Husky crossbreeding. Unexpectedly: people crossed corgis with other breeds and this is what happened! What an important cub the parents of the corgi and shibu ina got

In fact, this is a mix of Siberian Husky and small Corgi dogs.

This short-legged hybrid was bred to touch the eyes of women and children and nothing more.

This husky looks like as if he had remained a puppy for the rest of his life.

From corgis, these dogs adopted their height and body structure, and from Siberians - rather long fluffy hair and the standard two-tone color and eye color for huskies.

A distinctive feature, like all huskies, is their very friendly, humane character.

Like everyone else, corgi-huskies are curious and smart dogs. And of course, these huskies will not take up much space even in the smallest apartment.

Golden Husky Retriever (Siberian Retriever)

This husky mix is ​​the result of crossing with a Siberian husky.

If your Siberian Retriever has husky and labrador blood in a 50/50 ratio, then most likely he will have a two-tone color - chocolate and white, with the contour of the spots characteristic of a husky, and blue eyes.

From a Labrador he will get a calm, patient and obedient disposition.

Walking along the street will be enough for your pet about forty-five minutes a day, which is quite small compared to other huskies.

Also, just like German Shepherd Huskies, these dogs love to howl in tune with a car siren as soon as they hear it.

Labrador Husky

The first thing to say is that a Husky cannot be confused with a Siberian Retriever.

An adult Labrador Husky, without an owner and a collar on the street, can make some people panic: in front of you is a wolf, often white or light in color, for sure Akella from the fairy tale "Mowgli".

And in fact- Labrador Husky looks much more like a wolf than Siberian Huskies themselves.

And in your relationship with him you need to be very careful: like any wolf, these huskies have the temperament of a leader, a boss.

For example, the lack of food in a dog’s bowl will be accompanied by a rather angry, dissatisfied growl.

From childhood you should raise a puppy correctly, demonstrating who's boss. Then your mixed breed will grow up to be a good-natured dog and will not differ in character from cheerful huskies.

The wolf needs long walks and games, but what's important: on the street, do not let him run in front of you - a formidable leader may awaken in him.

Pitbull Husky (Pitsky)

In front of you Pitsky- purebred cross American Terrier and Siberian or Alaskan husky.

From the pit bull, the Pitsky took a stocky build with pronounced muscles, and both breeds are combined in color and appearance.

This mestizo calm towards people, but not as loving as other huskies.

If your Pitsky plays the role of a yard guard, then everyone passing by under his watchful control will be greeted by a loud bark.

It's pretty strong and agile dogs requiring active walking fresh air who will never miss the opportunity to chase small animals.

Australian Shepherd Husky (Aussie Siberian)

Do you have the most caring husky near you? So this is definitely Aussie Siberian- a mestizo, combining blood and Siberian Husky.

Outwardly, these huskies have no specific differences; they combine traits depending on the predominance of the parents' DNA in percentage terms.

But what distinguishes the Aussie Siberian husky from other hybrids is its exorbitant dependence on humans: where you go, so does your pet.

Very playful character: Will chew and play with anything you leave in the area except his toys, which he will bury.

These huskies are sure to become family favorites, especially when it comes to children.

Australian Cattle Husky (Ausky)

We present to your attention a hybrid of Australian herding dog and Siberian Husky.

Australian Cattle also called Australian Heeler, Queensland Heeler and Blue Heeler.

Like the vast majority of other huskies, they are very friendly dogs that are easy-going with people’s families.

But prepare for hyperactive walks: your Ausky will chase everything that rushes, passes, runs and crawls past him.

It is worth guessing that this mestizo acquired this character trait from an Australian shepherd.

Externally specific distinctive features No: they, like the Aussie Siberian, depend on the predominance of the blood of a particular breed involved in the crossing.

Chinese Husky Pug (Hug)

Quite a rare husky mix - Hug.

This mixture was the result of the mating of a Chinese pug (mother) and a Siberian husky (father).

At first glance, an ignorant person would never think that this dog has Husky blood.

Body structure And this mestizo got his external features from a pug, but he still had a good-natured character.

Hag is not specifically displayed, sources report only isolated cases of the birth of such puppies, crossed, most likely, by accident.

American Eskimo Husky (Huskimo)

In front of you Huskimo- one of the smallest representatives of the husky mix, along with the corgi-husky and the hag. This mixture was produced of two breeds: American Eskimo Spitz and Siberian Husky.

If you have a Haskimo at home, be prepared to spend a lot of time walking with him: the dog loves active pastime and, despite his small build, physical activity.

Perhaps because precisely this orientation is the main one for the breeds from which it was bred.

Huskimos are very affectionate in temperament, intelligent and inquisitive.

This husky mix unpretentious in food, his only weakness is his love for treats. But that’s why pets of this breed are easy to train.

The Huskimo does not like toys very much; most likely, they will be chewed or buried. Give your husky a game-filled, long walk.

Jack Russell Husky

Husky hybrid from among singlely withdrawn(although nothing prevents you from withdrawing it if desired).

This “specimen” appeared from the crossing, perhaps not special, of a Siberian Husky and a Jack Russell Terrier dog.

Hybrid Its color is more like a husky, but its physique combines the features of both breeds, but has more of a Jack Russell terrier.

This dog is one of the most attached to people and family from the entire large family of huskies and even dogs in general.

Your pet will be with you everywhere and almost always, and in no case should you limit your pet to your company if you do not want its character to deteriorate.

This dog, in turn, will respond to you with devotion, boundless obedience and love.

Akita Inu Husky (Huskita)

Huskita, just like the Husky Jack, is a mixed breed, bred privately and, perhaps, also as a result of accident.

This hybrid was obtained by crossing a purebred and a Siberian husky.

Among the distinctive external features Akita blood still predominates.

Physique(height, weight) exactly the same as that of an Akita dog; The temperament of these dogs is characterized by determination and perseverance, sometimes reaching the point of obstinacy.

The nature of a husky can be recognized only a little in the color and some features of your husky's muzzle, as well as in behavior: the dog is very devoted to its owners and will serve as an excellent nanny for the children in the family.

American Cocker Husky (Siberian Cocker, Siberian Spaniel)

Like many, this Siberian Husky and Cocker Spaniel mix is ​​unusual for the Husky family.

Both dogs that were bred to produce this mix were purebred.

It turned out Very interesting breed , combining the features of both husky and.

In particular, long hair like a spaniel and the standard black and white coloring inherent in the husky family.

The character of this dog also combines the nature of cockers and Siberians.

Chow Chow Husky (Chusky)

A husky hybrid is one of the unusual ones, with a single (!) registered case of crossing.

Attractive both in appearance and character, a mixture of purebred and Siberian husky.

At first glance, Chaskys are very difficult to distinguish from Chow Chows.

The only thing you'll notice, - blue eyes, slightly larger height compared to the Chow and the contour of the spots inherent in the Husky, despite the fact that the color colors remained from the Chow Chow: red and white.

And the character is a completely different matter: in him you will recognize a real husky - very loyal, friendly and, nevertheless, strong.

American Bully Husky (Bully Pitsky)

Another type of hybrid Pitsky, which was mentioned earlier.

The differences are small: This hybrid was bred by crossing an American Bully Pit (which, by the way, is a mixed breed) and an Alaskan Husky.

In all other respects, your pet Bully Pitsky similar to a regular Pitsky hybrid.

Boxer Husky (Boxsky)

Here is another “pumped up” husky hybrid – Boxsky.

This is a cross between a boxer and a Siberian husky, outwardly almost indistinguishable from the former and little reminiscent of the latter.

Hybrid similar to a husky in character: if you got a Boxsky dog, then you have at home the most terrifying child caretaker for others and the most beloved by the family.

This dog needs little toys, walks and active pastime.

But in communicating with you and, especially, with children, it is better not to limit boxing, otherwise the pet may break character, and then he will look more and more like a fighting dog.

Beagle Husky (Beaski)

Our list of mixed-breed dogs from the Husky family is completed by a cross between purebred and Siberian Huskies.

This hybrid also belongs to the number of single-bred breeds of the husky family.

Beaski differs from other mestizos in its considerable life expectancy with proper attention to the pet: active walks, and supervision by a veterinarian.

Externally, a Bisky pet combines the breed traits of both parents, without the predominance of the nature of one of them.

Beaski's temperament is distinguished by its good nature, devoted love for its owners and, in particular, for children, which is inherent in both breeds from which it was bred.

Love your pets. Huskies will answer you in the same way, no matter who they are crossed with.

The Siberian Husky is known as a noble, holistic dog breed that specializes in riding.

Incidents of deliberate mating of Huskies with other breeds are rare.

There are known cases of a mixture of the Laika Samoyed and the Siberian Husky, the purpose of which was to obtain a stronger dog with the characteristics of a seasoned hunter.

But in the end, a Samoyed husky was created with long noble hair, however, due to its stubbornness, it did not want to give up its prey to its owner.

This is explained by the fact that a large percentage of husky blood belongs to wolves.

Husky-Malamute mix

First, let's get acquainted with the husky and malamute mix - . Belongs to a solid and famous breed.

These are large sled dogs that look similar in appearance, but are much stronger and have greater endurance.

For professional racers, this breed is more valuable and in demand, as it gives excellent results in competitions.

The character of the Alaskan Husky retains fewer wolf habits (unlike the Malamute).

Also, Alaskan Husky puppies received external attractiveness from Siberian ones: the constitution of the body, coat color and eye color.

Shepski: German Shepherd mix

When choosing a reliable security guard for your home, you should choose similar mixture Siberian Husky and German Shepherd.

This quality can also play a cruel joke: they have no sense of proportion when it comes to their property.

You should not leave them alone with a noisy group of children or with newly arrived guests.

Shepski, sensing a threat, will attack the “stranger” without hesitation. They are also aggressive and irritable when eating.

The owner must be a person who has already dealt with large species dogs and knows how to establish his authority.

Being a descendant of two cold-loving breeds, the Shepski feels more comfortable in cold climates.

Northern Inuit and Utonagan

An unrecognized breed, the Northern Inuit, is considered a mestizo, outwardly similar to its ancestor.

The purpose of creating this type of dog was the desire to obtain more obedient and humble dogs, according to external signs resembling a white wolf.

The breed was created by merging the blood of a Siberian Husky, a German Shepherd and several other breeds. In parallel to this breed, a similar one was developed, called utonagan, the literal translation means “wolf spirit”.

The ancestors are also considered to be Huskies, Malamutes and German Shepherds.

Breeders of Utonagan dogs claim that the life expectancy of dogs is more than fifteen years and the peculiarity of the breed is good health and the absence of hereditary diseases.

Golden Retriever mix

Depending on the percentage of husky and husky blood, one litter of external characteristics resembles a husky, and the other resembles a retriever.

By choosing the same proportions, you will get offspring with a double coat color: the main one is chocolate, the additional one is white (features of the pattern on the body and mask, like a husky).

The eye color will not be brown, like a golden retriever, but blue (like a Siberian husky). There are also cases of heterochromia ( different colors eye).

By temperament, these are quite active, playful and smart dogs, excellent swimmers and hunters.

Labrador mix - Labski

It also bears a great resemblance to a wolf decorative breed Labrador Husky dogs, which were bred by Canadian Eskimos.

Outwardly, they resemble huskies, and their temperament is quite complex, like that of independent and aggressive wolves.

It is important to properly raise a husky mix from a very young age, showing who is in charge (the leader) in the family.

When walking outdoors, you should not allow your pet to run ahead of its owner. The leader's habits must be controlled and removed at the slightest manifestation.

In this case, the dog will grow up to be a good-natured and obedient pet, and not a trace will remain of the wolf.

Today, Labrador Huskies are used not only as guide dogs for people with disabilities; and at service posts, where, thanks to their keen sense of smell, they find narcotic substances and explosives.

Chaski cross with chow chow

The only documented case of crossing a husky and a chow, which resulted in a specimen with good external indicators and a gentle disposition.

Despite their kindness and responsiveness, they are able to stand up for their owner and all family members.

The Chaski is practically no different from the Chow Chow. The difference is in height, sky-blue eye color and the peculiarities of the pattern on the pet’s face and body.

And a completely different question is the chasky’s character traits, in which one can recognize a true husky - nobility, loyalty, energy.

As adults, these are small pets that can easily be confused with.

These are huskies that will be treated like a puppy throughout their life. From them they borrowed the size and general constitution of the body, and from the husky - the uniqueness of color and eye color.

A distinctive feature of the Corgi Husky is its friendliness and playfulness. Like many others, this Corgi-Husky mix is ​​an inquisitive and intelligent pet.

A cross with an American Eskimo - Huskimo

A cross between a Husky and an American Eskimo Spitz, like the previous species, it is small in size.

By purchasing this dog, the owner needs to know about the importance and obligation of long daily walks.

Huskimos have a gentle character, they are easy to train, and happily follow their owner’s commands.

Alone they can play pranks and make tunnels. They love treats, although they are not prone to gluttony.

In this article I will look at crosses of huskies and other varieties of dogs. The Siberian Husky is one of the most beautiful appearance and a noble breed of dog, more often used as a sled dog. When crossed with other breeds, puppies are obtained that inherit from their parents best qualities character. Scientists say that mestizos have always better health than purebred dogs.

Malamute mix

The two breeds are similar in appearance, larger and more powerful.

Mixed breeds of these breeds are called Alaskans.

They get their endurance and strength from malamutes, and their energy from huskies. Such a cross is valuable and popular in sledding competitions because it gives good results.

Alaskans are excellent companions, devoted to their family, smart dogs, and understand their owner perfectly.

They get along with other types of pets.

mixed breed of Malamute and Siberian Husky

With a German Shepherd

If you need a dog for protection, then you will not find a better mixed breed, they are also called Siberian Shepherds. The puppies come out beautiful from a German Shepherd, have blue eyes and thick fur.

Powerful, strong, like shepherds and mischievous, energetic, hardy, like huskies.

Siberian Shepherds are not afraid of cold and do not tolerate heat well. They want to be useful, they need constant physical activity. They will become an excellent protector of family and territory; they are often used for official purposes.

Husky and German Shepherd mix

With a retriever

This kind of mixed breed is obtained from mating. Such a dog will inherit the color and eye color from, but the calm, soft, obedient temperament and drooping ears from the retriever.

Puppies from this union are excellent swimmers and hunters, smart, obedient and cheerful.

They are not suitable for keeping with other types of pets, as they will perceive them as prey. An excellent companion, family dog, gets along well with children, and performs nanny duties.

Husky and Golden Retriever mix

With chow chow

This mixed breed is called a chaski, its color is predominantly red and white, its eyes are blue, and its muzzle is in most cases elongated. The dog is taller than . Soft character and activity the dog inherits from the husky, loyalty and friendliness prevail. Possess great physical strength and will be able to protect all members of their family from any danger.

With chow chow

With corgi

In appearance, such a dog can be confused with a mini.

It seems that this dog has remained in puppyhood forever.

The dog got the structure of the body, its height, and the color, fluffy coat and eye color came from the husky. Friendly in nature, curious, playful, intelligent, loyal and people-oriented.

This mixed breed can be kept at home without any problems, thanks to its small size.

They are not suitable as a security guard, as they are very good-natured.

Crossed with Corgi

With a husky

The most successful cross that can be obtained with the appearance of a husky and the character of a husky, or vice versa. If the husky temperament predominates, then such a mixture will become a devoted hunter and guardian of your property.

This mixed breed is suitable for a family with children; they get along well with them. They feel great in low temperatures and do not tolerate heat well, so it is worth providing them necessary conditions for existence.

Husky and Husky mix

With Spitz

Such half-breeds are called Pomskies, a very popular and expensive breed abroad. They are medium in size, with blue eyes. They got their independence from

Most often, crossbreeds of this kind are obtained from random matings. It is not recommended to carry out such crossing on your own, as the result may be unpredictable. It is difficult to understand in advance what temperament and appearance a puppy will inherit from one of its parents.

The unique appearance of crossbreeds, their ability to work and the good nature of huskies are attractive to breeders.

Metis - mongrels are more often used to guard and protect the home; they make good companions.

There were cases of mating - with the aim of breeding strong hunting dog. The result was an animal with long hair and a stubborn character. Having caught the prey, they did not give it to the owner, so this dog is not a hunter. There are connections and mixtures: with Labrador, marbled collie and golden bulldog.

Husky mixes, like purebred breeds They need care, attention and care from their owner. Raising a pet with early childhood, you will get a balanced, active, playful, loyal and good-natured family member.