An interesting way to find out the color of your aura

The aura is a thin, invisible shell that surrounds every physical body. It contains information regarding the characteristics of a person’s personality, his life habits, state of health, characteristic features mental and sensory spheres.

Many people who are interested in bioenergy are worried about the question: “How to find out the color of your aura?” Read about it in the next post.

Interesting information about the human aura

  1. The aura tends to constantly vary in its color variations, but despite this, each person has a specific color that is characteristic only of him.
  2. All changes in your condition are immediately displayed on the color of the biofield.
  3. A process quite complicated to explain is the interaction of auras. different people with each other. Each time they come into contact, the energy shells tend to lighten or darken. No contact remains unmarked on the human biofield.

It is for this reason that some people evoke sympathy in us on a subconscious level, while others, on the contrary, are antipathetic - it’s all about the similarity (or dissimilarity) of our auras. When the sound of two auras is harmonious, such people are attracted to each other and easily find a common understanding.

  1. Each person has their own unique body odor, which is determined by hormonal levels and many other indicators. Smell is a true characteristic of a person’s essence, just like the aura. It cannot be that a person with good energy smells bad or, on the contrary, that an evil person smells fragrant.

How to determine the color of your aura

When sunlight interacts with the human energy shell, new shades are formed, which most directly affect our destiny! Each person’s aura has its own primary color - red, blue, green, this is as real as the division into blood groups is real.

Next we will tell you how to recognize your aura. A very simple experiment will help you with this. For it you will need to stock up on ordinary oil dyes in tubes of different colors. The main colors will be yellow, blue and red. They cannot be created by mixing other tones, but using them it is possible to obtain absolutely any shade.

The degree of color saturation correlates with the amount of a person’s internal energy. So, for example, choleric and melancholic people are very “bright” in their temperament. Such people by nature are not very balanced nervous system, therefore, at the subconscious level, they try to avoid overly bright, saturated color variations, because the latter can cause a surge of emotions in them.

On the contrary, cold and reserved people feel very comfortable with bright colors - they warm them emotionally thanks to their inner warmth.

Having familiarized yourself with the theory, you can begin practical actions.

  • Place one tube of yellow, red and blue dye in front of you;
  • Put your thoughts in order - calm down and harmonize your consciousness;
  • Squeeze as much paint as you wish onto a piece of paper from each tube and mix the dyes. Your task is to create a picture that will give you a feeling of inner warmth and comfort;

Now you will need to establish which shade your inner “I” is associated with. This information will help you learn more about your own inclinations and even predict your future to some extent.

  • Cover your eyes with a light-blocking blindfold. But you cannot fix it too tightly - otherwise, in case of increased compression of the skin receptors, you risk getting an unreliable result.
  • Without seeing anything, you need to mix the tubes with yellow, red and blue dye. Make sure the tube caps are tightly closed.
  • Continue moving the palms of both hands over the tubes until you begin to feel warmth from them. Using your intuition, choose the paint that seems the warmest to you.
  • Remove the bandage and squeeze out as much dye as you want from the selected tube onto the previously obtained color spot.
  • Now it is important to mix the shades evenly and you can begin to interpret the final result.

What do the different aura colors mean?

To ensure the reliability of the experiment, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with what experts in the field of color therapy think about this or that tone.

  1. If you get more red, you are undoubtedly a bright, easily impressed person who often suffers from increased emotionality and expressiveness. But pronounced artistic abilities help you achieve harmony with the surrounding reality.

You are exactly the person without whom it would be very boring; you always create the atmosphere of the show wherever you appear. Among people with a red aura there are a lot of celebrities who live by the principle of “it’s hit or miss” and often take risks.

The color red is associated with the fire element, so most often “red” individuals emerge victorious in different life situations.

  1. The blue biofield is characteristic of individuals who are more controlled by sound logic rather than by feelings. They often become scouts and rescuers - they choose those areas where an iron will is needed.

Carriers of the blue energy shell are distinguished by good taste and a desire for perfectionism. They enjoy going to museums and attending sporting events.

For example, owners of a lemon aura have a depressed consciousness.

Those whose biofield correlates with saffron or orange shades have a sharp mind, are quick-witted and have a penchant for precise disciplines, but at the same time they show excessive meticulousness in everything, making them a little “boring”.

  1. The brown tone is obtained by combining red, blue and yellow dyes. Brown tones combine the passion of red, as well as the coldness of blue and the sharp intelligence of yellow.

It turns out very interesting option– an excellent communicator who can easily find a common language with anyone. An excellent salesman who negotiates at the highest level with the ability to solve even very complicated life situations.

People with a brown aura easily feel and reveal the intrigues of others due to the fact that their biofield hides another color - green, which is formed by mixing blue and yellow dyes.

  1. Green color symbolizes eternal youth, love of life and youthful fervor. People with a green aura tend to accept the surrounding reality exactly as it is and adhere to the orders established by others. Thanks to this quality, they can easily find positive moments in any, even the most bleak situation.

These are very optimistic individuals. This is not to say that they always think soberly, but they certainly cannot be taken away from their originality and fun. The Greens are distinguished by almost childlike sincerity and gullibility. But they rarely suffer from deception, because they are very good, loyal and devoted friends.

Communication with them is a pleasure, but sometimes those around them may suffer a little from their “cute pranks.”

  1. Purple – color successful people. People with a violet biofield live by the principle: “First do the job, and then walk boldly.”

They prefer to live by their own rules, which they also have the courage to dictate to others. And if you break them, you will have a very hard time. “Violet” people can be tough, but it is uncharacteristic for them to be offended by someone for a long time.

They love to philosophize, so they often occupy positions of government officials, scientists, or (at the lowest level of development) - become cunning and deceivers.

The violet biofield simultaneously gives its owner both passion and composure and this is due to the complex combination of energetic red with the vibrations of aristocratic blue.

Knowing the color of your energy shell and the characteristics inherent in it, it will be easier for you to understand yourself and your behavior in a given situation. Perhaps this will open your eyes to certain moments, which previously caused you surprise or indignation.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: Focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

An aura is a thin, invisible shell, a kind of energy field located around the physical body. The aura carries a lot of information regarding a person’s personality, his lifestyle, health, thoughts and feelings.

Of course, the aura can change depending on your mood, but the main background will remain the same; in numerology it is called the color of your life purpose.

It can be found by adding the numbers of the day, month and year of birth.

For example, person born: 02/25/1980 = 2+5+0+2+1+9+8+0=27, 2+7=9 (9 corresponds to the bronze color, which means the main background of the aura should be bronze). Each number corresponds to a specific color.

1 red

REDsensuality, love of life, aggressiveness. A red main background indicates that you are by nature an ambitious, purposeful, liberated and optimistic person. Thus, the manifestation of indifference, apathy goes against your nature (remember how life path shows you the main background).There may be several reasons for incorrect motivation. Perhaps you are simply “burning out at work”, forgetting about rest and entertainment. There is a possibility that you are not satisfied with your chosen profession. It is possible that your personal life is not going the way you would like. In order to find out the real reason, pick up a pendulum.

Having previously learned about the positive and negative reaction devices (“yes-no”), ask him the question: “Am I satisfied with my work?” It is possible that the answer of the pendulum will surprise you. Get answers about other areas of your business that you have doubts about. If your red background has faded, try one of the suggested methods below to restore it to its natural, healthy state.

Increase your physical activity. Walk more. Besides healing effect, this will give you time to reflect on the meaning of life. Take walks of at least 20 minutes, and if possible, twice as long. Perhaps it makes sense for you to participate in sports competitions. Those with a red background have a competitive spirit. However, it should be remembered that winning competitions should not be an absolute goal. By nature, you strive to be the first in everything. Therefore, if you find yourself thinking such thoughts, it is better to choose a neutral look physical activity, which would not pander to your ambitions, since the main goal of sport is not gold medals, but the achievement of physical perfection.

Since red is the color of ambition, set yourself a worthy goal. Let its achievement become a source of pride for you. If you are successful, your main auric background will become voluminous and radiant. Choose successful people to communicate with, whose example can inspire you, and avoid narrow-minded scoundrels, whose acquaintance will make your goal illusory.

2 yellow

YELLOWcreativity, intelligence. The bearer of the yellow background must be sociable and capable of self-expression through any activity, preferably creative. Your presence should warm and charm those around you. If this does not happen, you should work on yourself. First of all, you need to become more open. Your gift as a speaker can brighten up any company. Natural eloquence should also help in professional activities. You are a person of communication. Therefore, the professions that are most suitable for you are a teacher, a salesperson, a consultant, an advisor, or any other job where you have to talk with people.

However, under the brilliant outer shell a vulnerable soul may be hiding. Therefore, become more “thick-skinned” and repel any psychological attacks, using your inherent sense of humor. A careless and frivolous approach to life should be avoided. The varied interests of people with a yellow background often cause bewilderment among acquaintances. You may be considered an amateur and your ideas may not be taken seriously. If you encounter these kinds of problems, focus your attention on one thing and bring the matter to its logical conclusion.

You have a bright mind, and if you feel that you are doing the wrong thing, identify your interests, focus on one thing and try to achieve excellence in that area. There is an opinion that if a person devotes at least an hour a day to any task, then in less than a year he becomes recognized expert in this matter. Thus, choose something you like and go for it!

3 orange

ORANGEemotions, health. An orange background makes a person sociable, kind, caring and sensitive to the needs of others. If you are irritable, depressed and unable to behave the way you would like, adjustments need to be made to your aura. First of all, you need to feel that you are engaged in constructive, useful activity.

Find something to do that makes you feel like you are doing a good deed. One of my friends took responsibility for supplying her colleagues with office supplies. Previously, employees constantly complained about the lack of pens, markers, laser cartridges, etc. She successfully completed her voluntary mission and, although she did not hear words of gratitude, she received true pleasure from doing something useful.

You should accept yourself as you are and enjoy helping and caring for other people. Your greatest joy will come from emotional satisfaction and communication with people of a similar nature, that is, with caring, kind and sensitive people. Perhaps you are too sensitive, shy and modest.

In this case, you should turn your excessive sensitivity into goodness and devote yourself to serving others. In this field you will gain self-confidence and the lost joy of life.

4 green

GREEN is the great color of nature, and those who radiate this aura are not only easily adaptable to circumstances, but also compassionate and sentimental. Which is perhaps their biggest weakness. They love friendly communication and therefore tend to take life too easily. When these people do not succeed as they should, they usually blame everyone and everything except themselves. Being the diametric opposite of red, green is slower in anger and more restrained in action. People with this vibration are also unchanging and constant, like nature itself. Their strength is growing slowly but steadily, and their friendly but determined spirit cannot be contained. They are conformists, but in their own way. Once they feel that they are right, nothing can make them change their views.

If green is your color, you may be a little "green" at times, i.e. trusting, but people will love you even more for it. Just don't waste your energy on small things. Look for action because... you must be capable of it. It should be noted that the shade of your aura also matters here.

The shades of green are more important than any other color. Many other shades could be mentioned, but one will suffice. general rule. Approaching yellow, green loses its stability; when approaching blue, it acquires luxury. People with a green background are naturally caring and kind-hearted. In theory, you should be compassionate and responsive, reliable, helpful and responsible. If this is not the case, then changes will occur in your aura. The aura will gain more healthy looking if you start helping other people. At the same time, your services may not be burdensome. For example, you can go to the store to buy groceries for a sick neighbor. However, charitable efforts can also be significant. So, you can lead a humanitarian mission or fight for civil rights.

Sometimes you may feel like you are backed into a corner and the whole world is against you.

“Why judge in a mirror...”, look at yourself from the outside. You may be too tense and stubborn. Try to look at the world with an open mind and relax.

You should accept life as it is, and remember that the system of prohibitions and restrictions is as old as human civilization itself, and we are all forced to live within its framework.

It is possible that you should make adjustments to your behavior and attitude towards life. In this sense, it is useful to set yourself a new task and engage in self-improvement in the process of its implementation. If you are depressed, spend more time with caring and understanding people, communication with whom will open up new opportunities for you. By nature, you are a hardworking, purposeful and consistent person. So let these qualities not be lost.

5 blue

BLUEteaching, love of travel, human desire to search for truth. The blue background implies the presence of an adventurous streak, creativity, rich imagination and bright mind. Blue wearers feel forever young and capable of any accomplishment. They love new experiences and enjoy communicating with representatives of different nations and cultures.

Sometimes such people behave too much active image life and do not know how to relax.

Often the lack of this ability leads to stress. However, among those with a blue background there are hardly those who use their potential for base purposes. However, some of them spread themselves too thin, that is, they try to “keep up with everything.” Thus, unproductive use of energy occurs. In this case, you need to focus on one thing and not start a new thing without finishing the previous one. It is possible that you are impatient and fussy and this prevents you from doing your chosen business; you are tempted to switch to something new. It may also be that you are not able to evaluate what has been achieved. In this case, look back and see how much useful you have accomplished. By nature you are a gifted person.

Therefore, if you use your talents wisely, you will achieve a lot in any field of human activity.

6 blue

BLUEbeneficence, thoughtfulness, humanity. As a rule, people with a blue background are confident, responsible and caring towards others. Other people instinctively sense such people and are drawn to them.

If you do not have these qualities, then you should learn to trust other people and be more open in expressing your feelings. Listen to the voice of your heart more often and, perhaps, you will be able to tune in to the “wave” of communication with others. Those with a blue background should not forget about rest and entertainment, since they take their voluntary duties as a benefactor so seriously that they forget about their own needs. There is a possibility that at times you become too picky, both with others and with yourself. Everywhere and in everything you look for perfection. If this is the case, learn to relax and understand that you cannot take responsibility for everything that happens. Minor responsibilities can be neglected in order to find time to communicate with friends and family.

The color blue has a strong vibrational influence, defined by the expression “loyal supporter.” At the same time, all its meanings are by no means limited to this. This color, which mixes sensitivity with ardor, is so eager to do the right thing that it can, paradoxically, choose the wrong path.

The sky is blue, but changes color from a light shade of azure to almost black at midnight. The mood of blue vibration is also changeable. It is difficult to find a person whose blue aura contains a constant tint. He can descend to the depths of the "blues" and then rise to the heights of inspiration, which happens, as the saying goes, "once in a blue moon" (that is, very rarely). Therefore, if blue is your color, you should try to find the shade that suits you best and try to stick to it.

In general, all blue colors indicate some degree of devotion. You make friends willingly, but often formally.

Blue is a cool color, indicating a certain degree of independence. At the same time, people with this aura understand the value of joint efforts and are guided by this in their lives.

7 purple

VIOLETspirituality, intuition, teaching, clairvoyance. People with a violet background have heightened sensitivity, spirituality and the gift of intuition. When helping other people, they show restraint and tact. In difficult moments of life, they find support in their faith. As a rule, they do not like to turn to other people for help and rely solely on their own strength. If your personal qualities do not correspond to your natural predisposition, your aura will become inexpressive and decrease in size. Luckily, there are ways to restore it to its former glory.

If you feel that other people are indifferent to you, try to express your thoughts more clearly. Many purple speakers are unable to express their emotional experiences. Therefore, they often withdraw into themselves. There are also those who are so absorbed in themselves that, in principle, they cannot communicate with others. If this is your case, then know that you are robbing yourself and others.

You may find it difficult to live up to generally accepted standards of behavior. It is possible that you always act according to your own understanding, regardless of the opinions of others, for whom such actions may be unacceptable. Remember that you live in a society where the needs and problems of many people are closely intertwined.

People with a violet aura often have literary, artistic or dramatic abilities. Often gifted with a rich imagination and the ability to create. This aura is emitted by the fewest people, and this is another reason why violet people consider themselves exceptional, if not one of a kind. They often tend to be mystical, as it is a shade of twilight, signifying the transition from day to darkness. A typical “purple” activity is turning fantasies into reality.

8 pink

PINKmaterialism, determination, hard work. People with a pink auric background tend to be gentle and caring. However, these qualities do not prevent you from adhering to your own convictions and, if necessary, firmly defending your point of view. You prefer to act according to your own understanding, but you always find time to take care of your loved ones. Without realizing the positive potential of his main background, a person loses the brightness and richness of the auric glow. If you feel dependent on others, there is a need to take action to assert yourself.

Try to find a new activity you like. Get rid of the shackles of comfortable, monotonous everyday life and do something that you have dreamed of all your life.

Your friends and family may think your action is extravagant, but if you explain to them the reason, they will probably understand.

9 bronze

BRONZEhumanism, self-sacrifice. Bearers of the bronze background are gentle, caring and at the same time decisive. You willingly help others and do so in an unobtrusive and somewhat detached manner, since emotional independence is paramount to you. Most people with a bronze background tend to positive thinking. As a rule, they are happy. At the same time, sometimes it seems to you that others underestimate your efforts. In this case, devote some time to your own needs. Sometimes you underestimate your abilities and follow the lead of others. In this case, you need to gain confidence in own strength and self-esteem. Perhaps you should take courses that cultivate these qualities.

You are a sympathetic and vulnerable person. Therefore, it is sometimes not easy to realize that others are mercilessly exploiting your virtue. You should learn to do good deeds without expecting retribution. It's not easy to learn, but final goal worth it.

The term “aura” has become a part of our lives. There are probably few people who are not familiar with him. But not everyone can really explain what it is. IN best case scenario people know that the color of the aura has a special meaning. And then the “solid fog” begins. To understand, you need a detailed familiarization with the topic. We will find out the meaning of the color of a person's aura, as well as how to deal with problems if they exist. So, let's figure it out.

What is aura

We are accustomed to associate ourselves only with physical body(few people even remember the soul). It turns out that this is wrong. Around human body an energy cocoon is formed. It is formed by two streams moving towards each other from space to the center of the planet and vice versa. For ease of understanding, it is suggested to imagine your body as a grape hanging in the middle of a long thread. This is a flow of energy. Through this, it releases certain “jets” from it and forms a cocoon around itself.

It is egg-shaped and has a definite size. For some, the edges of the aura are separated from the physical shell by an average of half a meter, for others - much more. It all depends on the individual and circumstances.

The size and color of the aura are unstable. You can change them yourself. Any normal person will wonder why to do this. Maybe let it be as it is? The fact is that the characteristics of this field affect the duration and quality of our life. Or rather, on the contrary: any negative manifestations, internal attitudes, intentions, feelings influence them. This is why it is so important to understand the meaning of the color of a person’s aura. This is a kind of energetic diagnosis of the state of a person and his physical body.

What can be determined by the aura

Let's start with size. The larger the aura, the stronger man. This does not mean muscles and the ability to move heavy objects. A person with an impressive aura is able to make serious decisions, lead, convince, “pierce with his gaze,” and so on. There is such a term " charismatic personality" This is a person who has a large and attractive energy field.

Now about what the color of the aura demonstrates. This indicator studied primarily to identify dark spots. They are formed in the case of existing or future diseases, when a person experiences strong negative emotions and so on. There are people who see the field. They can make a diagnosis and predict future events. We must understand that everything that happens to us in life is formed first at the level energy field. If you can see the aura, then you can correct events and influence them. But these are extreme options. And usually the color of the aura indicates a person’s inclinations, character, and in a broader sense - his capabilities, aspirations, and potential achievements. Most often they try to figure it out in order to gain a deeper understanding of their personality.

We are greatly influenced by social environment. It confuses and instills false goals and ideals. Striving for them, a person becomes deeply unhappy. And at the end of life he suffers from its worthlessness, feeling emptiness instead of satisfaction from the path traveled. Nowadays, people are increasingly thinking about how to avoid this, how to make their existence filled with true joy. And knowing what you were born with (aura color) seriously helps with this. For example, what do you think, if a born engineer spends his whole life in a bank and doesn’t create the machine he has dreamed of since childhood, will he be happy?

Probably not, even if the amounts in his account are impressive.

How to determine the field color

There are several methods. Everyone's results are relative to one degree or another. We are accustomed to considering only what we can touch as reliable. And in the case of a field, only a few people can see it. They are absolutely confident in the information they receive. Everyone else, like blind people, has to trust them.

You can also take a photo of the aura. It is obtained using a special camera. The picture shows not only the color of the field, but also its density, dark places, chakras. After analyzing the information received from the aura camera, the specialist can talk about the physical and emotional state person. Usually this is followed by advice on adjustments. This method many also consider it relative. Still, you have to believe in aura photos. Otherwise, it may seem like scammers are trying to deceive you.

Well, the last way - independent work. It’s not entirely easy, but you walk the path yourself from start to finish. To do this, you need to place your palm on a sheet of white paper in semi-darkness. focus. You should see rays coming out of your fingertips. If it works, then determine the color. Almost no one succeeds the first time. In order to notice these rays, you need to learn to concentrate. Sometimes the original (innate) color of the aura is determined by the date of birth. This method only tells you what is given to you from Higher Powers, and does not contain information about the current state of the energy field, which can be extremely important.

Calculations by date of birth

Richard Webster, the famous numerologist, came up with a fairly simple way to find out the color of the aura. To do this, you need to write down the full date of birth, then add all the numbers together. Then add again until you get a single digit number. Example: a person was born on April 12, 1969. We count: 1+2+0+4+1+9+6+9=32. Next we add it up again: 3+2=5. This is the number of aura color.

The interpretation is given to scientists in a special table. For example, the color red corresponds to one. Its meaning is as follows: an active and cheerful person, a purposeful, ambitious optimist. People with this characteristic clearly stand out from the crowd, have leadership qualities. It is clear that they are uncomfortable if they have to obey someone else’s will.

Auras, according to Webster, correspond to the number four. They are good-natured and friendly people. Easily adapt to changes. They attract others with their warmth and responsiveness.

The yellow color of the aura corresponds to three. These are creative and sociable intellectuals. They are always at the center of events, doing what they love.

The deuce is characterized by orange color. These are decent individuals with hypersensitivity. They are capable of free assistance and mercy.

Five is indigo color. These are always knowledge-seeking individuals with a complex character.

Six is ​​the blue color of the aura. These are mainly philanthropists looking for opportunities to patronize the weaker.

Seven is purple. Such individuals feel a special intuition and are able to predict.

Eight corresponds to the color pink. These are hard workers who value material wealth. It is difficult to push them off their chosen path.

And finally, nine is a bronze color, according to Webster's chart. Most conservationists have this aura. These people are capable of sacrificing themselves for the sake of all living things. If you want to know about your inclinations, then find out the color of your aura. The test and its results are described above.

Another interpretation

Aura experts believe it is important to track its color over time. It changes along with your condition and way of thinking. When you receive a photo, for example, be sure to look at the location dark spots. They talk about which organs or systems are currently under threat. In addition, dark shades show that a person develops bad character traits, he often indulges in dark thoughts or is focused only on carnal pleasures. All this leads to a weakening (darkening) of the field, which can cause diseases of the physical body.

Experts say that the colors of the aura, which are deciphered in the article, are ambiguous. You should concentrate on the main backgrounds. Every person's field contains all colors. Diagnosis is carried out based on the brightest ones. Now specifically about flowers. There are seven of them in total, each can prevail in the picture of the field depending on what emotions are in at the moment guide a person.


The meaning of this color does not cause optimism. He talks about the tendency to nervous disorders, impulsiveness based on emotions. If the color turns out to be dark, burgundy, then this person is prone to despotic manifestations. Spots of this shade can tell about diseases that may not yet have manifested themselves. Light, occurs in people who are active, overly sensitive, and prone to impulsiveness. Pink signifies an immature personality. Most often it appears in the field of young people.


This color tells about a person who is attentive to the problems of others. If it is light, then the personality is viable and self-sufficient. This is a brave and patient person, whom people go to for advice or just a kind word.

When brown tones are visible in orange, it means that these characteristics have undergone some negative changes. In principle, it is precisely in order to determine this that the color of the aura is studied. Deciphering in this case is quite difficult. It is believed that brown notes (blotches) speak of ambition mixed with carelessness. This is the confidence that you can literally go over your head, and nothing will happen for it. A risky postulate. If a large brownish spot appears in the field, then they speak of depression due to an unpleasant event or ordinary laziness.


This is an indicator of excellent health and tranquility. Such people study with pleasure, are independent, and do not seek patronage for themselves. They move through life with dignity, easily overcoming obstacles. They are not prone to unnecessary worries. But for others they are always ready. These are those good angels who come on time and do what is needed. When reddish tones appear in the yellow color, they speak of excessive shyness, characteristic of those who suffer from an inferiority complex.

Green aura color

These are individuals with increased adaptability. They are sentimental, capable of compassion, but only when everything goes well. If problems arise, everyone will be to blame except them. Despite this, they are capable of loyal friendship, although they often show frivolity. This strong personalities. They gradually accumulate potential, which will be difficult to contain. The darker the green, the stronger the personality traits appear. Lighter shades indicate instability of characteristics.


Spiritual life-lovers have such a field. The blue color of the aura demonstrates the vigor of a person, his aspiration to high ideals. If it is pale and barely visible, it means the person is weak.

He is prone to indecisiveness and does not strive to develop talents. Such people need to engage in self-improvement.


This color characterizes wise people. They move through life with inspiration, not so much contemplating as creating. They are distinguished by complete harmony with nature, they are always balanced and happy with events. Light shades will talk about a person for whom spiritual development is the main meaning of life. They do not particularly strive for comfort, although, as a rule, they have everything they need. If deep blue is visible in the aura, it means this person completely immersed in what he loves. Lucky! He found himself. Only shades of gray in the aura can tell about problems. Most likely, the person is too carried away by the results of the work, and not by the process itself. A rich blue color indicates that a person is working according to his calling, fulfilling his assigned mission.


This is believed to be a sign of spirituality. Only people with a pure soul, who have managed to rise above the bustle of the world, have such an aura color. Purple with pink tones speaks of finding a spiritual path. There is still something to strive for. Although we can definitely say that this person is moving in the right direction. Sometimes dark shades of purple suggest that a person does not have enough energy. If bright spots are visible against this background, it means that the person has not passed the test of power. This person is too clearly trying to impose his spiritual baggage on others. You should work on yourself.

What to do if the field has dark spots

Usually a person is not interested in the state of his aura if everything is normal. It just doesn't occur to me. As a rule, such information is important for those who have problems. Having found out their general direction by the color of the aura, it is necessary to begin adjustment. There are many ways to cleanse. All of them are quite effective. For example, believers can be advised to cleanse the aura with prayers.

You are simply trying to get rid of the sin that the diagnosis revealed. If pride has surfaced, then ask for humility; if frivolity has emerged, which can harm both you and others, then ask for strength of character. There is a way to cleanse the aura with a candle, meditation, salt or egg. You just need to understand that the field reflects your inner world. If you want to achieve results, then you definitely need to work with him. That is why it is recommended. This method allows you not just to perform a certain ritual, but to conduct a thoughtful analysis, identify your own mistakes and work on adjusting your thoughts and intentions. If you are wondering who to pray to, you should consult with the clergy. They will tell you which saint to contact. But that's not important. The main thing is to know what you personally should rule. When you understand where you were wrong, then go to church and pray to Christ or the Mother of God. The Lord will always hear and help, no matter what form you turn to.

Cleansing the aura with a candle

Many people consider this method more effective. You just can’t do it yourself. Need help. Only church candles that are blessed are used. It is necessary for the person whose aura will be cleaned to take off his shoes. IN ideal it is placed on bare ground, although it can also be simply on the floor, on a sheet of paper. The assistant lights a candle and moves it along the outline of the person. You need to start above your head and slowly move the light around all parts of the body. At the same time, you can read prayers together. The Lord's Prayer or the 90th Psalm are used. The latter must be read forty times in a row. If the problems are large, then you need to use several candles. At the end of the ceremony, both must drink holy water and wash themselves with it. In fact, the ritual is quite complicated. Both are very tired. It can be divided into several sessions. In this case, the treatment will take longer, but the negative consequences. And one more thing: the person who cleanses the aura should be helped by someone who does not have similar problems. Otherwise, you will just share dark spots with each other.

Cleansing the aura with an egg

This method is also called rolling out. Only live eggs are used for it. That is, those that were not stored in the refrigerator. It is advisable to buy them “from the laying hen” - in the place where you can see the manufacturer yourself.

You will also need help during the ritual. The egg must be applied to the entire surface of the body, stopping for a long time in the places where the main chakras are located. They start rolling from the crown. At the same time, prayers are also read. The Lord's Prayer will do just fine. If the egg becomes heavy, and this is very noticeable, then it should be replaced with the next one. Move it clockwise, slowly rolling it over bare skin.

Information about the state of a person’s aura has important. It helps to recognize impending (or existing) problems in a timely manner, and therefore take steps to resolve them. There are many methods for determining the color of the aura, as well as interpretations. It’s worth choosing one that best suits your worldview at a given time.

In the article we looked at two descriptions of the meaning of a person’s aura. They should not be confused. Webster developed a technique to determine the color of a field. He has his own transcripts. And the second description concerns current state aura, which is recommended to work with in order to completely get rid of problems and ailments.

Aura is a reflection of our internal state souls. This is an invisible energy field that reflects our mood, feelings, thoughts, emotions. By the aura one can determine the essence of a person, his secret desires, his past, present and future. It’s not for nothing that many psychics in their sessions with eyes closed They move their palm in front of a person’s face - in this way they try to see the aura.

Everyone’s aura is different: different colors, shapes, sizes and densities. All these parameters depend on the degree of human development. The ideal aura is shaped like an oval. This means that a person is in harmony with himself and the world around him. A shapeless and asymmetrical aura is a sign of internal weakness and instability. The size of the aura depends on spiritual development man and his wealth inner world. The density of the aura indicates the ambition and activity of a person. A low density aura indicates depression and lack of vitality.

The colors of the aura can change depending on the internal state of a person. But, as a rule, the human energy field always comes to its constant color, which is determined by the individual characteristics of the person.

To know the color of the aura, it is not at all necessary to have psychic abilities. Basic mathematical knowledge is sufficient. This method was invented by numerologist and parapsychologist Richard Webster, who by adding the numbers of the date, month and year of birth received the number corresponding a certain color. The calculation system is based on the date of birth. Richard was born on 05/15/1955 = 1+5+0+5+1+9+5+5 = 31 = 3+1 = 4. We get the numerological number 4. It corresponds to a specific color in the Webster table, which will be the color of your aura.

Number 1- this is red. An aura of this color means activity and love of life. People with such an aura are most often optimists, endowed with ambition and determination.

Number 2- it's orange. People with an orange aura are distinguished by decency, good nature and sensitivity. They have a strong connection with the people around them and are able to show mercy and free help.

Number 3 - yellow. People with a yellow aura have a vibrant intellect. As a rule, these people are creative and sociable. It is important for them to do what they love and benefit society.

Number 4- green. People with a green aura are helpful, good-natured and friendly. They quickly adapt to changes and new conditions. People are drawn to them, because their aura radiates kindness and warmth.

Number 5- indigo. People with an aura of this color are intellectuals striving to gain new knowledge. They have excellent creative abilities, a rich imagination, but a complex character.

Number 6- blue. Aura blue speaks of nobility and philanthropy. People with this aura love to help and be useful to someone. They feel responsible for their loved ones and will never leave them in trouble.

Number 7- violet. This color symbolizes intuition and divination abilities. Sometimes people with such an aura become misunderstood in society and withdraw into themselves. They should strengthen their gift and not be afraid to ask for help.

Number 8- pink color. People with pink aura very hardworking. Their desires are often limited material assets. They are always firm in their convictions and never deviate from their intended path.

Number 9- bronze color. An aura of this color indicates sacrifice and love for all living things. Often people with such an aura do not spare themselves and give all their achievements to other people whom they consider worthy of it.

Anyone can calculate the simplest numerology of their birth date. It is much more difficult to create a numerology that will also take into account the place of birth and the specific time of day. This is called full numerology date of birth. You can calculate it with our help.

Tell us in the comments what color your aura is and how it affects your life.