Build an enclosure for a large dog dimensions. DIY dog enclosure. Homemade dog enclosure

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Keeping a dog on a chain is a pointless decision not only from the point of view of raising the animal, but also from the point of view of protecting the territory. The chain restricts your shaggy guard's movement and makes him an easy target for intruders. In addition, there is an expression proven by sad experience: as angry as a chained dog. Such a dog can show aggression not only towards uninvited visitors, but also your guests and even the owners themselves. Allowing a large dog to move freely around the site is also a risk. Not only will she get under your feet, but she will also trample on your flower beds and beds. To solve all these problems, you need to build a dog enclosure. Photos of finished designs from experienced dog breeders will help you choose a pen that is suitable for your dog. Today, the editors of the site review step-by-step instructions on how to properly organize a dog enclosure.

The enclosure should provide your pet with safety and comfortable conditions.

The aviary must meet many requirements. First and foremost, it is designed to provide the dog with a comfortable environment and protect him from bad weather. At the same time, don't get carried away with unnecessary details. If a dog feels better in an enclosure than in freedom, its working qualities will be lost. The pet should be happy to leave its territory and follow the owner’s commands; it should be interested in its surroundings so that it guards your yard.

Another preferred material for construction is wood. Environmentally friendly and warm wood guarantees a healthy microclimate for your pet. It is used for decking, booths and leeward walls.

Important! The height of the structure must be such that the dog cannot jump over the fence. Pay attention to this point, especially if your dog is a jumping breed.

Tools for work

Everything is simple here: you will need the same tools as in conventional construction, for example. If you plan to make a platform, a garden drill for a columnar base will come in handy. To work with wood, you need carpentry tools: saw, hammer, plane, axe. Metal structures may have to be held together by welding, so it will be necessary. To work with brick, you need a trowel and a concrete mixer or a trough for mixing mortar and a shovel. In any case, a tape measure and a building level will come in handy.

How to correctly determine the size of a dog enclosure

The dimensions of the dog pen must correspond to the size of the dog. For breeds with a withers height of up to 50 centimeters, such as English shepherds, spaniels, pit bull terriers, bulldogs, an area of ​​6 m² is required. If you are planning to build your own enclosure for a husky, Rottweiler, German shepherd or other large dog with withers from 50 to 65 centimeters, allocate 8 m². Huge dogs, Dalmatians, Malamutes and Caucasian Shepherds require a minimum of 10 m² of living space. If your building has not one, but two dogs, the area needs to be increased by no less than one and a half times.

If you let your dog out every day at night or plan to keep him in the enclosure only part of the day, you can reduce the size of the pen to 6 meters.

How to create a solid base and flooring for an enclosure

The floor of a dog’s home should not be cold; this is important for the dog’s health. Other requirements for the quality of covering of enclosures for large and medium-sized dogs include strength, waterproofness and ease of cleaning. If you had to fill the area with concrete, cover it with at least asphalt, it is not so cold. There must be a small wooden flooring on which the dog can lie down; the minimum size of such a flooring is 150x200 cm.

The wood must be planed, all knots removed and treated against rot and insects. The plank floor is laid on logs, everything needs to be secured securely and firmly, the boards should not sag. To prevent the flooring from rotting, you need to leave a free space under it 5-15 centimeters high. In brick enclosures, ventilation holes must be provided under the floors.

Important! Do not use nails to secure floorboards as they may injure your dog. It is best to do this with self-tapping screws or self-tapping screws.

The walls of the dog house and the fence of the enclosure

Any design of an enclosure for a dog will require lighting, a fairly high fence, a place for the animal to sleep and rest - a booth.

The enclosure can be framed with bars on all four sides, but in this case the dog will suffer from the piercing wind and drafts, and in winter the enclosure will be covered with snow. Dog breeders recommend installing solid barriers – walls – on two or three sides of the enclosure. It can be a brick, board, metal profile or mounted on a metal frame. It is important that your pet cannot escape by digging. So, the lower part of the wall needs to be reinforced with a concrete curb or metal mesh.

Important! All parts of the metal frame must be thoroughly cleaned and processed so that the animal does not get injured by sharp burrs or protruding pins.

Do-it-yourself installation of the roof of a dog enclosure

The roof of a dog's home can be made of slate, metal, or. In places with a hot climate, it is better to choose a material that does not heat up much in the sun.

Self-tapping screws are used for fastenings. It is important to ensure that the sharp ends of the fasteners do not stick out.

Video: building an enclosure with your own hands

Doors, kennel and dog feeder

The door to the enclosure should be hung in such a way that it opens into the pen and not out. So, you can be sure that the dog will not break free on its own. The door must have bolts installed on the outside and inside. The feeder should not be placed on the floor, but at a height convenient for the dog. For animals of medium breeds, 20-30 centimeters is enough.

A place to sleep, a booth is an important structure. Here the dog can hide from the cold and heat. Don't try to build huge apartments. In the booth, the dog is warmed by its own heat, so the less free space, the better. There should be just enough space for the animal to lie down and turn around.

Small dogs the size of a dachshund or pug can fit in a kennel measuring 60x55x70 cm (60-height) with a 30x40 cm manhole. Medium-sized breeds (Rottweilers, bulldogs and boxers) will need a kennel 80x75x115 cm with manhole 35×50 cm. If you are planning to make a booth in an enclosure for a shepherd, Great Dane or wolfhound with your own hands, calculate the dimensions 95×100×135 cm and manhole 40×60 cm.

Advice! The roof of the kennel must be made opening or removable. So, you can do cleaning, disinfection and disinfestation. In an emergency, by removing the roof, you can help a sick dog.

For the booth, use coniferous wood, which has a beneficial effect on the health of the animal. In regions with harsh climates, it is recommended to make a booth with double insulated walls. The outside of the kennel is lined with material that does not allow moisture to pass through.

Advice! The hole in the kennel should be placed on the south side, this way you will protect the dog’s home from the cold northern winds.

If you have two dogs in your enclosure, the kennels should be placed opposite each other.

Examples of drawings with dimensions of dog enclosures:

How to make a homemade dog enclosure with your own hands

If you keep a dog in an apartment, be prepared for unexpected surprises.

The only means of salvation is to buy or make an enclosure for a dog in your apartment. If you have a playpen from time immemorial, use it for a small dog or puppy. The floor in such a playpen is usually covered with oilcloth, so it will be easy to clean up after your baby, and your children will be safe for some time. There are ready-made indoor enclosures for pets on sale. Here are some examples:

Dimensions and designs of dog enclosures for apartments

Rectangular enclosures are the most convenient shape for an apartment. You can install this design in any corner of the room. The materials for home pens are also your choice: metal mesh, plastic or wooden fencing. You can even use fabric stretched over a frame.

Important! If your pet is overly active, the pen must have a tray.

The dimensions of an indoor arena differ from an outdoor one, because the dog is in it only during the absence of the owners, that is, part of the day. It is clear that a booth is not needed in this case. The size should be such that the dog can take several steps and turn around freely in the area.

How to make an enclosure for a dog in an apartment with your own hands

A small and fairly durable playpen can be made independently. Here's how it's done:

IllustrationDescription of action
For the enclosure, prepare a rigid mesh. About 5 meters is useful for a small dog.
When laying a flat board, bend the mesh at a right angle.
To prevent the mesh from deforming in the desired position, secure its bottom with even strips. It is better to do this with self-tapping screws with round heads.
To enter the enclosure, install two vertical slats and hinge a small door.
Make a latch on the door. There is no need to make a lock from the inside of the indoor playpen.

Do-it-yourself dog enclosure: basic mistakes

An outdoor or indoor enclosure is a home for your pet. Everything in it must be hygienic and safe. Many dog ​​owners make the same mistakes when building enclosures, so the following tips will come in handy:

  • never skimp on material, especially on fasteners;

Do not create a flower garden near the enclosure, the dog’s sense of smell may suffer from this

Constantly monitor the condition of the enclosure. It is necessary to lubricate the hinges and moving parts of the feeder, and treat the wood from rot. In winter, the paddock needs to be cleared of snow, and as soon as it gets warmer, melt puddles should not be allowed to form. Make sure that the roof of the kennel does not leak.

At least once every three months you need to treat the pen and kennel for fleas. Once a week you need to change the bedding - straw or sawdust.

How to accustom a dog to an enclosure

An animal must be trained literally from birth. If you have never restricted your pet’s movement and suddenly decide to send him to an enclosure, he will receive serious psychological trauma. So there is no need to do it abruptly and unexpectedly.

Spend time with your dog in it at first so that your friend gets used to the place. Encourage him and use the "place" command. Only after the animal gets used to it can you start locking it up for a short period of time.

Read in the article

What types of dog enclosures can you build with your own hands with photos of designs

You don't have to spend a lot of money to buy a dog enclosure. It is better to spend time and build your own building, which will serve faithfully and will also make a worthy contribution to your own self-esteem.

First, let's figure out why an aviary is needed, and then consider typical designs.

So, the aviary is:

  • full personal living space for the animal;
  • weather protection;
  • protection of the territory from unauthorized walking;
  • safety of the animal from the outside world in the absence of the owner.

Based on the type of structure, dog enclosures are divided into temporary, closed and permanent.

How to build an outdoor enclosure for a dog with your own hands

While the puppy is growing up, it’s time to think about its future location. To build an enclosure, you need to decide on the construction site, drawings, materials, tools and time.

To build a beautiful enclosure for a dog, it is good to have skills in handling materials and tools. But even without experience in such work, it is worth remembering that excessive haste will not do any good, but a step-by-step approach and studying all aspects of the process will work wonders.

How to choose a location for installing an outdoor enclosure for large and medium-sized dogs

If you need to build an enclosure with your own hands for a husky, shepherd, alabai and other rather large dogs, the process is complicated by the fact that a lot of space for the building will be required, and the consumption of materials increases.

What building materials are best to use?

When choosing a stationary enclosure, one wall is made blank. For this, either or is used.

You can save on building materials and attach the enclosure to the wall of the house.

What tools are needed for the job?

How to properly install the walls of a dog house and the lattice fencing of the enclosure

When the base and flooring are ready, they move on to the wall construction stage. Further work proceeds according to the selected material.

Metal walls are mounted using.

If the product is made of metal mesh and piles, then it is welded to them. When using profile pipes, the operating principle is the same.

Do-it-yourself installation of the roof of a dog enclosure

The construction of an enclosure for a dog is completed with construction and installation. A canopy is needed in any case: a dog can live outside from spring to autumn, and bad weather can happen any day. The hot sun can also easily damage the health of your four-legged friend.

What can a roof be made from:

  • slate;
  • wood and roofing felt;
  • awning fabric.

They make both gable and single-pitch roofs.

When using awning fabric, it is simply pulled over the frame and attached. But first you have to select the sizes and stitch it, which not everyone can do.

When the choice is made in favor of roofing felt, first you need to fill the frame with sheets, and then sheathe them with roofing felt or soft tiles.

Installing a door and equipping a place for sleeping and feeding the dog

The front door should be convenient for the owner, and not assume that he will bend down when entering.

How to make a homemade dog enclosure with your own hands

Making an enclosure for a shepherd dog with your own hands in an apartment is problematic. For an animal of serious size, an equally impressive size fence is needed. But for breeds smaller than average, the trouble-free construction of a small enclosure is quite possible. This does not mean that the dog will sit in it around the clock: this is a necessary measure when guests arrive, or when the owner is away from home for a short time. Also, in such a secluded corner, the whelping family favorite will feel protected, and growing kids will not ruin all the furniture in the apartment.

Selecting materials and calculating the size of an enclosure for a dog in an apartment

To create a project for a home enclosure for a dog, take into account the size of the animal and its age, as well as the purpose of installing the structure.

Depending on the type of future cage, bars, mechanisms for locking the door, a screwdriver with screws, boards, etc. will be useful in the work.

The size of the animal will help you calculate the height. If a puppy feels good in a net with dimensions of 50 cm or more, then an adult small dog requires 60 cm. In order for a large dog to easily fit into a home enclosure, the height is 1 meter.

Instructions for making your own home enclosure for puppies and dogs

The work is carried out in several stages.

The floor is covered with a soft cloth for the pet's comfort.

The main mistakes when creating enclosures for dogs

If a home enclosure allows for the dog to be taken outside, a street enclosure does not provide such freedom due to the absence of the owners on the site or their busyness. To make cleaning easier, it is worth making the floor with a slight slope - this makes it easier to wash off the dirt with a hose. Yes, and in the home cage you can provide a compartment for a tray or a post for small needs.

Another mistake would be not to take care of securing the feeder - active animals will constantly knock it over.

Taking care of our little brothers is entirely on the conscience of the owners!

In a private house, the ideal habitat for her is a comfortable and well-maintained enclosure. You can, of course, buy a home, but it is possible to make a home enclosure for a dog with your own hands. By choosing the optimal location for the dog’s house, preparing the necessary material, using certain construction instructions, you can make a high-quality, beautiful, comfortable enclosure.

Selecting a location

The location of the dog's house should, first of all, be convenient for the dog. You cannot install an enclosure far from the owners’ house, behind outbuildings or at the end of the site, then the animal will be overly irritable and agitated, and will bark and whine continuously.

Important! It is advisable to place the enclosure away from the border with neighbors, roads or compost pits so that the dog is not distracted or frightened by unnecessary stimuli. The optimal location is near the gate on a clearly visible plot of land.

Requirements for the enclosure

In order for an animal of any size to feel comfortable in its home and have the opportunity to shelter from heat or cold at any time, it is necessary to meet a number of requirements for the construction of an enclosure.


Before you build a dog enclosure with your own hands, you should decide on the size. The larger the dog, the more space it needs. Depending on the breed of the pet, The size of the living space should be as follows:

  • for large dogs, more than 65 cm tall at the withers, such as Alabais, Great Danes, Greyhounds and so on, the length of the living space must be at least 10 m in length;
  • for medium animals, up to 65 cm in height, such as Australian and German shepherds, collies, huskies and so on, the enclosure should be at least 7-8 m in length;
  • for small dogs whose height does not exceed 50 cm, such as the Schnauzer, German Spitz, Fox Terrier, etc., the length of the room must be at least 6 m.
These parameters must be observed if the animal is inside the enclosure around the clock. If the pet often walks outside its home, then the size of the total area can be reduced by 1.5-2 m.

Important! There is no need to make an overly large enclosure, even for very large pets. Excess space will contribute to heat loss in the winter season, the dog will freeze.


To make the floor you can use:

  • wooden boards;
  • concrete;
  • asphalt.
Perfect, When making the lower part of the enclosure, prepare three zones:
  • the platform can be made of wood, on which the animal can rest;
  • the space reserved for food can be made of concrete or tiled;
  • The area for walking and performing natural needs is left in the form of soil or grass.
Next, you should consider what material the walls will be made of.

Do-it-yourself dog enclosures can be made of wood, mesh, slate, brick and metal rods.

Important! The door is made in the front wall, which is made of bars or bars. It must be remembered that it must open inward.

Locks on the door must be on both the outside and the inside. It is advisable to install an additional deadbolt in case the dog damages the main lock.

The roof can be made of any roofing material:

  • metal tiles;
  • corrugated sheeting;
  • slate.


The booth is one of the most important components of the enclosure. This is the dog’s refuge from weather changes, his personal space. It is usually made of wood and corresponds to the size of its inhabitant.

At the owner's request, the feeder can be safe, built into the enclosure so that the animal can be fed without going inside. It can be securely fastened with a latch so that the dog does not push it out, is equipped with a rotating mechanism and is installed at a height of 20-30 cm above the floor.

Depending on the wishes and means of the owner, the aviary can be additionally equipped with:

  • heating and ventilation devices;
  • lighting;
  • sewerage and drainage system;
  • blinds protecting from the sun, wind or precipitation.

How to make a dog enclosure with your own hands

A good owner of a private plot should know how to make an enclosure for a dog with his own hands, use drawings and take into account all the necessary dimensions of the pet, the plot and the home itself (see photo).

Preparation of material and tools

First of all, you need to make a drawing according to the given dimensions - draw the yard to scale, determine the optimal location of the dog’s home. A drawing of the enclosure, in addition to indicating the place for the gate and feeding trough, should contain four main zones:

  • winter road (if necessary a booth);
  • platform;
  • feeding area;
  • an open free zone for natural needs.
Depending on what the future enclosure will be, it is necessary to prepare tools and materials.

To make a concrete floor, you need to prepare a plank flooring; there must be a ventilated space of at least 0.5 m between the coverings. The boards for making the entire structure must be well dried, treated with antifungal agents and sanded.

If you install gratings, you can use primed and enamel-coated metal pipes. It is advisable to fasten structural elements with screws made of stainless materials. The roof, if desired, can be either single-pitched, double-pitched, hipped, made of metal tiles, corrugated sheets, and so on.

Did you know? More than 20% of dogs of all breeds and sizes are susceptible to noise phobias - a pathological fear of loud and sudden sounds such as thunder, gunshots or fireworks. This condition of animals disrupts the natural functioning of their body.


Using a welding machine, you need to make a frame for the floor and the frame of the enclosure from vertical piles. The crossbars needed to secure the roofing materials must be welded to the vertical piles. In order for the structure to be strong and durable, the guides must be of high quality.

If the enclosure is wooden, it is necessary to fill the foundation with cement mortar, and then fasten the frame of wooden beams with self-tapping screws. It is important not to forget about the door opening.

Floor and walls

The angle for installing the floor can be front or side. To make it, wood is used (usually for a platform), tiles or cement (to decorate the dog’s feeding area) and soil (for the walking area).

Wooden boards must be polished and treated with a solution that protects against rot and insects. They need to be pressed tightly against each other when laying.

When applying flooring, the following nuances should be taken into account:

  • Concrete or stone surfaces can become excessively cold in winter, resulting in various problems. It is worth covering part or all of the floor with wood.
  • When using wooden boards, you need to think about the place where the dog will relieve himself.
  • Thick tongue and groove boards should be painted only on the outside. Paint on the inside of the floor can negatively affect the animal's health.
  • If your dog likes to dig, you should not leave the ground uncovered, otherwise he can easily get out.
  • To prevent water from accumulating after rain, it is necessary to make the floor at a slight angle.
The front wall made of metal pipes must be primed, painted and securely welded to the frame.

When making walls, you need to remember the following points:

  • One of the walls should be accessible to the dog's view.
  • All elements of the structure must be firmly connected to each other and securely dug into the ground.
  • Metal pipes must not contain rust, irregularities or burrs. Galvanized walls can harm the dog, and excessively thin tubes can ruin the teeth of those who like to chew on the fence.
  • It should be remembered that ordinary chain-link mesh is not a very reliable material for large dogs that can chew through it. In addition, a pet can easily damage its teeth, skin or paws.
  • The presence of two or three solid walls will prevent the appearance of drafts inside the enclosure and protect the animal from diseases.
  • It is ideal to make a pet's home from natural, breathable materials such as wood or brick.
  • The vestibule, door and walkway, if present, are usually made of the same material as the wall (a metal frame with a tongue-and-groove board or a profile pipe).
  • The door width should not exceed 700 mm.

Did you know? For dogs, human hugging is a sign of dominance, so they don't take this process very well.


The roof should have a slight tilt towards the rear of the structure.

When installing a roof, it is important to consider the following nuances:

  • Do not fasten with nails - the animal may be injured by them. It is better to use screws, staples, and so on.
  • The roofing material should be soft and not irritate the dog when it rains. Any metal coating can become very overheated in summer and overcooled in winter.
  • It is imperative to install a canopy to protect the enclosure from precipitation.


After installing the enclosure and kennel, you can take care of the dog’s feeding bowl, as well as bedding and your pet’s favorite toys. The animal should feel comfortable, not need water and food, and not be bored. Otherwise, the dog will look sick, drooping and whine constantly.

It is necessary to remember about the maintenance of the manufactured structure, especially if most of its parts are made of wood. The service life of wooden floors is no more than eight years.

With proper and complete maintenance of the dog in the enclosure, as well as compliance with the rules of rational feeding in order to avoid obesity, There are a number of advantages to this type of animal keeping:

  • pets experiencing seasonal and daily temperature changes become more resilient;
  • Frequent exposure to the sun and getting vitamin D helps strengthen the skeleton and reduce diseases associated with the musculoskeletal system;
  • the seasonal shedding takes place quite quickly, the coat becomes thick and shiny;
  • dogs have a more stable psyche than those that are overly influenced by people, children, involved in family conflicts, and so on;
  • have a good, healthy appetite;
  • less susceptible to inflammation of the outer ear.

Your own home is very important for the life and health of a dog. You just need to help her create, arrange and maintain a comfortable home.

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The time when large dogs were kept in chains is irrevocably gone.

This is especially true for dogs, whose main task is to protect the territory of a private home. In any case, a tethered dog will not give you complete guarantee of protection of your possessions.

Another thing is keeping “guards” in enclosures with free access.

Let's try to figure out how to determine the size of an enclosure for dogs of a certain breed and calculate its dimensions.

Dog handlers recommend training large dogs for yard guarding skills and keeping them in enclosures. In special stores you can purchase ready-made enclosures, but as experience and practice show, they are not always able to satisfy the needs of the dog and its owner. Therefore, it is best, armed with knowledge and advice from knowledgeable people, to make an enclosure for a dog with your own hands.

Parameters for the aviary


The size of the dog enclosure directly depends on the size of the animal, as well as its activity. It is necessary to determine the size of the structure taking into account the dog’s height at the withers, namely:

The width is determined by the size of the body's body without a tail, and is about 1.5 m. The length of the enclosure is calculated taking into account the area and width.

In order to determine the required height of the structure, you need to take the dog by the front paws so that it stands at attention and measure the size from the ground to the end of the front paws. Add half a meter to the resulting value, so you will probably get the permissible height of the enclosure.


The location of the enclosure for large dogs plays an important role. Your dog must have a good viewing angle to perform its duties efficiently. Otherwise, keeping an animal specifically for the purpose of protecting the territory will not make sense.


Take care to install home enclosures for dogs in such a place that the animal is not disturbed by foreign odors that can weaken its sense of smell, such as ammonia.

How to build an aviary

If the dogs are from the northern regions

Place the rearguard of the structure oriented to the north. As for the sultry southern breeds, they will prefer a south orientation. For other dog breeds, the eastern direction is suitable, this is for those who do not care.


Let's talk about enclosures for large dogs. Experts say that there is no great need to install its solid structure, since there is no need for extra expenses in this case.

The enclosures are of such dimensions that they are not particularly susceptible to the influence of moving soils. The structure can easily be placed on brick, ground or with dimensions of 400x400x200 in the corners and vertical supports that are filled with concrete.

Frame design

To build a proper dog enclosure, choose structural steel. Also, it is considered a good material. For smart dogs of the husky, husky, and fox terrier breeds, it is preferable to use metal, since, if desired, they can chew through wood. Of course, with wood there is less hassle; it is much easier to process than metal.

This option is more suitable for those who do not have the opportunity to use a welding tool.


Before use, wood must be treated to prevent development. The support pillars are made from, and treated with bitumen mastic and immersed in concrete for strength. Install every 1.5 meters. The posts are then cut to the required size and secured with boards. Then comes the turn of the flooring, to which a 100x100 timber frame is attached around the perimeter. Lastly, the roof is built.

If the material chosen for the dog enclosure is steel, then the support posts are made from a profile pipe 40 x 40 x 2.5. For the floor, a frame is made from corners 40 x 40 x 2 with a height of 15 - 25 cm from the ground. The flooring is made of boards, which are secured with self-tapping screws. The heads are immersed in wood and puttied. Between the supports, beds are installed (panels covered with boards or lattice-type frames) by welding.


Ready-made enclosures for dogs are often installed on a surface into which the animal disposes of its waste products. Therefore, the floors have to be cleaned constantly. On the other hand, dogs can easily dig a hole in the ground and crawl out. This nuance depends on the breed of the dog, for example, Siberians do not have the instinct to dig, since in their native lands the earth is hard due to constant frost.

Large dogs, Labradors, huskies, huskies need regular walking, and this means that they will not have the idea of ​​getting out of an enclosed space. In any case, it will not be difficult to accustom a dog to a latrine in the form of a vessel specifically for these purposes, if there is a strong desire.

Enclosures for dogs prone to digging

Remember that when building the roof of a dog enclosure with your own hands, you need to leave a gap for ventilation. This is done with care for the animal, because overheating is worse for a dog than cold. The choice of roofing material should be based on sound insulation characteristics.

Since dogs have excellent hearing, the monotonous sound of raindrops can affect the animal’s psycho-emotional health. Therefore, soft tiles or roofing felt would be a suitable material.

A cage for dogs made of chain-link is a pretty good and budget-friendly design option. But some experts are talking about banning this material, since dogs can injure their paws on it and tear out their fur in shreds. We can talk about the safety of the chain-link only if the enclosure is planned for a husky, because this breed is distinguished by its special intelligence and intelligence.

Also, it can be used in the case of a large enclosure area - more than 20 m², in which they are going to keep a large and well-trained watchdog.

For large breed dog puppies

It is not recommended to make an enclosure out of wood here, since the desire to gnaw on everything will play a cruel joke. Small ones can swallow wood chips, some of which get stuck in the throat, causing death. For such babies, it would be advisable to build an enclosure with soft walls, against which he can snuggle and calm down, just like next to his mother.

Medium sized dog kennels

Large psi can live outdoors all the time, so for them life in well-equipped structures will seem like raspberries. The main thing is that it has everything necessary for a happy dog’s life.


The optimal pen size for large dogs is 3 m x 3 m or 2 m x 4 m.

Let us give a specific example of how to calculate the material for a dog enclosure.


  • Welded mesh.
  • Brick.
  • Metal pipes.
  • Wooden boards.
  • Self-tapping screws and nails.
  • or slate, roofing felt.
  • Metal frame for the door.

For an enclosure with wall dimensions of 4 × 2 m and a height of 2.5 m, you must purchase:

  • Brick - 400 pcs.
  • Welded mesh – 8 m.
  • – 3 bags of 25 kg.
  • Metal pipes – 4 pcs. 3 m each and 20 cm in diameter.
  • or paint - 1 can.
  • – 8 m².
  • - 8 m².
  • Wooden boards – 16 m².

General principles for arranging a dog enclosure, dimensions and materials

The design of the enclosure must meet the following requirements:

  • An enclosure for small dogs is built with a total area of ​​about 6 m².
  • For medium dog breeds – about 10 m².
  • For large dog breeds – more than 10 m².

Regardless of the area, the enclosure must have:

  • one wall open;
  • two walls are open;
  • three walls are open.


Make one wall of the enclosure blank to protect it from cold wind and precipitation.

The open walls of the enclosure are constructed from materials such as:

  • chain-link mesh;
  • welding mesh;
  • forged elements;
  • metal pipes;
  • iron rods.

According to the type of roof covering, enclosures are:

  • Open. They do not have roofs; the dog should not be in them all the time.
  • Covered. Enclosures with a roof, in which the animal can sit around the clock.
  • With partial overlap. One part of the roof is covered, the other is left without covering. In such structures the animal can lie down in the sun.

Functional areas indog enclosure:

  • Recreation area. You can put a bed for sleeping.
  • Dining area. I have a bowl for food and water.
  • Activity zone. In this place the dog can do whatever his heart desires.

An important issue that must be resolved in advance is determining the location of the enclosure for large dogs. Often it is installed on the side of the house with a distance of 2 - 3 m from the fence. The location of the pen away from the fence is necessary primarily for the dog, otherwise it will react loudly to every passing person or car.

The floor in the dog enclosure is made from:

  • Sand with a fine fraction.
  • Ground.
  • Concrete. The floor is constructed at a certain angle to prevent water from accumulating.

Dog handlers still advise using concrete for the floor. It is easy to remove and clean, and it can be insulated. Sand is not very suitable for this purpose, since it will accumulate on the animal’s fur, between the phalanges, and may end up in the eyes and food. The ground often freezes during the cold season and sometimes does not absorb moisture well.

The enclosure for small dogs of such breeds as: pug, dachshund, Yorkshire terrier, Jagdterrier, pug, chihuahua, is built mainly temporary. The reason lies in the inability of such dogs to be constantly on the street. The structure is only necessary for walking the dog in the fresh air.

Features of the enclosure for small breed dogs:

The best enclosure size for small dogs is 2 m x 3 m.

An enclosure for a dog is a universal place for eating, sleeping and frolicking in the fresh air. It is in your power to provide your pet with a carefree existence, and then he will delight you too. Just follow the basic rule: the animal should be comfortable in the pen.

When starting construction of a house, many owners immediately get a dog, especially if the construction site is located far from temporary housing. But, solving the problem of protecting the site in this way, you should also take care of a comfortable home for your faithful “servant”. You can, of course, make a booth and put the dog on a chain next to it, but this option is only suitable as temporary housing. To ensure that the animal does not get sick and feels normal, you need to build an enclosure for the dog with your own hands or buy a ready-made structure, which you can also assemble yourself.

Before building an enclosure for a dog, you need to familiarize yourself with the existing standards for such structures. If you build an enclosure without taking them into account, then the housing can become a breeding ground for diseases for the dog and a source of danger for every person who enters your territory (for example, when the dog easily knocks down the door with its chest and jumps out).

Let's look at each element in the design of the enclosure and the requirements for it in more detail.

Step 1 – determine the size of the enclosure

In the design of enclosures, the main parameter is length. It is selected taking into account how tall your dog will be when he grows up. If the dog is still a puppy, then its adult size can be determined by the width of its paws, chest, etc. There is plenty of information about this on the websites of dog breeders.

A convenient option is enclosures attached to outbuildings, because the back wall provides reliable protection from the wind.

For small dogs whose withers height does not reach half a meter, six-meter enclosures are created. For animals with a height of 50 to 65 cm - eight meters. Large pets will need a ten-meter structure. Such standards are designed for dogs that will be in an enclosure around the clock. If the owner plans to let the animal out at night, and sometimes take walks during the day, then the construction of an enclosure for the dog may be a little shorter (by 1-2 meters). If it is planned to keep two dogs on the site or the bitch is expecting puppies, then the enclosure is made one and a half times longer.

Step 2 - selecting flooring material

The floor in the enclosure is made of concrete or asphalt. Most often, owners choose the first option because it is easier to fill it themselves. But you should remember: concrete hardens a lot in the cold season, and the dog can “earn” rheumatism in its paws. Therefore, concrete floors are laid on top with plank flooring (a square of 2 * 2 m is enough).

On an insulated crushed stone concrete base, the dog will be much warmer than on cold ground

Instead of a solid foundation, you can fill only a spot foundation, leaving ordinary grass for walking

When pouring, it is necessary to make a slope towards the facade so that moisture and precipitation do not remain in the enclosure as puddles, but flow off. In addition, it will be easier to clean the structure, because water from a hose will easily wash the dirt to the edge. All that remains is to collect it on a scoop.

Step 3 – installation of walls

When starting the construction of an enclosure for dogs, remember that one wall, preferably the front one, should look like a lattice so that the animal can observe the area entrusted to it. It is best to weld it from pipes (except galvanized ones, because they are harmful), after carrying out the appropriate treatment: remove rust, prime, paint.

When you weld the frame, make sure that the elements do not just grab, but are welded securely, otherwise, with a strong push, a large dog will easily knock out a fragment of the wall. Check the welding areas for any burrs. Never replace pipes with mesh, because the animal will try in every possible way to chew through it. A metal mesh will ruin the dog’s teeth, and a plastic or wicker mesh will eventually not withstand the pressure and will burst.

The walls can be made from corrugated sheets, but the mesh should be replaced with pipes

The other three walls are made from any available material: boards, slate, metal profiles, etc., although for the health of the animal it is best to build from wood. When buying boards (thickness - 20 mm), check the quality of processing: there are no cracks or knots. The board should be smooth. At home, coat the tree with an antiseptic compound in advance.

Step 4 – laying the roof covering

The rafter system must be reliable and well sanded. You can lay any roofing covering that is available, although soft materials, for example, bitumen shingles, are preferable for dog ears. It hides too loud sounds during rain or hail that irritate the dog. An important point: the roof is installed without nails!

The lack of a roof will force the dog to sit in the kennel all day if the weather is cloudy

Step 5 - door installation

The door is made in a lattice wall that faces the facade. The most important rule: the doors must open into the enclosure and have 2 locks (outside and inside). Be sure to add lugs to the design, which will come in handy if the main lock fails. Then you can use a padlock for a couple of days.

Behind the external beauty, an important detail is forgotten: the door should open inward, because if you forget to lock it, the dog will easily jump out of the enclosure

Rules for choosing a good booth

A dog enclosure must include a booth. It serves as protection for the dog in frosty or windy weather. If you build a booth with your own hands, you should consider some nuances:

  1. The area of ​​the booth must correspond to the size of the dog. There should be enough space inside only to turn around and rest in an extended position. Too spacious structures in areas with harsh winters do not retain heat, so the animal will constantly freeze. In mild climates, the internal volume of space does not play a special role.
  2. Coniferous species are ideal for the walls of the booth, as they have disinfectant properties and maintain an optimal microclimate. The wood must be thoroughly dried.
  3. In places with a harsh climate, it is better to make double walls, laying a layer of insulation between them. And if strong winds often blow in your area, then fill the wall on the windy side with some windproof, moisture-resistant material.
  4. Before installing the roof, it is necessary to build a so-called ceiling - a base made of boards that will keep the heat inside the booth.
  5. Make the roof removable. This will make cleaning inside the booth easier, and if the dog gets sick, you can reach him through the roof to provide assistance.
  6. Install not a gable roof, but a flat one with a slope. Dogs love to sit in their own kennels, like an observation post.

The booth in the enclosure must have a removable flat roof

How to install it yourself?

Those who have carefully read the above instructions and decided to create an enclosure on their own will need a welding machine and the ability to work with wood. And a few recommendations below will help you not miss anything. We will not talk about the design and coloring of the structure, because this is not significant.

Let's look at some aspects of installation using the example of a 2*4 m building designed for a small dog that will be allowed out periodically for a walk:

  • Before you start, sketch out a construction plan, which includes all the structural elements of the enclosure and their parameters. Of the 4 meters in length, one and a half meters should be occupied by a winter road (or a booth), another one and a half - by a platform. Take the meter to an open area.
  • It is best to place the enclosure in the southeast. Do not turn to the north, otherwise the booth will be constantly clogged with snow, and to the south, because the dog will languish from the heat in the summer.
  • We fill the entire base with concrete, and in the part where the platform and winter road will be located, there is a plank floor on top. If we are building an enclosure for a dog with a booth instead of a winter road, then we lay the boards only in part of the platform. In this case, the flooring should not fit tightly to the concrete base. Leave at least 5 cm between them so that air circulates normally and the wood does not rot. It is best to stuff the legs from the bottom.
  • The booth must also have ventilation. To do this, they place it on bricks.
  • The facade wall made of pipes is welded in increments of 10 cm for large animals, and in 5 cm increments for small ones.

The layout of all parts of the enclosure depends on the size of the dogs

Place slats on the boardwalk so that air can circulate between it and the concrete base.

If you make a dog house according to our recommendations, then your pet will receive a real “comfortable apartment” and will thank you with good service.