Which shepherd dog should you choose to guard your home? Guard dogs for apartments. Which dog to choose to guard a private home, and what qualities it should have

Guard dog breeds are excellent guards of housing and the surrounding area, good companions for the owner, and easily get along in a country house or in a city apartment.

A guard dog has acute hearing and increased attentiveness, a pronounced instinct to control its territory, and can notify the owner of the arrival of a stranger. They are unpretentious in maintenance, tolerate different climatic conditions well, with a balanced and obedient character.

They have innate guarding abilities, which manifest themselves during guard duty. Despite its size, the pet must have an easy-going character, intelligence, obey the owner’s commands, a keen sense of smell, endurance, and a loud, strong voice.

In addition, guard breeds must have good health and be easy to train.

There are a large number of dogs that belong to guard dogs, but they are not always large in size. The breeder must clearly understand what a particular breed is capable of, since there is a difference between guard and guard breeds.

All guard dogs have a guard instinct, but their problem is that they are ready to immediately eliminate the stranger.

A guard dog breed must first of all warn of approaching danger, clearly distinguish between extraneous noises, and have a reasonable character. The pet needs to undergo a special training course, otherwise it will react to any rustle, bark for no reason at all moving objects, and will not be capable of performing guard duty. A good breed is one that is always relaxed during a period of calm, and only at the first sign of danger is able to instantly concentrate and warn the owner about the arrival of a stranger by barking loudly.

  • A fearless, beautiful, intelligent and very devoted breed. She has universal abilities, she can do any job: serve in the police, act in films, follow the trail and catch bandits. For the family in which he lives, the shepherd is the best friend and helper, can be a good nanny for children, loves to play and frolic with them. Easily trainable, obedient and affectionate pet.

  • In 1985 it became an officially recognized service breed. She is a pronounced territorial guard, has an excellent reaction to a stranger and an excellent grip. She senses distance well, calms down immediately as soon as a stranger leaves her territory, but at the same time remains ready for his return for a long time. With a loud, strong voice and impressive size, this breed has everything a true watchman and guard needs.

  • Initially, the Rottweiler was bred to be a ferocious and aggressive guard dog, but with proper training, it can be an obedient and affectionate pet. When defending territory, it becomes cruel and merciless; on the contrary, in relation to its owner, this giant turns into a sweet and kind pet. Definitely needs early socialization and strict training from puppyhood.

  • A dog of impressive size and a strong voice will become an excellent watchman and security guard. The Turkmen wolfhound was bred to guard livestock, protect the owner, his family and property. A large, intelligent, discreet and kind pet for its owners, it will become a threat to ill-wishers who encroach on the territory it protects. It needs training and education, otherwise you will not be able to cope with a naughty pet of this size.

  • A playful, cheerful and cheerful pet. He has strong muscles, an athletic build, and is full of strength and energy. Thanks to these qualities, the breed is used for police work and for protecting the territory. The Boxer has excellent watchdog qualities and will always warn the owner of danger. He loves attention to his person, he can stay with his owner all day, and will be happy about it.

  • A brave, courageous, majestic breed, famous for its heroism and fearlessness. They are able to warn of approaching avalanches and can find missing people who have become victims of snow disasters under the snow. A dog is a rescuer, he will never leave you in difficult times, and will do everything in his power to help you. He is big and menacing on the outside, but inside he has a kind, loving heart beating. Saint Bernard adores children, loves to play and frolic with them.

  • Just looking at the proud and majestic appearance of this dog, you feel respect for it. The Doberman is smart, noble, elegant and very beautiful. When he's on the move, every muscle in his athletic body plays. He is an excellent watchman and security guard, but needs early socialization and professional training. Thanks to his athletic build and sharp mind, he can learn any job and will become an indispensable assistant for his owner.

  • Chernysh or Russian Pearl, this is how this giant is affectionately called by owners and breeders who know the value of this breed. Despite its large size, it is a very elegant and flexible dog. A good guard of the territory, he won’t let strangers get close. But at the same time, he is affectionate and gentle towards the family in which he lives, towards the children of the owner. Gets along well with animals. Can be friends and play with large dogs and small ones without harming them.

  • An excellent guard breed, their territory is very important to them and they are ready to defend it to the end. Initially, they were bred as a fighting dog, but now they are a wonderful friend and companion. But in order for a Shar Pei to grow into an obedient and kind pet, the owner needs to work hard on his upbringing, and begin training from puppyhood.

  • A guard breed of medium height. It is considered a dog of one owner. In appearance he is a toy bear with a blue tongue, but in his soul he is a good watchman with an independent and independent character. He has strong nerves, excellent self-control and innate natural delicacy.

  • Agile, fast, brave and majestic dog. Not only is the Cane Corso an ancient breed, it has been admired and respected for many centuries. Many breeders, describing this beautiful breed, say that they combine the appearance of a devil and the character of an angel. Indeed, the pet shows great love and devotion to the owner and his family, but it is better not to meet an uninvited guest.

  • This active, cheerful and hardy breed will become an indispensable friend and assistant for the hunter. She fascinates with her beauty and grace, and her bright red fur inspires admiration. One can simply envy her ability to work, and her hunting instinct and desire to please her owner make her an ideal companion on any hunt, be it baiting a bear or searching for a squirrel.

    This handsome white athlete will not leave anyone indifferent. The only breed bred in Argentina and recognized by the International Canine Federation FCI. The Argentines are so proud of him that they even erected a monument in his honor. And not surprisingly, he is an excellent athlete, hunter, companion, watchman, guide dog, and sometimes it seems that there are no impossible tasks for him.

    A big, strong, proud dog with a beautiful lion's mane and a brave heart. He is an excellent watchman and security guard who loves his owner and all members of his family infinitely. This is a calm and affectionate dog, but if an ill-wisher is walking near your house, his loud barking and menacing appearance will scare away the stranger for a long time. He will be faithful to you all his life, and in return he only requires your attention, love and affection.

    Small in size, smooth-haired dog. With its menacing and corpulent appearance it easily replaces a guard dog, but in fact it is an affectionate and sweet dog. It is easy to train and does not tolerate shouting or threats directed at itself. This breed requires a well-ventilated area because they cannot tolerate overheating.

For apartment residents, a dog is a devoted friend and family member. She is brought in for communication; she has practically no other responsibilities. A completely different matter is private property, in which the dog is kept primarily for protection. Not every four-legged friend is suitable for these purposes, so here we will tell you what kind of dog should be for a private home, as well as which animals it is better not to keep as a guard of your property and why.

When choosing a dog to guard a private home, you need to take into account the breed, size, thickness of the animal’s coat, its character and abilities. These indicators will determine whether the animal will cope with its responsibilities or not. So, a guard dog for a private home should be:

  • medium, or preferably large, in size, so that she can scare away intruders not only with a loud voice, but also with her appearance;
  • smart and quick-witted, easy to train;
  • with a non-aggressive, balanced character;
  • obey exclusively the owner and not trust strangers;
  • brave and fearless, not afraid of strangers;
  • indifferent to her fellow creatures and other animals;
  • with thick hair, because she will have to constantly be outside.

In addition, she must have good health, be unpretentious in maintenance and not picky in feeding, and be content with simple but satisfying food.

The best breeds of guard dogs

There is a group of herding and cattle dogs, the representatives of which were specially selected for certain qualities that are ideal for performing guard duty. These animals have keen hearing, an easy-going and balanced character; They are capable of increased concentration and have an innate instinct to clearly control their territory. It is from this group of breeds that most guard and service dogs come.

Shepherd dogs

When choosing a puppy to guard private property, you can opt for a German shepherd. This is a universal breed that can be considered a clear leader among guard dogs. Shepherd dogs are excellent at training and learn without difficulty, they are distinguished by intelligence and quick wits, good memory and affection for the owner.

Some people believe that German Shepherds are born with all the required qualities and skills and do not need to be trained. But that's not true. Shepherd dogs must be properly raised and trained - only in this case will they become reliable protectors of property. Neglecting the rules of training or its absence will lead to the fact that a pet with good inclinations will grow up unprepared and unreliable.

The Central Asian Shepherd Dog and the Caucasian Shepherd Dog are deservedly considered dedicated and faithful guards. They have an innate instinct to protect their own territory, which greatly facilitates the process of training them.

Asians are large dogs with thick, short, rough hair and a dense undercoat that do not require special care. Thanks to their thick fur, animals can easily withstand winter cold and summer heat. They carefully guard the area, things or domestic animals. On foreign territory they are not at all aggressive, they treat children calmly. They can independently, without instructions from the owner, make the right decisions.

Caucasians do not lag behind Asians in size and passion for protecting territory. These are self-sufficient and dignified dogs who will never allow themselves to bark without a reason. They obey only one person; they treat the rest of the family calmly and evenly. They have a beautiful thick “fur coat” that provides excellent warmth in winter, but in summer they can suffer from overheating.

Caucasians also have disadvantages - some can show aggression towards completely harmless people. For this reason, it is not recommended to leave them with unfamiliar people and children. It is also necessary to remember that these dogs have a freedom-loving disposition, so from puppyhood they need to be taught order and obedience.

If this is not done, a large and headstrong dog may test the strength of its owner’s nerves more than once.

South Russian Shepherds are large guard dogs with long white or grayish hair, which are also used as home guards. They are more demanding in maintenance; they need to be bathed often and constantly combed, since their long light hair easily gets dirty and falls into long tangles. They need proper training. Without it they can become angry and uncontrollable.. Children are treated differently: among them there are both friendly and evil specimens.

Other breeds of guard dogs

Moscow watchdogs are also reputed to be excellent guards. They are unpretentious, strong and resilient, are suspicious of strangers and perfectly protect the territory entrusted to them. They have a calmer and gentler character than shepherds, but still require education and proper training.

Rottweilers are one of the most popular breeds used for home guarding, even considering the fact that they have short and smooth hair. These are large, strongly built, powerful and hardy animals. They are loyal and brave defenders, but they have a complex, strong and stubborn character, so they require mandatory training. In the absence of the communication they need, they can grow up angry and show aggression even towards their owner. It is also not recommended to leave them with children.

The Tibetan Mastiff is an ancient guard breed, specially bred to guard Tibetan monasteries. These are strong animals, both physically and mentally. They are reserved and calm, very smart - in this respect they are on a par with the Great Dane, but they are often stubborn, so the owner must become an undoubted leader for his pet. They treat other family members in a friendly manner, and treat other dogs adequately, that is, they do not respond to aggression with aggression.

They have a remarkable appearance - the large body of these dogs is covered with long and thick even hair, forming a “lion’s” mane on the neck. Thanks to a warm “fur coat,” these dogs can sleep peacefully right in the snow, even in cold weather.

The Italian Cane Corso is another ancient and rare breed of guard dog that has recently become extremely popular. These are direct descendants of ancient Roman fighting dogs, retaining the power, endurance and strength of their ancestors. They have excellent intuition and a protective reflex, but are able to distinguish between a game and a real threat, therefore they do not show aggression without reason. These are strong, muscular, but at the same time elegant animals, quite capable of protecting their master's property. They are short-haired, so in winter they must live in an insulated booth.

Black Russian Terriers are suitable for guarding private property. These are thick-haired, strong and active dogs, easy to train, loyal to their owners and patient with children. They are fearless, therefore, without hesitation, they are ready to protect them from any stranger, even one superior to them in strength and size. In order to raise a good guard, you need to work a lot and correctly with representatives of these breeds.

Whatever breed the guard dog belongs to, it is important to remember that you cannot keep the dog on a chain all the time. A leash is acceptable if the gate is open or there are guests in the house. Constantly sitting on a chain will have a bad effect on the animal’s psyche, making it unbalanced and hostile.

Dogs that are not suitable for guarding private property

Very many dogs will not make guard dogs, no matter how much one would like to. For obvious reasons, dogs of small breeds are not suitable for this, as they will only be able to voice at the right moment. You should not trust hunting dogs to guard a house in which livestock is kept:

  • hounds;
  • terriers (excluding Black Russian);
  • retrievers;
  • greyhounds;
  • likes;
  • cops.

They have a powerful hunting instinct in their genes, which they cannot always successfully resist. There is no need to take risks with fighting dogs - bull terriers, pit bulls, bulldogs. These breeds were created for baiting animals and for fighting in the rings, so it is not always possible to predict how the “fighters” will react to a strange dog or a new guest.

In areas where there are often severe frosts in winter, it is better not to keep smooth-haired dogs - Doberman Pinschers, Great Danes, Rottweilers or Cane Corsos. Otherwise, they will have to be taken indoors often, which is not always convenient.

Also, rescue dogs and companions are not suitable for protection - Labradors, collies, Newfoundlands, golden retrievers, St. Bernards. These dogs have a good-natured, completely good-natured character, so they are unlikely to scare uninvited guests.

To summarize, we can say that a watchdog is a good option for protecting a private home from intruders. This is no longer just a guard, but a faithful four-legged friend who will wait for the owner to return home, rejoice and delight him when he meets him.

Dogs for guarding a private home must meet very strict requirements. Representatives of many breeds are suitable for these purposes. These are all fairly large dogs that have a so-called sense of protected territory. Although some are used for other purposes other than watchdogs, all dog breeds for private homes must meet these requirements. But many of the animals described below are not always suitable for protecting an apartment, since they need a large free space and a longer walk.

Psychological portrait of guard dogs: what traits are important?

A home guard dog must have certain character traits and even innate skills. These qualities include:

  • balanced character;
  • ability to make decisions independently;
  • distrust towards any strangers;
  • calm attitude (indifference) to any other domestic animals;
  • good learning abilities;
  • a tolerant attitude towards all members of the owner’s family, especially children.

These are ideal qualities. It is clear that they are not even present in all purebred representatives of the breed, so each specific case must be approached separately.

By the way, contrary to popular belief, aggressiveness and anger are not the best qualities for this breed. Firstly, any dog, when properly raised, becomes aggressive towards attackers. Even the smallest dogs, when they or their owners are in danger, boldly rush at an enemy superior to them in strength and size. Secondly, dogs in which these qualities are innate are very difficult to deal with.

In addition, it is believed that home guard dogs should be unpretentious enough to live in the yard all year round.

It is clear that a developed coat is one of the prerequisites. But physical data is not the main criterion; they are considered only in conjunction with the psychological factors described above. This can be understood with an example. Which dogs meet the external criteria (that is, they are large, unpretentious and have long, thick hair)? These are, for example, Newfoundlands and St. Bernards. But they are rescue dogs, which are very difficult to teach to be distrustful of people.

Which breeds are not suitable for home guarding? The answer to this question lies in the genetics of the animals and the purposes for which they were bred in the first place. A classic example is huskies. These are generally very friendly dogs with a gentle character, and this is due to the purposes for which they were bred. They were sled dogs from the very beginning, and in this case the absence of aggressive traits is very important because it improves work “in a team”, that is, in a sled. These are excellent nannies for babies, and they will be able to protect the child in case of danger. But in general, raising them the way guard dogs are raised is very risky, since it mainly leads to problems with the nervous system, as a result, the behavior of the animals becomes unpredictable. They are not suitable for a country house as security guards.

What else is important for four-legged guards?

Before choosing a dog for protection, you need to very carefully study the theory of the issue, the characteristics of a particular breed, as well as the features of its training. A dog to guard a private home must meet many requirements. And it is very difficult to discern the future guard in a puppy whom the owner has come to choose to guard his home.

However, there are traits that you need to pay attention to if the goal is to raise a true watchdog.

In such cases, the owner should be interested not only in the psychological traits listed above, but also in the physical condition of the puppy - his lack of excess weight, the presence of sufficiently developed waste paper. The puppy should be easy to train. If this is a very restless creature that cannot concentrate on one thing and is distracted by many things at once, then such a dog is unlikely to be a good watchman. A puppy that jumps and runs easily, is quite active, and knows at least a few basic commands is suitable. And at the same time, he should not be too affectionate or too aggressive, and should not be afraid of contacts with people.

Caucasian Shepherd Dogs are reliable watchdogs

Excellent guard dogs are Caucasian Shepherds. These are large animals with fairly thick hair that do not feel discomfort even if they live outside all winter, since they tolerate frost well.

Representatives of this breed are good at distinguishing their own (that is, family members) from strangers (that is, from everyone else), since such animals are initially trained so that they do not show excessive loyalty and friendliness towards those who are not part of the family circle.

Some experts believe that the Caucasian Shepherd is the best dog for guarding a private home. Representatives of this breed have well-developed guard skills. These animals are difficult to deceive, and they are not prone to unpredictable actions.

These four-legged guards attack very quickly and almost silently.

They cannot be forced to work for the public, but they remember commands well and carry them out when necessary.

Sometimes it seems that this dog breed is also the laziest. Actually this is not true. It’s just that Caucasian Shepherd dogs have a slightly slower metabolism, which left an imprint on their behavior. They appear to be slow and lazy as they conserve their energy resources, but in reality they are always ready to work.

Caucasian Shepherds are not distinguished by their affectionate nature.

They are quite difficult to train. Such a dog is a guard for a home where there are no small children, since it rarely treats them well enough. In addition, such a dog is usually chosen by a person with some training experience, and this is correct, since beginners simply cannot cope with it.

There is a well-founded opinion that the best guard dog is the Central Asian Shepherd. In everyday life, such a dog is called Alabai, but this is not entirely correct, since previously only a certain color of this breed was so designated. A Central Asian Shepherd dog should only be owned by a person who is willing to spend a lot of time and effort on training such a watchman.

All guard dog breeds are somewhat similar to each other in character. Central Asian Shepherd Dogs are close both in appearance and in temperament to Caucasian Shepherd Dogs. These are large dogs that do well in outdoor conditions. They are calm and balanced animals that may even seem a little melancholy. This breed differs from Caucasian Shepherds in that it gravitates more towards human society.

These guard dogs are raised very strictly and active socialization is important for them.

In addition, they need more space, so they are often walked outside the territory they protect.

Moscow watchdog: faithful watchman

When considering the best dog breeds for guarding a private home, the Moscow watchdog is also highlighted. This breed was bred in the 1950s in the Krasnaya Zvezda kennel based on the crossing of several breeds, namely the Caucasian Shepherd Dog, St. Bernard, and Russian Pinto Hound. Outwardly, the Moscow watchdog even resembles a St. Bernard. However, St. Bernards are not a breed of dog that is suitable for guarding houses; rescue dogs are initially friendly towards all people.

Only those people who either themselves have deep knowledge and experience working with service breeds of dogs, or agree to send the animal to the appropriate school, can own a Moscow watchdog. The Moscow guard dog needs space; it is not suitable for a city dwelling; a large and well-fenced plot outside the city is another matter.

When considering what kind of dog to get, some consider only its temperament and physical qualities. However, it is worth taking a closer look at the conditions of detention, as well as the rules of care. From this point of view, Moscow guard and Caucasian shepherd dogs are not the most optimal options, since although they are not particularly picky about food, they require it in large quantities. From this point of view, German shepherds are considered a more acceptable option.

Comparing guard dog breeds, we can come to the conclusion that only one of them is universal. This is a German Shepherd. Indeed, it can be an excellent companion; it is used in livestock farming as a herding dog. Representatives of this breed perform detective service in the police.

But it is better to use it for security, including residential buildings.

When answering the question of which dog is best for such purposes, some experts name the German Shepherd. This is not surprising, since representatives of this breed are very easy to train. Protecting the owner, guarding the territory, and even detaining a criminal - German shepherds can do all this. Of course, for this they need special training. However, according to research conducted by Dr. Stanley Coren, working at the University of British Columbia (Canada, Vancouver), this breed is one of the three smartest.

Although the German Shepherd has a fairly friendly and balanced character, and most of these dogs are pets, they are quite successful in distinguishing between friends and foes and behave accordingly. Representatives of this breed are great with small children, but do not allow them to push them around.

This breed is good because it easily adapts to new conditions, it has practically no disadvantages, but it will not be able to live outside all year round, especially in harsh climates.

These dogs need an insulated enclosure and a good kennel. And in cold weather, the dog must live in the house, especially for older animals.

A close analogue of this breed is the East European Shepherd, which in character and appearance is not much different from the German Shepherd. This happened due to the slight chaos that reigned at the dawn of the breeding, when breeding work was carried out poorly and crossings with German shepherds often occurred. It’s not hard to imagine such a dog guarding a home. These are calm, balanced animals, quite confident in themselves, but at the same time distrustful of strangers, towards whom they show a pronounced aggressive reaction.

Other breeds of guard dogs

Guard dog breeds are not limited to the varieties listed above. For example, representatives of the Black Russian Terrier breed have proven themselves well, they look a little like Giant Schnauzers, and in character they resemble the Moscow Watchdog.

Interestingly, this dog breed itself was bred in the 1950s as part of a national project.

At that time, the Soviet Union was actively breeding service dogs, since their number had greatly decreased during the war. The Black Russian Terrier breed was bred as the most frost-resistant so that it could be used in any climatic zone of the USSR. The second name of this breed is Stalin's dog. But despite such a formidable name, Russian black terriers are quite friendly and very affectionate towards children.

These dogs were bred from several breeds, including the Giant Schnauzer. By the way, breeders and dog handlers note that Giant Schnauzers are also considered good guard dogs. These are wonderful companions, loyal friends and brave defenders of the home. They are well trained, very active and courageous, sociable, but quite distrustful of strangers, that is, they meet all the basic criteria. So, when deciding which breed to choose as a guard, you should not discount the Giant Schnauzers.

There are other suitable breeds. These are, for example, Leonbergers - “lion” dogs, which, like shepherd dogs, are herding dogs, but at the same time they are well trained, and therefore can serve as guards.

Tibetan mastiffs also have excellent qualities.

However, in domestic conditions, finding a purebred puppy is not so easy. Among the representatives of exotic breeds, it is worth highlighting the “Japanese” - this is the Akita Inu. They are not as large as shepherds, but are large enough to defend their territory. These animals have a very harmonious temperament, although they are jealous of their owner and can fight for him with other pets. Akita Inus have very thick hair, so theoretically they can easily endure even much harsher winters than in Japan.

The remaining representatives of herding, service and guard dogs are inferior to the listed breeds in their basic qualities. For example, Schnauzers are characterized by hyperactivity, which negates the advantages of this breed. At the same time, they are more likely to agree to chase rodents than to calmly guard the house, but this is understandable - they were bred as cattle dogs, and they simply need to move.

Many people get four-legged pets to protect their yard or apartment from ill-wishers. Having a guard dog, you don’t have to worry about your accommodation on vacation or on a business trip.

But which dog should you choose for protection? After all, there are so many dog ​​breeds in the world.

Our article contains ten of the best dog breeds that do an excellent job as a guard, let's take a look at them.

Tenth place – Giant Schnauzer

Dogs of this breed are easy to train and quickly remember all commands. Despite the good-natured appearance of the pet, Giant Schnauzers perfectly guard their owner and his home. Having such a dog, not a single thief will get into the yard or apartment.

Giant Schnauzers get along easily with other animals and small children.

Ninth place – Moscow Watchdog

Despite the fact that this dog breed was developed relatively recently, it has already won the trust of many people. The main feature of Moscow guard dogs is their size - these dogs are huge and look intimidating. The Moscow Watchdog is not just an excellent guard, but also a devoted friend. There are never any problems with dogs of this breed.

Eighth place – Alabai

This breed of dog is a good guard, but a difficult learner. Alabai is difficult to train and rarely listens to its owner. To ensure that problems never arise with a dog of this breed, it should only be owned by a person who easily finds a common language with every dog.

Seventh place – Caucasian Shepherd

Caucasians are unpretentious, keeping a dog of this breed is very easy. The appearance of the Caucasian Shepherd is not just terrifying; at the sight of this dog, not a single thief will even try to break into the yard or apartment. However, despite their menacing appearance, Caucasians are very friendly and loyal to their owners. Naturally, like any dog, the Caucasian Shepherd needs to be trained and taught, otherwise problems may arise with it.

Sixth place – Doberman

The Doberman is an excellent home guard dog. This breed is a service breed, so these pets are very smart and quick-witted. The house is under the supervision of a Doberman and never receives unwanted guests. Having such a dog, you don’t have to worry about the safety of your money and other valuables. In addition to its security abilities, the Doberman is an excellent companion and loyal friend.

Fifth place – Cane Corso

The Cane Corso is a very expensive and rare breed of dog. Animals of this breed are very kind, well-mannered and patient. But when it comes to the life and health of the owner, Cane Corsos turn into a ferocious beast that is capable of tearing anyone apart. That is why this breed of dog is suitable for guarding apartments and private houses.

Fourth place – Boxer

The Boxer is a very strong and strong dog. He quickly remembers all commands and always obeys his owner. This dog breed is popular all over the world, and very often, these dogs are bred as guards.

The Boxer gets along well with children and other pets, he will always be a loyal friend and an excellent bodyguard.

Third place – Rottweiler

Dogs of this breed are very kind and attentive to children and other household members. Rottweilers are easy to train and quickly remember new information. Due to its calm nature, the Rottweiler can be kept both in an apartment and in a house. Dogs of this breed are very easy to care for.

Second place – Staffordshire Terrier

Some people believe that Staffords are angry and unbalanced dogs. However, this is not entirely true, or rather, not at all true. The character of the Staffordshire Terrier depends directly on its upbringing. If you raise a dog correctly, it will be a good friend and even a “nanny” for children. The Staffordshire Terrier is ideal as a guard dog. Dogs of this breed do not like and do not accept strangers.

First place – German Shepherd

This dog breed is one of the most popular and widespread. German Shepherds live both in private houses and in apartments. This pet is perfect for protection. Germans are very smart and quick-witted, they are easy to train and quickly remember commands. The German Shepherd is not just an excellent guard dog, but also a loyal friend for many years.

Choosing a good dog for protection is not difficult, the most important thing is to choose the pet that you like.

The concept of guard dog breeds usually means four-legged service dogs that have innate skills or good results in training in the following “disciplines”: protective guard, sentry, escort, sentinel and sentry service. In the common understanding, guard dogs are bred to protect property, territory or a person (owner). Differences in the theory and understanding of the “majority” give rise to a lot of controversy. Let us immediately note that all service breeds are universal to one degree or another, and a good trainer will teach any dog ​​to guard. The question is whether the four-legged animal feels that guarding is his duty and calling or whether he “defends” the object because it is necessary. Below, we will look at the photos and names of breeds that are worth having for protection.

What criteria are used to determine the best guard dog breed for you? Size, anger, bite force, distrust of others? Or maybe it is important for you that the dog is small in size and does not cause discomfort in the apartment? Or maybe, on the contrary, you are a fan of giant breeds and do not take small four-legged animals seriously? Too many factors influence the choice of breed; it all depends on the wishes of the owner and the living conditions of the future pet.

Home guard dog

Typically, a breed for a private home is a dog for keeping on the street with free entry into the house. An alternative option is to live in a yard with an equipped enclosure and kennel. The main criteria by which a breed is selected to protect a home and territory are:

  • Gigantic, large, or at least medium size.
  • Thick coat and well-developed undercoat.
  • Devotion, against the backdrop of independence.
  • Innate distrust of strangers.
  • It will be optimal if the selected breed is prone to independently solving complex problems and making decisions.

Important! A dog, no matter what breed it is, cannot be kept on a chain! A leash is a temporary measure until guests enter the house or the yard gate is open, but no more! All guard dogs are active and resilient by nature; restricting their freedom leads to tragic consequences. Stress leads tailed animals to mental disorders, and an unbalanced dog is a real threat!

Apartment guard dog

The choice of a security guard for an apartment is limited by more rigid boundaries, but again it all depends on your preferences and the area of ​​your home. True fans live in apartments with mastiffs and great Danes without any discomfort. We will look at the “average indicators” that most potential owners arrive at:

  • Medium or small dimensions.
  • Not too much or no shedding.
  • Short hair.
  • The absence of a dog’s characteristic odor is an individual indicator; many owners do not consider it important.
  • No tendency to drool.
  • Cleanliness and compactness.

Read also: Bearded Collie: great overview of the breed (+ photos)

Human guard dog

The category of bodyguards includes any breed of dog with protective qualities, even if the skills are dull. The desire to protect is reinforced by unconditional love for the owner. If we think logically, every dog ​​has teeth and is able to use them if necessary. Next, it is worth considering another factor - the stability of the nervous system. Miniature dogs that tremble at loud noises will bite, but only if threatened directly. The good-natured Border Collie, devoid of any aggression, will go into desperate battle if its owner is threatened. The conclusion is simple - a dog is a bodyguard, this is the result of upbringing against the background of a healthy psyche.

Breed groups that are not suitable for protection

  • Hunting, except for universal dogs from the group of Laikas, Schnauzers and some terriers. All breeds that show malice towards animals are not recommended for keeping in private homes. Even if you do not keep poultry (livestock), your neighbors may suddenly acquire a “farm”.
  • Fighting breeds. It is worth mentioning here that with proper training, a dog friendly to people proves to be an excellent guard in a dangerous situation.
  • Rescuers, guide dogs, purely family dogs– a friendly four-legged animal smiling “from ear to ear” is unlikely to scare an intruder.

Giant guard dog breeds

Brazilian Fila(57–75 cm at the withers) is a short-haired dog with a very serious character. Phil needs to be respected and honored, not forgetting who is boss. Raising a giant is not something everyone can do; you need experience, skills and patience. The dog is an excellent, thoughtful and balanced guard. The breed's characteristic feature is a quiet attack, without barking, growling or pronounced aggressive facial expressions.

Bullmastiff(50–66 cm at the withers) is a specially bred guard breed. The dogs are distinguished by their agility and speed; they try not to injure, but to “crush” the attacker with messages and hold them until the owner arrives. They attack tactfully and almost silently, and work excellently at night. They are not suitable for outdoor use due to their short fur.

(54–65 cm at the withers) is a short-haired giant with a flexible character. If a dog is purchased for protection, special training is recommended! Against the backdrop of innate protective qualities, a four-legged animal that does not need to be guarded feels great “on the couch.”

(60–68 cm at the withers) is a very serious, smooth-haired dog, capable of maiming an attacker in a matter of seconds. In some countries, the breed is prohibited for purchase and breeding, since raising such a serious pet must be approached very responsibly.

Black Russian Terrier(64–72 cm at the withers) is a huge, shaggy, black giant with a balanced temperament. Excellent for protecting the yard, but requires constant contact with the owner. RCT in rage is an element that cannot be stopped physically without harming the dog! Training and socialization require experience, moral and physical endurance from the owner.

(58–71 cm at the withers) – large and black like RCT, but not as fluffy. It can live outside in the warm season, but in winter it needs an insulated enclosure or free access to the home. Risen are friendly towards family members and reserved towards strangers. If necessary, they zealously protect both the owner and his property.

Read also: Australian Silky (Silkie) Terrier: standard, differences and history

Moscow watchdog(64–69 cm at the withers) is a breed adapted for living outdoors. A large, hardy, very temperamental dog in work. The guards do not play to the public, and if they do attack, the “victim” will be in trouble. Aviary keeping is strictly not recommended, that is, restriction of will; the four-legged animal must be in the territory 24 hours a day.

(67–70 cm at the withers) is a powerful, long-haired dog with a stable, slightly superficial character. A Caucasian may seem lazy and melancholic until you cross the “threshold” of his territory. Representatives of the breed are really dangerous for an attacker, but do not try to kill, just drive them away. A feature that plays an important role in protection is that the dog does not warn of an attack. Like the Moscow Watchdog, the KO does not tolerate harassment on the territory.

Central Asian Shepherd(60–78 cm at the withers) – a dog similar to the Caucasian Shepherd, but with a more family-oriented character. Externally it differs in the length of its coat, structure and shortened tail. CAOs are patient with other animals on the territory and distinguish children from adults well.

Large guard dog breeds

(55–60 cm at the withers) is a universal service breed with innate guarding skills. The dogs are trained for all types of service (except hunting), are suitable for keeping in an apartment and on the street, get along well with children, get along well with an independent owner or in a large family.

(56–61 cm at the withers) - confidently competes with HO in terms of versatility and learning ability. Belgians are more active than their “German brothers”; they feel great on the territory and in the company of the owner. BO is suitable for a family with children, living in a house with other animals, but requires serious daily exercise and constant intellectual development.

(50–69 cm at the withers) – despite their impressive height, the dogs are very compact and short-haired, which requires keeping them indoors. The breed has innate skills to protect the owner, but is always ready to defend the territory. The Rottweiler is classified as a “dangerous breed”; in fact, everything depends on the upbringing and experience of the owner.

(61–70 cm at the withers) – the breed should not be identified with a “thinner Rottweiler.” Dobermans are natural bodyguards and patrol officers. Initially, the breed was bred for police service, which instilled restraint in the dogs against the backdrop of excellent physical characteristics and a formidable appearance.

German boxer(53–63 cm at the withers) – short-haired, compact, hardy dog ​​for family and protection. Representatives of the breed do not need special training, since they instinctively protect the owner. ZKS courses are only recommended for those dogs who do not quite understand how to handle their skills.