Periodically it hurts under the right rib in the front. Discomfort on the right side under the ribs

Pain in the right hypochondrium is a symptom that occurs in a number of diseases and pathological conditions of internal organs. In a person on the right under the ribs there is a liver, part of the pancreas, gallbladder, the right part of the diaphragm, the duodenum and small intestine, the upper pole of the right kidney and the appendix, so to diagnose the disease you need to know the nature of the pain, the degree of its severity and accompanying symptoms.

What can hurt in the right hypochondrium?

Pain in the right side under the ribs can be caused by organs, muscles and nerve endings that are located in the right hypochondrium, as well as organs that are located in the abdominal and thoracic cavity (referred, radiating pain).

The source of pain may be:

  • liver (the lower part of the organ reaches the lower ribs, and top edge stretches from the right nipple to the left and is located in the upper part of the peritoneum - under the diaphragm);
  • pancreas (head, pancreatic notch and uncinate process, as well as part of the omental tubercle of this organ located in the right side of the abdominal cavity);
  • gallbladder (localized under the lower surface of the liver);
  • right side of the diaphragm;
  • right lung;
  • heart and mediastinum;
  • duodenum (the initial section of the intestine, localized under the liver and located on the right side of the abdominal cavity);
  • ileum (part small intestine, which follows jejunum and is located in the lower part of the abdominal cavity on the right);
  • cecum and appendix (located in the lower part of the abdominal cavity, below the junction small intestine thick);
  • ascending part colon(initial part of the large intestine);
  • right kidney and ureters (the upper pole of the kidney reaches the level of the 12th rib);
  • right adrenal gland;
  • right uterine appendages in women (pain in the right hypochondrium is radiating);
  • spine (pathologies of the spine lead to compression of the nerves that pass in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium);
  • the ribs, muscles and peripheral nerves located on the right.

Acute or recurrent pain in the right hypochondrium occurs in approximately 30% of the adult population of the planet.

Types of pain in the right hypochondrium

Pain sensations are a physiological reaction of the body, which is aimed at mobilizing various functional systems to protect against the influence of damaging factors.
According to its characteristics, pain in the right hypochondrium can be:

  • Visceral. This type of pain occurs with stretching, compression, inflammation and other irritation of internal organs (observed with intestinal spasms, etc.). Pain of this type is pressing, deep, dull and diffuse (generalized), can be permanent in nature or occur in the form of colic (a series of rapidly alternating attacks of acute pain). It is difficult for the patient to establish the localization of visceral pain; pain often radiates to other parts of the body.
  • Somatic (peritoneal). Occurs when the peritoneum is irritated, which occurs during the development of a pathological process (perforation of a stomach ulcer, etc.). This type of pain is described as sharp, cutting. It is distinguished by its constant nature and clear localization, in most cases it is accompanied by tension in the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall (“acute abdomen”). Pain syndrome worsens with breathing and movement.
  • Neuropathic (deafferentation). Pain is caused by damage or irritation of the nerves. With this type of disorder, there is constant or unstable (shooting) pain, which can be sharp, stabbing, cutting, burning, or simply felt as some discomfort in the affected area.
  • Reflected. Develops with pathology of organs that are distant from the source of pain as a result of irradiation pain.

Pain under the right rib may feel like:

  • Sharp, cutting. It requires immediate consultation with a doctor, since it is intense, appears suddenly and is often associated with life-threatening conditions (rupture of the liver or gallbladder, acute appendicitis, acute pancreatitis, etc.).
  • Burning. Accompanies biliary dyskinesia, the initial stage of acute pyelonephritis, chronic pancreatitis, diseases of the spine. During attacks of angina pectoris or in a pre-infarction state, a burning sensation can be felt both under the left and under the right rib. A burning pain in the right side under the rib that occurs when moving may be a sign of the presence diaphragmatic hernia.
  • Dull, tugging. Occurs with the development of chronic diseases (hepatitis, pyelonephritis, enterocolitis, etc.) or with an atypical course acute appendicitis.
  • Aching, bursting. It is observed in cases of indolent chronic diseases or heart diseases.
  • Pulsating, stabbing. Occurs during heavy physical exertion vegetative-vascular dystonia and inflammatory diseases.

Pain in the right hypochondrium in a healthy person

Although pain in most cases is a sign of pathology, sometimes it hurts in the right side under the ribs in healthy people.

Pain in the right hypochondrium may occur:

  • In an untrained person who has become intensely involved in sports or engaged in hard work. A sharply increased load leads to the release of adrenaline, which causes a decrease in the tone of the bile ducts and their stretching due to filling with stagnant bile. The liver capsule also stretches due to increased filling of this organ with blood, which causes stabbing pain in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium.
  • In pregnant women last trimester. At this stage of pregnancy, the greatly enlarged uterus puts pressure on the organs with which it comes into contact - the liver and gall bladder are pressed (in combination with the expansion biliary tract under the influence of the hormone progesterone, bile stagnation occurs), intestinal loops are displaced, and these processes may be accompanied by pressing or stabbing pain under the right rib.
  • In women at the end menstrual cycle. A stabbing sensation in the right hypochondrium occurs due to spasm of the biliary tract, which develops as a result of a sharp imbalance between increased level estrogen and decreased progesterone levels during this period.
  • In women when taking hormonal contraceptives, since the outflow of bile is disrupted, which causes pain under the ribs on the right and in front.

Pain in the right hypochondrium anteriorly

Pain under the right rib in the front occurs when:

  • Liver diseases. The pain is dull and prolonged or bursting, occurs due to swelling and a rush of blood, which causes stretching of the fibrous membrane of the liver (the fibrous membrane contains pain receptors).
  • Diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract. At acute form diseases intense pain is acute or cutting, cramping in nature, pain is localized in epigastric region, can be given to the right shoulder and left hypochondrium. With a chronic disease, the pain is dull, aching, sometimes radiating to the shoulder blade.
  • Diseases of the pancreas. The pain may be dull and aching when chronic form diseases and acute, intense - with an acute form of inflammation. It can be felt below the right rib and is often encircling in nature.
  • Diseases of the digestive system. Chronic diseases are characterized by increased pain during palpation; the acute inflammatory process is accompanied by sharp, severe pain.
  • Heart diseases. There may be a burning or stabbing intense pain under the right rib in the front, or a feeling of heaviness in this area.
  • Respiratory diseases. Rapidly increasing sharp pain when lung damage, pleura or diaphragm worsen when coughing, during breathing movements, when turning the body.
  • Neurological diseases. The pain is aching in nature when chronic course illness, and sharp pain on acute stage diseases.
  • Diseases of the spine and musculoskeletal system. The pain is aching in nature and intensifies when bending over, coughing and taking a deep breath.

Liver diseases

The cause of pain in the right hypochondrium in front may be:

If there is pain under the ribs on the right, and the pain is intense, cutting or stabbing in nature, the cause of the pain may be:

  • Cholelithiasis (cholelithiasis), in which stones form in the cavity of the gallbladder itself or in the biliary tract due to stagnation of bile. A characteristic pain symptom of the disease is colic - a sudden attack of acute, stabbing or cutting pain, which is localized under the right rib, can radiate to the back, neck, right shoulder, to the area of ​​the right shoulder blade and sometimes to the heart area (causes angina). The pain syndrome is accompanied by nausea, which does not bring relief by vomiting, intoxication varying degrees expressiveness. When a bile duct is blocked by a stone, obstructive jaundice develops. The attack is provoked by the use of hot, spicy and fatty foods, stress, physical activity - these factors cause spasm of the gallbladder and irritation of its wall with stones.
  • Dyskinesia of the bile ducts - a disorder motor functions gallbladder and ducts in the absence of organic pathology. Contraction of the gallbladder can be excessive (hyperkinetic form) and insufficient (hypokinetic form). The hypokinetic form of the disease is accompanied by prolonged dull, aching pain in the area of ​​the right rib, which radiates to the right hand or a spatula. In the hyperkinetic form, the pain is short-term, acute and cramping. The pain intensifies after eating fatty and spicy foods, as well as when eating a large amount of food at once. In the morning, patients have a bitter taste in the mouth, during attacks there may be arrhythmia, numbness of the limbs, and a feeling of fear may be present.
  • Cholecystitis is an inflammation of the gallbladder that develops when the outflow of bile is disrupted and the presence of microflora in the gallbladder (most often a complication of cholelithiasis). Can be acute or chronic. Acute cholecystitis is divided into catarrhal forms of the disease, phlegmonous and gangrenous. At catarrhal form there is constant intense pain in the epigastric region and in the right hypochondrium, which radiates to the lumbar region, to the right shoulder blade and to the right half of the neck. In the phlegmonous form, intense pain is observed, which intensifies with coughing and changes in body position, accompanied by nausea, repeated vomiting and deterioration of the general condition. The gangrenous form is characterized by severe pain, which is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, high fever, general weakness, pallor, headaches, tachycardia, dizziness and fainting. The chronic form of the disease is characterized by nausea and dull pain in the right hypochondrium that occurs after eating. A complication of cholecystitis may be hepatic colic, which is characterized by severe pain and jaundice.
  • Cholangitis is an inflammation of the bile ducts, which can be chronic or acute. In the acute form, body temperature rises sharply, sweating and chills are present, weakness progresses and intoxication increases. Pain in the right hypochondrium, in the neck, right shoulder and shoulder blade, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting are present. A little later, jaundice develops and itchy skin. In the chronic form of cholangitis there is increased fatigue, weakness, low-grade fever, discomfort and feeling of fullness in the epigastrium, dull and weak pain under the right rib.
  • Malignant neoplasms, which are accompanied by dull, aching pain in the late stage of the disease.

Pancreatic diseases

Pain under the ribs on the right can be caused by pathologies of the pancreas - although this organ is located deep in the abdominal cavity, part of it is localized in the right hypochondrium. Pain on the right side under the rib with:

  • Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas, which can occur in acute and chronic forms. The acute form is characterized by sharp, intense pain in the right hypochondrium (most often of a girdling nature), radiating to the lower back. Nausea, lack of appetite, fever, weakness are observed, vomiting with bile is present (may be indomitable and not bringing relief). In the chronic form of the disease, dull, aching pain intensifies if there are errors in nutrition. In the upper part of the abdominal cavity with pancreatitis, there is a feeling of heaviness.
  • Tumors of the pancreas. The pain is observed only in the last stages of the disease, is intense and long-lasting, intensifies in the supine position, is felt in the center of the abdomen, and radiates to the right and left hypochondrium.

Diseases of the digestive system

Pain in the right side under the ribs in front can be caused by various intestinal lesions:

Pain on the right side under the ribs in front can also be a sign of appendicitis - inflammation of the appendix (the vermiform appendix of the cecum). It can be acute and chronic (rare), catarrhal, superficial, destructive, phlegmonous, apostematous, phlegmonous-ulcerative, gangrenous and perforative. The disease is accompanied by acute pain in the right iliac region, which intensifies with pressure, muscle tension and increased sensitivity of the skin on the right under the ribs. When the appendix is ​​located behind the cecum, the pain is muted. There is no appetite, there is nausea, single or double vomiting of a reflex nature, an increase in temperature to 37-38 ° C, possible tachycardia, frequent urination, loose stool and increased blood pressure.

Acute appendicitis is life-threatening, so a patient with such symptoms requires emergency hospitalization.

Heart diseases

Pain in the right side under the rib in front occurs with heart pathologies that cause circulatory failure big circle. As blood circulation deteriorates, the liver becomes enlarged, swelling occurs in the legs and anterior abdominal wall, and fluid begins to accumulate in the abdominal cavity. All these factors contribute to the appearance of pain in the right hypochondrium.

The cause of pain may be:

  • Myocardiopathy (cardiomyopathy). This group of diseases includes myocardial lesions of non-coronary and non-rheumatic origin, which are associated with the presence of similar clinical signs(heart failure and heart enlargement are present). Cardiomyopathy can be congestive, hypertrophic, obliterative and constructive. It manifests itself as increased heart rate, increased fatigue, shortness of breath, pallor and aching, stabbing or pressing pain in the heart area and in the right hypochondrium.
  • Coronary heart disease, which occurs when the coronary arteries and impaired blood supply to the heart muscle. It is accompanied by painful attacks that last from 30 seconds to 15 minutes and go away on their own at rest (also eliminated by taking nitroglycerin). Aching, pressing or burning pain manifests itself in varying degrees, there is shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, a feeling of heaviness and burning in the chest. The pain may radiate to left hand and in the area of ​​the scapula, nausea is possible.
  • Endocarditis is an inflammation of the inner lining of the heart, which can be bacterial (in most cases the causative agent is streptococcus) and secondary (develops as a consequence of diffuse diseases connective tissue, rheumatism, tuberculosis and some other diseases). The disease is accompanied by fever, profuse sweating, pain in muscles and joints, weakness, possible fragility of blood vessels and changes in the fingers (they begin to resemble drumsticks). In patients, the spleen and liver may enlarge (the enlarged organ causes aching, dull pain under the right rib), and valvular heart disease develops, which leads to heart failure (accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium).
  • Abdominal myocardial infarction, in which very strong, burning or pressing pain are felt in the epigastric region, left or right hypochondrium. Sharp and intense pain occurs suddenly, often radiates to the scapula or behind the sternum, is accompanied by heart rhythm disturbances, difficulty breathing, decreased blood pressure, and pallor skin and puffiness of the face. May be accompanied by profuse sweating, nausea, vomiting, severe hiccups and diarrhea. Because this condition is life-threatening, emergency medical attention is required.

Respiratory diseases

Pain in the right side under the ribs in front can occur when it irradiates from the retrosternal space. Referred pain is observed when:

  • Lower lobe right-sided pneumonia. The pain is mild, dull or aching in nature, and when coughing it becomes stabbing and more pronounced. This disease causes a dry cough, a slight increase in temperature, severe weakness, increased sweating, shortness of breath, possibly rapid breathing and heart palpitations. Symptoms of acute respiratory diseases are also present.
  • Right-sided pleurisy. The inflammatory process can develop directly in pleural cavity(primary pleurisy) or spread from the lungs (secondary pleurisy). The disease can occur in a dry form (fibrin protein falls onto the surface of the pleura) or in an exudative form (serous, purulent or hemorrhagic exudate accumulates in the pleural cavity). Dry pleurisy is accompanied by increased sweating, rapid shallow breathing and increased body temperature. Pain in the right hypochondrium occurs with persistent coughing, bending and turning the body. With exudative pleurisy, aching pain, a feeling of squeezing and heaviness in the chest, pallor of the limbs and skin, and a forced position of the body are observed. In this form of the disease, the neck veins are swollen, the right half of the chest lags behind breathing movements, and the intercostal spaces protrude.
  • Cancer of the right lung. With this disease, pain occurs on the right side under the ribs only when the pleural cavity and organs that are located nearby are affected by metastases (there is no pain before the development of metastases). At oncological processes in the lung there is a disturbance in appetite and digestion, sudden weight loss, decreased immunity and lack of oxygen.

Pathologies of the diaphragm

It hurts under the right rib in the front and with pathologies of the diaphragm (this muscle separates the chest and abdominal cavities).

Pain occurs with a diaphragmatic hernia. The hernial opening through which chest cavity sometimes intestinal loops get involved, it can be congenital, traumatic and neuropathic.

Small defects do not manifest themselves (they are detected by chance), but when large hernial sacs form, the pathology is accompanied by bloating, heartburn, sour belching, persistent cough, burning behind the sternum and rapid heartbeat after eating. The pain is dull or aching in nature, is observed constantly, and nausea may be present.

When the intestines are strangulated, the pain in the right hypochondrium is intense; against the background of a general deterioration of the condition, stool retention and vomiting are observed. Since when a diaphragmatic hernia is strangulated there is a risk of developing peritonitis, the patient needs urgent medical attention.

Neurological diseases

Pain in the right side under the ribs in front occurs when peripheral nerves are damaged.

Painful sensations are characterized by a sharp, intense nature in the acute stage of the disease, and aching in its chronic course.

Pain can be caused by:

  • Intercostal neuralgia. It develops as a result of damage or compression of the nerves that run between the ribs. It can be radicular (caused by pinching of the nerve roots in the spine) and reflex (provoked by spasm of the muscles of the intercostal space). The lesion can be unilateral or bilateral, accompanied by burning or stabbing intense pain, but is not life-threatening. The pain becomes more intense when inhaling, exercising, sneezing and coughing, and can radiate to the epigastric region, collarbone, arm, lower back and scapula. A characteristic sign of pathology is the presence pain points, which respond to palpation of the intercostal spaces. There is a change in skin color and loss of sensation in the affected area, increased sweating, muscle twitching and swelling.
  • Vegetative crisis - paroxysmal state non-epileptic nature, which is accompanied by polymorphic autonomic disorders. In the absence of heart pathologies, increased heart rate, arrhythmia, increased sweating, anxiety and panic, trembling of the limbs, a feeling of pressure in the chest, pain in the stomach and under the right rib are observed. It is difficult for a patient to determine the exact localization of pain in this condition; the pain can be of a varied nature (dull, sharp, stabbing, aching, encircling). Subjective symptoms during vegetative crises do not coincide with the data of objective studies (severe organic pathology cannot be identified).

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and spine

Cause of pain with right side under the ribs there may be:

  • Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine. With this degenerative-dystrophic disease, which develops with incorrect posture or worsening metabolic processes in tissues, changes occur in intervertebral discs thoracic vertebrae. The altered vertebrae compress the nerve fibers, which causes pain. Pain sensations range from mild and long-lasting to sharp and sharp (causing limited muscle mobility and difficulty breathing).
  • Fibromyalgia. This diffuse, predominantly symmetrical musculoskeletal pain of a chronic nature can affect any part of the body. In the affected area there is increased sensitivity, there is stiffness in the body after waking up, swelling and increased fatigue. Temperature surges, spasms and convulsions may occur.
  • Tietze syndrome is a rare pathology that is accompanied by aseptic inflammation of the costal cartilages (possibly affecting the left or right cartilage and several cartilages at the same time). With this disease, there is local pain, which is constant, radiates to the forearm and shoulder, and also intensifies with deep breathing and pressing on the affected area. Periods of remission are observed.
  • Rib injuries. In case of fractures on the affected side, there is sharp pain, which becomes more intense with breathing movements. Breathing becomes difficult, the skin turns pale, and in the affected area it acquires a bluish tint. Shortness of breath, hemoptysis, weakness appear, and the temperature rises. With cracks in the rib, swelling, bluish tissue and excruciating pain are observed in the affected area (exacerbated by inhalation and coughing), there is shortness of breath, a feeling of fatigue and suffocation. When a rib is bruised, soft tissue swelling and pain are observed, which becomes more intense with inhalation, coughing and movement.

Pain in the right hypochondrium behind

Pain under the right rib from behind occurs when:

  • Kidney diseases. The pain is intense and paroxysmal in nature.
  • Inflammation of fatty tissue.
  • Pathologies of the adrenal gland.
  • Retroperitoneal hematoma, which occurs due to abdominal trauma.
  • Diseases of the respiratory system.
  • Heart diseases.
  • Acute pancreatitis.
  • Thoracic and lumbar osteochondrosis.
  • Thrombosis of the vena cava.

Kidney diseases

If you have pain on the right under the rib and behind, you can suspect:

  • Renal colic, which occurs with urolithiasis, kidney prolapse, injuries and other pathological conditions. It occurs suddenly and lasts from several minutes to several days. Acute, intense pain is paroxysmal in nature, does not subside at rest, and radiates to the lower back. Pain is often felt along the ureter, in groin area and in the area of ​​the external genitalia, as well as on the inner thigh. May be accompanied by increased urination and pain in the urethra. Relieving the attack eliminates the acute pain, but dull pain persists in the lumbar region even after the attack.
  • Urolithiasis of the right kidney, which is caused by irritation of the renal pelvis and ureter with stones or sand and is accompanied by intense, paroxysmal acute pain. Pain sensations radiate to the lower back and lateral abdomen, thigh and genital area. The pain intensifies if you hit the lower back with the edge of your palm. Blood may be present in the urine and frequent urge to urination, possible nausea, vomiting, general deterioration well-being.
  • Pyelonephritis is an inflammation of the kidney that can be acute or chronic. This disease causes aching, dull pain, frequent painful urination, present general weakness, fever, chills and lack of appetite. Swelling may appear on the face. At purulent inflammation the pain becomes constant, and daily urine output decreases.
  • Necrosis of the renal papillae, which develops due to oxygen starvation renal tissue due to blockage of the vessels supplying the kidney. Accompanied by constant intense pain, there is blood in the urine. There is a risk of developing septic shock.
  • Cancer of the right kidney, which is accompanied by mild pain and bleeding at a late stage of development ( initial stage is asymptomatic). If the tumor obstructs the flow of urine, the pain becomes acute.

Inflammation of fatty tissue

Acute upper paranephritis is an inflammation of the fatty tissue, which is located at the upper pole of the kidney. Inflammation develops when the pathogen penetrates from the foci chronic infection(tonsils, carious teeth, etc.). The disease is accompanied by an increase in temperature to 38°C, moderate pain is observed on the affected side, which after 2-3 days begins to be felt in the right hypochondrium. The pain worsens with deep inspiration, walking and sudden straightening of the body.

Adrenal gland pathologies

Pain in the right hypochondrium from behind occurs when there is a large benign or malignant tumor in the right adrenal gland.

Clinical manifestations of the disease depend on the type of tumor - with pheochromocytoma there is a persistent increase in blood pressure, myocardial dystrophy and disorders heart rate, and aldosteroma is characterized by a change in the body’s water balance. With corticosteromas, metabolism is disrupted, corticoestromes and andosteromas form sex-inappropriate secondary sexual characteristics ( male type hair growth, etc.).

Retroperitoneal hematoma

Retroperitoneal hematoma (limited collection of blood) – common consequence serious injuries, which is manifested by pain of varying intensity. The pain is localized in the back on the right under the ribs and intensifies with movements of the hip joint. The cause of hematoma formation can be damage to the pancreas and other internal organs. This pathological condition due to blood loss, it may be accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure, weakness, pallor, increased heart rate, thirst and dizziness (even fainting). Requires urgent medical intervention because it threatens the patient's life.

Respiratory system diseases

Back pain under the right rib can occur with:

  • Dry right-sided pleurisy. The pain is cutting or stabbing, intense, radiates to the shoulder, neck and affects the chest area, intensifies with breathing, coughing and any movements.
  • Oncological process in right lung, which is accompanied by excruciating and persistent pain. Pain occurs if the tumor grows into the pleural tissue, shortness of breath and paroxysmal non-productive cough are present.
  • Pneumothorax, which occurs when the right lung is damaged and causes gas to accumulate in the pleural cavity and collapse of the lung tissue. Occurs spontaneously or as a result of injury, causing disorders respiratory functions and blood circulation, accompanied piercing pain. Pain sensations radiate to the arm, neck and chest, becoming more intense when coughing, inhaling and moving. There is shortness of breath, pallor, a dry cough and fear of death may be observed.

Heart diseases

Pain in the right side of the back under the ribs can occur when atypical manifestations myocardial infarction (accompanied by persistent, wave-like sharp pain, which is localized in the interscapular space).

Acute pancreatitis

Pain in the right side of the back in the hypochondrium can occur with an acute form of inflammation of the pancreas, which can manifest itself various symptoms. The severity of pain and the location of pain depends on the severity of pancreatic pathology.

Spinal diseases

Pain in the right hypochondrium of the back can occur with osteochondrosis of the thoracic or lumbar region. They are characterized by an aching character, aggravated by movement and prolonged stay in one position, by physical exertion and hypothermia. Present muscle weakness and numbness of the upper extremities.

Vena cava thrombosis

Vena cava thrombosis is a rare variant of blockage of the inferior vena cava by a thrombus (the thrombus enters the main trunk of the vein from the iliac veins), which is accompanied by pain in the lower back and in the right hypochondrium from the back. Clinical picture reminds late stage cancer kidney

Pain in the right hypochondrium on the side

Pain in the right side under the ribs occurs when:

  • chronic pancreatitis, which is accompanied by girdle pain;
  • herpes zoster, which is accompanied by damage to nerve endings;
  • initial stage of hepatitis;
  • intestinal diverticulosis (protrusion of the intestinal walls, which in symptoms resembles appendicitis);
  • intestinal obstruction (pain radiates to the right lower abdomen);
  • duodenitis;
  • chronic cholecystitis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • inflammation of the ureters;
  • urethritis (accompanied by painful urination);
  • inflammations of the genitourinary system.

In women, the cause of pain in the right hypochondrium on the side can be adnexitis (salpingoophoritis), torsion or rupture of the right ovarian cyst, ectopic pregnancy, Allen-Masters syndrome and endometriosis.

Which doctor should you contact for pain in the right hypochondrium?

if you suspect a pathology of the adrenal glands;
  • if the symptoms resemble pleurisy or pneumonia;
  • a neurologist if intercostal neuralgia is suspected;
  • to a traumatologist if a rib injury is suspected;
  • an oncologist if the presence of malignant neoplasms is suspected;
  • surgeon for conditions that require emergency medical care (acute appendicitis, etc.)
  • Urgent hospitalization is necessary if:

    • sudden, sharp pain appeared in the right hypochondrium;
    • there is a constant It's a dull pain, which does not subside within an hour;
    • when moving, stabbing pain occurs that does not subside within 30 minutes;
    • dull pain appears, vomiting with blood or undigested food particles is present;
    • pain of any nature is observed in combination with rapid heartbeat, pallor, decreased blood pressure, difficulty breathing and dizziness.

    Pain under the ribs on the right can have a different character:

    • strong;
    • acute;
    • sharp;
    • dull aching, pulling;
    • stabbing.

    Depending on the nature of the pain and accompanying syndromes, the affected organ can be determined.

    Severe pain on the right side under the ribs

    Unbearable, severe pain in the right hypochondrium is characteristic of diseases of the gallbladder, liver and kidneys.

    Inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis). Severe pain on the right under the ribs makes a person rush around in search of comfortable position. In addition, he is tormented by:

    • fever;
    • nausea;
    • repeated vomiting that does not bring relief;
    • often - yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes.

    Hepatic colic - severe pain that subsides when taken antispasmodics. Liver diseases are characterized by yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes.

    Liver injury, cirrhosis. The pain intensifies when the person is in a horizontal position. Symptoms of blood loss are observed (weakness and dizziness, pallor of the skin and mucous membranes, and rapid pulse with low blood pressure).

    Kidneys. The pain is intense to such an extent that the person rushes about in search of a comfortable position. Most often, pain is associated with urolithiasis, so depending on the location of the stone, the pain can be localized in the upper or lower part of the right hypochondrium. In addition, the following symptoms are characteristic:

    Sharp pain on the right under the ribs

    Acute, or “dagger” pain occurs unexpectedly and is characteristic of gastric and duodenal ulcers. In case of acute pain syndrome, a person most often takes a lying position with his legs pressed to his stomach.

    In addition, he is tormented by:

    • nausea and vomiting;
    • diarrhea or constipation;
    • heartburn, sour belching.

    Sharp pain on the right under the ribs

    Sharp girdle pain is the first symptom of acute pancreatitis. The cause of exacerbation of the disease is the consumption of large amounts of alcohol with fatty and sweet foods. Sharp pain in acute pancreatitis is characterized by its intensity - it does not decrease with changes in body position or coughing. Pancreatitis is accompanied by the following symptoms:

    • nausea;
    • repeated vomiting;
    • severe intoxication (blueness of the face and body, marble leather abdomen, small hemorrhages on the sides and around the navel).

    Sharp pain under the right ribs in the area of ​​the scapula and collarbone occurs when pus accumulates under the diaphragm ( subphrenic abscess). The pain intensifies with coughing and sneezing, sudden movements, breathing; relief occurs when lying on the right side. Associated symptoms:

    • fever;
    • intoxication of the body.

    A sharp pain between the ribs, which is felt at the slightest touch to the skin, is characteristic of herpes zoster - viral disease, which manifests itself in the form of painful rashes on the skin along the nerves affected by the virus (most often in the intercostal part). Before the rash appears, a person may feel aching pain in the right or left hypochondrium, weakness, and fever.

    Dull, aching pain under the ribs on the right

    A nagging, dull aching pain in the right hypochondrium indicates chronic liver diseases that provoke its enlargement (hepatitis). In addition, this may be a sign of the formation of malignant and benign tumors.

    In addition to dull and nagging pain, the following are observed:

    Also, a dull aching pain can be a symptom of the following diseases:

    • polycystic right kidney;
    • malignant tumors lung, gallbladder, kidney, pancreas;
    • inflammation of the small intestine;
    • inflammation of the appendages (in women).

    Stitching pain on the right under the ribs

    Stitching pain under the right ribs, which intensifies when coughing and taking a deep breath, is characteristic of right-sided pneumonia. Often the pain spreads over the entire right side, and exact time Its occurrence is quite difficult to name. Associated symptoms:

    • elevated temperature;
    • shortness of breath;
    • pale blue nasolabial triangle;
    • constipation and diarrhea;
    • herpetic eruptions on the right side.

    Pain in the right hypochondrium behind

    Pain under the ribs on the right back indicates problems with the kidney and pancreas.

    With inflammation of the kidneys, the patient experiences Pasternatsky syndrome: severe pain when a light blow is struck with the edge of the palm on the lower rib from behind. With renal colic, pain in the right hypochondrium has an intense paroxysmal character and torments to such an extent that the person cannot be at rest and constantly changes his position. With urolithiasis, pain spreads throughout the spine to the lower back.

    Pain under the right rib with inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) occurs suddenly, has a girdling nature, and its intensity does not change.

    The causes of inflammation of the pancreas can be alcohol abuse and fatty foods, metabolic disorders, complications after operations, and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

    Pain in the right hypochondrium anteriorly

    If the pain radiates to the front of the ribs, then this is the cause of the following diseases:

    • Lungs (pneumonia, inflammation).
    • Gallbladder (acute or chronic cholecystitis).
    • Liver (hepatitis, fatty degeneration cells, cirrhosis, tumors).
    • Duodenum and stomach (erosions, peptic ulcers, gastritis).

    When the lungs are affected, the pain in the right hypochondrium is stabbing, it becomes stronger when inhaling or coughing, and is also accompanied by typical symptoms fever (temperature, weakness), which distinguishes it from other diseases of the internal organs of the right hypochondrium.

    With gallbladder diseases, severe pain is felt in the epigastric region and in the right shoulder blade. In acute cholecystitis, pain moves to the lower part of the right hypochondrium.

    If the pain under the right rib is aching or dull, then this indicates liver disease. As a rule, it is accompanied by signs of jaundice ( yellowish color skin and whites of the eyes), with the exception of benign tumors.

    For stomach ulcers and duodenum the pain is localized in the anterior part of the right and left hypochondrium, flowing into the back and lower back. They dull slightly when pressed, so the patient feels relief while lying on his stomach or squatting.

    Pain in the lower right hypochondrium

    Pain on the right side below the ribs is a sign of inflammation:

    • intestines (namely the appendix). The first sign of appendicitis is acute sharp pain in the right side. The nature of the pain indicates a possible rupture of the appendix, so you should immediately consult a doctor.
    • right kidney. Basically, with renal colic, the pain does not have a clear localization and spreads throughout the right hypochondrium, including the spine and lower back.
    • duodenum and stomach - with an ulcer, pain moves down the right hypochondrium from the epigastric region.

    In addition, pain on the right under the ribs can occur in completely healthy person when moving. This happens when people are exposed to stress that is unusual for them. In the vena cava, which runs under the lower right ribs, blood flow increases and it swells. Pain can also occur with sudden bending and turning, when internal organs come into contact with the rib bones.

    Pain in the right hypochondrium front can be both acute and chronic and can manifest itself in one form or another in 30% of the adult population.

    In most cases, pain and symptoms are observed when internal organs located in this anatomical area are affected.

    Most often this can be a pathology:

    1. Liver.
    2. Gallbladder.
    3. Curvature of the colon.
    4. Right half.
    5. In some cases, irradiation from the right kidney or adrenal gland is possible.

    Somewhat less frequently, pain can be caused by pathology of the duodenum, vena cava, head of the pancreas, which are located in this area.

    It should be remembered that the cause of pain in the right side under the ribs may not always be a pathological condition. Symptoms may even occur in completely healthy people.

    If a person is not used to it, he may feel stabbing and pain in the right side due to hard work or intense sports. The pain usually occurs in front under the right rib and is stabbing in nature. The occurrence of this symptom is associated with the active release of adrenaline.

    The result is a decrease in tone bile ducts, which are located on the right under the rib and excessive stretching of them by accumulated bile. At the same time, the liver is intensively filled with blood and its capsule is stretched, causing discomfort. Such pain can radiate from the right side to the back area. It often develops during minor physical activity during pregnancy.

    Symptoms may be caused by a large amount of solid food. That is why after you have eaten a hearty meal, it is strictly not recommended to run long distances or do push-ups.

    Breathing disorders

    Sometimes cause dull pain in the abdomen on the right side there may be a spastic contraction of the diaphragm muscles. It can be felt at the height of inhalation or exhalation. There may be a tingling sensation in the right side when coughing. This pain is usually short-lived and may be somewhat relieved by pressing on the hypochondrium area. After the depth and rhythm of breathing are restored - symptoms disappears quickly enough.

    Pain in the right side in women

    IN last days menstrual cycle in women a violation may occur hormonal balance. This leads to spasm of the bile ducts and the appearance of sharp pain in the right side under the ribs, which can radiate to the back. These symptoms may disappear on their own as a result of harmonization of the endocrine balance.

    Worsening of the condition with premenstrual syndrome can be triggered by taking hormonal contraceptives.

    Development of pregnancy

    Sometimes the appearance of cutting or stabbing pain in the right side may be due to the physiological characteristics of a woman during pregnancy. Often such women complain that they have pressure in their right side, especially when sitting or lying down. Discomfort may increase after eating a large meal.

    On advanced pregnancy the size of the uterus increases several tens of times. The enlarged uterus puts pressure on the internal organs that are located nearby. In addition, discomfort on the right side under the rib during pregnancy can be caused by stretching of the ligaments that hold the uterus. This condition does not pose a health hazard expectant mother However, during pregnancy it is recommended to reduce physical activity and do quiet activities more often. walks in the fresh air.

    Pathological causes

    Besides physiological reasons, the following diseases can cause pain on the right side under the rib:

    1. Liver diseases of both infectious and non-infectious nature - hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, hepatosis, malignant neoplasms.
    2. Heart diseases that are accompanied by circulatory failure in a large circle - myocarditis, heart defects, abdominal form of myocardial infarction.
    3. Gallbladder diseases and biliary tract.
    4. Pathology of the colon.
    5. Pathological changes in right half diaphragm.
    6. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and nervous system- injuries to the lower ribs, shingles.
    7. Acute surgical pathology of the abdominal cavity, which is also called “Acute abdomen” or abdominal catastrophe. These diseases include complications of gastric and duodenal ulcers, appendicitis, peritonitis, etc.
    8. Some forms of thrombosis of the inferior vena cava.
    9. Abdominal wall hernia or hiatus aperture.

    Acute pain in the right hypochondrium

    Sharp sharp pain shingles may be one of the first manifestations of acute pancreatitis. The intensity does not change when the body position in space changes or when coughing. Pain with pancreatitis is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, signs of severe intoxication.

    Pain in the area right hypochondrium may be due to the formation of a subphrenic abscess. In this situation, pus accumulates under the dome of the diaphragm. The pain may increase with coughing, sudden movements, or deep breathing. The disease is accompanied by signs of general severe intoxication, decreased blood pressure and increased heart rate.

    If sharp pain occurs at the slightest touching the skin– this could be a sign of shingles. This is a viral disease that manifests itself in the form skin rashes, very painful or itchy. In addition to the rash, body temperature may rise and pain may appear in the right hypochondrium.

    Acute stabbing pain, which increases with inhalation or coughing, may be a symptom of acute right-sided pneumonia. The disease is accompanied by fever, shortness of breath, pallor and cyanosis of the skin.

    In acute cholecystitis, pain can radiate to the right scapula and move to the right iliac region.

    Dull aching pain

    Most often, a dull aching pain in the hypochondrium on the right is caused by chronic liver diseases, most often hepatitis or various kinds tumors. In addition to pain, the patient develops jaundice, circulatory disorders, and liver failure.

    In addition to liver diseases, dull or aching pain in the hypochondrium can be caused by:

    1. Polycystic kidney disease.
    2. Malignant neoplasms.
    3. Inflammatory phenomena in the spleen, splenomegaly.
    4. Inflammatory processes in the small intestine.
    5. Inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs.

    If paroxysmal pain is caused by peptic ulcer stomach or duodenum, it may become less intense with pressure at the level of the epigastrium and right hypochondrium.

    Diagnostic stages for pain under the rib on the right

    Whatever the cause and nature of the pain, establish accurate diagnosis can only be done by a qualified specialist. Diagnosis of a patient with pain in the right hypochondrium consists of several stages:

    1. Carefully questioning the patient and taking anamnesis.

    2. Examination of the patient, his general condition, skin color, mucous membranes.

    3. Palpation – manual examination of the affected area of ​​the body. Perhaps enlarged liver or spleen, pain in the projection of the gallbladder.

    4. Laboratory and instrumental research methods.

    Based on the data obtained, the doctor makes a decision on treatment options in an inpatient or outpatient setting.

    Basic methods of treatment and prevention

    Only a specialist should prescribe treatment for pain in the right hypochondrium. You should not try to self-medicate. It is possible to relieve acute pain only by taking antispasmodic drugs or nitroglycerin.

    It is not recommended to apply a warm heating pad to the sore spot yourself. It is permissible to apply an ice pack to short time. If applying cold does not bring relief, it is better to remove the ice pack.

    When such serious symptoms If you experience nausea and vomiting, call a doctor immediately. Very often treatment must be emergency surgical intervention.

    If the disease is chronic and the diagnosis is already known, you can use the means traditional medicine. In particular, you can drink a decoction of potatoes, rose hips, and a tincture of honey and cinnamon.

    So that pain in the right hypochondrium does not end in emergency surgery, it is necessary to take timely precautions:

    1. Must be completed annually preventive examination, do an ultrasound and, if chronic diseases are detected, take timely measures.
    2. Stick to balanced nutrition, give up alcohol and tobacco, fatty foods.

    If you experience discomfort, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    A symptom like pain in the right side under the rib, manifests itself in approximately a third of the world's population. Pain syndrome can be periodic or acute and have various causes. Some of them require urgent medical attention, so it is important to understand what causes the pain and what curative measures needs to be done.

    Pain under the ribs can have a different nature. Most often the reasons for its occurrence are pathological processes , including diseases of the gallbladder, biliary tract, edema, liver diseases. These organs are located in the hypochondrium and any disruption of their functioning leads to pain. It is important to immediately determine the nature and location of pain, and take timely measures to treat the disease.

    Pain under the ribs on the right: how it occurs, symptoms

    The causes of acute or dull pain in the rib area can be various factors, but most of them talk about the development of a serious pathology that threatens the patient’s life. If acute pain occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor, and if the following symptoms urgent medical attention is required:

    • dull, aching pain in the right side;
    • sharp, sharp pain appearing in the right hypochondrium;
    • periodic stabbing pains that occur when moving can be accompanied by nausea and last no more than half an hour (this syndrome indicates that the organ is strangulated).

    Pain may be caused severe bruise for various injuries. Externally, this will be manifested by bruises or abrasions on the chest. In this case, consulting a doctor is also mandatory.

    Causes of pain in the right side under the ribs

    The main causes of pain in the right hypochondrium are:

    • gastrointestinal diseases;
    • pathologies of the gallbladder, including cholecystitis in the acute or chronic stage, hepatic colic, biliary dyskinesia;
    • enlargement of the spleen, liver, injuries to these organs;
    • pathologies of the duodenum, stomach, including gastritis, ulcerative changes, malignant neoplasms;
    • liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis, cancer);
    • some diseases of the pancreas (pancreatitis in the acute or chronic stage, cancer, pain can be localized on the left side, but radiates to the right);
    • pathologies of neuroendocrine regulation;
    • tuberculosis, chronic malaria;
    • immune disorders, including systemic lupus erythematosus;
    • septic pathologies;
    • hemolytic anemia;
    • leukemia, lymphoma, other hemoblastic pathologies;
    • infectious mononucleosis;
    • gastralgic form of myocardial infarction;
    • peritoneal hematomas;
    • dry pleurisy, right-sided pneumonia, malignant neoplasms and other lung pathologies;
    • subphrenic abscess;
    • urolithiasis, glomerulonephritis in any form, acute, chronic pyelonephritis.

    In addition, pain can be caused by postoperative complications and other chronic diseases affecting the hypochondrium area.

    All these pathologies have their own characteristic features, which allows you to accurately determine the cause of their formation and begin proper treatment.

    When determining the cause of pain in the front under the ribs, these factors are taken into account:

    • nature of the pain syndrome ( constant pain, paroxysmal, aching, girdling, shooting, sharp, dull);
    • accompanying symptoms (vomiting, nausea, fever);
    • is there a transition painful sensations on other organs, for example, on the scapula, in the subclavian region;
    • is there a precise localization of pain (in front or behind under the ribs, on the right or left, in the middle);
    • strength of pain (moderate, weak, strong, unbearable, feeling of heaviness);
    • the original reasons that caused the pain (trauma, hypothermia, food, etc.);
    • the presence of factors that reduce discomfort (heat, various compresses, analgesics, changes in body position);
    • factors that increase pain (deep breathing, changing body position, coughing, sneezing, excessively sudden movements);
    • pattern of pain (morning, daytime, night pain, on an empty or full stomach).

    Timely diagnosis and correct diagnosis will eliminate the risk of complications.

    Acute pain syndrome in the right hypochondrium in the middle front

    Pain on the right side under the ribs may occur due to various reasons. The sensations vary - from nagging and aching pain to the so-called dagger syndrome. These are very sharp, almost unbearable pains that appear with a perforated ulcer of the duodenum or stomach. This pain feels similar to the penetration of a sharp object into the stomach, which is where its name comes from. The patient strives to assume the fetal position to reduce pain; the skin acquires a gray tint.

    The initial localization of pain is in the pit of the stomach, but gradually it shifts to right side hypochondrium, which is associated with the distribution of stomach contents throughout the abdominal cavity. The pain periodically subsides, but then increases with new strength. Absence timely treatment may result in the development of peritonitis and, as a consequence, the death of the patient.

    When visiting a doctor, the patient’s general condition is assessed, diagnostics are carried out, and the medical history is analyzed. Perforated ulcer usually characterized by a long history of ulcers and exacerbation of a pre-ulcerative condition, manifested by nausea and severe pain in the abdomen. Exceptions are polytrauma, postoperative period, acute ulcer.

    Severe pain in the lower right hypochondrium in front

    Acute cholecystitis is characterized by severe pain in the area of ​​the right lower hypochondrium, which radiates to the supraclavicular region, neck and under the right shoulder blade. The pain syndrome is very intense, the patient cannot find a place for himself, as the pain continues to ache in any position of the body. As the condition worsens, concomitant symptoms appear such as increased pain when lying on the right side, pronounced febrile state, constant vomiting, yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes.

    The inflammatory process can be confused with hepatic colic, in which a stone moves through the bile ducts. The symptoms are similar, but vomiting is absent, as is the appearance of high fever. Antispasmodics are effective for hepatic colic, but for acute cholecystitis they will not provide analgesic results. In this case, emergency hospitalization is necessary, since such a condition is considered extremely dangerous to the patient’s life. Treatment is prescribed after examination, self-administration medicines without contacting a specialist is prohibited.

    Sharp pain under the ribs

    If there is pain on the right under the rib in front, and the pain is sharp and has a girdling character, and not a point localization, then this symptom indicates pancreatitis. During this disease, pain occurs suddenly and quickly spreads to the area under the shoulder blades along the upper half of the abdomen. But the intensity does not increase when inhaling, coughing, or changing body position. The patient can lie on either side, but the pain will not increase or decrease.

    TO associated symptoms include nausea and repeated vomiting, especially when trying to take food or liquid. After vomiting, the pain remains and may intensify over time. Active development of the disease is observed after drinking alcohol in large quantities, with frequent and abundant consumption of fatty, sweet foods. Basically, such a pathology develops after the holidays, with intemperance in food.

    Acute pancreatitis requires immediate appeal to the doctor and hospitalization. If no action is taken in a timely manner, the disease can turn into a threat to the patient’s life.

    Sharp pain when inhaling in the front middle under the ribs

    Sharp, severe pain on the right or left side indicates the development of a pathology such as subphrenic abscess. With any movements - sneezing, deep breathing, coughing, the pain intensifies and becomes sharp, and can also spread under the shoulder blade and into the collarbone area. The general condition of the patient resembles malaise due to poisoning of the body, and may be accompanied by fever and an increase in temperature up to +38 degrees.

    The main cause of this disease is complications after surgery. Pathology also develops as a result of abdominal trauma, as a complication acute cholecystitis, appendicitis, inflammation of liver tissue.

    Side pain due to severe injuries to the spleen and liver

    Often with complex injuries to the liver or spleen, the right side hurts under the ribs. This is caused by rupture or crushing of organs due to various mechanical influences.

    Such pathologies lead to complex disorders and require immediate surgical intervention. Also, organ ruptures can result from an enlarged spleen, impaired blood circulation, and cirrhosis of the liver. If you suspect such pathologies, you should immediately contact a specialist who will accurately identify the problem and prescribe treatment.

    Stitching pain in the right side under the ribs that occurs when coughing and inhaling

    Stitching pain under the right rib when inhaling or coughing is a sign of pathology of the diaphragmatic part of the pleura. This complication characterizes the development of inflammatory processes in the right lung. In this case, the pain can descend downwards, causing defensive reaction abdominal cavity. With such symptoms, an urgent visit to the doctor is necessary and accurate diagnosis, since such pain syndrome is often confused with an attack of acute appendicitis and surgical intervention is prescribed. In this situation, surgery may have the most negative consequences for human life.

    • Beginning and development;
    • Localization and migration;
    • Duration;
    • Intensity and character;
    • Relationship with specific causes of enhancement and relief.

    At classical development right hypochondrium syndrome, patients are bothered by aching pain under the right rib coupled with a feeling of heaviness.

    Diagnosis of diseases begins with the simplest. First of all, you should pay attention to traumatic factors. Perhaps this pain is caused by a fracture or severe bruise in the right side of the chest. Sometimes pain appears much later than the injury. Delayed occurrence is due to the formation of a hematoma with its further destruction. A similar manifestation of right hypochondrium syndrome is observed with liver injuries. First, organ tissue ruptures and bleeding under the capsule occurs, then blood breaks through it, and an acute abdomen develops.

    The localization of pain is of great importance, having determined it, one can assume the pathology of certain internal organs.

    Pain under the right rib in front

    The most common cause of pain under the right rib is pathology of the biliary tract. Bile is produced in the liver, then it is transported to the gallbladder, where it is concentrated. Bile acids are released into the intestines on demand, after eating. When cystic duct narrowed or blocked, pain appears after eating spicy, smoked, fried foods. This is due to the increased need of the digestive organs for bile acids, which are necessary for processing fatty foods. Diseases in which there is pain in the right hypochondrium in front are associated with pathology of the biliary tract:

    • Cholecystitis – inflammation of the bladder walls;
    • Gallstone disease;
    • Qualitative changes in the composition of bile: sludge and cholesterosis;
    • Inflammatory changes in the intestines, leading to spasm or swelling of the mouth of the bile duct - common bile duct.

    Cholecystitis, like any inflammatory process, is necessarily accompanied by aching pain under the right rib. The formed gall bladder stones block the duct, pain is caused by its blockage. When small stones form, they move freely along the ducts, irritating pain receptors. If there are large stones in the cavity of the gallbladder, they cannot create a barrier, but contribute to the formation of bedsores. In such cases, pain becomes constant and often intensifies when changing body position.

    Increased liver size in various diseases: from acute and chronic hepatitis to leukemia and cancer - also provokes the development of pain in the right hypochondrium. The painful area in such cases extends to the axillary lines.

    Pain under the right rib from behind

    Pain in the right hypochondrium from the back can be associated with both gallbladder diseases and pulmonary pathology. Moreover, both states are not much different. With right-sided pneumonia, aching pain also occurs under the right rib, and damage to the liver and gallbladder is accompanied by increased pain during breathing movements. But with the inflammatory process in the lung, no increase is observed after eating.

    A fairly common cause of pain under the right rib behind is kidney pathology - pyelonephritis or kidney stones. Right kidney is located under the liver, so the pain receptor field reacts equally to both the pathology of the gallbladder and the stretching of the renal capsule.

    Quite often, pain appears under the right rib in women with the development of right-sided inflammation of the uterine appendages. Especially if it is caused by sexually transmitted diseases. Gonococci and chlamydia cause a sluggish inflammatory process, which is characterized by the formation of extensive adhesive process, which involves big oil seal and hepatic capsule. They grow together, which provokes pain in the right hypochondrium, which is chronic.

    Rare causes of pain in the right hypochondrium

    In addition to helminthic infestations, chronic appendicular infiltration or acute inflammation vermiform appendix with its retrocervical location.

    Sharp pain under the right rib

    Sudden stabbing pain under the right rib occurs in people who play sports or perform intense activities. physical activity. This condition is defined in medicine as hepatic pain syndrome. At first, a sharp pain occurs under the right rib after a single overload, then the situation repeats. The mechanism of pain in athletes' liver syndrome is associated with emergency combustion of glycogen, the reserves of which are located in the liver cells. When liver glycogen is used up, they turn on muscle mechanisms anaerobic glycolysis - the so-called “second wind” opens. With further stress in an unprepared person, pain in the right hypochondrium is complemented by a similar one on the left side. This is due to the release of blood reserves from the spleen.

    Stitching pain under the right rib in women of childbearing age

    During ovulation, not only the appearance of an egg occurs, but also the release of follicular fluid into the abdominal cavity. Irritation of the peritoneum is transmitted through the vagus nerve, which has several celiac plexuses, the most sensitive of which is located near the liver. This causes a sharp pain under the right rib that lasts no more than a few minutes. Pain syndrome during ovulation is typical for women suffering from chronic inflammation appendages.

    Pain in the right hypochondrium may appear with premenstrual syndrome caused by hormonal disorders.

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