What to do if an adult has severe hiccups. Frequent hiccups: causes in adults. Complications and prevention

Involuntary sounds and reflex contractions cause discomfort to a person. They prevent him from talking and draw the attention of others to him. In order to stop the attack and remove hiccups, simple folk remedies.

An attack of hiccups is a nonspecific disorder external respiration, appearing against the background of convulsive contractions of the diaphragm. Breathing is intermittent, intense, short. Internal and external factors cause hiccups.

The mechanism of its occurrence is simple. The diaphragmatic septum, together with the small intercostal muscles, expands, and the larynx spasms, blocking the passage for the air stream.


The following factors can cause hiccups:

  1. Overeating. When eating large amounts of food, the stomach stretches excessively. This leads to irritation vagus nerve.
  2. Dry food.
  3. Taking in air when eating. This happens when people rush through food, talk while eating, or drink carbonated drinks. Excess air distends the stomach, its walls put pressure on the vagus nerve. In response to irritation, hiccups appear.
  4. Sudden temperature jump. The onset of an attack is noted when one enters a cool room from the heat. Hiccups appear with severe hypothermia. It is accompanied by trembling caused by muscle spasms. In this case, hiccups try to extinguish the spasm of the diaphragm.
  5. Muscle tension resulting from fear or a stressful situation. At the same time, you can get rid of hiccups by doing breathing exercises and taking a sedative.
  6. Drinking alcohol. Alcohol intoxication disrupts the functioning of the nervous system. Toxins that enter the brain excite the segment responsible for hiccups. The irritated area gives a reflex response - an attack of hiccups.
  7. Irritation of nerve fibers occurs if people inhale dusty, smoky, polluted or poisonous air. The response to toxins is expressed by hiccups and coughing.
  8. Infection with worms can provoke a long-lasting attack. Helminths irritate the intestines and disrupt its functioning. For perforation intestinal walls diaphragmatic muscle tissue and nerve branches are damaged. Such processes cause hiccups.

There are quite serious reasons hiccups. It may occur against the background various pathologies. When the attack is prolonged and does not disappear spontaneously within 1–2 days, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination.

The occurrence of hiccups is provoked by the following factors:

  1. Diseases digestive tract. Inflammatory processes occurring in the gastrointestinal tract, ulcers, pancreatitis irritate the vagus nerve.
  2. Respiratory diseases. Pneumonia, bronchitis, pleurisy, and diseases of the oropharynx excite the nerve roots located next to the diaphragm.
  3. Nervous system disorders: inflammation meninges, poor circulation in the brain, damage to the myelin sheaths of neurons.
  4. Heart diseases: heart attack, aneurysm. The reflex appears in patients who have a pacemaker (IVR).
  5. Intoxication that occurs in cancer patients after chemotherapy or the use of potent drugs.

Most causes cause short-term attacks of hiccups that go away on their own or are easily eliminated by folk methods. If the phenomenon becomes permanent, you should consult a doctor - it may be a symptom of a disease that cannot be eliminated without medical intervention.

Drug therapy

To remove hiccups caused by certain disease, the doctor prescribes appropriate medications.

When the nervous system is excited, take:

  • neuroleptics;
  • muscle relaxants.

The drugs have a relaxing effect on the diaphragmatic septum.

For illnesses digestive system use medications that stimulate motor skills gastrointestinal tract, inhibitors histamine receptors. In case of poisoning, drugs that relieve intoxication are used.

Inhaling carbon dioxide helps stop hiccups in adults. The doctor inserts a catheter into the patient's nasal passages; the gas entering through it irritates the vagus nerve. It delivers severe discomfort, but quickly relieves hiccups.

Traditional methods

You can quickly get rid of hiccups at home using simple methods:

Treatment of hiccups is also carried out using the following methods:

  1. Good home method– impact on bio active points. You should lightly press on the eyeballs and rub inner surface hands from wrist to elbow, massage the palate with your tongue. You can also do the following: pull your earlobes down or to the sides.
  2. A method that involves saturating the blood with carbon dioxide helps with hiccups at home. The carbon dioxide accumulated in the lungs is exhaled into a paper bag and immediately inhaled. After repeating the procedure many times, the hiccups stop.
  3. Push-ups and abdominal exercises stop the attack.
  4. The hiccups begin to go away if you stick your tongue out and pull it down.
  5. Changing your posture relieves hiccups.
  6. Eliminate an attack with stretching. Hands placed behind the back are hooked into a lock, which is “torn” with force.
  7. In a sitting position, press your knees to chest.

To cope with hiccups at home, perform breathing exercises:

  1. Inhale deeply and hold your breath for a few seconds.
  2. Reduce breathing intensity. Take slow inhalations and exhalations, making sure to maintain short intervals between them.
  3. They throw their head back and stop breathing. Count to 12 and exhale slowly. Take a glass of water and drink the liquid in small sips.
  4. Stretching the diaphragm is an effective way to eliminate an attack. You need to take a deep breath and sit down, clasping your body with your arms.

Short-term hiccups can be easily eliminated using simple home methods or go away on their own. If the attack becomes protracted, you should go to the doctor. This will help to identify serious pathologies in a timely manner and maintain health.

Hiccups is an innate reflex given to us by nature. This is the body’s reaction to external (cold) or internal (food pressure on the walls of the esophagus and stomach) stimuli. With hiccups, the diaphragm and intercostal muscles try to take a deep breath. But at the same time a spasm occurs in the larynx, and respiratory tract overlap. A characteristic sound occurs during inhalation at the moment of spasm of the vocal cords.

Each of the innate reflexes helps a person survive. Coughing, for example, clears the lungs, and immediately withdrawing your hand from a hot object helps avoid burns.

But why do we need hiccups?
This time the opinions of scientists differed. Let's focus on the two most plausible versions.

Version one. Hiccups help release the vagus nerve, which is pinched in the area hiatus diaphragm. This nerve is very important, since its proper functioning ensures the functioning of vital organs: heart, lungs, stomach, intestines. So, hiccups are an attempt to protect the vagus nerve from irritation.

Version two. Hiccups are a protective mechanism that circulates fluid in the lungs of the embryo. Subsequently, this reflex becomes unnecessary and slowly fades away, but its appearance is periodically provoked by various factors.

Interesting facts about hiccups

  • Several centuries ago, hiccups were considered a sign of the evil eye and damage.
  • The Germans applied a paper cross they made with their own hands to their foreheads for hiccups. And the British are baptizing right hand left foot.
  • The longest bout of hiccups lasted 68 years.
  • Men are more likely to suffer from hiccups than women.
  • It is easier to stop hiccups before you have hiccupped 5-10 times. If the moment is missed, then you will hiccup about 60 more times.
  • A whole epidemic once happened in the Arkhangelsk region. Women caught hiccups from each other. This phenomenon is called “Pinega ikotnitsy”. But he never found an explanation.

Causes of hiccups

The mechanism of hiccups

Let's remember the anatomy to make it clearer what happens to our body during hiccups. The diaphragm is a wide muscle that separates the chest and abdominal cavities. IN calm state it resembles a dome. When a muscle tenses, it becomes flat. At the same time, it stretches the lungs and increases their volume. This happens with every breath. The intercostal muscles raise the ribs to further increase the volume of the chest.

During hiccups, this process occurs very quickly, the diaphragm and intercostal muscles contract convulsively. But vocal cords close, the access of air is blocked by the epiglottis, and instead of a full inhalation, we get hiccups.

We figured out how the characteristic “hic” occurs. But the muscles of the body do not work independently. They are always controlled by the nervous system. But in this case, she does it against our will.

Hiccups occur when irritants affect the vagus nerve, a thick fiber of nerve endings covered in a protective sheath that runs from the skull to the internal organs. The signal of irritation immediately reaches the “hiccup centers.” The intermediate is in cervical spine the spinal cord, and the central brainstem. These structures are responsible for analyzing the signal and making decisions about reducing the aperture. A command from the brain in the form of a nerve impulse descends to the diaphragm and intercostal muscles and causes them to contract sharply.

The path taken by a nerve impulse is called a reflex arc. Its components: diaphragm, vagus nerve, brain, vagus nerve, phrenic nerve, diaphragm muscles. If you open this circuit and stop the transmission of the nerve impulse, then the hiccups will stop. This will happen when respiratory center, normally responsible for the functioning of the lungs, will again take over the function of controlling the diaphragm and other respiratory muscles.

The mechanism of hiccups is closely related to the respiratory, nervous system and digestive organs (esophagus and stomach). Changes in the organs controlled by the vagus nerve can cause hiccups.

Let's take a closer look at what can cause hiccups. These factors are usually divided into two groups.

To the first Let's include “harmless” reasons that cause short bouts of banal hiccups, which last from 5 to 20 minutes and go away on their own.
To the second This group of causes includes diseases that lead to hiccups. If the hiccups are associated with pathology and the attacks last more than 2 days, then this is already a long-term persistent hiccups. Her attacks are repeated frequently, and coping with them is much more difficult.

  1. Pathologies of the digestive system
    • esophagitis
    • peptic ulcer of the stomach or intestines
    Inflammation of the esophagus, stomach, intestines and glands, which are considered “subordinate” to the vagus nerve, causes malfunctions in its functioning. Inflammation from nearby organs affects the vagus and phrenic nerves and the diaphragmatic muscle. Any impact on the nerve endings turns into a nerve impulse, which travels along a reflex arc and ends with a convulsive contraction of the diaphragm muscles.
  2. Diseases respiratory system The vagus nerve ensures the functioning of the muscles of the pharynx and palate, so any inflammation of the upper respiratory tract disrupts its functioning. This is facilitated by intoxication and compression of surrounding tissues as a result of edema. But if in the upper sections the nerve is protected by the membranes of the neurovascular bundle, then when it enters the chest, it crumbles into a series small branches. They are more vulnerable and sensitive to inflammation of the bronchi and lungs. And, as you understand, any impact on the vagus nerve can result in hiccups.
  3. Nervous system disorders Injury or inflammatory diseases, brain damage as a result of poor vascular function or toxin poisoning appears various symptoms. Among them there is also persistent, prolonged hiccups. In this case, diaphragmatic spasms are caused by compression of an area of ​​the brain stem by surrounding swollen tissue.
  4. Pathologies of the cardiovascular system Since the heart lies in close proximity to the vagus nerve, serious interruptions in its functioning can be transmitted to the nerve trunk. Along it, excitement spreads to the “hiccup center.”
  5. Intoxication of the body Intoxications caused by microorganisms that enter the blood during illness or by drugs poison nervous system. They provide toxic effect both on the brain and peripheral nerves. This causes abnormal nerve impulses that cause the diaphragm to contract.
  6. Tumors

    This is, of course, very rare reason the appearance of hiccups, but quite probable. Benign or malignant tumors can occur in any organ. Hiccups are associated with tumors that are located in the brain, along the path of the vagus nerve, or on the diaphragm itself. The tumor tissue compresses the nerve endings, causing a nervous tic - hiccups.

Hiccups in newborns

Newborn babies are more likely to suffer from hiccups. Although, we must admit that this phenomenon worries young mothers more than the babies themselves.

Hiccups in newborns are frequent, rhythmic twitching of the diaphragm, the muscular septum that separates the lungs from the digestive organs. Can last from 5 minutes to an hour.

Causes of hiccups in newborns

Hiccups in newborns can be provoked by many factors because this reflex is much better developed in them than in adults. This is due to the fact that in the prenatal period, hiccups help the child to develop properly. Contractions of the diaphragm provide circulation of fluid that fills the baby’s lungs, this is a kind of massage internal organs and the way muscles develop.

After birth, this reflex becomes unnecessary, but it fades away slowly. Therefore, any external influence can provoke it.

The mechanism of hiccups in newborns. An impulse arises in the nerve endings of the vagus nerve. It appears if a spasm of the diaphragm occurs, it is pinched by a swollen tummy, or after irritation of the esophagus. The impulse rises to the brain. There is a special section that controls the movements of the diaphragm. He gives a command that, in the form of a nerve impulse, moves down and causes the diaphragm to tremble. The following reasons can cause contractions of the vagus nerve:

  1. Hypothermia. Normal child reacts to cold air strong tension muscles. At the same time, the abdominal muscles contract, and the internal organs support the diaphragm. Hiccuping, in this case, is an attempt to relax the muscles of the diaphragm so that the lungs can breathe more comfortably.
  2. After regurgitation. During regurgitation, air and food quickly pass through the esophagus, irritating nearby nerve endings.
  3. Stomach fullness. Incorrect attachment to the breast, when the baby gasps for air with each swallow or rapid sucking often ends in hiccups. The stomach, overfilled with milk and air, presses on the diaphragm from below, causing hiccups.
  4. Bloating. Gases that form in the intestines cause painful sensations. The baby's tummy becomes bloated and hard. The baby tenses, twists his legs and thereby compresses the diaphragm even more, lifting it up to the lungs. In response to this, the sensitive muscular septum begins to twitch.
  5. Scream. While crying, the child strongly tenses all his muscles and gains large number air, which enters not only the lungs, but also the stomach. It enlarges and stretches the vagus nerve, which runs along the surface of the stomach.
  6. Fright. You took the baby with cold hands, turned on a bright light, or there was a loud sound next to him - this can frighten the child. Stress is always accompanied by contraction of the body muscles, and sometimes hiccups.
  7. Immaturity of internal organs. Internal organs little man continue to form even after birth, especially for children who are born ahead of schedule. The nervous system and digestive organs are very sensitive to various irritations. They are just learning to work correctly. Therefore, spasms often occur, and hiccups are their consequence.
  8. Diseases. IN in rare cases elevated levels of intracranial pressure– the center of the hiccups is compressed and sends impulses to the diaphragm. Another reason is pneumonia. In this case, inflammatory processes disrupt the transmission of signals along the vagus and phrenic nerves.

How does hiccups manifest in newborns?

Hiccups in newborns manifest themselves in rhythmic trembling of the entire body, which is accompanied by a characteristic sound. This phenomenon can last from several minutes to an hour. Most often this happens after feeding or during air baths.

Most often, hiccups do not cause much concern in newborns. But for some babies it prevents them from falling asleep, and then the child becomes capricious and whiny.


The main rule is not to worry. Hiccups in newborns are not a manifestation of the disease. Absolutely all children hiccup, but some may hiccup more often or for longer. But each organism has its own characteristics. Remember that over time this reflex fades away and will bother your child less and less. In the meantime, a few simple tips how to help your baby.

What not to do?

Treatment methods for hiccups that can be tried on an adult are absolutely not suitable for a newborn baby. Hiccups themselves will not cause as much harm as some attempts to get rid of hiccups.

  1. Don't scare the baby. Claps, shouts and tossing will only cause a crying attack and will cause sleepless night. Try to distract your child using more civilized methods: show toys, carry them in your arms.
  2. Don't wrap it up. Hiccups are not a reason to put winter clothes on your child. If the temperature in the newborn’s room is normal (22°C), then a blouse and rompers are enough. Remember that overheating is worse for a newborn than hypothermia. If the baby still has cold hands and nose, then wrap him in a warm diaper or pick him up.
  3. Don't give water. According to WHO breastfeeding experts, newborns only need mother's milk. And a bottle of water can cause the baby to not want to breastfeed.
  4. Avoid eating foods that cause gas. The nursing mother's menu has great value. Eating cabbage, legumes, peanuts, and tomatoes causes bloating in infants and can cause hiccups.
What should I do?

Treatment with medications

Group of drugs Representatives Mechanism of treated action How is it prescribed?
Treatment of hiccups caused by immaturity of the nervous system and nervous excitement
Homeopathic sedatives Dormikind Prescribed for the treatment of hiccups associated with immaturity of the nervous system and uneven development of its parts. They have a calming effect. The child becomes less whiny, less stressed and sleeps better. The functioning of the nervous system improves faster, and attacks of hiccups become less frequent. Dilute 1 tablet in a teaspoon of water and give it to drink 30 minutes before meals or 30 minutes after meals. Repeat 3 times a day.
Treatment of hiccups associated with intestinal colic
Carminatives Bebinos
Espumisan L
Used to treat hiccups caused by bloating and other digestive problems. Relieves spasms in the intestines, helps get rid of gas accumulation. Reduces the load on the diaphragm from the digestive organs. 3-6 drops 3 times a day with a small amount of water. Take after meals and before bedtime.

Remember, it is forbidden to give a newborn child any medicines without a doctor's prescription. Even the most harmless, from your point of view, medicine or dietary supplement can cause irreparable harm to a child. Allergic reactions, palpitations, digestive disorders are just a few of the possible consequences. Therefore, before treating hiccups in a newborn with medications, consult a pediatrician and neurologist.

Tell your pediatrician about the following cases of hiccups:

  • hiccups last more than 2 hours after you have eliminated the possible causes of its occurrence;
  • attacks appear regularly several times a day for 2 weeks or more.

Hiccups in children

Hiccups in children the phenomenon is quite common. It ends every hypothermia or bout of boisterous laughter. Sometimes children hiccup several times a day. In this case, they talk about episodic or banal hiccups. This phenomenon is familiar to absolutely everyone and should not worry parents. With age, attacks of contractions of the diaphragm muscles become less and less frequent.

Another thing prolonged hiccups. It can go on for hours. Due to the large number of contractions of the diaphragm, the child experiences discomfort. The fact is that each “hic” is a powerful and quick breath. But it is defective because the glottis narrows sharply and does not allow air flow to enter the lungs. Therefore, during prolonged hiccups, the child may experience oxygen deficiency. It is necessary to examine the baby to detect pathologies that cause hiccups. These could be worms, gastritis, disorders of the liver, brain or spinal cord,

Causes and mechanism of hiccups in children

In most cases hiccups in children caused by completely harmless factors. They irritate the nerve endings of the vagus and phrenic nerves located on the esophagus, stomach and diaphragm. The nerve impulse travels along the nerve fibers to the brain. There is a special zone here - the “hiccup center”. Here, commands are formed that return along nerve fibers to the respiratory muscles and cause them to contract.

What can cause hiccups?

  1. Stomach fullness. Your baby has eaten more than usual or drunk a lot of liquid. The stomach stretches and puts pressure on the diaphragm, lifting it up. This causes a response in the brain, and it causes the diaphragm muscles to contract.
  2. Esophageal irritation. Perhaps the child did not chew food well and swallowed in large pieces. This is especially true for dry foods: crackers, bagels. This happens when a child is in a hurry or his baby teeth are loose and it hurts to chew. Large pieces of food stretch the wall of the esophagus and irritate the branches of the vagus nerve.
  3. Hypothermia. Wet feet, a wet diaper, or general hypothermia cause the skeletal muscles and diaphragm to contract. In this way, the body tries to retain heat. A compressed diaphragm is a discomfort for the nerves, and hence hiccups.
  4. Swallowing air (aerophagia). This can happen while laughing, crying, when a child excitedly tells you something or chews chewing gum. Aerophagia is often observed during diseases that are accompanied by sore throat. Air, like food, inflates the stomach and, with the help of contractions of the diaphragm, the body tries to reduce pressure.
  5. Nervous tension, fear. IN stressful situations a lot of adrenaline enters the blood. This substance causes contraction of muscles, including the diaphragm. And we already know what the consequences are. In addition, a malfunction of the nervous system occurs. Foci of excitation arise in the “hiccup center”, and it takes over control of the respiratory muscles.
  6. Uncomfortable position. If the baby was in one position for a long time, for example, sitting slouched, then the abdominal organs put pressure on the diaphragm. This may cause her muscles to spasm.
  7. Taking medications. Sulfonamide drugs, which are often prescribed to children to fight bacteria, muscle relaxants that are used before surgery, and other drugs can cause intoxication. Damage to the nervous system can manifest itself in the form of prolonged bouts of hiccups.
What pathologies cause hiccups in children?

The inflammation is rarely limited to a small area. It almost always affects surrounding tissue. They swell and the nerve endings become pinched in them. Hiccups are caused by diseases that affect organs located along the vagus and phrenic nerves. And it doesn’t matter whether the disorders arise in the brain or in the abdominal cavity. The signal gets to the “hiccup center”, and there an impulse is formed that causes the child to hiccup.

  1. Inflammation different departments respiratory system
    • inflammation of the pharynx
    • inflammation of the trachea and bronchi
    • pneumonia
  2. Digestive diseases
    • inflammation or stretching of the esophagus
    • inflammation or peptic ulcer stomach, intestines
    • liver pathology
  3. Pathologies of the nervous system
    • brain and spinal cord injuries
    • dysfunction of the peripheral nervous system,
    • nerve damage
    • cysts and tumors
    • inflammation of the lining of the heart
    • aortic aneurysm
In order not to unnecessarily frighten parents, we note that such diseases occur infrequently in children and are not always accompanied by hiccups. But still visit a doctor if your baby hiccups for a long time, attacks of hiccups cannot be relieved within 48 hours; hiccups appear regularly for 2 or more weeks.

Treatment of hiccups in children

Treatment of hiccups in children in most cases does not require medication. There are a large number of methods that allow you to restore normal work the respiratory center in the brain that causes the diaphragm to move smoothly.

There is something different for everyone; there are no universal recipes. Most methods are quite safe and children perceive them as a fun game. But among the recipes for hiccups, there are also those that can be harmful, especially if used frequently.

What not to do?

  1. Do not smear the root of your tongue with strong mustard. Another variation on this theme: mix mustard with vinegar and lubricate the tip of your tongue. In children, such a procedure can cause not only allergies, but also a spasm of the muscles of the larynx and bronchi, then the child will begin to choke.
  2. Do not swallow a teaspoon of salt. Remember that daily norm salt for a child is less than one gram, and a teaspoon holds 5 grams. Therefore, such treatment for hiccups can disrupt the water and electrolyte balance in the body.
  3. Don't scare the child. Fright is unlikely to get rid of hiccups; it will most likely worsen the situation. In addition, it can cause other unpleasant phenomena, such as stuttering and enuresis.
  4. Do not trigger the gag reflex. Pressing on the root of the tongue helps some adults, but in a child this procedure will cause a lot of unpleasant sensations and every bout of hiccups will be associated with psychological trauma. Believe me, there are many more pleasant and no less effective ways hiccup treatment.
  5. Do not drop Corvalol on sugar. This method helps many adults, but is completely unsuitable for children. Their body may behave unpredictably in response to the medication. Side effects tachycardia, drowsiness and dizziness become.
What should I do?
  1. Train yourself to eat slowly. When your baby chews food thoroughly and swallows it in small portions, he will not swallow air, which causes hiccups. By eating food slowly, he will have time to understand that he is full and has less chance of overeating. This habit will help avoid the occurrence of hiccups associated with overeating and swallowing air.
  2. Holding your breath. Ask your child to take a deep breath, hold it as long as possible, and suck in the belly. Another option: breathe the air that is in a paper bag. At the same time, the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood increases, and the brain begins to feel a lack of oxygen. When the body encounters such a serious problem, it “forgets” about hiccups caused by irritation of the vagus and phrenic nerves. Excess carbon dioxide reboots the respiratory center, which is responsible for the proper functioning of the diaphragm and lungs.
  3. Drinking water. You need to hold your breath and during this time drink 12 small sips of water. Another way: put the glass on a chair and drink water through a straw while leaning over it. At this time, the hands should be clasped and held as high as possible. Drinking poda helps relax the esophagus and diaphragm and interrupts the passage of the nerve impulse that causes hiccups.
  4. Stretch the diaphragm. Ask your child to take a deep breath and hold it for 30 seconds. Then you can purse your lips into a tube and exhale slowly and smoothly. Repeat 5-6 times. Stretching the diaphragm and normalizing breathing restores proper muscle function. This method helps if hiccups are associated with prolonged stay in one position or muscle spasms after fright and hypothermia.
  5. Unusual tastes. An experiment conducted by British scientists showed that in 19 out of 20 cases, hiccups in children stopped after they were asked to suck a teaspoon of granulated sugar. If you are not at home, sugar can be replaced with M&M's candies, they need to be chewed. American children are treated with a spoon of peanut butter. A slice of lemon also helps. The fact is that foods with a strong taste irritate the taste buds, switching the attention of the nervous system to this problem and distracting for hiccups. This method works in almost all cases.
  6. Massage the hard palate. Massage hard palate(this is the area of ​​the mouth behind upper teeth) is a distraction for the vagus nerve. The palate can be tickled with the tip of your tongue or massaged with your finger. Tactile stimulation of the palate receptors helps relieve stimulation of the vagus nerve caused by laughter or swallowing air.
  7. Dip your face in cool water. Fill a bowl with cool water and invite your child to soak his face for a few seconds. You need to hold your breath and then slowly release the air. The inclined position, holding the breath and the unusual sensations of “diving” into cool water will relax the diaphragm and interrupt the transmission of commands from the “hiccup center” to the diaphragm.
  8. Exercise.
    • As you inhale, raise your arms up and stretch. As you exhale, bend down and relax.
    • Place your child in a chair and ask him to press against the back and take a deep breath. After this, lean forward, grab your knees and hold your breath for 5-10 seconds. Now you can exhale slowly.
    Such exercises help to relax the muscles of the diaphragm, and holding your breath is necessary so that the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood increases. under such conditions, the respiratory center takes control of the work of the respiratory muscles.
  9. Chamomile tea. This drink helps calm the nervous system and relax muscles. If you drink tea in small sips, you can influence the nerve endings of the vagus nerve in the pharynx and esophagus.

Medication treatment of hiccups in children

Medicines for the treatment of hiccups in children are used very rarely, only if attacks occur regularly, last a long time and greatly interfere with the child. Usually such indomitable hiccups are caused by some kind of disease.
Group of drugs Mechanism of treated action Representatives How is it prescribed?
Treatment of hiccups associated with increased excitability of the nervous system
Antihistamines They block the work of areas of the brain responsible for contractions of the diaphragm, reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings, and prevent and eliminate hiccups. Pipolfen
Take 1 tablet after meals 1-4 times a day. Drink with enough water. It is not recommended to chew the dragee so as not to cause intestinal irritation.
From 2 months possible intramuscular injection pipolfen. From 6 years of age you can give it to your child in the form of pills.
Neuroleptics They calm the nervous system, relieve anxiety, and have a hypnotic and antiemetic effect. The mechanism of action is associated with a decrease in the sensitivity of the vagus nerve. Aminazine (Chlorpromazine)
Aminazine in syrup is prescribed from one year onwards. In dragees from 3-6 years. Single dose 500 mcg/kg. Take 4-5 times a day after meals.
Treatment of hiccups associated with spasm of the diaphragm muscles
Antispasmodics Reduces the tone of smooth muscles that make up internal organs and blood vessels, relieves spasms of the intestines and stomach. Thanks to this, it is possible to relax the diaphragm and release pinched nerves. No-shpa
A single dose for children is up to 10-20 mg, the frequency of administration depends on age. Take with or without food with plenty of liquid.
Papaverine is prescribed depending on age, ¼-2 tablets.
Treatment of hiccups associated with bloating and indigestion
Carminatives They help eliminate the accumulation of gases in the intestines, which puts pressure on the diaphragm. Espumisan
Plantex and other products based on fennel, dill, anise, cumin
Take 2-3 times a day after meals. If necessary, again at night.

Before giving your child any medicine, be sure to consult your doctor. He will determine the dose and frequency of administration, taking into account the baby’s condition, his age and weight.

Hiccups in adults

All adults are familiar with hiccups - this is a convulsive contraction of the diaphragm muscles, which is accompanied by sharp narrowing glottis. This phenomenon is most often caused by: hypothermia or overeating, but there are cases when hiccups may indicate serious illness.

Causes and mechanism of hiccups in adults

Causes of episodic hiccups in adults
  1. Stomach fullness. If you sit down more than usual, your stomach increases in volume significantly. It puts pressure on the diaphragm located above it and on the vagus nerve. Overflow is often preceded by sphincter spasm. These are special circular muscles that are located at the entrance and exit from the stomach. If they are compressed, then food cannot go into the intestines, and air cannot be released in the form of belching. In this case, we feel an unpleasant heaviness that precedes hiccups.
  2. Hot or cold food, dry food, spicy food. As food passes through the esophagus, it irritates its lining. This irritation is transmitted to the nearby vagus nerve, and through it to the brain. The response to the stimulus is a sharp contraction of the diaphragm
  3. Alcohol. Strong alcoholic drinks burn the mucous membrane of the pharynx and esophagus, and then cause intoxication (poisoning) by disrupting the functioning of the nerves, including the vagus and diaphragmatic ones. This is why hiccups so often accompany rich feasts.
  4. Drug intoxication. In this case, hiccups in adults are a side effect of medications. Their components disrupt the functioning of the nervous system. More often than others, sulfonamide drugs, muscle relaxants, and anesthetics are to blame for the appearance of hiccups.
  5. Stress, fear, hysteria - this is a load on the central nervous system. Stress disrupts the transmission of signals from centers in the brain to executive organs. In the center responsible for the contraction of the diaphragm, excitation occurs, which is transmitted to its muscles.
  6. Hypothermia. When we are cold, we shiver. This is a convulsive muscle contraction aimed at maintaining heat, and we feel the trembling of the diaphragm as hiccups.
  7. Laughter. When laughing, a deep breath is followed by a series of sharp exhalations. This disrupts the functioning of the respiratory center, and the “hiccup center” gains control over the diaphragm.

Persistent long-term hiccups in adults can be caused by various diseases:

  1. Nervous system lesions Pathologies of the nervous system are accompanied by edema nerve tissue, while some cells die and the signal transmission pathways from the brain to the diaphragm are disrupted. This causes its convulsive contraction.

    Diseases of other organs cause irritation not of the central part, but of peripheral nerves– wandering and diaphragmatic. If the source of inflammation is located next to them, then a failure occurs in the nervous regulation of the diaphragm. Here is a list of diseases that may be accompanied by hiccups:

    • brain inflammation
    • concussions and bruises
    • multiple sclerosis
    • tumors
    • intervertebral hernia, compressing nerves
  2. Digestive diseases
  3. Diseases cardiovascular system
    • aortic aneurysm
    • myocardial infarction
  4. Respiratory system diseases
    • pneumonia
    • pleurisy
    • tumors
Hiccups associated with illness last more than 48 hours and require medical attention. But remember that these diseases never manifest themselves as just hiccups. They call whole bouquet symptoms, so don’t get upset ahead of time. Just consult a therapist or neurologist.


Episodic hiccups does not need treatment. It goes away on its own after a few minutes when you switch your attention to something else. But if hiccups really annoy you, you can try methods that will open reflex arc(path of passage of a nerve impulse). There are a great variety of such distracting maneuvers, and each one has something different that helps.

What not to do?

You should not use extreme methods to combat hiccups, which, although they will stop the hiccups, can also be harmful to your health.

  1. Rectal massage. American Francis Fesmire, together with Israeli scientists, received the Ig Nobel Prize for this method in 2006. They have proven that finger massage of the rectum is a good treatment for hiccups. But this method never became widespread.
  2. Fright. Attempts to scare a hiccupper can cause serious neurological disorders. It is especially dangerous if a person has heart problems.
  3. Lubricate the root of the tongue with strong mustard. This seasoning may cause laryngeal spasm. In addition, mustard, if it gets into the esophagus, will burn it, which can cause increased hiccups.
What should I do?
  1. Drinking water. There are several exotic ways of drinking water that can help you get rid of hiccups. The fact is that cool water affects receptors in the throat, which distract the vagus nerve from transmitting commands to the diaphragm. As water travels down the esophagus, it helps it relax and pushes out stuck food that can irritate the diaphragm. In addition, concentrating on counting sips puts the nervous system in order.
    • Hold your breath and take 12 sips;
    • Drink water from the opposite edge of the glass;
    • Hold the pencil between your teeth; it should be positioned horizontally between your teeth. Try taking a few sips.
    • Drop half a wooden toothpick into the glass. Drink water, being careful not to get a toothpick in your mouth.
    • Drink water while leaning forward. You can drink from the tap or from a glass on the table. Your hands should be clasped behind your back. Raise them as high as possible.
  2. Holding your breath. When you hold your breath, your blood becomes rich in carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is a signal for the respiratory center to take control of the diaphragm. It forces the muscle to work only to ventilate the lungs. The method helps to get rid of hiccups that arise on nervous soil and as a result muscle spasm.
    • Breathe slowly into the paper bag. Polyethylene cannot be used for these purposes - you can suffocate.
    • Take a deep breath, then a few more, until your lungs feel full. Now tilt your head down and hold your breath for 30 seconds. After this, exhale smoothly, effortlessly. This method allows you to cause oxygen deficiency and relax the muscles of the diaphragm.
    • Valsalva maneuver. Take a deep breath, hold your breath and tense your muscles, straining. Stay in this state for 10-15 seconds.
  3. Salt and sugar. Irritation of the taste buds located in the mouth helps to improve the functioning of the vagus nerve if hiccups appear from cold or irritation of the nerve when swallowing. It is recommended to dissolve a teaspoon of granulated sugar or salt. For the same purposes, you can use a slice of lemon or a piece of candied honey, a few dragees ascorbic acid.
  4. Exercise. Exercises combined with regular breathing help control the abdominal muscles and diaphragm. This method helps eliminate neurogenic hiccups and those associated with swallowing air.
    • Stretch by standing on your toes and raising your arms up. This exercise is done while inhaling. As you exhale, lean forward.
    • Sit on a chair, leaning against its back, take a deep breath. Lean forward, wrap your arms around yourself as if you were making an emergency landing on an airplane. Hold this for 10-30 seconds, then exhale smoothly.
    • Do a handstand or lie on your back and hang your head off the bed until it is below your diaphragm.
  5. Gag reflex. Tickle the root of your tongue with your fingers (no need to make you vomit). This stimulates your gag reflex. The vagus nerve is also responsible for it. Since the gag reflex is stronger than hiccups, the body switches to performing this task. This method of struggle copes with hiccups that arise for any reason.
  6. Induce a burp. If hiccups are caused by swallowing air or drinking carbonated drinks, then it is necessary to empty the stomach of the air bubble. To do this, swallow air several times, lean forward a little and tense your abdominal muscles.
  7. Water with mint drops. Peppermint tincture helps relax the esophageal sphincter, the ring of muscle that separates the esophagus from the stomach. This will allow excess air to escape from it. This method is suitable if you begin to hiccup after overeating, drinking carbonated drinks or laughing.
  8. Impact on reflex zones. Press on the biologically active points where the receptors of the nervous system are located. This causes stimulation of the respiratory center, from which the diaphragm is controlled.

    Reflexology helps well with hiccups in adults of a neurogenic nature.

    • Sit down, close your eyes and lightly press on your eyeballs;
    • Massage vigorously back side arms from hand to elbow;
    • Massage the upper palate with your finger or the tip of your tongue.
    • Pull your earlobes or apply something cold to them.

Medication treatment of hiccups in adults

Treatment with medications is necessary when long persistent hiccups. You will be prescribed medications if:
  • hiccups appear regularly;
  • the attack lasts more than 48 hours;
  • during hiccups, heartburn and chest pain appear;
  • hiccups are associated with various diseases.
Treatments for hiccups in adults

Inhalations with carbon dioxide(5-7% carbon dioxide and 93-95% oxygen). Carbon dioxide is an irritant to the respiratory center. This procedure activates its work and forces you to breathe deeply. At the same time, the lungs, diaphragm, and intercostal muscles work smoothly and without unnecessary contractions.

Intranasal catheter insertion to a depth of 10-12 cm. A catheter is a thin flexible tube. It is administered through the nose into the respiratory tract. It irritates the nerve endings of the vagus nerve. The procedure itself is not particularly pleasant. Doctors' manipulations make you quickly forget about hiccups and switch to your own sensations.

Novocaine blockade of the vagus nerve. 40-50 ml of 0.25% novocaine solution is injected with a needle at the posterior edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Thus, the work of the vagus and phrenic nerves is blocked. This method is used in extreme cases when hiccups are associated with inflammatory processes in the chest.

Drug treatment

Group of drugs Mechanism of treated action Representatives How is it prescribed?
Treatment of hiccups associated with increased excitability of the nervous system, stress
Neuroleptics Calm the nervous system, reduce the speed of signal transmission from brain centers to organs and muscles. Makes the vagus nerve less sensitive to irritation. They inhibit the activity of reflexes, which include hiccups. Chlorpromazine
During an attack, it is administered intravenously at 25-50 mg 4 times a day. To prevent recurrence, take orally in the same dosage.
The drug is administered intramuscularly at 25-50 mg 3-4 times a day.
Treatment of hiccups associated with irritation of the vagus nerve in respiratory diseases
Muscle relaxants By influencing the centers in spinal cord, prevents involuntary muscle contractions. Helps to relax skeletal muscles, which includes the diaphragm. Reduces the excitability of the diaphragm. Baclofen
Use 5-20 mg orally 2-4 times a day. It is advisable to consume after meals with 100 ml of liquid.
Antiemetics Reduce sensitivity nerve cells to irritants. They block the passage of nerve impulses to the brain centers and to the diaphragm. Accelerate gastric emptying and prevent the reflux of food from the stomach into the esophagus. They have an antiemetic effect. Cerucal
They speed up the movement of food through the intestines, help empty the stomach faster, and relieve the feeling of fullness. Prevents heartburn and reflux of food from the stomach into the esophagus. Cisapride
Reduces production hydrochloric acid, reduces inflammation in gastritis and reflux esophagitis (inflammation of the esophagus). Omeprazole

Even if hiccups really bother you, do not self-medicate. All medications are prescribed only after examination by a doctor. Otherwise, there is a high probability of developing side effects.

Hiccups during pregnancy

A pregnant woman's body undergoes many changes. The nervous system becomes more sensitive and excitable due to the high concentration of hormones, and the growing fetus supports the internal organs. All this can cause hiccups during pregnancy.

Let us hasten to reassure expectant mothers - hiccups in your condition are absolutely safe. It does not harm either you or the baby. Moreover, your unborn child hiccups regularly. He does this starting from the 6th week, but you will feel rhythmic tremors only at 26-28 weeks of pregnancy. Hiccups for the fetus and massage of the internal organs, and exercises for the muscles, and prevention of fluid stagnation in the lungs - in general, a complete benefit. But there are also less pleasant cases. The baby may experience oxygen starvation. In this case, hiccups are the result of stimulation of the respiratory center. Therefore, if you are in doubt, tell your gynecologist about your fears. Cardiotocography, ultrasound, listening to the fetal heartbeat and counting its movements will tell you about the baby’s condition.

Causes and mechanism of hiccups during pregnancy

There are many reasons that can cause hiccups in a pregnant woman.
  1. Hypothermia. When the temperature drops, your body reflexively tries to maintain heat around the baby and internal organs. And the muscles contract. This contraction of the diaphragm leads to a simulation of the nerve endings of the phrenic nerve. This excitation is transmitted to the brain stem. There, a command is formed to relax the diaphragm and the body does this with the help of hiccups.
  2. Stomach fullness. Expectant mothers often eat for two to meet the increased needs of the body. In this case, the stomach increases in size larger than usual. It puts pressure on the diaphragm from below, pinching the vagus nerve and preventing the lungs from fully relaxing. The body tries to eliminate this with the help of sharp and rhythmic contractions of the diaphragm.
  3. Drinking carbonated drinks. Bubbles of carbon dioxide are released from the liquid and collect in the upper part of the stomach. The gas bubble inflates the stomach. In this case, the fibers of the vagus nerve that pass along its surface are irritated. In response, the brain causes hiccups to empty the stomach of the air bubble. Therefore, hiccups stop after belching.
  4. Esophageal irritation. Poorly chewed food, hot, cold or spicy foods can irritate the walls of the esophagus. Also irritating is caused by stomach contents mixed with digestive juice, which rises up during belching. In this case, you feel heartburn. The vagus nerve, which wraps around the esophagus, is very sensitive to such stimuli.
  5. Big fruit. During the third trimester of pregnancy, your baby becomes quite large and your uterus takes up a lot of space in your belly. The remaining internal organs move upward, closer to the lungs. This increases the pressure on the diaphragm. The endings of the phrenic nerve become pinched and transmit discomfort signals to the “diaphragm control center,” which causes you to hiccup.
  6. Experiences. Stress, anxiety, and anxiety are inseparable from pregnancy; this is a feature of the functioning of the nervous system during this period. But such loads prevent the brain from properly controlling internal organs. The diaphragm, instead of making smooth breathing movements starts to shrink quickly.
In very rare cases, hiccups in pregnant women can be a symptom of illness.
  • Pathologies of the nervous system: concussion, meningitis, encephalitis, tumors. Hernia of the cervical spine. Such diseases disrupt the functioning of the respiratory center and can cause prolonged bouts of hiccups.
  • Respiratory diseases: laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia. When the vagus and phrenic nerves pass through areas of inflammation, they become compressed and irritated. This leads to distortion of signals coming from the brain.
  • Digestive diseases: inflammation of the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach. Peptic ulcer, stones in the biliary tract. Such pathologies irritate the sensitive nerve endings, activating hiccups.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system: heart attack, myocarditis. In severe cases, swelling and inflammation are transmitted to the heart by the vagus nerve. Disturbing the innervation of the diaphragm.

Treatment of hiccups in pregnant women

Treatment of hiccups in pregnant women comes down to the use of reflexology and traditional methods. The use of medications during pregnancy is undesirable, so do not use any medications without a doctor’s prescription.

What not to do?

  1. There is no need to scare a pregnant woman. This dubious method of dealing with hiccups can cause involuntary termination of pregnancy, in other words, miscarriage.
  2. Don't get carried away with physical exercise. Abdominal crunches and push-ups help you forget about hiccups, but in your position you should not do strength exercises.
  3. Holding your breath is especially contraindicated those women who are at risk of premature termination of pregnancy. By holding your breath, you tighten your abdominal muscles and increase the tone of the uterus. Repeated holding of breath reduces the level of oxygen in the blood, and the baby may experience oxygen starvation.
  4. Don't overeat or drink carbonated drinks. This rule helps prevent hiccups.
  5. Avoid alcohol. Even low-alcohol drinks can harm the fetus and cause intoxication, which is considered one of the causes of hiccups.
What should I do?
  1. Have a cup of tea. It should be moderately warm and sweet. Drinking slowly in small sips has a good effect on the vagus nerve, which is closely adjacent to the esophagus. If you make tea from chamomile, mint or lemon balm, this drink will help calm the nerves and relax the smooth muscles. Suitable for treating hiccups after stress.
  2. Drink some water. Hold your breath and drink 12 small sips of water at a time. Having experienced a lack of oxygen, the respiratory center will quickly take control of the diaphragm. And drinking water helps improve the function of the vagus nerve. If you add a few ice cubes to the water, the cold water will stimulate the temperature receptors of the pharynx and esophagus, which also has a positive effect on the functioning of the vagus nerve. This method helps to cope with hiccups caused by irritation of nerve fibers.
  3. Cover the glass with a cloth napkin. Try drinking water through a cloth. This will require effort. Such a distracting maneuver helps to interrupt the passage of the signal along the reflex arc.
  4. Sing a rhythmic, cheerful song. Singing performs several tasks at once: it normalizes breathing and calms you down. In addition, the baby is pleased to hear your voice.
  5. Granulated sugar or refined sugar. Dissolve sugar without drinking. The sweet taste and hard sugar crystals irritate the receptors in the mouth and help neutralize irritations in the lower portions of the vagus nerve.
  6. Eat small meals. Small meals help avoid stomach overfilling and pressure on the diaphragm.

Medication treatment for hiccups during pregnancy

Self-administration of medications can affect the development of the baby’s organs and cause irreparable harm to him. This applies to synthetic and plant-based drugs.

During pregnancy, medications are prescribed not against hiccups, but to combat diseases that can cause prolonged attacks. In this case, the doctor will select medications approved for expectant mothers and determine the required dosage.

Group of drugs Mechanism of treated action Representatives How is it prescribed?
Treatment of hiccups associated with inflammation of organs near the vagus nerve and diaphragm
Antibiotics Antibiotics destroy bacteria that cause inflammation. In this way, it is possible to relieve irritation of nearby nerves. Antibiotics allowed during pregnancy: Amoxiclav
The drugs are taken orally or administered intramuscularly. The doctor selects the method of administration and dose individually depending on the severity of the disease.
Treatment of hiccups associated with bloating and digestive disorders
Carminatives They crush gas bubbles and help get rid of bloating. Eliminate intestinal colic. Help relieve discomfort after swallowing air. Espumisan
2 capsules 3-5 times a day with meals.
Sorbents Absorbs gases and toxins accumulated in the intestines. Reduces bloating and intestinal colic. Activated carbon Use 5-10 tablets for bloating. Take the tablets with a sufficient amount of water or crush them and stir them into 100 ml of liquid. Do not use this remedy if you have peptic ulcers or are constipated.
Treatment of hiccups associated with stress
A drug that replenishes magnesium deficiency Reduces the excitability of neurons and the transmission of nervous excitation to muscles. Magne B6 Take 3 tablets 2 times a day with meals, with a glass of water.
Muscle relaxants By influencing centers in the spinal cord, involuntary muscle contractions are prevented. Helps relax skeletal muscles, which include the diaphragm. Reduces the excitability of the diaphragm. Baclofen Use 5-20 mg orally 2-4 times a day.
Treatment of hiccups associated with overeating and disruption of the digestive organs
Antiemetics They reduce the sensitivity of nerve cells to irritants, block the passage of nerve impulses to the brain centers and to the diaphragm. Accelerate gastric emptying and prevent the reflux of food from the stomach into the esophagus. They have an antiemetic effect. Cerucal Prescribe 1 tablet (10 mg) 3-4 times a day. Take 30 minutes before meals with enough water.
Gastrointestinal motility stimulants They speed up the movement of food through the intestines, help empty the stomach faster, and relieve the feeling of fullness.
Prevents the reflux of food from the stomach into the esophagus and heartburn.
Take 5–10 mg 3–4 times a day 15 minutes before meals and before bedtime.

Take 5–20 mg 2–4 times a day. Efficiency increases if taken with grapefruit juice.

Histamine receptor blockers Reduces the production of hydrochloric acid, reduces inflammation in gastritis and refluxesophagitis (inflammation of the esophagus). Omeprazole Prescribe 0.02 g once in the morning (before breakfast). The duration of treatment depends on your health condition.

How to stop hiccups?

Here are proven methods to stop hiccups quickly.
  • Fill your mouth with water and try to swallow it without closing your mouth.
  • Take a deep breath, tightly tighten your abdominal muscles and freeze in this position for 15 seconds. To enhance the effect, you can sit down, clasping your hands under your ribs.
  • Take a deep breath. Thumbs close your ears by placing them on the cartilaginous protrusion in front auricle. Close your nostrils with your little fingers. Close your eyes. Try not to breathe for as long as possible.
  • Gray hiccup tea will calm long-term hiccups of nervous origin. Pour 1 tablespoon of plant material into a glass of boiling water. Leave for 10 minutes, drink a tablespoon every half hour.

Why do hiccups occur after eating?

There are many reasons why hiccups occur after eating.
  • Spicy or hot foods irritate the stomach;
  • With portions of food you swallow a little air;
  • You have eaten more than normal and your stomach is full.
After eating, the stomach increases in size, pinches the vagus nerve at the opening where it passes through the diaphragm and stretches the branches of the vagus nerve lying on it. Such irritation turns into a nerve impulse, similar to a weak current discharge.

Through the sensory fibers that make up the vagus nerve, these impulses reach the “hiccup centers.” One of them is located in the cervical spinal cord, the other in the brain stem. Here another nerve impulse is formed - the command to contract for diaphragmatic muscle. This impulse is transmitted from top to bottom along the motor fibers of the vagus nerve.

The diaphragm receives a command from the nervous system and contracts. The hiccups continue until the full stomach irritates the sensitive endings of the vagus nerve.

Remember, hiccups are your body's attempt to protect your nerves. Therefore, even if a hiccup finds you in the most inopportune place, treat it with gratitude and approach the situation with humor!

Hiccups are an involuntary and rhythmic short breath that causes a convulsive contraction of the diaphragm.

Occurs without apparent reason and after a while it disappears on its own. It can bother a person for quite a long time.

How to quickly get rid of hiccups at home?


  1. Short term- the attack lasts up to 15 minutes. Appears spontaneously.
  2. Long lasting. It bothers me every day for several weeks, lasting for hours and days. May be accompanied by vomiting, headache and weakness.

Prolonged hiccups are divided into types:

  1. Central. The brain is affected, meningitis and encephalitis develop.
  2. Peripheral. Pathology of the phrenic nerve.
  3. Toxic. Damage to nerve endings after taking medications.


Uncontrollable spasms occur under the influence of the phrenic nerve. It can transmit stimulation to the muscles of the diaphragm. When it occurs rarely, hiccups are a harmless phenomenon.

What disease can be a sign of incessant hiccups? This is a manifestation nervous tic or severe disorders. People who have had stomach or spine surgery may complain of breathing problems associated with repeated and prolonged attacks.

Also, hiccups can be a symptom of diseases of the central nervous system, digestive system, vasoconstriction, diabetes, giardiasis, and helminthiasis.

Other factors:

Hiccups that last too long sometimes occur in people with pneumonia. The infection may be irritating the nerves in the chest or diaphragm. It also manifests itself in Bergmann syndrome - a hiatal hernia.

You need to see a doctor if:

  • hiccups do not go away for more than an hour;
  • worries several times a day;
  • the pathology causes chest pain or difficulty swallowing.

Hiccups - causes and treatment

There are plenty of ways to get rid of hiccups. If one is ineffective, you can quickly find another.

What to do for hiccups in adults? Basic methods:

If nothing helps, and the hiccups do not go away for a long time, you need to see a doctor, undergo an examination, and have an ultrasound of the esophagus.

Hiccups. How to get rid of it

Original ways

What else helps with hiccups? The mechanism of the following method is quite original, but effective.

They place several large bills in front of the hiccupping person and make some kind of bet with him. After a few minutes, the hiccups stop. Probably the same method of switching attention works.

Many people have their effective recipes from this problem. The following recommendations may seem peculiar or cause confusion:

  1. A knife is pointed at the bridge of the nose. The person should look at it for several seconds without blinking.
  2. A red thread is tied on the forehead.


If hiccups bother you for more than one day, you should consult a doctor.. It is necessary to exclude the possibility of damage to the body due to serious diseases.

The specialist will prescribe a series of tests:

  • blood is checked for kidney disease, infection, diabetes;
  • endoscopic tests determine problems in the throat or esophagus;
  • fluoroscopy identifies problems in the diaphragm;
  • It is possible to perform computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and chest radiography.

How to stop hiccups if they bother you all day? To help combat obsessive hiccups, the following will help:

  1. Antidepressants, neuroleptics and anticonvulsants . They will weaken the diaphragm muscles and stop hiccups.
  2. Medicines for stomach problems.
  3. Ketamine- intravenous anesthetic for advanced cases.
  4. Cerucal, Motilium, Difenin, Haloperidol, Corvalol.
  5. Used to block the nerves of the diaphragm novocaine.

Medicines against hiccups are used as a last resort. Sometimes acupuncture or hypnotherapy is also used.

Folk remedies

How to cure hiccups using remedies traditional medicine? The following folk remedies also help:

  1. Add a teaspoon to a glass of cool water apple cider vinegar, drink quickly.
  2. Drink water with lemon juice in large sips.
  3. You need to warm up if you are hypothermic. Dress in warm clothes and drink a hot drink.
  4. It can cause sneezing. To do this, take pepper.
  5. Brew chamomile tea, let it brew for 30 minutes, drink as much as possible. Nutrients The drink will calm the muscles and weaken the muscle diaphragm.

What should I do to get rid of hiccups in a child? Pathology in a newborn child does not relate to breathing. Usually appears due to sudden contractions of the diaphragm.

U small child she is quite sensitive. This is normal and common in children. But hiccups can prevent your baby from falling asleep and cause fear or anxiety.

You can give the baby warm water from a bottle or put it on your chest. The baby should burp after eating. He should be kept upright and not put to sleep immediately after eating.

Too large a hole in the nipple of the bottle promotes involuntary swallowing of air and causes hiccups.

Some women hiccup more often and for longer during pregnancy than before. Perhaps the pathology is enhanced by impaired digestion, as well as nervousness and tension.

When you are under emotional stress, you need to relax. You need to learn to distract yourself from hiccups. Soothing herbal teas can help.

Dietary supplements, folk remedies and some medications cannot be used without consulting a doctor!

A pregnant woman can try to pull into her lungs more air and hold your breath. But be careful: oxygen starvation will harm the baby.

  1. Drink half a glass cold water in small sips.
  2. Teas with mint, lemon balm, and chamomile help.
  3. You can chew a cracker or a crust of bread.

From about 28 weeks of pregnancy, a woman will begin to feel rhythmic and short movements within herself. Hiccups are a common occurrence in an unborn baby.

He begins to suck his finger, amniotic fluid enters his tummy and causes hiccups. Hiccups are good for the internal organs of the fetus. Attacks can last up to 20 minutes.

You should be concerned if the fetal hiccups do not go away for a long time. Prolonged and frequent attacks are provoked oxygen starvation. It is necessary to urgently contact an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Psychosomatic factors

Hiccups that appear for no apparent reason indicate a possible emotional connection.. Psychosomatics may indicate a pathological attachment of a person to something or someone, mania (for example, playing computer games, there is always some kind of product).

Hiccups are a rebellion against circumstances, an order to stop, a cry from the body that is caused by atypical human behavior.

In this case, the pathology does not require treatment. A person needs to determine what could cause it. The cause does not have to be eradicated. Perhaps it can be simply dosed.

How to get rid of hiccups after drinking alcohol? Alcohol abuse causes great harm to the body. The function of the liver is disrupted, it enlarges and puts pressure on the diaphragm. Alcohol wears out the body, leaving a person with nervous exhaustion.

You can drink a glass of cool water in small sips. Or induce vomiting and empty the stomach. An effective method of distraction. In severe cases, carbon dioxide inhalations are prescribed or gastric intubation is performed.

How dangerous are alcoholic hiccups and can you die from it? While intoxicated, people have no control over muscle contractions diaphragm. You can choke very badly.

A drunk person falls asleep with a full stomach and hiccups, vomiting begins, and the person may choke.

Hiccups after drinking alcohol sometimes lead to a heart attack. A drunk person and the people around him will not be able to identify the first symptoms of this dangerous pathology in time.

Alcoholic hiccups are an important signal about problems with nerve cells. Muscles atrophy, insomnia begins to torment, memory deteriorates. Lack of treatment will lead to the development of complications.

Hiccups usually do not require treatment. But if it bothers you too often or for too long, you should undergo an examination: it can signal serious pathologies in the body.

Every person has encountered hiccups more than once in their life. In fact, it is harmless and most often passes quite quickly. But the reason for its appearance may be completely different factors. A person cannot control this process in any way, since it is a natural reflex of the body. Hiccups do not bring any benefit, but there is no harm from it. What could be the causes of frequent hiccups in adults and how can they be stopped?


  1. The causes of frequent hiccups in adults can be different, but one of the most common is hypothermia or alcohol intoxication.
  2. Another popular reason is overeating, which causes stomach distension. Hiccups can occur due to involuntary contraction of the stomach muscles.
  3. Hiccups are a symptom that can occur due to irritation of the phrenic nerve.
  4. In addition, the causes of frequent hiccups in adults are some kind of disease. Especially if it does not go away for a long time and brings discomfort or even painful sensations. Hiccups are a symptom of, for example, diseases such as myocardial infarction, some mental or infectious diseases.
  5. The body can react specifically to painkillers taken after surgery, causing hiccups in adults.

Types of hiccups

Thus, based on the reason that caused the hiccups, you can understand what kind of hiccups it is. This process can be physiological or pathological. In the first case, there is nothing to be afraid of, since hiccups are a completely normal process that occurs from time to time in all healthy people. It lasts for 5-15 minutes, does not cause much discomfort and soon goes away unnoticed on its own. But pathological hiccups can last several minutes or even several days. Diseases of various nature- These are often the causes of frequent hiccups in adults. In this case, you should already worry.

Diseases accompanied by hiccups

Frequent bouts of hiccups can also be caused by disruption of the nervous system. True, in case serious illnesses hiccups will be accompanied by other symptoms, such as fever, the appearance of rashes and inflammations on the mucous membranes, runny nose, cough, and so on. There are quite a lot of diseases accompanied by hiccups, but the most common are measles, chicken pox, rubella, malaria, toxoplasmosis, various infectious diseases, syphilis and meningitis. What to do with hiccups in adults who have similar diseases? It is necessary to contact a specialist as soon as possible and begin a course of treatment immediately.

How to stop hiccups

In adults, hiccups are common occurrence, which is actually easy to deal with. There are several simple ways solutions to this problem.

They say that you can stop a hiccup attack with just sugar. It is enough to swallow a tablespoon of granulated sugar, and the hiccups will soon go away. It is unknown why this method works, but it does.

Another popular way to combat hiccups is to hold your breath. The essence of this method is to compress the diaphragm with the chest muscles, as a result of which it will relax and stop contracting. The longer you can stay in this state, the better your chances of stopping the hiccups.

You can also stop diaphragm irritation with water. It is necessary to drink water in small sips, while holding your nose. You will have to take about twenty-five sips without breaks, after which the hiccups in most cases will end.

In adults? Another interesting way fight hiccups - stand on your hands. Or an analogue of this method is to lie on the bed so that your head is much lower than your torso. The idea is that the head will be below the diaphragm, which will stop the hiccups.

In addition, there is a folk way to combat hiccups. It turns out that chamomile tea is quite effective in combating it. It is necessary to infuse the drink for about half an hour. Everyone knows that chamomile decoction has a calming effect that will relax the entire body and stop contractions of the diaphragm.

Hiccups after eating

Sometimes it happens that after eating, an attack of hiccups begins. Why is this happening? In fact, there are many reasons. Most often, hiccups after eating in an adult occur due to stagnation of food during the transition from the esophagus to the stomach. In most cases, this phenomenon is absolutely harmless and does not cause any harm. But if it does not go away for a long time, then breathing difficulties and asthma may develop. This is especially true for people who have undergone spinal surgery or have stomach diseases. But for people who suffer renal failure, hiccups after eating are quite common.

How to eliminate hiccups after eating

You can stop hiccups by swallowing something bitter or sour. For example, a piece of lemon or grapefruit. You can also drink a glass of water to relieve hiccups. But this should be done evenly, in small sips. Another way to eliminate hiccups with water is to drink a glass of water in an inclined position. To do this, you need to extend your arm as far forward as possible and, tilting your torso, try to drink.

Let's consider the topic when all of us, adults, at the most bad time We sometimes get caught up in obsessive, constant hiccups. It’s good if we are alone at home, but if, for example, in public place, at work, at a meeting with your boss or your colleagues. And how to deal with it then? In such situations, the hiccups simply urgently need to be stopped quickly, stopped, removed! Let's assume that hiccups in adults occur after, during, and after meals. I still want to know exactly what causes it, what causes it and why it happens.

Hiccups are a convulsive sudden contraction of the muscles of the diaphragm, accompanied by a sharp narrowing of the glottis. It can be caused by: hypothermia or overeating, but there are cases when hiccups can be long-lasting in nature - even several days, and vomiting can also be observed, which indicates a serious illness. Frequent hiccups also occur during sleep. On the previous page you can find out methods and folk remedies for an adult.

Causes and mechanism of hiccups in adults

Causes of occasional hiccups

  1. Stomach fullness. When you overeat, the stomach increases in volume. It puts pressure on the diaphragm located above it, and accordingly, on the vagus nerve. Its overflow may be preceded by sphincter spasms. These are circular muscles located at the entrance and exit of the stomach. When they are compressed, food cannot pass further into the intestines, and air cannot be released in the form of belching. Then we feel the heaviness that precedes the hiccups.
  2. Hot and cold food, dry food, spicy food. Such food passing through the esophagus irritates its lining. Irritation is transmitted to the vagus nerve, through it to the brain. Therefore, a sharp contraction by the diaphragm becomes a response to the stimulus.
  3. Alcohol. Especially strong alcoholic drinks, when taken orally, burn the mucous membrane of the pharynx and esophagus, then cause alcohol intoxication(poisoning) and disrupt the functioning of the nerves: vagus and phrenic. Therefore, hiccups often accompany feasts.
  4. Drug intoxication. Here, hiccups in adults act as a side effect of medications. The activity of the central nervous system is disrupted. The appearance of hiccups often accompanies the use of myelorelaxants, anesthetics and sulfa drugs.
  5. Stress, fear, hysteria load the central nervous system. The transmission of signals from the brain centers to the executive organ is disrupted. The center responsible for the contraction of the diaphragmatic muscle transmits uncontrolled excitatory signals to it.
  6. Hypothermia. When it's cold, we shiver. This convulsive muscle contraction is designed to help retain heat, and we feel the trembling of the diaphragm in the form of hiccups.
  7. Laughter. When we laugh, a deep inhalation is followed by a series of jerky, sharp exhalations. The functioning of the respiratory center is disrupted, and the hiccup center gains control of the diaphragmatic muscle.

Prolonged hiccups

Persistent, long-lasting, incessant hiccups in adults Caused by certain diseases:

  1. Nervous system lesions are accompanied by swelling of the nervous tissue, some nerve cells die, and signal transmission pathways from the brain to the diaphragm are disrupted. This causes its convulsive contraction. Diseases of other organs cause irritation not of the central part itself, but of the peripheral nerves: the vagus and phrenic. When the source of inflammation is located next to them, a malfunction occurs in the nervous regulation of the diaphragmatic muscle. Here is a list of diseases that may be accompanied by hiccups: inflammation of the brain, concussions and bruises, multiple sclerosis, stroke, tumors, intervertebral hernia, with pinched nerve trunks.
  2. Digestive diseases: peptic ulcer and duodenum, heartburn and dilatation of the esophagus, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, gastritis.
  3. Diseases of the cardiovascular system: angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, aortic aneurysm.
  4. Respiratory system diseases: acute and chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, tumor diseases.
  5. Note: hiccups caused by diseases last more than two days and require medical attention. Remember that these diseases, at the same time, never manifest themselves as just hiccups. Diseases simultaneously cause a complex of symptoms and signs, so there is no need to get upset prematurely. Consult a general practitioner or neurologist for advice.

Treatment of hiccups, how to stop them

Occasional hiccups no need to treat. It goes away on its own after a few minutes, when you switch your attention to something else. But when hiccups become very annoying, you have to try methods that open the reflex arc to eliminate the nerve impulse. We will answer the questions: how to get rid of hiccups, what needs to be done, how to fight and treat them. There are many techniques to relieve hiccups, choose the best and most effective one for yourself.

What not to do

Do not use “exotic” extreme methods to combat hiccups, which will stop the hiccups but be harmful to your health.

  1. Rectal massage. One American, Francis Fesmire, along with Israeli scientists were awarded for this method Nobel Prize in 2006 for proving that digital rectal massage cures hiccups. The method, due to its specificity, is not widely used.
  2. Fright. Causing fear in a person can result in the development of neurological disorders. Especially when you have a heart condition.
  3. Spread mustard on the root of your tongue. This can cause a spasm of the larynx. When mustard gets into the esophagus, it burns it and can worsen hiccups.

What should I do to get rid of hiccups?

Drink water

There are some methods, recipes and folk remedies - options for drinking water that help cope with hiccups. Cool water acts on receptors in the pharynx, and distracts the vagus nerve from transmitting command impulses to the diaphragm. As water descends through the esophagus, it relaxes it and pushes out stuck food that irritates the diaphragm. Concentrating on counting sips switches nervous excitement. So, traditional methods distract from hiccups:

  • Hold your breath and take 12 sips;
  • Drink water from the opposite edge of the glass;
  • Hold the pencil between your teeth; it should be positioned horizontally between your teeth. Try taking a few sips.
  • Drop half a wooden toothpick into the glass. Drink water, being careful not to get a toothpick in your mouth.
  • Drink water while leaning forward. You can drink from the tap or from a glass on the table. Your hands should be clasped behind your back. Raise them as high as possible.

Holding your breath

When you hold your breath, the blood becomes enriched with carbon dioxide. And carbon dioxide signals the respiratory center in the brain to take control of the diaphragm, which forces the muscle to work to ventilate the lungs and nothing more. The technique helps get rid of hiccups due to nervousness and muscle spasms.

  • Breathe slowly and deeply into the paper bag. Do not use polyethylene to avoid suffocation.
  • Take a deep breath, then a few more, until you feel your lungs are full. Then tilt your head down and hold your breath for half a minute. Next, exhale smoothly and effortlessly. The method causes oxygen deficiency and relaxes the diaphragm muscles.
  • Valsalva maneuver. Take a deep breath, hold your breath as you inhale and tense all your muscles, strain. Hold this for 15 seconds.

Salt and sugar

Irritation of the taste buds of the tongue helps to improve the functioning of the vagus nerve when hiccups appear from nerve irritation during swallowing or cold. You can suck a teaspoon of sugar or a pinch of salt. Or lemon, honey, ascorbic acid tablet.


To eliminate neurogenic hiccups (associated with swallowing air), exercises to control the abdominal muscles and diaphragm in combination with uniform breathing are useful.

  • Stretch, standing on your toes, raising your arms up as you inhale. As you exhale, bend forward.
  • Sit on a chair, press against its back, take a deep breath. Then lean forward, wrapping your arms around yourself as if you were in an emergency landing. Hold for 10-30 seconds, then exhale smoothly.
  • Do a handstand or lie on your back with your head hanging off the bed so that it is below your diaphragm.

Gag reflex

Tickle the root of your tongue with your fingers, but not to the point of vomiting. This stimulates the gag reflex controlled by the vagus nerve. Vomiting is stronger than hiccups, the body successfully switches. This is a powerful method for a wide variety of causes of hiccups.

Inducing a burp

When hiccups are caused by swallowing air or drinking soda, you need to empty your stomach of the air bubble. Therefore, swallow air several times, lean forward a little, and tighten your abdominal muscles.

Water with mint drops

Peppermint tincture is good for relaxing the esophageal sphincter. This makes it possible to release excess air from it. This method is suitable for hiccups after overeating, laughing or drinking carbonated drinks.

Impact on reflex zones

Apply pressure with your fingers on biologically active points and areas where the receptors of the nervous system are located. The respiratory center will become excited and control of the diaphragm will be brought under control.

This reflexology will help very well with hiccups in adults of a neurogenic nature. Methods:

  • Sit down, close your eyes, lightly press your eyeballs;
  • Actively massage the back of your hands from hand to elbow;
  • Massage the upper palate with your finger or the tip of your tongue.
  • Pull your earlobes down or apply something cold to them.

Medication treatment of hiccups in adults

Treatment with drugs is advisable when long persistent hiccups when: hiccups are regular; her attack lasts more than 48 hours; during hiccups there is a feeling of heartburn and pain in the chest; hiccups have been associated with various diseases.

Treatment procedures

  1. Inhalations with carbon dioxide(5-7% carbon dioxide and 93-95% oxygen). Carbon dioxide irritates the respiratory center. The procedure activates its work and makes a person breathe deeply and fully. Here the lungs, diaphragm, and intercostal muscles work smoothly and without unnecessary contractions.
  2. Intranasal catheter insertion to a depth of 10-12 cm. A catheter is a thin flexible tube. It is administered through the nose into the respiratory tract. It irritates the nerve endings of the vagus nerve. The procedure itself is not particularly pleasant. Doctors' manipulations make you quickly forget about hiccups and switch to your own sensations.
  3. Novocaine blockade of the vagus nerve. 40-50 ml of 0.25% novocaine solution is injected with a needle at the posterior edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Thus, the work of the vagus and phrenic nerves is blocked. This method is used in extreme cases when hiccups are associated with inflammatory processes in the chest.

Drug treatment with drugs

At increased excitability of the nervous system and stress , apply: neuroleptics (Chlorpromazine, Aminazine), which: calm the nervous system, reduce the speed of signal transmission from brain centers to organs and muscles. Makes the vagus nerve less sensitive to irritation. They inhibit the activity of reflexes, which include hiccups. They are prescribed during an attack of hiccups; it is administered intravenously at 25-50 mg 4 times a day. To prevent recurrence, take orally in the same dosage. The drug is administered intramuscularly at 25-50 mg 3-4 times a day.

At irritation of the vagus nerve in respiratory diseases , apply: muscle relaxants (Baclofen – Lioresal), which, acting on centers in the spinal cord, prevents involuntary muscle contractions. Helps relax skeletal muscles, which include the diaphragm. Reduces the excitability of the diaphragm. They are prescribed orally at 5-20 mg 2-4 times a day. It is advisable to consume after meals with 100 ml of liquid.

For hiccups associated with overeating and disruption of the digestive organs , apply:

  1. antiemetics (Cerucal – Metamol), which reduce the sensitivity of nerve cells to stimuli. They block the passage of nerve impulses to the brain centers and to the diaphragm. Accelerate gastric emptying and prevent the reflux of food from the stomach into the esophagus. They have an antiemetic effect. They are prescribed 1 tablet (10 mg) 3-4 times a day. Take 30 minutes before meals with enough water.
  2. gastrointestinal motility stimulants (Cisapride, Peristil), accelerating the movement of food through the intestines, helping food to empty the stomach faster, and relieving the feeling of fullness. Prevents heartburn and reflux of food from the stomach into the esophagus. Cisapride take 5–10 mg 3–4 times a day 15 minutes before meals and before bedtime. A Peristyl 5–20 mg 2–4 times a day. Efficiency increases if taken with grapefruit juice.
  3. histamine receptor blockers (Omeprazole), which reduces the production of hydrochloric acid, reduces inflammation in gastritis and reflux esophagitis (inflammation of the esophagus). It is prescribed 0.02 g once in the morning (before breakfast). The duration of treatment depends on your health condition.


What if hiccups bother you a lot, do not self-medicate. After all, all medications are prescribed after examination by a specialist to avoid side effects.

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The article was prepared based on materials from a practicing doctor of the second category, A. D. Isaeva.