Contextual advertising in search engines. What is contextual advertising and what are its features? Main characteristics of contextual advertising

Let’s say our citizen X decided to buy a double boiler. He goes, for example, to the Yandex search engine and enters “I’ll buy a steamer” in the search bar. And, lo and behold, your advertisement for the sale of the best steamers appears, he clicks on it, goes to your website and makes a purchase. This, of course, is an ideal option, but what is stopping you from making advertising your product just as effective?

  1. relative cheapness (compared to other types of advertising);
  2. efficiency - selection of potential clients, reducing the time between an advertising offer and making a purchase;
  3. opportunity track your spending for an advertising campaign at all its stages.

Today, the three largest search engines provide the opportunity to place contextual ads: I am index- system , G oogle- , Rambler- Begun system.

Let's look at the example of Yandex.Direct, what happens contextual advertising. Considering that the basic principles of contextual advertising are the same in all systems, with the exception of some nuances and technical subtleties.

What does contextual advertising look like?

Let's return to our example: citizen X wants to find a store where he can buy a steamer. In his search, he turned to the most popular search engine today, Yandex. I entered the query “I’ll buy a good steamer” and got the result: a list of suggested sites with descriptions.

Contextual search ads on search results pages can be placed in several areas of the page:

  1. Special accommodation - up to three ads at the top of the page, directly above the search results. This is one of the most profitable positions, since the user will be one of the first to see your ad.
  2. Guaranteed impressions - up to four advertisements located to the right of the search results. This position is less profitable than Special Placement, but since the price of entry into Guaranteed Impressions is significantly lower than Special Placement, many advertisers are happy to place their ads here.
  3. Dynamic Impressions - ads located under guaranteed impressions (up to five). They appear periodically, alternating with each other. Even if advertising campaign has a limited budget and ads cannot be placed in Special Placement or Guaranteed Impressions, Dynamic Impressions demonstrate good result. And also this good decision to generate traffic, for example, for a news portal.

Thematic contextual ads are shown on the pages of sites included in the Yandex Advertising Network if the topic of the advertisement matches the interests of the user. Thematic advertising is shown as additional information to the content of the pages that the user views. It is in the sphere of his attention. For example, the Yandex advertising network includes sites such as,, and many others, a huge number of resources on a variety of topics (auto, real estate, education, business and finance, recreation and entertainment, etc.).

Goals and effectiveness of contextual advertising.

  • increased sales,
  • carrying out an advertising campaign,
  • traffic maximization,
  • launching a new product or service on the market,
  • increasing knowledge about the brand (brand).

Contextual advertising on the Internet, like no other, allows you not only to control budget expenditure and determine exactly what, how and when the invested money was spent, but also to quickly make the necessary changes.

When creating each ad, the advertiser directly focuses on user search queries. Ideally, for each such request (for example: “refrigerators”, “good refrigerators”, “will I buy a refrigerator”, etc.) you need to create a unique ad that will exactly meet the requirements of a potential buyer.


Request: "green refrigerator"

Announcement: Smeg colored refrigerators
Green Smeg refrigerators. From an official dealer. Delivery tomorrow!

Every day of the advertising campaign is taken into account in detailed statistics, which can be obtained as often as you like. You can find out how many users saw your ad today, and how many followed it to your website. It is important that you pay only when your ad is clicked (entered the site) and no money is charged for its impressions. So, in the Yandex.Direct system, minimum price the click is only 30 kopecks. You can set the price yourself, since in all three contextual advertising systems there is a kind of auction - if you want your ad to be shown on the most advantageous position- raise the rate that you are willing to pay for each transition (click) on it.

But it’s not just the bid size that determines the position of your ad among all the others. Investments in contextual advertising can be significantly reduced if you make it as effective as possible. There are many possibilities and tools for this. Here are just a few of them:

  1. First, the ad itself. It should clearly reflect the user’s request, that is, be as relevant as possible to this request (in other words, “relevant”). This is how the clickability of an ad, or its CTR (Click Through Rate), is determined. This is the ratio of the number of clicks on an ad to the number of impressions, measured as a percentage. For example, if an ad was shown 1000 times and 200 users clicked on it, then the CTR of this announcement is 20%. The higher the CTR, the more relevant the ad is to the request and the lower your entry price into Guaranteed Impressions or Special Placement.
  2. Targetings:
    • Time targeting allows you to set your ads to display only during the hours your company operates. For example, if your company accepts orders from Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., then there is simply no point in running ads during other hours.
    • Geographic targeting allows you to set up ad displays in a specific country, region or city. Extremely useful for advertisers whose audience is all over Russia.
    • Behavioral targeting takes into account the interests of users and allows you to display advertising on Yandex partner sites taking into account the interests of users.
  3. Post-click analysis. Using statistics counters Google Analytics and Yandex.Metrica allows you to analyze the effectiveness of an advertising campaign.

It is worth noting that all these settings also depend on the goal pursued by the advertiser, and all contextual advertising campaigns cannot be reduced to one rule about the ideal ad and its parameters. That is why you need to contact a specialized agency that has sufficient experience in placing online advertising.

15.03.2018 Reading time: 9 minutes

Contextual advertising – what is it?

KR is an advertisement for the sale of a product or the provision of a service, which a user can find on a website or in a search engine. Such an ad always has a direct thematic link either to the site on which it is posted, or to the query that the user entered or previously entered into the search engine.

What should the Kyrgyz Republic be like?

The mechanism of operation of the CD is quite simple: the ad responds to requests - the likelihood that the user will click increases. If the offer meets the capabilities and interests of the visitor, he may give preference to this particular company.

But for an ad to sell, it is not enough for it to be thematically related to the user’s requests.

What you need to remember is that the decision always remains with the user. Only he decides whether to pay attention to advertising or not, follow a link or not, use a service, buy a product or not.

KR remains useful to this day and brings new customers and new sales. This is explained by the operating principle of KR: unlike almost any other advertising, contextual advertising does not seek to convince an uninterested person that he needs, for example, a motor cultivator - KR works with an already interested audience, with those who really need a motor cultivator.

Users themselves reveal their interests using search queries - the Kyrgyz Republic relies and focuses on them. Therefore, by sending a request to Google or Yandex, the user triggers the internal mechanism of contextual advertising, thereby essentially helping advertisers display ads.

Contextual advertising: examples and types

These ads are always marked as advertisements in the search results and are fully consistent with the user's request.

What we see: a site about the weather, the Kyrgyz Republic - about apartments, shoes, cars. If a search advertising ad is strictly tied to one request, then it uses the baggage of all previous requests stored in the browser cookie. Therefore, you shouldn’t be surprised by such a selection of ads on a weather forecast site - and be prepared to see sudden ads on other sites that do not at all correspond to the topic of the ad.

This kind of CI works only if the user is within the same search engine: if the user was looking for something in Yandex, then went to Google, the latter will not learn anything from the first: in Google, contextual advertising ads for queries that the user entered in Yandex are not shown.

Money from clicks is transferred to two companies: advertising network and the site owner.

Targeting in the Kyrgyz Republic (remarketing and retargeting) – advertisements on YAN platforms, including on social networks.

This CD works with users who have visited the site before, so its main informant is the visitor directly, because he himself leaves information about himself, which is what targeting on YAN sites is focused on. Hence the main advantage is millions of “live” users.

Remarketing and retargeting are essentially the same thing - it is a mechanism for reaching an audience that previously visited the resource. Only Google AdWords calls it remarketing, and Yandex.Direct calls it retargeting.

Dynamic ads (product ads) – advertisements for individual campaigns that are created automatically and placed in Yandex search and on YAN sites.

Such a CD is shown both in special placements and in guarantee advertisements, and information from the page or from the data feed (for product advertisements) is taken as a basis.

At the same time, the budget has virtually no effect on the effectiveness of such a campaign: even if there is little money and ads cannot be placed in special placements, dynamic ads show high conversion.

Image from

Basic contextual advertising systems (Google AdWords, Yandex.Direct, Begun)

The Runet, including its context, is ruled by two search engines: Yandex and Google. Google's CR system is Google AdWords, Yandex's is Yandex.Direct. Their competitor is Begun from Rambler. Let's consider the features of the mechanisms.

Other advantages include clear targeting, the ability to sort ads by groups and categories, calculation of the cost of one click and QS (a quality indicator with which you can change this cost)

Google AdWords also offers a tool for selecting keywords - Keywords Planner: you can look at low-frequency keywords and designate your targeting region.

In both CR settings systems - Yandex.Direct and Google AdWords - you can set the conditional type of match to the user request: broad, phrase and exact. Depending on this, the contextual system will perceive word forms in keywords differently.

Despite the automatic tools, some of the work will have to be done manually: analyze the data, remove unnecessary words and add missing ones when there is not enough specificity. For example, a company does floristry, but exclusively for luxury weddings, or repairs phones, but only on Android.

This is necessary so that ads do not appear where no one will click on them - among ads with similar, but not the same queries.

Relevance of ad texts

Its effectiveness depends on how relevant the text is and meets the requirements of the placement system. Relevance in in this context– this is compliance with the current information on the site; ideally, there should be 1 ad per 1 keyword. Yandex.Direct even highlights the title in bold if the text contains words from user queries.

In general, Yandex.Direct and Google AdWords have their own requirements for ad texts, but the following are the most common and most important:

  • There must be a link to the landing page.
  • There should be no spelling, punctuation or grammatical errors.
  • The ad text should not consist entirely of capital letters, they can only be used in abbreviations and at the beginning of sentences.
  • As with any advertising, you cannot openly compare your products with those of competitors - this is unfair advertising ( Federal law“On Advertising”, N 38-FZ, Article 5).
  • You must not violate the requirements of copyright law and intellectual property rights (for example, use someone else's trademarks).
  • There should be no pornography, extremist materials, insults or inappropriate content.

More information about the requirements of the mechanisms can be found on their own resources: Yandex Help and Google AdWords Help.

Landing pages

Following the link from the ad, the user is taken to the target (landing) page - on it the visitor is prompted to immediately take an action: buy, order, register, and so on. To a certain extent, clicking on an ad is almost a purchase, so the landing page should call for action and facilitate this action in every possible way. These pages stimulate and increase the conversion of the Kyrgyz Republic, but creating a landing page for each advertising campaign is unprofitable. Therefore, the landing page should be the most appropriate page: product catalog, promotions or registration page.

Irrelevant ones include:

  • main pages are too abstract, the user is interested in something very specific;
  • contact pages - why write to the administration of a resource or store if you just want to order or buy something;
  • “top” pages of the catalog - for example, a company is selling iPhones at a special offer - which means you need to put a link to the page with these iPhones, and not to the entire range of smartphones.

Basic Concepts

  • Advertisement is an advertising message that is placed in search results or on a web resource in order to attract buyers and contains a link to a page with detailed information.
  • An advertising unit is a place in a search engine or website where an ad is displayed. May include multiple advertisements.
  • Audience - total number users who are targeted by contextual advertising and who are potential buyers of the advertised product or service.
  • Targeting is a campaign setting mechanism that allows you to find and select a target audience from the entire audience, that is, one that meets certain parameters (social-democratic, geographical, and so on).
  • Traffic is the total activity on a web resource, its attendance and number of views, as well as the number of orders from the site.
  • Moderation – checking the application for posting an advertisement in the Kyrgyz Republic system for compliance with the requirements.
  • Display – demonstration of an advertising block or ad to a user on a web resource page.
  • Click – the user follows the link specified in the ad.
  • Fraud is an invalid click that occurred by mistake, unintentionally or in bad faith.
  • RTB (real time bidding) is a mechanism for purchasing advertising using online auctions in real time.
  • CTR (click-through rate) is an indicator of the effectiveness of contextual advertising, showing the ratio of the number of clicks to the number of impressions of a particular ad.
  • CPC (cost per click) – cost of one click.

Contextual advertising is interesting, useful tool, which requires precise, competent adjustment, so it is better to entrust this to experienced specialists. You can order Yandex.Direct contextual advertising (or Google AdWords) on our website.

In this section you will learn everything that contextual advertising is, what it is intended for, how it works and what types it comes in. We will also analyze popular services for working with such advertising, learn how to create effective advertising campaigns on the Internet, and much more.

is a text or image ad that is broadcast in search results or on the pages of some websites. The ads themselves are in the context of the pages. Hence the name “ contextual”.

There are two main types of contextual advertising on the Internet:

— broadcast only in search results. Hence the name. For example, when a person enters a query into the search bar, he is then presented with numerous answer options. Among all these responses, the advertisement itself is broadcast.

But there are also free methods to appear in search results. If you are interested, I recommend taking a look at the section. There are a lot of cool cases and lessons on search engine promotion.

Thematic advertising- These are ads that are shown only on website pages. You've probably already noticed contextual advertising blocks on websites. Since advertising space is limited in search, sites here act as additional advertising space.

The principle of operation of such advertising on the Internet

This is usually needed by online store owners, webmasters, marketers and other people who run a business. In order for a person to learn about their product or service, this user needs to be shown your advertisement. How can this be done?

You can do this by contacting various systems contextual advertising. But the largest of them will be search engines. In them, people create and customize their advertising campaigns for a specific circle of people. After this, such advertising begins to be broadcast in search results.

Examples of contextual advertising on the Internet

Let's say a person needs to find something on the Internet. To do this, he goes into a search engine and types in what he needs to find. Let's say a person is interested in the question of how to learn English? He enters this query into the search bar and presses the “ Find”.

There, advertisements will be broadcast to the user with different answers. Such advertising is displayed in accordance with the contextual search that the user is looking for.

The picture shows (click to enlarge), where contextual advertising is placed on the Internet. These are the first three ads above the search results. This block is called special accommodation.

In addition, such search advertising is shown on the right side of the site. This part is called the right ad unit. Here advertisements are also divided by title. Please note that the first four ads are called guaranteed impressions. Anything below these four ads is called dynamic display.

It also often happens when search advertising is shown at the very end of the search results, that is, almost at the bottom of the page. Please also note that these ads are limited to a specific region. If you need advertising for the region you need to be shown, then you can go to “ Region" and change it.

Benefits of contextual advertising

Let's look at the main ones . In fact, there are quite a lot of them. However, we will not list everything, but will only touch on the most necessary:

You can control your budget. For example, if your advertising budget is only 10,000 rubles, then you can easily create an advertising campaign that will fit your budget.

This way you can increase the traffic flow or decrease it. This allows you to regulate the cost of contextual advertising.

You can see all the movement absolutely transparently cash in search advertising. Thus, you will completely eliminate the question: “ Where did my money go?" You will clearly see where every cent of your budget was spent.

With the help of contextual advertising you can get absolutely fast results. Today you can set up contextual advertising, and tomorrow or even today you can already receive your first sales or orders from customers. If we're talking about about the subscription page, then you can quickly collect your first subscribers.

Ads will only be broadcast to your target audience. This feature increases the effectiveness of advertising. However, it is worth saying that a lot depends on how you set up the advertising campaign itself.

This type can be mastered fairly quickly.

The best contextual advertising services

There are two most popular contextual advertising services. These are Yandex Direct and Google Adwords. There are also other services, but they are not as popular and are not used as often.

One of the advantages over Google Adwords is its well-organized support service. If you have any questions, you can contact this service without any problems. There, professionals from Yandex will definitely help you figure it out. They don't have any delays. Everything goes smoothly and quickly.

Loyal attitude to many projects that, for example, Google Adwords cannot miss. The Yandex advertising network misses many projects, which is very good for us.

More than 60% of our users use the Yandex search engine. Moreover, this population is the most solvent. Google is predominantly dominated by techies looking for technical information.

These are not empty words. A special study was carried out, as a result of which this conclusion was formed.

Yandex has its own affiliate network. Your contextual advertising in Yandex can be shown not only in search results, but also in this affiliate network. Most likely, you have noticed this network.

For example, when you go to a website, you can see special advertising blocks from Yandex.

Moreover, the ads are broadcast exactly those that should interest you. Special algorithms read your behavior on the Internet. For example, what you are looking for. Based on this data, these contextual ads will be broadcast to you.

So the best way to increase sales is contextual advertising. She always was and will be the best way because it's cheap (low cost), it's fast and anyone can do it. In this section you can learn more about useful tips (they go below) related to contextual advertising on the Internet. Here you can find answers to many questions on this topic.

Hello, dear friends. Today we will talk about contextual advertising in the form of a review.

From the article you will learn what is contextual advertising, its types, advantages and disadvantages, what its cost and effectiveness are - let's look at real examples.

The material below will help you understand the features of contextual advertising and clearly see how it is placed on the Internet.

1. What is contextual advertising and what is its peculiarity?

If you are an active Internet user, then most likely you have seen such advertisements in search results and on various websites. Increasingly, marketers and entrepreneurs are using it to promote products and services.

2. Types of contextual advertising

2.1. Search advertising

Appears after a person clicks the “find” button by entering their query into the search bar.

For example, « plastic windows in Moscow":

2.2. Thematic advertising

These ads can be either similar in topic (close to the context of the page) or different from it.

If it is disabled, then only ads that match its content will be shown on the site.

(The figure shows the correspondence between the content of the site and the advertisement)

If behavioral targeting is enabled, then the site visitor will see those ads whose topics he previously requested in the search engine.

For example, on the website about culinary recipes Camera ads will be broadcast if a person has recently searched online “where to buy a camera”.

3. Dynamics of the contextual advertising market

Over the past 5 years, this market has been growing at a gigantic pace and ranges from 10% to 60% per year. IN in monetary terms the bill runs to tens of billions of rubles.

Companies that previously spent their advertising budgets on television are moving to the Internet. Banners, SEO articles, teaser ads have become popular tools for attracting customers on the Internet.

But here, too, the balance of power has changed towards the use of contextual advertising, and this is thanks to its obvious advantages, which I will talk about next.

The figure below shows the ratio of two popular types of advertising in 2014-2015:

4. Leaders of the contextual advertising market for 2015

  • I am index- Yandex.Direct system
  • G o o g l e- system Google Adwords
  • Rambler- Begun system

Google and Yandex are now noticeably ahead of Begun due to their popularity and effectiveness.

Having a number of features and advantages, contextual advertising today allows thousands of people to run their business from anywhere in the world, working in those markets that are geographically remote from the entrepreneur himself.

For example, you can be located in Novosibirsk and at the same time sell cement in Moscow, while earning money based on Moscow prices.

5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of contextual advertising

The benefits of its use are obvious both to advertisers and to ordinary Internet users who are looking for goods and services here.

Let's look at them in more detail.

Advantages of contextual advertising:

  1. Accurately hitting the target visitor. The user himself searches for those goods and services that are shown in ads (this is beneficial for both advertisers and search engine visitors);
  2. Quick return on advertising. You launch an advertising campaign and within a few hours you receive the first applications (sales);
  3. Minimum advertising budget. You can start advertising with a budget of 300 rubles. Contextual advertising can be used either separately, increasing the amount of funds for it, or in combination with other tools (banners, SEO articles, teaser advertising);
  4. Flexibility in setting up an advertising campaign. The big advantage here is the flexibility to customize your ads based on your budget, geography, time of day and other parameters to achieve maximum effect;
  5. Powerful analytics. After running an advertising campaign, you will have all the necessary data on its effectiveness and will be able to “tweak” any settings in order to get better results in the future;
  6. Relevance (compliance) with the interests of the user. As they say, you wanted a party - here you go! :) You were looking for an iPhone, you will only see ads with iPhones. Are you planning to build a house and want to compare brick prices? No problem! Contextual advertising will help you navigate the huge number of proposals on this topic;
  7. Convenient format of perception. No pop-ups, annoying sounds or flashing images all over the screen! Neat, easy-to-read, short advertisements - all this makes this type of advertising both effective and unobtrusive;
  8. Information content. Despite their compact size, contextual ads have all the necessary components to convey necessary information: a picture (pictogram), a main semantic heading, an explanation and a link leading to the advertiser’s website.

However, they are not so significant compared to the benefits of its use.

Disadvantages of contextual advertising:

  1. Short duration of action. The quick effect of such advertising does not last long; you constantly need to replenish the advertising budget and adjust the settings of the advertising campaign. This is especially noticeable in comparison with SEO promotion, which allows you to ensure a stable flow of traffic over time;
  2. Risk of overspending if configured incorrectly. If you set up your advertising campaign incorrectly, the likelihood of losing money will be very high. For example, if you are selling cell phones via the Internet and it costs you 500 rubles to attract one client, and the profit is 2,000 - 3,000 rubles, then this type of advertising is a good investment. But if the cost of a click is unreasonably high due to incorrect settings of the advertising campaign, one client can cost you 3,000 thousand rubles or more, which will eat up all your profits;
  3. Uselessness in some areas of business. Contextual advertising is a good marketing tool on the Internet, but sometimes even it turns out to be useless. There are niches in business where such advertising will not work. These are large grocery chains, oil and gas monopolies, as well as all other areas of business where customers buy goods or services based on recommendations or look for them exclusively offline.

How to use the advantages and combat the disadvantages of contextual advertising

When you have little experience in launching contextual advertising, you don’t feel confident, or you just want to try running a campaign yourself, we suggest mandatory use contextual advertising automation services.

They will help you avoid mistakes in setting up campaigns, eliminate cost overruns, and allow you to use the maximum opportunities of this type of attraction. Such services can practically replace a professional contextual advertising agency, and for free.

6. What determines the cost of contextual advertising?

One of the most important indicators when using contextual advertising is the cost per click.

The cost per click is directly affected by:

  1. Niche in which contextual advertising is placed. For example, traditionally expensive and competitive niches are: business, finance, medicine, construction. In these topics, the cost of a click can range from 10 to 1,500 rubles ( 25 $ ). Niches with lower competition are: hobbies, entertainment, cheap goods (consumer goods) with an average price per unit of goods from 100 to 1,000 rubles. Please note that contextual ads in a particular niche are shown according to auction principle. That is, whoever paid the most for their ad will be promoted by the search engine to the most clickable ones ( effective places). The cost of contextual advertising in this case consists of the total price for all clicks of your advertising budget;
  2. Method of setting up an advertising campaign. Typically, contextual advertising systems, when creating an advertising campaign, by default offer you to use the strategy “maximum efficiency”. This means that your ads will air in the most expensive places in the search results and appear where they are most likely to be clicked on. Accordingly, the cost per click will be maximum. This is not always justified, since for the same money you can get more conversions by simply optimizing the settings of the advertising campaign when creating it. To reduce the cost per click, you need to know how to properly set up contextual advertising. Then in any, even the most expensive niche, you will be able to receive transitions to your website at a minimum possible price. At the same time, the quality and volume of traffic will be maintained.

In order to find out the cost of a click for various key queries for Yandex, I recommend using the service. Here you can “break through” any key query and find out the level of competition based on it, average price per click, the cost of guaranteed impressions, the price of entry to special placements and much more.

Yandex also has its own tool for estimating the monthly budget of a future advertising campaign, which is called “Budget Forecast”

If you want to achieve maximum returns from your advertising budget, but do not have sufficient knowledge and experience, contact a professional director.

This is the name of the in-demand profession of contextual advertising specialist today.

This term was based on the name of the advertising network - Yandex Direct, since most entrepreneurs (advertisers) in RuNet launch their campaigns through this network.

To find such a specialist, you can go to the remote workers website Dozens of contextual advertising specialists hang out here.

But, you should not rush to make a choice and you need to know what criteria such a specialist must meet.

How to find a good director - 3 important criteria

Criterion 1. Has completed projects with proven quantitative results

It is very good if you cooperate with a contextual advertising specialist who has positive reviews and successfully completed cases with detailed calculations in numbers.

Criterion 2. Well understands the key business processes in your niche

The broader the horizons of the specialist with whom you plan to work, the better. Tell him about your business and look at his level of erudition.

After all, this person will be involved in a very important component of your project - attracting clients.

Now your director is the engine of trade in your business!

Criterion 3. Draws up an advertising campaign strategy with you

Let your specialist tell you what advertising budget he plans to spend and how many leads (clicks on ads) he expects to receive.

Ideally, the search for a director begins with friends who have already made a profit thanks to his high-quality work.

If you yourself become good specialist by setting up contextual advertising, you will at least be able to sell your goods and services at a high profit, and also provide paid assistance to other entrepreneurs (companies).

8. Conclusion

This concludes our review and now you know what contextual advertising is, what types it is divided into, what features and advantages it has.

What is a franchise in simple wordsfull review concepts for beginners + real examples opening a franchise business

So, today I have for you an introductory article on contextual advertising. I'll tell you what it's like this type advertising, what types of contextual advertising are, platforms where you can advertise, and I will also write about the advantages of contextual advertising. This is currently one of the most effective sources, so you need to give it due attention.

It turns out that contextual advertising acts selectively and is shown only for specific requests, therefore, if the ads are configured correctly, the advertisement will have high rate quality, which means there will be customers and sales. Therefore, you need to understand that contextual advertising is a tool aimed at increasing sales and attracting new customers via the Internet.

The main feature of contextual advertising is information and the uniqueness of the sales offer. If these two factors are correctly built and skillfully presented to potential clients, then there will always be large number sales That's why there are so many on the Internet who make little money, and few who make big money. And based on this, I make it my main goal that readers of this blog begin to skillfully use their online advertising, thereby increasing their profits.

What types of contextual advertising are there?

1) Banner advertising– is a still or animated picture. This type of advertising occurs quite often because it is noticeable and has a high conversion rate, which has a positive effect on the result of placing a banner on the site;

2)Video advertising is a type of advertising that uses video. Today, it is a very common method of promoting goods and services and is gaining even more popularity every day. Most often, this type of advertising can be found when watching regular video clips, when at the beginning of the video a 15-20 second video with advertising pops up. There are also various kinds of viral videos, when some large company, using his product or service, creates a short video, and within a few weeks it becomes a hit on the Internet.

3) Text advertising is the most common type of advertising that is found absolutely everywhere. This type of advertising is a regular text ad, sometimes with a picture, and a mandatory link to the advertised resource. There are two types of text advertising: search and thematic. Search advertising is shown in search results on a website when there is a specific search query specified by the user. A search query can be carried out both on search sites and on regular sites that have a search bar, so the search can be carried out both throughout the Internet and on a specific site. An example of search advertising is shown below.

Thematic advertising is shown on the page of a specific website if the topic of the advertisement matches the user’s needs. Such advertising is not shown in the search results of search sites, but on the most ordinary sites and is an addition to the content of the site pages. Thematic advertising is also called behavioral advertising because it corresponds to the interests and requests of users.

What platforms are there for contextual advertising?

In order to host a search or thematic platform, there are quite a few services, but all of them are mainly aimed at working through two Internet search giants - Yandex and Google. These two search engines have special services for contextual advertising, namely Direct and Adwords, respectively (I will describe them in detail in subsequent articles). Everything that appears in search results on these two sites is search advertising, and everything that is posted on partner sites is classified advertising. All advertising is configured through the interface and after moderation and account replenishment, your ads begin to be displayed.

I won’t write why you need to use these two sites to advertise your products or services. Firstly, Nikolay has already written about this, and secondly, you should understand perfectly well that these are the two most leading search engines on the Runet, which means that the entire population of our country uses these sites when searching for something they need. Therefore, it is when working through these two sites that all the main traffic is concentrated.

How contextual advertising works

Contextual advertising is quite simple. There is always something that needs to be advertised (a product, service, website or something else). There will always be those who need what is advertised. And there is always an intermediary - in this case, these are online advertising platforms. The person who advertises, himself or through specially trained people, places advertisements on these sites. The final result in the form of applications or calls will depend on how well the advertising is set up. Therefore, I constantly tell everyone that if there is no knowledge in this area, then it is better to entrust your advertising to professionals, thereby saving not only time, but also money.

After the advertisement has passed verification, it is launched. And as soon as the user’s query in the search bar matches the key phrase of your ad, the potential client will see your ad (although it very often happens that ads are not shown in the right positions, but I will talk about this in other articles). And if your ad is of interest to a potential client, he will definitely go to your site. Then everything depends on the quality of the site, the sales offer and, of course, the price. A lot depends on the price of a product or service. Therefore, when the ads are set up well, the website is well designed and the USP (unique selling proposition) is well developed, then I am more than sure that your business will always go up.

Benefits of contextual advertising

1) Attracting only the target audience - as a rule, ads are shown only to potential customers who are already interested in your product or service. Based on their requests, your ads are displayed, thereby bringing visitors to your site who will definitely buy a product from you or use your service. At the same time, only you decide for which queries your ads will be shown and for which ones not. And I’m not talking now about complex advertising setup schemes that are aimed not only at absolutely target audience, but also for those who are not particularly looking for what you offer. This is a separate category of clients, the so-called “warm” and “cold”. For them, setting up advertising is of a completely different nature (I will definitely write about this in subsequent articles).

2) Geotargeting - when running ads, you can select countries, regions and settlements where your ad will be shown. And here it doesn’t matter that you are in a completely different region or even country. Thanks to this, boundaries are erased and you can easily scale your business.

3) Pay only for users - it doesn’t matter how many times your ads are shown. You only pay for specific ad clicks to your site. This is very beneficial for your business, as it only increases efficiency. I also want to note that on advertising platforms There is a system of protection against invalid (unfair and erroneous) clicks, the so-called clicking of ads, thereby your budget is safe. And if the system notices that there was a click, the money will be returned to your account.

4) Full control of advertising - the entire advertising process is under your personal control. All detailed daily statistics are available to you. You are always aware of how much was spent for each transition to the site, how much each application cost you, how many users came to the site, what was the conversion of advertising and the site. And if you are suddenly not satisfied with something, then you can stop advertising and make adjustments to improve efficiency and re-launch advertising, thereby saving your advertising budget. It turns out that advertising depends entirely on you and the tasks you set when launching this advertisement.

5) Small budget to start – running advertising does not require multi-thousand dollar infusions of funds. Sometimes 500 rubles a day is enough to receive daily requests that flow into clients. Of course, the budget depends on the goals and objectives that you want to achieve from advertising. But the big advantage of contextual advertising is its accessibility. This is especially important for beginning entrepreneurs. The only thing I want to note is that it very often happens that people, having no experience in contextual advertising and limited by budget, begin to create an advertising campaign themselves and after 2-3 weeks they have neither money nor clients. This, unfortunately, happens quite often. Therefore, approach setting up advertising very responsibly.

6) Quick results - you can create and launch an advertising campaign within 24 hours, provided that the advertising is not large in volume. All you need is to create advertisements competently and efficiently and replenish your personal account, and already on the first day after the start of displays, receive the first visitors to the site and applications. Therefore, this type of advertising has an immediate effect. If the advertising campaign is large in volume (usually online stores), then creation and launch can take up to 3-4 days. In this case, you will receive your first visitors within 4-5 days.


Contextual advertising has huge advantages over other advertising tools. Currently, without contextual advertising, you lose a large flow of potential customers, which ultimately affects your profits. And it doesn’t matter whether your business is online or offline. Contextual advertising is ideal for any type and sector of business. Advertising is the engine of trade. And the performance of your business will depend on how you use it. But the final decision is always yours.

I wish everyone a large flow of clients and huge profits. To be continued.