The dog is not eating well, what should I do? Lack of appetite in a dog: what to do if your dog has a poor appetite

This problem is familiar to every owner who loves his pet. For some, the lack of appetite and refusal to eat is very upsetting, for others it makes them nervous, and for others it forces them to quickly look for a way out. Let's try to understand the situation.

On forums, dog owners are advised to immediately take the animal to the veterinarian. But if, in addition to lack of appetite, other alarming symptoms If your pet doesn’t show signs of behavior, then it’s probably worth watching him and trying to figure out on your own why he’s refusing food. As practice shows, refusing to eat a pet is not a serious cause for concern for the owner.

In such cases, experienced dog breeders suggest not to feel sorry for the dog by changing its food or trying to feed it by hand, but simply skip one feeding.

Have you prepared fresh porridge, placed the food in its usual feeding place, the dog sniffed and walked away? Wait 10 minutes. If the dog does not change his mind, remove the bowl. Dogs are usually trained to be fed twice a day. Then reheat the porridge prepared in the morning and give it to the dog in the evening. You should not do him any favors by replacing the porridge with another food, especially with his favorite food. Did your dog eat half of the food offered? Then the next day, reduce her usual one-time dose, again, by half. But if she has an appetite, give her more. That is, in this case, refusal to eat is the norm. Sometimes we don’t feel like eating, and we skip the traditional lunch or dinner. This happens in dogs too.

If the owner of the dog is a woman, then it often happens that she leaves the food that the animal has refused for the whole day. Then the dog can eat a little from the bowl all day long, and the owner adds food. He gets used to this regime, and his appetite will be completely unpredictable. Experienced dog breeders categorically do not recommend doing this. The diet must be observed and not violated, following the whims of your pupil.

Lack of appetite throughout the day in a puppy with playfulness and good mood should not cause concern to its owner. Most often, the dog will eat in the evening, catching up on lost time. But you should not increase his portion of food as compensation for a missed meal.

Puppies, and more often adults, do not want to eat due to low physical activity. So walk your dog longer than usual, play games, run outside. Moderate loads perfectly stimulate appetite and improve health. It's simple and effective way solving the problem.

The second method is to eat fish. The dogs love her. And if this product was not in your pet’s diet, then try preparing him a dinner with seafood. You can add a few sprat fish to the porridge or offer it before eating the main dish.

The third way to solve the problem is to replace the usual cereal or mix several types of it. Perhaps your dog's diet is too monotonous? Surely you wouldn’t want to eat at once again the same food. Try to make your pet's menu more varied.

There is another way to increase your dog's appetite. It is not entirely traditional and is rather a competitive method. In front of the dog, give the bowl with its food to another dog or cat. The reaction may be violent, so better hold your starving friend. The method works in most cases. Who would want to share their rations with others?

A pet's lack of appetite is not always causeless. If he has tired look, constantly hot nose, he has not eaten for two days, it is still recommended to consult a veterinarian. Perhaps the cause of the problem was broken teeth, sore gums, ear infections, allergies, stomach ulcers, even tumors. Only a doctor can determine the exact reason for not eating.

Many bitches' appetite decreases or disappears altogether during heat. Puppies refuse food when they are teething. Hot weather worsens food cravings in almost all dogs. In return, they start drinking more.

And there are also naturally capricious dogs who flatly refuse certain types food. Find out what your dog’s parents’ attitude towards food was, if possible. U purebred dogs Pickiness about food, like in humans, is inherited.

Dogs are animals with high mental organization. There are a lot of nuances in their behavior, which are often not always clear. inexperienced owners. Most dog lovers believe that if a dog has wet nose, she is healthy, but if her nose is dry or cold, then she is sick. The same goes for food: if your pet eats a lot, everything is fine with him. And if a dog refuses to eat, there is something wrong with him. In fact, refusal to eat is a symptom of almost all diseases, but a dog’s illness as a cause of refusal to eat is less likely than other causes of a temporary canine “hunger strike.” The reasons may be psychological, hormonal, physiological.

Why does a dog refuse to eat?

The animal eats little or not at all in the following cases:

It doesn't feel hungry. This is the most common explanation, which for some reason rarely occurs to the owner. The dog simply may not be hungry at the start of feeding, because he has not yet spent the calories he received. Dogs eat little in the heat, when there is no energy expenditure to heat the body. They also eat less during normal eating behavior after a short, inactive walk that was not energy-intensive.

He doesn't like food. Constantly given food day after day, especially industrial food, eventually gets boring for the dog; it eats it reluctantly and in small quantities. Or refusal to eat is a reaction to a change in food. Often a dog refuses to eat dry food when switching from natural feeding. In this case, “drying” is made attractive by adding pieces of boiled meat, fermented baked milk, and cottage cheese to it. Sometimes the dog feels something is wrong with the food and refuses to eat it. Dogs are good at detecting chemical additives introduced into products to increase their shelf life. Some of the additives are repulsive to dogs.

Experiencing psychological discomfort. Dogs often refuse food when kept in a pet hotel after moving to new home, after a change of owner, when a new family member or a new pet appears. In short, stress, anxiety, and fear in dogs cause disorders eating behavior, like people. In mild cases of psychological disorder, appetite is restored on its own on the second or third day after the occurrence of a stressful situation. At severe course the animal is prescribed sedatives veterinary use on natural basis, no salt. Even if they do not help, then the help of a professional dog handler is required.

The sexual instinct has become more acute. Bitches in heat, especially in hers active phase, almost always eat little or refuse to eat at all. A newly mated bitch may also go on a hunger strike for a short period of time. Males also eat little during the rutting period: sexual instincts “clog” food instincts. Therefore, in the spring and autumn, when the females around en masse come into a state of hunting, the males even lose weight. This is a natural phenomenon that goes away on its own. If a dog has a hard time with the rutting period, loses a lot of weight, loses hair, behaves uncontrollably, and is unbreeding, then it is recommended to castrate it to straighten it out. hormonal levels. Healthy dogs The operation is easily tolerated and does not in any way affect hunting, guarding, security, riding, sports and other qualities.

It feels bad. This does not necessarily mean illness or death. Just a one-time deterioration in health or Bad mood(yes, dogs also have mood swings). This often happens when heatstroke when the dog refuses to eat and drinks a lot. Damage oral cavity, overeating the day before and discomfort in the intestines due to this, the period of changing teeth lead to a refusal of solid food. During this period, you need to offer the dog soft wet food. Even if the dog refuses them, then you should wait a couple of days. A short-term hunger strike does not have a negative effect on the dog. In nature, canines easily and without harm to health can go without food for several days, and without food - up to several weeks.

It got sick. Whatever the cause of the disease - poisoning, injury, bacteria, viruses, fungi, eye injuries, protozoa, helminths - it leads to loss of appetite. Sometimes he even refuses water (if he drinks a lot of water, then go here). Much reluctance to drink more dangerous than refusal from food, because it quickly leads to dehydration and death of the animal. In any case, the dog should be examined by a veterinarian as soon as possible.

Delay may result in lost time for treatment, and the animal will either remain disabled or die. In case of poisoning and bites by snakes and a number of insects, the owner has up to several hours to deliver the dog to the veterinarian, then irreversible processes of intoxication of the tissues and brain begin.

If a puppy refuses to eat

A pregnant dog usually refuses to eat before giving birth. During this period, behavior changes significantly; the owner can use it to predict the onset of labor. The dog stops eating and drinks little a few days before whelping; it may have one-time vomiting or one-time diarrhea (as they say, “the body is cleansing itself”) while maintaining vigor and mobility.

The bitch makes a nest, grows half-length, brings rags to the chosen place, and can pluck the fur from her belly, freeing her nipples. Some hide food near the nest. Before giving birth, her milk bags swell and colostrum may ooze from her nipples. The temperature before childbirth drops by 1.5-2 degrees - to 36.6-38 degrees. The bitch urinates frequently and constantly licks herself as her amniotic fluid begins to leak. A manifestation of territorial aggression is possible, which then transforms into maternal aggression.

If the puppy refuses to eat, she will experience following symptoms: vomiting, diarrhea, a sharp jump in temperature in any direction, lethargy, the puppies stop moving, loss of consciousness, whining, severe anxiety, difficulty swallowing, bloody or purulent discharge from the loop, it needs to be shown to a veterinarian immediately. Delay may lead to intrauterine death litter, beginning premature birth, uterine bleeding and the death of the bitch.

What should the owner do?

Here's what an owner needs to do when a dog is on hunger strike:

Observe the animal, note how much the dog drinks, how it behaves, what kind of stool it has, how it urinates.

  1. It should also be noted whether the dog has any suspicious discharge, whether the temperature changes sharply, or whether there are seizures. If there is any sign of poisoning or illness, you should seek medical attention. veterinary care.
  2. If the reason for refusing to eat is that the dog does not like the food, then it is worth making it more attractive with the help of meat, kefir, cottage cheese, and fish.
  3. If the reason is to prepare the bitch for childbirth, then you should not force her to eat - this will cause vomiting. Refusal to eat before childbirth is a natural phenomenon.
  4. If the reason is a change in sexual behavior, then there is also no need to intervene. If a dog drinks enough, then its body will normally cope with a temporary lack of nutrition.
  5. If a dog refuses to eat due to illness, there is no need to force feed it. Make sure your dog drinks water. In extreme cases, it is allowed to bleed the dog from a syringe without a needle to avoid dehydration.

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    Porridge with various additives 46%, 7472 vote

Owners of four-legged pets are often faced with a situation where the dog does not eat anything. For a caring owner, such pet behavior causes fear and additional anxiety. When a dog doesn’t eat anything and lies staring at one point, of course, this raises concerns. It seems that the worst has happened and the consequences could be dire. Some especially impressionable owners immediately mentally begin to say goodbye to their pet. Of course, you shouldn’t go to such extremes; this won’t help your cause, but will only upset you. In reality, everything is not as tragic as it seems at first glance. There is no need to aggravate the situation with negative thoughts. You shouldn’t set yourself up for the bad in advance.

If a dog does not eat anything, it is not necessarily due to illness. There are other reasons. In fact, there are a great many reasons for giving up your favorite food: dental problems, ear diseases, pain of various etiologies, stomach ulcer, consequence long-term use certain drugs. To understand why a dog doesn’t eat anything, you need to observe it for some time and, if necessary, visit a veterinarian.

Condition of the eyes and nose

This is the first thing to check if your pet refuses usual diet. As a rule, problems are visible to the naked eye. If there are any inflammations or disorders, it will be necessary to treat them, and not try to induce appetite in the animal by all means. If all signs indicate the development of the disease, you should contact veterinarian, and not invent additional worries for yourself. Otherwise, you can screw yourself up so much that you have to save the owner, not the dog.

Oral health

Sometimes a four-legged friend simply cannot chew food well due to the fact that there are numerous ulcers and wounds in the mouth. Unhealthy teeth also prevent you from fully enjoying life. The animal suffers, suffers, but cannot tell a person out loud about its ailments. If the dog does not eat anything for this reason, it is necessary to determine the condition of the oral cavity as soon as possible. As a rule, this kind of ailment is treated easily and simply. There is nothing terrible or deadly about them.

Time period

You should not immediately sound the alarm if your beloved pet simply refuses food and still feels normal. When saved motor activity, other signs of health, and a visual examination revealed nothing suspicious, which means nothing serious is happening. Possibly due to excessive heat.

Don't forget to give your pet something to drink as much as possible. more water- it must always be fresh and available to the animal. You should start to worry when your furry friend already misses the second or third feeding and at the same time his condition is rapidly deteriorating. But, as a rule, serious violations become apparent in less than six hours.

Behavioral signs

When your dog is not eating, observe other signs of his activity. Does the animal express some degree of anxiety? Does he suffer from thirst, tension in his stomach? If these symptoms are present, you need to start symptomatic treatment. In each specific case, there must be a different approach to getting rid of the pet’s suffering. But you shouldn’t rush things or make premature diagnoses. This way you will not help your pet. You can eliminate behavioral signs when you know exactly what’s wrong.

Change food

If you notice that your dog is lethargic and does not eat anything after certain industrial feed, think about it. Perhaps you should change the brand or choose altogether natural products. High-quality feeding is the key to your pet’s health. Change if you know you are not giving her very fresh food. Do not skimp on the health of your friend, who is so selflessly devoted to you! You should not feed your animal scraps from your table. Much of what a person calmly consumes as food is contraindicated for tailed friends.

Buying cheap food will sooner or later lead to irreparable consequences. They contain too many dyes and preservatives, there are no natural ingredients. By reconsidering the issue of nutrition, you can confidently say that you are feeding your pet correctly and in a balanced manner.

When to contact a veterinarian

If the situation has been repeated for more than one day, and the dog does not eat anything, only drinks, it means that in fact there are serious violations. The animal needs help as soon as possible. Your pet's health may be affected by exposure to various factors. What you really need to remember is that you cannot delay getting veterinary help. It is highly undesirable to force an animal to suffer without taking any decisive steps to correct the situation. You wouldn't allow yourself to suffer from elevated temperature to your own child? Then why should the animal suffer? Remember that by accepting a tailed pet into your home, you have already taken responsibility for it.

You should contact the veterinarian if the dog does not eat anything, just lies and drinks. If all your attempts to bring your pet to his senses, he does not react properly, then things are really bad. You need to visit a specialist immediately and the sooner the better. Remember that it is much more difficult to treat the consequences than to eliminate the cause of the disease. If you can’t see a doctor right now, try to alleviate the condition of your four-legged friend. You should give him something to drink as often as possible, since dehydration can have serious consequences.

Blood test

This one is simple medical procedure can show whether your pet is really sick. When you contact your veterinarian, insist that your dog have a blood test. This action for a competent doctor it will take less than a minute, but it will show actual condition animal. It is through a blood test that major diseases, including those of an infectious nature, can be determined.

Do not leave the clinic until you achieve a satisfactory result. If for some unknown reason you are refused in one place, then you should try your luck in another. Don't give up, fight for the health of your furry friend.

X-ray of internal organs

This manipulation is resorted to when there is reason to suspect something is wrong. Sometimes young dogs accidentally swallow objects on the street. In case of problems with internal organs, an x-ray will also show any changes. You should not be afraid of this procedure, you just need to prepare your pet for it, do everything necessary so that he does not have to feel additional discomfort. As a rule, the dog is kept on a leash and is present during the examination itself. If your dog is too nervous, you should calm him down first. Otherwise, due to constant movement, diagnostic results may be inaccurate.

Ultrasound examination

It passes quickly and allows you to identify any irregularities in operation. internal organs. Ultrasound examination, as a rule, is carried out on an empty stomach. If the dog refuses food for twelve hours or more, then special training it won't even be necessary. The results of the study can be considered fully reliable if you contacted a qualified specialist. Believe me, it’s better to go to one more time to pay money and make sure complete absence any pathologies, rather than suffer in ignorance and constantly worry about the health of the animal.

Attentive attitude

When a dog gets sick and doesn't eat anything, caring owner starts to worry. And indeed, in many cases there is every reason to be alarmed. The most disappointing thoughts immediately begin to creep into your head. To overcome them, you need to make significant efforts on yourself. After all, you want to give your pet everything it needs so that it will delight you for many years.

Paying attention to your four-legged friend can work wonders. Just be there, say kind, affectionate words more often. Be sure to pet your pet and look him in the eyes. Let him feel your care and support. There are cases when, even if there is serious illnesses the animals recovered, feeling the sincere love and care of the owner.

Don't force feed

When your dog isn't feeling well, the worst thing you can do is try to force food into his mouth against his will. No one will like this attitude towards themselves. Most often, the animal tries to free itself and run away, gathering its remaining strength. Don't force feed, it can only make things worse. If the dog doesn’t eat anything and you don’t know what to do, it’s better to leave it alone for a while. No one likes to be treated like an inanimate object. Listen to the dog's condition. As a rule, this helps to find right decision. Sometimes sleep promotes recovery: it strengthens nervous system, significantly relaxes. In some cases, improvement occurs within a few hours.

Thus, there are many reasons why a dog may categorically refuse food. The owner should be vigilant, but not needlessly stress himself out. It is better to visit the veterinary hospital one more time than to hope for a lucky break. Remember that in some cases, delay can have a detrimental effect on your pet's health. Having a four-legged friend, a person must accept full responsibility for his health, nutrition and general well-being.

What worries owners most is the incomprehensible health-related behavior of their beloved pet. Sometimes you have to go through a hunger strike from your four-legged friend. The reasons for a dog’s refusal to eat can be different - unloved food, poor health, melancholy, and sometimes even cunning. But when, apart from refusing food, there is no visible reasons, there are grounds for worry. What's happened? Should I sound the alarm and run to the doctor? It is necessary to analyze the situation. Find out what your opt-out options are?

Natural reasons for refusing food

Think about it, how do you assess your pet's appetite? If the opinion is based on the indicators indicated on the food packaging, or comparison with other dogs, then this approach is wrong. Each animal is individual. One is ready to eat all the time, the other dog is cunning and asks for food from the owner’s plate. Of course, if you have had your dog for a long time, you may see drastic changes. So think about what has changed recently.

  • Maybe they changed the food or added new vitamins? Then you should return to the old diet or wait a little so that the animal gets used to it. There is no need to worry about variety in food - dogs do well with monotonous, balanced food.
  • Four-legged friend experiencing stressful situation, may also go on a hunger strike. For example, if one of the family members went on a business trip or to study, the animal may feel sad. Yes, a dog can refuse to eat because it misses its owner.
  • Many dogs especially small breeds They are afraid of aggression from owners and animals on the street, which can also affect their appetite. In this case, reconsider your behavior and try to minimize contact with strangers.
  • In addition, the dog may exhibit nervous behavior during a move or change of residence. A new unfamiliar place, as a rule, does not bring peace to anyone. Refusal to eat is a consequence of finding yourself in an unfamiliar environment. Support your pet: devote more time to him.
  • Due to changes in the body of a female dog during heat, she sometimes loses her appetite. The problem will go away on its own if you exclude diseases genitourinary system. Take a closer look at how things are going with the toilet.
  • Hot weather and regime failure (the animal is accustomed to eating in certain time) is also a reason.
  • Sometimes a dog may lose its appetite after vaccinations, this is temporary, do not panic.
  • If you have a growing puppy, his food preferences may change from time to time.
  • For a puppy, the reason for refusing to eat may be hard food, as the baby’s teeth are changing.

Dangerous situations when a dog is on hunger strike

When to sound the alarm if your dog doesn't eat? Healthy pet With good appetite abruptly refuses food, but there are no apparent reasons - you need to urgently contact a veterinarian. Especially if these are puppies or old dogs. Keep in mind, dogs often hide poor condition health. For depression and illness poor appetite- the first sign. The best option is to entrust a specialist to find out the reason for the dog’s refusal to eat. The veterinarian needs to be told about all changes in the pet’s behavior; any observations may be useful. An experienced doctor will be able to give preliminary conclusion that will help you cope with the situation. But sometimes things are serious.

Variants of diseases that cause food refusal in dogs

  • Poisoning. Diseases digestive system often occur if the animal has eaten low-quality food. Vomiting often occurs loose stool. You need to carefully monitor during walks so that your pet does not pick up anything from the ground. Difficult, but necessary.
  • Worms- time bomb. They poison the body and can cause loss of interest in food. As a rule, lethargy, thinness (leanness), dull coat. It is necessary to begin treatment immediately as prescribed by the doctor.
  • Oral diseases cause pain and make eating difficult. It is easier for a dog to refuse food after small attempts than to endure the pain of chewing and getting food into the mouth. It is important to take care of your pet's teeth to prevent this from happening. (see article on how to brush your dog's teeth)
  • Injuries internal organs are especially dangerous. If, along with refusing food, feeling unwell, you will see blood in the stool - an SOS signal. You need to act immediately!
  • Ear infections They can also provoke a hunger strike, especially refusal of solid food. Often ear diseases associated with allergic reactions.
  • The situation is dangerous if the dog - nursing mother. Starvation can cause mastitis, or inflammation associated with the birth of puppies. As a rule, the condition is accompanied by elevated temperature.

This is a minimum of diseases that cause food refusal. If the reason for your dog's hunger strike is unknown to you, you need to carefully monitor the animal's condition. Pay attention to stool, urination, fluid intake, breathing, activity, rectal temperature. Any manifestations require urgent contact with a veterinarian! Best option- see a doctor without delay, go necessary research and determine the cause. Often the disease manifests itself slowly.

However, if you have complete confidence in your health adult dog, then here are some tips on how to feed a fussy eater. Try to establish a diet and feed the animal at a certain time. Don't offer pieces from the table. The dog must move - provide long walks with physical activity.

An animal may not like some food, for example, vegetables. Good option separate power supply. Try reducing the amount of food you eat by 10-20%. Not all breeders understand that they feed their pets, and four-legged animals are forced to do fasting days.

Pay close attention to the health of your pets. Symptoms such as food refusal may result in big trouble, hazardous to health. It is better to go to the doctor by mistake than to bite your elbows later. Let your pets be healthy!


A dog can lose its appetite for a variety of reasons. She may simply be mischievous, or she may become seriously ill.

Very often it is harmfulness that becomes the reason for refusing food. This happens when the dog does not like what the owner offers it. This can happen when the puppy is overfed. She cannot eat the whole portion, and chooses only the most delicious pieces from it. This habit becomes fixed over time, and the dog becomes capricious and picky about food.

If a dog does not touch food for more than a day, then there is already cause for alarm. At this point, the reason why the dog is not eating should be established as quickly and accurately as possible.

Several Possible Reasons

Maybe you left your dog alone for a long time, and it got upset with you. This happens very often. This happens due to stress, if the dog was transported from one place to another. Very loud noise can also scare the animal (firecrackers, thunder, etc.). Here only the weasel acts as the owner's assistant. You should pet and play with the dog. During games, she forgets about all her problems. If you're healthy.

Refusal for medical reasons

There can be many medical reasons.

In any case, if a dog refuses food, it should not be shouted at, stomped on or forced. Only affection will help you. If the reason is psychological, then you can handle it just fine. But if your dog is sick, don’t waste time and take him to the doctor.