The most unusual eye colors. Turquoise eyes: how to highlight a rare color with makeup. Why do brown eyes predominate in the world?

Scientists have calculated that there are 8 eye colors. And these are just the most common ones. But there are people on the planet who have the most rare color eye.

What eye color is most common?

The most common eye color in the world is brown. The only exception is the Baltic countries, where there are a lot of fair-haired people, and accordingly, most of them have blue eyes.

Most often people are born on Earth with brown eyes

Nature has its own laws. And people with brown eyes are most often found in hot, southern countries. Brown eye color fulfills its specific function. The more sunlight glare, the darker the eyes of people who live in such areas.

Exactly dark eyes are able to protect a person from the bright, scorching sun. But there is also a paradox. Almost every resident of the Far North, in places where there is never heat, has eyes brown color. AND dark color already protects the eye from snow-white, cutting eye snow.

Therefore, many light-eyed people find it very difficult to look at white snow in winter.

Previously, all people on Earth had brown eyes

Even 10,000 years ago, all people had brown eyes. But for unknown reasons, a mutation occurred in the human body, and people with different shades of eyes appeared in the world.

People with brown eyes are associated with the planets Venus and the Sun. The Sun endowed them with an ardent and passionate nature, and Venus endowed them with tenderness. Perhaps this is so, but brown-eyed people are considered to be self-confident, a little cold in relationships, proud and slightly selfish.

They fall in love easily, but their passion cools down just as quickly. Brown-eyed people have no problems communicating with people. They will always find something to talk about. They love to talk. But most often about myself. And most importantly, they love to be listened to.

But they are “ungrateful” listeners.

Blue eyes are much less common than brown ones. Scientists conducted research and were surprised that people with brown eyes evoked trust and a sense of reliability in the majority of respondents.

Showing photographs different people, whose eye color was changed using Photoshop, 90% of the subjects still chose those people who had naturally brown eyes. It turned out that those with this eye shade have features in their facial structure that people like.

Therefore, if you put people with different shades of eyes next to each other and they close them, 95% will choose the brown-eyed ones. The rarest eye color in the world is green.

Only 2% of people on our planet have this shade.

Why are people rarely found with green eyes?

In ancient times, green eye color was always associated with witches and sorcerers. It was believed that people with this shade are endowed with magical, magnetic energy.

Scientists are still struggling with the question of why this is such a rare eye color. 2% of green-eyed people among the 7 billion people living on planet Earth are like a grain of sand in Space.

Green eye color is recognized as the rarest

Most researchers come to the conclusion that the reason for such a small number of green-eyed people is the Inquisition, which vigorously fought against the owners of such eyes. In those days, green-eyed beauties were considered witches, and for this they were burned at the stake.

Women with green eyes were outcasts during the Middle Ages. They died only because God gave them green eye. And if 90% of green-eyed people are women, then who could produce offspring if they were burned at the stake at a very young age? And men in those days avoided such beauties, fearing their witchcraft.

The most green-eyed people live in Holland

If you approach with scientific point vision, the shades of a person’s eyes depend on the amount of melanin in the body. Green-eyed people produce a negligible amount of it. Green eyes are more common in women than in men.

Therefore, seeing a man with green eyes is very rare. If we take the most “green-eyed” countries, then they are Holland and Iceland. 80% of green-eyed people live here. The remaining 20% ​​comes from residents of Turkey.

Despite the fact that there are 8 shades of eyes, this color is so rare that it is not even included in this list.

Lilac eye color: myth or truth?

It is almost impossible to meet people with lilac eyes. There are myths that the lilac shade of the eyes is associated with a mutation, which doctors have given the name “Alexandria origin.” It does not affect vision and is harmless.

We can even say with confidence that she made such people happy, endowing them with a unique natural beauty of the billions of people on our planet.

There is also a theory that purple eye color may be caused by Marchesani syndrome. However, the characteristics of the disease do not mention such a symptom; people suffering from Marchesani syndrome are characterized by short stature, underdeveloped limbs and a number of vision problems.

But still, we should not exclude the fact that ophthalmological problems of this kind can occasionally cause a change in eye color.

In medicine, there is also a theory about the occurrence of lilac eye color - the disease albinism. This disease is characterized by a lack of melanin in the body.

Albinos usually have red, red eyes, but there are times when their eyes reflect blue collagen a little more strongly than normal, giving their eyes a purple tint.

Purple eye color

One way or another, violet eyes cause considerable interest. But, unfortunately, all this is more myth than truth.

Celebrities with unusual (rare) eyes

Elizabeth Taylor is one of the rare owners of amazing eyes.

But the uniqueness of her eyes lies solely in the fact that she has a double row of eyelashes. Ah, the photos of the actress with purple eyes are a result of the lighting on the set.

Elizabeth Taylor's unusual lilac eyes

In fact, Elizabeth Taylor's eye color is blue-gray.

Actress Kate Bosworth has eyes different colors

Actress Kate Bosworth also has amazing eyes - they are different colors. This pathology is caused by heterochromia, during which the irises of the eyes are painted in different colors.

Exotic eye colors include rare colors such as amber, violet, and emerald. Women and men with such irises are rarely seen, but they are still real. Black eye color is more likely to be found, but this iris color is also considered rare.

The black iris is saturated with melanin (a coloring pigment). Dark eye color indicates an excess concentration of melanin in their owners. When light hits the iris, it absorbs it almost completely.

Typically, black eye color is a trait of people who live in hot climates and need protection from ultraviolet radiation. The shade of the eyes is influenced by several factors, including a person’s mood.

Representatives of the equatorial race, living near the equator, usually have black eye color in humans. In these areas, babies are born as early as a large number melanin in the iris. Usually black eyes have a brownish or grayish tint. eyeball.

Black eye color is associated with mystery and magic. Such eyes belong to people who are proactive, restless, have powerful energy, and are loving. The dark color of the eyes gives their owners amazing vitality and passion: nothing will stop black-eyed people if they decide to conquer their object of adoration. In ordinary life, this property not only contributes to victories, but also brings disappointment due to the results of haste.

Black eye color in humans has the following shades:

  • bluish-black;
  • resin;
  • eye color black-brown;
  • obsidian;
  • blue-black;
  • eye color black green;
  • dark almond-shaped;
  • coffee-colored eyes.

Coffee colored eyes

Representatives with coffee-colored eyes tend to be very impulsive. These are domineering leaders who crave constant praise and approval, which they take for granted. People who have coffee-colored eyes are quite hot-tempered and passionate, amorous and charming. Being constantly on the move, they set goals that they almost always achieve, although the people around them consider such ideas utopian.

Despite their arrogant and hot-tempered nature, owners of coffee-colored eyes are very easy-going and not at all vindictive. They instantly find common ground with any interlocutor. But you need to be careful, because people with coffee-colored eyes can go to extremes - if they like you, they will find a great friend, but if not, they will find a terrible enemy.

Black-brown eye color characterizes funny, sensitive and beautiful people. They are distinguished by a stormy temperament, capriciousness, hot temper, but forbearance. The energy of Venus, the Sun and Saturn is the astrological explanation for the eyes of this color.

Black-green eye color characterizes people who quickly find common interests with others. They are distinguished by their sociability and amorousness, but they are capable of both instantly igniting and quickly cooling down towards their object of passion.

Black eye color in men

The black color of the eyes in men indicates: in front of you is a typical conqueror of women's hearts. Often he is able to flirt simply for the sake of “sporting interest,” but then he never regrets his action.

Ladies who choose dark eye color for men will never be bored, because a representative of the stronger sex who seems outwardly calm has a real volcano of passions raging deep inside. If you prefer quiet family evenings, routine dinners with relatives and calm monotonous everyday life, then you better beware of black-eyed men.

Black eye color in men characterizes conscientious and ambitious workers, but does not tolerate arrogant or rude attitudes towards themselves. If the boss does not appreciate him or yells at the owner of black eyes without serious reasons, then, most likely, their owner will very quickly say goodbye to such a boss, and without the slightest regret.

Dark eye color in men is a guarantee that you certainly won’t be bored.

Black eye color in women and girls

The black color of eyes in women characterizes their owners as passionate and temperamental seductresses with high intelligence. As a rule, black-eyed ladies are effective leaders and natural leaders who want to be active in all areas of life.

Such ladies are very bright, often have charisma and outstanding abilities, sensing the slightest changes in human mood, they see prophetic dreams. This is why black eye color in women, as a rule, indicates extrasensory abilities.

Dark eye color in women is an indicator of great will and self-control. Black-eyed women are able to achieve their goals, achieving their goals in completely unpredictable and incomprehensible ways for others. It is characteristic that black-eyed ladies always find the best way and way out of a seemingly insoluble situation.

Black-eyed women are active reformers of the world, but they prefer to implement all their ideas with the hands of others.

General portrait of a black-eyed lady:

  • selfless in love, possessing strong will, determination;
  • jealous, although she tries to carefully hide it;
  • demanding of people and herself;
  • selfish “to the core”;
  • the desire and ability to succeed in everything is developed from early childhood;
  • intolerant of any type of coercion.

The dark color of eyes in women characterizes their owners as open and talkative ladies, capable of speaking on almost any topic.

Black-eyed women can show isolation and secrecy only towards people for whom they feel even a slight hostility.

Dark eye color for girls and boys

The black color of the eyes of girls is typical for loyal and temperamental natures: they shower their sweetheart with gifts, sparing neither time nor money, and also always strive to be close to him and are jealous of their rivals. They are prone to violent showdowns.

But they do not open their hearts right away and not to every guy: they make the applicants yearn, and they inevitably begin to think about how to win over a girl’s heart. But the young black-eyed girl is adamant: she will not quickly give in even to the guy she likes.

The dark color of the girls' eyes signals that their owners will also be leaders in the kitchen: household members get the feeling that the girl knew by heart all the recipes and cookbooks in the world from the cradle. There is no dish that the black-eyed woman could not cook. Moreover, the girl herself limits herself to a very modest diet, as she watches her figure and her health.

Black-eyed women are beautiful even without going to beauty salons and cosmetic devices, because one of their smiles makes the whole world fall at their feet. Black-eyed birds do not abuse this “magical” gift: this property of theirs instinctively manifests itself under difficult circumstances.

The black color of girls' eyes is a guarantee that their owners will never work where they cannot achieve respect and well-deserved recognition from employees or superiors.

The dark color of the girls' eyes indicates that such young ladies have dreamed of opening their own business since childhood, but as they grow up, they begin to realize that not everyone is capable of running a business.

If you meet a guy with black eyes, know that it will be almost impossible to deceive him. Black-eyed guys sense people as if they have an x-ray built into their brain. This is why psychics, astrologers and magicians usually have black eyes. However, they will not speculate on people’s trust - black-eyed guys speak only the truth and are only occasionally capable of cunning, if it is necessary.

The black color of the eyes of guys symbolizes that they captivate girls at first glance, but don’t immediately let them get close to them - they maintain a certain distance so as not to let unsuitable applicants “into their hearts.”

The dark color of the eyes of guys signals: guys listen to the opinions and new ideas of those around them, although from the outside it may seem that they only listen to their own opinion, which they always have on all issues. Guys with dark color eyes there are always a lot of fans, but they usually cheat even on their regular girlfriends, without suffering from remorse.

By choosing a dark eye color for guys, rest assured: boredom and routine will definitely not threaten you!

What do psychologists and astrologers advise black-eyed people?

  1. If you have already set a goal for yourself, do not prepare yourself for exhausting work, but rely on your ability to win people over. By using help, you will always achieve the most significant results.
  2. Do not try to rush into battle spontaneously, succumbing to emotions - take care of safety nets.
  3. If you suddenly feel that your energy resources are exhausted, remember your strengths- patience and charm. Once you learn to use these qualities effectively, you will become successful very soon.
  4. Try to avoid negligence in actions and appearance. Keep your wardrobe neat and appropriate.
  5. Don't forget about your image, watch your speech. Do not use obscene expressions or swear words, thinking in advance about your answers to sensitive questions from your opponents.

Dark eye color sets others up for interesting and unpredictable communication with their owners.

Black-eyed representatives of both sexes should not neglect, but develop the various talents with which nature has generously and fully endowed them.

All people are different from each other. And one of the differences visible to every person is eye color. In fact, there are a huge number of eye color shades, and some of them are very common. Other colors, on the contrary, are very rare. People with such amazing eyes attract attention, cause interest, delight or even fear. Let's find out what eye color is the rarest in the world?

The color of the eyes is actually the color of the iris, which is the almost impenetrable thin and mobile diaphragm of the eye. It is in its center that the pupil is located. The iris is located behind the cornea, namely in the space between the posterior and anterior ocular chambers, directly in front of the lens. The color of the iris is determined by the amount of coloring pigment, which is called melanin. In addition, its color is affected by the thickness of the eye shell itself, blood vessels, etc.

What is the rarest eye color in humans??


As available eye data shows, the rarest eye color in humans is violet. Many skeptics are sure that the purple color of the iris cannot be natural. But in reality, it can. Purple color occurs when red and blue are mixed.

Geneticists say purple eyes are a similarity blue eyes, in other words, they are a reflection or variant of the color blue. Having said that, there are scientifically proven facts about people who live in remote and high-altitude areas of North Kashmir actually have violet eyes.

To the varieties purple color irises include ultramarine (bright blue), amethyst and hyacinth (blue-purple).


It is believed that green eye color is second only to purple in rarity. This color of the iris is due to a small amount of coloring pigment, which is known as melanin. It combines with a light brown or yellow pigment (called lipofuscin and found in the outer layers of the iris), forming a green color. As practice shows, green color is most often uneven and can have many different shades.

Many people believe that the appearance of a green iris is directly related to the presence of the red hair gene.

But with all this, pure bright green color is extremely rare in the world. It occurs in only two percent of the population globe. Surprisingly, the owners of such eyes live mainly in Central or Northern Europe.

The green iris is somewhat less common among residents of Southern Europe. As the data shows scientific research, pure green eye color is much more often observed in women than in men.

There are many varieties of green iris color. So experts distinguish eyes as bottle green (dark green), light green (light green with a yellowish tint), emerald green and grass green. Other color options include green foliage, sea waves, and emerald brown.

Red eyes

This type of iris color is typical for albinos, but it is the exception rather than the rule. Much more often, albinos have blue or brown eyes.

The red iris is explained by the absence of melanin cells inside the ectodermal and mesodermal layers of the iris, respectively, the color is associated with blood vessels, as well as with collagen fibers located in the iris.

In some cases, the red color of the eyes in combination with the blue color of the stroma becomes violet (purple).


Amber color is also rare for the eyes. This color of the iris is essentially a type of brown color. Amber looks very clear and bright - it is a distinct warm golden color. An iris of this color is observed very rarely; sometimes in people with this eye color a reddish-copper or golden-green tint is noticeable.


This color closes the top five of the rarest eye colors in the world, however, readers of Popular About Health have real chances meet the owners of such eyes in person. The black color of the iris is especially explained high concentration coloring pigment (already mentioned melanin). Therefore, the light that falls on the iris is almost completely absorbed. Black eyes are most often observed in people of the Negroid race living in various parts of Asia. Quite often, the black color is combined with a special color of the eyeball; it may have a grayish or yellowish tint.

There are several varieties of this eye color: bluish-black, pitch-black, obsidian-colored, dark almond-shaped and deep black.

Rare iris color as a disorder

People with heterochromia, a congenital or acquired disorder in which the eyes are colored differently, are especially rare in eye coloration. Sometimes in such a situation the eyes are completely different in color. Such a disorder can be observed not only in humans, but also in animals. Fortunately, it does not affect the quality of vision at all.

The color of a person's iris is inherited; only one human gene is responsible for it. From the moment of conception, the color of the iris is predetermined. There are only a few basic eye colors, but many different shades.

Billions of people inhabit our planet, and they are all, of course, different. Scientists have proven that there are no people in the world with exactly the same eyes. Everyone has a unique unique color and the pattern of the iris. When getting to know a person, we first of all pay attention close attention on his eyes. After all, as you know, eyes are the mirror of the soul. They can both attract and repel. Even before a person is born, nature determines what kind of eyes he will have. And it all depends on heredity and the amount of melanin in the body.

Genetics have calculated that there are 8 main colors of the iris. Most people have brown eyes. How many owners of a rare color scheme are there on Earth? Let's try to figure out together which eye color is considered the most unique.

The rarest eye colors in the world


The smallest number of earthlings have it. It is widely believed that this color can be caused by certain pathologies or diseases. But this is not true. Geneticists believe that purple eye color comes from mixing blue and red, being a shade of blue.

According to researchers, the largest number of people inhabiting the Earth with similar eyes live in the mountains of North Kashmir. Despite this fact, purple is the least common eye shade.

It's interesting that famous star cinema Elizabeth Taylor had eyes purple. However, as facts show, she actually had them blue-gray in color, and the purple hue was given by the light on the film set.

I would just like to add that medicine interprets the appearance of violet eye color very convincingly. Albinism, in which the human body lacks melanin, causes the appearance of a red iris in most cases. But when mixed with red blue(blue collagen), a purple tint appears. This shade may be a consequence hypersensitivity albinos, as a result of which light penetrates the iris, causing a rare purple tint.


Only 2% of the world's inhabitants have it. It is also called the “red color”. Largest quantity Melanin is the cause of “green eyes”. It is impossible to see pure green color; basically, we see numerous shades of this tone.

Owners of this rarity can most often be found in Europe. There are few people left with green eyes.


It is also called “golden” or tiger. Eyes of this tone create an impression of warmth, clarity and divinity. In reality, similar phenomenon is caused by the presence of lipofuscin in the body.

Interesting!Owners of the brindle coloring are very artistic and always think creatively. They are credited with the ability to read other people's thoughts. It is very pleasant to communicate with such people, of course, if they are not up to something bad.

Black and red color

Black color is characteristic of representatives of the Negroid and Mongoloid races. Babies of these nationalities are born with pronounced black eyes. The structure of the iris is very close to brown, but the amount of melanin in these cases is so huge that the light is simply completely absorbed.

People with black eyes have strong energy and a restless disposition. They are passionate in everything they do. They are often hasty in their decisions and rarely consider the consequences of their actions.

This list also includes people with red eyes, who are often called albinos. Although this is not entirely correct. This phenomenon can most likely be considered a pathology, since there is practically no melanin in the body of these people, and therefore the color is determined by blood vessels and special fibers.

What happens? The color of the most important human sense organ is determined by chemicals located in the human iris. It doesn't matter what eye color we have or how rare it is. The main thing is the desire to achieve something in life and do everything that depends on us to achieve our goal.

We all know from childhood that eyes can be blue, blue, green, gray and brown. These are the primary colors, and we are well aware of which color group our eyes belong to. Light eyes, such as gray and blue, can look different in different lighting. They can appear blue, azure, or blue-gray, and this is because they reflect the colored things around them, which can make them appear to change color. But we will not talk about gray eyes, but about shades of brown eyes, of which, as it turns out, there are many. Today you will find out exactly what your shade of brown eye color is called.

Shades of brown eyes

Why are eyes different colors? What kind of mystery of nature is this?

Eye color is determined by the pigmentation of the iris. Also, eye color depends on the vessels and fibers of the iris. Brown eyes in pure form contain a lot of melanin in the outer layer of the iris, which is why the eye absorbs both high- and low-frequency light. All reflected light adds up to brown. But brown eyes can be very different, greenish or yellowish, dark or light, and even black. So what is each eye color called?

Hazel eyes

Hazel eyes - brown eyes with green tint. This is a mixed eye color, very often it is also called swamp.

You will not find two identical eyes in nature, because each eye is truly unique. Hazel eyes can have a brown, golden or brown-green tint. The melanin content in hazel eyes is quite moderate, so this shade appears as a combination of brown and blue. Distinguish hazel eyes from amber it is possible precisely by the heterogeneous color.

Amber eyes

Amber - yellow-brown eyes. Agree, the name of this eye shade sounds just perfect. Such eyes are indeed very reminiscent of amber in color. The amber shade of the eyes is obtained due to the pigment lipofuscin. Some people confuse amber and hazel eye colors, although they are quite different. In amber eyes you will not see a green tint, but only brown and yellow.

Yellow eyes

A very rare eye color is yellow. As in amber eyes, in the case of yellow eyes, the vessels of the iris contain the pigment lipofuscin, but very pale color. More often yellow eyes can be found in people with various diseases kidney

Brown eyes

As mentioned above, brown eyes contain a lot of melanin, which is why they absorb high- and low-frequency light. This is the most common eye color in the world.

Light brown eyes

Light brown eyes don't have as much melanin as dark brown eyes, which is why they appear lighter.

Black eyes

But in black eyes the concentration of melanin is very high, so they absorb light, but practically do not reflect it. Very deep and beautiful color.

What color are your eyes?