Why does a woman dream of flies in a dream - dream book of flies. Why do you dream of flies in the air, on clothes, on the body? Why do you dream about a lot of flies according to different dream books - different interpretations

Flies in the house in a dream represent the worst human qualities. In addition, they warn of troubles, illnesses, and sometimes death. The dream book will help you correctly interpret the image and understand why you dream about it.

Miller's interpretation

Miller's dream book is convinced: in a dream, flies in the house warn of the risk of contracting an infectious disease. In addition, it seems that you are surrounded by enemies and spiteful critics.

Be smart

For a young girl to see flies means that misfortune will befall her. But if she drives them out in a dream or completely kills them, then in reality she will correct the difficult situation thanks to her own cunning and ingenuity. The dream book also advises taking into account all personal actions in the dream plot.

Be careful!

Driving insects out of the room means trouble and sadness, or less often, the news of someone else’s death. If you had to catch the pests with your hands, you would end up in a trap that was built for someone else.

If flies appeared in the house, and you used sticky tape to catch them in a dream, then you will quarrel with your friends.


Why do you dream about so many flying insects? Seeing insects crawling on food and produce means that with your persistence you will only aggravate the current problem.

Moreover, the dream book thinks that unreasonable behavior will cause the loss of good friends. Did you dream about flies in the house? Small but extremely unpleasant things will fall on you all at once.

Why else do you dream about a lot of flies? The dream book is sure that those around you will suddenly demand from you something that you have absolutely no intention of doing.

If you dreamed that flies in the house literally clung to your body, then you will become a subject of discussion in society in general or at work in particular.

It will be better if you completely ignore gossip and unpleasant statements addressed to you. If you allow yourself to get even a little angry, it will all end in a huge scandal.

Become a prophet!

If in a dream you clearly hear buzzing insects, but cannot see them, then in reality you will become a real prophet. However, this phenomenon may also be temporary.

Specific values

Further interpretation of the dream depends on what kind of flies were in the house.

  • Yellow is a symbol of vampirism.
  • Red - evil eye.
  • Black - daily problems, fears.
  • Meat greens are a long-term disease.
  • White - the consequences of committed actions.
  • Gadflies - anger, rage.

An everyday sign says that a fly has gotten into your food or drink, it’s unpleasant, but it foreshadows a gift, a surprise. Unfortunately, such a plot, seen in a dream, is interpreted differently. In dream books, a fly is a sign of upcoming troubles, worries and worries. But a lot depends on the details, the details of night vision, so there are still many options: what could this ubiquitous insect mean in a dream?

Modern versions

An incident that will greatly fray your nerves is what the Modern Dream Book prophesies for someone who slept and saw flies. Did you happen to kill them in a night dream? Great, then you can easily cope with any obstacles and difficult tasks in reality.

It should be noted that a dream about flies can serve as a kind of catalyst for energy, an impetus for decisive action - in this case it can also be classified as a positive vision.

But more often such a plot occurs in the midnight slumber of people worried about something. Even in their sleep, they are haunted by disturbing thoughts. More often they worry about their well-being. And for good reason, since according to the dream book, flies in a dream can be the first signs of a progressive disease or a sign that the sleeper will contract a dangerous infection.

Did you dream about a whole swarm of flies? Alas, then upon awakening, quarrels with people who always seemed harmless and non-conflict are inevitable. However, the dreamer himself can become the initiator of discord. And the dream book recommends that he change his surroundings, change something in his life, and come into contact with new people. This will only be beneficial.

Problems and enemies

Did you see a fly in a dream? When you wake up, think: haven’t you been sitting still too long, isn’t it time to move on from daydreaming and building castles in the air to decisive action? It’s also worth paying attention to your social circle. After all, as they say: tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are. But in your case, this is also a warning - among your “comrades” there may be a fraudster, a hypocrite, or simply a secret enemy.

If you notice an unusually large, fat insect in a night phantasmagoria, get ready for the fact that getting rid of your annoying acquaintances will not be easy. And the larger the dreamed fly, the more complex the problems that attack you in reality will be.

It’s bad when in a dream you fail to catch or kill an annoying insect. This indicates that you will get bogged down in worries and troubles. But the one who has dealt with the “flyer” with one slap of the newspaper will easily overcome any obstacles and solve the most difficult problems, the dream book promises.

What to think when annoying creatures sit on your clothes and try to get into your mouth? You must not think, but be fully prepared, since troubles in reality can literally fall on your head at an unexpected moment.

Miller's comments

Miller’s dream book will tell you why you dream of flies. In it, these creatures prophesy sorrows and sorrows, many of which will be provoked by the enemies and envious people of the dreamer.

Gustav Miller, the famous American psychologist, author of one of the most interesting dream books, pointed out that a dreamed flycatcher warns a person about the likelihood of being slandered.

If a lot of insects get into the flytrap, then the dreamer will be able to cope with all adversity and dispel the nasty gossip that was spreading behind his back, but the machinations of his enemies will spoil his mood for a long time.

Children's theme

But the no less famous Dr. Freud believed that flies in dreams represent children. And then it turns out that the one who hits or chases insects in a dream is just as merciless towards his own children in reality. Hence the recommendation - to keep negative emotions under control.

Slavic predictions

In the Ancient Slavic dream book it is written that flies dream of melancholy and sadness. But if there were a lot of insects, then this is a symbolic embodiment of some people surrounded by a sleeping person. After all, sometimes we compare unceremonious, arrogant people with nasty, annoying flies.

If representatives of the order Diptera in a night dream busily settled on your clothes, arms, shoulders, legs, and other parts of the body, then most likely the enemies have started another trick against you, or your body has weakened, which means it will easily succumb to any infection.

A fly in a dream book is considered a rather dangerous omen. It is believed that it predicts fires and other dangers.

Interpretations from various sources

Did you dream of a special adhesive tape, paper, with insects stuck to it? This means there is a high probability of a quarrel with loved ones or a deterioration in physical condition. And if this was the vision of a young lady. Then Vanga warns that problems will arise in the relationship with your lover... When there is no agreement among comrades.

Gypsies noticed that those who caught flies in a dream could get into an unpleasant situation in reality. But if you managed to kill a fly, then in reality there will definitely be one less misfortune. Seeing a whole flock of flies in a dream, according to the Gypsy dream book, means finding out about the gossip and intrigues that envious people and ill-wishers are weaving in reality behind the dreamer’s back.

A fly in wine, tea and other drinks symbolizes fear and anxiety.

In the Chinese dream book, flies on clothes predict that intriguers and gossips will intensify their actions against the sleeping person.

Dreamed flies, according to the Indian dream book, are people who have gained the trust of the sleeping person, pretend to be his comrades, but in fact simply take advantage of his kindness and other opportunities.

For the Persians, a dream about a fly is a signal that you will have to try very hard to get rid of unnecessary, harmful people.

But there are still good predictions. So a girl who killed flies in a dream will be happy in love in reality. And if flies in a dream are indifferent to you and do not irritate you at all, then you are too child-loving and sometimes overprotective of your children.

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The fly is the personification of the worst human qualities such as importunity, arrogance, hypocrisy. Perhaps the image of a fly in your dream was caused by the fact that in real life you encountered a person with such qualities.

For example, you have very annoying friends who constantly “flock to you like flies for jam.”

Or maybe the fly appeared in a dream because in reality you found yourself in a very difficult situation from which you were unable to get out. After all, it’s not for nothing that people know this expression: “I got stuck in jam like a fly.”

Perhaps one of the elements of the dream was a fly, because the tendency to exaggerate that accompanies you in life has been deposited in your subconscious, that is, your ability to “Make a molehill out of a molehill” or the folk superstition: “Flies in a hut in winter are a sign of the dead.”

Hearing the buzzing of flies in a dream - a dream warns you that you are surrounded by hypocritical people who are plotting against you.

If you saw a fly stuck in honey, then in real life you are a very flattering person, which is why great misfortunes await you. Perhaps such a dream suggests that in your environment there is a person whom you are in vain to consider your friend: his speeches are flattering and therefore deceptive.

Sweeping a fly off your hand in a dream is a sign that you have a very annoying acquaintance who not only interferes with your quiet life, but also interferes in your relationship with your loved one.

If in a dream you brush a fly off the hand of your loved one, then in real life you are tired of your relationship with your loved one, and therefore you want to end this relationship by any means.

But the whole difficulty is that you will not have the courage to say this honestly, and therefore you will strive to make it clear that your feelings are cooling with various hints.

Seeing a fly sitting on the ceiling in a dream is a sign that you have a serious relationship with a deceitful and hypocritical person; it will not bring you happiness.

Killing a fly in a dream portends the deception of a loved one.

If you poison flies in a dream, this is a good sign. Such a dream suggests that you will finally be able to get rid of annoying hypocritical acquaintances.

If you dreamed of a fly of gigantic size, then you will take on a task that you are unlikely to be able to complete.

Watching a fly crawl on food in a dream means that with your excessive persistence you will not only not achieve your goals, but will also lose your valuable patrons who will refuse to help you because by your actions you are undermining their prestige.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Flies, horseflies

Large flies, horseflies, gadflies are a symbol of evil spirits, filth, sin and idolatry.

A fly is hovering around you - sadness, troubles.

The flies relentlessly pursuing you are bad premonitions that you are trying in vain to drown out / a temporary prophetic gift, prophetic insight.

Humming around, but invisible flies - high influx, vague clairaudience.

Yellow or red flies - vampiric influences, the evil eye.

Gadflies - anger.

Hitting flies is a joy.

Eating them is a nuisance

Interpretation of dreams from

It is quite difficult to call flies pretty insects, and therefore often after dreaming about them there is an unpleasant aftertaste in the soul. But at the same time, such a feeling may be erroneous, since some dreams also have a positive meaning. Let's find out what flies mean in dreams and how they can influence events happening in real life.

Is a dream about flies bad or a good sign?

Authoritative sources

Dreams about annoying flies that you can’t get rid of, as a rule, do not bode well. Such dreams promise a lot of trouble, the machinations of envious people, and sometimes losses. But in any case, you should not immediately indulge in panic; it is better to consult a dream book that can answer as clearly as possible what flies mean in your dreams. And today we will pose this question to several of the most popular interpreters.

Miller's Dream Book

This source gives several explanations:

  • a fly that appears to a young lady in a dream is a very bad sign and promises danger or a great misfortune that is about to happen;
  • if a woman dreams of an insect, then it is advisable for her to pay attention to her own health, since in this case the fly symbolizes an undetected infection;
  • if you managed to kill all the flies, then this is already a good sign - in reality, you will be able to bypass the danger or avoid the brewing conflict.

Dream Interpretation Maya

  • a flying insect means that in life you will be in a hurry somewhere and will be late;
  • a dead fly seen in a dream is a symbol of a quick date.

Note! And if you have no idea with whom it can take place, then the Maya dream book advises asking the name of the first person you meet - that will be the name of the person who will make an appointment for you!

Vanga's Dream Book

In this source, flies symbolize the deceased, whose memory you no longer keep, especially if the insects appear quite often:

  • many flies - the deceased ask for remembrance;
  • one annoying fly - you may soon experience the loss of one of your closest people, and at the same time you will experience incredibly strong mental pain;
  • why dream of killing flies - this is a symbol of the fact that in reality you are trying to destroy the memories of the deceased, since you still have not been able to come to terms with this loss.

Advice! In this case, Vanga’s dream book advises you to try to accept the current state of affairs and understand that no one is to blame for what happened!

Family dream book

This edition interprets such night dreams as follows:

  • insects that circle around you symbolize enemies and it is possible that at the moment there are more of them in your life than you think;
  • if in a dream you are trying to destroy insects with a fly swatter, then in real life you should be careful, since ill-wishers are weaving intrigues around your person;
  • sticky trap for catching flies - a quick quarrel with close friends.

Aesop's Dream Book

This dream book says that a fly is the personification of the bad side of your nature and behavior: importunity, deceit, hypocrisy, etc.

  • A fly that constantly flies around you symbolizes an ill-wisher that you are not even aware of;
  • an insect stuck to something sweet - very soon a situation will happen from which it will be quite difficult to find a way out.

Advice! After such a dream, Aesop’s dream book recommends being always on the alert, reconsidering your immediate surroundings and choosing your friends more carefully!

Other sources

So, what else can a fly symbolize:

  • to see a lot of flies in a dream - people slander you and spread gossip about you;
  • an insect has settled on the stove - a fire is possible;
  • black flies - to diseases;
  • large black flies are a warning that a major business that you want to take on will most likely fall apart;
  • driving away insects from the hand of a loved one means a quick cooling of the relationship or separation;
  • drive out flies without killing them - difficulties and trials will pass you by;
  • catching insects for destruction - you will commit several wrong actions that will bring you trouble;
  • use poison - in life you will be able to rid yourself of the company of annoying acquaintances;
  • flies bite you in a dream - possible disagreements with partners or betrayal of people whom you have completely trusted until now.

Sometimes a dream about these insects can be a good omen, for example, if you saw dead insects in a dream, then in reality you will be able to get rid of both small and large problems.

Why do you dream of a swarm of endlessly buzzing flies? This means that you will be in the company of annoying, boring people, whose company will tire you very quickly. If you are more selective in choosing a company for spending your leisure time, then it is quite possible that you will be able to avoid such a situation. And if in a dream you are trying with all your might to destroy a swarm of insects, then in reality you will be able to get out of a difficult situation with honor, but you will have to put a lot of effort into this.

Note! When trying to decipher dreams about flies, it is very important to take into account the fact that most of them warn of danger. But it is not difficult to avoid disaster, and for this it is necessary to take certain precautions.

Which dream book to trust is up to you. Try to compare the events currently happening in your life with the interpretations you have read - this way you can determine for yourself the source whose opinion you need to listen to. And even if a fly that appears in a dream symbolizes enormous difficulties and failures, just accept it, accept it as a warning that will help you cope with future problems.

A fly is a symbol of all bad human qualities (intrusiveness, hypocrisy, deceit, etc.), obsessive thoughts and even people. To get a complete interpretation, the dream book advises remembering all the details of the plot.

Miller's Dream Book - fly

According to Miller's dream book, seeing a fly in a dream is not a good sign, especially for women. Such a dream can be a harbinger of an infectious disease.

If a young woman dreams of a fly, it means that misfortune may soon befall her. However, if a woman kills a fly in a dream, then this is a good sign. It is believed that in this way one can solve problems and troubles that have arisen, and improve love affairs.

Why do you dream of a fly - Vanga’s dream book

Vanga warns: a fly in a dream is a reminder of the dead. If you dream of an annoying fly, then you are about to lose a dear and close person who meant a lot to you. The loss will be a great grief for you.

If in a dream you saw a swarm of flies, this means that it is time to remember your relatives and friends who are no longer alive. Their souls await remembrance.

To kill a fly in a dream - most often such dreams are dreamed by those who have experienced the bitterness of loss and bereavement, who have had to endure the loss of a loved one, a close and dear friend. There is no need to try to forget about the past as soon as possible, to erase from your memory those events that painfully remind you of a bitter loss. It is better to pray and come to terms with the loss, accepting it as something that can no longer be corrected.

Fly in Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book states that seeing a fly in a dream means you should expect events related to children. According to Freud, flies, like any other small living creatures, are the personification of children in dreams. At the same time, there are a lot of different nuances.

So, if you have to beat flies in a dream that annoy you and give you no peace, then this means that on a subconscious level you experience hostility or hatred towards your own children.

If you tear off the wings and legs of a fly in a dream, then you have a hidden desire to have sex with minors. You should probably reduce your custody of your children a little if flies in your dreams do not annoy or interfere with you.

If you dream of flies that buzz and fly around you, and you can’t do anything about it, then you need to expect troubles or failures on the love and sexual front. You tend to take out your anger from such failures on your children.

If you see in a dream that flies have stuck to something, then you need to be careful, since changes will most likely soon come in your life, which are not always good.

Aesop's Dream Interpretation - a fly in a dream

You may dream of a fly because a not very good person may have appeared in your life. If you see a fly that has fallen into honey or jam, it means that you have found yourself or will find yourself in a situation from which it will be too difficult to get out on your own.

Or, if you dream of flies that flock to something sweet, then most likely you have too annoying and unceremonious friends who sometimes give you no peace at all. If you hear flies buzzing in a dream, this means that you are surrounded by people who are talking bad about you behind your back. Or they are plotting something against you.

If you dreamed of a fly sitting on the ceiling, it means that an important, close and dear person to you is actually deceitful and hypocritical. Killing a fly means deceiving a loved one. And poisoning flies is a good sign. If you dream of a fly of enormous size, it means that you are taking on a task that you are unlikely to master.

Why do you dream of a fly - interpretation in other dream books

Dream Interpretation of Velesov

The fly dreams of a wedding. If there are a lot of flies, it means trouble, friends. A fly on the stove means a fire.

Women's dream book

A fly in a dream means intrigues against you and troubles. If you kill a fly in a dream, you will be able to improve the situation.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

A fly dreams of sadness.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

A fly in a dream means obsessive desires and thoughts. They are buzzing - to danger. On products - bad for business and business.

Why do you dream about a lot of flies? Swarm of flies in a dream

A swarm of flies in a dream means that you are surrounded by gossip, gossip and slander directed at you. It could also be overly annoying friends and acquaintances. Many flies dream of upcoming troubles and illness.

Why do you dream of killing, catching flies?

If you kill a fly in a dream, then this is a good sign. You will get rid of an annoying friend or silence gossipers and your ill-wishers. Catching flies means that you will have troubles, problems or matters that you should not take on at the moment.

Why do you dream of big, black flies?

Large, black flies in a dream portend big troubles and health problems. Giant flies in a dream warn that you should not take on tasks that are beyond your strength.