The cat doesn't eat well. Anorexia (lack of appetite) in cats How to induce appetite in a cat after illness

In fact, you shouldn't always panic when your cat doesn't eat anything for a couple of days. Especially in cases where the animal does not look exhausted, does not have a fever, or has no

or other malfunction of the body.

  • Abrupt transition to new or unusual foods

    Cats have their own taste preferences, just like people, so food suddenly introduced into the diet even high quality can cause food refusal. The owner should always carefully study the composition of the food, the manufacturer’s recommendations for feeding, and remember that the new product is introduced gradually, only being mixed in small quantities with the old one that is familiar to the animal.

    This situation can also happen when a cat, accustomed to industrial feed transferred to natural food . It is unlikely that a cat that has eaten dry food will happily eat, for example, vegetables with meat or cottage cheese. But if it’s just a matter of changing the usual diet, then there is no need to worry, the cat is simply not yet accustomed to the innovations in its menu. The animal itself does not look sick; it does not have diarrhea, vomiting, or excessive discharge from the eyes or nose.

  • Stressful situations

    Cats are sensitive animals; just like people, they can be sad, worried, or afraid of something. IN stressful situation It may be quite normal to refuse food for a couple of days, feel depressed, and apathy. In this case, it would be a good idea for the owner to first try to find out what is the cause of the animal’s suffering, eliminating it if possible. If the situation cannot be corrected (the death of someone dear to the animal, the appearance of a new pet in the house, etc.), then it will take time and participation in the cat’s life on the part of the owner. You may need to consult a veterinarian, as well as purchase sedatives for purring.

  • Weather conditions

    When the temperature outside the window exceeds 30 (or even 40) degrees, even the most voracious animal can look for a patch of shade on the street or lie exhausted on the floor, forgetting about food. In such cases, you should not force feed the cat and lament why it refuses to eat. On the hottest days it is better not to overload the animal’s body, however, clean drinking water At such moments it is more relevant than ever.

  • The owner does not keep the animal's bowls clean

    Cats are one of the cleanest animals, so the owner should wash all cat dishes after each feeding or at least once a day. Dirty plates, bowls with dried food debris, ants crowding around, and the smell of sour food can make a cat refuse to eat. In addition, neglect of cleanliness can lead to various diseases.

  • Hormonal surge

    When an animal's body changes during puberty, estrus and pregnancy in cats, the owner may observe the pet refusing food. During the period of cat spree, animals may not eat for up to a week, especially females. The owner should not worry, since the cat’s appetite will return to normal as soon as the animal calms down, and the problem of change hormonal levels will decide by itself. It may not be superfluous to purchase vitamins depending on your doctor’s recommendations.

  • A lot of fur has accumulated in the cat's stomach.

    In cases where an animal actively licks itself, a large amount of hair accumulates in its stomach. This problem is especially acute when the owner does not comb out the pet’s fur. Sold in veterinary pharmacies special means, preventing the formation of hairballs that can be acquired by the cat owner. In addition to refusal to eat, this problem is also characterized by stool disorders and vomiting.

  • Infecting a cat with a viral or bacterial infection

    Even a cat that lives permanently in an apartment without leaving the house has a risk of contracting an infection. The owner should be alert to the pet's lethargy, vomiting and diarrhea (sometimes with mucus and blood streaks), elevated temperature. During an infectious infection, the animal has no appetite. By taking tests, you can identify the pathogen and decide on treatment.

  • Anorexia

    Anorexia in cats is considered to be a refusal to eat due to the loss of olfactory or tactile functions of the body. The cat loses weight, is not interested in absolutely any food, becomes lethargic, and sometimes salivates profusely. In the most difficult cases The veterinarian may decide to tube feed the animal. Anorexia can be caused by nasal congestion, chemotherapy or antibiotic treatment, poisoning and much more. Self-treatment without medical intervention may lead to the death of the animal.

  • Diseases of internal organs

    You can endlessly list all sorts of diseases in which a cat may lack appetite: diabetes, malignant tumors, liver disease, kidney disease, problems gastrointestinal tract And genitourinary system, diseases musculoskeletal system and many, many others. If a cat, in addition to 1-2 days of fasting, has various alarming symptoms, the owner should immediately rush to consult a specialist.

As a rule, for any terrible diseases myself appearance cat “screams” about the disease and the following symptoms appear: intestinal dysfunction (constipation, diarrhea), vomiting, sharp decline weight,

(sometimes purulent), nose, dehydration, sometimes pain upon contact with the diseased area, plaintive meowing or complete apathy to what is happening around. All these signs always indicate a serious condition

Which must be diagnosed by passing tests, taking scrapings, biopsies, and examination by a veterinarian. Always painful sensations will cause the cat to refuse food or eat very little.

Reasons for refusing food that are not related to health

Poor appetite is usually one of the symptoms of any disease. These could be:

    infections and inflammations;

  • oral diseases;

    problems with the liver and intestines.

Another reason is the use medicines, such as analgesics and antibiotics, drugs that slow down gastric emptying.

Try offering the animal a different food: it may not suit him taste qualities food he had eaten before. In this case, the cat's behavior will change.

In other cases, it is possible to establish the cause of loss of appetite only through a thorough study of the cat’s feeding habits, its behavior and living conditions, carried out previously (or carried out at at the moment) therapy. To do this, contact veterinary clinic, where the doctor will prescribe all the necessary tests.

Basic diagnostic tests usually include general analysis blood, full analysis feces/urine, biochemical analysis serum, tests for the presence of infections in the body, ultrasound examination abdominal cavity, biopsy of the mucous membrane, etc.

Cats are graceful creatures that are weather sensitive, so bad weather can deprive them of their appetite (but for no more than a day). The onset of depression or stress after a long absence of the owners in the apartment or moving, the presence of a new space around, a sudden change of environment plunges the cat into a stupor and starvation. The desire to eat, as well as the desire to continue living like a cat, gradually brings the fluffy beauty to a normal state.

During pregnancy, the female must eat well; if she does not want to eat, then there is a high probability of toxicosis. Drowsiness, lethargy, discharge large quantity saliva, vomiting - confirmation of the imminent addition to the purring family. At the cat's poor appetite also associated with the approach of childbirth, she stops eating a day before this event and for some time after it.

You should call a veterinarian if your cat has a fever, lethargy, copious discharge from the genitals, the abdomen became elastic and painful to the touch. He will accept necessary measures and will help the four-legged family member quickly “get on his paws.”

Good care and love, care and attention, protecting these susceptible creatures from stress, good walks, a varied diet and the absence of gluttony are factors that will eliminate poor appetite in cats during breakfast, lunch and dinner for the owners to the delight and benefit of the animals.

Let's start with the fact that anorexia is not painful thinness, as many are accustomed to thinking, but a lack of hunger. People suffering from the disease explain their reluctance to eat food by lack of appetite, disgust, subsequent vomiting (bulimia), and so on. Excessive thinness is considered a consequence of anorexia, forced hunger or a number of other ailments. Next step– dystrophy, which is diagnosed by body mass index and visually, see photo.

In the “world” of cats, the causes of anorexia are a complete or partial loss of smell and touch; the cat does not feel the structure of food and its taste. Complete refusal of food and rapid weight loss is the first and essentially the only symptom anorexia. Most often, loss of appetite is temporary and goes away with complete care. The problem can be considered temporary and does not require specific treatment if it's a cat:

  • Has undergone surgery or a course of “aggressive” treatment.
  • Feels pain, weakness, discomfort.
  • If you have a cold, the stuffy nose is washed with saline solution or special drops so that the cat can chew without choking.

Any additional symptoms- this is an alarm. Read the description of any animal disease, the first sign is refusal to eat and then down the list. Complete relief of hunger develops when:

  • Bone injuries or internal organs, parallel symptoms - pain, swelling, internal bleeding.
  • Poisoning, which is accompanied by drooling and nausea.
  • Liver failure (lipidosis). On acute stage accompanied by the flow of thick, foamy saliva.

Pets that have experienced a change of place of residence, a long trip in transport, or have found themselves in life-threatening troubles fall into a state of apathy, starve in case of acute deficiency nutrients and die without human help. Often, a cat that has fallen out of a window “crawls” into the nearest shelter and spends 5-6 days there, if during this time the sense of smell has been restored - hunger “lures” the animal out of the shelter, then it all depends on the scale of the damage.

If a cat has lost his appetite and has lost a lot of weight by drinking only water, this indicates that a pathogenic infection has entered the body. There may be other reasons for this condition:

  1. 1. Changing your diet. The cat does not eat unusual food in situations of a sudden transition to another diet. There are cases of demonstrative hunger strike if the pet simply does not like the new food. Fatty foods cause vomiting followed by loss of appetite.
  2. 2. Change of place of residence. An adult cat does not tolerate moving well. In a new place, he hides, climbing into dark places, is afraid to touch the food bowl, and does not go to the toilet.
  3. 3. Getting a throat injury. A stuck bone or other bone can cause painful damage to the throat. foreign object making swallowing difficult. The danger comes from swallowing a sharp fragment that can get stuck in the intestines and cause obstruction. Vomiting begins, there is a bad breath, the cat does not eat anything.
  4. 4. Painful lesions in oral cavity. A cat even refuses its favorite food if ulcers have formed in its mouth, causing burning pain. Bad teeth also cause suffering.

A healthy adult pet may refuse to eat during times of hormonal surges. Sexual instinct can lead to prolonged starvation - in cats it lasts up to 5-7 days. Castration of the animal helps combat outbreaks.

This is a quick and safe procedure. If you want to help your pet pass it, study the rules for castration of a cat and the requirements for caring for an animal in postoperative period. The procedure lasts 20 minutes and is performed under general anesthesia.

Old age

The older your pet gets, the less interested he is in food. There is no need to force your pet to eat. Offer him treats. It is necessary to replace his food with something more easily digestible and nutritiously fortified - suitable for his age.


Unfair punishments, a quarrel with another pet, moving, changing usual accessories and other changes in a pet’s life lead to stress. And it reduces appetite. You can help your cat only by eliminating the cause of stress. We must try to find out what is tormenting the animal and appease it with affection and treats.

Changing food or feeding unsuitable food

Adjusting your diet or changing your usual treats is very severe stress. If the owners need to switch the cat to a new diet, they should do it gradually. Let the animal get used to the new food, otherwise there is a high probability that the animal will simply refuse to eat.

Taking medications

Therapy is another type of stress caused by the need to help a pet. During this period, he can only be helped with attention and care. Offer the cat's favorite food in smaller doses, but more often, and pick it up more often.

If the animal is healthy, then eliminating the cause of starvation will automatically restore appetite. Don't force him to eat, try to find out what could cause such a reaction. And remember: if you couldn’t solve the problem yourself, it’s better to turn to specialists.

And remember - we are responsible for those we have tamed!

Signs of anorexia, possible root causes

Here are the main symptoms that may indicate incipient jaundice or other liver problems:

  • Fever of intermittent and constant type.
  • All visible mucous membranes become yellowish.
  • Urine looks like Orange juice, and feces, on the contrary, take on the appearance of whitish plasticine.
  • Urination becomes more frequent and the total daily volume of urine increases.
  • Increased thirst (polydipsia).
  • IN advanced cases serious mental disorders of the animal are observed: the cat may become inadequate, aggressive or completely apathetic.
  • Internal bleeding (especially in cats with advanced liver disease).

Drug treatment of anorexia

Problems such as loss of appetite should be addressed by a veterinarian. If necessary, he selects medications that help increase appetite. In this case, the pet owner will need to clearly control the amount and calorie content of food eaten. Your cat may also be prescribed B vitamins.

To make the food more tasty, try adding meat extract to it and heating the food (this will enhance its smell). However, this diet is not balanced, so you can give your cat this food for no more than 2-3 weeks.

If your anorexic cat is institutionalized, ask your veterinarian for permission to visit and feed her once or twice a day. Soothing words and affection from those your cat loves and trusts can help persuade her to accept food for the first time.

This first time is very important. It is difficult to persuade a cat to eat for the first time, but if she tries the food, it stimulates her brain center responsible for appetite, and the persistent aversion to food disappears. Interestingly, small doses of intravenous Valium can encourage a cat to eat.

The cat immediately approaches the food and begins to eat. When there is no hope left for other ways to attract a cat to food, this particular medicine is used. Valium tablets also stimulate appetite in cats. However, when long-term use drug, for example in the treatment of certain behavioral problems in cats that are obese.

Valium, therefore, is not a panacea for all ills and is used only for short-term treatment of anorexia. Identifying the causes of the disease is of paramount importance for successful treatment anorexia. If the cause is disease or dysfunction of internal organs, then treatment is necessary. However, if the cat emotional stress, then treatment consists of trying to alleviate the effects of stress.

The veterinarian always has an “extreme” option - feeding the animal using a tube. Extreme because additional stress and hospitalization do not contribute to recovery. If the pet’s condition allows it to wait, drugs that “awaken” or increase appetite are used as treatment:

  • Apilak is a drug made on the basis royal jelly bees Considered safe, indicated for people, including infants and nursing mothers. Contraindicated in cases of adrenal gland dysfunction and allergies to bee products.
  • Pernexin - contains B vitamins and substances that activate the liver. Considered safe and natural, prevents anemia.
  • Peritol is a drug containing substances that stimulate the production of serotonin and histamine, hormones responsible for the feeling of hunger.
  • Anabolic steroid and Insulin - guaranteed to increase appetite, but not used without prior examination.
  • Valium - in the form of tablets or injections, instantly awakens the appetite. Long-term treatment is not recommended.

If a cat suffering from anorexia is admitted to a veterinary hospital, then it is worth asking the veterinarian for permission to visit and feed it twice or at least once a day.

It is important to understand that the first meal of the day is extremely important for an anorexic cat. It is very difficult to persuade an animal to eat for the first time, but if she does try the food offered to her, this can excite the corresponding brain centers that are responsible for appetite. If they become agitated, the cat may lose its food aversion, approach the food, and start eating.

When there was no hope for other methods of attracting a cat to food, this method often turned out to be life-saving. In addition, the use of Valium can stimulate the appearance of appetite in cats. However, if this drug is used over a long period of time, as is sometimes the case when treating some behavioral problems, the cat may become obese.

Consequently, Valium is not at all a panacea for all occasions and can only be used for short-term treatment of anorexia. Essential for the treatment of anorexia has a professional identification of the causes of this disease. If its cause is dysfunction of internal organs or disease, the cat will require treatment.

Therapeutic measures

Treatment mainly depends on the underlying cause and is very individual. If primary disease severely neglected, or the cat’s condition is close to critical, he may have to be hospitalized. In milder cases, a gentle diet is prescribed, the components of which do not put additional stress on the liver.

Vitamins and preparations containing iron are often used (since the liver needs to be treated). If the cause of the pathology is a tumor or cyst that compresses bile ducts, it is unlikely to be possible to do without complex surgery. In Western veterinary clinics, blood transfusions are also constantly practiced for jaundice, but in our conditions this happens much less often, since there are no centralized blood banks for animals.

Prognosis and care for a sick animal

The prognosis for this disease mainly depends on the underlying cause and the proposed treatment. However, a proper diet, timely administration of medications, rest and supervision by a veterinarian will help your cat quickly restore its compromised health. Do not give medications or change their dosage without your veterinarian's approval.

Cats with liver failure They need careful care from their owners, as their condition is extremely serious. May be required at any time of the day or night urgent Care veterinarian If you see any signs of worsening, call a specialist immediately. This is especially true in cases where your pet's urine or feces have suddenly changed color.

It should be noted that in most cases full recovery can't be achieved. The consequences remain forever. Therefore, the diet of a cat after jaundice is extremely important. How is it characterized? Low amount of fat, balanced in all major minerals and vitamins... Simply put, inexperienced breeders would be better off purchasing special food for cats with kidney failure.

Sometimes situations arise when the cat loses its appetite. The reasons for this phenomenon can be very different - from poor-quality food to symptoms of certain diseases. As a rule, the situation can be solved by correcting the diet. However, in some cases the problem cannot be solved at home, which forces you to contact a veterinarian.

Eating problems

Sometimes owners don't pay attention special attention on what they feed their pet. If the diet is too monotonous, the question may later arise of what to do if the cat loses its appetite. Obviously, the animal can get tired of the same food over time, so the cat will be extremely reluctant to eat it. Then it is enough to introduce new components - feed or familiar homemade food.

Another problem is insufficiently high-quality products, for example, sausages, pates of dubious composition, cheap food from little-known manufacturers, etc. It is important to pay attention to the composition and, if necessary, consult a veterinarian. It is possible that even some normal foods are contraindicated for your cat due to their digestive system.

1. Nervous system disorders

This is another common reason why a cat has no appetite. Cats and cats are quite sensitive animals. They react to almost any significant change in lifestyle, and sometimes the pet’s reaction can be unpredictable. Obviously, some situations are likely to cause stress, which explains why my appetite has disappeared:

  • Moving to a new place. For example, a kitten that has been separated from a cat and settled in a new home is at risk.
  • Long, hours-long journey.
  • The arrival of a new pet.
  • Birth of a child.
  • Dangerous situations (for example, a fight with a cat, the threat of a dog attack, etc.).
  • Insufficient attention from the owner, conflict atmosphere.
  • Long-term absence of the owner (it is known that cats very often become attached to a specific person and do not like change).

IN in rare cases cats lose their appetite even because of harmless reasons– changing the bowl, changing the location of the toilet or rest area. Therefore, it is worth analyzing whether there were any significant changes the day before. If the reason for the loss of appetite is related to stress, it is necessary to give your pet as much attention as possible.

2. Food poisoning

Cats suffer from decreased appetite and as a result of obvious reasons related to eating disorders. As a rule, several symptoms are observed at once:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • loose stools;
  • general weakness of the animal;
  • loss of activity, drowsiness, etc.

If similar situation lasts more than a day, exhaustion is observed, it is better to contact a veterinary clinic: you will need to take medications.

3. Diseases

If your cat has lost his appetite and is lethargic, these may be symptoms of some disease.:

  • infections;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • development of benign or malignant tumors;
  • dysfunction of the liver, intestines or stomach;
  • oral diseases.

Such pathologies lead to anorexia ( complete absence appetite), which can lead to depletion of the body. Therefore, if your appetite has disappeared for no apparent reason. You should immediately contact a veterinary clinic for examination.

When there is no reason to worry

In some cases, the cat does not eat anything, quite understandably, objective reasons, For example:

  • change of season - if the cat is allowed outside, spring period he may eat less as his body adjusts to summer season: in addition, on the street the animal often finds other food;
  • poor appetite is observed during the breeding season, which also occurs in spring: the cat may become more aggressive, overexcited and lose significant weight;
  • strong changes in weather, pressure changes can also cause a loss of appetite: especially if the cat is already quite old;
  • finally, if the owner has washed the bowl chemical agent and carelessly did not completely wash off the residue, this also explains why the cat has a lack of appetite.

These causes represent a normal physiological reaction of the body and do not require any treatment. The loss of appetite in a cat in such cases lasts for several days, after which the animal consumes the usual daily amount of food and quickly gains weight to normal levels.

Thus, you should only worry in cases where other symptoms are added to the loss of appetite - for example, nausea, vomiting, lethargy for a period of time. long period time. It is possible that the cat has developed a stomach or intestinal disorder, so an urgent consultation with a veterinarian will be required.

In one of our articles, we looked at how you can convince a cat to eat if it refuses food. Were considered the most soft methods stimulating the cat's appetite, such as finger feeding, as well as all kinds of cat temptations.

However, it also happens that a cat does not want to eat despite any tricks.

And even if the owner shoves some food into her mouth and forces her to swallow it, this does not change anything in the general situation, and the cat still refuses to eat. As a result, the owner again has to push food into the cat, and so on, in a vicious circle. What to do in this case?

Most likely, such a persistent refusal to eat indicates that the cat has some kind of serious illness. In this case, the animal needs to be taken to a veterinarian without delaying the matter. It should be remembered that if a cat has excess fat deposits, then prolonged refusal to eat can lead the animal to fatty hepatosis. By the way, many may have noticed this mechanism in humans, so obese people on a diet are prescribed taurine (usually Dibikor tablets), which can improve blood flow to the liver and prevent the development of fatty hepatosis.

Felinologists and scientists from Cornwall University conducted a survey among veterinarians, which showed that about four hundred and fifty diseases can lead to a cat refusing to eat! Below we present those that are the most common cause cat's refusal to eat.

Stomach diseases are the cause of loss of appetite.

Hyperacid gastritis(irritable stomach). In this case, the cat can be helped by antacids used by people, which are injected into the animal through the mouth using a syringe. Usually this is the drug "Almagel". It is important to note that before you feed your cat this or that drug using a syringe, you must first learn how to do it correctly. To do this, you can ask your veterinarian to show you how to do it, or familiarize yourself with the syringe feeding technique on our website, where it has been discussed in great detail. Remember that trying to feed a cat with a syringe “anyhow” can end in big problems and even the death of the pet.

Anemia. This diagnosis can only be made veterinarian and only after a blood test.

Feline anorexia. If a cat refuses to eat for a long time, it may become a victim of this disorder. discourages the pet from wanting to eat, so the owner will have to available methods stimulate this desire in the cat. These methods have been covered in detail in one of our articles, which can be found on the website. Another method of stimulating appetite can be taking lactobacilli.

The most common of these among cat owners is taking bifidumbacterin.

To do this, you need to take one bottle of bifidumbacterin powder and dilute it boiled water and shake well. Then, without waiting for sediment to appear, pour liquid preparation spoon or put it into a syringe and feed it to the cat. Usually, one bottle is enough for a cat for one day, which is divided into two or three doses and given to the animal about half an hour before the intended feeding.

Antibiotics. Some individuals who have been prescribed antibiotics lose their appetite. The fact is that taking these drugs changes the natural flora of the gastrointestinal tract and can lead to loss of appetite.

Therefore, if a cat is treated with antibiotics, it needs exactly the same prevention of dysbiosis as a person.

Therefore, the cat needs to take prebiotics and probiotics. For example, you can offer the above-mentioned bifidumbacterin, but you can also resort to more complex schemes, for example, a combination of drugs such as Linex + Hilak Forte + Zubikor. Many cats like Hilak Forte so much that they lick it directly from a spoon or from the palm of their hand (however, the same can be said about bifidumbacterin, which animals can lick even in dry, undiluted form). By the way, it is worth noting that the Canadian dry food “Go Natural” sold by us initially contains all the pro- and prebiotics that the cat’s body needs. Alternatively, the doctor may replace the antibiotic with another one. However, such a decision can only be made by a veterinarian, and it will be more effective in combination with the methods described above.

Cancer. In this case, you can only resort, if possible, to more surgical treatment.

Diabetes. If you return your sugar level to normal level, this may help restore your appetite.

Heart diseases. Some of them, such as cardiomyopathy, cause shortness of breath, swelling and difficulty in the cat while eating.

Dehydration. As a rule, indicates a serious illness. As a result of dehydration, saliva production decreases and water balance is disrupted. Intravenous infusions of solutions are required.

Chronic constipation. Correction of pet's diet is required, correction intestinal microflora, reception olive oil and switching to wet food.

Disorders of the thyroid gland. Can also lead to lack of appetite.

Jaw problems. These include tumors, jaw cracks and fractures.

Kidney diseases. In this case, due to dysfunction of this organ, an excess of toxins may occur and, as a result, nausea and even vomiting.

Inflammation of the upper respiratory tract and paranasal sinuses. Due to inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, the cat may lose its sense of smell and not perceive food in the usual way.

Problems with the throat such as tumors, ulcers and inflammation. Veterinary intervention is required.

Consequently, if the cat could not be seduced by any other method, you can suspect that it has one or another disease and, without postponing the matter “for later,” consult a veterinarian.

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Lack of appetite in a cat is always associated with the presence of some disease. Ignore similar phenomenon is fraught with progression of the disease for the pet.

Anorexia and lack of appetite in a cat

Anorexia is life-threatening for a cat.

Anorexia in most cases does not come alone, it is always present additional signs inherent in one or another pathological process.

The causes of anorexia can be:

Lack of appetite cannot be ignored. If anorexia occurs, the help of a veterinarian is necessary.

Symptoms and elimination of causes

Drug treatment: febtal, polyvercan, dirofen, profender, troncil K, pyrantel, canikquantel, prazitel.

Diabetes mellitus

Diabetes mellitus manifests itself increased thirst.

Diabetes mellitus is manifested by increased thirst, increased amount of urine, and gait disturbance.

  1. The animal stands on its entire foot and at the same time walks, staggering.
  2. Lethargy, weakness, apathy, the skin takes on the appearance of “transparency.”
  3. You can smell acetone from the mouth.
  4. The main method of help is considered to be a gentle diet with low content carbohydrates.
  5. In addition, the pet needs insulin, the dose of which is calculated exclusively by the doctor.

Kidney failure

Kidney failure is characterized general weakness.

Kidney failure is characterized by increased thirst, general weakness, and vomiting.

  • Treated by influence on the occurrence factor hormone therapy, antibiotics.
  • Cleanses the body of toxins – intestinal dialysis, forced diuresis, blood purification.
  • Supportive help – diet, heart medications, hemostatic drugs, control of mineral metabolism.


The presence of glomerulonephritis is accompanied by pain in the lumbar region and sides.

Increased temperature, oliguria. There is blood and protein in the urine. Presence of shortness of breath, arterial hypertension, swelling, ascites, vomiting, general weakness.

  • Treatment is in animal isolation , providing comfortable conditions with avoidance of hypothermia, diet.
  • Medication assistance : antibiotics in the form of ampiox, oxacillin, cephalosporin. Aminoglycosides, multivitamins, tocopherol, ascorbic acid.
  • Fotum, kefzol, claforan, palin, and sulfonamide drugs are also recommended.

The presence of glomerulonephritis is accompanied by an increase in temperature.


Anemia is accompanied by lethargy, chronic fatigue, pallor of visible mucous membranes, rapid heartbeat, digestive system disorder.

Anemia is accompanied by lethargy.

All types of anemia are eliminated through the use of replacement therapy, which is aimed at restoring the level of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood. Iron, cobalt, and copper preparations are recommended. Purpose of B vitamins. The diet is supplemented meat products, liver.

Dental problems

The presence of dental problems can be noticed when an animal constantly rubs its face with its paw, there is bad smell from the oral cavity, gums are inflamed. Teeth become yellow.

An unpleasant odor from the mouth indicates dental problems.

The animal is aggressive, constantly meows, periodically opens and closes its mouth.

The first step is to switch your cat to soft or liquid food. Treatment is then carried out according to the specific dental or oral disease.

Tartar in a cat.


With pancreatitis, there is progressive vomiting, possible diarrhea with a “sour” odor, lethargy, tachycardia, and shallow breathing.

With pancreatitis, progressive vomiting is present.

Feverish conditions, painful stomach, yellowness of the mucous membranes. Eliminated through symptomatic therapy - antiemetic drugs, cardiac medications, intravenous infusion of glucose or other saline solution. A light diet is required.


Anorexia occurs with the development of leukemia.

  • Additional signs include disorders of the digestive system - diarrhea, vomiting.
  • Fever, decreased activity, depression, swollen lymph nodes.
  • Possible cough, nasal and eye discharge.

With leukemia, a cough is possible.

Help is exclusively symptomatic, aimed at maintaining the general condition of the pet and stopping the spread of infection. Universal scheme there is no treatment. The support complex is developed individually for each animal.

The main symptoms of intestinal irritation due to inflammatory processes manifest themselves in the form of vomiting.

  • Additional indicators may be general depression and lethargy.
  • The cat may be overly aggressive due to strong pain syndrome, constant nausea. Secondary signs There may be cardiac disorders - difficulty breathing, rapid pulse.

Therapy is made up of dietary nutrition and medicines. Medical care consists of prescribing corticosteroids - prednisolone. It is possible to use this drug. Acceptable medications : metronidazole, tylosin.

Long-term use of medications

Long-term use medicines often accompanied by intoxication of the body and, as a consequence, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. To eliminate this factor It will be enough to stop taking the medications and give the cat plenty of water.

Cats are quite mysterious and capricious creatures. They only do what they like. They come only if they themselves want it, and not when they are asked to do so. Cats will never eat everything from their plate; they are very picky and picky about their food. But sometimes cats may refuse the available food due to decreased appetite. And we will try to understand the reasons why our cats may lose their appetite in this article.

Decreased appetite.

There are a couple of reasons why cats lose their appetite. In first place is the symptom of the disease, in second place is natural process. Let's take a closer look at the second version of refusing to eat. Cats are natural predators and getters by nature, and by the rules environment cats are subject to a predator-dominated nutritional structure. And it is likely that your pet’s refusal of the usual food is due to the fact that he is already completely fed up with the available prey. This behavior is typical for animals that live in private homes and have free access to walk outside. This reason This is not a cause for concern at all, since the cat will soon return to its normal appetite, and it will empty its own plate with great pleasure.

Reason for decreased appetite

It is relatively easy to restore your cat's appetite. So, for example, it is really possible to return a cat’s desire for food by offering her her favorite treat. You can use foods with a characteristic aroma that strongly stimulates appetite as food. For such purposes, tuna or sardine are perfect, since it has long been noted that it is precisely this kind of fish that is especially irritating. taste buds cats There is also a natural appetite stimulant for cats. This is catnip. A significant concentration of vitamin B in food also leads to an increase in your pet’s appetite. You can try using the appetite stimulants your veterinarian suggests. And it’s best to create real hunting conditions for your cat, for example, by hanging a small piece of her favorite delicacy, which in turn will awaken her inherent hunting instincts, and therefore increase her appetite.

Improved appetite.

A timely reaction to changes associated with a sharp absence or increase in your cat’s appetite will help to for a long time protect the health of your loved one four-legged friend and will provide a chance to promptly identify the emerging disease!