A complete overview of modern methods of dental restoration, inlays, veneers, lumineers! Aesthetic restoration of teeth with inlays. What is a stump tab

is a procedure that involves restoring chewing function, shape, and color of teeth. This procedure Today it is one of the most popular in dentistry. This process is carried out by the correct selection of color shades and other aesthetic properties of the tooth using modeling of their natural shape.

As unfavorable properties, there is high initial solubility and the risk of water loss and inclusion, which can lead to dimensional changes, loss of mechanical properties and the formation of cracks and cracks. Therefore, surface protection after initial material extraction is of fundamental importance. For this purpose, cement itself, cavity varnishes, adhesive systems, liquid resin or cosmetic enamel are used. 10.

Thus, due to the varied glass ionomer properties important for dental practice and various clinical formulations, which give the material versatility, allowing its applicability in different clinical situations, the purpose of this work is to review possible indications ionomer glass cements in pediatric dentistry to optimize their use by professionals and to allow infant patients to benefit from their properties.

It is worth noting that aesthetic restoration of anterior teeth requires from a specialist maximum precision and accuracy, since the task is to reproduce anatomical structure damaged teeth, recreating their correct shape. Our specialists dental clinic have knowledge and experience in this area, so you can trust appearance your front teeth without fear of consequences.

Dental treatment is aimed not only at the patient's oral rehabilitation, but also at maintaining the integrity of the dental system. Therefore, restorative treatment should only be carried out when caries is controlled. To this end, it would be interesting to temporarily apply cavitation lesions to caries to help reduce cariogenic activity while preventive measures control and cancellation clinical picture risk of caries. 11.

Conventional glass ionomer cements may be indicated for temporary cavity sealing due to their favorable adhesive properties to tooth structure, fluoride release, caries arrest, and low cost. Atraumatic rehabilitation treatment.

To recreate the resemblance to the patient’s teeth, we use high-quality materials at our disposal, which have wide range shades. Dental restoration is carried out only using photopolymer composites - it is thanks to them that an excellent result is achieved: the tooth functions and looks the same as a healthy one.

Atraumatic restorative treatment is a dental caries control system that can be developed without the use of all the equipment traditionally used in dentistry. 13 This procedure requires several instruments that can be easily packaged in a container and transported in any vehicle, providing assistance to the public from all locations. These instruments include a buccal speculum, an exploration probe, a clinical forceps, dentin trays, and others for the manipulation and insertion of glass ionomer cement, a restorative material. 14.

Procedure can be carried out various methods, including artistic restoration, prosthetics and microprosthetics. It is worth noting that these techniques are characterized by the presence of both indications and contraindications. That's why the choice optimal option is individual - it will depend on factors such as the preservation of teeth.

Usually no anesthesia is performed since only completely disorganized dentin is removed. Isolation of the surgical field is relative, using cotton swabs, and caries removal is manual, using dentin spoons. The cavity and occlusal surface, if present, should be treated with a dentin conditioner and cellulose protection with calcium hydroxide indicated in deep cavities. The bright characteristic appearance of the mixture indicates that the acids have not yet begun to interact with the calcium and aluminum of the powder and react freely with the calcium of the tooth structure, which is perfect time for insertion into the cavity. 15.

Aesthetic dental restoration- This effective way get a great smile. After all, the doctor restores the natural shape of the teeth or improves it based on what the natural structure is. That is why restored teeth are almost impossible to distinguish from natural ones, and ultimately the patient of our clinic receives a flawless smile!

After the cavity is completely filled, the ionomer should also be applied to scars and cracks. The professional should then lubricate the glove with Vaseline and press on the repaired surface for 2 minutes to avoid the inclusion of bubbles and improve the adaptation of the material to the cavity walls and occlusal surface. Then remove excess and check occlusal contacts. Excess Vaseline is removed and the surface should be protected with a cavity of varnish or cosmetic enamel. 1.

However, this treatment method still needs to be evaluated because there are few longitudinal studies on the durability of these restorations. 13 However, the reported success rate for deciduous teeth is 79% for unilateral restorations and 55% for 2-sided restorations. more faces. 14.

Before the aesthetic dental restoration procedure

Aesthetic restoration of teeth with inlays

Center aesthetic dentistry"Rdent" operates in the field of dental services and aesthetic restoration of teeth with inlays in Moscow since 1992.

Thus, glass ionomer sealants can be considered as an alternative to resin sealants in clinical situations such as teeth in intraocular culture and when it is not possible to isolate the surgical field. 13. When applied to cellulosic or axial walls in combination with amalgam restorations, the ionomer provides a reduction in the concentration of forces that can cause tooth decay, as well as a decrease in thermal conductivity. Its use as a base for restoring internal walls in restorations where there is trimmed enamel causes the material to function like artificial dentin. 1.

The team of doctors and assistants working at the Rdent Center for Aesthetic Dentistry are dental specialists with many years of experience and practice, but above all, they are your friends. Knowledge, experience and high level Our clinic’s professionals allow us to take a worthy place among clinics dental restoration in Moscow.

What is this?

An inlay is a pre-modeled filling that is made in the laboratory and then glued into the tooth using special cements.

After 15 seconds of conditioning, a line of demarcation appeared, indicating that the acid had penetrated deep into the cement. Therefore, the authors suggested that when acid etching is used on glass ionomer cement, application time should not exceed 15 seconds.

The use of ionomer materials bonded to a composite resin is an important alternative because it allows the amount of composite resin to be reduced, minimizing the reduction in polymerization 3 and creating an acid-resistant surface by releasing fluoride ions, which is a supporting mechanism in the demineralization process. 1 Can also be carried out mixed method mediation, in which ionomer cement is inserted into the entire cavity in the first session, and in a later session, superficial wear is made to accommodate the composite resin when the material has more resistance as the maturation of the cement will be advanced. 28.

When shown aesthetic dental restoration with inlays?

The inlay is indicated in cases where we are talking about the treatment of extensive carious lesions of the hard tissues of the tooth. Very often you can avoid crowns by restoring the tooth with an inlay.

What materials are used for tabs?

The most stable and bioinert material for aesthetic dental restoration Inlays are considered ceramics. It allows you to convey all the features of tooth staining and at the same time not be afraid that the material will change under the influence of saliva and bacteria.

Resin-modified glass ionomer cement is considered the material of choice in certain situations in pediatric dentistry due to its satisfactory properties and allows the preparation of a more conservative preparation 13. After choosing the color, anesthesia, absolute isolation and antisepsis of the surgical field, it is necessary to prepare the cavity, limiting the removal of carious tissue and, when if necessary, remove enamel to access the lesion. The margins must be regularized to prevent fractures, and the superficial cavo angle must be positioned beyond direct occlusal contacts. 1.

Metal tabs are also good, but their shine is unlikely to delight others. However, gold cast inlays remain very popular all over the world.

Dental restoration in Moscow is a series of measures that make it possible to restore a damaged or pathologically altered tooth.

Socket cleaning with polyacrylic acid, use of primer for resin-modified cements, dosing and processing of the material should be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. The purpose of cavity cleaning is to remove the smear layer and expose the calcium salts and collagen of the tooth structure, which promotes the adhesion process.

Today, with dentistry seeking greater preservation of healthy dental structure, more conservative preparations have been made to provide greater stability to the rest of the dental structure, including horizontal and vertical “gap” and tunnel-type preparations. A tunnel preparation is indicated in cases of teeth with incipient proximal lesions located below the point of contact and it is important that the marginal ridge has a minimum thickness of 2 mm in an occlusal-gingival sense so that there is no fracture during masticatory function. 1 Conventional cements may be indicated as temporary restorations for complex cavities when definitive restoration is not possible in the same session.

To get advice on aesthetic dental restoration, make an appointment for a free appointment with our dentist.

Filling is the most popular method of caries treatment in modern dentistry. However, there are a number alternative methods dental restorations that give high results, and in some cases are more acceptable than traditional fillings. These include inlays, crowns, lumineers and veneers. And in order to determine what it is and why it is used, you need to know general information about each of the above types.

Regarding finishing and polishing of the restoration, they can be done in one clinical session, but it is recommended to do it later, 24 hours after insertion, using fine and ultra-fine diamond tips or multi-carbide drills, interproximal sanding strips, flexible buccal grinding discs and abrasive rubbers for lingual and occlusal surfaces. Finishing and polishing procedures can be performed in relative isolation with intermittent movements and gentle pressure to avoid overheating of the restoration with subsequent water loss and cracks that may compromise the longevity of the restoration. 1.

Dental restoration with inlays

This is called a microdental prosthesis, which is installed as a replacement for a tooth that has been ground to install a crown, or is used for the purpose of partial restoration of dental tissues.

Among the changes that have occurred in relation to amalgam restorations, it has been proposed to use an adhesive agent that has the ability to attach amalgam to dental structures without the need for additional retention. The technique with resin-modified glass ionomer cement is to use a primer; preparation of the base with photopolymerizable glass ionomer cement; the use of an uncoated thin-layer ionomer; amalgam condensation; restoration of honing and sculpture and photopolymerization.

Glass ionomer cements are also used in pediatric dentistry for the cementation of chrome-plated steel crowns and space orthodontic bands. 2, 13. In glass ionomer cements specified for cementation, the granulation of the powder is finer, which makes the resulting mixture have good fluidity. 15 They chemically adhere to the dental structure, are compatible with the buccal environment, and excess is easily removed after cementation. 31 In addition, they have satisfactory stability and retention, low viscosity and excellent flow. 15.

Tabs can be of two types depending on their purpose:

  • Restorative. Allows you to restore both the shape and color of the tooth.
  • Stumps, which are ground for subsequent installation of a crown and are installed on the stump.

These inlays differ from crowns primarily in the area that covers the tooth. If a crown is placed on a tooth, then the inlay partially replaces its surface, including a section of one or more surfaces. Most often, inlays are used to replace surfaces chewing teeth. This replacement can be either a complete or partial restoration.

As a cementing agent for orthodontic bands, they are not only suitable, but are also a suitable material, either conventional or modified with resin 13, mainly due to adhesion to the dental structure and release of fluoride. Glass ionomer cements are important materials in the practice of minimally invasive pediatric dentistry. The development of materials with improved properties has expanded the clinical use of these cements, which were originally proposed as temporary restorative and restorative materials, and are now designated for cementation techniques, adhesive amalgams, and definitive restorations.

Dental inlays today are made from metal alloys, pressed ceramics, and also from a combination of these alloys. Metal options are highly durable, and ceramics look the most aesthetically pleasing, since their appearance is as close as possible to natural teeth.

Advantages and disadvantages of inlays over fillings

Let's look at the main advantages of tabs:

Glass ionomer cements: clinical applications in dentistry. Sao Paulo: Medical Arts. Glass ionomer cements in restorative dentistry. The use of glass ionomer cements when bonding composite resins to dentin. Fluoride release by restitution materials before and after local application fluoride gel.

Mutanus streptococci in plaque from the edges of amalgam, composite and glass ionomer restorations. Is fluoride available in glass ionomer cement that can remineralize dental structure? Evaluation of surface protectants for glass ionomer cement.

  1. Color stability and excellent aesthetic qualities. Ceramics are very similar in appearance to tooth enamel person. It does not darken over time, maintaining its excellent qualities. Composite materials, by comparison, fade after just a few years.
  2. Both metal and ceramic inlays are considered more reliable than fillings. Modern technologies allow you to achieve a minimum gap between the dental tissues and the inlay material, which is simply impossible to achieve with fillings composite materials, which over time leads to the development of caries at the border of the natural tooth and the filling.
  3. Long service life, which significantly exceeds the service life of the seal. Subject to regular hygiene oral cavity, the tab can last more than 10 years.

This procedure has only one drawback - the high cost compared to a filling.

About dental crowns

Crown- this is a type of restoration, the production of which takes place in the laboratory, that is, outside the patient’s oral cavity, which is different from a filling, ultimately covering the visible part.

This method of tooth restoration is used in cases where it has been significantly affected by caries, cracked, broken or changed its color, that is, it needs to replenish its aesthetic functions.

The main difference from a filling is that a crown restores the entire tooth, and not just one surface, covering it from above. Fixation of such prostheses is carried out using a special cement composition.
Crowns are used to achieve the following results:

  1. Strengthening teeth.
  2. Restoring the shape of severely damaged teeth.
  3. Improvements in external characteristics.
  4. Restoring chewing function.

The advantage of this technique is that during the creation of the crown, all the characteristics of the jaw and bite are taken into account, therefore the crown is capable of not only restoring its shape, but also matching the characteristics of the patient’s bite. Sealing does not provide for full accounting anatomical features and the jaw in general.

Also, in some cases, installing a filling is impossible if there is significant tissue damage.

Method of dental restoration with lumineers

Lumineers are the thinnest ceramic plates that hide various aesthetic imperfections of a tooth, being installed on its front surface, aesthetic restoration of teeth.

The thickness of the lumineer is up to 0.3 mm, allowing you to install such a plate on the tooth surface without cutting down the enamel. Processing is expected only in some cases, being minimal. In terms of strength, such an overlay is not inferior to a metal crown.

Advantages and disadvantages of lumineers

Let's look at the main advantages:

  1. Correct any dental defects.
  2. They require only two or three visits to the dentist for installation.
  3. The teeth do not need preparation.
  4. They allow you to align the lower edges of your teeth, creating a smooth, beautiful line.
  5. Virtually painless procedure.
  6. Very durable and have high strength.
  7. The cement used to install lumineers strengthens the tooth.

The disadvantages of lumineers are as follows:

  1. Very high cost, sometimes reaching 70 thousand rubles.
  2. Long production time (up to 6 weeks).
  3. There are contraindications to installation in the form of severe crowding of teeth and severe malocclusions;

Video about Lumineers in the smile area

What are veneers?

Veneers are plates made of porcelain or composites that are installed on the outer surface of the tooth, replacing its outer layer and are able to correct the color and shape of the tooth, and are also able to protect the teeth (for example, for people who play wind instruments).

The difference from lumineers is that such plates require preliminary preparation of the tooth in the form of turning.
Main indications for installing veneers:

  • Change in tooth color.
  • Change in shape due to abrasion and various defects.
  • Underdeveloped teeth and teeth with a damaged enamel layer.
  • Lots of defective fillings.
  • The presence of diastemas and trem.

Advantages and disadvantages of veneers

Like any other restoration method, veneers have both advantages and disadvantages. Benefits include:

  1. Speed ​​of production, unlike the same lumineers.
  2. Durability.
  3. High aesthetic performance.


  1. Low strength, especially when it comes to composite veneers.
  2. In case of a significant change in the color of tooth enamel, veneers have little masking ability.
  3. High cost.
  4. Enamel grinding is required.

Video about veneers

As you can see, today there is a whole range of traditional fillings alternative options. The appropriateness of their use is determined by the dentist in each specific case.