Toy terrier food. Feeding the toy terrier. The best diet for a small pet


Dry food is certainly convenient for busy owners who cannot afford to spend time scheduling and preparing food for the animal. Today, manufacturers offer a variety of foods, but you need to be consistent when choosing them. So, if you introduced food to one trademark, you shouldn’t “interfere” with others, but if there is a need to change, be sure to do it gradually for at least a couple of weeks.

Pay attention to the seasonality of food, good producers There is a diet for the summer and for the winter, the composition is fundamentally different in vitamins, fats and microelements, so you need to switch from one to the other in time.

Those toy terriers that are fed specially prepared food must periodically include chicken or rabbit meat in their diet. Beef should also be present, which is best served in minced form, but not as minced meat. Meat should be served at the rate of 80 grams per 1 kg of pet weight.

Pork is too fatty for terriers, which can have a detrimental effect on the dog’s liver; it is best to exclude it from the diet.

Speaking of meat, we should not forget about fish. It must be served boiled, of course, cleaned of bones, so that your pet does not. Ideal option there will be fillet.

Vegetables and fruits occupy an important place in the diet of toy terriers. It is best to serve them to your pet raw, as this will strengthen the jaw and naturally clean teeth from stone. Pepper should not be given raw potatoes. The most the best option there will be carrots and . Vegetables and fruits are served at the rate of 50 g with a weight of 1 kg. You can also purchase bones and special toys to strengthen your jaw.

Include in dogs and cereals. With a weight of 1 kg, only 30 grams of cereal is needed, which must be soaked for several hours before cooking. Cereals can be varied: from buckwheat to corn. The main thing is not to forget to alternate evenly so that the diet is balanced.

You can also combine products. A little cereal, carrots, potatoes, boiled meat broth(it can be beef or chicken), and you got it great soup, in which the products are correctly balanced.

Don't forget about dairy products such as kefir and fermented baked milk. They need 50 grams per 1 kg of pet’s weight. By the way, you can’t give milk to toy terriers, just as you can’t give chicken eggs. Much-needed protein can be obtained from quail eggs, a couple of eggs per week is enough.


  • Recommendations for raising a Russian Toy Terrier, part 1

The health of a miniature dog largely depends on balanced nutrition. It is especially important to choose the right diet if you prefer to feed your pet food homemade.


Feed puppies under two months of age 6 times a day. The next two are 4-5 times a day, then reduce the number of feedings to 3 times. And from 10 months of age, toy terriers need only twice a day. In the autumn-winter period, add to the diet minerals and vitamins made in tablet or powder form. Select portion sizes individually. Make sure that after eating the sides do not bulge, but do not remain sunken.

Feed only fresh food made from quality ingredients. 15 minutes after feeding, remove any leftover food, this way you will teach your dog to eat regularly. Also, make sure that your pet always has access to a bowl of fresh water.

Start introducing complementary foods at three weeks of age. It's best to start with porridges made from rice, rolled oats or buckwheat. In the future, cereals will have to make up one third of the dog’s diet. You can give low-fat cottage cheese along with porridge. And also add to food raw eggs, but no more than two pieces per week.

This little one is often called a pocket one. And this is no coincidence, because the weight of this dog does not exceed 3 kg, and its height at the withers is no more than 28 cm. Toy terriers are divided into two categories - short-haired and long-haired. The color can be black or brown and tan, red, blue, fawn.

This is a very small and fragile dog. She eats very little - a few spoons of food are enough to keep such a pet full. However, it is important to know what to feed your Toy Terrier. After all, his diet should be balanced, containing everything essential vitamins and microelements. We will talk about this in this article.

What not to feed a terrier

Before talking about what to feed your toy terrier, I would like to say what needs to be excluded from his diet once and for all. A special feature of this breed is its thin and fragile bones. That is why this baby should not be overfed - it will be difficult for her legs to support the excess weight.

Dog handlers and veterinarians believe that any type of minced meat - poultry, fish, meat - is contraindicated for this miniature pet. Sweets, salty and spicy foods, raw sea and river fish, white bread, legumes, sausages, pasta.

What to feed a toy terrier at 2 months

Below you can see approximate diet puppy at the age of eight weeks with six feedings a day:

  1. Cottage cheese diluted with kefir.
  2. Finely chopped meat (beef, veal).
  3. Milk porridge (well boiled).
  4. Boiled meat with vegetables.
  5. Boiled meat with 1/3 teaspoon vegetable oil.

A puppy's very first food is mother's milk. As a rule, after the birth of a baby, the question does not arise: “What to feed a toy terrier puppy?” He usually stays with his mother for 2 months. Until the age of three weeks, mother's milk is quite enough, and then the puppies begin to be fed, giving them a pea of ​​beef three times a day.

To do this, finely scrape the meat from the frozen piece and warm it to room temperature. In addition, at this time the baby should receive one ball of low-fat fresh cottage cheese. When we talk about what to feed a toy terrier puppy, it is important to remember that the puppy cannot be separated from its mother until it is two months old.

Feeding schedule and portions

IN daytime It is necessary to maintain equal intervals between feedings. In the evening, the baby should be fed more tightly so that he can safely withstand the mandatory 8-hour night break.

How to determine the right portion for such a baby? Watch him after eating. If your toy's sides begin to bulge, this means that you have overfed him. At the next feeding, reduce the amount of food and observe him again. Owners must understand that underfeeding is also unacceptable - the owner must receive everything necessary substances in full, this is necessary for normal height and development of the puppy.


For everyone who is interested in the question: “What to feed a toy terrier puppy?”, we have prepared sample menu, consisting of six feedings every four hours.

1 raw meat ball.

2 Cottage cheese diluted with milk or kefir.

3 Cottage cheese again.

4 Hercules, rice or buckwheat, well boiled.

5 Milk porridge.

6 Raw meat.

Basic rules for feeding a puppy

  • Do not follow the puppy's lead and do not increase the portion of meat that he eats most readily - otherwise he will refuse other food.
  • From two to five months, the puppy’s body is transferred to 4 and 5 meals a day, fruits and vegetable salads, which will not only provide the growing body with vitamins, but also help cleanse the intestines.
  • From 5 months your pet can be switched to three meals a day, and after 9 months the puppy is fed twice a day using a diet adult dog, which we will talk about a little later.

Regularly feel the baby's back; if the ribs do not stick out, but are only felt when lightly pressed, the nutrition is correct. If they cannot be felt, then the nutritional intake should be reduced.

Industrial feed or natural products?

Another important question, which worries many owners: what to feed the toy terrier - industrial food (dry food, canned food) or home-made food?

It is quite difficult to answer this question unambiguously. Following the rules for preparing and feeding the baby homemade food may well be useful. Often industrial feed may harm your pet if it is of poor quality or expired.

If we talk about canned food, it is necessary to note the main complaints that experts most often voice about some economy-class food:

  • the presence of low quality offal (instead of meat);
  • replacing animal fats with vegetable ones;
  • flavorings, taste improvers that do not contribute to the health of the toy.

Unfortunately, such foods are widely advertised in the media, they are displayed on the shelves of all stores and quite often have affordable price.

High-quality food should contain meat, animal fats, grains and be well balanced. This product is quite suitable for feeding a toy terrier. The advantage of these animals is their miniature size, due to which they eat little. Therefore, we advise you not to skimp on food and if you buy canned food, then only of excellent quality - premium or super premium in original packaging.

What to feed an adult toy terrier?

If you decide to feed your pet natural products, you must remember that it daily diet must be present:

  • meat (raw veal, lamb or beef, boiled turkey or boneless chicken, boiled sea fish fillet);
  • boiled eggs and offal (kidneys, heart, liver) no more than once a week;
  • cereals (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, sometimes corn);
  • boiled, stewed or fresh vegetables; you can dress this salad with a drop of vegetable oil;
  • fruits (apples, bananas);

fermented milk products (kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, fermented baked milk). For adult animals milk is better It is better not to give, in order to avoid stomach upset.

What should the portion be?

It is calculated this way - 50-80 grams of food per kilogram of dog weight for the whole day. The pet's lifestyle and age are taken into account. Young and active dog, as well as a lactating or pregnant bitch needs more food than a sedentary and aging animal.

Basic rules for feeding a toy terrier

So, we figured out the question of what you can feed a toy terrier (puppy and adult animal). Every owner who wants their pet to be healthy and cheerful must remember simple rules.

You can feed your dog only freshly prepared food (if you choose natural products), uneaten food should not remain in the bowl.

The animal must have access to fresh water at any time of the day.

If your dog is eating homemade food, minerals and vitamins must be introduced into the diet.

And one more rule. Do not forget that such a baby as a toy terrier is a canine, that is, it is a relative of the wolf. Therefore, 2/3 of the diet should be protein foods - meat, fish, offal, eggs.

As you can see, feeding a toy terrier is not difficult, but you need to approach this issue responsibly so as not to harm your pet. Usually detailed information The breeder informs the new owners about the puppy, but if this does not happen, consult additionally with veterinarian on this issue. In addition, it is necessary for a specialist to prescribe the necessary vitamins if you feed your baby natural products.

Before you take your baby into your home, you should consult the breeder about what exactly he fed him. Most often, dry mixtures are used for these purposes, from which it will be quite problematic to switch to good nutrition. But this is exactly what the baby needs in the first six months of life.

Rules for feeding a toy terrier puppy

It should be borne in mind that even if your pet was raised on dry food, it is best to try to switch it to natural food. protein food. However, this must be done gradually, adding a little to the dry food. fresh meat. A few weeks will pass, and your baby will be able to completely refuse crunchy balls, which, although they contain mineral supplements, but still cannot replace natural products. It is important to remember that mixing food is not recommended. Moreover, this applies to the nutrition of not only toy terrier puppies, but also adult dogs. If necessary, you will always have time to switch your pet to dry mixtures; it is much more difficult to achieve the opposite result and accustom the animal to natural food.
If you still succeed, then the basis of your baby’s diet should be fresh, lean meat. The ideal option is rabbit or chicken, but beef can be given to the baby only if it does not cause allergies in the animal. It can manifest itself in the form of watery eyes or constantly itchy ears. In this case, you need to stop using beef once and for all. Toy terrier puppies also need low-fat cottage cheese, which should be fed to the baby several times a week. This product contains a lot of calcium, which is necessary for the formation skeletal system puppy and preparing his body for changing teeth. Also, at least once a week, the baby should boil one chicken egg, chop it and add it to porridge.

Protein food should make up at least 70% of a toy terrier puppy's diet.. Therefore, meat and fish dishes should definitely be supplemented with buckwheat, oatmeal and rice porridge with the addition of any vegetable oil. As for dairy products, in addition to cottage cheese, you can give your pet kefir and low-fat cheeses, as well as occasionally 1 teaspoon of sour cream, which has a very beneficial effect on the baby’s digestive system. Toy Terriers love fresh fruits and vegetables, but they should be introduced into their diet gradually. In this case, citrus fruits, potatoes and cabbage should be excluded, which are contraindicated for both puppies and adult dogs.

It is worth paying special attention to food mineral supplements and vitamins. It is best to consult your veterinarian in advance and select complex preparations, which will help your baby quickly get stronger and gain weight, but at the same time avoid obesity, which puppies often face due to improper and irrational nutrition.

What to feed adult toy terriers?

The menu for an older pet is practically no different from the one recommended for kids. True, from 6 months onwards, a toy terrier should be given food no more than 3 times a day, and by the end of the first year it is necessary to introduce a rather strict regime of two meals a day. This is done so that your pet can keep its beautiful physical fitness and did not turn into some kind of beer keg with short legs. Unfortunately, many dogs, including toy terriers, cannot independently control the process of eating. Simply put, they don't know the limits, so take care proper nutrition the pet will have to be taken care of by its owners.

As your baby's teeth change, it is necessary to supplement his diet with solid foods. These can be raw vegetables and fruits, which help the dog strengthen not only its teeth, but also develop its jaw system. After a meal, you can sometimes pamper your pet with a sugar bone, but it should be soft enough so that the toy terrier does not get hurt or damage its gums.

Nutritional supplements should also be present in the daily diet of an adult dog. Occasionally they can be replaced with natural products, which, in particular. refers to dried and ground tripe. It is still recommended to season porridge with vegetable oil and chopped boiled eggs. But the amount of dairy products should be significantly reduced, almost completely eliminating cottage cheese, kefir, milk and sour cream from the diet.

If you decide to switch your pet to dry food, mineral supplements should not be used. In addition, any other food of animal origin, as well as porridge, will have to be completely excluded from the pet’s diet. The exception is fresh vegetables and fruits that you can occasionally pamper your dog with. You should also remember that your toy terrier must always have fresh drinking water in his feeder.

Products that should be excluded from the Toy Terrier's menu

Fatty foods are strictly contraindicated for dogs of this breed, so you can forget about pork and lamb once and for all. The same applies to fatty fish, as well as cheeses and pates. In general, it is better to exclude canned meat from the animal’s diet, since there is no guarantee that they do not contain harmful substances. pet substances. You should not spoil your dog with smoked meats, sausages, salted fish and any fried foods..

Almost all toy terriers have a sweet tooth by nature, but sweets, cakes and buns are strictly contraindicated for them. Of course, exceptions can still be made occasionally, but feeding your pet sweets should not become a habit. If the baby is begging for something tasty, then it is much safer to give him dried fruits or a crouton.

Among the foods that should not be given to toy terriers are: you need to separate out raw chicken eggs, as they have heavy load for dog liver. In addition, you should refuse any legumes, although toy terriers adore green peas and don't mind enjoying it boiled beans. However, these products are very poorly absorbed by the animal’s body and can cause digestive problems.

Toy Terriers – decorative dogs, unpretentious and easy to keep, very active and friendly. Dogs of this breed are kept indoors only and do not require daily or long walks.

Predisposition to disease

Despite their grace and miniature size, toy terriers are naturally endowed with strong immunity and vitality. However, the disease can turn a baby into an emaciated dog in two days.

Toy Terriers are predisposed to some typical diseases, due to the characteristics of their physiology and immune system:

  • problems with musculoskeletal system, which is facilitated by the active and inquisitive nature of the Toychik and the genetics of the breed;
  • tartar, periodontal disease, early tooth loss;
  • penchant for allergic reactions on food, insect bites, pollen;
  • digestive problems – gastritis, pancreatitis;
  • hydrocephalus, eye diseases.
Most of these diseases can be avoided if you properly plan your dog's diet.

Rules for creating a diet

The health of a miniature pet largely depends on a balanced diet. Everything on the menu should be present in sufficient quantity. useful substances: proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins.

Components of the diet for toy terriers:

  • 30-35% - animal proteins (meat or fish);
  • 30% - cereal products;
  • 20-25% - vegetables and fruits;
  • 10-15% - dairy products.

For dogs of this breed, raw or scalded with boiling water beef, veal, sea white fish. Offal (heart, liver, tripe), chicken and eggs are also included in the menu.

The daily portion of meat and fish products is calculated based on 50-80 grams per 1 kg of pet weight.

It is useful to feed a toy terrier buckwheat, rice, oatmeal at the rate of 30 grams per 1 kg of weight.

Add fresh or boiled zucchini, cucumbers, bell pepper, carrots – 50 grams per 1 kg of body weight. Tomatoes can cause allergies, beets are known as a laxative, cabbage causes flatulence, so these products are given to dogs in small quantities.

To strengthen the bones and joints of toy terriers, low-fat kefir, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk (50 grams per 1 kg of weight) are useful. Only puppies are fed whole milk; adult toy terriers make do with fermented milk products.

There should always be a sufficient amount of fresh, unboiled water in the dog’s access area. The bowl of food is set out for twenty minutes. If after a while the food remains uneaten, it is removed, and the next time the dose is reduced. If the dog licks the bowl to the bottom, looks into the owner’s face, and asks for more, the amount of food in the serving is increased.

Exemplary daily ration adult toy terrier:

Prohibited Products

The Toy Terrier's diet does not include fatty, fried, smoked and canned food. Pork (especially lard), minced meat, river fish, and bones are prohibited. Adult dogs should not be given milk or raw egg white. They don't feed toy terriers butter, full-fat sour cream, cream. The toy's body has difficulty digesting starch, so potatoes are also excluded from the diet.

Legumes, barley and pearl barley porridge poorly digestible digestive system this breed. Do not feed the Russian Toy Terrier baked goods (especially fresh baked goods), pasta, or sweets. Food with spices, preservatives, dyes, and flavorings can cause poisoning. Due to a tendency to allergies, the dog is not given probable allergens– citrus fruits, soy, as well as grapes and nuts.

For puppies

Newborn toy terrier puppies up to one month old feed on mother's milk, receiving with it everything necessary for growth and development nutrients. From 3-4 weeks, breeders begin to gradually feed babies with milk porridge or special dry food for this age. Meals are split, six times a day.

At 2 months

At 2 months, puppies no longer need mother's milk. They receive food five times a day and drink from a bowl on their own. At the age of two months, babies can be transferred to a new owner.

At this time, in addition to porridge, puppies are fed cottage cheese, lean meat, and begin to be fed vegetables.

Sample menu for a two-month-old puppy:

  • morning: rice porridge with finely chopped boiled carrots;
  • second breakfast: cottage cheese with milk or kefir;
  • lunch: chopped porridge with milk;
  • afternoon snack: milk rice porridge;
  • dinner: raw meat scalded with boiling water with oatmeal.

At 3 months

Three-month-old puppies eat four times a day. During the daytime, equal intervals are maintained between feedings. In the evening, the baby is fed more tightly so that he can easily withstand the mandatory 8-hour night break.

As before, the main place in the diet is occupied by proteins - the “building” basis for growth, building muscle mass and weight gain.

Fish, a source of phosphorus, and offal: heart and liver are gradually introduced into the menu. The range of vegetables is expanding.

At 4-5 months

Puppies are gradually transferred to three meals a day, while simultaneously increasing the portion size. During this period, babies grow rapidly and get better. Sample menu for this age:

  • breakfast: dairy products - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • lunch: meat with porridge and vegetables - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • dinner: 2 tbsp. spoons of porridge with vegetables and 2 tbsp. spoons of meat.

After six months

The diet of six-month-old puppies remains the same. At this age, babies are gradually transferred to two meals a day. Milk is being removed from the menu, replacing it fermented milk products. The porridges still remain milky with the addition of a teaspoon of vegetable oil. Portion sizes are increasing.

Complementary foods are supplemented with solid foods as the puppies' teeth change. Raw vegetables and fruits, as well as chicken necks help strengthen teeth and correct formation jaws.

If a puppy begs for food from the table, which is typical for this breed, this does not mean that he does not have enough food. It is important not to follow the lead of the cute creature, begging tasty morsels from the owner. Accustoming to such handouts will lead to the fact that a spoiled pet may in the future refuse full-fledged and healthy diet. As a reward, special bones or cookies for dogs are used.

For older toy terriers

Dog diet old age is compiled taking into account all the changes that occur in the body after 8-10 years of life. If your pet has overweight, shortness of breath, age-related changes in the joints, activity has decreased - it’s time to take care of adjusting the menu.

As a dog ages, it spends less energy on walks and its metabolism slows down. Therefore, first of all, reduce the proportion of fats, especially of animal origin. Now the dog's food should be low-calorie.

In older dogs, the need for protein decreases. Large quantity meat now has an adverse effect on the kidneys. Therefore, part of the meat is replaced with fish and fermented milk products.

If your pet is overweight, reduce the proportion of cereals in favor of vegetables. To replenish the need for vitamins, carrots, broccoli, and zucchini are given raw.

Constipation – common problem in older dogs. To avoid this, add a little wheat bran to the feed.

Due to dental diseases typical for the breed, food for older Toy Terriers is ground up. The size of the pieces is made so that the pet can easily swallow them without chewing.

Industrial feed

If the owner of a toy terrier is a busy person, or he wants to be sure that his pet receives all the substances necessary for health with food, then the choice of ready-made food will be the right decision. All the proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, microelements, enzymes, and probiotics that an animal needs are contained in premium and super-premium food. Food and canned food from the Acana, Orijen, Arden, Pro Plan, Royal Canin, and Hill’s brands have proven themselves well. Daily norm food depending on the weight of the animal is indicated on the packaging. When purchasing dry or wet food choose special rulers for miniature breeds.

Industrial food is introduced into the puppy’s menu in the same way as natural products. Dry granules for babies are soaked warm water during the first two months.

Transfer from natural food to dry food

The daily portion is divided into 10 parts. On the first day, the dog receives 9 parts of the usual menu and one part of dry food. The next day, the ratio changes towards increasing the dose of the new product: 8 parts of the usual food and two parts of the industrial one.

Thus, the transition to a new diet will be carried out in 10 days. During this period, the dog's stool is monitored. If diarrhea occurs, the replacement process is stopped or another food is selected. To facilitate the adaptation to new food, the animal is given probiotics to prevent digestive disorders.

Combined nutrition

Industrial feeds are balanced in composition. If you add natural products to such a diet, the amount of proteins or carbohydrates may exceed the required norm. The dog's body will react with indigestion or allergies.

To avoid similar problems, when choosing mixed type It is important not to give your pet natural products and industrial food at the same feeding. Break between doses different types food should be 5-6 hours.

Vitamin and mineral supplements

When eating homemade foods, the dog additionally requires complex vitamin and mineral supplements.

The composition of the complex for this breed should contain:

  • carotene – to maintain eye health;
  • B vitamins – to strengthen the nervous and cardiovascular systems;
  • calcium, phosphorus, iodine, iron, zinc - for strengthening bones and joints, proper metabolism, for a thick and smooth coat.

Proportions of ingredients in vitamin complexes vary depending on the purpose:

  • for growing puppies and juniors;
  • for pregnancy and lactation of bitches;
  • for older dogs of small breeds;
  • to improve the condition of the coat;
  • to strengthen bones and joints.
Vitamin and mineral complexes are chosen for your pet on the advice of a veterinarian, taking into account the developmental characteristics and health status.

A toy terrier puppy is a small creature that can cause tenderness in absolutely any person. Having got a pet, it is worth remembering that this is not a toy, but a baby that requires education,

Age of the toy terrier, in months Number of feedings per day Products that should be included in the diet
1-2 6 times Milk, fermented milk products low fat, cereals, lean meat.
2-3 5 times + egg yolk.
3-4 4 times + fruits, vegetables, sea fish.
4-10 3 times Low-fat fermented milk products, cereals, vegetables, lean meat, egg yolk, fruits, sea fish.
More than 10 2 times Identical to ages 4-10 months.

What to feed a 2 month old toy terrier puppy – sample menu:

  1. Cottage cheese;
  2. Buckwheat with meat;
  3. Stew;
  4. Rice cooked in milk;
  5. Meat with yolk.

What to feed a toy terrier puppy at 3 – 4 months

As the puppy grows up, the menu changes; at three months of age, the toy terrier can eat vegetables (zucchini, carrots, cucumber, cabbage), non-exotic fruits, sea ​​fish without bones. The number of meals can be reduced up to 4 times.

What to feed a 3 month old toy terrier puppy - approximate diet:

  • Hercules with meat;
  • Cottage cheese with milk;
  • Stewed vegetables with fish;
  • Apple, meat.

If the owner is interested in what to feed a toy terrier puppy who is 4 months old, you need to know - the animal’s menu is exactly the same as for a three-month old puppy.

What to feed a toy terrier puppy at 5-10 months

The diet of a toy terrier puppy is close to the diet of an adult dog - the need for milk disappears. But fermented milk products are needed by animals of any age. During this period, the dog receives food 3 times, and after 10 months 2.

How to properly feed a toy terrier puppy dry food

From the age of two months, a puppy can be fed dry industrial food.

However, not everyone knows how to properly feed a toy terrier puppy. ready-made food. He must be top quality, cannot be mixed in one meal natural food and prepared feed. When calculating serving size, you should follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

Despite the abundance of food from various brands, it is prohibited to change them frequently and abruptly without a serious reason, as this can cause stomach diseases.

What not to feed a toy terrier puppy

The dog should not be offered food from its own table. A product that is important for the human diet can cause irreparable harm to the health of a pet.

You cannot feed your pet food that is inappropriate for its age - do not feed it one month old baby fish.

Pickles, smoked foods, spices, and fatty foods, including pork, sour cream, butter bread, and pasta, are contraindicated for toy terriers of any age.

When purchasing a puppy, the future owner needs to think about whether he will be able to devote time to the pet’s hygiene - he needs to regularly clean his eyes, ears, and trim his claws. As for nutrition, it must be correct; if there is a lack of time, dry food should be included in the diet, and not feed the animal anything. The health of a pet depends almost entirely on the person.