The whites of the eyes are yellow - reasons what herbs to drink. Yellow eyes. Are hepatitis, cirrhosis and jaundice treated?

An indicator of human health - skin, hair, eyes. The eyes should be clear, clean, whites and corneas without signs of yellowness. If it appears suddenly, you should definitely consult a doctor - a change in the color of the eyeball indicates problems in the body.

Do I need to call right away? « ambulance» , if the whites of the eyes have turned yellow, and should you tune in to treat jaundice? No. Even the diagnosis of hepatitis is a more common name "jaundice"– has other symptoms, and the presence of the disease must be confirmed by a doctor. In addition, yellow eyes are not necessarily hepatitis A. There are many diseases that have the same sign, and not all require hospitalization.

Why are the whites of the eyes yellow?

If a person has yellow eyeballs, the reasons may be the following:

Yes and absolutely "harmless" reasons for this condition that do not require urgent treatment, but gradually undermine the body from the inside - chronic lack of sleep, constantly sitting in front of a computer monitor, bad habits - in particular, smoking.

Yellowness in the eyes is a mandatory reason to see a doctor, even if there is no fever or nausea. It is always necessary to find out why the eyeballs have changed their color. Chance to eliminate ophthalmological diseases at the first sign of a change in the color of the eye whites, almost 100% - if the symptom is neglected, you can lose your vision.

The cause of yellow eyes is liver disease

Red blood cells in the human body contain bilirubin, which is produced by the liver. Why is bilirubin needed? This enzyme is assigned important role during digestion - it emulsifies fats and prepares them for breakdown, which occurs in duodenum. If there were no bilirubin, fat particles would not be absorbed. If the synthesis of bilirubin is increased, or the body does not perceive it, the whites of the eyes immediately turn yellow.

Impaired bilirubin production indicates liver pathology of various nature.

Diseases that affect liver function:

Highlight the following types hepatitis.

  1. Hemolytic. It develops with the accelerated breakdown of hemoglobin - the liver does not have time to process the amount of indirect hemoglobin that is formed during the breakdown of red blood cells into direct hemoglobin.
  2. Hepatic.

He is called:

  • Viral lesions. Symptoms of the disease with various strains of viruses: chills, headache, temperature rise, febrile state, abdominal pain, nausea, loss of appetite, enlarged liver, change in the color of stool and urine - the stool becomes light and the urine becomes dark.
  • Leptospirosis. The onset is sudden, the temperature rises sharply, hemorrhagic syndrome, myalgia (muscle pain), ESR increases, hemoglobin levels decrease, thrombocytopenia occurs. The liver enlarges from the first days of the disease.
  • Toxic hepatitis develops acutely, and symptoms resemble viral hepatitis. The kidneys can be affected at the same time - occur renal failure. Liver function is impaired.
  • The symptoms of acute alcoholism resemble the development of viral hepatitis.

Additional symptoms are diarrhea, ascites.

  1. Cholestatic jaundice. Bile ducts clogged with stones or stagnation of bile, which causes nausea, dizziness, pain in the right hypochondrium.
  2. Enzymopathic jaundice. Due to a hereditary defect in enzyme system The body's synthesis of bilirubin is insufficient.

Neonatal jaundice rarely results in pathological changes liver. It occurs in the first days after birth due to adaptation to the extrauterine period. Before birth, a huge number of red blood cells enter the fetal blood, and the liver cannot cope with the processing of bilirubin, which is released during their breakdown. Jaundice in newborns usually goes away on its own by 10-12 days of life.

Jaundice in newborns is dangerous if the parents' Rh factor is incompatible. In this case, infants require treatment.

Chronic liver diseases may have following symptoms: pain in the right hypochondrium, nausea, enlarged spleen, low-grade fever, varicose veins esophageal veins, ascites, anemia and others.

Treatment of all liver diseases is the prerogative of the doctor. In this case traditional methods may only have additional effects.

The whites of the eyes have turned yellow – ophthalmological reasons

Yellowness of the eyeball and iris can be caused by malignant formations of the tissues of the organ of vision - most often the conjunctiva. Yellowness is one of the symptoms of melanoma in the eye area. So you shouldn’t delay visiting an ophthalmologist if you have unpleasant sensations in the eye socket and yellow spots on the surface of the eye, which can be seen when looking at yourself in the mirror.

Whites turn yellow in diseases such as pinguecula and pterygium.

Pinguecula is little education, similar to a wen, which is localized due to a disorder of lipid metabolism in the body on the eyeball.

Pterygium is a growth of the conjunctiva of the eye (popularly called the disease "wild meat"). It begins to extend onto the sclera and reduces the field of view.

Treatment of pinguecula and pterygium is surgical. Pterygium can only be eliminated by initial stage. If the conjunctiva grows so much that it closes the pupil, then reverse restoration is impossible.

All eye diseases are a reason to consult an ophthalmologist.

Gilbert's disease

This disease also has a second name – constitutional jaundice. Boys get sick 5 times more often than girls. If we consider only clinical signs– yellowing of the eyelids and eyeballs, then we can say that Gilbert’s disease is rare. However, if you pay attention to the blood formula regarding the emerging bilirubinemia, the frequency of manifestations increases.

Yellowness of the sclera does not always appear, but only when feeding is delayed, due to which hemolysis increases. That is, in the absence of fasting, symptoms of the disease do not occur.

It is impossible to cure Gilbert's disease, but there are ways to eliminate the symptoms. This is a gentle diet, the use of choleretic drugs and soy emulsion.

Whites of eyes with yellowness - possible causes

Smoking itself does not affect the color of the sclera, but you need to take into account that constantly feeding the body with nicotine increases the load on the liver.

In addition to nicotine, when smoking, other combustion products, tars and toxins enter the body. The liver cleanses the body, and overloads negatively affect its function.

This is why smokers with "long experience" yellowish whites of the eyes and skin. In medicine it's called “signs of subacute toxic hepatitis”.

If the unhealthy appearance and yellowness of the eyeballs are caused by eye fatigue, it is necessary to balance the work and rest regime, walk more, increase the amount of healthy food, – vegetables, fruits, seafood and nuts – which contains vitamins for the eyes: A, C, E, nicotine and folic acid, saturated fatty acids.

Sometimes the eyeballs turn yellow if there is a lot of carotene in the body. This happens, for example, if "abuse" carrots. In this case, the treatment is a variety of diet.

In all other situations - if the color of the sclera changes - you need to consult a doctor. This condition is a signal: not everything is in order in the body.

Yellow squirrels eyes indicate that a person has health problems internal organs! If the whites turn yellow, you must consult a doctor and undergo the necessary examinations so that he can diagnose the cause of this symptom.

In this article we will try to tell you why the whites of the eyes turn yellow, we will describe the causes and treatment. The color of the white of the eye can tell the doctor about various diseases that have affected the body. If a person is healthy, then the whites of his eyes are white, but if there is yellowness, then this means that he has some kind of pathology. In this case, the doctor diagnoses scleral icterus.

Often, if a person sees that his whites are slightly yellowish, he does not attach this of great importance, since it doesn’t hurt, and it’s not particularly noticeable. However, this is the wrong approach. Indeed, there are people who have sclera colored yellowish color from birth, due to genetic predispositions. However, if the whites were completely white before, then under no circumstances should you delay visiting the doctor.

Important! Even if you only have small yellow spots, it is worth visiting a doctor, suddenly some kind of disease begins to develop in the body. How formerly pathology will be detected, the less negative consequences she will bring it. Therefore, it is imperative to establish the reasons why you have yellow whites of your eyes.

In medicine, yellowing of the white of the eye is called icterus of the sclera. The eyes may turn yellow and take on a color from soft lemon to deep dark - this depends on the disease and how severely the body is affected. There are several diseases that cause yellow whites of the eyes.

Internal diseases of the body:

  • liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis and others);
  • blood lesions (malaria, babesiosis and others);
  • damage to the bile ducts;
  • jaundice in newborns.

Eye diseases:

  • pinguecula;
  • malignant conjunctiva.

Wrong lifestyle:

  • unhealthy diet;
  • overload of the body.

Internal diseases of the body

The eye turns yellow, usually due to excess bilirubin in the blood, a yellow-brown compound that is an important component of the body's bile. It is obtained by the decomposition of proteins (this includes hemoglobin, myoglobin, cytochromes). After their breakdown, free bilirubin is released - toxic substance, which must be immediately neutralized. This process is carried out by the liver. It contains a special acid that, when interacting with bilirubin, neutralizes it. Harmless direct bilirubin is transferred by the liver to the bile ducts, which remove it from the body.

Liver diseases

It is known that these liver diseases are very dangerous and their treatment must be approached with great responsibility. Any malfunction of the liver increases the content of two types of bilirubin in the blood. Bilirubin is an enzyme produced by the liver. In diseases of this organ, bilirubin breaks down, i.e. it is not output as it should be in healthy liver. The breakdown products of this enzyme affect the human body, causing yellowing of various integuments, skin and visual apparatus.

These include the following diseases:


It affects the liver tissue due to various types of penetration into it, this pathology It happens:

In fact, it is a liver disease that occurs as a result of exposure to one of the modifications of worms, echinococci. They come from contaminated food, drink, or contact with animals.


This is a pathology that affects liver tissue and replaces it with pathological tissue. Thus, the liver’s ability to neutralize dangerous compounds, which include, along with other substances, free bilirubin, is impaired. Accumulating, as we already know, it gives the tissues a yellow tint, that is, the icterus of the proteins and human skin is manifested.

Liver cirrhosis occurs against the background of:

  • alcoholism;
  • complications after hepatitis;
  • venous insufficiency;
  • long-term use of antibiotics;
  • diseases associated with excess tissue heavy metals and other diseases.

Liver cancer

It is characterized by education and rapid growth a tumor that destroys healthy liver tissue. As a result, the liver loses its abilities, which, as we know, include the neutralization of bilirubin. Its excess leads to yellowing of the sclera.

Infection of the liver with microorganisms

  • Opisthorchiasis;
  • Echinococcosis;
  • Epistorchiasis.


The whites of the eyes also turn yellow with a disease such as opisthorchiasis. It is caused by a variety flatworms, which come to us with improperly thermally processed fish.

  1. Gradually, as they multiply, they begin to irritate the walls inside the hepatic ducts, which disrupts the flow of bile.
  2. Its stagnation leads to their breakthrough and entry of bile into the blood.
  3. This, in turn, causes the accumulation of conjugated bilirubin, of course, in the sclera of the eye, as a result of which it acquires a yellow tint.

Blood diseases

They are accompanied by excessive destruction of red blood cells, which increases the content of free bilirubin. The body is not able to neutralize it, therefore, it is deposited and gives the tissues and whites of the eyes a yellow color. Such diseases include:

  • malaria;
  • babesiosis;
  • various types of hereditary and congenital pathologies;
  • sickle cell poisoning.


Yellow whites of the eyes may also indicate infection by malaria mosquitoes.

The infectious disease babesiosis is similar to malaria, but its causative agent is not a mosquito bite, but a tick.

It is important to know that if a person has high immunity, then the risk of developing this disease is almost zero.


There are also many various diseases inherited:

  • erythrocyte membranopathies;
  • enzymopathies;
  • hemoglobinopathies.

They are characterized by damage to red blood cells and their rapid breakdown, during this process excess bilirubin is formed in the blood. The liver cannot cope with it, which means it can easily penetrate everywhere, not to mention the sclera of the eye.

Poisoning with sickle cell (hemolytic) poisons

This poisoning causes the breakdown (hemolysis) of red blood cells, resulting in:

  • lack of red blood cells and hemoglobin (anemia);
  • yellowness of whites and skin.

Sickle cell poisons: benzene, nitrates, chloroform, arsenic, copper and others. Natural poisons are the venoms of bees, snakes, spiders, certain mushrooms and berries, and so on.

Diseases of the biliary tract

Bile plays an important role in removing unnecessary substances from the body. To get into the intestines, it is transported through the biliary tract, and if there is any damage to these tracts, then disruptions in the passage of bile occur. Accordingly, places for it appear large cluster, which causes an increase in pressure in these places and rupture of the duct. Bile, through ruptures, enters the blood, which means that excess bilirubin appears and the patient’s proteins become yellow. Such diseases include the following.

Primary sclerosing cholangitis

Irritation of the bile passageways, the origin of which is still being determined. Constant inflammation transforms their walls, and closed areas appear. The more there are, the more difficult it is for bile to enter the intestines. It is partially injected into the blood, along with bound bilirubin, which accumulates in the white of the eye and tissues, causing them to take on a yellow tint.

Gallstone disease

In this case, stones are formed - glued particles of sediment of a substance, such as cholesterol. If these stones end up in the bile duct, a blockage occurs, rupture of the duct and release of bile into the blood. The bilirubin contained in it, accumulating, gives yellowness to the sclera of the eye and skin.

Pancreatic cancer

Yellowing of the proteins is observed with such a tumor outside the hepatic bile ducts and other organs included in the biliopancreatoduodenal zone. As it grows, bile stagnates, both outside the hepatic ducts and in the thin internal ones. They break through and release part of the bile along with its bilirubin into the blood. The protein is saturated with it, which leads to icterus of the sclera.


Or, scientifically, hepatitis A. This disease is very dangerous for human body. With jaundice, there is also a change in the color of various tissues and mucous membranes, which indicate the processes of bilirubin breakdown. The breakdown products of this enzyme are poisonous to humans. Based on the rate of bilirubin excretion, jaundice is divided into three types:

  1. Hemolytic;
  2. Hepatic;
  3. Cholestatic.

Hemolytic jaundice

Appears when high speed hemoglobin breakdown. The formation of bilirubin occurs in such quantities that the liver cannot process it from indirect to direct form.

Hepatic jaundice

The disease can be caused by:

  • Exposure to viruses;
  • Poisoning with toxic substances;
  • Poisoning with alcoholic beverages;
  • Liver cirrhosis;
  • Leptospirosis;
  • Pseudotuberculosis and other diseases.

With this pathology, there is an increase in the level indirect bilirubin in the blood. This means that the liver is weakened and cannot cope with the processing of the enzyme and absorption into the blood occurs again.

Cholestatic jaundice

Whites of eyes pathological disease of the presented species acquire a yellowish tint, and this may indicate that the bile ducts are blocked by tumor or stone formations.

Jaundice in newborns

In addition to the presented types of jaundice, ophthalmology distinguishes jaundice of newborns. With this pathology, the whites of the eyes of newborns, during the first days, may acquire a yellowish tint. Sometimes the skin becomes stained. This is explained by the fact that, even in the prenatal state, the baby receives an excess of blood cells (erythrocytes) in the mother’s body. At birth, in order to get rid of such a number of red blood cells, they disintegrate to form bilirubin. This is what causes yellowing of the eyes and skin.

If this disease does not go away after two weeks, then the person is sent to thorough examination with hospitalization.

Eye diseases that cause yellowing of the whites of the eyes


Yellowness in the whites of the eye can appear as a result of the appearance of formations on the conjunctiva of the eye - pinguecula. Essentially this is a wen that appears when there is a violation fat metabolism. These wen are colored yellow.

This disease appears:

  • due to the aging of the body;
  • frequent irritation of the conjunctiva when unprotected eyes are exposed to strong sun, wind, smoke, and so on.

Very often, this disease does not affect vision in any way and is not dangerous. People rarely go to the doctor in this case. But, if this neoplasm begins to bother you, discomfort appears in the eyes and the pinguecula becomes inflamed (pingueculitis), you should consult a specialist. It's difficult to get rid of them using medical supplies Therefore, surgical operations are used for this.


If pinguecula is not malignancy, that is, malignant conjunctiva, in which the whites of the eyes turn yellow, such as melanoma.

This education may be:

  • smooth, may have a lumpy character;
  • yellow, brown, and sometimes transparent;
  • occurs in the inner corners of the eye.

This is very rare disease, it is difficult to define and difficult to find quickly effective treatment, which is why it is so important to contact a specialist in time.


A disease characterized by the growth of the conjunctiva of the eyes. As a result, it is a rim that sticks out onto the protein shell and creates an unpleasant sensation when examining various objects. Pterygium must be identified at the developmental stage, as there is a possibility effective removal. When started, the circle will increase in thickness, tightening the eye right up to the pupil (and even with it). After complete tightening, blindness occurs.

Gilbert's syndrome

The disease is hereditary. It is associated with an increase in the concentration of bilirubin in the blood. A person who has this syndrome does not need treatment. This is one of physiological characteristics, which can appear in anyone.

Where might it come from? The newborn may have large number bilirubin, which changes over time to required quantity. That is, newborn jaundice appears. However, some children have such high level of this enzyme, that even after this decrease it remains quite high. The result is a bright yellow eye color.

Persons with this syndrome should avoid situations leading to an enzyme surge. These include stress, intense physical activity, viral infections.

Improper lifestyle as a cause of yellowing of the whites of the eyes

If we eat improperly, we can also get yellowing of the sclera. To prevent this from happening, you need to change your diet:

  • exclude highly salty foods;
  • remove spicy foods from the diet;
  • give up flour and fried foods;
  • do not abuse alcohol;
  • use rich in vitamins food, especially with vitamin C.

If you don't get enough rest, work for a long time at the computer in a dry and poorly ventilated room, or don't get enough sleep, this can also lead to yellowness and inflammation of the eyes. However, this can be easily fixed if you walk more and rest your eyes, it will quickly go away.

There are many reasons for the yellowing of the whites of the eyes, and mostly these are very serious diseases. That is why at the first signs, and even small patches of yellowness in the sclera of the eye, it is necessary to contact a specialist so that he can make a diagnosis and begin treatment on time.

Yellow pupils

Healthy eyes have completely black pupils. There are cases when, over time, the pupil turns from black to cloudy, gray, or grayish-yellow. Many people believe that they have yellow pupils. But this is not entirely true. As such, there are no yellow pupils in the eyes. But they can be a dull yellow color, sometimes with yellow spots. In this case, we are most often talking about its mature or overripe stage.

Another disease due to which the pupils can sometimes turn yellow is. But most often, with it, the pupil becomes gray and cloudy.


Prevention of diseases that cause yellow whites of the eyes, as well as yellowing of the mucous membranes, is aimed at improving liver health:

  1. Balanced diet. In order for the liver to function correctly, it must be supplied with all useful components. Adding a large amount of vegetables and fruits to your diet will help with this. It is also necessary to exclude flour, fried and smoked foods, and alcoholic beverages.
  2. Physical activity. If you take a walk on fresh air for an hour or more, this will have a positive effect on the functioning of the liver.
  3. Healthy sleep. A person should sleep at least 8 hours.
  4. Work and rest schedule. At long work, which are performed on a computer, it is necessary to take rest breaks.
  5. Taking multivitamin complexes. They combine all the substances necessary for human health in high concentration. They also have a positive effect on the functioning of the liver.

If yellowing of the pupils of the eyes appears, it is necessary to visit not only an ophthalmologist, but also other doctors, in particular a therapist. This is due to the fact that this pathology is more often associated with diseases of the internal organs.

Yellow eyes often become a symptom of a pathology developing in the body. In cases where yellowing of the whites does not cause discomfort to a person, it is simply ignored. It is considered necessary to contact a specialist only when discomfort: the patient is bothered by headache, nausea, bitter taste in the mouth, itchy skin, general malaise.

There are people for whom a yellowish tint to the eyes is considered normal. This color lasts for life. However, if yellowness has recently appeared, you should immediately consult a doctor. This may be a signal of the development of serious pathologies.

Causes of yellowness

The reasons for the yellowness of the whites of the eyes can be completely different. Their color can vary from yellowish to yellow, and this also indicates various diseases. Reason yellow sclera eye maybe increased bilirubin, which is the main component of bile.

This one of the first signs of jaundice, which in combination with icteric skin color indicates liver disease or some other infectious process. Another reason for yellowing of proteins may be a violation of lipid metabolism in the body.

Cause of yellow eyes could be everyday things: working at a computer, lack of sleep, dry air in the room. In such cases, the sclera becomes red and the pupils become cloudy and dilated. In some cases, does dryness lead to inflammation? and the white may turn yellow. But all this can be easily corrected by spending more time in the fresh air and making soothing lotions.

Symptoms of diseases

Yellowing of the sclera is a symptom, not a disease itself. The following diseases can cause yellow eyes:

Most common cause yellowing of the eyeballs becomes liver disease. Hepatitis develops due to alcohol intoxication or when specific viruses enter the body. It is not uncommon for the liver to react to certain medications. Some antibiotics can cause liver toxicity, antiviral drugs, cytostatics, as well as drugs used in the treatment of tuberculosis.

Often the cause of yellow sclera of the eyes can be increased bilirubin levels. If tests confirm increased bilirubin, then it can be said that the person has hepatitis A, that is, jaundice.

Depending on the level of this enzyme in the body, the following types of jaundice are distinguished:

  • hemolytic - occurs with the rapid breakdown of hemoglobin;
  • cholestatic - develops due to blockage of the bile ducts with stones;
  • hepatic - the liver is not able to process bilirubin and it returns back into the blood.

Jaundice of newborns requires special consideration. In the first days of a child's life, his skin and sclera may have a yellowish tint. This is due to the fact that in utero the baby’s blood is highly saturated with red blood cells. When the baby is born, they begin to fall apart. Doctors call this condition neonatal jaundice. Normally, it goes away a few days after birth.

An increase in the level of hemoglobin, which, when broken down, forms more bilirubin than the liver can process, leads to blood diseases. They, in turn, can cause yellowing of the whites of the eyes.

In many cases, the yellowed white may be symptom of cholelithiasis.

Melanomas and malignant conjunctivitis also cause yellowing of the whites of the eyes and pupils. Yellow spots can be caused by diseases such as pterygium and pinguecula, which are a consequence of conjunctivitis.

Diagnostic methods

To determine why the eyes begin to turn yellow, you need to conduct a diagnosis, which includes several methods. The most common of them are laboratory and radiation studies.

To determine the exact cause of the yellow whites of the eyes, the doctor prescribes full range of research to obtain real data on the condition of the liver, biliary tract, and pancreas. For a more complete picture, prescribe ultrasound examinations and tomography of internal organs. But first of all, the patient must undergo mandatory laboratory tests:

  • general and biochemical analysis blood;
  • urine test;
  • stool analysis;
  • toxicological, immunological and genetic tests.

Only having the results of all examinations in hand will the doctor be able to make the correct diagnosis.

Prevention measures

A person most often thinks about his health when he sees specific symptoms any disease. Bad habits and improper lifestyle often cause serious damage to the biliary system, pancreas and liver dysfunction.

Yellowing of the sclera indicates many hazardous processes in the body, which important to prevent in the early stages.

To prevent illness it is important:

  • remove everything from your diet harmful products, nutrition should be balanced;
  • walk more in the fresh air;
  • spend less time at the computer, avoid not only redness, but even the appearance of red streaks, which may indicate excessive load on the vessels of the eyes;
  • sleep at least 8 hours a day;
  • It is recommended to take multivitamin complexes to maintain immunity;
  • can be used eye drops or soothing lotions if there is redness or yellowing of the whites of the eyes.

Yellow eye syndrome is a symptom of many diseases. Therefore, if such a symptom appears, you cannot ignore it. It must be remembered that accurate diagnosis the doctor can diagnose only by conducting a series necessary tests and examinations. Based on these, treatment is prescribed. It depends on which organ is affected and how much.

Attention, TODAY only!

The eyes are indicators of body health. Therefore, if their whites have turned yellow, the reason may lie in those organs that are very far from the organs of vision themselves. We need to figure out why this can happen.

Most often, the whites turn yellow in those who suffer from decreased liver function, as well as the biliary tract. Then yellowing may be a sign of hepatitis.

If we're talking about About hepatitis A, popularly known as jaundice, the first symptom is yellow whites. Their color is given by a pigment produced by liver cells. However similar signs can talk about others, more dangerous hepatitis: B, C and D.

Yellow whites of eyes often confirm that the human liver has been damaged by harmful microorganisms. If we are talking about diseases such as opisthorchiasis or echinococcosis, then the body begins to actively produce bilirubin, which is why the whites of the eyes become colored or yellow spots appear on them.

Often this symptom noticed in those who suffer from conjunctivitis, neoplasms or infections. For any pathology, you need to contact a specialist who can prescribe proper treatment.

If we are talking about liver toxicity, then it can be caused by various kinds of drugs, such as antibiotics, antiviral and anti-tuberculosis drugs or cytostatics. One more thing needs to be said possible reason. In the blood bodies of red blood cells there is an enzyme called.

As it breaks down, the sclera and whites of the eyes may turn yellow. If it was discovered high contentbilirubin in the blood, then we can almost certainly say that the eyes turned yellow due to hepatitis.

Depending on how exactly the enzyme is excreted, jaundice can be divided into three types:

  • Hemolytic. Often occurs if hemoglobin breakdown accelerates. Then bilirubin is produced excessively actively, in such a volume that the liver cannot cope with the processing of direct enzyme into indirect one.
  • Hepatic. The reason is liver damage, which can be caused by various factors. These could be medications, viruses, toxins, alcohol poisoning, liver cirrhosis, pseudotuberculosis, and so on. Then the level of indirect enzyme in the blood increases significantly, the latter is not processed by the liver and is reabsorbed into the blood.
  • Cholestatic. In this case, the whites turn yellow due to the fact that the bile passages are blocked stones or formation.

There is another disease that causes the whites of the eyes to turn yellow. It is called Gilbert's disease, but in fact it is constitutional jaundice. This syndrome is very rare. It affects boys several times more often than girls. This disease is quite difficult to diagnose, and the reason for this is that bilirubin in the blood grows moderately.

The sclera of the eyes turn yellow if hemolysis is increased, or if there has been long delay feeding. Due to fasting, the activity of bilirubin production increases, and this is reflected in the whites of the eye. There are no treatments of this disease, but there are methods to reduce the yellowness of the eyes. Often this choleretic drugs, one or the other vitamins, special diet.

Often, yellow whites of the eyes indicate serious eye lesions, such as malignant types conjunctivitis and melanoma. Such diseases develop and proceed in a very complex manner, which is why their treatment can be difficult. Then you need to contact an ophthalmologist in order to preserve the functionality of your eyes, and, possibly, your life and health.

But besides the problems that have already been indicated, there are other eye pathologies that can make themselves felt through yellowing of the whites. These are initially such troubles as pinguecula or pterygium. The latter is a complication of conjunctivitis, which can affect almost all eyeball. But the first time it changes lipid metabolism in the body, and on the whites of the eyes, many wen, colored yellow, appear.

If such diseases develop, discomfort may be felt, vision gets worse, spots may be visible in front of the eyes. Moreover, both pathologies are almost impossible to cure with medications. If patients hesitate to see a doctor, growths may form that overlap the eye corneas.

If the disease is advanced, even surgery cannot always cure it. In any case, a doctor is needed. If we are talking about a lipid growth, then the smaller its size, the easier it can be removed through surgery.

Sometimes everything is much simpler. The eyes become yellow due to wrong lifestyle. Then, if we are not talking about global damage to internal organs, eye color will normalize if harmful factors are eliminated. So, if the first signs of jaundice appear, you should take the following measures:

  • quit smoking;
  • stop drinking alcohol or reduce its consumption to a minimum;
  • normalize your diet. Avoid fatty, fried, smoked and flour foods.

The color of the whites of the eyes may change due to prolonged and overly active computer work. Also, one should not exclude such lifestyle factors as constant lack of sleep, reading in poor lighting. Then, along with a change in eye color, there may be other symptoms: redness of the eyelids, discomfort, a feeling as if there is sand in the eyes, and so on.

Yellow white of the eyes in newborns

Quite often, squirrels become yellow in color. just born babies. This phenomenon is called newborn jaundice. The reasons lie in certain features of the baby’s development in the womb.

In the mother's body, the baby receives a lot of red blood cells, which, after the baby is born, quickly begin to disintegrate.

The sclera and skin child. Usually occurs 2-3 weeks after birth pigment breakdown, and the yellow color disappears.

What should the treatment be?

There can be a lot of reasons that can lead to yellowing of the whites of the eyes, so you should not start treatment without determining what led to this: infections, pathologies of internal organs or ordinary fatigue. So, if the cause is some problem in the body, then yellowing of the eyes is just one of the symptoms, and the underlying disease needs to be treated.

If the problem lies directly in the eyes, you need appropriate measures their treatment. If your eyes turn yellow due to fatigue or some other harmful factors, you need to exclude the latter and give them a rest. It's worth eating foods that are good for your eyesight, such as carrots and blueberries, and also finding effective ways relieve eye fatigue. be special exercises, compresses, lotions, drops and so on.

How to prevent yellowing of the eyes: preventive measures

Prevention measures will help significantly reduce the risk of the problem and complications that may result from it. To prevent the whites of your eyes from turning yellow, follow these measures:

  • Important as much as possible balanced diet. Eat enough fresh fruit and vegetables, protein. Avoid fatty, smoked and fried drinks, and alcoholic drinks.
  • Try to visit more often outdoors, take walks.
  • Get enough sleep. You need to sleep at least seven hours. If you work a lot on the computer, it is important to give yourself rest.
  • Vitamin and mineral complexes may be useful, in particular those that improve vision.
  • If your eyes get tired and appear unpleasant symptoms, lotions, compresses, or eye drops can be used.

Remember that the symptom of yellow eyes cannot appear on its own. There is always a reason for this, so if you notice this symptom, contact a professional. The sooner you do this, the sooner you can get rid of the problem that caused the yellowing and prevent possible complications, which can be very serious.

If a person has yellow whites of the eyes, the reasons may lie in the appearance of various serious illnesses, for example, diseases of internal organs are possible. It is recommended to immediately seek help from doctors, since it is advisable to detect pathology on initial stage its development.

Yellowing of the whites of the eyes may indicate the occurrence of diseases such as viral hepatitis, conjunctivitis, or even cancerous tumor. A person will not be able to determine the exact cause on his own, so it is better to immediately consult a doctor, conduct an examination, and begin treatment.

What can cause changes in the color of vision?

If the patient's whites of the eyes turn yellow, it is possible following reasons of this phenomenon:

Yellowness of the whites of the eyes can also appear under the influence of other factors.

In any case, determining the cause and treating the above pathologies should occur under the supervision of a doctor.

Self-diagnosis and reception medicines unacceptable, as it can cause serious complications.

Liver disease and jaundice in infants

If a person who comes to the clinic has yellow white eyes, this may mean hepatitis or other damage to liver structures.

The body has a special enzyme that is found in red blood cells.

It's called bilirubin and is produced by the liver. When this substance breaks down under the influence of microorganisms that have entered the liver structures, the whites of the eyes turn yellow. In this case, yellowness due to processes in the liver spreads to the entire human body.

Jaundice of newborns undergoes UV irradiation

Symptoms of such a lesion:

  1. The whites of the eyes are yellow.
  2. The liver is enlarged in size.
  3. Possible increase in temperature.
  4. The patient's entire body is covered yellow spots or completely painted in this color.
  5. Loss of appetite, general weakness.

If the patient has indicated symptoms, you need to immediately call a doctor or take the person to the hospital. As a rule, hepatitis is detected, most often type A. This is a group serious illnesses. Most often found in children (jaundice). Its development at the initial stage can be detected precisely with the help of yellowed eye whites (some types of this disease do not cause complete yellowing of the patient’s body).

This symptom clearly manifests itself in diseases such as echinococcosis or opisthorchiasis. Diseases are caused various types worms that settle in the liver and lay eggs there. Their larvae feed in this organ, and then, having matured, move to other parts of the human body.

Many young mothers are interested in why their whites are just born child painted yellow. This phenomenon - jaundice - is typical for infants. It develops due to saturation of the baby's blood a large number red blood cells during development in the womb. After birth, he does not need as much red blood cells, so they begin to disintegrate. Because of this, the baby's eyes and body skin turn yellow.

Mothers rush to doctors asking what to do. There is no need to worry; usually this phenomenon goes away on its own within 7 to 12 days. If this does not happen, then perhaps the child has another disease that caused similar symptoms. Then you need to seek help from a doctor.

Eye lesions causing discoloration of whites

The white of the eye may turn slightly yellowish (slightly at the edges) or completely change color due to the development of various tumor growths on the conjunctiva. Most often this occurs when melanoma occurs. This disease is quite difficult to diagnose. This type of cancer can lead to serious consequences, therefore, treatment for the disease must be done in specialized clinics. For more information about the treatment of melanoma, see this video:

With other eye diseases, the whites of the eye turn slightly yellow or may completely turn into different shades of this color. Typically, such signs are characteristic of diseases such as pterygium or pinguecula.

The second disease develops due to a disorder of lipid metabolism, which leads to the appearance of a yellow wen in the eyes.

Pterygium is a growth of the conjunctiva. If this phenomenon spreads to the pupil, the patient may lose vision in one or both eyes. Therefore, if problems with the eyes appear, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Other reasons

Doctors have determined that sometimes a patient develops a yellow tint on the whites visual organs develops due to poor nutrition. In order for everything to return to normal, doctors recommend a special diet for such a patient.

It provides for the following measures:

  1. A person must completely stop drinking alcohol.
  2. The patient is prohibited from eating salty or spicy foods.
  3. Should be excluded from the diet fried foods and various flour products.
  4. The daily menu should include a large amount of fruits and foods that are rich in ascorbic acid.

Sometimes men or women come to the doctor for an appointment with yellow discoloration in the whites of their eyes due to fatigue. This usually happens if a person does not get enough sleep or sits at the computer for a long time. The problem can be triggered by solving some complex intellectual problem or the presence of dry air in the room. The eyes become inflamed. Such people need a little rest. You can use soothing lotions. It is recommended to walk more in the fresh air. Usually, after 2 - 3 days of such rest, the eyes return to normal, and the whites of the eyes acquire a natural color. For more information about combating the problem, watch this video:

If none of the above reasons are suitable to explain the change in the color of proteins, then you should urgently consult a doctor, as this may be a warning of serious systemic disorders in the body that need to be treated.