions that come with the medicine very carefully before use.

Side effects

Any woman must read the instructions for use of these drugs. This should be approached with great responsibility, because hormonal drugs can entail a whole list of serious illnesses and consequences. Some of them are incurable. Side effects after use emergency measures contraception include:

  • infertility;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • thrombosis;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • irregularities in the menstrual cycle;
  • stomach pain;
  • nausea;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • severe fatigue;
  • allergic reaction;
  • emotional stress and so on.

Many women are interested in what anti-pregnancy pills will help after unprotected intercourse in a month? There are no such miracle drugs, since the period is already very long. In this case, you have to resort to the help of gynecologists to terminate the pregnancy using special drugs. Tablets for this procedure are not sold in pharmacies; they can only be obtained from a doctor and taken under his supervision. We propose to talk about this problem in the next section.

How is the medical abortion procedure performed?

Let us note right away that even this type of abortion has its own certain deadlines usefulness and safety. It can be carried out until the tenth obstetric week. A woman herself can easily calculate the last day of opportunity to terminate a pregnancy using medical abortion(sixty-three days from the first day of the last menstruation). Going beyond these limits is highly discouraged; it is not only useless, but also very dangerous.

  • familiarization (the woman signs papers stating that she is familiar with the rules of the procedure and possible complications);
  • taking the drug ( this remedy completely blocks the production of progesterone);
  • taking a prostaglandin drug (this step is not necessary, since in 99% of cases the fertilized egg comes out on its own and stimulation this process not required);
  • ultrasound examination.

It is also important to clarify what drugs are used for this method of abortion. As a rule, they are based on mifepristone. These include:

  • "Mifegin."
  • "Mifeprex."
  • "Mifepristone."
  • "Mifolian" and others.

Cost and reviews

In this section we will briefly look at the reviews and price of pills against pregnancy after unprotected intercourse. Feedback from women is numerous and varied. In 90% of cases when correct intake and compliance with the terms, women did not experience any discomfort and could get rid of an unwanted pregnancy.

Prices in Russia are shown in the table.

When purchasing any drug, read the instructions, dosage, indications, contraindications and composition.

You will need

  • - doxycycline;
  • - metronidazole or trichopolum;
  • - fluconazole or flucostat;
  • - tsiprolet or digital;
  • - bifi-forms;
  • - vitamins;
  • - oral contraceptives.


Termination of pregnancy at any stage is always stressful for the female body. After all, abortion is a complex and very painful process that a woman has to go through during the intervention. After the operation, the doctor mandatory in order to avoid complications after an abortion, prescribes medications that should help the body recover and prevent the development of possible inflammation.

Among the mandatory medications that help protect a woman’s body from infections entering it are: causing inflammation, powerful antibiotics And antimicrobials, such as doxycycline, metronidazole, fluconazole. They are affordable, however, it should be remembered that the drugs often seriously damage the liver and other vital organs. But at the same time, they are very effective, which is why they are prescribed in most cases of termination of pregnancy. However, if you strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations negative consequences taking medications can be avoided.

Doxycycline is very powerful and should be started immediately after an abortion. Take the drug twice a day, 100 mg or 0.1 g (1 capsule) after meals. But you can drink it for no more than 7 days. Usually 5 days is enough.

10. Damage internal organs.
11. Perforation of the uterus.
12. Fatal outcome.

Often a woman who has had her first abortion suffers from a deep sense of guilt. The negative emotional background may not disappear for 5-10 years. As a result, dysfunction of the hormonal system occurs.

What is the danger of abortion for a woman who has not given birth?

The statistics are catastrophic. 75% of patients diagnosed with infertility decided on premature disposal of the fetus during their first pregnancy.

The phenomenon of “primary miscarriage” is observed. The female body remembers the development scenario of the first pregnancy. In the future, he tries to follow it carefully.

Often, further bearing a child is impossible. The cervix, which opened for the first time through artificial intervention, loses its elasticity. This has a significant impact on a woman's ability to carry her next pregnancy for the required amount of time.

The menstrual cycle often fails. The decision to have the first abortion can lead to disruption of the functioning of the glands endocrine system. Menstruation becomes irregular, sexual pathologies and obesity occur.

Almost 100% of artificial cases result in endometritis. Inflammatory processes that form in the uterine area lead to stagnation of blood in the uterine cavity. Its walls contract worse, and spasms appear. If the disease is left without proper attention, the consequence becomes chronic, the consequence of which is infertility.

A woman who wants to become a mother, have a family and healthy children should not decide to have an abortion. To reduce the risk of premature pregnancy, it is wiser to use high-quality contraceptives.

Video on the topic


  • Pregnancy after medical abortion
  • The effect of abortion on subsequent pregnancies
  • Infertility after abortion
  • Why is abortion dangerous? Possible consequences abortion

Abortion is an artificial or natural termination of pregnancy up to 25 weeks. Abortions are divided into early, which are performed up to 12 weeks, and late, which are performed only after medical indications. Abortion is an operation that can cause complications.


Complications after abortion occur in 35% of cases. And this is quite a large number. About 70 thousand women die every year due to complications after abortion. The most a common complication abortions are heavy bleeding. They occur when damaged large vessels. Such situations require immediate surgery. The consequences are so severe that blood transfusions are often necessary.

During an abortion, the doctor may injure the uterus. This often occurs when her cervix is ​​stretched. Medical instruments you can rupture the uterus. In this case, it is completely removed. If delayed, a woman may quickly suffer from blood loss.

Anesthesia is another reason why complications may develop. Often, during anesthesia, a violation occurs heart rate, liver and respiratory functions. The most serious complication of anesthesia is anaphylactic shock.

After an abortion, after some time there may be inflammatory processes, due to infection entering the wound. Salpingitis, an inflammatory process in the uterine uterus, peritonitis, metroendometritis or parametritis are common. IN in rare cases Possibly blood poisoning - sepsis. This condition requires immediate antibacterial treatment.

Women suffering from a disease that interferes with blood clotting are susceptible to blood clots. After an abortion, a blood clot can enter the general bloodstream and cause an embolism. Treatment depends on the location of the clot and its size.

After an abortion, chronic inflammatory processes often develop. As a rule, they occur after a history of acute inflammation. Undiagnosed infection on early stages gradually turns into chronic form. In this case, there is a high probability ectopic pregnancy(when the egg develops not in the uterine cavity, but in the peritoneum, or most often in fallopian tube).

Probably the saddest consequence of abortion is infertility. Many people agree to have an abortion and never think about the consequences. Most often, infertility after an abortion develops due to complete obstruction of the tubes.

After an abortion, disturbances in the menstrual cycle are possible. Menstruation becomes heavy and painful.

Please note

Think carefully before going for an abortion. After all, under your heart you carry a little man who wants to live!

In the recent past, when there were few means of effective contraception, women often used the calendar method of calculating the safe period of the menstrual cycle, and also used the method of interrupted intercourse. Now that medicine has made great progress, it makes no sense to use the methods of protection described above, so everything larger number couples tend to use officially recognized methods of contraception. But if they were not used in time, then birth control pills after sexual intercourse will save the situation. Which remedy is the most effective?

When and who might need them?

The correct answer to the question of when contraceptives may be needed is after unprotected sexual intercourse, when there is a risk of pregnancy. This is possible in the following cases:

  1. No protection was used.
  2. The rape occurred and the woman was not taking effective contraception at the time.
  3. The usual method of contraception did not work.

The last point needs to be deciphered in order to clarify when this is possible. Most common cause there is a missed dose of an OC (oral contraceptive), as well as an untimely injection of a hormone used for parenteral contraception. Sometimes after sex a woman notices that the contraceptive ring has moved or was installed incorrectly cervical cap, along with leucorrhoea and ejaculate, suppositories or tablets with a spermicidal effect and used for contraception came out of the vagina.

Any suspicion that the usual contraceptive is not working properly is a reason to contact a gynecologist for advice on further contraceptive options.

Today in every way medicinal drug For emergency contraception after unprotected sex, hormonal components are used.

What drugs for postcoital pregnancy prevention are known? Now official medicine There are two recognized methods of emergency contraception after unprotected sex. They are the use of copper-containing intrauterine devices (spirals) during the first 5 days and the use of tableted postcoital medications. To use the first method, you must visit an obstetrician-gynecologist first for a consultation, and then to fix the spiral. The second method is convenient because the doctor immediately recommends the necessary contraceptive pills, which you will take according to the plan at home.

Currently, any drug for emergency contraception after unprotected sex uses a hormonal component, which can be progesterone or levonorgestrel. Contraceptives are available everywhere under the following trade names:

  • Escapelle.
  • Postinor.

In both as active component Levonorgestrel is used, only in Postinor it is 0.75 mg, and in Escapelle it is 1.5 mg, which determines the peculiarities of their use. The mechanism of action is the same.

Levonorgestrel prevents the development of ovulation and the release of the egg from the ovary, which is the main contraceptive effect. A sperm that enters the uterus after unprotected sex will die after some time without fertilizing the egg. In addition, these emergency contraceptives will increase the viscosity of intracervical mucus, which will create a mechanical obstacle to the movement of sperm into the uterine cavity.

Levonorgestrel prevents the development of ovulation and the release of an egg from the ovary.

How to take and what is the effectiveness

It should be noted that these concepts overlap. The relationship between the increase in the contraceptive effectiveness of pills and the time of taking them has long been noted: the earlier the drug was taken after unprotected intercourse, the lower the chance of developing pregnancy.

According to the annotations of manufacturers of tablet postcoital contraceptives, the maximum interval between unprotected sexual intercourse and taking the drug is 72 hours. Further use of this method of protection is inappropriate.

Emergency tablet contraceptives (features of administration)

The instructions for use indicate that if vomiting occurs in the first 3 hours after taking birth control pills, the drug must be taken again.

When not to use

First of all, these will include an already confirmed pregnancy. These contraceptive pills do not have an abortifacient effect, so they cannot be used to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy. Medical contraindications in the annotations to both contraceptives are designated as follows:

  • A previous or potential allergic reaction to the active substance levonorgestrel or any other component of the tablet.
  • Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract). In some diseases it is disrupted suction function small intestine, which leads to the fact that the required concentration of the hormone in the blood is not achieved. Contraceptive effect contraception in this case it is difficult to predict. An example of such diseases is Crohn's disease.
  • Serious liver pathology with signs of liver failure, in which there is a decrease in liver function.
  • Emergency contraceptives in the form of tablets cannot be taken together with medications for the treatment of HIV, tuberculosis, fungal diseases (meaning oral capsule or tablet forms), epilepsy, barbiturates and St. John's wort preparations.

If you doubt that emergency remedy contraception is compatible with your medical condition, discuss this issue with your doctor.

Adverse reactions

In the case when postcoital contraceptive pills are taken no more often than once every six months, no undesirable consequences mostly not observed. However, a small number of women complained of headache or dizziness. Vomiting, nausea or diarrhea may also occur. Reactions from the reproductive system are somewhat more common:

  1. Bleeding.
  2. Pain in lower sections abdomen caused by myometrial spasm.
  3. Dysmenorrhea.
  4. Absence of regulation for 7 or more days, which is a reason to contact an obstetrician-gynecologist to exclude pregnancy. For the same purpose, a woman is recommended to undergo an ultrasound examination.
Adverse reactions have every chance of causing abdominal pain, this happens due to myometrial spasms.

Menstruation that is very different from usual will also be a reason to consult a doctor. This is manifested by the occurrence of slight bleeding during regulation.

Less commonly used tablet forms

Mifepristone (the brand name of Genale) is also used to prevent pregnancy after unprotected intercourse. It increases the contractility of the myometrium (the muscular layer of the uterus), changes the structure of the endometrium, into which the egg is normally implanted, and prevents ovulation. It is recommended to use Mifepristone in the first 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse.

The annotation for Zhenale lists the following adverse reactions:

  1. Allergic reactions of varying intensity.
  2. Pain in the lower abdomen due to spastic contractions of the myometrium, bleeding.
  3. Exacerbation of chronic inflammatory diseases woman's genitals.
  4. From the gastrointestinal tract: diarrhea, vomiting or nausea.

Mifepristone is used somewhat less frequently than levonorgestrel drugs and due to its more wide range contraindications. They cannot be recommended for women with anemia, renal or liver failure, porphyria, and other serious pathologies of internal organs and systems.

Breastfeeding is a categorical contraindication to the use of mifepristone, but levonorgestrel can be used for emergency contraception in lactating women. A necessary condition for this is to take it after feeding the child.

Depending on the markup category of pharmacies, the price of Postinor ranges from 320 to 350 rubles, and Escapela 310–365 rubles. The cost of mifepristone drugs is 300–340 rubles.

It is up to you to decide which method of emergency contraception to choose. Whatever method you choose, emergency contraception is a much easier way to prevent unwanted motherhood than having an abortion or a vacuum after. Take good care of your health.

Safe sex is not a thing these days. serious problem- medicine offers a huge number of contraceptives that can protect a couple from both STDs and unwanted pregnancy.

However, in reality, everything looks completely different, and almost every woman has unprotected sexual intercourse at least once in her life. Should you panic in such a situation? Of course not, because all the same modern medications will help protect against its unpleasant consequences.

What to do after unprotected sexual intercourse?

“Accidents” during sexual intercourse can be different - for example, a condom breaks or slips off, a woman forgot to take birth control, or partners, in a fit of passion, did not think about contraception at all. So, what can a woman do after coitus has already occurred?

  • Immediately take a vertical position - under the influence of gravity, the seed will flow out of the vagina without reaching the egg. True, you cannot rely solely on this method, because it is too unreliable.
  • Within 10 minutes after PA, you need to wash yourself well with warm water and soap - this will help reduce the risk of pregnancy by about 10%. In addition, you can syringe with some acidic solution (vinegar, lemon juice or citric acid), which will help create an environment in the vagina that is unfavorable for sperm. True, such solutions should be handled very carefully - there is a risk of severely burning the mucous membrane.
  • If a woman is taking oral contraceptives and has forgotten to take the next pill, she should read the instructions for the drug - it usually indicates the procedure to be followed in such a situation.
  • If sexual intercourse occurred with an unreliable or casual partner, you need to treat the genitals as quickly as possible by special means, which will protect the body from STDs. One of these remedies is Miramistin, but with this question it is best to contact a venereologist.

Most effective way postcoital protection - this is the so-called emergency (fire, emergency, etc.) contraception, which involves alternately taking special medical supplies, which can be found in almost any pharmacy today.

So, what are these drugs, and how do they protect a woman from unwanted pregnancy?

In what cases does a woman need emergency

It is very important to note that emergency contraception cannot be called a safe, much less healthy, measure.

That is why it should be used only in cases where the onset of pregnancy will almost certainly entail its termination: for example, after rape, unprotected sexual intercourse with an unfamiliar partner, or if during such sexual intercourse there was a misfire with one of the contraceptives.

Moreover, we must not forget that similar drugs cannot protect a woman from sexually transmitted infections, so additional measures will have to be taken to prevent them.

Types of emergency contraceptives

Today there are several types of emergency contraceptives, each of which has its own characteristics. These include:

  • Estrogens. These are the world's first emergency contraceptives, which began to be used in the middle of the last century. They have high efficiency, but have many side effects, including nausea, vomiting, blood clots and much more. If, despite taking the drugs, pregnancy did occur, it was recommended to terminate it, since they have a strong teratogenic effect on the fetus.
  • Gestagens. The action of gestagens is based on the suppression of the secretion of gonadotropic hormones, thereby preventing ovulation. In addition, they prevent the implantation of the egg, but if this process has already begun, these drugs are powerless and cannot lead to abortion. Taking gestogens (in particular, levonorgestrel, which is a derivative of testosterone) in the first 72 hours after PA reduces the likelihood of fertilization by at least 60%.
  • Combined drugs. These drugs, whose action is based on the complex effects of estrogen and progestogen, are the most common emergency contraceptives. Most often, such drugs are taken according to the so-called Yuzpe method, and its effectiveness is about 75%, but 20% of women experience side effects in the form of vomiting, headaches, and menstrual irregularities.
  • Antigonadotropins. Drugs that can suppress the production of gonadotropins by the pituitary gland, which causes ovulation to be inhibited and the endometrium to atrophy. If we talk about side effects, the likelihood of their occurrence is greater than when taking gestagens, but less than when using combination drugs according to the Yuzpe method.
  • Antiprogestins. Antiprogestins are drugs active substance which is mifepristone, often used for medication interruption pregnancy. It causes delayed ovulation or endometrial atrophy, which prevents the egg from implanting. Side effects when taking these drugs, they also occur, but they go away quite quickly; In addition, antiprogestins have virtually no contraindications and are often recommended for women who are prohibited from using other emergency contraceptives.

Contraceptives after unprotected intercourse

  • "Postinor". One of the oldest and most effective emergency contraceptives, which has a gestagenic effect, prevents ovulation and fertilization. The first tablet is taken within 48 hours (no later than 72) after unprotected PA, and the second - 12 hours after the first.
  • "Escapelle". Modern drug, the action of which is based on the hormone levonorgestrel, which is highly effective in the first 72 hours after sexual intercourse. If within three hours after taking the woman, diarrhea or vomiting begins, the dose will need to be repeated.
  • "Danazol". One of the most popular antigonadotropins, which is recommended to be taken 600 mg within 72 hours after coitus.
  • "Plan B" It is a progestin contraceptive and also contains levonorgestrel, which prevents ovulation and egg implantation. The first dose should be taken within the first 48 hours, the second after 12.
  • "Ogestrel", "Ovral". The peculiarity of these drugs containing progestin and estrogen is that they can cause strong gag reflex, so you should start taking it with an antiemetic. The course consists of 4 tablets: the first two are taken in the first 72 hours after “dangerous” sexual intercourse (not earlier than 2 hours after the antiemetic), and two more - 12 hours after the first.
  • "Gynepristone." A steroidal antigestagenic drug that can cause delayed ovulation and implantation or endometrial atrophy (depending on the phase of the cycle). The tablet should be taken within 72 hours after unprotected PA, and two hours before and two hours after taking it you should abstain from food.
  • "Preven." Combined contraceptive, the course of which consists of 4 tablets - they must be taken at intervals of 12 hours, and the first one should be drunk in the first 72 hours after sexual intercourse.

What are the dangers of emergency contraceptives?

To put it simply, the essence of such contraception is that female body are exposed to huge doses of hormones that create special conditions, in which pregnancy becomes impossible.

That is, such drugs actually provoke hormonal imbalance, and no doctor can predict exactly how long it will last.

Ideally, this condition lasts no more than one menstrual cycle, but sometimes subsequent menstruation is disrupted - in such cases, the woman should immediately consult a doctor.

In conclusion, we can say that if all known factors are taken into account, then emergency contraceptives are preferable to any abortion (medical or surgical), but they cannot in any case be used as a permanent method to prevent unwanted pregnancy.