Where can homeless puppies be placed? How to adopt a homeless animal. How and where to place an ad to place your dog in good hands

Sometimes it happens that keeping a dog in the house is no longer possible. Let's leave aside the moral aspect of this problem and think about where we can give the dog. But first, about what to do with a stray dog ​​that you found or met, but cannot take home.

Where to give a stray dog

You feel sorry for the animal, but you can’t keep it at home. Where should I give the dog in this case? There are several ways to attach it.

  1. Method one: one of your acquaintances or friends will want to adopt a dog. An unlikely option, but sometimes it happens. In this case, we must not forget that before taking the dog into the house, it must be taken to the veterinarian so that he can examine it for various diseases. If there are none, then the animal can be safely taken, but if something is revealed, then as an option: treat it, if the disease allows it.
  2. Method two: the dog may belong to someone. It may be worth placing advertisements on nearby houses, in a free newspaper, and on the Internet that “a dog has been found, boy (or girl), color such and such, breed such and such (if any), dog young (old) and etc.” That is, to describe everything as accurately as possible possible signs. There are known cases when there was a dog owner who no longer wanted to return his pet.
  3. Method three: take the homeless dog to a shelter. Of course, there are already quite a lot of animals in shelters, but if there is no other way to place an animal, then it is better to give it to the shelter workers.

Where to give your pet dog or puppy

If you are reading this article, then, fortunately, you are far from thinking about throwing the unfortunate animal into the street, although the cases are different. It’s just that it will be extremely difficult for a dog that grew up at home to adapt to the harsh everyday life on the street. AND the best option will still give the dog to his good friends or acquaintances. In the end, you can also place an ad on the Internet like this: “I have a dog, I can’t keep it anymore, I’ll give it to good hands" Believe me, there are many examples when a dog has new caring owners in exactly this way. Well, at worst, you can give the dog to a shelter so that someone can give it a home.

The main thing is not to throw the animal out into the street, because it will simply die there. Be merciful and be patient - and the animal will definitely find new owners. And a few words about puppies. Here are approximately the same options: you can ask your friends to take little friend, you can place an ad on the Internet/in the newspaper/at entrances, or you can take the baby to a shelter.

Time Out spoke with volunteers and owners of homeless animal shelters and found out what you need to do if you decide to get a dog, and why shelters are not places for the faint of heart.

Irene Belenkaya, owner of the Sheremetyevsky private shelter

Five years ago, I felt sorry for abandoned dogs - it’s impossible to bring them all home, and the foster care is very bad - people get money, but the animal sits hungry and tied to the radiator. Therefore, I realized that it was necessary to have a place to keep the animal in order to find worthy owners for it. At first we rented cowsheds, and then they asked us from there. I had to buy the land and build enclosures. I sold a three-room apartment not long before, I could easily sit on the money, but I decided to give it to a shelter.

We employ volunteers, and they are constantly approached with requests for help. And if there is free space in the shelter and finances, then consider the animal already lucky. Sometimes the police call and say that they found a dog tied up, and if we don’t take it, they will shoot it.

Before adopting an animal, you first need to assess your abilities - both material and mental. Because there is big difference between “I want” and “I can”. If you don’t work anywhere, you don’t have money, then this is not help - it only harms the animal. You must have an apartment, be registered somewhere, have property. And understand that you should not betray the animal.

We check a person’s documents, make a photocopy of their passport, go to their home, sometimes even talk to their neighbors if we have doubts. If young people apply, we talk to the parents and ask if their child is responsible enough. We learn a lot and still sometimes make mistakes.

We refuse often - sometimes there are only refusals in a row, some workers from Moldova call, who work in Moscow for five minutes. We give animals only to people with Moscow registration. There are exceptions - if a person sits on our forum, helps, or works as a volunteer. And yet we call the parents, the owners of the property, to find out if they are against it, whether the person pays rent regularly, and whether they keep things clean.

If a person meets all the criteria, we give the dog away immediately. There are shelters where you need to come and walk for months, but we don’t think this is necessary.

Sometimes animals are returned - this is still good. It’s worse when we go with the police to save them. We keep an eye on all dogs - we have a section on our website called “Adopted Dogs”, in which owners publish photographs of the animal. If for a long time the photos don’t appear, we call and ask you to prove that everything is fine with the dog. If we cannot find a person, we contact the police.

We select an animal for each person: we look at you, your physical, mental and material characteristics, we try to find a suitable animal, we advise which dogs get along with children, which with cats. If you have no experience, then we suggest taking an animal with a simpler character.

If a person wants to return a dog, we accept it right away, even if there is no room. We take our dogs to the hotel when people go on vacation - if they can, they pay for it, if not, we keep them for free.

I spent all my strength, health and money on the shelter. It doesn’t bring me any profit: people, of course, help, but in total I spent about seven million on the shelter, and we collected 570 thousand.

Honestly, if it were possible to return everything, I would not get involved in this. But now I have 202 dogs. Half have curators, that is, if I decide to give up everything, I’ll just have to let the remaining hundred go out onto the street.

A lot of people help me, sometimes I am very happy: when they send me photographs of animals that were in terrible condition, and now they are sitting happy on the sofa. But in general, there is a lot of stress and negativity in this matter; unfortunately, people are very fickle and irresponsible. Here last story- about Don Pedro. We gave it away in May, less than six months have passed. The dog, it turns out, was sold a week later for four thousand to some security guard from Mordovia who works on a rotational basis. He took him home, there is a pregnant wife who is afraid of this huge staff. And this security guard, when returning to Moscow for work, gave the dog to an alcoholic friend. Our volunteers went to Saransk, found the dog, and he was already in terrible condition, from 32 kilograms he had lost weight to 19, he was sitting on a chain, covered in bald spots, and instead of a tail there was a bone sticking out. We returned him to Moscow, now he is on IV drips, you can’t even feed him, he’s so hungry.

Of course, not all people are like this; if everyone were, I would have closed the shelter a long time ago. But in our country there are no laws protecting animals, and kindness and responsibility are not taught at all. Nobody teaches us to do good. On TV there is fashion, "Let's get married", films about how everyone kills each other, and naked women. And what should children learn? I am not disappointed in people, but our attitude towards animals is terrible.

Elena Rovkova, volunteer at the Khimki 2 municipal shelter, curator of the Pets project

I have been working at the shelter for over three years. It all started when I read that this shelter is complete trash, a nightmare, animals are freezing to death in their enclosures, there are not enough hands. I decided to help, I traveled from the other end of Moscow. Every time I came, I thought it was the last time, but then it turned out that I already had responsibilities and responsibilities. I realized that there was no way without me, and I joined the team of volunteers. We resolve all issues, set up devices, find medications, and take them to the clinic. This is my hobby, I don’t get any money for it, on the contrary, I spend my own.

The shelter had just opened, it was a mess, everyone was confused. Subsequently, the municipality began to help, and the situation improved. Our shelter is considered good. We have places for “old people”, we call it a “boarding house” - dogs live there who will no longer be able to survive in a common enclosure due to old age or illness. There are warm places for puppies, a veterinary shelter where veterinarians can work, walking areas, and a small park nearby where you can walk with dogs, so we are doing well relative to other shelters. Plus, on the initiative of volunteers, all our dogs do not eat “Chappie” food, but porridge with meat. We raise money through social networks. There we publish lists of necessary things, medicines, food. We have 560 animals, which is not enough for municipal shelters in Moscow, usually 700-1000. But it’s still hard for the animals here: when people come to the shelter for the first time, they cry. I no longer have tears, for me it’s not that it has become commonplace, but I have learned to abstract myself.

To adopt an animal, a person must be over 18 years old. We treat people under 21 with caution and ask for parental consent. Next, the person must come to the shelter and choose an animal. We are not giving it away right away. A shelter dog is a diagnosis, they are not particularly trusting, many have experienced betrayal, you need to establish contact with them. To do this, you need to come to the shelter three or four times. If we see that there is contact and the person has serious intentions, then we conclude an agreement. Often people come with emotions - they feel sorry and want to take it away. But we don’t have a goal just to accommodate, it’s important that it lasts forever and the dog is happy.

We are always for a chance, because a priori things cannot be good in a shelter. We have a rule - we take the dogs ourselves. Firstly, this is helping the animal, because the dogs are already accustomed to us and listen to us, and secondly, we are always calmer if we understand where we gave the dog.

We refuse 10% of cases. We don’t give animals to guard enterprises, we refuse people drunkenness and we do not ship to the regions - only Moscow and the Moscow region.

Over the course of the year, we adopted 70 dogs, of which there were three returns. Returned once by a couple who impressed us happy family. They returned the dog terribly thin, I have seen a lot of thin animals in shelters, but never this bad. They said that they were waiting for the baby to appear, and they had no time for the dog. We returned one dog ourselves - we made an emergency call to the owners to find out if everything was okay, but they said that they had moved to St. Petersburg, and the dog ran away. We were going to start a search, but it wasn’t necessary - we found him at the entrance where he lived, he just sat there for two weeks and waited until they took him away.

We always accept animals back and never say a word of reproach; the main thing for us is that they are not thrown out or euthanized. We keep in touch with the owners, ask how they are doing, if they need help, and ask for photos for social pages.

Now a rethink is underway in Moscow - previously it was believed that a dog from a shelter was something dirty and ugly, and now there is even a fashion for mongrels. They contact us and ordinary people, and the very wealthy who can buy, but want to do a good deed.

They call me once or twice a day to pick up my dog. And to give it away - thirty to forty times. I have almost 600 dogs, where else could I go? If a person sees a stray dog ​​on the street, then there is no need to take it to the municipal shelter - this is not a solution, the dogs there are unhappy. It's hard to be happy when someone goes out with you once a week. If you want to help, you can give it to private foster care, but you have to pay for it. Or leave it with friends for a while, post photos, write texts, publish them on thematic groups. When you have 600 dogs, it’s hard to find homes for them, but when we're talking about about one, then finding its owner will not be difficult.

Tatyana Chernikova, curator of the group “I want to go home. I Want To Get Home"

In 2011, I started helping individual animals with money. In 2012, I joined a group of curators and took care of my first dog - this is when you start working with a specific animal as an individual. You help him adapt, find him a place in a foster home or in a private shelter. After that, you treat him, vaccinate him, take all the tests, if everything is in order, you let him into PR - you look for a home for him, I do this mainly with the help social networks. Now for me the most important topic is to find a home for animals, because we can save millions, but until they find owners, there is no point in it. I maintain pages in and . I try to explain to people that shelter animals are no less grateful and beautiful than store animals.

I view shelters not as a panacea, but as hopelessness. A private shelter is from 50 to 250 dogs, and a municipal one is the smallest “Zoorassvet” for 450 animals, and the largest is “Eco Nekasovka” for 1600-4000 animals. Volunteers treat municipal shelters like a concentration camp. The animals there are very in serious condition, huge cluster, no individual approach. The only more or less decent municipal shelter in Moscow is Kozhukhovsky. In 2013 there was a change management company, and from now on there are a lot of volunteers there, cleaning and socialization are going on, and the animals are very big chance find a house.

To adopt a pet, you first need to understand what kind of animal a person wants. People often call me: “I want a dog.” I always say: “Look for your dog.” It often happens that they are looking for a small one, but take 60 at the withers. Here, of course, it is useful to follow social networks: volunteers maintain shelter pages, post photographs and descriptions there, you can follow my publications, there is a group. Today Instagram is the main platform for both rescue and search. There is a huge selection on Avito - almost any shelter or private rescuer talks about animals there. There are resources.

If a person wants to go to a shelter and adopt an animal right there, then he needs to be prepared. If a person wants purebred dog, then he needs to go to the Sheremetyevo Shelter. If he wants a puppy, then go to “Call of the Wild.” If a person is ready to take a more serious step - to take a dog that has suffered - this is in any municipality, where the most suffering are there.

You shouldn’t go to the “Solntsevsky Shelter” or “Nekrasovka” right away - a person will come, trample and leave, because people are not ready to take a feral dog from a dirty enclosure. This is exactly what the PR campaigns that I do are needed for - to show that this dog is not so scary, that it can communicate. If you talk about an animal as a person, there will always be a person who wants to take it. A very good, quiet shelter, where there are only 70 dogs and 50 cats, where people do not get shocked - this is the “Forest Shelter”, it is, however, located 80 kilometers from Moscow. But mostly it’s always scary, because it’s impossible to cure and examine everyone.

When I decide whether to give up an animal, I try to understand how ready the person is. I ask what they will feed. If he says it’s from the table, then most likely he won’t give it to me. I definitely ask about the attitude towards sterilization. I ask if a person is ready to create or is he a consumer - because there are people who just want to get free the perfect pet, and there are those who understand that in any case he will need to be treated and educated. I mainly deal with animals in poor condition. In response to “oh, I want a dog,” I try to tell in detail what awaits these people.

The municipal shelter gives up the animal under an agreement - you come with a passport, sign, pick it up, no problems. A private shelter may already refuse.

If you want to return the animal, you will not be kicked out, but you will certainly be shamed. I only had one case where a person decided to return. Perhaps because I really take a long time to explain, lay out, discuss all the details, and people are ready. It seemed to them that everything was terrible; the dog turned out to be larger than they expected. They made the decision in a day, that is, they didn’t even try - usually addiction lasts two weeks. The animal lived with them for four days while we were looking for foster care, then they gave it away. And three days later they wrote a message that they had been awake all this time and were ready to sign any documents to return him.

Return is a fairly common situation, but it all depends on how the volunteer worked. The device is an experience. I am 46 years old, I love animals, I understand people well, I try to choose an animal and I am always open to dialogue, so I have no return.

This is my hobby, I am a housewife, I have been taking care of my family and children all my life. Previously, I was involved in horse riding. When a story ends with a happy ending, it brings me a lot of joy. In the beginning you only see pain, and then the animal finds a home and everyone becomes happy.

If you want to post information about your ward in need of an adoption on the Adopt a Dog! website, register on the website and place your ad. After checking by a moderator, the ad will appear in the catalog on the website. Moderation of ads on the site is manual; the time it takes for an ad (publication) to appear can sometimes reach 12 hours.

Requirements for advertisements, catalog rules for adopting cats, kittens, puppies, dogs.

Duplication of several advertisements for the same animal is prohibited on the site. If you cannot be absolutely sure that you are the only one who can promote a given animal before you place your ad, check if there is already an advertisement about this animal in the site directory.

Deliberate duplication(submitting advertisements from different photos and names of the same animal) leads to disconnection of the user from the announcement system with simultaneous deletion all ads from this user.

The same text is prohibited in the short and extended descriptions, search engines(where the “handles” come from) consider repetition of content on other resources and duplicate text on different pages of the same site negative factor ranking. This leads to a decrease in the site's ranking and fewer "handles" come in.

By placing an ad in mandatory provide the following information:

1. Animal name

2. Description of the dog (cat)(gender, age, size, character traits, behavior, level of socialization, etc.). If the dog is trained to do something, write what exactly. If you know, then indicate your attitude towards other animals, suggest for what kind of people, what kind of lifestyle, in your opinion, this dog is “suited” best, preferred, desired or possible conditions content - in an apartment, in a yard, for security, etc. at your discretion. How more complete description you prepare, the higher the likelihood of a more successful device.

Please do not write one-line advertisements like: “handsome and smart is looking for an owner, call...” - we don’t have anyone else here, everyone is smart and beautiful! Try to make as detailed a description as possible, a verbal portrait of the dog, emphasizing its features, highlighting its advantages, and mentioning its shortcomings - this is important for a reliable, truly successful adoption.

3. Contact details of the curator/guardian: telephone - required, the rest (email, ICQ, Skype) - at your discretion. It is advisable to indicate 2 phone numbers if possible different people, who can answer for a given dog, replacing each other at moments when one cannot answer the phone, for example, you can (in agreement with the owner of the second number, of course!) set the second number to the phone number of a senior volunteer in your shelter or someone from your teammates, etc.

4. Photo preferably several from different angles. People most often choose dogs based on photographs, like a product in an online store. Very great value for a quick adoption, the dog has a portfolio of photographs good quality . If you are really interested in the placement of your ward, try to do it for real good photos, which allow you to represent the animal as accurately as possible.

Don’t forget, there is such a wonderful thing as a video, it clearly shows the size and temperament of the animal, include the video in the extended description. The video is embedded by the admin only from YouTube.

IMPORTANT! Upload photos to your ad that do not exceed 2 MB in size - otherwise the ad may not be saved at all, or will be saved, but with photographs of poor quality.

5. If the dog is from a shelter, indicate which shelter it is from (name, district). If under the care of the Foundation, indicate which one (active links to third-party resources are not welcome and are published in exceptional cases).

Adoption of animals "from the street" is prohibited; if you are promoting an animal, you must control it.

6. Please do not forget to report that your ward has settled down and no longer needs PR. We will be pleased to rejoice at this wonderful event with you, and most importantly, your already settled and happy dog ​​or cat will not “draw” attention from those who are not yet settled. Be caring and attentive not only to your own animals, but to other animals in need, as well as to people who have to spend tons of time searching for their future dog among thousands of advertisements. Failure to renew your ads may place your account in the "inactive" state. possible removal account.

Mandatory requirement for everyone: the “lifespan” of an ad in our catalog is 2 months.

If during this time your ward has not found a job and needs further PR, you must go to your account and renew the ad, this is free. This was done to keep the catalog up to date.

If you do not renew your ad for 30 days, the site will automatically remove it from the database.

If the ad is no longer needed, write to the administrator from your account ( envelope in the ad field i) reason and where to move ( , )

In case of non-compliance with these rules, the site administration has the right to REFUSE PLACING your information on the “Adopt a Dog!” website.

How can I move my ad into these categories? In your office, opposite the nickname, in the “Write to moderator” field, write a message about what happened to the animal and what you want to convey to the new owners (they often read this).
The moderator moves the ad to the appropriate category with your comment.

Inactive users (ads are not renewed, advertisements are not updated for a year) will be removed from the site along with the advertisements.

After registration, go to your account - link "My ads" - button "Add"
The number of animals in PR is not limited.

ATTENTION! Be very attentive, vigilant and careful when placing animals! Be sure to check the "hands" in blacklists.