What to do if a puppy bites someone running. Tips for caring owners on how to stop a puppy from biting. What to do if your puppy bites

Quite often, owners of small puppies have the following problem: the puppy bites hands, hunts for the owners’ legs, grabs clothes, etc. People, especially inexperienced ones, are, of course, worried about this: what will grow out of this, how normal the behavior is, when it will stop and whether it will stop at all. The concerns are fair: without proper upbringing, the puppy will eventually grow into a very unpleasant adult who will exhibit aggressive behavior towards people, even towards its own owners (the dog usually does not suspect that the owners are people, and feels great in the role of master of the situation .)

It should be noted that this behavior is absolutely normal for 2 one month old baby, namely at this age it is better to buy a puppy. He just doesn't know how to play differently. This is exactly how littermates play with each other, with biting, and also play with their mother, and their mother with them. With healthy curiosity, he gets to know the world by heart. In addition, his teeth are changing, so he happily chews not only toys, but also tries everything that comes into view.

However, such behavior is absolutely unacceptable towards a person. Therefore, it must be stopped from the very first day the puppy appears in the house. The easiest (and most humane) way is to switch the baby to a toy, slipping it every time he tries to grab his hand. But not every puppy will be satisfied with such a replacement; many will try to grab the hand.

There are many recommendations on how to behave in such a situation. A very popular method: smack a puppy on the nose with a newspaper. Using it is fraught with the fact that the puppy may in the future be afraid of objects and swings. If in the future it is planned to train the dog for protective guard duty, then it is better not to risk it.

It is also often recommended to squeal, imitating littermates. Indeed, puppies do not yet know how to calculate the strength of their bite, and it is the reaction of their littermate that tells them that the bite was too strong. But for people the recommendation is very dubious. Firstly, it is difficult for a person to imitate the squeal of puppies; as a rule, the puppy simply gives an indicative reaction to a new unexpected sound, i.e. he stops, but does not draw conclusions about the strength of the bite. But the main thing: if the imitation was successful, the person puts himself in the position of a weaker littermate, whom he can bite, although not very hard. This is hardly the goal that a person sets for himself when getting a dog.

The puppy likes to hunt for the hand. Therefore, it is necessary to make it uninteresting as an object of hunting. A person should not withdraw his hand or cry out like prey. When the puppy grabs your hand, you need to stop playing, look sternly at the puppy and firmly say “no”. The voice should have a lower timbre. At the same time, you can try to make it unpleasant for your hand to be in your mouth. To do this, you can push your fingers slightly deeper so that the puppy spits them out on his own. Pre-treatment Hand holding something tasteless will also help solve the problem. To prevent sharp teeth from scratching your hand, you can put on gloves before going to play with the puppy.

It is important not to neglect the problem, otherwise after a few months it will be difficult to explain to an adult dog why you should not grab your hands. In addition, of course, a puppy of any breed needs to be trained from the first day of being at home. Impeccable obedience in an adult dog begins in puppyhood.

By getting a dog, a person takes responsibility for the animal’s life and its habits. That's why little puppy you need to start training soon after he arrives in the family. You should be especially careful about your pet’s habit of biting, as it can manifest itself at a more mature age, when the animal’s teeth become stronger and respect for people disappears. From this article you will learn how to stop a dog from biting, as well as the features of working with adults.

Little puppies, just like human children, explore the world and learn new skills through play. Reaching one month old, the dogs begin to fight among themselves, biting, growling and barking. After weaning from its mother, the puppy continues to train its first play skills, using them on toys, surrounding objects, and even people. Over time, the pet develops the ability to attack moving objects: a rolling ball, a toy or the owner’s legs and chew them. Before this behavior becomes a habit, a person must learn how to stop a dog from biting hands. Although this process is quite lengthy and requires some effort, it will avoid many troubles in the future.

After two months, the puppy’s teeth become sharp and its jaws become strong. While playing, he grabs a person’s hands, thereby causing pain. To prevent this from happening, you should follow certain rules when playing with your pet:

  1. At the moment when the puppy begins to bite, he needs to be distracted with some object: a toy, a stick, and so on.
  2. There is no need to accustom your dog to games in which he bites a person’s hands. Instead, it is better to give your pet a cloth or toy.
  3. If the puppy persistently tries to bite the hand, you need to show him your displeasure or lightly punish him.

The reasons why adult dogs bite can be varied. Blame aggressive behavior becomes the character of an animal or genetic predisposition in dogs fighting breeds. In any case, it is necessary to wean the dog from this habit starting from the very beginning. early age. If the owner cannot do this on his own, he should seek help from a specialist dog handler.

Sometimes an adult dog, without realizing it, bites a person during play. This lack of awareness can have consequences if the dog accidentally grabs small child or the bite will be too strong. For this reason, it is very important to nip such games in the bud, because we are talking about psychological and physical health people.

It is important that the animal learns the rule: biting the owner is unacceptable.

We teach your pet not to bite from childhood

Games in which the puppy catches up with a person, grabbing his arms, legs, or trying to grab his face or jump on top, make the pet feel his superiority. For this reason, they should not be allowed. You need to immediately fasten the animal to the collar and pull it back, thereby making it clear that such behavior is unacceptable.

How to stop a dog from biting hands if such a habit has already formed? Such cases must be stopped categorically. When your pet starts to grab people with its teeth, you should lightly slap it in the face with the word: ugh. Having received a rebuff, the dog will switch its attention to something else.

It is advisable to teach your puppy not to bite before they grow up. permanent teeth. It is important not to injure the animal. The main focus of training should be to distract the dog's attention.

Rules for weaning a puppy from biting:

  1. If a puppy tries to bite a person, it should not be hit or scolded strongly. In this case, you should distract the animal with a toy or an unnecessary rag.
  2. You should not intentionally make your puppy angry or let him chew on his arm or hand, as this will negatively affect the training process.
  3. When an animal gets angry and shows aggression towards its owner, you can grab it by the scruff of the neck, as the mother of the puppies does.
  4. The puppy should be taught that playing with things, clothes and other household items is unacceptable.
  5. You need to accustom the puppy to its place: a bedding, basket or kennel, to which the pet will need to be sent when it misbehaves.
  6. The puppy should have enough toys to distract himself with at any time.

It is important to remember that the weaning process can be lengthy and the results will not appear immediately. But you shouldn’t give up starting to follow the rules. Over time, the puppy will understand that biting a person is forbidden and will stop playing like that.

It is unacceptable to use violence towards an animal, as this may lead to psychological problems and disobedience to commands and training in the future.

Methods of exposure to adult animals

Train and accustom to certain rules Small puppies are not as difficult as adult dogs. But such a need arises quite often when an animal enters a family with already formed habits and character. In this case, you also need to persistently follow certain rules, with the help of which the problem of biting can be overcome once and for all.

Rules for weaning a dog from biting:

  1. Play games with the animal in which it does not have the opportunity to bite a person;
  2. If the dog has clenched its jaws on the human body, you need to slowly unclench them without using brute force or swearing;
  3. During a bite, you can scream and move away from the dog, letting it know that it has made the owner unpleasant.

If the pet does not accept the person as the leader, the training process may be delayed or may not produce the expected results. In this case, the question of how to wean a dog from biting should be asked to a dog handler. Only qualified assistance will help the animal understand that a person needs to be listened to and respected.

When the dog starts barking and grinning a lot, you need to press his head to the floor. This action will make it clear to the animal that the person dominates him. It is worth noting that all the measures described above will give a certain result, but it will not be possible to completely change the character of an adult animal.

The safest breeds

Fighting dog breeds, due to their predisposition to aggression, can bite a person, obeying instincts. For this reason, it is highly undesirable to have them in families with small children, or to monitor them very closely.

But there are also dog breeds with which these problems practically do not arise:

  • The Border Collie is one of the most intelligent and... good dogs in the world.
  • The Bobtail is a very patient and reserved dog breed that respects its owners. Bobtails are soft, fluffy and pleasant to the touch, a little lazy and very flexible.
  • The Beagle is a breed that is distinguished by intelligence, restraint, kindness and an inexhaustible supply of activity.
  • Golden Retriever – dogs of this breed get along well with children due to their kindness and easy-going attitude.

These breeds are very reserved and quiet, making them great for families with small children.

We show authority and punish correctly

If the dog understands that the owner is in charge, then he will unquestioningly carry out commands and requests. This will make the training process much easier and save both the dog and its owner from problems.

Rules that will allow you to prove the superiority of man over animals:

  1. When a dog behaves aggressively, the owner should lift it into the air, lower it and pin it to the floor. After this, you need to calm the animal and give it a command, as a result of which you must praise it. This method is suitable for larger and larger dogs.
  2. Smaller dogs can have their mouths closed while barking, leaving room to breathe. This method makes it clear to the animal that the person is the leader.
  3. The dog should receive food only after all family members have eaten.
  4. The pet must understand that it can only eat on the owner’s command.
  5. The animal must unquestioningly carry out all the owner’s commands, regardless of mood or circumstances.
  6. The person should enter the door or go up the stairs first, and only after him should the dog.

The main rule of successful training is the owner’s firmness and confidence. A person who shows himself to be the head of the family and an authority will never be bitten by his own dog.

In some cases, when a dog does not listen to people, it is necessary to resort to punishment. This extreme method, which a person can use to influence a pet. If this does not happen, you need to seek help from a specialist.

Methods of punishing puppies and adult dogs:

  • Ignoring, demonstrating dissatisfaction (suitable for puppies);
  • Light slap (suitable for puppies);
  • Separating the dog into an enclosure (suitable for adults).

It is important to remember that hurting an animal is unacceptable. This method will not only be useless in education, but can also cause significant harm. psychological health dogs.

Punishment rules:

  1. Punishments can be applied to puppies after they reach four months of age;
  2. If a person decides to apply punishment, he must carry it through to the end;
  3. You should behave strictly and restrainedly with the dog, without causing a feeling of fear;
  4. You need to punish your pet immediately after he has done something wrong;
  5. When punishing a dog, you need to look him straight in the eyes, demonstrating your superiority.

Thanks to the patience and willpower of the owner, the dog will understand that biting a person is unacceptable. In addition, during the training process the animal will become more obedient and restrained.

How to stop a dog from biting and is it possible if we're talking about not about the puppy? Let us immediately note that with consistent and regular work, anything is possible. Let's figure out how to stop a puppy from biting and adult dog.

Dogs have lived alongside humans for centuries. Even if you don’t delve into materials on history and cynology, you can guess that dogs would have been exterminated as a species if they really threatened humans. The truth is that four-legged animals bring too many benefits, which is why people tamed the dog, learned to raise and train it.

There are no naturally aggressive dogs. All puppies are born cute little ones who are eager to communicate and love to play. During the first year of life, the dog gains experiences that will influence the formation of its character. Just like humans, dogs have developed ways to communicate with each other. Since four-legged animals cannot talk, they had to learn more difficult language, which includes sounds, gestures, body position, expression of the muzzle, ears and eyes.

Dogs tend to bite as they express feelings, intentions, and even positive emotions. The mother constantly licks the puppies, and when they grow up, she allows herself to bite them a little and grab them by the withers. Of course, all this happens in educational purposes or in order to protect the offspring, but the essence does not change - puppies from a very early age get used to the fact that bites are normal.

In games and for the purpose of communication, dogs most often grab each other by the withers. In the process of evolution, the skin on the withers of dogs has become thicker, rougher and has practically lost its nerve endings. Therefore, when one dog grabs another by the withers, both animals do not experience much discomfort.

From a very early age, the puppy needs to be made aware that your skin is much more sensitive and you do not like being bitten. Of course, the baby does not bite painfully; he may look funny or let his teeth in while playing. However, do not forget to express negative emotions in response to the bite, the puppy will grow up and will grab your hands more and more, not seeing anything wrong with it.

Inexperienced owners believe that there are dogs that simply do not tend to bite. Such conclusions are made based on observations of other people's dogs. However, if you observe a pet that does not bite its owner or behaves very gently, most likely it is simply raised correctly.

Advice: try not to miss the moment of education, since puppies react much more sensitively to the owner’s emotions.

It is more difficult to wean an adult dog from biting, since the habit is already “rooted”, and the pet itself does not react so sharply to the owner’s negative emotions. Working with older dogs is complicated by several other aspects: size and strength. You need to be aware that even a light bite from a large and strong pet is enough to cause serious injury.

Types of bites

Bite to bite is different. Bites are divided into types:

  • Grip– the dog opens its mouth, clasps an arm or leg, but does not clench its jaws. The dog's grip is used for communication and most often serves to express positive emotions, namely affection. The grip is typical for pointing dogs during play.
  • Soft bite– the dog makes a grip with a slight closure of the jaw. This behavior is usually accompanied by a playful mood. Many puppies and even adult dogs love to pretend to fight.
  • Bite– single grip with jaw closure of varying intensity. Most often, single bites express the dog’s fear, that is, they accompany passive behavior. defensive reaction. After a single bite, the dog tries to quickly get rid of it.
  • Grip– a single bite, characteristic of some breeds of dogs (fighting, service). The meaning of a grip is to hold the subject. This type of bite was deliberately instilled in the guards and guard dogs. Usually the dog uses a grip on unfamiliar people and animals, giving itself or the owner a few seconds to make further decisions.
  • Attack– a series of bites . Typically, a dog bites by intercepting and moving towards the body (neck). Serial attacks are common to most dog breeds.

In most cases, mild and mild dog bites are not intentional, especially when it comes to puppies and teenagers. IN in rare cases, experiencing strong fear The dog may inflict sporadic bites or display aggression. Even experts have a hard time distinguishing the difference between a single bite and a light grip. The problem is that the types of bites are interpreted according to the consequences, that is, according to the fact of the injuries caused.

Usually, when showing aggression, a dog does not bite easily, but also warns of its intentions. Before delivering a bite, the dog snarls, bares its teeth, you can notice that the hair on the withers rises, and the pet’s posture looks tense.

If you have the slightest suspicion that your dog is biting due to aggression, it is recommended that you immediately contact a qualified dog handler and solve the problem before it leads to tragedy.

How to prevent bites

All puppies explore the world using biting and chewing as a means of communication. The puppy tastes everything that interests him and it is almost impossible to avoid this. Naturally, the baby will play with the owner and grab his hands if these actions do not overlap.

While the puppies are close to their mother, they play with each other, imitating fighting and biting. After moving to new home It is difficult for a child to readjust and accept new rules, so upbringing should be gentle and consistent.

From the first day in a new home, every effort must be made to teach the dog to restrain the urge to bite and rude behavior. The literature on dog training describes quite a lot of methods for raising puppies, but some of them turn out to be completely unworkable. The problem is that the psyche of dogs is individual. Some puppies quickly learn from the experience, while others need several repetitions.

In any conditions, try to remember and follow the tips from this list:

  • Do not tease the dog with your hands or touch the pet's face during play - such actions not only provoke the dog to bite, but also give him a reason to consider a light grip as a desirable action.
  • Play with your dog regularly using non-contact methods - communication with the owner is very important in the process of raising a dog. The puppy must understand that he is loved and appreciated. Play with your puppy regularly by throwing him a ball or other toy. Don't forget to praise your mentee if he behaves correctly.
  • If the dog grabs your arm or leg, do not try to pull the limb away - when the puppy is already holding something in its mouth, vibration or a sharp jerk leads to a reflexive clenching of the jaw. Unclench the dog’s jaws with your free hand and free the limb, act calmly and confidently, you must first clearly give the command “fu”.

Never hit a dog if it is already holding you. Physical violence is an expression of aggression that prompts the dog to take more decisive action - attack or grab.

Be that as it may, your first and most important task- this is to let the puppy understand that your skin is much more sensitive than that of your pet’s relatives. When training a dog, especially service breed, it is important to place accents. The pet must clearly distinguish between play and work and understand that biting during fun is unacceptable.

Pay attention! During training, for example, during detention, service dog must be able to bite, attack and hold.

The technique is called “bite inhibition training.” Simply put, to prevent a dog from biting as an adult, it must be taught to control its grip strength as a puppy. The best and most natural way to learn is by playing with other dogs.

If you watch how your dog plays with his relatives on a walk, you will see that 80% of the time the dogs are chasing, jumping on each other, fighting and trying to grab the enemy. During the game, the dogs get carried away and allow themselves to bite their opponent harder. Naturally, the second dog will not tolerate violence and will fight back or give up, whine, or run away. While the animals are young and playful, all these situations occur in a staged form and rarely end in fights.

The natural learning process is just one aspect of why early socialization is so important. Walking in the company of other dogs, the puppy learns and acquires new skills, imitating adult and already trained dogs. Thanks to constant communication with its relatives, your pet learns to control its urges, intensity of actions and physical activity. Even if the four-legged animals are very angry, they do not pursue the goal of harming each other.

If you watch dogs play a few times, the training method will become obvious. Pets who like to play with their hands should do the same. Play with your dog until he bites your arm or leg until you feel pressure.

As soon as the bite occurs, you begin to squeal and whine, feigning pain, depression and reluctance to continue the game. If the dog attacks your legs, start limping or drop to your knees. Use all your acting talent to shock your pet and make him understand that he has committed unacceptable actions.

What to do if the puppy does not respond to whining and squealing and continues to attack? In this case, you need to remember who the leader of the pack is. Abruptly change the tone of your voice, say loudly: ugh, go back and stop the game, moving away from your pet. Wait for the puppy to come on his own, and he will come!

When the puppy approaches you, do not react, keep a stern expression on your face, but do not say anything. As soon as the puppy licks you, lies down in front of you, or begins to apologize in other ways, change your anger to restraint, restrainedly pet your pet and send him back to his place.

The above method is considered the most in a natural way training, however it is not effective with dogs of choleric temperament. When a puppy begins to bite during play or out of joy, he is physically unable to switch to other emotions. No matter what emotions you show, the dog will think that this is a continuation of the game... and will continue to attack you.

With choleric dogs, work is done using a different method. The worst punishment for active dog is the cessation of activity. This method is called "time out". Proceed in the same way, wait for the bite with noticeable pressure, abruptly stop the game and order the dog to go to its place. If the puppy does not hear you, you need to take him by the collar and take him to the bed.

During this exercise, it is extremely important to remain completely calm and steadfast. When the dog is on the bed, give the command to lie down, place it and make sure that the pet remains in the lying position for at least a minute. By the way, this exercise will not only help you wean your puppy from biting, but will also help you develop endurance.

Advice: If the puppy gets up and runs away, return him to the bed and start the exercises again. At first, this method of training will take a lot of time, but it will allow the dog to understand that any unwanted actions will lead to negative consequences.

The time-out method works when correcting behavior of any type, its essence is that any positive actions on your part stop as soon as the dog has done negative action. If the puppy has mastered the science at home, but continues to behave poorly on the street, the technique is adapted. For example, after being bitten outdoors, you can tie a leash to a tree, make the dog lie down, move away a little and make sure the pet remains in place for 10-60 seconds.

Once you have made progress and your pet stops biting, a time-out should be applied every time the dog's teeth touch your skin. It is important to take your time and act consistently so that your pet does not feel undue pressure. As mentioned above, the timeout technique helps develop endurance. If the dog gets into a rage, plays and does not pay attention to you, get up abruptly and leave the room.

It is advisable to keep an eye on your pet through the gap in the doorway to prevent the destruction of your things “on emotions”. If the puppy switches aggression to your personal belongings, sharply say fu and send the dog to its place with a command. In such a situation, it is very important to ensure that your orders are carried out. That is, it is not enough to stop the action; it is necessary to bring the matter to an end - to send the dog to the bed and keep it on it.

Advice: To protect things from dog attacks, you can play on a long leash. This way, even after leaving the room, you will control your pet’s actions.

What to do if soft methods don't work?

What to do if your dog continues to bite despite everything measures taken? Biting is an unacceptable action, even if the dog has mental problems. If non-contact manipulations do not help, you can try to discourage your dog from biting with bad tastes and smells. Let us immediately note that the widespread advice about using pepper is very unreasonable. Red and even black pepper can cause irreparable harm to a dog's sense of smell.

Four-legged animals really don’t like the smell and taste of citrus fruits, tea tree, mint and other herbs with a strong aroma. If your dog regularly attacks his arms and legs, you should try using aromatic oil. If the dog continues to bite, you can rub lemon juice on the skin.

There is also a more stringent, most often disposable, method of weaning a dog from biting. It is not recommended to use unless you have tried everything alternative methods. Peppermint mouth freshener is used as leverage. As soon as the dog bites you, you need to make an exclamation (whining, squealing) and spray the air freshener directly into the dog’s mouth. It is important to ensure that the stream is directed strictly into the mouth and that traces of the aerosol do not get into the eyes. Experience shows that a single application of the spray is sufficient.

If you have tried all the methods in this article and your dog continues to bite, you need to seek professional help. As the experience of dog handlers shows, problems with bites are most often associated not with the character of the dog, but with the wrong approach on the part of the owner. The main goal of dog handlers is to teach the dog owner to defend the status of leader and control the pet.

The dog needs to bite

Once you have achieved that the dog has stopped biting your arms and legs, it is too early to stop. Let's return to the first section - four-legged animals need to bite to express emotions. Once your puppy has stopped biting you during play and in all other situations, he needs to be taught some etiquette.

Use rubber toys or special chew bones to attract your pet's attention. Tease your puppy a little and praise him as soon as he starts chewing the toy. When using this method, you need to make sure that your pet always has an item allowed for chewing within his or her access. To ensure that the puppy does not lose interest in toys, they must be changed periodically. Old toys must be put out of reach, and new ones (or previously hidden ones) must be given to the dog. It is advisable to make such changes every 2-3 days, periodically replenishing the assortment with new toys.

Tip: Try to provide your dog with a constant supply of chew toys while his teeth are changing.

Many temperamental dogs grab the owner's hand after petting. If your pet responds to stroking and touching with a soft bite, he needs to be distracted with a treat. When petting your dog with one hand, you need to hold the treats in the fist of your other hand and hold them in front of your pet’s nose.

Most effective method avoiding bites, even unintentional ones, is to accustom the dog to non-contact forms of games. All puppies and even adult dogs love to play. If you throw a ball to your pet, he will not have the need to grab your hands with his teeth. After a complete change of teeth, you can play tug-of-war with the puppy - this is great method muscle training without contact with hands.

Important! While tugging until your puppy is 6-8 months old, your job is simply to hold the toy. Do not pull, much less yank, on the toy while the dog is holding it with his teeth.

Dogs with a particularly active temperament should be trained as early as possible. Use whatever methods your dog responds to. Combine training with the time-out method until the dog learns to stay in place for 1 minute. Some puppies do not bite their owners' hands, but often attack their owners' legs. This type of expression of emotions is quite difficult to fight. On the one hand, such behavior indicates that the puppy sees you as the leader of the pack, and on the other hand, constant biting is very unpleasant.

Judging by the experience of the owners, indeed working method only one. Invest in some rubber toys that squeak when squeezed. Always keep such a toy in your pocket or on hand when moving around your home. If you notice that the puppy has started to hunt, stop immediately, take out the toy and start squeaking. As soon as the dog turns its attention to the source of the sound, throw the toy in the direction of the bed.

In the very optimal option the dog will grab the toy and go to the spot to chew it to his heart's content. In any case, as soon as your pet reacts to the toy, praise him. This technique is called distraction, it helps to redirect the dog’s attention and consolidate positive emotions into the game rather than the attack.

Important! If your dog attacks your legs solely when putting on clothes, this behavior must be strictly discouraged.

The problem is that the dog attacks in a moment of weakness - when you are busy and distracted. This is no longer a game, but an attempt to dominate - to overthrow the leader and take his place.


If dog begins to growl and tries to bite you, take her by the muzzle and squeeze her jaws, thereby immobilizing her. This exercise repeats the action of the leader, who in a flock bites the muzzle of someone with a lower status. Whether exercise is necessary or small, you must be sure that it will not break out and bite you.

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Please note

Often when we buy a puppy, we allow him to bite his hands and do not take any action. The dog's desire to bite must be suppressed younger age, otherwise the situation will worsen and develop into aggression towards all family members.

Useful advice

Teach your dog to give way to its owner. The dog should be fed after the whole family has eaten.

Puppies, just like children, grow baby teeth, itchy gums, and a desire to taste everything. Puppies will actually chew everything in sight, including furniture. Dogs' milk teeth change at 7-8 months. What can you do to ensure that during this time your small pet didn't chew all of it furniture?


Provide your puppy with something to chew on. Avoid rubber or soft toys. Very sharp teeth, with which they can easily bite off small pieces of such a toy and swallow them. Buy special soaked bones or plastic toys.

Remove unwanted chewable items from view. Keep shoes in the closet, children's toys in a storage drawer, keep closet doors closed, and wrap cellophane around the corners of the sofa. This will not last forever, but only until the puppy loses interest in chewing. You can restrict your dog's access to certain rooms in the house. Many dog ​​breeders suggest placing puppies in a spacious playpen for a while, for example, during periods when you leave them at home, so that without your supervision the animal does not spoil furniture.

Show your puppy the items he is allowed to chew. For example, you notice that your fidget is sharpening his teeth on the handrail of the chair, click him on the ears and firmly say “no”. Then immediately give him a toy or bone and praise him for his obedience. By pointing at the desired object, you will gradually shift your attention puppy from a prohibited object. Talk to your dog in a firm but calm manner. Try not to scare your pet.

Be consistent. Let everyone in the family pay attention to the dog and take part in training puppy. Teach them to keep their belongings organized and away from the pet's toys. Decide what method of punishment, what words you will use in relation to the dog, let everyone in the house strictly follow the instructions. If everyone uses the “no” or “fu” response, the dog will be more understanding in commands. If everyone starts using individual training and education techniques, the dog will be confused. And the problem with the nibbled furniture will remain unresolved for a long time.

Never let your puppy bite you. You must teach the dog to take your commands seriously. Biting and gnawing are two bad, but very similar habits. Every time your puppy starts to bite your arm, leg or clothing, pull him back sharply and reprimand him loudly. Stop playing with him or reacting in any way. Turn your back to the puppy and don’t let him get along with you. eye contact. When the pet calms down, you can continue training, running, playing, etc. If you learn to speak the same language as your dog, he will soon begin to understand that - and that communication stops as soon as the bites occur. If you manage to train a dog at such a young age, you will get an intelligent, well-mannered friend. Efforts and rigor will be more than justified very soon.

The dachshund, at first glance, is an awkwardly long dog with disproportionately short legs. She seems funny and clumsy in appearance. Meanwhile, these are burrows, hunting dogs– agile, cheerful, with excellent reactions, high intelligence and the ability to learn. Fans of this breed claim that dachshunds even have a sense of humor. If so, then the process of training and education teams will be interesting to both of you.


From the moment a puppy appears in your home, it begins. Don’t even allow a baby to do things that an adult dog wouldn’t: beg at the table, sleep on your bed and sofa, chew wires and things. You can rein in kids by loudly giving the command “Ugh!” or “You can’t”, the older ones can be spanked with a newspaper - with a belt. He will perceive even a light spank as punishment, but he will understand that this cannot be done only if it follows immediately after the offense.

The most important command “Come to me” will be easily understood by the puppy if you call the dog this way during feeding. When practicing other commands and skills, use some kind of treat as a reward.

To keep your dog safe on the street, teach him the “Near” command. Practice the exercise. As soon as the dachshund stops following your pace, change the direction of movement to. The dachshund will quickly remember such tangible opposition to her haste or slowness and begin to follow this command, especially if obedience is rewarded.

The “Sit” command is useful when dachshund You can get her to tuck her back legs and sit up by lightly pressing her croup or using your left hand on her shoulder where the “pressure point” is. It is also used in relationships between dogs; dominant dogs put pressure on it when it is necessary to show superiority. When the dog sits down and manages to stay in this position for some time, pet and praise it, treat it with something tasty. When she gets up, repeat the exercise again. One lesson should not last more than 10 minutes. Return to working on the command after a while.

Once your Dachshund has learned the "Sit" command, move on to the "Down" command. Make her sit on the floor. Say the command “Down” clearly and gently pull her front paws, forcing her to lie down. Praise her, give her a reward and repeat the exercise a couple more times. After some time, consolidate the acquired skill.

Useful advice

Teach your dog different commands different days so that she does not get confused and quickly understands what is required of her.
To keep your pet safe, you must first teach him basic commands.

No matter what breed of puppy appears in your home, you will in any case be faced with such a problem as chewed things. Moreover, half the house can suffer from his sharp teeth - wallpaper on the walls, furniture, cords, shoes - everything he can reach and “test.” Preventing destruction is difficult, but quite possible.


Sharpening growing teeth - physiological need dogs. Buy him toys specifically designed for this purpose. They should attract his interest, so keep some of the toys hidden and put them out for him to enjoy from time to time, putting away those he played with. lately. This way the puppy will remain interested in his toys.

If possible, do not leave the little mischief maker alone; under the supervision of someone in the household, he will not be able to cause any significant damage. If you leave him alone, remove anything that might attract his attention and become dangerous - especially electrical cords. Some owners even practice locking the puppy in a special cage, where he can drink and sleep, but from which he cannot get out and chew on expensive furniture.

You can try to develop a persistent negative reflex in the puppy by smearing the wire or furniture legs with some non-hazardous “muck” such as lapis or hot pepper. Build similar traps and try to develop in him a persistent prejudice against those things that seem potentially attractive to him.

When leaving home, make sure that the puppy is fed, leave him a special bone, which is sold in special stores. It will take him several hours to chew it, and then you will return home.

Use punishment if, despite all your efforts, the puppy stubbornly prefers shoes and wallpaper to bones and toys. Give him a beating, as bitches do when they teach their babies, or the leaders of a pack of dogs do. To do this, just take him by the withers and shake him slightly so that pain there was none, but the warning was understood. But remember that you need to punish as soon as you see a puppy chewing things. If you punish him after some time, he may simply not understand why he received a spanking from his beloved master.

Correcting a dog's behavior requires patience, observation and consistency of action from the owner. A pet doesn’t bite just like that, it’s a reaction to a stimulus, an expression of emotion. To four-legged friend was controllable, it is important to teach him to control himself. Let's look at the problem of "biting" in two directions: a young and an adult animal.


There may be several reasons.

Firstly, he is still learning to live. And while he doesn’t know that he’s hurting, he doesn’t know how to control the force of clenching his jaws. If you watch struggling puppies, you will notice that in the process of fussing they bite each other, and if they get carried away, the “victim” shows with his voice where to stop. When you are playing with a puppy and he bites you hard with his teeth, you should let him know that he caused pain.

You can come up with a special exclamation, for example, “Ay!”, after which you immediately stop the game. The sequence “command - termination of communication” will lead to the fact that he will gradually learn to control his powers.

As a rule, several such repetitions are enough for the baby to understand that he needs it.

Secondly, teeth change. During this period, the puppy constantly wants to chew, massage and scratch something. aching gums. Make sure he has rubber toys, gelatin bones or natural large bones nearby. An ordinary raw carrot can serve as an excellent toy: both a delicacy and a means for loosening baby teeth.

If he missed a moment and bit his hand painfully during the game, don’t scold him. Stop it and then gently massage his gums with your finger while talking to him gently.

Thirdly, a “complex” character: harmfulness, hyperactivity, willfulness.

Here, stopping the game alone will not correct the situation, and it is necessary to follow a number of recommendations aimed at prohibiting and switching the pet’s attention.

  1. Stop playing.
  2. Does the puppy continue to play and try to grab clothes or shoes? Freeze (the dog’s movement is perceived as a continuation of the game) and give a prohibiting command, for example, “Fu,” “No,” “No.”
  3. Offer your baby a replacement for your trouser leg or sleeve: gently unhook his teeth and give him a toy. Do not talk, scratch or pet him - he must learn that the world consists of more than just prohibitions, and all things are divided into two types: those that can be bitten and chew, and those that are undesirable to handle in this way.

Have you tried everything without results? Find out how to do it right and get rid of problems!

The signs of estrus in a dog are described in detail.

Adult dog

If we are talking about a healthy animal, then most likely the problem is dominance.

Unfortunately, many owners do not pay attention in time to such alarming “bells” as grabbing your arms and legs when you pass by, “marks” on your shoes, refusal to give them to the owner tasty bone on the command “Give”, growling when approaching the place where the dog bowl is, etc.

The bite is the peak of the situation. The dog deliberately sets out to cause pain, to “put him in his place,” as it seems to him, to show who is in charge.

What to do

The dog perceives the family in which it lives as a pack. We often, without realizing it, can lose our leadership position if we treat it like a child, try to please, hesitate to use prohibiting commands, or pronounce them in an uncertain tone.

We must remember that we are talking about a pack animal. It always watches a person, reads body language, picks up intonations and mood. And if his actions are not similar to the behavior of the leader of the pack, the dog will try to take the vacant place.

  1. Think of your pet as a dog, not as an equal person. Always remember that in the family hierarchy she is at the very bottom. It won't stop you from loving him.
  2. Do not hesitate to say prohibiting commands if you do not like some action. Don’t scream, don’t hit, but say in a firm voice “Fu,” “No,” “You can’t.”
  3. Apply commands with restraint and ensure their strict implementation. Be sure to reward the animal.

If your dog bites, observe its behavior and control your actions. Patience and understanding of the motives of actions will help correct the situation. Be a loving, but tough and demanding owner, and the feisty one will become a devoted and reliable friend.

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    Today, April 23, 2015 at 6:30 am, a WOLFHODG grabbed me by the left hand and bit it cropped ears, I had to go to the tram station. I listened to a lecture on the radio about aggression of PEOPLE towards unfamiliar dogs, and therefore, when I saw a sitting dog, I pressed left hand to the thigh, fixed the right one with the handbag in a stationary position, continued to move.... but the result is disastrous - medications, dressings, injections and it is not known when the hand will heal. The owner let the dog out for a walk for morning toileting, although without a muzzle. And what should we do now, in Yaroslavl we have not yet adopted a law on walking pets and there are no complaints against the owner / the owner was not around /. Elena

    • Elena, first of all, accept sympathy for what happened. I really ask you to listen to my comment and, even if it seems absurd or stupid to you, just let it stick in your memory. What happened to you is the fault of the dog’s owner, this is a fact (simply because he left it unattended). However, I am 90% sure that none of this would have happened if you had not listened to “lectures on dog attacks” on the radio. Most likely, your fear provoked the dog to attack you. Why do I think so in absentia? Because "wolfhound" ( Central Asian Shepherd? Caucasian?) only bit you once. It is common for such breeds to fall to the ground and, having piled up, deal with the enemy in this way. This did not happen - because this only happens in scary stories and on training grounds.
      I guess the following happened. Your fear - and only it - provoked the dog to bite. You behaved inappropriately from her point of view, so the dog chose to express his excitement at your inadequacy in this way (what is normal for people looks crazy in the eyes of animals). But again, the owner is to blame for allowing his pet with an unbalanced psyche to walk alone.
      For the future, here are two pieces of advice, both equally important:
      Don't watch TV, don't listen to "educational lectures" of this kind. All these horror stories are stored in the subconscious as propaganda of violence and fear. Seriously. Hence the conclusion: if you want not to have problems with dogs, stop thinking about the fact that they will attack you and stop being afraid of them. They don’t “feel” fear on an unknown subconscious level, as people say, they SEE your fear with the help of their eyes, nose and ears :)
      If you see a dog, your task is to relax. Breathe deeply, calm your heart, there should be no stiffness in your body. Don't look the dog in the eye.
      And, I’ll tell you the most important thing: the worst thing that can happen in the life of you and your family is if you pass on your fear to your children (wittingly or unwittingly, children are excellent observers).
      Wish you all the best!

  1. Good afternoon Maybe I’m writing in the wrong forum, but I have serious problem with one of two dogs at home. Yorkies, 9 and 8 years old. The eldest was made in March complex operation, where I almost lost her, they cut out neoplasms of the mammary glands, but it turned out that the blood did not clot and they gave a transfusion, where am I going with this, after that she spent 5 days in the clinic, before she had never been left without us. And here...I gave so much manipulation, pain, antibiotics, but also doctors and nurses on her day and night. When I took her home, she practically lived in my arms for a month, ate from my hands, new toys, constant kisses, even the younger dog received less attention, but the younger one was not offended, but on the contrary, she was close to the older one (she was afraid that she would be taken away again). Only after 1.5 months did she recover, the scar healed, and her behavior became unbearable. Onoa drives me and my sister out of bed, growls, rushes if I want to make the bed, barks until I am hoarse, and the grin is terrifying. Appeared false pregnancy, they drank Galastop, but she continues to hide in the pillow and protect imaginary puppies, the pillow, she hates everyone, she eats well, but she sucks (I need to be given antibiotics, but I can’t do it on an empty stomach). Walks hunched over and quickly, to the toilet or water and back. Help me what to do. On the one hand, she is already an adult, on the other, I feel guilty for having undergone such an operation, and on the third, as soon as I remember that I almost lost her, I start kissing her myself. Thank you and sorry for such a detailed letter.

    and one more thing: everyone is asleep, there is silence in the apartment, it’s dark, and as soon as she starts barking and growling, the whole house is on ears and there’s no way you can shut her up. She sleeps exclusively in the head area (previously only in the legs), she also pushes and pushes with her paws, turns around and sleeps on her back, and her paws are on her head, on her face, and she doesn’t care.

    • Hello, what you described is a story as old as time. The owner who feels guilty towards the dog. And a pet who simply DOES NOT LIVE with such emotions, because he does not know how to experience them :)
      In your situation, the small dog suddenly significantly increased its social status(because one fine morning you suddenly recognized her absolute leadership, allowing her to behave differently). After all, she doesn’t understand that you feel sorry for her because of her illness, she sees what is happening as the fact that she has become the leader of the pack :)
      Well, it’s logical that she strengthens her primacy every second: that’s how dogs are built, they can’t live any other way, it’s in their nature.
      A dog does not know how to hate and hold a grudge for a long time :) She simply reacts to changes around her.
      Here I outlined my opinion on this issue in a little more detail.
      Read this answer, and if you have any clarifying questions, ask them in that thread!

  2. I read the article on the link, watched the video - one to one. But the problem is that I began to be afraid of my own dog. She grabbed me and rushes. Today I’ll start following your advice and see what happens. She doesn’t even put her father in authority - she can go up to him and sit on him. This says it all(

  3. thanks for the advice. Three days have passed and our behavior is improving. I noticed that she was afraid to bite me. At my own peril and risk, in response to her grrrs and grins, I began to kiss her, she understood that I was not afraid of her and kissed me too. Now we can fall asleep peacefully if I put my hand on her. Then she does not growl but sleeps quietly. I'm afraid she'll get used to it, but it's not scary) she sleeps next to my head, but the main thing is that her hand is on her until she falls asleep)))))))))) and I also tire her out in the evenings by playing with a ball. that then she’s even too lazy to growl and bark.

    Good afternoon! You have such detailed advice, maybe you can tell us what to do. We have a Welsh Corgi mix, male, 8 months old. We were given a puppy when he was just over a month old. We started walking him after vaccinations, i.e. at 3 months. On the street he behaved shyly, whined, asked to be held, sat still and did not want to go anywhere. We were inexperienced and thought that maybe he was cold, it was January. We suffered with such walks until spring, and somehow he began to walk, but he was constantly running, neither toys nor treats interested him. On the street he didn’t pay any attention to dogs; if one of them tried to play with him, he ran away to the side or hid behind the owner. On the May holidays they took him with them city, there he walked with pleasure all day, running after the ball. But another problem arose - in the presence of the owner, he began to throw himself at the neighbors, including children. They thought he was protecting the owner, his territory. But, when they came to visit him to someone else's territory - history repeated itself, when trying to pet him, to calm him down, he even bit several. It became dangerous to come home to us, we had to first lock him in the room. Since childhood, he was a calm, friendly puppy, he was never offended, the maximum was raising his voice when he behaved incorrectly .By nature, he is very playful, inquisitive, loves to look for objects and bring them. A seemingly cute, harmless dog, when approached by strangers, especially children, he becomes an uncontrollable monster. How to behave correctly with him, can you tell me? Thank you!

  4. Good day! We have this problem: a 2-year-old Yorkie, the dog has become aggressive towards everyone in the family. If she sleeps on the bed, you can’t pass by, she starts barking angrily and lashes out, trying to bite, and those who are with her on the sofa in at the moment she doesn't touch. But on the street, this is an ordinary little dog that is afraid of every rustle and is affectionate towards all passers-by. What should I do?

  5. There are now a lot of kennels with breeders who only need to make money, they breed sick dogs all the time, it’s especially scary when security guards are allowed to breed with genetics such as idiopathic aggression mental illness and physiological - dysplasia, eyelid constriction, internal anomalies etc.
    Generally terrible, okay small dogs, and the big one? I am for the euthanasia of such dogs, if they cannot be corrected behaviorally, then do not risk your life and the lives of others and always remember that a dog is not a person, and as they say, a dog’s place is just an animal, in natural conditions such anomalies are doomed to disappear.
    Previously, there was a very strict screening in breeding and breeding, but now money decides everything, making money in any way, and as a result, people are bitten or worse.
    Also stray dogs wasn't there before.
    If all else fails and the dog continues to bite and behave in a rude manner, the first is hereditary, genetic disease - idiopathic aggression! Ongoing long time, uncorrectable, unmotivated, and how to speak out of the blue, a dog’s aggression should make you think and take decisive action.
    Long-suffering in such cases will definitely not lead to anything good ((((
    A lot of dogs now, both small and guard dogs, have just such a hereditary disease.

  6. I got a cocker spaniel not long ago, she is 1.5 years old, the dog is not bad, but there are small problems, firstly, when walking, she pulls quickly, begins to wheeze, even the poor one sometimes feels sorry for her, I tried to put on a different harness, she started growling, they took him off .at home she is friendly, playful, but if she does something, or she really likes something, she starts to growl, pretends to be menacing, she can bite, the commands are ugh, she can’t, she practically doesn’t react, maybe where she was no one was taking care of her, this gives the impression that We did everything as she wanted, thought she would give it back, then they changed their mind, thought we’ll give it away, and then they’ll give it to someone else and, God forbid, they’ll mock her for disobedience. Maybe I’ll try to buy it for her. strict collar so that she pulls so hard when walking, We’ll try to work with her somehow, unless of course, given her age and upbringing, something can work out. Sincerely...

    Help please. A year ago we adopted a Scottish Terrier, i.e. They took him from the previous owner, who was going to put him to sleep. The dog was extremely neglected; when we brought him into the house, he lay in one corner for a month and only came out for a walk or to eat; he did not sniff the corners on the street. After the haircut, many scars were found on the head and body, except appearance he also had behavioral problems: he threw himself and became hysterical at the sight of other dogs, bicycles, and roller skaters. A year has passed and behavior has changed slightly. better side, but he continues to throw himself at bicycles and bite everyone who tries to touch him. I don’t know what to do, he has already taken root with us and it would be a pity to put him to sleep

  7. Almost a month ago we adopted a Shih Tzu dog. She is 1 year and 3 months old. About a week ago, the doll dog began to show aggression towards me, not allowing me to comb it or pick it up. And today it bit me. It hurts until it bleeds. I’m now reading on the internet what to do. Please recommend. The dog doesn’t touch my husband, purrs lovingly around him, but I get it (((

  8. Hello, I have a Shar Pei dog. Since childhood, she has been afraid to walk, shakes on the street, does all her business and then goes home like a bullet. Whatever we did. But this is not the worst thing, lately, as soon as I approach her with a leash , she begins to bare her teeth, growl and rush at me. As soon as I remove the leash, everything is fine, she loves everyone, wags her tail. She never shows aggression, and as soon as she goes for a walk, she is a completely different animal. There is also a dog and a cat at home, she He’s friends with them, doesn’t bite anyone. I don’t know what to do...

  9. Hello, I have a dachshund dog, and she growls and bites. When guests arrive, he immediately chooses who to play with and begins to playfully bite the guests in all places, and if he is strongly attracted, he climbs to mate (male). When I say ugh, it’s impossible, no, he doesn’t listen. If you try to get him away from them, he can bite very hard. Barks and lunges if someone in the house starts screaming loudly or making quick hand gestures. The dog was pampered and not beaten, sleeps wherever he wants and also eats wherever he pleases. Is it possible to normalize the dog or is it too late? The dog is one year old.

    Hello, I have a Yorkie almost three months old, he is a boy, he has been living with us for a week and a half, the dog is good, he is almost accustomed to a diaper, I feed him by the hour, but he bites all the time, it is impossible to pet him or caress him, and not only does he bite his hands, he jumps all the time and grabs his face.. how can I wean him off? when I remove it and say you can’t continue the same thing..

    Good afternoon. My dog ​​is 6 months old. He bites my hands during play, or on the street he gnaws at the reins, trying to take it away. All my arms are bruised, and when I want to stop it, he pinches or bites my legs. Follows commands only at home and with food. She perceives and is afraid only of men at home. I tried all the video lessons. He considers himself dominant. What should I do? Thank you

    I have a 2 month old Airedale puppy and one problem is that he bites a lot. You can’t pet him, feed him, or fasten/adjust the leash - it immediately digs into your hand and clenches your jaw. I thought that there were simply no toys, but when I bought it, it still hurts me and the rest of the household. No amount of stopping the game or leaving it unattended helps - he starts gnawing on his feet/slippers/things that are lying on the floor. When you finally climb onto the bed with your feet, he switches from rough play to aggression: he growls, throws himself on the bed (due to his height, he cannot climb). A daily war for leadership: who is more stubborn, who is stronger, who will do more nasty things to each other (I begin to scold or give commands in a stern voice, and he, in turn, bites and stubbornly refuses to obey). Please, help with advice - he is still small, but I’m afraid to miss this moment when he grows up and even more brutal “battles” for dominance begin. I'm scared, help.

  10. Hello, all Dog Lovers!) I have a toy terrier, a wonderful, beloved dog... but.. He is 8 years old. It so happened that at first he lived in my sister’s family, then in our parents’ family, and in the end, he has been living with us for 3 years, i.e. from 5 years old. Affectionate, wonderful, but sometimes a nightmare! I understand that a change of owners has a completely negative impact on the dog’s psyche. I try, I educate, but it doesn’t work. She only perceives her husband. Of course, he kind of loves me, is happy, etc.. (I feed him) :)) In general, the problem is that he bit me 3 times, and all because he came to our bed at night (categorically to him forbidden, comes when we sleep), I turned to my husband and he bit me, the last time darting like a snake into the eye. Thank God, only the eyelid. I swear, my husband scolds him, but somehow there is no return. I’m not saying that he does his little things in the apartment from time to time. Although he is accustomed to walking, on the contrary, he doesn’t want to, he hides when we take him outside. My sister also told me that when she took him, that all the puppies in a pack followed the “mother”, and our Mavrik was sitting alone, she felt sorry for him, thought that they didn’t like him, that’s why she took him)) And he’s like that... No I know how to raise an adult dog, I can’t do it, maybe someone can help me with some advice. Thank you) And thank you for listening) Health to you all and your pets)

    Good day everyone! I have a problem - the kindest and most flexible German shepherd, a girl, 5 years old, ran out of the area and bit a passerby, and at a distance from the house, in the village, the passerby was just walking and did not show aggression. She bit and ran away. The issue was settled with the victim. But what about the dog? My grandson comes periodically, he is 4 years old, he always walks together, absolutely no problems. Is it dangerous for children? Could it somehow affect it?

    My dog ​​- pomeranian spitz- very affectionate, friendly to adults and children, does not bark at home, BUT on the street he rushes at all animals and dogs too, barks with a scream and squeal, and if he manages to get close to an animal, he will definitely attack to bite... I took him at the age of 3 years old, now he is 4. From birth he was raised in a family where there was the same male dog (his dad), they were good friends and lived together, and walked together, always walked on a leash, and were only allowed out in nature . Now I can’t let go of the dog at all, he runs uncontrollably in all directions, doesn’t pay attention to cars or anything... I’m afraid that a larger animal will bite him to death if he starts attacking, and he always strives for this. In such situations, I take him in my arms and turn his muzzle in the other direction, then he calms down a little, but turns it in all directions and looks for the victim. At such moments he does not listen to any commands, his eyes run around like crazy

    Good evening!
    Our dog (pembroke corgi) bit me. To my young man treats with respect, recognizes his authority. But mine doesn’t work at all. Although I am the only one who feeds him. I feed and pamper him for following commands (near, sit, lie down, give me a paw, roll, bunny), for good behavior when walking, trimming nails, combing. Today I wanted him to go to the place (he has enough large aviary). I took the treat and told him “Place.” He remained where he was. I also took his chew toy. Repeated the command. At this time, the young man was minding his own business. The dog came and sat down next to him. I repeated the command. He started grinning. I repeated the command and came closer, he clanked his teeth. He bared his teeth. He didn’t let me approach him. I came closer. He bit me.
    What am I doing wrong? Why does my dog ​​hate me? This is not the first time he bit me. The first time he bit me was when he decided to urinate at home (although he was accustomed to the street and had recently been in the toilet), I spanked him (quite easily).
    Sometimes I'm sure he hates me. But on the other hand, he misses me when I'm not there. He always runs to meet me. He just hugs me. When you are afraid of something.
    What I don't understand. How to gain his respect. How can I make them understand that I am the leader, and not him?

    Hello. We have a 9-month-old puppy. We picked him up on the street, a mixed-breed dachshund and we don’t know who he is) He looks like a smooth-haired fox terrier. What worries me is that he doesn’t let me pet his face when he sleeps, he bites very viciously (sometimes he allows him to) you can’t touch him if he’s sleeping. He constantly chews blanket, and tramples with its paws (like cats do) He is very happy with us when we come home from work, dances, screams, tries to bite and lick for joy. But recently he began to grab his bedding, chew and growl like a bear cub. (upon meeting) He also bites, very much when I put on a leash, although he loves to walk. Thank you.

    Hello, I would like to ask for advice!
    Thank you all in advance.
    Toy terrier, male, 5 years old.
    Well, frankly, an impudent face) can bite any family member without a twinge of conscience, if he doesn’t like something, he won’t let a child (like a child, a guy of 15 years old) into the room, if he came before him, a wild hysteria begins, he rushes, bites. He knows the diaper, but maybe there are other spare places that he also visits every day. He doesn’t let people into the apartment, and hysteria begins again. You can cope only with a treat, or by constantly switching your attention to a toy. We have spoiled ourselves with understanding, but we want advice on how to reduce aggression, what methods to influence, how to accustom him to a diaper (he does not accept the street at all, refuses to go out, and if he is taken out, he gets very upset and endures the toilet until home).

    Hello. I have a 4.5 year old Shar Pei. Since childhood, she was very spoiled, and gradually she began to bite. But not to the point of blood, just bite or push with your nose, or show your teeth and growl. And recently (about 2 years) she gradually began to take leadership in the family, biting everyone, and throwing herself. until there's blood. Only I remained an authority for her. A day ago I picked it up awkwardly when I was trying to wash my paws. She suddenly rushed at me, biting me several times until I was able to hide behind the door. The dog is very capricious, since childhood she was afraid of everything, afraid to ride in a car, afraid of the rain, it’s impossible to force her! Only by force, wrapped in a blanket, can we put him in the same car... We decided to give him for foster care to a dog handler with behavior correction. But something else worries me - is it possible at this age to change such a difficult character, because... with us small child 2 years old and we are afraid that the dog might attack the child!

    Hello! I have a 5-year-old chihuahua, from the age of 2 he began to bite both his owners and just almost all strangers... I bathe him with difficulty, because when I want to pick him up he tries to bite... he can still spin in place for a long time and bite his paws and growl, this is when he was shouted at or something is not his way... but in another, he obeys all my commands, he used to sleep in the bed, but when I pointed to his place, he got used to it in a week, so Well, now we have a child in our family, 8 months old already, and so the dog tried to bite the baby, when we were stomping around the apartment, at first he growled, and then when I took the baby in my arms, he wanted to grab him, so much so that he jumped... tell me what should we do, we are thinking of giving the dog to relatives, because we are afraid that he will bite... thanks for your attention;)