Nervousness as a symptom of various diseases. Excessive irritability, manifestations and methods of dealing with Increased nervousness

“Infuriating!”, “I’m sick of it!” - these are not statements from a misanthrope, but quite popular phrases of the human lexicon. How to get rid of nervousness? What to do if you have increased nervousness?

Nervousness and irritability due to hormones

You know, of course, that hormones are often blamed for mood and emotions. There is some truth here, and even a very significant one. And in the play “Besit” the main roles are given to this company.

Progesterone and estrogen are female sex hormones. Their proportional ratio and level change during the cycle. Hormones give you some intense sensations, such as PMS. More precisely, they are not at all. Emotions are a reaction to hormonal changes from the CNS (central nervous system). Have you ever wondered why many women experience PMS relatively calmly, but for some, life becomes unpleasant? The first ones are lucky individuals, and that’s not all that matters. “If the central nervous system reacts to changes in hormones so painfully, then there are problems in the body,” explained Yuri Poteshkin (endocrinologist). - For example, with a lack of serotonin, which is released during joyful moments, mood is constantly suppressed. Or the pain before menstruation and other sensations in the body are so unpleasant that they are very annoying.” The conclusion is this: with pronounced PMS, you need to go to the gynecologist. He will be able to prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs, COCs, or send you to a psychotherapist.

Thyroid hormones - thyroid hormones. When a lot of them are produced, nervousness, aggressiveness, harshness, and outbursts of anger arise. When the level of these hormones reaches a limit, thyrotoxicosis appears - poisoning of the body with a large amount of hormones. Fortunately, it usually doesn’t come to this; the patient is intercepted earlier. He, however, manages to show himself well in his glory. “An important point: the person himself feels great. His mood is high. People around him are more likely to complain about him,” Yuri said. Accordingly, if various people often say phrases to you, such as: “It’s impossible to deal with you,” or “You’re unbearable,” contact an endocrinologist. Symptoms can serve as an additional boost: weight loss, regular fever, nails become brittle, hair loss. A lack of magnesium in the body, by the way, can also cause irritability and nervousness. You shouldn’t prescribe it for yourself (allergic reactions and side effects have been recorded, plus interactions with other medications need to be taken into account), but if something happens, you can get tested and consult a doctor.

It's all about fatigue

So-called fatigue is a fairly common thing today. Perfectionists, managers, and workaholics are accustomed to living exhaustively, ignoring their own physiological needs, while skimping on sleep and food. How can you not be nervous? “This can gradually lead to exhaustion of the body and develop asthenia - a painful condition in which increased nervousness and irritability occurs (further drowsiness, apathy, lethargy, and sometimes anxiety-depressive symptoms appear),” says Alexander Gravchikov, a neurologist. If rest does not help in this state, you need to go to the doctor and begin an examination: there is a possibility that you are being undermined by some kind of chronic, sluggish disease, or that mental pathology is developing.

By the way, be careful with sedatives. “Even harmless valerian can cause side effects, including liver dysfunction, blood clots, and indigestion,” the doctor continues, “instead of a calming effect in hypertension, apathy will occur. In general, you shouldn’t make any decisions or medications on your own.”

Everything is annoying because of the psyche

Everything is fine with your health, there is no psychopathology, but still you live like on a volcano? Victoria Chal-Boriu (teacher, researcher, psychologist) gives this definition of your emotions: “To enrage means to cause an extreme level of anger in someone.” As Victoria explains, the latter is necessary in order to build and regulate relationships with people, establish connections, protect themselves and survive. If you are angry about something, it means that it is important to you. And this feeling is the power to somehow adapt something meaningful to oneself, use it better, integrate it, or vice versa, push it further away. “Then the extreme level of anger may indicate that one of the above-mentioned processes, some kind of need, has been launched.” Irritability is about relationships in many ways, so you need to remember about them too.

It’s natural to be angry, in principle. Especially if you do this in a society of people - and there are also a lot of demands on an individual. Plus, aggression and rudeness are everywhere: “We reach the point of rage when we endure for a long time, unconsciously and consciously: we don’t know how to do otherwise, we miss early signals from the psyche and don’t decide how to cope with what doesn’t suit us,” says Vika. - there are people who do not hesitate. I don’t like something right away - I trampled, moved, shouted, hit. It's easier for such people. Relationships for them are not a valuable thing, in principle, or with a specific person. There’s no point in straining yourself here, go to hell - there’s no problem.”

The situation is different if even social connections are important or extremely valuable: let’s say you are terribly afraid of losing your boyfriend or friend. Or your hands are tied, for example, by corporate culture and you can’t send the idiot customer to hell. Then, in order to maintain a relationship, you need to endure, adapt, remain silent in order to be close to someone, otherwise you will lose a lucrative contract, and you will only have to suffer.

“When everyone and everything is annoying, it means that everyone and everything is very necessary, but it’s impossible to take something important from the environment and people. There is a lot of power that has nowhere to be used. It looks like a kind of despair, which is associated with the inability to reach people,” Victoria further says. However, a natural question arises here. And if you, say, snapped at the saleswoman, yelled at the boss, condemned the bastard with his friends who did not call you, this is a clear outburst of energy. “The important thing in anger is how and where to direct it,” the expert retorts. - If only for a good thing. By yelling at your boss, it is unlikely that you will be able to establish contact with him, much less achieve your goal. When a person raises his voice, it discharges and reduces tension. However, everything else remains as before.” A feeling of guilt is also added.

Forgot someone? A manicurist who is interested in the future of your family. It would seem that he means absolutely nothing to you. However, it’s annoying. But with unnecessary people you also have to build relationships and the right distance. It’s possible that you let the manicurist get too close, and she now invades your personal life, comes to your house, sits in a chair and drinks coffee. It is more convenient to discuss such cases with a psychologist at an appointment. Why does everything become so significant? The point may be the lack of close, good relationships: they don’t exist yet, you bring just anyone closer to you.

What to do if everything irritates you

“The beauty of this situation is that you have opportunities and choices, and most importantly, the strength to change everything,” sums up Vika Chal-Boru. She suggests working with it productively. So, if everything is annoying:

  • Stop, sit comfortably, or even lie down.
  • Allow yourself to spend your own time just for yourself (fifteen minutes).
  • Localize your own sensations: trembling, tingling, tension, feelings.
  • Be honest about what and who doesn’t suit you. Don't forget anyone, including the man from the elevator who didn't let you go ahead. Don’t rely on memory, take a piece of paper, the biggest one, and write everything down.
  • Look how wonderful these people are - they will be somewhat similar. Group them according to the degree of rage, or the qualities that offend you.
  • Analyze what type of relationship these groups symbolize, by distance: for example, distant circle, friends, closest circle.
  • The hard part is about to begin. You will have to admit what you would like specifically in each of these types of relationships. And then you need to show responsibility and do something.

For example, crowds in the subway are annoying. This is a distant circle that maliciously invades your life several times a day and during rush hours. What can you want in a relationship like this? Of course, if a bunch of people are moved further away. However, you understand: they won’t move on their own. Choose what you will do: put on headphones, or aggressive clothes - dirty, dirty. Start growling, meditating, pushing at everyone passing by. Or maybe you’ll buy yourself a car or start walking. In the end, you'll just change your job.

In the circle of neighbors, the settings are more subtle, although there may be similar needs. Zoom in or move out? Should you protect your borders from invasion or make the closest contact? Decide for yourself. Tolerate and ignore, approach and take risks, be interested in your partner, or maybe ask him not to do something? Finally, tell your husband: let him give you flowers once a month or pick up your child from kindergarten. Or take a risk and discuss with him what doesn’t suit you about sex. At worst, ask his mother to convey something important: she is not your family.

Partners and colleagues. Professional relationships are a separate sphere, with special rules and type of distance. However, you can still choose whether or not to follow these rules, while realizing that this is your sole responsibility. There are options: get mad and obey, accept and obey, negotiate possible changes in working conditions and obey.

If you want to enter into a relationship, be in one, make up your mind and take a risk - start approaching people. Pay attention to them, note for yourself how different they are, be interested, be curious, invite them to communicate. Rest assured, your body movements will not go unnoticed.

When you have already begun to take all these responsible actions, observe whether anything is changing around you, and try not to immediately devalue what is happening. The phrases: “I do, I do everything, but nothing happens” quickly return you to your original state and save you from the changes that are taking place. Perhaps that's what you need? Sometimes it is better to be angry than to endure changes in your own life. And this is also your decision.

Nervousness is a natural reaction of the human body to unknown or frightening situations; This unpleasant emotional state has a spectrum of manifestation from mild to extensive feelings of excitement and internal trembling in the body. Although a certain amount of anxiety has a positive impact on a person's overall performance, the condition becomes a problem at the point where it begins to slow down thoughts and disrupt normal daily life.

Irritability is an increase in psycho-emotional excitability, to a certain extent, a tendency to negative reactions towards oneself and the people around you. A person becomes hot-tempered, aggressive, unfriendly, and has a pessimistic view of certain things (even if the outburst of emotions is not caused by them).

The characteristics of the behavior of an irritated person depend on the individual characteristics of the structure of the nervous system and are predetermined by the living environment: factors such as unsettled personal life, lack of financial wealth, exacerbation of a chronic disease, difficulties at work.

Tearfulness is a high predisposition to react emotionally to various circumstances, accompanied by crying to any minor event (even of a positive meaning), which indicates the presence of a psycho-emotional disorder and is caused by neurological instability. Most often, women and children are obsessed with tearfulness. A “deplorable mood” is accompanied by numerous other symptoms, such as depressed mood, drowsiness, apathy, reluctance to communicate; in children, the condition can develop into aggression and rage, requiring increased attention from adults.

What does it look like from the outside

Nervousness in children manifests itself in whims - the child demands that his requests be satisfied immediately: buy the toy he likes, a delicacy, an item. In adults, this condition can develop due to minor failures on the personal front or at work, or against the background of computer addiction - an attempt to distract from the game causes anger (which means the person suffers from gambling addiction).

Knowing that another person is predisposed to tearfulness and irritability, it becomes necessary to choose words during communication, since any carelessly spoken remark can upset the interlocutor, causing a psycho-emotional outburst.

In some cases, from the outside it may seem that a person began to cry for no reason, but the basis for such a reaction may be the memory of certain events.

Irritable people often do not control their emotions: later they may regret their words and actions, but emotional arousal occurs in one moment - the irritant can be criticism, comment or expression of another person's opinion.

Complex of provoking causes and factors

Often the development of nervousness and irritability is caused by basic mental disorders - social anxiety or. Quitting the abuse of strong and narcotic substances can also provoke this condition.

Neurological pathologies, such as previous illness, exacerbations of chronic diseases and taking certain groups of medications that cause irritability as a side effect, contribute.

Although, of all the reasons why the nervous system malfunctions, the leading ones are difficulties in professional activities and personal life. Stress at work, peer pressure, uncertainty in relationships, parenting issues - all this makes a person experience psycho-emotional stress.

In children, nervousness occurs against the background of pathologies such as schizophrenia, autism, and impaired production of growth hormone.

In men, irritability and aggression are often caused by an acquired pathology characterized by dementia, as well as schizophrenia, depression, alcoholism, drug addiction, and disturbances in the production of sex hormones and biologically active substances produced by the thyroid gland.

In women, nervousness and excessive irritability can be caused by gynecological disease, endocrine system disorders, hormonal imbalance, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland or menopause, mental exhaustion, as well as lack of fulfillment in intimate terms.

Unpleasant sensations can be observed as a result of emotional stress, being in a stressful situation, with pathological changes in the brain, due to hormonal imbalance.

Concomitant symptoms provide a chance for a correct diagnosis

Severe nervousness and aggression, as a symptom, do not always develop independently - it can be complicated by other phenomena:

  • fatigue;
  • frequent;
  • redness of the facial skin;
  • nausea, which often occurs after being in transport.

Severe nervousness and anxiety, as a symptom, manifests itself as follows:

Relaxation methods

Yoga, meditation, and auto-training will help you cope with anger and irritability.

People who practice Eastern techniques for stabilizing mental balance do not experience nervousness and irritation. At the peak of anger, it is advisable to rinse your face with cold water, drink a glass of a cooling drink or take a contrast shower - this will allow you to get rid of the accumulated negativity and solve the problem calmly.

If anger arises due to a simple misunderstanding of the interlocutor, it is important to change the direction of thinking and understand that the opinions of two people do not have to coincide.

If your emotional state contradicts active sports (depression, high predisposition to panic attacks), a relaxing massage will help. The use of a decoction of medicinal herbs will provide a sedative effect, but the use of any medication must be agreed with a doctor.

To combat increased excitability and achieve stress resistance, you need to learn special breathing exercises. The fact that irritation occurs when the trouble that has happened is given importance is a fact: at the moment of anger, you need to “lower” the level of significance of force majeure and it will be easier to find a way out of the situation.


To eliminate nervousness, it is necessary to reconsider your attitude towards others; if there is such a need, then you need to change your place of work.

Normalizing your sleep schedule will increase stress resistance, stabilize hormonal levels, and stopping the consumption of strong and energy drinks will prevent the accumulation of toxins in the body’s tissues.

Anger can be made a motivator for sports activities, where the release of energy is directed in the right direction, and not at people around.

Diet, nutrition

One of the reasons for the development of aggression and anger is a deficiency of vitamin B. You can compensate for the missing element through proper nutrition - it is important to include fermented milk products, nuts, buckwheat, beef liver, and legumes in the menu.

To increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood, you need to eat apples, spinach, and pomegranate.

If you suffer from insomnia

Two pathological phenomena - insomnia and nervousness - contribute to the development of each other. To treat insomnia caused by neuroticism, the doctor prescribes sleeping pills. They are available by prescription only.

Aromatherapy is an effective way to calm down and fall asleep: by inhaling vapors of medicinal herbs or essential oils, you can stabilize the psycho-emotional background.

How to help a child?

In children, nervousness is treated by eliminating intellectual stress, normalizing the quality of nutrition and duration of sleep. It is necessary to find an optimal and useful hobby for your child, replacing constant stay at the computer with spending time in the fresh air, active games, and traveling.

Since medications are used only in cases of severe aggression, an alternative would be evening water procedures in combination with drinking warm milk - this calms and relaxes the child’s body.

A nervous system disorder caused by childhood loneliness is a signal for parents: make sure that the child does not feel like an outcast and is able to establish friendly relationships.

Normalization of the condition during pregnancy

Tearfulness and tearfulness during pregnancy are a common condition. For a pregnant woman, it is extremely important to have proper nutrition, walks fresh air and aromatherapy.

Traditional treatment, and especially drug treatment, is dangerous for the health of the expectant mother and the child’s body.

The use of mint candies will bring benefits - it is also an antiemetic.

A special situation requires restriction from negativity - a woman can make a list of things and events that give her pleasant emotions, and gradually, on a daily basis, carry them out.

In some cases, it is difficult to prevent the development of nervousness, because sometimes irritants act spontaneously, for example, in the sphere of work or personal life. Then you can help yourself through auto-training, the practice of positive thinking, breathing exercises and massage.

If there is an unresolved problem, then it is advisable to make an appointment with a psychologist: this will allow you to avoid mental anxiety and related phenomena.

It is important to undergo a medical examination in a timely manner and eliminate pathological processes at an early stage of their development.

The modern non-stop bustle often drives us into a state of rage. Everything around is annoying, stressful and doesn’t allow you to sleep peacefully. Any little thing gets on our nerves, and we are already starting up half a turn. If you apply these words to yourself and are increasingly running to the pharmacy for a sedative, then the advice of psychologists will definitely come in handy.

Often the cause of nervousness lies deep under a layer of life circumstances. Some are constantly irritated by the commanding tone of their superiors, others are unnerved by questions on a personal topic, and still others cannot stand the unknown. Personal failures, dislike, lies, mistrust, jealousy, haste lead to aggravation of the situation. A nervous person often lacks the ability to correctly assess circumstances and make the right decision. This prevents him from living and reacting adequately to the world around him. And the circle closes, closing the possibility of normal life and existence. But, as psychologists have found, you can find a way out of this circle.
Advice from psychologists for nervousness
There is an effective and popular way to achieve this. The essence of the method is imitation. In this case, a person plays out a difficult situation in advance and changes his behavior at this time. Imitating a positive reaction in response to an action that is known to cause nervousness allows you to learn how to use this in everyday life. The more creative you are in using this technique, the more likely you are to get rid of nervousness. For example, if at work this unpleasant feeling is caused by your boss or an employee in a higher position, then imagine yourself as an extremely important person and apply this role to yourself, live it, play it. And then communicate with them from the perspective of that role. You may not be very successful the first time. Don’t despair, training will bear fruit, the main thing is not to interrupt it. You need to try to play out all the situations that cause you anxiety and nervousness. Over time, using the new behavior will become a habit, and you will stop worrying unnecessarily.
Character or control?
Many people attribute nervousness to their character, convincing themselves and others that this is so. However, we have to disappoint you - this is your personal expression of will. A person is quite capable of controlling himself. Nervousness is a way to express your dissatisfaction or hide shortcomings, or rather even complexes. We need to get rid of this. So, you feel irritable and start to get nervous. Don't wait for the situation to worsen. If this is a conversation, go out and be alone with yourself, shout alone, release negative energy. There is no need to accumulate it within yourself, otherwise it will sooner or later find a way out. If possible, visit the gym and knock out all your negativity by hitting the punching bag. Any other physical activity will do. By doing this you will not only get rid of bad emotions, but also improve your physical fitness.
Advice for women.
It is probably a little easier for women who take care of themselves to get rid of nervousness. Tips for nervousness are as follows. It is enough to look at yourself in the mirror during a nervous breakdown. As a last resort, ask someone close to you to film this action on a video camera without your noticing. A nervous person is so unpleasant that when you see yourself from the outside, you won’t believe that it was you. This change of view often discourages the desire to irritate yourself and others for a long time. Well, if the situation repeats itself, look through your video archive.
Self-isolation relieves nervousness well. Stay alone with yourself, try to sort out your feelings. Grow in yourself the sprouts of love, kindness, and tolerance towards others. People are imperfect. They, just like you, make mistakes. Forgive them. Forgive yourself. Tune in to a positive wave. If you're nervous, there's a reason for it. Get to the bottom of it. Change your life if necessary, don't let negative emotions rule your life.
Old method.
If you feel like your nerves are on edge, try to distract yourself with something. The good old method is to count to 10. For some, a couple of seconds is enough to stop themselves and take control of the situation. Inhale deeply and exhale calmly, this may need to be done several times. Psychologists have noticed that this method helps almost everyone. The main thing is to have time to restrain yourself at least for a moment.
In this case, an exercise that many actors and athletes have adopted from psychotherapists helps a lot. While talking or waiting, you should sit upright in a chair with your palms on your knees. This helps you gain additional energy and feel confident. If you are moving, relax all parts of your body and move freely, you can even gesture. This will release tension from the body and free up the energy needed to control emotions.
Often the cause of increased nervousness is fear. By paralyzing a person’s ability to control himself and his emotions, it leads to imbalance and drives us crazy. “It’s already hard for me, I’m scared, but here’s another thing. » – the ellipsis can be replaced with any phrase. Almost all of us have experienced this ourselves. Natural fear may be, for example, before an exam, due to the fear of failing the test. In this case, playing out a situation with a negative outcome will help you relax and view the situation objectively. For example, you think you will get a failing grade. What does this mean for you? Retaking the exam. Deduction. Think about what you will do in these cases. Will you go to study the subject again or choose another educational institution? Play it over in your head and forget it. And then tune in to the positive emotions that await you if you succeed. Pleasant, positive. Stop at these sensations, apply them to yourself and let them go as well. You must experience both situations mentally and forget about them. In the end, is what has already happened worth the nervousness? Of course not. Past events do not evoke as many emotions, even if they were just fictional.
There is pathological fear that is not based on a truly dangerous event. This is already a phobia. With such a problem you need to contact a psychotherapist. We hope that our advice from psychologists for increased nervousness will help you.
The most important thing is to be confident in yourself. Don’t doubt, you will overcome everything, you will succeed. Even if at the very beginning of your journey nervousness periodically bothers you, this is not a reason to stop self-improvement and give up. This should be an additional incentive, because only you know what awaits you as a result of this struggle - calm enjoyment of life. It's worth a try for this, isn't it?

What is irritation? Experts describe the condition as a manifestation of negative emotions towards a situation or person. The causes of irritability are varied; it can be a symptom of a disease or a character trait. But outbursts of anger spoil relationships with other people. How to deal with irritability?

Why am I irritated

What do they say about excessive irritability? Irritation and irritability mean increased excitability. A person reacts to any minor situation with anger. Any little thing causes nervousness and irritability. Why is this happening? Let's look at the main causes of irritability.

Features of the nervous system

With choleric temperament, hot temper is not a pathology. Usually such people quickly calm down and can ask for forgiveness for an outburst of anger.

Stressful situation

Irritability sometimes manifests itself when changing jobs, moving, prolonged stress, or chronic lack of sleep. A person may be in a bad mood due to illness or fatigue. As a result, even the calmest people can become nervous and irritated. In most cases, the mood and emotional sphere returns to normal when the life situation improves.

Alcoholism, drug addiction, tobacco addiction

In this case, the person reacts with anger in the absence of a certain substance that causes withdrawal. Increased irritability is associated with a dependence syndrome, which leads to severe physical and emotional discomfort.

Hormonal imbalance

Increased nervousness often occurs during pregnancy, menopause and premenstrual syndrome.

Diseases of internal organs

With any illness, not only fatigue can occur, but also excessive irritability. Symptoms are especially characteristic of thyroid diseases and neurological problems.

Psychological difficulties

  1. Depression. The disease is combined with low mood, fatigue, and insomnia. Sleep disturbances can cause nervousness.
  2. Neuroses. Fatigue, anxiety, symptoms of depression, and constant irritability can be symptoms of neurosis.
  3. Post-traumatic stress disorder. The condition occurs in people who have experienced severe trauma. In addition to apathy, angry reactions, insomnia, nightmares, and obsessive thoughts are observed.
  4. Psychiatric diseases

  5. Schizophrenia. When the disease begins, unexplained irritability and aggression may be the first signs. Schizophrenia is combined with isolation, anger, and suspicion.
  6. Dementia. A disease of old age, people acquire it after a stroke or age-related changes. In young patients, dementia occurs due to infections and severe traumatic brain injuries. Patients with dementia are prone to outbursts of anger, tearfulness, fatigue, and impaired logic, memory and speech. Irritability is combined with anger; patients cannot explain the reason for their anger.

How to deal with irritation?

If severe nervousness and outbursts of anger are interfering with your life and your loved ones are suffering, you should take the advice of specialists. It is important to identify the cause and rule out a serious illness. Sometimes it is the underlying disease that needs to be treated, rather than a single symptom. How to deal with hot temper and irritation?

Close attention to yourself

It is worth paying attention to your body and mood. It's useful to do some analysis. What makes you angry? What situations? It could be hunger, fatigue, discomfort. Psychologists recommend taking into account your physical needs so as not to let dissatisfaction enter your soul.

Physical activity

Outbursts of anger are cured by physical activity. You can combat dissatisfaction with physical exercise and walking. If you devote 20 minutes a day to sports activity, you can reduce the symptoms of depression and irritability.


It can be helpful to keep a diary of your temper. When do they get angry at me? When do I scream? In what situations? How many times a day? It is worth describing the reason for the anger, the reaction of others and yours. After a week, you will be able to understand the big picture and develop a plan to deal with anger.


Relaxation techniques help cope with nervousness. If your mood changes or there is irritation, it is recommended to take a break. Relaxing gymnastics, breathing work, and auto-training help.

Changing dissatisfaction to joy

Changing negative thoughts. Irritability appears when people around you or situations are dissatisfying. “Yes, it’s cold today, but I have the opportunity to watch my favorite movie in the evening.” “There’s a lot of jostling in the minibus, but we got there quickly.” “The child didn’t do his homework, but he cleaned the apartment.” With anger, reality is distorted, everything seems very gloomy. We analyze thoughts and state, change the mood to positive.


Let's learn empathy. Aggression and anger do not go hand in hand with compassion. Psychologists recommend doing something good for offenders. According to research, good deeds remove anger.

And let's not forget about humor! Laughter and jokes help defuse a tense situation. It’s better to laugh than to shout and get angry again.

What else can you do?

Traditional medicine suggests using herbal decoctions and taking baths to combat irritation. The following herbs are soothing:

If the measures taken do not help, and you cannot relieve nervousness on your own, it is recommended to consult a psychologist or doctor. When mood affects performance, fatigue is present, then perhaps the cause of the condition may not be character or fatigue, but complex treatment is necessary.

More and more often we become extremely irritable, embittered, moody, nervous and prone to stress and depression. Chronic fatigue and irritability are usually symptoms of the same nervous system disorder. It is natural that a tired, exhausted person becomes irritated and nervous much faster, even without reason.

Why can a person get irritated? The answer is quite simple - some are not satisfied with their professional working conditions, some have health problems, some cannot resolve problems in their family and personal life. If a person spends a long time in such stressful conditions, then as a result this leads to stress, nervous-emotional tension, and irritation. A disorder of the nervous system also affects a person’s well-being - he becomes very lethargic, apathetic, tired, and pale. Such people may experience chills or fever, increased sweating, and increased heart rate.

Causes of irritability

Other causes of irritability include mental disorders in humans. Such patients get tired very quickly, are prone to nervousness, loss of self-control, and loss of patience. Patients with mental disorders are very easy to lose their temper; it is difficult for them to control themselves and not lash out at others. Irritability in this case can cause harm both to the person himself and to those around him.

People with mental disorders lose their temper very quickly; it is difficult for them to adapt to society and establish relationships with others and close relatives.

Irritability can be congenital, but there are very few such cases and they are more connected with the lifestyle the woman led during pregnancy. If a pregnant woman spent most of her pregnancy in a stressful state, was nervous, and irritated, then the fetal nervous system begins to suffer.

Increased irritability is most often a symptom of physical and mental illness. If the patient cannot calm down after direct contact with the irritant, then in this case it is necessary to consult a doctor to prescribe appropriate treatment. Otherwise, irritability can threaten a nervous breakdown and central nervous system disorder.

To get rid of increased irritability, you must first determine the cause of its occurrence. That is, these could be problems at work, at home, in the family, with friends, etc.

The first and most important advice that psychologists give is good nutrition and long sleep. As a rule, after rest, a person’s brain activity begins to start, therefore, he quickly finds a way out of the existing problem.

If you have a complex, stressful job, then try to alternate mental stress with short physical walks. For those who work at home, the recommendation is the same - work for one hour, breathe fresh air for 15 minutes or do light cleaning.

For full, stable functioning of the body, you need to eat well and follow a drinking regime (you need to drink about 2 liters of clean water per day). It has been proven that clean water has a calming effect on the human nervous system (dehydration, on the contrary, harms the basic vital systems and the functioning of internal organs).

Constant sleep (sleeping from 3 to 6 hours a day) will lead to a state of chronic fatigue within a week or two. The constant desire to sleep causes nervousness, irritability, provokes aggression, and nervous breakdowns on others. Naturally, in such a state it is difficult for a person to establish comfortable relationships both at work and in his personal life. Healthy sleep should last at least 7 hours (and with prolonged sleep deprivation, sometimes even 12 hours of sleep will not be enough for the body to rest).

To treat irritability, it is not recommended to resort to drinking alcohol and other alcoholic beverages; The same warning applies to smoking. Why? Because when smoking and drinking alcohol, the cells of the body (that is, all internal organs, including the brain and heart) are deprived of oxygen. Therefore, gradually, dose by dose, you destroy brain cells.

Alcohol dulls the sense of reality, a person forgets about all the reasons that could cause him irritability. But, at the same time, you risk acquiring a bad habit that is difficult to eradicate. Alcohol leads to depression and the ultimate loss of meaning in life.

Supposedly harmless coffee and tea also contribute to the fact that a person temporarily becomes active and cheerful, but after some time weakness and fatigue make themselves felt again. The maximum amount of coffee you can drink is 2 mugs per day.

Traditional medicine

Traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of irritability, nervousness, stress and depression:

  • Take 1 tsp. seeds, pour 1 cup of boiling water and keep in a warm place for 1 hour. Afterwards, take the infusion as a medicine 4 times a day, 2 tbsp.
  • 1 tbsp. motherwort herbs are mixed with fresh zest of 1 lemon and 250 ml of boiling water. You need to infuse the medicine for 3 hours, take 1 tbsp 3-4 times a day after meals.
  • Therapeutic mixture for increased irritability and disorders of the central nervous system - 500 ml of honey, 3 lemons, 1.5 tbsp. walnuts, 3 tbsp. alcohol tincture of hawthorn, 3 tbsp. valerian. The ingredients must be crushed in a blender and consumed before meals as a medicine, 1 tbsp.
  • Hot bath with motherwort and valerian herbs.
  • Pharmacy remedies for irritability

    To combat irritability and nervousness, you can use pharmaceutical products. Before using them, you must first consult with your doctor.

    Irritability is the general name for manifestations of excessive, excessive sensitivity in relation to everyday impressions, both pleasant and, most often, unpleasant, especially those that are addressed to pride. For the most part, it is characterized as constantly occurring but short-term outbursts of discontent, relatively shallow manifestations of hostility, verbal and indirect aggression, focused on someone or something. (Dictionary of terms by Zhmurova V.A.)

    Irritability manifests itself differently in everyone: some are overcome by anger and aggression, others struggle to contain themselves, experiencing an internal storm of emotions. In any case, if you are irritated, it means that you are reacting emotionally to the situation, and it is significant to you.

    Irritation, like any emotion, is a signal from our inner self. It occurs when there is something or someone that does not meet our expectations and ideas, some situation that takes us beyond our comfort zone. Irritation seems to tell us: “Stop. Look around. There is something you don't like and is bothering you. You can change this." This feeling can arise at different moments in life, and all people experience it. And that's okay.

    When we talk about irritability, we already mean a not very pleasant character trait, the ability of a person to often react to others, showing precisely a feeling of annoyance and dissatisfaction.

    Causes of irritability

    Psychologists identify several causes of irritability: psychological and physiological. Psychological reasons include fatigue, lack of sleep, stress, anxiety, depression, etc. All these factors lead to a weakening of the nervous system, which ultimately begins to react to the stimulus.

    For physiological reasons it is possible attribute a lack of any vitamins or microelements in the body. For example, experts say that women who diet are often irritated. This happens due to the fact that any diet is accompanied by a vitamin deficiency, which provokes a similar condition. Also, do not forget that the source of anger can be substances that enter our body from the outside. This is, for example, alcohol or certain medications.

    The cause of irritation may also be a certain obstacle that arises on the way to the intended goal. And as a result, a person reacts with irritation to this obstacle, which disrupted his plans. People can be an obstacle, or circumstances can be an obstacle. Only one person will be helped by his frustration and anxiety to pull himself together, rethink his actions and achieve the desired goal..

    Another may become irritable, that is, he will begin to react painfully to the very situation of failure, to the people who surround him, to some little things that may not even be related to the obstacle he has encountered. This state does not help in any way to overcome the obstacle and get out of the current situation, but only aggravates it. The result is anger, malice and aggression. Contacting a psychologist or psychotherapist would be the best solution, but it will save time and internal resources that are needed to solve the problem

    In essence, irritation is just an emotion that is provoked by the environment and people. And how we react to it still depends on our own perception. And different people can have completely different attitudes to the same situation. For one it will cause anger and anger, for another it may seem funny and cheerful, and for a third it will even feel fear. For example, a broken plate will cause positive emotions in one person; he will think that this is fortunate and, to some extent, will even be pleased with such an incident. For another, this situation will leave sadness and sadness, because... it was his favorite plate. And the third will fall into anger and aggression, because cleaning up the fragments was not included in his plans.

    A person is also irritated by what he is internally unable to accept in other people. These may be certain beliefs that go against his principles. And the person is sure that he is right, that his actions are correct and that everyone should agree with him and act exactly as he does. Therefore, when along the way we meet people with a different worldview, with different habits, many simply cannot internally come to terms with it. From this we can conclude that we ourselves may be the cause of our irritability. After all, if we are irritated by certain factors, this means that they own us, that we allow them to firmly establish themselves in our subconscious.

    How to get rid of irritability

    Everyone knows that an outburst of emotions in some cases can even be useful. But often irritability goes beyond all limits and ultimately becomes our negative habit. This requires urgent adoption of certain measures.

    Sometimes, in order to get rid of the source of irritation, a radical change in the situation is needed. You need to get rid of the person who causes negative emotions, stop watching news and programs that can lead to depression, or stop reading certain information on the Internet that has a negative impact. It follows that sometimes in order to get rid of the feeling of irritability, it is enough to simply get rid of the irritant.

    But this will only work in a single situation. It also happens that we remove the source of irritation, but instead of the long-awaited peace, a new “intruder” appears. This happens when some object is a kind of “pear” for placing our emotions of anger and dissatisfaction. Therefore, getting rid of the source in this case does not help - our feelings remain with us, and subconsciously we are looking for a new reason that will allow us to react to what is happening to us.

    You may find that there are many annoying situations. But they are all connected by something in common, this could be some character traits in others, violation of your personal space, violation of obligations by others, and much more.

    And here the question arises, how do you deal with this? Do you know how to protect yourself from situations that are chronically traumatic? Can you convey to someone else what is a constant source of irritation for you and change the relationship? Can you minimize communication with those who are unpleasant to you? Do you know how to see and acknowledge character flaws not only of your own, but also of others?

    You can find answers to these questions yourself or with the help of a specialist. They very often contain an understanding of the source of irritability - and this is the first step towards changing your emotional state and getting rid of your irritability.

    It also happens that it is incredibly difficult to find the cause of your irritation. A person is involved in different situations, each of which can become a reason for anger and aggression. In this situation, experts in the field of psychology recommend writing down things that cause negative emotions every day for a week. Irritants can be completely different factors, including little things. For example, a picky boss or a queue at the store.

    If there are many situations that irritate you and you are sometimes even surprised by the strength and harshness of your own reactions that arise in some minor moments, it’s time to seek help. Here it will no longer be a matter of the situation, but either

    • in the characteristics of your personality, excessive impressionability and anxiety (for example, very vulnerable people often cover up their internal defenselessness with aggression),
    • in an acute stressful situation and depletion of internal resources (increased irritability can, for example, appear when it is necessary to care for a seriously ill relative).
    • in your readiness to be “attacked”, criticized, condemned, devalued your views, etc., and therefore to an increased readiness to react aggressively and with irritation,
    • Psychotherapy for irritability

      We are not always able to control our emotions. And sometimes it’s impossible to find the true reasons for irritability. In addition, such a search can lead, for example, to drinking alcohol. This method relieves nervous tension and improves mood, but only temporarily.

      In a situation where irritability goes beyond all limits and causes emotional disturbances, it would be best to seek the help of a psychotherapist. He will help you understand the causes of irritability, and also give the right recommendations in order to avoid a state of depression and irritation. The specialist seeks an individual approach to each client, applying a special set of techniques that will be most effective for him.

      The basis of psychotherapy in such a situation is aimed at ensuring that the client, first of all, is able to understand himself, to understand what exactly causes him to have attacks of anger and aggression and why this happens. And the specialist’s task is to help the client answer these questions and teach him to react less painfully to certain events and situations in life. Therefore, the first meeting with a psychotherapist most often consists of a diagnostic conversation, on the basis of which an individual technique for dealing with the problem is formed.

      An integral part of psychotherapy is the technique of relaxation and self-control. After the client learns to control himself, the number of attacks of irritation will noticeably decrease. Your health will gradually return to normal, your mood and quality of life will improve. Help from a qualified specialist in problems of irritation gives a positive result, teaches you to treat many things much easier and simpler.

      People react differently to a given situation, for some it may not evoke any special emotions, while others will throw them all out in a rush with great force. Such increased excitability in psychology is called irritability. It can appear at any age, with various symptoms.

      An irritated person always causes negative emotions; he can be rude, insult, and even cause physical harm. Irritability is often considered a sign of temperament, in which case it is very difficult to deal with its manifestations. But there are times when severe irritation occurs as a result of the influence of external and internal factors. Why does it occur and how to deal with it?

      Causes of irritability

      Almost everyone is familiar with irritability; it often arises as a reaction to a person’s hectic lifestyle, which brings fatigue and frequent emotional turmoil.

      Experts divide all causes into four groups, depending on the source of excitability:

    • Genetic factors;
    • Psychological factors;
    • Physiological factors;
    • Pathological factors.
    • The genetic factor manifests itself if increased excitability and irritability are inherited. In this case, it becomes a striking character trait and does not require treatment. The only thing that needs to be clarified is that it is usually difficult for such a person to adapt to society.

      Psychological reasons include a number of factors that affect a person’s emotional and psychological state:

      They call it a complex protein structure, the function of which is to maintain biologically useful iron in the body. The ferritin molecule is capable of accumulating up to 4500 iron atoms, converting.
      Ferritin norm during pregnancy and reasons for deviations from the norm

      Nervousness as a symptom of various diseases

      What is nervousness?

      Nervousness is a term that is rarely found in academic medical literature. In everyday speech, the word “nervousness” is used to denote increased excitability of the nervous system, which is manifested by an increased reaction to minor external signals.

      As a rule, nervousness is combined with other symptoms, such as:

      • tendency to depression;
      • increased suspiciousness and anxiety;
      • attacks of headache;
      • heartbeat;
      • lability (instability) of pulse and blood pressure;
      • pain in the heart area;
      • increased sweating;
      • Depending on the cause of nervousness listed above symptoms can be combined in different ways and supplemented by signs of the underlying disease.

        Outwardly, nervousness is often perceived as incontinence, so such patients are mistakenly considered dissolute or ill-mannered people. Work colleagues advise you to “control yourself” and “not let yourself go,” while it is necessary to consult a doctor and find out the cause of the disease.

        Causes of increased nervousness

        Nervousness, as increased irritability of the nervous system, occurs in many pathological conditions. First of all, these are various pathologies of the central nervous system, both organic (post-traumatic encephalopathy, atherosclerotic dementia) and functional (cerebrovascular disease, vegetative-vascular dystonia).

        In addition, nervousness is a common symptom of mental illnesses, such as neuroses, depression, epilepsy, schizophrenia, autism, hysteria, senile psychosis, etc. Various types of addictions occur with constant nervousness: alcoholism, drug addiction, tobacco smoking, gambling addiction, etc.

        Since the nervous and endocrine systems are closely interconnected, representing a single system of neuroendocrine regulation, increased nervousness is also characteristic of various kinds of hormonal disorders, such as thyrotoxicosis, premenstrual syndrome, menopause in men and women.

        In addition, nervousness is characteristic of many somatic diseases, that is, not directly related to the pathology of the nervous system. The relationship between somatic and nervous pathologies has been known for a long time. Thus, the expression “bilious person” reflects the connection between diseases of the biliary tract and increased nervousness.

        Another example of nervousness, as a manifestation of a severe somatic illness, is irritability in some cancers. Nervousness combined with increased fatigue and depression are included in the symptom complex of the so-called “minor signs of stomach cancer.” These symptoms can appear in the earliest stages and have important diagnostic value.

        Thus, nervousness can be a symptom of a variety of diseases, so if you have increased irritability, it is best not to self-medicate, but to consult a doctor to rule out a serious pathology.

        Constant fatigue and nervousness with cerebrovascular disease

        Perhaps the most common cause of increased nervousness is cerebrovascular disease. The old name for this pathology of neurasthenia has become a household name (“Don’t act like a neurasthenic”), and for this reason is often replaced by the more correct “cerebrasthenia.”

        Literally translated, the term sounds like “exhaustion of the brain” (cerebrasthenia) or “exhaustion of the nervous system” (neurasthenia).
        This kind of exhaustion can be caused by various factors. Often this is elementary negligence in relation to one’s own health:

        • incorrect daily routine;
        • lack of sleep;
        • nervous and physical overload;
        • alcohol abuse;
        • smoking;
        • excessive consumption of tonic substances (tea, coffee, etc.).
        • Cerebroasthenia often develops in schoolchildren and students during the period of taking exams, in office workers who practice deadlines, as well as in people leading a chaotic lifestyle (even those not burdened with physical or mental labor - excessive entertainment also exhausts the nervous system).

          Increased nervousness in cerebrasthenia is combined with symptoms such as sleep disturbances (drowsiness during the day and insomnia at night), fatigue, mood lability, tearfulness (weakness), and decreased physical and mental performance.

          It should be noted that depletion of the nervous system can be a nonspecific sign of many severe pathologies:

          • injuries;
          • infections;
          • intoxication;
          • tuberculosis;
          • oncological diseases;
          • chronic, long-term somatic illnesses.
          • In such cases, the clinical picture of cerebrasthenia develops against the background of the underlying disease, so that signs of nervousness are combined with symptoms of a particular pathology that has led to depletion of the nervous system.

            Treatment of nervousness in cerebrasthenia is carried out by a neurologist. In cases where depletion of the nervous system is caused by other diseases, consultation with a specialist (general practitioner, oncologist, infectious disease specialist, toxicologist, phthisiatrician, narcologist, etc.) is necessary.

            Severe nervousness as a symptom of vegetative-vascular dystonia

            Another common disease characterized by severe nervousness is vegetative-vascular (neurocirculatory) dystonia - a chronic functional disorder of neuroendocrine regulation, manifested primarily by disturbances in vascular tone (hence the name “dystonia”).

            Nervousness in neurocirculatory dystonia is caused by a combination of reasons, such as:

            • circulatory disorders in the central nervous system caused by impaired cerebral vascular tone;
            • pathology of neuroendocrine regulation underlying the disease;
            • factors that caused the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia (as a rule, stress, chronic infections and intoxications, occupational hazards, abuse of alcohol, nicotine or caffeine contribute to the occurrence of pathology).
            • Vegetative-vascular dystonia is characterized by a combination of severe nervousness with vascular disorders, such as lability of pulse and blood pressure, palpitations, pain in the heart area, headaches and dizziness.

              In addition, this disease is characterized by peculiar neuropsychic disorders: increased suspiciousness, a tendency to anxiety attacks, and sleep disturbances.

              Of course, all of the above signs further increase nervousness, so that a so-called vicious circle in the development of pathology is formed.

              A specific feature of vegetative-vascular dystonia is the multiplicity of subjective complaints (patients often feel terminally ill) and the paucity of objective symptoms (complaints of palpitations in the absence of arrhythmia, complaints of pain in the heart and shortness of breath with satisfactory cardiac performance).

              The prognosis for vegetative-vascular dystonia is generally good, however, long-term therapy will be required to get rid of nervousness, as well as other signs of the disease.

              Treatment of nervousness in the case of vegetative-vascular dystonia is carried out by a therapist. In case of severe neuropsychic disorders, consultation with a neurologist, psychologist, and in severe cases, a psychiatrist is necessary.
              More about vegetative-vascular dystonia

              Signs of nervousness in encephalopathies

              Nervousness is also characteristic of encephalopathies - organic brain lesions.

              Based on their origin, congenital and acquired encephalopathies are distinguished. Congenital organic lesions of the central nervous system are caused by unfavorable factors that acted during the period of intrauterine development and during childbirth. Acquired encephalopathies are a consequence of acute and chronic vascular disorders, infections, intoxications, and injuries to the central nervous system.

              The most common types of encephalopathies are:

              • atherosclerotic;
              • hypertensive;
              • alcoholic;
              • post-traumatic;
              • diabetic;
              • uremic (with renal failure);
              • hepatic (for severe liver damage);
              • toxic (with exogenous intoxication, for example, lead encephalopathy due to poisoning with lead salts).
              • Nervousness in encephalopathy is included in a complex of other asthenic symptoms, such as increased fatigue, headache, decreased physical and intellectual performance.

                In addition, nervousness in encephalopathies is associated with psychopathic disorders - rudeness, lack of restraint, narrowing of interests, apathy, etc.

                Depending on the severity of encephalopathy, the clinical picture of the disease is supplemented by symptoms of a defect in higher nervous activity: from mild memory impairment and a slight decrease in the quality of intellectual activity to severe dementia (dementia).

                The encephalopathy clinic is supplemented by symptoms of the underlying disease that caused organic pathology of the central nervous system (atherosclerosis, alcoholism, poisoning with lead compounds, etc.).

                Life expectancy with encephalopathy depends on the course of the underlying disease. The prognosis for recovery is always serious, since there is an organic defect in the central nervous system.

                So one can hope for recovery only in the case of a pathology that does not have a tendency to develop further (for example, post-traumatic encephalopathy), at a young age, when the compensatory capabilities of the body as a whole, and the central nervous system in particular, are quite high.

                Treatment of nervousness in encephalopathy is carried out by a neurologist. In this case, as a rule, consultation with a rehabilitation specialist and psychiatrist is necessary.
                More about encephalopathy

                Nervousness and fear in anxiety states

                Anxiety states are a group of mental disorders characterized by attacks of unmotivated anxiety and fear.

                Patients (mostly young and middle-aged women are ill) complain of increased suspiciousness towards themselves and loved ones, bad feelings, etc.

                Anxiety is accompanied by nervousness, a tendency to depression, headache, decreased performance, and is characterized by motor and autonomic disorders, such as fussiness, excessive sweating, dry mouth.

                When making a diagnosis, it is necessary to exclude cerebrovascular disease and vegetative-vascular dystonia. At the same time, it is taken into account that anxiety states are characterized by a significant predominance of symptoms of mental disorders over signs of vegetative and asthenic disorders.

                The prognosis for complete relief from nervousness in anxiety disorders is generally favorable, but long-term treatment with a psychologist is required, and in severe cases, with a psychiatrist. Often, to relieve nervousness and fear, you have to seek help from medications (tranquilizers).

                Tearfulness and nervousness before menstruation

                Nervousness is one of the specific signs of premenstrual syndrome - a complex of symptoms caused by neuroendocrine disorders associated with a regular menstrual cycle.

                As a rule, signs of premenstrual syndrome appear a few days before the onset of menstruation, and gradually disappear in the first days of menstruation.

                Nervousness during premenstrual syndrome is combined with increased sensitivity (tearfulness), decreased mental and physical performance, and a tendency to depression.
                In addition, premenstrual syndrome is characterized by a number of other pathological symptoms:
                1. Signs of impaired water-electrolyte metabolism (swelling of the face and limbs).
                2. Headache attacks, often accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
                3. Signs of disorders of the autonomic nervous system (lability of pressure and pulse, pain in the heart area, increased sweating, palpitations accompanied by attacks of fear and anxiety), which in especially severe cases take the form of acute sympatho-adrenal crises (anxiety attack accompanied by pain in the area heart, increased blood pressure, palpitations, ending with increased urination).
                4. Symptoms of endocrine shifts (engorgement of the mammary glands, acne, increased sensitivity to odors, temporary greasiness of the skin and hair).

                The groups of symptoms described above can be combined in different ways and have varying degrees of severity, depending on the individual characteristics of the pathology. However, it is nervousness that is the most consistent symptom.

                It should be noted that the clinical picture of premenstrual syndrome depends on the woman’s age. Thus, at a young age, a combination of nervousness with tearfulness and a tendency to depression is typical, and at a more mature age, especially during the premenopausal period, irritability often borders on aggressiveness and hysteria.

                The prognosis for getting rid of nervousness during premenstrual syndrome depends on the severity of the pathology, which is determined by the number and severity of symptoms, as well as the duration of the period of their manifestation (from two days to two weeks or more).

                Treatment of nervousness in such cases is carried out by a gynecologist, while in severe cases consultation with a neurologist, endocrinologist, psychologist, or psychiatrist is necessary.

                In severe cases of premenstrual syndrome, it is necessary to use a whole range of medications (tranquilizers, antipsychotics, hormone therapy).

                A state of increased nervousness during menopause in women and men

                Menopause in women

                Menopause is the gradual physiological decline of sexual function associated with age. In women, the onset of menopause is determined by menopause - the complete cessation of menstruation, which usually occurs at the age of about 50 years.

                Normally, menopause is not accompanied by any unpleasant symptoms, but, unfortunately, today about 60% of women aged 45 to 55 years experience certain signs of pathological menopause.

                Increased nervousness is the most constant sign of this pathology. In this case, increased irritability of the nervous system is usually combined with other signs of neuropsychic disorders, such as:

                • increased sensitivity (tearfulness);
                • fatigue;
                • decreased mental and physical performance;
                • drowsiness;
                • deterioration of memory and creativity.

                During the same period, pathological menopause is characterized by specific disorders of neuroendocrine regulation: hot flashes (feelings of heat in the head and neck), dizziness, headaches, palpitations, lability of blood pressure and pulse, sweating, pain in the heart, etc.

                Increased nervousness, as well as all of the above symptoms, appears, as a rule, three to five years before the complete cessation of menstruation, then their severity gradually decreases.

                These are the so-called early symptoms of pathological menopause, which can be harbingers of more severe disorders in the postmenopausal period, such as osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus and others.

                To treat nervousness during pathological menopause, seek help from a gynecologist. Consultations with an endocrinologist, neurologist and psychiatrist are often necessary.

                In severe cases, they resort to pharmacotherapy with antipsychotics and tranquilizers, and prescribe hormone replacement therapy.

                The prognosis for the treatment of nervousness and other mental disorders during pathological menopause in women is generally favorable, but long-term observation is necessary in the postmenopausal period to prevent the development of late complications.

                Menopause in men

                In men, menopause occurs gradually, and it cannot be associated with any specific event, so for a long time this term itself was not used in relation to the male half of humanity.

                However, recent data have shown that most men aged 49-55 years develop serious endocrine changes in the body: the production of certain female hormones in the adrenal cortex increases and the production of the male hormone testosterone decreases.

                Just like in women, in men menopause normally proceeds unnoticed and is not accompanied by any unpleasant sensations.

                However, in some cases, it is possible to develop a pathological menopause in men, the leading symptoms of which are neuropsychic disorders: nervousness, increased tearfulness, a tendency to depression, a narrowing of the range of interests, weakening of attention, memory and intellectual abilities, severe sexual disorders.

                At the same time, as in women, nervousness in men is combined with signs of hormonal imbalance specific to menopause: hot flashes, palpitations, sweating, etc.

                It should be noted that pathological menopause in men is less common, but is often severe. Nervousness often becomes a precursor to the development of anxiety or depression.

                Treatment of nervousness, as a symptom of pathological menopause in men, is carried out by an andrologist. In this case, complex therapy is prescribed aimed at reducing the severity of pathological symptoms.

                If necessary, tranquilizers are prescribed - medications that improve microcirculation and normalize metabolism in the cells of the cerebral cortex. To improve the general condition of the body and increase the tone of the neuroendocrine system, physiotherapeutic methods, vitamin therapy, etc. are used.

                Hormone therapy should be carried out strictly according to indications, and with great caution. Contraindications to hormonal correction of menopausal disorders in men are pathologies such as:
                1. Neoplastic processes in the prostate gland.
                2. Kidney, liver and heart failure.
                3. Severe arterial hypertension.

                The prognosis regarding the elimination of nervousness during pathological menopause in men is favorable. As for sexual disorders, only a third of those examined noted an improvement in sexual function after complex treatment.

                Nervousness with hyperthyroidism

                Nervousness is a characteristic sign of hyperthyroidism, an overactive thyroid gland. In such cases, a whole complex of neuropsychic disorders develops, which are often the first symptoms of thyrotoxicosis:

                • nervousness;
                • suspiciousness;
                • increased tearfulness;
                • fussiness;
                • sleep disturbances (drowsiness during the day and insomnia at night);
                • decreased performance.
                • The above-mentioned signs often lead to patients becoming extremely uncooperative, and poor relationships in the family and at work, in turn, further aggravate mental disorders, which often leads to the development of anxiety disorders or depression.

                  In addition to symptoms of disorders of higher nervous activity, other signs of pathology of the nervous system are characteristic: excessive sweating, tremors, increased tendon reflexes.

                  Thyroid hormone performs the important function of regulating basal metabolism, so an increase in its production causes pathological symptoms in many organs and systems of the body.

                  Due to an increase in basal metabolism, a significant decrease in body weight occurs with increased appetite (bulimia), which is a very characteristic sign of thyrotoxicosis. The skin becomes dry and hot to the touch, and the hair becomes brittle and lifeless.

                  The cardiovascular system is characterized by increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, and pain in the heart area.

                  Both women and men with hyperthyroidism have impaired sexual function, therefore, when examining for pathologies of the genital area (male and female infertility, menstrual irregularities in women, decreased potency in men), tests are always performed to determine the state of thyroid function.

                  Disorders of the digestive system with hyperthyroidism are manifested by unstable stools with a tendency to diarrhea (frequent loose stools may be one of the first signs of increased thyroid function).

                  Over time, the classic triad of symptoms develops: persistent dilation of the pupils, exophthalmos (protrusion of the eyeballs) and enlargement of the thyroid gland, which give patients a characteristic appearance.

                  Treatment of nervousness in hyperthyroidism consists of treatment of the underlying disease, which is carried out by an endocrinologist.

                  There are three main treatment methods:
                  1. Drug therapy.
                  2. Radical surgery (removal of part of the hyperplastic gland).
                  3. Treatment with radioactive iodine.

                  They are selected individually, taking into account the mechanisms of disease development, the severity of the course, the presence of complications and concomitant pathologies, the age and general condition of the patient.

                  The prognosis for life and health with hyperthyroidism depends on a number of factors, including the timeliness and adequacy of treatment.
                  More about hyperthyroidism

                  How to get rid of nervousness?

                  Treatment of nervousness caused by various diseases: general principles

                  In cases where nervousness is caused by a particular pathology, it is necessary to first treat the cause, not the symptom. However, there are general principles for combating nervousness that should be used in complex therapy.

                  First of all, it is necessary to normalize the daily routine and, if possible, eliminate all factors that increase the irritability of the nervous system.

                  You should avoid drinking drinks containing stimulating ingredients (tea, coffee, Coca-Cola, etc.), limit or completely eliminate alcohol consumption.

                  Much attention should be paid to the diet - it should be light and balanced, contain fermented milk products, as well as a large amount of fresh vegetables and fruits. It is best to exclude refractory fats of animal origin, spices and smoked foods.

                  Many people believe that nicotine has a calming effect - in fact, this is only a short-term illusory effect. Smoking poisons the central nervous system, and, consequently, increases nervousness. Therefore, it is best to give up nicotine, or at least reduce the number of cigarettes smoked per day as much as possible.

                  Since nervousness increases when quitting smoking, in such cases it is advised to quit smoking gradually, replacing cigarettes with other relaxing rituals. It is advised to cheat the habit: if you have a strong desire to smoke, take out the cigarette and crush it in your hands, or drink a glass of water, or do a few breathing exercises, etc.

                  Moderate physical activity in the fresh air (walking, jogging, regular gymnastics) helps relieve nervousness.

                  Many patients with severe nervousness, in addition to treatment of the underlying disease, are prescribed courses of psychotherapy, hypnosis, reflexology, etc.

                  How to treat nervousness with insomnia?

                  Nervousness is often combined with insomnia. These two pathologies mutually reinforce each other. It is difficult for an irritable person to fall asleep, and insomnia exhausts the nervous system and contributes to a further increase in nervousness.

                  Therefore, in such cases it is necessary to normalize sleep. It should be noted that our body gets used to living according to the created rituals, so it is best to start with a clear organization of the daily routine, and provide some kind of “soporific” actions when going to bed.

                  As for bedtime, it is best to go to bed as early as possible, since resting the central nervous system before midnight has the greatest value. This is how the body of all people works – and the so-called “owls” are no exception. Of course, the transition to a new daily routine should be done gradually, moving the rise time to earlier hours by 10-15 minutes a day.

                  One or two hours before lights out, you should exclude all factors that can increase nervousness or simply have a disturbing effect, such as watching TV shows, communicating on forums on the Internet, reading exciting detective stories, computer games, etc.

                  As for “sleeping” rituals, evening walks in the fresh air, listening to relaxing music, a warm bath with soothing additives (pine needles, sea salt, lavender, valerian root) are very helpful in preparing for sleep.

                  Folk remedies

                  To treat nervousness, traditional medicine uses medicinal plant preparations internally (fresh juice, decoctions, infusions, tinctures, etc.) and externally in the form of baths. Many time-tested herbalist recipes have been scientifically confirmed and are successfully used in the complex treatment of diseases associated with increased nervousness.

                  Motherwort cordial
                  Motherwort cordalis (motherwort vulgare) is a herbaceous perennial plant that has long been used in folk medicine as a sedative.

                  In terms of the strength of the effect, this plant is much superior to the well-known valerian root (in North America, motherwort preparations have completely replaced the traditional “valerian”).

                  Motherwort is especially useful in cases where nervousness is combined with cardiac symptoms (pain in the heart, increased heart rate, palpitations) and a tendency to increase blood pressure.

                  Raw materials are harvested in July, during the flowering period, by cutting off the flowering tops.

                  Infusion is the most popular motherwort preparation for the treatment of diseases associated with increased nervousness. It is prepared as follows: pour two tablespoons of raw material into a glass of boiling water and leave until completely cooled. Strain and take two tablespoons 3 times a day.

                  Fresh plant juice (20 – 40 drops per glass of water) will help relieve nervousness.

                  Melissa officinalis
                  Melissa officinalis (lemon balm, mother plant, censer, bee plant) is a perennial herbaceous plant, the Greek name of which (melissa) literally translates as honey bee.

                  Despite its southern origin, it does not freeze in open ground in the central zone of the European part of Russia. Melissa blooms all summer and the first weeks of autumn. The medicinal raw materials are the tops of shoots with leaves, which are collected on the eve of flowering.

                  Melissa preparations have gained recognition as an effective sedative, analgesic, anticonvulsant, anti-influenza and cardiac remedy.

                  Melissa preparations are especially good for relieving nervousness in combination with:

                  • heart symptoms;
                  • headaches;
                  • insomnia;
                  • painful menstruation.
                  • One of the most popular drugs: lemon balm essential oil (15 drops orally to relieve nervousness in combination with heart pain).

                    For a course of treatment of nervousness, a decoction of lemon balm herb is well suited: one tablespoon of the raw material is boiled in a glass of water, left for about an hour in a warm place, filtered and taken a quarter glass, three times a day before meals.

                    Scots pine bathtub
                    A bath made from Scots pine needles has a good calming effect. To prepare it, take 300 g of pine needles and boil for 15 minutes in 5 liters of water. Then the broth is infused for about an hour, filtered and poured into a warm bath.

                    To relieve nervousness, take a bath for 10-15 minutes.

                    Nervousness and irritability during pregnancy

                    In the first trimester pregnancy (the first 12 weeks from the beginning of the last menstruation), nervousness is most often associated with early toxicosis of pregnancy. In such cases, it is combined with excessive sensitivity to odors, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, and increased fatigue.

                    In the second trimester During pregnancy, a woman’s condition usually improves. Therefore, increased nervousness at this time may be associated with:

                    • exogenous reasons (troubles in the family or at work);
                    • psychological problems (neuroses of pregnant women);
                    • somatic pathology (anemia, hypovitaminosis, exacerbation of chronic diseases).
                    • In the later stages During pregnancy, nervousness can be one of the signs of such a serious pathology as late toxicosis of pregnancy, so if this symptom appears, you should consult a doctor.

                      However, most often, nervousness in the last weeks of gestation is associated with inconvenience during sleep, leading to insomnia, as well as with physiological neuroendocrine changes that increase the lability of the nervous system, and psychological problems (fear of childbirth, etc.).

                      The nervousness of a pregnant woman inevitably affects the child she is carrying, therefore, regardless of the cause of irritability, everything should be done to eliminate this unpleasant complication.

                      What medications for nervousness can you take during pregnancy?

                      Unfortunately, experience has shown that most drugs used in official medicine penetrate the placental barrier and can have extremely adverse effects on the unborn child. Therefore, during gestation, you should be especially careful when using medications that relieve nervousness.

                      Absolutely harmless sedatives are infusions of motherwort, lemon balm, and valerian root. For early toxicosis, it is best to use lemon balm, since in addition to its sedative, it has an antiemetic effect.

                      In cases where nervousness is caused by psychological problems, it is necessary to seek help from a psychologist and undergo a course of appropriate therapy.

                      If the cause of nervousness is one or another pathology of pregnancy, then it should be treated in a timely manner, following all the doctor’s recommendations. Regular visits to the antenatal clinic will be of great help, where the woman will be explained how best to deal with early toxicosis, as well as insomnia and anxiety in the last weeks of pregnancy.

                      Nervousness in a child

                      The nervous system in children is characterized by increased lability (instability) and sensitivity to external and internal factors. Therefore, nervousness in a child is often the first symptom of a variety of diseases.

                      So if your baby suddenly becomes particularly capricious, you should consult a doctor to rule out a serious pathology.

                      In absolutely healthy children, increased nervousness is common during so-called crisis periods of development. All these periods have some common features:

                      • A blurred time frame, characterized by a gradual increase in crisis symptoms and an equally gradual decrease.
                      • Uncontrollability: it should be remembered that during these periods the child not only responds poorly to the influence of adults, but also does not always properly cope with his own affects.
                      • Breaking old behavioral stereotypes.
                      • Rebellion is a protest directed against the surrounding world, manifested by extreme negativism (the desire to do everything “the other way around”), stubbornness and despotism (the desire to subordinate everything and everyone to one’s will).
                      • The following crisis periods of development are distinguished when a healthy child may develop nervousness:
                        1. The crisis of one year is associated with the appearance of speech. As a rule, it proceeds subacutely. Due to the particularly close connection between mental and physical development at this stage, it has multiple somatic manifestations, such as disruption of biorhythms (disturbance in sleep and wakefulness, appetite, etc.). There may be a slight delay in development, and even a temporary loss of some previously acquired skills.
                        2. The crisis of three years is associated with the awareness of one’s own “I” and the beginning of the formation of will. Refers to particularly acute crisis periods. It is often difficult. External influences, such as moving, first visits to preschool, etc., can aggravate the crisis.
                        3. The crisis of seven years, as a rule, proceeds more mildly. Crisis symptoms are associated with an awareness of the importance and complexity of social connections, which outwardly manifests itself as a loss of the naive spontaneity of early childhood.
                        4. The crisis of adolescence is in many ways similar to the crisis of three years. This is a crisis of rapid growth and development, which is associated with the formation of the social “I”. The age range of this period is different for girls (12-14 years old) and boys (14-16 years old).
                        5. The crisis of adolescence is associated with the final formation of value guidelines. The age range is also, as a rule, different for girls (16-17 years old) and boys (18-19 years old).

                        How to cope with increased nervousness in a child?

                        Of course, treatment of nervousness in children should, first of all, be aimed at eliminating the cause that caused increased irritability. In the case of somatic pathology, a thorough examination and adequate treatment are necessary, and in case of serious psychological problems, it is best to seek help from a psychologist.

                        However, nervousness in children can often be eliminated by normalizing their daily routine. Lack of sleep, physical inactivity, intellectual overload, unbalanced nutrition, irrational leisure (uncontrolled TV viewing, abuse of computer games, etc.) are common causes of increased irritability in absolutely healthy children.

                        If a child has increased nervousness, excessively strong stimulating factors should be avoided. It is not recommended to attend events that are too noisy or bright; it is advisable to at least temporarily give up the TV. Of course, the child should not suffer from restrictions: take him to the zoo instead of the circus, and replace watching his favorite cartoon with reading an interesting fairy tale.

                        Water procedures calm and stabilize the nervous system: wiping with a damp towel, shower, swimming pool, swimming in open water in summer. Psychologists say that even contemplating running water can relieve nervousness in adults and children. Playing with water is useful for almost all neuropsychic disorders - from mild neuroses to severe autism.

                        Drawing has a similar calming effect, and watercolors are especially helpful in combating nervousness. For the little ones, you can offer coloring of water in transparent cups as a useful, relaxing game.

                        Among grandmother's calming methods, doctors recommend hot tea with raspberries or warm milk with honey, which help you fall asleep quickly and have healthy sleep. Stronger drugs can only be taken on the recommendation of a doctor, after an accurate diagnosis has been established.

                        And finally, the most powerful means of combating childhood nervousness is parental love and patience. Offer your capricious child as much attention as possible: walks in the park together, communication, role-playing and educational games, putting together puzzles, etc.


    Increased irritability is formed on the basis of chronic fatigue syndrome. The symptoms can also be caused by headaches, exacerbation of chronic illnesses, physical fatigue, lack of sleep, and disruption of the daily routine. If a person succumbs to irritability, then his hormonal levels begin to change and his immunity decreases.

    Clinicians have determined that the causes of irritability are internal and external.

    Internal provoking factors include the following diseases:

    • depression;
    • anxious feeling;
    • neurasthenia;
    • feeling of hunger;
    • stress after injury;
    • sleep disturbance;
    • severe fatigue;
    • alcohol and drug abuse;
    • inability to express oneself;
    • imbalance of brain functionality.

    Doctors include external factors as reasons related to the external environment that cause dissatisfaction. The symptom can be provoked by wrong actions of people, traffic jams, disasters or other annoying things.

    The reasons are divided into three further categories:

    • physiological - often diagnosed in women before menstruation, when hormonal levels change; they can also appear during pregnancy, menopause, and thyroid disease. Nervousness and irritability in women can progress from a feeling of hunger, lack of vitamins and microelements, or the use of medications;
    • psychological - typical for lack of sleep, fatigue, anxiety, fear, stress, addiction to nicotine, alcohol or drugs;
    • genetic – excessive impact on the nervous system. Irritability is not a symptom, but a character trait.

    Constant irritability can be a sign of such pathologies - diabetes, ARVI, flu, stress, mental illness.

    If irritability manifests itself along with tearfulness, then most likely the problem lies in somatic diseases, lack of vitamins, pregnancy or hormonal imbalances when menstruation begins.

    Also, the symptom often appears without any objective reasons. As a rule, in adults this phenomenon is associated with somatic disorders or internal experiences. Under such circumstances, irritation develops in people with mental disorders. The group of such individuals includes those who cannot accept the realities of the world, agree on certain rules and cope with social problems. In such cases, people are diagnosed with a mental disorder and may experience irritability, aggression, anger, or other symptoms from time to time.

    It was mentioned earlier that irritability often appears in women due to hormonal imbalances. However, this symptom is increasingly developing in men. This is not surprising, since the male body secretes many hormones that can decrease or increase.

    During a period of testosterone deficiency, the stronger sex exhibits abnormal nervousness, aggression and irritability. The formation of the sign may be associated with the fear of developing impotence.

    The symptom can also appear in young children as young as two years old. The causes of irritability can be the following factors:

    Irritability can also manifest itself as a symptom of severe pathologies - perinatal encephalopathy, allergies, infections, food intolerance, psychiatric illnesses.


    Irritability in men and women manifests itself in increased excitability and the formation of negative emotions in relation to minor provoking factors. Any little thing can cause a person to have an attack of anger and irritability. In order to be able to distinguish this symptom and know how to prevent it, the patient needs to understand what symptoms it manifests itself in.

    When a person is irritable:

    • the intonation and volume of the conversation changes;
    • movements are more abrupt;
    • eyeball movements accelerate;
    • the oral cavity becomes dehydrated;
    • sweaty palms;
    • breathing becomes too fast.

    Sometimes there may be a desire to get rid of all your emotions, or in psychology this process is called “throwing out negative emotions.” If you do not provide yourself with emotional release, then outbursts of anger, neurosis and other negative reactions may periodically appear. Such signs inform a person about a mental disorder, and force the patient to consult a psychotherapist.

    When irritability appears, men complain of fatigue, drowsiness and depression. But the female body, during outbreaks of hormonal imbalance, provokes the following symptoms - high temperature, sleep disturbances, mood changes, conflict, anxiety, restlessness.


    An increasing number of people are interested in the question of how to get rid of irritability. In the modern world, this issue is very relevant, since the number of external provoking factors has increased and people are much more susceptible to them. In this regard, doctors offer different ways to deal with irritability.

    For all patients, clinicians developed general rules of behavior when identifying irritability:

    • alternate work;
    • engage in physical and mental activity consistently;
    • when working at home, you can do cleaning or cooking, and for office employees you can go for a walk outside;
    • drink your daily amount of water;
    • get enough sleep;
    • ventilate the room;
    • eat healthy food.

    When considering how to cope with irritability, it may seem like there is nothing complicated about it. However, many people whose symptoms are triggered by external stimuli have difficulty in adequately eliminating the symptom. Quite often, people try to relieve stress with nicotine and alcohol, but this is completely wrong. Using these drugs can only aggravate the situation, damaging the brain and other cells and tissues of the body.

    Also, doctors do not advise coping with the disease by drinking strong coffee and tea. They lead only to a temporary effect of activity, and then fatigue and aggressiveness returns with new intensity.

    Psychologists advise all patients to cope with attacks of irritability in simple ways:

    • do not focus only on negative emotions;
    • express your troubles to relatives and friends;
    • restrain outbursts of anger, do not show them in front of loved ones;
    • learn to yield in various situations;
    • set realistic goals for yourself;
    • do more sports and walk outside;
    • engage in auto-training;
    • get enough sleep;
    • with frequent manifestations of irritability and fatigue, a short vacation is needed.

    Medications can be used to treat symptoms. Medicines are prescribed to the patient for severe irritability and the development of mental illnesses.

    If irritability appears during pregnancy or from depression, the patient is prescribed antidepressants. They improve the patient’s mood and reduce the attack of negative emotions.

    If the cause of the symptom is lack of sleep, then sleeping pills and sedatives are prescribed. Adequate sleep will lead to normalization of the mental state and the patient will be calmer.

    Folk remedies are also very helpful in treating this manifestation. To calm the nervous system, doctors recommend using herbal remedies:

    You can add honey, walnuts, almonds, lemon, and prunes to the infusion. All these natural products contain many useful microelements and have an anti-stress effect.

    In the treatment of irritability, doctors advise first to try different methods of self-treatment, which will be aimed at analyzing one’s own behavior and accepting reality. If a person learns to control himself, his mental state will improve significantly and irritability will disappear.

    “Irritability” is observed in diseases:

    Withdrawal syndrome is a complex of various disorders (most often mental) that arise against the background of a sharp cessation of the intake of alcoholic beverages, drugs or nicotine into the body after prolonged consumption. The main factor that causes this disorder is the body’s attempt to independently achieve the state that it had during the active use of a particular substance.

    Vitamin deficiency is a painful human condition that occurs as a result of an acute lack of vitamins in the human body. There are spring and winter vitamin deficiency. There are no restrictions regarding gender and age group in this case.

    Adenoids in children are an inflammatory process that occurs in the pharyngeal tonsils and is characterized by an increase in their size. This disease is typical only for children aged from one to fifteen years, the most frequent exacerbations occur between three and seven years. With age, such tonsils decrease in size and then completely atrophy. It manifests itself in various forms and degrees, depending on factors and pathogens.

    Uterine adenocarcinoma is an oncological process that leads to the development of malignant neoplasms in the female reproductive system. A characteristic feature of this disease is damage to the upper layer of the uterus - the endometrium. A tumor formed from abnormal cellular structures of glandular tissue is asymptomatic in the first stages. There are no restrictions regarding age. However, women aged 40–60 years are at risk.

    An adenoma formed on the thyroid gland is a benign neoplasm with clear edges and a fibrous capsule. Such a tumor is not fused with surrounding tissues, is small in size, and is absolutely painless. The danger of an adenoma on the thyroid gland lies in its possible degeneration into a malignant neoplasm, therefore, if the tumor grows rapidly, its immediate removal is indicated. The operation consists of excision of the tumor along with the capsule, followed by sending it for histological examination to confirm or refute the presence of cancer cells in the adenoma.

    Allergic bronchitis is a type of inflammation of the bronchial mucosa. A characteristic feature of the disease is that, unlike ordinary bronchitis, which occurs due to exposure to viruses and bacteria, allergic bronchitis is formed due to prolonged contact with various allergens. This disease is often diagnosed in children of preschool and primary school age. It is for this reason that it needs to be cured as quickly as possible. Otherwise, it takes on a chronic course, which can lead to the development of bronchial asthma.

    Angiodysplasia is a pathological process that results in an increase in the number of subcutaneous vessels. In the case of the gastrointestinal tract, this can lead to internal bleeding, which is extremely life-threatening. It is noted that this vascular disease can be congenital. In newborns, capillary angiodysplasia is localized in the face, lower extremities, and less often the arms.

    Hookworm infections are helminth infections caused by worms of the nematode group, that is, roundworms, which also include human roundworm and pinworms. Hookworm infections, depending on the type of pathogen, can be of two forms: necatoriasis and hookworm infection.

    Anuria is a condition in which urine does not enter the bladder, and, as a result, is not excreted from it. In this condition, the amount of urine emitted per day is reduced to fifty milliliters. With this clinical symptom, there is not only a lack of fluid in the bladder, but also the urge to empty.

    Apnea is a pathological process caused by one or another etiological factor, which leads to a short-term cessation of breathing during sleep. Sleep apnea in newborns is quite common - up to 60% of cases. In premature babies this figure reaches 90%. In this case, it is possible to both disrupt the breathing process and stop it, but for no more than 10 seconds. In most cases, sleep apnea goes away within 3-5 weeks.

    Apraxia is a disease characterized by a violation of the performance of complex goal-directed actions that a person has the ability and desire to perform. The problem is not related to muscle weakness or loss of coordination of movements, but arises at the practical stage.

    What is arterial hypertension? This is a disease characterized by blood pressure readings above 140 mm Hg. Art. in this case, the patient experiences headaches, dizziness and a feeling of nausea. Only specially selected therapy can eliminate all the symptoms that have arisen.

    Arterial hypotension is a fairly common pathology, which is characterized by persistent or regular presence of tonometer readings below 100 per 60 millimeters of mercury in a person. The disease can occur at any age, which is why it is also diagnosed in children and women during pregnancy.

    Inflammatory ailments that are accompanied by constant pain in the joints are called arthritis. Essentially, arthritis is a disease that causes thinning of joint cartilage, changes in ligaments and joint capsule. If the disease is not treated, the process worsens, leading to joint deformation.

    Asthenic syndrome (asthenia) is a neuropsychic illness that is usually included in the clinical picture of neuropsychic, nosological forms, as well as somatic symptom complexes. This condition manifests itself as emotional instability, weakness, and increased fatigue.

    Astheno-neurotic syndrome (syn. asthenia, asthenic syndrome, “chronic fatigue” syndrome, neuropsychic weakness) is a slowly progressive psychopathological disorder that occurs in both adults and children. Without timely treatment, it leads to depression.

    Asthmatic bronchitis is a disease that has an allergic etiology and primarily affects large and medium-sized bronchi. Asthmatic bronchitis is not bronchial asthma, as many people believe. However, clinicians note that this disease can become one of the etiological factors in the development of bronchial asthma. The disease has no restrictions regarding age and gender, but the main risk group is children of preschool and primary school age, especially if there is a history of allergic diseases.

    Atypical autism (syn. autism spectrum disorder, infantile autism) is a psychoneurological disease that causes impaired perception and understanding of the surrounding reality. The disease can lead to permanent mental retardation, or ILD. The development of such a pathological process is caused by a violation of brain structures, which in most cases is irreversible.

    Autoimmune gastritis is a pathological process of unknown etiology, in which the body begins to produce cells that destroy stomach tissue, resulting in an inflammatory process. According to statistics, this form of gastritis is diagnosed extremely rarely - no more than 10% of total cases of gastritis. There are no restrictions regarding age and gender.

    Aphakia is a congenital or acquired disease characterized by the absence of a lens in the organs of vision. Most often, the pathology is secondary in nature and develops mainly in people over 40 years of age. Lack of therapy leads to complete loss of vision.

    Aphthous stomatitis is a type of common inflammation of the oral mucosa, accompanied by the appearance of aphthae, i.e. small white ulcers with a red border, which have the shape of a circle or oval (can occur singly or appear in large numbers). The main symptoms of the disease are unpleasant sensations in the form of pain and burning, aggravated by eating. The neoplasms heal in about ten days, leaving no traces behind; only certain types of illness can cause scars.

    Affective disorders (syn. mood swings) are not a separate disease, but a group of pathological conditions that are associated with a violation of the internal experiences and external expression of a person’s mood. Such changes can lead to maladjustment.

    Addison's disease or bronze disease is a pathological lesion of the adrenal cortex. As a result, the secretion of adrenal hormones decreases. Addison's disease can affect both men and women. The main risk group is people in the age group 20–40 years. Addison's disease is characterized as a progressive disease with a severe clinical picture.

    Bronchiolitis is an inflammatory disease that affects exclusively the small bronchi (bronchioles). As this disease progresses, the lumen of the bronchioles narrows, which can lead to the development of respiratory failure. If bronchiolitis is not treated in a timely manner, the connective tissue in the bronchioles of various sizes will begin to grow and clog the pulmonary vessels.

    Bruxism in children or adults, the scientific definition of a phenomenon called tooth grinding, which often occurs at night and sometimes during the day. Children are more likely to experience this problem than adults, with boys and girls suffering from the disorder equally. Although this pathological condition is not too serious, it can cause the development of tooth decay and other problems in people, so it needs to be diagnosed and treated in a timely manner.

    A zoonotic infectious disease that affects primarily the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, reproductive and nervous systems of humans is called brucellosis. Microorganisms of this disease were identified back in 1886, and the discoverer of the disease is the English scientist Bruce Brucellosis.

    Duodenal bulbitis is an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the organ, namely its bulbar section. This occurs due to the fact that the stomach contents enter the bulb of this organ and become infected with Helicobacter. The main symptoms of the disease are pain at the site of intestinal projection, the intensity of which varies. If such inflammation is not treated in a timely manner, complications may arise that are harmful to human health and can only be eliminated with the help of surgical medical intervention.

    Vaginal candidiasis is a disease that affects most women. This is a yeast infection caused by overgrowth of fungal flora in the vagina. Normally, in a woman’s vagina, the fungal flora is found in minute quantities, but under certain conditions, fungi begin to actively multiply and displace the normal microflora, causing severe symptoms.

    Vulvar vestibulitis is a pathology of the external genitalia in women, which is characterized by redness and swelling of the mucous membrane at the vaginal opening, as well as severe pain.

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    With the help of exercise and abstinence, most people can do without medicine.

    Symptoms and treatment of human diseases

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    All information provided is subject to mandatory consultation with your attending physician!

    Questions and suggestions:

    Nervousness as a symptom of various diseases

    What is nervousness?

    • tendency to depression;
    • increased suspiciousness and anxiety;
    • attacks of headache;
    • heartbeat;
    • lability (instability) of pulse and blood pressure;
    • pain in the heart area;
    • increased sweating;
    • decreased performance.

    Depending on the cause of nervousness, the symptoms listed above can be combined in different ways and supplemented by signs of the underlying disease.

    Causes of increased nervousness

    Constant fatigue and nervousness with cerebrovascular disease

    This kind of exhaustion can be caused by various factors. Often this is elementary negligence in relation to one’s own health:

    • incorrect daily routine;
    • lack of sleep;
    • nervous and physical overload;
    • alcohol abuse;
    • smoking;
    • excessive consumption of tonic substances (tea, coffee, etc.).

    Cerebroasthenia often develops in schoolchildren and students during the period of taking exams, in office workers who practice deadlines, as well as in people leading a chaotic lifestyle (even those not burdened with physical or mental labor - excessive entertainment also exhausts the nervous system).

    In such cases, the clinical picture of cerebrasthenia develops against the background of the underlying disease, so that signs of nervousness are combined with symptoms of a particular pathology that has led to depletion of the nervous system.

    Severe nervousness as a symptom of vegetative-vascular dystonia

    • circulatory disorders in the central nervous system caused by impaired cerebral vascular tone;
    • pathology of neuroendocrine regulation underlying the disease;
    • factors that caused the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia (as a rule, stress, chronic infections and intoxications, occupational hazards, abuse of alcohol, nicotine or caffeine contribute to the occurrence of pathology).

    Vegetative-vascular dystonia is characterized by a combination of severe nervousness with vascular disorders, such as lability of pulse and blood pressure, palpitations, pain in the heart area, headaches and dizziness.

    Signs of nervousness in encephalopathies

    • atherosclerotic;
    • hypertensive;
    • alcoholic;
    • post-traumatic;
    • diabetic;
    • uremic (with renal failure);
    • hepatic (for severe liver damage);
    • toxic (with exogenous intoxication, for example, lead encephalopathy due to poisoning with lead salts).

    Nervousness in encephalopathy is included in a complex of other asthenic symptoms, such as increased fatigue, headache, decreased physical and intellectual performance.

    Nervousness and fear in anxiety states

    Tearfulness and nervousness before menstruation

    In addition, premenstrual syndrome is characterized by a number of other pathological symptoms:

    1. Signs of impaired water-electrolyte metabolism (swelling of the face and limbs).

    2. Attacks of headache, often accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

    3. Signs of disorders of the autonomic nervous system (lability of pressure and pulse, pain in the heart, increased sweating, palpitations, accompanied by attacks of fear and anxiety), which in especially severe cases take the form of acute sympatho-adrenal crises (anxiety attack accompanied by pain in the heart area, increased blood pressure, palpitations, ending with increased urination).

    4. Symptoms of endocrine shifts (engorgement of the mammary glands, acne, increased sensitivity to odors, temporary greasiness of the skin and hair).

    A state of increased nervousness during menopause in women and men

    Menopause in women

    • increased sensitivity (tearfulness);
    • fatigue;
    • decreased mental and physical performance;
    • drowsiness;
    • deterioration of memory and creativity.

    During the same period, pathological menopause is characterized by specific disorders of neuroendocrine regulation: hot flashes (feelings of heat in the head and neck), dizziness, headaches, palpitations, lability of blood pressure and pulse, sweating, pain in the heart, etc.

    Menopause in men

    1. Neoplastic processes in the prostate gland.

    2. Kidney, liver and heart failure.

    Nervousness with hyperthyroidism

    • nervousness;
    • suspiciousness;
    • increased tearfulness;
    • fussiness;
    • sleep disturbances (drowsiness during the day and insomnia at night);
    • fatigue;
    • decreased performance.

    The above-mentioned signs often lead to patients becoming extremely uncooperative, and poor relationships in the family and at work, in turn, further aggravate mental disorders, which often leads to the development of anxiety disorders or depression.

    1. Drug therapy.

    2. Radical surgery (removal of part of the hyperplastic gland).

    3. Treatment with radioactive iodine.

    How to get rid of nervousness?

    Treatment of nervousness caused by various diseases: general principles

    How to treat nervousness with insomnia?

    Folk remedies

    Motherwort cordalis (motherwort vulgare) is a herbaceous perennial plant that has long been used in folk medicine as a sedative.

    Melissa officinalis (lemon balm, mother plant, censer, bee plant) is a perennial herbaceous plant, the Greek name of which (melissa) literally translates as honey bee.

    One of the most popular drugs: lemon balm essential oil (15 drops orally to relieve nervousness in combination with heart pain).

    A bath made from Scots pine needles has a good calming effect. To prepare it, take 300 g of pine needles and boil for 15 minutes in 5 liters of water. Then the broth is infused for about an hour, filtered and poured into a warm bath.

    Nervousness and irritability during pregnancy


    • exogenous reasons (troubles in the family or at work);
    • psychological problems (neuroses of pregnant women);
    • somatic pathology (anemia, hypovitaminosis, exacerbation of chronic diseases).

    In the later stages During pregnancy, nervousness can be one of the signs of such a serious pathology as late toxicosis of pregnancy, so if this symptom appears, you should consult a doctor.

    What medications for nervousness can you take during pregnancy?

    Nervousness in a child


    • A blurred time frame, characterized by a gradual increase in crisis symptoms and an equally gradual decrease.
    • Uncontrollability: it should be remembered that during these periods the child not only responds poorly to the influence of adults, but also does not always properly cope with his own affects.
    • Breaking old behavioral stereotypes.
    • Rebellion is a protest directed against the surrounding world, manifested by extreme negativism (the desire to do everything “the other way around”), stubbornness and despotism (the desire to subordinate everything and everyone to one’s will).

    The following crisis periods of development are distinguished when a healthy child may develop nervousness:

    1. The one-year crisis is associated with the appearance of speech. As a rule, it proceeds subacutely. Due to the particularly close connection between mental and physical development at this stage, it has multiple somatic manifestations, such as disruption of biorhythms (disturbance in sleep and wakefulness, appetite, etc.). There may be a slight delay in development, and even a temporary loss of some previously acquired skills.

    2. The crisis of three years is associated with awareness of one’s own “I” and the beginning of the formation of will. Refers to particularly acute crisis periods. It is often difficult. External influences, such as moving, first visits to preschool, etc., can aggravate the crisis.

    3. The crisis of seven years, as a rule, proceeds more mildly. Crisis symptoms are associated with an awareness of the importance and complexity of social connections, which outwardly manifests itself as a loss of the naive spontaneity of early childhood.

    4. The crisis of adolescence is in many ways similar to the crisis of three years. This is a crisis of rapid growth and development, which is associated with the formation of the social “I”. The age range of this period is different for girls (12-14 years old) and boys (14-16 years old).

    5. The crisis of adolescence is associated with the final formation of value guidelines. The age range is also, as a rule, different for girls (16-17 years old) and boys (18-19 years old).

    It is rare that a person is not familiar with such a condition as irritability. The symptoms of this quality manifest themselves clearly, so it is not difficult for a person to observe this condition in himself or other people. However, irritability often arises for almost any reason. In such a situation, we are talking about nervousness - a state of exhaustion, when a person cannot always perceive the surrounding reality adequately and balancedly.

    The nervous system is involved in regulating the activities of the entire body. Let's remember how this happens - through sending signals and impulses. The nervous system is like an electric current that travels along nerve wires to the desired location. If nervous tension increases, then the plugs burn out or a short circuit occurs. The same thing happens in the body.

    If a person’s nervous system is overstrained, then various types of malfunctions occur. Mostly the person becomes nervous and irritable, which is impossible not to notice. This is the first phase on the path to the development of a nervous breakdown, which will occur after other pathological conditions that a person will definitely not be able to cope with on his own.

    The psychological help website cites the inability to accept the surrounding reality as the main reason for irritability and nervousness. Often a person tries to see only what is pleasing to his eyes. But if you don’t notice everything else that is unpleasant and causes negative emotions, you are limiting your vision. It’s as if you are “drawing curtains” over your eyes, opening them only when the warm sun is shining. And everything else passes you by. But that doesn't mean it doesn't affect your life if you don't notice it.

    In scientific works such people are often mentioned as enlightened ones. Who are they? In fact, a person becomes enlightened when he calms down and begins to accept the world as it is. He sees the sun, and the rain, and love, and murder, and the birth of children, and the death of old people. An enlightened person calmly perceives everything that happens in this world, because it happens in the world, has the right to happen, has its own pattern and reasons. He does not resist the bad and does not rejoice to the point of madness at the good, since everything has the right to its existence.

    A person gets irritated when he doesn’t accept. An enlightened person accepts the world in all its diversity. Such an individual does not get irritated, but rejoices in everything he wants to have.

    An enlightened person observes situations when they begin to manipulate him. After all, manipulations are often based on people’s needs. Knowing your needs, another person can manipulate you. For example, a man promises a woman to marry her, and the woman believes because she wants this to happen. But the question is: will the man fulfill this promise or not? After all, a man can simply manipulate a woman in order to get something from her. He won’t get married now, but in six months, but he can get the “dainty” from a woman now, after which he will leave her.

    But a person who is calm about everything that happens around him, how people behave and what the world is like, looks at all situations as a whole. He notices when they are trying to deceive him, and when they are telling the truth, because he not only focuses his attention on his own desires and needs that he wants to satisfy, but also on how his interlocutor behaves. If a man sees a woman once a week without a compelling reason to see her more often, and says he will marry her, he is most likely lying. But if a man almost runs to meet a woman, sees her every time he has free time (and this happens every evening, at least after work), then his promise to marry can be considered quite sincere.

    A person who sees the world in bright and dark colors, while reacting calmly to everything, does not close his eyes. A person who is irritated tries not to notice what irritates him. And this is exactly what people do. Some teachers even promote this idea: “Pay attention only to what you want to have in your life. And don't pay attention to everything else. This doesn't concern you." But if you pay attention only to what you like and want to see, it means not seeing the whole picture. You get used to this, which is why you constantly do not notice those things that are unpleasant, painful, or irritating to you. But these emotions can also be avoided if you train yourself to look at the world as a whole (including what annoys you), while calmly reacting to everything: “Yes, it is there, I see it. It may exist. But I don’t let it into my life. Other people, if they want, let them have it. But personally, this doesn’t interest me, it doesn’t interest me.”

    A person gets irritated when he doesn’t accept. It is a great art to see the world and not resist what is unpleasant for you to observe with your own eyes. People are often encouraged to ignore and resist bad things. Well, if you agree with this, then continue to be annoyed every time you observe something unpleasant for yourself. But you can rise above duality, stop worrying yourself with negative emotions and at the same time see people and the world from all sides. To do this, you need to learn to look at the world and people as they are, both from the good side and from the bad, while accepting (not loving, namely recognizing the right to exist) everything that you see.

    What is nervousness?

    Nervousness is an acute condition of the nervous system in which a person experiences anxiety, irritability and restlessness. Nervousness is the inability of the nervous system to calmly perceive the surrounding reality and external stimuli. A common cause of this condition is stress that a person has recently encountered and was unable to cope with.

    Depending on exactly how a person’s nervous condition progresses, various psychological and physiological symptoms develop, including sleep disturbances, loss or increase in appetite, surges in pulse and blood pressure, and problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

    When a person reacts unrestrainedly and unbalancedly to a minor irritant, it seems to the people around him that the person is simply not well-mannered. However, this is not always the case. If a person is nervous, then his reactions are completely natural, although not healthy. Everyone, even at the stage of development of nervousness, can notice the corresponding symptoms of the disease and begin to eliminate them. The main principle of treating nervousness remains the elimination of the cause due to which this condition developed. And here we mean eliminating not those irritants that are bothering a person now, but eliminating the stressful situation from which nervousness develops.

    Causes of nervousness

    There are many reasons for the development of nervousness. They are conventionally divided into physiological and psychological:

    1. Physiological reasons include digestive problems, lack of necessary vitamins and minerals, problems with the endocrine system, hormonal imbalances, and oncology. Organic causes of nervousness should not be excluded: dementia, encephalopathy, vegetative-vascular dystonia.
    2. Psychological reasons include depression, fatigue, lack of sleep, anxiety, and stressful situations.

    Nervousness is often a consequence of a person’s restraint. In modern society, not all emotions are considered acceptable. A person must restrain his anger, irritation, aggression. As long as the nervous system is strong and healthy, a person is good at restraining his emotions in public.

    However, the more often stressful situations occur, irritants affect a person, causing negative emotions in him that he restrains, the faster the nervous system is depleted. The more often various stressful situations occur, the faster a person loses the ability to restrain himself.

    If a person could previously react calmly to something, now the singing of birds or the sound of a hammer will cause irritation. If a person gets irritated by any little thing, it means that he has already reached his nervous state, when he is no longer able to restrain the emotions that he has accumulated within himself for so long.

    Psychologists have long been saying that there is no need to restrain your emotions. You should be able to express all your emotions in such a way as not to hold them back and not disturb the people around you. A nervous state is the result of accumulated emotions that a person has been experiencing more and more often lately, without splashing out.

    Lately, female nervousness has become more and more common. Women become more nervous than men, and psychologists attribute this to the woman’s workload. In fact, women are busier and do more things than men. If a man faces responsibilities only at work, while he relaxes at home, then a woman is forced to work, do chores around the house and also raise children.

    Waking up early in the morning, a woman begins to put herself in order, collect the children, solve all household chores, then runs to work, where she also faces various stressful situations, after which she returns home, where children and household responsibilities await her again. Plus, the husband can pester you with his desire to spend intimate time. By and large, a woman rests only when she sleeps. The rest of the time it is busy.

    When a woman has many responsibilities that she cannot share with loved ones or colleagues because they do not want to or have some principles, then the woman turns into a “workhorse”. She only works and sleeps, and at the same time there is no time left to relax, do her favorite things, take a walk alone or pamper herself with something.

    Nervousness in women is a consequence of the constant workload that the ladies have taken upon themselves, and the lack of free time to pamper themselves a little with something.

    And another reason for people’s nervousness is the discrepancy between social norms and internal attitudes or beliefs. When a person is constantly forced to adapt to public opinion, ignoring his desires and needs, then nervousness develops.

    Symptoms of nervousness

    Prolonged stay in a stressful state, worries or anxiety provokes the development of neurosis. However, this condition does not occur suddenly. This process is long and gradually increasing. Symptoms of nervousness, in addition to obvious external irritability, are:

    1. Fatigue.
    2. Weakness.
    3. Tearfulness.
    4. Loss of interest in hobbies.
    5. Decreased libido.
    6. Repetitive actions, such as swinging your leg.
    7. Raising your voice. Thus, a person finally splashes out his emotions.

    Irritation towards the manifestations of other people most often arises due to excessive demands. You have clear ideas about what people should be and how they should behave. And if something happens not according to these ideas, you get irritated.

    This behavior is most often formed in childhood, when parents demand perfection from children, and then is reinforced in school, when teachers tell how to do something, and punish (give bad grades) when the child does it his own way. These behavior patterns are reinforced and then transferred into adulthood, when you already demand certain actions, specific actions and words from those around you. And when you don’t get what you expected, you get irritated, pouring out your anger on your interlocutor, punishing him for what he didn’t do the way you wanted.

    What to do with your irritation and demandingness towards other people? Just stop expecting from people the actions and manifestations that you want to see. Stop demanding perfection from them. Let them be themselves and not conform to your expectations. And understand that they are not doing anything to spite you.

    Treatment of nervousness

    Nervousness, fortunately, rarely requires professional help. Only due to physiological and organic disorders, it is necessary to consult a doctor to restore health, which will entail the elimination of nervousness. However, nervousness is often eliminated in other ways:

    1. Changing work and rest schedules. You need to relax more and do what you love.
    2. or yoga.
    3. Drinking hot tea.
    4. Avoidance of coffee, nicotine, alcohol, etc.
    5. Frequent walks in the fresh air and exercise.
    6. Reflexology.
    7. Psychotherapy.
    8. Art therapy.
    9. Listening to pleasant music.

    If you cannot do without medications because a person suffers from hormonal imbalances, panic attacks, obsessive states, etc., then all medications should be prescribed by a doctor.

    Bottom line

    Nervousness is common to many people because they are demanding, insecure, fearful and not accepting of reality. Nervousness can be eliminated at the first stages of its appearance on your own. The longer the condition develops, the more serious the treatment becomes.