Fast and rapid childbirth: causes and consequences. Fast and rapid birth

” №4/2011 04.08.11

Of course, every woman’s dream is a quick, uncomplicated birth. But rapid labor has a second, less brilliant side.

You've probably heard from friends, acquaintances, and even doctors that some people give birth so quickly that they don't even have time to understand what's happening. Don’t rush to envy and wish for yourself this quick disposal from the “burden of pregnancy.” In fact, rapid birth is a complication that can lead to serious injuries mothers and even a threat to the baby’s life.

Signs of rapid labor

Often rapid, rapid labor can be recognized from the beginning labor activity, which begins suddenly and very violently. In this state, the woman in labor is highly active, her pulse increases significantly and her blood pressure rises.

But it is possible that weakness of the generic forces was initially noted, and then (often after drug stimulation) strong contractions begin abruptly, following one after another, which contribute to a very rapid and complete dilatation of the cervix. As a result of excessively strong and frequent uterine contractions, which significantly exceed the strength of the natural tissue resistance birth canal, the fetus is forcefully pushed out of the mother’s body, not having time to adapt to environmental conditions.

Labor is considered fast if it lasts 5-7 hours for primiparous women and 3-5 hours for multiparous women.

Causes of rapid labor

There are several reasons contributing to rapid labor:

1.Genetic predisposition. That is, if your grandmother, mother and other maternal relatives had a quick birth, then there is a high probability that your body will decide to “break the family record for quick birth.”

2. Various gynecological diseases. Any inflammation, even if it does not cause concern, must be treated!

3. The course of previous births. Frequent repeated births, as well as the rapid course of previous labor can contribute to the repetition of rapid labor.

4. Hormonal imbalances. Diseases of the endocrine glands that occurred even before pregnancy (for example, increased production of adrenal hormones and thyroid gland) put you at risk.

5. Pathologies of pregnancy. Late and severe gestosis, kidney diseases, etc.

6. State nervous system: psychoses, neuroses, hysteria, and just anxiety Women in labor can become another reason for rapid labor.

7. Age of the woman in labor often plays vital role during childbirth. Thus, age under 18 and after 30 years often determines the rapid course of labor. There is no mystery in this. It’s simple: before the age of 18, the nervous system is not yet ready for pregnancy and childbirth, and after 30 years, a woman, as a rule, has already had more than one inflammatory disease of the pelvic organs, some chronic diseases and disturbances in the functioning of internal organs.

8. Excessive stimulation of labor by medical staff. Very often, after an initially weak labor activity, as a result of excessive drug stimulation, labor activity from the “weak” category abruptly moves into the “weak” category. quick birth».

The dangers of rapid labor for mothers

For a woman, the danger of a quick birth, first of all, lies in the danger of damage to the soft birth canal (ruptures of the perineum, cervix, vagina), as well as the danger of uterine rupture - a complication in which we're talking about already about a woman’s life.

Premature placental abruption is also a very common companion to rapid labor. In this case, the issue of emergency caesarean section is resolved.

Divergence pelvic bones in the area of ​​the symphysis pubis is accompanied by strong pain syndrome and requires prolonged immobility (1-2 months) for complete healing.

Complications in the last and postpartum periods of labor appear in the form incomplete discharge placenta and bleeding in the first 2 hours after birth.

Consequences of rapid labor for a child

Often, children born as a result of rapid labor suffer from hypoxia (lack of oxygen). This condition is very dangerous for the baby and requires immediate resuscitation measures.

Also dangerous complication the child has injuries to the spine, collarbone, humerus, because the baby does not have time to turn over after the birth of the head and is born in an oblique size.

Violations cerebral circulation and even death of brain cells (stroke, increased intracranial pressure) cause disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, and in severe cases they are life-threatening and cause disability.

What to do during rapid labor?

It is possible and necessary to slow down labor. If the maternity hospital medical staff suspects that the woman in labor is experiencing too much rapid labor, the birth is carried out on her side, with insertion special drugs, relaxing smooth muscles and slowing down labor.

To monitor the baby's condition, CTG (cardiotocography) is used. This allows you to control the baby’s heartbeat, the strength and frequency of uterine contractions.

In some cases, for example, with premature placental abruption, the issue of performing a cesarean section is decided.

After childbirth, a thorough examination of the birth canal is carried out for the presence of ruptures to quickly and completely eliminate possible complications.

How to prevent rapid labor?

To prevent rapid labor, it is important to determine whether a pregnant woman is at risk. Special attention given to women with previous pathological births. If there is a possibility of rapid labor, the woman is recommended to go to the maternity hospital in advance.

Also, to establish a favorable psycho-emotional mood for childbirth, pregnant women at risk are recommended to undergo psychological preparation with a psychologist.

From medicinal methods To prevent rapid labor, drugs such as no-spa, chimes, etc. are widely used. Prevention with these drugs is carried out right up to the birth.

Don't be upset if you suddenly find yourself at risk for rapid labor. The modern level of medicine, medical staff and your positive attitude will in any case help the miracle of birth occur. healthy baby. Have an easy birth!

Our expert, Nadezhda Borisovna Shestopalova, obstetrician-gynecologist of Interdistrict Perinatal Center Tolyatti

Rapid labor is associated with disruption of the contractile activity of the uterus during childbirth. The duration of labor for primiparous women is 4-6 hours, for multiparous women it is 2-4 hours. Rapid labor is characterized by a “turbulent onset.” In this case, the first contractions are painful, prolonged and too frequent. In cases where contractions immediately cause a high degree of discomfort at intervals of 10 minutes or less, you should go to the nearest maternity hospital immediately!

Rapid birth is often accompanied by complications both from the mother (ruptures of the birth canal, premature detachment placenta, bleeding in the afterbirth and postpartum period), and the fetus (hypoxia, cephalohematomas, brain and spinal cord injuries).

The period of adaptation (recovery) of the fetus after a fast and rapid birth can increase to 5-7 days, which affects the possibility of breastfeeding, the timing of vaccination and discharge. To normalize labor, doctors use drugs that relax the muscles of the uterus and slow down labor.

Normally, the duration of labor should be at least 8 hours, but no more than 12. During this time, the body of the expectant mother and child has time to prepare for a successful delivery. But when labor takes place within 2–4 hours, the mother and baby are in serious danger. Sometimes rapid labor in first-time mothers completely discourages the desire to have a second child.

Rapid labor: what is it?

Rapid labor: what is it?

In primiparous women, this anomaly in the development of labor is much less common than in those who give birth repeatedly. But they must know what rapid labor means and be prepared for it.

Childbirth is considered rapid when no more than 4 hours pass from the onset of contractions to the birth of the baby. For multiparous women, this time interval is significantly reduced. In obstetric practice, there have been cases when the duration of labor was reduced to 30–40 minutes.

Causes of rapid labor

Doctors say the main reason why a first-time mother may experience rapid labor is genetic predisposition– disruption of contractile activity of the uterus. But sometimes they become:

In women who have given birth repeatedly, the cause of rapid labor may be the stretching of the birth canal. This is why it is so important to do Kegel exercises during pregnancy and after childbirth. They will help strengthen the vaginal muscles and make labor easier.

Signs of rapid labor

No doctor can determine in advance whether labor will be rapid, protracted or normal. This becomes known only with the onset of labor.

A woman needs to be prepared for rapid labor if:

  • contractions began suddenly (as a rule, contractions during rapid labor are not only violent, but also very painful);
  • the break between contractions is short (5–10 minutes);
  • blood pressure increased sharply;
  • breathing and pulse increased.

Signs of rapid labor

There are many cases when women did not have time to get to the maternity hospital and obstetric care she received assistance from her husband (other relatives), friends, or absolutely strangers. Therefore, with the onset of violent contractions, a woman in labor should immediately go to the maternity hospital. If the chosen maternity hospital is far away, then it is better to go to the nearest one.

Of course, you should never do this yourself. You need to lie down on a bed or sofa, call ambulance and lie down and wait for the doctors to arrive. Let your family take care of the rest.

What are the dangers of rapid labor for a woman in labor?

    The greatest danger to mother and child during rapid labor is premature placental abruption. Mommy is in danger uterine bleeding, and for the child – by the cessation of oxygen supply as it passes through the birth canal. Sometimes this leads to removal of the uterus.

    In addition, during rapid labor, a woman is at risk postpartum hemorrhage. Due to the unpreparedness of the uterus for childbirth, the muscles cannot take their original shape (contract) for a long time.

The recovery period for a woman after a quick birth usually increases significantly. On average 5-7 days.

Rapid birth: consequences for the child

    In addition to the severe abruption caused by premature placental abruption, a child may receive a serious traumatic brain injury during rapid labor.

    Such a birth can result in injuries to the baby’s spine, collarbone, etc.

    Severe hypoxia can cause vascular spasms in the baby and... as a result, the death of brain cells. As a result, the child may die or remain permanently disabled.

How can an obstetrician-gynecologist help a woman in labor during rapid labor?

It would seem that what’s wrong with labor going too quickly? And the mother will be more likely to “suffer” and the stress experienced by the baby will be shorter? Nevertheless, any obstetrician-gynecologist will say that rapid and rapid labor is a serious pathology. And, unfortunately, it is not so rare.

Rapid and rapid labor is associated with disruption contractile function uterus during childbirth. Such labor may initially be protracted: the processes of dilation of the cervix and the presenting part of the fetus are slowed down (the head in a cephalic presentation and the buttocks in a breech presentation) for a long time remains pressed to the entrance to the small pelvis, and then it rapidly moves through the birth canal. The total duration of labor may correspond normal indicators(10-12 hours), but the period of expulsion (immediate birth of the child) is sharply shortened. Another option is also possible: all periods of labor are sharply shortened. In this case, rapid labor takes less than 6 hours for primiparous women, less than 4 hours for multiparous women, and rapid labor takes less than 4 and less than 2 hours, respectively.

Causes of rapid labor

  1. Genetic (congenital) pathology muscle cells(myocytes), in which their excitability is sharply increased, that is, to excite contraction of the muscles of the uterus, less potential is needed than usual. Since, as already mentioned, this cause is genetic, it can be inherited. Therefore, if the mother or immediate maternal relatives (aunts, sisters) had a rapid or rapid labor, we can assume that it will recur.
  2. Increased excitability of the nervous system. Absence psychological readiness to childbirth can affect the occurrence of excessively strong labor.
  3. Metabolic disorders, diseases of the endocrine glands that a woman had even before pregnancy, for example, increased production of thyroid hormones and adrenal hormones.
  4. The so-called burdened obstetric and gynecological history, that is, the presence in women gynecological diseases, for example inflammatory, or previous pathological birth, especially if the first birth was quick and traumatic for mother and child.
  5. One of the predisposing factors of excessively strong labor activity is age of primigravida under 18 or over 30 years. This is due to the fact that until the age of 18-20 there is immaturity and unpreparedness of the nervous system structures for pregnancy and childbirth. Women over the age of 30, as a rule, by this age suffer from any inflammatory diseases pelvic organs, have chronic diseases, diseases of the endocrine glands.
  6. Pathologies of pregnancy: severe (toxicosis), kidney disease, etc.
  7. Situations created medical personnel, in particular unreasonable or excessive use of birth-stimulating drugs.

How does rapid labor occur?

Labor activity during rapid or rapid labor usually begins suddenly and violently - either after a previous weakness of the labor forces, or initially. In this case, very strong contractions follow one after another through short pauses and quickly lead to full dilatation of the cervix. When labor begins suddenly and violently, proceeding with intense and almost continuous contractions, the woman in labor enters a state of excitement, expressed in increased motor activity, increased heart rate and breathing, increased blood pressure.

Possible complications during rapid labor

Rapid labor may occur without consequences, but complications for both the fetus and the mother cannot be ruled out. Excessively strong labor threatens the mother with the risk of placental abruption before the baby is born. This is due to the fact that the muscles of the uterus are almost constantly in a state of contraction, the uteroplacental vessels are compressed, and blood circulation between the placenta and the placenta is impaired. If you don't give a woman timely medical care(and in this case, seconds count), then bleeding can lead to serious consequences. If, however, blood accumulates between the detached area of ​​the placenta and the uterus, the uterus becomes filled with blood constantly flowing from the detachment area, the muscles of the uterus are “soaked” with this blood and lose the ability to contract, as a result of which the bleeding cannot be stopped. Similar situations risk removal of the uterus. Premature birth can threaten a baby with acute hypoxia (lack of oxygen).

With rapid advancement through the birth canal, the fetal head does not have time to adjust and shrink due to the fact that the bones of the skull in the area of ​​sutures and fontanelles (soft joints) are placed on top of each other, like tiles. Normally, the baby's sutures and fontanelles are covered with connective tissue, which allows the baby's head to adapt to pass through the mother's pelvic bones. During fast or rapid labor, the fetal head is subjected to rapid and severe compression, which can lead to injury and intracranial hemorrhage, and this, in turn, can cause various negative consequences: from reversible paresis and paralysis to fetal death.

The rapid movement of the child through the birth canal often causes quite serious injuries to the birth canal: deep ruptures of the cervix, vagina, and perineum.

Rapid emptying of the uterus can cause the muscles in the uterus to contract poorly after childbirth, which can cause postpartum bleeding.

Tactics for rapid labor

In the case when, upon admission of the pregnant woman to the maternity hospital, the dilatation of the cervix was small (2-3 cm), labor progressed very rapidly and within 2-3 hours the cervix was completely dilated; labor was carried out in the lateral decubitus position. In this case, drugs and agents are used that relax the muscles of the uterus and slow down labor. In cases where rapid labor is caused by the introduction medicines stimulating labor, the administration of these drugs is stopped immediately.

In case of excessively strong labor activity, constant cardiac monitoring is carried out to monitor the baby’s condition (it is recorded using a special device). To do this, a sensor is attached to the mother's belly, and the changing number of fetal heartbeats is reflected on the device's screen every second. Some similar devices allow you to monitor not only the cardiac activity of the fetus, but also the strength of uterine contractions. Cardiotocography is used as an additional diagnostic method along with ultrasound and Doppler examination in the third trimester of pregnancy. After childbirth, a thorough examination of the birth canal is carried out to diagnose traumatic lesions and their timely correction. In the presence of deep and extensive ruptures, the operation of examining and restoring the birth canal is carried out against the background of general anesthesia; intravenous anesthesia is more often used.

Considering the possibility of complications for the mother and fetus, the question arises about the rationality of conducting childbirth through the birth canal. But even in the presence of certain predisposing factors listed above, it is impossible to say with certainty whether labor will proceed with excessively strong labor. Absolute indications for operative delivery are premature abruption of a normally located placenta and bleeding caused by this condition, as well as acute fetal hypoxia (the presence of this complication is determined by a change in the number of fetal heartbeats).

Prevention of rapid labor

For the prevention of precipitate labor plays an important role early detection predisposing factors. If the pregnant woman has any risk factors, especially if she is due second childbirth, and the first one was quick, it is better to go to the hospital before the expected date of birth. Women at risk for developing anomalies of labor, in particular excessively strong labor, should undergo psychoprophylactic preparation for childbirth using auto-training techniques, training in muscle relaxation methods, and monitoring the tone of the uterine muscles. It is important that the pregnant woman is in a state of psycho-emotional comfort and is convinced of successful outcome childbirth A rational daily routine and diet play a big role. During pregnancy, it is advisable to attend a school for pregnant women, where the expectant mother will be introduced to the physiology of childbirth and taught how to behave correctly during childbirth in order to rationally use her physical potential for a successful delivery. If future parents have any concerns about the upcoming birth (for example, caused by past experiences) at the school for pregnant women, they will be able to contact a psychologist. All this together will create a positive psycho-emotional background, and expectant mother will feel more confident.

From medications To prevent excessively strong labor during pregnancy, antispasmodic (relaxing the muscles of the uterus) drugs, such as No-shpa, as well as drugs that improve uteroplacental circulation (Trental,) are used. Drug prevention carried out until birth only for those women who are at risk of developing pathology of uterine contractility.

Nina Shmeleva, obstetrician-gynecologist, doctor of the highest category,
Head of the consultation and diagnostic center of the maternity hospital of City Clinical Hospital No. 7

Article from the May issue of the magazine.


My rapid labor ended with a traumatic brain injury and acute hypoxia. Now the child has a disability - a severe form of epilepsy:((With the second child, the doctors are offering a caesarean section. So, most likely, I will agree to the operation...

7 years ago, I had a rapid labor... there was no doctor nearby. Since a shift change was coming soon and she, with all the confidence that I would not give birth on her shift, went safely to drink tea...
Fortunately, there was a midwife nearby who came to me on time...
I vaguely remember what happened. I remember the resuscitator who said: I don’t know if your child will survive?
In general, only one midwife delivered the child. The child was born with a single heartbeat and without breathing...
The daughter was kept without air...
Quite a long time, enough for the brain to be completely damaged...
V general consequences terrible. my daughter survived and remained disabled, severe damage to the central nervous system, cerebral palsy... A year ago she died... All these six years she suffered. Her weight was no more than 6 kg... at the age of 6 she could not even hold head... In general, it’s impossible to convey all this horror...
I’m 26 years old now, I’m thinking about having a second child, but it’s so scary that I can’t put it into words...

09/14/2008 03:35:59, Tatyana

And I had a post-term pregnancy. It took a week. She went to the pathology department. The doctor said that the next day we would pierce the bladder. At 8 am the bladder was pierced. Contractions started 15 minutes after that. And while I was lying under CTG, 2 contractions passed. Then faster, faster. every 15 minutes, 10 minutes, 5 minutes, 2 minutes...constantly. crawled out into the corridor, asked for painkillers... the pain was incessant. The doctor came and looked, the dilatation was 2 cm. Then they gave me an injection... I don’t know what they injected me with, but I felt better. But not for long. After about 15 minutes I realized that I was having pain. She screamed. The staff worked very quickly. They turned me onto my back (I sat through all the contractions in a knee-elbow position). I was pushing incorrectly. The face was all blue, the baby also suffered from lack of oxygen. But the attempts passed in 20 minutes. And by 12 I gave birth. Total 4 hours. Lots of breaks. I was no longer able to give birth to a child’s place myself. They pressed on my stomach. Then an IV (oxytocin). And for 5 days they put this drug on (either droppers or injections). The baby has a cyst in his head. They said it was okay, it would heal. They also prescribed injections. So rapid childbirth is still dangerous to health.

09/07/2008 17:03:44, Polina

The pregnancy was going well. my stomach ached all night, at 5 in the morning I woke up still aching, my mother said these were contractions, time them and accurately, they were repeated periodically, but so weak, I decided to wait, get myself in order, at the beginning of the eighth I arrived at the maternity hospital, the contractions were weak, while they were registering this and that, they got a little stronger, I lay in the prenatal ward until 10, then they punctured the bladder and “the soul descended to heaven.” At 13.25 I already gave birth, everything is fine with the baby, but I have large gaps, I couldn’t get up at all for four days, with When I was discharged, the doctor said that if I was going to give birth again, they would have a caesarean section, I wanted to give birth myself, and was it really possible that if the first time there was a quick birth, it would happen again?

06/17/2008 14:18:09, Nyuta

We were born in 6 hours, without any complications, a wonderful boy FELIX was born weighing 4050g. and GOOD LUCK to all expectant mothers, AND THE MAIN THING IS NOT TO BE AFRAID

05/21/2008 23:35:44, Inna

Useful article.

I gave birth in 3.5 hours. Throughout the pregnancy there was uterine tone. Unfortunately, the rapid birth had a very negative impact on the child; he hardly slept from birth, cried all the time, and took a lot of medications. In the first three months of his life, I lost 10 kilograms while breastfeeding. Then, due to fatigue and constant stress, the milk disappeared. My son had little motor development for up to a year. Diagnoses: PEP, hyperexcitability syndrome, hypoxic-ischemic damage to the central nervous system, hydrocephalic syndrome. By the age of three, he spoke only a few words and then indistinctly. They examined him and revealed instability. cervical spine spine, as the doctor said, due to a birth injury. He spoke at 3.5 with great difficulty and the help of an osteopath, speech therapist, and neurologist. Now my son is 4 years old, his speech is very poor, but the boy is smart and quick-witted. We hope to catch up with our peers in speech by school. And I want a second child, but I’m scared that there will be a rapid birth again.

05/13/2008 15:09:43, Olga

I gave birth in 4 hours. Everything is fine with the baby, ugh!

01/09/2008 19:22:47, NATASHA

I gave birth in 15 minutes and no pain. Everything is fine with us!

07/13/2007 13:44:44, Tanya

I gave birth to my first child at 22 in less than 7 hours, and my second at 23 in less than 3 hours. Now I have to give birth to my third. I'm afraid that labor might start earlier. I will be between Ruza and Volokolamsk and may not have time to get to Moscow. Maybe someone knows, maybe there is a maternity hospital nearby in that area, write (as a last resort), I will be very grateful.

05/30/2007 11:06:30, Alena

2002, 39 weeks, 00:02 - sorry, diarrhea, and severe, no contractions, until 00:03 - sitting on a white friend. My husband is sleeping, we are at the dacha near Zvenigorod, the doctor said the day before that we will give birth in a week, in 3 days we should move to Moscow... At 00:03 I go to bed, turn on my side - bang, my water breaks... I wake up my husband - we give birth, there are no contractions, or so it seems to me... At the courses, in this case, they recommended taking castor oil - and going to the maternity hospital, which is what we do. In the car I feel contractions, often but not severely, it takes an hour to drive, fortunately it’s night, there are no traffic jams. We are driving, we are already slowing down during contractions, it hurts, but moderately, light water is flowing out of me, I have to change the thick gasket - it’s a pity for the seat, then it’s no longer a pity, they put a jacket on it, hurray - we’ve arrived...
Enema. I - well, well, so what now? Answer: wait half an hour and go to the potty. I - what half an hour, I need it immediately!!! On the potty, so on the potty, in general, in a short shirt, I ended up in the prenatal, aka birth room, there was already a husband with a ball. The doctor is happy - now we’ll give you an injection. Me - why? Doctor - it is necessary. I don't need it. Doctor, well, let's see. I looked and fell behind with the injection. Pussy on the ball, I have something to do, my husband and doctor are chatting. I don’t really keep track of time, contractions, well, they hurt, but not horror-horror, i.e. From the description, it looks like they weren’t painful for me. Somehow, sorry, I want to go to the potty, well, I should have taken an enema somehow more thoughtfully, I think... Here, pay all your attention, why is there a husband at childbirth! And I went to the courses alone, and he doesn’t know anything about it, and we agreed (and did so) that the very process of Masya’s appearance - without him, he would smoke in the corridor. So, an unprepared husband, hope and support during childbirth, thoughtfully - doctor, can you take a look? Doctor - why watch, it’s not interesting until noon (about 00:07). Husband - well, still. I am not participating in the discussion, because... Something is really bothering me, and I have an indistinct thought - isn’t it bothering me? I'm breathing, I have no time for dialogue. The doctor placed me on the bed (hey cat!!!) looked at me, and quietly swearing - well, to maintain decency, she screams so loudly - at the chair!!! No one tracked the time, in the process of crawling out, Masya floated away in pain, my husband was in the corridor, in general, 00:07:45 - the son was already in his dad’s arms, clean and beautiful, the placenta was gone, to be stitched up (narrow crotch, flea head, such is life). And if it weren’t for my husband, I would have given birth on a ball, due to thoughtlessness and misunderstanding... So much for rapid labor, less than 5 hours, realistically about 4.5. Son - 9/10 apgar. The fact that this is a rapid birth, a pathology, only dawned on me now, I’m due to give birth in six months, I wonder if the second one is born faster, how can I get to the maternity hospital? In general, I will collect information and take home birth courses, because... life is unpredictable and even though I am completely sure that I want to give birth in a maternity hospital (sadness and horror, only someone will cut my crotch (family big head) and stitches at home?), you have to be prepared for anything...

01/16/2007 17:00:06, Julia

I had a rapid labor at 20 years old. 3 hours passed from the first contraction to the birth of my son. As a result, the child suffered a birth injury - a linear fracture parietal bone, 2 cephalohematomas. Lagged behind in physical development. He is now 13 years old, but still remains myotonic syndrome, spinal instability. Otherwise everything is fine, he studies well. My mother had a rapid birth, I think I inherited this from her. Now I’m expecting my second child, I’ll go to the maternity hospital early, because, according to my gynecologist, the risk of repeating rapid labor is high.

11/20/2006 11:01:36, Anya

My first birth was 1:30, the second 40 minutes. The eldest is 8 years old, the youngest is 8 months. There were no developmental abnormalities. Of course, it tore, but these are minor things. I think that giving birth this way is much better for both the mother and for a child, something to suffer for a day.

04.05.2006 11:07:05

I had a rapid labor at the age of 26. At 1 am the first contractions and they quickly became more frequent, at 3 I was in the hospital, at 3-40 in the prenatal room and almost immediately in the chair, at 4-50 I gave birth to my daughter. I'm not even very tired. After initial examination The doctors left for the child, but she could not calm down, she kept sobbing as if after a strong hysteria. The midwife brought the child to the department intensive care under oxygen, they didn’t apply it to the breast, they missed the first feeding, the next day the doctor did a gastric lavage, because... The daughter swallowed amniotic fluid. the breaks were terrible. The doctor didn’t prescribe anything for me, he said that everything was OK and went off to read the book further. I gave birth on May 1st. After giving birth, my temperature was normal, after the holidays, when all the laboratory assistants came out, took a blood test, it turned out to be inflammation, they cleaned out heaps of all sorts of rubbish, and prescribed gentamicin. Naturally, all this came to the child at 3 months old, pancreatitis was treated, and then, as a consequence, allergies and dysbacteriosis. The neuropathologist was registered for only 1 month. By the year everything was OK with the child. Ugh, 3 times :-) I have rapid labor, this is inherited from my mother. My younger sister was born a “bullet” :-)

What is rapid labor, why are they dangerous, and what can be their consequences for mother and child? By this definition, doctors understand labor, which proceeds much faster than it should. This deviation occurs both in women giving birth for the first time and in multiparous women. The only difference is in the criteria of what is considered a pathology and what is the duration of labor.

So, rapid labor is when in primiparous women the first stage of labor, that is, contractions, lasts no more than three hours, and in multiparous women no more than one hour. Or the second stage of labor lasts no more than 1 hour and 10 minutes, respectively. There is also such a thing as rapid birth. It is identical to swift. But it just doesn’t fall within the specified time limits. That is, labor proceeds faster than the average, but in most cases not so much as to cause damage to health. And rapid childbirth always carries one or another negative consequences for mother and child, sometimes serious.

Thus, one can be convinced that the early end of childbirth is not a benefit, but only a harm. And, by the way, such labor is often more painful than normal, non-pathological labor. And if a woman subjectively notices signs of rapid labor, or she has already had a history of rapid labor, it is advisable for her to be in the maternity hospital before the onset of contractions or, in extreme cases, immediately, without waiting for contractions to become more frequent, to go to a medical facility.

The reasons for precipitate or rapid labor are varied. We will name some of them.

1. Features of the muscle cells of the uterus. For some women nerve cells respond too violently to any irritation. In such cases, slight uterine tone can lead to dilatation of the cervix. And the first birth is rapid for this reason.

2. Neuroses, depression, a very excitable nervous system. Such women often experience isthmic-cervical insufficiency, miscarriages occur in early pregnancy, ruptures during childbirth due to the fact that they do not listen to the instructions of doctors and midwives, and the birth itself can proceed very quickly, literally reactively, regardless of what kind of numbers are they? However, second births occur rapidly and much more often. Especially if the interval between the births of children is short. During the second and subsequent pregnancies, the birth canal is more prepared for childbirth, and the cervix opens faster.

3. Gynecological and infectious diseases. Prevention of precipitate childbirth is to take care of your health from a young age. This includes safe sex and regular visits to the gynecologist, timely diagnosis diseases and treatment. Inflammation of the ovaries, chlamydia, abortion, uterine fibroids, and uterine malformations can provoke rapid advancement through the birth canal.

4. Heredity. If the mother or grandmother of the expectant mother gave birth quickly, then she has almost the same chances of a very early delivery. And if the first birth was rapid, what the second one will be like is already clear. Most likely the same.

5. Various pathologies and complications that arose during pregnancy. These include:

  • polyhydramnios;
  • large fruit (more than 4 kg);
  • bearing several fruits;
  • rapid maturation of the placenta;
  • Rhesus conflict;
  • late toxicosis;
  • post-term pregnancy, etc.

Doctors may try to minimize possible complications during rapid labor with the help of medication administration. These can be antispasmodics, tocolytics, epidural anesthesia. A woman with very active labor should be constantly under medical supervision.

Knowing what rapid childbirth has consequences for the child and mother, every expectant mother should carefully follow the recommendations of the gynecologist leading her pregnancy. And if necessary, undergo treatment and be observed in a hospital. It is advisable to register in the early stages of pregnancy. This is especially true for women at risk: under 18 years of age and over 35, with multiple pregnancies, malformations of the uterus and neoplasms in it, infertility, etc. The consequence of rapid labor for the mother is the acquisition of new gynecological problems in the form of ruptures of the soft tissues of the vagina and cervix.

Which birth proceeds faster: rapid or fast?


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When we hear about how some “friend of a friend”’s labor lasted only 4-5 hours – of course, we are wildly jealous! Of course, they give birth some days, but here everything is so fast and colorful. But you shouldn’t be so happy... the fact is that quick childbirth often affects the health of both mother and baby. After all, childbirth is a physiological process conceived by nature, and everything should go exactly according to its scenario. And during fast (5-7 hours for primigravidas and 3-4 hours for repeat women) or rapid (less than 5 hours for primigravidas and less than 3 hours for repeat women) labor, all the necessary physiological processes they don’t have time to go as expected. And, of course, this does not always go unnoticed.

Reasons for rapid labor

Who is at risk? There are several known reasons for rapid labor:

Frequent re-births;

Previous experience of rapid labor;

Heredity (there is a version that quick birth can occur in a woman whose grandmother, mother or aunt also gave birth quickly);

Increased excitability of the nervous system in a woman giving birth (including neuroses, psychoses, etc.);

Threat of miscarriage in the second half of pregnancy;

Complications of pregnancy by various hormonal, infectious diseases, diseases cardiovascular system, anemia, etc.;

Severe course of late toxicosis;

State of narcotic or alcohol intoxication at the beginning of labor;

Isthmic-cervical insufficiency (a condition when the cervix and isthmus cannot cope with the load and open prematurely).

Quick delivery options

What types of rapid births are there? There are only 4 main types: rapid labor, spontaneous rapid labor, spastic labor and rapid labor. What is the difference between them? First of all, in time, with which all other features will be associated.
Rapid labor lasts less than 5 hours for first-time mothers and less than 3 hours for multiparous women. This speed of labor is the result of increased contraction of all the muscles of the uterus, which significantly diverge from the natural contractions of the birth canal. Therefore, the baby is actually pushed out by the uterus in just a few minutes! Of course, this cannot but have an impact negative influence both on the baby (the difference in pressure inside the uterus, in the vagina and at the exit varies tens, or even hundreds of times!), and on the mother (the likelihood of injury to the birth canal is increased).

Spontaneous rapid labor lasts 4-5 hours; its peculiarity is the acceleration of each stage of labor. For example, contractions increase from 1 to 2-3 in 5 minutes! This happens more often in women with elastic muscles of the birth canal - for example, in women who have given birth a lot or women with an excess female hormones. Another reason for such births may be isthmic-cervical insufficiency.

Such births are very dangerous for the child, especially if he is premature, quite large or has any pathology.

Spastic labor, which lasts less than 3 hours, can be recognized by the nature of the contractions from the very beginning: they are very frequent, the woman in labor has practically no opportunity to rest. Literally from the first minutes, about 5 contractions occur in 10 minutes! After some time, the interval between contractions disappears altogether, they overlap one another, the woman in labor may have a rise in temperature and blood pressure, nausea, and an increase in heart rate. Usually during such births there is an early rupture of water (even before the onset of contractions). As a result of such labor, ruptures of the cervix, vagina, and sometimes the uterus itself often occur. The baby is usually born in 1-2 attempts, immediately after the cervix dilates.

Such births are very life-threatening for both mother and baby. A newborn may be born with birth injuries, subcutaneous hemorrhages and cerebral hemorrhages.

Rapid childbirth differs from previous types of childbirth. The fact is that with a quick birth, which lasts 5-7 hours, the first two periods are almost no different in duration from the periods with normal birth. The expulsion of the fetus occurs prematurely and in “accelerated mode” (in a few minutes). This most often occurs with low fetal weight and normal sizes, at large sizes bone pelvis of a woman in labor or with unreasonable medical stimulation.

As a result of such births, the mother may experience significant perineal ruptures, and the fetus may experience spinal cord and brain injuries.

Consequences of rapid labor

So what's the bottom line? What could be the consequences of rapid labor?

Injuries to the birth canal, and sometimes uterine rupture in the mother - in this case, profuse bleeding and the operation is performed immediately;

Disjunction of the pelvic bones in the area of ​​the pubic symphysis - in this case, complete rest is prescribed for 1-1.5 months;

Premature placental abruption - which is very dangerous for the mother and fetus and is a direct indication for a planned cesarean section;

Impaired blood circulation in the placenta - which can lead to hypoxia ( oxygen starvation) baby;

Violation of the separation of the placenta in the final stage of labor - in this case, under anesthesia, the remains of the placenta are manually removed;

Hypotonic bleeding from the uterus caused by overload - in this case, the mother is given a blood transfusion and the necessary medications are administered;

Soft tissue injuries in a baby;

Clavicle injuries, humerus and the baby’s spine;

Hemorrhages under the periosteum of the skull bones in a child;

Hemorrhages in internal organs newborn;

Impaired cerebral circulation and spasm of cerebral vessels in a baby;

Hypoxia or asphyxia of the fetus - in this case, the newborn is given resuscitation measures.

How to avoid accelerating labor?

In general, there is only one piece of advice for avoiding rapid labor - to be monitored by early dates at the gynecologist antenatal clinic and look after your health. And if you have risk factors, you should consult your doctor and decide how to reduce this risk. Often the doctor prescribes special medications for the prevention of rapid labor.

In general, the main thing is to trust your doctor and follow all his recommendations. And everything will be fine for you!