In a dream, ride slides in the snow. Why do you dream about Gorka according to the dream book? Pool and secret desires

If a person sees in a dream how small children are happily sliding down an ice slide in a crowd, this means that the internal energy of the sleeper is high, and helps him achieve good results in achieving the goals set for themselves.

If a person often begins to have dreams in which he, like a small child, takes a sled and begins to ride it down an ice slide, this dream is a warning sign for the sleeper. He reports that the childish energy accumulated in him needs to be released. That is, you shouldn’t be constantly serious and busy only with work, it’s time to give yourself good rest. Walking along a slippery road in a dream, which consists entirely of ice slides, means difficulties in life, overcoming which will require attentiveness and caution.

If a sleeper has fun on a roller coaster in a dream, it means that his life is full of unpleasant events. For this reason, a person is constantly nervous, he is worried about his fate. Such a dream is a warning that in the future this condition may affect your health.

Seeing in a dream how a child is cheerfully building an ice slide means that a cooling-off period will begin in a relationship with a loved one. If a person sleeping in a dream is surrounded by many low ice slides, this indicates that in reality he considers people from his home and work team to be cold and soulless. Skating down a hill is a sign of joy. Being on top of it with friends means improving relationships. Building a slide yourself in a dream means that in your life a person has decided to distance himself from others.

Seeing in a dream a luxurious children's winter town with many beautiful ice slides means that the sleeper will soon have a wonderful time in the company of his childhood friends. If a person in such a town climbs one of the hills and does not dare to move down, this indicates that real life he should not fear temporary difficulties. If an ice slide has several slopes, and the sleeper stops at the top, wondering which one to go down, it means that in the near future he will be faced with the problem of making a choice in a difficult life situation.

To understand why you dream of an ice slide, you need to pay attention to all the details of such a dream. If in a dream the bright sun is shining and many children are playing happily, this is a softening sign that weakens the meaning of any negative prediction.

If in a dream a person, for some purpose, persistently climbs a low stone hill covered with a layer of ice and constantly slides down it, this signals that in real life he will have to face human cruelty and heartlessness.

Why do you dream about a hill?

Rolling down a hill that is covered with greenery growing on it means that in reality the sleeper will suffer material losses. If during such a descent he injured some parts of the body, an interpretation of these symbols should be found.

For example, if a person’s hands are crippled, then the upcoming losses will be associated with his inability to proper planning business A dream in which the slide unexpectedly collapses for the sleeper means that the period of joy and entertainment is over. Now you have to work hard to maintain a decent life your family. Seeing a child climbing a snowy hill is a sign of joy. Snow always symbolizes this wonderful feeling. If the sleeper is building an ice slide, it means his love for his other half has cooled slightly. If an adult sees himself in a dream as a child riding a slide, the dream reports that in real life the sleeper shows a lot of childishness and recklessness, which upsets his loved ones.

Seeing in a dream a slide on which children are having fun means that the upcoming period of the sleeper’s life will be filled with joy and mischief. The symbol "hill" also has another meaning: a small mountain.

Seeing a mountain in a dream is a sign of promotion. If a sleeper diligently climbs a low hill in a dream, it means that in real life he makes a lot of effort to climb the next step up the career ladder.

If the hill in a dream is located behind thorny thickets, it means that in order to achieve his goals the sleeper will have to overcome a serious obstacle. If in a dream a person reaches the top of a hill, it means that in real life he will get what he wants.

Riding a roller coaster with children means that the sleeper, due to a reckless attitude to life, is endangering his entire family. A hill of earth seen in a dream, on which absolutely nothing grows, foreshadows a short period of empty sorrows. What a hill means in a dream can be understood from the plot of the dream.

If a sleeping person fell from a children's slide in a dream, then in reality it is time for him to grow up. Seeing how many slides arise as a result of an earthquake means colossal changes for the better in the life of the sleeper.

This will happen if he remained unharmed during a natural disaster. If for unknown reasons the hills of the earth are destroyed before our eyes, it means that real world a person will have to endure deception from competitors who will defeat him.

Snow slide

Dream Interpretation Snow slide dreamed of why you dream about a mountain of snow? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a mountain of snow in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Snow

(See interpretation: ice, winter, avalanche, ice)

Getting stuck in the snow or falling into it in a dream means that you are in a position where nothing depends on you. You are too tied up with some people and you have no chance in the near future to find a way out of this situation. But if in a dream you manage to get out of deep snow safely, then in life you will be able to find a way out of a situation that seemed hopeless. Getting lost in the snow in a dream is a harbinger of disaster. Snowfall in a dream means obstacles in business and troubles. If you dream that you see snowfall on Epiphany, then such a dream predicts an imminent separation from your lover. Seeing large drifts of fluffy snow in a dream or moving among them is a sign of great happiness and wealth. Moving easily along them is a sign of great success in a difficult task. To fall into such a snowdrift in a dream - sure sign that you will enjoy your wealth. The size of the snowdrifts and the whiteness of the snow are indicators of the size of your well-being and wealth. But being stuck in snowdrifts in a dream indicates that you are in a hopeless situation and you should come to terms with it. Snowy mountain peaks in a dream indicate your ambitions and desire to become famous. Such a dream suggests that your claims are unfounded and you should be more modest and not indulge yourself with empty hopes in order to avoid disappointments and disappointments in the future. Soft snow in a dream foreshadows pleasant meetings or news. Snow sparkling in the sun in a dream is a harbinger happy changes in your destiny. Seeing a snowman in a dream means receiving quick news from a loved one.

To see a lot of snow in a dream - to good profits and health. Wet, prickly snow in a dream indicates future troubles, humiliation and shame. Dirty snow in a dream warns you of the danger of scandal or betrayal. Melting snow in a dream is a harbinger of slow and small changes for the better.

A snowstorm in a dream is a harbinger of big changes in your situation for the worse. Playing snowballs in a dream means deception and the collapse of hopes for repayment of a monetary debt. Making snowballs in a dream means that you yourself will be to blame if your company suffers losses. Throwing snow at someone in a dream foreshadows empty quarrels or useless proceedings. Rolling down a snowy mountain in a dream is a sign warning you of danger due to the fact that you will get involved in a risky business.

Dream Interpretation - Snow

Seeing snow in a dream means laughter.

If you get caught in the snow, there will be a lot of fun. A “good” streak awaits you in life, everything will work out for you, everything will work out. Seeing snowdrifts means changes for the better.

If you saw in a dream how individual snowflakes were falling, then you will have a pleasant time with your loved one, and if you are married, then prosperity in family life. If the snow flies and sparkles, then there will be a lot of fun at some home holiday. If you see snow covering a large area with an even veil, this means that for a long time You will not be bothered by any problems or troubles.

And seeing melting snow in a dream means that before you begin to implement your plans, you should put your thoughts and feelings in order. If the snow is dirty, then gossip will ruin your mood. If you see dirty snow in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday, then someone is deliberately spreading dirty rumors in order to hinder your career advancement. If you dream of such snow from Saturday to Sunday, then one of your closest relatives will be slandered.

Feeling the touch of snow in a dream means experiencing an exciting love adventure. If you see either snow or rain in a dream, it means that you will learn bad news along with good news. If you see snow first and then rain, then joy will be replaced by sadness.

Sweeping away snow with your hand in a dream is a warning that your problems depend only on you. You are doing something wrong and therefore your life may change for the worse.

Dream Interpretation - Snow

Seeing heavy snowfall in a dream - they are coming big changes in your career. Prickly snow with a strong wind portends obstacles in love. Snow that has piled up huge snowdrifts is a sign of happiness and successful progress of affairs.

Walking on the first freshly fallen snowball means the ease with which you will overcome all obstacles. Having difficulty making your way through deep snow, falling waist-deep into it, portends trouble with friends. Falling into the snow means unexpected difficulties.

Seeing endless fields covered with snow speaks of your desire to put yourself above your surroundings, no matter what the cost. Snow covering the trees in the silent winter forest, – to inconsistencies in the new project due to insufficient financial development. Skiing in the snow - a fun outing awaits you out of town with barbecue on a fire, etc.

Melted spring snow, snowdrifts covered with frozen ice like a glass crust - such a dream means that your fears are unfounded and everything will turn out as successfully as possible. Snow floating on ice floes along the river - miss your happiness due to excessive pride and selfishness.

Rolling children on sleds on compacted snow crust means good luck in everything; on wet snow slush means they have to defend their interests in a bitter struggle with a strong opponent. Dirty snow is a sign that foreshadows family troubles, aggravated by financial problems.

Sculpting a snow woman in a dream means your ambition will be infringed; building a snow fortress means varying success in the struggle for power or division of spheres of influence. Playing snowballs - ungrateful children will cause a lot of trouble and trouble. Seeing snow falling in the middle of summer is a harbinger of unexpected events that will cause all your plans to go to pieces.

Dream Interpretation - Snow

The symbol means surprise or deception. This is due to the nature of the phenomenon: people perceived snow as a surprise; the comparison with sugar stems from the appearance of snow and the inaccessibility of sugar to ordinary people.

Trying to make out what is outside the window: snow or rain - you strive to make life according to your own laws, although you realize that inevitability is stronger than you.

Seeing in a dream an absolutely flat sheet of snow without any traces - you will not be able to find out what is of interest, because in this matter everything is against you; rely on your intuition, because there will be no clues.

To dream that there is snow in a sugar bowl means an unexpected trick on the part of loved ones.

To dream that on a summer day it began to snow heavily with large fluffy snowflakes - you will be pleasantly surprised; expect a surprise; life will turn towards you from an unexpected angle; You are not aware of the prospects, but they will soon open in the most unexpected at the moment.

You are offered to buy snow that fell two years ago - you will become the subject of the attention of a person whom you greatly needed some time ago, but did not receive support from him and did not wait for an answer to the request.

Seeing a person covering his tracks in the snow is a sign of suspicion, anxiety, nervousness and reluctance to communicate with old acquaintances.

Seeing a hare confusing its tracks in the snow is a sign of thinking about a complex, difficult and rather sensitive issue that can only be resolved by plucking up courage.

In a dream, sculpting a snow figure - you do not have enough time to realize your desire to engage in a hobby; It seems to you that you are minding your own business.

Playing snowballs - You will have close communication with children, with childhood friends; You will have to remember skills that you have not used for a long time.

Melting snow - a lot of effort has to be made to achieve the desired result; do not hope for quick success; easy profit.

Dream Interpretation - Snow

Seeing it snowing means a cooling of relationships with friends.

Imagine that the bright sun is shining and the snow is melting before your eyes.

Fields and plains covered with thick snow cover - it just seems to you that your business is stagnant. In fact, everything moves, only imperceptibly for you, and not as fast as you would like. Be patient: everything will come true in due time. Making snowballs out of snow is wasted effort.

If you dreamed that you were making snowballs, imagine that a thaw had come and all the snowballs had melted. Or you can work out this dream in a different way, imagining that you and your friends are playing snowballs, you are having fun and good. After the game, you go to a warm house and warm up with hot tea.

Seeing a snow storm means sadness and troubles in your personal life await you.

Imagine that you are hiding from a storm behind the walls of a hospitable house, where you are waiting out the storm.

Dirty, half-melted snow - to humiliation, however deserved. You shouldn't have been so arrogant. Now the people you openly despised will have the opportunity to avenge their humiliation.

Imagine that you are shoveling dirty snow and throwing it into a ditch.

Seeing mountain tops covered with snow in a dream means your dreams have every chance of coming true, but for this you need to go through a difficult and long path. If you dreamed of magnificent snowy landscapes sparkling under the bright sun and a blue sky above your head, luck will turn your face. You will achieve whatever you want. Riding in the snow in a sleigh is a pleasure.

Imagine that you conquer the highest peak and plant your own flag on it (see Flag).

If you dreamed that because of snow drifts you could not move anywhere (on foot, on a sleigh or in a car), a long series of failures awaits you.

Loosen negative influence you can sleep by imagining that someone is sneaking towards you on a bulldozer best friend, clears the road - and you drive through without problems.

There is snow - you will have to be satisfied with the promises, but whether they will come true is still unknown.

Imagine that you didn’t eat, but only tried to melt snow in a kettle and make tea - after all, melt water is very healthy! Imagine how the kettle boils, how you brew tea and drink it.

Dream Interpretation - Snow

In winter, you dream of snow - such a dream does not mean anything.

In spring, autumn and summer, snow means an obstacle, loss, loss, litigation.

Snow glitters and shimmers in the sun - news or a pleasant surprise awaits you.

Falling snow means receiving good news; melting snow and walking barefoot in the snow means lack of money.

Snow falls on you - to success in all matters.

Snow for landowners means fertility.

An avalanche falling from the snowy mountains is bad news.

An avalanche of snow will fall on you - you will be reciprocated.

Making a snowman - good views for the future associated with changes in life.

Seeing frost - in summer - means thunder in winter - means warmth or rain.

Frosts mean that all your affairs will go from bad to worse. Whatever you undertake now will be followed by only failures. Now is not your time for any undertakings. Put everything aside for better times.

Dream Interpretation - Snow

A snow-covered landscape is a symbol of the fertility of the earth or happiness in love.

Walking in the snow is a pleasant surprise.

Newly fallen snow, fluffy and white, promises joy and pleasure.

Dense, compacted - reward for work.

In general, snowy whiteness symbolizes wealth and prosperity.

Falling snow means obstacles in business.

Snowdrifts are a sign of happiness in your personal life.

Rubbing yourself with snow means your wishes will come true.

Falling into the snow or walking through darkened, melting snow is a sign of adversity and temptation.

Falling into the snow means parting with your loved one.

Playing snowballs means a family dispute with the heirs.

Getting stuck in snow drifts means experiencing failure in everything.

If you eat snow in a dream, in reality you have lost faith in your ideals or idols.

Large flakes of snow outside the window predict quarrels with a loved one and financial difficulties.

Dream Interpretation - Hill

Dream Interpretation - Snow

If you dream of snow, it means that there are no real troubles in your life, be it illness or work troubles.

If a snowstorm overtook you in a dream, it means that sadness and disappointment await you due to the inability to rejoice at what you have been waiting for for a long time. This dream is always accompanied by mental turmoil.

If you eat snow in a dream, a collapse of ideals awaits you.

If you dream of dirty snow, it means... Your pride will be pacified and you will be reconciled with those who will arrogantly despise you.

If you dream of melting snow, it means... Your fear will turn into joy.

If in a dream you look through glass at snow falling in large flakes, this is a harbinger that you will quarrel with your beloved and your alienation will be aggravated by financial difficulties.

Seeing in a dream snowy peaks mountains in the distance means that your ambitious desires will bring you undeserved success.

If you dream of a snowy landscape sparkling under the sun, it means that unkind fortune will obey you and you will have power.

If a girl dreams that she is rolling in a sleigh in the snow, it means that she will have to overcome strong resistance in defending her chosen one.

If you dream about playing in the snow. - this portends you a family lawsuit with unscrupulous descendants and your position must be well justified so that justice is on your side.

If you dream that you are lost in the snow or cannot get out of somewhere due to snow drifts, it means that a long series of failures awaits you.

Dream Interpretation - Snow

Snow - they say when you dream of snow, it will be some kind of laughter from someone. If you dream about winter and snow, then they say that someone has already fallen out of love with someone. If a person dreams of walking barefoot in the snow, then this is a sign that he will fall into great poverty. Snow is a surprise. As soon as you feel it, the frost will be on your shoulders. Snow - everything will be fine. Snow - a love date; snowing is a pleasant surprise.


Dream Interpretation - And it all started so well..

The dream reflects your fears of failing when making decisions. Be bolder, ask yourself, what really terrible thing will happen if I make the wrong decision? Nothing! And if you listen to your intuition, then there will be no mistakes. Good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Giant cars

Julia, a collapsing building means unjustified hopes, the collapse of some plans, possibly problems in relationships. Or at work. A roller coaster is an unexpected turn of events in your life, some events will develop rapidly and actively in life... The events are not very pleasant, as they went down... But everything will work out and there will be an unexpected surprise... A bonus is always bonus... Both in a dream and in reality.. Is everything okay with your work?

Dream Interpretation - Pink mattress

I spoke in English with someone, while it was difficult for me either to reproduce the accent or to choose words. It was difficult to speak.. In a huge empty room they set up a slide, like a structure, like a roller coaster, a long bright pink beautiful mattress was placed on top of a light metal structure, children were sliding down on it and having fun - supposedly my daughters, two very beautiful, well-groomed girls . Then we removed the mattress from this slide and laid it on the floor to go to bed, bending it so that there was a wide place for sleeping. It took up almost the entire floor. I said that if the slide costs from 60 to 200 thousand, then I will buy it. Then we began to go to bed, I said - it’s necessary, but once we slept on the bed, it’s so strange. All the symbols of your dream speak about some strange circumstances of some matter (American slides in the room, a pink mattress, supposedly your daughters, your words “so strange”), about your attempt to explain something, but they do not understand you (your English ) and about some of your difficulties (it’s difficult to talk about)

Dream Interpretation - Skiing from the mountain

The feeling to which you will happily surrender (ride) will survive both “warm” times, i.e., positive emotions, and “cold” ones, when you are lonely, scared.... You will get out..

Dream Interpretation - Skiing from the mountain

The dream tells you that if you strive for some special pleasures in life....... Then each time your attempts will only “worse” your life situation.... Get out... You will get out. .. But what will you be left with in the end?

Dream Interpretation - Skiing from the mountain

You will experience turbulent events. Possibly related to a change of location.

Dream Interpretation - Why is everything like this?

Dreams are interconnected. Against the background of the garbage of current experiences and impressions, your dreams contain information useful to you. The direction you have chosen in life and actions (road) is based on hope (hill), but your feminine principle (cow) does not seem to be very happy with this choice. You need power (money) to make specific changes (possible death). To do this, you need to change your attitude towards life (palm, life line), otherwise life may turn out to be false (actress). Good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Ice

The dream reflects your desire to get rid of unwanted, from your point of view, memories associated with family relationships.

Dream Interpretation - Planes, train

The dream is connected with one of your relatives, but in my opinion not close. The hope that will be deceived is connected with him (her), it will concern some common interest, business, event. (only you know what exactly it is)

Dream Interpretation - Skis

The dream says that you will equally easily overcome danger (ice) and bad luck (earth). Luck is on your side.


Dream Interpretation Gorka dreamed of why Gorka is seen in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Gorka in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Hill

If you dreamed of a piece of furniture such as a slide, this indicates that you will not be able to easily and quickly achieve what you want.

Dream Interpretation - Gorkom

Dream Interpretation - Roller coaster

Dream Interpretation - Hill

Dream Interpretation - Children's slide!

Dream Interpretation - Dough, slide

Dream Interpretation - Roller coaster

Dream Interpretation - Aqua slides

Slide downhill

Dream Interpretation: Downhill skiing dreamed of why you dream about sliding down a hill? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Rolling Down a Hill in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Skating

Riding a boat in a dream means that your fate will depend on the whim of a malicious and vengeful person, who, however, has a weakness for flattery and fawning. Ride on a carousel - in reality you will commit reckless acts and frivolous antics. Riding horses - you will experience a joyful feeling of freedom and relaxedness; driving a car - to business activity and luck in love.

Skating in a dream means that in reality you will become a victim of gossip linking your name with some scandalous incident to which you, in essence, are in no way involved. Riding along the river and suddenly breaking the ice under you by falling on it - this testifies to your friends as people who cannot always be relied on.

Seeing figure skating in a dream, where world-class stars perform, is a harbinger of elation, which will give a powerful impetus to all matters. Admiring men skating in a dream means that in reality you will have intimate intimacy with your desired partner.

Roller skating in a dream means you will soon hit the road. Skiing or sledding - you will have a good rest in familiar company.

Dream Interpretation - Ice skating

Sometimes you dream of skating on ice as a sign of losing your job or losing something valuable. If you break the ice while skating, at the moment there is no point in resorting to the help and advice of friends.

Dream Interpretation - Hill

If you dreamed of a piece of furniture such as a slide, this indicates that you will not be able to easily and quickly achieve what you want.

Dream Interpretation - Skating

If you dream that you are skating on ice, it means that you are in danger of losing your job or some valuables.

If, while riding. If you break the ice, it means that your friends are not the kind of people you can consult with.

If in a dream you only watch other people ride, it means that in reality you will become a victim of gossip linking your name with some scandalous incident in which a person who arouses your admiration is involved.

Seeing ice skating in a dream means discord with your business partners...

Seeing young people roller skating in a dream means that you will rejoice in your good health and experience a special elation from the fact that you are able to sacrifice your joy and contentment for the sake of others.

Dream Interpretation - Ice skating

If you dreamed that you were skating, you will lose your job or some valuables.

If you break the ice while skating, know that your friends are not the people to consult with.

If you watched other people ride in a dream, then in reality you will become a victim of gossip.

In general, a dream about ice skating often foreshadows a disagreement with business partners.

But a dream in which young people roller skate means that you will rejoice in your good health and experience a special elation from the fact that you are able to sacrifice your joy and contentment for the sake of others.

Dream Interpretation - Gorkom

Seeing this building or working in it in a dream means an unreliable union.

Dream Interpretation - Ice skating

If in a dream you are skating, in reality expect separation from your loved one.

If you dream of children roller skating, it means that you will be happy to sacrifice everything for the sake of your loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Figure skating

Extreme sex.

Dream Interpretation - Skating

You dream that someone is riding a boat - you are about to meet with bad people; talk to them about the weather, about birds, about flowers - about anything, just don’t discuss people and their actions; everything you say about people will be turned against you; masters of intrigue can even make white appear black.

You see figure skaters skating in a dream - your business partners they will conflict with each other, and you will have to resolve this conflict; your main argument: so that the business does not suffer. A figure skater stumbled - a big quarrel will begin with minor disagreements.

It’s as if you are skating - the dream foretells losses for you; Most likely, you will lose your job - but this is not a reason for despondency, it is only a reason to look for a better job.

You fell through the ice while skating - in the difficult situation in which you will find yourself in the near future, consult only your own mind and life experience, do not ask your friends for advice, they still will not want to take responsibility.

Children roller skating - everything will be fine with your health; you enjoy the thought that you are able to make sacrifices for the benefit of others - for the sake of humanity; continue to remain in this delusion.

Someone is riding a horse - joyful events await you.

Dream Interpretation - Riding an attraction

To good luck in love.

A fun, joyful time with lots of adventures.

Air sign in the 5th house.

Slide down the hill

Dream Interpretation Hill slide down it dreamed of why in a dream the Hill dreams of moving down from it? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a hill moving down a hill in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Hill

If you dreamed of a piece of furniture such as a slide, this indicates that you will not be able to easily and quickly achieve what you want.

Dream Interpretation - Gorkom

Seeing this building or working in it in a dream means an unreliable union.

Dream Interpretation - Roller coaster

Why do we pay money to ride a roller coaster, but as soon as our life becomes like a roller coaster, we immediately want to get off: the dream says that you are not worried about ups and downs, because you know that everything is transitory?

Dream Interpretation - Hill

A reflection of the old block - fear remaining in the subconscious. To get rid of it, in bed, just before falling asleep, remember those incidents in detail, and imagine them in your mind as colorfully as possible, but with very good development events so that it would not be scary at all. Good luck..

Dream Interpretation - Child on an ice slide

The dream predicts possible complications in the life of your mother-in-law and her son. Seeing an adult son as small in a dream means his illness, serious problems in his life due to an oversight in childhood, that is, as if the past makes itself felt right now - usually a person laughs - when he should cry and vice versa. Apparently, she (your mother-in-law) didn’t have too much trouble with her son in childhood (everyone laughed and rolled around... - without worrying too much and not paying attention to the fact that he was quietly rolling down the slide and holes were already appearing on his protective layer - sweater: ““Yes, there’s almost nothing there, it’s a small scuff. Don’t pay attention”... - It’s for this frivolity that only now pays off. Of course, as always, at the wrong time!

Dream Interpretation - Roller coaster

Some abrupt turn of events in your life, a series of turns, let’s say, but you will overcome everything and everything will work out... But it won’t be easy, you understand

Dream Interpretation - Aqua slides

Such a dream foretells that you will decide, due to current circumstances, an event or matter over which you have no power.

Dream Interpretation - Children's slide!

Friendship (dog), unfortunately it is not clear with whom, is now being tested. Maintaining inner integrity (black color) in your attitude towards life (right hand) will help you to rise to the occasion. Good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Dough, slide

Some of your desires will leave you. What will go away (rolling down the mountain) is what was most clearly manifested in the character of the classmate. ((what do you associate it with?). Letting go with hope for the best (dough in hands)

Dream Interpretation - Spit out a pile of crumbled teeth with white worms

I gave up grudges and other destructive programs that destroy the psyche from the inside. You don't hold a grudge anymore.

Going down the hill dream book

Dream Interpretation Going down the hill dream book dreamed of why you dream about going down a hill in a dream book? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Going Down the Hill in a dream dream book by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Hill

If you dreamed of a piece of furniture such as a slide, this indicates that you will not be able to easily and quickly achieve what you want.

Dream Interpretation - Gorkom

Seeing this building or working in it in a dream means an unreliable union.

Dream Interpretation - Roller coaster

Why do we pay money to ride a roller coaster, but as soon as our life becomes like a roller coaster, we immediately want to get off: the dream says that you are not worried about ups and downs, because you know that everything is transitory?

Dream Interpretation - Hill

A reflection of the old block - fear remaining in the subconscious. To get rid of it, in bed, just before falling asleep, remember those incidents in detail, and imagine them in your mind as colorfully as possible, but with a very good development of events, so that it is not scary at all. Good luck..

Dream Interpretation - Dream Interpretation Blood

Hello! Blood and bleeding are bad signs. You are in danger and may get sick. For traders, this dream promises bad trade, promises ruin for those on trial. If you are in love, then your boyfriend will cheat with your girlfriend and marry her,

Dream Interpretation - Dream Interpretation - Pendant as a gift

A misfortune may happen to your father.

Dream Interpretation - Child on an ice slide

The dream predicts possible complications in the life of your mother-in-law and her son. Seeing an adult son as small in a dream means his illness, serious problems in his life due to an oversight in childhood, that is, as if the past makes itself felt right now - usually a person laughs - when he should cry and vice versa. Apparently, she (your mother-in-law) didn’t have too much trouble with her son in childhood (everyone laughed and rolled around... - without worrying too much and not paying attention to the fact that he was quietly rolling down the slide and holes were already appearing on his protective layer - sweater: ““Yes, there’s almost nothing there, it’s a small scuff. Don’t pay attention”... - It’s for this frivolity that only now pays off. Of course, as always, at the wrong time!

Dream Interpretation - Roller coaster

Some abrupt turn of events in your life, a series of turns, let’s say, but you will overcome everything and everything will work out... But it won’t be easy, you understand

Dream Interpretation - Aqua slides

Such a dream foretells that you will decide, due to current circumstances, an event or matter over which you have no power.

Dream Interpretation - Children's slide!

Friendship (dog), unfortunately it is not clear with whom, is now being tested. Maintaining inner integrity (black color) in your attitude towards life (right hand) will help you to rise to the occasion. Good luck.



I dreamed that I was riding a roller coaster, and in the dream I was scared... I'm afraid


I dreamed that I came to the park, sat on a roller coaster and rode, I really didn’t like riding there and I wished that I had given away my money in vain.


I dreamed that my friend dragged me onto the Ferris wheel, but it turned out to be a roller coaster, we were going and suddenly I realized that I forgot to buckle up, I was trying to hold on, but I was falling... after I fell I got up and there were no fractures... in general, safe and sound


I rode a slide that looked like a roller coaster, I was a little scared, but I liked it, then I and my loved one walked through a beautiful park.


Hello! I had this dream from Friday to Saturday:
My friend and I are going on a roller coaster ride. We sat on it. But there was no protection, just some kind of iron stick over our heads (well, we just had to hang on to it). The attraction started working, we started to spin, I fell out from behind the seat and held on to the iron stick above me... Finally, the time ran out. I started complaining because I almost flew away and almost died.
P.S.: For some reason this action took place in St. Petersburg.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

This dream of yours most likely indicates that you can get a lot of pleasant emotions from having a fun time.


I dreamed that I had a roller coaster in the trees at my dacha and my friends and I were riding on them and we really liked it :)


I dreamed that my friend and I were riding a roller coaster, and we weren’t fastened, but it didn’t bother us, although it created inconvenience, since the bag was always going to fall, and I was constantly supporting it, but still we were fun and good and I wanted it to go on and on, but the dream, of course, as always, was interrupted by the alarm clock, so I don’t know how it all ended

Julia Dream Interpretation:

This dream probably indicates that you may go through a number of vivid experiences in the future.


in a dream I was riding a very large roller coaster and there was a sea below. it was very scary. but at the same time it was as if I was watching from the sidelines. and when I arrived at the shore I found myself in my hands small child covered in sand and did not cry and was not happy.


I dreamed that I was riding a roller coaster and we crashed. And also that same night. I dreamed that I was hit by a car, but I jumped over it and nevertheless it hurt me, I remained alive. Before that, I met an ex-classmate, she told me I liked it, maybe it’s related, I just thought about all this. And before all this I beat up a guy))


Today I dreamed that I was walking along the snow-covered streets and coming out to the river, an old woman in black, ugly, with a stick was passing by, I looked at her, she passed by, then I came to a hill and rolled down it, and although it was an ordinary hill, I was on the slope I roll off it like a roller coaster, then I turn into a curve, go up again and down again


Me, my older sister and younger brother ride on a roller coaster, but they were much higher than simple ones and without any support!! We rode for 2 hours and in the end it all ended with me falling from the roller coaster to the ground and waking up!


I dream that I’m standing with someone near a roller coaster and waiting in line, but it’s already night outside and now they’re stopping and my dream ends


I dream that I’m standing in line with someone for a roller coaster, but it’s already night outside and then the swing stops and I wake up


Hello! I had a dream in which my girlfriend and I went to an amusement park. I invited her to ride the Ferris wheel, we got on it and at the top it was so breathtaking that I felt the sensation of wind and adrenaline. Then I met two more girlfriends and I suggested we go on a roller coaster. We approached the checkout, there was a very long line, but I saw my friend and she offered to stand next to her so that we wouldn’t wait long. My friends paid for the ticket first, then I did. I remember how the cashier clearly said that a ticket to the roller coaster costs 60 UAH, and I gave her 100 UAH. Then I’m about to walk away from the cash register when someone grabs me by the hand and takes me aside. It turned out to be my friend, whom I really want to forget. He asks me to give him a few minutes, at first I don’t want to, I try to leave, but he begs me and I eventually agree. He begins to say that I know what kind of character he has, that I knew from the beginning what I was going for. I agree and answer everything - yes, I know. He continues to say that he made a big mistake when he lost me, he thought that everything would pass, but he cannot forget. I raise my head and we look into each other’s eyes, I see tears appearing in his eyes and at that moment he says that he wants to become my boyfriend and offers to meet. I answer him that I don’t believe it anymore and I know that I’m a toy for him, I’m going to leave because it’s the turn for the attraction, the girls are already calling me, but he takes me away from the attraction, takes me out of the park, and I don’t even resist. He asks me to believe him for the last time, that I won’t cry for him anymore, I say that I’ve already given him 3 chances, I don’t know if it’s worth giving him a fourth try. I turn around and see the dissatisfied looks of my girlfriends, they want me to leave him, return to them and we go for a ride. I wave my hand at them, and they argue among themselves who will sit in the first booth, everyone is afraid, one friend agrees and I say why not, and also through fear I agree with her to get into the first booth. Then I turn to him again, he is waiting for an answer, but I don’t know what to answer, on the one hand, I always dreamed that he would offer to meet, and on the other hand, I understood and remembered how much pain he caused me and I wake up, without answering him whether I agree or not. Please tell me what this dream means, I just have a very difficult situation with this boy in reality and I don’t know why I dreamed about it. I will be grateful for your answer.


I’m rolling down a huge colorful slide (much like in a water park, only without water) and I feel joy and fun, there’s a lot of greenery around, sunlight, everyone around is having fun, along the way for some reason I collect chestnuts and nuts of various shapes


Hello! Today (in the morning of 04/12/14) I had a dream in which I was riding a water roller coaster with Americans and American women. They and I were wearing inflatable rings. The circles were bright colors - orange and pink. The attraction was designed so that people would fall into the water from a small height. Screams, squeals, and even laughter could be heard through the screams as the ride began to move. I've never had dreams like this before.


Hello. V lately I have a lot of dreams strange dreams, I can’t remember them all, but today I can describe what I dreamed about... I dreamed about railway As I was walking along the sleepers, I came across her when I was running away from someone. In general, I very often dream that I am running away from someone. Yesterday I dreamed that I was running away from people and flying up in a hot air balloon, then it starts to deflate and I fall down and I feel like I’m crashing on the ground... after the railway I somehow ended up on a roller coaster, I remember that I rode for a long time and it was creepy... after which I woke up... these are the dreams I had... I read and found out that dreams are not very good, so I decided to ask you what they mean...


I dreamed of a roller coaster on a bright sunny day, it was summer and warm. I was with my loved one, we laughed, walked, but I think it was only me who rode


Hello, Tatyana! I dream about a roller coaster, and a very dangerous one, I really want to ride it, but I’m scared, and very scared, because if my hands can’t stand it, I’ll fall, and my hands are covered in cream, and after washing off the cream, my hands will be dry( before going to bed I wanted to put cream on my hands and fell asleep) The dream ended there, such adrenaline and wild danger, I felt and experienced in a dream that I wanted to live)))


I'm on a roller coaster ride, I'm flying up and down at high speed, but somewhere indoors, suddenly then the picture changes and I'm already on the roller coaster rising very high into the sky, clouds are floating nearby, and below is a pogrom field with lush green grass, and behind There is a forest across the field and mountains are visible. In the dream, the sensations were of wonderful surprise, like a bird soaring in space.


I dreamed about my two older brothers and my older sister. We walked to a place where rides come to our city from time to time, it was night and I saw a large “Roller Coaster”, they were working, and there were people on them. I told my brothers and sister that the same ones had come before, only fewer, and then we moved on and I woke up. I don’t know why, but these slides meant something to me in the dream. The dream resembled reality even after I woke up, as if I had seen a piece of life and just sat and remembered it. In dreams there are a lot of stupid things and imperfections that you don’t notice during sleep, and then when you wake up you realize that what you saw was just a dream, since there are a lot of “film mistakes” (I don’t know how to put it differently) but here it’s like everything was shot perfectly. I had another similar dream, but I didn’t remember it and all that was left was the feeling that this was not such a simple dream as I had seen before. And I very rarely have dreams, sometimes 3 times a month, and sometimes none.


It was as if I and my colleagues were riding a roller coaster at high speed, we were thrown very high, even beyond the aisles of the roller coaster itself, there was a feeling that we were about to crash, but everyone remained alive.

Zhamilya Beisembekova:

I was walking down the street and I saw a roller coaster and sat down on it. I was left with the impression that it was like reality.


The only thing I remember was riding a very high roller coaster with 3 strangers, but they acted like they were my friends. We rode in the warm autumn evening, the sun was already starting to set.
and here's another thing: I'm very afraid of heights and speed. But I really liked it there :)


I dreamed of a huge roller coaster. I was afraid to ride them at first, but then I sat down and really liked it. I felt like I was flying. Easy, fabulous. From the height there was a beautiful view of the amusement park all in lights. Then the slide stopped and I got off, but I liked it so much that I climbed onto a higher ride. and woke up in this place.


My brother and I decided to ride a roller coaster and already thought that we wouldn’t make it, but at the very last moment we sat on the last seat, so we were very far from everyone else. We drove three circles like this at high speed and very high above the ground. And I very realistically felt this speed. And when it was time to leave and we were paying on the way out, I realized that I didn’t have enough money and we decided to run away. And at the exit the cashier met us and said that many people do this, and I responded by saying that if I had paid, I would have been left completely without money.


I dreamed that I was going to the park with my family, but then my dad, aunt, grandma and grandpa were leaving for a wedding. Then my little sister and my big sister and I went on a roller coaster, but I was there in real life and when we sat down I was scared for them and the dream ended


I dreamed that I was holding onto the ruts with my hands, and I was going down on my hands, head first. At the turn I felt scared and I could barely hold on, then it seemed like there was an upward climb.


I dreamed about my daughter. She brought 2 new white phones. She said it was a gift. Then suddenly I found myself on a roller coaster, in real life I am very afraid, and I will never sit on it. So, in a dream, while I was riding, I read a prayer , and so I overcame my fear. By the way, the roller coaster was the same color as the telephones...


I went on a roller coaster ride with my mom. At first they thought it was an elevator or an escalator, and then suddenly everything turned into a roller coaster. A sharp descent down, and we screamed with pleasure. I wanted to ride more.


Hello! I dreamed that I was riding a roller coaster with my best friend! We weren’t wearing seat belts, but we didn’t fall, I felt sick and vomited (sorry for such details).


In the dream I rode a roller coaster, and if in life I am afraid of them, then in the dream I was not afraid at all, I flew with my hands raised in the air, and was incredibly happy.


I dreamed that I was riding a roller coaster at a high altitude and collided with a glass booth. But I come out of the collision with only minor scratches, without much blood. What could this mean?


Hello. I dreamed of a lot of corridors in which there were water slides (Color blue). It was a competition. Everyone had to end up in the bunker in any way (that's what I would call it). Whoever came first came out of the bunker in a beautiful evening dress. I got the dress, but for some reason I didn’t wear it…. Thank you in advance!!!


We sat down with friends on a roller coaster, when we started to climb it turned out to be too high. then, sharply downwards, I opened my mouth to scream something, but from the headwind I began to choke and I was not wearing a seat belt, I woke up coughing and that I could not breathe. And my heart was beating so much as if everything was really happening.


I dreamed that I was in the park and I really wanted to ride the roller coaster, but I was afraid, and suddenly I went on it, and it felt like it was all reality, I don’t remember anything else


My brother and sister and I took a very long time to get there. we got on a mini bus and rode a roller coaster on it. the driver was my uncle and we rode up, down, right, left


as if I were riding a roller coaster with friends and strangers, then 4 people were chosen, in which I was present, supposedly the best, and again in the night we rode on these roller coasters, until some point.


I was riding a roller coaster alone. A trailer pulled up where I was, from where they were leaving from. I drove slowly and had time to look at everything, below I saw another trailer with small children and they were laughing, they were driving fast and under the water. Then suddenly they flew past me and I began to fall from a very great height, my back down


I dreamed that I was on a certain observation platform, behind a large stained glass window, and they were watching a large and extremely intricate “Roller Coaster” attraction. Cars with people move along them along such a crazy route that sometimes they even break off the track and fly three meters in the air. Naturally, I’m afraid to ride them, my dad stands next to me and says that he wants to try - and goes for a ride. And so he skates, and I stand on the observation platform and seem to see everything through his eyes and experience his sensations - excitement, fear, delight...
That same night I dreamed that I was in prison. But there is only one cell, and it looks more like a hospital ward. I have massive handcuffs on my hands and I’m trying to throw them off, but I can’t. And then suddenly, one arch opens on its own and I free myself.


I'm riding a roller coaster with a person whom I don't know in real life, but in a dream we are friends. We just ride on a sunny day and chat, sometimes in a dream I felt some kind of anxiety.


in my dream I was on a train, I liked this trip, and I was with my family. but soon the carriages changed into roller coaster cabins and in front of me I saw a large slide of rails, which was directed upward. the trolleys quickly raced along the roller coaster. I remember that I even said that I was surprised and I really liked it. We rode this roller coaster about two or three times, and then I vaguely remember.


when I was sleeping, I dreamed that my mother and the man who supposedly worked with her in the dream were riding on a roller coaster ride, they were riding in different seats, but for some reason they were sitting next to each other and that man broke and fell from the ride!!! and another reason in one night I have a lot of dreams??? if anything, I’m 13 years old)


Good morning! Today I had a dream about how I was riding a huge yellow roller coaster. Everyone was screaming and screaming, and then after skating, there was a table with chicken wings and French fries, before going to bed I wanted to eat and maybe my desires were somehow reflected in my dream? I also noticed that the grass was very high under the hills and near


I dreamed that in my city I rode a “Roller Coaster” and that it had incredibly long transitions... or with high climbs or sharp descents...
what could this mean???


I dreamed that I was riding on a water slide. it consists of an open part in the form of a circle and then from it you find yourself in a closed dark pipe and I am very very afraid of these closed pipes. I'm flying and I'm afraid that I'll have to get there now. I see how one person has already flown there and we are all flying in this circle, as if in a spiral. I see that the second one flies into this funnel and I’m next. I’m very scared, but when I fly up I see that the previous person is hanging in that hole and holding on to the edge. Either he got stuck or changed his mind about flying there and I stop and give him my hand and get him out of there. that's all. Woke up)


We were going on some kind of trip. And we had to get into the city on a roller coaster. We started driving, I hugged my friend as she was sitting in front. I was jumping up and down very hard all the time, and I kept thinking that I was going to fall any minute. And so it happened, I ended up on the ground. I had a feeling of reality, as if this was all real. I was worried all the time that I had lost my phone and wallet. So I walked home


I ride a roller coaster from the very top at great speed until it stops. An unfamiliar young man is holding me from behind. I ask him not to leave me and drive with my eyes closed. It took a decent amount of time to drive. It’s scary. Adrenaline. the man protects me while driving. At the end we get off the ride. We walk around in some rooms. And he leaves with another girl. (A completely different girl drove him away from me) All the time turning to me. In my life I would never go skiing because I’m afraid of heights and speed. But thank God everything ended well.


it was summer, I rode a roller coaster, it was scary, but at the same time exciting and joyful. Before the next turn, I looked back and discovered that there was no one on it except me (I was sitting in the first place).


To begin with, the veterinarian came to my house, I went to the bathroom to wash the cat. The bathroom was huge. Very huge. And there was a roller coaster. And the cat and I rode and rode. Then he felt dizzy. And I don’t remember anymore.


My dad and I came to the carousel. We walk and see the slide, and there is a grandmother sitting there who gives out tickets. She told us that the tickets are free. I shouted, “Daddy, come here.” Well, here we go. I asked: Is this a roller coaster? They answered me: Yes. And they turned it on. Dad managed to get into the booth, but I didn’t, and I was holding on to some kind of fabric. This grandmother gives me her hand, but I can’t help but reach out to her hand. When the slide began to rise and fall, I broke away and hit my head on a rock. Then I woke up...


Hello) I dreamed that I seemed to be in some kind of park, my cousin was there, and some other people, they all sat on the chairs of the roller coaster, and I also really wanted to sit down, but for some reason they didn’t let me go there , and in the place where I wanted to sit, another woman sat down, they went along the slide, and suddenly, that woman who sat as if in my place, she falls out of there, the slide breaks off, and everyone falls, my sister too, but she was alive , I guess everyone survived, I don’t really remember, but still, it was somehow very reminiscent of the film “Destination 3”, although I watched this film a long time ago.


I dreamed that my mother and I accidentally got on a roller coaster, and the ride was scary, there were people nearby who rode even more scary roller coasters


I dreamed that I was riding a roller coaster, and while riding I almost fell, and another person who was riding after me fell


My dream was divided into two parts. But they are connected to each other in the first part of the dream, I was a happy bride. I married a man I know. After the wedding, the groom disappeared, supposedly he has a lot of work (and in real life this man has a lot of work). Then I began to feel sad and think, “I’m married, but nothing has changed in my life, because I’m alone. Next excerpt, I was on a roller coaster, I still knew that I was married. I was rolling around, and then it was as if the seat had been pulled out, and I was holding on with my hands. After what did she let go?, she fell and was not injured. And a woman (a security guard) came up to me and said that it was dangerous to jump off like that. That's all.
I'd like to hear what this is all about. Thank you.


The roller coaster was old, made of some kind of boards, and I was always afraid of falling off it. I was on the roller coaster with my friend


I, with a completely unknown girl, want to cross the bridge, but instead I end up on a roller coaster, after which I fall into the abyss


I dreamed that I was riding a ride (a roller coaster) with a man (I don’t remember who exactly) and there was a vase of red roses at my feet. I was afraid all the time that it would develop, but the vase remained intact! And there was a very clear sense of speed


I’m already starting to ride up the hill, it was a sunny, warm day and I saw my classmate, he had gained a little weight. I screamed when I was driving fast, that even in my dream it seemed like my nose would bleed


Hello! I dreamed that I was riding a roller coaster with dead mommy and held onto it tightly... it was scary and I was afraid to fall.


segodnya mne prinislos, chto ya kataus na amerikansih gorkah v belom platie. k chemu eto?


At the beginning of the dream I see a frozen lake (I see only one shore, but right hand from myself) on which there is a blue truck. The ice is transparent. Under the ice I see the rails of a roller coaster, the grass is yellow-green. The thought appears in my head: “how can you ride these slides in the summer if they are in water.” I’m standing facing the lake, looking at the truck, feeling that someone is standing behind me (a girlfriend, in my opinion), but I don’t see it. They ask me to stand on the ice, I’m afraid, but I go. The ice is clean, but rough. Then I see summer and ride a roller coaster myself. I see two compositions. All my friends are riding in the first one and at the fork it goes to the right, and in the second I’m riding with a person (it seems to be a man) and we turn left. Mentally, I understand that one of these roads has not yet been completed (most likely ours). We eat very quickly, but softly. From time to time there is empty space between the rails, but we pass it without any problems. Then, when climbing the next hill, the train does not have enough strength to rise and it disappears. We find ourselves in a green summer meadow. The young man sits down with his back to the ditch and feeds into it. There is a chair next to me, he tries to grab the back right leg, but he can’t hold on to it, then he grabs the ledge on the ditch (it’s covered with straw), I try to pull him out, but it doesn’t work. He finds himself in a ditch, which is not very deep. The mud in the ditch is green and it instantly absorbs him. Only the head remains on the surface (everything above the nose). A young man pulls his sweater over his nose. People pass by me (a man, a woman and a girl). The young man, who is being sucked into the slurry in the ditch, recognizes them as his acquaintances and greets them, and I ask them for help. A man and a girl approach the ditch. The girl and her father take a birch twig in their hands and pull the young man out of the ditch without any difficulty. Then I see that in front of me is my son and another boy. We are escorting some man on his flight. I treat the children to sweets (caramel and jelly). It feels like the man is very close and dear to us and perhaps we will fly away together.


My beloved and I were skating on the skating rink, then he fell and I picked him up and then we fell together, but it was dark and near the school and then a light appeared and shone only on us, as if at performances, this is what usually happens at performances and then a roller coaster appeared and my enemy he looked at us and was jealous


In general, my friend and I first watched the most terrible American races in the world on YouTube on the Internet. Then, miraculously, I ended up on them, they are very high, with incredible speed. And yet, it seemed to me that there was absolutely nothing there at the end of the slides, then there was a chance of falling into nowhere.


I was riding a roller coaster, I was flying down sharply and quickly. At the beginning of the descent I was interested, but then I was scared. I arrived at the bottom and began to climb, but for some reason not along the stairs, but along steep slopes. I almost broke down, but either I held on myself, or my friends held me, and then I went again, and so on several times. They also laughed at me when I slid down and screamed. And it was either winter or summer, but more often winter.


From Friday to Saturday, I had a dream, not counting that I slept very poorly that night, I didn’t have a long dream, as if I was in an amusement park, there were a lot of different roller coasters, there were a lot of bright colors happening in the summer, a warm slight wind was blowing, the sun was shining, I didn’t I remember getting on a large roller coaster and flying quickly with other people, there were a lot of people, but I didn’t know anyone. The dream was very vivid, all the sensations were as if in reality, I felt the warm wind, the smiles of other people, there was no feeling of fear that I would fall, etc. it was easy and interesting, and at some point I even enjoyed the ride, but the carousel stopped. I went out for a walk in the park, without seeing me, a big black dog tried to jump on me and bite me, it was as if she was chasing me to a dead end, into a large hole with dirty water, I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to jump over the hole, but I still jumped over, and the dog was left behind. then I woke up.


I dreamed about how I was choosing from 2 slides, a large one and a small one. I chose a small one, sat down and started to ride and suddenly they connect, I start going up the big hill and it gets stuck on the very high point and I was very scared, I looked down, and it was very high there and I was alone and didn’t know what to do. then I just somehow found myself on the ground.


My friend and I ended up in a holiday park. She pulled me onto a roller coaster (I’m afraid of heights) but sat down. When we were driving along a huge loop and ended up upside down, we kind of fell out of our seats and were hanging holding on to the fasteners... when we rode all this while moving climbed back into the chair... it was very difficult and scary

Natalya Pomortseva:

The dream was very vivid and etched in my memory. So the point is: a friend brought it and left it infant for some time. I sit on the subway with a child in my arms, and after a while it turns out that the car is open (like the cars in a roller coaster) and is rushing at high speed - sometimes going up, sometimes flying down with great speed. I hold the baby with all my strength so that he doesn’t fall out and feel TERROR of fear.

Childbirth dream book meaning of sleep Dream book actor man famous

A slide in a dream is quite a curious image. It can be interpreted by analogy with an ordinary mountain or a children's attraction. It all depends on the type of slide, its purpose and the actions of the dreamer. Dream books will tell you why she is dreaming.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

Did you dream that you were trying to slide down an ice slide? Beware: in real life you risk running into the wrath of your superiors and getting a reprimand. The same image symbolizes a minor loss.

Did you happen to see other characters having fun on the slide while you stood on the sidelines? You will witness a strange incident or hear very unflattering rumors.

Opinion of lovers' dream book

Why do you dream if you are lucky enough to ride a slide? The dream book encourages you to take life easier and not forget about its little joys. Allow yourself to relax, forget about responsibility and unfinished work, at least for a while. Sometimes it helps to look at the world through the eyes of a carefree child.

Answer from the dream book of D. and N. Zima

Did you dream about kids having fun on a slide? In reality, you will get bogged down in trivial problems and small but never-ending troubles. Why do you dream of a slide that causes discomfort or bothers you for some reason? The dream book suspects that these are just worries that some minor task will harm the main plans.

Interpretation of the dream book from A to Z

Did you happen to see a slide of natural origin? The achievement of this goal will be associated with some minor obstacles. But if you dreamed that you managed to slide down a small hill or fall on it, then beware: you are in serious danger.

Why do you dream about the hill you stood on? In a dream, it symbolizes a certain pedestal, position or social status. Climbing a hill literally means getting a destination, achieving a goal, or engaging in a habitual activity. Going down can mean unkind changes or the completion of a certain enterprise.

Why do you dream of an ice, snow, or snow slide?

Did you happen to see a large ice slide? There was a period of cooling in the relationship. Did you dream that you happily rode on an ice or snow slide? Carelessness can lead to losses of varying magnitude. In your dream, did you have to ride your children on a snow slide? All your life you will have to look after and protect someone. Why dream that a snow or ice slide has begun to melt? Get ready to fight for your own beliefs. Making a snow slide yourself in a dream means that future success depends solely on your perseverance.

I dreamed of a children's slide in a water park

In a dream, a children's slide symbolizes a certain segment of life's path in which you risk making mistakes due to personal imprudence. A period of fun and celebration is coming, try not to do anything stupid in the heat of celebration.

Why do you dream about slides in a water park? In a dream, they symbolize an adventure that you have long dreamed of. The element of water indicates the fulfillment of desires. Did you dream about a real roller coaster? Get involved in a dizzying romance that will remind you of the plot of an exciting film.

What does a slide of sand and earth mean in a dream?

Why do you dream of a sand slide? Your income will increase significantly, but you risk losing money just as easily as you received it. A small pile of sand in a children's sandbox symbolizes excessive worry about unimportant problems.

Did you dream of a high hill of earth? Soon you will meet a noble and self-sufficient person who will significantly influence your future life. Seeing an earth embankment can indicate surmountable obstacles. In a dream, did you have to climb an earthen hill? An inevitable victory awaits you. To come down from it literally means to know failure or come close to completion.

In a dream, walk, climb, go down a hill, ride a hill

Why do you dream about how you carefreely rode a slide? This is a symbol of frivolous antics and reckless actions. In a dream, did you fall and get up while riding? In this way, attempts to change something or learn something are reflected.

In addition, climbing a hill on the road marks personal success and achieving the current goal. Did you dream that you were going down a hill? A certain stage of life has come to an end. It is also a sign of minor losses, setbacks or a period of reflection.

Why dream if there was only one hill on the way? It symbolizes life. What you have already passed is the past, what lies ahead is the future. Pay attention to the surrounding landscape, possible companions and other details.

A slide in a dream - a few examples

To interpret the dream, more specific details will be needed. Worth considering appearance and features of the slide, its purpose and other nuances.

  • high – hard work that requires investment
  • there are many slides on the road - regular but surmountable obstacles
  • around - opportunities, prospects
  • skiing downhill - the end of the matter
  • on a sled - fast progress
  • by car - achieving a goal, life comfort
  • on the butt - surprise, need for protection
  • run down the slide with joy - get rid of danger
  • running away from someone - the machinations of enemies, someone else’s interference
  • slide down - loss
  • fall - danger, futility of attempts
  • climbing for a long time - a lot of work and a long time
  • not seeing the peak - endless work, search
  • get tired when getting up - excessive responsibility, unbearable burden
  • if something interferes with the rise, do not be distracted
  • climb with effort - reluctance or inability to do something
  • crawl - difficult circumstances, forced actions

Did you dream that you yourself made a slide out of sand and other suitable materials? In reality, there is a possibility of changing your place of residence and making a good profit.

A slide in many dream books means an obstacle. Accordingly, skiing from it will mean successfully overcoming difficulties. It should be especially emphasized that the dream in which you rode down a hill has a fairly large number of interpretations. Important in this case have details. They will help to more accurately decipher the secret meaning of the action seen by a person in the arms of Morpheus.

Ride down any slide in a dream - what do such dreams mean?

As noted just above, first of all you should remember as many details as possible. For example, it is important what kind of slide it was:


It is also recommended to remember what season it was in your dream - winter, spring, summer, autumn. And finally, try to understand how you felt. Let's look at some interpretations of such dreams in more detail.

Let us warn you right away - there are quite a lot of them. Well, whether to believe such interpretations or not is a personal matter for everyone.

For example, going down a hill on your feet is often interpreted as good news. In particular, such a dream means that in the near future you will be able to meet friends whom you have not seen for a long time. There is also a broader interpretation. According to him, such a dream suggests that in the near future you will be able to meet with friends whom you have not seen for a long time, and this friendly meeting will bring only positive emotions. As you can see, in general there is one main message here. Such a dream promises a quick meeting with friends whom you have not seen for a long time. Well, what could be more pleasant than friendly gatherings in good company?

If in a dream a person rides down a high ice slide in winter, this emphasizes his strength, including moral strength. Such a dream may indicate that the dreamer knows how to cope with problems on his own in real life, without resorting to the help of other people. Sledding down a snowy hill is often interpreted as a warning. In particular, according to Grishina’s dream book, such a dream may indicate the need to change the situation, and the sooner the better. In addition, remember what exactly the surface was. If in your dream you saw not just snow, but also a lot of bumps, get ready for problems in your relationships with friends. Perhaps soon a conflict will break out between you and someone very close. Accordingly, in real life, try not to aggravate the situation without compelling reasons. Sometimes it’s easier to give up on something, but in the end maintain a good relationship.

Rolling down a hill simply on your butt - such a dream may indicate a lack of thrills in real life. However, there are other explanations here. For example, if you hurt yourself during such a descent, it means that problems will arise in life with not very good consequences. Perhaps you are in for trouble at work or are not the best pleasant surprise from someone close to you. A bruise can also be a warning of health problems. By the way, a dream in which we ride on our butts on an icy surface is considered, according to a number of dream books, a good sign. In particular, such a dream may well mean that in life, at least in the near future, everything will go very smoothly.

In your dream you can also see riding a roller coaster. This attraction, as you know, is an alternation of ascents and descents. Perhaps you need to prepare for approximately the same situation in real life. Such a dream is indeed interpreted as a warning about the upcoming series of ups and downs. In addition, seeing a roller coaster in a dream can also be a warning. For example, according to a number of interpretations, such a dream may indicate that the dreamer is very tired. Accordingly, in real life you should take care of rest. It would also be useful to think about how to distribute more rationally own strength, because their resource has some kind of limit.

A water park seen in a dream foreshadows imminent changes in life, and in better side. For example, some dream books explain riding on water slides as making a very important decision. After this, those same changes for the better will happen. Moreover, such a decision can be made by you both in the professional sphere and in everyday life, and possibly in family relationships. However, there is another explanation. For example, some dream books interpret riding on water slides in a dream as a warning - you will soon have to work very hard. However, in the end, the dreamer will still receive a worthy reward for the work done.

A dream in which you see children cheerfully going down a children's slide means that soon minor problems will appear in the dreamer's life. Most likely, their solution will not take much effort. Nevertheless, you will still have to pay attention to these problems. By the way, sometimes adults can dream about themselves going down a children's slide. Such a dream is often interpreted as a warning. For example, a number of dream books say that such a dream means a lack of concentration and absent-mindedness. A person is too carefree and careless about everything that happens and simply does not understand the scale of the impending problems. After such a dream, it is recommended to analyze own life. Perhaps big problems are really approaching you from somewhere.

Description of the page: “Why do you dream about an ice slide” from professionals for people.

A hill seen in a dream is a sign of obstacles that will arise on the way to your goal. But there are other explanations for why this plot is dreamed. To interpret your dream as accurately as possible, you need to remember all its details. It is also advisable to study the explanations of sleep that are available in not one, but several dream books.

Ride a regular slide

Rolling down a mountain in a dream means in reality experiencing a lack of thrills. You are bored with your calm and monotonous life, and you really want to change something. Universal dream book advises you to decide on a hobby that you could enjoy doing. It doesn't have to be one of extreme species sports, regular dancing is also suitable. The main thing is that the classes bring you true pleasure.

If you dreamed of going down a hill while standing, think about meeting friends you haven’t seen for a long time in the near future. A friendly meeting will bring a lot of joy and help you have a good time.

Driving down a hill and experiencing incredible joy means experiencing an extraordinary love adventure in real life. Aesop's dream book foretells an acquaintance with a very attractive and cheerful representative of the opposite sex and mutual passion. The greater the happiness you experienced from skating in a dream, the greater the joy you will be able to experience in reality.

Going down a hill with a friend means participating in a joint business. If you dreamed of a stranger in the place of a friend, then get ready to make a new acquaintance in the near future. Another explanation for why such a plot is dreamed of is an exciting journey with friends or relatives.

Skiing in winter

Did you dream of a high ice slide? rolling down an icy slope in a dream means being able to cope with all problems on your own in real life, without resorting to outside help.

If the slide was made of snow, get ready to experience a number of joyful events. Especially if in a dream you were sliding down a mountain with joyful squeals, experiencing indescribable delight.

Sledding in night dreams is an important warning that cannot be ignored. Grishina's dream book advises trying to change the situation. The excessive emotional stress you are in can negatively affect your health and relationships with loved ones and friends.

If you also dreamed that the snowy hill was covered with hummocks, this may promise quarrels with friends. They will most likely arise due to your bad habit of first making promises and then not keeping them. Want to keep your friends? Try to get rid of this character flaw of yours.

Miller also explains why we dream of winter skiing. Miller's dream book in this case promises the dreamer career success. High-quality work will definitely be noted by management. A promotion or salary increase is possible.

Riding down a hill on a cheesecake in winter means a fun party, which you will soon be able to attend in real life. If you hit yourself painfully while skating in a dream, try to avoid overuse alcohol. This can damage your reputation.

Various attractions

Dreaming of a roller coaster suggests that in recent months you have often experienced quite serious ups and downs. You are seriously tired and mentally exhausted. The women's dream book recommends giving yourself a rest. Try to forget about your worries for a while. Relax well. Better yet, change your surroundings.

An explanation of why such a dream occurs can also be found in Aesop’s dream book. Seeing yourself on the rides means feeling lost in reality. You can't choose which path in life you should take. Try to consult with someone you trust.

If you dreamed of a water park, get ready for a new stage in your life. Going down a water slide means actually making an important decision. Making this decision will change your entire current life.

To see someone frolicking on a water slide in a dream means hard work. While others will relax and rest, you will have to work hard. But don’t be upset, the Universal Dream Book promises a worthy reward for the work done.

A few more interpretations

Rolling down a children's slide in a dream means committing a rash act in reality. The Dream Book of the Seasons strongly recommends thinking first and then taking any action. Haste in making decisions is not the best life policy.

Aesop’s interpreter explains why you dream about going down a hill. Going down a hill means experiencing a series of failures in reality. Problems will have a very negative impact on work and personal life. To cope with them, Aesop’s dream book recommends, first of all, getting rid of fears and laziness and simply starting to act.

Did you dream about climbing a mountain or a high hill and you don’t know why you dream about such a plot? Refer to the Modern Dream Book. Climbing a hill is a good sign. With hard work and perseverance, you can achieve the heights you desire.

A pounding heart, swift gusts of wind, cheerful laughter - these are all rollercoasters. This is a vision that is associated with your strength and vital energy, what every dream book says. Sliding downhill is a form of entertainment that is always associated with sharp decreases and increases. Consequently, a waking dream promises significant changes. Basically, you can find out that in reality you experience a lack of emotions by opening a dream book. Rolling down a hill means getting rid of routine, regularity and calmness in life, which already irritate you.

What does the dream mean?

What does the dream book say about this? Going downhill in general means overcoming obstacles. Although the interpretation will depend on the actions of the person who is sleeping: whether he will go up or down, what his mood will be, the moment that the mountain was in front of him plays a huge role.

But to determine why she is dreaming, you need to remember some nuances. So what kind of slide was it, what company were you with and what sensations did you experience?

Let's go!

Slides can be different, everyone knows that. There is an ice slide, a water slide in the water park, etc. Let's consider the dream options.

Extreme, dream book

Roller coasters, which many people love to ride, are entertainment for true lovers of hot sensations. Riding them at night means that in real life a person experiences a dizzying, intense passion. Only this interpretation does not apply exclusively to the love sphere. It may happen that you become seriously interested in a new business or find a new hobby.

In addition, riding a roller coaster symbolizes that you have risen and fallen sharply over the past period of life, as if on this attraction. Your subconscious mind calls you to rest by putting things aside. Restore your emotional state first.

Winter skiing

What does the dream book tell us about this type of pastime? Sledding down a hill is a symbol of the fact that in reality you are tired of the constant routine. Such skating seems to warn you that you urgently need to change the situation. Have fun this weekend and treat yourself. See your friends whom you value very much. Introduce a little taste of life into your everyday life.

Let's continue to look at the dream book. Rolling down an ice slide is your willingness to take responsibility. If you are rolling down an icy high slide in winter, you are in reality strong man who can endure all adversities on his own. And thanks to this persistence, everything will work out as it should. Riding down an ice slide in a dream means rapid events in life that will entail major changes. In addition, there is a possibility that you will become involved in an inspiring but risky business. This is what the dream book talks about.

To ride down a hill in a snowy winter - life is preparing a whole series of all kinds of joyful surprises for you. If you dream of a slide with lumps and bumps, and you feel them as you go down, good luck awaits you at work. Probably, the manager has already noted your successes, while promotion is very close.

Water element

Future changes are always symbolized by water, as every dream book tells us. Riding down a slide in a water park in a dream means that in reality you will come to some kind of responsible decision. Think carefully about your actions in the near future, your entire fate depends on them. In any case, there is only one outcome - you will find yourself at a new stage in your whole life.

If you are just watching other people having fun from the outside, know that soon you will have to work hard and a lot. At the same time, you will glance with envy at the vacationers. It’s just too early to be upset, your work will be appreciated.


Of course, any descent (water park or attractions) evokes emotions in us. If in a dream you feel childish wild joy while sliding down a slide, get ready for a grand love adventure. Soon an attractive person will appear in your environment. You will like each other immediately, and the relationship will be incredibly passionate. In part, the dream can be called prophetic, since the more joy you feel in your dreams, the happier you will be in reality.

If, as you roll down, you feel your friend’s shoulder next to you, you will actually find yourself participating in some interesting business together. The next meaning of this dream is that an unforgettable and eventful journey awaits you in the company of your loved ones.

Going down a hill on your feet means you lack support in life. And you can find her among your friends. Call your old friends whom you haven’t seen for a long time and see each other. This meeting will give you a lot of strength and energy. To experience fear during the descent - in reality you often worry and doubt without reason. You need to stop torturing yourself and take change more easily.


A dream that is associated with descent can be interpreted in different ways. It depends on the actions you take on the hill. If in a dream you climb up on ice or snow, difficulties await you. They will not be easy to overcome, but through your hard work and diligence you will be able to cope and as a result you will be on top.

But when you see that you can’t get up, you’re drowning in the snow and slipping all the time, it’s time to stop in reality. You have taken on too much, and this volume is not up to you. You are working on something that is not worth your energy. Let everything go and then start moving on.

By helping a person climb a hill, you give yourself the opportunity to receive the support of acquaintances and friends in real life when someone starts playing a game against you. You are not alone at all, therefore, ill-wishers will not be able to bring their evil plans to life. With the help of a dream book, it won’t be difficult to understand why you dream about a slide. If you can also take into account all the features of this dream, you will get full interpretation. What will ultimately give you real guidance for the upcoming actions.

Other interpretations

Rolling down a children's slide in a dream means committing a rash act in reality. The Dream Book of Seasons recommends initially thinking, only then taking action. At the same time, haste in making any decisions will not be a good life policy for you.

Aesop's interpreter explains why he dreamed of going down a small hill. It means that you will have to experience a series of failures in reality. In this case, the problems will negatively affect your personal life and work. To cope with them, Aesop’s dream book advises, first of all, to cope with laziness and fears and begin to act.

Have you seen in a dream climbing a high hill or mountain and don’t understand what it’s for? This will be answered Modern dream book. Climbing a hill is a very good sign. Through persistence and hard work, you will achieve heights that you can only dream of.

A slide in a dream is quite a curious image. It can be interpreted by analogy with an ordinary mountain or a children's attraction. It all depends on the type of slide, its purpose and the actions of the dreamer. Dream books will tell you why she is dreaming.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

Did you dream that you were trying to slide down an ice slide? Beware: in real life you risk running into the wrath of your superiors and getting a reprimand. The same image symbolizes a minor loss.

Did you happen to see other characters having fun on the slide while you stood on the sidelines? You will witness a strange incident or hear very unflattering rumors.

Opinion of lovers' dream book

Why do you dream if you are lucky enough to ride a slide? The dream book encourages you to take life easier and not forget about its little joys. Allow yourself to relax, forget about responsibility and unfinished work, at least for a while. Sometimes it helps to look at the world through the eyes of a carefree child.

Answer from the dream book of D. and N. Zima

Did you dream about kids having fun on a slide? In reality, you will get bogged down in trivial problems and small but never-ending troubles. Why do you dream of a slide that causes discomfort or bothers you for some reason? The dream book suspects that these are just worries that some minor task will harm the main plans.

Interpretation of the dream book from A to Z

Did you happen to see a slide of natural origin? The achievement of this goal will be associated with some minor obstacles. But if you dreamed that you managed to slide down a small hill or fall on it, then beware: you are in serious danger.

Why do you dream about the hill you stood on? In a dream, it symbolizes a certain pedestal, position or social status. Climbing a hill literally means getting a destination, achieving a goal, or engaging in a habitual activity. Going down can mean unkind changes or the completion of a certain enterprise.

Why do you dream of an ice, snow, or snow slide?

Did you happen to see a large ice slide? There was a period of cooling in the relationship. Did you dream that you happily rode on an ice or snow slide? Carelessness can lead to losses of varying magnitude. In your dream, did you have to ride your children on a snow slide? All your life you will have to look after and protect someone. Why dream that a snow or ice slide has begun to melt? Get ready to fight for your own beliefs. Making a snow slide yourself in a dream means that future success depends solely on your perseverance.

I dreamed of a children's slide in a water park

In a dream, a children's slide symbolizes a certain segment of life's path in which you risk making mistakes due to personal imprudence. A period of fun and celebration is coming, try not to do anything stupid in the heat of celebration.

Why do you dream about slides in a water park? In a dream, they symbolize an adventure that you have long dreamed of. The element of water indicates the fulfillment of desires. Did you dream about a real roller coaster? Get involved in a dizzying romance that will remind you of the plot of an exciting film.

What does a slide of sand and earth mean in a dream?

Why do you dream of a sand slide? Your income will increase significantly, but you risk losing money just as easily as you received it. A small pile of sand in a children's sandbox symbolizes excessive worry about unimportant problems.

Did you dream of a high hill of earth? Soon you will meet a noble and self-sufficient person who will significantly influence your future life. Seeing an earth embankment can indicate surmountable obstacles. In a dream, did you have to climb an earthen hill? An inevitable victory awaits you. To come down from it literally means to know failure or come close to completion.

In a dream, walk, climb, go down a hill, ride a hill

Why do you dream about how you carefreely rode a slide? This is a symbol of frivolous antics and reckless actions. In a dream, did you fall and get up while riding? In this way, attempts to change something or learn something are reflected.

In addition, climbing a hill on the road marks personal success and the achievement of a current goal. Did you dream that you were going down a hill? A certain stage of life has come to an end. It is also a sign of minor losses, setbacks or a period of reflection.

Why dream if there was only one hill on the way? It symbolizes life. What you have already passed is the past, what lies ahead is the future. Pay attention to the surrounding landscape, possible companions and other details.

A slide in a dream - a few examples

To interpret the dream, more specific details will be needed. It is worth considering the appearance and features of the slide, its purpose and other nuances.

  • high – hard work that requires investment
  • there are many slides on the road - regular but surmountable obstacles
  • around - opportunities, prospects
  • skiing downhill - the end of the matter
  • on a sled - fast progress
  • by car - achieving a goal, life comfort
  • on the butt - surprise, need for protection
  • run down the slide with joy - get rid of danger
  • running away from someone - the machinations of enemies, someone else’s interference
  • slide down - loss
  • fall - danger, futility of attempts
  • climbing for a long time - a lot of work and a long time
  • not seeing the peak - endless work, search
  • get tired when getting up - excessive responsibility, unbearable burden
  • if something interferes with the rise, do not be distracted
  • climb with effort - reluctance or inability to do something
  • crawl - difficult circumstances, forced actions

Did you dream that you yourself made a slide out of sand and other suitable materials? In reality, there is a possibility of changing your place of residence and making a good profit.

Dream interpretation "dreams"

When mountainindream small but neat, then a slight promotion at work or transfer to another position is planned. It happens that I dream mountain, which goes high into the sky, and the man moves outWith she is majestic and proud. Sometimes indream you're rolling with mountains, but you never come down. Such dream means some uncertainty, perhaps a person has some important matters which he can't do. Also this dream may mean uncertainty in personal relationships.

Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

I dreamed about being tall icy slide? roll indreamWithicy slope means being able to cope with all problems on your own in real life, without resorting to outside help. If the slide was made of snow, get ready to experience a number of joyful events. Especially if indream You moved outWithmountains with joyful squeals, experiencing indescribable delight.

Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

According to the dream book, ride indream With slides- symbolizes your internal energy, which does not find a proper outlet with this lifestyle. Most likely, you miss those things, hobbies or connections that you had in the past. So, for example, see indream that you are a child and sledding with slides- means that you are bored with your daily routine and are sorely lacking something new and interesting.

Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

I dreamed about being tall icyslide? roll indreamWithicy slope means being able to cope with all problems on your own in real life, without resorting to outside help. If slide was made of snow, get ready to experience a series of joyful events. Especially if indream You slid down the mountain with joyful squeals, experiencing indescribable delight.

Dream interpretation "son-talk"

ride with slidesindream. If indream you ride on roller coaster- on yours life path obstacles may arise on the way to realizing your cherished goal. If you are rolling Withiceslides- a sign that you can solve your problems without anyone’s help. Ride with someone indream- to intrigues and gossip. Take a closer look at your surroundings, and don't reveal your soul too much. Roller skating with slides– you have a journey and a lot of new impressions ahead of you.

Dream Interpretation "bledans"

The interpretation of the dream directly depends on all these nuances. It is also necessary to take into account the role of the dreamer in the dream, whether he was an active participant in the dream, or simply observed the events occurring in the dream from the outside.

Interestingly, psychologists associate dreams with the subconscious. They believe that in a dream a person sees the embodiment of signals that were caught by the subconscious.

A hill that grows in front of you in a dream is a symbol of obstacles and difficulties that arise on your way. If the slide arose unexpectedly, expect unforeseen difficulties. Be patient, all troubles will soon go away. Climbing a hill means overcoming problems and difficulties in life. Going down means seeing new problems and difficulties in every little thing. Beware of ill-wishers and secret envious people - they will stand in the way of your well-being, trying to harm you in any way possible.

An ice slide on the river appears in a dream before a significant event in the lives of friends. And joy and pride in one’s actions is what dreams of ice begins to crack.

Winter fun

Walking on ice in a dream means missing your childhood. And sliding along an icy path means hoping for help from a loved one.

Also, riding a roller coaster in a dream means that over the past life period you took off and fell as sharply as on an amusement ride. This is a call from your subconscious that it’s time to put things aside and relax. Restore your inner state.

Water element

Water always symbolizes future changes. Having fun on water slides in a water park in a dream means coming to a responsible decision in reality. Think carefully about your actions in the near future, your fate may depend on them. In any case, the outcome is the same - you will step onto a new stage in your life.

If you dream that you are relaxing and riding on ski resort- this means that your old friends and acquaintances are waiting to meet you. Perhaps it's time to bring them all together.

Oh I'm a regular visitor

Dream Interpretation and the Meaning of Dreams as interpreted from various sources

The famous psychoanalyst adheres to slightly different principles, considering the main thing not only the direction of movement, but also the efforts made. According to Freud, a slide is a real situation in life. If you dream that you are standing on its top, then you will soon find yourself in a situation, the way out of which will require your ingenuity and intelligence. At the same time, it is worth making an effort to overcome problems, be wise and remember your true goal. Rolling down a hill means feeling dissatisfied with your real partner. Do not rush to change it: perhaps the dissatisfaction is caused by your fleeting whims and ambitions, and the relationship can be saved. In any case, it is better to overcome life’s difficulties, which are foreshadowed by a dream about climbing a mountain, together.

A rapidly pounding heart, swift gusts of wind, cheerful laughter - these are all rollercoasters. This is a vision that is associated with your strength and vitality, as every dream book says. Sliding downhill is a form of entertainment that is always associated with sharp decreases and increases. Consequently, a waking dream promises significant changes. Basically, you can find out that in reality you experience a lack of emotions by opening a dream book. Rolling down a hill means getting rid of routine, regularity and calmness in life, which already annoy you.

What does the dream mean?

What does the dream book say about this? Going downhill in general is about overcoming obstacles. Although the interpretation will depend on the actions of the person who is sleeping: whether he will go up or down, what his mood will be, the moment that the mountain was in front of him plays a huge role.

But to determine why she is dreaming, you need to remember some nuances. So what kind of slide was it, what company were you with and what sensations did you experience?

Let's go!

Slides can be different, everyone knows that. There is a water park in the water park, etc. Let's consider the dream options.

Extreme, dream book

Roller coasters, which many people love to ride, are entertainment for true lovers of hot sensations. Riding them at night means that in real life a person experiences a dizzying, intense passion. Only this interpretation does not apply exclusively to the love sphere. It may happen that you become seriously interested in a new business or find a new hobby.

In addition, riding a roller coaster symbolizes that you have risen and fallen sharply over the past period of life, as if on this attraction. Your subconscious mind calls you to rest by putting things aside. Restore your emotional state first.

Winter skiing

What does the dream book tell us about this type of pastime? Sledding down a hill is a symbol of the fact that in reality you are tired of the constant routine. Such skating seems to warn you that you urgently need to change the situation. Have fun this weekend and treat yourself. See your friends whom you value very much. Introduce a little taste of life into your everyday life.

Let's continue to look at the dream book. Skating down an ice slide is your willingness to take responsibility. If you roll down an icy high slide in winter, you are in reality a strong person who can endure all hardships on your own. And thanks to this persistence, everything will work out as it should. Riding down an ice slide in a dream means rapid events in life that will entail major changes. In addition, there is a possibility that you will become involved in an inspiring but risky business. This is what the dream book talks about.

Riding down a hill in a snowy winter - life is preparing a whole series of all kinds of joyful surprises for you. If you dream of a slide with lumps and bumps, and you feel them as you go down, good luck awaits you at work. Probably, the manager has already noted your successes, while promotion is very close.

Water element

Future changes are always symbolized by water, as every dream book tells us. Riding down a slide in a water park in a dream - you will come to some kind of responsible decision in reality. Think carefully about your actions in the near future, your entire fate depends on them. In any case, there is only one outcome - you will be taken to a new stage in your whole life.

If you are just watching other people having fun from the outside, know that soon you will have to work hard and a lot. At the same time, you will glance with envy at the vacationers. It’s just too early to be upset, your work will be appreciated.


Of course, any descent (water park or attractions) evokes emotions in us. If in a dream you feel childish wild joy while sliding down a slide, get ready for a grand love adventure. Soon an attractive person will appear in your environment. You will like each other immediately, and the relationship will be incredibly passionate. In part, the dream can be called prophetic, since the more joy you feel in your dreams, the happier you will be in reality.

If, as you roll down, you feel your friend’s shoulder next to you, you will actually find yourself participating in some interesting business together. The next meaning of this dream is that an unforgettable and eventful journey awaits you in the company of your loved ones.

Going down a hill on your feet means you lack support in life. And you can find her among your friends. Call your old friends whom you haven’t seen for a long time and see each other. This meeting will give you a lot of strength and energy. To experience fear during the descent - in reality you often worry and doubt without reason. You need to stop torturing yourself and take change more easily.


A dream that is associated with descent can be interpreted in different ways. It depends on the actions you take on the hill. If in a dream you climb up on ice or snow, difficulties await you. They will not be easy to overcome, but through your hard work and diligence you will be able to cope and as a result you will be on top.

But when you see that you can’t get up, you’re drowning in the snow and slipping all the time, it’s time to stop in reality. You have taken on too much, and this volume is not up to you. You are working on something that is not worth your energy. Let everything go and then start moving on.

By helping a person climb a hill, you give yourself the opportunity to receive the support of acquaintances and friends in real life when someone starts playing a game against you. You are not alone at all, therefore, ill-wishers will not be able to bring their evil plans to life. With the help of a dream book, it won’t be difficult to understand why you dream about a slide. If you can also take into account all the features of this dream, you will get a complete interpretation. What will ultimately give you real guidance for the upcoming actions.

Other interpretations

Rolling down a children's slide in a dream means doing it in reality. The Dream Interpretation of the Seasons recommends initially thinking, only then taking action. At the same time, haste in making any decisions will not be a good life policy for you.

Aesop's interpreter explains why he dreamed of going down a small hill. It means that you will have to experience a series of failures in reality. In this case, the problems will negatively affect your personal life and work. To cope with them, Aesop’s dream book advises, first of all, to cope with laziness and fears and begin to act.

Have you seen in a dream climbing a high hill or mountain and don’t understand what it’s for? The Modern Dream Book will answer this. Climbing a hill is a very good sign. Through persistence and hard work, you will achieve heights that you can only dream of.