Decorative rats. "Breeds" of decorative rats. How to care for a pet rat: tips and tricks How to care for a white rat

Most of us shudder at the words “house rats”: we immediately think of rather large rodent pests that can not only cause damage to property, but also infect with diseases. But in fact, these animals can be very interesting pets. There are different breeds rats, however, absolutely all of them are distinguished by amazing intelligence, speed of learning and even good training abilities. Let's get to know them from this side. And at the same time we will learn how to care for pet rat.

Rat for home keeping: features, types, maintenance

So, a tame rat is not at all the same as a wild one. Rodents very quickly become attached to humans, learn to recognize their owner, and most importantly, delight with interesting behavior and funny habits. There are a variety of breeds of domestic rats, the most popular are:

If you are interested in keeping a decorative rat, but do not know which breed to choose, choose according appearance. Because almost everyone’s character is soft and friendly. Contrary to fears, the domestic rat almost never bites. To get her out peace of mind and cause aggression, you need to try very hard. And yet, do not allow the child to torture the animal; explain that the animal can be petted, called affectionately, placed on the shoulder, but you should not hurt or frighten it.

For correct content you will definitely need special cages for rats. These dwellings are significantly different from bird dwellings. They are made in a horizontal section, low, but wide and elongated. In principle, it is not difficult to create a house for a rat with your own hands, but you will have to take into account the peculiarity of the pet. This is a rodent that can easily cope with any type of wood. That is why it is best to use transparent plastic or plexiglass, having previously made holes in it for ventilation.

House and accessories for your pet

Any breeds decorative rats need properly equipped housing. Although this is a pet, it leads a certain way of life, which is the owner’s primary task to ensure. Improperly organized maintenance and care can lead to illness and then death cute rodent. This is why it is so important to choose cages for decorative rats.

As mentioned above, the houses are horizontally oriented, low, but quite spacious. Rodents lead active image life, so they need a place. There must be some kind of shelter that resembles a mink. Your animal will hide there. Without such a “hiding place” the animal’s routine may be disrupted.

Domestic rats should be handled, talked to, and stroked often. These are sociable animals, and very smart and good-natured. They get used to hands quickly, they like to sit on your shoulder and hide in your bosom. In the warm season, pets can be taken outside; for this, buy a separate big cage. You should avoid windy or damp weather: the animal may catch a cold. To the question of whether it is worth bathing the animal, the answer is ambiguous. On the one hand, decorative rats are not averse to taking a dip in cool water (though not all of them), on the other hand, they get sick easily. That is why, in the hot season, some breeders recommend installing a small bath so that the rodent can take a bath himself. There is no need to wash it specifically.

If you want to stick proper care for pet rats, purchase other necessary accessories with which you need to furnish your pet’s “apartment”. This:

Now you know the basic principles of organizing proper care for a decorative rat. However, there are some nuances. It is important to know them in order to maximize the lifespan of your cute rodent. They involve feeding decorative rats and recognizing their diseases. Let's talk about this.

How to feed a rat correctly

In general, the rat, although a rodent, does not have a narrow food specialization. In nature, she eats almost everything she finds. These can be various fruits, grains, vegetables, as well as insects, meat, even dairy products. Food for rats living at home should contain approximately the same ingredients.

To begin with, you should purchase store-bought dry rations. They consist of a variety of grains, pieces of dried vegetables, and vitamin granules. This diet is sufficient, but breeders strongly recommend adding fresh herbal products– carrots, apples, zucchini, etc. The correct keeping of a rat lies in the selection ideal option nutrition. It is based on individual characteristics every animal. Let's periodically boiled egg(no more than once a week), meat, cheese or sour cream, crackers. Completely eliminate pickles, sweet foods, smoked foods, raw cabbage and potatoes, chocolate. The lifespan of rats is already not long; there is no need to reduce it further.

By the way, about age. How long do pet rats live? Not so long: on average 2-3 years, some centenarians can live up to 5-7, but this happens extremely rarely. Rodents have an accelerated metabolism normal temperature body – 38.5-39.5 degrees Celsius. Exchange processes proceed at incredible speed and literally “burn” the small animal. This causes a short life expectancy.

Now a few words about how to feed a rat. She should be given food twice a day, the approximate amount is 30g, but again the figure is arbitrary. See by external condition. A properly fed animal is nimble, does not suffer from indigestion, and does not have a bloated belly. No less important drinking regime. At home, the rat should have constant access to clean water. Then she will not get sick and will be able to live longer.

What diseases do domestic rodents suffer from?

We have all heard that rat diseases are dangerous to humans. Fortunately, we're talking about mainly about wild representatives. Speaking about decorative pet rats, there is no need to fear anything terrible. Rats at a young age are vaccinated against possible diseases, in particular, from the most dangerous thing - rabies. A veterinarian's note is made about this. You can also go to a specialist yourself so that he can examine and vaccinate the animal.

According to breeders, a person bitten by a decorative rat risks practically nothing. This is a very clean animal, which, unlike its wild relatives, spends its entire life in sterile conditions: a cage, an apartment, the hands of its owner. In general, the pet is not able to bite; it is a peace-loving creature. However, children can sometimes drive him to aggression. So keep an eye on kind attitude to the pet.

Even if trouble has occurred, there is no need to worry about diseases such as blood poisoning, mycoplasmosis, tetanus, or rabies. Often a simple treatment of the wound is enough. If you are worried and don’t know what to do, visit a doctor. Tell us that your pet rat bit you and you're worried about the consequences. If necessary, get tested.

A rat disease such as mycoplasmosis deserves a separate discussion. This infectious disease, the carrier of which is almost every rodent. Is it true. Bye immune system young and healthy, no problems. Mycoplasmosis occurs only in weakened or elderly animals. However, if one rat gets infected, all the others can get sick. Unfortunately, mycoplasmosis often leads to the death of a pet. And since humans are also carriers, be attentive to your pets. Main signs of the disease:

  1. Sneezing. The very first alarming symptom.
  2. Difficulty breathing, wheezing.
  3. Loss of appetite and normal activity;
  4. The coat becomes dull, it begins to mat and looks untidy;
  5. Characteristic discharge from the eyes.

Mycoplasmosis develops quickly, leading to inflammatory processes in internal organs and in an advanced stage kills the rat. This cannot be done without the help of a specialist.

Finally, another problem that may arise when dealing with rats is allergic reaction. Appears itchy skin, the person begins to itch. Unfortunately, you can only get rid of it by giving your pet away. That is why people prone to allergies are not recommended to have breeds like Double Rex, which have thick, long hair. Although, the double rat or dumbo rex is very attractive in appearance. At the first symptoms of an allergy, we advise you to consult a doctor and find out why it is itching.

You can read about how to train a rat in specialized literature. Moreover, of great importance whether it is a boy or a girl does not matter, although many prefer females. Probably because males are sometimes more aggressive behavioral reactions. When deciding what to name your rat, choose a short and smooth-sounding nickname. Again, many rodents get used to it and even respond.

So, now you know almost everything about these cute pets: what rats eat, how to care for a rat, whether it can be bathed, what diseases there are in pet rats, and what cages for pet rats should be like. Get yourself such an interesting friend, and you will understand: these are not only dangerous household pests.

In a variety of films and books, heroines are always afraid of rodents, no matter how big they are rat or a small decorative fluffy hamster. Frightened by the appearance rats or a female mouse is a classic stereotype, but is it justified and logical, or has the tailed rodent been coping well with the role of a pet for some time now?

For the first time in the role of a pet, I probably felt like rat, rescued from experiments in the laboratory. Who would have thought that animals, known first only as pests and carriers of diseases, and then as the most popular experimental animals, would turn out to be one of the most beloved and comfortable pets in the house.

If you are interested in buying a decorative rat, then you can see and get to know them live at the Moscow petting zoo "UtiPuti", located near the Molodezhnaya metro station. Zoo staff will be happy to answer all your questions and give necessary recommendations on keeping and caring for decorative rats. Zoo website:

5 reasons to get a decorative rat

- Decorative rats funny pets with their own manners, habits and characters, they are very interesting to watch. They will give you many pleasant and fun moments.

- Decorative rats They quickly get used to the routine you set. If very young individuals that you have just settled with you can be active at night and sleep during the day, then after a while they will begin to be awake when you are awake. Most rats are fairly quiet animals.

- Decorative
rats can be truly tame animals. They are smart, cleaner than other decorative rodents, they have a good memory, and they recognize people. They love affection. An older, tamed animal will happily sit on your lap or near your hands with half-closed eyes and allow you to stroke its back and between its ears. Decorative rats can relieve stress in no way worse than cats. In addition, many of rats respond to a person’s voice and are able to distinguish their name. With diligent and systematic training, some rats capable of performing a number of simple commands.

On the one side, rat not a dog and therefore does not require regular daily walks outside in any weather.
On the other hand, in the warm season, if your animal is not shy and is accustomed to your shoulder, then you can take it with you for a short walk or on a visit. Rats very calm and intelligent compared, for example, to hamsters, they will not throw themselves from hands or shoulders - from a height downwards, in an unfamiliar environment they will prefer to hide in the owner’s pocket or collar. You can let the animal wander almost freely around the room, but do not forget to keep an eye on it. The pet supply store sells special walking harnesses for adults. decorative rats.

- Decorative rats They are very easy to maintain, do not require special skills and large expenses: you just need to familiarize yourself with a number of features in order to feed and maintain them correctly.

Decorative rats: maintenance, nutrition, health, communication

Rat cages
with a fine lattice or mesh, high, several floors. For the animal, it is advisable to make a home where no one will disturb it; they prefer wooden and plastic hammocks in cold weather, insulated with rags or toilet paper, soft, unscented paper napkins. You can make such a hammock yourself or purchase it at a pet store. It should be placed at the top of the cage in a suspended state.

Litter in the cage can be made from either sawdust or hay. Can be used simply toilet paper, but it will not absorb the smell at all. Wooden cat litter may be a good option. Unlike hamsters rats They very rarely dig or scatter sawdust. Some decorative rats They are so intelligent that they don’t even chew anything except food and wooden sticks specially designed for this.

Main food
For rats must be specialized feed mixtures(granulated food or a mixture of oats, wheat, millet, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, peas, corn, dried vegetables and fruits). Besides this Animals also need “wet” food. : fresh fruits and berries, carrots, boiled egg, boiled potatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes. Some rats love citrus fruits. A real treat for a rat would be raw quail egg. By placing it whole at the bottom of the cage, you will see a game of mini-football before your animal bites through the shell. A spoonful of cooked porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice) without salt, sugar and butter will be an excellent variety in your diet. Rats You can’t give: salty, spicy, sweet, fatty. As delicacies, you can use boiled shrimp, pieces, chicken or meat, but always without spices.

In a cage rats should always be clean water . To prevent it from getting dirty and spilling, use special drinking bowls with a ball; the water in them needs to be changed daily.

Decorative rats They are afraid of drafts and strong stuffiness. Straight lines should not fall on the cage containing the animal. sun rays.

Adult and healthy males rats often reach a weight of 600 g, females are lighter, smaller and more mobile. Life expectancy of rats is 2-3 years .

Rats– social animals, they love company and communication, get along well with humans and with their fellow animals. The animal needs affection, it loves to be scratched
and stroke. He needs permanent classes so that he doesn’t get bored - ladders and ropes in the cage, food wrapped in paper, food suspended from the ceiling of the cage, walks around the room. If you have little time to communicate with your pet and he spends the vast majority of his time in a locked cage, then it is recommended to immediately have two rats same sex. Pair rats too prolific, having a male and a female, you will soon find yourself the owner of a huge tailed family, and placing the kids in good hands not so easy. Besides, rats they do not feel a natural need to reproduce; males do not feel lonely without females, and vice versa. Therefore, it is best to have two animals of the same sex and the same age; it is best that they are two sisters or two brothers who are already familiar with each other, then you are unlikely to have problems due to them getting used to each other. However, please note that rats, living together with their fellows, are more difficult to tame.

Pets are like children, not only because they need attention and care and are dependent on us, but also because they need proper upbringing. Your careful, attentive and respectful attitude determines a lot . Rat You also need to educate - no matter how paradoxical it may sound. Well-fed animals, with whom they spend enough time, are affectionate and active. Rats When handled carelessly or inattentively, they can be skittish, aggressive, and biting. Best to buy rats in special clubs or from breeders of ornamental rodents, private breeders. At the market and in the pet store, animals are wilder and not accustomed to handling.

Decorative rats. "Breeds" of decorative rats

Rats They differ not only in color. There are tailless rats. Absolutely charming creatures - decorative ratsdumbo– their ears are located not at the top of the head, but on the sides, the muzzle is more rounded. U rex Coarser hair that seems to curl, uneven and sometimes very curled whiskers. Looks quite unusual naked rat Sphinx devoid of fur. These animals are especially attached to people, are considered more affectionate, but also need more care: they are afraid of cold and drafts, and their delicate skin is sensitive to mechanical damage. A huge advantage of this animal is that it can be kept by people who are allergic to wool.

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Rats can be called smart animals. Many animal lovers prefer to keep them. Not surprising, since we are looking at domestic rodents that have been bred since the 19th century. They are sweet and emotionally stable. These features make them completely different from those relatives who live in basements and rummage through trash cans. However, keeping and caring for a pet rat comes with certain responsibilities.

Comfortable keeping of rats is impossible without a cage equipped taking into account the needs of the animals. As usual, the cage should be mesh and large enough. This space is convenient for you to clean, and for the rodent to use for entertainment. In the cage it is simply necessary to provide at the moment, that is, install ladders, wheels, hammocks, driftwood, pipes and other toys. All this will help satisfy the animal's natural playfulness and curiosity. You should not place wooden accessories there, as odor problems may arise. Wood easily absorbs moisture, and rats actively mark their territory.

We recommend setting up a special place in the cage where the animal will sleep. For these purposes, you can purchase a house in specialized stores. You can build a rodent house with your own hands from a cardboard or wooden box. A regular clay pot will also work.

The temperature regime for pet rats is very important. They do not tolerate direct sunlight and drafts. A rat, the maintenance and care of which is not particularly difficult, lays claim to strict adherence conditions when choosing a location for the cage. The most comfortable temperature is 18-22 degrees Celsius, humidity is 50-60%.

Which filler to choose

It is best to use aspen shavings as a filler. It should not be very small, as it can get into the animal’s eyes, nose and ears and cause allergies. It is better not to take sawdust from cedar and pine, as they contain phenol (carbolic acid) and tree resins. Phenols are a class toxic substances, negatively affecting the functioning of the kidneys and liver of rodents and reducing protective functions body. Also, these organic compounds, by absorbing the smell of urine, irritate respiratory tract, contributing to their diseases.

Plain paper and cellulose filler can also serve as bedding.

Basic cage accessories

A rodent cannot live without clean fresh water and food; it needs a place to relieve itself. Therefore, a special drinking bowl is hung in the cage, a floor feeder is placed or a hanging one is strengthened, and a litter tray. Some rats are real fans water procedures. If your pet is like this, you should also take care of a bathing container.

Content Basics

A domestic rat, if you pay attention to it, can live quite calmly without a mate. If you do not limit yourself to one individual, we recommend that you think about the sterilization procedure, as it will save you from unwanted offspring, and your pets from diseases as a result of hormonal imbalances.

It is very good to communicate with the animal, allow it to run freely around the house, and show tenderness to it. Over time, the rat will recognize you and become tame. You can give animals simple logical tasks and have fun together.

If you take into account all the features, keeping a pet rat will turn into an indescribable pleasure.


Keeping decorative rats requires a careful approach to their nutrition. Meals should be balanced and satisfying. Rodents that are hungry may eat each other. An adult should eat 30-32 g of food per day, of which 5-7 g are vegetables. Adult rats need two meals a day, with the evening portion being larger than the morning portion due to nocturnal activity. Cubs need to be fed up to four times a day. You need to be more careful about certain categories of animals. Thus, pregnant and lactating females should drink milk, and hairless rats need more food, especially controlling the intake of protein.

Food can be purchased at pet stores. These are combined dry mixtures with a balanced composition. When manufacturing them, the concentration and ratio are taken into account nutrients, mineral supplements and vitamins. Dry food is made in the form of briquettes or granules. This type of food makes life easier for the owner. In addition, you can use automatic feeders.

What to include in your diet

It's good to pamper furry pet grains, focusing on wheat, barley, oats and millet. To preserve vitamins and other useful substances grains are given whole and unprocessed. Rats love sunflower seeds, which contain unsaturated fatty acids. They have a positive effect on the condition of the coat and on the rodent’s body as a whole.

You can add bran to the food of rats in a ratio of 1:3 and white bread.

Keeping a pet rat includes careful daily selection of the pet's diet. It is necessary to include vegetables and fruits in the diet, which are sources of carbohydrates and fiber. Potatoes, carrots and beets are given raw or boiled. Among fruits, rats especially like apples, apricots, persimmons, cherries, grapes, peaches, bananas, raspberries, and strawberries. Vegetables can be grated or cut into pieces. Rodents also feast on various herbs and leaves. Spinach, alfalfa, clover, early nettle in spring, sprouted oats in winter, cabbage and lettuce leaves are a storehouse of vitamins and microelements. You just need to remember that you should not collect herbs growing near the road.

Animals also need dried fruits and nuts. Nuts not only serve as food, but also help grind rodents’ teeth.

Rodents should be fed eggs, cottage cheese, and lean meat. Also used fish oil, tomato juice, yeast.

It is not forbidden to feed rats even chocolate, without, of course, overusing it in order to avoid problems with the pet’s weight.

Can't mix different types feeding. It is forbidden to give salted, fried, fatty, cold, smoked and spicy foods, baked goods, and legumes. All this can lead to serious problems.

Rats cannot go without water for a long time, and it cannot be replaced with any other drink. Daily norm- 50-60 ml of water. If the animal eats few vegetables and fruits, then the norm increases.

Like any animal, rodents need to be looked after. A pet rat, whose care and maintenance does not bring much trouble, is characterized by cleanliness. But not all pollution can be dealt with by them. Therefore, it is recommended to introduce your pet to water at an early age. early age. This will help avoid unnecessary stress.

When bathing, you need to take care of the location of the bath (not in a draft) and bathing accessories: shampoo (you can use children's shampoo), brush and towels.

It is prohibited to bathe a pet rat in two cases:

  • if dirt can be removed with a regular rag;
  • if the animal is sick.


To summarize, it should be said that a domestic rat is an animal that needs attention and affection, although keeping a domestic rat is not particularly difficult. By surrounding her with care, you will get a true friend, despite her small size. The good news is that caring for these cute animals is not at all difficult, and even those who don’t have a lot of free time can afford to keep them.

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Sooner or later, we all think about having a... pet. After reading about different animals, looking at the little animals in the pet store, you finally decided to opt for a cute little rat - the decorative rat. What do you need to know about the life and care of your pet?

Let's start with the fact that rats are social animals, they live in small groups, flocks and look after each other, in this regard, living alone is not for them, the best option would be if you soon buy her a same-sex friend or take her right away a couple together.

Decorative rat: conditions of detention

Let's talk about the rat's living conditions. To make your animal feel comfortable, you need to purchase a large cage; on the Internet, there is such a thing as a “rat calculator”, with the help of which you can easily determine what size the cage should be for the number of pets you want to purchase. Decorative rats – active animals and they need a lot of space to play.

Therefore, be sure to make or purchase shelves, ladders, houses, etc. for the cage. the rats will have something to occupy themselves in your absence, also when arranging their home, make a hammock for them, they really love to relax in them, you will be touched by the sight of your pets sleeping in them. For cage bedding, the best option would be to purchase corn litter or compressed wood pellets that are NOT softwood.

Also, a pet like a rat needs your attention, communication and care. They love to walk around the house under your supervision, bask under your strokes and snuggle up on your shoulder to take a nap.

Gradually tame the rats to your hands, give them a treat from your hand, put them in a cage old thing, which smells like you, so the rat will gradually get used to your smell and become tamed it will go faster. They love to sit in their bosom, so do not refuse them this favor. When you tame your pet, believe me that you will not find a more affectionate and devoted animal eager for communication.

Proper nutrition

Let's talk about nutrition, decorative rat - This is a rodent, most of their diet should be grains: barley, oats, wheat. They are also given juicy fruits (apples, pears, peaches, etc.) and vegetables (cucumbers, lettuce, etc.), you can give nuts, but remember that you cannot give them in large quantities, because rats are susceptible to obesity.

An excellent dietary supplement chicken hearts, liver and kidneys. It is also worth remembering that a rat cannot do without water and there must ALWAYS be a drinking bowl with water in the cage. clean water. In order for rats to grind down their teeth, you need to purchase special mineral stones at a pet store; they also respect chicken necks, an excellent delicacy and good for teeth.

If you decide to take responsibility for this animal, you should know that rats are very susceptible to various diseases, for example, the most common is tumor diseases. There are also infectious and many others. To provide the necessary first aid, you need to have a small first aid kit at home in order to provide first aid to your pet in a timely manner, because sometimes seconds count. The treatment is quite expensive and is carried out only by experienced ratologists.

If, after learning all the information about pets, you have not given up the idea of ​​taking these beautiful animals into your home, then try to follow all the rules and recommendations written here and your life with your pets will be filled with joy and harmony. Remember that animals are not toys, think again and again before taking on such responsibility.

And in more detail, with these amazing and smart animals - decorative rats , as well as the rules for their content, this video will introduce you to:

The decorative rat is a mammal of the mouse family (order of rodents). The decorative rat is a rather interesting animal, smart, cheerful and intelligent. They can be affectionate and highly trainable, so interacting with a kitty rat will be a lot of fun.

Decorative rats come in many varieties and colors.

How to choose a decorative rat?

When choosing a decorative rat, first of all pay attention to how it looks. A healthy rat is inquisitive and nimble, but at the same time calm. The coat should be smooth and shiny, the eyes and nose should be free of discharge. Do not pick up a rat that is sneezing or making gurgling noises.

It is better to take a decorative rat at the age of 4 weeks or older.

If you have other rats living with you, do not forget that the new “guest” must spend at least 10 days in quarantine - preferably in another room.

Never leave two unfamiliar adult rats unattended - they can injure and even kill each other.

First of all, to keep a decorative rat it is necessary to equip an “apartment”.

Aquariums, and especially glass jars, are not a suitable option, since they contain high air humidity and the animal will quickly die.

Another unsuccessful option is a bird cage with wooden frame: the tree does not tolerate urine well, and besides, rats happily gnaw at it, so such a cage will quickly become unusable.

Minimum cage size for 1 decorative rat: 40x60x40 cm. However, if the rat is kept in a cage, it must walk every day!

In the photo: decorative rat. Photo:

Remove the cage as it gets dirty.

A good bedding option for a decorative rat’s cage is cat litter. However, you can only use cellulose, straw or wood filler, but in no case mineral or silica gel, clumping ones. You can use sawdust from trees (deciduous trees only!), but they retain odor less well and get dirty faster. Do not use cotton wool, newspapers or fabric for bedding.

A cage for a decorative rat should have feeders and a drinking bowl. The water should be in constant access, So best option drinkers - automatic nipple.

Remember that animals of different sexes cannot be kept in the same cage - they will constantly reproduce.

The cage should be located away from the window and where it is not exposed to direct sunlight - decorative rats are afraid of overheating and drafts. There is also no place for a cage with a rat in the kitchen - combustion products cause respiratory diseases.

Caring for decorative rats

As a rule, decorative rats take care of their fur themselves, but if necessary, they can be washed using a baby or special shampoo for animals. Remember to dry your rat thoroughly after bathing!

Caring for a rat is unthinkable without regular communication, because rats are social animals and get bored and waste away alone. If you have a rat living alone, you need to talk to it every day, let it out of the cage, play with it, and train it.

Remember, however, that walking your kitty rat should be safe. Make sure it doesn't reach wires, sharp objects, medications, or poisonous plants.

In the photo: decorative rat. Photo:

What to feed a decorative rat?

The decorative rat is omnivorous, but this does not mean that it can be fed with table scraps.

You should not feed your rat the following foods:

  • Sweet.
  • Roast.
  • Smoked.
  • Very salty.
  • Spices.
  • Pickled.
  • Alcohol and carbonated drinks.
  • Chocolate and everything containing it.
  • Raw the following vegetables: potatoes, sorrel, cabbage, spinach.
  • Fresh pastries and bread.

What to feed a decorative rat? A grain mixture for rats and water should be available at all times. The water is changed daily.

The food for a decorative rat is renewed 2 times a day (for pregnant females - 3-4 times a day).

The rat can also be given boiled meat, porridge in water, vegetables (raw and boiled), fruits, fermented milk products, crackers, nuts, lettuce and dandelion leaves.

Juices can cause allergies in rats.

How long do house rats live?

The average lifespan of a decorative rat is about 2 – 2.5 years. And how long decorative rats live depends on proper maintenance and care, including disease prevention.

In the photo: decorative rat. Photo:

Remember that increased metabolism decorative rats - the reason that life processes occur quickly, and if the animal is not helped in time, the consequences will be sad.

Signs that should make you take your rat to the vet as soon as possible:

  • Refusal to eat.
  • Sneezing.
  • Whistling and wheezing when breathing.
  • A red pigment (profirin) is released from the eyes and nose.
  • Dirty fur under the tail.
  • Hair loss.
  • Sores or scratches, bald spots.
  • Edema and tumors.
  • Bleeding.
  • Apathy and lethargy.