Mtsko exam results. This section includes several programs. Mtsko personal account

In order for every child in Moscow to receive a quality education, there is special organization, which carefully controls this. The main tasks that the MCCE performs are to increase the efficiency of knowledge assessment, as well as to identify and train the most talented youth. Do not forget that this center is dedicated to improving the effectiveness of certification.

Activities of the Education Quality Center

The main task that the quality center confidently achieves is to form an effective regional system assessments. This will contribute to the development of schools and common system metropolitan education.

New technologies are regularly used in the practice of methods for measuring the quality of knowledge, which makes it possible to more accurately determine the nature of assessing the quality of education. Based on the results, conclusions are drawn and optimal measures are proposed that ensure the objective nature of the assessment of education. Among the main activities of the MCCO, the following should be highlighted:

  • conducting examination of educational programs;
  • ensuring the functioning of the vocational education system;
  • introduction into practice of highly efficient technologies and measurement techniques;
  • accounting, storage and write-off of licensing files of educational institutions.

Extra-budgetary services of ICCO


Parents and teachers have the opportunity to take advantage paid service, which are provided by MCCO. The portal contains specific information regarding the cost of each service, as well as telephone numbers to conclude an agreement for the provision of extra-budgetary services. They fall into three main categories:

  • "Independent diagnostics";
  • "Additional services".

MCCO additional services

The last item on the list includes the “Russian language proficiency exam.” This is necessary for those persons who need to obtain a residence permit or citizenship Russian Federation. Additionally, you can order services for analysis, examination and development of a quality assessment system. Control specialists will help you cope with any task.

Independent diagnostic centers

On the site, everyone can find a section that meets their needs.


Teachers and parents can use the free services of the MCEC to analyze the quality of their education. To do this, you need to contact the Center independent diagnostics, having previously called the phone number to leave a request for a group or individual inspection. To popular free services must be attributed laboratory diagnostics in physics in 3D format for grades 7-11. This greatly simplifies the process of preparing students for upcoming exams.

Anyone can use them after pre-registration. There is also a service such as diagnostics of subject knowledge for CND students, which costs only five hundred and eighty rubles.

Each educational organization can order an independent diagnosis in the Unified State Exam format. This is an opportunity for students to test their knowledge and psychologically prepare for passing exams, feeling themselves in the same conditions as they will be during testing.

MCKO personal account


To get full access to MCCO services, you must initially register and visit your personal account. This will allow you to find out the results of queries, take tests online and get full access to all information that may be of interest to the user.

Registration is not complex process. It will only be enough to provide basic contact information, such as a phone number and email address. After this, you need to confirm your identity and you will be able to freely use this service.


How to get there

Of course, on the website of the Center for Educational Quality there is enough useful information, but it is often necessary to consult a specialist in person. It is for this that it is necessary to find information about contacts and office locations.

On the official website you can see images of the “Yandex map” with specific information regarding the best way to get to a specific office. Information regarding hours and days of reception must be indicated.

MCCO is important organization, which controls the education of children in Moscow. It is this authority that conducts every monitoring and analyzes how effectively students study. Based on the results obtained, action plans are created on what and how needs to be implemented to effectively achieve the goal.

Monitoring and diagnostics

Additionally, comprehensive provision of conditions for the formation and functioning of the quality of education is carried out. At the same time, modern and highly efficient technologies with measurement techniques are regularly introduced into practice, which guarantee an objective assessment of the level of knowledge of students.