The long-awaited baby: stimulation of labor. Fast and rapid childbirth: causes and consequences

What's happened rapid labor Why are they dangerous and what can be their consequences for mother and child? By this definition, doctors understand labor, which proceeds much faster than it should. This deviation occurs both in women giving birth for the first time and in multiparous women. The only difference is in the criteria of what is considered a pathology and what is the duration of labor.

So, rapid labor is when in primiparous women the first stage of labor, that is, contractions, lasts no more than three hours, and in multiparous women no more than one hour. Or the second stage of labor lasts no more than 1 hour and 10 minutes, respectively. There is also such a thing as rapid birth. It is identical to swift. But it just doesn’t fall within the specified time limits. That is, labor proceeds faster than the average, but in most cases not so much as to cause damage to health. And rapid childbirth always carries one or another negative consequences for mother and child, sometimes serious.

Thus, one can be convinced that the early end of childbirth is not a benefit, but only a harm. And, by the way, such labor is often more painful than normal, non-pathological labor. And if a woman subjectively notices signs of rapid labor, or she has already had a history of rapid labor, it is advisable for her to be in the maternity hospital before the onset of contractions or, in extreme cases, immediately, without waiting for contractions to become more frequent, to go to a medical facility.

The reasons for precipitate or rapid labor are varied. We will name some of them.

1. Features muscle cells uterus. For some women nerve cells respond too violently to any irritation. In such cases, slight uterine tone can lead to dilatation of the cervix. And the first birth is rapid for this reason.

2. Neuroses, depression, a very excitable nervous system. Such women often experience isthmic-cervical insufficiency, miscarriages occur in early pregnancy, ruptures during childbirth due to the fact that they do not listen to the instructions of doctors and midwives, and the birth itself can proceed very quickly, literally reactively, regardless of what kind of numbers are they? However, second births occur rapidly and much more often. Especially if the interval between the births of children is short. During the second and subsequent pregnancies, the birth canal is more prepared for childbirth, and the cervix opens faster.

3. Gynecological and infectious diseases. Prevention of precipitate childbirth is to take care of your health from a young age. This includes safe sex and regular visits to the gynecologist, timely diagnosis diseases and treatment. Inflammation of the ovaries, chlamydia, abortion, uterine fibroids, and uterine malformations can provoke rapid advancement through the birth canal.

4. Heredity. If the mother or grandmother of the expectant mother gave birth quickly, then she has almost the same chances of a very early delivery. And if the first birth was rapid, what the second one will be like is already clear. Most likely the same.

5. Various pathologies and complications that arose during pregnancy. These include:

  • polyhydramnios;
  • large fruit (more than 4 kg);
  • bearing several fruits;
  • rapid maturation of the placenta;
  • Rhesus conflict;
  • late toxicosis;
  • post-term pregnancy, etc.

Doctors may try to minimize possible complications during rapid labor with the help of medication administration. These can be antispasmodics, tocolytics, epidural anesthesia. A woman with very active labor should be constantly under medical supervision.

Knowing what rapid childbirth has consequences for the child and mother, every expectant mother should carefully follow the recommendations of the gynecologist leading her pregnancy. And if necessary, undergo treatment and be observed in a hospital. It is advisable to register with early dates pregnancy. This is especially true for women at risk: under 18 years of age and over 35, with multiple pregnancies, malformations of the uterus and neoplasms in it, infertility, etc. The consequence of rapid labor for the mother is the acquisition of new gynecological problems in the form of ruptures of the soft tissues of the vagina and cervix.

Which birth proceeds faster: rapid or fast?


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Normal duration labor activity should be at least 8 hours, but no more than 12. During this time, the body of the expectant mother and child has time to prepare for a successful birth. But when labor takes place within 2–4 hours, the mother and baby are in serious danger. Sometimes rapid labor in first-time mothers completely discourages the desire to have a second child.

Rapid labor: what is it?

Rapid labor: what is it?

In primiparous women, this anomaly in the development of labor is much less common than in those who give birth repeatedly. But they must know what rapid labor means and be prepared for it.

Childbirth is considered rapid when no more than 4 hours pass from the onset of contractions to the birth of the baby. For multiparous women, this time interval is significantly reduced. In obstetric practice, there have been cases when the duration of labor was reduced to 30–40 minutes.

Causes of rapid labor

Doctors say the main reason why a first-time mother may experience rapid labor is genetic predisposition– disruption of contractile activity of the uterus. But sometimes they become:

In women who have given birth repeatedly, the cause of rapid labor may be the stretching of the birth canal. This is why it is so important to do Kegel exercises during pregnancy and after childbirth. They will help strengthen the vaginal muscles and make labor easier.

Signs of rapid labor

No doctor can determine in advance whether labor will be rapid, protracted or normal. This becomes known only with the onset of labor.

A woman needs to be prepared for rapid labor if:

  • contractions began suddenly (as a rule, contractions during rapid labor are not only violent, but also very painful);
  • the break between contractions is short (5–10 minutes);
  • blood pressure increased sharply;
  • breathing and pulse increased.

Signs of rapid labor

There are many cases when women did not have time to get to the maternity hospital and obstetric care she received assistance from her husband (other relatives), friends, or absolutely strangers. Therefore, with the onset of violent contractions, a woman in labor should immediately go to the maternity hospital. If the chosen maternity hospital is far away, then it is better to go to the nearest one.

Of course, you should never do this yourself. You need to lie down on a bed or sofa, call ambulance and lie down and wait for the doctors to arrive. Let your family take care of the rest.

What are the dangers of rapid labor for a woman in labor?

    The greatest danger to mother and child during rapid labor is premature detachment placenta. Mommy is in danger uterine bleeding, and for the child – by the cessation of oxygen supply at the moment of its passage through birth canal. Sometimes this leads to removal of the uterus.

    In addition, during rapid labor, a woman is at risk postpartum hemorrhage. Due to the unpreparedness of the uterus for childbirth, the muscles cannot take their original shape (contract) for a long time.

The recovery period for a woman after a quick birth usually increases significantly. On average 5-7 days.

Rapid birth: consequences for the child

    In addition to the severe abruption caused by premature placental abruption, a child may receive a serious traumatic brain injury during rapid labor.

    Such a birth can result in injuries to the baby’s spine, collarbone, etc.

    Severe hypoxia can cause vascular spasms in the baby and... as a result, the death of brain cells. As a result, the child may die or remain permanently disabled.

How can an obstetrician-gynecologist help a woman in labor during rapid labor?

In this article:

Probably every expectant mother dreams of a quick birth.

Prolonged contractions accompanied by severe pain, few people are happy. And how enviable it is to hear from friends that they “suffered themselves out” in a couple of hours. But rapid childbirth is not a reason for joy, but for concern.

Let's look at why the rapid birth of a baby is dangerous.

What is rapid labor?

Rapid birth includes birth process, lasting 3-6 hours for primiparous women and 2-4 hours for multiparous women. During this time, the body does not have time to prepare for the birth of the baby, the cervix is ​​poorly opened, the bones are not prepared, despite the full dilatation of the cervix. Moreover, the fetus itself cannot short time take the correct position, and under the influence of strong uterine contractions it is literally pushed into the light, instead of a smooth appearance.

Rapid childbirth almost always carries danger and can lead to very sad consequences for both mother and child. But thanks modern medicine and knowledge about the signs and causes of rapid labor help to avoid complications.

Signs of rapid labor

Recognize quick birth it’s not difficult - they begin quickly, literally catching a woman by surprise. Her pulse quickens, her breathing becomes erratic and heavy, and her activity decreases. Contractions are strong from the very beginning, last 10 seconds and repeat every 2-3 minutes. Note that during normal childbirth, the first contractions are practically painless and repeat at intervals of 20-30 minutes. Then the interval shortens and only by the time the cervix is ​​fully dilated they become strong and frequent.

There are also opposite signs of rapid labor - at first there is sluggishness of labor forces, contractions are painless and not intense. But within an hour they increase, become frequent and painful. After another 2-3 hours, the uterus, under strong contractions, begins to push out the fetus, which is not yet ready to meet the environment.

Why do rapid births occur?

Rapid labor, as a rule, is a consequence of pathology in a woman’s body. Quite rarely, a child is born faster than expected for no apparent reason.

Causes of rapid labor:

  1. Predisposition at the genetic level. If a woman in her family has a rapid birth, then there is a high probability that she will see her baby ahead of schedule.
  2. Gynecological diseases. Any, even minor inflammation reproductive organs can lead to rapid labor. For this reason, it is recommended to go through full examination and treatment before planning pregnancy.
  3. Age of the woman in labor. Women under 18 and over 30 years of age are at risk of precipitated labor. In young women in labor reproductive system not fully developed, not yet ready to bear and give birth to a child. Adult women, as a rule, have chronic or treated diseases or abortions, which negatively affects the functioning of the body.
  4. Pathology of gestation. Frequent threats of interruption, late toxicosis, high blood pressure, swelling - all this does not go away without leaving a trace.
  5. Disorders in the nervous system. Excessive excitability and nervousness can cause rapid labor.
  6. Overstimulation. If obstetricians administer too many drugs at the onset of labor to induce labor, rapid delivery of the fetus is likely.
  7. Pathology of organs. Absence fallopian tube, ovary and other pathologies of the reproductive system can affect the birth process.

Why is rapid labor dangerous for a mother?

A faster birth is dangerous, first of all, for the mother. IN in rare cases The rapid arrival of a baby leaves no consequences. So, Let's look at the main risks associated with rapid childbirth:

  • Severe bleeding associated with rupture of the uterus and cervix. In this case, childbirth ends with surgery. Sometimes it is not possible to save organs, which leads to infertility of the woman.
  • Rupture of the perineum, if the genitals have not had time to prepare for the birth of the child, then the cervix and external organs suffer. This is probably the most “pleasant” consequence, since it only requires stitches and further care.
  • Divergence of the pelvic bones.
  • Placental abruption, accompanied by severe bleeding.
  • Retained placenta, which requires cleaning after birth.

There is a particular danger to a woman's life heavy bleeding. If timely assistance is not provided, the consequences can be very tragic.

Is the child suffering?

The child suffers no less than the mother from rapid labor. The consequences for the fetus may be as follows:

  • Oxygen starvation, which leads to disruption of brain and nervous activity.
  • Damage to bones and spine.
  • Brain hemorrhage.
  • Intraorgan hemorrhages.

In addition to the listed consequences, the child suffers from a sudden change in atmosphere. Gradually moving along the birth canal, the fetus prepares for a new environment where it will need to take its first breath. Rapid labor can lead to asphyxia, when the baby requires oxygen supply from special equipment.

How to prevent rapid labor?

Even during pregnancy, specialists can see a woman’s predisposition to rapid childbirth. In this case expectant mother are hospitalized ahead of schedule and monitor the preparation of organs.

If it was not possible to determine the predisposition in advance, then with the first intense contractions, drugs are administered to reduce labor activity. A woman should be under the strict supervision of doctors, ready to make a quick and correct decision to reduce the risk of consequences of a rapid birth.

Unfortunately, no one is immune from rapid birth. And in order to at least slightly reduce the likelihood of the rapid birth of a child, Several rules must be followed:

  • Do not neglect diseases - if they are not cured before pregnancy, then you should not refuse treatment during pregnancy.
  • Don’t be nervous – healthy nerves, absence of psychosis and others mental disorders is the key to the health of the unborn baby.
  • Refuse physical activity– walks on fresh air and gymnastics for pregnant women will be quite enough. Expectant mothers need to give up active sports for the sake of the baby's health.
  • Visit a gynecologist in a timely manner - careful monitoring of the condition of the child and the expectant mother will avoid negative consequences who will undergo rapid labor.

But you shouldn’t stress yourself out in advance and think about the likelihood of a rapid birth. Fortunately, they occur in 1 in 100 cases, and the consequences are even less common. Therefore, relax, unwind, listen to pleasant music and tune in to a good completion of your pregnancy, leaving no room for negative thoughts.

Useful video about what rapid labor is

” №4/2011 04.08.11

Of course, every woman’s dream is a quick, uncomplicated birth. But rapid labor has a second, less brilliant side.

You've probably heard from friends, acquaintances, and even doctors that some people give birth so quickly that they don't even have time to understand what's happening. Don’t rush to envy and wish for yourself this quick disposal from the “burden of pregnancy.” In fact, rapid birth is a complication that can lead to serious injuries mothers and even a threat to the baby’s life.

Signs of rapid labor

Often rapid rapid labor can be recognized from the beginning of labor, which begins suddenly and very violently. In this state, the woman in labor is highly active, her pulse increases significantly and her blood pressure rises.

But it is possible that weakness of the generic forces was initially noted, and then (often after drug stimulation) strong contractions begin abruptly, following one after another, which contribute to a very rapid and complete dilatation of the cervix. As a result of excessively strong and frequent uterine contractions, which significantly exceed the strength of the natural resistance of the tissues of the birth canal, the fetus is quickly pushed out of the mother’s body with force, without having time to adapt to environmental conditions.

Labor is considered fast if it lasts 5-7 hours for primiparous women and 3-5 hours for multiparous women.

Causes of rapid labor

There are several reasons contributing to rapid labor:

1.Genetic predisposition. That is, if your grandmother, mother and other maternal relatives had a quick birth, then there is a high probability that your body will decide to “break the family record for quick birth.”

2. Various gynecological diseases. Any inflammation, even if it does not cause concern, must be treated!

3. The course of previous births. Frequent repeated births, as well as the rapid course of previous labor can contribute to the repetition of rapid labor.

4. Hormonal imbalances. Diseases of the endocrine glands that occurred even before pregnancy (for example, increased production of adrenal hormones and thyroid gland) put you at risk.

5. Pathologies of pregnancy. Late and severe gestosis, kidney diseases, etc.

6. State of the nervous system: psychoses, neuroses, hysteria, and just anxiety Women in labor can become another reason for rapid labor.

7. Age of the woman in labor often plays vital role during childbirth. Thus, age under 18 and after 30 years often determines the rapid course of labor. There is no mystery in this. It’s simple: before the age of 18, the nervous system is not yet ready for pregnancy and childbirth, and after 30 years, a woman, as a rule, has already had more than one inflammatory disease pelvic organs, some chronic diseases and disorders of the internal organs.

8. Excessive stimulation of labor by medical staff. Very often, after an initially weak labor activity, as a result of excessive drug stimulation, labor activity from the category of “weak” abruptly moves into the category of “quick labor.”

The dangers of rapid labor for mothers

For a woman, the danger of a quick birth, first of all, lies in the danger of damage to the soft birth canal (ruptures of the perineum, cervix, vagina), as well as the danger of uterine rupture - a complication in which we're talking about already about a woman’s life.

Premature placental abruption is also a very common companion to rapid labor. In this case, the issue of emergency caesarean section is resolved.

Divergence pelvic bones in the area of ​​the symphysis pubis is accompanied by strong pain syndrome and requires prolonged immobility (1-2 months) for complete healing.

Complications in the last and postpartum periods of labor appear in the form incomplete discharge placenta and bleeding in the first 2 hours after birth.

Consequences of rapid labor for a child

Often, children born as a result of rapid labor suffer from hypoxia (lack of oxygen). This condition is very dangerous for the baby and requires immediate resuscitation measures.

Also dangerous complication the child has injuries to the spine, collarbone, humerus, because the baby does not have time to turn over after the birth of the head and is born in an oblique size.

Violations cerebral circulation and even death of brain cells (stroke, increased intracranial pressure) cause disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, and in severe cases they are life-threatening and cause disability.

What to do during rapid labor?

It is possible and necessary to slow down labor. If the maternity hospital medical staff suspects that the woman in labor is experiencing too much rapid labor, the birth is carried out on her side, with insertion special drugs, relaxing smooth muscles and slowing down labor.

To monitor the baby's condition, CTG (cardiotocography) is used. This allows you to control the baby’s heartbeat, the strength and frequency of uterine contractions.

In some cases, for example, with premature placental abruption, the issue of performing a cesarean section is decided.

After childbirth, a thorough examination of the birth canal is carried out for the presence of ruptures to quickly and completely eliminate possible complications.

How to prevent rapid labor?

To prevent rapid labor, it is important to determine whether a pregnant woman is at risk. Special attention given to women with previous pathological birth. If there is a possibility of rapid labor, the woman is recommended to go to the maternity hospital in advance.

Also, to establish a favorable psycho-emotional mood for childbirth, pregnant women at risk are recommended to undergo psychological preparation with a psychologist.

From medicinal methods To prevent rapid labor, drugs such as no-spa, chimes, etc. are widely used. Prevention with these drugs is carried out right up to the birth.

Don't be upset if you suddenly find yourself at risk for rapid labor. The modern level of medicine, medical staff and your positive attitude will in any case help the miracle of birth occur. healthy baby. Have an easy birth!

Our expert, Nadezhda Borisovna Shestopalova, obstetrician-gynecologist of Interdistrict Perinatal Center Tolyatti

Rapid labor is associated with disruption of the contractile activity of the uterus during childbirth. The duration of labor for primiparous women is 4-6 hours, for multiparous women it is 2-4 hours. Rapid labor is characterized by a “turbulent onset.” In this case, the first contractions are painful, prolonged and too frequent. In cases where contractions immediately cause a high degree of discomfort at intervals of 10 minutes or less, you should go to the nearest maternity hospital immediately!

Rapid birth is often accompanied by complications both from the mother (ruptures of the birth canal, premature placental abruption, bleeding in the placenta and postpartum period), and the fetus (hypoxia, cephalohematomas, brain and spinal cord injuries).

The period of adaptation (recovery) of the fetus after a fast and rapid birth can increase to 5-7 days, which affects the possibility of breastfeeding, the timing of vaccination and discharge. To normalize labor, doctors use drugs that relax the muscles of the uterus and slow down labor.

Every woman in labor dreams that prenatal contractions last as short as possible and that childbirth goes faster. But doctors seriously warn: rapid labor is not at all as good as pregnant women think. They are fraught with many dangers. Complications can occur in both the mother and the newborn.

How long should labor last?

The duration of labor pains for each woman depends on a number of factors - what kind of birth it is, whether there are hereditary diseases, in which physical fitness there is a woman and so on.

Typically, labor lasts from 7 to 14 hours for those who give birth for the first time, and from 5 to 12 for multiparous women. Rapid labor is a labor process that lasts 3-6 hours for first-time mothers, and 2-4 hours for those who give birth for the second and subsequent times. If the time is even shorter, then such births are called pathological. Overall, rapid and precipitate labor accounts for approximately 0.8% of all cases.

What is the danger?

During contractions, the body performs certain functions. The cervix opens, the pelvic bones are prepared, and the fetus takes the correct position. If this preparatory process is shortened, then the mother’s body does not have time to fully prepare for the expulsion of the fetus, and the child himself is pushed out under the influence of strong contractions of the uterus. Although ideally it should emerge smoothly into the world.

First signs

How do you know that labor will be rapid? There are several signs:

  1. The pulse quickens, it becomes heavy breathing, general physical activity decreases.
  2. Contractions do not increase gradually; they are quite strong from the beginning of the birth process. They usually last 10 seconds and repeat every 2-3 minutes. During normal childbirth, contractions increase gradually, at first they are weak and repeat after 20-30 minutes. The interval decreases gradually, and only when the cervix is ​​fully dilated do contractions become frequent and strong.
  3. The opposite reaction may also occur: the woman in labor is lethargic, she practically does not feel contractions, but within literally one hour they increase sharply. After 2-3 hours, the uterus begins to contract strongly and push out the fetus, which is not yet prepared to meet the outside world.

Reasons for rapid labor

Rapid labor in primiparous women and rapid labor in multiparous women have different reasons, but there is also common reasons, which provoke this process. These include:

  1. Heredity. If the family female line If someone had a quick birth, then there is a high probability that the pregnant woman will spend less time in the maternity room. It is likely that there is congenital pathology muscles of the uterus, which leads to increased contraction.
  2. Gynecological diseases. Various inflammations suffered earlier can provoke a rapid labor process. That is why doctors recommend that even before conceiving a child, you undergo examinations and rule out inflammatory and infectious diseases. If irregular periods have previously been observed, the woman has any anomalies in the structure of the uterus, there have been cases of termination of pregnancy, the risk of precipitate labor increases.
  3. Age. The risk list includes very young women who have not yet turned 18, and those who have crossed the 30-year mark. In the first case, the body has not yet fully formed; the reproductive system is not quite ready for the birth of a child. Adult women already have a burdened anamnesis in the form of chronic diseases, inflammation along the gynecological line and so on.
  4. Unfavorable course of pregnancy. If, while carrying a child, there were threats of miscarriage, high blood pressure was observed, toxicosis developed in the third trimester, or edema was observed, these factors should alert you.

It all depends on the nervous system

There is an opinion that the higher a woman’s excitability, the faster her labor will go. There is some truth in this. If there are disorders of the nervous system, if the woman in labor is too worried and is not psychologically ready for the process of giving birth to a child, this can speed up the birth process. So it’s worth being mentally prepared for favorable outcome childbirth and not worry about trifles.

Doctors can also induce rapid labor, the consequences of which are not always predictable. It happens that contractions are sluggish and weak, and then a decision is made to stimulate them with the help of medications. But if you do not accurately calculate the dosage, then the birth of the fetus ahead of time is guaranteed.

Danger for the mother in labor

Rapid labor, the consequences of which are difficult to predict in advance, is always considered dangerous, especially for the woman in labor. Doctors state that it is extremely rare that quick births do not carry any complications. There is a group of main risks, including:

  1. Rupture of the cervix or the uterus itself. Heavy bleeding occurs that is difficult to stop. Most often, in this case, doctors resort to surgical intervention. Sometimes you can't even save reproductive organs, which subsequently leads to a woman’s inability to have children in the future.
  2. Perineal rupture. With a quick birth, the genitals do not have time to prepare for the birth of the child. In this case, doctors will apply stitches and further treatment will be required.
  3. Divergence of the pelvic bones. It will take enough long period rehabilitation.
  4. Placental abruption. As a rule, this process is accompanied by severe bleeding.
  5. Delayed delivery of the placenta. In this case, cleaning of the uterine cavity after childbirth will be required.

Among the complications listed above, the most dangerous and life-threatening is severe bleeding. In this case, immediate assistance is required; minutes count.

Consequences for the newborn

But rapid labor is not only dangerous for the mother. The consequences for the child can also be very serious. Indeed, with normal obstetric care, when contractions increase gradually, and the mother’s body prepares for the birth of the child for the required time, the fetus takes the desired position inside the womb. He is not pushed out of the uterus, but smoothly emerges into the world.

Here are the dangers that can await a newborn in the event of rapid labor:

  1. Hypoxia. The fruit receives insufficient quantity oxygen, and this can lead to disruption brain activity and disorders in the nervous system.
  2. Damage to bones shoulder girdle, fractures of the collarbone, and in extremely severe cases, the spine.
  3. Cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral vasospasm.
  4. Hemorrhage into internal organs.
  5. Damage to soft tissues - bruises, abrasions.

At normal birth The fetus gradually moves along the birth canal and also gradually prepares for the first breath. With rapid labor, asphyxia is possible. In this case, the newborn will require forced oxygen supply.

Is it possible to insure yourself?

The option of a quick birth of a child during the first pregnancy is very rare. Most often, rapid second births occur, as well as subsequent ones. But at the same time, an experienced obstetrician-gynecologist can, even during pregnancy, put a woman at risk and assume that her contractions will proceed quickly. Therefore, if the doctor admits the possibility of such an outcome, he will try to hospitalize the woman in labor in advance. IN inpatient conditions doctors will be able to correct this process.

If intense contractions nevertheless begin, then obstetricians recommend administering medical supplies in order to reduce labor activity. You shouldn’t be afraid of this - it’s better to survive the unpleasant contractions longer, but get a healthy baby. In many cases, if a woman in labor arrives at the hospital early and is under medical supervision, complications from a rapid labor can be minimized.

Don't be nervous and take care of yourself

None of the women childbearing age Those who are expecting a child are not immune from rapid labor. In many cases they can be predicted, but sometimes it happens that no external manifestations was not observed before contractions. There are general recommendations that will minimize this risk. Here are the basic rules for all pregnant women:

  1. Get tested before conceiving a child. If it turns out that some diseases of the reproductive system were not cured before pregnancy, it is worth getting rid of them during pregnancy.
  2. Don't worry or be nervous. The nervous system should be normal, try not to conflict and avoid hysterics. Test only positive emotions. Severe stress can seriously harm both your health and the health of your unborn baby.
  3. Avoid excessive physical activity, reduce your activity. For a pregnant woman, light gymnastics and short walks are enough. No weights, no dancing or active sports!
  4. Timely visits to the gynecologist. The doctor will be able to immediately recognize if the pregnancy has begun to proceed with disturbances. This will allow you to correct the process of bearing a child and help the mother’s body in the early stages.

Don't be afraid of anything, expect the best

Suspicious readers will immediately discover all the signs that a rapid birth will occur for them. You shouldn’t do this, because according to statistics, only one mother in a hundred is at risk of this.

At the same time, quick births often end happily. Not everyone experiences complications. Therefore, you should relax, read positive books and listen to good music, be in warm company and get rid of negativity. And if something worries you during pregnancy, it is better to discuss all this with your doctor.